#I wonder if eating a diet that's excessive in fruit contributes
chiropterx · 1 year
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Kirk doesn't always smell the freshest. His habit of getting caught up in his research (and resulting depression after getting divorced with Francine) absolutely took a toll on his mental health and the formula only makes things worse, making him sweat profusely due to raising his body temperature. Kirk can shower but he'll soon start developing a certain 'musky', even animalistic aroma that is only more prominent as Man-Bat.
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loveameow · 16 days
Natural Cat Food - The Ultimate Guide to Boost Your Cat's Health Instantly
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Are you tired of second-guessing what’s actually in your cat's food? Wondering if those labels that claim to be "healthy" or "organic" are really what they seem? It’s time to cut through the noise and discover the truth about natural cat food. As a cat parent, your furry friend deserves nothing but the best. But with so many options on the market. Finding the perfect diet can feel overwhelming. Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered! In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the world of natural cat food. Answer all your burning questions, and help you make an informed choice. That can instantly boost your cat's health and happiness!
What is Natural Cat Food?
Natural cat food refers to pet food made from ingredients. They are minimally processed and free from artificial additives, preservatives, colors, and flavors. Unlike commercial cat food that often contains fillers, by-products, and questionable ingredients. Natural cat food focuses on high-quality proteins, wholesome grains, and nutrient-rich vegetables. That caters to your cat’s carnivorous nature. Essentially, it’s about providing your cat with the nutrients. They need sources closest to what they would eat in the wild.
Why Choose Natural Cat Food?
The main reason to opt for natural cat food is simple: a healthier, happier cat. Here are some compelling benefits:
1. Fewer Allergies and Sensitivities
Many cats suffer from allergies and sensitivities triggered by artificial ingredients found in regular cat food. Switching to quality cat food reduces the risk of these reactions. Leading to fewer vet visits and a healthier pet.
2. Enhanced Digestion
Natural ingredients are easier for cats to digest. Foods with high-quality proteins and fiber from wholesome ingredients help promote better gut health. Reducing issues like diarrhea and constipation.
3. Shinier Coat and Healthier Skin
Your cat’s skin and coat can reveal a lot about their overall health. Natural cat food rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids promotes a shiny coat and reduces skin irritations.
4. Better Weight Management
Natural options are often free from excess sugars and fillers that can contribute to obesity. A diet based on natural cat food helps maintain a healthy weight, improving your cat's quality of life.
5. Increased Energy and Vitality
By providing balanced nutrition from real ingredients, cat food can lead to improved energy levels. Helping your feline stay active and playful.
Frequently Asked Questions About Natural Cat Food
What Ingredients Should I Look for in Natural Cat Food?
When choosing natural cat food, prioritize these ingredients:
High-quality proteins like chicken, turkey, fish, or beef. Cats are obligate carnivores. So a protein-rich diet is crucial.
Whole grains like brown rice and oats (if your cat isn’t grain-intolerant) for fiber and essential nutrients.
Fruits and vegetables like sweet potatoes, carrots, and spinach that provide antioxidants and vitamins.
Natural preservatives such as Vitamin E (mixed tocopherols) instead of artificial ones.
Is Grain-Free Cat Food Better?
Not necessarily. While some cats are grain intolerant, most cats can digest grains. Like brown rice or barley without any issues. The key is to choose grains that are minimally processed and provide nutritional benefits. Grain-free cat food can be beneficial if your cat has specific grain allergies. But it’s essential to consult your vet first.
How Do I Transition My Cat to Natural Cat Food?
Transitioning to a new diet should be done gradually over 7-10 days to avoid upsetting your cat's stomach. Start by mixing a small amount of natural cat food with their current food and gradually increase the proportion. Observe your cat for any signs of discomfort or allergies and adjust as needed.
Is Wet or Dry Natural Cat Food Better?
Both have their advantages. Wet cat food provides more hydration, which is great for cats who don’t drink enough water. Dry food, on the other hand, helps maintain dental health. The best choice depends on your cat’s individual needs and preferences. But a combination of both can offer balanced benefits.
How Can I Tell if a Natural Cat Food is High-Quality?
Look for these signs:
The first ingredient should be a named protein source (like chicken or salmon).
No artificial additives or preservatives.
Clear labeling with a list of all ingredients.
Certifications like "AAFCO approved" that ensure nutritional adequacy.
Are There Any Risks Associated with Natural Cat Food?
Like any food, natural options aren’t without risks. Raw or homemade diets can sometimes be imbalanced or contaminated if not prepared correctly. It's crucial to choose natural cat food brands that adhere to high safety standards. Consult with your vet if you're considering a raw diet.
Statistics Highlighting the Benefits of Natural Cat Food
90% of pet owners report improved digestion in their pets after switching to a natural diet.
Cats on a natural diet are 60% less likely to experience food-related allergies.
Over 75% of cats show an improvement in coat quality within just two months of eating quality cat food.
85% of cat owners notice increased energy levels and overall vitality in their cats after transitioning to a natural diet.
Choosing natural cat food is one of the best decisions you can make. For your feline friend’s health and happiness. From reducing allergies and improving digestion to boosting energy levels. Promoting a shiny coat, the benefits are undeniable. Remember, every cat is unique, and it’s essential to consider their specific needs when making any dietary changes. Start by choosing high-quality cat food that meets all nutritional standards. Consult your vet to ensure you’re on the right track. Your furry companion deserves the best, so why not make the switch today? A healthier, happier cat is just a bowl away!
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techtired · 18 days
Multivitamins - What to Do When Diet Isn’t Enough?
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In today’s fast-paced world, many factors make it increasingly challenging to maintain a balanced diet and provide the body with all the essential nutrients it needs. The rise of fast food culture, the prevalence of processed foods, and environmental factors such as soil depletion and deforestation have contributed to a decline in the quality and nutritional value of the food we consume. Coupled with busy lifestyles, it’s no wonder that more people are considering multivitamin supplementation to fill the gaps in their diets. But when exactly does diet fall short, and is it really worth adding multivitamins to your daily routine? Let’s explore. The Growing Problem of Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies Many ask: should I take multivitamins https://nutrigold.co.uk/products/vitamins ? A significant number of people today are struggling with vitamin and mineral deficiencies, often without realizing it. The quality of the food we consume is no longer what it used to be. For example, research by the USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory has shown that the nutrient content of fruits and vegetables has declined by approximately 50% over the past century. This alarming statistic can be attributed to modern agricultural practices such as monocropping and the excessive use of chemical fertilizers, which have significantly reduced the richness of the soil. Moreover, as we become more reliant on processed and convenience foods, our intake of essential nutrients naturally decreases. These deficiencies can manifest in various ways, including chronic fatigue, poor skin health, weakened immunity, and decreased mental clarity. Over time, persistent nutrient deficiencies can lead to more severe health problems such as osteoporosis, anaemia, and even cardiovascular diseases. Common Signs of Nutrient Deficiencies: - Fatigue and Weakness: A lack of essential vitamins like B12, iron, or vitamin D can lead to ongoing tiredness and a general lack of energy. - Skin Issues: Poor skin health, including dryness, irritation, or slow healing of wounds, could be a sign of deficiencies in vitamins A, C, or zinc. - Weakened Immune System: Frequent infections or colds can signal a need for more vitamin C, zinc, or vitamin D. - Mental Fog: Trouble focusing or memory problems may indicate a lack of omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, or magnesium. In light of these challenges, many people wonder whether they should take multivitamins. While multivitamins cannot replace a healthy diet, they can help fill gaps where dietary intake is lacking. But how do you know if you’re getting enough vitamins and minerals from your food, and when should you consider supplementation? Why Diet Alone May Not Be Enough While it’s true that a balanced and varied diet is the best way to obtain the nutrients your body needs, several modern-day factors can make it difficult to achieve this consistently. Here are some reasons why diet alone may fall short: - Decline in Soil Health: As mentioned earlier, the quality of agricultural soil has deteriorated due to industrial farming practices. This has led to a reduction in the mineral content of the fruits and vegetables grown in such soil. Even if you're eating a plant-rich diet, you may not be getting the same nutrient density that previous generations enjoyed. - Busy Lifestyles: The demands of work, family, and social commitments often mean that convenience foods and quick meals become the norm. Unfortunately, these processed foods are usually high in calories and low in nutrients, making it difficult to meet your daily requirements for essential vitamins and minerals. - Dietary Restrictions: Many people follow specific diets for ethical, religious, or health reasons, such as vegetarian, vegan, or gluten-free diets. While these diets can be healthy, they can also lead to gaps in nutrient intake, such as deficiencies in vitamin B12, iron, or calcium. - Ageing: As we age, our bodies become less efficient at absorbing certain nutrients, especially vitamin B12 and vitamin D. Additionally, older adults often experience reduced appetites, further complicating their ability to meet nutrient needs through diet alone. The Benefits of Multivitamin Supplementation Proper multivitamin supplementation can help improve overall health and well-being, especially in cases where diet alone is insufficient. Some of the potential benefits of multivitamins include: - Strengthened Immune System: Vitamins like A, C, D, and E, along with minerals like zinc and selenium, play a critical role in maintaining a strong immune system. Regular supplementation can help fend off infections and support your body’s ability to heal. - Improved Energy Levels: B vitamins, particularly B12 and folic acid, are essential for energy production and metabolism. Taking a multivitamin rich in these nutrients can help reduce fatigue and increase your overall energy levels. - Enhanced Skin Health: Vitamins like A, C, and E are known for their antioxidant properties, which help protect the skin from oxidative stress and support collagen production. These vitamins, along with minerals like zinc, can improve skin tone, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and promote faster healing. - Better Bone Health: Calcium and vitamin D are essential for maintaining healthy bones, particularly as we age. A multivitamin containing these nutrients can help prevent osteoporosis and promote bone density. - Improved Mental Clarity: Certain vitamins and minerals, like magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, and B vitamins, have been shown to improve brain function, enhance focus, and even reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. Choosing the Right Multivitamin for Your Needs Not all multivitamins are created equal. It’s essential to choose a product that meets your specific needs based on factors such as age, gender, and lifestyle. Here's what to look for when choosing a multivitamin: - Age-Specific Formulas: Children, adults, and seniors all have different nutritional needs. For example, children need vitamins A, C, and D for growth and development, while seniors may require more vitamin D, calcium, and B12 to support bone health and prevent cognitive decline. - Gender-Specific Formulas: Men and women also have different nutritional requirements. Men may need more zinc and magnesium to support testosterone levels and prostate health. In contrast, women may need more iron and folic acid to support reproductive health and compensate for menstrual blood loss. - High Bioavailability: Look for supplements that contain vitamins and minerals in highly bioavailable forms, meaning the body easily absorbs them. For example, choose B12 in its methylcobalamin form, folic acid in its methyl folate form, and minerals in its citrate or chelate forms. - Avoid Unnecessary Additives: Opt for supplements that are free from artificial colours, preservatives, and fillers. These unnecessary additives can sometimes cause adverse reactions and reduce the effectiveness of the supplement. Multivitamins for Men vs. Women: What’s the Difference? Men and women have different nutritional requirements based on their biological functions and life stages. Here's a quick breakdown of how multivitamins for men differ from those for women: - Men’s Multivitamins: Typically contain more B vitamins, magnesium, and zinc to support muscle health, testosterone production, and energy metabolism. These nutrients are particularly important for active men who engage in regular physical exercise. - Women’s Multivitamins: Focus more on nutrients that support reproductive health, bone density, and skin health. Key nutrients include folic acid, iron, calcium, and vitamin D, especially for women during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. For children, multivitamins should prioritize vitamins A, C, and D and essential minerals to support growth, bone development, and immune function. Seniors, on the other hand, require more calcium, vitamin D, B12, and antioxidants to support cognitive function, bone density, and overall health. A Closer Look at NutriGold’s Multi Plus X When it comes to finding high-quality multivitamin supplements, NutriGold’s Multi Plus X formula stands out as an excellent option. This comprehensive multivitamin blend is designed to provide a wide range of essential nutrients in highly bioavailable forms, ensuring maximum absorption and efficacy. Let's see this in the example of the Multi Plus x product by NutriGold.co.uk. Key features include: - Citrate Minerals: These minerals are easily absorbed by the body, ensuring that you get the most benefit from each dose. - Natural B12: The naturally occurring form of vitamin B12 in this supplement helps support energy production and cognitive health. - Clinically Proven Folic Acid: This form of folic acid is more effective than synthetic versions. It is a great choice for supporting reproductive health and preventing neural tube defects in pregnant women. Conclusion: While a balanced diet rich in whole foods is always the best way to meet your nutritional needs, the reality of modern life means that many people are falling short. Whether due to busy lifestyles, dietary restrictions, or the declining nutrient density of food, multivitamins can provide valuable support for your overall health and well-being. However, it’s important to remember that supplements should never be seen as a substitute for a healthy diet and lifestyle. Instead, they should be used as part of a broader, holistic approach to wellness that includes regular physical activity, adequate sleep, and a balanced diet. Before starting any supplement regimen, it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional to determine your specific nutritional needs and ensure that multivitamins are right for you. Read the full article
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catfoodblog · 1 year
Can Cats Eat Granola? Unveiling the Truth About Feline Diets and Breakfast Delights
 In this article, we'll look at the complexities of feline nutrition and answer the question, "Can cats eat granola?"
Granola, with its combination of grains, nuts, and sometimes dried fruits, has become a popular breakfast item for many people. Granola, which is rich in texture and flavor, is frequently praised for its health benefits in the human diet. As responsible pet owners, we naturally wonder if our feline friends can enjoy this crunchy treat.
Is Granola Harmful to Cats?
Can Cats Consume Granola? While cats may be intrigued by the scent and texture of granola, this is not an appropriate treat for them. Granola is designed for human consumption and contains ingredients that cats should avoid. Cats are obligate carnivores, which means that their bodies are built to digest animal protein rather than grains and plant-based ingredients.
Cats should not eat granola, despite their curiosity. Granola ingredients, such as dried fruits and sometimes chocolate, can be harmful to cats' health. Furthermore, the high sugar content of some granolas can contribute to feline obesity and other health problems.
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Is Granola Harmful to Cats?
Can Cats Consume Granola? Certain granola ingredients can be toxic to cats. Some granolas, for example, contain raisins or chocolate, both of which are toxic to cats. Chocolate contains theobromine, which is toxic to cats, and raisins can cause kidney failure. Due to their composition and lack of necessary nutrients, even granolas without these specific ingredients are not suitable for feline consumption.
Granola's Advantages for Cats
Can Cats Consume Granola? Granola has no inherent benefits for cats. Cats require a diet high in animal protein and specific nutrients to maintain their overall health and well-being. While humans enjoy the fiber and complex carbohydrates in granola, cats do not benefit from these components.
How Much Granola Can Cats Consume?
Cats should not consume any granola. Even in small amounts, harmful ingredients and excess sugar can enter a cat's diet. It is critical to provide a balanced diet that meets a cat's nutritional needs in order to ensure their well-being.
How Much Granola Can Cats Consume?
Cats should not consume any granola. Even in small amounts, harmful ingredients and excess sugar can enter a cat's diet. It is critical to provide a balanced diet that meets a cat's nutritional needs in order to ensure their well-being.
How Do I Feed Granola to My Cat?
Can Cats Consume Granola? Granola should not be fed to cats because it may be harmful to their health. Cats have distinct dietary needs that differ greatly from those of humans. Instead of introducing granola into their diet, concentrate on providing high-quality cat food that promotes overall health.
Supplements and Alternatives
Instead of giving your cat granola, consider these safe and nutritious alternatives:
Cooked Chicken: A protein-rich treat for cats is plain, cooked chicken without bones or seasoning.
Tuna in Water: In moderation, canned tuna packed in water can be fed to cats.
Cooked, boneless salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial to a cat's health.
Turkey: Unseasoned cooked turkey can be a lean protein source for cats.
Unseasoned, cooked lean beef provides a protein source for cats.
Can Cats Consume Granola? Choose reputable brands such as Royal Canin, Hill's Science Diet, and Purina Pro Plan when shopping for cat food. These brands provide a variety of formulations designed to meet the nutritional needs of cats.
Can Cats Consume Granola? To summarize, granola is not a safe or appropriate treat for cats. Cats have specific nutritional requirements that are best met by specially formulated cat food. Granola contains ingredients that are incompatible with feline nutritional needs and can be harmful to their health. You can ensure a cat's happiness and health by prioritizing their well-being and providing them with a balanced, species-appropriate diet.
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goldenmaati · 1 year
The Ideal Daily Walnut Intake: Finding the Right Balance
Walnuts are not only a delicious snack but also a nutrient-dense food packed with numerous health benefits. Rich in healthy fats, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, walnuts have gained recognition for their potential to support heart health, brain function, and overall well-being.
If you are considering incorporating walnuts into your daily routine, you might be wondering, "How many walnuts should I eat a day?"
In this article, we will explore the ideal daily walnut intake and provide guidance on how to enjoy the nutritional benefits of walnuts. So, whether you plan to buy walnuts online in India or already have them in your pantry, read on to discover the perfect balance.
Assessing the Serving Size
Understanding Portion Sizes
When it comes to determining the ideal daily walnut intake, it is important to consider the appropriate serving size. A standard serving of walnuts is typically measured in ounces.
However, the specific number of walnuts in an ounce can vary depending on their size and shape. On average, an ounce of walnuts is equivalent to about 14 walnut halves or 28 grams. This can serve as a useful reference when determining your daily walnut consumption.
Health Considerations
Nutrient Composition
Walnuts are packed with essential nutrients, including healthy fats (such as omega-3 fatty acids), fiber, protein, vitamin E, magnesium, and antioxidants. Consuming walnuts in moderation can contribute to heart health, brain function, weight management, and improved overall nutrition.
Caloric Content
It's important to note that walnuts are energy-dense, meaning they contain a relatively high number of calories compared to their weight. While walnuts offer numerous health benefits, excessive consumption can lead to an increased calorie intake. Therefore, it's crucial to be mindful of your overall calorie needs and consider walnuts as part of a well-balanced diet.
Finding the Right Balance
Consider Your Goals and Lifestyle
When determining how many walnuts to eat per day, it's essential to consider your individual goals and lifestyle factors. Are you aiming to maintain a healthy weight, support heart health, or enhance brain function?
Additionally, consider your overall calorie needs, dietary preferences, and any specific health conditions. Consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian can provide personalized guidance based on your unique circumstances.
General Recommendations
As a general guideline, including a small handful of walnuts in your daily diet can be a beneficial practice. This equates to approximately 1-2 ounces or 28-56 grams of walnuts. Remember that moderation is key, and balancing your walnut intake with other nutritious foods is important for a well-rounded diet.
Enjoying Walnuts in Your Daily Routine
Snack on Walnuts
Walnuts make for a convenient and satisfying snack on their own. Keep a small portion of walnuts in a resealable bag or container to enjoy throughout the day. They can be enjoyed as a quick on-the-go snack or paired with fruits, yogurt, or cheese for added flavor and nutrition.
Incorporate Walnuts into Meals
Walnuts can add a delightful crunch and nutty flavor to a variety of dishes. Sprinkle chopped walnuts on salads, oatmeal, or yogurt for added texture and nutritional value. They can also be used as a topping for roasted vegetables or incorporated into baked goods like bread, cookies, or muffins.
Incorporating walnuts into your daily routine can offer a host of health benefits, thanks to their nutrient-rich composition. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how many walnuts to eat per day, it's generally recommended to consume a small handful, roughly 1-2 ounces or 28-56 grams.
It's important to consider your specific health goals, lifestyle, and overall calorie needs when determining your walnut intake. When looking to buy walnuts online in India, consider trusted sources like Golden Maati to ensure you receive premium-quality walnuts for your consumption.
Enjoy the nutritional power of walnuts as part of a balanced diet and savor the multitude of health benefits they offer.
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anythingeveru · 1 year
The Secret Habits of Successful Male Fitness Models You Need to Adopt
Why male fitness models are the gold standard
When it comes to physical fitness, male fitness models are often regarded as the epitome of health and athleticism. These individuals possess impressive physiques that have been honed through rigorous training and strict dietary habits. As a result, they have become the gold standard for what many men aspire to achieve in terms of their own physical appearance.
One reason why male fitness models have gained such widespread admiration is their dedication to cultivating a well-rounded physique. They do not simply focus on building muscle mass or achieving a specific body type, but rather strive for overall strength, flexibility, and endurance. This approach allows them to perform at high levels in various athletic pursuits while also looking great doing it.
Consistency is Key:
Consistency is key when it comes to achieving the perfect male fitness model physique. This means following a strict workout routine and maintaining a healthy diet plan all year round. The male fitness industry has seen an increase in popularity over the past few years, with many aspiring models looking to make their mark in this competitive field.
To become a successful male fitness model, one must put in the hard work and dedication required to maintain their physique. A consistent workout routine that focuses on strength training and cardio exercises is essential for building muscle mass and burning excess fat. It's also important to monitor your diet closely, ensuring that you're consuming enough protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats to fuel your body properly.
While genetics may play a role in some aspects of your physique, consistency is what truly sets successful male fitness models apart from others in the industry.
How to stay committed to your fitness routine
Committing to a fitness routine can be challenging, especially when life gets busy or unexpected events arise. However, it's important to stay committed in order to achieve your fitness goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle. One way to stay motivated is by looking up to male fitness models who have achieved their own fitness goals through hard work and dedication.
Male fitness models serve as excellent role models for those seeking inspiration for their own workout routines. These individuals have worked hard to develop chiseled physiques that inspire and motivate others. By following the journeys of these role models, you can gain insights into how they overcame obstacles and developed their own successful fitness routines.
One way to stay committed is by setting achievable goals for yourself. Start small with something like "I will go for a 20-minute jog every day this week" and build on that as you become more comfortable with your routine.
Nutrition Matters: The role of diet in achieving a fit physique
The secret to achieving a fit, healthy body is not just about exercise; it’s also about nutrition. What you put into your body has a significant impact on how you look and feel. In fact, studies have shown that diet is responsible for 80% of weight loss success. So if you want to get the most out of your workouts and achieve your fitness goals, paying attention to what you eat is essential.
A balanced diet that includes whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates can provide the nutrients needed for optimal health and performance. On the other hand, consuming processed foods high in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats can trigger inflammation and contribute to chronic diseases like obesity and diabetes. That’s why it’s important to make wise food choices that support your goals rather than hinder them.
Lift Heavy or Go Home: The Importance of Progressive Overload in Weight Training
Are you tired of going to the gym and not seeing any significant progress in your strength training? Do you often find yourself wondering if you’re missing something crucial in your workouts? If so, it’s time to focus on progressive overload.
Progressive overload is the process of gradually increasing weight, reps, or sets over time to continuously challenge your muscles and promote growth. Without this essential element, you’ll likely hit a plateau in your training and struggle to make any further improvements. To avoid this stagnation, it’s crucial to increase intensity progressively by lifting heavier weights as time goes on.
Incorporating progressive overload into your weight training routine can be achieved through various techniques such as pyramiding, drop sets, supersets, or even simply adding more weight each week.
Cardio isn't Just for Women:
Cardio isn't just for women! Many people believe that cardio is only needed to stay in shape and maintain a slim figure. However, fitness models are proving that cardio can help you build muscle and increase strength as well. Cardiovascular training has several benefits, including an increased metabolism, improved endurance, and reduced risk of heart disease.
Fitness models know how important it is to incorporate cardio into their workout routines. They understand the importance of keeping their bodies healthy and strong inside and out. Cardio may not be the most exciting part of working out, but it is essential for achieving overall health and fitness goals. Fitness models also know that they need to vary their workouts regularly to prevent plateauing or getting bored with the same routine.
Mind Over Matter:
When it comes to fitness modeling, one thing is often overlooked – the power of the mind. Fitness models are known for their toned bodies and impressive physiques but what sets them apart from the average gym-goer is their mindset. A strong mental attitude can be the difference between giving up halfway through a workout and pushing through the pain to achieve your goals.
Fitness models understand that success in the gym requires more than just physical strength – it requires mental fortitude as well. They know that pushing their limits and stepping out of their comfort zones is necessary for growth, both physically and mentally. This mindset allows them to push past obstacles and reach levels of fitness that others may see as unattainable.
While diet and exercise are crucial components of any fitness journey, mindset is equally important.
Conclusion: Adopting these habits will help you succeed
In conclusion, adopting certain habits can help you succeed in your fitness journey and become the best version of yourself. As a fitness model, it is crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle and constantly work on improving both physically and mentally. By following these simple yet effective habits, you can reach new heights and achieve your goals.
Firstly, make sure to set realistic goals for yourself. This will help you stay motivated and focused on what you want to achieve. Secondly, prioritize consistency in your workouts and nutrition plan. Consistency is key when it comes to making progress towards your fitness goals. Additionally, make sure to incorporate strength training into your routine as this will not only improve physical appearance but also increase overall health.
Lastly, surround yourself with positivity by seeking out supportive friends or joining a community of like-minded individuals who share similar goals.
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numberonelab · 2 years
How to Nourish Your Body After Getting Your COVID-19 Vaccine
Taking the time to nourish your body after you get your COVID-19 vaccine is an important step in protecting and restoring your health. Eating a balanced, nutrient-rich diet packed full of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats can help to reduce inflammation, boost immunity, and promote healing. Hydrating regularly with plenty of water and other fluids such as herbal tea are also key components of nutrition after vaccination as they provide essential vitamins and minerals while keeping your body functioning optimally. Taking a multivitamin every day can help to ensure that any gaps in nutrition are met – but it’s always best to get most of our nutrition from the food we eat! Nourishing your body properly should be an integral part of any post-vaccination plan for taking care of yourself - after all, nutrition is one of the keys to good health.
1. Drink plenty of water
It is vitally important to drink plenty of water when preparing for your COVID-19 vaccine. Not only should you hydrate thoroughly before and after the vaccine, drinking enough water should also be part of your regular routine. Water helps keep your body functioning properly by aiding with digestion, circulation, and carrying nutrients throughout the body. Additionally, staying hydrated can help reduce hunger pangs, which can be especially helpful if you are wondering should I eat before the vaccine? The answer is that it's best to avoid eating right before or right after being vaccinated so that you get the most out of the vaccine. Make sure to drink plenty of water both before and after your vaccine appointment, in order to stay healthy and get the most out of the experience.
2. Fill up on anti-inflammatory foods
Eating anti-inflammatory foods, like salmon or tuna, may help support your body’s immune system before, during, and after getting the Covid vaccine. Incorporating more nutrient-rich fruits, vegetables and healthy fats into your diet provides essential antioxidants that can reduce inflammation and can help the body fight infections. It is important to make sure you have what your body needs in order to be able to stay healthy now and in the future. Eating a variety of anti-inflammatory foods helps keep your blood sugar levels stable and eating fiber rich whole grains can increase energy level throughout the day. So if you're looking for what to eat before covid vaccine, aim for a well balanced plate with an array of vitamins and minerals found in fish, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables - all components that contribute to a strong healing response from within.
3. Moderate alcohol intake
Moderate alcohol intake is defined as up to two drinks per day for adult men and one drink per day for adult women. Drinking too much alcohol can increase your risk of serious health problems, including high blood pressure, heart disease, and liver damage. Curbing your alcohol consumption is especially important within 48 hours of receiving a vaccination in order to get the most out of it. That means no drinking for two days following what to eat after vaccination or later if symptoms persist. Since prolonged or excessive drinking could interfere with the vaccine's effectiveness, it's important to keep drinking habits in check when trying to protect your health.
4. Avoid getting the shot on an empty stomach
It's important to avoid getting a Covid shot on an empty stomach. The body needs the necessary energy and nutrients to handle a possible allergic reaction or side effects from the vaccine. The best way to prepare for a vaccine is to eat some food about 30 minutes before the shot. Eating something that contains healthy carbs like oatmeal, whole-grain breads, crackers or low-fat protein such as eggs or yogurt can provide energy while helping to combat nausea after getting the shot. Drinking plenty of fluids prior to and especially after getting vaccinated can also help prevent dizziness and other side effects. It's important to stay hydrated just like with any other medicine, so make sure you're drinking plenty of water when what should I eat after covid vaccine.
5. Consider eating foods that fight nausea
When it comes to can I eat before Covid vaccine, the answer is a resounding yes! Eating can actually help reduce nausea symptoms that can come with taking vaccines. Furthermore, certain foods can even help fight nausea and support your immune system. For example, ginger has been shown to be a natural remedy to help combat nausea from taking vaccines. Other excellent choices include bananas due to their potassium content and vital vitamins, as well as whole grain breads or crackers that can provide an energy boost. As always though, make sure to stay hydrated while you're eating these power foods so you can maximize their benefits.
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drdln3-blog · 3 years
Is there a long-term solution to America’s weight problem?
More than half of all American adults are overweight and it's hard to turn on the TV without encountering a commercial for another weight loss remedy. This growing epidemic of obesity has not spared even the young school children who are showing high blood pressure, and other psychological and social problems related to overweight.
 Overweight is not only a personal problem but has become a national crisis that drains our financial resources. Over 30 billion dollars are spent annually on weight reduction efforts in the United States, and the 30 billion dollar figure does not include the medical costs resulting from obesity-related diseases. For example, approximately 100,000 coronary by-passes are performed yearly at an average cost of over $70,000 each (i.e. $7 billion per year), and about 1,000 people in the U.S. alone die every day of cancer.
 Weight control can help with many of the health-related problems which can reduce insurance and medical bills; and help solve the national health care crises.
 Many of us know that to maintain a desirable weight is good, not only in terms of good looks, but more importantly, in terms of good health. However, the relationship between proper weight and health is more complicated than you think. The scales and scientific methods for calculating overweight and over all fat amounts are important, but more important in terms of health is where you carry the fat more than how much extra fat you carry. One of our aims is to tackle this problem, and to provide an effective technique to lose weight. Overweight or obesity is probably one of the most important dietary problems talked about and written about today.
 Weight problems are rare in populations where a lot of natural fruits, vegetables and whole grains are consumed. But excess weight is a common problem in developed countries like the United States, where the progress of scientific and technical development has led to the common use of processed and refined foods, as well as use of growth hormones for profitable animal farming. One of the obvious effects of this move is the high caloric intake resulting from the decreased volume of processed foods. In other words, over-consumption of calories to fill the stomach that leads to an overweight. Traces of growth hormones from farm animals are also a contributing factor for the overweight problem.
 Not only the diet but life style, whether sitting on a computer or watching TV or using a car or phone, is equally responsible for overweight crises. The problem is a new one; never before has man had so wide a choice-or so regular a supply-of good food; or such easy access to vehicles or phones that even natural exercise such as walking requires a special effort.
 All kind of diets, exercise programs and other solutions have not worked even though it has become a billion dollar industry. If it did, we will not have all these grim statistics and over-weight people walking around.
 I have known whatever is to know about weight, health, yoga, meditation from East as well as scientific approach from West. I have studied at Yale University, USA in the West, and Punjab University, India in the East. I have written 12 guides combining Eastern and Western approach to health from happiness to longevity.
 However, I could not reduce even 5 pounds with typical diet and exercise. Look below my daily eating habits and other life style that many of us including medical and scientific experts can call ideal. Here it is my typical day:
After getting up in the morning:
1 cup of tea with no sugar but little skim milk
Breakfast: ¼ cup Oatmeal cereal
Snack: Apple, Banana or other fruit
Lunch: About one cup Frozen Vegetables microwaved, plus egg-white from boiled egg.
Evening Snack: Mostly Tea only (rarely a bran muffin).
Super: Two whole wheat (or millet) chapattis equivalent to about 2 slices of bread. Vegetable cooked Indian style with spices and little olive oil.
Drink plenty of water, 2 cups skim milk, no soda, no alcoholic drink (except in a company or at a party).
Exercise: About 5-10 minutes of yoga stretches in the morning. 3-4 miles walk in the evening.
 This schedule is quite healthy and has kept me disease free, pain free and youthful in all aspects so far in my 70s now.
 You will wonder what is left to tell that can reduce weight and stomach after following the above schedule. I was thinking the same till I tried something very simple and very effective. It can be done anywhere, anytime and requires no special equipment. And this is not even any diet or vigorous exercise or some nutrient, vitamin, hormone, and drug that I am promoting. I am talking about time to kapalbhatise; What's so different about this Kapalbhati Technique that Works!; How does It Work for Weight Loss!; Supplemental Exercises to Boost Energy; Science behind Success of this program.
 “Reduce stomach naturally without surgery; you will lose weight and look great. It's that simple.”
 References: “A Simple Solution To Americas Weight Problem” “The Power of Breathing”
 About the Author: Dr. Sukhraj S. Dhillon is an eminent Scientist with numerous research publications in life sciences who studied at Yale University and served as a Professor at University in North Carolina. He has written more than a dozen books on topics of Health, Aging, Vegetarianism, Weight control, Stress-free living, Meditation, Yoga, Power of Now, Spirituality, Soul, God, Science, and Religion. His articles and books are a pointer to his line of thinking including current publication. He has been the President, Chairman of the board, and life-trustee of a non-profit religious organization and has expressed his views in the congregation and at international seminars.  http://www.dpcpress.com/pa.html
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healthmedia · 4 years
The truth is that yes, you can change your body in 9  Weeks
Naturally, you are unlikely to wake up on day 31 with the bulging biceps of a body builder, nor morph from couch surfer to swimsuit model either.
But after decades working with bodies of all shapes and sizes, what we definitely can advise is that with 30 days of rigorous, dedicated exercise, you will see and feel huge change – physically and mentally – that is highly likely to create a new, lifetime habit.
And if you want to live better for longer, then this is vital. Plus, we’ve seen it time and time again – once you start the challenge, you’ll wonder what you were worried about in the first place.
Here, two of our most experienced trainers, Xtend Barre® and Pilates instructor, Anna Serafinas Luk and yoga supremo, Victor Chau, explain how to stick with a 30-day exercise plan, so you can feel the change once and for all:
Every time you put a morsel of food into your mouth, you're making a decision - about your mind and your body. They are affected by everything you eat, in a way that modern science is making clearer through new research.
What you eat is responsible for making you tired and exhausted, or keeping you energetic, vibrant and ready for action. It's the choice of food you eat that helps keep you calm and clear, and makes you glow with good health, or relish a healthy weight, or stay fit and trim.
How can I transform my body with professional tip's
Increase your protein intake. Many fitness experts tend always to have a protein shake after their workout.
Buy The Fundamentals
Let's face it: The world isn't a fit place. If you're relying on circumstance, gyms, and restaurants to keep you on-track, you're going to face an uphill battle. So before you begin, fortify your home base with the essential food and workout arsenal.
Having good choices always at-hand in your refrigerator and cupboards will make your life much easier. The specifics will definitely vary depending on the diet play you follow, but these are all solid options to have in your pantry in a pinch.
Pantry Items
Brown Rice
Nutritionally, brown rice is recommended for a healthy diet because it contains extra nutrients. Brown rice tends to be a bit more caloric, but it also contains extra protein and fiber that offer these health benefits: Lowers cholesterol. Controls blood sugar levels.06
Rich in fiber, minerals, antioxidants and all nine essential amino acids, quinoa is one of the healthiest and most nutritious foods on the planet. It may improve your blood sugar and cholesterol levels and even aid weight loss
The oat, sometimes called the common oat, is a species of cereal grain grown for its seed, which is known by the same name. While oats are suitable for human consumption as oatmeal and oat milk, one of the most common uses is as livestock feed. Oats are associated with lower blood cholesterol when consumed regularly.
But that doesn't mean oatmeal cannot do any harm to you. If you do not take a few things into consideration, even oatmeal can lead to weight gain. It can instantly turn from a slimming breakfast to a blood sugar-spiking food that can be harmful to your waistline.
Sweet Potatoes
Vitamin A. A single sweet potato can contain 769 percent of the amount of Vitamin A you need to consume daily. Vitamin A is great for your vision, bones and skin, and helps strengthen your immune system.
Highly Nutritious. Sweet potatoes are a great source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. ...
Promote Gut Health. The fiber and antioxidants in sweet potatoes are advantageous to gut health. ...
May Have Cancer-Fighting Properties. ...
Support Healthy Vision. ...
May Enhance Brain Function. ...
May Support Your Immune System.
Whole Grain Cereals
What are wholegrain cereals? Wholegrain cereals include wheat, rice, corn, oats, rye, barley and millet. Wholegrain cereals contain the three layers of the grain. Wholemeal foods are made from wholegrains which have been crushed to a finer texture.
You could possibly gain weight.
Eat more than the recommended handful, and you might actually start to gain weight. That's because nuts are calorie-dense, Jones says, meaning they contain more energy per ounce than many other foods (you can thank all the healthy fats for that!
Which nuts are real nuts?
Hazelnuts, acorns and chestnuts are true nuts
Natural Nut Butter
The largest study of its kind, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, finds that people who eat a handful of nuts every day live longer than those who do not eat them at all
Ounce for ounce, macadamia nuts (10 to 12 nuts; 2 grams protein, 21 grams fat) and pecans (18 to 20 halves; 3 grams protein, 20 grams fat) have the most calories - 200 each - along with the lowest amounts of protein and the highest amounts of fats
Sesame Seed
Sprinkle seeds over your favorite veggie and bean side dishes. Sesame seeds add a subtle, satisfying, and healthy crunch to steamed broccoli, sauteed green beans, and a range of other side dishes. Simply sprinkle on raw or toasted sesame seeds right before serving—that way, the seeds will retain their crunch.
Here are health benefits of sesame seeds.
Good Source of Fiber. ...
May Lower Cholesterol and Triglycerides. ...
Nutritious Source of Plant Protein. ...
May Help Lower Blood Pressure. ...
May Support Healthy Bones. ...
May Reduce Inflammation. ...
Good Source of B Vitamins. ...
May Aid Blood Cell Formation.
Olive oil
Olive oil protects against inflammation, a key driver of heart disease (17, 18). Reduces oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol. The oil protects LDL particles from oxidative damage, a key factor in the development of heart disease ( 19 ). Improves blood vessel health
Olive Oil Is Not Associated With Weight Gain and Obesity
Eating excessive amounts of fat causes weight gain. However, numerous studies have linked the Mediterranean diet, rich in olive oil, with favorable effects on body weight ( 29 , 30 , 31 ).
Olive oil is a healthy fat that contains anti-inflammatory compounds. Drinking it regularly may benefit your heart, bone, and digestive health and help stabilize your blood sugar levels
Canned tuna
The bottom line. Canned tuna is a nutritious and inexpensive source of protein. Because cans of tuna last for several years, they are excellent for stocking your pantry with easy lunches and snacks. Opt for varieties that are sustainable and low in mercury.
You should never boil or sear canned tuna as this could easily overdo your meat. The most important thing to remember is that canned fish is almost always cooked already, so you're only reheating it. ... So, keep an eye on your canned tuna while it's being heated.
Why is salmon so healthy?
The vitamin B12 in salmon keeps blood and nerve cells humming and helps you make DNA. But for your health, the true beauty of salmon is its wealth of omega-3 fatty acids. Most omega-3s are "essential" fatty acids. Your body can't make them, but they play critical roles in your body.
The American Heart Association maintains that eating two servings a week of oily fish (like salmon) can help healthy adults ward off sudden cardiac death, thanks to the protective effects of omega-3 fatty acids.
India contributes 75% of spice production throughout the world, and world spice market is continuously growing. Food ingredients such as salt, mustard, or pickle that is used to add only taste to the food.
Fridge Items
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
Most fresh fruits and vegetables are picked before they are ripe. ... However, the USDA states that some produce, such as apples and pears, can be stored for up to 12 months under controlled conditions before being sold.
Fresh Fruits
Greek Yogurt
Egg whites
Low-Fat Milk
Low-Sodium Soy Sauce
Chicken or beef broth
Bottled Water
Freezer Items
Frozen Chicken Breasts
Chicken breasts, larger pieces of frozen chicken and whole frozen birds can be cooked in the oven, although it will take around 50% longer than the normal cooking time for thawed chicken. ... Let the chicken stand at room temperature for 20-30 minutes. Set the oven to 150°C as this will gently thaw and cook the chicken.Frozen chicken is a healthy source of protein. If you're looking for a substitute for red meat, consider healthy frozen chicken. ... Frozen chicken vs. fresh chicken is often cheaper and has the added benefit of having longer storage times than fresh chicken does.
Frozen Lean Beef
Frozen Turkey
Frozen Fish
Frozen Vegetables
Frozen Berries
The truth is that yes, you can change your body in 9  Weeks
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pronoova · 4 years
15 Healthy Habits to Get Skinny Fast
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Ever wondered what the nutrition secrets of athletes or celebrities are? Well now you don’t need to because below are 15 healthy habits to include into your get-in-shape regimen which will not only assist you to get skinny fast, but within the most healthiest way possible. For starters, change your attitude about food. Lastly, your goal to urge skinny should come second because it’s more important to enhance and maintain your overall health.  confine  mind  the subsequent  habits that have helped me  stay  track of  my very own  weight loss goals.
When most of the people start a diet, they typically eliminate foods or place certain foods as off-limits. you would like not to start a rigid diet for the purpose of depriving yourself of foods you're keen on. specialize in what you'll eat. I always say the key to the way to get skinny fast is accepting diets don’t work. you'll want to consult a nutrition expert and update your knowledge on foods laden with essential nutrients to assist correct years of poor diet.
If you retain labeling certain foods as off-limits, you finish up looking for them even more. ‘Not eliminating certain foods’ doesn't mean continuing to gorge on bad stuff, though. Regular consumption of meat-containing nutriment, as an example, can cause accumulation of LDL or bad cholesterol within the body. If you’re a coffee drinker or have an appetite, you would like not abruptly stop the caffeine or sugar intake. you'll make sugar an occasional treat, but not a diet staple. Eat (or drink) carefully, and confine mind other health tips, so read on.
Healthy food substitutes are often easily obtained. All-natural food stores in your neighborhood may offer a good assortment of healthy options which will replace old favorites and inflammation-causing and cholesterol-laden ingredients in your meals.
If you can't resist eating a slice of cake every day, choose a light-weight, flavorful, or maybe a sugar-free option. Just a couple of cautions, though. you'll be ditching high-fat foods and choosing low-fat products, but some food manufacturers have added sugar to form their offerings more palatable, causing some effects when consumed an excessive amount of, like making the body go haywire.
Avoid the pesky insulin spike which will be triggered by the consumption of straightforward carbohydrates. rather than eating polished rice every day, choose rice, a posh carbohydrate that has more nutrients, and can keep you fuller longer. Healthy fats also are important. rather than regular mayonnaise, choose a healthier condiment like mustard. to assist control blood glucose and support your weight loss plan, switch to safflower oil or other healthy cooking oils.
Instead of regular hamburger, you'll choose extra lean. Choose natural spread over reduced-fat spread which will contain more sugar and additives. If you always buy milk, switch to part-skim milk. rather than buying instant oatmeal, get the steel-cut type. rather than flavored yogurt, choose plain yogurt and add fresh fruit or two with a touch honey. Your body will enjoy the friendly bacteria.
The list goes on, when considering food substitutions. address authoritative health sites for a comprehensive guide to healthy substitution. albeit you’re eating out, you'll find healthier versions of your favorite foods.
 3. DEVELOP A ROUTINE AND persist with IT
It is easy for many people to start a healthy eating plan, but follow-through is vital. you would like to convince yourself that you simply can lead an authentically healthy life, and it starts with a firm resolve to urge healthy & stay healthy. If you only tell yourself that you simply actually need to reduce and start eating carrots, greens, tofu, and rice, you would like to stay thereto a healthy eating plan. Online articles and videos may offer motivation and inspiration, but taking note of your body signals, realizing the advantages of healthy eating and feeling an entire lot better, depend upon you.
You can start developing an influence eating plan by knowing which foods offer you antioxidant protection, which of them can give brainpower boost, and which of them can energize. A high-performance nutrition plan may incorporate your old favorites, like mixing ice-cream as an example with a top-quality protein shake. the quantity of not-so-healthy stuff can gradually be reduced. Once your body gets familiar with healthier foods, you develop a taste for them and the likelihood is that, you'll not yearn for the unhealthy stuff.
Another routine you'll want to start out, after consulting together with your doctor, maybe a weight loss management program that’ll assist you attain a trimmer, healthier physique.
Keeping stress at a minimum can benefit your body in some ways. Stress, doctors say, inhibits the system. By beating stress, you retain illnesses corner. There are countless ways to scale back stress, like taking note of soothing music, yoga/meditation, getting a massage, or getting to the beach or another tranquil place. most of the people melt away stress by sleeping or hanging out with friends. Avoiding people that tend to empty your energy with their complaints and problems can also be an efficient thanks to reduce stress.
There are other natural ways to market relaxation, like twiddling with your pet, doing simple stretches, taking a stroll, and taking an opportunity from email, TV, cellphones, and other things that cause information overload.
When overwhelmed by numerous things to try to, hit the pause button. you'll break down an enormous task into small, manageable chunks, Being more conscious of stress triggers — be it money, co-workers or bosses, health issues, `toxic’ friends, and other factors — will assist you to manage them and reduce stress.
You may project a robust persona, but there could also be times once you don’t feel fine, otherwise you cannot seem to purge it all at once. you'll head home with feelings of inadequacy, loneliness, resentment, anger, or with feedback loops. rather than expending time on illusion or other non-productive stuff, you'll check out your own emotions and find how to repair what’s bothering you.
Problems linked to your interpersonal relationships that contribute to worry may prompt you to succeed in for comfort foods or overeat. this will cause weight gain. By learning the way to manage your emotional problems, you're in effect taking food issues and unhealthy weight gain out of the equation.
Clean eating has far-reaching benefits. If you’ve long been eating convenience foods or foodstuff like burgers, all that food can end up to be your enemy. you'll begin to feel sick. Power eating is all about putting good food into our bodies. Think organic produce. Think pork from real pastured pigs with more omega-3s, and beef from grass-fed cows.
You can celebrate albeit you decide for all-natural or organic eats. Just mix them up a touch. rather than regular eggs, try free-range eggs with more micronutrients, cooked & serve with other healthy eats. Purchasing clean/wholesome foods could also be costly, but they really offer more bang for the buck.
When you’ve begun a weight loss regimen, remember that you simply are in charge of your own actions. A fitness trainer, a nutritionist, or a naturopathic doctor may assist you. you'll prefer to be a fit & trim product of your healthy decisions, instead of thinking that you simply are destined to be fat.
Once you determine an orderly and healthy eating plan, you'll devise other ways to achieve it. you'll use a pairing when understanding, to assist you not only to lose the surplus pounds but keep them off.
Once during a while, you'll get lax and desire to indulge a touch. A weight-loss partner may remind you of your goals, but the choice to succeed in a healthy weight ultimately depends on you.
For most people, portion control could seem easier said than done. Veer faraway from super-sized meals and upsize offers. At buffets, it is often pretty challenging to resist filling your plate with different sorts of food, but believe how sick you’ll feel if you gorge. Let several minutes pass after eating, before going back (if ever). When buying food at the grocery, read labels.
Remember that portion control is one effective thanks to blast fat, so try to not ignore this tactic which will cause a trimmer figure.
You can track your nutritional intake, which isn't just a matter of counting calories, using several ways. you'll jot what you often ingest during a food diary. you'll also use online tools to log and track your food consumption. By tracking what you eat, you'll more easily get the proper balance of nutrients
Much has been said about the myriad health benefits of exercising. Yet many of us, including those that want to urge skinny fast, need constant reminders about how incorporating regular exercise in their schedules won't only raise their metabolism and burn calories fast, but also improve their overall wellness. once you attain a particular level of fitness thanks to regular, vigorous activity, your mind also improves, and you are feeling more responsive & hooked into life. My favorite gadget to possess available is that the Fit bit (great gift idea!) because it can tell me how active I’ve been throughout the day. It tracks your steps, distance, and calories burned.
Eating small meals frequently, which can be around five to 6 meals every day, can assist you control food cravings. It’s a time-tested technique employed by individuals concerned about their expanding waistlines. you'll make sure that each small meal you're taking has quality protein sort of a boiled egg. Complex carbohydrates like rice, a bit of fresh fruit or vegetable, also as nuts, are nutritious and filling options. eating small meals several times each day will help keep your blood glucose in check.
Your body can better absorb the nutrients it needs if you’ve lightened up the toxic load. Expelling toxins from the body is often done by drinking many purified water and loading abreast of superfoods. Veggies like artichoke, cabbage, kale, carrots, and garlic help purge the liver of poisons.
Blueberries, beets, avocados, beans, seeds (like chia seeds), and nuts that contain important nutrients also help eliminate toxins from the body here also are detoxifying beverages, like tea, that aid in weight loss. crop on refined sugars, saturated fats, alcohol, and caffeine.
Staying hydrated keeps the body in good working condition. Drinking enough fluids, including purified water, protein shakes, tea, and freshly squeezed juices also help cleanse the body of poisons. Drinking many water also can suppress appetite and aid in weight management.
14. COOK reception 
If you cook reception, you've got the whip hand in ensuring that you simply and your relations will get sufficient nutrients. Cooking reception also removes the worry about hidden ingredients like gluten, which can trigger an immune reaction.
If you’ve tried everything and zip seems to be working to blast fat, seek professional help. albeit you’ve ruled out health issues, don’t stop trying to succeed in a healthy weight.
There are products, foods, techniques, and experts who can guide you towards getting a trimmer, healthier body. Seek help or devise an all-natural plan tailor-fitted for you, but don’t throw discipline & determination out the door
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lowcarbnutrients · 5 years
Feeding Your Body Before and After Lipo
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Whether you are managing weight problems, excess fat, or an uncertainty in your physical appearance, you might be believing regarding lipo as a sensible service. Given, there are great deals of reasons individuals rely on liposuction, as it is a risk-free, trustworthy, and progressively friendly ways of dealing with "issue areas."
It's Not a Diet plan, It's a Lifestyle
Be sure to remember that picking a trend diet plan or a restrictive dish strategy is neither sensible nor safe. A much better concept is to see your consuming selections as a lifestyle choice instead of a diet regimen. Picking a way of life that you can stick to in the future is what is mosting likely to maintain your liposuction results in addition to your overall high quality of life. You should establish a pattern of consuming that works for you as well as with you. Remaining well hydrated, supplying yourself with electrolytes, and consuming the correct amount of vitamins and minerals is going to not just make you look excellent, however really feel wonderful as well.
The Building Blocks of Success
To prepare your body for the liposuction surgery treatment, you will desire to feed your body the foods it requires to handle the adjustments to your body. In order to reduce the quantity of fatigue as well as discomfort you really feel, it is best to eat foods that are high in Vitamin C, Iron, Zinc, and also B Vitamins. These nutrients will certainly enhance your recovery time, decrease tension on your body, and contribute to a long-lasting method of eating that you can preserve for years to come. Just keep in mind that when you prep on your own for success, you have already done half the job. A pair of weeks right into this new consuming strategy, as well as you'll discover the effects.
Eat This, Not That
Seafood and also beans are terrific sources of healthy protein as well as Iron. Dark, leafy greens are scrumptious in salads and also stir-fries while additionally offering the Iron you need. The foods stated above are additionally good resources of Zinc, which will certainly assist your muscle mass as well as tissues recoup and recover themselves. You can also sprinkle some seeds onto your meals for included Zinc. For Vitamin C, obtain lots of fruits and veggies. Not just are they low-calorie, but they will certainly make you really feel as well as look revitalized. Lastly, for those important B vitamins, consume yogurt, potatoes, and eggs.
There is no demand to fret about keeping up with every one of this info or staying with your plan.
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avocadomonthly · 3 years
Benefits Of Avocado For Health
Avocados are a great source of vitamins A, E, K, B-6, riboflavine, niacin, folic acid, pantothenic acid, magnesium and potassium. They are also a good source of fibre and the consumption of high-fibre foods can reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes. Avocados can be a good source of pantothenic acid and B vitamins, which help the body convert food into energy.
Avocados are full of healthy and beneficial fats that help you stay full and satiated. They are an excellent source of monounsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E and a good source of folic acid. Avocados also provide more soluble fibre than other fruits and contain a range of beneficial minerals such as iron, copper and potassium. So, buy Organic Avocados now!
Hand Picked Avocados are also an excellent source of potassium, folic acid and fibre, all of which can benefit the cardiovascular system. Avocados are high in fat (60 per cent of which is monounsaturated fat), which research suggests could help prevent heart disease and lower blood pressure. They are also rich in monounsaturated fat and fibre, and 9 grams of a medium avocado contains potassium, which has been linked to cardiovascular health.
A group that included an avocado in one of their three daily meals experienced an increased abundance and variety of intestinal microbes, a decrease in bile acids and increase in short-chain fatty acids. This is thought to contribute to reducing the development of cardiovascular disease. A 2013 study published in Nutrition Journal found that avocado users tended to have higher nutrient intake and lower metabolic syndrome rates. They also had lower weight, lower BMI, abdominal fat and higher HDL cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein or good).
A 2013 study found that consuming avocado was associated with a reduced risk of metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome includes conditions such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar, abnormal cholesterol levels and excess body fat, which work together to increase the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. The fiber and fat content of avocados is said to lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.
There are many other health benefits that prove that avocado is the perfect food for weight loss. Enjoying avocados at meal helps your body absorb more antioxidants than other healthy foods. However, saturated and trans fats can increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems. The truth is that eating the right kind of fat can be a smart weight loss strategy. So, buy variety of avocado for losing weight.
In a study conducted in Ohio State, men and women who ate salads with salsa and 2.5 tablespoons of avocado consumed eight times more beta-carotene and 13 times more beta-carotene, a phytonutrient known to fight cancer and heart disease. A recent study found that combining avocado with tomato sauce and carrots increases the absorption of vegetable vitamin A, an important nutrient needed for healthy skin, vision and immunity.
I love guacamole as one of my favourite things to do with avocados, but there are plenty of other ways to enjoy it, even in sweet dishes. Guacamoles are made with fresh ingredients, are a delicious and healthy snack and avocado is nutritious.  
Avocados are so nutrient dense that they cover a significant proportion of the daily intake for vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients associated with less calories than many other foods. It is estimated that an avocado with 240 calories provides about 20 nutrients from the main food groups protein, carbohydrates and fat. Avocados can be a great source of vitamins C, E, K, B-6, potassium, pantothenic acid, magnesium, folic acid, riboflavin and niacin2. Many of the calories in avocados come from fat and fat is healthy and beneficial to your health because you will feel full and satisfied with your fat, which may not sound good to you, but for you fat is essential for every cell in your body.  
 It is well known that polyunsaturated fats, which replace saturated fats such as bovine tallow, lard and butter, can lower the total cholesterol level in the diet. Moderate intake of unsaturated fatty acids can also help with appetite control and weight loss.  
 One serving of avocado provides 10 percent of the recommended daily dose of folic acid. Potassium in avocados can lower blood pressure and maintain fluid and electrolyte levels.  
Besides the essential vitamins in avocados, there are also vitamins E, vitamin B6, Pyridoxine, vitamin C, ascorbic acid, thiamin and vitamin B1. Avocados are rich in glutathione, which plays an important role in many antioxidant and enzymatic systems. They also contain a lot of carotenoids compared to other fruits and vegetables.  
 There is no doubt that avocados have a higher calorie content than other fruits and vegetables. The consumption of avocados is on the rise, and with good reason, because the fruit has health benefits. Not only can a slice of avocado top your taco, it's also the perfect taco itself, but it can also be paired with eggs, pureed, roasted, blended into smoothies and prepared in a wonderful range of diet-friendly recipes.  
 A study presented to the American Chemical Society in 2000 found that avocados contain chemicals that protect the liver from toxins. A 2013 study, published in the journal Biome Research International, found that avocado's antibacterial activity helps defend against E. coli and other food-borne pathogens. Its potential health benefits include improved digestion, reduced risk of depression, and protection against cancer.  
 A 2015 study published in Cancer Research found that avocado's active ingredient helps kill leukemia cells. Avocados can also relieve liver damage caused by the hepatitis C virus. A 2015 research report published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that the phytochemicals and phytochemicals in avocados prevent cancer.  
 Also used as an alligator, pear, butterfruit and versatile avocado, it is the only fruit that provides a significant amount of healthy monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs). Avocados are nutrient-rich foods that contain over 20 vitamins and minerals.  
 Avocado is the fruit of the avocado tree, also known as Persea Americana [1]. This fruit is appreciated for its high nutritional value and added to various dishes due to its good taste and rich texture. For more details visit: https://avocadomonthly.com/shop/
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drdln3-blog · 3 years
Is there a Solution to Americas Weight Problem?
  More than half of all American adults are overweight and it's hard to turn on the TV without encountering a commercial for another weight loss remedy. This growing epidemic of obesity has not spared even the young school children who are showing high blood pressure, and other psychological and social problems related to overweight.
 Overweight is not only a personal problem but has become a national crises that drains our financial resources. Over 30 billion dollars are spent annually on weight reduction efforts in the United States, and the 30 billion dollar figure does not include the medical costs resulting from obesity-related diseases. For example, approximately 100,000 coronary by-passes are performed yearly at an average cost of over $70,000 each (i.e. $7 billion per year), and about 1,000 people in the U.S. alone die everyday of cancer.
 Weight control can help with many of the health-related problems which can reduce insurance and medical bills; and help solve the national health care crises.
 Many of us know that to maintain a desirable weight is good, not only in terms of good looks, but more importantly, in terms of good health. However, the relationship between proper weight and health is more complicated than you think. The scales and scientific methods for calculating overweight and over all fat amount are important, but more important in terms of health is where you carry the fat more than how much extra fat you carry. One of our aim is to tackle this problem, and to provide an effective technique to lose weight. Overweight or obesity is Probably one of the most important dietary problems talked about and written about today.
 Weight problems are rare in populations where a lot of natural fruits, vegetables and whole grains are consumed. But excess weight is a common problem in developed countries like the United States, where the progress of scientific and technical development has led to the common use of processed and refined foods, as well as use of growth hormones for profitable animal farming. One of the obvious effects of this move is the high caloric intake resulting from the decreased volume of processed foods. In other words, over-consumption of calories to fill the stomach, which leads to an overweight. Traces of growth hormones from farm animals is also a contributing factor for the overweight problem.
 Not only the diet but life style, whether sitting on a computer or watching TV or using a car, is equally responsible for overweight crises. The problem is a new one; never before has man had so wide a choice-or so regular a supply-of good food; or such easy access to vehicles that even natural exercise such as walking requires a special effort.
 All kind of diets, exercise programs and other solutions have not worked even though it has become a billion dollar industry. If it did, we will not have all these grim statistics and over-weight people walking around.
 I have known whatever is to know about weight, health, yoga, meditation from East as well as from West. Because I have an advanced degree in science in the west at Yale University in USA and had my earlier education in the East at Punjab University in India. I have written 12 guides combining Eastern and Western approach to health from happiness to longevity.
 However, I could not reduce even 5 pounds with typical diet and exercise. Look below my daily eating habits and other life style that many of us including medical and scientific experts can call ideal. Here it is my typical day:
After getting up in the morning:
1 cup of tea with no sugar but little skim milk
Breakfast: ¼ cup Oatmeal cereal
Snack: Apple, Banana or other fruit
Lunch: About one cup Frozen Vegetables microwaved, plus egg-white from boiled egg.
Evening Snack: Mostly Tea only [rarely a bran muffin].
Super: Two whole wheat (or millet) chapattis equivalent to about 2 slices of bread. Vegetable cooked Indian style with spices and little oil.
Drink plenty of water, 2 cups skim milk, no soda, no alcoholic drink (except in a company or at a party).
Exercise: About 5-10 minutes of yoga stretches in the morning. 3-4 miles walk in the evening.
 This schedule is quite healthy and have kept me disease free, pain free, and youthful in all aspects so far in my 70s now.
 You will wonder what is left to tell that can reduce weight and stomach after following the above schedule. I was thinking the same till I tried something very simple and very effective. It can be done anywhere, anytime and requires no special equipment. And this is not even any diet or vigorous exercise or some nutrient, vitamin, hormone, and drug that I am promoting.
 Finally remember "your body is a temple of the soul and the holy spirit, a gift from God." Consider every day what you can do to Care for the Temple. With child obesity rates at national health emergency levels, it is time to treat those fat, unhealthy, undisciplined, drug infested bodies like a temple.
 For More Free info about: Clean Colon; Time to kapalbhatise; What's so different about this Kapalbhati Technique that Works!; How does It Work for Weight Loss!; Supplemental Exercises to Boost Energy; Science behind Success of this program.
 Author Dr. Dhillon: PhD West (Yale), fascination with yoga-spirituality East (Punjab University -- combined in 12 books. Dr. Sukhraj S. Dhillon is an eminent Scientist with numerous research publications in life sciences who studied at Yale University and served as a Professor at University in North Carolina. He has written more than a dozen books on topics of Health, Aging, Vegetarianism, Weight control, Stress-free living, Meditation, Yoga, Power of Now, Spirituality, Soul, God, Science, and Religion. His articles and books are a pointer to his line of thinking including current publication. He has been the President, Chairman of the board, and life-trustee of a non-profit religious organization and has expressed his views in the congregation and at international seminars.  
 Reference: “A Simple Solution to Americas Weight Problem” available from popular booksellers throughout the world including Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble.
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olgagarmash · 4 years
5 signs that your fitness routine is working – TODAY – TODAY
As a weight-loss coach for over a decade, I’ve worked with many people who become discouraged because the scale isn’t moving or isn’t moving fast enough.
Weight loss doesn’t happen overnight, but you’ll gradually begin to notice more subtle signs that you’re making progress in the right direction.
If you’re wondering whether or not your fitness routine is actually working, here are some of the clues you can look out for that don’t have to do with the number on the scale.
You’re in a better mood
Physical health and mental health are closely linked, and improvements to your mood is often the first positive change you’ll see from exercising. Once you get into a consistent workout schedule, you may notice you feel happier and more satisfied. Studies show that exercise and life satisfaction are correlated, meaning that people who exercise tend to feel better about themselves and their lives.
Exercising increases dopamine and adrenaline, brain chemicals that are linked to feeling happy and confident. Physical activity also plays a role in reducing anxiety and stress. So acknowledge any shifts you feel in your mental health as a sign that your routine is working.
Many of my clients credit going on a daily walk with putting them in a better mood. So know that intense strength training or cardio is not required to reap the mental benefits of exercise. Simply moving your body for a dedicated amount of time each day can put you in a better mood. So if you’re new to fitness, committing to a daily walk can be a positive first step.
Household chores are easier
Walking up and down the stairs carrying the laundry used to be a pain. But now, you’re doing it with ease. This is just one example of a household chore that will begin to feel easier as your cardiovascular health and strength improves.
Vacuuming, putting away clothes, washing the dishes, doing yard work or even chasing your kids around may all feel much easier. Getting in shape means that your body has to do less work and exert less energy to complete everyday activities. The laundry basket may even feel lighter when in reality, you’re just gaining strength!
You’re not craving junk food as often
Do you feel like you’re eating healthier as a result of working out? When we start exercising and feeling better, it’s common to naturally begin weaning ourselves off of junk food and wanting to fuel our body with healthy foods instead. So, if you find yourself passing on the junk and reaching for more fruits and vegetables, it’s a good sign that your workout routine is helping shift you into a healthier mindset.
I encourage clients to tackle one area at a time — going all in on a new workout routine and overhauling your diet can be too much, too soon and hard to sustain. But once fitness has become a habit it takes less mental effort, freeing up room to focus on other healthy changes. When you start seeing positive change in other areas of your health routine, it’s a good sign your fitness routine is working for you.
You’re using a tighter hole on your belt or hook on your bra
The way your clothes fit is an easy way to tell whether or not your body is responding to your workout routine. Are your pants a little loose? Need to use the next notch down on your belt? Yes, these are signs of progress!
Although the number on the scale might not be drastically different just yet, being able to use a tighter clasp on your bra or belt is a sign that you’re toning your body and losing inches.
This may also show the impact of any change in your diet. If your fitness routine has inspired you to drink more water and eat less of the unhealthy foods that you used to (like soda, processed foods or excess sugar), this can reduce bloating, which also will have your clothing fitting better.
You’re sleeping better
Sleeping more soundly is another one of those signs that your fitness routine is having a positive effect on your health. Physical activity helps your body function better — including its ability to wind down, sleep more soundly and maintain a consistent sleep schedule. If you find yourself getting more restful, quality sleep and maybe even finally logging those precious seven hours, your fitness routine may be to thank.
Sleeping is also important for recovery. While you’re sleeping, your body releases hormones that help to repair and build muscle tissue. This is important for muscle growth and performance. So while a fitness routine may help you sleep better, that restful sleep will also help you recover from your workouts!
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Stephanie Mansour
Stephanie Mansour is contributing health and fitness writer for TODAY. She is a certified personal trainer, yoga and Pilates instructor and weight-loss coach for women. She hosts “Step It Up with Steph” on PBS. Join her complimentary health and weight-loss challenge, and follow her on Instagram for daily inspiration.
source https://wealthch.com/5-signs-that-your-fitness-routine-is-working-today-today/
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skimblogs · 4 years
10 Signs of an Unhealthy Gut
We always hear about the importance of a healthy mind or heart, but people rarely discuss how a healthy gut is central to your wellbeing. Unhealthy gut bacteria can cause a range of problems, but the good news is there are signs your gut needs TLC, and with the right knowledge, you can fix an unhealthy gut. Numerous studies show unhealthy gut bacteria can impact your overall health. Here are ten signs of an unhealthy gut. YOU’RE BLOATED There are good types of gut bacteria and bad ones. If you have an excess amount of harmful bacteria in your gut, then you’ll notice you suffer from frequent bloating. When gas is trapped, it makes your stomach protrude, and you’ll feel generally uncomfortable. CONSTIPATION Irritable Bowel Syndrome is directly linked to harmful gut bacteria, as studies have shown. If you suffer from constipation, then you probably have low amounts of good gut bacteria such as Bifidobacteria. DIARRHOEA Clostridioides Difficile is a bacteria that lives in your gut, and it’s harmless in small numbers. The issue is when it multiplies you’ll suffer from diarrhoea and infections. When you have an upset stomach, it’s common for your system to push out good bacteria. LACK OF CONCENTRATION Your gut can also impact your concentration and mental health. It creates neurotransmitters, which can affect your cognition and focus. If you’re struggling to concentrate, then it’s time to look at your diet. MOOD PROBLEMS The gut is also responsible for creating hormones called gut peptides. These hormones send messages between your gut and brain, which can affect your moods. The key to maintaining your mental health is creating a balance between the brain and gut, which is difficult to do if you have a lot of unhealthy bacteria. ACNE AND SKIN ISSUES We’ve all suffered from skin issues in the past, and our first port of call is usually to buy creams and ointments to treat the problem. However, many specialists recognise that an unhealthy gut causes bad skin. If you suffer from frequent acne, psoriasis and dermatitis outbreaks, then it’s time to evaluate if your gut is causing the problem. LACK OF ENERGY There is a distinct correlation between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and harmful gut bacteria. A study claims that 80% of people can receive a diagnosis by specialists looking at their unhealthy gut bacteria. If your sleep cycle is terrible, or you have no energy, then your gut is probably responsible. CRAVING SUGAR Did you know that consuming too much yeast can cause sugar cravings? Think of it like this; you eat a lot of white bread, your guts going to want a lot of sugar to go with it. Harmful bacterias thrive on yeast, sugar, and junk food, so don’t give in! AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES Excessive unhealthy gut bacteria can trigger conditions such as Type 1 diabetes, Arthritis and Multiple Sclerosis. A study on the bacteria Enterococcus gallinarum showed that when it multiples, it can cause autoimmune disorders. OBESITY Are you struggling to shift those extra pounds? It’s important to remember that gut bacteria breaks down the food you consume and influences how your body absorbs nutrients. If you have harmful bacteria, it won’t allow your body to take the nutrients it needs, which can lead to weight gain. WHY DO I HAVE GUT ISSUES? Many issues impact your gut, including: · Lack of sleep · Alcohol · Overuse of antibiotics · Travel · Stress · Food allergies The most common cause of gut issues is consuming a poor diet. If you eat a lot of yeast and sugar, then you’re going to contribute to harmful bacteria multiplying in your gut. Typical Western diets consist of a lot of processed food, and takeaways which aren’t right for your health in general. However, there is some good news. While junk food attracts harmful bacteria, a mainly plant-based diet attract good bacteria. The key to improving your gut health is by changing your diet and incorporating healthier whole foods. If you’re wondering how to change your diet to lose weight, it’s time to consider switching to organic food and search for a service that can offer organic premade meal delivery. THE ADVANTAGES OF ORGANIC FOOD There are many advantages of organic food, including the positive impact you make on the environment. But organic food can also benefit your gut and help you to achieve a healthier lifestyle. Organic food is grown in healthy soil, and there’s much less exposure to pesticides. If you consume food that contains pesticides regularly, it will impact your gut flora and contribute to health issues. Probiotics help maintain a healthy gut, but few people know that plant-based foods contain probiotics. Consuming healthy prepared meals UK that are high in organic fiber-rich vegetables, low glycemic fruits and fermented foods, you naturally create a healthy gut. When you choose an organic diet, you also consume more polyphenols, which feed your gut bacteria. Good bacterias use polyphenols to multiply, so it can reduce bloating, constipation and weight issues. Organic eating doesn’t have to be difficult, and there are plenty of convenient ways you can change your diet. If you’re short on time, then using an organic meal delivery company means you’llget all the benefits of a healthy diet, with none of the preparation time. Once you change your eating habits, you can bring your gut back to life and benefit from an improvement in your overall health. Original Reference: https://bit.ly/34TVufj
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