#I worked rlly hard on this praying I get a good grade
loofdrawsart · 2 days
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My English teacher instructed us to draw something based of the poem we read so I decided to draw anthy!
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heartkook · 7 years
bad day || min yoongi
Anonymous said: Hiya!! I was just wondering if you could write some yoongi angst/fluff? I don’t really have many ideas but maybe you guys have been really distant and then something bad happens to u then you start crying and the first person you think to call is yoongi? Idk I just rlly need some good yoongi fluff and ur such a good writer, so who better to ask than you? Tysm if you decide to do it ❤️
Min Yoongi x reader
Summary: Your day just keeps getting worse and worse, and it all gets too much. Luckily, Yoongi knows exactly what to do to make everything better. 
Genre: angst/comfort
Words: 1721
sorry I changed it a bit and just wrote general yoongi comfort because you guys seem to like that (and so do I)~~ thanks for requesting!! <3
he’s beautiful LOOK AT HIM
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To say I had been having a hard day would be an understatement. 
It started off badly when I found out I had saved an alarm for 7pm instead of 7am the night before. The alarm was for an exam I had that day - I had stayed up all night revising for it. Yoongi and I had decided to go on a date afterwards to celebrate, and I had planned to wake up early to get some extra work in. 
But instead, I woke to my phone ringing and a friend in my class asking if I was okay, and where I was, because the test was about to start. I threw on some clothes and barely even locked the door before I was running to my college, knowing the bus would take too long. I arrived, sweaty and barely awake, just in time for it.
But my rush of a morning and anxiety levels that were already off the charts meant I had a complete mental blank in the middle of the test, and forgot everything I had stayed up so late cramming into my head. I almost cried when I handed the paper in, knowing without even getting it back that I had failed, and thinking about how important it was to my final grade. I pushed back tears, knowing I just had to get through the rest of the day before I could see Yoongi.
However, my optimism was quickly crushed when I realised that I had forgotten to bring my money in, so I couldn't buy any lunch, and with the speed that I had got dressed and left this morning, I hadn't even had time to eat. On top of that, I had a huge argument with my friend after the exam. It was about something stupid, but still hurt and upset me all the same.
By my last class, I just wanted to go home. The only thing keeping me going was the thought of seeing Yoongi, and just forgetting about everything else. As the day dragged on, my head and body began to ache, and the urge to cry became more and more prominent. All I wanted to do was get home.
Then I missed my bus. It might not seem like the biggest deal, but with the rain that had begun pouring down, and the difficulty I was already having at even getting enough energy to walk, it pushed me over the edge. Everything seemed to pile up as I watched the bus drive off and stood in the rain, knowing all my books were getting soaked, and I would have to walk the whole way home. There wouldn't be another bus for an hour. I ran my hands through my hair, groaning, and felt my eyes sting. A lump formed in my throat and I gritted my teeth in an attempt to stop myself from crying.
I stood there for a moment, my mind blank. It was almost an involuntary movement as my fingers shakily reached for my phone, sheltering the screen from the rain with my other hand as I squinted to dial Yoongi's number.
"Hey," He answered casually, and I could tell from his voice that he was smiling. I let a tear slip from my eye as I blinked, and it clung to my eyelashes along with the raindrops, before falling and tracing a hot pattern down my cheek. I tried to smile, but my lips were shaking and the lump in my throat only grew at the sound of him speaking.
"Hey," I said back, my voice wavering. "Would you mind doing me a favour?" I knew my voice was high pitched and shaking, despite how hard I was trying to keep it steady. I just wanted the day to be over.
"What is it?" He asked quickly, and I knew he had heard the tremor in my voice; the tears that had built up in my eyes again.
"Can you come get me?" I ducked my head away from the rain, feeling my top begin to soak through.
"Of course. Where are you?" His voice held a hint of panic, but he remained calm and as soothing as ever. I could hear him moving, probably already walking towards the door.
"I'm at the bus stop outside college." I almost whispered, trying to calm down my breathing and still my shaking hands. I couldn't stop replaying the events from the day, my mind running over every stupid thing I had done.
"I'm on my way, baby, do you want me to stay on the line with you?" I let a sad smile lift up the corners of my mouth at how sweet he was. As much as his voice was calming me down, I didn't want him to talk to me and drive at the same time.
"No, don't worry, just focus on driving. Thank you so much." I whispered, my teeth beginning to chatter.
"I'll be there soon, okay? Just hold on." I nodded even thought he couldn't see me, and put my phone away when he hung up. I was shivering all over by then, both from my anxiety and the cold. The street was completely deserted and I sighed shakily, feeling the water begin to drip down the back of my neck, praying for Yoongi to get to me as soon as possible.
It was almost fifteen minutes before he came. Not that it was his fault, of course, but by that time I couldn't even feel my fingers, and I was completely soaked. Yoongi's car rounded the corner and slowed beside me, and I quickly got in, barely able to shut the door with how badly I was shaking. He started driving almost as soon as I was inside, but looked over at me worriedly as he did so.
"Y/N." I heard him say as he took me in, and he grabbed my hand, taking a sharp breath in when he felt my skin. "You're so cold, oh my god."
I started crying, overwhelmed by the warmth inside the car, and suddenly thinking about how I was probably ruining his seats with my soaking clothes, along with everything else clouding up my head.
"Oh, Y/N, baby, no." He breathed, clutching my hand tighter, keeping his eyes on the road but glancing at me with a pained expression. "Just breathe okay, you're fine, I promise. Everything's fine."
I nodded, hunched over, trying to keep as little of me on the seats as possible. The whole way back he spoke slowly and reassuringly to me, never letting go of my hand. I began to calm my breathing, feeling his effect wash over me. By the time we got home I wasn't crying anymore, just exhaustedly sniffling, still shivering from my wet skin and clothes.
We hurried inside, through the rain, and I gasped at the warmth inside Yoongi's apartment. I wiped under my eyes, shaking out my shoes, embarrassed at how I was behaving. He slipped off his own shoes before turning to me. 
He sighed again at the sight of me and gently took my head in both his hands, pushing my face into his chest, ignoring the way my soaking hair began to stain his shirt.
"Come on." he took my hand and began leading me upstairs, still shivering. "Let's get you out of those clothes."
He sat me down on the bathroom counter, helping me out of my soaking trousers. I felt pathetic, and uncomfortable, and kept my head down as he pulled off my socks gently, hands warm agains my frigid skin.
"Arms up." He commanded softly, and I obliged, too tired to even respond. He gently pulled my shirt off and put it in the hamper with the other clothes. He kissed my forehead quickly.
"I'll be back in a second."
A moment later he came back in with some of his own clothes, and helped me pull them over my still shivering body. In his hoodie and sweatpants, I followed him into the bedroom, where he pointed at the bed, not saying anything. I followed wholeheartedly, practically falling into the covers and letting out a sigh of relief at the warmth that I was enveloped in.
I was much calmer by the time Yoongi came back in, my breaths even and my eyes tired. I gave him a grateful smile as he placed a mug of hot chocolate on the table beside me, without a word. He walked over to the other side of the bed, getting in and opening his arms.
I sighed again, happily moving closer and letting him wrap his arms around me, rubbing up and down my back slowly as I pushed my face into his chest.
"What happened?" He murmured, pressing his cheek against the top of my head. I closed my eyes, frowning.
"I just had a really, really bad day."
It sounded stupid, but he hummed in response, tracing his fingers up my spine.
"Wanna talk about it?"
I shook my head against him and felt him nod, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.
"I'm sorry." I muttered, thinking of the date we were supposed to have, and his car seat, and how he now had to take care of me.
"No, no." He spoke softly, tightening his arms around me. "Don't be, okay?" He tilted his head back to see me, and I looked up at him, meeting his eyes. After a moment he leaned down and pressed a delicate kiss to my lips, barely touching, and then one to my nose, before wrapping me up again. He didn't say anything more, but he didn't need to. I knew just through his actions everything he was telling me: he loved me, and supported me, and just wanted me to be okay.
I found his hand and took it gently, tightening my grip around him with a small smile. The day became less significant - almost forgotten about - and the things that had seemed so terrible didn't seem as important as I breathed him in, my body relaxing against his side. He brought my hand to his mouth and pressed his lips against the back of it gently. 
"How did I get so lucky?" I murmured, and he let out a soft chuckle, running his fingers through my hair and down to my waist.
"I could ask the same thing."
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survivorwakea · 5 years
Episode 5: “my scumbag ass did the unthinkable and dirtbagged myself to safety” - Adam
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AHHHHH I DID IT my scumbag ass did the unthinkable and dirtbagged myself to safety, I’m not proud of what I had to do or how I behaved when Taylor got eliminated but in all honesty that was all I knew I could do to get me through.
So okay let me explain my mindset, I was a goner I felt fucked and my back was most certainly against the damn wall. Nobody was answering me and nobody was even trying to talk to me, I knew that Thomas and Chloe are tight as fuck so I needed Tom to think that Taylor was going for Chloe so he would feel that he needed to protect her.  All the red flags were there for Chloe and she knew it was m I could see it in her face that she didn’t believe me at all when I was framing Taylor. She knew that I had made it and I honestly did the dumbest thing ever by snapping and celebrating cause it was live to the cast and being all new to live tribals I wasn’t thinking at all
Okay so after a very explosive tribal council one that I will honestly learn a lot from for future games 😂😂 a swap happens and I was hoping that I could be swapped with like Elmo but I got out with Zack and Ian oh and Chloe... she loves me I swear.
I think I just need to work on just staying calm and cool to try and claw back from that very unneeded aggressiveness just gotta grind this challenge out and get a W
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I’m on a tribe with Asya. This is gonna go SO well😒
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Im still reeling from that fucking tribal. Im so mad at myself for voting out Taylor and letting Adam fucking manipulate me. Im sick of men, Im sick of their shit. Men have no place in my life right now, theyre all lying cheating fucking scumbags and I would rather cut my tongue out before I ever have to talk to another man again
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So, this has been an interesting 24 hours. We swapped tribes again, and as it turns out, the two people who were probably beefing the most at tribal, Adam and Chloe -- they both end up on my tribe. It's a bit frustrating, because I like them both. And if we lose this challenge and have to go to tribal, and they end up opposite each other, I'm worried about picking sides. In fact, I'm worried, period, about this damn tribal. 5 people equals not many places to hide. Yikes.
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I’ve been crying about it. I fucking suck, we just established that.
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Well it's another loss! I feel like Denise Stapley xD. Anyways, I was put all alone on my new tribe but since I wanted to strangle Adam after what he did it's a good thing, but then I realize poor Chloe is with him I hope he gets it after that last vote. As for this vote, I think of Joey and his third grade picture of a flag that says Kane instead of Milu makes him the easy target. But it is still early, something may change. I'm glad to be back with Asya and both Bodhi and Jared are really cool. I feel I have options.
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No. Fuck this. I'm absolutely sick of going to tribal. No. I'm not happy at all. I'm pretty sure I'm cursed right now and all I want to do is sleep. Also Adam is back in my DMs being like lol I still wanna work with u. No thank u to that either. Adam plus tribal makes Chloe not very happy
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Well I’m going to another tribal council, I’m getting sick of these but I think if I survive this one their is a possibility merge is next so I think me and tribals will just stay being friends. Poor Chloe and Tommy though they legit have been to every single tribal where I’ve been to every one BUT one.
My plan here is to try and vote Justin with Ian and Zack and hopefully the three of us can Hold the majority this round and take him out so that way moving forward I still slightly gave chloe who I believe is starting to come around again. I think she is finally starting to understand that the only reason I did what I did was being I was getting voted out and desperate times call for desperate measures and I think she gets that.
I’m going to tell her about my plans to vote Justin in a little bit I just hope that she agrees to it calmly and we can just have a simple 4-1 and call it a day.
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hey yawlls this round was wild... so basically we swapped AGAIN and I'm with ben, johnny, anabel and lily, so overall a very solid group of people.
I'm rlly happy that I'm on the tribe with Ben because we share a lot of same thoughts about the game and I think that we are somewhat of a duo? I mean there's no bond or agreement between us but still! Really happy to have him here bc I trust him a lot, maybe more than I should.
Then we also have Johnny. He's the obvious threat of the game. He loves challenges and he is pretty darn strong socially too. I was very happy when he approached me with a ride or die deal. It's rlly good for my game at least for now because in order for me to reach far in this game I need to work with a lot of threatening people, if I vote all the out, it won't be a good look for me. Johnny also revealed a lot about who he knows before the game (i kinda knew of a lot of the info though bc i follow a lot of different orgs oops sidfashfd). But yeah! I think this round could start a beautiful partnership between us, I doubt that it will last until the end but it's great that it's a thing at least for now
Next up is Anabel. She is a sweetheart and I see a genuine opportunity to work with her in this game. She's innocent queen so far and I think she'd be loyal to her alliances, however I am also aware that she has crackhead tendencies so I just can't take her loyalty for granted. I rlly like talking to her tho so I think the more I talk to her the less likely it is for her to try to make a move one me? We'll see I guess but I just don't wanna blindly trust her.
Lastly, Lily. Ugh, a busy queen. I am very happy that we won the challenge because if not, there's high chance of her getting voted out of the game. She isn't as connected as the rest of us. The reason why I went so hard for the challenge was because I don't think its smart for my game to vote her out. I REALLY don't see her flipping on me and if she were to do it, I think she'd tell me about it which is the exact reason I want her to be in the game cuz I know I'm gnna need ppl who are v loyal to me. I also have worked a lot on trying to build a bond with her on a gameplay level too and so far so good, I'd say!
I think my position in this tribe is vvvvv good because of the randomly formed group of me Johnny and Anabel (although nobody talks in there, I take it as their sign of I want to work with you). Johnny also has the Ku advantage and while he says that it's nothing, I am not sure if I believe that. I doubt its an idol but I have a feeling that it could be something to help him in the game, yanno? I think that eventually he's gonna tell me though, yanno? Idk this is my random thoughts of the game. It's a blessing to be at confirmed F13 but there's long way to gooooo and I'm kinda here for it.  My predictions for the boots on the other tribes are Joey and Adam but we'll see what happens !
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Just won another challenge. Kinda wanted to go to tribal for this one so I could solidify some bonds with ppl but oh well. It could be worse. I could be going home this round lmao
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THIS. ROUND. WILL. BE. THE. DEATH. OF. ME! i feel like this round is gonna throw a major wrench in my game for the upcoming days because it's gonna show some people that i'm not as loyal as i say i am. adam and ian think i'm in an alliance with them and that is NOT the case! i feel more loyal to chloe and justin and think i can advantage further in the game with those two. adam and ian think we're all gonna be voting to evict justin, but when adam gets 3 of the votes and winds up going home, i don't think it's gonna be pretty. ian is gonna see that i was never loyal to him but WHATEVER! i had to do what i had to do and i had to lie to them to protect my own self this round! i didn't want them to flip the name around on me, because you never know what could happen in a game like survivor! so yes. me chloe and justin are in a serious alliance and we all plan on evicting adam. adam and ian think i'm in a serious alliance with them and are gonna be evicting justin. so.. this is gonna be another tribal council for the books of celestial i feel like.. so lets get ready and prepare for war! bring it gays.
i honestly can't help but think the worse. yes, i trust chloe and justin 100% but.. justin seems to be stressed since adam and ian wanna vote him out. so justin can easily turn this around on me and tell adam and ian everything if he is LITERALLY worried about leaving. and chloe can just turn around and tell ian and adam what i'm doing if chloe wants me out. so yes. i trust them, but my mind can't stop thinking the worse. if chloe and/ or justin think i'm a threat in this game, they can turn this all around on me and vote me out since i'm doing the most here and lying my ass off to adam and ian and in an alliance chat with them right now. i'm worried, but i'm just gonna pray this all works out.
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Adam is voted out 3-2. Thomas is voted out 4-1 at double tribal.
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okwilliamson · 7 years
1. Last kiss - um yikes this guy who I had a really bad encounter with in august i hate it lol 
2. Last phone call - hmm, to mik on monday, we spoke for maybe 40 minutes to try n catch up w each other we dont talk enough. 
3. Last text message- to a group chat with me and sydney and german about an ugly guy in our class lol 
4. Last song you listened to-i was listening to Gaga’s Joanne album this morning 
5. Last time you cried - literally this morning watching master chef junior but that wasnt like wild the last time i seriously cried was last wednesday when i found out i wasnt gonna graduate on time 
6. Dated someone twice- well..i guess kinda but bc this dude was in jail so we like were talking before and after he was in jail...idk if that counts 
7. Been cheated on- yes lol in highschool 
8. Self harmed - nah ive never felt the need. 
9. Lost someone special - lost them? idk ive fallen out of friendships n stuff 
10. Been depressed -a few times in life, thankfully i dont have ongoing depression just depressive episodes usually lasting a few months or weeks. 
11. Been drunk and threw up - yes lol im not proud 
12. had sex - yes 
13. How many people have you had sex with this year? - um 4 
15. Made a new friend - yes for sure 
17. Laughed until you cried -this happens to me like every week im lucky 
18. Met someone who changed you - maybe not honestly not in this calender year like from jan 
19. Found out who your true friends were -i feel like this has been very relevant in the past year 
20. Found out someone was talking about you - idk man 
26. What did you do for your last Birthday - i was in the darkroom working and sydney and nadia and german and luke were there and nadia made us soup and cake and bread and then i went to lukes house and got high it was kind of a boring basic day 
27. What time did you wake up today- 6:30 am 
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for - thanksgiving food 
30. Last time you saw your all of your siblings at the same time - i only have one sister and ill see her later today <3 
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life - i wish i could change my financial situation to help me and my family 
32. What are you listening to right now - this wack ass presentation
33. When is the last time you had sex? - august sadly 
34. Who's getting on your nerves right now - um presently not anyone in general usually everyone kind of annoys me lol 
35. Most visited webpage - instagram probs & twitter and horoscope.com 
36. Favorite colour - recently its been shades of orange 
37. Nicknames - most everyone calls me liv or livy 
38. Relationship Status - single af 
39. Zodiac sign - scorpio 
40. Male or female - female
41. Primary school - this is UK terminology idk what this means 
42. Secondary School - middle school? idk i went to all my schools in canal winchester oh 
43. High school/college - i attended otterbein & finishing my degree at wright state in dayton oh 
44. Eye color - brown 
46. Height - 5′6 
47. Do you have a crush on someone - no im not 12 
48. What do you like about yourself - im funny, im a no nonsense kind of person, & people trust me, and im a good friend & sister 
49. Piercings - got my nose and my smiley pierced & ears too 
50. Tattoos - i have 4 tats so far more to come 
51. Righty or lefty - right handed 
53. First piercing - my ears, but first one i ever did on my own was my nostril 
54. First best friend - a girl named Myca in first grade lol 
55. First hookup - umm like casually i guess Tony 
56. First Bestfriend- ....
59. Eating- nope 
60. Drinking - got some ice coffee n a water bottle gotta stay hydrated 
61. I'm about to - get out of this class in like 20 min 
62. Listening to - a less wack presentation 
63. Waiting for - the end of the day so i can go home 
64. Want kids? - not rlly 
65. Get married? - its not a goal but i wouldnt be opposed 
66. Career - hopefully something that keeps me happy 
67. Lips or eyes- all of these are stupid im skipping them 
68. Hugs or kisses
69. Shorter or taller
70. Older or Younger
71. Romantic or spontaneous
72. Nice stomach or nice arms
73. Sensitive or loud
74. Hook-up or relationship
76. Kissed a stranger - um no ive known everyone ive ever kissed 
77. Drank hard liquor - of course 
78. Lost glasses/contacts - nope 
79. Had sex - hi 
80. Broken someone's heart - no people love to hurt my feelings tho 
82. Been arrested - nah im a good girl lol 
83. Turned someone down - i usually just ghost people 
84. Cried when someone died - yeah 
85. Fallen for a friend - haha :-) 
86. Yourself - sometimes 
87. Miracles - no 
88. Love at first sight - idk i guess but love is more than a chance meeting 
89. Heaven - no 
90. Santa Clause -no i wish i still did it made christmas so much more fun 
91. Kiss on the first date - sure 
92. Angels - idk i think people can be angelic but i dont believe in god or heaven or angels or anything holy 
93. How would you label yourself? - an art student fumbling through her twenties 
94. Someone You Pray Everyday For - i dont pray 
95. Did you sing today - i was singing along to diamonds are a girls best friend this morning 
96. Who From All Your Ex's have You Cared The Most About- umm idk i think solomon i loved him, but also bae bc he was my most recent and only really adult relationship 
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go? - i wouldnt 
98. Out Of Everything In The World What Do You Wish For - for my laptop to not ring in the middle of class lmfao i hate myself in this moment 
99. Are you afraid of falling in love? - no lol 
100. Do you like the way you look?- sure 
a random q&a durin class if u read this hello 
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