#I wonder whats going to happen mh live action movie 3?
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mh-midnight-wanderer · 11 months ago
Recently I got attention about Nickelodeon Monster High cartoon's uncertain future, whether we going to have 3 season or not
According to showrunner Shea Fortana Instagram says it depends on how much support the fans give by buying on iTunes, Amazon Prime, DVD, etc.
I don't blame MH fans be concerned considering only a few days ago Paramount + purged 10 Nickelodeon original series
And this Nickelodeon we are talking about: that keeps screwing around other animated shows that aren't Spongebob or Loud House
On the bright side, Monster High 2022 isn't officially over, and season 2 is still in production
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randomnameless · 2 years ago
I always appreciated them as two different things. What I THINK they mean is when it’s adapted in a way that actually disrespects what came before it. Cowboy Bebop is a genuine example of this, or the Monster Hunter movie. Unlike say the Wachowski sisters Speed Racer movie which is a cheesy honest adaptation of Speed Race with its own spin on some things…that people didn’t watch despite how great it is!
I've heard many things about the MH movie but haven't seen it, sadly (?) - I heard there's focus on a Diablos?
Maybe I was a bit too negative with this comment lol, but imo it's completely unfathomable to me to adapt something if you "don't respect" the source material?
Of course adaptations can't be a copy/paste and sometimes things are done to make a movie more acceptable/viewable for an audience, like Peter Jackson's Lotr where Arwen - well, just Arwen. But I don't think PJ "didn't respect" the source material. Ultimately, there's a difference between faithfulness (that can be edited/removed bcs a movie isn't 3 books) and the sheer "respect".
Like, for instance, you can wonder wtf happened and if the people really gave a crap about the source material or even respected it, I can think of Dragonball Evolution.
But back to Mario, if there is a movie based on the Mario franchise, I'd expect the characters from the Mario franchise, maybe the settings and nods to the games. If I want a discussion on capitalism, taxes, diesel or butternuts, I'm not going to watch a Super Mario movie. Of course a Super Mario movie can have themes and have a broader message than "and Mario saved Luigi and called it a day!", but at its core, it has to be a Super Mario movie, with mushrooms, Toad(s), Bowser, Luigi, etc etc.
but maybe it's a personal bias, i usually don't like live action adaptations...
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lemonpixycat · 3 years ago
MY THOUGHTS ON THE NEW MH DESIGNS FOR THE NON-LIVE ACTION: 1. I don’t get the upset about Clawdeen’s glasses.  Assuming they’re gonna go with a personality like her pre-2022 reboot ones, it’d be actually really neat to have a fashionista with glasses like this instead of the stereotypical.  ‘glasses=nerd’ thing. The only thing I’m not a fan of wrt her design is the dog nose, but that’s solely because I”m never a fan of animal noses on an otherwise humanoid character. 2. We love a black headmistress bloodgood! 3. I love deuce’s new green skin. His design always somehow looked unfinished to me before and I never could quite put my finger on what it was but I think it was that it was just missing that extra monstery umph for me and the green skin tone does it for me. It completes the look to me. 4. Draculaura and Frankie both look great. I heard in the live action move, Frankie uses They/Them now? I wonder if that will transfer over to this series, too. If so, it’ll be HUGE to have a nonbinary main character in a kids franchise. I’m surprised they’re doing it even for the movie. 5. Lagoona having pink skin is a bit of a surprise. I wouldn’t have ever thought to have that design choice for a water monster like that. I would have preferred her blue skin but pink IS one of my favorite colors and it DOES look REALLY cool on her, so I’m not really that upset about it. It was more a surprise than anything else. She looks GREAT overall and I’m loving her hair. 6. Glad to see the return of Toralei! She was a great character. A big part of me secretly hopes that they’ll also bring Moanica back from the reboot, but I get they might wanna forget that reboot ever happened cuz it wasn’t terribly successful. I thought Moanica was the best part of the reboot, though.
7. not really related to designs, but I’m stoked to see how many people of color have been cast in this! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again,  It’s all well and good to have fictional rep of people of color, but what’s of utmost importance is to give real life people of colour jobs and opportunities. This series is doing that, and I’m very happy to see it! That’s pretty much all my thoughts on this! Overall, I”m cautiously optimistic.
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marlahey · 5 years ago
@rochey1010​ going back and forth in long-winded replies seems like unnecessary effort for both of us so I hope you don’t mind another text post as I fully articulate my thoughts. as I’ve said before, you’re obviously entitled to your own opinions, but you’ve now seemed to make a lot of assumptions about me a fan/viewer/general consumer of media that I feel like I should clear up. you’ve also made some further claims about the show I’d like to pick up for discussion. If you want to speak further please feel free to respond but of course don’t feel obligated. This’ll be the last public post/reply I make and we can go back to ignoring each other in the tags!
Well i love Eliott/Lola's friendship and i have an upcoming post on that as i said in other posts. I love lola too but i'm sorry i didn't just start watching this show because lola was invented and there's a w/w love story. I've been here for seasons and carried over from OG. I have investment in eliott for personal reasons (mental health) and elu because duh. Their stories have been long running too as i said. And you don't have to be a main to set up a plot/arc. The things between them have been set up since S3 with minute par minute talk, S4 and Idriss, S5 and the cheating perspective, and now S6 and Lola friendship. That is intentional. Do you think it's a coincidence that Lucas talked about pansexuality and eliott having more choice in S5 and suddenly Eliott has a friendship with a girl. That lucas abandonment issues haven't been resolved and are now coming to the forefront because of this friendship? That max has stated that Eliott feels he can save someone from a darkness he himself went through, that eliott himself was sorta saved from the shadows by Lucas. That neils/david specifically stated that this character can help someone even though he has bipolar disorder. That with Eliott's arc there is a focus on his SKAM. That we now have new info about it serving the season. If you understand writing. These things aren't put there for fun. They are there to imply/hint/foreshadow events actions to come. That there is a character now on the show with Lola basically female eliott. Do you think these are all coincidences. This plot we are seeing has slowly been set up not just since S3 but actually heavily developed starting in S5. And that if you now go back and watch S5 you see our main players being set up for this plot e.g  dasille relationship, daphne's ED, Eliott and his individuality, Elu trust/insecurity issues, Eliott's art and it tying into seasonal themes, Lola herself and her outlier persona etc. I don't know whether you are but there are many fans have migrated over from espana just for this season. But you have to understand there is a long term fanbase here that love Eliott, are invested in him and have been waiting for more of his insight. We are now getting that and we will talk about him. He's a hugely popular character as is Lucas and their love. I love both and i will talk about both. Sometimes i won't talk much About lola and talk more about eliott, sometimes i'll connect them and discuss their relationship, sometimes i'll make a post about just about lola, daphne, tiff, benny, movie references as i have. But this is my blog and i'll post what i want to post. You don't have to read any of this stuff. The tag is a big place, just scroll by. As for the theories- just theories. And in my theories i believe these characters are going to make mistakes, fail and grow e.g. lola self Destructing again but being her own hero by the end, eliott and lola being dragged down like lucas said but showing the strength of their friendship by the end, lucas being proven right but also proven wrong by the end. Like i said specific dialogue now being used is not just there to fill the script e.g. "and i have lucas. I can't lose this" "i think one of you may bring the other down" and eliott is heading for a rock bottom as is lola. Again just my thoughts. 👍
While I find it odd that you seem to be gatekeeping the skam france fan community, to be clear I have seen the entirety of three iterations: og, france, and austin. I believe I started OG during s2 or 3, and have seen Fr and Aus from the beginning. I’m not as interested in other versions as I’m very familiar with the plots/characters by now. I’m partial to france as a bilingual canadian as it’s nice to exercise that part of my brain; I’ve also studied/lived there briefly and have some very close friends from france so that amplifies my enjoyment. I’m also bisexual, so I also find this ‘only here for lola + w/w’ when you yourself admit to being emotionally invested in the show’s most dominant queer ship dichotomy very awkward.  to be honest, I think many skam’s fandoms tend to fixate on the esak ship and their season. friends have seen other iterations and confirmed this for me. it happened with elu as expected so I was really unsurprised when maya was introduced and fandom immediately put a lot of their investment into shipping two characters of the same gender. nearly every fandom in general does this: teen wolf, glee, supernatural to name a few – even harry potter. I’m not really a fan of the romantic subplot in lola’s season. she is not elliot 2.0 for so many reasons; she’s her own person and she doesn’t need a romantic partner to be a compelling character with a compelling story. that being said, I liked elu’s season. I particularly love maxence’s elliot; he’s my favourite even. I was thrilled to see him onscreen however briefly after S3 every time he appeared. now he’s finally his own person outside of his relationship with lucas and I couldn’t be more pleased to see that.  I’m not sure how idriss and elliot reconnecting after the attempted kiss falling out plays into lucas’ insecurity or their relationship. it’s perhaps a reminder of his bipolar disorder or the fact that he clearly had friends/relationships before lucas, but I’m not sure how it’s relevant to the season at hand. the biphobia discussion with arthur preceeding lola’s introduction as the new main is not proof that lucas’ supposed abandonment issues are founded in any way, or that he even still has them when we meet her. by insisting on it, you’re perpetuating the harmful idea that any bi or pan person will be tempted to cheat or leave (physically or emotionally) when presented with literally any person whose gender opposes their current partner. this is something that skam fr had literally left unaddressed for so long even with representation in alexia and elliot, and I was so thrilled when it finally came up. it’s very uncomfortable that you’re now using that important conversation as apparent proof that lucas will be abandoned or betrayed, inadvertently or not, by his pansexual boyfriend. I know that daphné was meant to be s6′s main and skam fr wasn’t given the rights by og’s creator. so it makes sense that she/her relationship/struggles feature heavily in her sister’s season. I’m personally thrilled cause I love her and lula is a wonderful actress. that being said, not everything is foreshadowing. not every single interaction or conversation will return to further plot or character. sometimes storylines are just resolved or dropped and awareness raised is just awareness raised. sometimes it’s wonderful and sometimes less so. I understand writing. I’m saying this as a literal former english teacher (ignoring capitalization for aesthetic lol) and assistant in film/tv post-production with an MA in media studies. “Lucas, you have nothing to worry about, it’s not like that between us.” “I know, he explained it to me.”  I’m not sure how much clearer the literal show can be about this issue. spoiler or not, it’s been made abundantly clear that lola and elliot are not romantically involved. even more importantly and I’ve said this on my blog before, you’re allowed to have intimacy with someone without forcing it into a defined familial or romantic relationship. it doesn’t mean that someone’s partner should necessarily feel threatened or abandoned and says a lot more about that person’s insecurity than either individual in the friendship. we’ve also already discussed how much I dislike this turn for lucas’ character as elliot’s apparent MH saviour so it’s not worth repeating again. as for elliot saving lola, well he literally did that already. I’m not sure what you mean by lucas ‘being proven right and proven wrong’ by the end, but you’re obviously adamant that something will happen. I have also seen maxence’s interview a few times. I’ll not argue with the ‘lucas saved elliot from that shadow’ because it literally came from the actor’s mouth, but maxence doesn’t say he can save anyone else from their struggles, but help them and I think that’s a really important distinction. this whole saving idea doesn’t seem healthy at all, especially as lola and elliot grapple with their mental health. it seems like people want to see a ‘rock bottom’ (whatever that means) for them both and it makes me a little uncomfortable. addiction and MH struggles should not have to reach a breaking point in order to be considered resolved or cathartic; they don’t even have to be resolved, because they’re not a plot device. they’re a reality for so many people. the show does a good job of not romanticizing them but some of the things I see in the tag are just... yikes.  as for his ‘dark’ side and the less than happy elu moments, I’d argue that maxence may have meant literally punching out what’s his face to save lola and the subsequent argument(s) with lucas, since that interview came out just before ep 4. but there’s still several eps to go so I could be totally wrong. who knows. it’s your right to theorize on your own blog of course and it’s not my intention to be mean. I’m just trying to further the discourse in a respectful way. I do feel that you may put a little too much stock in what’s literally said/seen and assuming a lot in the unseen gaps, rather than considering a broader context. to wrap up though, lucas is free to have this (however hurtful) fear, just as you’re free to believe it’ll for sure come to pass.  I dread seeing either lola or elliot spiral out, but as 2020 has taught me, I very rarely get what I want lol. thank you @cakepleasee for helping me sort out my thoughts!
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dcforts · 6 years ago
endgame spoilers under the cut // random thoughts on future marvel/disney projects
its always been like that but yeah it was clear their intention to sell their next big “products”. that’s why we have that much hawkeye, which i found a bit too much. i would have cut down his screentime for someone else to have a line or two in the movie - also they didn’t really explain what the fuck he was doing killing those people ? (or maybe i didn’t get it)
steve giving the shield to sam (which i’m very happy about even if i’d have been happy if it was bucky as well, i guess it would have been too much for someone with his past and who doesn’t really want to fight, while sam fits perfectly the not-a-perfect-soldier-but-a-good-man criteria)
i wonder how they’re gonna pull off wanda+vision tv show cause i really don’t see it
loki and his escape: brilliant, brilliant way to keep him in the game, i have to say. so loki’s adventures in his tv show will be with loki post 2012 new york, which is fine, even if i really liked his character development in the dark world + ragnarok so yeah, we’ll see
and now onto the movie
so when we see old!steve in 2019 has he come back or was he coming back just for the shield and he then returned to the other timeline? i didn’t get it
why the fuck bucky doesn’t get closer and acts like he knows whats happening ???? telling sam “yeah go ahead”, “yeah take the shield” mh??? why isnt he freaked like the rest of us + sam?? didnt get that either okay he knows, now i understand
i guess the big let down was the role thor and carol had. i expected SO MUCH MORE from both of them, i can’t believe thor was in that condition in his last battle with tony and steve, it seemed a bit out of place and im sad about it. i get that they didnt want to lose what ragnarok!thor had achieved but infinity war!thor was also a thing and endgame!thor was not at his level at all. and carol, well after all that hype i hoped to see much more team work with the old and/or new avengers.
VERY NICE that scene that parallel steve’s when she pushes the gauntlet and doesn’t move. MY CAPTAINS :’)
this post may be a work in progress the more i think about stuff. there’s so much to think about
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also i understand, i do, that there were too many characters, but if you give such an introspection for rocket in gotg volume 2 and in this movie you have him say he lost his family, well, maybe, one little scene of him reuniting with them i would have liked to see
same with steve and buck wtf, they only see each other at the end of the battle, maybe there are some cut scenes we’ll see in the extras or something
like, these are the scenes that i think mattered more than seeing thor having a panic attack, because, let’s face it, the purpose of all their actions was to bring people back and we don’t get a reunion for each of the people they’ve lost ?? ?? not even like a “hey you’re here, nice” like - we only have clint having an emotional moment w his wife and tony obviously - but the rest? nothing
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funny how they basically fuck up two other dimensions (can we call them that?) and they barely care: 2012 in which loki escapes (by the way, the tesseract in 2012 was not in a case) and 2014 in which thanos travels in time, nebula dies etc, oh and also 1970 in which steve goes back from the future
also let’s talk natasha’s death. i missed her big time in the final battle. i’m sad she died far from tony and steve and nick. i get her death but it stings that she didn’t have her last big moment with them, like they were all expecting her to come back
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also where do they want to go with thor going away with the guardians? i like their chemistry but i wonder how long it can go, they are so different. maybe it’ll be “just a lift” as thor put it, but when we will see him again then? before gotg vol 3? after? and doing what? with who? loki is dead in their timeline. maybe thor’ll come back on earth in someone else’s movie to help them and he’ll die then? could be okay or a waste, honestly.
(anyway im not avoiding talking about tony, it’s just that there’s not really much to say: he got the saddest ending and there’s that. thinking about him makes me really go “was it worth it?” and i honestly don’t know. i also would have liked to see him stay a live just a minute more than he had after he snapped. just a little bit more. if totally felt like it wasn’t enough)
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elizabethrobertajones · 7 years ago
I'm not saying you agree with that TLJ article since you tagged it 'mh', but I'm very worried but this latest trend 'Your opinion is wrong because of internalized ___'. Some movies just suck? Like, I hated Ghostbusters 2 because it was bad. I was perfectly okay with having four women as main characters, but that can't be your whole idea for a movie.
I do think that article is interesting, and trying to describe what is basically a wider cultural phenomenon. I’m sure on case by case basis you could rarely boil it down to just a few specific factors and “diagnose” someone except for really obvious lifelong character types who would be in the most obvious demographic. 
Star Wars *already* got a bunch of sexist and racist backlash before TFA, so it’s already in the bracket of movies which got thrown together as the collection of SJWs are ruining our childhood movies like Mad Max, Ghostbusters, etc, so it’s also definitely not like this is a wild stab in the dark that it has pre-existing tension, although in this case the reaction is still really split. But I can see why it’s easy to examine it this way and analyse where it might make people uncomfortable, and wonder to what degree people are prepared to let go of Leading White Man formula for mega blockbusters. 
Something like Wonder Woman, people know what they’re getting into when they see it in the sense that the franchise is completely built around there being a female character in the lead role. So that stands quite alone. And it’s not like there haven’t been action movies with female leads in the past either, but the re-casting in the case of Ghostbusters, or just development of interesting female characters who aren’t beholden to a cookie cutter template/romance arc within a supposedly male-dominated franchise (Furiosa, especially) and changing up old franchises to have more diverse cast (Star Wars) or just completely flip the “male is the default” idea like Ghostbusters and Oceans 8, are deliberately challenging and in some cases - the last 2 especially - are pretty much thumbing the nose to the idea of all-male casts being unremarkable and default. Whether the movies are *good* or not (I thought Ghostbusters was about on the level of, say, a Ghostbusters movie for quality and humour, so okay basically :P) they’re culturally significant at a time when it seems both bizarre and horrifically slow and backwards that we *still* don’t have *even just getting male and female representation right, never mind race and sexuality and disability representation* (I mean for that last point - in some ways these films are already going to be regressive by the time other progressive steps are made, for example Charlize Theron wearing a green screen glove to delete her arm, instead of just hiring an actress with half an arm which is the immediately less-expensive and fiddly route to get the aesthetic…)
But idk, it’s not even like Star Wars was either perfect or extremely progressive, it just managed *not* to have 2-3 white male leads + some other people in the background, and to allow the non white male people to have such a stake in the story they could mess up and make decisions that affected the fate of the galaxy - often negatively, as this is the ESB slot of the trilogy aka where everything is supposed to go in the toilet. There was a lot they could have done better and I’m still annoyed that Maz and Phasma both got pitifully tiny roles but were basically included despite the set up of the movie being extremely restrictive to much exploration and with probably the longest time limit they thought they could allow themselves and still sound like there were any tension in the chase… 
I think it’s definitely always worth exploring whether social issues are having an impact on the reception of a film, though, because it’s a way of addressing the issues in our society, which we *know* exist, and when a film is openly critical of our society, and then people are critical back at it, guessing there may be a nervous backlash from people it made uncomfortable for too-close-to-home reasons makes sense. The critique offered by Kylo Ren to edgy white masculinity is really interesting, and I think it’s probably not hard to imagine SOME people especially who fit the profile are reacting against him, or glorifying him anyway unironically while disliking large amounts of the rest of the movie. 
One of the points that article made as well was that other generic or bad films do much better with audience reaction - in fact some truly terrible films do really well as they’re marketed to a niche audience, and that audience gobbles them up and we get the inverse, of critically panned but audience ratings pretty high.
I mean, I’m assuming if you follow me you’re a Supernatural fan and so we’re all here to gobble up the melodramatic pretty boys :P
So, idk, I think in some ways the picking apart of the film and emphasising its flaws is happening in a strange social climate, where in some ways the discomfort about the film not catering with the most “easy” empathy of a white male main character & with flawed but interesting characters in the other roles particularly prone to being criticised in society for existing anyway and that the SW revival has already had one film threatened boycott over because of Finn being a black stormtrooper on his reveal, and I doubt that feeling has just magically gone away… There comes a point where I wonder how much is basically film review concern trolling when it comes to criticising his and Rose’s arc, or the film in general. 
And how much of the film’s real flaws, plotholes etc if they existed in an easier version of the film with all 4 Chrises in the major roles would take months or years to get properly dissected by the internet while it’s basically as soon as you go back online after the movie someone’s complaining about why Canto Bight even existed.
I mean my “Hm” was “this is interesting and I think it definitely could apply to the wider cultural reaction to the movies” while obviously on a personal level if people have certain standards for films (my dad hates basically *everything* so I don’t think his reaction to TFA was categorically racist or sexist, just that he would be inclined to think pretty much anything JJ Abrams makes is garbage and whoops I never should have naively made him watch the first episode of Fringe with me :P) then if any of these movies are things you can tell would have rubbed you up the wrong way anyway, e.g. you didn’t like the original Ghostbusters that much/have found it far cringey-er on adult rewatches etc then you are absolutely allowed to have a reaction to it on a personal level which is not a sign of the sickness of our society :P 
But I think even if you don’t like the new SW film, it’s worth putting aside your critiques of it for a moment to think about this article and the wider reaction - not to make you guilted into enjoying the film, but because it’s worth at least pondering the wider social issues the film’s already definitely caught up in since like, before TFA came out, so we can’t deny that there’s at least some portion of the audience, whether the loud but small group of assholes who utterly invisibly boycotted TFA, or the wider percentage of the population who’ll be consciously or unconsciously turned off by the cast and the power given to their characters in the story, and the possibly even wider percentage who may still struggle to empathise with female characters because Hollywood has so systematically underrepresented like, what can alternately be the literal largest demographic on the planet, and presented just plain old cis women as characters whose inner lives are valuable and decisions should be respected. 
I mean since I came out the movie I’ve been swinging back and forth on “should Holdo have just told Poe her plan or was the point that this man of a much lower station is getting all up in her business demanding to know and questioning her, and I assume that was intentional so I should agree with Holdo but would this have looked just as bad if a male admiral showed up doing the same thing and they accidentally undermine her by it being a bad decision in general, or is the point that if it had been a male admiral Poe would have shut up and not let an insurrection, but I mean it’s *Poe* and I love him and I totally understand and he was made out to be more sympathetic until *after* the twist so did they WANT us to be critical of Holdo or am I just falling into a trap of not giving female characters the same room to fuck up as male characters -” and that’s BEFORE I get onto the internet and read this debate for weeks, just my confusion about this arc and what it was saying and if it was meant to say one thing or the other or if it’s a bit of bad writing (but not something so bad it would ruin the film to the point of only 50% enthusiasm like Rotten Tomatoes is giving it - like, 93% or something :P) or if it’s doing exactly what it’s supposed to by making my brain cogs go and making me feel I need to write like, a dozen female admiralty into things to allow Holdo a cultural sisterhood of good bad and ugly admirals to be her own person in instead of the only female admiral to ever stick in my head like this :P So idk. 
Hm. Basically. 
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