#I was thinking ''Hmmm since Heroines b-day is on girls day (3/3) maybe i should switch Heros birthday to fit the theme?''
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shabadarada · 17 days ago
You think bc I didnt put much thought into my ocs names that i at least put some thought into their non canon birthdays. And youd be right i did. But also half of it is just "Valentine's day for the girlies all about love 🥰💕😍😘" "Halloween for the magical witches out there 🪄🦄🔮🧙‍♂️",, Hero's birthday being set to the 7th of July the day of Tanabata where 2 lovers get to meet eachother after a year of seperation had NOTHING to do with the multiple times ive seperated 2 people and the concept of "Becoming One Whole Person through another" it was a FAIRY TAIL REFERENCE.
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thefutureunseen · 7 years ago
Three Fandom Tag Game
I was tagged by @dracoterrae9099! Yay! Thanks, girl <3 
Rules: Pick any three fandoms, answer the questions for each, then pass it on.
Hmmm, which three fandoms to choose... It’s so hard! 
Game of Thrones
The 100
The Vampire Diaries (ah, throwback to the good ole days) 
The first character you loved:
Game of Thrones
- Ned Stark (I was going to say Jon Snow bc he’s my fav, but then I remembered that Sean Bean stole my heart from the first episode. It was like watching Boromir with better morals... which, of course, ripped my heart out doubly at the end of S1. Then in the books too. *soft sobs*)
The 100
- Bellamy Blake (Lol, he was such a d*ck in S1, but I knew from the first moment at the drop ship door with that ridiculously gelled hair that I was gonna love that boy. And I was right.)
- Stefan Salvatore (that sadboi had me from episode one and my poor teenage heart fell so hard) 
The character you never expected to love so much:
Game of Thrones 
- Sansa Stark (She was fairly annoying in the early seasons, but then survived SO MUCH trauma and became a badass MF and I dig it. She’s awesome.) 
The 100 
- Lexa Kom Trikru / Heda / Commander of My Heart (Another badass female boss. I was so hardcore Bellarke from S1 that when she came in for S2 and made moon eyes at Clarke, I was like “b*tch, wtf?!” Then in S3 she stole my freaking heart and made me a multi-shipper with her magical lesbian powers... And then she was brutally ripped away from us. I’m still not over it and I constantly think about all the amazing stories she could have been part of. It just about kills me. I wanted Bellamy/Lexa friendship. I wanted knowing looks between the two when Clarke did something crazy. *sings softly* “We could have had it all!”) 
- Klaus Mikaelson (another sadboi who does stupid AF shit, but has that soft look in his eyes when he’s around one particular person. It gets to me. Enemies to lovers is so cliche, but it’s my favorite. Damn it.) 
The character you relate to the most:
Game of Thrones
-  Jon Snow (What is it with me and these sadbois? F*ck. Anyways, he’s been given the scraps at the bottom of the barrel even though he basically should be king and is still somehow the noblest, most caring person in the whole freaking world. Love that man.)
The 100
- Raven Reyes (This girl is truly an inspiration to me. She’s seen adversity. She’s been shot down, cheated on, pushed aside, and yet she keeps on trucking and is smarter than every other person on the show. Yass queen.) 
- Bonnie Bennet (I’m sensing a theme here... Bonnie also constantly gets shoved aside for the ‘prettier,’ ‘sexier’ heroine and yet the show would have ended S1 without her. She’s both passionate and level-headed and the only one with common sense in that whole damn universe).  
The character you’d slap:
Game of Thrones
- Theon Greyjoy (I hate him. I’ve never liked him. He was a pos from the first season/book and just got worse. Then he went through some shit and so many viewers miraculously forgave him - yet somehow still bash Sansa - even though he repeatedly acts selfish and betrays people. Ramsay Bolton is a sadistic MF, but Theon... I’ve got one thing to say to you: Karma, MF. Karma.)  
The 100
- Finn Collins (One sadboi I will never understand. Seriously. I cringe every time he opens his mouth.) 
- Damon “f*cking” Salvatore (I learned to love him in other regards, but this kid was the worst brother of all freaking time. I don’t care which ship you are, I think we can all agree that if your sibling did that to you, you’d be pissed. I know I would! Also, Defan brotp - which I love - was only possible because Stefan decided to be the bigger person. Quite unfair IMO. Like be angry and lose your brother? Or stifle your pain and lose your gf? Damn.) 
Three favorite characters in order of preference:
Game of Thrones
- Jon Snow, Sansa, and Tyrion (I do like Dany in the show, but she bothered me so much in the books that I have a hard time letting that go when I watch the show. As much as I love GOT, GRRM does not understand how to write complex women. Unfortunately.)
The 100
- Raven Reyes, Bellamy Blake, and Lexa kom Trikru (Clarke, Octavia, and Jasper would be next. I love Clarke, but she reminds me too much of myself and I get frustrated with her a lot). 
- Stefan Salvatore, Bonnie Bennet, and Caroline Forbes. 
A character you liked at first but not anymore:
Game of Thrones
- Rob Stark (I know I’m the only one who feels this way, but DAMN he went downhill fast. Like the dude got himself and his mother killed because he couldn’t keep his d*ck in his pants. It annoys me so much.)
The 100 
- Honestly I can’t think of anyone. I disagree with the way Jasper’s character arc went, but it didn’t make me dislike him. Haha, maybe Charlotte? She was cute until she became a little murderess and took out one of the best characters.
- Tyler Lockwood/Matt Donovan (They both were good characters and then they just got pushed to the wayside. They became irrelevant to the main plot so that I just didn’t care about them anymore. Kind of sad, really.)
A character you did not like at first but now you do:
Game of Thrones
- Jaime Lannister (He was an annoying prick and now he’s an annoying prick that is trying to help save the world... so yeah. I like him better now.) 
The 100
- Marcas Kane (I never really disliked him, but I knew he was supposed to be the antagonist. Then he had his whole arc and I was cheering because I didn’t want to see Desmond be anything less than heroic. Oooh, damn. Now I wish I’d chosen Lost as one of my fandoms...)
-  Damon “f*cking” Salvatore (We have a love/hate relationship, which is not surprising since that’s how all his relationships tend to be. Depending on what he’s doing in the show, I either want to punch him in the face or give him a big hug.) 
Top three ships:
Game of Thrones
- Umm, this is hard because honestly I ship everyone with happiness and life... like please don’t die! But if I had to choose... probably Jonerys just because the two of them meeting was built up for so long. Missandei and Grey Worm... and Sansa/Tyrion, but that is more friendship than anything else. 
The 100
- Bellarke, Clexa, and Raven with literally everyone that makes her smile.
- Stelena, Bamon, and Klaroline. They were my first introduction into shipping and they’ll always have a special place in my heart. 
I’m going to tag @emakaylee, @hellosstrangerss, @skylorke, and @ anyone else who wants to play along! 
No worries if you’ve already done this or don’t feel like doing it. Just a virtual wave from me to you!
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