#I wasn’t extrodinaly clear so Cleo is a shiny meowth. her name is short for Cleopatra
sherbert-scoops · 3 years
[static flickers across the screen for a moment, before it resolves into colour. A girl is leaning forwards, arm out, fiddling with the camera. She’s squinting, and her tongue is poking out between her lips. After a moment, her expression clears, and she grins.]
“Oh, good, this thing still works! I wanted to keep a video diary, since this is really the chance of a lifetime. I’ll be censoring anything confidential, of course, not that I plan on posting this! Um.” [The girl folds her arms, and looks off screen. She does this for 30 seconds, before looking back at the camera.]
“I probably should have planned out what to say, huh? I mean, I’m on Dōtaku island! What a dream come true, right? Professor Peach is super nice, although….” [The girl glances around, and then leans in to the camera like she’s sharing a secret.] “She’s, like, super scary, are you kidding me? I’ve seen her wrestling with an Ursaring— an Ursaring??? Who even does that???”
[Something makes noise off screen. The girl snaps upright again, cheeks flushing red. After a moment, she relaxes, and rolls her eyes, exhaling harshly. From off camera, there is a low, gurgling laugh.] “Oh, very funny, Beanbag. Scare the life out of me, why don’t you? I thought you were the prof!”
[The girl leans over, and snags a purple arm. She tugs, and a Toxtricity stumbles into view. It looks very pleased with itself. It is Low-Key, and features some scarring around it’s throat. It’s voice does not sound damaged.] “Cmon, introduce yourself to the camera. I’m gonna be keeping up with these logs, so you’re gonna have to get used to being filmed.”
[The Toxtricity sticks it’s tongue out at her. She ignores this, and grabs one of its arms, waving it for the ‘mon. When she speaks, it is in a cartoony, high voice.] “Hello, everyone! I’m Beanbag! I like to play mean pranks and eat my trainers lunch!”
[The girls expression shifts to panic, and she drops the Toxtricities arm in order to reach her hands out.] “Wait, Cleo, don’t!” [Something slams into the camera from behind. The image blurs as the camera falls, before refocusing on the floor. A pair of paws race by, followed by human legs.] “Cleo!”
[The camera blurs again as it is picked up. Toxtricity squints into it, and then begins making faces as if it is posing for a selfie. After a few faces, it stops to laugh, before starting again. This continues for twenty minutes.]
(both dōtaku island and professor peach belong to @prof-peach , I’m just borrowing them for a bit of fun :) )
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