#I won't lie
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jakeit · 3 months ago
ɢᴜʏs,ɪᴛ's ᴛɪᴍᴇ ғᴏʀ ʀᴏᴛᴛᴍɴᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛғᴀ💥💥💥
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(Um, did I ever mention that I like more than just smg4?)
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linxuelian · 11 months ago
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Jin Hamyao 🐹
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inkpotsprite · 4 months ago
So, a lot of you have been asked if I'm going to do a "Damian Drake meets Damian Wayne AU."
Here's your answer:
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swallowtail-lotus · 1 year ago
Qin Shi Huang Headcanons {Fluff/Lime}
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He likes taking to places with him, even if you're not needed, he'll take you. He doesn't care if anyone protest, if he says you stay with him, you stay. That is not up for debate.
He's an emperor, so he's busy most of the time. When he does have free time, he's spending it with you.
Expect him to give you back hugs from time to time. He'll even rest his head on your shoulder.
His kisses are passionate and last for a long time. Sometimes you often run out of breath, but it's worth it (or is it not?)
When he's sitting in his throne and there's no one around, you'll be sitting on his lap. Occasionally, he'll trace his fingers on your back.
Nicknames are pretty rare, but he'll call you one. Either báo or Precious Jade are the common ones. (Bonus if your eyes are green or if it's your name!)
His love must have the best things, so everything you own are gifts from him. A gold necklace with a/an (y/f/a) is what you wear every day.
Back to the gifts, some are to show you're his and his only.
Loves it when you trace your fingers along his back and shoulders. (Mans got back and shoulder muscles for days-)
He finds it very amusing seeing you flustered whenever he flirts with you.
One of the things he loves most are your kindness and smile. Just knowing you're happy makes him happy.
"Anything for you, my báo~"
Gotta watch out for his hands. They'll be everywhere on your body. Sexual or not, he likes leaving his hand somewhere on you. Most common place for them are your hips.
When he's really in the mood, he'll trace his hands along your thighs (without his sharp claws on, of course). Sometimes they'll go in your inner thighs.
He is a dom for sure, and loves to hover over you just to tease you.
Definitely puts you in his lap and has grinded on you more than once.
Other times, he demands you get on your knees and get between his legs, and just say good while patting your head.
Sometimes, he keeps his sharp claws on and just watches you shake from the coldness from them. Often trails them up to your crotch.
When he holds you really close, don't be surprised when you find some love bites on your neck and chest. Another way to mark you as his.
The words he whispers in your ear will always send chills down your spine. And it's different each time.
Your moans basically encourage him to go further.
"Oh? Did my love just moan? Well, you'll be screaming when I'm done with you~"
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xx-j4nu5-c4t5-xx · 6 months ago
shitty comic about tybalt and mercutio I drew in the library today (i no longer have an excuse to put off doing my homework 😔)
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transcript under this if you can't read my lazy handwriting or follow my crooked comic panels
(A young Tybalt is carving his initial into a tree, just underneath where Mercutio has done the same. He leans out of the way to allow Mercutio to see.)
T: How is it now?
(Mercutio holds up his hands to frame his field of view.)
M: Hmmm. 'Twill serve.
(Tybalt lowers himself from the tree branch and joins the proud Mercutio to look at their work.)
M: Look at that! That'll be there for years!
T: Will we still be here then?
M: Of course!
(Tybalt stands in the foreground, Mercutio's hand holding his left hand, and the knife the two of them used to carve their names in his right. The tree stands tall just beyond.)
M: We'll be here forever.
(Tybalt stands in the foreground again, now several years older. His left hand is balled into a fist; his right hand holds a blade once more. Mercutio now stands opposite to him, also brandishing a knife. Tybalt's face is hidden, and Mercutio's is too far to see clearly, but it's implied that they're glaring at each other.)
M: Just Merry and Tyb.
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simpingforcys · 23 days ago
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The different names KC was suppose to get absolutely kill me-
King Kalorie, Count Von Calorie (?), King Crumb Bum, I can imagine these random things popping up in Turbo's mind before deciding "Fuck it, King Candy", I'm fking dying.
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radiance1 · 1 year ago
Here's a thought.
Clockwork, after seeing both a timeline (And sneaking a peek into another dimensions timestream) where Danny and Vlad are turned into cats and are relatively chill about it.
Looks at the thermos containing Dark Danny lying innocently in his haunt and decides to...
Manipulate events to turn Dan into a cat himself!
Then, after that was done, he gives Dan the boot into an entirely different dimension.
Dan is, understandably, not pleased by this.
His powers are mostly fine, but his physical appearance... he's so... cute, and cuddly.
Dan does not end up in Gotham city, so he is not aware that Danny exists within this dimension, nor does Vlad's empire go by Vladco here, so he is also unaware that Vlad exists within this dimension as well.
Which city does he end up in? I'll let ya'll decide lmao.
Oh, right. Vlad's Headquarters is stationed in Fawcett City, so that's where he and his puppet spend most of their time when they aren't travelling to a Gala or another business meeting.
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arthursfuckinghat · 4 months ago
The rdr2 ultimate and special edition bundle was on sale for like £20 so I caved and bought it but I'm looking forward to some new stuff in my next playthrough!!
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underwaterbanshee · 10 months ago
As brutal as the breaking of the Crown Keepers was last night, I am kinda here for it.
I'm here for those friendships that seem so ride or die until they just...aren't. That best friend you had that you held onto so tightly until the two of you went in different directions. That circle of friends that love each other but not enough to stay when things get weird or rough or not even when things get hard just you have different plans and lives to live.
So often the DnD story that gets told is the adventuring party = the chosen, found, perfect, ride or die, family. There is nothing wrong with that and it is a powerful story for those of us who need the story of our chosen family fighting to the death to save our precious hearts and souls because in the real world we need that fantasy.
But what happened last night was a smaller, more accurate story, that we're more familiar with. Less of a fantasy and more raw and real.
Love for your friends and your friendships can just fall apart. It doesn't make you a bad friend or a bad person. It doesn't mean your love was less or wrong. It just means that that this was just a stop along the journey to who you might become some day.
Letting go of that which cannot serve you might be good for the future but fucking suck in the present. How many of us have let go of friends, situations, just stuff, and it was painful now but (hopefully) the right choice later?
The story is never over and I'm here for it every time.
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thebuckandeddiething · 11 months ago
If this is him turning to leave, looking back and saying one last thing to Buck...then it mirrors the Buck/Tommy scene in like 99%...
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harlowcore · 7 months ago
I fuckin love small details about characters that is more background info yet still adds shit to whatever character and there are two instances of this in Teen Wolf that I have not seen mentioned much (which tbf there's usually so much else going on in the show)
Firstly, Scott plays guitar ! I'm pretty sure you can see it in that scene where Derek is being dark and mysterious sitting in Scott's chair. And after that it we don't see much cuz not a lot of the show is in Scott's room. The second time we see it which confirms it gets used is that scene in S3 or something when Melissa cleans Scott's room and picks up the guitar and puts it back on its stand. Idk it's just a nice lil touch. If anyone writes any Teen Wolf Band AU fics, Scott is the guitarist.
Secondly, and i think this one is more obvious. Derek is a fuckin English nerd. Mf gave the english teacher advice on Heart of Darkness, is always reading in the background, fell asleep with book in hand and finished that Shakespeare (?) quote from Gerard in S6.
I just fucking love small details like this. I'm sure there are others for different characters but these are the ones that stood out to me
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conkers-thecosy · 2 years ago
"He belongs with us. With you, uncle.”
It clutched at something in him to hear his nephew speak so. To hear someone else say the words he felt inscribed on his heart and mind, etched onto every bone in his body like a poem or a song he had known his whole life.
Bilbo belonged with him.
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hajihiko · 2 years ago
not to invalidate the other day people who see themselves in your impostor drawing (and not to validate the jerk that didn’t know how to offer constructive criticism in the first place) but as someone who’s body type is more similar to canon impostor you did slim him down quite a bit. there isn’t any problem with the actual drawing yknow, there are tons of people who look like that, but impostor in canon is fatter.
see that's a comment I can work with! I haven't figured out a way to make the mouth lines work for my style (someone also said they find them offensive I think) but I can look at the sprites better and practice
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theweasleybrothers · 5 months ago
The Gryffindor Tower Movie Club is now complete! My first ever fanfic is completely written and posted and truly, I cannot believe it.
End of an era in my life as I spent a year writing this. To now have uploads completely finished as well is WILD to me.
(you must be a registered ao3 member in order to access the fanfic)
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rawliverandcigarettes · 1 month ago
UGHHH bioware layoffs, I could feel it coming from a thousand miles away, all the support in the world to the developers
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kizykoolors · 6 months ago
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I designed this dress for around... Some weeks, with the intent of making it as Barbiecore as possible with as many roses as i could put LOL
I used my model OC Isolde (Her name. Varies a lot cuz i keep forgetting ^^' so if you see me refer to her as "Model Oc", don't mind it lol) for the dress!! I think she looks great in it :D I'M ALSO REALLY PROUD OF THE AFRO, IT LOOKS REALLY GOOD AND I FOUND A TECHNIQUE TO DO IT WELL TOO HEHEHE
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