#I wonder if she looks a bit too pampered when smol?
pourablecat · 3 months
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May I tempt you with: more spinny Tiffanys
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pokemon-au · 7 years
[Meds, Lin, Kin and Lorn belong to @filthy-alien-meat]
Aoi introducing Kin to Cery: "Kin, meet my girlfriend/big sis Cery. You may address her as Ceryneian. 'Cery' is mine. So you cannot use it."
“....ceryninium..cermunin..” CANT SAY IT....it’s difficult..
"Hmm... Then you can call her Lady Bisharp. Isn't that right, Cery?"
“Eat your ice cream” *gives him a smol head pat.*
“>:o your girlfriend is a warrior...I’ve seen her ribbons of valor..” 
Lorn is a very impressive "little weed" from Sprout Tower. He hopped ship and done a bit of traveling. He likes to fight and he's adamant. Lin, his mentor tugs him back from ridiculous opponents he thinks he can handle like "no no little weed..."
"You wanna go!! YOU WANNA GO!!" And starts pinwheeling his little leaves. LET HIM FIGHT
Meds cannot understand why she is BOTHERING...since clearly he's going to evolve into something with even less limbs. If he grows up he can just swallow Meds whole and whip like his sensei. I imagine he becomes heavy like a roly-poly toy that can't be knocked down.
Lin calls him "little weed". Unlike Kin and Aoi who like to poke fun about their mentors he would not stand for it.... That's when the Riolu tie this nerd to a tree.
Lorn can best Kin in most situations just cause he's a freaking noodle and uses others weight and moves against them so idk what he'd do against someone like Naga. Lmao Naga not sure how to feel about beating a piece of grass in battle....
Aoi thinks Lorn is cheating cuz he can't land a hit. In the end he'll dig and pull Lorn's root feet down and trap him in the dirt so he can kick him with fire. Aoi please. (!!!!!! CLEVER kin would be most impressed)
Lorn's sneaky too, has the powder moves. He's stubborn about using them though; he wants to hit stuff, not throw fairy dust at things in order to win.
He knows Leech Seed (gets Aoi all tangled up and gives a tiny evil cackle)
Lorn is probably a smart little bugger but a major snipe, he will rat you out, brag and cause unnecessary discourse but in Lin's eyes he's a perfect little weed.  If he saw that fence art, he would be all ">:O Ohhhh....i'm tellin'"
If they drew one of Lorn, he would cry. AND KIN WOULD HAVE A PANIC LIKE..."ahhh that was a bad idea, why did we do that, it was MEAN....no no no...." FRANTIC WIPING OF CHALK. Aoi's like "Aw it's just a joke, Lorn. Don't be a baby." This is when Don would usually smack him with his leaf hand if he was around.
If Don and Kirby ever cross paths and have to battle, I think Don is infinitely more experienced but Kirby could put up a tough fight. He's outmatched though, since Don has not missed a single day of training in his life (well, except for the rare occasions when he's sick)
Zion and Don are the kind who will insist to work even tho they are sick. Aoi will fake illness to sleep in. Naga will help him sometimes with enough pleading.
Meds: "Or you could just...NEVER GET SICK????" (Has never experienced a virus ever) Kin probably gets the sniffles but nothing more than that, not with that brutal diet he's on.
If Kin does get to the point of immobility due to training and his limbs are all bruised and torn up, Meds does take care of him and shows an uncharacteristic tender side, so if Kin became very ill he would handle that as well, if it got serious he'd address his trainer. You can only do so much on the mountain and while it is possible to make cures from whats there he just isn't that inclined...
There's a time Zion was ill and Aoi was looking after him. As Zion is laying in his futon, he beckons to Aoi and gives him a pat on the head, telling him that he's a good boy; and I imagine Aoi looks very touched at first, looking tearful and all...but then he grabs Zion's hand and goes "Are you going to die?! QAQ" and he recieves a withering glare.
He IS A GOOD BOY. If Cery catches wind of Aoi being sick at some point, she just kicks in doors...WHERE IS HE?! She can't be stopped, it is futile. Her precious darling baby is SICK. The evil would just be radiating off her for the entire household, how could you let this happen. She likes pampering him, they aren't together all the time so it's A-OK.
Aoi likes to hold Cery's hand. He loves her!! So much!
Aoi quite enjoys the treatment and attention when he's sick so you can be sure he plays it out more dramatically and longer than nessecary even after he's recovered. But Don always figures it out and puts him back to work. He has a lot of training to catch up.
Meds lets Kin make a full recovery, probably has to make him STAY PUT until he's healed although he can appreciate the determination.
If Don met Kin he's gonna shake his head and wonder why Aoi isn’t more like Kin. Now that's a pupil!
To be fair, Aoi does try to take as many shortcuts and slack off as much as he can. He does his best if you tell him there's a prize in it for him. MOTIVATION!
I don't think Meds would ever ...get sick but if Kin ever saw him lose and get hurt, his whole world would be ruined. He holds him in such high regard anything that tainted that might break his spirit. It's a very fragile dependency I guess, it's terrible.
Meds is legendary as far as Kin is concerned. I bet the boys like to compare and boast that each of their mentors can defeat the other no problem.
Kin would brag that his master has attacked humans :I SEEN HIM DO IT....THEY WON'T BE COMING BACK EITHER!
Aoi's kind of uncomfortable about that bit of information. He thinks Kin is playing it up to sound dangerous and cool.
Kin would have that very unsettling truth to his words, he's too genuine to lie or even try to make something up. "He attacked them,wouldn't tell me why.....I don't think I was supposed to see."
"I think thats why the humans put up signs on the trees....i can't read them all that well but I think it's a warning" He'd trail off, not thinking much of it, he sees them every day...sometimes a new one would be posted.
Aoi is uncomff but doesn't want to be one upped so he's like "Yeah...well...Don can beat up bad guys too...! Burglars are too scared to come by." (changes the subject)
"Don is cool :3..."
"We have signs back home too...!" (thinks about the signs he drew and put up in the garden in hopes to keep pokemon out) "It says KEEP OUT. PRIVATE PROPERTY" ("get your own goddamned veggies")
!!!!! Kin would be impressed that Aoi can read.
Aoi is suddenly very smug. (proudly) "Heh, I can also write" "I wrote the signs actually" (does not mention that his were rejected and replaced)
He makes a grandiose show of "COME! LET ME SHOW YOU HOW TO WRITE YOUR NAME (in kanji or something)" and waxes poetic on education that he's heard a thousand times but never cared for until this very moment.
All of Aoi's haikus would go right over his head, WHAT DOES THIS MEAN??? ...who is this Cery that you love so much...? He is not very artsy or creative to say the least if he can't say it with his fist then .....well.
Lin can probably read and write, she will insist that Lorn know how to as well.
Kin has no experience with people, the ones that have seen him give him weird looks because he's BRIGHT ASS YELLOW but it's never anything he would call positive.
Aoi believes if you hurt a trainer that looks after you, you're a bad Pokemon.
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powerpuffs · 7 years
(╯✧∇✧)╯ slIDES in and leaves : the shooketh babies and awkward babies for the ship meme
Send me a ship and I’ll tell you…
status: accepting // @zenosyvn
` sungjin & jinsu
Who asks the other on dates: Jinsu! She’d want to go with him to a lot of different places. She’ll drag him to art museums and aquariums and parks. She’s always never running out of date ideas. Who is the bigger cuddler: SUNGJIN DEADASS. But we both know Jinsu loves it and doesn’t ever let him go when they start cuddling :’’) babies. Who initiates holding hands more often: Sungjin because whenever they’re out Jinsu would always just be running ahead of him like an excited little kid and he has to keep her close lol.  Who remembers anniversaries: I think they’d both remember their anniversary, Jinsu would be so upset if he ever forgot lol. Plus she definitely makes a big deal out of it so they celebrate it every year without fail.Who is more possessive: I don’t see them as too possessive of each other since they both trust each other. But Jinsu is a tiny little bit possessive because she believes he’s really handsome and nice and wonderful and anyone could fall for him so easily ;;Who gets more jealous: Again, Jinsu. Who is more protective: Sungjin definitely ;; Jinsu has the tendency to let people push her around and Sungjin just always looks out for her no matter what. Who is more likely to cheat: No one pls they are too precious fkdjskdjflaWho initiates sexy times the most: After getting over her initial shyness… Jinsu would. But also?? Since Sungjin literally cannot take his eyes off of her aka checks her out all the damn time I think he would initiate it too lol. Who dislikes PDA the most: They’re both okay with PDA. Sungjin kisses the top of her head and Jinsu always has her arms around him in a hug. But they know their boundaries!! Respectful kids. Who kills the spider: Whether he likes it or not, Sungjin has to kill the spider because she would start crying if she gets too near to it LOL but also would definitely suggest just taking out the spider without harming it. Who asks the the other to marry them: Sungjin :’) but Jinsu would definitely tell him about her wedding plans even before they thought about marriage lol. That or she had already told him about her dream wedding while they were still friends. Who buys the other flowers or gifts: Sungjin!!! He’d buy her flowers and Jinsu would paint them so she could get to keep them even after they wilted ;;; Who would bring up possibly having kids: They’d be married for years without kids to be honest LOL until their moms start asking The Question, “when are you guys having children? we’re not getting any younger!” BUT I think eventually Jinsu would suggest it first, like can you imagine them in the department store and they pass by the baby section and Jinsu’s just ;~; i want a baby ;~; Who is more nervous to meet the parents: No one lmao. They’ve known each other’s parents since childhood and being nervous to meet them just doesn’t make any sense. If anything, Jinsu always likes meeting Sungjin’s mom bc she gets pampered by her a lot hahahaWho sleeps on the couch when the other is angry: Sungjin would sleep on the couch because Jinsu literally kicked him out of the bed. But as he’s just about to fall asleep, Jinsu walks into the living room and asks him to sleep on the bed with her ;~;Who tries to make up first after arguments: Jinsu. That girl never holds grudges and would literally only stay mad at him for five minutes max before wrapping her arms around him and apologizing.  Who tells the other they love them more often: Jinsu!!!! She takes every opportunity she has to tell him ‘i love you’ and sometimes it’s so random like they could be reading books together or studying in the library and she’s looking at him with heart eyes and she just goes “you know i love you, right?” 
` shizuru & minhyuk
Who asks the other on dates: Minhyuk omgmgmgg he’ll also even probably be nervous about it bc he wants to make sure everything is perfectWho is the bigger cuddler: I think it would be Shizuru since Minhyuk feels too warm when they do cuddle, he loves having her in his arms. Who initiates holding hands more often: Minhyuk!! Although he wouldn’t even deliberately offer his hand, he’ll just bump hands with her, pinkies interlacing before he holds her hand entirely ahhhh Who remembers anniversaries: Minhyuk definitely remembers anniversaries and always does something special for her ♥ doesn’t matter if she remembers or not as long as he made her feel special.Who is more possessive: I don’t see any of them as too possessive?? Especially Minhyuk, he’ll never make her feel like he was being possessive and would support her in any way. Who is more protective: I see Shizuru being more protective lol she’s SMOL but would fight for Minhyuk definitely Who is more likely to cheat: Neither of them!!!! His loyalty lies with her and vice versaWho initiates sexy times the most: I WONDER WHO HFKSDJFKSJ minhyuk would be too shy but doesnt mind it when shizuru initiates stuff :~)Who dislikes PDA the most: It’s not that Minhyuk dislikes it, it’s because he gets so flustered whenever they show too much affection in public but he definitely likes holding her hand wherever they are. Who kills the spider: Minhyuk would try to kill the spider but would end up letting it escape to haunt them later on :’‘((Who asks the the other to marry them: OH MAN MINHYUK WOULD. His proposal would be grand af bc he believes Shizuru deserves the best. Imagine him??? proposing to her during one of their concerts i’m deAD Who buys the other flowers or gifts: Minhyuk definitely!!! Buys her flowers all the time because he thinks they’re pretty like her ♥♥♥Who would bring up possibly having kids: Shizuru would bring up having kids and Minhyuk is just ‘okay let’s make a baby right now’ LMAO WILDT??????Who is more nervous to meet the parents: MINHYUK!!!!! he wants her parents to like him because he likes her so much :–((( he’d probably knock some few plates and utensils off the table bc he’s too nervous :–((Who sleeps on the couch when the other is angry: Minhyuk wouldn’t leave her alone when she’s angry hahaha insists on hanging around her. He’d probably sleep on their bedroom floor with some blankets waiting for her anger to subside. Who tries to make up first after arguments: Also Minhyuk because he doesn’t like seeing her upset and wants everything to be peaceful between them. Who tells the other they love them more often: Shizuru because Minhyuk has never been good with words so he says it with his actions ( although clumsy ) instead!! 
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