#I went shopping for mens jeans today and none of them... y'know....helped with issues
prettyblondguys · 5 months
Gender/body talk under the cut, just thoughts n stuff feel free to ignore
I think, for me personally, (and possibly just rn bc y'know the way you view your body and feel about it changes) one of the sucky things about trying to find clothes, pants/jeans specifically, is that I just, can't look the way I want, y'know? Which yeah yeah that's true for everyone, but as a trans guy it really sucks sometimes that even in mens™ clothes, I still won't look cis. I won't look like my cis male friends even if I buy the same stuff, certain parts of me just make it too obvious that I'm afab.
And like. Yeah, that's something I should try and work on bc all bodies are good bodies but like....idk. having an image in your head of what you wish your gendered body looked like and not being able to achieve that (especially as a plus size afab person, that makes it even more hard to pass) really really sucks sometimes. That's all.
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