#I wnat them to be okay??? let them be silly???
shadow-laviko · 3 months
Maaan That's shit My parents are pressuring me to work (fairly okay), but at the same time, I can only work ONE SINGLE month total on the WHOLE year (otherwise I'd pay taxes because I "gain" too much money between work and what my parents give me for my rent, charges and groceries, etc...) I barely ever buy anything for myself. No games no cheap silly little things, I try to save up with the financial help of the state...
But, well, the problem is not that I don't want to work. Quite the opposite, because damn, I want to buy myself some games and merch from things I like Like, please, let me have a bit of joy in my friendless loser fucking life But I can't find a job, because, given I can only work one month on the whole year, it has to be consecutive (because I doubt anyone would employ me for just one fucking hour of work per week...) So, I can only work during the summer And, again, no probs with me But first one, it's already fucking hard to find a summer job for two months (I've tried to give CVs to retail jobs, fast foods, restaurants, campings... Basically everywhere I could give a CV, I did About half of the places I went to did not take my CV because they were "Not looking for employees/workers" And in the remaining half, ONE or TWO told me they would call be back... They never did. So now, imagine what the fuck would happen if I told them "Oh yeah, by the way, I can only work for one month, lol" Like, heck, I want to work. I genuinely do. But, nobody wants me?? And, fortunately I know I'm not the only one But with the parents who keep pressuring me to find a job... I don't know what to do Like. I can only work during summer, and even then, nobody wnats to employ me. I can't really do much better than trying and being refused. (I mean, technically speaking, I could threaten them, but, you know, that's not a thing you do...)
So like What the fuck do they want me to do (more) about it?? I don't even have any marketable skills like drawing or painting or something
Maybe I should really stick to eating salty pastas, that would reduce the grocery costs... But maaaan... Unless it's in my "favourite food" category, I can't fucking eat the same thing over and over every single day... I'd rather not eat *sigh* I really don't know what to do
Maybe I should do like some friends (jokingly?) said they were doing and sell foot pics lmao ... What's the market price for those? :thinking:
No but really I'm just I'm just gonna lay down like a stickman and stare at the ceiling. Maybe some fucking cosmic shit will invade my thoughts and give me an answer
0 notes
crazycookiecrumbles · 3 years
Our Happy Ending
A/N:  THE END! Our Final Chapter for Do You Like Pizza? Series. Oh my HEART....it’s sad. But I’m really proud of the ending. Let me know what you think.
I don’t know if I have any plans for a sequel, but if you want one, I guess let me know what you’d wnat to see? I have no idea what I’m doing. I’m surprsied I honestly finished a story lol.
Pairings/Characters: Peter Parker x Reader (Andrew Garfield’s Peter)
Warnings: Swearing, daddy issues, violence,  character death, Tony being an absolute nuisance, cummies
Summary: Obadiah was dead. His plan to off you and Tony failed. What comes next?
This is definitely post-college, adult Spider-Man
Previous Chapter: Always
WC: 4,570
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Peter swore this was going to be a happy ending for you. He had gotten your mother to the hospital in time, the nurses and doctors said so. They said she still had a fighting chance. At a quick first glance, they said it was serious, but it wasn’t impossible. And poor, silly Peter, he allowed himself to have hope. Things were different and changing ever since he came back from that whole Multiverse fiasco. Things were different, and he swore this was a new chapter that had a little bit more light in it.
Peter had dropped you off at the hospital and told you to run in while he got changed. He couldn’t exactly run in in his suit and cause more of a scene for you. It was bad enough Tony Stark’s daughter was running in to storm the castle minutes before Tony and his entourage would. He didn’t want to add Spider-Man to the mix.
When Peter came down the hall he could hear a wailing noise that struck his gut. His heart started racing and his breathing quickened as all the possibilities flooded his brain. Racing to find you, Peter skidded to a stop when he saw you being helped to sit down by two nurses while the surgeon said something else to you before bowing her head and uttering another apology.
“No, no, no, please, god, no…” Peter muttered to himself as he quickly strode towards you, his presence getting the attention of the nurses.
“Are you —“
Peter cut off the male nurse with a nod, “Her boyfriend, yeah, I’m here.”
The nurse nodded, expressing his sincerest apologies as he and the other nurse stood up to leave the two of you alone. Peter quickly raised his hand to grab their attention, quietly asking for them to tell him what happened, rather than ask you and force you to try formulate a sentence at this moment.
“She died on the table,” the surgeon explained to Peter quietly. “There was too much blood loss, and the bullet shattered her sternum and sent bone fragments into her heart and lungs. We did everything we could.”
“Okay,” Peter nodded, his throat tightening as he went over this in his head over and over again. “Was it—was it just too late? Did she not get here fast enough?”
“She came here in the ideal timeframe for a GSW,” the surgeon explained. “But the damage the bullet did, at such a large caliber, there’s nothing that can be done for an injury of that magnitude. I’m sorry.”
Peter nodded and quietly thanked the surgeon. When the nurses left as well, he slowly took the seat next to you. Sliding his arms around you, Peter whispered how sorry he was as you turned into him, hid your face in his chest, and cried, not uttering a single word, just crying, because you too had hope that somehow, through all of this shit, Rosa was going to be just fine. She’d been there your entire life. She was the one with you since the second you were born. You didn’t think through all of this drama that she’d be the one you’d lose.
By the time Tony arrived he was running (or hobbling, sort of) in with Happy, Rhodes, Pepper, and a few SHIELD agents behind him who ended up taking over the entire floor. He was shouting and asking where Rosa’s room was, while Pepper was the one who went to the desk and quietly and politely asked, rather than make a show of it like Tony had done.  After a moment, a hand slid over Tony’s shoulder. He looked to Pepper whose gaze suddenly shifted from relief to sadness. Tony stared at her like she was wacky as he took in the redness forming around her eyes and how they started to appear glassy.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Tony stared at her suspiciously. “Don’t do that. It’s wigging me out. What, she’s still in surgery?”
“Room 341,” Pepper replied.
“Huh,” Tony mused. “Thought she’d be in there for, like, six hours with a wound like that. Okay. Let’s get going.”
Rhodey quickly pieced together what that meant. He cleared his throat, “Hey, uh, Tony, man — “
“Yeah, yeah. I know you and Rosa were starting to see each other. It’s fine. I don’t care. You think now is the time to bring it up?”
Rhodes did a double take, completely losing the point he wanted to make, “Hold on. What? How?”
“I know everything.”
“You know — did you hack my phone again!?”
“You’re a very saucy boy, Colonel.” Tony quipped as he rounded the corner and found the room all the way at the end of the hall, separated from the rest of them. He caught sight of Peter leaving the room with his head down. Tony marched over and opened his mouth. “How —“
He stopped as he glanced inside the room. There you were, hunched over her bed, your head resting on her chest as you held her cold hand tightly in yours. Tony promptly shut his mouth, his relaxed demeanor shifting to something more tense and clearly uncomfortable with this.
This was different. Of the two of them, he was certain he was going to be the one to have an early death where Rosa would attend the small, intimate ceremony meant just for close friends and family before she’d blow off the massive rager Tony would wish for. Now Tony was outside the room where her body was on display while his only daughter was in there saying goodbye to the only parent she had her entire life.
“She stopped crying,” Peter said quietly. “They asked her what her plans were. She’s already thinking about funeral arrangements — well, she doesn’t uh, she doesn’t know what to do. So I —“
“I can do it,” Pepper nodded, sniffling back her tears as Happy rested a hand on her shoulder in comfort. “I’ve got it. She doesn’t have to worry. Neither do you.”
“Yeah, yeah. Charge everything to me,” Tony muttered as he opened the door and entered the room.
You didn’t look up. You didn’t have to — you heard Tony all the way down the hall when he made his entrance, as he always did. All you did know was that Tony came to stand next to you and said not a single word as he rested his hand on your shoulder and made some important decisions in that moment. This was when everything was going to change. Tony Stark couldn’t live the way he used to, not anymore. Things were going to change.
~*~*~Two Days Later~*~
As one does, you were sitting in a green room watching Pepper apply makeup to Tony’s face, all the while a SHIELD agent was going over his alibi with him. Somewhere in the crowd was Peter, wearing a press pass that Pepper had gotten for him, ready to take pictures of this announcement. Apparently, the world thought Tony was a superhero.
You were completely in your own head as you stared off to the side wondering what to do now. You had quit your job, you didn’t want to work there anymore. You and Peter were still looking for apartments. Your mother’s funeral was in three days, and your boyfriend was, somehow, still an absolute rock because he had been through tragedy multiple times before in his life. You were grateful for the support, but all the while still sad that Peter knew exactly what to do in these situations because he had already lived them.
“Ms. L/N,” you turned when you heard your name called, and you realized that Tony and Pepper were no longer in the room with you. You glanced up to see the SHIELD agent you had run into a few times before. “I’m not sure if you remember me. I’m Agent Phil Coulson with SHIELD.”
You nodded your head, “Yes, yes. I remember. Sorry, did you need something?”
“Mr. Stark went out, he’s making his statement if you wish to join.”
“I’m okay watching from back here,” you replied with a nod.
He nodded as well and took the seat next to you. After a moment, he cleared his throat quietly and leaned offered in his seat. “Ms. L/N,  I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how different things are now for you.”
“Nope, I’ve gotten the hint a few times already.”
“Right,” Phil nodded. “I also understand that you were the one who hacked into Stark Industries and released that information about Obadiah Stane publicly.”
You pursed your lips, “I will neither confirm nor deny that insinuation.”
Phil cracked a tiny smile an extended a card to you, “This is my contact information. Whether it be today, tomorrow, or a year from now, if you find yourself wanting to do more for global protection, give me a call.”
You raised an eyebrow as you studied the business card closely, “Are you seriously trying to recruit me while my dad is pretending he’s not some dude in a suit of armor?”
“Recruitment is very, very direct, and what we do is very, very unusual work. Just give me a call when you think you’re ready. I must warn you, though, my boss might be a little more direct if you don’t contact soon.”
“Fun,” you muttered and looked up to the TV just in time to see Tony setting down his index cards. You blinked twice, the rest of you unmoving as you studied him. “Why do I feel like he’s going to do something stupid?”
“The truth is…” Tony began. “I am Iron Man.”
You heard Phil sigh and immediately reach for his phone. You groaned and pinched the bridge of your nose as you shut your eyes.
“This stupid, arrogant, show-off motherfucker.”
~*~*~The Funeral~*~*~
The small group of people that had showed up were all friends and family. You kept a straight face, chewing on the side of your cheek as they all came up to you, one by one, extending their condolences and expressing how much they adored your mother. You sighed heavily, wanting nothing more than to rip off these mourning clothes and slink into a hot bath and disappear from the world for just a little while.
As people began to filter out and you, Peter, and a few others were left alone, you noticed Peter looking off into the distance at a particular plot. You quickly pieced together what he was thinking of and remembering where you were. You leaned over to one of the floral arrangements, grabbed a white rose, and put it in Peter’s hand.
He looked over at you and frowned in confusion, “Didn’t I already throw in a flower? Shit, did I not?”
You snorted and squeezed his hand, “You did, dummy. Go say hi to Gwen.”
He stiffened. He took a deep breath and laughed nervously before shaking his head, “Oh, no. no. I can’t. Not today. I’m here for you and Rosa. I — “
“I’m not gatekeeping grief, Peter,” you said with a soft smile. “Go, please. You’re overdue for a visit anyway, no?”
Peter exhaled slowly as his eyes began to brim over with tears, “You’re an angel. A scary little violent angel, but one nonetheless.”
“Go, charmer,” you chuckled and watched him walk away.
Peter placed the flower at the base of Gwen’s headstone. Sighing, he stood up tall and stared down at it as he spoke to her, “Hey, Gwen. I know it’s been awhile. I’m sorry, I’ve been a little busy. But I guess it’s better than me coming every week. Pretty sure you were calling me an obsessive freak for a little while after that,” Peter joked to himself, glanced over his shoulder to see Tony standing next to you and speaking before he turned back around to look at the headstone. “I met someone. She’s…strange. She’s violent, but sweet, and an absolute genius, and she does stupid, daring things for people she loves. Her family? An absolute mess, but…I really love her, Gwen. She loves me too. It’s the first time in years I feel like, like….like I’m allowed to be Peter and not just be Spider-Man.”
Peter sniffled and wiped under his eye with the back of his hand, “Anyway. I miss you, Gwen, always. I hope you don’t mind Y/N, I think she’s going to stick around for a long time. If you want to give me a sign, that’d be great— who am I kidding? That’s just wacky.” He laughed a little to himself, rubbed the top of her headstone, and went back to join you.
“Hey, cum for webs,” Tony said quietly as Peter joined the two of you. “I’m going to the restaurant now. You guys want a ride?”
Peter looked to you who shrugged, which didn’t give him much of an answer to go off of. “Sure. But it’s not cum, you know.”
“Sure, whatever you say,” Tony nodded and turned on his heel to head to the car where Happy was waiting. “Pepper’s coming with us. Rhodey too. Don’t worry, I’m paying. I know you guys still got an apartment to look for, spawn is out of a job, but, hey, your lab just got funding, right? You can work there full-time now,” Tony said to Peter.
“Yeah…” Peter trailed off. “An anonymous donor funded the rest of our grant.” He frowned, “Wait. Did you — “
“Please, I don’t do charity,” Tony scoffed and waved his hand. “Pepper does, and I have no idea what she picks. Probably not, you, though, you’re not that special, cum head.”
“Thanks, Mr. Stark,” Peter muttered under his breath and looked to see you raising your fist to punch Tony in the back. Peter calmly grabbed your hand and lowered it while you pouted and stared up at him. Peter shook his head, and you sighed and nodded.
“Don’t be such a dickhead you fucking tart,” you told Tony.
“Wow, such language. Where’d you learn to become such a dick?” Tony asked as he climbed into the car.
“Repressed father issues,” you muttered under your breath.
“Clearly,” Peter mumbled as he climbed in after you.
During dinner, Tony was on his best Tony behavior. He made jokes at the expense of others, ordered far too much food, and kept things mostly about himself. You shook your head and stuck to sitting in a corner with Peter, quietly talking about other things when reminiscing about your mother began to get a little too heavy.
“I got a question,” Rhodes began and he looked to you as he announced this. “Rosa ever tell you what your name was going to be?”
You looked at him confused. “Um, no. I always thought it was going to be Y/N.”
Everyone turned to look to Tony who shrugged, “I have no idea what he’s talking about.”
“Tell her,” Happy goaded him. “Tell her all about you showing up at her birth.”
“Eh, I don’t remember.”
“Your father was drunk as a skunk when you were born. Dude smelled like a brewery,” Rhodes began to explain with a smile on his face. “And he was feeling himself, listening to music, having a party the whole way to the delivery room. When he got there, he burst into the room.”
“Rosa screamed at him and tried to throw the bedside phone at his head,” Happy grinned. “I wanted her to, but I heard a nurse stopped her.”
“Anyway,” Rhodes continued. “He was drunk as all hell and still in party mode. When you popped out, he said he wanted to name you Mary Jane, because it would be funny to have a kid named after drugs.”
Peter choked on his drink, causing everyone to stare at him as he pounded his chest and began to choke on a simple glass of water. You patted his back and asked if he was okay, noticing how his eyes turned red and were glassy.
“I’m fine,” he squeaked. “I’m fine, continue, please.”
“So…” Rhodes gave him a funny look, but continued. “Yeah, he wanted to name you Mary Jane so he could make pot jokes all the time. Rosa screamed at him. He was also in his phase of listening to Michael Jackson’s greatest hits repeatedly in the car ride over, so then he suggested Michael Jackson. When she said no, he said Michelle Jackson, then Mary Jackson, then just MJ.”
“What is with you and the obsessive need to name me after weed?” You looked to Tony who shrugged.
“Really, the jokes write itself. You’d be our little weed growing up. It was funny. I was young. Shut up.”
“MJ,” you shook your head. “Imagine me as an MJ? I don’t think that fits. What do you think, Peter?”
Peter exhaled slowly as he realized the position he was in while he thought back to Peter One and his MJ over there in the Multiverse. Peter smiled softly and squeezed your hand, “Doesn’t matter what your name is, I’d love you regardless.”
“How cute,” Pepper smiled.
“Eh, lame,” Tony muttered.
Peter shook his head an excused himself to the restroom. Happy excused himself for a smoke, and Rhodes wanted to join him just to shoot the breeze. Pepper then decided to excuse herself so she could leave you and Tony alone. Tony took over Peter’s seat and leaned back against the wall as he stared at you.
“So, Stark Industries is officially done with weapons manufacturing and is going to take a totally green approach from now on,” Tony said.
“Could use someone like you in the company, you know,” Tony said. “You seem to have an aptitude for tech, for some reason.”
“That’s… a lot. I can’t, I can’t work for you.”
“Well, think about it,” Tony said. “You’re unemployed so —“
“And my dead mom left me everything, so Peter and I will be okay for a little while while I think about what I want to do.”
“Sure,” Tony nodded. “Been down the dead parents inheritance route, done that.” he cleared his throat. “I also want you to know that I’m stepping up for you.”
“Couple of decades too late, no?”
“I don’t care,” Tony said. “I’m going to be in your life, whether you like it or not, and I’m going to be there for you. Rosa did her job — and my job, really, and I’m going to step up.”
You snorted and raised your glass to him, “We’ll see how long that lasts.” You chugged your wine, ignoring how Tony stared at you like he was making a silent promise to uphold.
~*~Three Months Later~*~
You whined. You gave up hope trying to rip off the plastic covering of your sofa and decided to just lay on the dirty, dusty thing rather than free your sofa from its protective confines. After all, you were just as sweaty and disgusting. You might as well lay in more filth.
You lay there as you grabbed a box, ripped off the tape, and slowly started to pull things out of it. You and Peter had finally found the one-bedroom apartment of your dreams. Unfortunately, the same day you were scheduled to move was the same day there was a break in the project he was working on at work. Peter ran to work, begging your forgiveness, and promised he’d be back as soon as possible to help you. You waved him off, handled the movers yourself, and were now alone in your new apartment without the will to actually unpack and make it a home.
Actually, you had fallen asleep for a little while and woke up two hours later in a panic thinking you missed your move-in date before realizing you had, in fact, moved in and just needed to unpack. You sat up and went to deal with the fun stuff, disregarding everything you had unpacked from that one box. You set up the TV, the internet was connected, all your tech that you’d need to survive was in place. After sitting on the ground and putting on the news, you finally started to unpack and try to get things together.
The front door opened, and in came Peter with bags on his arms and a grin on his face, “Honey, I am so, so sorry for missing the big stuff.”
“It’s fine, you can help me unpack, put shit away, and be in charge of box duty.”
“Done,” He came over to you and dropped to his knees beside you. You looked over to see him smiling at you before leaning down to kiss you. You hummed into the kiss, reaching up to cradle his cheek before pulling away.
“Everything okay at work?”
“We were almost there, and then it exploded,” Peter nodded and reached into a bag, pulling out a small bouquet of flowers, “For my love on our first day in our new home together.”
You beamed, “You spoil me, Peter.”
“I try,” Peter winked as you sniffed the flowers and admired them. “And they’re mostly alive this time.”
“A true achievement,” you nodded in agreement. “I smell food.”
“Gyoza, and some other stuff,” Peter said.
“Yowza,” You sighed, making him pause and remember that horrible joke he had made on your second date. He laughed at you and threw a pair of chopsticks at your face. You gasped and smacked him in the face with the flowers. “Asshole.”
“Your asshole,” he cooed, then cringed. “That wasn’t great.”
“It was something,” You nodded. “We need groceries. And to unpack the kitchen. And —“
“Shhhh,” Peter grabbed your face and pressed his lips against yours before pulling away with a loud pop. “Adult stuff later. Fun food now.”
“Fine,” you chuckled and leaned back against the sofa. “God, I stink.”
“You really do,” he quipped. “Is this what it’s like when I take off my suit?”
“No, your suit is absolutely fucking disgusting. I smell like flowers in comparison,” you teased.
You two ate together on the floor. It kind of reminded you of being in Peter’s studio apartment. It was a cramped space, but depending on how messy your meals were, you two would be sitting on the floor, watching something on his computer, and being in total bliss together. Now you had more space, more furniture, and a door that actually worked. Considering everything you’d been through together, this felt like a pretty happy ending.
And then there was a knock at your door that made you flinch. Peter told you to stay put as he went to the door. You heard him sigh before stepping aside and letting the front door swing open. Tony waltzed in with a bottle of wine that he thrust into Peter’s chest.
“Nice digs, kiddos,” he said as he looked around. “This place actually looks like it won’t collapse on itself. Is that a stainless steel refrigerator? Whoa. Big leagues.”
“Can I help you?” You groaned from the floor as Tony walked over.
“Yes,” Tony sniffed twice. “First of all, take a shower. Secondly, get dressed. I’ve got something to show you two.”
“Mr. Stark,” Peter began. “It’s the first day —“
“Tony, just Tony. Mr. Stark is weird. I think we’re passed that, cum boy,” Tony said.
Peter rolled his eyes, “Tony, It’s our first day in our new apartment together. I’m sure whatever this is can wait. Besides, why are you even in New York? Weren’t you in Malibu?”
“That’s what i’m trying to say. So? Tell your girlfriend to get cleaned up. I can’t have her in my car. She’ll ruin it.”
“Fuck off,” you muttered as you went to the bathroom. “And don’t eat my food — wait, what box is— fuck!”
Tony chuckled to himself and sat on a pile of boxes and helped himself to some gyoza as Peter stared at him incredulously. Tony shrugged and continued to eat while Peter shook his head slowly.
“So what’s going on, Tony?” Peter asked.
“You’ll see,” Tony said. “How’s work?”
“You sure? With all that outdated equipment? You know, you’d do great at Stark Industries.”
“I don’t see myself moving to LA,” Peter began. “Thanks, though.”
Tony simply hummed in response. He finished off your food, which had you screaming when you came back after getting ready. Tony avoided the wraith of you throwing an empty box at him and said he’d get more food once you got to your destination.
It was a strange car ride over to Midtown, Manhattan. The three of you found yourself entering a building’s underground garage and taking an elevator up the shell of this massive tower that had little to no furnishings in it and seemed mostly bare bones. The three of you stepped out of the elevator in what looked like a main living room. Tony spun around and threw his arms out.
“You like it?”
“Uh,” Peter looked around. “Sure.”
“What is this?” You asked. “A mid-life crisis? End-life?”
“Rude,” Tony told you. “Congratulations. You are now in Stark Tower, which will be fueled by the one and only arc reactor. I’m going to be the leading name in green energy,” Tony explained. “And, yes, Stark Industries is moving to the East Coast, back where it all began. This way we get a fresh start for the company and for us. I told you, kid. I’m going to be here for you from now on. What do you think?”
You were speechless. Your mouth hung open as you realized that Tony meant his words. He actually followed through, and now he was standing right here in front of you in what was going to be his new headquarters and home. You looked over to Peter who seemed to be lost in thought and staring off to the side.
“I think it’s a cute family affair,” a voice said from the corner of the room. It made you and Tony jump like jumping beans. Tony spun around and stood in front of you as whoever was speaking flipped a switch behind him, the wall sconce illuminating him under a bright yellow glow. There, you could see a man wearing an eye patch, and what looked to be a black leather outfit straight out of the Matrix. 
“Who are you?” Peter asked, as he instinctively pushed you behind him.
“‘I am Iron Man,’” he quoted Tony’s words at the press conference he held months ago. “You think you’re the only superhero in the world?”
Peter tensed at that. Fuck, did this man know who he was? They weren’t in danger at the moment, he would’ve sensed it. but who was this guy, and what did that mean for him, for the two of you?
He went on, “Mr. Stark, Ms. L/N, you’ve become part of a bigger universe, you just don’t know it yet.” His gaze quickly danced over to Peter, “Or maybe you have an idea of it.”
Tony noticed how this man looked at Peter. He slowly stepped in front of Peter and glare at this intruder, “Who the hell are you?”
“Nick Fury, Director of SHIELD,” he replied as he stepped towards the three of you. “I’m here to talk to you three about the Avenger Initiative.”
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lolita-lollipop · 3 years
Hi hope you’re having a wonderful day! Could I please get a bnha coraline au story. So like y/n has had a pretty bad life like a whole bunch of stuff and now they have to basically parents their own parents at the age of 15 cause they’re lazy alcoholics who just go to work come back and drink. One day after they move in y/n gets curious and finds explores around the house while they’re alone and discovers the door to the other world and meets their dream parents. The parents are aizawa and present mic who just genuinely love the reader, they don’t want to take readers soul that just want to help them. They have a sister eri and a brother shinso and when reader tries to leave they all beg and threaten reader not to leave cause “your parents never cared for you anyways” and “we’ll love you more then they ever would” and force reader to be the new baby of the family gender neutral reader if possible, please and thank you ( 03^)~💚
-I do apologize if you wanted a shorter work, because this ended up being kinda long, sorry!
-there are a few grammar and spelling mistakes here and there, this is unedited, I will fix them :)
(I don’t know if you actually wanted the reader to be treated like a baby, literally like an infant, or just like the youngest in the family, I needed up doing the second option, tell me if wrong.)
You hummed a tune as you wandered the hallways, your footsteps dragging, you had tried to tell your mother to drink some water and put the strong bottle of vodka down before she ended up killing herself. She yelled at you, told you to “shut the hell up ya damn brat”, god knows where your father even is. It had only been a day or two in this house, and they had already made it feel like a prison for you, oh my, A SINGLE DAY.
In all honesty the house was nice, old, yes, but still nice. It seemed as if the last owners hadn’t been here for hundreds of years, let alone clean the place, as all embellishments on the walls were antique styled, and everything, I repeat, everything, was covered in dust. There were a few different pieces of furniture that looked as ancient as the neighbors, including a dresser filled with a different articles of clothing, a few dusty chairs here and there, curtains clawed away by... something, and little tables with droors filled with little trinkets.
One room in particular was exceptionally creepy in your eyes, it seemed like a child once slept there, probably long dead by now, the walls were covered in a striped floral wallpaper, chipping at the edges, various stuffed animals that hadn’t been touched in ages, what looked to be a changing table, and a smaller sized bed placed in the middle, fitted with dusty purple bedsheets, probably that color because of the gathering dust, you sat down on the mattress, inhaling the scent of the room. It smelled oddly of lavender, not a musty mildew smell you were expecting. You spent a moment just finding comfort in the warm smell, before noticing a small dent in the wall behind what you thought could be a changing table. Almost looked like... a tiny door?
“What the heck is that?” You questioned or yourself, narrowing your eyes at the wooden frame that looked like a small threshold, cautiously standing up form the bed, and making your way over to the door, you struggled to move the large piece of furniture, pushing back gains the groun and shoving it out of the way. It was indeed a door, and it was indeed tiny. There was a small cobweb strung across the mass of it, which you batted away with your little hands, pulling at the doorknob a few times to reveal the fact that it was locked, you let out an exasperated sigh. Well... it’s not like you have much to do, might as well find the key.
Surprisingly, it hadn’t taken long for you to find the small, heart shaped key that fit the locked door, it was tucked into one of the white droors of the small table in the corner. It was the first place you looked, almost as if it’d been calling out for you. It only took a few moments for you to push the key into the lock and turn, you let out a sigh of relief when you heard the satisfying click of the lock opening. Wondering what was going to be on the other side, you pushed open the mini door, to reveal a tunnel of sorts... today’s just full of surprises isn’t it.
“Man this tunnel is lo... whoah.” You stood, still balled up in a crawli mg position, shocked at your own surroundings. Everything looked so... new, and polished, you stared Jan absolute awe at everything, literally everything. Where are you?
“Oh, honey you’re finally here!” A male voice rang out from behind you, immediately large hands were lifting you off the floor from under your arms, holding you like a baby, this guy cradled your head in his chest, no matter how much you squirmed, the iron grip he had on you did not loosen. You snapped your head up to meet his eyes, only to be met with buttons of such a piercing yellow it almost hurt your own eyes. A shrill scream left your lips, as you flung your feet back and forth in attempts to free yourself.
“Oh, oh right. I’m sorry , I should’ve been a little slower, it’s scary I know, you’ll get used to it I promise. I’m hizashi, your other father, re you alright?” He questioned, backing up a little to give you space, bringing his hands up to tell you he wasn’t going to hurt you, ever. You were usually a calm person, but given the situation, like some random person living in your house with buttons for eyes, the reaction was warranted. You breathed for a small moment, inhaling the even stronger scent of lavender that was oh so comforting, before standing back up, giving whatever this was at a chance of explanation.
“Who- who are you?” The question left your lips faster than tryouts could hold it in, he gave you a smile and walked closer again, booping your nose and once again pulling you off the ground. He was tall, slightly lanky, and his hair was a bright yellow to match his eyes, little dangle earring wee attached to his ears, you just stared in awe at the inhuman man who was holding you.
“Silly little thing! I just said it! I’m your other father, like your real father, just perfect for you! Dinners almost ready, so let’s go meet the rest of the fmIly okay bubs?” He questioned m, speaking down to you like one would a child, even though you are a fully capable human. He grabbed your hand, and gently rigged you off into some hallway, you slightly dig your feet in, staring back at the little door that got you here in the first place.
“Honey, this is your reality, if it was perfectly fit for you! We love you, unlinke those scum who call your your parents, don’t your bat to be loved for once y/n?” He spoke, the two of you arrived at what was probably the kitchen, him explaining what was happening pretty thoroughly considering he had to do it in a few minutes, barging through the doors, a few other pairs of button eyes were scattered thievhiur the kitchen.
“Daddy! I helped bubba make dinner tonight!” A little girl, probably not even over the age of five, came running towards the two of you, smiling fully. She was sporting a pair of red buttons, which matched her little jumper, you had your face buried in this ma- hizashis chest, his arms wrapped around the entirety of you. He sent an exited stare towards the little girl, who jsut gasped and smiled even harder. She made little grabby hands towards you, so hizashi set you down on the ground, whispering a “time to get down” in your ear. Instantly, the little girl attached herself to your torso.
“Bubba/sissy!” She squealed, patting your stomach, as much as you would love to knock her off of you, she’s a kid, you don’t do that to kids. This young girl claimed to be your other sister, which at this point you were led to believe because apparently anything is possible at this point, she was pretty adorable.
“I-uh, yeah?” You spluttered, visibly flustered, you tried to get a grip of yourself, it was kindof odd, although the girl seemed much younger than you, the way she carried herself presented that she was much older than she came off, from the maternal glint in her eyes, to the planned movements, it just seemed... mature.
—————small time skip—————
It had been maybe an hour, you had been seated at a dinner table, quite the large one actually, in between a black haired man that you could tell was staring at you, and a purple haired teenager who looked to be a similar age to you. You sat there just kindof awkwardly trying to not touch any of them. At one pint. The purple haired guy tried to feed you, which was an unfortunate suprise because you were off in dreamland, and were ckmoemteky confused as to why he was even trying something like that.
“You’ll probably hurt yourself trying, just let me do it” he spoke, it is safe to say that this button eyed family is an odd bunch. First the woerd door, then a creepy guy tryna pick you up, then some little girl who probably wasn’t so little claiming you to be her “younger sibling”; then the offpdutirng glances front his beanbag guy, than this? What is happening.
Sooner or later, after the really odd display that was dinner had finished, and you had help washing your hands, because for some reason they thought you needed it, it was announced bettime, and with a snap of the man him you learned name was Aizawa, food was gone, along with all the dishes. If you were to be completely honest with yourself, you almost lied this, of course not the babying thing, but the fact that you weren’t cooking or cleaning or trying to snatch a bottle from your parents, it almost made you wnat to cry how perfect this family was. God how much you wished this was your own.
It’s sounds selfish, and unreasonable, but you never had a childhood, the day you were born your life was already sighted off as “servant of my own parents”, you lived them, you did, these people were so nice thiugh, they were odd, maybe a little quirky, but still jsut a perfect little family. Apparently one that includes you.
“ALRIGHT! time for bed!” The yellow haired man exclaimed, seeeping you and eri right off of your feet, holding you in his arms as eri giggled at the sudden swish sound. The two men on the other side of the large room cracked small smiles at the sheer adorable ness of the position, the two little ones of the family and their father! What a sight to see!
“Shhhhh, I think y/n is gonna sleep with us to Tonight okay eri?” Hizashi whispered to the young girl, loud enough for you to hear, she nodded and smiled one of her sickeningly sweet smiles, hr eyebrows raising before her button eyes. She motioned to be put down ‘, waving goodbye and latching her own hand onto shinsos, who also waved his hand.
“Goodnight daddy! And y/n!” From there, you walked alongside them to their room, or what you supposed it was. This was the first time you’d really talked to Aizawa, and it was pretty embarrassing because he asked if he was aloud to change you out of your day clothes. You were a little too scared to say no, so you let him, it was probably one of the hardest things you’ve ever had to sit through, and that’s saying quite A lot.
When all was done, you had brushed your teeth, and wrrrnchanged into a set of lilac pajamas, silken and slippery, you were pulled on top of the yellow haired man, who then wrapped his arms around your waist and started “shh-ing” you, patting your head while rocking back and forth slightly, the other man slipped in next splaying his arms over you, rubbing circles into your beck
Mans with that, the lights went out, and you fell asleep.
From there, everything in your life changes, you wake up the next day in the dusty lilac bed, wondering if it all was a dream, so the next night, you go back, and the next, and the next, until you started to spend your days there. Playing with eri, or cuddling with either of the three men, or just having fun without any worries or cares int the world. By that’s when it all starts, they kindof... changed.
They became overprotective, it showed in some more than others, but it was present either way. Al you wanted to do was check up on your dad to see if he was still alive or not, and eri had a whole crying fit, begging you to stay, and telling you she’d die if you left.
“No no! You can’t leave me! I-I I’m gonna die if you leave! I’ll die, please don’t keVe I promise il be good!”
It took a little shushing from you, but eventually you convinced her you weren’t going to leave, and so she went back to her normal self. You were with shinso once, and walked near the little door, he had immediately blocked it as if you were going to do something, then scolded you for going near such a “dangerous object”.
“You shouldn’t. Go close to that evil little thing, it might hurt you m, I don’t want you to get hurt, so stay away from it”
And then your other parents, they didn’t let you do anything by yourself, scared you would run off and get lost in the maze of nothing outside. You can’t even mention your real parents, you’ve been down here for at least a week now and haven’t been able to check on them, so when you did ask to go back for a day, hizashi slicks dying up and told you to cut out the nonsense, while Aizawa bubbles in anger, telling you that they lived you ten times better than your parents Eve could.
“They don’t deserve you, they don’t love you, we do, they’ll never live you half as much as we do, we can protect you here, why would you wnat to leave?”
Ans so one day, when your “other papa” or Aizawa, tried to take the key from you and lick you in here, you had enough. These people were supposed to be perfect, instead they turned obsessive, little button eyes showing up everywhere, watching your every move, you had thought your old life was a prison, now look at this.
You turned back, checking to see if anyone was watching, waiting to stop you, before pulling the key out of your pocket, ripping the boarding off of the door, pulling the panels of wood off one by one, shoving the key into the black door knob, you were just about to turn it, when a voice rang out behind you, no longer was the sweet girl who you played trains with, in the stead was something else just In ther body, you could hear it in her voice.
“Where are you going? You aren’t trying to leave are you?” She spoke, you froze on the spot, hands moving faster, ymtrying to get the stupid door to unlock, before you could even blink, the key snapped in half, not in your hold, in another sudden figure, your other brother. You didn’t even get the chance to speak before be t down and ripped the whole door knob off of it, giving you a knowing glance.
“I told you to stay away from it, I told you didn’t I? Now look, it’s broken” he hissed, throwing the iron knob somewhere else, you knew that I’d both of the siblings were here, the two parents were sure to be here along with them, you were proven right, as a pair of black and yellow buttons popped up behind the Eric girl, carrryijg... what is that?
“Oh my god... OH MY GOD” you screamed, the heads of your parents were in these men’s holds buttons sewn over the eyes, blood seeping out of their decapiated necks, you reMiedn screaming as the heads were discarded, jsut thrown off somewhere else. You were lifted up off the ground in your crying state, hizashi a hands stroked your hair, while his other hand went and wrapped around your butt to support you up.
“We told you baby, we tried to tel you at least. Now there’s nothing up there for you, there was never anything anyways, your safe now... they’ll never hurt you again. You’re ours...
Tell me if you liked it, I can change things if you want:)
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mysamcedesmadness · 5 years
So, Cheesy Romantic Picnic on the Grass?
So, anybody that has been following me here knows that chenoahchantel/noreasonjustbored is my BABAY in this fandom. Thanks for keeping me company when I'm alone with 12-18 kids in a big, scary house, and letting me toss ideas off of you. Hopefully, fulfills the audience.
For all who read, I just wanted to thank y'all. I thought this would be a one shot, but y'all showed up asking for more and I gave more until I came to what I felt like was the end of the journey. Grateful for everyone who took it with us. To think, it started out with some silly dreams. *Biggie voice: It was all a dream!* Anywho… And now the conclusion of So: The Henry Danger Fanfic aka So, I Had a Dream...
So, Cheesy Romantic Picnic on the Grass?
Charlotte had an appointment to check out a small house that she could rent near the university and an interview for an on campus job. When she got back into town, Piper picked her up and wondered, "So.. since you're moving back home, are you and my brother ..?"
"I reached out to him and told him that I miss him. We're going to talk, probably. I hope."
"Have you seen him since the last time I saw you?" Piper wondered.
"No. He's not on social media anymore, or he's blocked me."
"He left social media whenever you went to Europe. Jasper says that he still stalks your pages though. He catches him doing it at work sometimes." Piper cleared her throat and asked, "You still love him?"
"More now than I used to, somehow."
"Well, I feel like I should be the one to tell you… if you aren't going to be able to love him the way he needs, just don't bother. He won't benefit from some kind of quick fix."
"Piper, are you looking out for Henry?" Charlotte teased.
Piper stared at her with a stone face. "Somebody had to after you just quit on him. Did you think Jasper could do it? Jasper can barely take care of himself!" She tapped the steering wheel with her fingers and said, "If you're really gonna do right by him, you have nothing to worry about."
Charlotte found Piper's protectiveness a little weird, but she hadn't been around in years. For all she knew, Henry and Piper were close now.
Whenever they pulled up to this duplex, Charlotte squinted her eyes and wondered, "Where are we?"
Piper gave her a look and said, "Henry's," like, obviously. She slammed on the horn a bunch and unlocked the doors. "He and Jasper are renting this place from that boss of his at the junk store. I had no idea that he owned property. That makes sense. Because, to this day, I've still never seen anyone purchase anything from out of there."
Charlotte kept silent. This was probably something he had on Captain Man's dime. She wondered if Henry and Jasper were actually paying rent, or just able to stay because of Captain Man's resources in Swellview. Jasper was out first, in a belly shirt and a pair of jorts, and Charlotte had to admit - he'd been working on those abs! He rushed and gave her a big hug and swept her up off the ground cheering, "She's home!" When he put her down, they were just chattering excitedly. She saw movement in the corner of her eye, but was a little bit nervous to even turn and see Henry. But, she did. He was speaking quietly with Piper and grabbing Charlotte's bags from the SUV. Piper looked concerned and he looked… well, kinda like he was trying to avoid being scolded.
But, more importantly… He looked… different. He was more muscular, had some facial hair. With the tank top he was wearing, she saw that he'd added more tattoos and she wondered if he'd done so to rid himself of hers. That suddenly terrified and saddened her… But, nope… When he shifted to throw another bag on his left arm, she simultaneously noticed that her tattoo was still visibly in tact (as well as noticed the flex of his muscles when he picked up more). "Hey, I can help…" She said and went to try to get a bag from him. He just smiled and shook his head, then went inside.
Piper had her arms folded and she looked at Charlotte, "You're gonna be here for him, right?"
"Okay. Call me soon so we can connect. I know the two of you have a lot to discuss." She hugged her then pointed to Jasper and said, "Go home. You can see her later, like everybody else."
"This is my home!" Jasper said.
Piper pointed at the right side of the duplex, "That's your home and you go to it, NOT to Henry's, right now. Where are his keys?"
"In my pocket."
"They better stay there until he's better." She fussed and then smiled sweetly at Charlotte and waved as she got into the vehicle.
"I think I've grown on her," Jasper said, nodding. Charlotte gave him a confused look.
But, then something occurred to her, "Wait, why are Henry's keys in your pocket?"
Jasper waved a hand and said, "Piper makes me take them if I see him drinking because he got wasted, busted his fists up, got alcohol poisoning, and nearly choked on his own vomit."
"Oh my God!"
"I made that sound worse than it was. These were three different occasions. Not the same night!"
"Jasper, that's worst. That means this is a habit. How'd he bust his fists up?"
"Punching an indestructible man repeatedly." Charlotte held her head. "In his defense, Ray was really asking for it and he was extremely drunk."
"When did he start drinking?"
"It just helps him cope. He does it all the time and only had three incidents."
"Jasper… Drinking "all the time" is an incident, okay? And the three incidents to listed sound pretty bad. He choked on vomit? Alcohol poisoning? Thank God that you take his keys, or he might have harmed someone or himself!"
"Ohhhhh… now that I think about it… The night that he busted up his fists, he did almost crash. He came home with blood all over him because apparently liquor is a blood thinner? Who knew, right? And Piper immediately tried to rush him to the hospital, but he knows that Schwoz can probably fix it, so he says he'll do it tomorrow. Well, Piper is insisting it happens now, before he gets blood all over the house that their parents think that she's responsible, though I'm pretty sure she was probably worried. She's asking him what happened, was it a fight, did he bludgeon someone to death, did he attack a brick wall? He says fine, jumps in the truck and speeds off. So, at this point, I'm confused, because I was his ride home and she's aggravated. She calls the cops on him, and we get in her car and try to follow him. He was all over the place and nearly drove through the front of Junk N' Stuff. He gets out and goes in, and she's SOOOO mad, but I convinced her that I'll take care of him and make sure he gets medical attention. Schwoz fixed him up, but he had to of course wear the bandages for a while, for good measure. But, Piper's been hard on his case ever since."
"Can you blame her?"
"Charlotte… That doesn't help him. He needs support. He needs love…"
As though on cue, Henry returned and even though he was beautiful, Charlotte certainly noticed the pain in his features. He finally gave her a hug as he asked Jasper, "Trying to steal my woman? I don't play that. Not with this one." He gave her a kiss on the forehead and she melted against him and glanced down at his gray sweatpants.
"Piper told me to go home," Jasper said.
"Yeah, that's probably a good idea for right now, so we can… chill, you know?"
"Talk to you soon, Jasp," Charlotte said.
Henry flinched and he joked, "You don't call my Jasp "Jasp, I call my Jasp "Jasp."
"He's our Jasp," she said, with their arms still wrapped around each other. Jasper vanished into his duplex and Charlotte looked up at Henry. "Hey, Hen," she said. He just smiled and pulled her close to himself. "You're going kinda easy on me. I guess I expected a fight."
"I've been waiting for years for you to come back. Last thing I want is to fight with you." He rubbed her back and her arms, then cradled her to himself.
"You okay?"
"No. I missed you more than my brain even has words to like depict or whatever." He leaned back and said, "I would kiss you, but I'm not as good as reading you as I used to be and I wouldn't want to cross any lines."
"Well, I would kiss you, but I just want to know… How much have you had to drink today?"
She saw the flicker of offense and he dropped his arms from around her and laughed a little. "Wnat me to pour you one?"
"No thanks, I don't drink."
"Of course you don't. Your life is perfect. You're perfect. Charlotte Page never does anything wrong or unsavory…"
"There's the fight," she said under her breath.
"Yeah, since you wanted one!"
"I'm not trying to fight. I just heard that you were having some problems and I'm concerned. Piper certainly seemed concerned. Can't I be concerned, or did I lose my rights to caring about you?" They were inside. He flopped down onto the couch. This duplex was actually pretty spacious! But, she wasn't distracted. She sat next to him and said, "I would never attack you, Hen. I have your back. But, the things that I've heard are scary, and I want what's best for you. Do you think you might need to see someone about it?"
"What, like rehab? No. I see a lot. I go through a lot. And, from the time I was 13 on up, I have had a very dangerous and stressful job. I was a good kid. I was responsible and dependable. More than most of these cats in Swellview, you know? It's just that nobody really knew that, because I had to hide who I was and I didn't have the energy to be that kid 24/7. When I unmasked, they got Henry. Hopeless Henry, with the bad grades and short attention span." He chuckled. "It was always okay, though. I had the best friends somebody like me could have. And for a while, I had the best girlfriend. I actually thrived for a while. I was doing pretty good in school. My parents were pleased with me. Like.. I was that dude. Then… we graduated and I had to try to adapt to college life with a different dynamic in my support system. I lost my girl and my best friend when you left…" She furrowed her eyebrows and he quickly said, "I'm not saying I blame you, I'm just stating my stressors." He shook his head. "I did my best and was barely getting by in college. Those professors thought I was a lazy loser. I was protecting Swellview with most of what I had to give, and I didn't have my biggest supporter. I didn't want to bother you. I'd already messed things up between us. You… came to visit and we… I thought that maybe you could see that I knew I messed up. I thought that maybe you would open the conversation, because you're so big on opening conversations. When you didn't, I thought maybe it was because you no longer wanted anything to do with me. Because, you don't like to leave things unsettled. But, when you did, I took that as a sign. Then… you group chatted us months later that you weren't coming home for summer because you'd be exploring Europe. It was like the nail in the coffin."
"Okay… But, why didn't you just start the conversation? Henry… I started so many of our most important conversations and the last one that I tried to have, I tried to start numerous times, only to have you thwart it. Did it not occur to you that maybe I was scared that you wouldn't have the conversation with me?"
"It clearly did not." They were quiet for a while. "I'm sorry. I'm the one that broke things off. I'm the one that rushed to the first available girl to try to clear my mind of you. I'm the one who should have and didn't bring the conversation back around when it mattered. You did a lot of the heavy lifting in our relationship. I should have done all the lifting it would have taken to mend it, after I broke it. Because, I've thought about that conversations many drunken nights, and I definitely was the one who," he shook his head and clasped his hands together.
"Henry, if you don't think rehab, what about at least going to therapy? You should sort these things out with a professional."
"How do I explain my Kid Danger dilemmas?" He rolled his eyes.
They were silent again, then Charlotte said, "Okay… You… Have a very important job that you can't discuss for security purposes… A job in which you are responsible for the wellbeing of someone else. Say that you're in protection services… for special needs citizens. The job often changes, but someone is always in your care. It's stressful but it's your passion and your mission and it has affected you in A, B, and C ways…" He was pondering over this. "Don't think about it too hard. It'll hold up. They won't press you to ask what you specifically do, especially if you've already stated that you couldn't go into detail about the job. I just want you to be the best you that you can be. A healthy, happy Henry. You're… the love of my life. I can't stand to see you hurting…"
Henry looked shocked at her saying that. So, he hadn't messed everything completely upm afterall. He took her hand and pulled her closer to cuddle with him. "You're the love of my life, too," he whispered. "Char… Are you here to stay? Are you visiting before going somewhere else to get your masters or phD, or whatever you're working on next?"
"And leave you in Jasper's care again? Look at what happened last time!" She joked, but he had a serious look on his face and was still waiting for her to respond. She sighed and stroked his hair, "Listen, let's first focus on therapy and rehab, then we can have a conversation. I'll even be the one to bring it up." He smiled a little and for the first time since she got back, she saw some gosh dang hope in his eyes.
Charlotte cancelled her apartment hunt and just set up in Jasper's extra room. They thought it might make things less stressful for them if she wasn't all in his space, but she also wanted to be close enough to be able to immediately respond, should he need her. It took Henry a while, but she noticed within the next few months of summer, he began to relax more. She noticed that he didn't seem to be replenishing his bar, (because he didn't agree with quitting cold turkey, so it was definitely still there). She hoped that he was pouring out bottles as he got better and not drinking them, though. She and Jasper had keys to the place, so she sometimes went over to use his gym, and his shower. A few times, he'd caught her undressed or partially dressed and quickly retracted himself (yep, in his own home).
One time, though, she came in and he was there, setting stuff up on the mantle where his bar once was. "Hey… I thought you were at work."
"No. I had a meeting tonight, so I took the night off. It's too stressful to fight crime then try to talk to the group, and it was a good night for group," he said and came over to show her something. "Got my six month chip." She gasped and hugged him. It was an effort for him not to kiss her. "Therapy has been really good too," he said and pulled away from her to finish decorating.
"Well… I'm really proud of you and glad that you're doing so well on self."It had been difficult for her to stay out of the way, but she knew that she had to let him do it. If it was just another Charlotte controlled mission, he never could have gotten the recovery he needed or deserved. "So… If… You… are interested in having our conversation… I'd love to do that as soon as you want to." She noticed him tense up but she didn't know if it was nervousness, excitement, a cringe. Hell, he'd spent months fixing himself. Maybe the last thing he wanted was to connect with her or with anybody else. What was she thinking? Six months wasn't enough time!
"I want that more than anything," he said and turned around and leaned against the mantle. "But, I do have a busy week, so perhaps we can set a date. My therapist says that with my job being so versatile and erratic, that I have to be sure to try to have structure in my personal life and not to be impulsive, to maintain stability."
She pulled out her phone and synched their calendars. "Okay, so, as far as when you don';t have work, meetings, appointments and other engagements and I don't have class, work, etc… two weeks from now on Wednesday night sound good?"
"Sounds like a dream," he said (a callback to the first time he asked her out.
She immediately got that reference and added on to it, "So, cheesy romantic picnic on the grass?"
He smiled, the brightest smile she had seen in a while, "I'll bring the blanket."
"Aaaaaand, they lived happily ever after," the older Henry said. "True story about your mom and dad…"
The eldest in the backseat threw her head back and said loudly, "Mom, wake up! Dad is telling us the story about your first date again and still insists on pretending that he was Kid Danger!" Charlotte laughed and said, "I am awake and also… if you thought I was asleep, you were gonna wake me up, for that?"
The girl shrugged her shoulders, curls blowing in the wind. "He got to the end of the story. You know he always likes to end on that cheesy "I'll bring the blanket," (she imitated him) "line. Not even smooth. I can't believe you gave him three kids," she teased.
"He didn't have to be smooth. You've seen photos of your dad when we got married."
"Wasn't impressed," she said.
"You literally look just like me, with a tan and long hair," Henry said. "I wanted to name you Henry Jr, but Charlotte was afraid that you might have a complex about it when you got old enough for kids to tease you."
The middle child, and only boy spoke up, "Mom, then what happened after dad's cheesy, not smooth line."
"They are relentless," Henry commented.
"Well, they are my children," Charlotte reminded him with a giggle, then finished the retelling,
"Charlotte's smile as she went back to Jasper's and started packing was the widest one she ever felt on her face. "What's happening? Are you… Where are you going?" Jasper wondered.
"If I'm lucky.. To where I always belonged. Home to Henry. I'll know in a couple of weeks." She contacted Schwoz, "Hey, Schwoz… do you still have any It's Time gumballs?"
"I have the new and improved It's Time gumballs!"
"I'll be by to get it in a few. Click."
Three Hart kids clapped their hands and cheered, "Way to go, Mom!" She chuckled.
"No respect," Henry said, shaking his head, but smiling brightly as they pulled into the carport of their summer house. Charlotte could hardly wait to hit the waves on her trusty old surfboard. Henry could hardly wait to grill hotdogs and… his alert went off and their eldest complained, "Ugh… You've gotta work?"
"Yeah, he does. It's how we have a summer house, so mind your tone, Girl." Charlotte gave Henry a kiss on the lips, placed her hand on his heart to feel his pulse in sync with her ring, and told him, "Come home safely."
"I always try," he said, as he pulled out his gumballs and tried to find some place to change.
"Okay! House Hart, unpack the truck for me," Charlotte said to her 16, 12 and 8 year old. She watched as a red and blue jetpack wearing streak went up and then over. The kids were distracted and said, "WHOAAA! THAT WAS AGENT DANGER!" They were all super excited and she just smiled and shook her head. She told Henry that the best way of always keeping them unaware of his secret identity was to tell them all of their lives that he used to be Kid Danger. No matter how obvious it became, they never presumed he was Agent Danger.
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Marked By Love - Instagram Post
I wrote the end now and it’s 00:17 am so sorry if it sucks haha, bear with me! Please let me know what you think about it and what you wnat to happen in the future.
Wc: 2850
The sun was slowly setting, leaving the city of toronto covered in a beautiful orange color. Shawn inhaled the crisp summer air as he slowed down his steps. His tall boy was covered in a thin layer of sweat, and from his hairline a few pearls made their way down his face. His cheeks were rosy and the long curls pulled back by a thin headband. He catched his breath for a moment as he felt an arm patting his back firmly.
“Woah, good job kid” Andrew said between breaths.
The poor guy was drenched and red as a tomato. He rested his hands on his knees and Shawn could not help but chuckle at the sight. The manager breathed heavily and Shawn placed a large hand on his shoulder.
“You okay there man?”
Andrew squinted his eyes and held up his hand with a thumbs up. Shawn shook his head lightly as a smirk creeped up on his pink lips.
“Don’t” Andrew warned.
Shawn held his hands up like a surrender, but still with the cocky grin plastered on his face.
Eventually Andree started breathing normally and stood up, stretching out his body.
“Think you can handle the rest?” Shawn said, voice laced in worry. Andrew nodded and started jogging, Shawn following his footsteps, running a few feet in front of him. Slowly but surely he quickened his pace and after a while they were back to running.
Andrew’s eyes flickered over the tall boy in front of him, needing something to keep his eyes on. He examined the tattoo on the back of his arm, the one of the light bulb. As Shawn straightened out his arm, his eyes stuck to something else on his arm. He furrowed his brows in confusion at the little star that was placed underneath his elbow.
”New tattoo?” He panted, causing Shawn to stop his motions and give him a look.
Andrew nodded to his right arm and Shawn wrinkled his brows.
”What are you talking about?”
He screwed and turned on his arm, trying to find what his manager was talking about.
Andrew let out a sigh and pressed his hand against his shoulder, making him look at his elbow.
“Oh shit”
“Wait, it that not-“
“A tattoo” Shawn said, finishing his sentence. Both of them shared a look as he tries to process the fact that he had, for the first time, been marked by love.
“Who is it?” Andrew asked carefully, almost like he was afraid of scaring the boy. Shawn ran a hand through the hair on his neck.
“You know the girl that I wanted to see during that festival?”
Andrew’s eyes widened and he looked down, regretting stopping him from finding her.
“So, what are you going to do about it? I mean, you need to find her”
Shawn looked searching at him, like he was thinking. Suddenly he got an idea and he could almost feel the light bulb over his head lighten up.
“I got it!” he yelled as he starting running back to his place.
Andrew was just about to say something as the boy took off, leaving him rolling his eyes and walking after him, who was long gone by now.
He slammed the door open, making it hit the wall next to it with a loud noise that echoed through the hallway.
Humming on a John Mayer song, he quickly took a shower. As he rinsed out the shampoo from his dark locks he carefully planned just how he was going to get her attention. The plan was to post a picture on instagram, showing of the mark on his arm and caption it with something really cheesy. And hopefully, she would see it. How he was going to get in contact with her, that’s another story, a story he hadn’t thought about.
He dried his hair with the towel while sending a message to the boys, bribing them with pizza and beer if they would only come over. Neither of them could decline the the generous offer and half an hour later they were all seated in the big couch.
Laughing and eating of the family pizza that Shawn ordered, he filled them in on the plan. They thought he was joking at first, but after seeing the little star on his arm, they understood that the picky boy really was in love.
“Okay, but how do we know that she follows you on instagram?” Josiah said, mouth full of pizza.
Shawn licked his lips before letting out a grumbling sigh.
“We don’t, we just have to cross our fingers that she does”
“But she did come to see you during the festival, so she must be some sort of fan” Brian added.
Shawn sent him a thankful look as he stood up, drying of his sweaty palms on his black jeans.
“I need to find an outfit! Josiah, set up the camera, this needs to be good!” He yelled as he walked out of the room, making the guys let out a laugh at how invested he was.
“Will do!” Josiah said and took a sip of his coke.
”How about this?” Shawn said, walking into the living room and making a pirouette as he did. He was wearing a nude button up with a pair of black jeans.
The guys looked at him with distaste as they all shook their heads.
“Dude, no.”
Shawn rolled his eyes and went to change again. This time he had chosen a red and black striped t-shirt. And as he walked through the door a loud booing noise was heard from the crowd of boys.
“I hope you didn’t pay money for that Mendes!” Brian said with a laugh only to be slapped gently by Andrew.
“Did you forget that he’s a literal millionaire?”
Brian furrowed his brows as he drank the last of his beer.
“Sorry” he muttered.
“But seriously kid, that’s awful”
Shawn sighed and turned on his heels.
As he, for the third time, confidently came out of his bedroom the guys were quiet. They eyed him up and down, looking at the way the dark short sleeved button up made him look. The fabric was tight around his arms, showing of his biceps.
“That’s the one” Josiah was the first to talk. Brian nodded and Andrew gave him a high five. Shawn smiled sheepishly at the compliments as he sat down on the chair in front of the gray background.
Josiah fixed with his camera as he nervously rubbed his hands together, or fidgeted with the ring on his finger, something he had a habit of doing when he was nervous. This had to be perfect.
“Okay… we’re all good!” Josiah announced and placed his eye over the hole.
Shawn posed awkwardly as he took a few photos.
As he pulled away from the camera, he inspected the pictures carefully before turning to Shawn.
“What the heck are you doing with your hands?”
Shawn wrinkled his brows and looked down at the small screen, and surely, he was doing something strange with his hands. They were placed awkwardly at his sides, making him look like he was a confused fifth grader.
“I have no idea. When I don’t have my guitar I don’t know what to do with them!”
Josiah looked up at him from where he was sitting.
“Well then you might want to grab that guitar, because this is the most uncomfortable photo I have ever taken of you man”
Shawn chuckled a little as Josiah gave him a playful pat on the back.
His favorite acoustic guitar was sitting on the chair in his bedroom, over a few pillows. The guys used to make fun about how protective he was over his precious guitars, and he couldn’t blame them. He treated them all like they were his children, heck, even better.
He carefully lifted up the guitar by the neck and ran his hand over the strings. The soft sound coming from it was enough to make him fall in love with music over again.
Shawn walked back with his guitar in his hands and sat down on the thin stool. His tall frame was really to big for it, making him have to spread his legs to keep himself steady and from falling.
He placed the guitar in his lap and rested his right elbow on its body, placing his left hand next to it.
A few clicks was heard from the camera and he stared into the dark lens as he ran a hand through his curls. They were still a little damp from his shower, causing them to stay place, slicked back by his large hand.
“That’s the one!” Josiah exclaimed as he once again pulled back from the camera and stared down on the little screen. And surely enough, it was a great picture.
Showing of just enough of the little star on the underside of his arm, and with the intense stare that could get any girl’s knees weak. 15 minutes later, the picture was edited and ready and the only part left was the caption.
The boys sat in silence on the white cushions. All deep in thought of what the boy should write.
“I got it!” Brian almost yelled, startling the rest of the group.
“Thinking about you! But without the ‘a’, you know. Keeping it cool”
He looked at Shawn for approval and he nodded his head lightly, playing with the thought.
“That might actually work” he mumbled as he openes instagram.
Fixing the picture and adding the caption, he skeptically examined it. He was about to fix something as he thought ‘screw it’ and pressed the ‘post’ button. Throwing his phone away as if it was burning hot, he barely had the courage to look back at it.
“Okay, I posted it” he exhaled and the guys cheered him on, causing a grin to crack open his lips.
“You’re going to get your girl man, I promise you!” A slightly drunk Geoff whispered to him. He had his arm wrapped tightly around his neck and a beer bottlw in the other. Shawn shot him a smile and a small ’I hope so’, trying to get rid of the growing lump in his stomach. What if she didn’t see it? What if she didn’t feel the same? What if, the first time he really was in love, ended in heartbreak before it could even begin?
His mind was racing, and the anxiety making his heart pound faster and faster by the seconds.
He excused himself from the group and rushed to the bathroom, closing the door behind him, he placed his both hands on the cold ceramic sink.
Taking deep breaths, he tried to calm himself down. Humming the lyrics to ’In My Blood’ quietly to himself as he washed his face with cold water. It was silly, but the song was important to him and it really did help with his anxiety.
Looking up in the mirror, he realised how fucked he was for her. No, he already knew that from the sleepless nights where he laid awake thinking about her smile, or the way her face light up as he started playing on his guitar. The way she moved her body to the beat of the music and her eyes. God, those eyes. Those eyes followed him wherever he went.
They were like crystals, glowing in the light from the sun. She had the prettiest eyes he had ever seen. And he dreamed of someday being the reaction to that extra sparkle in them. The reason her pupils widened, the way they do when you look at someone you love.
He was so fucked for her, and he could only hope that she felt the same.
The apartment was empty. Again. Usually you wouldn’t mind having the flat to yourself but lately you’ve had this feeling, this need, to be around or with someone. You had no idea what had caused this sudden change in attitude but there was nothing you could do. So you’ve tried your hardest to cover it up, taking home one night stands or throwing big parties that only left you feeling like the mess the day after. Anything to get rid of the feeling.
But you knew, deep down, that the feeling meant something more. You longed for a relationship. Someone to be there for you through wet and dry and to fill the empty space that had been present these last couple of weeks. It had been a year since your last relationship, a relationship that ended in broken glass and broken hearts. The thought of how it ended still made you stick to your stomach, no matter how hard you tried to convince yourself that you were over it. But catching, who you thought was your soulmate, and your best friend hooking up in your- now his, bed, was a sight that didn’t wash out very easily.
And no matter how hard you tried to tell yourself that it wasn’t a big deal, that those things happen and it’s only to move on, it had still left it marks on you. It was the reason to why you usually left by the sunset and just stared at your phone when they wanted to meet up again. The incident had wrecked you, more than you were willing to admit. And now here you were, with a brain telling you that it was time to get back in there. And somehow, it didn’t feel too wrong.
You craved intimacy, even though it scared the living hell out if you, the feeling of holding someone close still beat the fear.
You let out a sigh, staring at the empty document in front of you. The assignment wasn’t due until three weeks from now, but you liked to get things done. But this time you had just been sitting in front of the open computer for two hours, not writing a word on the empty paper. Your mind was in so many different places, but none focused on the writing. Closing the computer, you let out a yawn as you sent a quick look to the wall, the big clock that Olivia had insisted that you just needed.
To your disappointment it was only 10, which was almost not an acceptable bedtime for a twenty year old. As your stomach reminded you that your last meal was six hours ago, you decided to get some food.
Cooking was definitely not one of your specialties and you soon settled for a pack of mac and cheese that was stuffed into the back of the cabinet. You slowly stirred the macaroni-water as your phone vibrated, signaling that a certain canadian boy had posted something on instagram. Fishing the phone up out of your sweatpants you placed your finger on the home button and were redirected to Instagram.
It was a gorgeous picture of the boy and you quickly took a screenshot before placing a like. You eyes wandered over the screen as they stuck to something on his arm. A familiar star was placed on the underside of it. You felt your heart race as you read the caption.
“Thinking about u”
The intense stare made your knees weak and you slowly rolled up the leg of your pants, to show of the exact same mark there. You stopped breathing and your eyes flickered from the screen to your ankle. The little rose that was his mark, was still placed on the inside of your wrist, reminding you of the first time you saw him during that concert. He had been so young back then, seventeen years old and just getting started, having no idea of the fame and recognition that was awaiting him only a few years later.
You sank down on the floor, back pressed firmly against the glossy fridge. Emotions were flowing over you in waves and you tried your best not to get up and scream, run around the apartment and just screaming. You knew what it meant when you got another person's mark on you, you knew. It meant that you had fallen in love with them, and there he was. Your idol since four years back, having a pretty little star placed on the back of his muscular arm, your mark.
Showing that the moment you both shared during the festival meant something to him, that you actually did mean something to him.
You heard the water boiling and the timer going off, but still there was only one thought going through your mind.
”He’s in love with me”
So with shaky fingers, you opened the direct messages and sent him a short message. A message that was the perfect mix between cocky and flirty, and that didn’t give away on how every muscle in your body felt like spaghetti.
One sentence that made you completely bubbly inside, and that made him drop his phone into the toilet.
“My mark looks good on you”
Taglist ( let me know if you want to be added/removed) : @nervousroses @t-i-n-y-d-i-n-o @oyesmendes @justmesadgirl @wronglanesassholeshawn @yourwonderbelle @hunshawnmendes @ultrunning @myownplacex @maryjanerose @thinkaholicer @musiic-is (tumblr isn’t letting me tag)
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