#I wish tumblr was easier to navigate with multiple tags so I could search both their names together
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
feroluce · 1 year ago
Sampo & Caelus are so important to me, I love them. To me they are bros. Buddies. Partners in mischief making and chaos. Caelus is a total weirdo and Sampo is always getting Up To Something, and they both hate being bored or stagnating, so they regard each other as an endless source of entertainment and amusement.
They're the kind of friends that just kind of see each other when they see each other, and when they do cross paths they greet with that funny hands-clasped-between-them-and-one-armed-hug thing that guys do. Then they go to a bar, annoy the local population, kick up a ruckus or cause some kind of mischief somewhere, and go stumble into a hotel room to sleep it off.
They did this a few times in Belobog, and Gepard once found them on a morning patrol passed out in a gutter together. Sampo was sacked out with a newspaper over his face. Caelus was sprawled out next to/on top of him in the most awkward and uncomfortable position a human body could possibly contort into. Both refused to explain anything zkzkkskd
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ofcacthuxandkylosaur · 4 years ago
1. Where do you find those AU’s?
Well, mostly those are the AUs that cross my dash - when I happen to be active on tumblr. So you see, it is a bit restrictive and means there are probably lots of AUs I never found and I don’t even know exist! Every once in a while, I try exploring blogs or using tumblr search engine. It gets me results, but not as much as you would expect (tumblr search engine is not the most effective tool for that kind of things...). My ask box is also open in case you want to suggest a new tag/new post (see Q4 & Q5).
2. Are new AU tags meant to be added on the list?
I intend to. But it vastly depends on the AUs that cross my path (see Q1) and of the time I can manage to spend on the list. But I am always happy to discover new AUs :) On a side note, I intend to edit this version of the list rather than posting new versions. As long as I don’t have to split it again it should be fine!
3. Do you continue tagging the posts you reblog?
Yes, I try. So if you click on the same tag now and then in a few months, you may see new posts. ‘May’ of course, because I don’t encounter every AU everyday and some AUs are more popular than others...
4. Can I suggest an AU tag?
Yes please! The more tags the better. I can’t guarantee I’ll add it to the list though. Maybe I already use a synonym (or a concept too close to create a new entry). I also need to have more than two posts about an AU to create a tag (otherwise, it will be tagged as “Other AU” and possibly “Other /thematicName/ AU”). So it is best you also suggest post(s) bond to the AU you suggest (please send me links to those or directly submit the post(s) otherwise I might never find them!). It can also take me a few weeks to effectively add the new tag to the list since I must check possible affiliations/redirections/proximity (see “HOW” section of ABOUT) and see if it fits in any thematic list.
I must also warn you that I reserve myself the right to refuse an AU I am really uncomfortable with (typically heavy gore and obvious/graphic abuse). I try to be inclusive but there are some things I can’t bring myself to reblog. You can try reblogging and tagging that AU yourself, then create a post with a ‘yourBlogName.tumblr.com/tagged/tagName’ type of link, and I might add a link to that one post in the list. To be discussed. However, I will not add a pe /dophilic AU to the list. Ever.
5. Can I suggest post(s) for existing AU tags?
Yes, please do!! You can send me the link via an ask or submit it. Just try to look at the post’s notes beforehand (”see notes”) to see if I haven’t reblogged it already.
6. Can I suggest a new thematic list?
Yes you can! I can’t guarantee I’ll have the time to make it, but it could happen. Please try to provide an explanation for the theme (to make sure I get what you mean), with maybe a definition and an example of which tags you can see belonging to it (and which you think don’t). Note that all the tags appearing on  thematic lists already exist in the general AU list, so I won’t come up with new tags for a new thematic list.
7. What about Kylux adjacent?
I only included technicians (Matt/Techie), since it was the first adjacent paring to emerge. Also, since Matt is a radar technician he is still technically in the Star Wars universe. I wish I could have “tracked” every adjacent pairing but there are so many and I lost count. It would have taken me an incredible amount of time I didn’t have. If you happen to have your own tag list referencing all/part of those adjacent ships, you can contact me if you’re ok with me adding a link in my AU list redirecting people to your blog for Kylux adjacent.
8. The same post appears twice or more for the same AU. Is it normal?
No, I try to have each post to only appear once for each AU. BUT this list has been in the making for so long and some tags have so many posts that it is sometimes difficult to avoid duplication. If it bothers you, you can send me the links to those posts (all of them please) and I’ll try to settle it.
9. I am confused as to why you tagged a certain post like you did. Could it be a mistake?
It could. I do my best but sometimes it is hard to sort posts into tags. It could also be that the post comes from a series of posts and that it only becomes clear that the serie belongs to an AU when you read/see all the posts. Both scenari are an option, so feel free to message me about it. 
10. I am the OP of a post and you definitively tagged it wrong...
Ooops sorry! Please send me an ask so I can settle this!
11. I encountered a broken/incorrect link inside the list...
That is not normal. All of the tags displayed in the list should be working. This is however possible. There are many tags and I might have made a mistake. Please send me an ask with the name of the broken tag so I can fix it!
12. In ABOUT you said that there needs to be more than two posts for an AU to become a tag. Yet I found an AU tag with only two posts...
It happens. As I said in ABOUT, this is a general rule, and there are exceptions. If there are only two posts, but (one of) those posts are(/is) long, contains multiple art or a combination moodboard/fic, I might decide to make it a tag anyway. If, on the contrary, you spot a tag with three or more posts that doesn’t have a proper tag in the list, please let me know!
13. I don’t understand why you tagged a specific post “other” alongside  already existing tags...
“Other AU” is a default tag I use when there is no existing category fit for a post. A post tagged “other” can also be tagged “Other /thematicName/ AU” if it fits in any of the thematic lists. Also, you must remember that posts can be multi-tagged as a same post can have multiple “dimensions”. For example, it can depict a scene happening on a boat (”Cruise AU”) where Kylo happens to be a secret agent (”Agent Kylo AU”). Thus, if there’s a specific dimension about an AU that would justify the creation of a new tag, but I don’t have enough posts of that kind to actually create it (yet), the post will be tagged “other”, even though the other(s) dimension(s) are already depicted by existing tags. Let’s pretend that in the previous example, “Agent Kylo AU” was not yet part of the list. I would have tagged it “Cruise AU” and “other AU” (+ “Other Jobs AU”). I might even have added the “Agent Kylo AU” tag for internal purposes (so I can check how many of them I have and determine if it is time or not to add a new tag to the list).
14. A “Read More”/redirection link on a post doesn’t lead anywhere...
A “Read More” link redirects you to the OP blog. If the blog has changed name/been deleted or if the OP removed the post, you will end up nowhere. It is sad but you won’t be able to read the full post and there is nothing I can do about it. When it happens, you can however send me a message so that I can precise on the post that the “Read More” option is not an option anymore (please send me a link to my reblog of the post otherwise chances are I’ll never find it). Same goes for any other redirection link(s) present on the posts. If the page you were supposed to land on doesn’t exist anymore, I can’t do much about it, save warn people about it.
15. You reblogged comics in the wrong order...
Reblogging multiple pages comics is difficult. Either you reblog it entirely at once, either you reblog each page as it goes (the comic appears thus in reverse order in your blog). And if you miss some, it quickly becomes a mess. I tried to reblog relatively short comics at once, starting with the last part (so that the first page appears first when people scroll/navigate) but I often couldn’t. Some comics are not even complete, either because they were left unfinished, either because I just lost the thread. If there are navigation links within the posts, it is probably best you follow those. If not, maybe try to open the pages in different tabs and to order those accordingly. Or, and this is probably my best advice, try looking on the OP blog. They probably have a tag for their comic and it may make things easier!
16. You reblogged one of my posts and I’d rather not have it referenced by your list...
No problem! Please contact me I’ll untag it asap!
17. I have a question regarding the list that is not referenced above. Is it ok for me to ask it?
Yes, of course. Just be sure your answer doesn’t already lies in the ABOUT section (and refer to Q18 in case my answer doesn’t come too fast...).
18. I asked you a question but am still waiting for an answer...
Obviously (except if you were sending (anon) hate), I am not mad at you. I might need a few days to answer you. If a week has passed and I didn’t post an answer, chances are: 1) I didn’t see your message (tumblr eats it sometimes) or 2) I’ve been out of tumblr (busy with work, on holiday or something) or 3) my brain is not really complying at the moment. I do have down periods and, when it happens, I might not have the heart/energy to answer. It can last a few weeks or several months. I try to look at my inbox when I come back on this site but I might miss a message if too much have been sent. In any case, you can try and send your question again later.
See ABOUT for more general information
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Hey so im new to tumblr, and i plan to post my first fanfic soon (not new to reading fanfiction btw 😂 just writing it), and i was wondering if there was any advice you could give to an aspiring writer? Anything from writing advice to like how to tag stuff properly, how to stay motivated, or anything you can think of! Thanks in advance! I love your blog!
Also, im looking to change my username to something thats a little more neutral so i can write for multiple fan bases, but i’m shit outta ideas. Any help?         
So, i decided to combine your two asks in one answer, hope you don’t mind!
Okay, so, first things first, i think, i should start with saying, that i’m not sure at all i am the person who should give such kind of advise. I’m literally no one here, most of the time i’m just chilling in my little cave unknown and forgotten lol (okay, i can see Anne narrow her pretty eyes on me, not completely unknown and forgotten). So, please, take in consideration, i don’t know much myself and probs some bigger blogs could be more helpful.
From what i do know about publishing on tumblr… Here’s the ugly truth, if you look for popularity or any kind of reaching out to a really big number of readers, i’d say, you’re on the wrong platform. Instagram and Whattpad would give you more (each has it’s own specific and i’m too dumb for both, but it is what it is ig). Writing experience on tumblr is a hella hard work with practically no instant gratification. I was hella happy when my first writings were getting like 10 notes. And i put up with a lot of work to get more tbh. So, please, don’t anticipate too much from the beginning, there are no guarantees here. And a sheer luck is quite important too.
Tagging and “smart” publishing is a way to overcome these obstacles. From what i read when i bothered myself with the same questions as you do right now, your blog needs to  be at least couple weeks old for your content to be up in the tags search. Also i’ve read that only first five of your tags are being searched globally. The rest, as i understood, are for your own blog navigation. So if you wanna make your content search-able, put the most relevant tags in the beginning. Publishing time’s also important to reach out for the audience. The most notes get those posts that are put up in the afternoon (the us time, pref EST) mon-thur and sat afternoon to sunday night. This has a lot to do with peoples schedules, most part of users are students of any kind and really big part of them are american. Have no idea if these change for summer time, but during winter-spring time i really saw that work.
Also tumblr likes visuals, the bigger your writings are, the more difficult it would be to gain audience (in theory). If you create any kind of visual art, it’ll make it easier for you. If not, try to reblog visual content as much, as text content (the rule i’m neglecting lately, but just because of the craziness of time, promise to go back to visuals sooooon). I’d say, try to keep the balance between text and pic posts.
Tumblr experience hugely depends on who you follow and who are your mutuals. You can follow some BNF accounts to see how they work, but they also can make you feel insecure from times. I’d say, follow people you really like. It’s absolutely normal not to like people who have a lot of followers or unfollow someone after some time if you feel like it. Tumblr supposed to be fun, and having on your dash people who don’t bring you joy is a big no from me. Also, engage in communication. If people know you, there’s more chance they’ll read your writings or reblog it, so it’s also a way to reach out, but this is truly extremely secondary. What is more important here, people here are great and i’m sure you’ll find a lot of friends and mutuals. If you need, i can tell you about my fave blogs, just hmu. Take part in ask/tag games, put up followers celebrations (people usually love them), chat, comment, send asks and blurbs (well, you shouldn’t have problems with that lol). Tumblr is not a platform for writers to give their readers content. It’s a platform for communication and co-working. And fun! Fun is important lol.
I’m not sure i can give any advice about motivation. Just because i know pretty much nothing about it. Writing is like breathing for me, i don’t need to motivate myself into it. But if i don’t wanna do sth, no motivation will help. Tho, it’s really good to have this couple of friends, who’ll gladly kick your lazy procrastinating ass from time to time. Well, that’s of course, highly individual! But i love to have my ass kicked by my pretty pixie friend.
I know nothing about changing urls. There are blogs who do it every so often. I’m sure i’ll have this url when i’m 80 lmao. I’d say a url should be sth what is important for you. Like mine combines lines from my fave 5sos songs, but also represents my eternal love to space (which you can see on my blog lol) and  kinda motto, that anything’s better than nothing, which i like to remind myself about. So, i’d say, you should think about what’s important to you.
I’m sorry for this answer being so long, i know nothing about being short. Well, you’ve seen my “blurbs” lmao. Thank you so much for loving my blog and coming to me with this question, i really hope i was helpful! I wish you all the luck in writing and, yeah, come chat any time. Will be glad to))))))
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