#I would add yukio but there’s no way he has ever made a tumblr
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mellorine-dreams · 4 months ago
How the Blue Exorcist characters boop others
I meant to post something like this last time in April but god knows I’m not missing the chance to post my silly HCs now
🕰️⭐️ Mephisto was, of course, the first of everyone to earn all the badges back in April, and he definitely got them all so quickly by abusing time manipulation. Once he got the black boop badge, he unequips the other two and only displays the black paw. Kind of as a superiority and dominance thing ? Like he would NEVER display those “lesser” badges, he’s gotta show that he put in the work to earn the most elite and prestigious badge, so he’s “above” those other badges. But he continues with the relentless booping, even during Halloween. If someone tries to out-boop him he’ll stop time to spam them with more boops than is humanly possible. It’s due to this why he likes those who continually and viciously boop him during the whole event, like Rin and Lewin.
🍔🍟 Lewin is a ruthless booper, he boops everyone in sight, even those who don’t have tumblrs. He loves to send Osceola and Angel different pictures of cat paws, each with the message of “get booped, dumbass!!” or some shit like that. In April he earned all the badges in an hour or two and he displays them all. He keeps on booping relentlessly even after earning all the badges, since he just enjoys the spirit of booping others. Nobody on his dash is immune to his booping, mutuals, randos, or otherwise. He has the same energy during Halloween, where he boops everyone on tumblr and off of it. Angel bemoans the Halloween revival of booping when Lewin begins to once again send various pictures of cat paws to his text messages, email address, and group chats.
🔥🗡️ Rin thinks it’s a cute game and gets really into it. After so many boops he finds it repetitive, but he didn’t let anything get in the way of him earning all the badges back in April. He also earned them all pretty quickly, and he proudly displays them all. He continued to boop people after earning all the badges, but not to the point of Lewin where he booped everyone on sight. Even on Halloween when there’s no badges, he still gets competitive and tries to out-boop everyone else (good luck with out-booping Mephisto and Lewin, Rin!)
🌸🌱 Shiemi really likes the event and thinks it’s beyond adorable, and back during April’s event she got all starry eyed when she saw the cute little paw badges. The thing is that she’s very quickly overwhelmed by all the boops, both with keeping up with all the notifs and booping back others. I don’t think she would be dead set on earning all the badges, but she would still be happy to boop back Rin and Izumo and the others. She got burnt out shortly after reaching the orange badge, and she displays the white and orange paws on her tumblr. She’s not as excited about it during Halloween, but she’s still a good sport and boops back anyone who boops her.
🦊⛩️ Izumo probably starts off begrudgingly. Multiple people try to get her on board with the event, but Shiemi in particular absolutely insists that she boop everyone back. Eventually Izumo caves in and gets to booping most everyone else. Though, she only boops others back once they spam her with boops. If she’s booped enough then she may boop you in an annoyed frenzy, which she does quickly enough to keep even Lewin on his toes. Because of this, he sees her as a worthy booping adversary. In April she earns all the badges but only displays the white paw. Mainly for aesthetic reasons. She’s over booping when Halloween rolls around, though.
❤️🔍 I can kinda see Shima enjoying the events… though he probably only boops Shiemi and Izumo. Shiemi is the only one of them who boops him back, but that’s not stopping him from also booping the hell out of Izumo. I don’t think he cares enough to earn the black paw badge, but he boops Izumo and Shiemi enough to earn the orange paw. He displays both the white and orange paw badges. Once Halloween comes, he continues to plague Izumo and Shiemi. But he boops Shiemi a bit more since she reciprocates his booping out of politeness. Izumo refuses to boop him back, so he doesn’t engage her as much, but still more than enough to annoy her.
📿⛓️ Ryuji only has a tumblr because Shima made him sign up for one ages ago. He’s hardly ever online and isn’t online for the event, but that doesn’t mean he’s safe from being booped. He still gets booped all day by Lewin, who uses direct messaging to send him pictures of different paws with messages like “get BOOPED on!” all day. He’s not online for Halloween either, but he’s still aware of the event since Lewin starts sending him cat paws again at any given opportunity.
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master-sass-blast · 5 years ago
Painting Pandemonium
Alright, I know this should’ve been part two of “Out With the Old, In With the New,” but I had a bad few days and needed fluff. Part Two of last week’s fic will be up next week, barring any other mishaps.
Summary: You and Piotr host a Bob Ross painting party for your family and friends.
Rating: G for domestic fluff and found family stuff.
Pairing(s): Piotr Rasputin x Reader, Nathan Summers x Wade Wilson, Ellie Phimister x Yukio, Kitty Pryde x Illyana Rasputin (alluded to), and Alexandra Rasputin x Nikolai Rasputin.
Set after “Future: Realized.”
Sidenote: I’m thinking about doing a dedicated arc to Alexandra. She’s got an entire fleshed out backstory for the series, and I love her so much and would love to feature her more. Would any of you be interested in that/some Alexandra-centric fics? Let me know via DMs or asks; Tumblr changed the notifications system and made it too hard to keep up with reblogs.
Taglist: @marvel-is-perfection, @chromecutie, @super-darkcloudstudent, @girl-obsessed-with-things, @nebulous-leo
It begins one sunny, early Spring day, when you’re watching your husband work on his latest painting (one of two hands holding each other, each smeared with the colors of the lesbian, gay, and asexual pride flags) in his art studio.
“Have you ever heard of Bob Ross?”
“Da.” Piotr dabs some more magenta paint on the wrist of the left hand, then looks over at you and smiles. “I watched tutorials to learn English. Why ask?”
“Eh, just wondering,” you say, curling up in the cushy arm chair Piotr keeps in his studio –he says it’s so he has somewhere comfortable to sit when he’s thinking, but it’s as much for you as it is for him. “Wasn’t sure if he’d made it over into Russia’s cultural bubble or not.”
“Ah, that, not so much.” He takes a step back from his easel, eyeing the canvas with no small amount of scrutiny, undoubtedly weighing out whether the distributions of the colors on the two hands–the rainbow amalgam for the gay pride flag where the fingers interlock, and the lesbian and asexual pride flag colors on the separate, untouching parts of the hands and wrists—are up to his incredibly high standards. “Matushka found some for me to watch on tape when I started painting, but I earnest watched when I came to America.” He quirks his mouth to the side, then looks at you and jerks his head at the canvas. “Mysli?”
“Needs more yellow and green,” you declare after a moment of studying the painting. “Otherwise it’s a lot of warm tones and purple-y tones, and that just makes my eyes start glazing without something to liven it up.”
Piotr nods with a grunt of agreement, then adds more yellow and green paint to his palette.
 It continues a few weeks later, when the two of you are buying groceries.
“Hey, have you heard about those ‘Bob Ross painting parties?’” you blurt when you two pass the arts and crafts section of the store. When Piotr gives you a blank look, you elaborate. “You know, a bunch of people get together with a bunch of paint and canvases and shit and follow a Bob Ross tutorial while hanging out.”
Piotr blinks rapidly as he processes the concept, then smiles slowly and shakes his head. “I take it you have reason for bringing this up.”
“I mean…” You let your voice trail off, then look up at your husband with your patented ‘I’m-so-cute-you-can’t-resist-me-please-make-me-pancakes’ eyes. “We have a house. We have access to YouTube and Netflix –which are where the tutorials are. We have friends we like to hang out with.”
Piotr chuckles, then grins down at you. “Would you like to host ‘painting party,’ myshka?”
“Well, since you brought it up!” you chirp brightly, which only makes your husband laugh harder. “But yeah, I think it’d be fun! And we got paint right here!”
Piotr shakes his head –still smiling—as you gesture at the Crayola-stocked arts and crafts section, then ushers you away from the aisle. “We can host party, lyublyu –but we can get better paint than that.”
 It takes a few weeks of planning, gathering supplies, checking schedules, and inviting people –but finally, towards the end of April, it all comes together.
The kitchen counter is laden with snacks –chips, fruits and veggies, cookies, little sandwiches, and the like. The coffee table in front of the couch has canvases, tubes of paint, and jars of paintbrushes loaded on it. The TV that hangs over the fireplace is on and set up to play one of Bob Ross’s tutorials, once everyone’s ready.
Nearly everyone is already here. Kitty, Russell, Illyana, Ellie, and Yukio are milling around the kitchen, jabbering while they down various snacks. Mikhail and Neena are sitting on the couch, looking at something on Neena’s phone. Piotr and his mother, Alexandra, are talking about one of Piotr’s latest paintings, while Nikolai stands nearby quietly, only throwing in the occasional comment.
You grin when the doorbell rings multiple times in a row, then skip over to the front door and open it with a sunny grin. “Hey!”
Wade greets you with an enthusiastic bear hug. “Howdy yourself, pardner! Hope you saved some yellow paints for me; I’ve always found those ones to be the best tasting.”
You and Nate exchange a fondly annoyed eyeroll over Wade’s antics, in addition to a hug. “Glad you could make it, Dad.”
“Like we wouldn’t come.” He pats your shoulder, lips quirking into an amused grin. “Like he’d—” he nods at Wade “—let me skip out. He’s been talking about it nonstop for the past two weeks.”
 It takes no small amount of shuffling to get everyone situated so they can all see the screen. Kitty, Illyana, Russell, Ellie, and Yukio all cram onto the couch together (which Piotr drapes with towels beforehand), Neena, Nathan, Alex, and Nikolai take station behind the couch with barstools and easels, you and Piotr set up on either side of the couch, and Mikhail and Wade…
“This is fucking overkill,” Wade gripes as Piotr ushers him and his brother to an area he’d prepped by taping newspapers to the floors and walls before hanging plastic shower curtains over the walls and putting down one of his thick drop canvases over the newspapered floor.
“Language, Wade,” Piotr says. “And it is just small precaution.”
“Nebol'shaya predostorozhnost', moya zadnitsa,” Mikhail grumbles.
“You two are… most chaotic,” Piotr says, attempting to be diplomatic. “This will minimize clean up, at end.”
“Sounds like someone wants paint in his shoes,” Wade stage-whispers to Mikhail.
“Agreed,” Mikhail faux whispers back with a nod. “We wait until tutorial puts him to sleep, and then we put purple paint in shoes.”
“I was thinking red, but purple works, too.”
You laugh along with everyone else, then blow your husband a kiss when he sighs heavily and shakes his head. “Alright, are we all ready?”
 “Fu –freaking… why does he switch colors so much!”
“Relax, baby.” Yukio smiles at her frustrated girlfriend, then kisses her shoulder. “It’s just for fun.”
“Fun is playing Mariokart… or studying string theory,” Ellie growls through gritted teeth as she jabs at her canvas with a paintbrush. “Not… dab some stuff here and some other stuff there and making little blobs look like things.”
“Come on, Negasonic the Hedgehog!” Wade coos teasingly from where he’s swiping at his own canvas. “Think ‘happy little clouds’ and ‘happy little trees!’”
“Douchepool, I will jam this paint brush up your—”
“Language, NTW,” Piotr says warningly –though not without a good dose of fondness. “And, Wade, no harassment, please.”
“Harassment? Pretty sure your little protegee there was just threatening to harass my—”
Kitty just laughs as she works on her own ‘mountain sunrise’ scene. “Relax, Ellie. There’s no right or wrong way to do it.”
“Incorrect,” Illyana retorts, brow deeply furrowed as she works on her own painting. “There is tutorial. That is right way.”
“Tutorial is only reference, to show distribution of colors and shades,” Piotr corrects his younger sister as he leans over to look at his mentee’s canvas. “You are loading brush too heavy, Ellie. Start with less, then add more if needed.”
“I think I am less ‘sunrise’ and more ‘disco rave,’” Nikolai chuckles as he peers down at his own canvas.
Neena lets out a ‘whoa’ when she looks over at Nick’s canvas, then laughs lightly. “It’s long distance art. Meant to be seen from far away.”
Nick laughs along with her. “At last, I have found niche.”
The corner of Alex’s mouth turns up in a smile, and she reaches out and pats her husband’s thigh with her free hand.
 Once you’re all done –which takes a lot of pausing and rewinding the tutorial video—you all set your respective canvases on the dining room table, then admire each other’s works.
Piotr’s, unsurprisingly, is the best. He’s the most experienced artist out of all of you, and very familiar with both the materials and Bob Ross’s work.
You wrap your arms around your husband’s waist and kiss his side. “Very nice work, honey.”
He wraps a strong, muscular arm around you and kisses the top of your head. “Spasibo, myshka.”
Alexandra’s is also a “top contender” (even though it’s not a contest, which means there really aren’t contenders, but whatever). It’s not as technically proficient as her son’s –none of yours are—but in balance, composition, and contrast, it’s one of the strongest.
The painter herself, though, regards her work with neutral indifference while everyone else ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ over it. “It’s alright. Average.”
You watch as Nikolai wraps his arms around his wife’s shoulders, murmuring something in her ear that you can’t make out –it’s likely in Russian, anyway, so it doesn’t make much of a difference—before kissing her temple.
Alex’s hand trembles as she places it on her husband’s arm. Just a little.
Before you can make anything of it, Kitty busts out laughing.
“That is amazing!” she guffaws as she studies Wade’s painting –which looks less like a ‘sunrise’ and more like…
Well, it’s somewhere between a ‘LSD trip realized’ and ‘inside of a rainbow.’
(Granted, they might just be the same thing.)
“Very Picasso,” Kitty adds, grinning and shaking her head.
Wade preens theatrically. “I always felt a calling the abstract.”
She moves to Nikolai’s next. “I actually really like this. I think the intensity of the sunrise colors really sets off the greens in the trees.”
Nikolai grins when Illyana translates for him, then does a little bow to Kitty. “Spasibo, tigrionok.”
You can’t help but smile as you watch everyone –the people you love so much—laugh and talk to each other and admire each other’s paintings. This is home.
 “You seem happy.”
You look up from admiring everyone’s paintings –night has long since fallen, and everyone’s headed back to their own places, but you and Piotr had offered to hold onto the paintings for a few days so they could dry. “Huh?”
“You are happy, lyublyu.” Piotr smiles softly as he watches you. “Glowing.”
You smile bashfully as you look up at him. “I mean… I am happy. We’re making a home.” Tears well up in your eyes, and you smile broader even as grief –well-papered over, but there all the same—rises in your chest. “And it’s so different from the one I grew up in. It’s warm and loving and friendly… and that makes me happy.”
Piotr smiles, melancholy tears shining in his eyes, then draws you into his arms and kisses the top of your head.
Yeah. This is home.
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alexsprincessparty · 7 years ago
Oh Boy, What a Week
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Disney is a lot like Survivor in the way that "just when you think you know what's going on, you have no idea what's going on." (Shoutout to Sebastian from Survivor: Ghost Island...) A company can campaign all it wants about inspiring young girls to Dream Big, Princess while its men (both in the company and within its fandom) get away with belittling women and girls of all ages. Just this week, it was announced that John Lasseter would step down from his role of Principal Creative Advisor, following allegations of sexual misconduct from numerous women he's worked with. Earlier in the week, newly-minted Star Wars star Kelly Marie Tran disappeared from Instagram following overwhelming harassment from angry male Star Wars fans. As this is a Disney blog that discusses gender-focused issues (especially surrounding females), I feel compelled to discuss these issues as a kind of break from Princess discussion, as Disney Princesses are just one facet of so-called Disney Feminism. What happens in our films is one thing, but we still need to focus on what is happening around us, behind the scenes and off the page.
Monsters, Inc, or, the Scary Stuff Behind Pixar's Closed Doors
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Let's begin with Lasseter. John Lasseter is best known as one of the co-founders of Pixar Animation Studios, the studio that brought us Toy Story, Finding Nemo, and Cars. Up until recently, he was Chief Creative Officer at Walt Disney Animation Studios (Wreck-It Ralph, Frozen, Moana) as well as DisneyToon Studios (DuckTales, Planes), as well as Principal Creative Director of Walt Disney Imagineering. So, naturally, we all associate Lasseter with his achievements and creations (as well as his trademark Hawaiian shirts). In late 2017, just days before the theatrical release of Disney-Pixar's Coco, Lasseter came under fire for sexual misconduct towards several female employees. Numerous women came out in protest of Lasseter, claiming the 61-year-old Disney head had repeatedly tried to kiss other female employees on the mouth without their consent, give very lengthy and inappropriate hugs (particularly with the actresses of the Disney Fairies franchise), touch inappropriately (one employee stated he would rub her leg under the table at meetings), and make comments about employees' appearances. This led to an apologetic statement from Lasseter, who subsequently took a six-month sabbatical from Disney, after which he will take on a lesser role before leaving for good this December. As I said, Lasseter is renowned for his art and his leadership, as well as his innovative contributions to the animation medium. Rightfully so. 1995's Toy Story, directed by Lasseter, was the first-ever feature film to be animated completely in 3D animation. Pixar specialized in this medium, but Walt Disney Animation Studios would not give it a shot for itself until 2005's Chicken Little, just before Lasseter took over WDAS. Today, nearly every Disney animated feature since 2010's Tangled has been animated in CGI. Lasseter and Pixar blew the door wide open on CGI animation, which dominates the animation industry today, Disney or otherwise. Add that to the work he's done as a writer or producer on films as early as The Fox and The Hound, through the Disney Renaissance, numerous Studio Ghibli classics, all the way up to the upcoming sequels to Wreck-It Ralph, Frozen, and Toy Story--the film that put his company on the map. These are all great accomplishments, but are they really worth putting over the basic needs of security and safety for women in the workplace? Should we really excuse habitual predators and violators based solely on the fact that they're great artists, actors, athletes, musicians? Perhaps it's best left to an individual basis, as some people are better at separating art from artist. For example, I love Toy Story. It is indeed a revolutionary film, a well-written one, and incredibly memorable. In fact, I love a lot of the work Lasseter has done with Disney, and Disney-Pixar. That said, while I cannot put myself in the shoes of the women he affected, I won't simply forgive him because of how much I loved WALL-E. It doesn't work like that. So then, why are so many supporters of the #MeToo movement quick to initiate boycotts of someone's work after these allegations come out? Great question. It's as simple as cutting off a supply, so to speak. Since the allegations against Lasseter came out just before Coco's release, some had planned to boycott the film in protest of Lasseter (which I don't recommend, because 1. a loooooot of other people worked on that film, and 2. it's the only feature film Disney has produced around Mexican culture that also features Hispanic voice talent). What it says is, "if you hurt or violate other women, we will no longer support you." The accused no longer have that supply. It could be a financial supply, an emotional supply of "but you're still so great though!" or "it's okay because I'll still be up at the Oscars/Golden Globes/Annies this year anyway." That, again, is probably best left to an individual basis, that is, you do what you feel is right. 
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For example, T.J. Miller very quickly lost favor with me after he came under fire for numerous actions (including violence, transphobia, and also calling in a fake bomb threat! A piece of work, this one), yet still, I saw Deadpool 2...mostly because Ryan Reynolds and Zazie Beetz. And Yukio. (Hi, Yukio.)
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If Disney wants to continue to promise a safe workplace environment for women, then it has to commit to punishing violators within its doors, no matter how high on the food chain they are. Nobody should be "too big to fail." Misogyny: A Star Wars Story
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You could argue that Star Wars has declined in quality since Disney's acquisition of Lucasfilm in the early-to-mid 2010s. Perhaps it got too...you know, Disney. Too soft? Maybe. Too predictable? Yeah, sure, I could see that. But the most common scapegoats for this tend to be not Disney, and not Lucasfilm. Not even J.J. Abrams, or Rian Johnson, or Ron Howard.
Nope. It's the women. Earlier in the week, actress Kelly Marie Tran suddenly disappeared from Instagram amid a flurry of hateful comments from angry Star Wars fans. Tran made her Star Wars debut in last year's polarizing eighth installment, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, as Resistance tech Rose Tico. Since the film's release, many have criticized and questioned the need for Rose, as well as Tran's talents as an actress, in addition to her appearance. I know. Surprise. Granted, a lot of post-Disney Star Wars has seen its fair share of criticism, and it's normal to criticize cinema, regardless of how much you like it. However, I have to point out a glaring pattern with some recent Star Wars gripes. A lot of issues, particularly with male Star Wars fans, are with its new streak of female protagonists. Rey. Jyn Erso. Rose Tico. Maz Kanata. Captain Phasma. Qi'ra. Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo. These are just a portion of the cinematic female characters introduced by Lucasfilm since its acquisition by Disney, many of which have been panned by the saga's male fanbase not only as "useless" or "boring," but also "pandering to women because representation/SJWs/libtards/[insert buzzword here]!" While I think all those characters invite their own well-deserved criticisms. However, simply blaming the new films' failures on the fact that they have female protagonists? Sounds fake, but okay. "Rey is the hero? But Finn was holding the lightsaber in the trailer! WTF is this?" You didn't complain about Poe Dameron essentially being the new Han Solo. "Captain Phasma is a waste of space! She didn't do anything!" Boba Fett though? "Rose stole Finn's heroic moment, what a bitch!" BECAUSE WE'RE NOT FIGHTING THE THINGS WE HATE, WE'RE SAVING THINGS WE LOVE, KEVIN "Jyn Erso is such a flat character, why is it all about women now?" Because maybe, just maybe, it would be awesome for female fans of Star Wars to see other females in Star Wars. Sounds pretty novel if you ask me. This seems to be a long-running problem with Star Wars. In fact, Tran is not the only Star Wars lady bullied off Instagram by overzealous male fans. Only a few years ago, Rey herself, Daisy Ridley, suffered the same fate and still hasn't returned to the website (honestly? Probably for the best). You can't claim that just because Emilia Clarke, Gwendoline Christie, Lupita Nyong'o, and Laura Dern haven't buckled as well, that Tran and Ridley are "sissies" and not oppressed. Believe me, they are (Clarke and Christie probably deal with this crap as Game of Thrones stars as well so they're probably just used to it). "But we didn't harass Carrie Fisher!" You reduced Princess Leia to a metal bikini until Disney intervened and conveniently forgot about it when it came to merchandising.
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Again, you can argue that Disney is ruining Star Wars. I might even agree. But it's not because they keep utilizing female protagonists. In fact, Disney's only Star Wars film with a male protagonist, Solo: A Star Wars Story, has been the least profitable of the Disney/Lucasfilm era. That's not to say the male protagonist was to blame, of course. Personally, I think the problem is Star Wars fatigue, that is, Disney oversaturating us with Star Wars to the point where we just can't take it anymore. But yeah, go ahead and blame the women, sure. Clearly it has been an interesting week for female Disney fans. Some good, some bad. But, hakuna matata, I guess. The world still sucks. But remember the Fairy Godmother's words: "Even miracles take a little time." (I don't remember if she actually said this, but there's a lot of cute Tumblr gifs of her saying it, so she must have said it, right?) I'll be swimming back this way soon for The Little Mermaid, so hang tight. I've just got some bigger fish to fry at the moment. Dream Big Princess!
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summermiko · 8 years ago
// You put a lot of thought into your characters, give them believable background stories and don't overpower them and make a Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu out of them. Your OCs are without a doubt one of the best I've ever seen.
// @snarkofstark
Thank you so much!
I remember when I first started RPing on Tumblr I wasn’t sure how to go about writing things so uncanny-siblings (rest in peace) interacted with me and I created Summer on a fly because they thought my own ‘drawn faceclaim’ was a character and I kinda rolled with it. 
I remember when Ame first started his Yukio/Mephisto blog we made it no secret we were engaged at the time. And someone sent him a lot of hate. And yeah Summer is a little “Sue”, but one has to be a little strong to run with contenders from the cram. He sent a long list in response and the community was like “That’s rude Anon.”
And at first I felt really bad. Why would someone hate my character? 
Then I realized I had no background on her and Ame said that was probably it so I, using the hate to fuel my writing, sat down for three hours and worked out a carefully knit story that people can work for their own. Some universes, the Vatican created a super soldier and Natalie was with the Illuminati and went rogue. Some universes it’s an Illuminati experiment, and Natalie meant to destroy Summer over orders of the Vatican, but couldn’t finish her off because “That’s my daughter”. I keep dynamics of my characters backstory fluid because I want my partner to be inquisitive, and curious. (Though I loosely canon that ChimeraTech was commissioned by the Illuminati. Just in case the partner doesn’t know which way to go)
One day, I want someone, say a Yukio rper, and be like “Wait. What if the Illuminati created her and he found out?”
Alternatively, I want a Mephisto to say, “What if he put in the order for Summer?” 
This creates a dynamic that can be used as a plot device and I don’t want to be the one that controls it unless my partner couldn’t care less. I’m a fan of “Choose your own Adventure”, and in a way it’s creating a specific thing between me and someone else. I mean again, if someone doesn’t ask about it, I stick with the “The Illuminati created her” story. Since most of the people interacting with Summer are either ‘good’ or at least with the Knights. So to find that out throws in a good amount of conflict as well. “What would Rin think if he knew? What would Shiemi do? Would Yunneth still care for me as a friend?” Summer doesn’t initially know this, but when she finds out later down the road in interaction, it internalizes a problem. A problem and a secret that will eventually come out. 
And, considering Summer shifts in a mannerism similar to that of the werewolf, it only adds when I dice roll to see if she will turn into a monster. Her Shifting should be mostly random–so I shouldn’t completely decide, ya know.
Plus now I’m tough skinned when it comes to most hate, despite my crippling anxiety!
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