#I will eventually shut up about Link Click
amorelray · 1 year
Dive Back in Time - An Analysis
Season 1 Analysis: ❗Season 1 Spoilers❗
Disclaimer: All thoughts are my own personal interpretation and contain my own theories.
Starting with the First Verse & Prechorus:
It didn't take too long to realize Something has changed in the back of my mind Your eyes There ain't nowhere left to hide behind Time no longer flew like it was When the flash froze everything before Without you I don't know if I could take this road Chase you to the end of the world Just to say your name once more If I had only got it right before
At the beginning of the season, I had a feeling that the OP had a large part of Cheng Xiaoshi's POV inside of it. Especially this first verse & prechorus. The reason why I felt this way was because of the way the two guys were portrayed within the show. Cheng was clearly the more emotional and rash character that would be more likely to seek out Lu Guang if something ever happened. Quite frequently CXS was seen looking to LG for guidance and to be a rock for him when he needed it most. Specifically the line "without you, I don't know if I could take this road," really struck a chord with me regarding CXS because of how much he really does lean on LG. This thought was further encouraged by the end of Season 1 as LG gets stabbed and is clearly portrayed to be in a very unstable state. Within the last episode, I believe the whole story ups the ante when it comes to doubling down on this idea that CXS is likely to dive back in time to save LG. Thus, really making the audience believe that this first portion of the song is most likely from CXS's POV.
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Second Verse & Prechorus:
Here's to all the mistakes I never made All the twists and turns I'm always late to my fate If it ain't for your misguided taste I'd turn out so ordinary Fabulously un-addictively bore out my own brain Hey, out of my way
Upon finishing the first season, I assumed this was heavily in regard to Lu Guang/his POV. "All the mistakes I never made," "...late to my fate," "I'd turn out so ordinary." LG is the person who always reiterates the rules and even gets mad at CXS at one point for diving without his guidance. He also talks frequently about the "death node" and how those cannot be crossed; but, after the end of Season 1, it's heavy-handed in making the audience believe that CXS is going to make LG "late to his fate" by going back and changing the past. Also, out of the two powers, LG's appears to be the least drastic. The most he can do is look at a picture and see 12 hours into the future of it. Whereas CXS can jump into the photo and potentially change what has already happened. Thus, making LG the more likely one to be "ordinary" without CXS.
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Every minute that I dialed back in time Every single existence rewinds Something secretive hidden inside Your mind All the heartaches and the smiles never faded I know you'll be by my side when we make it Come back from the dive back in time
Once again, I saw this from CXS's POV. I believed this was CXS because he was the one literally dialing back in time. LG wasn't the one jumping into the photos. He was. So, the whole chorus felt like it was CXS's moments of jumping back in time and recalling all of the memories he had with LG over the years, but the line "Come back from the dive, back in time," really made me believe that it was actually LG calling for CXS to return. Once the season ended, this chorus had me broken. The reason being was that while I once saw it as the experiences that CXS was having with LG in the photo shop, it now felt like it was him taking a vow to dive back in time to save LG. I know I keep coming back to that in all of this, but over and over again this song just felt like there was some sense of "saving." Then, when CXS got back from the dive and LG was bleeding out on the couch, the line "Come back from the dive, back in time," almost felt like CXS chastising himself for not being back in time to protect/save LG.
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Overall, I knew this song was being presented as "the plotline" that I was just waiting to unravel and unfold. By the end of the season, I thought I understood what the whole song meant, but there was always one line that bothered me:
Well don't you feel sorry I'll love where I'm going now
There was something about this line that always tripped me up. Was it that CXS was asking someone else if they felt sorry for him? Where is he going? Why does he love it? It wasn't adding up, but at the time, I chalked it up to likely missing something and not understanding. However, I see now that might not have been the case. It was more likely that I, in fact, didn't have all of the pieces to the puzzle like I had originally thought.
❗Season 2 Spoilers Below❗
Season 2 Analysis: ❗Season 2 Spoilers❗
Holy shit was I wrong. After finishing Season 2 and getting the puzzle piece that LG has not only dove back to the beginning but broke his own rule has really changed the way I see this song now.
I now believe that the POVs have flipped. The verse that I originally saw as CXS's POV, I now think is actually LG's and vice versa.
Verse 1: (Apologies in advance, this is gonna be a long analysis)
It didn't take too long to realize Something has changed in the back of my mind Your eyes There ain't nowhere left to hide behind
I now believe that this was Lu Guang referring to Cheng Xiaoshi. I believe it was when he realized how much CXS meant to him. He recognized that something had changed for him and it had happened because of CXS. By the end of Season 2, the audience discovers that LG is willing to break his own rules over CXS. Thus, leading me to believe that CXS changed something within LG that was so strong that it altered his own beliefs. The comment about having nowhere else to hide behind I believe could mean one of two things, or even possibly both. 1. LG believed that CXS saw him for who he was. His eyes could see all of who he was and there was nothing else he could hide from him as his soul had been exposed to CXS. 2. When CXS died, LG had nowhere left to hide behind. CXS was his "safety blanket" so to speak and with CXS gone, LG had nowhere to turn.
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Time no longer flew like it was When the flash froze everything before Without you I don't know if I could take this road
I feel like this one is fairly self-explanatory. When CXS died, it was as if time had stopped for LG. He didn't know what to do and likely felt quite literally that the flash of the camera had frozen everything in the past for him. The final photo he had in his hand and looking at it, he must have had the thought of not knowing if he could indeed go on without CXS.
Chase you to the end of the world Just to say your name once more If I had only got it right before
And clearly, he will. LG is professing that he'll chase CXS to the end of the world just to have a few more moments with him. However, we're now left with how he only wishes he had "got it right before." When I first heard that line, I believed that it was someone who had messed up in a way that they couldn't fix. Like, when someone dies and you wish that you had done things just a little differently. If you had said that one thing you always wanted to or had been there for that special moment in their life or a time when they needed you most. At first, that line felt like that longing, but now it almost feels like it might be a bit of a regret or chastising way that LG is talking to himself. "If only he had got it right before," because-- if he had, CXS would still be alive and he wouldn't have had to go back and rewind time.
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Verse 2:
Here's to all the mistakes I never made All the twists and turns I'm always late to my fate
I now believe that this has to do with CXS. Overall, during Season 2, CXS did his best time and time again not to make any mistakes. So, I think the beginning line could easily be referring to all of the mistakes CXS didn't make. It's not that there have no mistakes because we clearly saw a few that he made early on in Season 1. However, this line is drawing attention to the fact that there were other mistakes CXS could have made but didn't. Additionally, I'm now believing that CXS’s death is actually the fated outcome that there have been multiple twists and turns added to his timeline in order to prolong that "fate." Thus, making him late.
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If it ain't for your misguided taste I'd turn out so ordinary Fabulously un-addictively bore out my own brain Hey, out of my way
The beginning of this almost sounds like there's a bit of recognition that if it weren't for LG's decision to go back, CXS might believe that he would have lived and died ordinarily. In fact, I believe this potentially fits with his personality. Underneath the funny and joking exterior, CXS still seemed like he was a fairly lonely person before befriending LG. I think it might also be safe to say that "if it ain't for your misguided taste," might also be a jab at himself. As in: "if it weren't for LG's misguided taste in choosing friends-- like him," then CXS would have been very "ordinary." I think it's safe to say that CXS likely believes that LG brought out the best in him. Plus, "Fabulously un-addictively bore out my own brain" feels more on par with something CXS would say as well. When I first thought this portion was related to LG, it felt...weird. I tried to make it fit, but it just didn't feel like LG. So, now that the POVs seemed to have flipped, this verse in particular feels like it's makes more sense and has more of a greater flow to the characters than what I first imagined.
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Every minute that I dialed back in time Every single existence rewinds Something secretive hidden inside Your mind All the heartaches and the smiles never faded I know you'll be by my side when we make it Come back from the dive back in time
Clearly, I believe this is now from LG's POV. Every minute that LG dialed back in time, every single existence he rewound. Saying that the heartaches and smiles never faded also makes it seem like LG is reliving all of these "pasts" as if they're fond memories. That somehow none of these cherished moments ever faded from the past. That somehow, every single one of them managed to stay in tact. However, with the line, "I know you'll be by my side when we make it," leads the audience to believe that something is bound to change because-- this time, CXS has to make it. And the final lines feel like LG is asking CXS to come back from the dive as if the timeline he already lived was just the vision of what he saw through a picture. As if he is waiting on CXS to return to him, the same way he always did at the end of his dives.
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Well don't you feel sorry I'll love where I'm going now
We know, LG. We know. Cause you're about to lose your mind.
Finally, I'd like to draw your attention to a few screenshots from the OP animation:
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Here we see the contrast between the two leads. However, once again, after finishing Season 2. I think these shots in particular carry more meaning than what they did in Season 1.
In season 1, these shots can easily point towards the way their powers work in the dynamic that they have using the photos. LG is the overseer who knows all within the photo and CXS is the one living it in the moment. Thus, making him blind. I think it's well shown in the shot of LG looking over the city in comparison to CXS falling with the film over his eyes. To which, it's reiterated in the following shot of the two men side by side.
Additionally, in the beginning of the OP, someone is holding a picture. Due to the lack of a watch, it can be assumed before the next shot even appears that this is CXS holding the photo. However, later on in the OP, there's an aiming shot that can clearly be recognized as LG. Again, I think in Season 1, these were great indicators of how they functioned as a dynamic, but I think it still think it greatly points to Season 2 as well.
Unlike Season 1, we know that in Season 2 LG has jumped back in time to try and change a death node for CXS's life. Also, if what he says is true and that he "went back to the beginning," it can also be theorized that everything we saw in Season 1 is, at the bare minimum, take 2. Thus, adding depth to the screenshots shared above. Not only would those scenes be pertinent to their dynamic in Season 1, but they also would reinforce the fact that LG knows what to expect and CXS is blind to the timeline. LG sees, controls, and takes the shots while CXS is free-falling and can merely observe.
Final Thoughts:
I literally cannot express enough how absolutely amazing I think this piece of fiction is. I'm not one to typically love time-travel stuff, but this has absolutely captured my attention. I love the theories, the way the story unfolds, the characters, and so much more. It's entertaining, heartbreaking, relatable, and believable all at once. In all honesty, I'm awestruck by this entire show and cannot wait for Season 3. I also may do an analysis on Vortex at some point, but for now, Dive Back in Time is enough. I've spent all evening working on this😅
And for those of you who literally made it to the end...You're amazing and I love you.💙🥺
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29 notes · View notes
f1fantasys · 4 months
Miami GP 2
Part 2 - THE WIN!
Part 1 link
Summary - finally the win!
Warnings - unprotected sex, p in v, swearing
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Finally, it was race day. Your alarm woke you up at 6.30am. As much as you were excited for the day, you were exhausted. Physically and mentally. All thanks to a certain Lando Norris. Physically, last night was filled with rough but passionate sex - the best kind before race day. It really got the adrenaline going for Lando so he always went all-out with pre race sex. He really worked a number on your last night. Mentally, because if the two of you weren't having sex, things were not as great as they were before. No more lingering looks or touches, or even just fooling around. You barely knew what to say to each other or how to act around each other. It was getting frustrating to be honest. You wished you could tell Lando how you felt but were too scared to hear him brush off the mere thought of being something more than fwb with him. You heart ached as you watched him leave you room, yet again, after round 3 last night. But you needed to tell them - lay all your cards on the table and see where is head was at. It was becoming too much.
You spent the first half of the day with the F1 Academy girlies. It was so much fun and refreshing. And by 2pm you made your way to the Mclaren garage - where you would be watching the race from.
Lando had texted you saying he wanted to see you before the race, so you quickly made your way to his drivers' room and knocked on the door.
''Come in'' he yelled.
''Hey Lan'' you said as you walked in and shut the door behind you.
''Hey you, how was your morning?'' he asked, still looking down at his phone. But when he looked up and saw what you were wearing, his mouth fell agape.
''It was really good. Its incredible what's happening with the F1 Academy'' you said as you sat down next to him.
But he wasn't listening to you. He was still staring at your body.
''Lan'' you laughed, clicking your fingers in front of his face. ''Eyes up here'' you cooed.
''Huh? Shit sorry'' he apologized. ''You just look so good in that skirt and top, fuck'' he said, biting his lower lip.
Hearing that, or rather seeing him bite his lip made you clench your thighs together. Within seconds he was pulling you onto his lap and kissing you senseless, hands roaming you body, eventually settling at your ass.
You started moaning into the kiss, not getting enough of him, while his tongue found its way through your open lips. ''Hmmm, you taste so good'' he murmured. It quickly was getting hotter by the second. Lando's hands shimmied up your skirt to found that yet again you were wearing no panties.
''No panties, again, Y/N?'' he asked. ''And already dripping wet for me as if I didn't get you off enough last night'' he smirked into the kiss.
''Shut up'' you smiled at him, when suddenly there was a knock at the door. It was Jon.
''Lando, time to get ready, hurry.
''Fuck'' Lando whispered. '''Wish I could fuck you here and now but you'll have to wait until later babe.''
''Be out in a minute Jon'' he called back to him.
You pulled back from the kiss and looked at Lando in his eyes, which were shining as beautiful as ever today.
''Good luck for the race Lan, I know you'll do well'' you said, pecking his lips again.
''Thanks Y/N, I'm sure I'll do well with you here as my lucky charm'' he smiled back.
God, it was infuriating climbing off of him with no release. He wasn't joking when he said you were soaking wet. It was like your cunt was on overdrive for him.
You both quickly made yourselves look presentable and gave each other one last kiss before walking out back into the garage.
You took your seat at one of the tv's as you watched Lando suit up and get ready to jump into the car to take it to the grid.
And what a race it was turning out to be. It was currently lap 52 of 57 and with each moment your hopes were getting higher and higher. This was it. Lando was seriously about to take his first GP win. It was almost unbelievable. But you had to calm yourself down until the end at least.
By the time it was the last lap and Lando was still leading, obviously going to win by now because of the 7 second gap between him and Max, your heart was beating out of your chest.
All the mechanics in the Mclaren garage were tense but filled with excitement in their faces. You just held onto the hand of your friend Lissie, squeezing her painfully hard no doubt, but you needed to.
''Fuck, Lissie he's actually going to do it'' you laughed at your friend. Tears already stinging the corners of your eyes.
And in no time, Lando crossed the chequered flag. You couldn't do anything but scream with pride and joy. Tears and smiles. It was the most incredible feeling ever. Being this happy for someone whom you adored so much. It was finally his time to shine. He bloody waited long enough for it. But you were so proud you could burst.
Cheers in the garage, screams and laughter, it was an electric feeling. Everyone so happy that the boy had done it. But so emotional at the same time.
You heard Lando on the team radio, thanking everyone. Mostly surprised that he even said your name. He was ecstatic and you couldn't wait to just jump in his arms and see the smile on his face.
Quickly everyone started making their way to wait for Lando to get out of the car. You waited back, not wanting to draw attention. But Zak quickly noticed you and pulled you by the arms behind him.
You watched as Lando took his helmet off and wow, to see that smile on his face - you would never every forget that look. He ran towards his mechanics and threw himself into their arms, crowd surfing them.
And when you saw how he hugged Zak and Andrea, your heart clenched. You were so proud at how proud they were of him. Everyone absolutely adored him.
It was when his eyes locked onto yours that you felt all the air leave your lungs. He gave you the brightest smile you had seen all day and you couldn't help but lunge yourself forward in his arms.
Pulling him impossibly closer and playing with his curls that were filled with sweat - but you didn't care.
''You did it, Lando! I'm so fucking happy for you. Fuck'' you whispered in his ear.
''Y/N, I did it!'' he giggled, almost as if he couldn't believe it himself.
He gave you a kiss on the cheek before he was being pulled away for an interview.
''See you in a bit in my drivers' room'' he told you quickly.
''Have fun on the podium babe'' you squealed.
Watching Lando talk through his interview then finally take his step on the 1st place podium was a feeling like no other. His beaming eyes found yours, standing in the crowd and he gave you a wink.
When he finally was given his trophy and medal you felt like you ears were ringing. Everyone was chanting his name. ''Lando! Lando!'' It was no secret he was one of the most loved drivers out there but this just put into perspective just how much people loved him as a person.
And boy did that champagne pop go off like a bomb. His signature move, blasting the bottle on the ground to inevitably let that spray reach the sky. You couldn't wipe the smile off your face even if you tried.
As the podium ceremony finished off you made your way back to the garage, Jon had told you Lando had about 10 minutes until interviews were to start, and no doubt he asked Jon to tell you to wait in his drivers' room.
Sitting there waiting for him to decided that you would enjoy the night, and talk to him tomorrow. By now you were convinced he felt the same way about you.
Finally, finally. Lando rushed through the door and locked it behind him. He turned back to you, biggest boyish grin ever.
''Fucking number 1 baby'' he yelled as he scooped you up and spun the two of you around.
'Number 1 and only the beginning. Well done!'' you said, taking his face into your hands and bending down to lock lips. Teeth and tongues clashes, fighting for dominance. It was like you were both starved of each other.
''Ahhh I can't stop smiling'' he laughed into the kiss.
''Don't stop'' you told him. ''Never looked better Lan, keep smiling and shining'' you said as you felt your tears of happiness start to creep up again.
''Fuck baby don't cry'' he told you, a worried look on his face.
''Can't Lan, I'm so fucking happy. You deserve this and so much more. I'm just glad I could be here to witness it'' you gushed at him.
''I wouldn't have it any other way. Told you you were my lucky charm'' he said, bringing his lips to yours once again.
Until Jon knocked at the door again and called Lando for his interviews.
''See you in a bit'' he said kissing you one last time.
You were all due to fly back to England tonight, but there was no way that was happening, and you eventually learned that all flights had been rescheduled to tomorrow so Lando could celebrate with you all.
By the time interviews and everything was done, it was time to go back to the hotel and get ready for a dinner and then clubbing, obviously.
You really wanted to make an impression so you chose your best mini dress. Black, tight, barely holding your boobs in, lacey and skimpy. You know you looked hot in it.
When you opened the door to Lando his eyes were stuck on you. Mouth open in awe. He looked like he wanted to ravish you right there and then. All you could do was laugh and pull him in your room. You still had a few minutes until you had to go down to leave for dinner so you quickly pushed hum to sit down on the couch and straddle him.
Lando grabbed your waist and pushed your ass against his already hard crotch.
''Grand prix winner'' you whispered as you started nibbling on his neck.
He smiled. ''Remind me to win next time so I get to see you wear something as sexy as this again'' he winked at your.
Again, you heart clenched. This time with hope because he indirectly told you that you'd be there with him the next time you won. But also with fear of your situation-ship ending before then.
But tonight was about celebrating, so you weren't going to let the negative thoughts take over. You kissed Lando deep and hard and started grinding down on him when his phone rang.
''Fuck we need to go'' he whispered as he pulled you in for one last suck of your tongue.
Dinner was filled with delicious food, expensive wine and lots of tears and laughs from speeches. You were sat next to Lando and his hand stayed on your thigh all throughout dinner.
Finally though, it was actually time to celebrate.
You'd made your way along with the other drivers and friends to a fancy upbeat club in Miami. The music was loud in your ears and the drinks were freely flowing. Lando, of course being the center of attention, but also being glued to you like a magnet.
At one point you were dancing with Carmen, Alex and Kika when Lando found you in the crowd, his hands immediately finding their place on your hips as your bodies swayed together. It didn't take long for you to start grinding you ass against his crotch, while he was whispering dirty nothings in your ear, though you could hardly hear him with the music so loud.
More shots later and his lips were tracing your neck. You wanted, no needed, to feel him in you. You couldn't wait any longer. But it was also too early to leave the club and not continue celebrating.
SO, you dragged him to his car and straddled him yet again. Pulling his lips to yours for a feverish kiss. He sucked on your bottom lips way harder than he'd ever done but you didn't care.
Quickly, Lando started pulling your boobs out of your dress. ''Please don't rip this dress'' you begged, as he chuckled. ''Trust me, I'll only do that once we get back to the hotel'' he smirked at you.
Your boobs now free, being massaged, tugged on, sucked on and licked by his every amazing tongue, while your hands pulled on his curls, urging him on. But it wasn't enough. You were already like freaking Niagra Falls down there, and you had to be filled, and soon!
You lifted yourself off him so he could undo his zipper of his jeans and pull them down just enough to let his throbbing dick out, pre-cum already leaking out of it. You gathered what you could on your finger and bought it up to your lips, moaning at the taste. His taste.
''Oh fuck. Yeah, you're gonna end me tonight'' Lando said as his hands found their way up your dress, breath hitching when he felt you weren't wearing underwear, as always.
''Please Lando, fuck me. I need to feel you fill me up. No foreplay today'' you begged him. And who was he to refuse that.
He tugged on his cock and stroked it a few times along your folds, gathering up your juices before sliding into you in one go.
''Ý.N, Fuck, shit, how are you this wet for me?'' he asked, as you started to pick up pace, bouncing up and down on his dick.
''God, Lando, feels so good, harder, please'' you said between breathes.
He immediately started meeting you half way, pounding into you, all while sucking on your nipples and pinching them between his fingers.
''Taking my dick so well, so tight and so wet for me''
''All for you Lando, all for you'' you whispered.
''Tell me who is fucking you this good'' he roughly whispered, grabbing your hair tightly and burying his face in your boobs, nuzzling his way between them.
All you did was let out a moan, but that wasn't the answer he was looking for. He quickly stopped his movements, bring you to sit still on his cock.
''Fuck Lando, I was so close,why did you stop?'' you moaned, trying to move under his strong hands but to no avail.
''Fucking me who's fucking you so good, making you feel so good?'' he all but shouted. You were sure if people were walking past the car they would have heard that.
''Fuck, Lando. You. Fucking Grand Prix Race Winner, fuck'' you said, trying to boost his ego so he's give you what you want.
He smirked at you. ''That's better.'' and he quickly found the pace again. Or rather, he let you find the pace. Riding him like your life depended on it. You felt the familiar warmth in your stomach start to build up. Lando knew you were close because your walls started clenching around him, almost painfully so. He bought his finger down to your clit and rubbed at it harshly. And that was all it took. You released, moaning and praising his name, legs feeling like jelly. But he didn't slow his movements.
''I know you have one more in you for now at least. Come on, Y/N, cum with me with time.''
Lando's slams into you were getting sloppier and sloppier by the second. You could take he was close as were you.
''Fuck, Lan, almost there'' you moaned.
''Yes baby, come on'' he grunted, and just as you felt yourself let you, you felt Lando's warm splutter inside of you. Now, your body really like jelly and he had to hold on to you, both breathless and smiling.
''Fuck, that was incredible'' he said, lips touching yours as he spoke.
''Uh-huh'' was all your mind could come up with.
''Can't wait to fuck you again at the hotel, have you screaming my name and not being able to even walk after I'm done with you.
The though alone had you already clenching your thighs together.
Lando's hand slipped up your dress again, collecting all the mixture of yours and his juices and bough this hand to hips lips, licking his fingers clean. ''Hmmm'' he smirked at you, while you watched with your mouth slightly agape. He looked so fucking hot.
You both giggled as you slipped your boobs back into your dress and fixed your hair, trying to make yourselves looks presentable again.
You walked back into the club, hand in hand. Something that didn't go unnoticed by the others.
Charles walked straight up to the two of you and smirked. ''The two of your are fucking, aren't you?''
You couldn't help but feel a blush creep up on your cheeks, secretly getting more adrenaline from being caught.
''Umm-'' you started, but Lando cut you off.
''Fucking, yes, but if you say anything to anyone I'll cut your balls off'' he smirked at Charles.
Charles held up his hands and smiled. ''Secret's safe with me, but I'm glad the two of you finally sorted your shit out together.'' he said as he walked away.
''Well shit, everyone's gonna know now'' he whispered to you as more drinks found their way to you.
The night was well and truly amazing. Dancing, singing laughing, KISSING, grinding, celebrating a moment that will go down in history forever.
It was now stumbling upon 3am when you found yourself in a taxi back to the hotel with Lando. To say you were both horny as fuck was an understatement. But the amount of alcohol you both consumed was starting to take its toll.
It started with a lazy make out session in the taxi, all the way to the hotel. You could hardly even walk by now, so somehow, Lando managed to carry you up to your room.
As soon as the door shut, it was like a burst of energy filled your bodies. Not saying anything to each other, your stripped your clothes off and threw yourselves on the bed, Lando on top of you.
He started licking and sucking on your neck, nose, lips, everywhere he could get his mouth to, while his fingers quickly found your cunt, dripping wet, eager for more.
He slid his fingers through your folds, collecting your wetness and bought them up to your lips. Knowing what he wanted, you took his fingers in your mouth and licked them clean. All he did was groan at the sight.
He returned them to your cunt and with no warning slid 3 fingers in a once.
''Oh God, Lan'' you panted as he was hitting all the right spots immediately, while his mouth was violently slaughtering your nipples.
You managed you find your way into his boxers, pushing them down with your legs as you took his thick girth into your hands, pumping him a few times.
He was already painfully hard, and within a minute he stopped all movements.
''Lan'' you begged.
''Wanna try something new. Wanna fuck your boobs. We've never done that before.''
''Fuck, yes, hurry'' you replied.
Lando pumped himself a few times before sliding his dick between your boobs, and you took them in your own hands and squeezed them together, tightening the place for his cock as much as possible.
He was fucking them so hard that you were sure you could cum just from the sounds you both were making. Every time his tip peaked through the top, you gave him a lick, earning delicious moans from his mouth.
''Fuck Y/N, tell me why we haven't done this before. It feels so fucking amazing.''
''So good Lando, yes, please'' you begged, not sure what for.
You could tell he was getting close by his sloppy movements and the look on his face, necklace dangling almost in your face.
''Need to taste you, please, cum in my mouth.'' you begged.
''Shit, ok, sit up'' he pulled you up and took a hold of your head in his hands, while you took his dick in your mouth straight way, as deep as you could, already gagging and feeling the tears coming.
Now he was fucking into you mouth so hard that you had to hold onto his thighs for support.
''Yes baby, taking me so well, blowing me so well'' he said as he watched you, definitely a sight for sore eyes.
He was getting close again, and you could feel your saliva sliding out of you mouth.
''Fuck I'm gonna-'' and before he could finish his sentence he was emptying his load to the back of your throat. You swallowed every last drop and licked him clean before pulling back to try to get you breathing to normal.
But he didn't even give you the chance. Lando lifted your body up and turned you around so you were on all fours.
''Better hold on to the head-board baby, gonna fuck you senseless now.'' he said. You could practically hear the smirk he was wearing.
With no warning he slammed into you at once, starting to pound right away. No time to adjust to his size this time. Just pure fucking. It almost felt like a porno. Definitely sounded like it was.
''Yeah, fuck, fuck me harder'' you panted between breathes, moans quickly taking over your words.
You don't think the pair of you have every gone this hard. You could feel his balls slapping your thighs, showing just how deep into you he was. And you could definitely feel him fill you up, hitting every spot in your cunt, so violently, but so pleasurably too.
None of you could form words now. Just actions.
You came without warning a few times, losing count of how many, and Lando was showing no interest in slowing down. You could feel the sensitivity and pain creeping in but you wanted to let him use you however he wanted.
As he was getting closer, Lando turned your body around again, this time you were staring into his gorgeous eyes, closing shut when he finally painted your walls white with his cum, crashing down all his weight on you.
''Fuck'' was all he repeated for multiple seconds.
Once again, your breaths were mixed, both trying to calm down and catch your breaths. You bought your fingers up to his curls and gently played with them as his mouth found yours for a slow intimate kiss.
''Thank you for giving me the best celebratory night. Can't wait to win some more'' he smiled at you.
''Can't wait either, Lan. You're amazing and I seriously couldn't be happier for you.''
Normally Lando would be up by now, getting a cloth to clean you up, but he stayed still. Dick softening inside of you.
You were so fucked out, from the long day the drinking, the fucking, that your eyes closed and that was you down for the nigh-or early morning.
You didn't feel when Lando slid out of you and cuddled you into his arms, not leaving your room for the first time ever.
When your eyes opened in the morning the first thing you felt was the pounding headache, which you expected. Then the memories from yesterday came crashing down, and you couldn't help but smile to yourself.
Then, you felt an arm around you waist, pulling you closer.
''Fuck'' you thought. ''He's still here and now it will be back to awkwardness when he leaves.''
But before you could panic or worry any further, sleep overtook you again.
Some time later, as you awoke again, your body was facing Lando's, with his arm still holding onto your waist. You were still so sleepy and confused, and then you saw him open his eyes, looking into yours with a big smile.
You smiled back at him. ''You're still here'' you whispered.
He immediately pulled you impossibly closer.
''Didn't want to leave you'' he replied.
You weren't sure what to say next. Shy, scared, excited, all of the emotions.
''Don't want to pretend anymore Lan'' you said softly.
''Then let''s stop pretending'' he said, lifting your chin up to look at him.
''I want to wake up like this next to you forever. Walking out every time was killing me, and I can't handle that anymore. I want to be with you every second every day. I want all of you, Y/N.''
By now the tears were slipping out your eyes. You'd wanted to hear those words from him for a long time now, and finally he said that.
''I want all of you too, Lan'' you said, smiling up at him.
''Be my girlfriend, and one day more than that'' he said as he pulled you up to lock your lips with his.
''I'd love that'' you laughed ''my very own race-winner'' you said, taking the opportunity to slip your tongue into his mouth as he smiled again.
''Fucking falling for you more and more each day'' he whispered in between kisses.''
''Me too Lando'' was all you said before he had you pinned underneath him, kisses going from slow to rough in a second, feeling his hard length between your bodies.
''I love your dick Lando, but I am SO sore from last night. Need a breather from inserting things down there'' you shyly told him. Because boy, you were sure you couldn't walk.
''Oh'' you said surprised, moving his body down yours. ''Just inserting?'' he asked, before licking a long stripe up your cunt.
''Fuck me'' you moaned.
''Oh baby, trust me, I'm gonna'' he smirked, before continuing his activities. He continues lapping at your clit, before adding his finger into play. Thrusting them in and out you.
Yes, the pain was bad, but the pleasure overtook it, and suddenly you didn't care about the pain anymore. It felt as if you had been starved of Lando for days, but it was quite the opposite.
''That's is my baby, doing so well for me'' he whispered.
When you came in his mouth, he replaced it was his dick. Sliding in and out of you, slowly, actually making love to you, instead of slamming into you as normal.
''Lan, I'm not gonna last long'' you managed to say, body already going jelly.
''All good angel, let go for me'' he said, nit needling to tell you twice before feeling your release around him.
He slowed down for a few minutes, then had an idea.
''Babe?'' he asked.
''Yeah Lan?''
''Please ride me? Wanna play with your tits.'' he said, unable to hide a shy smile.
You didn't say anything as you both shifted positions so he was sitting against the headboard and pulling you onto his lap.
You immediately sank down on him and his hands massaged your boobs before sucking on your pebbled nipples.
You set a good pace, not too slow, but not so hard so as for the pain to return.
Bouncing on him, moaning into his ear as his face rummaged through your boobs, not getting enough.
''Close again'' you mumbled.
''Together, yeah? he asked, breathless as you were.
''Let's do it'' you nodded.
Skin slapping together, sounds deliciously obscene again.
You quickly picked up your pace with Lando meeting you half way, both your thrusts becoming sloppy and messy.
In seconds your cum mixed together as you both released at the same time.
''Oh wow'' he managed to say, again pulling in to kiss you.
Words had long left your mind, all you did was lean forward and hold on to him, pulling at his hair. He was finally yours, nothing mattered more.
Safe to say the day was spent fooling around in bed, fooling around in the shower, and ordering in, not seeing the light of day until Tuesday morning, where you stepped out, hand in hand, ready to conquer the world together.
But who are we kidding, duty calls!
Thank you for reading, I hope you guys enjoyed it. I feel like the ending was a bit rushed so I may or may not do an alternate ending.And more importantly - LANDO NATION - how are we doing? I'm still NOT over the win. Haven't stop smiling. And - enjoy these pics!
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olivia2arsenal · 1 month
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Golden Retriever || Alessia Russo x Kai Duke! Fictional Character
a/n: most of my fics wrote on here will link to either my book or a character in the book
warnings: none!
alessia’s font
kais font
it was no secret around the arsenal ground that i wasn’t much of a hugger
i hid away from any sort of physical contact, the most i was going to allow was a quick handshake
the girls used this to there advantage’s, knowing how to get me to shut up or get under my skin by just hugging me
seeing which one could hug me longest, trying to see who would get me to hug them first
and when i did finally hug someone i was basically a brick wall, stiff as hell
there was no reason why i was like this, i had the best upbringing and never had any problems when i was younger which caused me to hide away from physical contact
it was just a thing i had been like my entire life, my mum constantly complaining about it when i was younger, teasing me about it
if i felt like someone really really needed a hug of course i would give them it but it would have to be an absolute must
that’s why it came to a surprise when a new signing joined our club and we clicked straight away
alessia russo
how do i describe less?
basically the complete opposite to me, loves hugs and loves giving them out
as less and i got closer with each other, she started to hug me a lot more
something i actually enjoyed
every morning less would come over to my car and pull me into a hug, and surprisingly it put me in a great mood for the day
of course i’d never admit that i actually loved alessia’s hugs though
“so how’s hugging the brick wall?” leah teased as i sat at a table with beth and leah
“what?” i said confused
“who’s the brick wall?” i added, beth and leah giggling
“kai” beth said eventually
“how is she a brick wall?” i asked confused, kai was anything but a brick wall, she was a perfect hugger- the right amount of softness and protection
“how is she not” leah scoffed playfully
i looked at the two confused
“what you think she’s not?” beth asked as they both became more serious
“yeah, she’s a great hugger” i said confused
“what” leah said shocked
“she’s a brick wall to us” beth laughed
“she can’t be that bad surely” i laughed, both of them giving me a pointed look
i watched as leah walked over to kai in the changing rooms, wrapping her arms around kai
“ugh leah get off” she huffed as she tried to push leah off her
“just give me a hug kai” leah complained into her shoulder
“fuckinell” she huffed before slowly wrapping her arms around leah awkwardly
“is she like this normally?” i asked as beth sat next to me
“every single time mate” beth laughed as i looked at her stunned
“your the lucky one lessi” beth teased as leah walked back over
“fuck me, why is it like asking a child to do homework when asking her for a hug” leah sighed as she plonked herself down next to me
“that’s strange, she’s always fine with me hugging her” i shrugged my shoulders, missing the look shared between beth and leah
“hey” kai said as she walked over to us, standing in front of me
“hey” i smiled up at her
“ready to go out for training” she asked as she held her hand out for me, which i took and pulled myself up
kai wrapped her arm around my shoulder as we walked side by side out to the training pitch, my hand holding onto hers as we walked
little did i know what the two blondes were planning behind our backs…
“alessia!” beth shouted as i missed a shot, shaking her head as she walked away from me
i looked down embarrassed with myself as i walked back to my position, not missing the shoulder barge beth received from kai
just from beth’s comment my whole play went downhill, trying to take defenders on was impossible, trying to make a pass was like trying to shot with your weak foot
i heard leah and beth constantly scoff when around me or laugh when i made a mistake
it was taking a toll on me and affecting me
eventually jonas ended training, something i couldn’t wait for
i went back into the changing rooms, not speaking to anyone and getting changed for lunch
i felt a hand slide along the lower half of my back
“you okay?” kai asked softly as her hand rested on my hip, i stood up and allowed her to hold me
pushing myself back into her and pulling her arm closer around me
i nodded my head against her shoulder, feeling her lean her head closer to my neck
“you sure?” she asked again, her breath fanning over my neck making goosebumps rise
“mhm” i mumbled out, giving her a tight lipped smile
she squeezed my hip gently before pulling away and making a space between us
“i’ll meet you in the canteen” i said as i walked away from her, needing a minute from it all
i walked into the canteen, grabbing some food and sitting down on an empty table
beth and leah following after me, i sighed quietly as they sat next to me
“alright?” i asked as i looked up from my food, both girls nodding their heads as they got into a conversation
i had just nearly finished my food when i got brought into the conversation
“had a shit training session today alessia” beth said bluntly
“cheers beth” i mumbled back
“never seen you play so shit” leah laughed as i looked up at her, nodding my head slowly at her
“don’t think you’ll start this weekend after that performance” beth continued, i had heard enough from the two of them and stood up and walked out of the canteen
i was so in my head i didn’t realise i was about to walk into someone
i bumped into them and immediately started to apologise as i looked up at them
once i saw it was kai i immediately wrapped my arms around her and dug my head into her neck
“what’s up less” i asked softly as i ran my hand up and down her back
“did i play shit in training?” alessia ignored my question
“what? no you didn’t why?” i said confused, less had a good training session
“because leah and beth keep making comments about my training session” less mumbled into my neck
“saying what?” i asked calmly, hand still rubbing up and down her back
“saying i won’t be starting this weekends match or laughing everytime i made a mistake in training” less said, anger rising as i heard how they had treated her
just as she finished saying that leah and beth walked out into the hall
“what the fuck do you two think your playing at?” i snapped at the two, less still wrapped up in my arms
“what” leah said acting innocent
“making comments like that to less, your the vice captain for fuck sake leah” i snapped
both of them looking at each other, small smiles on their faces
“what the fuck are you smiling about?” i said beyond angry as i felt alessia run her hand up and down my chest trying to calm me
“our plan worked” beth shrugged
“what plan” i said impatiently
“this” leah nodded at me and alessia
i froze, my hand that was running up and down alessia’s back stopped
i took a few steps back from alessia, looking between her and the two girls a few feet in front of us
“what this was all a set up between you three” i scoffed as i turned and walked away
“kai!” alessia called out as i shook my head and walked away
“shit alessia, we didn’t think it was gonna end up this way” leah said as she tried to apologise, i didn’t even process it in my head before i walked off towards kai
i found kai in the changing rooms, head in her hands as she sat in her cubby
her head whipped up as she heard the door open, finding out it was me and standing up to try and walk away
as she tired to walk past me i placed my hand on her wrist, which she was quick to move away
“kai” i said softly as she stopped all her movements, eyes still not meeting mine though
“less i thought i could trust you, i don’t like physical contact but your the only one who i like hugging” kai said quietly
“and now to find out it was a set up, just like what the other girls do and try to see who can hug me longest” she added as her eyes finally met mine
“kai” i whispered, seeing nothing but hurt in her eyes
“you’ve got this all wrong” i added as i reached down for her hand, which she allowed
even with all the thoughts playing on her mind, thinking this was all a set up, she still allowed me to hold her hand
“i didn’t know anything about this ‘set up’. leah and beth planned it all” i said as i watched her eye fall to our hands
“you didn’t have any involvement in the set up?” kai asked quietly, her thumb brushing against my hand and eyes still not meeting mine
“i had no clue kai” i reassured her
her eyes moved up to mine, her taking a minute to try and find a hint of my lying in them
i leaned up and placed my hand on her cheek, her hand following to my hip and pulling me closer to her
our foreheads rested against each other
“you sure?” i asked her, feeling her nod her head against mine
and with that i pushed my lips against hers, it was soft and reassuring
we pulled apart after a little while, our foreheads resting against each other again
“please don’t hurt me less” she whispered, my heart crumbling at her words
“i promise i’ll never hurt you kai” i whispered as i dug my head into her neck, wrapping my arms tighter around her as hers did the same around my body…
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daisynik7 · 1 year
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Out of Time Nanami x f!reader
Part Two out now!
Rating: Explicit (because of part two)
Word Count: ~5.7k
Summary: Two nights before your thesis is due, you decide to take a break at your favorite bar. Meanwhile, Nanami, after a week’s worth of exhausting missions, is desperate for a drink. By chance, the two of you meet and spend an unforgettable night with each other that ends just a little too soon. cw: language, drinking, kissing, suggestive touching, switching POVs (reader is in second person, Nanami is in third), eventual smut, original female character (Gina). Author's Notes: Inspired by The Weeknd's Out of Time music video, because I think Nanami + karaoke is always a fun idea! This is part one of a two-part series. Reader is in grad school, mid-twenties, Nanami is around the same age. Likes, reblogs, and/or comments are always appreciated, thanks for reading! Divider credits to @/cafekitsune.
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With your final statement typed out on page forty of your thesis, you save it, shutting your laptop closed and immediately groaning into your hands. All that’s left is to proofread, cite your sources, and you’ll be ready to submit. Finally. 
It’s been a six-month long journey, and at last, you’re seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. In two days, you’ll be rid of the dreaded thesis statement, and in two weeks, you’ll be the proud recipient of a master’s degree. Two years of the most rigorous academic challenge you’ve ever faced in your life, sealed with a piece of paper that you might not even benefit from in the future. This still calls for some celebration, right?
After another minute of grumbling, you take your phone out to text your best friend Gina, who should be off her shift by now. 
You: I need a fucking drink.
Gina: highballs at Kanpai?
You: YES
Gina: I’ll pick you up in 15
The Kanpai Cocktail Bar is your favorite downtown. That’s where you first met Gina, who was a bartender there at the time. After she left to work for another establishment, the two of you still frequent Kanpai, the perfect spot for tasty drinks and entertainment, mainly in the form of people-watching. 
However, this past semester, your trips there have lessened significantly, too preoccupied with this goddamn thesis. You need a well-deserved break, something to fuel you for the next two days before you click submit. 
You quickly get ready, throwing on a blouse and a pair of jeans. Once you receive Gina’s text, stating her arrival, you swing a tiny purse over your shoulder and head outside, greeting her with a hug. 
“Did you finish your thesis?” she asks, linking arms with you, starting the walk to the train station. 
“For the most part.”
“Good. We can get drunk tonight,” she says, a devious grin on her face.
“Not too drunk, I still have some work to do. I just need to take the edge off.”
“Fine. We’ll get buzzed, maybe find some cute guys to dance with, and call it a night. Deal?”
“Deal,” you agree, unsure about the cute guys part. It’s been a while since you last danced with, or even encountered, a man. With your priority being this paper, you haven’t had time to date or hook up with anyone. You predict that tonight will be no different. 
Five stops and you’re downtown, strolling towards Kanpai, which is already packed. Luckily, you find a table and flag a waiter down to place your order. Minutes later, they deliver the first round of cocktails and a plate of fried chicken karaage. You and Gina cheers, feeling relaxed for the first time in months. Halfway through your drink, you notice Gina eyeing something, or someone, in the distance. 
“What are you staring at?”
“There’s this really hot guy at the bar. Like, really hot. I’ve never seen anyone like him before.”
You turn to the direction she’s looking at, immediately knowing who she’s referring to. He’s tall, well-built, with strikingly white hair, almost blinding in the dim lighting of the room. The most intriguing thing about him is the black blindfold around his eyes, and a naughty smirk on his face. Leave it to Gina to spot an attractive man instantly; she’s always had excellent radar for that.
“I’m going to invite him to our table,” she announces, sliding out of her chair to stand up.
“Yeah. He’s hot. And we have space.”
She’s right; there’s two empty chairs, one beside the both of you. There’s no reason why she shouldn’t invite him, so you don’t question it any further, watching from your peripheral as she heads towards the bar, leaving you momentarily alone to sip on your highball. 
You’re almost completely finished with your cocktail when you hear the distinct click of Gina’s heel’s approaching. Craning your neck to face them, you’re surprised to find not two people, but three, standing next to the table. Another man, a tad shorter, similarly well-built, blonde hair, and dressed in a tan business suit. His eyes are also covered with spectacles that resemble steampunk glasses. The spotted tie he wears is interesting, adding a splash of pizazz to the otherwise normal outfit. 
You greet them, introducing yourself. Gojo, the one with white hair, happily shakes your hand while his friend, Nanami, maintains a stern expression. They take their seats in the chairs next to you and Gina, Gojo on her side, Nanami on yours. 
“Should we order another round of drinks?” Gina suggests, glancing around to catch the waiter. 
“Sure! But I’ll have a Shirley Temple. I don’t drink alcohol.”
“You’re at a bar, but you don’t drink?”
“I don’t; he does,” he answers, pointing his thumb across at Nanami. He simply grunts in response.
“What’s your drink of choice?” you ask, tilting your head to face him.
“Sake,” he states, focused on the center of the table avoiding anyone’s gaze. He’s cold, standoffish, and stoic. The type of person you’d typically avoid. 
“Should we order sake then?” Gina suggests. “And a mocktail for you, Gojo,” she adds, nudging him flirtatiously. 
“I’ll have a little bit,” you say. “I have to finish my thesis, remember?”
“Are you a student?” Gojo inquires, leaning forward, elbows propped up, chin in his palms.
“Grad student. I’m almost done, thankfully.”
“Good for you! This round will be on us then, right Nanamin?” 
He shrugs silently, gaze unmoving. What an odd fellow. He’s showing absolutely no interest in socializing, which you don’t entirely blame him for. Maybe he was dragged here beyond his own will. He’s opposite of Gojo, who oozes charisma from every crevice. You can’t expect him to match that type of chaotic energy. 
Gojo fetches the waiter, ordering sake and his virgin drink. Him and Gina chat amongst themselves, no doubt flirting excessively. You sit next to Nanami in silence, slurping on whatever liquid remains in your glass, basically water from the melting ice. You want to pull your phone out to have something to distract you, but your neighbor continues to stare at the table, frozen in place, not speaking. Hands tucked neatly in front of him. 
You attempt small talk once more, gradually losing hope that this will lead anywhere. “What do you do for work, Nanami?”
“I’m a salaryman.”
“Is Gojo a salaryman, too?”
“How do you two know each other?”
“From high school.”
“Neat.” You glance around the room, wishing the alcohol would arrive sooner. His answers are curt, as if you’re pestering him. Even behind the steampunk glasses, you can tell he’s uncomfortable. He clearly doesn’t want to be here. 
You tune out whatever Gina and Gojo are discussing, not wanting to eavesdrop on their privacy, remaining silent as you twiddle your thumbs beneath the table. The drinks arrive, which you’re ecstatic about. Gojo smiles as he sips on his mocktail. Gina does the honors and pours the cold sake into each small glass, passing it to you and Nanami. With a cheers, you each down your shots, refreshing and bitter down your throat. 
“So, do you ladies have any single friends you can set Nanamin up with?” Gojo asks. 
Beside you, Nanami tenses up. “Gojo, I don’t want –”
“Don’t worry, buddy! We’ll find you a nice girl! Nanamin here is so shy, poor guy needs a lot of help when it comes to the ladies – ”
“Gojo,” he warns, sterner this time, Gina unable to contain her giggling. 
“He’s an attractive guy, right? If it weren’t for the stick up his ass, he’d for sure be a catch.” Gojo smirks, finishing the rest of his drink. 
Gina elbows him, grinning. “Don’t be so mean to your friend. Not everyone has to be in a relationship. She’s never been in one and she’s totally fine.” She points at you, much to your dismay. 
You’re reminded how loose Gina’s lips get whenever she indulges in alcohol. While it’s nothing to be ashamed about, you still feel heat rush into your cheeks from embarrassment, having a personal fact about yourself revealed so casually in front of two strangers. “I’ve never had time for a relationship,” you explain. “Been too busy with school.”
“Oh, don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with being single! I’m just trying to help this poor guy out, he’s always complaining to me how lonely he is, but he never puts himself out there!”
The table rattles suddenly and Gojo yelps. “Ouch! Okay, okay, I’ll stop.” Nanami has his arms crossed tight over his chest, foot flat on the floor after kicking his friend in the shin. 
Rubbing his leg, Gojo changes the subject, talking about his latest travels somewhere, to which Gina is absolutely enthralled by. You listen passively, swirling your fingers around the ring of the glass. It’s getting late and you should head back to your apartment soon, knowing your thesis is stuck in your laptop, waiting to be submitted. You don’t want to leave until Gina is done working her magic on her new friend, so you wait, not bothering to converse with the guy next to you. He seems equally as unenthused as you do, now tapping one of his feet impatiently. 
Gojo eventually calls the waiter to pay the bill. After giving him your thanks, the four of you walk out of the bar together, ready to say your farewells. Or so you think. Once outside, Gojo and Gina look at you with guilt on their faces. You’ve known your friend long enough to predict where this is going. 
“So, Gojo and I are actually going to hang out a bit longer.”
He wraps his arm around her shoulders, smirking. “Yeah, Nanami and I have a room at the hotel across the street. I want to give Gina an exclusive tour. We should be done in about an hour or so.”
Nanami makes a strangled noise in his throat, clearly distraught. He can’t formulate a sentence, so you do it instead. “What are you really trying to tell us?”
“Well,” Gina starts. “We thought that since the two of us are hanging out, then the two of you can hang out somewhere else. Just until we’re done. With the tour.”
You roll your eyes, annoyed by the euphemisms, more irritated by the fact that you’re being temporarily stranded out here with someone who wants nothing to do with you.
“Please keep my dear friend company. I promise, we won’t take too long. But definitely not too short either,” he adds under his breath, him and Gina giggling like naughty schoolchildren. 
Nanami is still stunned, probably shocked that his friend would dump him like this. Before he can formulate a response, Gojo and Gina turn their backs, walking in the direction of the hotel. “Have fun! I know we will! We’ll call you when we’re done!” Gojo yells out, waving. Gina blows you a kiss before holding hands with him, leaving you two dumbfounded.
You stand beside Nanami in silence, unsure where to go from here. You’re familiar with this location, and you know there is plenty to do at this hour. But you have no clue what this guy likes. Does he like anything?
Clearing your throat, you say, “Well, I guess we have to kill time somewhere.”
He does the same, coughing into his forearm. “I suppose we have no choice.” 
“There’s a nearby bakery that’s always open late. Do you want to check that out?”
Focused on his shoes, he shrugs. That’s a good enough answer for you. 
You start heading down the familiar street, the shop being only two blocks away from the bar. The two of you walk in silence, Nanami trailing behind you, arms swinging slightly at his sides while you have your hands placed in your pockets. When you arrive to the bakery, you notice one of the workers you’re acquainted with, Susie, waving from the counter. You return her greeting with a warm smile.
Nanami seems intrigued, browsing through the assortment of baked goods. He reads each label carefully, head moving up, down, side to side, inspecting each pastry intently. “Their bread is amazing here,” you comment. “Perfect for sandwiches.”
He hums in response, leaning closer to the loaves of sourdough on display. This is the first you’ve seen him with a more relaxed expression on his face. Without the scowl, he actually seems friendly and approachable.
“The croissants are also really good. My favorites are chocolate and almond,” you suggest, pointing through the glass. 
To your surprise, Nanami ends up buying the chocolate one, per your recommendation. Susie, always a cheery smile plastered on her face, rings him up. She eyes you playfully, brow raised, but doesn’t say anything. When it’s your turn, you order two hot coffees, a spur of the moment decision. You have no idea how long you’re going to be stranded out here, so a nice pick-me-up wouldn’t hurt. You explain, “Coffee and croissants go perfectly together, don’t you think?” He looks at you, confused, then shrugs, walking away to find an empty table. 
Susie passes you the coffees, as well as creamer and a few packs of sugar. “Hot date tonight?” she asks quietly, a sly smirk on her face.
“No. We’re just stuck together for the next hour or so.”
“Well, I wouldn’t mind being stuck with a fine man like that,” she winks. “Have fun the rest of the night. Also, here.” She opens a small brown bag and sneaks an almond croissant inside. “On the house. You both should enjoy a tasty treat together.” She gathers all of your goods on a tray and slides it towards you, grinning. 
Nanami is seated in a corner of the shop, hands placed neatly on the surface, one on top of the other. When you arrive, you set the tray down, sitting in the chair across from him. “Here’s some cream and sugar for your coffee, in case you want any.”
He nods in acknowledgment, removing the lid to pour in two creams, two sugars. You do the same. He remains silent, brows in a tight knit, concentrating on stirring his coffee. It’s almost endearing the way he’s so focused on the most mundane tasks. Grabbing a napkin, you take your croissant out, ready to bite into it. Before you do, you offer, “Would you like to try some of this?”
Behind his specs, you can see surprise in his expression. He clears his throat, muttering, “Sure.” He takes his chocolate croissant out and begins to tear it in half. “We can split both of them and share.”
You grin. “Good idea.” His lips twitch, as if he wants to smile. 
You trade halves, first taking a bite into the chocolate before sipping on your coffee. You let out a satisfied, “Yum!”
This time, there’s no mistaking it; he does smile. “That’s a good sign,” he comments.
“I’ve had this plenty of times, but it’s always so good.”
He removes his glasses and folds them neatly into his breast pocket. You have a clear view of his eyes now, which are much kinder than you expect. He takes a bite, then smirks, wiping the corner of his mouth with a napkin. 
“You’re right. This is definitely deserving of a yum.” The corner of his eyes crinkle. It feels like you’re finally getting through to him.
“See? I told you it’s good!” you say, moving to the almond croissant.
“If I knew you wanted one, I would have bought both of them for us.”
“Susie actually gave this to me on the house, so it all worked out.”
With a brow raised, he asks, “Do people usually give you delicious pastries for free?”
You laugh. “Ha, I wish. Just here. We’re friends.”
“That must be nice.” He nibbles on the rest of it, sips of coffee in between. 
“Why are you talking to me all of a sudden?” Maybe it’s the sudden rush of caffeine surging through your body that makes you decide to be bold and ask him straight up.
He’s caught off guard by your bluntness, clearing his throat nervously. “I wasn’t really in the mood to be social earlier this evening.”
“But you are now?” You rest your elbow on the table, hand tucked under your chin, studying him. 
He chuckles softly, wiping the other corner of his mouth with a new napkin. “I guess so. The croissants and coffee help.”
“So the way to your heart is through your stomach? Good to know,” you tease him, smirking.
“Is that something you’re interested in? Winning my heart?” He gives you a small grin as he meets your gaze. 
There’s a flutter in your belly, a skip in your heartbeat. It’s obvious he’s an attractive man; you were focused so much on his off-putting demeanor, you didn’t really think about it until now. Cheeks warm, you respond, “I’m trying to get to know you. We’re stuck with each other for tonight, might as well be friends.”
He nods, agreeing. It’s one night. All you’re doing is killing time together while you wait for your friends to finish their little rendezvous. The chances of ever seeing each other again after this are unlikely. Might as well make the most out of it.
The two of your finish your pastries in a comfortable silence. Only half an hour passes, and still no word from either of your friends. Suddenly, you remember that on Friday nights, street food vendors set up shop down the block from your current location. “Nanami, do you like street food?”
He meets your eyes again, smiling. “Absolutely.”
Nanami was desperate for a drink tonight. 
Him and Gojo are out of town, having completed a strenuous week of exorcising curses from several areas of this city. All he wanted was to consume alcohol, enough to get a good buzz going, then eat a late-night snack before heading to bed. He didn’t expect to find himself at a street food festival with a total stranger, having been rudely abandoned by Gojo. Though, he doesn’t mind his current situation. Anything involving food is something he always delights in. And the company isn’t so bad either. She’s actually quite nice. 
Nanami doesn’t like opening up to people. Ever since he went back into Jujutsu Sorcery, he made a promise to himself to never date, not wanting to subject any potential spouses to the horrors of the world he lives in. He keeps himself closed off on purpose, especially to strangers. It’s easier this way. Sure, it comes off rude and cold. And maybe he does get a bit lonely at times. It’s for the best; that’s how he justifies it. 
Yet, somehow, this woman is slipping through the cracks. He finds himself enjoying his time with her as they stroll through the street of food vendors, selling all types of delicacies: meat skewers, noodles, varieties of desserts. They even share a serving of Takoyaki because what kind of street food outing is it without a taste of that? 
They casually exchange bits and pieces about each other: hobbies, interests, favorite foods, the standard. Nanami has to remain especially cryptic about his real profession, a complicated topic to explain to normal civilians. Besides that, their conversations feel natural. Effortless. There’s no need to be closed off, considering they’re doing this for the time-being, until their two friends finish whatever fling they’re partaking in at the hotel. Their time together will end soon, going back to being strangers, never seeing each other again. Maybe that’s why he’s loosened up; all of this will be over as soon as it began. 
After having walked through the vendors once more, they rest at a table off to the side. Nanami finishes off the last piece before tossing the little tray into the trash can. He hasn’t checked his watch since they arrived, occupied with food, and chatting. It’s been about an hour and a half now, still no peep from either Gojo or Gina, though he isn’t anxiously waiting to hear from them. He tries thinking of something else they can do, besides sit here, and watch the clock. 
Before he can start suggesting ideas, she beats him to it. “Nanami, do you like karaoke?”
Again, he smiles at her, similar to earlier at the bakery. Chest swelling with an odd, but pleasant sensation. “Absolutely.”
Minutes later, they’re in a small private room at a karaoke bar, ordering a round of cold sake before the singing starts. She volunteers to go first, choosing a well-known pop hit, not at all embarrassed to belt out any high notes. Her voice isn’t bad, enough to carry a tune and to make Nanami, who is as tone-deaf as they come, not feel ashamed about singing in front of her. Halfway through the song, the sake arrives, and he pours it into the two cups, waiting for her performance to be over before passing her the glass. They cheers, then throw it back. She hands him the mic, teasing, “I expect a breathtaking performance.”
“Prepare yourself for disappointment, then,” he smirks, entering the number on the remote. He picks another popular song, one that he always like to start off with whenever he’s doing karaoke with Gojo and Shoko. In fact, he can’t remember doing karaoke with anyone besides his close friends. This is definitely the first in a while; he doesn’t feel as shy as he thought he would. The strobe lights in the dim space create an atmosphere where Nanami isn’t embarrassed to put on a show. He removes his coat and loosens his tie, to which she whistles playfully at him, causing him to laugh. “Don’t encourage me.”
“Oh I absolutely will encourage you,” she responds, leaning forward for a better view. “I’m so ready for this.”
Maybe it’s the alcohol taking its effect, though it wasn’t much. Or maybe he’s genuinely having a good time. Whatever it is, as soon as the melody kicks, he swings his hips to the beat, barely bothering to read the lyrics on the screen because he already has them memorized. From behind, he hears her clapping to the rhythm, giggling and singing along quietly, hollering when he nails a particularly hard note. 
The marathon continues, sake flowing into their mouths between songs until the bottle is empty and they’re both on their feet, dancing to the music. Mics in hand, they serenade each other, swaying to the upbeat tempo, smiles open wide with glee. Nanami tosses his tie to the couch, unbuttoning his shirt a quarter of the way down, sweat beading on his forehead, body hot from his buzz and merriment. Their playlist ranges from ballads, alternative rock, R&B, even a few classic Disney hits Nanami secretly likes to indulge in. At some point, Nanami offers his hand to twirl her, not letting go as he swings his arms with hers, grooving to the beat. Their fingers interlock, fitted to each other naturally. There’s no second guessing or doubts in his head that he wants to do this with her. It just feels right.
A worker comes in with a cold pitcher of water, informing them they have five more minutes left of their hour. Nanami is surprised how fast that hour flew. He swears they still had more time left. He can’t help feeling disappointed that it’s over; he still had more songs he wanted to sing before the night ended. 
He notices her checking her phone, probably waiting for that text from Gina, hoping that whatever this is ends soon. There’s a tightness in Nanami’s throat, and not from all the singing. He hasn’t bothered to check his phone the entire time they were here, hoping not to see any type of message from Gojo. He realizes in this moment that he doesn’t want this night to end. 
To his surprise, she sets her phone back down on the table, attention at the worker. “Can we book another hour?”
For the third time tonight, Nanami can’t contain his smile.
To say you’re surprised by this recent development is an understatement. You’re actually shocked that this is the same man you attempted small talk with just a hours earlier, only to be treated with the cold shoulder. Now, he’s spinning you around this small room, disco lights twinkling in each other’s eyes, laughing, carefree and happy. It’s contagious, and you have no choice but to join in on the fun. 
It’s not until there’s five minutes left of your reservation that you remember the reason you’re here in the first place. Checking your phone for any updates from Gina, you almost audibly breathe a sigh of relief, seeing no new messages. On a whim, you request another hour, not wanting this to end yet. You wonder if he feels the same way.
Halfway through your second hour, the two of you finally take a break, letting the preloaded list of songs you selected play in the background. You sit beside each other, closer than you’ve been all night, thighs touching, body heat radiating. From your peripheral, you observe him, watching his throat bob with each gulp of ice-cold water he takes, emptying the remnants into his mouth. Before he catches you, you look away, sipping on your own drink, suddenly nervous to be so near him, despite dancing with him the past hour and a half. 
He chuckles softly. “This was really fun.”
You turn to face him. “It was. You’re quite the performer.”
“I could say the same about you.” He stretches his arm behind you, setting it on the couch. The rolled-up sleeves of his polo graze your neck, making you more flustered. You remind yourself that this is totally normal, not a flirtatious response or anything. Just a guy casually resting his arm behind you, no big deal. 
“I feel like I’m going to lose my voice. But it was worth it,” he mentions. 
You face him again, beaming brightly. There’s an expression on his face you haven’t seen all night, as if he’s getting a proper look at you, studying you like he hasn’t seen you clearly until now. 
“Totally worth it,” you reply. Before you know it, you blurt out, “I don’t want this to end yet.”
At this, he blinks a few times, startled by your statement. “Really?”
You giggle, leaning closer to nudge his arm. “Yeah. Really.”
In an instant, your lips meet, mouths still cool from the ice water. He kisses you gently, both hesitant and sure of himself. He breaks away to ask, “Is this okay?”
You nod, sliding your hands to his nape to close the distance again. His arm slips behind your waist, hand gripped loosely on your hip, pulling you in, kisses getting sloppier. Tongues pushing past lips to swirl around each other. 
You can blame this hasty decision on the alcohol, but that wouldn’t be accurate. You’re tipsy at best, and you would bet money that he’s in the same state as you. This isn’t fueled by sake or by the sappy love song playing in the background. This is pure, unadulterated passion, building up the moment you shared those croissants together in that bakery. 
You giggle into his mouth as you swing your leg over his lap to straddle him. He has both hands on your waist now, peering at you with a naughty expression. “What can you possibly be giggling about right now?”
“I was just thinking about how I was right earlier. The way to your heart is through your stomach. Admit it; you fell for me as soon as I split my croissant with you.”
He pulls you in closer, nuzzling his nose against yours. “Okay, I admit it. You won my heart.”
His grip is tight on you, guiding your hips back and forth on his lap, his lips scattering delicate kisses along your neck, your hands messing up his hair as you run your fingers through it. There’s not enough time to process that this is actually happening. All you want is to feel him on every inch of your skin. His palms glide underneath your blouse, reaching for your bra, squeezing at your breasts. With his mouth now hot on your ear, he whispers, “I want you.”
You’re not thinking properly when you grab the hem of your shirt to hoist it off your body. Before you strip, there’s loud knocking on the door, startling the both of you. 
“We know what you’re doing in there!” a voice yells from the other side. “Cut it out before we call the police!”
Immediately, you remove yourself from him, unsuccessfully ignoring the obvious bulge in his pants. He’s reluctant to take his hands of you, giving your tits another loving fondle before relenting, taking a few deep breaths to calm himself. Quickly gathering your belongings, you head towards the door, ready to do the walk of shame. Before you turn the handle, Nanami spins you around, kissing you once more. You melt into his mouth, fists bunching his dress shirt, his heart pounding through his chest. If it weren’t for the threat of the cops being called, you’re certain the two of you would go at it right here in this karaoke room. 
Another angry rap on the door snaps you both back to reality. You slowly exit the room, staring at the tile floor, avoiding eye contact with the disgruntled worker, crossing their arms at you. You pay for the room, then walk outside into the brisk night air. Nanami holds your hand, fingers entwined seamlessly, a perfect fit. 
Despite having spent the last few hours with him, it feels like the beginning of the night. You lean in to kiss him once more, craving his mouth on yours. He places his coat over your shoulders, surrounding you in a snug embrace, resting his chin on the top of your head. You stay like this for what seems like forever until it’s not enough, your phone vibrating in your purse, his ringing in his pocket. Gina’s name is displayed on your screen, and Gojo’s on his. That’s your cue; the final scene of the night. 
The two of you take your time walking back towards where your little adventure first started, holding hands like a couple familiar with each other. At the end of the day, you’re still strangers, one night not enough to establish a relationship. You’re certain neither of you wants this to end, not with the way he touches you, the way he gazes at you. There’s no doubt something’s there. The both of you are cowards, too afraid to admit these intense feelings to someone you hardly know. It’s easier to enjoy it in the moment, letting it fizzle out as midnight approaches, leaving it behind as a fond memory. 
That’s the problem, though. In the short amount of time you’ve spent with him, you’re already sure that you want to make more memories with him. 
In the distance, you spot Gina and Gojo, standing outside the bar, chatting as they await your return. You’re about to call out to them, but Nanami tugs you into the nearest alley, your cheeks between his palms, kissing you deeply. His thumb grazes your skin tenderly, sending a shiver down your spine. He pulls off, breathing staggered, forehead pressed against yours. 
You don’t want to say goodbye; this is what it is, right? Back to the real world. You have a thesis due in less than forty-eight hours, one that you forgot about until now, and Nanami is from out of town, soon to be back to his own life, which doesn’t include you. That’s just the way it is. 
Without a word, you shrug his coat off your shoulders, handing it to him with a gentle smile. He stares at you, wary, accepting it anyways in his hands, hanging it on his forearm neatly. He reaches for your hand, leading you back to the pathway under the streetlights, letting go as soon as you approach your friends.
Seeing you, Gojo yells out, “Hey!”
Gina waves, hair slightly disheveled, a satisfied grin on her face. Gojo asks, “So, did you two have fun tonight? I know we did.” Gina snorts, kicking him lightly at his ankle. 
Nanami clears his throat. “Yes. We had fun.”
Surprised, Gojo replies, “Really? Nanamin actually had fun? I’m in awe!”
Gina looks at you. “Did you have fun?”
“Yes. I had a lot of fun,” you answer. You turn to face Nanami, giving him one last smile. He returns it, nodding slightly. This really is the end of it. 
Your friend links arms with you, announcing, “Well, we should head home now! This girl still has a thesis to finish.” With that, Gina steers you in the direction of train station, waving farewell to the two men. 
Nanami begrudgingly follows Gojo back to the hotel room. He gives his friend an abridged version of tonight’s festivities, to which Gojo seems thrilled about on his behalf. “You had almost as exciting of a night as I did! Almost. That Gina is a real firecracker.”
He sits at the end of his bed, only now realizing they didn’t even exchange contact info. In the heat of the moment, it didn’t cross his mind, too focused on her soft lips and gentle touch. He leans forward, burying his face in his palms, groaning. “I forgot to ask for her number.”
Gojo chuckles, patting his shoulder. “How can you forget that?”
“Everything happened so fast. We ran out of time.” 
The realization of it hits him hard. This can’t be it; there’s no way it can be. He won’t accept that this is the end of them, not after what happened. He’ll do whatever it takes to see her again. Fuck the vow he made to not date; whatever this is, it’s worth it.
“I don’t know what to do,” Nanami muffles through his hands, defeated.
Gojo sits beside him, massaging his shoulders, something Nanami usually hates, too distressed to shove him away. “Well, my dear friend, lucky for you, I have Gina’s number.” 
At this, Nanami turns to his friend, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. 
With a cocky smirk, Gojo says, “Let’s go get your girl.”
Tagging @liliorsstuff-blog, another fic of our husband, hope you like it!
Stay tuned for part two!
727 notes · View notes
zirconika · 2 months
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This chapter is part of a two-part fic entitled 'Chivalry is Dead.' Click the link to view the series masterlist!
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PAIRING: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader WORDS: 5.8k SUMMARY: You’re smitten with the archer you meet at the quarry who doesn’t believe in romance, vowing to make him yours, but it eventually becomes frustrating when he’s never clear with what he wants. WARNINGS: fluff. angst with comfort, then angst with no comfort. reader is very flirty with daryl.  SETTING: the quarry, the farm, and the prison
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Prim and proper, clean-shaven, wears an authentic watch, bothers to use cufflinks, gets a neat haircut often, works in corporate…
You liked your men worthy of an introduction to your family. The kind of guy who you could, with no shame, flaunt to your family. A guy who would do well in the role of a sweet, loving husband and father in the comfort of the suburban home you built together.
Shame that they’re pretty hard to come by lately, not to mention that it doesn’t even matter anymore—
“…Y’know what I mean?” you rambled to the archer who had a permanent scowl itched on his face. Unbeknownst to you thanks to your drunken stupor, he’d been listening to you going off about your type.
He watched as you held an almost empty bottle of alcohol pressed to your chest, your eyes manning the space around you as if you were talking to a crowd of people. Much to your luck, the rest of the people had eventually retreated to their own tents, leaving you to the company of this — sorta cute — redneck.
“Like, where do you think I could even get them these days?” you laughed, your eyes going back to him. “But then, like, y’know, it doesn’t even matter ‘coz I got my family killed! And I didn’t even do anything, I just ran like a fucking coward.”
Daryl decided an hour and a half ago that he’d up and go off to somewhere else, maybe to hunt. But he couldn’t bring himself to leave in concern for the drunk woman beside him who’d sooner or later become another hunter’s prey. Maybe even the undead’s.
Pain in ‘ma ass, he’d thought to himself while watching you with a scowl as he sank back down to the log in front of the campfire. 
“I could use a bar of chocolate, but… This is the closest thing.” You made to gulp down more of the alcohol, but he reached out to snag it away from your hands. You yelled at the archer. “What are you—!”
“‘Yer a fuckin’ idiot,” he spat, setting the bottle aside. Daryl met your bewildered gaze, and he was certain you wouldn’t even remember it the next day. “Ain’t no reason blamin’ yourself for somethin’ ya couldn’t prevent. And ‘yer worried about all the wrong things, too! I’s out there huntin’ and I couldn’t care less ‘bout what kind’a girl I’d snag, I actually worried ‘bout somethin’ that matters! Like the fuck the camp’s gonna eat, which one of us would those stinking geeks get next and—!”
Daryl zipped his mouth shut for a good moment, realizing he’d said too much. Oh, fuck. He was thinking of ways to save this. He didn’t have an inkling on how to comfort a girl, much less a drunk and crying one. Your eyes turned glassy, your face contorting to…
“Pfft!” you laughed, further confusing the archer before you. He watched as you leaned backward, laughing. It was sort of a relief to watch and to hear; some great change of scenery to what he’d grown accustomed to seeing on the daily. “Y’know the” — you hiccuped — “funny thing about the guys I used to date? They ended up screwin’ some other pretty girl looking for the same guy as me. See, I cracked the code!”
You blinked a couple of times. Daryl remained silent. You couldn’t help but giggle as you leaned closer to the archer, and he couldn’t help but feel a surge of warmth in his chest as you came closer, your nose closing in on a couple of inches away from his. 
A buzzing sensation crawled from your chest to your cheeks, warming your face up as you felt something begging to be unleashed from within you—a confession, perhaps?
He got a good whiff of the alcohol from your dry lips as you opened your mouth to speak. “I should’ve been looking for someone like you!”
Daryl felt heat rush to his cheeks. He wondered if that was a good thing or a bad thing: Good because you considered him worthy of being chosen or bad because that would mean he was the opposite of everything you thought was ideal in a partner?
Why did it matter to him?
You leaned closer. “Better yet, I think that you’re—”
The warmth he could feel inside of his chest was now outside too, pouring on the surface of his shirt with alcohol and bile mixing in the humid air of the night.
“Fucking hell!” he cursed in a whisper as your body slumped forward, passing out asleep on his lap. Daryl would have done the same as you if somebody told him that that night was the beginning of an epic love story.
The following days went by like a blur, with Daryl’s suspicion that you recalled everything dissolving into the relief that maybe you really had no idea what happened that night. You acted normal the day after that brilliant occasion, save for groggy eyes that lasted the entire day as well as a visible temper. 
You paid him no mind the entire time, but he assumed you were just embarrassed for confrontation. However, the entire week passed and you made no comment whatsoever about what transpired. 
His eyes always lingered on you a second longer than he’d intend to in an attempt to get a glimpse of embarrassment. He’d been meaning to tease you about it as revenge, but… Looks like you’ve forgotten. He probably should, too.
This very relief went away when you volunteered to come along with him to hunt for food. “I’m coming along, you should teach me how to use your crossbow,” you said, dagger in hand.
He wanted to argue, but worried he’d say something that would trigger your memory, he only nudged his nose up as a nod. 
The entire walk in the woods would have been a painful silence if not for the rustling of leaves in the trees and the subtle whistle of the wind.
You watched the broad shouldered archer before you made his way with calculated steps, even while you couldn't yet pinpoint a target. “Well, aren’t you stealthy?” 
Daryl spared a glare your way. “Why’d ya go huntin’ anyway? And with a blunt knife at that—are ya and idiot or somethin’?”
“‘Cause I was thinking maybe you should teach me your weapon of choice.” You looked at him as if he said something mad. “Didn’t I just say that, like, two minutes ago?”
He noticed that you said ‘should’ instead of ‘could.’
“Let me get this straight,” the archer started, halting, and you knew a scowl would greet you before he even faced you. “Ya went into the woods to hunt, but ya don’t even have a clue how?”
“Oh, honey, I didn’t say I needed you to teach me how to hunt. Didn’t even say I was gonna hunt.” You stepped closer to him. You noticed he took a subtle step back, and you couldn’t help but grin. Could it be that this rugged gentleman is nervous? “I said I wanted you to teach me how to use your crossbow.”
He cleared his throat, pulling back his armor of a scowl matched with an anger that was certainly uncalled for. “Oh, yeah? It’s fuckin’ stupid of ya to think I go around grantin’ everybody’s requests! And I ain’t gonna just stand here and take this, hunt by yourself.”
Daryl turned around, a casual swagger to his walk. You had to smirk at his back, knowing what he’d do next once you hit him with your first ammunition: intel. “I know something you stood for and took like a champ.”
The archer froze. 
“Thanks, by the way. And sorry you had to deal with that!” you exclaimed. “See, between the two of us, I’m not the stupid one. You could’ve used that against me, but you didn’t. And that just made me more interested in you—like, wow! You’re a lot more of a gentleman than you think you are.”
Oh, Daryl was pissed. Why were you the one making fun of him when it’s you who should’ve been abashed by what happened? “You remembered all along and ya didn’t say sorry?”
“I just did,” you said blankly.
Daryl faced you, shaking his head in a stubborn way. “Nah, ‘ya didn’t.”
“Yeah, I did. I said ‘sorry you had to deal with that.’”
He scoffed. “Doesn’t count.”
“Does too!” you spat back, this time grinning at the archer. You couldn’t help but laugh at his growing frown. “Come on, if you could take that with dignity, surely a crossbow lesson with Coach Daryl can’t be that bad.”
“Why do ya even want one? Thought ya said it wasn’t practical, righ’?” he asked, recalling all the times you called his weapon all kinds of things when you were drunk: “It’s way too heavy and takes up arm space! Can’t fit it in a pocket! It looks like a toy!”
You laughed out loud from his poor attempts at imitating you. Daryl felt the slightest tinge of embarrassment. He wanted to cup his own cheeks to make sure he wasn’t imagining the heat in there, worried he’d gone red. And if he did, he hoped you’d mistake it for the effect of the Georgia sun.
“Yeah, I did say that,” you said as-a-matter-of-factly.
Daryl raised a brow. “So why want it?”
You stepped forward again, taunting him. “Because I have a thing for the guy giving the lessons.”
The warmth that paid him a visit that one fateful night made its presence clearer, this time from the burrows of his chest. What the fuck was wrong with him? 
“I ain’t interested,” he said. Daryl was all things, but not a liar. This time, though, he might just be one.
Although he was looking down at you, he felt as if he was the one being challenged from above. He gulped. 
This time, you raised a brow at him. “Oh, you’re not into girls?”
“I’m kidding. Y’know I thought the same, maybe you weren’t interested in me.”
Daryl shrugged, composing himself in an attempt to restore the dynamic he had in his head where he could be in a position where he could intimidate you. He couldn’t. “Yeah, ‘cause I ain’t.”
You continued to ramble on. “I was thinking, hey, maybe this guy doesn’t have any feelings for me!”
He put his hands on his hips, challenging you. But you weren’t quick to back down from a fight. “‘Cause I don’t.”
“Right,” you mused. “Didn’t you bring me a warm cup of tea the day after to help with my hangover?”
He watched you with question, but he worried you’d see the static coming from his chest and spreading to his arms. “Yeah, that woman Carol asked me to.”
“Huh,” you scoffed with a smile, ready for the look on his face to come and indicate your victory. “Funny. I was ready to ignore what happened, think of your kindness as nothing but kindness. But see, I came by sweet Carol’s tent to thank her but imagine my surprise when she said ‘What tea’?”
He had no answer to that. Usually, Daryl was a man who could think on his feet. Heck, you expected him to have some brilliant excuse. He was a hunter, after all. It was natural of him to think quickly.
You licked your lips, staring at his with that smirk of yours he wanted so badly to wipe off. “I’m gonna court you, Daryl Dixon. And you’re gonna say yes.”
The archer grunted, swinging his beloved weapon across his shoulder, shaking his head in denial. “I ain’t ever sayin’ yes to anything.”
“Sure, not today, not tomorrow, but a little push and I know I can get to you.”
Daryl spit somewhere on the dead soil surrounding you as he walked off to the trees. “Nah, never.”
As he disappeared into the forest, you couldn’t help but grin, feeling confident. You saw that moment of weakness. Somehow, some part of you knew it would happen. “Never say never, Daryl Dixon!”
You saw his middle finger raised just before he disappeared further, and you couldn’t help but laugh. Game on, archer.
It went on like that for a while. Daryl said he hated it, that ‘allat romance crap’s worth nothin.’ Still, those little slip-ups in his expressions and gait let you know that there was an opening there somewhere. 
He did start teaching you how to use his crossbow, and the first time you were able to shoot a deer with it, you felt as if his silence was born from both his shock and the fact that he was possibly impressed. 
“I can feel your boner from here, Dixon,” you smirked as you carried his crossbow with you as you began to walk over to your successful capture.
“Shuddup,” he said in response. He wouldn’t admit it, but he was definitely thrown off by how he was feeling watching you walking with his weapon. 
“Help me with this,” you said, grabbing the animal by its hind legs. “Carry the deer so the gang could see how kickass I look with your crossbow. No wonder you like it, it makes me feel sexy.”
When you faced the archer, you raised a brow. He’d been staring and out of focus longer than he intended to be, not that he did. You smirk at this.
“You’re starting to like me,” you said, pointing at him with an accusatory finger. “You were staring.”
“Nuh uh,” he said, composing himself as he hurried to haul the animal over his shoulder. 
“Is it the crossbow? ‘Cause I get it. I look at you with it and I think, ‘Oh, now that’s a man.’” You adjust the crossbow on your shoulder as Daryl watches you with confusion and… Maybe admiration? “I’m gonna do an experiment. This is hot.”
You move the crossbow to your hands, extending it outwards, posing for him with a slouch. “Not hot.”
You kept going on; hot with the crossbow, not hot for the crossbow. Until Daryl stopped you.
“Yer wastin’ time, yours and mine, when yer hot either way.” Daryl froze. So did you. His eyes widened, his cheeks redder than ever. “Not hot. Either way. Hey, I—!”
“You think I’m hot! You said I—!” you exclaim. Daryl clasped his clean hand over your mouth, pushing you against the tree. 
“They’re gonna hear ya.”
No walker came by. You could hear nothing but Daryl’s breath and yours, at least until he dropped his hand.
On the walk back to camp, you were grinning the entire way. Daryl remained silent, afraid he’d say something that you could use against him.
“That was a Freudian slip,” you said with a snort. 
Daryl wanted to argue, but knowing he couldn’t trust himself with talking, he kept his words short. “A what?”
“You subconsciously said something you actually meant. I get it, really.” You make a show of holding his crossbow. “I like you, you like me. But then you feel embarrassed that I’m going after you before you could go after me because you feel weird about a woman pursuing you even though you clearly really have the hots for her.”
He fought to keep his face stoic. “Nah, I don’t.”
“Yeah, you do.”
“Alrigh,” Daryl said just to end the conversation.
“Alright as in yes you do?” you tease the archer. 
Daryl smirked, determined to get you to admit defeat on your mission to pursue him. “Alrigh’ as in I don’t care.”
But you weren’t a quitter. He’d shown a glimpse of how he felt, and you were determined to get it out of him. By the time you reached camp, you handed his crossbow over to him with a glimmer in your eyes.
“You seemed to enjoy having your hands on me just a couple of minutes ago.” You flip him off as you walk away to go help out with the rest of the people in the camp. “See ya, Dixon.”
Though he wouldn’t show it, Daryl would rather sleep in the woods alone, weaponless than admit that he did. 
It wasn’t just that. He didn’t hate the things you were doing to him and for him. He hated that he wished he thought of pursuing you sooner so he’d have the upper hand. . .
Nah, nah, I don’t. He shook his head to himself.
But it became harder to deny whenever you went out of your way to do something for him, especially when he lost his brother. When he mourned Merle, you were there. And you weren’t a menace like he thought you would be.
You were just. . .there. Giving him the bigger half of whatever food you had, lingering just ever so near, and more. Daryl was surprised to realize that he enjoyed your company. 
He knew he was fucked. Especially when he realized he missed you flirting with him, but he’d never tell you that.
Looking for a missing child was way easier when there were no corpses roaming the land of the living, back when there was no need to distinguish what’s alive and what’s not. You were hoping that Sophia would turn up as soon as possible. 
You felt a twinge of guilt realizing that your hope for the child being found was just Daryl’s return, but it wasn’t like that at all. It wasn’t that you had this silly crush on the archer. Yes, you did, but you needed the right time to talk to him about what happened at the CDC.
You’d never felt so mortified. For the longest time, you’ve been saying that you wanted to accept death in exchange for peace. You always thought that when the time comes, you’d be ready. It was a fucked up way to realize that you weren’t, and you found yourself out of breath, unable to chase your breathing.
Daryl was hysterical, but upon seeing you, he immediately rushed in front of you, cupping your face with his rough hands. 
“We’re gettin’ outta here alive,” he’d told you as your chest heaved from realizing you were nearing your doom. He then held you against his chest, his calloused fingers caressing your hair with the most gentle care, as if holding you wrong would cause you to break. You weren’t able to process the rest, but you remembered him at first assisting you in walking until he eventually carried you in his arms out of the facility right before it deteriorated.
You never got to speak to him since then except for when you encountered the herd on the road. He just asked if you were okay, and that was it. 
He’d been preoccupied looking for Sophia ever since. You didn’t want to assume that he’d only been looking for her just because that would make you the biggest insensitive asshole in the world. 
Just then, a young blonde girl came out of the house, a tray in hand. 
“Hi,” she said. You could tell right from how she held herself that she was of good nature. “I’m Beth. I brought you some tea and some oatmeal.”
A small smile came on your face, and you couldn’t help but let it grow brighter when you watched the girl realize why. 
“Oh, I gave this to you on my own—nevermind,” she sighed. “He told me not to tell you ‘cause he said you were—”
“A pain in his ass?” you teased with a grin. “Verbatim?”
Beth considered what she was going to say, but she eventually smiled as well as she set it on the small stool table beside the rocking chair you were sitting on while you stared in the distance. “Well, yes.”
You laughed together with the girl. It was easy to talk to her, you felt light. 
“But he also told me to watch after you.”
You waved your hand, dismissing Daryl’s order to the girl. “Oh, you don’t have to do that. In fact, we should share this oatmeal. It looks good!”
Beth gave you the warmest smile anyone’s ever given you for the past week. “No, I’m okay. He specifically told me to make sure you eat enough. Said he’d bring in something later for you later.”
This time, heat rushed to your cheeks. You stuffed it down. “I’m pretty sure the meat’s for all of us, just including me.”
“I don’t know,” Beth said, leaning against the railing of the house’s front porch. The air certainly felt different in the farm compared to every other place you’ve been to. The sun was setting, and the view of the sky could make anyone oblivious to the newfound horrors of the world. “He was talking about how you needed it, but my dad said you weren’t in need of any medicine. You just needed to eat somethin. And if you needed something for your headache, we have it.”
“I see,” you said, your shoulders sinking. “He’s probably just avoiding me.”
Beth faced you, confused. “Why would he do that?”
“Well, that’s Daryl.” You shrugged, thinking back to what he’d done for you at the CDC. You could almost feel his arms carrying you again, and you couldn’t help but feel the heat in your cheeks return. You instinctively look down. 
Beth noticed your brow furrowing just before you reached out to feel your temple. “Do you need anything?”
“Sorry you have to take care of me,” you say with an apologetic smile. “Just whatever you have for headaches and a decent sleep.”
You awoke around the middle of the night to the door to your room shutting closed. At first, you thought that someone came in only to find that you were completely alone. You then heard the faint sound of footsteps walking down the stairs just outside. 
Stirring awake, you sit up straight to rub your eyes. Outside, the sky was dark. You must’ve slept for around eight hours, because you could no longer feel sleep returning easily. The urge was there, but you knew sinking back into a deep sleep would be for nothing. 
You yawn and scratch at your neck. On the nightstand to your right, you’re relieved to find a glass of water. But what stole your attention was what sat right next to it.
You were surprised to find three packs of chocolates: KitKat Bars, Kisses, and Hershey’s. There were also some packs of M&Ms.
Thinking back to the footsteps rushing down the stairs just a minute ago, you hurriedly carried all of the chocolates with you and ran down the stairs as lightly as you could so as to not wake anyone. 
You swung the screen door open, trudging down the stairs of the porch. You reach Daryl just before he enters the tent. You chuck the pack of KitKats to his head, to which he yelped. “Ow!”
“Do you like me?” you ask directly.
The archer faces you, picking up the pack of KitKats you threw at him. “What’d ya do that for?”
“Do you like me?” you ask, firmer this time.
There’s that pause. That two-second, lingering, suffocating pause. “I don’t.”
But that pause meant maybe. Both of you knew it, he just didn’t want to admit it, like he always does. Annoyed, you throw the rest of the chocolates to his feet. “Then you shouldn’t be doing things that make it seem like you do!”
You don’t know if it was the painkillers or just your interrupted sleep, but you definitely felt your temper controlling you. 
“I was bein’ nice.”
“Nice is opening the door for someone. Nice is handing the water pitcher at the dinner table. Nice is not asking someone to take care of me while you’re away, nice is not you bringing me chocolates like it’s Valentine’s to cheer me up when you know damn well how I feel about you. Nice is not making me feel like you feel the same and then take it back then just act like you do feel the same again!”
Daryl stood there, taking it all.
You rubbed at your eyes, your shoulders slumping. You feel a lump in your throat and your eyes begin to water. You stare at him for three seconds before turning around to return inside when he grabs you by the wrist to pull you into that same embrace he’d wrapped you into that day at the CDC. 
He was warm. God, he was warm. You hated that your body craved the press of his. 
He held you until you stopped crying. Until, for some reason, you were holed up in his tent, eating the chocolates he got for you while the two of you talked about everything and nothing. 
You realized how easy it was to speak to Daryl, too. How it came naturally, and how you felt comfortable being yourself around him outside of the flirting. Maybe it really was better to remain friends.
You were just being nice to each other. But if Daryl really did feel an ounce of what you felt, then that wouldn’t be very nice of him.
For a while, you accepted that. You stopped pursuing him altogether and maintained a respectable distance with him. He then always seemed to be everywhere you went, but you told yourself you were in over your head thinking he’d ever even feel the same way.
Life was good. Save for the nightmare that was facing the Governor, of course. The last time you felt a grudge against him was when he left with his brother, but you stopped yourself from feeling anything. After all, that was his brother and you were…
A friend. He’d apologized leaving by bringing you more chocolates from his run. Things have been good lately. You loved being friends with Daryl.
Sure, you’d find yourself in feats of attraction towards the guy ever so often, like the time he carried baby Judith. . .
That was something.
It didn’t help that he was looking at you while he was carrying her, even playing with her and showing her to you. You hated that even though you say you feel nothing anymore, sometimes everything resurfaces.
If only you knew what was going through his mind when he passed baby Judith to you. 
Those were little tests that failed to weaken your belief that you were better off as friends. You survived them. Yep, you were fine being friends. It was just a silly crush anyway.
“[Y/N],” Daryl called from outside your cell. “[Y/N], we’re heading out to get some meds, ‘ya need anythin’? Chocolates again, maybe?”
You were covered in two blankets head neck to toe, your back to the cell door. You said nothing, much less did anything to indicate you heard him. Daryl stepped inside, feeling bad that he’d crossed over but he somehow felt like he had to.
By the second Daryl laid his hands on your shoulder to tap you, he knew he had to turn you over. You were shivering in your half-sleep, and yet when Daryl pressed the back of his palm against you, you were burning up.
“Jesus, you’re—!”
“I think I caught it,” you said. You try to sit up, and Daryl helps you up. You turn the other way to cough. “I was gonna bring myself to the quarantine cell block, but I couldn’t stand up.”
“Here, I got ‘ya,” he said, helping you up. “You sure ‘ya don’t wanna stay here in your cell instead?”
You shook your head. “I could turn and infect everyone. I—”
“Hey.” He cupped your cheek with his hand, gently tapping it to keep you in check. “You’re not gonna turn, I’m not gonna let that happen to ‘ya. I’m goin’ out and gettin’ ‘ya the meds, then yer gonna be fine.”
“Well, that’s awfully nice of you,” you said drunkenly. On the way to the isolated block, you feel yourself losing your step… Losing your consciousness…
“[Y/N]? [Y/N]!”
And it all went dark.
The days that followed promised a new routine. After the supply run, you were the first stop Daryl visited. He talked to you, took care of you. He’d tell you stories about him and his brother Merle. You’d tell him about the guys you dated and every single terrible date experience you’ve had.
“Yeah, you said you hated dating ‘em. So you wanted to date guys like me instead, y’know, the kind you’d be embarrassed to introduce to your ma and pa.”
You laughed. “Oh, come on. I didn’t mean it like that.”
Friends, friends, friends. That’s how it is, how it should’ve been right from the start. It’s so easy to laugh with Daryl, so easy to be with him.
That was until you got better. You were out, making the rounds.
“Ya shouldn’t be here,” he’d told you when he caught you walking the perimeter with a revolver. “At least not yet. I’ll take over from here.”
“Nah, somehow I feel way sicker when I’m not doing anything.”
He shrugged. “You could read a book.”
“Oh, yeah?” you chuckled.
“Oh, yeah.”
Silence again. It was just the two of you in the dead of night, and you wondered if you only imagined the flurry of emotions back then when you were separated when you got sick.
You wanted to stay there in that moment forever, just standing in the dark with Daryl. But you felt a sort of suffocating sensation the moment you thought of him fondly. You were a bit sleepy anyway.
“Actually, maybe I should go.” Yawning, you stuff the revolver back to your holster. “Good night, Daryl.”
You only got to walk past him a couple of steps before he spoke.
“[Y/N]?” he called out to you just before you were about to return to your quarters. You felt sleep about to take you in deeply, but you fought it off, telling yourself it’ll be quick.
You face the archer, raising an interrogative brow in response. 
For some strange, mundane reason, you found him extra lovely tonight. You were forced to discover why as he leaned forward, pressing his lips into yours in the most gentle way he could. You pull away.
There’s a question in your eyes, and so he only kisses you again in response. You kiss him back, this time with desperation. You don’t know where to put your hands, overwhelmed by this gust of exhilaration washing over you as his hands caress the nape of your neck. 
He pulls away this time.
You couldn’t believe it. So many thoughts ran into your head. Pursuing Daryl used to be something you were just looking forward to as a challenge, maybe even just for the sole purpose of enjoying a fling knowing the end is near.
But you got to know him. He got to know you, and you let him. You felt heat rush to your cheeks, bringing them high enough for the most genuine grin to show in your face. “Does this mean—?”
“Nah.” He takes a step backward, and your grin instantly dissolves into a frown at the sight of him shaking his head. “No, I…”
You shake your head in disbelief. 
What the fuck?
Your smile faltered further. The butterflies in your stomach you thought you felt suddenly felt as if you were about to throw it up again.
“No?” you utter in disbelief, the taste of his lips still stuck somewhere in your mouth. You step backward as well, staring into space as you touched the lips of yours he’d just kissed with so much passion, opposite to the coldness he’d brought upon you with that one word. The rush from the kiss was being drowned by an otherworldly anger threatening to be unleashed. “What the—No?”
You turn your focus to him again. He says nothing, his back to you as he stares into the dark greenery outside of the fence. 
“You make me chase after you like a fool and ‘No’?”
Daryl sunk into himself. He didn’t deserve you. He didn’t deserve anything you gave him. He didn’t know what to say. “I didn’t ask ‘ya to.”
He wanted to disappear. 
“Right.” You had to laugh. “Turn around. Face me.”
The archer obliged, and you couldn’t read his face enough through the tears born from your anger. He hated that he wanted to grab you by the waist and pull you into another kiss, to press his lips against your neck and down to your chest. He wanted to caress your hair, to—
“Back at the CDC, I wanted to stop pursuing you. But then” — his heart broke as your voice cracked — “you held my hand when we found out we could die and you looked at me with those fucking eyes of yours on your goddamn face and I thought maybe there was something real, something I could get out of you if I tried hard enough.”
“We’re gettin’ outta here alive,” he’d told you as your chest heaved from realizing you were nearing your doom. He held you against his chest, his calloused fingers caressing your hair with the most gentle care, as if holding you wrong would cause you to break.
“Then you were cold again, and I thought maybe you were just being kind like usual back then but you—argh! You got me chocolates when I was scared shitless from almost dying and called it being nice and friendly before holding me again!”
You rubbed your eyes, frustrated more than ever.
“You just had to take advantage of the fact that I’m weak for you! You nursed me back to health when I got sick, you spoke to me as if you felt the same way, just—everything! You say you didn’t ask me to chase after you but when I did stop, you find ways to get me back on your trail and now you kiss me and then you take it back?”
You felt your heart begging to be freed. You couldn’t breathe. The lump in your throat was building up, and you knew it did its work once you felt your cheeks begin to wet. 
You couldn’t even see him clearly through your tears. “What the fuck do you want, Daryl?”
How could he tell you? What could he say? He didn’t even know what he wanted. Still, you waited in hopes he’d give you an explanation. That he’d at least explain himself.
“Do you like me?” you ask him again. No response.
You steel yourself for what you were about to ask next. 
“Do you love me?”
“God, I’m so stupid."
Realizing the chance you gave him is all for naught, you shook your head with a mirthless laugh as you walked away. The embrace of sleep never returned, and you were left to stare at the ceiling, waiting for daybreak to come just so you could fight an unwinnable war.
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TAGLIST: @vaniniweenie @avabh12 @stinkygirl009
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138 notes · View notes
ohnococo · 3 months
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Here With You | Ijichi x Reader
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With work running your lives, it’s been far too long since you’ve had time with your boyfriend. With a free evening finally here, you two have plans together. Plans you won’t quite get to.
❥ WC: 1.9k
❥ Notes: a request for Ijichi + Body Worship for @marikuchanxo I hope you enjoy! 🥰
❥ Warnings: fem bodied reader (no pronouns used), established relationship, kissing, quickies, oral sex/fingering (reader receiving), vaginal sex, creampie
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You and Ijichi have spent most of your relationship working around your schedules because, well, you have to. It’s just how things have always been in your busy lives; schedules don’t align, free time becomes scant, and with Ijichi being quite the problem solver, it only took one instance of mismatched expectations before he made sure the two of you set up a nice compromise. From then on, when life got in the way you knew that even if you can’t sit and enjoy meals together or take your walks together or enjoy your evenings, the two of you could still chat over the phone. Sure, it may take a while to get a response, but it’s better than nothing.
The best part of that compromise had come about quite naturally, when the two of you had taken to daydreaming of plans, knowing that things will work out eventually, and you’ll enact them then. So that’s what you did, planting seeds to help grow when the elements agreed to such a thing, and enjoying knowing time together would mean that much more in the meantime.
This time was no different—little hastily sent texts reading “I miss you”, links to new menus at your favourite restaurants, an interesting show one of your coworkers spoke about that you planned to cuddle and watch together once work stopped stealing all of your days. Then the time finally approaches. You’re already home, and Ijichi isn’t far behind, waiting on a few students he needs to drop off after an assignment and then he’ll be right home. You solidify your plans via text as you wait in your respective spots: Ijichi in his car, and you curled up on the couch of your shared apartment.
are you sure just two episodes is fine for tonight?
ofc Kiyo! I miss you but we have to sleep too lol
you’re right 🥺
lemme know when you’re on your way back and I’ll order food 😘
ok, that should be perfect timing
The time between the final confirmation of tonight’s plans and Ijichi texting you that he’s on his way passes just as slowly as the rest of your time apart, but you both finally have something on the horizon other than work and that keeps you going.
You’ve only just gotten your food delivered and sat the containers on the counter when you hear Ijichi’s key pushing into the lock on the front door with a familiar set of clicks. You make your way there to greet him, smile wide with excitement for your night ahead when he finally comes into view and shuts the door behind him. He sets his keys on the little table next to the door and hasn’t even removed his suit jacket before you’re approaching him happily.
“Hi, Kiyo!”
He sighs happily, head tilting as he looks at you with a twinkle in his eye, like just seeing your face was the salve to heal all the wounds he’d received just from being apart so long. “Hi, I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long.”
“No, the food only just got here.” You move to hug him, and for as tightly as you squeeze, he squeezes that much tighter. You let him, enjoying the proximity, the familiar smell of him, before a question comes to you and you pull back.
“Oh, do you want to eat at the table? Or while we watch tv?”
“Um…“ he looks towards the kitchen, then back at you, chewing his bottom lip as he thinks. He takes a moment much longer than you’d have thought such a question would require, and you step back from his embrace a little further to take in his expression.
There’s a strange look in Ijichi’s eye, less like the calm happiness that he usually has on your nights together. Something much more reminiscent of the eager honeymoon phase of the beginning of your relationship—like he doesn’t know what to say, like he might just mess everything up if he figures that out and makes those thoughts known.
“Kiyotaka? Are you okay?”
“I’m just… it’s good to…” He shakes his head, like he’s trying to wave his thoughts away, but it’s to no avail. He takes off his glasses and tosses them haphazardly onto the counter next to his keys, and pulls you into a kiss. It almost makes you laugh, how eager he is, and how hesitant he’d seemed before. As if you’d ever deny him affection. But then he’s holding your face in both hands and pressing his body to yours and he’s hard.
It’s not like Ijichi to cut straight to the chase like this, bypassing all words and formalities in search of every part of you he could possibly get his hands on—but once he’d had you he’d never gone so long without.
It surprises even him, as he pulls his mouth back to speak, to explain, but all that comes out is a shaky breath before his lips are drawn back to yours. There was even less hope for him to pull his hands away from you, firmly grasping your face to keep you held close so he can use where your mouths meet as the spine for where the pages of your limbs are bound together. His thin leg is slotted between your thighs, pressing at you with the same urgency with which he grinds his clothed hardness against you.
His hands search for your hips, but can’t part long enough so his fingertips graze along your neck, taking in every muscle, feeling your hitching breaths from where they form below your clavicle. He squeezes at your sides for a moment before he’s wrapping his arms around your waist, feeling every inch of your body as if all of it needed to be refreshed in his mind from your absence. Each new area his hands explore elicits another noise from him; sighs, groans, whines, all from his mouth to yours as the prospect of parting your lips is not one he’ll entertain now that he’s captured them.
His hands make their way to the hem of your top, working beneath it to tickle at your heated skin, running his palms across your stomach until he’s pulling your shirt upwards. He falls to his knees, lips parting from yours and you can only just catch a frenzied breath of ”Missed you-“ before he kisses at your stomach. He presses his face to you there, indulging in the softness and warmth, licking and sucking at the skin and leaving marks he normally would not.
“Kiyo, what about you?”
He looks up at you, swollen lips still kissing at your skin, as if only your voice could remind him there might be something to focus on other than you, the feel of you, the smell of you, the taste of you.
Ijichi pulls the bottom of his shirt loose from where it had been tucked into his trousers, but a few buttons is all he can manage to undo before he has to return his hands to your body and it’s like the previous diversion has never happened as he squeezes at your hips before sliding his fingers beneath the waistband of your pants.
He’s even more firm in his goal now, his usual hesitation cast aside and replaced with desperation as he pulls the remainder of your clothes down, mouth latching to the wetness awaiting him before he’s even gotten your panties past your knees. The first taste has him groaning into you, eyes half opened but focused on nothing, pale face long ago turned bright red and now beautifully displayed before you in stark contrast to the soft hair between your legs. He buries his nose there, nudging at your clit as he laps at your wetness, sucking and licking and only coming up for air when his fingers are finally drawn to delve past your folds in place of his writhing tongue—much too short to reach the spots he knew by now that you needed.
His fingers work feverishly, mouth open and moaning as his tongue toys with your clit, and his other hand grips and squeezes at your thigh. It’s only so long before even that isn’t enough as he slides his hand down your thigh to glide along your calf, shoving your clothes down further until you’re trying your best to kick them off without interrupting him from his desperate need to taste you. You pull your shirt over your head, tossing it down to join everything else as you run your fingers through his hair, rocking against his face gently and clenching at his fingers when the action makes him whine against you.
Your fingers trace along his scalp, moaning out his name, and it breaks something in him. His fingers slide out of you suddenly, as his hands work desperately to undo his trousers and shove them down, before he’s pulling you onto his lap. There’s a passing inclination to move yourselves elsewhere: the couch, the rug, the comfort of your bed. You worry for his knees on the hardwood floors, worry that he’ll be uncomfortable, but with the way that his trembling hands try to line himself up with your entrance, whine emanating from his throat at just having his tip in the briefest contact with you, you don’t think he could handle the wait of a few steps travel.
So you help guide him to you properly, and the way his eyes lock on yours, flustered and appreciative and out of his mind to be inside of you, helps you take him all without hesitation.
“Th-thank you…”
Here he is, thanking you, when he’s the one loving you, caring for you, worshipping you wordlessly because he doesn’t have the heart to do anything less than show you just how much he’s needed you. You cling to his shoulders as you rock into his movements, freeing his hands to go back to their desperate groping of your body, finally resting around your waist and pulling you flush to him.
His whines are stifled as he draws one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking gently as he looks up at you in a daze, brows twitching with every moan you let loose, matching your expressions as every step you take to your end tugs him right along with you. The way he thrusts up into you is sloppy, desperate, and when your pleasure reaches a frenzy and you begin clenching around him, he releases your breast, only able to indicate that he wants you to kiss him by looking up at you, a pleading look just breaking through the adoration plastered all over his face as he sticks his tongue out gently.
Your mouth meets his, just as desperately as your hips, and it’s the final straw to your undoing. Your orgasm is blinding as you both cling to each other with a desperation you had not felt since the very beginning of your relationship, it borders on too much, but as Ijichi begins to spill inside of you, it’s as if it will never be enough as you ride out the last of your orgasm until your boyfriend is panting beneath you.
This time, as you hold each other on the floor of your shared apartment, neither of you sees any reason to let go; cooling food and sore knees be damned, because all that matters is you’re back together, for now.
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banners by @//cafekitsune
103 notes · View notes
Day 19: "Please Don't" / Adrenaline Crash
@febuwhump prompt: "Please Don't" @badthingshappenbingo prompt: Adrenaline Crash
Fandom: The Bad Batch Characters: Hunter, Omega, Wrecker, Tech, Echo (Did you read Day 5: Rope Burns / Bound & Gagged and Day 12: Semi-Conscious / Over-the-Shoulder Carry? This is a continuation! Follow the links above to catch up on the story so far) Word Count: ~3005 Click here to read on AO3 Also available in Russian (with thanks to @tech-o-mania for the amazing translation!)
Synopsis: Hunter loses control as he hunts down the mercenaries who captured and injured Omega.
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Art by the awesome @collophora of my gorgeous Feral Hunter! Thank you so much for this beautiful pic and letting me post it with my fic, everyone go view collophora's original post HERE and tell them how great they are! <3
Omega swings her legs as she sits on the edge of the table, watching as Tech methodically extracts embedded strands of hessian from the wound on her left wrist. Her right is already swathed in bandages, the bacta gel bringing a soothing numbness that dulls the pulsing pain to a background throb.
She draws her breath in as a hiss though her teeth at a particularly painful pull, and Tech glances at her to check she is okay. He doesn’t continue until she nods to give him permission to do so.
The com at the engineer’s wrist crackles to life. “Come in, Tech.” It is Wrecker’s voice, low and urgent.
Tech pauses his ministrations to answer the com. “What is it, Wrecker?”
“I need backup.”
The big clone’s voice over the com is deadly serious, none of his usual joviality.
“What is your status?” asks Tech, his voice taking on a more clipped edge.
“It’s Hunter.”
Tech quickly looks up at Echo, and Omega doesn’t miss the alarmed look that passes between them.
“Will you and Omega be alright by yourselves?” Tech asks, putting the tweezers back in the medkit and standing.
Echo nods, resting a hand on Omega’s shoulder. “Don’t worry about us. Go help Wrecker.”
“Help Wrecker with what?” asks Omega, getting to her feet and looking first at Tech, then Echo. “Are they in trouble?”
“You are still in need of treatment,” says Echo firmly, trying for a smile which comes out too tense to be reassuring. “I’m sure Tech will manage without us.” He gestures back to the table. “Sit back up, and I’ll finish your wrists.”
Tech is gathering his equipment, and Omega leans past Echo to see him set his pistol to stun.
“I want to go with Tech,” she protests softly. “I want to check that Hunter and Wrecker are okay.”
Echo and Tech exchange another look. Omega is getting pretty tired of the unspoken conversations they share with their eyes.
“Finish attending to Omega’s wounds,” says Tech eventually. “Then you may follow… carefully.”
Hunter’s pistol is in his left hand, balanced on his forearm which is crossed in front of his body, vibroknife held blade outwards. The hum of adrenaline is in his veins, pulse pounding, slowly building to a tense knot of pain at the base of his skull which will surely become a migraine later.
Two more mercenaries up ahead, just out of sight. He can hear them.
Hunter doesn’t have to think about softening his footfalls. The predator’s stealth comes naturally to him.
In moments he is around the corner and the two men are ten paces ahead, weapons out as they scout the corridor.
They don’t know that death shadows their movements.
In his ear, the com pings. Hunter shakes his head, shutting it off irritably. Not now. Whatever his brothers want, it can wait.
He rolls to his toes, picking up speed. Closes the gap in a sprint.
One shot with his pistol. The laser-burn eats through the first man’s skull. The second turns but Hunter is on him, and the vibroknife tears out his throat before he can cry for help.
Hunter pauses for a moment, surveys his work. That makes four of them he has eliminated now. Four of them who harmed his Omega. Four of them who will never threaten her again.
A high-pitched whine, like tinnitus, sets up in his head. He pulls his helmet off, rubbing his ears, trying to chase away the source of the sound.
His helmet is dropped to the floor, forgotten, as he sets off to find the rest of his quarries.
Tech tilts his datapad towards Wrecker. “I have picked up the bounty hunters’ com channel. They seem concerned that they cannot raise a number of their companions.”
Wrecker looks up from fitting binders to the two mercenaries he has captured. “Hunter won’t waste any time,” he says gruffly.
“He may have deactivated his com, but I can still track his locator beacon,” says Tech. “Leave these two here. We must catch up to Hunter as soon as we can.”
Hunter crouches on the narrow gangway, watching the knot of mercenaries in the hangar below. Five left. Their conversation drifts to him but it is just noise. He can’t make his head understand the words.
It doesn’t matter what they are saying. Hunter will be among them soon, and their words will give way to screams and then they will be dead. He plans to make sure of that.
The migraine closes its vice-like grip on his consciousness and Hunter pulls his bandana off, trying to ease the pressure at his temples. A faint aurora halos his vision, sparkling in the periphery. His back teeth ache.
He creeps along the perforated metal walkway, feeling it sway a little from the suspension cables that keep it aloft. He holsters the pistol, curling the fingers of that hand around the rail instead. His right hand continues to clutch the vibroknife like it is an extension of himself.
Almost directly above them. From here he can drop onto the group, break his fall with one of their bodies, before wreaking his vengeance.
Hunter climbs silently to the railing. Leans over the edge, gravity pulling at his body, braced now on the outside of the walkway.
Ready to drop.
Echo spots the pair of bodies before Omega does. He stops her with a hand on her shoulder and ventures forwards cautiously, already knowing what he will find.
He is surprised to see the half-skull of Hunter’s helmet staring up at him from between the fallen mercenaries. He scoops it up and checks the wiring. The com is undamaged. It has been deliberately disabled.
Behind him he hears Omega.
“Tech, come in. Did you find Wrecker and Hunter?”
She has her bandaged hands pressed to her com, trying to raise her brothers. Echo hurries back to her, Hunter’s helmet in hand. Omega’s eyes go wide as she sees it.
“Is Hunter okay?” she asks in a fearful whisper, reaching out to brush the side of the helmet. The fresh bandages across her palms come away stained red.
“Don’t worry,” mutters Echo, “it’s not his blood.”
There is a moment of confusion before the meaning of his words dawns on Omega. She leans past him to peer down the corridor. Two bounty hunters. Not unconscious. Dead.
“Oh,” she says in a small voice. Then, looking up at him with a determined frown, “We need to find Hunter.”
Wrecker and Tech press tightly to the door-frame, one on either side of the corridor that has brought them to this hangar. Tech’s datapad says this is where Hunter should be, but all they can see are the clustered mercenaries.
Wrecker is the first one to look up. His hands move in a quick signal sequence, drawing Tech’s attention to their brother in his ambush position.
“Hunter,” breathes Tech. And as though it is a command, Hunter drops.
The chaos is immediate. Hunter is amongst the mercenaries, pistol forgotten, knife indiscriminately biting through cloth and armour into flesh. Panicked cries answer his sudden appearance. Blaster fire greets him.
Tech and Wrecker recognise Hunter’s grunt of pain like it is their own. They take a single moment to share a nod, and then they too join the fray.
Wrecker charges in, shoulder down, crashing into a mercenary and knocking him away from Hunter. Tech skirts the edge of the hanger, diving into a roll to evade a stray blaster bolt. He comes up with his pistol ready, gaze flitting over the knot of combatants before choosing his target. He knows this is the quickest way to end this.
Omega’s voice comes over the com but doesn’t answer. He needs all his considerable wits about him if he wants to take down his younger brother.
He steadies his aim.
He fires at Hunter.
Somewhere beyond the roaring in his ears Hunter is dimly aware that he is injured. There is a lingering trace of heat as the laser-burn crawls against his skin, softened from deadly to merely painful by the layer of his armour. It slows him, but he doesn’t let it stop him.
He ducks a wild haymaker meant to knock him to the ground and comes up inside the man’s guard. The mercenary yells as Hunter’s forehead connects with his nose, blood gouting from the broken cartilage, and Hunter winces at the shout pierces his already tender headache.
The migraine is stabbing behind his eyes now, his vision winking in and out in bright flashes. He has to finish this fight soon, or he won’t be able to.
The sudden jolt of a stun blast catches him in the back. He feels the sensation ripple forwards across his chest, electric, followed by numbness. The blast threatens to short out his enhanced senses.
With difficulty he fights the blackness that follows the stun bolt, dragging his awareness back to the fight. Two others still standing. To his surprise, he realises Wrecker is one of them.
Then Hunter feels an attacker leap onto his back. He howls in panic and anger; instinct directs him to dip his body, rolling the assailant over his shoulder. He grabs them and slams them into the floor, a blow designed to stun.
Recognises the helmet. The goggles.
“Tech?” he slurs in confusion.
And, “TECH!” The shout is echoed by Wrecker, scooping up their fallen brother.
The final mercenary takes advantage of the distraction. Two blaster bolts hit into Wrecker’s back, staggering him, and he clutches Tech to his chest protectively. Hunter watches as the bounty hunter retreats, fleeing for the bikes they came in on.
His prey's footsteps are still reverberating at the edge of Hunter’s enhanced hearing when others approach from behind him. He whirls, sees Echo and Omega.
“What happened?” demands Echo, crossing to Hunter. With one hand he pushes Omega behind him, making sure she doesn’t step round and see the Sergeant. Doesn’t see the feral gleam in his eyes, the sharp and dangerous expression of his open-mouthed panting.
“I’ll find him.” Hunter’s voice is a subhuman growl. “I’ll end it.”
Omega paces anxiously, glancing towards the farthest exit to the hanger. Tech is conscious but dazed, propped up against a storage crate as Echo checks his pupils. She worries for Hunter, but she has been told to stay put.
Wrecker finishes restraining the still-living mercenaries and rolls his shoulders, easing out the stiffness of the injuries he sustained. His own blaster is loose in his hands, still set to stun.
The bodies have been hidden to one side, smeared trails of red marking the route they had been pulled. So much for out of sight, out of mind. Omega curls up over her injured hands, rubbing at her wrists through the bandages. The rope burns itch under the healing bacta gel.
“Tech will be fine,” reports Echo, “but one of us should stay with him. Omega?”
“I’m going after Hunter,” she announces, before she can be asked to play medic. She turns and looks at Echo with her mouth set in an unhappy line.
Echo calmly meets her gaze. “Hunter won’t want you to see him like this,” he says softly.
“Hunter needs me.” She is the embodiment of stubbornness. “I know it.”
Wrecker’s big hand touches her shoulder gently.
“I’ll keep her safe, Echo,” he says, voice strained with an ache of worry. He pushes his helmet back down onto his head, the snarling skull hiding the concern in his eyes.
“Let’s go, kid.”
Hunter is exhausted, muscles trembling as he forces them to continue. He has to do this. The image of Omega’s injuries is burned behind his retinas, the scent of her fear cloying. He failed to protect her once. He won’t do so again.
One more mercenary, and the job was done. There would be no-one left to threaten her. And if this group didn’t return, perhaps whoever was hunting them would think twice before sending more agents to kidnap her.
Protect Omega. Blood pounds in his head. Every footstep is a hammer-fall on the anvil of his overwrought senses.
Protect Omega.
A blaster shot hits his right hand. The vibroknife is flung free of his grasp, spinning into the air and embedding in the wall above his head. Hunter startles, the pain in his hand almost enough to stop him from evading the follow-up shot aimed for his heart. He twists at the last moment, the blaster bolt grazing his chest-plate.
Then his feral instincts are back, taking over, shutting down the thoughts that are distracting him and driving him forwards into the fight.
Hunter lunges, closing the distance to his would-be ambusher in a burst of speed that belies his injured state. He doesn’t remember that he has a pistol. Instead he barrels into the man, tackling him to the floor. The two of them roll, fighting for dominance, and Hunter comes out on top. Slugs the man. Pain explodes in his knuckles but he doesn’t stop. Again. And again.
Under the onslaught the mercenary’s face is transforming to a swollen, bloody pulp. He writhes and bucks under Hunter, throwing the sergeant off and scrambling for escape. Hunter leaps after him and they are back to brawling, only it isn’t a brawl. The man is sobbing, arms over his head, trying to shield himself from Hunter’s incoming blows. Pleas dribble with bubbled blood from broken lips. The man weeps for mercy.
Hunter’s onslaught continues. One more mercenary, and the job is done.
Protect Omega. Protect her at all costs.
Omega and Wrecker round the corner and Wrecker pulls them up short. Hunter is locked in combat with the final mercenary, the sickening sound of fist hitting flesh and the crepitus of broken bone reaching them across the otherwise empty room.
Omega recoils, watching the scene with fascinated horror. The brutality makes her sick to her stomach, but she can’t look away.
Hunter’s hair is loose, missing the bandana that usually tames it, and hangs lank and sweaty about his face. Blood streaks his fists and spatters his armour. The air is punctuated by his soft grunts and laboured breath, and the moans and whimpers emanating from the figure that is huddled beneath his fury.
Wrecker lays his hand on Omega’s shoulder, trying to coax her away. “Omega,” he says, and his voice quavers. He crouches in front of her, interposing himself between her and the brutal scene, and pushes his helmet back on his head to lock gazes with her.
“What is he doing?” Omega whispers in horror, brown eyes wide as she searches Wrecker’s face for answers.
Wrecker merely shakes his head. “You should get outta here, kid. Head back to the Marauder, wait for the others.”
He stands and turns away from her, dropping the blaster and moving towards Hunter with his hands held up defensively. It is like he is approaching a wild animal, wary of attack.
“Hunter, stop it. Please, vod. He’s down, he surrendered. This isn’t right.”
If Hunter hears him he gives no sign. His punches keep flying, sluggish but solid. His victim lets out a single broken sob.
Omega’s com chirps.
“Omega, are you alright?” It is Tech, his voice weak-sounding as he recovers from concussion.
“We found Hunter,” she whispers, riveted on Wrecker’s careful advance.
Wrecker nears Hunter and his victim, one hand extended. “It’s me, Hunt,” he says, softening the brash edge of his voice. “Time to stop. Okay, vod?”
Hunter doesn’t hear him. Or ignores him. It is hard to tell.
“Is Wrecker able to handle the situation?” asks Tech.
Omega shakes her head. “No,” she says, voice trembling with determination. “But if Wrecker can’t make Hunter stop, I will.”
“Be careful, Omega,” Tech warns her, and she steels herself for what is to come.
She steps past Wrecker, ducks to evade his grasp as he tries to stop her. On shaky legs she closes the distance. Hunter, her Hunter, is a creature she does not recognise. Ruthless, bloodstained, no glimpse of gentleness or mercy.
Hunter leans back, winding up for a huge hit. Omega darts in front of him, catching hold of his fist, levelling her intense brown-eyed stare into the wildfire of his fury.
Omega positions herself directly in front of the exhausted sergeant. Hunter is on his knees, tattooed face glazed in sweat and blood that almost certainly does not belong to him. His shoulders heave as he gulps in great lungfuls of air.
“Don’t,” she says. A plea. A command. “Please don’t.”
For a moment Hunter’s eyes turn glassy and unfocused, pupils trembling with rapid dilations before he eventually blinks and manages to fix his gaze on the girl before him.
“Omega?” he croaks weakly, and staggers to his feet. He sways a little, then replants his feet and braces a hand against her shoulder to steady himself. “You’re meant to be with Tech.”
Unexpectedly, he retches. Omega takes a startled step back as Hunter heaves bile, his whole body trembling. When he is done he wipes his mouth slickly on the back of his hand, glancing round in confusion.
Wrecker steps forwards, caution still written in his posture. “Hey, Hunter,” he says softly, a greeting to his brother as he returns to his senses.
Hunter sags against Omega, his arms going round her in relief, and she can feel the uncontrolled quaking of his body as adrenaline fatigue truly sets in.
Quickly Wrecker steps in to support him, taking some of his weight from Omega. But Omega wraps her arms tightly round Hunter’s waist, pressing her face against his chest, ignoring the scent of blood and blaster-fire as she feels his trembling hand run through her hair.
“I forgive you, Hunter,” she whispers, fingers digging into the cracks of his armour as they both cling to each other with equal ferocity. “I forgive you.”
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babydollmarauders · 2 years
quinn hughes x fem!reader
part of the Midnights Fic List
summary: in which Quinn and sunshiny good girl, y/n, have harbored feelings for each other for a while. but when they finally hookup, Quinn leaves in the middle of the night and let’s y/n believe maybe it was just a one night fling.
specific lyrics: “good girl, sad boy.” and “did you ever have someone kiss you in a crowded room and every single one of your friends was making fun of you but fifteen seconds later they were clapping too? then what did you do? did you leave her house in the middle of the night?”
warnings: kinda steamy but no NSFW. profanity.
notes: it does get a little steamy but there is no actual smut in this, i apologize if you were expecting some! i wrote this while watching the UMich game and i have the worst migraine, so i’m sorry if this sucks.
not my gif
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contrary to popular belief, i’m not oblivious to the irony of Quinn Hughes and i being best friends. the optimistic, always happy, constantly smiling hopeless romantic being best friends with the pessimistic, always looks miserable, rarely smiling hockey player? yeah, it’s baffled our other friends for years.
but when asked, i can’t really explain it. Quinn and i just click. we know what makes the other happy, or sad, or angry. it’s easy for us to be around each other. and we’re understanding of each other. i don’t push him to talk, and he’s one of the rare few who will just sit and listen to me ramble without asking me to shut up. as like all best friends we’re really close. we like to think we have no secrets. that we tell each other everything.
but, i have one.
i’m in love with my best friend.
i never meant for it to happen. when we became friends, i was actually glad to finally meet a guy that just wanted to be friends. no underlying motives, no moves being pulled. just friends. but eventually my feelings changed. it wasn’t all at once, like i read about in my romance novels. no. the changes were gradual. it started slowly, with me seeking him out more than my other friends. then it turned into getting butterflies in my stomach when we touched, no matter if we were holding hands, linked arms, or if i was just sitting close enough to him on the couch that our thighs touched. at first i chalked it up to him just being my best friend, but then the dreams started happening. dreams where he and i were dating. and eventually sleeping dreams turned into daydreams. and then i finally realized my true feelings. i’m in love with my best friend.
i’ve spent the better half of our four year friendship hiding my feelings from him, too scared that confessing might ruin our friendship. he’s never given me any reason to assume that he feels the same way, so i keep my feelings locked in a box in the back of my mind, only let free when i’m alone and daydreaming about what life would be like if we were more than friends.
i’ve since then gone on several dates with numerous guys, trying to find someone who makes me feel the way Quinn does, but it’s been a moot effort. every guy has been missing the spark that i feel between Quinn and i. and i always end up back to the beginning, spending my nights hanging out with my best friend and just hoping i’m strong enough not to spill my secret.
which brings us to now, where i’m mentally screaming over how good Quinn looks in his white button down shirt and black dress pants. it’s new year’s eve, and most of the Canucks team, their partners, and a few friends are lounged around Elias’s house. with five minutes until the new year, i’m sat on the couch clutching a glass of champagne, my sixth of the night, and animatedly chatting with Quinn, who looks like he would rather be anywhere else. but i’ve learned by now that that’s just his resting facial expression.
“alcohol makes you chatty, doesn’t it y/n?” Elias laughs from his spot in the chair a few feet away from us. i stop talking, letting out a weak chuckle. it’s not like i’m unused to comments like that, i’m often told that i talk a lot, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t sting a little.
“it does. but i like it. i like listening to her talk.” Quinn defends. my heart flutters in my chest at his words. a blush coating my cheeks. “now back to what you were saying, y/n.”
i blink a few times, just staring at my best friend in front of me before i begin to speak.
“oh. i was just saying that i think my parents want me to visit soon. but i was done speaking.” i shrug.
“no, you weren’t.” Quinn’s brows furrow and he wears a scowl. “you were still talking.”
“well, i was about done anyways. but i can keep talking.” Quinn’s lips quirk in a half smile and he nods for me to continue. “well, i do think the concept of new years is pretty weird. and some of the traditions that people have are weird as well. like-”
i’m cut off by the simultaneous chants of the people surrounding us. counting down from ten. i smile and my face lights up. i love this part of the holiday.
“SEVEN! SIX! FIVE!” i sigh as i watch couples pair off, ready to kiss their other half a happy new year, a longing look in my eye. i feel Quinn shift beside me, his thigh pressing closer into mine. but my eyes are locked on my friends all smiling at their significant others, so happy and in love. i want that.
“HAPPY NEW YEAR!” i’m snapped out of my thoughts by a hand grasping my chin. my face is turned and i’m able to catch a quick glimpse of Quinn’s eyes before my lips are covered by his. his hands move to cup my face, his lips moving over mine. it takes me a second of hesitation to realize what’s happening and my heart speeds up. i snap out of my trance in time to move my lips, locking us into a slow and passionate kiss.
“GO HUGGY! FINALLY!” i hear someone yell and everyone laughs, cracking jokes about how long it took for us to kiss. Quinn pulls back to lock eyes with me, his chest rising and falling with quick breaths. he gives me a small smile before leaning in and capturing my lips with his once more. our friends start clapping and i smile into the kiss, making him pull away once again. this time he pulls away completely, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pulling me close to him.
what did that mean? does he like me the way that i like him? or was it just a midnight kiss between friends? is this gonna change anything, or are we just going to move past this like it didn’t happen? does he realize how much this means to me? my head is swarmed with questions that i may never know the answers to.
i stay glued to his hip for the rest of the night, my head still reeling from the kiss. not long after midnight, everyone starts to head home, and i follow Quinn out to his car so he can give me a ride. he opens the passenger seat for me, helping me in before shutting it and jogging around the front of the car, slipping into the drivers seat. the drive is unusually quiet, my usual chattiness drifted away after our kiss. instead i’m stuck inside my own mind, still wondering what it meant. when he pulls up and parks in a spot outside my apartment complex, he turns to look at me, and i manage a smile.
“you okay?” he asks. “you’ve been quiet.”
“yeah, i’m fine. just figured i’d give you a reprieve.” i joke. his expression tells me he didn’t appreciate my attempt.
“don’t do that.” he says.
“do what?”
“don’t let what Elias said get into your head. i love that you never stop talking. i like seeing you happy.”
okay he needs to stop talking before i do something monumentally stupid. like kiss him again.
“don’t worry, Quinny. i’m not gonna go silent on you. i was just joking.” i smile. “who else can i talk about all my star wars theories with, without them calling me a nerd?”
he laughs and unbuckles his seatbelt.
“you wanna come in and drink some wine while i tell you about how i think Palpatine is actually Anakin’s father?” i ask, and he nods.
“what else would i do?” he jokes sarcastically.
we get out of the car and Quinn leads the way up to my apartment, having been here hundreds of times in the past four years. i unlock my door and call out to my cat that i’m home. within seconds she comes around the corner, and Quinn scoops her up in his arms, cradling her like a baby. i listen to him coo at her as i grab a bottle of wine off my kitchen counter and pour two glasses.
within a few minutes, Quinn and i are sat on my bed, drinking our wine as i lay my feet in his lap and talk to him about my theory. Quinn listens intently, as if he hasn’t already heard it a million times, and absentmindedly lays his hand on my ankle, sending a spark up my leg.
“anyways, enough about that.” i finish. “how’s your mom? i heard you on the phone with her earlier. I miss Ellen.”
he smiles, a rare genuine grin at the mention of his family.
“she’s good.” he nods. “she misses you too. keeps telling me to bring you to the lake house this summer.”
“we’ll if that’s your way of offering, then i accept.” i tell him before joking- “i miss my favorite Hughes brother.”
“there’s no way that Luke is your favorite. i call bullshit.”
“you call bullshit every time i say it, but i still remain adamant. he’s the sweetest.” i tease. “he told me last summer that if i ever decide that i like younger guys, he’ll take me out. maybe i’ll finally take him up on that offer.”
Quinn raises an eyebrow, tickling the inside of my ankles as he speaks.
“oh please. he wouldn’t know how to handle you.”
i bark out a laugh and nudge his thigh with my foot.
“and just what is that supposed to mean?” i ask.
“it means that whatever man you finally decide is good enough for you, needs to appreciate you. he needs to love how much you like to speak, and your hopeless romantic side. he needs to appreciate that you always look on the bright side of things, and find a silver lining in everything. he needs to remember that you’re a sunrise person, preferring the beginning of a new day rather than the end, so you prefer your dates as brunch or picnics or going to a museum rather than dinner or a movie. and Luke is not that guy.”
my heart melts at his words. the fact that he knows these things about me and believes that i deserve to find someone who won’t make me compromise those parts of myself.
and there i go, doing something monumentally stupid, because before i can take a second to think before i react, i lean over and press my mouth to his. his lips lock with mine, moving slowly. i open my mouth, letting his tongue roam freely over mine. Quinn grasps my hips, pulling me in closer so that i’m straddled over his lap, and i roll my hips, lightly grinding down onto him, making him let out a groan.
he tastes like red wine and mint, an odd combination, but not a bad one. his hands slip under my top, skimming my bare skin as he settles them at my waist and pulls me closer. my chest is flush against his now, every breath i take making my nipples brush against his chest, sending pleasure driven shivers down my body, straight to my core.
“please.” i whisper against his lips.
“please what, y/n?” his voice is raspy, laced with lust and seduction.
“please Quinn. please fuck me.” i whimper as he pulls me down to roll over his quickly hardening length.
“whatever you want, baby.”
my eyes squint against the light coming in from my bedroom windows as i finally come to. it takes me a couple seconds to remember why i’m naked. and when the memories of the night before flash in my mind, i smile, rolling over in my bed to face Quinn. but his spot is empty. i reach over to feel cold sheets. he’s been gone awhile.
when did he leave? why did he leave?
tears prick at the back of my eyes, but i blink them away. he could just be in the kitchen. rising from my bed, i throw on an oversized t-shirt and some underwear as i glance around my room. his clothes are gone, the only ones left scattered on my floor being my own, sending another sinking feeling in my gut.
i leave my room, walking to my kitchen only for it to be empty. i check my bathroom, my living room, and my guest room, only for all of them to come up empty as well.
he left.
i finally let my tears fall, collapsing on my couch. i thought maybe he liked me, but was last night just an easy fuck for him? did he not want me in the way that i want him? in a relationship sense?
it’s been four days since Quinn and i slept together, and we haven’t spoken or seen each other in those days. it’s not unusual for us to not talk or see each other for a few days, but after our night together, i wasn’t expecting the complete silence. i told myself i would confront him the next time i see him, but the thought makes me anxious.
with the Canucks having two nights off in a row, a lot of them are going out to a bar, and as a close friend of the team, i was invited. Andrei didn’t tell me who all is coming though, so as i walk into the bar right now, i worry over the possibility of being confronted with Quinn.
my eyes roam the bar, searching for my friends, and when i finally spot them, i feel both relieved and anxious. i don’t see Quinn. i make my way over to them, giving hugs and fist bumps as i say my hello’s.
“i’m gonna go order a drink.” i let them know, but as i turn around, i see Quinn, who seems to be returning from the restroom. we lock eyes and he veers course, coming to a stop in front of me.
“hey.” he greets me, pulling me into a quick hug. my arms stay glued to my sides.
“hey.” i say weakly. before i can lose my confidence i speak again. “can we talk?”
Quinn nods and tips his head over towards an empty booth across the room. i lead the way over to it, taking a seat on one side while he takes the seat across from me.
“what’s up?” he asks, and i take a second to study his expressionless face. does he really not know what this is about?
“can i ask you a question?” i ask.
“yeah, of course.” he replies. he lifts the hat off his head and sweeps a hand through his hair before replacing the hat. i swallow the lump in my throat and take a deep breath.
“why did you leave?” i manage to get out.
“that night. why did you leave? i woke up the next morning and you were gone.” i explain. he opens his mouth but i continue speaking. “i just need to know. did it mean nothing to you? because that night meant everything to me. and i was under the impression that it may have meant something to you, but then you left without even saying goodbye and it made me feel…cheap. so i just want you to be honest with me Quinn, did it? mean anything to you?”
Quinn’s nostrils flare and he winces, as if my words were hard for him to hear.
“of course. it meant so much to me, y/n. but it all happened so fast and right after i said those nice things. so, i laid awake overthinking. and i got it into my head that maybe you were just overwhelmed with what i had said and acted on impulse. that maybe it was just one night for you. and i could take that, so i left. i thought maybe that’s what you wanted me to do.” his voice is soft, barely audible over the commotion of the bar, and his words only make me more upset.
“so you didn’t think to talk to me? you just left?” my words are sharp, my tone incredulous. “if you would’ve talked to me then you would’ve known that i really like you, Quinn. i’ve been in love with you for two years. i wanted that night to happen. it wasn’t just a night for me. was the decision impulsive? maybe. but i thought about that happening between us for years. i wanted it. i want you. not just for one night, but forever.”
his hand snakes across the table, clasping my own.
“i want you too. forever. god, y/n, i’ve been in love with you since i met you. but i knew how much you’d been through with past relationships and i didn’t want to push you. and then when i thought enough time had passed, i didn’t want to ruin our friendship, so i took you in any way i could have you. if that was just as your best friend, then so be it. but i don’t want to be your best friend anymore, y/n/n.”
my head reels with his words, thinking back over them. wait what?
“what?” i whisper, my voice shaky.
“if you can forgive me for being an idiot and jumping to conclusions, i’d really like to be your boyfriend.”
my heart races, and i look into his eyes, seeing nothing but sincerity.
“i’d really like that. but you can’t leave me like that again, Quinn.”
“i don’t think i ever want to leave you again.” he tells me. he stands, taking my hand in his and pulling me up so hard that i crash into his chest. he wraps his arms around my waist, leaning down and letting his lips graze mine, smiling. “my mom is gonna freak when i tell her we’re finally dating.”
my head drops back in a laugh before i tease-
“oh no, how am i gonna break this to Luke?”
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before asking, check this out!
How many comic series do you have?
TLDR: As of currently I have 3!
Reconnecting: my deltarune fan comic. It is completed and the masterpost can be found on my pinned.
SpiderVerse: this is completed… for now. I had more plans but they fell through as the friends I had planned to do them with, left. Link on pinned.
IEYTD: this is just little comics scattered about, masterpost in on my pinned :)
RULE5: coming soon!
(if you would like more masterposts send an ask <3)
Is there going to be more reconnecting??!
TLDR: kind of? vvv
There will be no more COMIC/DRAWN content related to reconnecting (at least no more than the occasional doodle.) but I do plan to keep writing fanfiction on Ao3 to continue the story as long as it will go.
Can I send prompts for fics or art?:
Of course! Just know I might not be able to do them all!
Your art is online and your AO3 is open! aren't you scared AI is going to steal it!?:
TLDR: my ao3 will remain open, my art will always be here vvv
I hate AI stealing creators' content as much as everyone else does. However, more so, I want anyone to be able to access real art. I have selected all of the available options to keep my works from being taken, and am very aware that the only way to keep my work safe on AO3 is to close it to guests. 
It took me, an avid fanfic reader, 4 years to get an Ao3 account. I care more about you guys being able to read what makes you happy and feeds your brain worms, than I care about my writing being stolen for this AI boom we are living in. It would tear me apart if you wanted to access my writing but had to wait so long for an account. 
I do not support AI in any form that replaces human beings, and though I know eventually I may never be able to have my work safe from AI on any platform, I will keep sharing it, and downright refuse to take it down. 
Taking all of my art down in fear of AI will be something I never do. In that way AI will kill me just as much as if it started stealing my work. Art is meant to be seen and shared. They will not take that from us.
I believe there is a group of people who like real artwork and writing made by real people. And I keep my trust in those people to see the value in non AI generated content. 
We will persevere.
Is fanart allowed?
SO MUCH YES. I BEG PLEASE PLEASE if you create fan content of my content or content inspired by my content, that is absolutely as long as I am either credited or @ on the post so I can see!!!
Where can I read RULE5?
TLDR: Rule5 isn't released yet!
Rule 5 is my original comic in progress, I have posted teaser art and some concept stuff. The hope is that it will start releasing weekly in early 2025. I am completing all the art first, so that it can have a consistent upload schedule and I can relax for a while. Trust me when I say- I will not shut up once it is available.
I want to make a comic but don't know where to start…
TLDR: DM me!!
My DMs are always open to genuine questions! I've actually spoken with many people who wanted to start their own series and have been told it's been helpful!
Though my biggest advice is GO FOR IT!!!!! The first couple updates might not gain a ton of traction right away, but persevere, keep going, and @ me so I can reblog it to help support you!!!
Are you LGBTQ+?
TLDR: nope :) cishet.
Many people have asked me this lol
Where can I find the masterposts and links to your other socials?
They are all on my pinned!!!
You have mental disorders + illnesses… What are they?
Respectfully it is none of your business. I try to spread awareness because I believe that is very important, but I also try to keep my personal things personal. If i'm ever outright about something, feel free to ask questions, and if i'm uncomfortable I will just say I do not wish to answer <3
How do I commission you?
There is a link on my Ko-Fi that goes to my comms!
 If you have any questions before ordering you can DM me anytime. Click the option you want, order it, and it will give you instructions from there. I check my orders once a day. If you set your order and I have not gotten back to you, please DM me it's possible I missed it.
Do you/will you draw NSFW and post it?
Not here.
Are you really in my walls?
Yep. I'm not kidding. That skittering you hear? It's me. Go hydrate yourself or I'll steal all your left shoes.
I found your work reposted without credit, should I tell you?
Yes please tell me!! I have not found any of my stuff randomly reposted without credit but I'm sure it will happen someday.
What art program do you use?
I use procreate! I highly recommend, as far as the brushes go, I use all of the base ones that come with the app itself. Nothing fancy.
Will you draw my OC?
If you commission me! sure!
if theres any more questions you think should be added here LMK
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weemssapphic · 1 year
in my head (series)
Chapter Five: Distracted
Larissa Weems x f!reader
previous chapter | next chapter | series page
words: ~3.4k, ao3 link
chapter-specific warnings: brief mention of alcohol
chapter summary: After the events of chapter four, perhaps a little change in relationship dynamic is in order - plus, it's time to enjoy a little more one-on-one time before the weekend draws to a close.
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The first thing on your mind the following morning was Rissa - Larissa. You could hardly believe anyone could treat her that way, but then again you’d had enough negative experiences yourself that you felt you should hardly be surprised. Still, you felt bad for leaving her alone the previous night - that was the reason you decided to do something special for her today.
Two hours later, you were standing in front of Larissa’s office, freshly showered, a large hot chocolate from the Weathervane in hand. You knocked on the door.
There was a clicking of heels coming closer and closer, and then the door swung open. Larissa’s smile upon seeing you was accompanied by a light, barely there blush on the apples of her cheeks. “Hi,” she breathed.
You stuck out the hand holding the to-go cup. “I got you something.”
Larissa cocked her head to the side and gently wrapped her hand around the cup, her fingers brushing against yours. You tried to ignore the warmth this ignited within you and, instead, watched as Larissa brought the cup to her lips, tilting her head back slightly to take a sip.
A low hum vibrated in her chest and her eyes fluttered shut. 
“I, uh, remembered you ordered one last week when I saw you at the Weathervane.”
Larissa opened her eyes, her gaze piercing yours with an intensity that had your stomach doing backflips. She lowered the cup from her lips, a faint red lipstick mark visible on the rim. 
“That’s right. The Weathervane makes the best hot chocolate, I always try to get one when I’m in town.” Warmth flooded her gaze. “Thank you,” she added. “Would you like to come in?”
You nodded and Larissa stepped aside, allowing you to enter her office. You made yourself right at home on the sofa in front of the fireplace and Larissa followed, taking a seat beside you as she sipped the drink.
“I’m sorry I didn’t stay last night,” you started after a few moments of silence. “I felt bad leaving you, but I know it was one of our rules so-”
“Please,” Larissa waved away your apology. “You have nothing to apologize for. I shouldn’t have asked you to stay. Consider it a momentary lapse in judgment, too tired to think straight.”
“I wouldn’t expect you to think straight when I’m around anyway.” You smirked at the soft groan that your remark was rewarded with. “I just wanted to check if you’re okay,” you added, much quieter now.
Larissa didn’t answer right away, seeming to consider your words. “I’m alright,” she replied slowly. “I didn’t realize the memories that came up were still bothering me, but I suppose they were. It’s nothing I can’t handle though.”
“I think we should talk about it if we’re going to… you know, have sex again…” You could feel a nervous heat creep up your cheeks.
“I suppose we should.” Larissa took another sip of her hot chocolate before setting the cup down on the floor and turning to fully face you. She sighed and you placed a reassuring hand on her knee. Looking down at your hand, she smiled gratefully and covered it with her own before taking a deep breath.
“When I was much younger, I met a girl through some mutual friends. She knew I was a shapeshifter and it didn’t seem to bother her. When we eventually… slept together, she asked me to shift into her ex-girlfriend. I was so shocked and so desperate to be loved that I, regrettably, did what she asked. After that night, she began to avoid me, and we were never intimate again - though I suppose it was for the better.”
“You really dodged a bullet there,” you said through clenched teeth, seething at the mere thought of someone asking Larissa to be anyone but herself.
Larissa chuckled, giving your hand a squeeze. “Yes, you’re right. Then there was a woman in college - I was more open about my abilities back then. We dated for a while and at first, everything seemed fine. But she would increasingly ask me to change little things about myself, under the guise of curiosity - my hair color, my height, my eyes. Until one day I confronted her and she admitted she wasn’t attracted to me at all.”
You snorted and Larissa raised an eyebrow. “Sorry,” you covered your mouth. “You’re just so beautiful, I can’t understand that.”
Her lips curved up into a shy smile. “Thank you, darling,” she murmured. “I stopped telling potential partners after that.”
“I don’t blame you,” you said softly. “What about us? Do you still want to…?” You bit your lip, your heart beginning to pound as you waited for her to reply.
She scooted closer to you, bringing your hand up to her lips to press a soft kiss to your knuckles. “I do,” she purred seductively. “I feel safe with you.” She paused. “I just… I might need a little time.”
“Is there anything I can do?”
“Perhaps… allow me to take charge and… initiate, for a while.” Larissa’s eyes flicked between your own. “Would that be alright?” 
“Of course, Rissa.” You didn’t miss the dilation of her pupils at your use of the nickname, though you chose to ignore it and allow Larissa to take the lead. “You know, my last ex broke up with me because of my abilities.”
Larissa cocked her head to the side, waiting for you to continue.
“In hindsight, maybe it was a bad idea to get together with a normie. At first she thought it was cool, you know? Like a party trick or something. She would make a game out of it and ask me what random people were thinking. And I was so head over heels for her you know? So I did it. But then it became, uh, a bit of a sore subject. Either she was scared I would read her mind - which I didn’t, by the way - or then sometimes she would almost get pissed that I wasn’t reading her mind, as if I of all people should know all her thoughts, you know?”
Larissa was nodding sympathetically, her brows furrowed as she took in the details of your story.
“So then eventually we got into a huge fight and she broke up with me. I guess it was just too much for her.” You shrugged, not wanting to seem affected by the whole ordeal even though you had to admit it still stung, even almost a year later.
“I think it’s hard when people don’t understand you,” Larissa said slowly.
“Tell me about it.” You laughed, causing the blonde to giggle along with you.
A comfortable silence enveloped the two of you, like a warm blanket. Your fingers were still intertwined and you ran your thumb absentmindedly along the back of her hand. 
The silence was interrupted by a ringing phone on Larissa’s desk.
“Just a moment, darling,” she said, pulling her hand out of yours and standing to cross the office and answer her phone.
“Larissa Weems. … Yes… of course. Send her my way. … Thank you for letting me know. … You as well. Goodbye.”
Larissa hung up with an exasperated sigh and strode back to the sofa.
“I’m afraid I have to cut this short. It appears Miss Addams has gotten into another altercation with some of the normie students in town.” She pinched the bridge of her nose and screwed her eyes shut in frustration.
You laughed, standing to leave. “That girl is certainly something. Was her mother like this as well?”
“Not nearly as troublesome, but just as able to get under my skin,” Larissa replied dryly, walking you to the door.
“Don’t let her get to you, Riss. I’m sure she’ll settle soon enough - she has Enid, that girl’s a good influence.”
“I hope you’re right.” Larissa reached her arm past you to open the door, her hand hesitating on the doorknob, effectively trapping you against the oak. “Would you care to join me for dinner tonight?”
The close proximity of her body was dizzying, her body heat radiating off of her in waves and igniting a fire in your core. It took every ounce of strength you could muster not to reach out and touch her, to pull her close and ask her to ravish you right here against the door.
You swallowed hard. “I would love to.” 
Her gaze flicked to your lips for a moment, registering the way your breath was coming out in short puffs, and she smiled, pressing herself flush against you for just a moment, before turning the doorknob and pulling away, allowing you to exit her office.
“I’ll text you the details,” she murmured breathlessly.
You nodded, dazed, and turned to walk down the hallway, unable to hide your smirk at the raven-haired girl who was coming towards you on her way to the principal’s office. She looked positively murderous - not that she usually looked any different - but still you hoped she would go easy on Larissa today.
Larissa had texted you at some point during the afternoon to meet her at the school’s entrance at 7, giving you plenty of time to fret over what to wear. Knowing Larissa would likely be dressed to the nines no matter where you went, you finally settled on a pair of dress slacks and a black satin blouse. When you stepped out of the building just before 7, she was already waiting for you, sitting behind the steering wheel of her own personal car, typing away on her phone.
She lifted her head when you opened the door, smiling widely as you slid into the passenger seat.
“Shit, you have a nice car,” you breathed out, taking in the interior of the deep blue Rolls Royce.
“Language,” Larissa muttered, but her smile never left her face. “I didn’t think taking the Nevermore van would be all that lowkey, would it?”
“As if this is any more lowkey.” You laughed, enjoying the flash of playful irritation that crossed Larissa’s face.
The car drove smoothly even along the bumpy roads, and you took to watching Larissa as she drove, humming lightly along to the radio as the local station played 80s hit after 80s hit. You couldn’t help the smile that broke out on your face as you regarded her, her lips moving silently along to the lyrics of “Girls Just Want to Have Fun”. The last rays of the setting sun cast a golden glow across her face, illuminating her like a literal goddess.
“You’re staring,” Larissa remarked rather smugly. You ducked your head, feeling a heat rise in your cheeks, and turned to look out the window instead.
“I never said it bothered me,” came Larissa’s voice from your left, and when you chanced another glance in her direction, you could see she was watching you out of the corner of her eye, a shy smile gracing her lips.
“Do I have the privilege of knowing where we’re going?” you said eventually.
“I had a craving for Italian food,” she replied. “I hope you don’t mind, I realize how presumptuous that was of me…”
“Not at all.” You smiled, catching her eye.
Arriving at the restaurant, you followed Larissa inside, catching a full look at her outfit for the first time that evening. She wore a high-cut silk blouse in a stunning shade of dark blue, paired with a long, cream colored pencil skirt and a matching blazer. A pair of kitten heels completed the look, click-clacking on the pavement as she all but strutted her way to the doors. She looked just as good fully clothed as she did naked and you gulped at the realization, tearing your eyes away and attempting to focus on the hostess who was seating you.
You were seated in a booth at the back, away from most of the loud chatter of other restaurant-goers. The hostess handed you two menus and disappeared, to be replaced shortly thereafter by a server who took your drink order - a shared bottle of the house red. He returned a few minutes later with a bottle and poured the wine into your glasses, before excusing himself to give you a chance to look at the menu.
A companionable silence had fallen over the table. Larissa was busy perusing the menu, while you were busy staring at her - again. You realized, quite suddenly in fact, that this was certainly very date-like of you: sitting here across from each other in beautiful clothes, sharing a bottle of wine. But then again, Larissa always wore beautiful clothes. And this wasn’t the first time you’d shared a bottle of wine, not by a long shot. It was simply the first time you’d done so in public.
You shook your head lightly, trying to ignore the warm, tingly feeling that was quickly taking over your extremities, dropping your gaze to the menu but unable to really focus on any of the printed words.
Get it together, you scolded yourself. Going to a restaurant with a friend is not unusual.
Well, not if you only felt super platonic feelings for that friend. What you felt for Larissa, that you weren’t so sure of anymore.
A looming shadow above you alerted you to your server’s presence. Shit. You hadn’t really looked at the menu at all.
Larissa spoke first, but the ringing in your ears from your own internal panic was so loud that you missed what she’d ordered. A curious look from the blonde across from you alerted you to the fact that it must be your turn to order.
“I’ll have what she’s having,” you choked out, cheeks turning pink.
“Certainly,” the server remarked, snapping his little notepad shut and bustling off, leaving the two of you alone.
“Are you alright?” Larissa asked, cocking her head to the side in concern.
“Yeah, sorry,” you said sheepishly. “I got distracted.”
“Am I that distracting, my dear?” she purred. You coughed at the seductive lilt to her voice, a heavy throb beginning between your legs.
Larissa leaned back, regarding you curiously as you took a sip of your wine and ducked your head to cover the worst of your blush.
“I’m sorry, darling,” she murmured with a chuckle, eyes dancing with mirth.
“Not funny,” you replied, unable to stop your face from breaking out into a grin moments later. “So what did we order?”
“Weren’t you listening?” You shook your head and Larissa giggled. “You’ll see.” She smirked at the little scowl you forced your face into.
You spent the next minutes being teased relentlessly by Larissa and trying to gain control of the heat that was spreading throughout your body under her smoldering gaze. You would never willingly admit to it, of course, but you loved every second of it.
You were grateful when your server arrived with the food - it turned out that you (well, Larissa) had ordered some house-made pasta with lobster. You turned to thank the server and saw his gaze briefly sweep Larissa’s form. Curious and unable (or rather, unwilling) to control yourself, you reached out with your mind, tuning into his thoughts - and immediately wished you hadn’t when you were bombarded with sinful thoughts about your dinner companion, all hidden behind his professional smile.
“Enjoy your meal, ladies,” he commented, his words directed more at Larissa than at you, and you had to force back a biting snarl, settling instead for a muttered and decidedly bitter “thank you”.
You could feel Larissa’s gaze upon you as you glared sullenly into your food.
“Something the matter?” Larissa’s voice was so soft you nearly melted on the spot.
“The waiter thinks you’re hot,” you spat out. You glanced up just in time to see Larissa’s cheeks turn pink.
“You didn’t read his mind, did you?” she asked, her voice low so only you could hear her.
“I had to,” you whispered back defensively. “With the way he was looking at you… and I was right, his thoughts were entirely inappropriate.”
“Why are you so upset about it?” Larissa tilted her head, her eyes searching every inch of your face.
“I’m not upset.” You stabbed at a piece of lobster a little more viciously than strictly necessary, earning yourself a small smile from the blonde. “I just don’t think anyone should be objectifying you like that…”
“Have you never had sinful thoughts about me?” Larissa teased, leaning forward and resting her chin on her hand.
“No! Well, yes… that’s different,” you hissed. “We’re sleeping together. And I don’t view you as some fucktoy.” 
“Y/N!” Larissa scoffed, though her gaze quickly softened. “There’s a reason I’m sleeping with you and not someone like him.”
You were sure you were rapidly turning scarlet by now. “I’m just saying… You deserve more respect than that, is all.” You didn’t need to mention the way your stomach churned at the thought of someone else putting their grimy hands on Larissa.
Larissa, who watched you warmly, lips curved up in a soft smile. “Thank you for looking out for me. You’ve been a great friend to me these last few days.” 
Your heart clenched. Friend. Of course Larissa would say that. Because that’s what you were. You forced a smile onto your face. “Yeah, no problem,” you murmured.
“You know, I’ve been meaning to ask you - with the Rave’n being only two weeks away, Ms. Thornhill has been suggesting she might like some help with the planning. Would you be interested in assisting her?” Larissa asked, taking a sip of her wine.
“Of course, I’d love to.” You considered for a moment. “Did she say what she needed help with?”
“Well the theme has been set for quite some time, so mostly some last minute, finishing touches I’m sure, as well as the decorating before the dance. But I’m sure she could tell you more in person. I’ll let her know you’re on board then?”
“Yeah, sure.” In the brief moment of silence that followed, a thought dawned on you that you couldn’t shake. “Are you going to be there?”
Larissa chuckled. “Of course, I chaperone every year. We are still looking for chaperones, by the way. I know you said no at the beginning of the year, but…” Larissa trailed off, quirking an eyebrow.
You’d said no at the beginning of the year, that was true - you hadn’t really enjoyed your own Rave’n back in the day, as you’d been in the middle of a bad breakup, and you weren’t much into dances or parties anyway. But you’d also never had an ulterior motive to go - such as a gorgeous, 6’3” blonde who would likely be wearing a stunning dress. You cleared your throat.
“Sure, I’ll chaperone.”
Larissa’s face broke out into a pleased smile, one that was so infectious it made you dizzy.
The rest of the evening passed with small-talk about your plans for the next week as the two of you finished your dinner. Despite your complaints, Larissa insisted on paying the bill, citing payback for the massages as her reasoning. The server made himself scarce when he noticed you glaring daggers at him, much to Larissa’s amusement.
You drove back to the Academy in silence, simply content to bask in each other’s presence. Larissa walked you back to your quarters and you stalled in front of your door, trying to fight against the inevitable - bidding Larissa goodnight.
“Thank you for accompanying me tonight,” Larissa said in a whisper, not wanting to take the chance of another teacher coming out of their quarters and overhearing the two of you. “It was much more fun than eating alone, I will admit. And you may have saved me from having to turn down advances from that poor waiter.” She smirked slightly.
You ducked your head. “I enjoyed myself, too. Thanks again.” You paused, searching Larissa’s face. She looked so beautiful in the dim torchlight illuminating the hallway, eyes sparkling lightly, skin nearly glowing. Her lips looked even more red and plush than usual. You wished she would want to come into your quarters, to ravish you until you were screaming her name for the entire staff to hear.
Larissa seemed to be able to read your mind for she smiled hesitantly and whispered, “Not tonight, darling.” She paused, glancing around to see if you were truly alone, then leaned in and pressed a chaste, barely-there kiss to the corner of your mouth. 
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight, Rissa,” you whispered back, your skin tingling where her lips had been seconds prior.
Larissa turned and strode down the hallway and out of sight, leaving you to stand like an idiot in the doorway to your quarters, heart pounding and panties damp.
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musocia · 2 months
Sometimes I like to think that spider used to watch videos of his parents when he was younger. I doubt Norm or Max wanted to tell this young impressionable like six year old that his father was a mass murderer and this is why the parents of your only friends distance themselves from you.
Like just imagine spider had a bad day, maybe Neytiri growled at him for getting to close to newborn baby Tuk or him and Lo’ak got into a physical fight for whatever reason and they’re now grounded from seeing each other for however long. He doesn’t really have anyone to go home to so they can comfort him, Norm and Max are more like the friends of your parents who occasionally watch you during emergencies.
He obviously knows that parents are usually supposed to comfort you when you’re upset, he’s seen it maybe times with the Sully children but he doesn’t have parents or at least he doesn’t believe he does until he does some digging into the labs data base while the adults are asleep. He finds Paz Socorro (obviously his mom bc of their matching last names) and a few links in her file for emergency contacts, he doesn’t even hesitate before clicking on Miles’ name immediately clocking the matching name. He doesn’t read any info on the files before immediately loading the first available video.
A video of Miles just talking about whatever maybe a mission report or just a random message to a higher up but he’s immediately in love, right in front of him is the person he’s longed for his whole life after seeing Jake interacting with the Sully children time after time again. He doesn’t even question his relationship with the man immediately recognizing him as his father: He doesn’t even process the words coming out of his newly discovered fathers mouth before clicking on the next video and then the next and the next… and the next until sunrise, spending the whole time processing everything about his father. His accent, his body language, anything and everything. Maybe he didn’t understand half the words coming out of his fathers mouth but that didn’t matter to him.
There’s still a multitude of videos left but he’s officially out of time as in the next few minutes the scientists will certainly be up and ready to continue their previous nights research.
He goes back to his room to just sit and think about his father and what could’ve been.
The next night he immediately goes to the lab after the scientists are done for the night, stealing a tablet and rushing back to the safe confines of his empty room and decides to watch videos of his mother. The videos are all dated a few months before his birth (unsurprisingly) but he eagerly watches each one hoping that maybe just maybe she’ll mention him and perhaps have a message saved for him. While she doesn’t it doesn’t disturb him too much (can’t miss something you never had.) Spider continues watching videos of his parents every following night eventually recognizing some of their little habits in him, Miles’ way of glowering when too upset to talk Paz’s little snort when laughing and more and can’t help but beam in pride when he figures it out. Especially when he realizes some of his more embarrassing habits came from his parents he comes to wholly embrace them.
He continues watching the videos in secret not really understanding why he keeps it a secret but does so anyways.
Eventually he decides he wants to copy the way his fathers speaks finding the so different accent endearing. He already knows the ins and outs of it due to watching videos of his father for so long, he practices for a while before deeming himself ready. He tries the accent on one of the scientists who IMMEDIATELY stop him mid sentence. They immediately shut him down not explaining why and during a heated argument that ensues the truth comes out.
People who he was once so proud of he only felt shame and guilt about now. Now realizing why Neytiri was always so cold and distant with him.
Only on his worst days is he willing to watch his very favorite videos of his parents. Bad feelings melting away as he delves into the videos immediately returning when the videos end. Shame building up in him as he catches the fondness and love he feels for the monsters in the videos he watches. But that doesn’t stop him from watching them on his worst days when he feels like the only people who care about him are the dead people recorded on his tablet, he isn’t doing anything wrong as long as no one finds out right?
His love develops every video he watches of his parents, no matter how much he tries to fight it. their personalities so very much a like it’s no surprise these people are his parents. Not that he’ll tell anyone about that.
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noforkingclue · 9 months
Hey there! I hope you’re well! 🥰
So the prompt list you just reblogged, coupled with your response to my comment on your fic created a perfect storm for me to send a request in (if you’re still taking them, that is)
Would you be willing to write some more protective Tommy Shelby using this prompt: “I’m not jealous. I just know the intentions that someone like that has for you, even if you claim not to see them yourself.” ?? … you’re an absolute master at it and I’m excited to see what you’ll write!
Thanks in advance if you choose to! 🧡
Yep, requests are still open and thank you for sending this in! :D
I couldn't help but add in angst and pining because I'm evil.
I hope you like the fic :)
Title: Wanting
Prompt list: list
Peaky Blinders tag list: @stylesofloki,  @ohshititsfenharel,  lenaskyler02, @elenavampire21, @swordofawriter, @zablife, @cillmequick, @polishcrazyone, @nataliewalker93
Thomas Shelby tag list: @alreadybroken-ts, @darlingdevil, lyrxbz,  @watercolorskyy, @notyour-valentine, @neonpurplestars89-blog
Everything tag list: greenrevolutionary, @byebyebreezywrites spngingerbread21,  @layazul,  @lov3vivian, @simonsbluee
You adjusted your hair one last time before turning around. You smiled at Tommy and gestured to yourself.
“Well?” you asked, “How do I look?”
Tommy didn’t answer. He looked away and lit another cigarette. You sighed and walked over to him, sitting down next to him.
“Too much?” you said
“Then what is it?”
“How well do you know…” Tommy tried to remember the name of the man, you did tell him after all, “him?”
“James,” you said with a soft smile, “We’ve met a couple of times.”
“A couple of times,” Tommy smiled bitterly, “and you sure you really know someone after only meeting a ‘couple of times’.”
“That’s why I’m going out with him to dinner,” you said, rolling your eyes, “to get to know him. What’s the matter Tommy?” You smiled playful and nudged him, “You jealous?”
“I’m not jealous,” Tommy said firmly, “I just know the intentions that someone like that has for you, even if you claim not to see them yourself.”
You stood up quickly and wrapped your arms around yourself. A thick silence fell over the two of you. Silences were never awkward between you and Tommy. He was one of the few people who you felt comfortable being completely silent with. Ever since you started working with Polly, you and Tommy had become close. Well, as close as anyone can truly get with Tommy.
“I’m not stupid.” You said eventually
“I know.”
“Then why are you acting like I am?”
You heard Tommy stand up. Your breath hitched as he put his hands on your shoulders. He squeezed them briefly before saying quietly,
“Too many people I… care about have gotten hurt, love. I don’t want the same thing to happen to you.”
You turned around, gaze softened, and put your hand over Tommy’s. Tommy resisted the urge to link your fingers together.
“It’s ok,” you said, “I’m an adult. I can handle myself, can’t I?”
“I know.”
“Besides,” you removed your hand and pulled yourself out of Tommy’s grip, “Polly knows his mother. She assures me that he has nothing but the best of intentions.”
You grabbed your coat and headed towards the door. You turned back for a second and for a brief moment Tommy thought that you had changed your mind. That you were going to abandoned your meeting and agree to spend the evening with him.
“You know where my spare keys are right?” you said, “You don’t mind locking up when you leave? Although you know you’re more than welcome to stay.”
“Not wise to leave your spare keys under a flower pot.” Said Tommy
“And who’s going to fuck with someone who works for Shelby Company Limited?”
You gave him one last bright smile before shutting the door. Tommy closed his eyes and sat back down as the sound of your shoes clicking on the ground was lost to the night. He took another deep drag of his cigarette. He wished that he hadn’t let you go. He wished that he had pulled your back into his arms and never let you go. To tell you how much he loves you, those words that seemed so small and yet would change everything.
And Polly had done everything in her power to prevent that. With her actually knowing the family, and giving you her assurance, you would never be Tommy’s.
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arctroopertinky · 3 months
Look Towards the Future Ch5: Lost
Captain Rex x Jedi!Reader
Words: 6.8k
Summary: You and Rex find each other at the bottom of the cliff. Your honesty wavers. And Rex discovers a new feeling as he patches you up, finding it difficult to stay away.
Warnings: Injury / Blood / Falling unconscious / Corpse /
A/N: The slow burn begins to burn here. Please enjoy! Also, I plan on creating a masterlist post for this fic, to reduce some of the clutter, stay tuned.
AO3 Link / Previous Chapter / Next Chapter / Master List
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You tried your best to stay right behind the Captain, but you found yourself slowly lagging behind throughout the sprint away from certain death, eventually unable to distinguish the Captain from other troopers. What’s worse, your view of the planet around you kept spinning. Every time you tried to blink away the swirling vision, it simply started again from square one, with no sign of slowing down anytime soon.
Yes, you lied to the Captain. You told him that you could escape the village by yourself, when in reality your life was basically up to the flip of a coin. The dizziness caused you to stumble and trip over yourself as you weaved from side to side, with no clones stopping to help you. Despite your hazed thoughts, you knew that it was because they were all focused on their own escape, but a part of you couldn’t help but wonder if they simply didn’t want to help a useless Jedi like you, as you struggled to maintain your balance.
Your body forced your sprint to slow to a jog and then to a stop. Your knees buckled slightly forward as you bent over to rest your hands on their respective knee. The upper portion of your back explosively rose and fell as your lungs desperately collected air to harvest its oxygen. Your ears rung excessively, but underneath it all, death and destruction could just barely be heard. Explosions were muffled in your ears as countless clones cried out at the violence. Your eyes, which were shut tight as you caught your breath, slowly opened to reveal the ground, turning at a nauseating pace as your vision doubled and tripled ruthlessly.
You felt your body begging to vomit up bile as you attempted to straighten yourself out, stumbling multiple times in the process, only just barely able to catch yourself. You felt as though you were ready to lay down and give up. But then you felt an explosive go off only a couple yards away from you. The blinding flash of the reaction bled its way past your eyelids.
You were blasted violently to the side as you rolled several feet on the dead earth beneath you. You finally ended up laying on your back. You laid there for some brief moments, groaning from the soreness, wishing you could melt into the ground and cease to exist as your eyes struggled to make sense of the ruined sky above. Your thoughts were scrambled, making you unable to think of anything substantial as you rolled over to your side in an initial attempt to stand, drool slacked from the corner of your mouth as it threatened to drip down to the ground below. Then, you came face to face with your new situation.
The injured haze you found yourself in quickly dissipated in a gasp as you noticed an ominous red blinking light just beneath the dirt. With what minimal coordination you had available, you crawled away from the mine as steadily as you could. Your eyes wide, never wavering away from the mechanism. Once you made it far enough away from the mine, you felt comfortable enough to try to stand. You cautiously turned from the mine to face where the troopers were running, and placed one foot on the ground. Your other leg’s knee dug into the earth as you felt its texture tattoo itself temporarily into your skin as a sharp pain resonated throughout your knee. As you attempted to lift the other foot to stand, you felt your legs rapidly wobble, threatening to drop you like some discarded trash.
Right as your legs were about to fail, you heard a quiet click, then a scream, all cut off by a loud BANG coming from behind you. The force emitted by the explosion pushed you forward a bit, your legs automatically moving in tandem, mimicking a light jog to prevent you from falling on your face. Then, the initial explosion must have caused more mines to erupt, the ground began to shake violently beneath you as the corners of your eyes caught multiple blinding flashes echoing in your surroundings. The horrific circumstances you found yourself in gave you the motivation to run faster, but not before the waves of explosive energy hit you from behind, boosting you forward at an unnatural rate as you ran for your life. Even after the deafening explosions ceased to follow you, leaving only an intense ringing in your ear, you didn’t stop. Your adrenaline was running hot, allowing you to ignore what was most likely a concussion, and keep moving to safety.
You weren’t able to focus on anything in particular, the adrenaline coursing through your bloodstream kept you on your feet, but it did nothing to cure your dizziness and doubled vision. But, you kept running, sprinting even. Nothing could stop you now. Well… nothing except for the trooper you accidentally rammed yourself into.
Despite the fact that your body wasn’t really spinning at all, your brain made you feel as though you were turning a thousand times a second as you descended off the cliff with your mystery victim. The trooper was only about a foot lower than you in your fall to your deaths. All you could do was look upon the trooper with hooded eyes as your thoughts struggled to bubble to the surface. The blue markings on the armor were obvious to you as they contrasted with the original white finish of the armor, but your injury prevented you from discerning what shapes were painted on. As far as you could tell, this trooper was most likely an absolute stranger, pushed off a cliff by the Jedi who couldn’t even do her job.
Suddenly you felt yourself become engulfed by a thick bedding of blackened branches, scratching your body as you momentarily settled into the peak of a tree. You cried out at the surprising sensation, the branches cradling you with no regard for their texture as they broke your fall.
Then you felt your body sink. The branches creaked and moaned as many began to snap one by one, dropping you slightly with each crude sound. You reached for something, anything really. But all you were able to grip tightly were the dead branches that were failing you. Your knuckles turned white as the last standing branches you prayed would hold you became more and more strained as they were forced to bear more of your weight. There then was a moment, which felt like an eternity to you, where there was an uncomfortable silence, threatening to end its calm just to make you suffer. You huffed out an anxious sigh as confusion rang across your mind. Why weren’t you falling? That was the only thought that managed to cut through your half conscious haze.
As though nature wanted to mock you, a large CRACK could be heard immediately following your inquiry. Your eyes swiftly opened wide in panic as you looked down at the spinning branches beneath you, not able to discern any noticeable damage that had just been heard. Then, you looked back up at the branch you were holding, barely separating you from your fall to your death. You noticed a large fracture in it, only getting bigger by the second. Your throat managed to let out a squeak in reaction to the sight before the branch finally failed you, and you began plummeting to your demise once more, letting out a long and unending scream on your way down. All until you were painfully interrupted again.
Your lungs forced out the rest of the air in the form of a grunt as your back landed perpendicular to a very large and wide branch. Despite its crude and deathly appearance, it was able to hold your weight, but it couldn’t stop you from slowly sliding off of it legs first as you desperately tried to accelerate your recovery from the harsh landing, reaching your hands out to grab at nothing.
You began falling again, nothing was beneath you to block your body from the ground, but you weren’t too far now. All that was left was for you to make your rude acquaintance with the scorched earth below. You couldn’t even let out anything more than a speckled groan as you stared at the branches that were rushing away from you as you fell closer to the ground.
Then, you hit the bottom. Back first, your limbs sprawled out around you. It didn’t take long for any sensations to kick in. Your lungs were once again forced empty as your back hit the ground, gravity flattening your body, making you feel as though you were paralyzed for a brief moment as your lungs refused to expand. Then, that subsided, your breath returned to you, but not before a soreness kicked in throughout your body. But you also noticed your right thigh felt as though it was burning up, the feeling was sharp compared to the dull pain that etched itself elsewhere. You managed to strain your head up to look down at your body, and you saw red.
Some more adrenaline kicked in, an anxiety stabbed through your chest, allowing you to shoot up quickly, immediately resting your weight on your sore elbows. The fabric of your pants covering your thigh was bloody, with its bright red color covering more and more of the fabric with every passing second. You noticed a figure right above your thigh. Your eyes flicked up slightly, and you gasped. Cold air filled your lungs quickly and dried out your throat when you saw what made you bleed. You fell on a sharp rock. It was thin and long, clearly etched and carved to resemble some sort of weapon. Crudely made, as if whoever crafted the tool was in a hurry to finish it. No matter the circumstances, it made its way right through your thigh when you made harsh contact with the ground.
Your eyes squinted as the pain in your thigh became fully realized to you. You used your arms to pull yourself up into a seating position, shaking and hyperventilating your moans and groans all the way up, gasping at each wrong move that shifted the sharp rock in your thigh, causing the pain to grow hotter and shoot through you unapologetically.
Your hands found their way to the stone, wrapping their respective fingers around the tool with weakened strength. Without the ability to put much thought into it, you began to pull, gritting your teeth as you felt the texture of the weapon drag against the inner flesh of your thigh. It moved upwards slowly, generating a disgusting noise that made your ears tense up as it pierced the intense ringing.
After an agonizing moment, you could feel that the stone was almost out of your thigh, but you were losing energy fast from the blood loss. You sensed your arms weakening, and the stone slowed down as you struggled to pull more and more.
You paused and pinched your eyes tight, bracing the stone as hard as you could. Then, you let out a groan as you put all of your strength into getting that stone out. You felt it move slightly before stopping again. You took a shallow breath in, and moaned in pain as you wretchedly pulled again, this time the stone rushed out of you, forcing your moans to become a pained yell as your ears rang louder in anguish. Your vision began to blur on top of the spinning as you stared at the bloodied stone, eyebrows lowered into your squinted eyes in pain, your breath quickened, but hollow of air.
Slowly but surely, your breathing slowed, your facial features relaxed, and your eyes began to feel tired as your core struggled to hold you up. Then, your mouth went slack as your eyes began to roll into the back of your head.
Then, you were out like a light. Your head fell back to the ground with a thud as your elbows slid down your body, straightening your arms. The hand that was holding the stone went slack at your side, allowing the stone to roll off of it, and onto the ground some distance away.
- - -
Rex felt free, gravity wasn’t holding him down and the burden of the war was nowhere to be found within him. A consistent deep hum played in his ears, relaxing him deeply as he floated through nothing. He wondered who could join him in this serene state, he wished others could feel as fantastic as he was in that moment. He thought of his brothers, the ones closest to him. His mind then wandered to Anakin and Ahsoka, and he weakly smiled as he thought of his battalion. When he was done feeling this nice, he was going to grab his brothers and his Generals and bring them here. Yeah… that would be nice.
He then remembered you. Oh, you! How could he forget about this newest General?
An image of you flashed through Rex’s mind, one of you hitting your head against the ground.
Where were you?
Another image crossed through his head, of dozens of explosions occurring around him. Of his men dying.
Where was anyone? Where was he?
An anxiety pierced through Rex’s heart, and his eyes opened with a start.
Blue. Just… blue! All around him! Rex gasped as he frantically scanned his surroundings, revealing the body of water he was currently floating in. Holy shit, he was drowning. Well, not yet maybe. Luckily his helmet had an emergency air reserve for when he needed it. Saved him more times than he could count, and it was hopefully going to save him this time too.
Adrenaline was already coursing through Rex’s veins, his survival instincts immediately activated, forcing his arms and legs to swim him towards the surface. Rex stopped after a moment, wincing at the pain his four limbs were rudely greeted too. He realized that he must have hit the water pretty hard. But, Rex grit his teeth, forcing himself to continue upwards until he broke the barrier between the water and the air, taking a deep breath in in relief, despite the fact that he was never unable to breath.
Rex turned himself erratically in the water in a desperate attempt to understand where he was. Luckily, he was able to easily spot the shore, and started his swim towards land promptly, the pain only slowed him down a bit, he never let it stop him.
- - -
Rex crawled himself further onto shore before he collapsed onto his stomach. He rolled himself over onto his back with a groan, allowing one arm to go slack at his side, while the other covered his visor as his eyes slacked shut in exhaustion. His breaths were long and labored as his lungs thirsted for as much oxygen as possible. His limbs, now tired on top of the soreness Rex woke up with, could barely move anymore as waves continued to lap up Rex’s legs and stop at his thighs.
Rex laid there for a couple minutes. Just as a little treat to give to himself, after surviving falling off a cliff and almost drowning.
His eyes opened sharply when he heard an echoed scream, one that was growing louder by the second, before a metallic crash could be heard far off into the distance. Rex shot up, and he realized that the scream came from a separatist battle droid. He then picked up on the sounds of blaster fire, almost too quiet to have been possible to hear, but just loud enough to remind the weary Captain of the broader situation he was still in. He had to get back up the cliff, and back into the fight.
His heart began to pound again, dreading how many more troopers may have been dead in his absence. It was enough to get him on his feet. The aching pain from his not-so-gentle meeting with the lake made his limbs and core shake and tremble as he struggled to hold himself together.
But the drive to continue wasn’t enough, Rex dropped to his knees before he even realized he was falling, letting out a breathy sigh in disappointment and exhaustion as the soft crackling of scorched grass and sediment touched his ears, almost unable to keep himself upright upon contact.
He leaned back slightly, lifting his head up to bask in the sunless air as he took a deep breath in, preparing himself to stand once more. Rex peered about his surroundings. He wasn’t trying to find anything in particular, but a dark object did catch his attention. He blinked away any imperfections in his vision, and he noticed a large stick leaning against a dead tree, one that Rex theorized he could use as a crutch of sorts.
Rex found a smile creeping onto his face. Somehow a slight chuckle made it past his lips as he stared at the simple object, the one thing that might be able to help him get where he needed to go.
Rex managed to get to his feet again, but he immediately could feel his legs failing on him once again as he looked down at the trembling appendages. His eyes raced to the stick again, the tree the stick was accompanying was only a couple paces away. Totally doable.
One foot in front, then the other. Rex did this again and again, each step forward harder than the last. Sweat began to bead on his forehead as his breath became more and more labored. Eventually, he was so close to the tree, his desire to reach out growing with each passing second. Then, Rex took another step, and he felt that he was likely about to fall again. In reaction he picked up the pace, growing it into a pathetic run towards the tree. His knees continued to buckle, but he kept running, desperate to avoid dropping like an insect before reaching his target. Rex reached out his arms, and he found himself embracing the tree before he knew it. He sighed in relief, and then looked down at his extremely buckled legs. Any more steps and he would have crashed right into the tree itself. Rex then looked to the side, and there was the stick. He reached out with one arm to grab the object, maintaining his intimate grasp to the tree with his other to maintain balance. Its length ran from the ground to just about under his shoulder. One end was flat, and the other was thin and round. Rex deduced it was the perfect substitute for a crutch with a smirk as his underarm began to hug the flatter end of the stick.
Rex let his other arm go from the tree. He struggled to maintain balance at first, his legs wobbled as they tried to hold themselves up independent from the tree. But, after a couple of practice steps, Rex mostly got the hang of supporting his weight on the stick. It wasn’t pretty, his steps were in the form of uneven hobbles, and he was pretty damn slow compared to how he was before. But, he would be able to get from point A to point B, so it had to be enough.
A slight breeze began to stir up the burnt flora around Rex. He tried to soak up the feeling as the relaxing hum of the wind met his ears, but his armor kept the feeling from softening his skin. It was another rude reminder of the situation he was currently in, he had to find a way back to the fight.
Rex began his trek to the edge of the cliff. He landed pretty close to it, so it took him no time at all for him to reach it, to be able to drag his gloved hand along the ragged edges of the landmark as he limped along the side of the cliff to find a way back up. Rex allowed his mind to wander slightly as he mentally marked the best past for his fingers to drag themselves through. Small chunks of rock and sand fell at the wake of contact with the fabric of his glove. His eyes glazed over slightly as the activity brought him some fleeting relaxation.
And then he tripped.
Rex’s shoulder broke his fall, with a grunt emanating from the Captain’s lips as he grit his teeth upon impact with the Earth. His eyes, which were shut tight, blinked open rapidly for Rex to see his crutch laying on the ground in front of him. He reached out and grabbed the stick with a muttering groan, then hoisted himself up with it, trying to ignore his legs’ shakes as he pinned the crutch beneath his arm once more.
Rex turned his body to look behind him with an annoyed squint in his eyes, expecting to see some sort of root or rock that got in his way. Behind his helmet, however, his jaw slacked open and his eyes widened as a sharp gasp escaped him when he saw your shoes.
Ignoring his pain, he rushed himself to limp over to your shoes quickly, where your body came into view. Rex’s eyes immediately shot upwards to scan your face. Your hood obscured your face slightly, but he could see that your eyes were closed and your mouth hung open. Scratches and bruises littered your face. You were clearly not conscious. Rex saw red in the bottom corner of his vision, that’s when he found your thigh. Blood was spreading rapidly throughout your pants as the fabric absorbed the bright liquid. He then noticed the hole in your pants that revealed the mighty gash in your thigh. Usually, Rex wouldn’t have much of a reaction to gore of this sort. But for some reason, when he looked upon your wound, he felt his face tense as an uneasy feeling striked through his chest. Maybe it was because you weren’t a trooper, he was used to seeing his brothers getting hurt. But, he didn’t even feel this way when Anakin or Ahsoka got hurt. At least, it was never to the same degree. Maybe it was because he knew that you were vulnerable, that you were struggling. That you have been for a while now.
Despite only getting to his feet a moment prior, Rex didn’t hesitate to practically leap towards you as he fell to his knees, ripping his helmet off and discarding it to the side. He took your bloodied hand into his, placing his middle and pointer finger onto the outer portion of your wrist, awaiting a pulse.
He relaxed a bit when his fingers felt a rhythmic beat beneath them. It was slightly faint, and maybe a bit erratic, but it was there. You were alive.
Rex immediately got to work. After placing your hand gently back at your side, he barely managed to prop you up against the nearby tree, grunting as he struggled against your weight, forcing your limp body to leave behind a trail in the earth and dirt. Then, he was quick to begin examining your wound. He carefully pulled apart the hole in your pants to obtain a closer look at it, the uncomfortable stabbing sensation returning to him briefly, nauseating him slightly. Rex’s breath then hitched at a rude realization. He had no bacta patches, and no tools to stop the bleeding. What was he supposed to do here? How was he supposed to save you-?
Rex felt a hand weakly grip his forearm. His mind snapped back into reality as his eyes popped back up at you. Your eyes were on his, barely open as you weakly blinked a couple times in an attempt to clear your vision. “Captain…?”
You were awake.
All Rex could seem to do in this situation was look at your eyes as yours began to study the situation. He saw you look down at your wound, your eyebrows furrowing in confused concern in reaction to the gore, before relaxing in understanding resolve.
“U-use my robe…”
Rex was caught a bit off guard. “Y-your robe? For what, General?” He felt it as his hand was slowly guided towards the wound, his fingers began pressing against it gently.
There was a short pause. For some reason, Rex’s eyes stayed locked on yours, his mind threatening to wander once more as he struggled to understand how you were here with him. His overwhelmed mind swarmed with thoughts as the warmth of your blood cradled his hand. Then, your eyes looked back into his eyes with an increased clarity, surprising him.
“Help me, please…”
“Oh!” Rex exclaimed, blinking away his confusion as he snapped back into reality, finally understanding what you wanted. “O-of course.” He sheepishly grabbed the end of your robe, Swiftly bringing it up to his face and clamping down on the corner of it with his teeth, before ripping a long strip of it away from the rest of the fabric. A crackling noise accompanied the destruction.
Rex slid the fabric underneath your thigh as carefully as he could, using one hand to lift your thigh gently as the other positioned the fabric accordingly. His hand was flat against the bottom of your thigh, cupping it delicately as he lifted it. He tried his best not to hurt you, but he still heard you take a sharp inhale when he moved your thigh a bit too much. Rex winced in reaction, your pained expression made him respond more intensely than he’d expect to once again.
“I’m sorry, General.” Rex apologized hurriedly as he continued his work.
“It’s okay,” he heard you strain out as your lungs refused to let go of your previous inhale, “don’t worry about it…”
Rex took the ends of the fabric in both of his hands. Ignoring the pain in his arms the best he could, he shifted his hands far apart, dissolving the slack of the fabric. His hands moved methodically as he prepared the knot he was about to tighten around the wound. He paused, then carried his eyes up to yours, seeing that yours were still focused on his work. You then looked up to him, clearly noticing his purposeful hesitation. Your facial expression showing one of helpless disorientation and nervousness, it made Rex’s heart ache slightly.
“This is going to hurt, alright?” Rex warned. “Hold onto something if you need to.”
You nodded quickly, eyes shutting tight in preparation for what was to come. Rex looked down at the wound, seeing your hands grip the blackened grass hard enough to turn your knuckles white. This wasn’t going to be easy.
“Just do i-.”
Rex pulled hard. In the corner of his vision your body noticeably tensed up as the sensation became known to you. You shot up into a sitting position, eyes completely open, whining out the rest of your sentence as your head hunched over dramatically in parallel to his, fingers now gripping his arm closest to you tight. Rex’s face felt strangely hot as your tone reached his ears and his armor shifted to your sudden strength, a tight knot formed at the bottom of his stomach for a short second.
Suddenly Rex noticed how… close he was to you. Your head was so close to his that he could hear your labored breaths brush past his shoulder oh so slightly. His gloves were on, but the heat emanating from your thigh penetrated the fabric effortlessly. He felt his curiosity seek to bask in this feeling, before he mentally smacked himself back into the moment, tying the makeshift bandage securely in place.
Rex was quick to remove himself slightly, giving you some air. As you processed the pain your hunched back slowly stopped heaving so intensely, your breaths became more rhythmic and calm and you gently allowed yourself to lean back into the tree, eyes now shut, eyebrows high with newfound relief from the pain. Rex turned himself around, supporting himself on his crutch as he made himself stand to give you some privacy, still feeling an intense hotness incubating on his face. He took his free hand and slid it down his face, trying to relax himself as his hand pulled his skin slightly, perturbed at his reaction, and a little confused.
“Thank you,” Rex heard you sigh out. He turned himself back around to face you. Whatever timidness you were expressing prior to this had clearly been melted away by a mixture of blood loss and almost-unbearable pain. You looked weary, but desperate to get back on your feet as you began fidgeting in your seat.
“Of course. How are you feeling?” Rex asked, expecting to hear a not-so-great answer.
“I feel fine now.”
“Fine?” Rex asked, “are you sure…?” He looked down on you with mighty concern, eyeing the blood that soaked your pants and the apparent paleness of your skin. “I think it’s safe to assume that you lost a lot of blood…” Rex paused for a moment to think, turning his head to look up at the cliff, then back down at you again. “How did you get down here anyway?”
You looked away from him for a second, eyeing something Rex couldn’t distinguish without looking over himself, but he didn’t. You looked back at him.
“I don’t know.” You stated plainly. “I must have fallen, like you did.”
Rex nostrils flared slightly at the assumption. “I didn’t fall, General.” Rex paused as he tried to remember how he got here. “I think I may have been pushed.”
“Then who pushed you?” You inquired, your sudden plain and emotionless tone making Rex feel strangely embarrassed.
“I don’t know…”
You both gasped at the sudden noise, shoulders jumping unconsciously. You angled yourself to look behind Rex. He turned himself around slowly, finding a freshly defaced bush at the edge of the cliff. An uncomfortable silence maintained between the two of you as Rex limped over to the bush cautiously, placing his free hand on one of his holstered pistols as he peered over carefully.
It was a clone, a dead one. The blue 501st markings on his armor were somewhat obscured by blood and dirt, his limbs laid about carelessly and his head slacked back. Rex released his tense grip from his pistol as his features softened in sad realization. He approached the body to examine the armor’s paint job. He knew this clone. He used his free hand to remove his helmet, struggling for a moment without the help of his other hand, but he eventually was able to remove the helmet, revealing the lifeless eyes of a trooper he knew he was so familiar with. Except this clone was not in his bomb disarming squad. No, Rex knew for a fact that his clone was assigned to fight alongside Anakin and Ahoksa. Had his clones managed to meet up with the Generals? Rex’s teeth grit together in frustration as the blaster shots occurring above him became more prominent in his ears.
He turned to face you, you still looking past him in anxious curiosity. Your pupils danced slightly in your eyes as your bottom lip hung open slightly. “What is it…?” You asked, eyes now shooting between the Captain and the bush repeatedly.
“One of my brothers.” Rex replied, eyes closing as his eyebrows came together in thought and grief. He looked back over to the clone, then he looked down, his free hand cupping his hip as he contemplated what to do next. He leaned in to his lost brother, to his lifeless eyes and slack jaw. He took his free hand, stiff in depressed grief, and reached for his brother’s belt. It was obscured in the rough of the bush, so Rex was fishing for it blindly, but he eventually felt his fingers wrap around an object. He pulled his hand out, and found a DC-17 hand blaster. He observed every corner of the weapon as his hand moved accordingly. His finger tapped the trigger lightly as he checked for any damage that the pistol may have sustained. But all he could really notice was the dirt and debris that stuck to the blaster. He wiped the pistol on the bush beneath him, removing most of the dirt. He stuck the pistol in between his armor and belt, mentally thanking his brother for the extra munition, and apologizing for having to leave him behind. He raised his fingers towards the trooper's eyes, and shut them delicately. Rex then turned and limped back over to you, feeling an angered desperation bubble up inside him as images of his dead brother loomed across his mind.
“We need to move out. My men are still up there, fighting without us.” Rex stated as he approached you. “We are both hurt, we have no medical supplies, and we have no food. I don’t care how long it takes us.” Rex felt his jaw clench up as he stopped in front of your feet, his free hand clenched into a fist at his side. He didn’t notice you as his eyes kept fixating on the cliff behind him, your eyes captivated on the physical evidence of his anger. “We are NOT dying down here. Not without saving them first.” Rex demanded, his paternal instinct towards his troopers fully kicking in.
“Okay, then let’s go.” He heard you say.
Rex looked back at you, one eyebrow raised above the other, concern now littering his eyelids as he felt his anger subside. “But your leg, and my… everything.” He looked down at his crutch for a moment. “How are we supposed to get back to them?”
“Captain, I’m fine, really.” You started. “I just need some help standing up, and you have that stick. We should be fine.” He studied you for a moment, unable to discern any intense emotion or opinion from your face. Something told him to be skeptical of your words, but he was unable to see a reason why, so he relented, and stuck his free hand out, offering it to you.
“Let’s go then, General.” You stared at his hand for a moment, more nondescript but noticeably worried expressions warping your face. Whatever you were thinking, you did not make it known to the Captain as you took his hand, gripping it tightly as the effort to make you stand began, making you both grunt in strained pain in the process.
Once you were on your feet, you stumbled forward for a moment, leaning yourself into Rex’s shoulder accidentally, causing your scent to float by Rex’s nose. Another knot stabbed through Rex’s stomach. It was weaker this time, but still something Rex noticed and took note of for later thought, despite the redness he felt growing on his face that he tried to subdue as you were still finding your balance.
You leaned back, finally stabilizing yourself to the ground below. If Rex’s face was still red, you showed no indication that you noticed. Instead, you winced, from what Rex logically assumed was most likely from the large gash in your thigh. He looked down at the wound and noticed that the fabric he tied around it was already turning red. He looked back up at you, you looked anxious to go, somehow completely absent of any evidence of pain or discomfort on your face.
“Are you ready, Captain?” You asked him, not looking at him.
Rex looked back at you cautiously. “Are you sure you can walk by yoursel-”
“YES.” You interrupted, your tone a tad bit harsh as your head turned swiftly to look Rex in the eyes with a stabbing retort. Rex was clearly noticeably taken aback by your response. You took a shallow deep breath in and sighed it out carelessly with your eyes closed. “I told you already that I’m fine Captain, let’s just focus on getting back to the fight.” You turned away from Rex, and placed your eyes at the foot of the cliff. “How are we getting back up there anyway?”
Rex looked to the cliff as well, an unsure anxiety began bubbling up in his stomach. “I’m not exactly sure…” he began, “my plan was to walk along the edge of the cliff… there’s no way we’re climbing, and I doubt anyone is coming for us anytime soon…” Rex assumed, pointing towards his desired direction with his finger.
“We should get started then.”
Rex looked back at you, and you were already walking away. His eyelids jumped at the realization. He immediately pushed his crutch in front of him, propelling him forward as fast as he could handle. He struggled to keep up with your surprisingly quick speed, but he was able to stay close behind you for the most part, only at times finding himself lagging behind. The silence you bore made Rex uneasy. Even in the darkest of situations, he always was able to find comfort in conversing with his brothers. Fives or Jesse would crack a joke that could make even the most shell-shocked trooper lighten up a bit. But this? This is not something he was used to.
But it’s not like this was something he had never encountered before, so he couldn’t understand why this made him feel this uncomfortable. You made it extremely clear to Rex; you wanted your relationship to merely be a professional one, where only cold acknowledgements and dialogues could be found between the two of you. He thought that he could be content with it, but his initial draw to you, the moments he shared with you during the current mission, and the moment of one-sided closeness he had with you made him as confused as he was when you initially cut him out. He just… wanted to talk to you? He felt ridiculous with this realization. Why did he still care so much? You rejected his kindness once, and you were clearly attempting to reject it again with the coldness you presented. There was no point in even trying, Rex thought to himself, you wanted to embark on your journey to heal alone. Maybe not everyone needs to seek support, like how Rex had done time and time again each time he led his brothers to their deaths.
Then he thought about the knot he felt within him when he covered your wound. It almost felt painful, but… in a good way? Rex tried to mimic the feeling from memory to gain a better understanding of it. But it was a feeling he was completely unfamiliar with, all he could recall was the haziness of his mind, forcing him to focus on… certain things. Whatever tightness he felt from within would most likely only be able to return to Rex without his influence.
Rex sighed out his scrambling thoughts, praying that his brain would continue this string of confusing considerations at a more appropriate time. He let his eyes wander to anything that would catch his attention, so he may forget what was making him so sad. But, he found you, his attention focused on the way you moved. It was stiff, unnatural almost, as if you were putting on an act, an act Rex could see existed, but couldn’t understand why. You looked forward, your hood obscuring any chance that Rex would be able to see your face as he lagged behind. Your hands gripped the side of your pants tight, paling your knuckles. You must have assumed your robe covered this, but Rex carved out a large portion of it to wrap up your leg, so when the robe kicked up against the breeze, your hands were easy to see.
But, Rex kept these thoughts to himself. He considered speaking about it, his eyes looked to the ground nervously, his free hand raised into the air as though to assist him in gaining the confidence to speak up. But when he looked back up at you, he remembered what you had said to him mere days ago. To leave you alone, to stop trying to help. Obviously, his help minutes prior to this was warranted, battlefield injuries aren’t something anyone can brush off. But it seemed as though everything had gone back to normal ever since you regained your composure, or whatever composure you were pretending to have. What used to make Rex feel a sort of animosity towards you, now made him sad once again. If something was really wrong, Rex could see that you had no interest in expressing any of it to him, and you wanted nothing to do with him outside of this war. This was the way things were, and he was going to give you the space you wanted, despite the voice in Rex’s head telling him not to.
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merakimaiden · 11 months
A Whole Lot of Love
Pairing : Thrawn x fem!reader
Genre : Fluff
Word count : 816
Summary : After getting a gift for your close friend, you and your lover stumble upon a photo booth and decide to make some memories.
Warnings : None other than extreme sweetness
A/N : I am back once again and I’m clearing my drafts (academy thrawn got me kicking my feet in the air)
Translations : visahot (darling), ch’eo bat rcati (my beautiful star)
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You hadn’t known Thrawn for long. Maybe for about a year or so, but you felt like you knew everything about him. The way his eyes lights up when he talks about his art, the slight curling of his lips when he found something amusing, the way he chooses his words- he’s like a magnet that you can’t help but attach yourself to.
Thrawn, being the only non-human in the Empire, was bound to be popular. Many people admired him and hated him. You didn’t even know how you managed to pull him all to yourself, and eventually dating him for almost four months now. However, despite dating him rather than admiring him from afar, you were yet to kiss him or say the three words.
You loved Thrawn. You really did. It was just so hard to spit them out as there were always distractions, or you just couldn’t muster up enough courage to do it, kissing or not. He has never said it either, but from the way he takes care of you and treats you, you know he feels the same.
The both of you met through a mutual friend, Eli Vanto, who is your childhood friend. Your friend’s birthday was approaching fast, so you and Thrawn headed out to Coruscant’s best gift shop to get a token of appreciation for him.
After a while of wandering around, finding a perfect gift for Eli, you and Thrawn checked out and held hands as the both of you walked towards the exit of the store.
On your way out, you abruptly stopped in your tracks, causing Thrawn to bump into you, confused. He was about to ask you what happened when you spoke first.
“Thrawn, look! A photobooth! Can we both go please?” you shrieked, and put on the best pout on your face as you bounced in place. Thrawn said nothing except a nod and a smile, making you grin as you dragged him inside the photo booth, drawing the curtains beside you after settling inside.
Your fished your pocket for some credits, immediately putting them in the credit slot to start the session. Then, you leaned on Thrawn’s side, smiling widely and shaking in excitement. He let out a soft chuckle by witnessing your actions.
Words popped out on the screen in basic.
[ Press OK to start photo session. ]
“Are you ready, visahot?” he asked you for confirmation, making you nod in return. Thrawn pressed the button, starting a countdown.
You held Thrawn’s bicep, holding on as you snuggled closer into his shoulder and smiled at the camera, his head resting on top of yours.
You quickly changed poses with Thrawn, scooting upwards to loop your arms around his neck and kiss his jaw as Thrawn held you close by your waist. Thrawn shut his eyes this time, enjoying the feeling of your lips on his face.
You snapped your eyes open, ready to pose for the next picture when you saw Thrawn, with his eyes still shut.
Serene, at peace- like the azure hue of his skin, how the colour is always linked to the blue of the ocean. It felt like time stopped for a moment, no clocks ticking, no movement, not even the countdown of the photobooth.
Just you and Thrawn.
You held his face with both hands with so much gentleness, causing his eyes to flutter open.
Thrawn however did not notice you staring at him, he was posing at the camera with a faint smile.
“I love you, Thrawn.” you blurted out.
Thrawn snapped his head towards you at your words, with his mouth agape.
He said nothing, for a few moments. Just boring his beautiful red eyes into yours, causing you to squirm under his gaze, wondering if you did a wrong thing.
He tilted your chin with his slender fingers and kissed you passionately.
Your eyebrows relaxed and eyes closed as you deepened the kiss, your hands finding his wrists. He tasted like the sweetest nectar you’ve ever tasted, with a hint of nostalgia you can’t put a finger on. The kiss was messy but sweet, rough but soft- filled with yearning.
The both of you didn’t bother about the pictures anymore. It was just you and Thrawn at this moment, with a whole lot of love.
Thrawn pulled away hesitantly at the sound of the photo machine printing out pictures. His forehead rested on yours.
“I love you, ch’eo bat rcati. I’ve been a coward to hide how I feel about you. I couldn’t find words to express how I feel” he sighed, his face turning darker as he looked down in embarrassment.
You placed your finger on his jaw, tilting it upwards slightly to meet his eyes.
“I couldn’t say anything either, but I finally did.”
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Reblogs and feedback are appreciated :)
+ Beautiful fic art by the sweet @pencil-urchin <33
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silentium-symphony · 11 months
Work of Art Modern AU (Link x Reader) I
(a/n) AAAHH I'M SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!! i've reached that point in the semester where i've got either a project or an exam due every week, and i haven't had any time to write :( but i'm here now with a brand new fic for you! so thank you for waiting :)
parts will be linked and will also be available on my masterlist when they're available!
cw: link experiences unwanted sexual advances in the beginning (nothing too explicit) so please proceed with caution, afab!reader, swearing, zelda and link are besties :}, breathless conversations in a stairwell, you and link are just some awkward goobers
wc: 2.3k
♤♢ ~~ ♡♧
"And this one-of-a-kind masterpiece depicts the moments leading up to the Hero's decisive victory over the Demon King. For just a moment, let's draw our eyes toward the finer details the artist has decided to depict. Look with me now at the use of light in this scene, and how it starkly contrasts..."
Is that a new crack?
Blue eyes absently traced the thin line that fractured the pillar's marble surface. A wisp of gold tickled the tips of his lashes and he huffed, coursing his fingers through his hair in a bid to keep it in place. He kept his eyes trained on the small, black fissure that coursed through the white stone.
Definitely a new crack.
Taut fingers absently fumbled the ring of keys latched to his belt while the other hand thumbed the baton's cold metal. Link's eyes fluttered shut and he let out a soft sigh, adjusting his feet to abate the blood pooling in his heels.
His broad shoulders twitched and ocean blues met irritated meadow greens, which juxtaposed the seemingly sweet smile Zelda flashed him. Link dropped his hands immediately, causing the metal nuisance to sing a dying song against his thighs; a quiet chorus of giggles served as the encore.
"Thank you," his best friend cleared her throat, "as I was saying--"
Hylia, he was so bored. He rocked on his heels and watched Zelda motion to the large, newly restored painting before them. He knew how hard she had worked on restoring the old thing, and he was proud of her for sure, but if he had to listen to her spiel about the painting's history one more time--
"Hands off the rope please." He uttered softly to the woman dangling off the red velvet. She scoffed, but her look of disdain eventually softened into something... heavier. A sultry smirk snaked its way onto her lips and her eyes turned lidded.
"Sorry, sir. I just couldn't get my eyes off such a gorgeous masterpiece. It's a work of art, y'know?"
"I understand ma'am," his knuckles tersed. "But please refrain from touching the rope."
"Oh, I'm sorry..." She dragged out. "Can I make it up to you with some coffee?"
"No thank you. I suggest you turn your attention back to the presentation. That is why you came, right?"
"Well, what if I told you I actually came for something--or in this case... someone else?"
A shudder wriggled down his spine; she continued before he had time to draft his next sentence.
"I know you've seen me around... Why do you think I visit this dump of a museum so often? To stare at the same paintings day-in-day-out?"
Her fingertip traced the velvet rope, nails softly scuffing the luxuriously-textured barricade. He kept his eyes focused on the little strands of hair peeping out of the mole on her forehead, his throat constricting and drying at the waft of cheap perfume.
"C'mon... After the museum closes, let's grab some food and head over to my place, yeah?"
"He said 'no,' ma'am." A soft voice deadpanned behind the both of them. A pair of bewildered eyes locked with calm, unblinking (E/C)s. "No means no."
"Excuse me?"
"Stop harassing him." You spat, cold venom honeying your tone. "No. Means. No. Do I need to scream to get that through your fucking head? That would draw the crowd's attention to you, don't you think? I wonder how they'd feel watching you harass someone in broad daylight...”
“Tch… Worthless piece of shit.” Red heels clicked right past you as she side-bodied your smaller frame, sending you back a step or two. Your eyes followed the storming figure as she dipped past the grand marble staircase.
“--And with that, I would like to extend my most heartfelt gratitude on behalf of all our curators here. Without your support, our work in restoring these priceless historical pieces would not be possible. So from the bottom of my heart--“
“--Thank you.” He mumbled, his pulse quickening.
You flashed him a soft smile.
"No problem. I'm sorry you had to go through that.
"It’s okay. This... Isn't the first time."
"What, she tried pulling this shit on you in the past?"
"Oh, no, I mean..." He sighed. "It's not the first time someone's done something like this. I never really knew what to say, so I just... didn't say anything, so… Thank you."
"Well, I'm glad I could help." Your smiling eyes averted towards your buzzing phone. “Oh, fuck... Sorry officer, I gotta run! Have a good night!”
"W-Wait, can I ask for--"
--your name?
You raced down the same path his unwanted suitor went a few minutes prior, back disappearing past the staircase. The warmth of gratitude in his chest chilled into a growing, aching hole. Gods, if only he had gotten your name!
"Soooo... who was that?" Zelda snickered, saddling up to the flustered man. Link's cheeks reddened and a small pout bloomed on his lips.
"No one."
"Really? So 'no one's got you all hot and bothered?"
"'Hot and--?' Nah.."
"Uh-huh, whatever you say." She slinked an arm onto his shoulder and dangled off his steady frame, watching the thoughtful wander of the museum's patrons. The air about her turned somber, and her voice dipped to a volume only the blonde could hear. "... Did someone bother you again?"
Link's lips curled into a soft smile--a rare sight, even for his lifelong friend. Confusion ticked Zelda's features as she saw this new reaction.
"Well, the one who ran off helped me with another 'admirer.'" A dreamy sigh. "I was just thanking her."
A soft, contrite smile graced the curator's lips.
"I'm happy to hear that... I'm sorry this is such a regular thing for you. I wish there was some way to know what kind of person we're selling our tickets to..."
Link waved off her concerns and shrugged her off, throwing his arms above his head and feeling the sweet, satisfying pops in his joints. His neck craned from side to side, filling the air with a chorus of crackles; Zelda visibly grimaced.
"Stop doing that! You're gonna snap your own neck one day."
"If I do, does that mean I get a day off?"
"Of course not." She retorted mirthfully.
♤♢ ~~ ♡♧
Of course the elevator was broken.
Link heaved open the heavy metal door which led to the winding staircase unused by most tenants.
And of course he lived on the 6th floor.
With a huff, he lifted his foot on the cement step blackened from gunk and other dubious substances. He tried to pay little mind to how his shoes grew stickier with each step, or how the flickering light's buzzing drilled a dull ache through his temples. He rounded the first of many corners and kept an even pace, already beginning to feel a bit spent.
Hands fiddled around his hoodie's pocket, feeling for the familiar roundness of his earbud's case and the soft edges of his phone. As he popped his earbuds in, his eyes glazed over the dozens of unorganized playlists that littered his screen, eventually resting on the simply named 'workout' playlist. His music's volume amped up to an almost painful level in a futile effort to blend his rapidly beating heart with songs from his chosen playlist.
He stopped to respond to a meme Zelda sent and texted an equally unhinged one back. The greasy scent of takeout wafted to his nostrils and he looked up, slightly confused.
"ᴼᶠᶠᶦᶜᵉʳ, ᶦˢ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ʸᵒᵘˀ"
A body filled his peripheral; pure fear coursed through his veins as his overactive imagination transmogrified a very real and alive person into eldritch nightmares unutterable by man. His phone leaped for safety, clattering down the flight of stairs for what felt like an eternity before rolling into its final resting place by the suspicious goop in the corner.
A moment of shock-spawned stillness blanketed the two persons--before Link was racing down the staircase.
"Hylia! Are you okay?!" A familiar voice called out. He stopped, fingers hovering a few hairs away from his phone as he slowly careened his face behind him.
There you were--gorgeous, gorgeous you--donned in sweats, a hoodie, Crocs with Socks™, and a steaming bag of takeout. The harsh fluorescent light softened your silhouette, casting an almost ethereal aura about you. Link gabbled an... exclamation of sorts as he grabbed his phone. He slinked the grimy thing into his pocket as he cooly made his way up the steps, shame and a newfound desire to drink lava inapparent on his blank face.
"Yes, thank you." He rubbed his (clean) hand against the back of his reddening neck. "Fancy meeting you here."
"I can say the same to you!" You laughed, shifting the takeout from one hand to the other. "How was the rest of your shift?"
"It was uneventful, thankfully. I'd like to thank you again for helping me out earlier... I really appreciated it."
"Aww... Of course. I'm really glad I could help you out back there."
Gods, how could a smile both ease and excite him all at once?
You both started up the steps once more, silently thanking and cursing your luck. After such a hasty exit you thought you'd never see the man again, but here you were, walking side-by-side up a neverending staircase. You looked down at your food, making sure the handles weren't gonna snap or anything, and happened to catch a faint mustard stain right by your heart. If only you didn't look so... grimy.
"S-So," you started, praying he didn't catch your stutter for air, "uh, what were you listening to?"
"Um..." He panicked slightly, "Just... workout music."
"Yeah? What song?"
"Something that... always gets me pumped." He cleared his throat. "What'd you order?"
"Oh, just some poultry pilaf from the Gerudo restaurant that opened up recently!"
"The one by 3rd Street?"
"Yeah, that one! Have you tried it yet?"
"Nah. But let me know how it tastes."
"For sure!"
A much-needed silence filled the air, both of you desperately trying to hide the fact that you were fighting for your next breath. A bright red '4' filled your vision and you groaned, throwing your head back.
"Gods, these stairs go on forever."
"Tell me about it." He hissed shakily. His eyes wandered to your slightly trembling arm holding your dinner. "Do you want me to hold that?"
"Oh, no, I'm okay." You subtly wiped the sweat beading your brow. "My floor's coming up. Thank you though."
"What floor do you live on? If you don't mind me asking."
"The 6th!"
"Me too."
"Really? I'm surprised I never saw you around though. I’d definitely remember someone as cu—“ You coughed suddenly, rubbing a fist into your chest. "C-Cool as you!"
That... wasn't much better.
As you proceeded to curse the day you were born, furled golds and narrowed blues widened in disbelief before softening into a bashful smile.
"T-Thank y--
"Oh look, our floor!"
With a hop, skip, and a step, you bounded up the last flight of stairs and swung the hefty metal door, your frame teetering on the loose door handle.
"After you." You gestured grandly, giggles flitting between the two of you. He raced up the last of the steps and grabbed the edge of the door a little ways past your head, pulling it gently from your grasp.
"No, after you."
"Why, thank you, um..."
"Oh! Link." He stuck his hand out, a boyish grin splitting his lips. "My name is Link."
"Link?" You took his hand. “It's nice to meet you. I'm (F/N)."
"(F/N)..." You hated how your heart swooned just now. "What a cute name."
You canned the need to scream into the void as you slinked through the threshold, laughter alight. You waltzed to the crossroad leading to the separate wings on your floor. “I’m going this way. What about you?”
“I'm heading that way too.”
"O-Oh, okay!"
He strode to your side and you descended down the long hallway, the silence stiffening your throat. It felt... kinda weird knowing where he lived or vice versa; your eyes flitted to the wall's yellowed moulding, a path your eyes had taken hundreds of times.
You rounded a corner; so did he. You trailed along the gentle bend in the hallway; he did as well. Your heart started to race. A prickle of doubt heated your chest as you approached your door. He wasn't following you... was he?
When's he gonna turn when's he gonna turn when's he gonna turn when's he gonna
"You're my neighbor?!" Heads whipped around to catch the other's surprised gaze. A stiff laugh cracked between the two of you and you creaked your gazes away.
"W-Well." You coughed out. "Um, goodnight..."
Your bodies slipped past your respective thresholds and softly clicked the door shut. You sunk your body into the door; the thick metal drew the extra heat from your back, but it did little to remedy the red in your cheeks. Knees wobbling, your frame slid down, down, down onto your doormat as you cradled your face in your hands, heart thundering in your ears.
It was almost loud enough to drown out what was undoubtedly tapping on the wall.
You clambered to your feet, plopped your nearly forgotten dinner on your countertop, and skated to the source of the sound, pressing your ear against the drywall with bated breath.
There it was again!
You returned his taps with the same level of enthusiasm. If you listened past your drumming heart, you could trick yourself into thinking you heard a laugh. You giggled as well, heart fluttering at your newfound, totally-platonic-and-definitely-not-love-laced relationship you managed to foster all in one night. A tight knot ached your sides and your belly protested loudly.
Oh right! Your pilaf!
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littlemochabunni · 1 year
I’m Sooo Sorry for Your Loss. ~ pt.2
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Toji x fem reader (black coded) ft. Toji’s wife?!?!?!
summary: With Toji’s wife back. You guys give him a whole new meaning of gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss. (:
Content: Bondage, oral (m receiving), wax play, teasing, gaslighting tf outta Toji, orgasm denial, fem masturbating (with a helping hand), squirting, Toji whimpering (once cause I can’t 😭)
a/n: when they go low, we go lower…. Serious apologies and appreciations to those of you that were kind and patient with me when waiting for this part 2. The love I once had for this man is gone and the thought odd writing about being in bed with him gave me the biggest ick. He’s still my bbd but fuck that man fr. P.S I do write with a black woman in mind because👋🏾 but anyone can read this 💗 and again sooooo many apologies 😭😭💗
wc: 2.5k
part one
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You’re all dolled up and dressed in Toji’s favorite lingerie, as you wait for him to get home. His wife stayed hidden away in connecting bathroom in your bedroom, waiting patiently to watch the fear in his eyes.
Hearing the front door open, you finish lighting the candles in your room and put on your best performance yet as you walk towards the living room to greet him.
“Happy anniversary baby.” You say seductively, walking up to his stunned figure. He smirk as he brushes his fingers across your curves, completely mesmerizing by your appearance. “A very happy one indeed doll~” a groan vibrates his chest as you palm his hardened cock through his pants.
‘As I thought, only thinking with his dick.’ You smirked to yourself knowing you have complete control over him.
“Let’s take this to the bedroom… I have a big surprise for you that’s you’re absolutely going to love…” you take his hand, swaying your hips as you guide him to his unknown fate waiting in the bedroom. “Fuuuck~ you have no idea what you’re doin to me baby.” Ironic. Isn’t it?
His eyes widen at the set up you…. And his wife put together to torment him. Cuffs on the bed post, various sex toys, gags, and candles lit all around the room. “Mmm you letting me have my fun with you tonight baby hm?” He says while kissing down your neck and grabbing on all your goods, rolling your eyes you put on the best smile as you turn around towards him and shakes your head, “Actually I wanted to do something new… Y’know keep things… exciting~”
His eyebrows raise with curiosity and excitement as you sit him down on the edge of the bed, kissing his jaw with gentle love bites in between. “I just wanted to put on a show for you…. But with a twist.” You unbutton his shirt and bites your lip in anticipation..
It’s one hell of a neck twister alright.
“Scooch over on the bed baby, lemme show you my appreciation.” Toji obviously sits back against the headboard excited for this show you’re going to put on for him, and to crawl up between his legs and kisses him sweetly while bring his hands up towards the cuffs linked to the bed post. His eyes shoot open as he hears the lock click shut around his wrist. “W-what the hell is this y/n.” You shush him as you kiss down his neck, grinning on his cock teasingly, “Relax T… I can’t have you ruin the show before it even begins~” you chuckle at how his alarm state eventually gives in and he relaxes as you kiss him down his chest. He smirks and bites his lip smugly, watching you kiss his covered cock looking up at him with your big e/c eyes, “Let’s get these over you, yeah?” Unbuckling his pants, you slowly pull them off and toss the across the room smiling at him.
His cock swings up against his navel with a soft thump and he want nothing more than to touch you, “Fuck baby ‘m getting impatient over he—.” He groans out as you shut him up by wrapping your lips around his tip, stroking slow yet firmly.
“Can’t rush to the good part just yet T… Trust me~ it’s worth the wait.” Slowly sucking up more of his cock, your moans causes his hips to rut up down your throat and he groans out your name. “B-baby let me touch you fuuck~” you pop his throbbing cock out your mouth to kiss his pelvis while stroking him with a firm steady pace. “We should go to Vegas some day Toji… Heard there’s fun things to do down there.” His brows furrowed with confusion with your sudden request as he breathed heavily, “H-huh? T-the fuck y’talkin about y/n?” Ignoring his question you slide you tongue up against his frenulum, before taking as much of his cock you can down your throat, “Oh shhhhhit princess— fuuuck that’s a good girl~” gagging occasionally which washes away his confusing and he groans as he throws his head back against the headboard and pulls against the cuffs. His cock throbbing in your mouth makes you pull away again leaving him frustrated from the lack of touch, as he starts to protest you reaching over for the candle on the nightstand and he looks unsure of what your going to do next. “You trust me baby?” You ask as you blow out the flame and straddle his waist hovering above his aching cock. “Yes, yes baby I do~” he says with anticipation and need swelling in his chest. “You wouldn’t…” you begin as you slide your panties to the side and slowly slip his cock inside of your soaked cunt.
What can you say? Hearing him moan still turns you on…
“Lie to me… would you?” You ask as he moans out at the feeling of your tight walls gripping around his cock, and he shakes his head in response whilst tugging on the cuffs desperately needing to touch you. You drip hot wax on his chest and he hisses at the sensation and glares up at you, “Christ y/n! That shit hurt!” Slowly you bounce on his cock, he grunts at the tight feeling, and you fake pout at his disdain, “Answer me then… You wouldn’t lie to me, would you?” He sighs irritatedly and tugs on his restraints again “No, I’d never lie to you babe…”
Dripping more hot wax on him, he groans out and huffs “What?! What I answered your question!”
“Yeah and you lied.” Toji’s eyes widen as he whips his head towards to the familiar voice and the color from his face drains as he see his second wife coming out of the bathroom.
“W-what the hell are you doing here!?” His voice cracks as he shouts at her. You tilt your head and pouts as you continue to ride his cock, “What’s wrong T? Who are you yelling at?” You look over at her and smirks as you look back at him with a frown, “There’s no one here but us?” Toji looks at you bewildered and confused, “Yeah Toji… Didn’t you miss me?” She approaches the bed and caresses his cheek which he shifts his head away from as panic, confusion, and oh god the pleasure from you still riding his cock. What the hell is going on?! “Y/n, baby please what’s going on?! Why is she here??” You huff irritatedly and slide off his cock, setting the candle back on the nightstand. “There’s no one here but us Toji! Since you won’t pay attention to me, I’ll have to do it myself~” You get up grab the pink vibrating dildo from the dressing and lay down in front of him.
“Aww Toji you hurt her feels…. Still the same sick bastard since you left me stranded in the states aren’t you?” She flicks his head and tsk disappointedly, he glares at her and smacks his lips, “Ah shit, look I was gonna come ba—“ You interrupted his train of thought by moaning out as you fuck yourself with the dildo on the second highest speed, “Oh you were gonna cum? Mmn that has to be some sort of— ah fuck mmn~ s-some new r-record for you, T?” You say while sitting up on your elbows looks at him with amusement in your eyes. His cock twitches as he watches you play with yourself and he huffs as he looks between you and his wife, absolutely flabbergasted by what’s happening. “Oh that’s new? You’re a minute man now Toji? Who would’ve guessed.” His wife said as she gripped his jaw and whispered in his ear.
His face hardens as she emasculates his skills, and he look at you from the corner of his eye with his cock still aching and hard against his stomach. “Baby? Baby uncuff me, let me fuck you, yeah? Make you cum all over my cock.” His wife snorts sarcastically at walks over to you to increase the dildo speed, giving a helping hand by placing her hand over yours fucking the dildo inside you sopping cunt faster. “Oh! Oh shiiiit! It’s soo fucking good Toji ah! C-can’t s-stop!” You throw your head back and arch you back whilst gripping the comforter, his wife smirks at him as his eyes are glued to the site of your creamy cunt dripping down your ass and all over the bed. Toji ruts his hips into the air while tugging vigorously at the his cock blocking restrictions, he whimpers and panting heavily in frustration. “S-shit y/n.. s-sweetheart please—shit someon— either of you— fuck just uncuff me! Ride my dick! Use me instead of the fuckin’ toy!” He’s pleas are drowned out by your loud moans as you squirt all over the bed and his leaking abandoned cock, “Ahhh fuuuck~” trembling uncontrollably from your mind blowing orgasm. Toji whines and whimpers as throws his head back against the headboard, being denied the pleasure of feeling your cum around his cock.
“Hm? What was that Toji? You want us to use you? like how you used us?” His wife pulled out the dildo from your cunt while you recovered, so you weren’t overstimulated by the high vibrations. She wipes up some of your cream off the bed with her fingers, “Wow you sure do know how to pick ‘em Toji. Found yourself someone that can give you the best of both worlds.” She walks over to the very distraught Toji and rubs your mess on his cheek, “Yet you still never learn… Do you?” He pants heavily and looks up at her with hooded eye brewing with embarrassment and anger, “Wha— why the hell did you come back!? What do you want from me??” She scoffs as he continues with the previous failed attempts of braking free, she looks down at him condescendingly as she hums as if she where thinking of what exactly she wants, other than to see he like this. “Seriously. What do you want, huh? Want me to beg? Apologize for leaving you?! When you were gonna leave me anyways!” She tugs on his hair roughly to make him look her in the eye, he groans at the sensation and his cock throbs desperately. “What makes you think you can give me what I want— what I deserved, huh? You kept me away from my life, my home— my daughter. All for what?? Because you suck at playing your cards right?? Tell me Toji. How can someone have a gambling addiction, yet you’ve never won— not even once?” You began to come down from your high and look over towards the couple, namely Toji, with a devious smile while crawling back over towards him kissing all over his cock.
Toji grunts at the sensation and sends a glare towards you, “Mmn y’done talkin’ to yourself baby?” She chuckles as she releases her grip on his hair as you drag your tongue along the frenulum, causing him to jerk his hips and stifle his whimper. “Uncuff me before I break this fuckin’ headboard.” You look up at him with a frown and still playing your part of “innocent girlfriend” you wiggle your ass while stroking his cock firmly, “Awww come on babe, don’t ruin the fun… you always do shit like this to me.. Stop being soo dramatic~”
Toji didn’t know why he felt more hurt than pissed off hearing you say that, but one thing for sure is that he knows he’s not being dramatic! R-Right?
“What’s wrong sweetheart? Can’t handle a taste of your own medicine? Like come on T, you’re getting soft in my hand, are the ghosts still talking to ya?” Toji’s eyebrow twitch as you continue to gaslight him. He knows what— who he sees, who he hears, and and, “My fucking Wife is in the room with us and you’re seriously tryna tell me I’m crazy?!?” You can’t help but snicker at his outburst as you pull away and dramatically look around the room, as if she’s not leaning against the bedpost behind you, “You’re thinking about your wife— your dead wife while I’m giving you head?? A-and she’s just what??? Watch us?? What is going on with you Toji, seriously?” You slowly but surely continue to drive this man one step further to insanity.
To add the cherry on top, his wife approaches him with a disappointing look a mother would give when scolding her child, “Can’t believe you would do such a thing to such a sweet woman Toji… Thinking about me while she’s trying to please you, what is wrong with you huh?” Toji can’t believe what he’s hearing, and he really does start to believe that he’s losing his mind… maybe it’s the guilt from taking your money, disappearing and cheating on you all those times he was out extremely late and lied about being with Shiu, and making you seem crazy for assuming the worse. “Baby— Y/N I’m sorry, so fucking sorry for everything. I-I promise I’ll change, I’ll be better, g-give you anything you want! I jus—..”
“Oh oh Toji… My poor poor Toji. What I want is for you to get the hell out. I’m not dealing with… this, especially right now.” It’s taking everything in you to not laugh at the complete dumbfounded expression that he’s making, so you opt for getting up and grabbing your phone to make a very verrry special phone call for him. “Wait— wh-what are you doing?? Y/N baby I’m sorry for real this ti—…” His wife tuts at him as she places a hand on his shoulder and sighs proudly with a satisfied smile on her face, “And sweetheart I’m soo sorry for your loss… It seems like karma has a way of coming back to bite you in the ass, huh?” Toji looks at her with a furious look in his eyes as he slowly starts to wrap his head around what’s going on, “I should have killed you back when I had the chance! You sick conniving bitch!” With the operator on the line and catch wind of Toji’s response. Everything pretty much is set in stone with a little bit of your acting skill coming in handy, “Pl-please send help! He’s been screaming and yelling about how his dead wife is here in the room with us a-and now he’s threatening t-to kill me! I have him restrained, but he’s really scaring.. I-I don’t know what to do.” You turn to see the look on his face when you shown him your own pleased smile, knowing he will be out of your lives for good with the next words that followed, “Thank you… And yes, I do think he’s having a psychotic break.”
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a/n: this was literally the most painful and funniest thing I’ve written so far, because it took so much in me not to off this man with his pants down 💀
tags: @peachy-dove @maria2k @vinxs667 @etherealxmaya @honestlyyoungtyphoon @negroperson @euvwia @overhaulswhore @9irly9irl @cherrishedcherry @ilovehobi101 @tojimipapi @rlvsmegumi <3
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