#I wasn't given the tools and info to help me fix it.
fairymint · 1 year
♦ What was a mildly annoying thing that has happened to you rp wise?
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mostly lack of communication, including those dumbass confessional blogs that were all the rage 10 or 9 years ago. It's a shame that 'positivity' blogs thereafter didn't seem to pick up, but I can see why- They can make some prime fodder for feelings of FOMO, even in the best of times. Communication has improved over the years, but I still advise to start small- whether that be negative or positive, you don't have to wait until the last second to message your partners! whether that's about having your boundaries crossed or questioning, or giving em praise, or asking about plot/shipping/biography shit. small bites is good!
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heyitsbugette · 2 years
Demon Spawn System - I.
< chapter >
Damian Wayne was sitting on his respective workplace. A comfortable and padded white chair, surrounded by a navy blue background void around him, whose only company was the celestial lights of information traveling in space and time and the kwami in front of him helping him get in touch with the job. Félix for his part did not stay with him to discuss the case in more detail, but since if his deduction did not fail at all, the englishman was pretty uncomfortable.
Suspiciously uncomfortable for someone who at first glance seemed as cold, stoic and professional as himself.
There must have been some connection between Graham de Vanily and this universe to even go to the trouble of recruiting him when having so many other agents at his disposal.
He knew said boy was calculative, and avoided innecesary risks, meaning other agents failed before. However, he continued to lack information to reach conclusions. That was a task for another time, as he was in no hurry to confront his superior.
"So now that I signed the contract I can use the resources of the organization and investigate as I please, right?" He questioned his kwami ​​as soon as his hands touched the holographic screen to repair the profile of Adrien Agreste, and that of the heroine Ladybug, his study subjects.
"Well, not quite… You're still new here, and you can't have all the tools since you're at the bottom of the hierarchy. You have to choose your options carefully, as they will cost you points in the future."
"I thought my goal was to increase my points…" He didn't hesitate to make his discontent visible before the calm creature, who only looked back at him with the third eye located on his forehead.
"Indeed. Since you're a rookie at the moment, you can only get the beginner's tool kit, which is given free to all agents. But if you want to take an advantage, it will cost you a certain amount of the points you accumulate. Fortunately if If you are successful in your mission, the purchased bonuses will double your score if you know how to use them in your favor, something like an investment. But you must know how to choose the appropriate bonus in order to double. Also, you can do side missions."
Investing was not a strange concept for him, nor an unknown scenario for Damian, being the biological son of a billionaire known among the most successful spheres of Gotham's elite. While he wasn't actively in the business like Tim was, he did have his own financial freedoms to spare for him to rely on his expertise.
After that, Damian's fingers dragged towards the only one of the bright red electronic folders, one with Adrien Agreste's crime history against his universe, only to be surprised to see that the vast majority of the text was encoded in a strange pattern of symbols that flickered from time to time until it became a blur. Without giving time to better analyze the writing in an attempt to decode.
"How do you expect me to fix this mess if Agreste's folder is defective?! Graham even bothered to write me a report to find out why this pathetic pretty boy is so important?!"
"It's not defective, host. The information will simply unlock as you observe your subject longer. Once you discover his secrets, you can act against Adrien."
"Is this guy really a threat? He looks so harmless and unintelligent that at first glance I wouldn't think much of him."
With a disgusted expression on his face he saw how the boy's profile picture showed him with a wide smile and sparkling greenish eyes, cheeks faintly colored by a blush, and a pale gold-toned skin tone that looked slightly more tanned than the pale face of his boss Félix, making both blondes look radically different. While one was somber and formal, the other gave the appearance of being chatty and gregarious, not forgetting that Adrien was a couple of years younger. Just by judging from his profile info, both Adrien and Damian were the same age.
But something wasn't right. The blonde presented himself so artificially perfect that falsehood alarms gone crazy inside him.
"To be frank, Félix seems more suspicious to me. And it bothers me how his facade breaks every time I ask any question about the case… What kind of connection is there between Adrien and Ladybug? If my mission is to protect her, what does this boy have to do with it?"
"We'll know that when we investigate."
"He can't fool me, I know he is hiding something from me, and it's bothering me."
"We'll understand his motives once we solve this case, Damian. But are you ready to go now? Remember that we can't get out of this universe until we win or lose the mission."
Null after his final warning, got serious while with one of his paws drew a strange symbol in the air, from which a bright portal opened a entrance so full of light. That's where the dark-haired young man was supposed to enter, who, not even hesitating, bravely headed towards his unknown direction, opting to take a low profile to test the ground. He wasn't in a hurry anyway.
"As if I have a choice. Let's do it, Null."
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