#I will literally read ONE lewis interview and be emotional for at least 60 hours afterwards
formulaonedirection · 17 days
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musings on a legacy of growth and conscious effort and kindness and sincerity and love and a capacity for thoughtfulness and self-reflection that's far more meaningful than perfection
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maih-em · 4 years
Endeavour Fandom Meme tagged by @bryndeavour and @petersjakes thank u!
Top 5 Episodes
Pilot will always have a special place in my heart. Fugue is just Very Good and one that I’ll often turn to if I want to watch an episode. Nocturne – idk why this one’s on the list but I just really like it? I can’t really pinpoint any particular reason but I really vibe with the aesthetic. Canticle is great for so many reasons it has a good aesthetic and I love nick wilding. Deguello is just so satisfying??? As a conclusion not only to the whole of series 6 but series 5 as well, it really gets me – all of them coming together at the end after drifting apart in various directions all series? THAT’S exactly what I want TV to make me feel.
And also, Icarus needs a shoutout for being the only piece of TV that’s ever made me properly cry. Like I was sobbing for at LEAST half an hour props to Russell Lewis for making me feel An Emotion. & Neverland because I love it but I can’t rewatch it bc it’s too stressful
EDIT: idk why i immediately discounted neverland & icarus from the list for being to sad? like yeah i’d die if i rewatched it but neverland is great and the peter jakes character development is Important
Seasons in Order of Preference (or tops)
S3, S1, S4, S6, S5, S2, S7. This was so hard to do bc I like all of them? Like I don’t hate S2 AT ALL, but I just couldn’t put it in front of S5&6 because they have such good underlying plot. S3 and S1 have the most episodes that I gravitate to, and S4 idk it has great vibes although Harvest is a really unsatisfying ending. And I don’t specifically dislike S7, but the individual episodes are too intertwined to enjoy them individually which is something I prefer in a series. Also, it’s way too stressful.
Favourite Scene(s)
100% the end of Deguello as I said above. And Arcadia with Morse and Jakes in the mineshaft. Also in S6 when Box is being a dick to Joan and then Thursday comes up and introduces her as his daughter and Box shits bricks -- POETIC CINEMA.
EDIT: also i’ve just remembered when box is parked on a double yellow and trewlove says they’re going to stand out like a couple of spare pricks and george just smILES AT HER hhhhh
I have to say for bisexual reasons: the kiss scene at the end of Raga is just *chef’s kiss* and also Morse and Nick in Canticle in the enchanted place or whatever it was called and the almost-kiss in the pilot with Rosalind calloway.
Favourite Musical Piece or Moment
I have to say Jennifer Sometimes because it genuinely SLAPS. Like I have it on my Spotify for actual non-endeavour-related reasons, it’s just such a tune.
Also, the theme tune. It makes me FEEL THINGS. And I associate it with all the emotions I feel at the end of an episode because obvs it comes in at the end, so I feel like everything I feel about the show as a whole is tied up in that music???
Favourite Cinematography/Imagery (season, ep, whatever)
Anything that’s sunny and summery – immediately what comes to mind is Canticle, Arcadia and Harvest. I’m probably slightly misremembering them but in my head they’re just warm and golden and lens flares and sunshine the vibes are just immaculate.
Favourite Ensemble Character that isn't Morse
You mean I have to CHOOSE?? I have to say Peter Jakes but that’s mainly because I write him so often I think. Like I absolutely ADORE him but mainly the version of him in fanfics. If I took jakes out of the equation, I’d pick either Frazil or Bright? Bright just has such good vibes and especially in s6&7 and Frazil is an ICON.
Favourite One-episode Character
Automatically I want to say nick wilding but that’s 95% just because he’s really fucking fit. I quite like the vicar in Girl and also Anthony Donn (but only because I love Sam Barnett)
Favourite Morse Look (season, ep, whatever)
S3 is my favourite hair because it’s messier. In terms of a whole look either his red jumper in Ride or any of the casual decorating outfits he wears in S7. And the uniform in S6.
Biggest Disappointment
This is a common opinion but all the women are treated like shit and I don’t vibe with it. I was starting to plan a fic recently and I made a list of characters who don’t get a super big role in the show who I wanted to specifically use more because I love them and then I realised literally all of them are women? Yikes. Joan is treated like shit, Monica is treated like shit, Frazil is an icon but 90% of her interactions are just to further Morse’s development, Violetta again is only there for the sake of Morse, and Trewlove is side-lined so much too (I read in an interview somewhere that Dakota blue Richards actually had to press at some points to get Trewlove a more valuable role in the plot so I don’t even want to know how invisible they made her in the original script).
Also, it could be gayer. Like that’s just bc I’m gay, but I just want some rep that’s more than 2 or 3 off-screen gays/lesbians. I get it’s the 60s, but other shows manage it it’s not that hard to make one (1) rounded LGBT character in a loving relationship.
Provide some Spicy Takes (on canon, fandom, anything)
This is not spicy at ALL, but I love how shippable literally any character is. Morse and someone he met briefly in one episode? Yep. Two people who would completely hate each other in the canon? Go for it. Two characters who’ve never met? Sure why not? Morse has absolutely slept with all of his friends.
Oh and Jim is the rat king.
Free Space! (Make up something - anything - you want to share or say)
Fancy and Box are boyfriends.
(I’m currently writing a camping trip fic for them which I’ll probs post today or tomorrow. Also Lewis Peek recently tweeted that he wants to dye his hair blue and now I’m so tempted to have Box dye George’s hair blue)
I’m going to tag @eau1636 @booking--it @parvasilvi @dragonslover98 @dangerously-human and anyone else who wants to!
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