#I wasn’t kidding about those genuine eyebags
mx-giraffe · 6 months
When it’s been three hours since you started trying to go to sleep, and everything is so dark and so quiet it’s like there’s nothing else in the universe except you and the calm, silent stars watching from millions of light years away.
So you’ve given up on sleep now.
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cheezritsu · 4 years
Suna Rintaro || Late to the Function
warnings: cursing
Sometimes you wished you were the main character of a coming-of-age movie (even though you’d already become of age, and done so with no grace or funny moments to spare). If that were the case, people could say reassuring things to you like: “A queen is never late; everyone else is simply early” when you arrived late to social functions.
But that’s not your life, and you’re un-fashionably late to Rinatro’s family fucking reunion, and as consequence, you’re sitting down in the kitchen, alone, eating fistfuls of Curls that were most definitely put out for the children. 
But you kind of look like a child; kids are getting bigger these days anyways, and as you’re hunched over on your phone relaying your situation to the group chat—which Rintaro is in, so where the fuck is he?—you hear someone echo that same sentiment. 
“Seems my only grandson fancies the immature type.”
You should really straighten yourself out as Rintaro’s grandmother, the impeccable Suna-sama, approaches you. Unlike you, she has no hunch, standing rather impatient with her hands behind her back. Her clothes are crisp and clean and black, as they have been since the death of her husband. She’s traditional like that.
You haven’t seen Suna-sama in quite some time; you think the last time was when she called you a whore for having the audacity to wear a white dress in front of her (an occasion your groupchat recalls with howling laughter.)  She’s as pinch faced as ever when she regards you, with less love in those flinty, fox-like eyes than your boyfriend. Judgement oozes out of her quick up and down glance at you. “You don’t look too well, (Name.)”
She isn’t wrong; you must look like a racoon in jeans shoveling children's snacks into your mouth at a reunion that’s not for you. Two of Suna’s five aunts (whose names escape you) flank her sides, shushing her with shocked disbelief. Although, you’re pretty sure you see smirks behind their manicured hands. 
“Okaasan!” they say in unison, and the one whose silky black hair faded into blonde lightly swats her shoulder. “How rude!”
Suna-sama is not dissuaded in the slightest, waving her daughters off. “Should I lie? She looks awful!”
You snort, both in amusement and exasperation.  Your eyes flit to the living room where someone eyes the encounter, but stays put. As to be expected—no one wants to entertain Rintaro’s girlfriend when he’s old enough to marry. 
“Thank you for your concern, Obaasan,” you dryly retort. “You’re correct, I don’t normally look this haggard.” 
There’s something happening when her eyes narrow into even smaller slits, but she just gestures to you. “See, she knows it!”
Before you can awkwardly laugh yourself out of this situation, your boyfriend shows up like the Avengers—after it’s already gone down, but right before shit really hits the fan. 
You might have chewed him out even in front of his grandmother (she’s the sadistic type, she might think it’s funny) but Rintaro slots himself protectively at your side with a quiet “hey, babe.” You’ll give him a pass for coming to your aid (sort of) and also for not wearing joggers for once. “What’s going on here?” 
His aunts suspiciously glace at the arm you wrap around his waist, but they immediately forget it when you say “Your Obaasan was just telling me I look like shit.”
From the other side of the kitchen where she had been unabashedly eavesdropping, Rintaro’s mother chokes on a drink that looks too pristine to not have alcohol in it. You’ll have to ask about that later. Right now, the aunts are too busy gaping, but Suna-Sama doesn’t look scandalised in the slightest. In fact, she nods in affirmation. 
“She looks unhappy, Rintaro.” She stares her only grandson down with an accusational glare. “Are you treating her right?”
Rintaro was blessed with many gifts, one of them being the special ability to roll his eyes spiritually and not physically. “Obaasan, please-” he starts, but she’s not done letting him have it.   
“It seems like you don’t fuck her enough.”
It shouldn’t have been funny how hard Rintaro locked up in your arm, but it was the combination of his mother choking comically in the distance while the aunts deflated, as if to say ‘not this again’ that made you lose your fucking mind. You bark out in the loudest, ugliest laughter possible while Suna-Sama just sagely nods her head. 
“I probably wouldn’t have stayed with Noboru otherwise. Easiest way to keep a woman happy.”
Your body can’t produce sound anymore. You think of Suna-Sama’s ten children and feel your womb clench. 
Rintaro looks like a corpse when his grandmother winks at him with a coy expression, a genuine smile on her lips. “I’m starting to like this one, so do your best to keep her, yes?” 
You squeeze his hip and he jolts. “Don’t worry about him, Obaasan, it’s not his fault. I had a work obligation prior to this, so if I seem out of sorts, it’s not from lack of sex.” You send your boyfriend a smirk and you think you see his soul leave his body. “Trust me.”
“Still,” she says, taking your face in her bony, cold hands. “I’d rather you have been late and happy then sitting here with these eyebags.” You inhale sharply as her fingers trace under your eyes, but then you relax. Those hazel hues you loved so much were still lovely in her wrinkled face, and you swore you saw fondness in them. Perhaps this old hag wasn’t so bad after all.
“Rintaro, how well do you—”
The love of your life disentangles himself from your grip, ears red at the tip. “I’m going to-it doesn’t matter. I’m going. Goodbye.” The aunts coo and giggle at him and he pushes past them. In the distance, his mother catches his arm, throwing Suna-Sama a disgusted look. 
“I want great-grandkids, Rintaro!” She screams after him, and then to your face: “Preferably a boy.” 
“I’ll get right on that.”
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salmonmakiii · 4 years
Hello there!! Can I get a time stamp of 5:32 with husband Tsukki? All fluff please! Thank you so much
I hope this is fluffy enough?? Cuz this is literally crack for me JKHDJSDHJSD and A VERY LATE HEADS UP that most of my stories (especially if ya’ll requested husband!character) has manga spoilers!! 
About : Tsukishima x reader Note : This legit happened to me a few days ago and I freaked out. Fluff??? Crack???? Forgive me if there’s any mistakes!
You let out a yawn, but you didn’t stop brushing your teeth in front of the bathroom mirror and your husband stared at you. Your eyes had bags under them and they were a little dark too, your head bopped a little from time to time, a gesture that he knows too well that you were tired. Tsukishima had picked you up from work at 11.
He was worried when you told him you’re going to be home late. You’ve been working so hard lately for the past few days and you even used your day off yesterday only to come back at 10.
“Did he give you a day off tomorrow?” He asked, still brushing his teeth. You didn’t move, your eyes were now closed as you slowly nod your head, letting out a quiet hum.
“Good.” He said, spitting out the toothpaste and washing it with water.
He should be, anyways. He thought, a frown visible on his brows.
Tsukishima is known for his saltiness to people. When you first started dating, you noticed that he’s especially salty to his friend Hinata and Kageyama when he invited you to hang out with his friends. Even so, you knew deep down that he may still have an ounce of respect for the two. But this time, he despises your boss. He hates your boss so much.
Your boss was the ‘spontaneous’ type; They’ll suddenly give you tons of paperwork without warning, would give you unplanned events, and would suddenly call for you outside of your work hour. Tsukishima knew that this is what you signed up for. Being the CEO’s secretary is hard work. But even he knows when to draw the line.
This morning was one of those times where your boss would suddenly call you to the office on your day off. Tsukishima luckily had the noon shift so he was able to escort you to your office that morning. Your boss was already waiting outside the building where Tsukishima had dropped you off. You gave Tsukishima thanks as you got out of the car, what confuses you was that your husband was taking his seatbelt off.
You heard your name being called and you turned around to greet your boss. Surprisingly, Tsukishima was beside you, his hand around your shoulder as he stared at your boss.
“Good morning, (Y/n)-san. Glad you could make it. Let’s get started, shall we?” Your boss said, completely ignoring Tsukishima beside you. Being married to him for quite a while, you knew when your husband’s aura would change. You nod your head at your boss and they began walking back into the building. You reached for his hand and tiptoed to place a kiss on his cheek.
“It’ll be fine, Kei. Stop glaring daggers at my boss.” You giggled. Tsukishima sighed and gave you a good stare.
“If you’re feeling tired. Call me to pick you up and tell your boss right away.” He emphasized the word in disgust. You chuckled once more and nodded your head.
That morning, Tsukishima gave your forehead a peck and a kiss to your lips as a bonus. Both are very rare for him to do in public. Because of that rare phenomenon, you decided to use that as your serotonin boost for your today’s work.
But maybe it wasn’t enough, since you came back from work looking like a zombie. You almost scared Tsukishima when he came to get you. And now here you were, being led by Tsukishima to the bedroom, he’s afraid you might bump into something with that sleepy eyes of yours.
Tsukishima carefully laid you down on the bed, he turned off the lights as you get under the blankets. He rounded to his side of the bed and sighed as he plopped down. You instinctively reached for your husband and wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your head on his chest. Tsukishima sighed as he faced the ceiling, your body in his arms.
“How’s your work today?” You asked, voice dripping with sleep.
“It was fine. There were lots of kids from schools, though.”
“That’s nice…”
“They were loud. There were two of them that reminded me of Kageyama and Hinata, too.” You giggled tiredly on his chest and you let out a sigh.
“That must’ve,” You yawned, “bring back memories, huh?”
“Unpleasant ones,” He groaned and you chuckled once more, nuzzling to his chest.
You mumbled something to Tsukishima but he didn’t catch what you were talking about. He was about to ask you but stopped himself when he saw your steady breathing, your eyes closed and your mouth a bit agape. He took off his glasses and put it on the nightstand beside him carefully, so not to wake you. He pulled the covers further up your body to protect you from the cold as he pulled you closer, his position now hugging you close to him. He stared at you for a second, a smile on his lips and his eyes slowly came to a close.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Tsukishima was enjoying his sleep when he felt you rustling out of his hold. His eyes slowly flutter open and saw you stumbling out of the bed. His eyes were squinted due to his poor eyesight and his right arm supported his body.
“Where are you going?” He asked, voice raspy.
“I’m just going to get a drink.” He nodded at your answer as he laid back on his pillow. Tsukishima let out a sigh before looking at the window. The curtains emitting a soft glow, meaning that the sun had risen. He reached for his phone, pressing the power button to look at the screen. He put it back on the nightstand and laid back, eyes closed as his body faced the ceiling.
05:32… I have practice at… 9? I think… the museum-
His thoughts abruptly stopped when he heard you yelling out his name. His eyes shot open and his body sat up straight in an instant, he looked at the slightly opened the door and heard you yelling his name once more. His feet swung to the edge of the bed and he reached for his phone and glasses. He ran outside his room, already wearing his glasses as he held his phone, ready to call someone if needed as he rushed to the kitchen.
When he arrived there he saw you standing on top of a chair, he was genuinely confused as you froze in place.
“What's wrong?” he asked. You whipped your head towards your husband and relief washed over you.
“K-Kei, th-there’s a huge spider,” You said, voice a bit trembling.
Tsukishima’s face immediately went blank. He wanted to ask “THAT’S why you yelled?” but he couldn’t bear the terrified look on your face and decided to set the teasing for later.
Tsukishima sighed loudly and scratched his head. He walked over to your figure, his eyes asking “where” you pointed to the counter near where the glasses were hung up. Tsukishima carefully walked towards the spot and he indeed saw a spider. It wasn’t that huge but it wasn’t a small one either.
Tsukishima mentally gulped when he saw the creature, he’s not afraid of spiders but he most definitely prefer not to engage with the said creature. Tsukishima was about to take another step towards it but he jumped when you snaked your arms around his neck and your feet around his waist.
“Ah- what the- what are you doing?” He asked, turning his head to his shoulder to look at you. He was whisper-yelling, thinking that the spider might move if he was noisy.
“I don’t want that thing suddenly jumping towards me when you try to catch it!” You followed his hushed tone as your grip on him tightens.
“What if it jumps towards us? What happens then?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at your logic.
“Then we die together, easy.” You shrugged.
Your husband groaned and straighten up his back so you wouldn’t fall.
“Fine, but I’m not holding you up.”
“Yessir!” With that, you made sure that your grip was secure.
Tsukishima took a deep breath as he slowly and carefully made his way towards the spider. He picked up a cup that was far from it and held it firmly in his hand. You watched from his shoulder as he lifted the glass, his steps still steady and once he was close enough, he quickly put the bottle on top of the spider, trapping it. You and Tsukishima both sighed in relief.
You climbed down his tall body and sat on the chair you once stood on while Tsukishima went to get something thin enough to slide it under the cup. Once he did, he carefully escorted the spider outside and when he came back inside, he saw you still slumped in your chair, your head tilted to the back a little.
“A ‘Thank you’ would be nice,” He said, hovering over you. You opened your eyes and grinned sheepishly.
“Thank you, my brave and amazing husband.” You exaggerated. Tsukishima rolled his eyes, he puts a finger to your forehead, applying pressure. But he suddenly retracted his finger and replaced it by placing his palm on your forehead.
“You’re burning.” He said. You straighten your back and stared at him confused, his palm still on your forehead.
“I am?”
That jerk. Tsukishima scowled.
“Yes. Did that boss of yours over-worked you or something? Does he even know how to properly run-“
“Woah, woah, sea salt, calm down.” You chuckled, “I have a day off anyway, I can rest.” You shrugged.
Tsukishima felt pity looking at your tired eyes, not to mention the eyebags under it. He sighed and took out his phone as he began typing.
“What are you doing?” You asked,
“I’m telling my teammates that I won’t be attending practice today.”
“Huh? Why not?”
Tsukishima looked at you and flicked your forehead.
“To take care of you, idiot.”
You rubbed the stinging spot on your forehead and raised an eyebrow at him.
“Then what about your work?”
“I don’t think I have a shift today, so I’ll be fine.”
“But you’ll get sick if you stay here!”
“We live together, dummy. It’s not like the first time one of us gets sick anyways.”
Feeling like you lost – not a surprise – the debate with your husband, your lips jutted out, eyebrows knitted together.
“What’s with that face?” He asked, putting his phone on the table.
“I was just thinking that if you don’t have work, you should at least go practice. I know how important it is to you-“
“You want to get rid of your husband that badly, huh?” he cut you off with a smirk, “Well getting rid of me ain’t easy.” Tsukishima walked towards you and ruffled your hair, messing it up even more. He snorted and went to the fridge as he took out some ingredients. 
“Now go wash up, you stink.” He ordered. You stood up from your seat and stuck your tongue at him. But once you faced the other way, you couldn’t help the little fluttery feeling in your chest and the soft smile that appeared on your lips.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
Would you be willing to write a scenario about Kai's s/o going in to labor and the delivery? Maybe just Kaito?
Lets give plague doctor more heart attacks :D
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Honestly? You deserved at minimun a pat on your back, because carrying a child is not easy... and aparently carrying a Chisaki inside you was equal to hell.
Deadly cramps, torturous nauseas and dear lord even comenting the word 'peas' left you wanting to pull all of your stomach out.... all of this for exactly seven months and a half already.
The baby was surely a fighter. His kicks were dead ass strong and ever time it was a bad one, you would wince in pain while supporting yourself on somewhere.
This baby was going to knock you out at some point...
Ever time Kai notice that this was happening he would place his entire gloved and scold his unborn child.
'Not even in here and are already causing trouble brat? Be good to your mother or we might have trouble.'
It was always in that same no emotions present tone of voice of his but you could see the genuine adoration in those usual cold golden eyes.
Although today you were feeling quite... normal.
No deadly kicks, neither the urge to puke ans surprisingly your feets weren't sore!
What a great day!
You got up from your chair to grab something to eat as you carresed slightly your belly on the way.
Although when you were already half the hall you started to feel dizzy and had to support yourself omwith one hand on the wall.
"Woah not looking great there miss. You good?" You heard Mimic's voice but when you looked down you just saw a black blur.
"Y-Yeah..." you took a shaky step "I guess."
"You guess?" Mimic spoke in sarcasm while Chrono coincidentally entered. Irinaka pointed to you for Kurono to see as he also made a slightly concerned face.
Before the man could ask what was going on, you felt as if a hammer had hit you in the gut while you howled in pain, no longer holding back the discomfort or the recent, unbearable pain.
Chrono and Mimic were immediately on your side when you almost fell to the ground. In your mind passes a thought that scared you to no ends and just to confirm you lowered your hand lower to push it back to see that your terrors were true.
Blood and other fluid... your water bag broke... The baby was coming earlier.
You let out a bloody scream at seing this and another joilt of pain came into you.
"ShIT ShE'S DyInG?!"
"Of course fucking not Irinaka! Shut up!" Chrono went to lend you a shoulder but you stopped him.
"K-Kurono... P-Please... K-Kai.. H-Here." You said between breaths, trying to stal calm since you knew this was going to stress the fuck out of everyone... especially Chisaki.
Hari didn't even objected and ran looking for Chisaki as Irinaka came back into his human form to at least see if it helps.
"Breath chick, you're a fucking fighter to carry that little shit."
"MIMIC!" you shouted and the man apologized at seing the anger in your eyes.
Chisaki was currently looking at the medicals exams of his unborn son along with the first ultrasound picture. The boy was going to be here soon and after a very long time he felt anxious.
He flinched at the way the door of his office hitted the wall as Chrono shouted his name.
"What the hell Chrono? Lost your manners?" He said darkly while placing the documents inside of his drawer.
"(Y/N)." He said while pointing at your direction "She's bleeding."
In one blink of Kurono's eyes Chisaki was already running through the house while placing his mask up.
Shit. What had happened?! Were you okay?!
"Angel." He called, ignoring his horror at seing the state you were in, and kneeled on the floor.
"Baby... coming." You breath out while jolting in pain again.
Damn those contractions
He cringed at your whines but ignored his own discomfort and scooped you up in his arms in bridal style as he shouted for a precept to clean ths mess as long for Chrono to get the fuck in the car.
Mimic swore he saw the walls trembling.
"Count to ten angel." He said monoustly but the way his hands tremble slightly and the hint of desperation in his eyes told everthing.
You screamed as the car suddenly roughly spun aside, the last drop of patience on your husband completely gone.
"IM SORRY BUT A GUY ALMOST HITTED THE FUCKING CAR AND COULD HAVE KILLED US YOU KNOW?!" Poor Hari was consumed by both you and Overhaul's desperation.
"Oh my god both oF YOU SHUT UP!" You shouted causing both of them to be completly silent all the ride to the hospital.
He was going to talk to you about that later, but maybe it was a understatement since you were giving birth at this point.
Kurono had to hold back Chisaki when a bunch of nurses just pulled you out of Kai's arms and a doctor told him to wait outside.
His wife was giving birth to his soon son and he was supposed to wait OUTSIDE YOU FILFH UNPROFESSIONAL BASTARD?!
When a nurse came to Chrono, asking for him to get out of the room since only it was allowed the father, he arched one eyebrow at her and pointed with his palm at a very furious Chisaki, silently saying 'Im the one keeping the beast calm, you sure about that?'.
The nurse just gave him a apologetic look before, with the nerves on their skin of talking to a dangerous man of the yakusa, calling Overhaul.
The way Chisaki looked at them could be described as murderous and if he had a laser vision quirk the poor nurse would be already dead on the spot.
"I-I'm sorry! But you can enter now." She bowed apologetically while indicating the door for Chisaki.
He didn't even acknowledge her as he entered the room abruptly, ignoring many looks of the doctors and just making a bee line at you.
Despite your eyebags and squirming in pain figurine, you still manage to look angelic... just incredible.
"Angel, it's almost over." He said monoustly, a mix of pain and relief at seing the way you opened your eyes.
"Kai..." you whispered while crying... your hand desperately hilding the bed sheets as you cried out...
"Dad hold her hand!" A male nurse suggested and you almost laughed if it wasn't for the torturous pain you were in.
Someone was trying to give others to Chisaki? Your Chisaki Kai? Great joke.
Chisaki narrowed his eyes at the man befofe cringing at seing you crying again... you were in so much pain but yet refused to just grab his hand because you knew him.
He suddenly left to a quick bathroom and picked a hand sanitizer and a handkerchief.... the scene was almost comic to the doctors and nurses. A soon to be father wipping his wife's hand before holding it onto his gloved one.
"You don't change do you?" You whispered while smilling at him, pure appreciation and love on your eyes as you looked into those beautiful golden ones that you had fallen with.
"Why should I?" He said monotonously but you could see the hints of a smile behind that black face mask of his.
His hand suddenly cracked at your strenght as you turned your head away from him to muffle your screams.
The doctors were surprised because they LISTENED to his hand cracking and he was just... there. He suddenly glared at them with pire hate as his words spilled from his kouth like venom.
"Bunch of incompetents, my wife is having a kid and you just stand there without doing nothing? Move and help her before I lose my pacience bunch of filfh." They flinched before returning to their activities whiel Kai scoffed 'sicks' under his breath.
Your screams had stopped and your grip on his hand released, putting the pieces together he looked up and saw a tiny creature on the arms of one nurse.
"You did it." He amused out loud while you only let out a sleep deprived 'yay' before closing your eyes as you tried to catch your breath.
He picked the handkerchief and wiped your forehead gently before looking down at you.
"You're sweaty..."
"No shit sherlock I just gave birth." You said between breaths and giggles receiving a pinch on your arm along with a scoff of his.
"W-Why isn't he crying?" You suddenly breath out.
Shit. Is true. He haven't heard his son cries. He looked uo already with anger before he saw the doctor bringing a white blanket and handing rubbing the face of your new born to you.
"See mommy? Your baby is fine." He felt butterflies forming inside his stomach at seing the little boy face in contact with yours... you smilling tiredly but still manage to open your eyes to look at your son.
"Kaito... is so nice to meet you.." you teared up at seing your baby for the first time... he had his father looks.
He punched his chest to prevent any hints of despicable tears fron falling from his eyes but it was really damn difficult... Luckily he managed to stay with his stoic face at least.
The moment though he saw you closing your eyes he internally panicked.
"Angel." He grabbed your face and shook slightly, checking your pulse with his other hand and sighing in relief at feeling your heartbeat on his fingers.
"She is just tired, will come back as soon as she recuperates... would you like to hold your son mister?"
He eyed the doctor in suspicion before choosing to only look at his son, eyes secretly telling how much he was willing to do for this little one already.
"Place him on the crib for now. I want my wife to see the scene, she wouldn't leave me alone after knowing that I holded my son without her seing it." He spoke crudely amd coldly at the doctor bit they didn't seemed to mind at first.
The doctor nodded in understatement before placing the kid carefilly down on the crib, right besides Kai as he sitted on the edge of the bed... holding your hand in his gloved ones.
He took a glance at his sleeping son and decided to just carres the tip of his thumb on the chubby cheek.
He swore the kid just smiled at the contact... a simple contact... but it was rather a nice feeling.
"I made this brat..." he mused out loud for himself before smirking down at his son and bringing your freahly washed head to rest on him instead of the pillows of the hospital.
"Welcome to this world... Chisaki Kaito."
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supernatural-book · 5 years
A Pretty Big Win
Title: A Pretty Big Win (Prologue!!!!)
Summary: Things are getting pretty stressful in the Winchester's lives. In the middle of all the stress, Dean Winchester proposes that the two of you go on a road trip together, just to get away from it all. After all, spending time with his loving girlfriend was just what he needed- a win.
A/N: Oooooof okay. Heres the first part to a series I want to start! I already have the storyline written out, so I hope to take less than a year to finish it, lol. Anyways, I was originally just gonna do one long fic, but decided this would be better.
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It was way too early to be awake but, truth be told, he never got to sleep in the first place. Dean Winchester rubbed his hands over his scruffy face and sat up in bed before deciding to just sit and watch his girlfriend for a moment. He would inevitably have to drag his ass out of bed, but for now, he wants to take the time to appreciate your presence. God, look at you, baby. You looked so calm, so small and helpless lying next to the disgruntled hunter, the lumbering oaf that was Dean Winchester. Sometime during the night, you had curled yourself around him in an intimate embrace, one that Dean hadn’t been used to before knowing you. 
Dean Winchester was a good man, but he did have his faults.  For instance, his post-hunt ritual wasn’t always to shower and snuggle up in bed with his one true love. Rather, he’d drive himself to a bar to get tipsy and find any woman who he wanted to lose himself in that night, only to leave as soon as he could in the morning. Sure, he’d have someone to hold on those nights, but laying with a stranger after sex could never compare to the embrace of two lovers who shared each other’s hearts and souls. He knew that now, and he found himself wondering- once again- what he did to deserve someone like you. Someone who’s such a contrast to his cold, dark life. 
He knew from the moment he met you that you were going to be the death of him, and he was ready to accept that fate happily. When he was younger, he had flirted innocently with you every now and then, just watching to get a reaction out of you, wondering if you would ever be his. You made him feel things. Good things- hell, great things. Things he hadn’t felt in such a long time. 
God, that was so long ago. How did it take him so many years to get a hold of you?  ‘Not my fault’, Dean mused, ‘she makes me feel like an awkward kid again. She makes me all flustered and shy when she smiles. And her laughter, God, it’s so beautiful. And the way she says my name…’ His face was flushing just at the thought.
In your sleep, you snuggled closer into Dean’s side and used your leg- which was tossed over his own- to try and pull him closer to you. 
“Sorry, sweetheart. Gotta get up now.” He pressed a kiss against your forehead and when you still didn't stir from your slumber, he realized just how tired you must have been. Recently- he'd be completely honest- things haven’t been going so well in the Winchester’s life. Things weren't quite as bad as they'd been in the past- there was no looming apocalypse, thank God- but the stress of all the hunts was still taking its toll on all of you. Especially you, bless your precious heart. Who knows what you were trying to do, staying up late to research and wearing yourself out like that for him and Sammy. Dean would never, ever be able to find the right words to thank you for all you've sacrificed for them. The most stressful thing about all of this was that there was nothing you could do yet. Read through all of the books in the library, sure, but you had absolutely no leads and therefore no place to start. And among the stress of trying to figure out what to do, there seemed to be so many cases. Much more than usual. “God, I’m sorry (Y/N). You deserve so much more than this life.” He decided to let you sleep in a while longer and grudgingly pulled himself out of bed, groaning when his feet hit the cold floor. He turned back momentarily- he could never really get enough the girl who gave up everything for him and gave him everything, could he?- and tucked the blankets warm and snug around your form, smiling to himself.
‘Oh baby, you’ve got me wrapped around your finger, you know that? And I wouldn’t have it any other way.’
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Okay, something was off. 
It was early morning when you woke up to the sound of your lover's heavy, booted feet moving around on the hard floors of your shared bedroom. You cracked your eyes open and looked around for any indication of what time it was. There were no windows in the bunker, but your eyes fell on the digital clock on the nightstand. Three in the morning? What’s Dean doing up at 3 am? You drearily noticed that Dean had his and your duffel bags on the edge of the bed, each half-filled already.
"Dean?"  You shuffled around on the bed, indicating to him that you were awake. In your half-asleep state, you immediately jumped to the worst conclusion. Oh God, something bad happened and now we have to get out of the bunker before we die. "What's happening? Where are you going?" Dean looked up at the sound of your voice, a genuine smile taking over his face at the sight of you in his bed. It wasn’t odd for you to sleep in his bedroom- you’d been dating for two years now- but you could always see how thrilled Dean was to see you there every morning. 
And God, it had been way too long since you saw him smile at you like that, despite the eyebags.
Dean had a habit- maybe not a habit, a curse- of staying up too late for his own good and not getting any sleep some nights. Not his fault, and you couldn't blame him- hell, if you had half the emotional and psychological trauma he did you wouldn't be able to sleep either. Most of the time it was nightmares -his time in hell, in purgatory, a particularly bad hunt- and sometimes just plain old memories. He was often haunted by memories of the past, guilt over things long gone, the deaths of people who he could never save and still blamed himself for, and the worry- scratch that, the fear- of losing you. You would always be able to tell when he had a night like that. Aside from the telltale eyebags and many, many cups of coffee, he'd carry himself less proudly, be less talkative- it was always worrying when he didn't crack jokes with you- and overall be the spitting image of a broken man.
Something was different today- ahh, this morning, at 3am. He was… excited.
"Morning, sleepyhead." He leaned down to lay a kiss on your forehead, dragging his hand over your messy hair. "I was just about to wake you up." His gentle gesture and happy demeanor calmed your worried mind. Nothing bad was happening; he doesn’t seem worried or rushed. In fact, he seemed… softer, calmer than usual. You sat up in bed, watching him lay items out on the bed to pack. 
"So… what's going on?" You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes.
"You and I are going on a road trip for the weekend. Or however long we can be away." 
"Without Sam?" 
“Well, it wouldn’t be much of a romantic getaway if I brought my little brother with, would it?” He caught your confused gaze and laughed. "What, I can't go on dates with my girlfriend?"
"That's not what I meant. Is there, like, a hunt or something?" Dean opened your dresser and tossed you a pair of your jeans and one of his big Led Zeppelin tees. 
"No. No hunts this week. Told Sammy we all need a break. Gotta get out of here, don't you think? I’m suffocating" He turned to you again, leaning in to give you a squeeze and help you out of bed. “Anyway, we need to go on a date again, ya know? It's been a while. Come on, get up, sweetheart. I’ll keep packing, you go get dressed. We’re wasting driving time." You happily jumped out of bed to get ready, taken aback by how sweet Dean was acting, considering how stressed he had been the day before. Not even 24 hours ago, Dean was downing a bottle of whiskey and stressing over everything that had been happening recently. “I just need one win. Just one.” he had muttered into his glass before downing it and letting the familiar drink burn down his throat. It was odd that he suddenly seemed cheerful and happy again, but you’ll be damned if you’re not gonna cherish every single moment of Dean’s sweet side. ‘God,’ you thought, thinking back to your past with him.  ‘His sweet side is what made me fall for him in the first place’. 
When you first met Dean, you knew immediately that you’d fall in love with him. 
You were born into a family of hunters, who eventually- of course- met a tragic fate like many others, while you managed to get out of the life and were in the midst of your college education. Two FBI agents- odd, it didn’t really require the FBI- came to your dorm to ask you about it. 
They were both tall and imposing, one a bit taller than the other, and they were both quite handsome, you’d admit, but your eyes lingered on the shorter of the two. He had short dirty blonde hair and, once they sat down across from you and you could see him closer, you noticed the freckles sprinkled across his face. And the way the light hit his cheekbones- God he was pretty. You had to stop yourself from staring at his eyes- they were so beautifully green- while he questioned you.
And boy, this man sure didn't seem to care if there was a difference between questioning and flirting. Because you got a decent amount of both, leaving you flustered and fucking aching for him before you even knew his name.
They asked strange questions, but questions that struck a familiar chord in you. “Did you smell anything strange when you found them?” You knew why they were asking, and it reminded you of the information your parents told you to keep you safe. Sulfur equals demons. Were these guys hunters too? So, in the midst of their interrogation, you broke out your own questions. “Do you believe in demons?” They froze- surprised when they learned you came from a hunting family and asked for your help on the hunt. They introduced themselves- Sam and Dean Winchester. “The Winchesters?” Your parents told you about John Winchester- their father- and here you were, meeting his sons. 
Well, their parents sure make pretty babies.
After you helped them on the hunt, you knew there was no way you could continue living normally, but Sam and Dean helped. They introduced you to a friend of theirs- Bobby Singer- and persuaded you to stay with them to ensure your safety. Sam told you later that Dean was the one who suggested having you stay at Bobby’s and who wanted to keep in touch with you.
You stood in the doorway of the bathroom, brushing your teeth and watching Dean dig through your dresser and looking up every now and then to have you confirm the outfits he chose. You answered in small sentences, still lost in memories of when you first met. 
You weren’t going to lie- the first things you noticed about Dean was how handsome he was. Not only in appearance, even though he was goddamn pretty- but in the way he held himself. He was confident, but not egotistical- just enough to be attractive and flirtatious without the whole douchebag vibe. He knew how to make you (and basically every hetero girl he ever interacted with) flustered with just a look and damn, he knew he was good at it. You eventually learned he wasn't just a pretty face. He had the best sense of humor- some of the funniest lines you'd ever heard belonged to him- and was always super selfless, even to the point of self-sacrifice. And, when he wanted to be, he was sweet. He went out of his way to keep you safe and comfortable, no matter the situation. Need a bodyguard while in a bar? 'Got you, sweetheart'. You're scared about walking into this next hunt? 'Just stay behind me. Nothin' will hurt you long as I'm here'. You just plain need a hug? 'Aw. C'mere, kid'.
You could still remember the conversation you had with Dean before they left you with Bobby after that first hunt together. “Remember, you’re only staying here so you don’t get hurt. Don’t just throw your life away for hunting, kiddo.” 
“I’m not a kid, Dean. I’m twenty-two. I’m only six years younger than you.” He gave you a stern look. 
“Don’t change the subject, (Y/N).” You sighed, but couldn’t help but smile. He cares about you. He doesn’t want you to get hurt.
“Alright. I won’t go looking for hunts, but If you’re in trouble, I’m not just gonna sit by and watch. I'm gonna help.” After they had loaded their stuff into the Impala and were ready to drive off, Dean looked at you again, making you promise to stay safe. “Only if you do too.” You could still remember- vividly- how Dean gave you a quick wink and a smirk right before they drove off. 
Little did they know, that was the beginning of your long friendship with them.
Smiling at the fond memories of him, you left your spot in the doorway to wrap your arms around Dean’s waist from behind, earning a soft grunt from him. “Well, hey there.” He turned around in your arms and kissed the top of your head, taking a moment to breathe in your scent. 
“I love you, Dee.”
“Love you too, sweetheart.” You continued to pack your stuff up and get ready, seeing that Dean had already laid out most of your toiletries and your favorite outfits- consisting of mostly Dean’s shirts. When you finish, you grabbed a big, warm flannel out of Dean’s duffel bag and pulled it on, surrounding yourself with Dean’s scent and warmth. He gazed at you with an attentive grin; he always loved when you wore his clothes. After shrugging on his jacket and grabbing his duffel bag, Dean turned to you and looked you over one last time, a big, toothy grin taking its place on his face. “You ready?” 
“One hundred percent.” you grabbed one of his hands in yours as you made your way out to the garage, where your black beauty awaits you. Dean smirked and twirled the keys to the Impala around his finger.
“Then let’s get out of here, baby.” 
@music-lockscreen, @bella-ca, @yetanotherreader
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sailor-cresselia · 5 years
Zi-O 43: Σ(°ロ°)
Previously, on Zi-O: Everything went to hell. This time, on Zi-O… well. Everything continues to be terrible, and quickly gets worse.
Hiryuu mocks Sougo for not being able to protect Tsukuyomi, which… okay, valid. But Sougo’s going through a lot right now, and he was kinda stopped by Woz. There’s just too many battles on too many fronts right now.
And then Hiryuu proceeds to kick the collective asses of Sougo, Geiz, and Tsukasa, the last of whom realizes that they are out of their depth, and yanks them away via a dimensional wall.
Man, those things are handy.
(continued under the cut)
After Woz’s recap, we head back to that ballroom/throne room that Hiryuu was lounging in earlier, with Swartz, Uhr, and a bound Tsukuyomi.
So the time stopping ability? Is supposed to be hereditary – it runs in his and Tsukuyomi’s family. Which, uh, remembering the time that Swartz dragged Sougo to when the kid was eight? That’s! Not helping! At all!
(Please don’t have Tsukuyomi be related to Sougo PLEASE don’t have Tsukuyomi be related to Sougo)
Swartz… intends to be the one on the throne. Uhr justifiably questions that – they were supposed to be finding someone to sit on the throne instead of Oma Zi-O. Except… well, technically speaking that’s what Swartz is doing. He just never told you the full story.
You know how I’ve been saying he’s had his candidate all along?
And then he knocks Uhr to the ground, and Hora shows up – telling Uhr that Swartz gave Daiki the same powers that he gave them. (At least Daiki has the ‘decency’ to pretend to be embarrassed. “Was that supposed to be a secret?” indeed.)
Hey. Hey Swartz.
Screw you.
What can be given can also be taken away, as he so easily demonstrates…
Last episode he grabbed Daiki and forcibly implanted the time jacker powers into him.
Today he grabs Hora, and forcibly drains them from her, leaving her to fall to the ground, where Uhr barely manages to catch her, trying to back away. Hora’s not here right now – she’s incredibly limp, barely conscious, and I’m scared for her.
Good tactics on Uhr, though – using Tsukuyomi’s blaster to shoot at Swartz, who, as usual, deflects the blast without even looking. That’s just a distraction, though, so that Uhr can get the two of them out of there.
I’ve been telling you two kids to run for months now. He has never had your interests at heart, has never had the same agenda as you.
You really should have caught on during Kikai.
…Daiki, do not go along with Swartz’s orders to eliminate them. Don’t do that, you’re not going to get whatever he promised you. He just attacked his underlings, why on earth do you think he’ll follow through on any promises he makes to you?!
So, Daiki takes off, and now we’ve just got Swartz and Tsukuyomi.
…Is he going to give us actual LORE?! Are we ACTUALLY GETTING THE PLOT?!
Well, maybe. Only after the OP, though.
Or maybe not, because we jump back to 9-to-5.
Tsukasa admits that Daiki’s never had that particular power before, despite his sizable grab bag of powers – uh. Tsukasa. You just. Left all of that bread. In the helmet. Why are you using the helmet as a bread bowl. Tsukasa please.
…Junichiro PLEASE. NO. You can’t go save Tsukuyomi, you would DIE. Just… please, just go make dinner, okay? Please stay here, and save, and not making a fool of yourself like literally everyone is aware that you would do. You would not survive fighting these people, not when your ‘armor’ is sauce pans and veggies.
Oh no, poor Sougo – people still don’t remember him, including his uncle, so here comes the minor breakdown over Junichiro saying he’s never cooked for him before.
Geiz just pats him sympathetically on the shoulder.
And now back to Uhr and Hora, who are hiding out in… some abandoned restaurant or other, which for some reason still has all the tables set? Sure, whatever. Toku apocalypses are weird.
Uhr’s pissed that they’ve been being used – again, really should have caught on when he forcibly turned you into Another Kikai – and swears that he’s going to take Swartz down… and Hora doesn’t look like she’s doing so hot.
Even less so when Daiki shows up.
Yeah, I didn’t expect that he’d actually try to kill them. He’s in this for himself, first, foremost, and only. (I miss the photo studio polycule. Natsumi, Yusuke, please come ground this asshole.) So, he’s… just… okay, so he’s clearly got his eyes on a bigger prize than the Grand Watch, because he tosses it to Hora.
Of course, he has to make this whole ‘totally being the guard dog’ scam he’s pull look convincing, so… Daiki no. He calls in the two Another Riders who were searching for the two former time jackers – Another Faiz and Double.
As they’re running away, and even just as they’re in the restaurant, Uhr is his usual slightly bouncy self, albeit more furious than usual, but Hora’s not nearly so active. Yeah, she usually kind of lounges around, but she’s exhausted. We can see this even clearer when Another Faiz and Double have them cornered – Hora’s got eyebags under her eyebags, and looks like she had difficulty running however far they did, going by how she leans on the platform/loading dock they’re backed up to.
Geiz thinks this whole thing is a trap – why would Another Riders be chasing Time Jackers if it wasn’t – but Sougo’s still going to help them, even if it is a trap.
He’s too nice, but it’s also very necessary right now. At least he acknowledges the possibility of this being a trick, so that’s something.
Sougo’s gotten a lot more clever since we met him, and I’m proud.
The Another Riders are dispatched easily enough, and somehow by their respective RideArmors. Which. Uh. Shouldn’t those be part of the Grand watch right now? To say nothing of how altered-timeline Geiz probably shouldn’t have the Faiz watch anyway. …You know what, whatever. Not gonna question it any more than that.
Sougo asks why the Another Riders were after the pair, and Uhr tries to dismiss the whole thing as none of their concern, attempting to leave.
But Hora wants to ask a favor.
(Careful, guys. Last time she asked you for a favor, it was so that she could properly make the Another Kikai watch.)
(I’m more willing to trust her right now, though.)
(Although I trusted her back then, too.)
holy shit
Okay so by “the power runs in their family” we apparently mean “the time powers are a trait in a ROYAL BLOODLINE.”
And by “Swartz and Tsukuyomi are part of a ROYAL BLOODLINE” we mean “one from a completely different timeline.”
And also mean Swartz is the sibling with the most power and he feels it would have been logical for him to be next in line for the throne.
But the role was going to go to his sister.
You know.
The amnesiac.
Who was not rendered that way accidentally.
No, because Swartz, the petty bastard that he is, erased her memories and dropped her in another timeline.
The Oma Zi-O timeline.
He didn’t expect her to survive.
But it’s nice that she did, and that her powers have awakened.
Because now he can take them from her.
Mind you, as he is saying all of this, he is losing his usual composure, and becoming increasingly visibly unhinged.
When she tries to run, he force lifts her in the air and starts painfully draining the power from her.
She’s saved by Woz timely (heh) running in and using a green burst of energy to break his focus, and she falls to the ground. Woz looks scared.
For all that he’s on umpteen levels of subterfuge, Woz might genuinely care about the trio. I hope. Please.
After all, he calls her ‘Tsukuyomi-kun’ and runs up to try and help her.
He doesn’t make it, unfortunately, because Swartz hurls him bodily into the wall – the part by the ceiling. The very high ceiling, and then he drops.
This is not fine at all.
Swartz: It was pretty blatant that you switched sides to get info, you know.
Woz: And yet you still revealed your plan. (ow) Thanks. (I am in so much pain)
Doesn’t matter to Swartz. He’s just going to take her power, and nobody will be able to stand in his way.
And he does. He force lifts Tsukuyomi again, and Woz can’t stop him, and he drains her power from her before letting her drop. She’s not moving. Woz scarf-teleports the two of them the hell out of there.
Swartz doesn’t seem to give a damn. He’s got what he wanted – and the aura of purple energy that surrounds him is scary. Not as scary as the laughter, though. Or as scary as the way his eyes glow purple right before the scene transition…
With the sound of an Another Watch activating.
Hora gives back the Grand watch, making Sougo swear that he’ll take down Swartz with it. And at least now we’ve got people on the same page – she and Uhr told Sougo and Geiz that Swartz intends to become king.
I think this is the first time everyone has had the same information, actually. Well, once we get back to 9-to-5, and a bedridden Tsukuyomi tells them that apparently her and Swartz are siblings. But even if they are related, she won’t let him do as he pleases.
Tsukasa says that he gets what’s going on… more or less. “No, I can’t actually tell you, Geiz, because I only mostly get it, and I have to keep up my chill demeanor somehow.”
And yeah, Woz was siding with Hiryuu to get information. Which makes sense – area man is on multiple levels of playing fields at all times. But Sougo, you really shouldn’t have had faith in him. I mean, I know that you don’t know that he’s most likely more loyal to Oma Zi-O than Kamen Rider Zi-O, but still.
So. No matter who it is – Swartz or Hiryuu – Sougo isn’t about to let them rule. Not like this. The first order of business, then, is that they have to take down Hiryuu and repair the timeline.
Time to storm the castle…
Or. Uh. Walk up to it through the woods, and stand in a line, seeing all the Another Riders there. Including Another Kuuga, of all things, hulking above the rest of them.
(Most of the another riders are being super generic, but I still noticed Another Fourze doing the hair straightening thing in the shot that included him, and that still makes me giggle a little.)
(Also, Tsukasa, if you could stop appearing so lackadaisical about this? We are entering a pretty decently sized fight here. I know you’re a veteran at this and all, but there’s a lot of enemies, and you have been getting your ass kicked lately. I’m just saying.)
Hiryuu goes on about how Sougo ruined his life, so he’s going to ‘wipe out Sougo’s very existence.’
Okay, so. Cool motive, still murder. Also your motive is wrong, because it’s all the fault of the guy what gave you the power in the first place, and this is very definitely not okay. I mean, you can’t just. Take over the world because of this. You can’t just change peoples entire histories for revenge.
Sougo agrees with most of my points. All except the one where it’s not Sougo’s fault in the first place. No, Sougo apologizes, saying he never meant to hurt Hiryuu.
(He never actually did, anyway, he saved his life, but… I mean really.)
When Sougo says that he’ll beat Hiryuu, and set things right… he’s so quiet. Subdued, even, especially compared to how he shouted that what Hiryuu is doing is wrong.
They’re about to go attack, but-
Decade: …oh dear lord, he’s still doing this?
Geiz: He’s done this before?
Tsukasa: Oh, my sweet, summer, altered-timeline child…
So, we’ve got some fights going on here. Sougo and several Another Riders head for the woods, namely Ghost, Den-O, Hibiki, and Ryuki. Then Hiryuu shows up, trying to use the Zi-O II future-vision to get the drop on Sougo… who. Flashsteps out of the way?
Saying that it’s his power?
And then over with Decade… he’s able to take down Another Double and Agito with Attack Ride: Blast.
Another Faiz, Kabuto, and Gaim manage to temporarily stall him, before he takes them out with Attack Ride: Slash. Also, I noticed Another Faiz doing that lean that Actual Faiz sometimes did, so that’s nice.
That’s five down, since we didn’t see Sougo defeat the ones he’s against.
But then Tsukasa gets shot in the back.
Diend: Hey again. You get to fight me.
…Has Daiki always used ‘boku’? I don’t think I’ve ever noticed that before.
(What? I’m doing an Ex-Aid rewatch. I’m now contractually obligated to try and pay attention to which pronouns people use.)
Tsukasa knocks Daiki down-
Daiki: NOPE! freezes Tsukasa mid-attack prep
Tsukasa, internally, because he’s frozen: Oh shit
Daiki, to Swartz, who has been looking on like a creeper: How’s that?
Swartz: Sweet.
He then proceeds to take out a blank ridewatch.
A blank watch. With a rider present.
We’ve only seen a few Another Watches formed.
There’s only two Another Riders we haven’t seen.
Swartz shoves the blank watch against Tsukasa’s chest, breaking the time stop.
And draining Tsukasa’s power. Painfully.
His armor goes grey, similar to the color as when he first puts it on, and seems to dissolve into smoke as he drops down offscreen, struggling in pain.
SURE, cut to a clearing! Not like that was REALLY IMPORTANT OR ANYTHING!
But it’s to see Woz Ginga and Geiz Revive Typhoon fighting a whole bunch of Another Riders.
Namely Build, Fourze, Kuuga (who’s a bit hard to miss), OOO, Blade, Ex-aid, and Kiva.
And the two riders are so confident that they’re having a nice little chat as they fight.
Namely, Geiz – still with his memories altered – asking if they really worked together in the other timeline.
Woz: Oh, yes, of course. You were my completely loyal underling, we both worked for our overlord.
Geiz: That’s bullshit. Quit lying.
Woz: …How’d he know? Well, it was worth a shot.
A pair of finishers later, and we’re down another seven Another Riders. That’s twelve confirmed down, and four seen in action, but with unconfirmed status, leaving sixteen Mook Another Riders – seventeen total, with Hiryuu. …Where the heck is Wizard? He’s the only one I haven’t seen yet… well, outside of the obvious two that we haven’t had yet.
Also, Woz’s finisher was him literally raining METEORS onto the battlefield. Because Woz Ginga can never be too over the top, apparently.
Back to the Zi-Os…
Sougo takes out his allotment of non-boss Another Riders, still with no sign of Wizard, I went back and looked and he hasn’t been on screen since the battle started.
But they’re down, and he’s started to lay the beat down on Hiryuu, who’s intensely frustrated that he can’t win.
Also, he’s fed up with all the speeches.
Sougo says that it’s because Hiryuu’s too focused on the past, while he is trying to forge a new future.
Finish Time! Grand Zi-O!
All Twenty!
Grand Zi-O leaps into the air for his finisher, and – HOLY SHIT.
Notably, there doesn’t seem to be any reason to the particular order they appear in, but they are located in the same places they are on the Grand Watch.
It launches each rider in rapid succession, starting with Kuuga and going in order. As each one lands their kick, his respective emblem appears behind Hiryuu, finishing with Sougo landing a reality shattering kick.
Waves of rainbow energy expand outward, fixing the city, erasing the commemoration statue, and leaving Sougo…
And leaving Sougo, untransformed, having just landed a Rider Kick. And in a park, presumably the one they were in in the altered timeline, but where everything is repaired and normal.
Everything is very repaired, since Geiz and Tsukuyomi remember him again. But where…
Ah, there’s Hiryuu, collapsed on the ground a little ways away, reaching for his still intact Another Zi-O watch for crying out loud what will it take to destroy that thing?!
Well, I guess we’re not going to find out, since Daiki just up and takes it!
Oh, look, here’s Swartz, letting him take it! And telling Hiryuu that he’s served his purpose, and that he’ll meet up with the others again.
I can’t tell if he says this aloud, but… he says that Decade’s powers are his, and walks off.
Revealing a very unconscious Kadoya Tsukasa on the ground behind him.
The last shot of the episode…
Swartz, on a roof.
Holding the Another Decade watch.
“Now… let us begin.”
the endcard is Another Zi-O II (center), Another Decade (upper right) and… Another Hibiki (lower left), who are quickly replaced with Zi-O, Geiz, and Woz, respectively.
Why Hibiki, though?
Next time, on Kamen Rider Zi-O!
Another Drive appears!
Uhr and Hora are looking for protection!
A good water boy appears! Hi, Miharu! We’ve missed you! I can’t say that any of us expected that particular rumor, about Kamen Rider Aqua showing up, to be true, but here you are!
And, in the significantly less ‘yay’ department…
Swartz appears to plan to be turning himself into Another Decade.
Whether that’s him under there or not, Anotehr Decade looks powerful, going by that wall of explosions he’s setting off.
So. One problem – Hiryuu’s reign of terror – has been dealt with, but now we’ve got a whole NEW set of problems! FUN TIMES!
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caiuscassiuss · 6 years
Cohabitation (Opposites Attract AU! WinWin)
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"i thought my roommate was murdered but i actually ended up dating him lol”
Description: an early bird and a night owl learn to co-habitate
masterlist || request
bulletpoint scenario
the first thing you woke up to was Brahms’ Hungarian Dance in no.5
you looked at the time on ur phone; 5:30 AM
bitch fucking ass
you were very irritated, obviously, from being woken up way to early by your roommates classical music
Your roommate, Dong Sicheng, was a classical music major who loved chopin and apparently loved to be the bain of your existence by waking up 5:30 every fucking morning
how, you ask, did this happen?
yeah it was the typical “i need an apartment, i see a cheap one near campus” college deal
you found the leasing through Johnny, you highschool friend, who said the cute chinese transfer student from shanghai needed a roommate
you were “okay, sure” but when you saw the rent price you quickly dialed him up because!!!! it was hella cheap!!! and you were broke as fuck!!!
you talked over the phone with the guy and he seemed nice enough and his slight accent was making you inwardly squeal at it’s cuteness
however, his early bird tendencies were not making you squeal in joy
his daily routine might’ve been fine for the average joe but you were a night owl who loved to sleep in late
Night Owl + Early Bird + Same Living Space = DISASTER
at first you just dealt with it
maybe he had an early class or something?
but as time went on you slowly grew more irritated
he woke you up early so when you went back to sleep, you ended up tossing and turning for 2 hours until getting up for class
and when you arrived in class, you were fatigued as hell
so you kind of um
decided to take vengeance
you decided that if he was allowed to play his goddamned conciertos you were allowed to turn on your trap music
at midnight
because you were a petty hoe okay
and you were afraid of confrontation so you decided little passive aggressive things would irk him in retaliation for your uncalled for early morning wakeups
this had been going on for weeks at this point, and it both resulted in you having eyebags the size of your college textbooks (and those are pretty large okay)
ye back to PRESENT DAY
you fumed quietly and ripped your bedsheets off
you stomped across the cold wood floors and flung open the door to the living area
the tall boy turned around from the stove, dressed in a sweatshirt and jogging pants
“can you turn off whatever violin shit this is? or at least turn down the volume?” you pouted and crossed your arms
he usually wide eyes narrowed and he put down his spatula
“I’ll do it whenever you turn off your shitty rap music at like 1 in the morning” he spat out and he, too, crossed his arms
you pursed your lips
rap music somehow made you understand international policy better, okay? and you just happened to study better late at night
it wasn’t your fault he couldn’t understand the blessed flow of Biggie
“the hell? it’s art, you moron-“
“more like trash”
“- and I’m not the one waking up with the fucking chickens in the morning!”
you two glared at each other
perhaps it was early morning grumpiness or a built up grudge or a combination of both both but you decided this had gone long enough
Winwin’s pretty face and broad shoulders weren’t going to save him this time!!1!11
“okay you know what? this has gone long enough. turn off the fucking stove and we are going to discuss this like the mature adults we are”
you stomped over to the counter and sat down on one of the stools and he turned off the stove flame
he, too, sat down in front of you
“this is clearly not working out and i think it’s safe to say that neither of us are going to move out” he drawled
“correct! 10 points to sicheng!” you sarcastically crowed
“for fuck’s sake shut up and at least try to be nice? i’m trying, okay!”
“fine” you pouted and rested your head on your palms
“i think we need to come up with a system before we start failing our classes- actually, just you, because I am stellar-“
“Winwin you better shut your ass up and get on with it” you narrowed your eyes at the boy
he rolled his eyes and stared straight at you
“lemme think”
you sat in silence for a few tense seconds as you both tried to think of something that could work
suddenly an idea popped into your head
“why don’t we just… turn down the volume of our music?”
DING DING DING dumb and dumber have just appeared!!!
wow you couldn’t believe you had just thought of this
damn you really were stupid
“… fine.”
you beamed and cheered
you deflated
“that solves only like 60% of the problem. you stay up until like 1 am and i can’t sleep when i know someone is awake.”
“well that’s something you have to compromise bud, because i can’t sleep when someone is getting ready at 5 in the morning” you deadpan
“i think we’re just going have to be quieter then, is that fine?” win win asked, pursing his plump lips
damn he still looked good in a hoodie and sweatpants while you probably just looked homeless
“yeah. that’s okay.”
the next few days were actually pretty damn good
you could actually sleep!
in fact, you actually felt like you weren’t dying everyday!
in the few times you saw sicheng, he, too, didn’t look like he had 3 kids and was going through a mid-life crisis
it was a great improvement all in all
and you didn’t feel like you had to move out anymore
however one night something… shifted
you had just got home from your part time job at the local convenience store and you saw the lamp in the living room turned on
strange, because win win always turned off all the lights when he went to sleep
this is some creepy home invasion shit isn’t
this bitch is out
jk jk this bitch is poor and would probs live with a serial killer if it meant cheap rent
okay a bit extreme but you get the point
you step out of your shoes and creep into the living room
however, instead of seeing a dead sicheng lying on the floor
you saw a very much alive sicheng sleeping on the couch
with a book accidentally lying on the floor
you couldn’t help but awww bc he was so cute and innocent like this
unlike the snarky sicheng you often encountered
you decided to get a blanket from your room and layed it on top of him and adjusted his head so he wouldn’t have a stiff neck when he woke up
then you turned off the lamp and then went into your room to watch a vine compilation
next morning!!!
you woke up to a light drizzle outside your window
you then put on a sweatshirt and opened your door
you were suddenly assaulted by the smell of bacon
you frowned and saw on the counter of the kitchen was a plate of bacon and eggs with a cup of coffee next to it
there was no note or anything next to it but you knew it was from win win
mY uWuS aRe ExPlOdInG
the next few weeks these daily acts of kindness turned from unacknowledged to you two getting closer together
when you would come home late and happened to catch winwin reading, you two would sit on the couch and talk about your day and your favorite pieces of literature
when he would cook you breakfast he sometimes stayed and chatted with you at the counter about mutual friends and stuff like that
sicheng turned out not to be an asshole, as you initially thought 
he actually was pretty sweet and nice
he also loved harry potter, which probably earned him a gazillion brownie points in your book
soon enough casual goodbyes turned into hugs
living room talks turned into cafe hang outs
a snarky jabs turned into playful banter
your friends started to wonder if you two were dating
especially johnny, you always raised an eyebrow when you and sicheng would hug goodbye
sadly, you were not, but you kind’ve... wanted to?
he was basically the perfect boyfriend
yeah he had shitty taste in music and you hated how put together he was, but sicheng was a genuinely great guy
however, the more you pined over him, the more you realized how unattainable he was 
girls would always gather in a group in the university courtyard when he passed by and you heard he was number 1 in his class
unlike you, who was doing pretty average and the only things you attracted was lint
one day you two were walking through the uni grounds, a cup of coffee in both of your hands from the cafe down the street
“uh, y/n... i got something to tell you.” sicheng whispered
you looked up at him
he smiled down at you and booped your nose
“hey! what was that for?” you shouted and crossed your arms
“ur just so cute!” he said and pinched your cheeks
you slapped his hands away and you both laughed
“no, but for real, what did you want to say to me?” you asked while resting your head on the side of his arm
he was silent for a few moments until he led you to a bench
you two sat side by side, him looking off into the distance and you utterly confused as fuck
wait shit waS HE GOING TO MOVE OUT????
alarm bells started whirring inside your head as your thoughts raced
“y/n, you have really shitty music taste and are utterly disorganized as hell...” he started off
what the fuck
“... but i really like you and i want you to be my girlfriend.” 
“wait so you aren’t moving out???” you blurted out
winwin gives you a funny look
“no? y/n i just fucking confessed to you, does it look like im moving out?” 
“i don’t know!” 
you were flustered as hell because sicheng??? confessing??? to you???what a mindfuck
winwin gives another look
“oh yeah, i really like you alot too, and i, uh, would love to be your girlfriend” you somehow managed to get out, and looked down to your coffee cup, which was clenched tightly in your hands
“great” and he wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer
he kissed the top of your head as you settled into his chest
“you two?? are together???” johnny asked, clearly confused as hell at this recent development
“yeah?” you glanced at winwin and he just smiled and squeezed your intertwined hands tighter
“holy shit i can’t believe this happened! y/n... you’re like the latest night owl i know and winwin! you’re like... the earliest early bird on the whole fucking campus!” johnny threw his hands up, nearly tossing his phone also
“and?” sicheng asked
“that just... doesn’t add up!” your mutual friend sputtered
“okay then what are you? night owl or early bird?” you asked
johnny finally seemed to snap out his daze and adapted a solemn look on his face
“i am not an early bird nor a night owl.”
“I am some form of permanently exhausted pigeon.”
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btsfanficss · 7 years
Lust & Limerence | Pt. 1 (M)
Series: Slytherin!JJK x Reader x Gryffindor!KTH 
Word count: 10k
Genre: Angst, Fluff and Smut // Harry Potter AU!  
Summary: Your best friend, Taehyung, always warned you about meddling with the wrong type of people. So when Taehyung found out about your little crush on Slytherin’s hottest Quidditch player, he was far from thrilled. Since he was classified as ‘the one you should keep your distance from’ for his nasty fuckboy way of life-- Jeon Jungkook to you, seemed too sweet to be true. Blinded by Lust, you venture for evidence that proves his innocence, not just to soothe Taehyung’s worries but for your troubled mind to follow your heart’s steps. 
@btsfanficss masterlist here 💕
A/N: Thanks to @btsbangtansarmyv for helping me with this! Sharing the love with @bangtan-mya & @jeonjungrude
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The thundering bass drowned out all the chatter between the drunk teens, each corner of the house occupied with the stoned and tipsy youth. You jabbed your elbow into Taehyung’s side and he flinched at the sharp sting of your bone on his rib, a grunt of pain passed his lips. 
“You said this was a small get-together, you fucker,” you fake-smiled at him and Taehyung rubbed the back of his neck, a dumb boxy smile on his handsome face.
“Oh come on, (Y/N). You should’ve expected this from me. How long have you known me for?” Taehyung giggled and bro-hugged the several drunk males that greeted him.
“Too long,” you gritted your teeth together in annoyance. “I wish my elbow was a knife.” 
“Hey,” Taehyung pouted and you glared at him with anger. “You can get pissed at me later, okay? For now, just enjoy yourself. You barely come to these parties. Let loose before we have to go back to Hogwarts.” 
“I barely come to these parties because I fucking hate them,” you brushed off a random guy’s arm off your shoulder in pure disgust. 
“As a best friend, I’m responsible for your health and safety so don’t get too drunk, okay? Don’t go home with a random guy, too,” Taehyung lectured knowingly. 
“You wouldn’t have to worry about those things if you hadn’t brought me here in the first place,” you remarked with your hands on your hips. 
“I’ll see you around, (Y/N)!” Taehyung exclaimed and disappeared into the crowd of dancing teenage idiots, leaving you vulnerable within the party compound. 
Luckily, you managed to find a corner to reside at for the rest of the night. You were feeling slightly better as your dark coloured clothing camouflaged you in your safe little corner until a mystery man stood himself next to you. At least he wasn’t intruding too much into your personal space, unlike the rest that’d approached you so far to which you rejected by saying, “get lost, I’m not interested.” 
The tall figure leaned on the dusty wall, a phone in one of his hands as the other was carelessly shoved into his black Stussy hoodie. Interested in the quiet stranger, you glanced down at his shoes that were in your peripheral vision. He was wearing a pair of worn out black Martens boots with tattered black skinnies that highlighted his thick thighs despite the dim lighting. 
“(Y/N)?” the stranger called and your gaze transferred to his handsome facial features that were visible from the luminous screen of his phone. 
“Um yes, that’s me,” you said with a small chuckle, completely unaware of who this eye-catching bloke was. 
He pulled off the hood on his head and fixed his hair, ruffling the noir bangs with his long fingers before smiling gently at you. “I’m Jungkook,” he reached out for your hand and you shook it. 
Jungkook’s hand was much smoother than you’d expected. “Oh yes,” you finally recalled and it brought a smile to your lips. 
“You’re Taehyung’s friend right? I never thought I’d bump into you at a place like this. I heard from him this kind of event wasn’t your cup of tea,” Jungkook spoke in a soothing voice and you nodded at his question. 
“You got that right,” you rolled your eyes. “That cheeky fucker lied to me and told me this was a small get-together.” 
Jungkook chuckled at your sassy attitude and your frown softened to match his delicate smile. 
“It’s a little strange to meet you for the first time here and not school,” you admitted. “I’ve heard so many things about you before. Now I can finally peg a face to the talks.” 
“You’ve heard things about me, huh?” Jungkook’s smile integrated into a small smirk to reveal the charming dimple on the left cheek. “What kind of things?”
“Oh, you know just the usual Slytherin fuckboy stories,” you said honestly and he pretended to look hurt, placing his hand on his chest. His surprising dorky sense of humour made you giggle. 
“Well yeah, I guess they’re right to an extent,” he quickly recovered. “Do you believe in those rumours?” Jungkook asked with a curious glint coated in his intrusive stare. 
“Honestly, Jungkook, I don’t care,” you shrugged your shoulders and Jungkook wasn’t expecting that reply. It made his eyebrow rise as he took interest in your light-hearted yet honest personality.
“I’m glad you don’t. I’m actually not that much of an asshole as everyone describes me to be,” Jungkook shuffled closer to you but you didn’t mind. You were getting bored of candy crush anyways. 
“No, they don’t think you’re an asshole. I think it’s the opposite. Even though everyone knows of your fuckboy lifestyle, they’re still obsessed with you. Must be because you’re smart that they give you lenience to fuck around a bit.” 
“So you think I’m smart?” Jungkook asked with a cocky smile. 
“Grades aren’t the only defining factor of intelligence. You can have perfect grades but still do stupid things,” you laughed and expected Jungkook to too but he didn’t. 
Jungkook looked taken aback, as though you’d hit a sensitive topic for him. He snapped out of it and a pained smile crept up his lips. “I suppose you’re right,” he rubbed the back of his head and you nodded slowly. 
“Jungkook I was kidding, I just said it for quality banter you know,” you looked up him and he smiled naturally again. 
The two of you really hit it off. You talked to him about the most boring topics but his witty comebacks alone were enough to spice up the conversation. You shared uncontrollable laughter in your safe corner. He was so easy to talk to, it was no wonder that all the girls in your cohort were head over heels for him. 
Not only was he unfairly handsome, his witty sense of humour was bound to charm without him needing to lift his wand. He shuffled even closer to you, his shoulder now touching yours as you reciprocated his flirtatious yet subtle moves with a welcoming smile that he thought looked so cute. 
It was very rare for Jungkook to build an interest in anyone. He was normally so up-front about what he wanted, normally to other girls at frat parties, he’d state from the beginning that he only wanted to fuck. But with you, much to his surprise, he didn’t even plan to say it. He knew that if he said it, you’d be disgusted and that held him back from doing whatever he wanted. He was genuinely interested in you.
Your conversation with Jungkook was interrupted by a small vibration in your pocket. You took out your phone and read the message from Taehyung. 
I’m a considerate best friend so we can leave early. I’m waiting in the car outside. Sent: 12:32 AM
Your smile smoothed into a thin line subconsciously. “I have to go, Jungkook. It was great talking to you,” you shoved the phone back into your pocket and shook his hand again.
“Leaving so soon?” 
“Yeah, Taehyung’s already waiting outside for me,” you explained and Jungkook nodded. 
You walked away from the little corner to push through the raving group of drunkards. “(Y/N)!” a voice called out from behind and your head turned to the direction of the yell. 
“I’ll see you around?” Jungkook waved, a sincere looking smile on his attractive face and you decided to play cheeky. 
“Who knows?” you shrugged your shoulders and disappeared into the crowd to leave Jungkook thirsty for your interesting charm. 
“Taehyung! Why didn’t you tell me Jungkook was so sweet?” you said as soon as you closed the car door. 
Taehyung’s eyebrow became immediately raised. “Because that’s not the truth?” 
“What are you talking about? I was talking to him the whole time and he’s so genuine,” you giggled, interested in the handsome boy. 
“That’s what he wants you to think. Trust me, (Y/N), I’m his friend and I know what he’s actually like.” 
“If you’re his friend then why are you shit talking him?” you couldn’t help but sound annoyed. You were looking forward to telling Taehyung about your new interest only to find out about his disapproval.
“He’s my friend but that doesn’t mean I agree with the way he does things. He’s only charming you to sleep with you, nothing more,” Taehyung remarked. 
“I thought that too but I’m serious Tae, he was so sweet to me.” 
“And I’m serious too, (Y/N). Don’t pick up any feelings for him. He’s dangerous and you’re far too good for him,” Taehyung said in a serious tone. 
“You asked me to have fun and now that I’m having some fun, you’re ruining it,” you sighed. 
“I’m protecting you from a troublemaker,” Taehyung’s grip on the steering wheel tightened and the rest of the ride home was silent. 
A few months after...
6th Year // September // 1st Term
The school year began with a bang, literally. You’d walked straight into the door frame in front of your whole Potions class, your hair messy in a bun with eyebags that displayed your lack of sleep. You’d missed the first banquet of the year at the dining hall. Whoever thought it was a good idea for breakfast to begin at 7:30 was completely crazy. 
Your classmates giggled at your clumsiness and you just smiled through it. You pat down the stray hairs and massaged the pained area whilst smoothening out your cloak. Luckily, your house crest sat perfectly on the top right of your robe.
“Sorry, I’m late Professor. I kind of overslept,” you admitted and she let you off the hook but not without a lecture. 
“I suppose it must be hard to get back into a correct sleep pattern, Miss (Y/N) but please don’t be late next time. Afterall, this is your 6th year at Hogwarts now, you must prepare to sit the N.E.W.T exams next year. Being on time to classes would be an excellent start,” she signaled for you to join a group for the lesson. 
“Why didn’t you wake me up Tae?” you whispered under your breath, annoyed at your best friend. 
“Did you forget the girls’ dormitories are off limits for people that have dicks?” Taehyung remarked. 
“Did you even iron your robe? It looked like you slept in it,” you chuckled and Taehyung self-cautiously attempted to smooth out the wrinkles. The only thing not crinkled was the Gryffindor crest on his red-accented robe. 
“Well you look like a zombie so touché,” Taehyung chuckled and you rolled your eyes at him. 
“Mornin’ (Y/N),” a velvety voice called out and you turned around to face Jungkook. He was wearing a vibrant and contagious smile on his lips so naturally, your lips mimicked his.
“Jungkook?” you couldn’t help but sound a little excited. 
On the contrary to you, Jungkook looked perfectly awake. His eyes were bright and bursting with liveliness not to mention the smooth and perfectly ironed Slytherin robes unlike Taehyung’s.
“I guess I will be seeing you around after all. Are you ready for another painful year of potions with me?” Jungkook chuckled. 
“Another year? We had Potions together before?” you asked in a whisper and Taehyung snorted loudly, the rest of the class turned to stare at the three of you. “Sorry,” Taehyung said.
“We were in the same Potions class for our 2nd and 4th year at Hogwarts,” Jungkook’s smile turned a little stiff. 
“Oh shit,” you laughed. “I guess I just didn’t notice.” 
The three of you finally stopped talking when your Professor exclaimed the lesson’s aim. She stood proudly in front of the class with all the strange and rare ingredients laid out. 
“Let’s start off your 6th year here at Hogwarts with a competition, shall we? Today, class, you will be brewing Felix Felicis in your groups. Although this potion is more on the intricate and complex side, I believe with enough teamwork and perseverance, you will be able to brew it correctly.” 
“Fuck, I don’t even know how to brew potions from 1st year.” Jungkook blurted out a little too loudly and the class was filled with laughter. Your Professor brushed off his funny comment to propose an interesting deal. 
“The members of the first group to successfully brew this potion will each be rewarded 25 points for their House.” 
The classroom fell quiet with laughter but grew with murmurs of interest which displayed the truly competitive nature of Hogwarts. 
“I will keep restocking the ingredients until one team can brew it. You may come back to the lab during your free time but normal rules still apply. You must be in your common rooms before curfew. For 6th year students, I believe that is 10PM.”
“Before we start,” your professor continued. “Can anyone tell me the effects of this potion?” 
“Felix Felicis, also called Liquid Luck, is a magical potion that makes the drinker lucky for a period of time, during which everything they attempt will be successful. It turns an ordinary day into an extraordinary one,” Taehyung’s deep voice enchanted the fellow girls in the class. 
“Perfect answer! 2 points to Gryffindor!” The professor exclaimed in joy and Taehyung sat back down. 
“Try hard,” you muttered underneath your breath and his boxy smile grew even wider at your jealousy. 
Even though some things Taehyung did was dumb beyond comprehension (like the time he asked if trees were broccoli but on steroids), you had to admit that he was actually so brilliantly smart-- especially at Potions, the subject you hated most and sucked at most. 
“You may start your tasks. As this is a challenge, I will not be helping out with this unless you all can’t do it. A similar task will be asked to be completed in your mock exams and of course, your N.E.W.T exams.”
The classroom erupted into content heavy discussions as each team decided the roles of each team member. The three of you sat a little quieter than you’re expected before Jungkook burst the bubble. 
“I’m going to apologise in advance and say that I’m shit at Potions. I barely passed the last exam so I’m sorry if I’m not so helpful,” Jungkook admitted and you high fived him. 
“Same! I passed by 4%” you giggled and neither of you pulled your hands away, his touch lingering on your fingers. The eye contact between the two of you was intense and Taehyung coughed to break it. 
He pulled your hand back and placed it on the heat-resistant mat. “That’s not something to high five about you dumbasses.” 
“But Jungkook,” you peered close to him. “Don’t worry, Taehyung was dux for the last Potions exam so we’ll be fine,” you reassured him and his smile grew with relief. 
6th Year // Late September // 1st Term
A couple of weeks pass and no group has brewed the goddamn potion. Each group was starting to get frustrated as each lesson passed but your frustration was almost non-existent as you were paired up with Taehyung, who was diligently making excellent progress and Jungkook, the ultimate dreamy distraction. 
You’d gotten to know Jungkook a lot more as he joined you and Taehyung for some lunch breaks. Taehyung was always protective of you, since the beginning so instinctively, when Jungkook attempted to pull some moves on you, he would always interfere at the right time. As frustrating as it was for you, Taehyung said it was, “for the greater good.”
But that night, Taehyung couldn’t interfere. You were cooped up in your dormitory, cozy under your comforter with a book in your hand as you diligently did some reading homework. Much to your surprise, you were interrupted by a small knock on your window. You put the book down and peered up to press your ear near the window. 
Were you just hearing things? 
Another knock and you boldly spread your curtains open to reveal a handsome boy perfectly balanced on his broomstick. You quickly opened the window in surprise, yet your gaze sparkled with interest as you feasted your eyes on the one and only, Jeon Jungkook. 
His noir locks were touselled from the wind and he reached out for your hand. Instinctively, you took it and pulled him into your bedroom through the window. Jungkook shut the window and signaled for you to close your bedroom door to which you obeyed quickly. 
“What are you doing here?” you whispered harshly, a tone of excitement prevalent in your voice. 
“I’m... uhh...” Jungkook hesitated. “I’m here to ask a question about the project?” he lied and you laughed immediately at his weak manipulative skills. 
“Jungkook, you’re a Slytherin and you can’t lie for shit. Really, just tell me the proper reason.” 
“Hey don’t stereotype us Slytherins,” he retorted in defence and you just giggled. “I have something cool to show you,” he said with a spark of excitement in his dark cocoa eyes
“Jungkook it’s well past curfew. You realise that if anyone finds out we’re both going to get suspended right?” 
“Oh come on, (Y/N). Don’t be a pussy. I sneak out all the time and I’ve never been caught,” Jungkook persuaded with his soothing voice and you seriously contemplated it. 
“No no. I can’t come with you right now. Can’t you show me later? I’m free this weekend if you’re willing to do this again-- without risking our academic records?” 
“But tonight’s the only night. I promise you it’s amazing,” Jungkook casually brushed his hand over yours and it was as though he’d charmed you his touch.
His touch was magnetic and you felt the surge of blood shoot up to your cheeks at his caressing action. You knew deep down that you shouldn’t follow him. You were a good girl- to an extent. You’d never sneaked out of the dorms or gotten suspended before. To be fair, Jungkook had never gotten suspended before too but he was an expert in escaping trouble so he doesn’t count. 
“You’ll love it,” Jungkook sweet talked and you finally gave in, watching in defeat as Jungkook fist pumped the air at your small nod. 
“Okay,” Jungkook grinned and opened your window to welcome the sound of howling wind. “Hop on the back of my broom,” Jungkook proposed as he stood near the edge of the window. 
“What?!” you whispered harshly, paranoid that someone would hear you. “Are you crazy? What if you can’t control it!” 
“I’m Slytherin’s Ace Quidditch player. Just trust me baby girl,” Jungkook’s nickname for you had you weak to your knees. 
You knew that he probably called all the other girls that too but the sound of it was so magnificent you listened, even though your hands were shaking in nerves and fright at the idea of two people flying on one broomstick. 
“Slytherin’s Ace better get me back here in one piece or else,” you threatened when you sat down on the broomstick. Jungkook’s back felt warm against your chest as he pulled you closer to his body, yelling something along the lines of “hold on tight!” before dropping out of the window. 
Your eyes were wired shut and all you could hear was the sound of Jungkook’s laughter as he teased you with his speed of travel, you cursed as you begged him to slow down. Instead of the terrifying broom ride, you tried to focus on the cloying scent of Jungkook. His dark hoodie smelt of an exotic crush between sandalwood and thanaka which eased your mind temporarily. 
Jungkook landed at the destination and you let go of your tight hug on his back. He placed the broomstick down and sat down on the floor. He pat a spot next to him and you sat down, still out of breath. You looked around your surroundings and found yourself on the Astronomy Tower. 
“Okay, I must admit. That was impressive,” you complimented and Jungkook just beamed at you. 
“You know what’s even more impressive?” Jungkook said playfully and before you could answer, he gently tilted your chin so you were met with the million twinkling stars of the galaxy. Your response was caught in your throat as the celestial beauty took your breath away. 
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Jungkook spoke in a soft voice as he kept his gaze trained on not the night sky but instead, on your amazed face. Jungkook had never felt that much desire for anyone in his life. Your inviting soft and pink lips had Jungkok’s mind spinning with lust and thirst for the sweet taste. 
“This is definitely worth it,” you admitted and you noticed Jungkook’s gaze on you, obviously taken aback that someone as handsome as Jungkook was eye-fucking you. 
“Thanks for taking me here,” you said and a cold wind blew by, causing you to shiver noticeably. He unzipped his dark navy bomber and wrapped your small body in it. 
You didn’t know what was more beautiful, the extravagant night sky? Or the sight of Jungkook’s lustful gaze on you. 
He noticed a strand of your hair caught in between your lips so he moved the hair away using the soft pad of his thumb. You had no idea he was such a romantic. 
“No wonder all the girls are obsessed with you.” you chuckled to lighten the heavy atmosphere and crimson blush across your cheeks. 
Jungkook frowned at your comment. “Do you really think I’m like this to all the girls?” 
“You’re not?” you couldn’t help but sound shocked from the realisation that Jungkook might feel something extra for you.
“I’m normally really straightforward with what I want. The reason why my reputation isn’t that horrendous is because I’m at least honest with the girls I fuck,” Jungkook explained and you looked lost at his words.
“All the girls knew that I was only looking for a good fuck and nothing more,” Jungkook muttered. 
“Is that why you brought me here? Just because I showed a little interest you assumed it was a green light for you to fuck me?” your tone was cold an defensive. 
“God no,” Jungkook interjected much to your surprise. “That’s not the reason at all, baby girl let me finish.” 
“I’m not really good with words and shit but... I feel different about you. I was originally just going to straight up ask at the party if I could fuck you but when we started talking I realised I can’t possibly do that. Not to you at least.”
“I don’t know how you want me to react to all this, Jungkook,” you admitted. “And for your information, confident guys are sexy but if you haven’t noticed, you sound like a total asshole right now.” 
“No, you’re missing the point. The point I’m trying to make here is that-- you... you make me nervous, alright?” Jungkook sighed in defeat and your ears perked up at the sound of it.  
“I’m normally so confident around girls I thought I’d be the same around you but when we talk I filter so much more. I don’t want you to think I’m a jerk or whatever, you know? Heck-- do you really think I’m the type of guy to do this cheesy shit?” Jungkook let out a dry chuckle and you shrugged your shoulders. 
“To be fair we started talking just recently. And I told you before that I don’t care about those rumours but the fact that they exist is an influencing factor on your image.” 
“But I’m not half that bad,” Jungkook defended himself. “Besides the point, I just wanted to tell you that... I want to get to know you,” the words finally came out his mouth and you felt the pit of your stomach ablaze with new set nerves and butterflies. 
“What do you want to know about me?” you asked as you stared into his lustful gaze, your head rested on your knees. Your tone was gentle with no aggression intended. 
Jungkook looked a little blank at your question- almost as though he hadn’t thought this far. He tilted his head to the side and hoped that somehow the stars would rearrange to form the perfect answer. He couldn’t possibly admit that he wanted to fuck you- at least not then. You’d definitely think that you were no different to all the others except you were. 
The dry silence wasn’t helping your insecurities. “Do you want to get to know me or my body?”  
“Can I say both?” Jungkook answered shamelessly as you felt his stare trace the outlines of your lips for what felt like the millionth time that night. Your inside voice was yelling at you to tell him off for his cocky attitude but instead, your head moved down by itself- a small nod. 
Before you could correct your ‘mistake’, Jungkook was already leaning closer to your face and it made you forget everything momentarily. “May I?” he asked, the sound of his voice mellow and laced with thirst. 
You answered his question by boldly fulfilling his request. You pressed your lips against his own, starting off the kiss with a harmless set of pecks and Jungkook instantly melted at the sensation. He’d been wanting to do that for so long. The truth was, he’d had his eye on you ever since Taehyung brought you to that one party years ago. 
The only reason he hadn’t pulled any moves on you was that he never got the chance to talk to you again. But then that night you showed up to the party years after, Jungkook shook off all the girls that surrounded him in their desperate attempts at throwing themselves onto him to spend his time with you--  the good girl, that cutie in his Potions class, Taehyung’s charming best friend. 
“I like honest guys,” you broke the innocent kiss to stare deeply into Jungkook’s eyes. His lips were immensely soft and you immediately regretted your decision of breaking the kiss.
“Does that mean you like me?” Jungkook grinned playfully and you watched his nose scrunch to reveal his bunny-like smile. You’d never seen such an innocent expression on his face before. 
“It was a general statement. I never mentioned you specifically,” you teased. 
A comforting silence passed as the two of you enjoyed star gazing in each other’s presence. Jungkook pointed out the important stars in the starry night and you were impressed at his knowledge. Evidently, Astronomy was his bravado. 
“Shit,” you interrupted his crash course on the subject. “Taehyung’s going to fucking kill me.” 
You both sat up after processing your statement. “I’ve been meaning to ask, are you sure he doesn’t have any feelings for you?” 
“Jungkook, he’s my best friend. We’ve been inseparable since we were children. I’m sure he only sees me as that.” 
Jungkook nodded and you felt a smile creep up your lips. “Why? Jealous already? I didn’t peg you to be the possessive type,” you chucked. 
“I know I can be dodgy but I can have real feelings too, you know.” 
“I think it’s because you’re dodgy that Tae’s worried. He’s always been protective of me because...” 
“Because he thinks I’m a bad influence on you,” Jungkook finished your sentence.
“He’s not wrong, you know” you joked. “After all, this is my first time sneaking out past curfew let alone with a boy.”
“But you said yourself that it was worth it.” 
“Yeah yeah, whatever Kookie,” you chuckled and the nickname sounded so natural from your lips. You expected him to share the laugh with you but he didn’t he was completely silent. 
“Say that again,” Jungkook said, his voice soft yet a little primitive. 
“Fuck,” Jungkook peered closer at your face. “That sounds sexy as hell coming from you.” 
You closed your eyes slowly, allowing Jungkook to kiss you for the second time that night, this time much more passionate than before. The kiss started off slow but eventually turned steamy-- your fingers in his noir locks as he trapped you in between his arms. You molded your soft lips to his liking, following his intense rhythm as you allowed him more access. Jungkook was losing himself in your sweet taste yet, self-control kicked in. Ironically, it was a quality he normally did not possess with other girls. 
“Jesus, where did you learn to kiss like that?” Jungkook’s voice was gruff in your ear as he began to trail teasing pecks down your neck. 
“I’m not as innocent as you think I am,” you said to his surprise and Jungkook peeled himself off you. 
“You’re right. Taehyung is going to kill you and me,” Jungkook said and sat back up. 
“Way to ruin the mood.”
6th Year // October // 1st Term
“Congratulations Taehyung’s group! You are the first group to successfully brew Felix Felicis. As promised, each member of your team will be rewarded 25 points towards their House,” your professor yelled enthusiastically. She must’ve been happy that someone finally managed to brew it after weeks since the start. 
“Professor,” Jungkook raised his hand to project his voice. “Can we alter the rewards a bit? I believe it’s unfair for Slytherin to be rewarded considering that I pretty much contributed nothing to this task. Can you instead give Taehyung 25 extra points?” Jungkook asked and all the girls discussed his generosity among themselves. 
“Understood,” the Professor nodded and Taehyung wasn’t as happy as you’d expect him to be. 
“Tae,” you whispered. “What’s wrong? Aren’t you happy?” 
“We’re talking after this, (Y/N),” Taehyung sounded monotone and too serious for your liking. 
“You’re scaring me,” you chuckled.
What was that supposed to mean? Taehyung was normally never like this. What was there to talk about? Throughout your entire friendship he’d only asked to talk once and when that happened, he yelled at you because you accidentally broke of his favourite One Piece figurines back in 5th grade.
“I can’t believe you,” Taehyung scolded. He folded his arms across his chest and you had a confused smile on your face. 
“What are you on about?” 
“You know exactly what I’m on about, (Y/N). Why did I have to find out through someone else that my best friend kissed the only guy I told her to stay away from?” Taehyung sounded so angry. He was practically holding back from throwing a punch at your wall. 
“Are you for real?” you extracted the seriousness from his question. “Tae, come on. You don’t have to get so upset about this. It’s not a big deal, I was going to tell you eventually,” you chuckled and Taehyung’s beady eyes only grew wider at your words. 
“(Y/N), I’m not mad about the fact that you didn’t tell me-- I’m pissed about the fact that you didn’t listen to me,” Taehyung frowned. 
“Since when did I have to listen to you? You’re my best friend, not my brother,” your smile faded into a frown to match the scowl on Tae’s face. 
“Well then let me be your brother for this case, (Y/N). I’m telling you to stay away from him. I know you better than you know yourself and even you admitted that so please,” he pleaded, the roughness in his voice dispersing into a desperate beg. “Don’t get close to him.” 
“Oh my god,” you groaned, throwing your hands up in the air. “Maybe I didn’t tell you because I knew you were going to be a little bitch about it.” 
“Oh, I’ll voluntarily be a massive bitch about it if it stops you from falling for the likes of him.” 
“The likes of him? Taehyung I bet you don’t even know Jungkook nearly as well as I do by now,” you defended instinctively. “I already know he sleeps around and his reputation isn’t top-notch but he’s actually a genuine guy if you give him a chance.” 
“That’s what all the girls say before their hearts get shattered, (Y/N). I can’t risk you being one of his fucking side chicks, okay?” Taehyung dropped his yelling because he knew it was only riling you up. 
“I can take care of myself, Taehyung. If you really are my best friend then shouldn’t you at least be considerate of my feelings towards him?” 
“Your feelings? Fuck me,” Taehyung cursed and smothered his face in his sweaty palms. “Please tell me you didn’t just say you had feelings for this guy.”
“I never said romantic feelings but even if I did, why does it matter to yo--”
“--Of course it matters to me! You’re my best friend and I can’t just sit here and watch you fall for this fuckwit when you can do so much better!” Taehyung yelled, much louder than he intended. He couldn’t control himself at that point and you flinched at his yelling. 
He noticed your trembling hands and softened his angry glare. “I’m only telling you because I’m worried about you. You get attached and fall for people easily so I don’t that happening with him.”
“You can tell me without fucking yelling in my face, asshole,” you retorted and he finally noticed the glaze of tears over your eyes. Taehyung chewed on his bottom lip.
“I did in the car but you didn’t listen to me.” 
A couple of days after...
After that happened, you found it impossible to approach Taehyung. Normally, when the two of you fought, it’d be quickly resolved with Taehyung’s begging soon after but this time was different. He didn’t pester you with apologies like he did in the past. Probably because he wasn’t in the wrong. 
He didn’t even come down to eat dinner some nights. He must’ve felt really shit. Deep down, you knew that Tae was only looking out for you. You just quickly wanted to make up with him and explain to him that you could take care of yourself. 
“Tae isn’t here again?” a familiar voice soothed your aching thoughts. 
You looked up from your dinner plate to find Jungkook sat across you. You merely shrugged your shoulders and he noticed your pained expression. 
“Hey, are you okay?” Jungkook asked, his voice soft and laced with concern. 
How could Taehyung be so unaccepting of this sweet boy across you? 
“Yeah, we’re still ignoring each other,” you stabbed your fork into the potato on your plate. “I’m sure we’ll get over it eventually,” you said in an emotionless tone but Jungkook knew you were feeling much worse on the inside. 
“He’s not talking to me either,” Jungkook sighed. “He told me from the beginning that you were off limits. I understand why though, I’ve done some pretty messed up things in the past.” 
“If he told you to stay away from me why did you bother, Jungkook.”
“Because I told you already. I’m interested in you,” he rubbed the back of his head, a cute habit of his whenever he got nervous. 
“Anyways, I’m going to go talk to Taehyung after dinner. You should try sort things out too. It’s been like 4 days since the last time you two talked-- I’m guessing that’s a new record.” 
“What do you want?” Taehyung was evidently annoyed. Jungkook could tell from the way his intimidating tone of voice. 
“I’m just here to talk,” he said. 
“You’re the last person I want to talk to,” Taehyng admitted. 
“Just deal with me for the next 15 minutes please,” Jungkook asked nicely and Taehyung grumbled, sitting himself down on a chair. 
“I know you don’t like me hanging around (Y/N),” Jungkook started and Tae immediately interjected with, “No shit.” 
“That’s why I’m here to ask why.” 
“Ask why?” Taehyung snorted. “I told you from the beginning. You already have the answer to that, Jungkook. People like you don’t deserve people like her. You’re corrupt and you’re the type of guy who sleeps with 20 girls on rotation. I don’t want her to be affiliated with someone like you because she’s pure and genuine and you’re nothing but a bad influence.”
“That’s exaggerated as fuck but yeah, I had a gut feeling you’d say that,” Jungkook shrugged his shoulders. 
“She’s innocent and she trusts people easily. I don’t want her to be falling for the wrong type of guy,” Taehyung said, a frown on his face. 
“What if I told you that I’m interested in more than fucking?” 
“That’s even worse because you’re the type of person to change within seconds. You’ll make her fall for you and then you’ll leave when you get bored. It’s no different to what you’re doing with others right now, just for a longer period of time. You can’t possibly be serious about wanting to... date her?” 
“Taehyung she’s really...” Jungkook sighed. “I know you think I’m lacking and that’s why you’re extra perhaps too protective of her but you have to believe me when I say I mean no harm.” 
“Look, your words mean nothing to me,” Taehyung growled as he stood up from his seat and stepped into Jungkook’s personal space. “But I know both you and (Y/N) well enough to say there’s no point in me trying to stop whatever shit goes on between you two. Talking to a fucking rock will make more sense than trying to interfere so I’m telling you right now, Jeon Jungkook.” 
“If you do anything to hurt her in any way, I’m going to fucking lose it.” Taehyung loosened the tight grip on Jungkook’s robe. 
Taehyung we really need to talk. Can you meet me outside the library after dinner? Sent: 6:42 PM
You waited nervously for his arrival, your clammy hands on your lap as you attempted to distract yourself by reading a book. People looked at you strangely. Why were you reading outside the library rather than inside? Because they didn’t know you were mentally preparing for a confrontation you were dreading with your closest and most treasured friend. 
You recognised the large shoes in front of you and you immediately looked up from the book to face Taehyung, a regretful smile painted on his lips. 
“Hey,” he said simply in his deep and soft voice. 
You were suddenly overwhelmed by his presence. You had this plan on telling him about your growing interest in Jungkook and how he should support you as a good best friend but at the sight of his vulnerable smile, you grew weak. Not knowing what to do-- you threw yourself onto him, standing up to tightly wrap your arms around him. You buried your face in his broad chest and he was definitely taken aback by the rather random embrace. 
It didn’t take long for Taehyung to return the reuniting hug. He squeezed his arms around your small frame to whisper a wispy, “I’m sorry” into your ear. The two of you hugged each other and finally let go to talk properly. 
“I’m sorry, Tae,” you said. 
“For what?” he chuckled. You were still holding onto his sleeve with your fingers. 
“Sorry for ignoring you and disregarding your concern,” your voice was a little hoarse. 
“And I’m sorry for yelling at you,” Taehyung pat your head lovingly and brushed your baby hairs in place with his long fingers. “You’re my best friend. You know how much I love you right, (Y/N)? I just don’t want you to get hurt.” 
You felt the exhale of his sigh on your cheek and you nodded understandingly. “I know Tae. Sorry for not realising sooner. I love you too.” 
6th Year // Halloween // 1st Term
“Where are you going? Aren’t you coming to the Great Hall for the Halloween feast?” Taehyung bumped into you as he came out of the Gryffindor common room. What perfect timing.
“I’m going to Honeydukes in Hogsmeade. I figured I should use the secret passage on floor 3 of the castle because I’m running late,” you glanced at the small watch strapped to your wrist and cursed at the time. He’d been waiting 15 minutes.
“I’m assuming you’re going to see Jungkook since you’re dressed so nicely,” Taehyung chuckled and you were surprised at his relaxed behaviour. “I wasn’t born yesterday, (Y/N). I know you’ve been seeing him the past month.” 
“We’re not dating or anything!” you clarified out of instinct. 
“Whatever,” Taehyung rolled his eyes. “He’s been surprisingly tame since you two became close so I’m letting things slide for now.” 
You hugged Taehyung quickly out of pure joy. “Thanks for giving him a chance for me, Tae.” 
“Be back before curfew,” he waved you off as you hopped onto the ever-changing staircases of the Hogwarts castle. 
“There she is,” Jungkook said, taking his hand out of his robe pocket to wave and you rushed over to him slightly out of breath. 
“I’m sorry I made you wait, Kook,” you apologised and Jungkook just smiled at your dolled-up appearance. 
“It’s all good, I didn’t have to wait long. Quidditch season starts soon so our team had an abrupt meeting. Sorry I didn’t have time to change out of my robes.”
“So what did you have planned?” you asked as you walked together towards Honeydukes, almost hand in hand as the distance that separated you and him was so minimal. 
Your relationship with Jungkook was still unknown, but everyone was starting to become suspicious of it. It wasn’t common for Jungkook to stick around a girl for any longer than a week so naturally, the girls started to treat you as their enemy as they were fuelled with jealousy. Much to everyone’s surprise, especially Taehyung’s, Jungkook had been ‘tame’ the past couple of months. 
He’d shown up to classes regularly and his grades were better than ever but what was most surprising was- he wasn’t sleeping around. No one could believe that you were the solution to ending Jungkook’s dirty methods. Even yourself. 
He was too good to be true. The rumours you heard previously from Taehyung were no more as he managed stayed loyal to you. You couldn’t believe how quickly he adverted his methods. You convinced yourself that surely it wasn’t just you that explained Jungkook’s change. Perhaps it was because he was in 6th year now he decided to get serious about his studies. Because if you were the only reason for his change, then he would’ve progressed your relationship by now. Or at least hinted to you of how much you meant to him. 
The thing was, Jungkook was terrified of the whole ‘relationship’ thing. It was a completely new ground for him because all he’s had was flings or sexually benefitting relationships in the past. Not one relationship he’d been in was revolved around mutual trust and connection like the two of you shared. So naturally, he was even more scared of messing up because he actually cared this time around. 
But he decided that it was time to show some form of commitment. He didn’t want to risk being completely bro-zoned like Taehyung. Plus, there’s no way you’d reject him, right? You wouldn’t come to these little exclusive ‘hang-outs’ if you weren’t interested in him, right? 
“Kook are you alright?” your hand felt warm on his smooth cheek and he flinched in surprise. 
“Y-yeah, I’m fine,” he lied. “Let’s buy some candy,” Jungkook suggested. 
He opened the door for you and you went in first, taking off your noir trench to reveal the little black dress underneath. 
“Did you wear this for me?” Jungkook spoke softly in your ear before planting a chaste kiss on your exposed collarbone. The loving action made you blush. 
Jungkook took a whiff of your new cologne your parents had sent over from home. The irresistible scent was a combination of soothing Jasmine and Ashe wood. He felt his insides go weak from your cloying scent-- that was his weakness, after all.  
“I like to think I dress for myself,” you joked and Jungkook chuckled.
The two of you scanned the towers of confectionary, stood side by side, your shoulder touching the side of his arm. You felt Jungkook’s warm hand shift from inside his pocket to his side, the tip of his finger grazed yours. His hand brushed against yours before he went for it, intertwining his long ‘piano’ fingers with your own. 
You glanced down to look at another one of his affectionate gestures and it raised your eyebrow in confusion. “Jungkook,” you whispered inaudibly. 
“Mmm?” His gaze was trained on the strange coloured gobstoppers in-front of him, pretending to look immersed in the candy when in reality he was shitting himself. 
“I’ve been meaning to ask...” you felt Jungkook’s thumb rub your index finger. It was a small yet comforting sensation. “What exactly are we?” 
The words finally came out-- after countless nights of debating whether or not you should say it. You didn’t want to sound desperate because your ego was on the line. 
“I don’t know,” he answered absentmindedly and you frowned at his answer. “What do you want us to be?” he cleverly reverted the question back to you. 
“I asked first so you should answer first,” you remarked in a witty tone. 
“Well...” Jungkook sighed. You felt your palm go sweaty from his lack of response. “Since I’m not good with words, maybe I’ll show you,” Jungkook stated before gently pulling you into his chest. 
Her interlocked your lips with his, your eyes wide at yet another sudden symbol of his desire. He’d never kissed you in public before-- but you didn’t mind. You melted into his touch, resting your arms on his broad shoulders to indulge in his sweet kiss. You played with his noir locks and you could feel peoples’ stare on you two. He broke the kiss to stare deeply into your eyes and muttered a statement you’d been dreaming to hear. 
“I like you,” he confessed and all you could do was stare blankly at his lips in response. 
Then, Jungkook grew weak at your shy smile. It was so demure and sincere, it made his chest fuzzy with warmth. 
You didn’t really know what to do. You weren’t expecting him to say it that day. “Aren’t you going to say it back?” 
“I like you too,” you whispered, barely audible and Jungkook happily peered his ear closer to your lips. 
“What was that, baby girl? I couldn’t hear you,” Jungkook said in a teasing tone. His signature bunny smile and nose scrunch were suddenly so overwhelming up close. 
“I said I’m hungry,” you lied and Jungkook laughed at your timid comeback.
“Thanks for walking me back here. You should go before anyone sees you here,” you smoothened the cotton fabric on his green accented robes, your palms smooth on his chest and his hands on your hips to pull you closer to his body. 
“Mmm,” Jungkook hummed, completely intoxicated by your fragrance. “Have I complimented your new perfume? It’s absolutely divine,” he sighed and rested his head upon your shoulder to inhale more of the charming scent. 
“Kook you’ve told me at least 3 times tonight. I’m starting to think you like it more than I do,” you smiled. 
 The two of you stayed like that for a while, muttering sweet nothings into each other’s ears. It was a dangerous spot for Jungkook to be in, you were aware. 
“Jungkook, you should really go. I don’t want you to get in trouble,” you convinced, your fingers combing through his soft hair. 
“You don’t want me around you anymore?” he joked. “Heartless, (Y/N). I knew you’d leave me after I confessed to you. What a heartbreaker,” he chuckled into your ear, a rich and husky sound and you giggled at his playfulness. 
“Yes, this was my plan all along,” you played along. 
“Can I at least spend the night with you before you leave me forever?” Jungkook flirted smoothly and you laughed again. 
“No, you may not spend the night with her,” A voice suddenly answered his request. The two of you immediately distanced yourselves and whipped your heads to the direction of the sound, panic on your features.
Taehyung stood there, a raised eyebrow to showcase how unimpressed he was. But you were just relieved it was him and not a teacher. 
“Jesus Tae! You scared me!” you exclaimed with a sigh of relief. “Thank God it’s just you.” 
“Thank God I didn’t walk into you two fucking,” Taehyung rolled his eyes. “You guys are lucky it’s me and not anyone else. Be more careful about these things. Now Jungkook and I should really get out of here before anyone else walks in. I was just here to check up on (Y/N).” 
“Seriously starting to think you’re my dad and not my best friend.” 
“Whatever, loser. Your parents actually paid me to be your friend since the beginning so no surprise,” Taehyung laughed and dragged Jungkook out of the girls' dormitory. 
“Sweet dreams!” Jungkook called out and you heard the door shut behind the two. 
6th Year // Mid November // 1st Term
“Don’t you want to see me train in the mornings?” Jungkook asked. 
“No, Jungkook. There’s already your fan club at every practice and it’s so brutally cold in the mornings,” you said for the thousandth time. You brushed off the subtle hand on your shoulder because you knew you’d soon fall easily to his persuasion. 
“But they’re not you. I’ll let you wear my jacket,” he suggested with a glint of hope in his eyes. 
“Yeah and then those girls can hate me even more. It’s like I’m rubbing it in their faces that I’m wearing your jacket and not them.” 
“Okay then let’s make a deal,” he attempted. “You come to practice for the next week and I’ll help with your Astronomy studies?”
“You have to help me regardless,” you chuckled. 
“No I don’t,” he smirked cheekily. “I was just being nice the previous times.” 
Your mouth dropped open at his words. “Hey, that’s dirty play!” Jungkook quickly kissed your cheek before rushing off to his next class. 
“See you tomorrow morning, 6AM!” he yelled as ran away from you. He wasn’t even your boyfriend, why was he being so affectionate. But you weren’t complaining. Who in their right mind would complain, he’s Jeon Jungkook. 
But no matter how likable Jungkook was, the fact that you absolutely weren’t a morning person wasn’t going to change anytime soon. 
“I hate you,” you grumbled, balled up in his gigantic hoodie. 
“Oh come on, (Y/N). It’s not that cold,” he lied. He took off his green scarf to wrap around your neck, his hands trembling from the freezing cold. You looked so small and cozy with his massive hoodie and now his Slytherin scarf that covered your lips. 
You could see his breath practically freeze in the air whenever he exhaled. Fall mornings were always chilly and despite knowing, you still showed up. Jungkook was wearing his Quidditch uniform which consisted of a green sweater, white shorts and a navy-green robe over the top.
“You’re shivering,” you couldn’t help but chuckle as his hand continued to tremble from the gust of freezing wind. 
"Jungkook!” his team captain called out and he put his thumbs up. He planted a quick kiss on your forehead before running off to the rest of his team. 
You felt the multiple piercing stares on your back from Jungkook’s supposed ‘fangirls’. But as soon as they hopped on their brooms, their glares disappeared into loud cheers for the Slytherin team. 
It was no surprise that Jungkook was good at the sport-- he was one of the fastest flyers in all of Hogwarts, possibly rivaling the 7th year players. He looked truly in the zone when he played, his gaze concentrated on the Quaffle. A subconscious smile stretched your cheeks everytime he did something. 
An hour into the training, you were completely immersed in their eye-catching drill, your cheering now in-sync with the girls behind you at their flashy flying techniques and commendable skills. Jungkook looked down from high above and waved at you. You waved back and so did the girls at the back. 
Before you knew it, training finished and it was time to head to breakfast. He was out of breath and tired, the cold air helped in soothing his exercised muscles. You passed him the water bottle and he muttered a small ‘thanks’ under his breath. 
“Wow I didn’t know I was this rusty,” he chuckled and you looked so confused at his statement. 
“What do you mean? You were brilliant,” you complimented. 
“I haven’t been this unfit in awhile. I should’ve trained during summer break instead of getting wasted every day,” he gulped all of the water down. 
He noticed your smile fade at the mention of his reckless lifestyle. “I mean I don’t go to them anymore,” he reassured, patting your head. “Come on, let’s go get breakfast,” Jungkook changed the topic and the two of you walked hand-in-hand towards the Hall. 
6th Year // Late November // 1st Term
The two of you had been getting weird stares. Weirder than normal. Everything had been sunshine and rainbows for you two-- Jungkook now very tame and loyal towards you so naturally, you were ecstatic beyond reason. But everyone’s stares or dare to say... glares had been terrorising Jungkook as he walked down the busy corridor with you beside him. 
You caught the students whispering to each other, muttering small phrases under their breath as they gave Jungkook such belittling gazes. 
What had happened? 
Jungkook was practically the idol of your cohort and now suddenly everyone was distancing themselves from him. 
“Jungkook,” you whispered. “Why are they all looking at you like that?” 
You noticed him swallow hard, his Adam’s Apple bobbled in anxiety. “I don’t know,” he said simply but you noticed some sweat roll down on his forehead. 
“Don’t worry about it. Maybe they suddenly remembered about your reckless summer?” you suggested to comfort him to an extent. 
“Maybe,” Jungkook said quietly. 
Throughout the week, the glares only started to become worse. Their disgusted expressions gradually lead to everyone stopping their paths just to stare him down. It was something you weren’t willing to take any more. Jungkook had been terribly quiet about the situation, almost as if guilt or fear had consumed all his confidence he once possessed. 
“Jungkook,” you moved a strand of hair out of his eye. “Is there something you’re not telling me?” you asked in a gentle voice and he immediately averted his gaze to your feet. 
“I’ll tell you when the time is right,” he said and brushed off your hand before walking away to his dorm. A strand of whispers followed behind him as Jungkook’s paranoia grew to devour him. 
You heard a knock on your door and you attended to it immediately, praying that it was Jungkook to explain how everything was a late Halloween prank. Instead, Taehyung showed up much to your surprise. He didn’t sneak out unless it was important. And judging from his serious face, you were sure Taehyung had gotten down to the bottom of the problem already. 
You quickly shut the door behind him and expected him to start rambling straight away but he didn’t. It made you even more scared than you already were. 
“Tae?” you said, an uncomfortable smile on your lips. “Did something happen?” 
“How much do you like Jungkook?” he interjected instead of answering your question. 
You looked taken aback at his sudden question. “I mean... a lot I guess. He’s so sweet and we get along unbelievably well.”
“What if I told you he’s a criminal? Would you still think he’s sweet?” Taehyung asked, a dark glare trained on your eyes. 
“What are you talking about?” you laughed in disbelief, eyebrows furrowed like a V at his unhealthy joke. “I know you don’t exactly trust him but you trust me, right? So when I tell you that he’s sincere you believe me, don’t you? Don’t you think to call him a criminal is too exaggerative?”
“He seemed so whipped about you I presumed that he wasn’t as bad as I initially thought. He hadn’t been causing any problems or mischief and that’s why I’ve been so lenient about this whole thing,” Taehyung paced around your room, his footsteps heavy on the wooden flooring. 
“But I have to interfere. I know how much you like him, I’ve seen the way you look at him but I’m sorry, (Y/N). You can’t fall anymore for him,” Taehyung pleaded. 
“Taehyung,” you said in a gruff voice. “You’re not telling me why. I swear to God if this is the same fight we had last time I’m going to find it much harder to forgive you this time around.”
“It’s not. I can assure you that because he really fucked up. Why do you think everyone else is staring at him like that? I shouldn’t have brought you to that party.” 
“Can you please just tell me what the issue is for fuck's sake,” you massaged your throbbing head with your fingertips. Taehyung inhaled a large breath before he told you. 
“He erased his family’s memories,” Taehyung finally said, barely audible. 
“He erased their memories just so he could fuck around. That’s why he was at every dodgy party during the break because there was no one stopping him from doing whatever he wanted.”
“No,” you shook your head in disbelief. “This is just another one of those sick rumours everyone makes up because they’re bored. Even still, this one’s taking it too far.” 
“I know it’s hard to believe but it’s the truth.” 
“Jungkook would-- he would never do that!” you raised your voice. “He’s not like the rumours at all. Sure he slept around but he didn’t purposefully break the girls’ hearts for his personal satisfaction. He told me it was them that got attached. He never did, so naturally, people are going to bitch about him because they got rejected.” 
“Clarifying his behaviour doesn’t prove anything at this point, (Y/N).” 
“Yes it does! I’m saying that these rumours are all one-sided. You guys don’t know what actually happened but you all assume the worst of him regardless!” 
“If you’re so sure he’s innocent why don’t you go ask him yourself!” Taehyung yelled at you and his deep voice bounced off your walls. 
“Fine! I will!”
You managed to sneak into the Slytherin boys dormitory, not a single care in the world about getting into trouble then. There were bigger problems on the line. You slammed his door open before locking it behind you, chest burning with the need for air as you ran as fast as you could to reach him. 
“(Y/N)?” Jungkook was evidently surprised at your rash presence. “What are you doing here?” He got up from his bed and quickly walked over to your exhausted state. 
“Is it true?” you huffed. “Are the rumours true?” you panted and he smoothed his palm on your back to steady your breathing. “It’s a joke right? You didn’t actually erase their memories right? I know you’re smart but that spell is extremely advanced.” 
“Breathe first,” Jungkook said and your vision was going blurry from your lack of breath. 
“You couldn’t have done it. They haven’t even taught us how to use that charm.” 
“(Y/N),” his voice sounded soft as he sat you down on the chair. “Please stop panicking.” 
“How can you expect me not panic? You didn’t really erase their memories did you, Jungkook?” you glanced up at him, a desperate smile of disbelief on your face. 
He had a thin line across his lips. He wasn’t denying any of it and you fell silent from reading his sorrowful expression. 
“You can’t be serious,” you muttered under your breath, your hand over your lips in complete denial. “Please tell me you’re joking.” 
“It’s the truth,” he admitted. You rested your head in your palms in an attempt to absorb the words that fell from his lips. “I erased their memories.” 
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bulletbtch · 7 years
@akumasighted continuation of.
     It always made her little heart flutter with the singe of adoration whenever she got a brat to look at her with eyebags twitching and eyebrows in a slight furrow. She quite liked his tenacity--she quite liked those eyes of his, eyes that had the spark of knowing that there was something more in the world than what was presented. It was when she saw those eyes glaring at her, making her out to be some Big Bad Wolf, knowing that he’ll antagonize her and perhaps look at her example and think, “What a shitty way to shoot”, she can perhaps stop forgetting for once. But that wasn’t Revy’s style.
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     Bang-bang. 21-21 vision--nailed double-time in the heart, bullet one after the other 'cause you never know if they’re wearing a shitty vest or not. She was an insurance company out to save your heart from the hospital bill. Ha. This was a lot better than waiting out in the hallways of this shitty academy. She’d long abandoned Rock and his dumb ass that oogled at all the pretty things and sniffed out a place that eerily suited a fourteen year old’s grudges complete with three piercings for each ear she stole from the box father kept under her picture frame. It made her feel like a kid again. “Hows’at for a shot?”
     ... His aim wasn’t bad at all. It was definitely a far cry from when she was his age, still practicing on cans & never seeming to hit the i in Heineken. She wondered how a boy could get so good without seeing a guy whose asshole housed maggots or a kid whose forehead made a sweet target for a merciful bullet sent from an angel. Revy’d rather not think about that while feeding her two cutlasses an appetizer in place of a meal. “Keep it cool, Sweetheart. Your elbows won’t lock properly if you’re makin’ that face at me. Your wrists’ll go bad if you’re handling two guns like that. Hey, I’ll teach ya for a discounted price of fifty an hour. I’ll teach you for free if you start calling me ‘Revy-sensei’--the look on Rock’s stupid fucking face’ll pay the price, haha!”
     It was a genuine offer.
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