If I'm going to submit a ship to the showdown, does the ref. have to be art? Or can it be something else?
Yes, references do have to be art.
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Hey everyone! It's the 16th, and.... there still aren't enough entries to proceed as planned, or to create an even bracket for either tournament.
So - what's your preferred next step?
If the tournaments are combined, then seven more entries total will be accepted for a total of forty double-elimination slots; if they are kept separate, there will be two more allowed entries for OC x OC (for a bracket of sixteen) and twelve more for OC x Canon (for a total of 32), both single elimination.
Cast your vote, and we'll see where we are when it ends!
As a reminder:
OC x OC Entry Form is here!
OC x Canon Entry Form is here!
The current entries are here!
(If you have filled out the form but are NOT among the entries, it's probably because you did not provide refs. Feel free to re-enter!)
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The Public Roster Is Here!
Go here to check out the lists of current competitors!
There are two ships who were entered but do not appear on the public roster - this is because no refs were submitted. References are mandatory for this tournament, and image URLs can be pasted directly into the questionnaire.
If you entered but did not submit a ref, you can message the blog directly to send your reference links; any new entries without refs will not be counted!
There's still plenty of time and space to sign up!
For OC x OC entries, go here!
For OC x Canon entries, go here!
See you soon!
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Tournament Update!
Hello everyone! Thanks for bearing with me - I've had a really busy month!
There are still plenty of slots open in each tournament, so the start of the tournament is being postponed to get a few more in! Right now, we're moving out a month to September 17.
This week, though, I'll be starting a public spreadsheet to start sorting out the actual bracket. For now, it'll be just a listing of the ships and the owners of the characters involved, but as we get more in I'll start randomizing which ship goes up against which.
Look for the spreadsheet in the coming week, and be sure to get your entries in!
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Hey! Sorry to bother, but as of now, are there any oc x oc slots left?
There are!
I'll post an update sometime this weekend - I've been super busy, but doing some cleanup now. ^^
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Pinned Post
Welcome to Sonic OC Ship Showdown, hosting tournaments for Sonic OC x OC and OC x Canon ships!
Rules and FAQ | Answered Asks
Sign Ups For Current Tournament - Tournament begins August 17!
Current Interest Check: Platonic Ship Tournament
Prompt List - Coming soon!
And while you're here, also check out @madeinmobius, @sonic-oc-central, and @oc-underground!
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Interest Check: Platonic Ships Tournament
No nuance here, just Yes or No! Fifty or more 'yes' votes will have the Platonic Edition strongly considered, and one hundred 'yes' votes will guarantee it will be held.
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still contemplating whether or not I'll submit some guys but. how many confirmed things so far ? need to know if I should decide faster
So far there are 17 confirmed for OC x Canon (just over half of available slots), and 10 for OC x OC (just under a third).
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Will we be messaged to confirm our acceptance if we submitted a ship for the showcase?
Yes, once I go through and log the entry you will get a DM stating if they were accepted or if something needs to be edited/redone!
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If you don't mind me asking, what's the acceptance process look like? Will people be messaged that they were accepted?
Yes, people will be messaged once they're added in. Bear in mind this might take a few days, as I also have a full time job and other responsibilities!
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do entries close once a certain amount of entries have been submitted, or on a particular date?
Entries in each division close when the division reaches 32 qualified/confirmed ships.
There is currently no limit on showcase entries.
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So, I've got a ship that should qualify for OC x OC if I'm understanding everything right. But I don't really feel like entering a tournament right now and the full details of the ship are spoilers for an AU I have. I could just enter them into the showcase, correct?
Correct! The showcase is for ships that are not eligilble to compete (like mine, since I'm modding!) and ships whose owners don't wish to compete.
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How are the polls going to look in this tournament? To be more specific, the character refs?
Using two of my ships as an example, they'll look like this:
Tumblr media
Simple graphic with a simple sketch of the ship! Propaganda and explanation of the OCs involved will be under a cut.
The rough sketches are why reference is required to get your character as accurate as possible - and to make it more fair with each ship having the same quality art.
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How many entries are in so far?
OC x Canon has 10 entries with 8 fully confirmed, and OC x OC has 5 with 4 fully confirmed.
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How do you enter in the reference images for the ships?
Copy and paste a link to the image in the form. We'll be able to open the image link from there!
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Are QPRs allowed, or no? I was thinking I’d submit one but with it being wholly romance focused I have to assume that’s probably not a thing. I think all of the entries are probably going to be romantic anyway, just curious if it’s that restricted or not because my character’s QPR is one of if not my favorites of my characters in general. :3!
QPRs are fine! They don't fit wholly in either box, so it's up to you to decide if they belong more here, or in a potential Platonic Version (which we'll be posting an interest poll for soon!)
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Sign-ups Are Now Open!
For OC x OC entries, go here!
For OC x Canon entries, go here!
And for the Showcase, go here!
As a reminder, you can submit one ship to each tournament division; you can submit as many as you like to the showcase, but showcase ships will not be eligible for the current tournament. Also be sure to check out the Rules/FAQ before submitting!
We're looking forward to seeing your ships!
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