#I will die on this hill. Jason would make SO many dumb jokes about being dead.
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sodamnbored · 6 months ago
Post ToA Beach Day (Spoilers):
Percy: This has been a really nice day, all of us hanging out together again.
Leo, sighing: Yeah. I just wish Jason could be here too. I miss him.
Nico: It’s okay, Leo. He’s here in spirit.
Ghost Jason and Nico: *ghostly fist bump*
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polygamyff · 5 years ago
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Smiling at the picture Robyn sent me of Reign, I sweat her teeth are the cutest thing I have seen. The top ones of pushing through but the bottom two have come up so quick, I love to see it. I love Robyn sends me pictures of Reign while I am at work “Maurice! The meeting is now in session, can you hurry up” getting up from my seat, Ally stepped into my office and eye-balled me “I am here” closing my laptop and picking it up, I need to set up my team. I am practically taking over next week, well I already have but my dad hasn’t done his little ceremony yet “here I am, let’s go. Is Kellen here?” this is going to be interesting “yes, and so is Nalah. They are all waiting on you so come on” walking inside the meeting room “morning everyone, your boss is here. Don’t get all worried now” I am sure they hate me “morning Maurice” only one person said “whoever didn’t say morning is fired, so try again” pulling my chair out “be quiet and sit down” here is Nalah, ruining my moment “I should have done a separate meeting with Nalah, she is ruining my moment here” sitting down “so let’s get straight to it, shares have fallen. Why? And that is aimed at my account’s management, well anyone really. So, answer” I didn’t know shares fell, Ally told me “erm, I will answer so it’s seasonal. It fluctuates, this is normal. You are in the process of moving over from your dad to you, so sometimes it can happen. It’s nothing to worry about I can assure you sir” nodding my head “good, so let’s get to it. Kellen, he is my cousin as you all know. I am putting him on overseas, he will be in Tokyo. Alongside Nalah, but she will be there for a week. We need to really hurry this Tokyo hotel, I don’t want to spend too much time on it because as you know. I have other ventures, the Davenport apartments, they should be opening soon. And then the homes in New Jersey but we are in arguments with, you know who. That should be dealt with. So anyways, Kellen. You will be overseeing Tokyo, now I want to know you will be ok with that?” Kellen has lost so much weight, he has been stressing “I will be fine, I have worked alongside uncle. I will get it done” nodding my head “Nalah, you can help him” I am speeding up this meeting because I have a meet and greet with some kids, I mean I didn’t ask for this but Nalah and this program.
Throwing my laptop onto the couch in my office sighing out, the meeting lasted longer than I wanted “my brother” turning around “oh, Shawn” shaking his hand and then hugging him “it’s been weeks? What the hell? Are you upset with me” shaking my head stepping back “busy, I mind my own shit now. It’s about me and my family, so yeah. That is it” moving back from Shawn “yeah but a phone call, I called you and you text me back saying soon, that soon turned into weeks, why? I thought we was good” licking my bottom lip sighing out “look, it’s nothing to do with I hate you, I just have my own life. I am settled now, I am not in need of someone to watch me not die, but that don’t mean I am resentful of you dating my sister, ask Nalah she is chasing me” seeing Nalah walk into my office “I think Shawn misses you” rubbing my chin making my way around my desk as I sat down “I can tell, and I can’t be angry at that but I am just here and then back home. I am so settled right now, that is it. My home is always open to you but I go home to see my kid and my girl. And then when Robyn works, I am taking care of Reign so tell me, when do I get time to have fun. I am all out of that now, but I love you” Shawn looks really upset “I just feel like we ain’t close anymore, and no offence to Nalah but I couldn’t lose what we got and I just found it hard to come here, Nalah said just do it and say it. I miss you” I laughed lowly “that is emotional for you, if Nalah felt I was being a dick. She would say it, it’s just new for me. I have a routine and yes, I need to make time for others around me, but my door was never closed for you” Nalah is laughing “he goes, Jay took my place and I swear it made me laugh” it’s nice to see them both happy “maybe he has, I am joking. Look, this weekend we can do what you want yeah? Just me and you? Sexually” I smiled “nigga be quiet, can we just go and have our usual time?” I paused “usual? Nalah, you hear this, usual is Hollywood hill party?” I pointed at him “the amount of grovelling he has done and you equally with Robyn, I trust you both, but go and have fun together somewhere” Nalah shrugged “how about we go, Milan” I pointed at him “the friends are out there this weekend too, let’s do it. Boys trip” Shawn is happy, he was so sad about this and I didn’t mean to do it.
You know when they say don’t worry about the shares going down, I am worried because this is not a good thing “and this is where Maurice Davenport sits, let’s knock first” rolling my eyes, I guess this is them. Hearing the knock on the door “yeah, come in!” I shouted, I don’t know anything about this programme at all, not since I have kept away from it and Nalah took it under her wing “hey” Nalah said, smiling at her “so this is where Maurice spends most of his day, and luckily today he is in so come on in” seeing the college kids walk in “hi” they are so shy, it’s cute to see. Smiling at them “it’s the main dog, you remember me right!?” squinting my eyes at him “I know him, I know his girl” I think I do “uhm, you’re” I pointing at him “you’re Jason, the kid I met where Robyn helped out. You’re in New York” he walked over to my desk “hell yes, I got chosen. I work in your hotel. The Hilton” shaking his hand “wow, that is good. And they chose you?” he seems so happy about this “they said I could take your seat you see, I told y’all. I said it, I know this guy. Where is my girl Robyn? How is she? I miss her, she is so beautiful” standing up from my seat laughing “you’re funny and she’s well, she don’t miss you. And if you would like to all come in. Least there isn’t more then five here. Close the door” I pointed “and you stand down there” walking around my desk “let’s go around the room and get to know each other, let’s start off with you beautiful” pointing at the girl, her eyes widened “oh me?” she pointed “yes” I nodded “I’m Kayla” nodding my head “and what do you do, for free time?” I asked “nails, I can do my own nails” she showed me her hands “they are pretty, so do you also know this clown?” I pointed at Jason “he is in my class in college, I want to say Mr Maurice that your program chose me, paying for my scholarship, I thank you so much” smiling at her “I want my people to prosper, we do this for you. Seeing some talented young black kids not get somewhere because of money, I did this for you, and you all special that is why you received what you got. And coming here is a bonus, a break away and some fun, but what about you?” pointing at the next girl, it is good to see this.
Rolling my eyes at Jason “I am bored, anyways” Jason hit my arm laughing “you’re rude” clearing my throat “so tell us Maurice, boss man you tell us about you” Jason said “but you know me, what more do you want me to say? Ok, you ask me. What you want to know?” sitting on the edge of my desk “any question? You won’t whoop my ass question?” I shrugged “try me” crossing my arms across my chest “ok, I have a legit question. I heard you dated one of the Hadid sisters, and then you fucked with Chanel Iman and girls like that. What made you want to be with a regular girl? Like come on, these girls are beautiful, my Robyn is beautiful too but like you had these women and they famous” laughing as I looked at Nalah “I’ve always wanted to ask you this, like I have so many questions” this Jason kid is stupid “ain’t this supposed to be work related, and how the hell did you research that so well?” I am confused “I did a report on you, so I had yo research you so tell me” nodding my head slowly “well, I have met plenty of women. I have lost count, I have women saying remember me, I don’t. It’s not something you remember when you see people every day unless you’re my assistant then I will, I did technically kind of fuck with them, maybe I don’t know” I laughed “but Robyn gets me, she makes me laugh. It’s about that connection, it’s noting else. Robyn and I have a connection. So there, that is why. It’s nothing to do with famous or whatever, we have that connection now that question was dumb. You’re nosey” I pointed at him “can I ask?” Kayla raised her hand “sure” she better has a good question “how come Nalah never was the boss of the company. You are her younger brother or was it something she didn’t want?” that is a good question, blowing out air “so” I dragged out “I want to put this out there that I want you all to succeed, male or female so what it is. My dad, my grandparents or whatever made this rule, first born son has it. So, I was the first born son, so it came to me but that is not it anymore. If my daughter wants this then she can, or if she wants to be anything else she can. It was an incredibly old idea but Nalah has been the best sister with me, so that is why” I hope I explained myself well enough.
I am glad to be home, I mean it was nice seeing those kids and Jason, he’s funny but stupid “papa is home” opening the baby gate “Reign, daddy is home” I hate this baby gate “yes I am and it is papa thank you” closing the gate behind me “stop that shit, it’s ugly. Welcome home baby, come to us” taking my suit jacket off and throwing on the couch “hey Mi Amor, what you doing?” walking around the couch, the biggest smile on Reign’ face “come on” I stood with my arms open “come to papa” getting down on my knees “you going to give him a hug, go on baby” Robyn said, I want her to walk so bad “come here, look” getting my phone out from my pocket “I got this baby come” unlocking it, Reign is thinking. I know she is, she just needs to let go of the side of the table “come here” I know she wants to do it, I knew it. Shuffling closer to her, it may be a distance away from “da” she pointed at me “yes, da is here and wants hugs and lots of kisses from you come. Give papa a kiss” pointing at my cheek, she is so damn cute in her body suit with her fat little legs out “she might do it Maurice, oh my god” Robyn said in whisper “come, look” turning my phone to her, Reign is scared I can tell “oh my god” my eyes widened watching Reign let go of the side and took her first time with her arms held up “come on, come on!” she took another, after another, after another and I caught her before she fell “yay!!! Oh my god, Reign. You did it” I spat hugging her so close “I saw my baby walk” Robyn said, looking up at her being an emotional mess “you are the bravest baby, oh god. I am so proud of you Reign” she doesn’t understand the fuss, she wanted my phone “god, why am I even crying” Robyn said “she is growing up, I am so happy to have witnessed it. Like my heart” pressing a kiss to the top of her head “same, it’s emotional. I am shocked, like she was so ready for it but was scared” I honestly thought I would be crying but no, Robyn is. I am just so proud of her, Reign did it and I was here to see it.
Watching Reign on the floor clapping her hands while Mickey claps, she is responding to what he does now, but her screaming is driving me up the wall “here, this came in the post. Who’s wedding is it?” Robyn threw the card on my chest, picking it off of my chest “mhmmm, don’t know” Opening up the envelope “I have no idea who be getting married anyways” pulling the card out “it’s fancy too, looks like when your singing important documents” opening it up, I frowned looking at it. Getting up from my position sitting up “what is it?” Robyn asked “Reign, be quiet. It says together with their parents Marquis, Joy and Terry, Thomas request the pleasure of the company of Maurice Davenport and Robyn Willis to celebrate their wedding ceremony and” looking up at Robyn “it’s at the ballroom where I am having the ceremony for the business in California?” Robyn got up and snatched the card from me, what the hell is this. Picking up the envelope to check on the handwriting “this is my dad’ handwriting” checking inside the envelope, feeling a note in there and pulling it out and opening it up “so your dad did this, read that to me” Robyn said “Robyn and Maurice, I have heard many stories, many times, and many hours of the day on when you both will get married. It is always on hold, it is always on hold because of Maurice. He is a stupid boy, but my boy. This is my goodbye gift from me to you, this way I get to see my son get married, I know he is finally ready to be married to the woman he loves dearly. I want to do this wedding; all I need is for you both to turn up. Once you open this envelope I want you both to count down the days, I think I feel is if I leave it to you both, it will never happen. It is my time to make it right by him, so I Marquis Davenport invite you both to your wedding day, my gift to you both and Reign, my angel. Love dad” closing the note and looking at Robyn, she is just staring at me.
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crypterion-moon · 6 years ago
Red Prince Eternal /2
A/N: Continuation of part 1
Warnings as before
Summary: They’ve done it. Tim has completely rejected them and now, there’s no crying over spilled milk. He sits patiently, watching time pass by, but fate won’t ignore him forever and a new presence will disturb them all.
Damian was standing outside in the dark. Tim knew, hard to ignore that intense staring the magically passed through walls, or maybe Tim was just that perceptive. He was tired, a whole night of hacking, as fun as it was will do that to him, but he opened his window anyway.
“What is it Damian, it’s late.”
His eyes changed, the expectant look in them shifted to one of shame with the apology left unsaid but clear in his bright green eyes. Tim would be touched if his cold heart could feel anything now, and Damian knew that. He blamed himself and his family for their neglect, their misjudgment.
“Nothing, I just cam by to make sure you weren’t up to no good,” he said muttering. Tim smiled, aww, the little demon was concerned for him, stubborn brat is stubborn even in the face of his mistakes. Protective in his own way, but he was the only one who know he made them so Tim will spare him the sharpened tongue.
“Get going or Bruce will start getting suspicious.”
“He won’t know where I am,” Damian protested.
Tim scoffed, “Only because I hid your tracks, move along.”
Damian turned to leave, just shy of the edge of the circle of light coming from the street lamp, just then stopping and looking back at Tim.
“You’ll come to the manor soon, won’t you,” he asked, suddenly all innocent and childlike even with the uniform and mask that it took Tim by surprise. He had to pause and recover for a moment.
“Maybe, maybe I will.”
It was his way of saying he won’t ever. Not even for Alfred.
The suggestion was there, but Tim didn't want to see any of them, Batman, nor Nightwing or whatever Jason. He’d been thankful that Dick and Jason had stopped coming to his house, he was beginning to tire of hearing them say empty words to him, especially Jason who tried to bypass the door.
Oh yes, they’d made it very clear they wanted nothing to do with the ‘wannabe’, they had more important work to do than to even entertain the notion of a budding hero. What? He wants to help, he can start by staying out of the way. How very nice Jason, too bad you can’t take those words back.
Sorry Tim, but you’re not cut out for this. Why? Because he wasn’t strong enough? Smart enough? Tortured enough? What Dick, what is it that makes me worthless?
Get out of the way Drake, you’re enough trouble as it is without having to look after another imbecile, I’m more suited to the role than you ever could be. Because of what? Your heritage? It’s all about that isn’t it?
The nightmares, or dreams, or reminders as Tim liked to call them, were incessant. But they did the job. His world different now, one he built for himself, he was a hero no more and he preferred it that way. Damian, the dear brat, had somehow grown attached to Tim suddenly had the bright idea to ask him personally to join them, suddenly springing the question on him. Politely, Tim refused.
There’s no reason for them to change their mind, Tim certainly won’t.
So he continued his work. Alone in the big Drake residence, wrapped in comfortable silence and coffee, secrets of all kinds are valuable when you pry them from unsuspecting people. Blackmail, deadly and everyone wants in on it. He can do that. For a price. An unsightly life but it was the reason he’d built for himself, the will to live without relying on anyone, especially not on heroes. If he wasn’t going to be a hero, then why not take advantage of the unsightly demand out there and make a bit on the side. A bit meaning a lot more than his parents could hope to make in a week.  From the vengeful victim to the highest ranking criminal bully to a mob leader, he’ll cater as long as they don’t ask questions.
One warning, pry too far into his life and he’ll pry back and spill your guts. Pay or you get nothing. Go too far and you can kiss your comfy life goodbye. Tim has eyes everywhere where his little makeshift hero persona had none. No that goody-two-shoes hacker title belonged to oracle now.
He’d chosen to be ruthless, neutral and perhaps that little boy he once was would’ve been appalled at him now but Tim didn’t care anymore. Not when Bruce, Dick and Jason viewed him as nothing but trouble and no amount of guidance or effort would convince them otherwise. They pissed all over Tim’s whole hearted work, his admiration, his love and desire to do good. It left him vulnerable and he nearly did die once. Good old Joker though, he had to thank the bastard. That was a nice wake up call, for Tim and rather late, for them as well.
Ah, Damian. He beat Tim up once when the crazy kid found him once, believed he was a bad egg before he did his homework. It hurt, almost just as much as their distrust and rejection. But having him show up now with nicer things to say was, flattering. Tim’s not sure when Damian realized he might’ve been wrong.
They can knock as many times as their hands can bear it but that stays strictly closed. It’s more important to love and protect oneself than waste that on another. He won’t throw his one life to the wolves, endanger himself for others no more. And heroes always foolishly throw themselves into fire, so Tim will have nothing to do with them. He can apologize to the poor souls caught in Gotham’s life when he burns in hell.
He met a Super, Superboy to be exact. To be frank he already knew a whole lot about the half-kryptonian. Kind of difficult not to when this hybrid was tied with two major figures, names like Lex Luthor and Superman attract a lot of attention and with Tim having ears and eyes on the net, it wasn't hard to dig out info. Connor 'Kon el' Kent was a very funny kind of guy, well as funny as it can get when whizzing poor frightened Tim a few hundred feet up in the air where he'd never been so high up before.
He didn't expect to end up being saved by the budding teen hero, then again, he didn't expect to be caught in some strange hostage situation by some amateur criminals who'd realized they hadn't thought their heist too well through. He had his drones ready to cause chaos on the idiots before Superboy came crashing in and causing said chaos. He did the job though. Not before they'd dragged Tim, because rich men's kids are always prime targets and one of the not so dumb criminals had done his homework. The whole thing came down to them getting pummeled by Superboy and his friends faster than they could say 'I have a gun'. Out of desperation and panic but mostly panic, the guy holding Tim had him thrown right off the building. Which wasn't fair really, he hadn't built drones big enough to help with falling situations. He'd shut his eyes when he felt himself fall into something solid but warm and somewhat soft and comforting.
Yup, it was Superboy himself. Of course just to show off, he zoomed off higher into the sky with Tim with a stupid grin on his face. They flew around for a while mostly for the young hero's amusement before he finally set Tim down. Tim hadn't imagined how talkative the teen was.
Too many jokes, too awkwardly charming in his own way. Stupid muscle-head, Tim thought, stupid stupid Tim for getting all flustered in his arms.
He was willing to forget it except, Kon was not.
“So, uh, that was fun,” Kon said, Tim threw him a look, trying to control his mess of hair.
“I'm glad you enjoyed that, somehow,” he said sarcastically, “I'm pretty sure this happens everyday.”
“Flying all the time gets old after a while, but you kinda made it funny, guess you've never gone flying before?”
Tim shot him a toothy smile, “No one in their sane mind has ever gone flying.”
Kon laughed. It made Tim a bit embarrassed and quite annoyed, but the hero didn't seem to mean any sort of ill, his laughter was genuinely warm and full of enjoyment.
“Man, you're funny, smart kind of funny.”
“It's called wit.”
Kon grinned back at him when his friends, Wondergirl, Impulse and the rest of their team appeared. Wondergirl called to him, rather annoyed and dying to go back to their headquarters while Superboy held them back.
“Hey, what's your name?” he suddenly asked. Tim raised an eyebrow at the question. Why would a hero ask some civilian for their name he'd never see again.
“Tim. Drake.”
“Oh cool. So that big house on the hill-”
“-Uh yeah, that's yours right, cool, mind if I stop by sometime?”
At this, Tim was very surprised and confused. His mind screaming at him, no no no, definitely not while some other part of him said, that's great, this is good. In his internal conflict, he somehow managed to say 'oh, okay'. Much too his logical brain's dismay.
“Awesome, I'll see you soon.”
And with that, Kon was gone, up in the air and off with his team. As Tim contemplated his situation, he imagined somewhere in his mind, that a part of him would have loved to be part of that, to be one of the heroes and fighting alongside them as a team. He'd have made a name for himself, helping in exciting missions doing things he'd always dreamed of and making friends with the people he'd once looked up to. But that was all in the past now, he'd given it up for his life now. Soon, he was sure, Superboy would tire of his boring nature.
He came, time and time again, hanging out like a pair of normal kids, sometimes, he'd bring the others along. Cassie, Tim had observed, held deep feelings for her reckless team mate. He avoided talking too much about him with her, but otherwise they were actually a great bunch. Impulse, Bart, was restless, a side-effect of his abilities, same as the flash. Raven was reserved but caring. Beast boy, secretly crushing on Raven, was just as, if not more so than Kon, full of jokes. They each and all had their wonderful sides. Tim felt so awful in their presence, no doubt, oblivious to what he did in the shadows.
They were seeing too much of him. He was negative, brooding and sarcastic but that never seemed to deter them. Especially Raven, seemed to see right through him, while the rest must have been immune to negativity because he continued to have strange guests over. Not that his parents would care, they were gone so long and so often.
Birthdays, holidays and Christmas' were no longer a one man ting for him, disturbingly, he couldn't bring himself to dislike it. Soon, like an idiot, he revealed his skills, helped them in secret with their battles, before the cat got out of the bag. The Titans came to rely on his 'MAD WIZ SKILLZ' as Beast boy put it, and soon, it was like he was part of their little team. He tried to push them away, but they persisted, for some reason drawn to him as he found himself drawn to them. Like a moth to a flame, especially to Kon. The half-kryptonian held some strange admiration for Tim and it was began to show as the worked together more and more. The light touches and strong embraces were starting to affect Tim the more time they spent together. This couldn't be happening. Tim realized to his horror, the relationship was deepening beyond his control. No mister, no thank you, this hero business is supposed to be temporary. Tim was drinking double the amount of coffee, more than what is considered healthy or sane with the stress his predicament was causing.
“Hey, where are your parents? I never see them around,” Kon asked one dreaded day. Tim considered the answer for a while before giving it.
“They don’t come home often. Mom and Dad are both busy, you know, with their jobs. Archaeology, there’s a lot of travelling involved.”
“That’s pretty bad, I mean, what about Christmas or your birthdays? Not even for them?”
Tim shook his head, “Not even for them.”
He should be bitter, if it was somebody else, some other child and their mom or dad forgot, they’d be throwing tantrums. But it’s always been this way, so many times even Tim’s forgotten. If it weren’t for some nagging reminders from the various maids and housekeepers they hired, he’d have forgotten about Christmas, Halloween and so on. Sometimes, even they didn’t remind him, so he went on, living each and every day the same way. Routine. He could live with that, it’s what he’s used to.
Uncharacteristically, Kon gave him the look of a dog put out, and when Tim asked, he only responded by throwing his arms around Tim and giving him the tightest hug anyone had given him for a long time.
“It’s okay, I’ll make sure we celebrate them all with you.”
‘We’ being Kon and the Titans, as it turned out from then onwards. Tim didn’t mind.
Most of the time, he didn’t care, didn’t react. A smile is natural, and can mean a million different things, it’s okay, everything is fine, I don’t really mind, whatever, politely go away, I guess this is nice. But those were his good days. On his bad days, Tim locked himself in. Tried to smother himself in his bedsheets. Curse them as well, they were as close to a hug as he’d get alone. Some twisted part of him wanted a knife, a bullet in his chest. Pain anywhere but inside of him, clawing its way out. He wanted out. Sometimes even the unsightly work he did, couldn’t chase the feeling of neglect away and those days, he’d remember the exact moment ha gave up. Yes, heroes are for idealists, and a kid, a weak one like him would never fit in.
Those bad days, sometimes Kon would find him, curled up trying to hack his lungs out. Sometimes sobbing, sometimes screaming. What a broken thing. No good.
But he’d feel the warm touch, the soothing strength gently lifting him and holding him until he stopped shaking. He was so cold compared to Kon. What did the young hero ever see in him? He could only see his broken, jagged edges, designed to cut himself and others. Still, Kon never left and the warmth as well as the odd feeling that progressed beyond fondness spread through him, stepping into dangerous territory.
Something happened, and it was all wrong. Quite frankly, it was putting everyone on edge. Damian did well to locate the drop point the thugs were supposed to be waiting. A whole cargo of arms and heavy weapons for Black Mask. Batman wasn’t surprised, Jason, Red Hood now, had dealings with the criminal spearhead, and they were many. But something was wrong, there were no men, no orders being yelled in fact, it was far too quiet for an operation like this.
The shipment should be in the warehouse.
Batman pressed the device close to his ear, absolutely no communication was coming from inside. If the leader was on the phone, it would have been picked up on the frequency catcher. Could the gang have picked up on their presence? If so, there would definitely be more shouting but it was silent.
“Nightwing, Robin, take the back, Hood, make sure no one is leaving the perimeter, no bullets, you hear?”
There was a groan on the comms before Jason answered, “Sure, Bats, whatever you say.”
“I’m going in.”
“Be careful in there, I have a bad feeling about this,” came Dick’s voice, uncertain and betraying the note of fear.
Bruce didn’t answer as he slinked inside through the roof. Not a single light, not a single sound. But  as he sneaked further down, closer to the floor, the smell hits him, and hits him hard. Blood, the pungent and overwhelming stench of blood and piss. He hesitates as his hand hovers over the flashlight before turning it on. What greets him is a scene that is familiar on the worst of nights, the stuff of nightmares, enough to make a man lose his lunch if Bruce didn’t discipline himself. It’s not only bloody, it’s a gory mess. The men, or what’s left of them in torn bits and legs, tossed about like broken toys.
“Dear god,” he whispered.
“Batman? What’s going on?” Nightwing called through the comms.
A blade sharp and resilient enough to slice through bone like butter as evidenced by one poor man’s head, halved like a gourd. Batman moved forward, guts squelching beneath his boots.
Eyes, hearts, tongues, gouged out, cut and torn, some were thrown against the walls, the crates were splattered with innards while, as Bruce investigated, some were clearly missing. The cargo untouched was left in the vehicles, the doors still ajar. They must have been busy unloading when this all went downhill.
Bruce’s eyes traced the floor. Not enough footprints, there should be many footprints in the blood, it couldn’t be done by just one person. No, not unless they were up against a new monster.
“They’re all dead, everybody stay alert out there.”
Batman looked up at the lights. All of them were busted, smashed, whoever or whatever this...thing was, they operated in darkness. Mask’s men don’t. But for a brief moment they must have seen the attacker, the flashlight that rolled at his feet now busted and shattered as well was evidence. He looked back down and met the gaze of a man in mid scream. One among many screaming faces right before they died, this wasn’t about seeing their enemy, something scared them witless before it ripped them apart.
If it was anybody else, they wouldn’t have noticed the three pairs of feet hitting the floor, silent as can be, the boys had trained well but not enough to escape Bruce’s notice.
“Oh my GOD!” Nightwing exclaimed the moment he turned his flashlight on.
“I...haven’t seen this kinda mess since the last slasher movie,” Jason said, his voice managing to not give way to his shock.
Robin on the other hand, had just lost his dinner. He’s used a sword on a living person before but it was all clean cuts and honourable deaths for him, not this horrific mess. Bruce regarded the boy with worry. Maybe he shouldn’t have let him come into the warehouse, and now he’s essentially contaminated a part of the crime scene. He’ll have to take care of that later. Nightwing busily patted and rubbed Damian’s back while the boy was recovering, while Hood and Batman began to search around for clues. Video footage if any was needed, with all the gore littering the floor and the shipment having been left alone, there was little to gleam from the scene.
“Looks like whoever did this wasn’t interested in guns,” Hood said casually.
They tried looking for any hidden cameras on the bodies though, nothing. There was a phone still in one man’s hand, slumped by a heavy crate. It looked like he was in the middle of trying to call someone. There was one other thing that might give away what happened in the warehouse. Bruce crossed his metaphorical fingers. He went straight for the operations room, the office where one would keep an eye on all the comings and goings in the office. There was paper and files left carelessly on the shelves and the screens lining the desks were off. He played the footage that was there but after the ten mark, the device was turned off abruptly. He grunted in disappointment, he knew there was a chance the cameras were deactivated to prevent their movements from being recorded, but he’d hoped they weren’t smart enough. As of now, they had a bigger mystery on their hands than Black Mask’s secret smuggling operations and more than likely, once Mask hears about this, he’s going to be pissed. Nothing else here, anything more and the police won’t be happy with the amount of tampering going on. Batman regrouped with the others, outside the warehouse. The street lamp, the only one that wasn’t shot served to highlight all four vigilantes. Nightwing was nervous and so was Robin, Hood’s face was hidden underneath the helmet but his body was tense. For once, the night was not kind, the silence was deafening and oppressive, it reminded him that there were other things, other kinds of fear waiting underneath her.
“Wait, what’s that?” Robin said, pointing into the distance.
All eyes turned to look and for a moment, they could see nothing but the water, the moon reflecting over it. Then movement just at the surface drew their attention, a small shape broke through the surface. Barely visible in the darkness, it stayed floating, almost motionless. Then rose higher, a face still indistinguishable but indeed a face, blue eyes shining brightly and it was staring right at them. Something about those eyes was familiar and yet alien to them and, as Nightwing and Hood began to tremble, it unsettled them all. The moon seemed to shift as the light fell on it gradually. Midnight black hair, blue eyes and a straight nose, young and mature, a young man with knowing blue eyes that once held a child’s admiring light. He dove under the water just as Bruce felt himself reach out for the phantom. Vanishing beneath the ripples. Only now noticing the blood trailing on the ground.
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vescoisland · 5 years ago
Daybe's Thoughts on The New Jason Isbell Record, Without Research
H/T to Mr. Thoughts on The Dead
I wanted to like this album. Well, at first I was wary, but by the time they FINALLY released it, after holding it for 8 weeks during national quarantine, the whole time which the record had been finished, mastered and pressed, I had talked myself into wanting to like it. 
  I don’t hate it so much as….
  I have a friend who hates slow music. This isn’t the thing where I’m “asking for a friend.” She really says “even fast songs that are actually slow music are terrible.”
  About 86% of the time I 100% agree with her. This is where we get to the heart of my problem with Jason Isbell solo records. 
  This is boring music. 
  I get it, it’s Poignant. Keep mining the purity of the south with a gothic twist. Tell me again how sobriety is hard. 
  Either that or have the courage to be a drunken buffoon – which makes you poetic. 
  Overall this is a boring samey-sounding album, and I would argue his second misstep in terms of music that I’ll return to, after The Nashville Sound, which is a fucking snoozer.
  After his dig in the press about Ryan Adams, I learned that there is a song on The Nashville Sound called “Chaos and Clothes” which is about Ryan Adams. I had to look up the song and listen to it upon hearing the title, because I didn’t have any recollection of having heard it. 
  It’s not a good song.
  Or a remarkable song.
  Despite being about a guy he’s obviously obsessed with, amirite?
  I do like the line about “Death Metal T Shirts” though. 
  Be better if it was The Eagles of Death Metal. 
  Or All Night Drug Prowling Wolves. 
  You were doing a good job of keeping this on track
  Oh yeah, Reunions. New album by Mr. and Mrs. Jason Isbell and The 400 Units
  That’s not fair. You barely mention Yoko Tammy in your song by song review bit you stole from Thoughts on The Dead after Chrid and Chaz made fun of you. 
  Released to much fanfare and press ogling. 
  So much press ogling that I got caught up and started to ogle. 
  In politics there’s The Full Russert. 
  So what do we call Koppleman Pod, Hyden Fawning, New York Times Article and a full length story on The CBS Sunday Morning Liberal Good Time Power Hour?
  “Pay attention to this one Southern guy who let’s you in on the jokes we tell about our neighbors?”
  You’re such a dick 
  I didn’t love any of the songs I heard that were released as a teaser. I thought they were all pretty meh, for pretty much the same reasons.
  They weren’t terrible but they also led me to not pre-order the album. 
  I pre-ordered it but you heard it before me!
  I ordered direct from the label and it finally just got here yesterday
  Shoulda ordered it from an Indie™ Record Store, from the approved list of Stores Tammy Likes
  Shouldn’t the label be treated the same way? It’s direct from them. No Middleman. More change to jingle in the coin purse between her tits!
  Now you’re starting to sound like me.
  Quiet you. I still haven’t listened. Sorry they changed the rules on my halfway through not releasing their album. They sure weren’t in a hurry.
  It’s a slower pace of life down here, Gar. 
  I hate you – I’m just saying they could have included people like me who ordered direct from the label and gave them more money for her Tammy Tops and his terrible sneaker habit
It’s not about MONEY, MAAAAANNN! They’re supporting indie shops. The Plandemic is wreaking havoc on the economy, and we gotta save the dudes who made enough in banking during the last crisis to open over priced record stores to sell hipster douchebags like us vinyl copies of stuff we used to own on CD. 
  I’m losing patience. You told me you had “some thoughts” on the new record. I accused you of having a weird obsession, to show me you don’t you stole an idea we gave you about a dumb blog…
  I only listened to three of the four songs released before the full record was put out.
  I didn’t listen to Only Children. Keep reading – I guess I still haven’t.
  Oh yeah. 
  The other day, in the run up to the release, I flashed to a long forgotten review of Wilco’s “Summerteeth” from the time it was released that said something to the effect of “Jeff Tweedy still thinks repeating the name of the same over and over is a good stand in for a real chorus” 
  The same might be said for Jason Isbell on Reunions
  What Have I Done to Help? 
            Jesus Christ Trump has broken everyone’s brains. 
This song was written after reading the Mr. Rogers anecdote “Look to the helpers too many times”
            This is better than I thought
            The lyrics are better than I thought 
            It’s too repetitive
            It’s too long 
            Did they make the vinyl orange because of this song?
            Or is it called dreamsicle because they wanted Orange vinyl?
            This is very dangerously close to being a Cracker Barrel country song. 
            Did granddaddy take you fishin? 
            Lightning Bugs?? 
            Where’s Dave Daniels?
  Only Children
            I’m listening to this as I write my thoughts in real time
            I forgot to write anything down here
            The sound is interesting at first 
This is where I can hear what he was talking about in interviews about chasing an 80s sound 
            Whooo boy 
            Lyrics bad
            Chorus worse
  Eyes Closed
            80s Soundz!
            Are we sure this isn’t produced by Ryan Adams?
            Sounds like Isbell cum Kcor and Llor Era DRA 
            Still just repeating the name of the song as the chorus 
            He’s a slave owner?
            OK he’s some kind of rich guy who did bad things to get money?
            But tries to take care of his people?  
            Guilty Conscience Melodrama
            Not the worst song on here 
            Is there a Spanish guitar undertone?
“Wake up staring at my wife”à Fiddle Lick is either self-awareness or a complete lack of awareness about Yoko Tammy. 
I’m gonna go with B, because say what you will about them, he is very dedicated to her and that’s nice to see. Especially after she offered to by McAllan for his not quite relapse so he didn’t have to drink Listerine. 
  Be Afraid
            What Have I Done to Help Redux?
            Two sides of the same extremely repetitive recitation of the song title as chorus coin
            It actually sounds a little like a Truckers song at the beginning
            Morphs into that 80s/Springsteen/DRA sound 
  St. Peter’s Autograph 
            Is this in a higher key than it should be? Is that what they call it? I’m not a musician
WAY TOO SLOW. I heard him talk about this on Koppelman, so I was prepared for it  to be slow. But it’s like not slow enough to be a dirge. Maybe they shoulda made it a dirge?
Nails that folk singer thing where it’s like mumbly and then clear tho.
  It Gets Easier
            I haven’t had a drink in almost a year. 10 ½ months. I’ve had 2 drinking dreams.
            I’ve never really been tempted to drink 
            So this doesn’t ring true to my experience
            DON’T MAKE IT ABOUT YOU 
            Who dreams about anything twice a week? 
            What adult remembers their dreams?
            It’s for effect, you dummy! 
OH, well, the effect it had on me is “I guess I was never an actual alcoholic. Maybe I’m just a real partier?”
This gets to the heart of my question about mining sobriety for too much? 
It’s been remarkably easier to not drink than to make it through this record
That’s a cheap shot! 
I know. 
  Sometimes in reviews and in our terrible internet meme-based culture you have to stake out one side and die on that hill. 
  That’s a mixed metaphor 
  Tammy wouldn’t allow it
  She was gonna be an English teacher before the rack job.
  That’s made up, isn’t it?
  Where were we?
  Oh yeah, I don’t hate this song, or any song on this album 
  I just expect more 
  That’s your problem 
  What is?
  It’s True
  I tried very hard to set the bar low, figuring it might surprise me
  Then I read reviews and interviews.
  The one where he talks about over producing his first album really got to you didn’t it? Celebrities – they’re try hards just like us! 
  I like Jason 
He’s witty and funny
And a Great Musician
He’s a good ambassador 
For the region 
For getting cleaned up
For the Bitter Southerner Meets Stoner Dad Who Watches Southern Charm and Likes Expensive Sneakers set
  You mean you?
  I want to like this more
It’s very slow
And doesn’t do much for me
  It’s…….. a Jason Isbell Record. 
  I cued it up again, trying to focus on the sound on my second run through.
  Ya know The Vibe? The thing that you can’t put your finger on that makes a thing a thing. 
  Anyway, my mind drifted to seeing him in concert again.
  The setting was definitely more Lyric Theater than MPAC. 
  The crowd was a lot of selvage denim, beards and elaborate barbershop hair cuts. Work boots, but like, $250 work boots. Belt buckles. 
  Like you’d dress if you were 4 inches shorter and had muscle tone?
  You’re not my real dad!
  A lot of dudes with their eyes closed, singing along to these songs like they’re hymns. Drinking in the “depth” of Saint Isbell. 
  House lights are down. Stage lighting is just a spot on him 
  Don’t forget the soft lighting on Tammy!
  Did you notice I barely mentioned her in the review? She really takes a step back here, IMO. 
  Strangely that might not be a good thing?
  Jesus now you’re a Tammy apologist?
  She don’t gotta apologize for them titties!
  Right after he sings “It gets easier”
  He says “But it never gets easy!” and the house lights come up, and his voice goes up 3 notches in volume, and the stoned dads (some of whom are sipping 1-3 canned IPAs) cheer. 
  Rinse Repeat
  Kind of 
  There’s another song on here
  Yeah – Letting You Go
  Oh yeah, the bro country sounding joint about his daughter?
  I actually like this and give it a pass for being a cheesy dad song.
If I still drank, I’d cue this up and get weepy!
You just said you don’t think about drinking!
I said I don’t DREAM about drinking!
  You are so fucking awful
  The. Worst. 
  Also, this sounds like something I know. 
  The cadence. The flow of the song. 
  Jesus you do this all the time
  Remember the time you got blotto at Springsteen and insisted that American Land was the same as The Georgia Tech fight song?
  It is!
  It is not! 
Well, it sounded like it that night
  We know, you sang it the whole way home
  I was dreaming about drinking! 
  God you’re a dick, but I’m going to let that one pass before this ends up being 5000 words
  Why does a Dawg know the words to Rambling Wreck?
              We are both going to have to let some things pass if you ever want me to end this
    (this sounds weirdly like Seven Years in Michigan in parts)
(the fiddle really ads something)
(Super 8 is still his best song)
      KILL. YOUR. SELF. 
             Check out this episode!
0 notes
junker-town · 8 years ago
NHL expansion draft 2017: Best & worst-case scenarios for each team
Protection lists are out, and so is hope. And dread.
Speculation is over: the NHL’s 30 original teams revealed who they’ve protected from the Vegas Golden Knights ahead of Wednesday’s expansion draft.
We’ve graded them. We’ve done a mock draft.
And now it’s time to speculate: what are NHL teams hoping for and against the most as Vegas sifts through their un-protected players? Every team will lose someone. The level of catastrophe and pain will vary, though. Some teams can come out of this better than before expansion!
So let’s run through nightmares and sweet dreams for all 30 teams ahead of expansion: the one player they’d love to keep and the one player they’ll regret leaving unprotected.
Anaheim Ducks
Best case: The Knights either take Sami Vatanen or work a trade with Anaheim to take somone not named Vatanen or Josh Manson off their roster. The Ducks get to trade Vatanen themselves or keep both.
Worst case: Yeah, that won’t happen ... Nothing else on Anaheim’s unprotected list is intriguing enough for Vegas to skip over both Manson and Vatanen. The Ducks are high on Manson, though, so they’d be kicking things if Vegas takes him.
Arizona Coyotes
Best case: Jamie McGinn gets taken. Not only did he disappoint this year with 17 points in 72 games, but his $3.33 million cap hit would be great off of Arizona’s books.
Worst case: Pretty sure the Coyotes would prefer to keep goalie Louis Domingue around in case Adin Hill isn’t ready for a NHL backup gig yet. The good news is there are better goalies Vegas can take.
Boston Bruins
Best case: That whispering you hear is all of Massachusetts muttering “pleasetakeMattBeleskeypleasetakeMattBeleskeypleasetakeMattBeleskeypleasetakeMattBeleskey” under their breaths.
Worst case: Malcolm Subban. Sure, he didn’t play well in spot starts this season. But he put up good numbers in the AHL this year and is just 23 years old. He has room to grow into his high ceiling. That’s why I have Vegas taking him in our mock draft as their third goalie.
Buffalo Sabres
Best case: Buffalo would love if Vegas took the cap hits of Zach Bogosian ($5.143 million) or Matt Moulson ($5 million). Jack Eichel and Sam Reinhart will need to get paid soon, and clearing that space would help.
Worst case: William Carrier. Sabres fans are already nervous about him not being protected over Tyler Ennis, and with good reason. The 22-year-old power forward has good potential, and Buffalo might need to send draft picks to Vegas to beg them to take Moulson or Bogosian instead.
Calgary Flames
Best case: One of the worst signings of last summer was $4.5 million per year for Troy Brouwer through 2020. There’s a reason he wasn’t protected.
Worst case: The Knights draft Not Troy Brouwer.
Carolina Hurricanes
Best case: Carolina would love to get out from under Cam Ward’s contract a year early, as unlikely as it is.
Worst case: Vegas takes Joakim Nordstrom, a solid third-line player who can kill penalties. Even so, Carolina won’t be hurt too bad by anyone lost here.
Chicago Blackhawks
Best case: Marcus Kruger. That $3.083 million cap hit might seem like chump change to most teams, but it’s worth salivating over for the cap-crunched Blackhawks.
Worst case: Vegas takes Trevor van Riemsdyk, leaving Chicago with Kruger’s contract and costing them one of their few decent depth defensmen. Cold. If I’m Vegas, I hold this scenario hostage until Chicago gives me all of the draft picks.
Colorado Avalanches
Best case: Anyone, this team sucks.
Worst case: Vegas finds a loophole and doesn’t pick anyone, leaving Colorado intact and mourning.
Columbus Blue Jackets
Best case: Vegas rejects their dumb trade proposal and takes Jack Johnson anyway, because he is not great and Columbus shouldn’t be trying so hard to keep him.
Worst case: Vegas accepts their dumb trade proposal; the Golden Knights take William Karlsson instead and the dumb Blue Jackets keep Jack Johnson but lose their first round pick. Which is exactly what they’re trying to do. Because they’re dumb.
Dallas Stars
Best case: The Knights take Kari Lehtonen or Antti Niemi. Like that will happen.
No, they take Cody Eakin, which works out for everyone. Vegas gets a reasonably-priced, quality second-line center. Dallas gets rid of an expensively unnecessary piece.
Worst case: Vegas skips over Eakin and both defensemen Stephen Johns and Jamie Oleksiak. Instead, they take Dan Hamhuis. Dallas is down one of their few good defenders and still have two question marks in Johns and Oleksiak.
Detroit Red Wings
Best case: Detroit has to be about done with Nicklas Kronwall, right?
Worst case: Not sure. It depends on what you think GM Ken Holland is trying to accomplish by exposing Petr Mrazek.
Edmonton Oilers
Best case: Benoit Pouliot and his $4 million cap hit has outlived his usefulness, and Edmonton would love to see him in Vegas next season.
Worst case: I don’t know. They just re-signed Jujhar Khaira, though. He has a very nice beard.
Florida Panthers
Best case: Florida works a trade to ensure the Golden Knights don’t draft Jonathan Marchessault, Jason Demers or Reilly Smith. Or Jussi Jokinen.
Worst case: Two possibilities.
They do that, but it costs them ten first round picks, their first-born panther child and the script to the new Star Wars movie.
They lose Marchessault, their best pure scorer.
Los Angeles Kings
Best case: I would love to see them get out of Dustin Brown’s ridiculous contract. Let’s stop and gawk at it again as it walks by:
$5.875mthrough2022$5.875mthrough2022$5.875mthrough2022$5.875mthrough2022 ...
Worst case: Tough to say. With a roster upheaval on the way and good protection picks made, maybe Brayden McNabb?
Minnesota Wild
Best case: Good on them to protect Jonas Brodin. To complete the best case, though, they’d have to hope the Golden Knights lose their minds and don’t take Marco Scandella or Matt Dumba.
Worst case: Minny can’t come to a deal with Vegas, who takes Marco Scandella or Matt Dumba.
Montreal Canadiens
Best case: Tomas Plekanec or Alexei Emelin, for sure. Both have undesirable contracts Montreal would like to be rid of, though I doubt the Knights take them unless they really need to reach the cap floor or something.
Worst case: It wouldn’t be ideal if Montreal loses Brendan Davidson. Actually, the worst case is if they protected Andrew Shaw. OH WAIT.
Nashville Predators
Best case: You’d think the Predators would rather work out a trade than let James Neal walk free to Vegas, so that’s the goal.
Worst case: Losing Neal or Pontus Aberg.
New Jersey Devils
Best case: Anything. Nothing bad can come of this.
Worst case: Nothing. Anything good can come of this.
New York Islanders
Best case: there is no best case, did you see who they protected
Worst case: I don’t know, maybe leaving Ryan Strome, Josh Bailey, Calvin de Haan and Brock Nelson unprotected so you could keep Adam Pelech around? Maybe you could’ve protected one of them if you hadn’t also signed bottom-six guy Andrew Ladd to one of the biggest contracts in the league.*
New York Rangers
Best case: Out of the many forwards exposed, watching the Knights take Jesper Fast or Matt Puempel would be ideal.
Worst case: I think the Rangers like Antti Raanta as a backup, so they’ll have fingers crossed Vegas takes one of the thousands of other goalies.
Ottawa Senators
Best case: Bobby Ryan? He just came off a decent season, sure, but he also has a massive $7.25 million cap hit through 2022.
Worst case: Bobby Ryan? He has a massive $7.25 million cap hit through 2022, sure, but he just came off a decent season.
Best case Pt. 2: They wake up and that whole Dion Phaneuf thing was just a dream.
Philadelphia Flyers
Best case:
Told some geese the terms of the MacDonald extension today https://t.co/MXbvv9sYZP
— Scott T. (@NHLFlyera) December 21, 2014
Worst case: Get the feeling Philadelphia would rather keep Michal Neuvirth than either give the starting job to Anthony Stolarz or hunt free agency for a new starter.
Pittsburgh Penguins
Best case: Marc-Andre Fleury. It’s time to move on.
Worst case: “Wait, you’re telling me they took Bryan Rust instead of Marc-Andre-f****** Fleury? Now what do we do?”
San Jose Sharks
Best case: Mikkel Boedker, Joel Ward and David Schlemko are all pipe dreams. But dreaming is good. We should all dream.
Worst case: But then we must all wake up at some point and live in a Brenden Dillon-less world.
St. Louis Bl—
Hold up. I want to clarify that I don’t expect Brenden Dillon to die during this draft. Unless you consider going from a contender to an expansion team in the middle of the Mojave Desert a form of death.
In that case, yes. RIP.
St. Louis Blues
Best case: Hey, you know what would drive every other Central team crazy? If the Knights drafted Nail Yakupov, a washed-up former first overall pick the Blues are moving on from anyway.
Worst case: The even unlikelier scenario, where St. Louis keeps a one-trick bruiser like Ryan Reaves and loses David Perron instead.
Wait a sec—
Went through all of the lists. Only 13 protected forwards around the league had 13 or fewer points in the NHL last year. Reaves included.
— Game Time Media (@StLouisGameTime) June 18, 2017
Oh n—
Of those 13, Valeri Nichushkin (DAL) played in the KHL and Scott Laughton (PHI) only played two NHL games.
— Game Time Media (@StLouisGameTime) June 18, 2017
Please, make it st—
Only three protected forwards put up a worse PPG number than Ryan Reaves - Curtis Lazar, Tomas Jurco, and Matt Martin.
— Game Time Media (@StLouisGameTime) June 18, 2017
Tampa Bay Lightning
Best case: Tampa keeps Slater Koekkoek, who has a great name and is a dude our Lightning blog (and myself) is higher on than Jake Dotchin.
Worst case: The Golden Knights go Koekkoek for I’m sorry I even attempted this joke.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Best case: Getting out of Joffrey Lupul’s contract should top their wishlist.
Worst case: Losing Brendan Leipsic, however, should end it.
Vancouver Canucks
Best case: Keeping Luca Sbisa would be nice. Other than that, nobody on this list would qualify as a big loss. Sbisa barely does.
Worst case: Losing Derek Dorsett’s grit, maybe?
Washington Capitalss
Best case: They did pretty well here, but somehow losing Brooks Orpik’s cap hit and keeping Nate Schmidt would qualify as a huge win.
Worst case: Losing Schmidt, honestly. He blossomed in the playoffs, which is why McPhee will certainly take him.
Winnipeg Jets
Best case: Hard to see how Mark Stuart even lasts with Winnipeg past next spring’s trade deadline, really. Might as well lose him now.
Worst case: Marko Dano is just 22, even though it feels like he’s been around forever. Wouldn’t the Jets like to see if he breaks out this year on their roster?
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