#I would die and kill for the quartz squad
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couldbebetterforsure · 2 years ago
Sou’s acting in that last part of Mary Jane 👁️👄👁️
Also I love the Quartz crew so much! This sweet and funny and absolutely precious gang, they are all angels and I love their relationships with each other so much and and and and AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! I love you Quartz!!!!!!! (Jury’s still out on you for the moment Otori…)
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all-hail-stevinel · 5 years ago
I'd love to know more about Spinel's relationship with Sammy and the guys!
Oh!! It makes me so happy that you guys like my bois!!! lol when I first wrote in Sammy and the guys I thought they would just be for that scene and done but bc so many people liked them I’ve had fun bringing them back and giving them more depth!
The bois background:
Josh- typical white boi but with a heart of gold. Helpless mom friend of the group. Desperately tries to keep them all out of jail, but get a few beers in him and he’s the one they have to stop from silly shenanigans. His hair is fluffy and blonde, so sometimes the other guys call him ‘Poodle’. This whole squad drinks respect women juice but my boy Josh takes it to a new level. He’s the most sensitive of the bunch, with his own family problems that make it easier for him to relate to and empathize with others. He and Spinel bond initially over his first kind gesture buying those tickets, but it furthers when they hang out more and he learns about her time spent in the garden. Josh was abused as a kid so its something he can really relate to and they’ve had lots of conversations about their shared trauma where Josh imparts Thaerapist Given Wisdom ™ upon her that she takes back to Steven. He has seven locally adopted dogs all named after planets. He loves them all equally but Jupiter, his sweet three-legged brown pitbull, loves to follow him places. She gets along really well with Lion and Spinel and loves turkey bacon. Steven can admit that just having the cute animal by his side makes Josh the hardest to hate, but he and Universe certainly manage lol
Marcus- youngest of the bunch but equally sweet. He’s a music lover at heart and plays the violin, he and Spinel start bonding when she tells him about her ukelele lessons with Greg. He dyes his hair a different color every week, so his shirts are always stained but it doesn’t really matter bc he’s always covered in paint. He loves street art and during her more rebellious moments, Spinel likes to bounce around Beach City with Marcus in tow, painting murals and graffiti and escaping before the ruby cops can stop them. Marcus really relates to the lost feeling that Spinel often has, having run away from home. All the guys lived together in an apartment in Empire city considering that they’re the sons of rich and distant parents, but Marcus is the only one who purposefully ran away from homophobic ones and is trying to re-invent himself, something Spinel deeply understands. 
Kyle- my man is a modern sage in the modern age. 420 blaze it, Kyle is there with a funny story that’ll have you rollin’ with laughter paired with the kindest eyes. He loves to dance and lose hours playing Mario kart, though a majority of his time is actually spent doing volunteer work around empire city and baking. My man loves baking lol and not just the weed kind. He wanted to become a pastry chef but business management gave him terrible anxiety attacks so instead, he does it just for fun and is much happier for it. All the guys love supporting him and trying out all his dishes, always stuck between wanting to share them or hoard it to themselves. Spinel and Kyle took a little longer to get along, but now go together like apple pie alamode! He understands her anxiety and helps her manage it with breathing tools and physical comfort. He’s the most supportive whenever she and Steven get into a fight, whether she’s in the right or not, he’s a ride or die friend ready to take on Steven one-on-one despite how scrawny he is in comparison. His height makes him overconfident lol. He the group mischief-maker, the voice that encourages all of Sammy’s wild crazy plans with the sort of calm lulling tone of a brewing storm. He loves drama and causing chaos, which when Spinel is in the mood, makes them a dangerous combo
Sammy- party animal. Excessive emoji user. Loves plants, owns approx 233 succulents who all have their own names. You will respect the plant baby names. cHUGS respect women juice. Has wrestled an alligator before on a family trip, and the alligator won. When not partying this cool cucumber likes to sleep his days away, tru night owl status. Does also love gardening and visiting farmers’ markets, which he tries bonding with Steven over it but the diamond boy clearly wanted no part despite his many attempts. Spinel loves all the guys but its clear that she and Sammy are the closet by far. He recently left an emotionally abusive relationship that was very similar to Spinel’s own with Pink. but what they initially bond over isn’t their shared trauma but instead their ‘jobs’ as entertainers. Sammy is known for being a wild party boi, having fun, getting too drunk and wreaking exhilarating havoc, which he does love. But all his life he would bottle his true emotions and feelings from those he was close to bc he felt obligated to always entertain them, to be their best friend and perfect plaything no matter how it truly made him feel. Upon discovering that and finding the courage to be open about herself, they became thick as thieves overnight. Sammy was the first number to be put in her phone after stevens. He’s arguably the most handsome of the group, but he’s also gay af which makes it even funnier when he purposefully flirts or suggestively touches Spinel bc he’s just trying to rile steven up. 
As a group:
They are the best definition of boys will be boys
You know all those silly tik tocks and vine of groups of boys doin cute but stupid shit to funky background music? That’s these bois
They all love Spinel and during her first fight with Steven they let her stay over a whole week just so she could get time away
Despite half the group bein gay af they all love flirting with Spinel and complimenting her, mostly bc they think her blush is cute but also bc they know Steven and Universe are jealous whores and they think its SO FUNNY
Its made even funnier when they realize Spinel get *ahem* special treatment after all their obnoxious flirting that leaves her floating on cloud nine and covered in bruises, which hey to each their own. So the boys kind of make a game out of it, with the main goal basically whoever makes Steven snap wins. If you can get Universe to snap tho, you win for the week lol
If you make Spinel cry they will fight you. Please be reminded that they are all 6’0+ and these absolute madmen would fight a whole quartz army for her if she asked
If her time isn't being spent with Steven and the other gems, shes usually with them, causing mayhem. Their exploits end up in the news at least once a month to Stevens never-ending exasperation.
Yes, including that one time they all got spinel drunk and she stole a tiger from an empire city zoo to be friends with Lion
“But Stevieeeee, he’s so lonely its not fair!” 
Do NOT make drunk spinel cry. These bois WILL turn on Instant Kill Mode
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ljungfrun · 5 years ago
Bleach, From Pilot to Ch. 423: Things I Forgot Or Were Excluded From The Anime
Turns out I had forgotten a lot of things tho they might not seem that important. Anyway, the list is long so I’ll keep it under the cut. It’s a bit messy but I was just writing it as I was reading and then I somehow expected myself to remember what I was talking about. Posting it for anybody else who could use the reminder.
Please keep in mind that I’m pretty sure the translation I was reading wasn’t a 100% correct but I couldn’t be bothered to find a better one. Seems like it improved later on but I’d still take it with a grain of salt. (Like I’m pretty sure this translator couldn’t read hiragana properly, and some names were really messed up.)
- I did not know there was a pilot chapter so yeah... that entire thing I guess. - Orihime being that open about her crush from the beginning - Orihime’s parents being such cruel people - Orihime’s hairpins being a gift from Sora - The backstory of the mod souls - Chad’s crazy about cute things - Keigo is from Naruki City, not Karakura - Mizuiro being really popular with girls - Renji and Byakuya with weird hoods, idk if that was part of the anime and so far there’s been a part from the anime that wasn’t in the manga (The part with Ichigo seeing Rukia fight a hollow in town before she comes into his room) - Orihime is bad with electronics - Ishida is poor - Tatsuki told Orihime that she is probably at the level of a black belt in karate (I don’t know if she was honest about that but she said it) - Orihime is really dang smart - I forgot Nemu was technically Mayuri’s daughter -Also Mayuri is awful, he belongs in worst dad club with Isshin (I also didn’t remember Isshin being SUCH a creep but I guess I forgot to write that earlier. Or I just decided not to since reviewing this list afterwards I realize I left some other creepy things out.) - Mayuri can turn into liquid - Zanpakutou Materializing Dolls, and other artefacts. So many artefacts. Never to be mentioned or used ever again. - Kira feeling super guilty over raising a sword at Hinamori. - Orihime just chilling with Yachiru, Ikkaku, and Yumichika after the was separated from Uryuu. Oh and Zaraki’s there too. - Hisagi having been accepted as a shinigami before he passed the exams, expected to become a seated officer - Rukia idolised Kaien’s wife - That Komamura was that loyal to Yamamoto - I remember Kenpachi fighting Komamura and Tousen, not picking a fight with Komamura, Tousen, Iba, and Hisagi. Neither did I remember Ikkaku and Yumichika joining in, it’s just entirely gone from my memory - Byakuya’s scarf is a really expensive heirloom. - Byakuya was really cold in the beginning, supposedly not caring about his subordinates (idk if he really changed later on but this stood out to me in the moment. Also speaking of Byakuya, I think he seemed older to me when watching the anime because of the voice.) - Really I had forgotten a lot about the animosity between Byakuya and Renji - Rukia doesn’t refer to Gin as “Captain Ichimaru” and he doesn’t mind since they’ve “known eachother for so long”. Apparently she’s deathly afraid of him. - Kaname got his zanpakutou from the grave of the lady he liked? I’ve always wondered how people get their zanpakutous anyway ‘cause I don’t think Zaraki had any training and I’m pretty sure it’s the same sword he had when he met Yachiru, yet Zangetsu comments on how the sword is crying. (I’m also curious about if people could potentially wield other zanpakutous, which I think is a thing in the quincy arc but I’m talking like... normal people. I think it’d be neat since there’s already two people that have just... picked up a zanpakutou before they even became shinigamis.) - Rikichi! He’s such a big fan of Renji! He got Hanatarou out of jail just to help Renji. He didn’t only get him a new uniform but also a hair tie and a bandana. I’m a little sad that he never seems to show up ever again? (At least I don’t remember him being in the quincy arc but that’ll have to be it’s own list I guess) - Ukitake and Kyouraku stopping and destroying Soukyoku - Kiyone calling Isane sister. - Soifon getting ready to take out Kiyone and the other vice-captain. - Kyouraku being praised for being the best at seeing the true character of anyone he meets, and Ukitake always being the centre of a crowd although (frail, but affable and kind) - Yamamoto thinking of Ukitake and Kyouraku as sons - Katen Kyoukotsu and Sogyo no Kotowari are the only zanpakutous that exist in pairs (allegedly) (I don’t remember why I wrote allegedly but I had some thought behind it......) - Soi Fong’s name was Shaolin Fong until she inherited her grandmother’s code name. - Soi Fong not being angry with Yoruichi because she ran away, but because she didn’t take her with her - Iba having been part of the 11th division, but becoming Komamura’s vice-captain (supposedly for his mom) - Iba wanting to get a chance to fight Ichigo - Byakuya only showing Senkei Senbonzakura Kageyoshi to people he wants to kill personally, Ichigo being the second person. I can’t recall if the first person was ever revealed? - Kira going along with the scheme and leading away Hitsugaya and Matsumoto from the Central 46 chambers. He was told they wouldn’t do anything to Hinamori - Hinamori joined the Gotei 13 because she admired Aizen, which would imply she met him before the soul burial training accident, but idk if that’s a translation mistake - Unohana confronting Aizen in the Central 46 chambers and calling him a treacherous reprobate - How Kyoka Suigetsu works. I forgot that for it to work on someone they need to see the release, and that after that the person who saw it will be completely hypnotised every time he releases it from then on. - Aizen was certain that he could use all three of Kira, Hinamori, and Renji back when they first met, but Renji was problematic so he was sent on to squad 11 while Kira and Hinamori were made Aizen and Gin’s vice-captains - Ichigo and Renji trying to fight Aizen together - Ichigo being a fucking monster! Who stays conscious after having their stomach cut open like that? In the anime it was just a really bad slash but since the manga is a but more graphic I’m only now like “oh wow that is really fucking bad” - There were names for the four basic types of combat for shinigamis. Zanjutsu(sword skills), Hakuda(hand-to-hand combat), Hohou(foot work), and Kidou. - Hollowfication is brought up this early, but I guess it makes sense because he’s explaining the Hougyoku. - Urahara, not Aizen, hid the Hougyoku inside Rukia. - Urahara was exiled for creating an intractable gigai? I don’t think so Aizen, but okay. Also he was trying to turn Rukia into a human soul. Hm. - Komamura coming in to destroy Aizen mid-monologue. Thank you. (After reading Ichigo’s last fight with Aizen I am so tired of him talking aaahhhhh!) - All the gate guardians except for Jidanbou are traitors, Kuukaku shows up with Jidanbou (was this in the anime???) - I remember Ichigo hanging out with squad 11 after the whole Aizen thing, but I did not remember Iba being there too which is nice. They didn’t get to spar tho. - Matsumoto and Kira getting drunk and venting about Gin, though it’s portrayed pretty comically. Matsumoto proceeds to invite pretty much anyone who passes by, except for Kyouraku. - Ryuuken is part of the shitty dad club. - Shinigami Isshin was revealed pretty much right after Shinji, I didn’t remember it being so early. - Also I didn’t remember the protection charm either but hey it worked. - Did- Did Orihime really only get to use Tsubaki ONCE?? - Also that entire fight with Yammy and Ulquiorra is just so much bloodier than in the anime - That moment when Ichigo tells Chad to leave D.Roy to him and Chad runs away, that hurt, ow my heart - Keigo being there to watch Ikkaku fight Eduardo. Also Keigo having a chat with Yumichika. - Ikkaku losing his molars in the fight with Eduardo is. - Yumichika going “oh and btw, make preparations for Ikkaku’s funeral” - Flashback about Ikkaku fighting Zaraki in the past. - Ikkaku being determined to fight and die under Kenpachi’s command. - Ururu kicking Ilfordt in the face- I mean Ururu going in to exterminate Ilfordt. - References to Toshirou’s bankai being incomplete. - Shawlong being the first arrancar to be created. (Allegedly? Supposedly? Succesfully? It depends on a lot, it’s a bit of an assumption.) - The power limit that is placed on captains and vice-captains when they go to the world of the living is symbolised by the division’s symbol. Oh and it takes away 80% of their power. Motherfucking damn bitch Ikkaku. Also good job Rukia. (I don’t remember what these last two sentences are refering to tbh) - Tatsuki watching the fight (I’m assuming the first) between Ichigo and Grimmjow, or at least part of it. - I guess I forgot to mention this earlier but Orihime being jealous of Rukia and her relationship with Ichigo - Tousen really not liking Grimmjow because he causes discord - Ichigo trying the beat the answers out of the Vaizards. - Goddamn Ichigo has a lot of attitude. - Urahara telling Orihime that she would be a burden in battle and Rukia talking to her afterwards. Orihime and Rukia need more talks. - Orihime getting kidnapped by Hiyori. - Hachi having similar abilities as Orihime. - Hachi also suggesting against Orihime fighting the war. - Orihime being so determined to fight. Goddamn I wish Tsubaki wasn’t her only way of doing damage. Give her one of those funky artefacts for fuck’s sake. - Yumichika not getting along with “Fujikujaku”. - The trees in Hueco Mundo are made of something quartz-like - Ulquiorra complimenting Orihime on her looks (Tbh I’ve forgotten about this scene again but I don’t think I intended to lie to my future self so I’m assuming it might’ve been something vague) - Orihime planning to reject the Hougyouku with her powers to destroy it, why don’t I see more about that?? - Wonderweiss being fond of Tousen. - Szayel sending out the execution squad after Dordoni - Only Grimmjow ever uses Gran Rey Cero (Idk if I ever really thought otherwise but it’s on the list so I guess it’s a confirmation I wanted to make) - Tesla threatening to destroy the Shun Shun Rikka - Nnoitra using Nel as a shield when Ichigo attacks at one point - Nnoitra and Neliel didn’t even fight after he tore off Dondochakka and Pesche’s masks in the flashback wtf. Now that I think of it, I’ve never seen manga screenshots of that part so I guess it’s only in the anime. Well that’s disappointing. Then what did Szayel even do? (Still sad they don’t fight more in the manga, bluh. Also I’m still not sure what Szayel actually did.) - Nnoitra thinking it a shame that they (him and Neliel I think) won’t get to fight again. - Mayuri observing Uryuu through bacteria, and Uryuu calling him out for violating human rights - Szayel rebirthing himself from Nemu, wtf. I’m not sure if that was in the anime. (Okay it was, she just didn’t get straight-up pregnant) - I also forgot about Szayel taking over Konjiki Ashisogi Jizou - The Jesus Szayel and Baphomet Mayuri chapter pages were new to me - Mayuri to Nemu: “Good job, keep suffocating Uryuu with your tiddies. If he dies, he dies.” - Nnoitra, after releasing Santa Teresa: “Kinda sexy, isn’t it?” (I don’t trust this translation a 100% but what was written was “I look sexy, right?”) - And Zaraki responding with “your reiatsu is making me hard…” - The Living World as seen through the Garganta in Las Noches is upside-down - Hikifune and the Royal Guard being mentioned during Turn Back The Pendulum - Hiyori looking up to Hikifune as a mother - Urahara being Commander of the Detention Unit in the 2nd Division, and the unit keeping people who wanted to withdraw from the Gotei 13, not just criminals. - Urahara making Mayuri his Vice Captain in the research institute - Barragan’s fraccions having packed together his throne and brought it with them - I can’t believe Charlotte’s magical girl scene was only in the anime but I suppose it makes sense - Hisagi’s fight with Findor  was also shorter in the manga which is… kind of a shame? Idk it was pretty well made in the anime, but I guess it’s because they were just coming back from a break and all. - Hisagi and Kira stopping Yumichika from rushing in after Ikkaku was beaten, Komamura stepping in to take care of the arrancar… whose name I’ve already forgotten once again. - Iba calling Ikkaku out for not using his bankai and punching him in the face. Good. I like Ikkaku but the pillar did get destroyed because of him so it was a pretty bad move. - Hinamori making a kidou net - Kira used to be in the 4th division, did I already write that? - The Gran Rey Cero being forbidden to use inside of Las Noches but leave it to Grimmjow not to care about any of that - Kyouka Suigetsu’s ability can be cancelled by grabbing the blade. - They sent Aizen to Avici, or I guess a prison named after Avici - Yamamoto scolding Byakuya, Shunsui, and Kenpachi for losing their captain’s haori and they proceed to insult it - They actually mention Mayuri going back to Hueco Mundo
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razieltwelve · 8 years ago
Rescue (Final Rose)
The survivors weren’t sure what to expect when the doors of their shelter were forced open. Those who’d been able to reach the shelter in time had nevertheless seen their planet’s defences being completely overrun by the Reapers. So many of them had died just trying to get there, and of the thousand people who should be in the shelter, there were only two hundred.
When the doors opened, they braced themselves for the worst. Those with weapons positioned themselves up the front while the children and the elderly were moved to the back. There was nowhere else to go. They would fight - and die - here, but they wouldn’t make it easy. They could at least manage that much.
But they were greeted by a sight they did not expect.
Towering figures encased in exoskeletal armour stood at the doors. The armour itself was of a design they’d never seen. It suggested a combination of strength and speed, power and flexibility. The creatures inside the armour were obviously bipedal, and they had two arms. Most importantly of all, they did not look like anything the Reapers had ever deployed before.
“Who are you?” one of the men at the front shouted, brandishing a battered rifle.
The figure at the front moved forward ever so slightly. Like the others, its armour was mostly blue, white, and grey. A white snowflake on a blue field featured prominently. The faceplate on the helmet changed, going from opaque to clear, and it revealed a… a human face.
“I am Sergeant Quartz Stanton of the Arendelle Imperial Army.” The woman’s voice came through clearly, but her lips didn’t match the words she spoke. She was using some kind of translation device then, but why would a human have to use one when speaking to other humans? “My squad has secured your settlement, and our forces have destroyed the Reapers in orbit. We are currently in the process of… cleansing your world of any further Reaper forces.”
“They’re… they’re gone?” someone stuttered.
“Almost.” Quartz looked around. She noted the injured, the young, and the elderly. She also noted their numbers. “Are you all of the survivors? Is there another shelter?”
“No…” Someone sobbed. “We’re… we’re the only ones who made it down here in time. Is… is anyone…”
Quartz shook her head. “You are the only survivors we’ve encountered in this settlement.”
“Wait!” The man at the front, one of the few with any military training, asked, “You say you’re from the Arendelle Imperial Army. What is that? I’ve never heard of it before.”
“We’re not from around here,” Quartz replied with a grin. “Let’s just put it that way. Now… I can see you’ve got wounded. I’d like to escort you back to the surface where you can get treatment.” A low murmur of unease ran through the crowd, and she raised one hand. “Be at ease. The settlement is secure. The Reaper forces in this area have been obliterated. You’re safe now.”
At her declaration, many of the survivors began to openly weep and clutch at each other.
“Come on,” Quartz said almost gently. “We’ve cleared a space near the centre of the settlement and set up an outpost. We need to move.”
X     X     X
Kim clung to her mother as tightly as she could. On her mother’s other side was her father. He was bleeding from his side, and he walked with a limp. Her mother, meanwhile, had blood caked in her hair. Kim had been lucky enough to get to the shelter unharmed, but she was still scared.
She was only a girl. Things were supposed to be good here. Her father had told her they were going to start a new life out on the frontier. There was good land here for people who were willing to work hard. The people here were farmers and miners. They were rough around the edges, but they were good people. Even Mr Jameson, the crotchety old man who lived down the street from them had tried to help them. He’d had a gun in his hand the last time she’d seen him, he’d been telling her father to run, to get them to the shelter. Her father hadn’t wanted to run, he’d wanted to stay, but Mr Jameson had told him to go, that there wasn’t anything else a wounded man with a family could do.
Mr Jameson hadn’t made it to the shelter before they’d been forced to close the doors. She didn’t think she’d ever see him again.
As they walked through the ruins of their town, she peeked at the armoured warriors who were escorting them. The Reapers were strong. Everybody knew that. She’d heard from everyone that they were all going to die. The Reapers were going to overrun them, and they’d all be harvested. But these people had driven them back.
“What is that?” Someone pointed up, and Kim followed the others in looking up.
A ship hung in the air in low orbit. It was big. It was bigger than any of the Reaper ships. It had to be five kilometres long.
“Is… is that your dreadnought?” one of the others asked the warriors in armour.
One of them chuckled. “Our dreadnought? That little thing. That, ladies and gentlemen, is a destroyer.”
“No way…”
“Come on,” Sergeant Quartz said. “The outpost is just up ahead.”
At the centre of town, Kim was treated to another incredible sight. There were robots scurrying around putting up buildings and other facilities in the middle of the devastated centre of the town. Other machines were obviously patrolling the perimeter while still other flew overhead. 
Amidst the activity was another figure in armour, one which was different from the people escorting them. And beside it was…
The whole group stilled. The massive creature in front of them was similar in size to a tank, and its entire body bristled with weapons and armour. It reminded them of some of the synthetic monstrosities the Reapers used.
“Hey, hey. Calm down!” Quartz gestured for calm before turning her attention to the other armoured figure. “Can you maybe show them what Professor Huggington looks like?”
“Yeah, yeah.”
There was a distortion in the air, and the armour and weapons vanished to reveal… a giant hamster.
Kim’s eyes widened. “It’s… a hamster.”
“Technically, he’s a war hamster.” The armoured figure beside the giant hamster changed his faceplate. He had red hair and what looked like fox ears, and his eyes were a vivid blue. “And his name is Professor Huggington. You can pat him if you’d like.”
Kim looked at her parents. They weren’t sure what to do. But… if these people were here to hurt them, they would have done it by now, right? Slowly, gingerly, Kim crept forward and put one hand on the hamster’s side. It was so soft, and it gave a low rumble before turning to nudge her with its head.
“He likes you.” The strange humanoid grinned. “The rest of you kids can pat him too if you want. We need to talk to the grownups.”
X     X     X
James watched his daughter, Kim, and the other children play with the hamster. Despite its enormous size, it was clearly very careful with them and very gentle. It must have played with children before. He shook his head. It was almost impossible to reconcile the image in front of him with the way the hamster had first appeared. 
And wasn’t it insane? These people - whoever they were - had turned hamsters into giant war machines.
As one of the people in armour tended to his wounds with a strange device that nevertheless seemed to heal his wounds almost instantaneously, he was questioned by Sergeant Quartz.
“What can you tell us about what happened here?”
He took a deep breath. He’d served some time in the military, but there was no point in keeping secrets now. They needed all the help they could get. “They came out of the Relay. We tried to hold them there, or so I heard, but they beat us back to the planet, and… yeah. By the time I got to the shelter, I heard most of our forces were space junk.” He swallowed thickly. “Just… who are you people?”
“I’ll be blunt, and I’ve been authorised to share this information. We’re not from this galaxy.”
James’s jaw dropped.
“We arrived to find the Reapers attacking your planet. After ascertaining what was going on we decided to intervene. What we would like to do is to establish contact with the Council or whoever happens to administers this region of space.
“You know about the Council? But you just said you’re from another galaxy…” He was still trying to wrap his mind around it. But it made sense. Their technology was seemingly far more advanced than anything he’d ever seen.
“We work fast. In any case, we’d like to make contact. We’ve been broadcasting on your communications channels, but we’ve yet to get a response. Presumably, the Reapers are attacking other areas, so we’d like to offer a hand.”
“Why?” James asked. “I mean… the Reapers… they’re…” He was going to say invincible, but the fact he was still alive showed they were not.
“In our galaxy… we have something similar to the Reapers. We have fought them for thousands of years, and we have gotten very, very good at it. The Reapers… we don’t like things like that. We kill things like that.” Quartz nodded at his daughter and the other children. “It’s unfortunate we weren’t able to get here sooner. There should be more survivors.”
“I… we’re glad you got here at all. Otherwise…” Tears welled up in his eyes. “Thank you.”
She patted him on the shoulder, her armoured hand gentle. “Go back to the others. You must have some sort of leadership for this settlement. I want to speak to them and see if I can organise a meeting with other officials for this planet. My superiors are keen to establish diplomatic channels.”
“Wait!” James said. “Earlier… one of you said that ship is a destroyer. Is it really?”
“Oh, that’s right. Your ships appear to be much smaller than ours. Yes, that is a destroyer.” Quartz chuckled. “As for our dreadnoughts. Well, you’ll know them when you see them."
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semimedieval · 7 years ago
we out there making au lists: 2018 edition
spark as mulder / quartz as scully can stay
so is quartz as luke / obsidian as leia / spark as han / chuji as han’s weird buddy with a crossbow lmao. 
star trek tos fusion, spark as kirk / quartz as spock / chuji as bones. obsidian as quartz’s tame civilian brother. they do the whole hand pressed against the glass while one of them dies thing too. mhm
star trek ds9 setting transplant with the next gen crew. uh off the top of my head - they’re all older obviously. citra is captain, penelope is science officer and alex is the doctor, chris is the mechanic. puck and tyss are bajorans, tyss is the liason and thus the first officer and puck probably just lives on the station tbh. azalea is def. a cardassian. that’s all i’ve got rn
honestly....... lupus and ky wuthering heights. dilemma: in terms of Class And Privilege Themes ky would have to be heathcliff but in terms of What Appeals To Me i am into the concept of lupus digging up ky’s grave to embrace her corpse. dilemmas dilemmas
triwizard tournament au can stay too frankly
and honestly ye olde generic hogwarts au did nothing wrong either, esp with the og squad as the order of the phoenix and the next-gen squad as dumbledore’s army and quartz is remus lupin and spark is sirius black but she doesn’t die for good. azalea’s draco malfoy citra kills voldemort
monstrous regiment au eyes emoji
omg this is peak niche but... sisters grimm au. starring alex and penelope. alex has sabrina’s outlook penny has daphne’s and it works extra well considering alex is already in love with a guy named puck
i’m gonna be a bit nicer to lupus and ky and give them a jane eyre au to mediate the wuthering heights au
honestly i know nothing about les liaisons dangerouses or however you spell that but that also gives off lupus and ky vibes
that’s it for now boys check in later for more Nonsense
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