#I was so happy to see o!ciel again after all this time
dracenavibes · 5 months
Spoiler for chapter 211!!!
Sebastian just had the best entrance of 2024
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so-bitya · 8 months
ok so if one of Ciel's parents survived instead, which one do you think Madame Red would have adapted better to, Rachel or Vincent? Let's assume Madame Red is by the survivor's side more often, as they'll likely be recovering from severe injuries from the fire. Since there was a survivor right after the fire, it means Madame Red has not killed yet, so things are still up in air.
personally? I think she do worse with Vincent. cause remember, it's Rachel that she based her life on, both out of love and envy. It was Rachel was helping Red recover from her accident. as much as Red loves Vincent, it's questionable how strong that foundation of love is. does she know him personally at all? does he have any interest in her beyond as a sister-in-law? if so, at the start things are already shaky.
I think Rachel's death would depress her, but i can see her being elated at first. she has an excuse to stay by Vincent's side and nurture him. they both lost their spouses and children recently and here's a chance to start anew! but after a while she's starts falling apart.
I can't see Vincent moving on (especially with Rachels sister). Even worse he would compare her to Red, reminisce about his family constantly, etc. She couldn't get Rachel out of her mind. Rachel's presence at the house would haunt her, and the guilt, the unresolved resentment, would gnaw at her stomach every night.
And she still can't give birth! What chance to start anew! she'll never have a child with him, and he'll never stop obsessing over his dead ones anyway. and eventually envy would still spike after dealing with the prostitutes everyday, so I just don't see it turning out well.
I actually think she would do so much better with Rachel. yes the envy, yes the grief. I could see Red becoming openly bitter towards her. but this time, her sister didn't triumph. her sister that did everything right and was perfect, lost her husband and kid. she's a burned, widowed, pathetic woman! just like her. Red would forgive this. She would nurture her sister back to health. She'll never be as beautiful again, with burn scars across her face and body, but Red would forgive this too. No man will hold her sister again, and she'll love her for this. She'll love her more because she's as miserable, no even more miserable than her.
And they would develop this happy-miserable, toxic relationship. Always relying on each other, always resenting each other, sort of co-dependent relationship that could last for years on end. Ironically, I can see this stabilizing Madame Red in some twisted way, as she finds catharsis through complete control over her sister.
In a sense, it's very reminiscent to r!ciel's desire of control over o!ciel after everything they went through. like how r!ciel will "forgive" o!ciel for his lies, while clearly still resenting him for what he's done. And it's because he's torn between this confusing, hatred at his brother while still having this intense attachment and love for him, that this desire of control comes for over the whole situation. That's why he can forgive his brother despite his thinly veiled hatred.
also. Madame Red being more put together if Rachel survived rather than Vincent is just. so funny
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biby-24k · 1 year
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My first O!Cielizzy fanfic aaa >w<. Hello there! I've created numerous pieces of SmilexLizzy fan art, but I have never written anything about them before. I'm really excited! Please bear in mind that English is not my native language, and I use American English in my daily life, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes in my writing (i don't have betas ;w;). With that being said, I hope you enjoy my work!
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Anime/Manga: Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji) Pairing: O!Ciel x Elizabeth Word Count: 2.225 Summary: On a beautiful sunny day, Lady Elizabeth unexpectedly arrived at Phantomhive Mansion to offer her fiancé a strawberry-flavored pastry tea. While reminiscing about old times, Lady Elizabeth lets slip something that should have been buried three meters under the ground.
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The warm rays of sun gently streamed through the window into Lady Elizabeth's chambers. When Paula, her maid, knocked on the door, Elizabeth was already awake.
"Good morning, Miss Elizabeth. The day is truly beautiful today, isn't it?" the maid asked.
"Good morning, Paula. You're right, it's a beautiful day," Elizabeth's beautiful blonde curls reflected the lovely sunlight, and as she looked out the window and clasped her hands together in a show of excitement, she said effusively, "Paula, I will go to visit Ciel for teatime, please make the preparations and bring a basket of sweets for the afternoon tea." The maid nodded, but as she made a farewell curtsy, Elizabeth added, "Ah! Don't forget to pack strawberry cake, it's Ciel's favourite." Paula smiled and left the room.
It was a peaceful afternoon at the Phantomhive mansion. The young master was playing a soft melody on the violin while Sebastian conducted the song.
Ever since he had returned to the mansion, he had learned to play the violin. An earl of high society must know how to play at least one instrument. The young master liked the duality of the violin, where such rigid strings produced a soft and beautiful sound. It was difficult to learn with Sebastian, his butler and teacher, as his hands turned red from so many missed notes, but today he considered himself an advanced student. He was at the peak of the melody when a loud knock on the door interrupted him.
"Young master!" the absent-minded maid cried out.
"Mey-Rin! These are not the ways to interrupt the young master's lessons," Sebastian snapped angrily.
"It's just that... ah... Lady Elizabeth is here," Sebastian opened his eyes a little and looked at his apprentice.
"It seems that we will have to suspend the lessons," he said. The young master lowered the instrument and let out a long sigh.
"Lizzy is always like this, I have told her she must announce herself before coming" he resignedly looked out the window where the carriage stopped. Sebastian also seemed disappointed; he would have to reorganize the scheduled activities for another day. However, he said, "I know it's an inconvenience, but a true gentleman must attend to his fiancée as he should," Sebastian said as he winked at him.
Lady Elizabeth was waiting for her fiancé in the hall with her maid. Mey-Rin had suggested waiting in the tearoom, but it had been some time since the young couple had seen each other, so Lady Elizabeth was eager to see the young master.
As she saw him descend the stairs, Elizabeth could not contain her excitement and ran effusively to meet him. She hugged him tenderly, trying to contain her emotions. She was no longer a child after all. Her fiancé couldn't help a slight blush on his cheeks at so much emotion. He caught a whiff of the sweet notes of her perfume, and it produced a slight tickling in his belly. Sebastian arched the corner of his lips slightly when he noticed the young master's most vulnerable part.
"Ciel! How happy I am to see you. I haven't seen you in so long," said Elizabeth as she separated from him. When she saw Sebastian by his side, she bowed. "Ah, Sebastian, a pleasure to see you again too, thank you for taking care of Ciel."
"Milady, it is a pleasure for us to receive you in the mansion," said the tall butler.
"L-Lizzy, I told you to let me know when you visit..." He must admit he was annoyed when Mey-Rin announced her, but when he saw her, his emotions changed.
"Forgive me, Ciel, I couldn't resist coming on such a beautiful day. Don't you think?" said the young lady. "I promise I'll give you advance notice next time, okay?" Elizabeth took the young master's hands gently, as a slight sign of apology. Her fiancé lowered his gaze to her hands; they were so soft. Only when he was with her did he allow himself to be in that vulnerable state. It angered him in a way, but on the other hand, he could not help himself.
"I brought cakes and sweets! Shall we go outside for tea while we talk about what has happened in these past weeks?"
The young master could not say no. He never said no to his fiancée, it was part of his duty as a count to make his future wife happy. He nodded his head and looked at Sebastian to take care of the preparations. Sebastian nodded.
"Young master, Lady Elizabeth, I invite you to wait in the parlour while the necessary preparations are made," he said, gesturing for them to go to the room.
It wasn't long after they had been in the room when Sebastian came to tell them to please go outside the mansion as the afternoon tea was ready. The young couple stepped out of the mansion and were temporarily blinded by the sun's rays. It was a warm spring day.
The place was perfect under the shade of a tree. A perfectly smooth white blanket was spread out on the lawn. On top of it were the cakes that Elizabeth had brought on a silver tray, as well as ceramic plates and silver cutlery for serving. The young master sat in one corner while his fiancée sat in the other. Paula was not far from them, contemplating the flowers, while Sebastian pulled out a violin to play a soft melody perfect for the occasion.
The young couple were silent. They hadn't seen each other in weeks and yet nothing came out of their mouths. Suddenly the teenager remembered when Edgar Redmond had asked him if he had already kissed his fiancée. He instinctively looked at her lips, soft and small. Elizabeth fixed her gaze on him, to which the count looked away and his cheeks took on a pale pink colour.
The two young people interrupted each other. Elizabeth began to laugh; she was more nervous than usual because they hadn't seen each other in so long. However, once she started asking Ciel about his adventures at Weston College, they didn't stop talking. The young man only told her about the superficial adventures of course, the prefects, the tournaments, and his discovery about his father's attendance. Trivial things he could tell his fiancée. She was amazed, so many adventures he had to tell. Her brother had told her some of them, but he didn't have the same perspective. Ciel is a much more interesting person than his brother. She knows he is not very social, so him making friends is a great surprise for her. They also talked about what Elizabeth had been doing. Her fencing classes and chess classes.
"This time I'm going to beat you, Ciel!" she said confidently. Her fiancé always beat her no matter how many times she tried. But she was better than her aunt Ann, so she had a chance.
Elizabeth gazed upon the tray still filled with strawberry cakes that she had brought for Ciel. The only ones missing were the chocolate ones. Something stirred in her mind, but she brushed it aside, as always. Suddenly, a memory shook her mind.
"Ciel, do you remember that spring day we spent here with Aunt Ann?" The young man looked into the distance, trying to hide his expression, knowing that he could be in trouble if he answered incorrectly or expressed his true feelings. Every time his fiancée reminded him, he tried to ignore the question for obvious reasons.
"Ah, of course, how could I forget?" he replied, avoiding her gaze, and trying to conceal the evasion in his voice.
"That day I baked cakes for you, but they turned out really bad, fufu," the young woman chuckled softly as she looked at her fiancé. "It was right here where you tasted them and said they were really bad." Her fiancé turned to look at her with a smile.
"Yes, and then Tanaka brought us some very delicious cakes for eat instead," Elizabeth was a little startled. That indeed happened.
"Exactly! Then mother scolded me because my stomach hurt from so many cakes we ate, haha," Elizabeth laughed softly, "it was a wonderful day."
He had not been with them in person of course, but he remembered that day because he always observed them from afar. Just behind his fiancée was the window through which he watched them play. As a child, he longed to play with his brother and his fiancée, but because of his weak body, he had to stay at home most of the time. He was just like his mother. But he was grateful to have watched them from the shadows of the mansion, so he could always imitate Ciel almost perfectly. Besides, his brother always told him what happened during the day, so he always ended up hearing all the details.
"Ah, and through that window he was watching us--" Elizabeth interrupted herself, then immediately regretted bringing up the topic. She knew she shouldn't have talked about him, but she missed him too. She wasn't going to marry him, but they still spent a lot of time together. Both of them easily beat Elizabeth at chess. He understood Ciel much better than she did. She was even a little jealous, but he was family, just like Aunt Ann, who had taught her so much. An uncomfortable silence fell. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." Elizabeth twisted her hands in the handkerchief on her lap and bit her tongue.
"My brother? I didn't know he was watching us," he lied.
"I-I'm so sorry, Ciel. I didn't mean to..." Elizabeth said, looking down.
"Don't worry, Elizabeth, he's not here anymore," the young man said, looking intently at her. "But I am," he said, placing his hand on his chest. "Ah, Lizzy, don’t cry" he noticed that a couple of tears were falling down her face. She hated herself for opening old wounds. She just wanted to create new memories with Ciel, not make him remember the bad ones.
He took out a handkerchief from his jacket and wiped his fingers on it while passing it over her face. She felt his fiancée's hand on her cheek, wiping away the tears.
"How do you remember that Lizzy?" the young man asked.
"I-I always saw him watching us through the window, even though he would hide every time I caught him spying," Elizabeth let out a small nervous laugh. The young man smiled. Perhaps it was one of the few stories they had together as kids, and the young master being, well, not Ciel.
Elizabeth ceased her sobbing.
"Forgive me for crying so much," the blonde said.
"Forgive me for making you cry," the young man replied.
"No, it's not your fault," she said while shaking his head in denial mode, then she smiled at him. "Thank you for sharing this day with me, Ciel," the young man smiled back. Sebastian witnessed the situation with curiosity. He learned something new about the young master, something that he could use to bother him later if needed.
"Should we get going, Milady?" Ciel said, noticing that a cold breeze was starting to blow.
"Ah, yes," the young man stood up first and then helped his fiancée to her feet. Sebastian headed to the spot to pick up the picnic things with Paula. On the way back to the mansion, Elizabeth stopped to look at the window where the younger brother used to watch them. Her fiancé was a little ahead when he noticed that Elizabeth had stayed behind. Turning around, he saw the young woman with a nostalgic and sad look. The Earl felt a strong heartbeat in his chest. Perhaps it was because he never thought she noticed him. She missed him. Really missed him. He felt a small emotion. But then he remembered where he was, he was no longer the replacement for his brother, he was his brother. He was Ciel, Ciel Phantomhive.
"Lizzy," he said. The young woman snapped out of her thoughts and ran to his side. As they reached the mansion's stairs, Lizzy made a small farewell bow, but before she could turn around, the Earl stopped her.
"Are you leaving so soon? I thought you intended to show me what you have learned in chess, did you not?" The young woman's face lit up and she joyfully hugged her fiancé.
"Gladly!" his future wife replied.
And so, they spent a wonderful afternoon at Phantomhive Manor. His fiancée left late, and she had drained all his energy to continue with his duties. Because only when he was with her did he relax to the point of exhaustion. While Sebastian changed his clothes, the young man brought his fingers to his lips, gently touching them. Sebastian noticed this and smiled.
"Thinking of someone special, young master?" The young man snapped out of his thoughts and blushed violently.
"W-what are you saying, Sebastian! Don't be insolent, finish quickly and let me rest." The black-clad butler couldn't help but chuckle.
"Ahh, this is so annoying." The Earl jumped onto the bed and covered himself up to his forehead. Sebastian didn't stop laughing until he closed the door to the young master's room. Deep down, he knew he had a good day.
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Thanks for reading, you can find this work on AO3!
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seriously-nobody · 9 months
Hey I figured I should do a lil about me type thing. Plz don't judge too harshly again this is my actual life. So anyway here we go! 😵‍💫
@all-things-ghostly thx for this idea
I was born in 2004 in Newport Beach and grew up in sunny southern California, specifically one city over from Anaheim. And yes, I went to Disneyland, quite often actually. I'd say I went maybe 2-3 times a month or if it was around the holidays or a special event it was every weekend if I could. So, needless to say, I know Disneyland pretty well. Unfortunately, I had to move out of California in 2017, but that's a story for another day.
I was, for a long time, afraid of the mansion, surprisingly enough. The only thing I was afraid of was the pop up ghosts so everytime I passed the gate to the graveyard I'd close my eyes until the ghost host said his line "Ah there you are." and I knew I was safe. That was until a friend of mine who was a few years older than me took me through it and pointed out which graves had pop ups and when they usually spring up. I wanna say that I was around 5 or 6 when this happened. O also I remember the beating heart bride before Constance kicked her out lmao. I remember not being afraid of her because she just kinda chilled out there, she was super pretty according to mini me. My parents r super mega Disney fans and we used to go to an actual Disney club in CA and I remember it was a big announcement at our monthly meeting that a new ghost was taking over the attic and it was super exciting. I also remember when they announced they were installing Hattie into the mansion again and it was super cool to me since I already knew the history of the figure.
Anyway enough about the mansion (for now). For a long time my favorite attraction in the park was Splash Mountain. Yes I understand everything now but back when they were taking it out I had no idea about song of the south and the underlying story of it all. Now that I understand tho, I can say that it was super problematic and really shouldn't have been there. I really just thought it was about cute fluffy animals singing about a rabbit escaping death and u get wet. I mostly liked it because it had a single rider line and it was nice to ride alone on a hot day.
I'd say Indiana Jones was my 2nd favorite, even tho their single rider was kinda on and off sometimes, and I didn't come around to actually riding it for fear of the mummies that come out at you, that big projection of kali that appears on the cieling in the skull room, and the giant snake, until I was 6 or 7. I say 6 or 7 because again that same friend helped me through it. But after I got through it with my eyes open I loved it.
Ok enough of park rambling because I could probably talk about the parks until I die and I still wouldn't be finished talking. So I moved away from Cali sadly and I had to part with the park and characters I so loved. I wouldn't say I forgot about my love for these characters but I would say it faded, a lot actually. So let's talk recent, like early July 2023. I forgot what movie I was watching but I remember seeing a certain trailer before the movie that hit me over the head with a comically sized cartoon hammer. I remember seeing the purple wallpaper and I got real confused because I didn't hear /anything/ about there being another HM movie much less a scary one. Like this trailer made me so incredibly happy I cannot even tell u. When I saw that jerky constance in the corner shot I damn near cried. I was finally getting a more scary Haunted Mansion movie WITH ACTUAL HAUNTED MANSION CHARACTERS. Ya that went on the calendar real quick. Then I saw it in theaters and o my god was that THE hatbox ghost?? O my god??? They put him in here! O... o no... he's... he's evil... and he's so sassy and stupid... And then I fell. I not only fell for Alistair but I also fell back in love with characters and places I hadn't been since I was 13. And that love that had faded from being away for so long grew vibrant and close again. Ok quit it with the gushy mushy shit, me. Anyway so I really loved this movie and I had a Tumblr account at the time. I mean I wasn't posting anything but I had it to look into cool niche Fandoms. So I did just that. I didn't expect like anything but I was overjoyed to see so many people loving characters that I feel don't get enough of it.
And the rest, as they say, is history.
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dead-salmon · 1 month
I did 100% mean to send that to you. What happened was seeing so many of Nasu and Takeuchi's decisions lined up made me realize wow, these two literally never get told no except Nasu from Sakurai every once in a blue moon. Its literally two yesmen acting like we have consulted the team on this one when the team is the two of them.
well yeah, that's practically the issue in whole. look, nasu and takeuchi singlehandedly caused type moon to exist, i'm not against them having a big influence on the directions their games and stories take. they are the creators after all.
the issue is in my opinion that they have way too much influence, specifically takeuchi
this is me going on on a tangent so apologies anon, if you want the entire rant it's under the cut
but basically tl;dr: nasu and takeuchi fail to realise that type moon is a way bigger company than just the two of them. and since no one (fans or tm members) really directly opposes their whims they get to continue doing whatever they want, even if it directly goes against their writers and fanbases wishes.
just to recall, some of the worst tm decisions were caused by what? takeuchis whims (and nasu's, but mainly takeuchi). wu zetian as a child? takeuchi wanted it. young moriarty in traum? takeuchi wanted it. summer beast eresh for anniversary, ciel for summer? takeuchi&nasu wanted it ("thought it fit better"). aesc as anniversary unit? takeuchi wanted it. lb6 summer? nasu & takeuchi wanted it. oh and if we get camazotz? well, takeuchi wants it.
the issue isn't even that they indulge in what they like, it's that they don't give a single fuck about their actual fanbase or writers goals (and why should they, they get money and praise either way most of the time).
type moon grew into quite the company, fgo is unironically one of genshins/honkais best gacha competitors despite it's outdated playstyle. however as you put it, "the team is the two of them". nasu and takeuchi seemingly forget that type moon isn't just nasu and takeuchi anymore, but many writers, developers, artists and a big fanbase alltogether
in regards to your previous ask, if anything that shows to me that nasu is a pretty happy dude. he earns a lot of money, gets admired&praised by many people, is famous in the vn scene w/o anyone knowing his real identity. he gets to do whatever he and his bestie want without too much pushback and gets to see whatever he wants to happen in fate's stories.
hell, we only got fate/samurai remnant because the guy in charge fangirled over nasu and musashi hard enough to convince nasu to let them make a game. and even then, nasu had to "lay down the groundworks" before the actual writers team could write f/sr.
-> since in nasu's mind, tm lore is at such a level that outsiders would have to make way too much research to create actual new stories. (read both of this in an interview translation, i can find them again but it'd take a bit) imo it's a little arrogant, sure tm lore is very extensive but you don't need to know every single piece of it's lore for one story. but that's just my opinion.
so in conclusion: yeah, i entirely agree with you. since they get to do whatever they want and get money for it, of course they continue doing whatever they want. gotta hand it to sakurai for trying to push back a little though. and i wonder how much longer they get to do that. type moon's biggest winning quality has always been their loyal fanbase, supporting them so much so that fgo as a gacha gets to keep up with hoyoverse gachas of all things. and said loyal fanbase seems to slowly get more frustrated too with each whimsical decision
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got it! may i request yandere ciel and yandere alois with lil sis/bro gn s/o who is too kind for their own good? you see s/o is the opposite of them and just want everything to be fine, like an clihe heroine in old books, and then when they try to find s/o they find them crying on the ground when they ask, s/o replied with : "big brother, today is your b-day right? i thought to buy you a necklace, but i thought it would be much more good if i created them myself but sunddely there's a girl who seems to be not quite fond of me. they...*sniff* they destroy the necklace! i was planning to do it! i even wait a half year to learn!" when they about to replied s/o then said : "well, i guess i'm gonna need to wait another year, *sigh* i'm sorry big brother, i'm such a dissapointment"
Tigger warning: Very angry and murderous yandere big brother.
( Alois is a tigger warning already. )
This became longer than I expected. You can read Ciel's part here later.
Yandere Alois Trancy
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Yep that girl is dead in the longest and most painful way Alois comes up with.
At the beginning I want to mention that Alois is a very protective and clinging yandere big brother.
He has already lost one sibling and he does anything to protect you.
Alois was really excited about his birthday because he loved the idea of ​​getting a gift from you.
And he’s happy until you start crying.
You knew your brother was looking forward to his gift and he wanted it as early as possible.
But you also knew how disappointed your brother would be if he didn’t get a gift.
You really didn’t want to be disappointed with your brother but because of that girl you had nothing to give.
You had been making that piece of jewelry in the park because you didn’t want your brother to know about the surprise.
Alois is very curious about his birthday presents.
And you had just finished the jewelry when the girl and her friend came to the scene.
Either the girl was a really nasty asshole or she was just jealous of you because you live like a royalist and she again lived an ordinary life in her parents ’bakery.
(Social classes were very strong at the time)
The girl saw the jewelry you made took it from your hand and called it ugly
When you asked for it back he just laughed and threw it into a nearby river.
" You can pick it up yourself or are you afraid dress/suit skirt will get dirty?"
Then he leaves and laugh to you.
When you tell Alois what happened against all the laws of physics, reason, logic, and nature, he doesn’t show how angry he is.
Alois doesn’t want to upset you more.
So he wraps his arms around you and says, "Hey you're not disappointed. I'm just looking forward to next year it's not a big deal. Big brother appreciates your idea and I'm sure you'll make an even better necklace next year."
But the look Alois creates for Claude when he hugs you says "Find this girl so I can make sure they regret the day they were born"
The girl's body is never found.
After Alois handling, there is really nothing that could be found.
He makes a thorough job.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Erm..I guess that I got one for you somehow..
The Midford and the Phantomhive household headcanons of them quite protective (yandere) over Edward Midfords infant daughter including Edward.
Platonic Yandere stuff is always welcomed. I only included those I could see going Yandere over Edward’s daughter, so only Ciel from the Phantomhive household is in here.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, overprotective behavior
Edward’s infant daughter
Edward Midford
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🎩He was pretty much during the entire pregnancy of his darling laying at their feet and the moment his daughter was born, he just cried. He knows as a man he shouldn’t cry and he did his goddamn best, but he couldn’t stop the tears for the love of his life. Just look at her! Just look at that little bundle of love that his darling and him created, so small, fragile and absolutely beautiful. Once again this man finds himself head over heels, the first time for his darling and the second time for his daughter. One look and he’s in love and he just knows from the moment he gets the honor to hold his daughter in his arms that he will do absolutely everything to give her the best and safest life, the same vow he made to his s/o before as well. Edward hardly wants to leave his darling’s and baby’s side ever after.
🎩He’s a bit paranoid that something might happen to both of them whilst he isn’t there and he’s far more attached than some people might approve, it hurts to leave baby and darling alone. Can’t get enough of holding the baby in his arms and he finds himself getting low-key jealous when someone else from his family, except s/o, wants to hold her. It’s only going to be members from his family though, maybe Paula as well since she’s a maid, but everyone else is a big taboo, he constantly worries about a reason that stays mysterious, it’s sheer overprotective feelings. He doesn’t even want people to see her during the first few months, they might infect her and his darling with a sickness or something else. And the mere imagination that one day she’ll grow up to marry someone else awakens a nauseous feeling in his stomach. He spoils his daughter just like his s/o, scold him if you want too, but he can’t resist buying presents of all sorts for her.
Elizabeth Midford
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🎀She was so excited to be an aunt for her brother’s and beloved sister-in law’s baby and the day of delivery was emotional, just purely emotional for her and she shed a few tears as well. Elizabeth found herself touched as she saw a tired, but happy s/o, her crying older brother who looked nothing short of blessed from god with everything he could have ever asked for and the small and crying baby. She joins her brother in spoiling the little girl and she especially loves buying clothes and cute little dresses and hair accessories for her. A lot of plushies are her second-favorite choice and if she finds the baby actually cuddling with one of them, she’s swooning. It’s not like she isn’t swooning already most of the time over Edward’s gorgeous baby daughter and she’s constantly telling Ciel about everything involving the infant.
🎀It takes so long for her to convince her brother to let Ciel near his nephew, she’s aware that her brother was never the fondest person of Ciel, especially when it comes to his darling and their freshly born daughter. Ciel is as her fiancé still part of the family and that is why Frances is most likely going to force Edward at one point into easing up a little bit, Edward is begrudgingly beyond end of I may end honestly, he keeps a hawks eye on Ciel if that guy is interacting with the baby. Lizzy tries her best to ease the tension as well, family is important to her and so much more with the arrival of the sweetest little girl. She wants to be the best auntie out there, playing together with the babies tea parties and with the plushies whenever she has time.
Frances Midford
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💋She holds her hands somewhat the entire time in the play in a slightly more controlling manner, but she does not mean it in a bad way. During the pregnancy it was important for her that the well-being of Edward’s spouse would be ensured and that they had a few of the best doctors under their supervision since the baby is going to continue their bloodline. Frances is a woman who has her feelings under good control, rules and laws of the society are important for her and so she would never present her emotions in public in a way that would be unfitting for a lady of her position. There’s still no way that she didn't she feel her heart swell with warmth and love when her granddaughter was born though, she even let Edward stay emotional for a while before she put in some words that he shouldn’t cry too much. Not in front of his s/o who had spent the last long hours going through harsh labor pains.
💋She sympathized with his darling a lot though, she knows herself how painful contractions can be and that’s why she was putting Edward’s s/o under rest for the following days so they could get a well-deserved break. She didn’t have to do much in the first place, Edward was already in a fully grown mother hen mode after birth, but she took care of the things that he overlooked. Frances is a lady with fine taste so she can not resist herself to get her hands on some gorgeous clothes and things for the baby, from the whole family she’s still the one who can potentially also go with a stricter love since she wants her granddaughter to be a strong and fine woman when she’s all grownup. There’s no denial that she harbors a soft spot for the baby though and even if she won’t be quite as bad as Edward, she only lets that much people she trusts near the infant during the first few months as well.
Alexis Leon Midford
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⚔️Alexis exposes his feelings on multiple occasions differently from his wife who likes to keep her composure. He was looking forward to being a grandfather and meeting his little grandchild and oh god, he was terribly excited and just as much of a nervous mess on the day of birth. Like father, like son I suppose because Edward had the exact same reaction. Frances was not exactly as lenient with her husband when he couldn’t hold back his tears since this all was Edward’s and darling’s moment, though she knew that Alexis would react very openly emotional as well. He’s a guy who wears his heart at his sleeves most of the time after all. He joins his son and his daughter in pampering the little child, Frances accompanies such acts from time to time as well, even if she’s stricter when it comes to the part of education and continuing the traditional fencing.
⚔️Alexis is the affable and easygoing part, he’s together with his wife immensely proud of their grandchild and he kind of gets slightly nostalgic when he thinks about how fast time passed on, Frances occasionally points out that he is being a bit dramatic with this all. Spending moments together with his granddaughter is the highlight of his day and it always brightens his mood. Lizzy and him are currently busy to teach the baby how to say “aunt Lizzy” and “grandpa Alexis”, it is ridiculous and at the same time funny to witness. He’s really all nice and friendly so he isn’t quite as possessive over the little baby as Edward and Frances, but take my word that Lizzy and him can turn to scary people as well if someone would do as much as looking wrongly at the infant.
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👒She’s only a maid, but Paula is at the same time a close friend of Elizabeth about whom she cares greatly. So it’s not avoidable that she’s on closer terms with Edward’s s/o as well and since she serves under the Midford family, she was part of the entire pregnancy. Caring for Edward’s spouse, sensing the visible excitement and happiness of Lizzy and how the whole family was causing a silent and invisible commotion during the entire spam of the pregnancy, she was infected the one or other way. Why wouldn’t she be looking forward to it with great joy and a slightly bubbling nervousness as well? Oh, how much she congratulates everyone as soon as the baby girl arrives, how joyous she is as she sees the pretty girl for the first time and how much her joy only increases as she can basically grab the feelings of happiness, adoration and love that are dancing around in the air. Paula is still not as entitled as to think that she has the right to interact and hold the baby in her arms from the very start.
👒She’s only a maid and she respectfully steps back to give the Midford family time to indulge in their joy upon this unbelievable cute addition to the family. Instead she stays obliged, ready to do whatever she can for Edward’s love and their newborn girl, she will do whatever she can do to help and assist them even if just a little bit. Ends up doing a lot more than what others ask of her, preparing s/o’s favorite meals, tea and carefully picking out gifts with the money that she can afford. Far too shy to ask if she can ever get to spend a bit time with the baby, but Lizzy puts in good words for her and Edward and the rest of the family appreciate her work so at one point they allow her to meet the baby. She’s absolutely over the moon.
Ciel Phantomhive
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☕️There is this small tension between him and Edward so he did not get to see the darling too often as soon as it was announced that they were carrying Edward’s baby. The Phantomhive is aware of the certain dislike Lizzy’s brother holds against him, but he never intends to provoke him since Elizabeth is his fiancée and he wouldn’t want to ruin the relationship between him and the Midford family. It isn’t like he wasn’t left in the dark about anything, including childbirth. Elizabeth just had to share every single detail with him and she ended up with tears in her eyes again as she told Ciel about the moment the precious little girl was born into this world and the tears of adoring love ran down her brother’s face.
☕️Honestly, there’s not too much personal interest in the baby at first and the fact that Edward is refusing to let Ciel near his baby at first doesn’t help to build an emotion relationship either. It isn’t until both Elizabeth and Frances remain hard that the young father finally invites Ciel over to meet his nephew. The first meeting was kind of awkward since Ciel is not exactly the best with small and young toddlers and the drilling gazes of Edward never left the back of his head. He’s not someone to fall in love at first sight, he needs a good amount of time until he starts growing more protective and fond, that is possible thanks to Elizabeth who wants Edward’s daughter to get to know her uncle as well. More of a reversed person, Ciel won’t outright end up showering the infant like his fiancé, but he won’t hold back when he deems himself to be in the mood either.
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undertaker1827 · 4 years
Hi again! How are you doing? Can you a scenario with Undertaker, Edward, Ciel and Sebastian with a s/o who is scared to love because in their life, they only see relationships that end up with both people end up hurt and they're afraid to be in one? Keep up your work! You're doing amazing! :)
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Hello! I’m good, hope you are too! And of course, (though I’m sorry, I kind of forgot about the tsundere-ish bit until the end) enjoy!
Undertaker had known for a while now that you loved him, and he loved you back. It took quite a bit of courage for him to even approach you to confess his feelings, even though he already knew you returned them, for fear of rejection. He had trust issues from various things that had happened to him throughout his long life and he also knew how short a human life was compared to his own, how quickly you could be ripped out of his arms by so little with him able to do nothing but watch. In the end, he decided to just go for it anyway, to tell you. And he felt like his chest had imploded when you rejected his advances.
Sadness radiated from you as you quietly told him you weren’t interested, then walked slowly away to his small kitchen where you put the kettle on for tea. He didn’t mention it again.
He worried over your reaction until he almost felt sick, worried that he’d upset you, that you would now want nothing more to do with him and that he had ruined this little piece of happiness he’d managed to scrape out of eternity. He’d never imagined your rejection came out of fear as well.
The mortician had been different since that day, try though he had to remain the same, and you too worked yourself up until you were fighting back tears as you tried to tell him that it wasn’t his fault, it was all down to you. He watched you spiral rapidly downwards for all of a few seconds before he realised where this was going, then did the only thing he could think of in that moment. Undertaker shoved his bangs to the side so you could see his eyes then kissed you, hard, for all of a few moments. It was enough to shock you out of your impending panic and with your chest still heaving, he gently told you that he was scared to love as well, scared to lose you. But if you were both scared of the same thing, you would could work through it together.
“I think,” you whispered, “I think I would like that.” The mortician offered you a small smile.
“I think I would too.”
Edward Midford
Edward had slowly come to the realisation that he loved you. He enjoyed your company, felt happier when you were there and was filled with an undeniable sadness when you left again. You had been walking through the streets of London together, talking animatedly about everything and nothing all at once. This was something you often did together, each taking comfort in the other’s presence and enjoying the escape from real life that your shared walks offered. This particular day though, you had not even made it halfway round your usual route before a friend came rushing up to you, needing your assistance for one thing or another, and you’d had to leave. You looked sad though, glancing over your shoulder at Edward as your friend chatted away, wishing you were still with him instead.
That led the knight to where he was now, wandering around one of London’s great parks and contemplating hi relationship with you. He was never one to beat around the bushes with regards to his personal feelings on any matter, least of all one where somebody else’s emotions were involved and they could potentially get hurt. As such, he decided that he would tell you everything as soon as he saw you again, which would be tomorrow’s usual morning walk.
Your heart leapt into your throat as soon as Edward asked if he could court you. You had both dreamed of and dreaded this moment for as long as you had held feelings for the man, which started to come about almost as soon as you met him. You swallowed once before politely declining his advances, the next few minutes of the walk continuing in silence. Upset as Edward was, he absolutely respected your decision. But he was sure you felt something for him, so he could help but ask you why. When he saw how that made you even more agitated, he immediately backtracked, apologising profusely and swearing never to bring it up again. Which in turn made you feel worse, because now you had inadvertently upset the man you loved even more.
That was how you ended up telling him, right there in the middle of your walk, that you would love nothing more than for him to court you, but you were too scared to say yes. You explained all of the relationships that you had seen go wrong and that you didn’t want you and him to become yet another one. He told you then that he’d seen much of the same as you, with friends and even some families, but he was still willing to give this a try if you were. After all; he loved you.
Ciel Phantomhive
Ciel too came to the realisation that he loved you slowly. There was no one moment where it just hit him, but more like he gradually came to the conclusion that he wanted to be with you for as long as he possibly could. He didn’t know if you returned his feelings or not, so he decided to wait a while before telling you, firstly to see how you behaved around him and try to decide whether your feelings for him went further than a strong bond of friendship, and secondly for him to get his courage up.
You were having tea in one of the Phantomhive manor’s many drawing rooms, Sebastian having left at Ciel’s request some time ago and no doubt going about his duties around the estate. This was the moment then; it was time to ask if you would allow him to court you. Of course, when you graciously and elegantly declined his request with an apology on your lips a light frown across your brow, he had no idea that in truth, your heart was breaking just as much as his. You loved him, you truly did, but you dared not admit it for the fear of any relationship ending in tears just as you had seen with those of your friends. Outwardly, Ciel took this rejection in a calm and collected manner, offering you his own apology, but it left a gaping hole in his chest in which there had been the hope for something more with you.
You each tried to continue like you had before, but with Ciel’s sadness and your fear, in the end you felt like he deserved the true explanation of why you refused. The moment you told the earl, a spark of joy lit up within him once more. Maybe, just maybe, there was still a chance that you would give this relationship a go, if the pair of you went slowly enough and if there was a solemn promise that your friendship would remain unchanged if and when your romantic partnership came to an end. 
Sebastian Micaelis
Sebastian could help but admit that he was a little surprised at his own feelings when he came to realise what they were. He was a demon after all; demons weren’t supposed to acquire romantic attachments for anyone, let alone a human of all beings. Any human’s lifetime was a blink of an eye compared to Sebastian’s and the thought did give him pause when it came to you, though only for a moment. He could at least enjoy a romantic partnership with you while it lasted, and surely some time spent with you in this way was better than none at all.
The demon was sure you felt the same way about him. Identifying the emotions of others when they were so clearly displayed in their every action was simple, it was dealing with one’s own thoughts and feelings that was the difficult part. Sebastian was visiting you at your house when he told you how he felt about you, a cup of your perfect tea in one hand but the drink long forgotten. He saw the panic rise in your features as soon as the words left his lips, but he asked anyway if you felt the same. He was again surprised at the bleak sadness that filled him when you said you did not. He was sure he could sense conflict in you, but he dared not comment on it lest he push you away entirely. A friendship was better than you not being in his life at all, he decided, and he was determined for your current friendship to remain the way it was. 
Sebastian carried on after that as if nothing had happened, simply hoping to maintain some sort of friendship with you after his impromptu confession. You, on the other hand, simply grew more concerned as the days passed by. You wanted to say you loved him back, because it was the truth, but you were scared that everything would go wrong as you had seen so many times before. Eventually, with trembling hands and a total lack of the courage you really wished you had, you told him everything. Sebastian was quietly overjoyed that you returned his feelings, though his only words to you were ones of comfort. He told you that he understood your fear and that it was perfectly normal even, but asked if you would give things a try anyway. For both your sakes, just in case things could really work out. It was hesitantly, if not with an air of excitement, that you agreed.
Ronald Knox
Ronald was well known amongst other reapers for being someone who moved very quickly between partners. He knew this about himself as well, it was just the way he was. That was why he was so surprised to find he was actually interested in you in the context of a long term relationship. You were interested in him too, though you didn’t expect him to feel the same way. On top of that, even in the unlikely event that he did feel the same way about you, you knew you would be too afraid of getting hurt and having any potential relationship end badly to try anything with him.
You felt a deep, aching sorrow in your chest when the one almost impossible scenario that you spent your time both dreaming and worrying about started to play out right in front of you. Ronald didn’t ask you out in a big room filled with lots of people, instead asking if he could walk with you after you both clocked off from work. The hurt was displayed clearly on the reaper’s face, much as he tried to hide it then brush it off entirely when you went to apologise. You felt awful when he made an excuse and went on his way not a few moments later, but what was worse was that when you went into work the next morning, a massive fire had broken out in the early hours somewhere in the centre of London and the night crew hadn’t been able to collect all of the souls. Which left you being paired up with Ronald to finish the job.
You each tried carrying on like nothing had happened the previous day, but found it was very difficult. Things changed though when you tripped over a charred piece of wooden beam and would have fallen straight through the fragile floor and down a storey to the ground below had Ronald not caught you.
“Guess you fell for me after all, huh?” He said this with a small yet sad grin, but the look quickly turned to a teasing smirk when your gaze dropped off to one side. “You did as well!” You grumbled something unintelligible as you still refused to look at him. “You know, you’re so pretty when you’re upset.” The reaper’s eyes were practically glowing with mirth and he knew full well you didn’t mean your next words.
“Oh, shut up!”
William T. Spears
William couldn’t really believe that he was about to do this. He always did his utmost to remain stoic and emotionless, void of attachments and only at work long enough to do his job and then go home. But then, along came you. He found quite quickly that he couldn’t keep his mind off of you,the way you acted and how you always seemed pleased to see him when nobody else was.
This was it, then. You tended to stay late and end up leaving around the same time he did, meaning you would both end up walking together until you left dispatch’s confines and went home your separate ways. You were coming out of your office at the same time as he was making his way down the corridor on this particular evening, and you gave the reaper a broad smile as he paused a minute to wait for you. He was collected as ever on the outside, even if internally his every nerve felt like it was on fire. Neither of you spoke as you headed towards the main exit from the office building, keeping pace with each other as though it was the most natural thing in the world.
William waited until you were outside to finally tell you how he felt, the soft and quiet confession feeling entirely foreign on his tongue. His apprehension steadily raised as the seconds went past until you finally answered, expression sorrowful yet decided. You looked up at him as you declined his offer, sadness settling in your chest as his characteristically stiff posture remained unchanged and he stared straight ahead.
“Alright, then. I apologise for having wasted your time.” With that, he was gone, long strides taking him away from you far too quickly. It was a decision made just as quickly that had you running after him, calling his name and asking him to wait. You were almost surprised to find that he did indeed stop and turn to face you.
“I - I’m sorry,” you attempted to explain yourself, “it’s just that I only ever see relationships end badly, and I just... don’t want it to be the same with you. You matter too much to me.” The reaper paused, an unexpected warmth settling in his chest at your words.
“Would you be willing to try?” William asked you cautiously, wondering if he could bear it if your answer was no. That worry dissipated, though, as he watched your lips curve up into a small smile.
“I think I would.”
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pain-in-the-butler · 3 years
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The time has come once again
The Bloodbath
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“I’m simply one hell of a butler” says Sebastian as he starts cleaning as usual
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Okay so Agni’s taking no prisoners
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Work Nerd, Science Nerd, and Jock Nerd team up to form the Nerd Trifecta
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Team One Brain Cell joins up with Phipps, who is quite possibly their only chance for survival
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Ran-Mao remembers how Harcourt beat everyone in the unfortunately deleted round and said “Not in my backyard”
So far, everyone else has simply run away unscathed or grabbed a weapon they won’t use because the game doesn’t record weapons. Rip Tanaka
Day 1
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Ran-Mao bringing the canon energy by adding a second weapon to her arsenal
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Phipps somehow always turns into Team Dad during these, so I’m glad to see he’s finding time for his favorite hobbies
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Undertaker up to his usual Sneaky Antics
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It hasn’t even been twelve hours yet. Kind of impressive honestly
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Considering Harcourt lost his mace, I’ll just assume the attack Grell “escaped” from was the vicious stabbing of his trim little schoolboy fingernails
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Bad vibes
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It appears that Lau also brought his canon game
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Sebastian in the most recent chapters be like
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I’ve actually never had this event come up before and it has to happen between two of the more innocent characters in the series;;;; god Lizzie you deserve better even in the Hunger Games Simulator
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Where’s a Safety Nerd when you need one
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What’s better than this? Guys bein dudes
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This is probably what happened after Ciel left Weston
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Sebastian will take care of this for ya, huh bud
Other events:
Agni practices his archery
Wolfram goes fishing
Othello finds a cave
Soma goes ‘splorin
Edward goes huntin
Day 1′s Deaths: Tanaka, Sieglinde, Lizzie, and Macmillan. Someday one of the ladies will win
Night 1
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Butler slumber party in the woods, BYOYM (bring your own young master)
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It takes a lot of energy to be this blond
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I’m happy for her :)
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Yeah I’ll bet you probably do Lau
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A tonal shift so abrupt I got mental whiplash
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Can we go back to when Grell was looking at the sky pls
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Thought about science too hard. Got a concussion
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Thought about Ciel dying too hard. Got an infection
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Aww dad :( Hope you caught some fish tho
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Looks like Harcourt won’t be winning this one, gang
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I stg the hunger games simulator is misogynist because the ladies always DIE /j
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Ran-Mao is hopefully here to prove the previous statement wrong
Other events:
Bard gets a hatchet
Undertaker also passes out from exhaustion
R!Ciel goes to sleep in a tree
Day 2
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Oh you five are SO going in my burn book for this. It’s what Grell would’ve wanted
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Ahaha just like in the real manga... right guys (;
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Idk about you but I’m rooting for her
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I don’t think the simulator could’ve picked four people who were less likely to team up than this
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I would too if I saw my best friend was palling around with an opium dealer, a grim reaper with a lawn mower, and another grim reaper that the first grim reaper doesn’t like
Other events:
Othello chases Wolfram
That’s the only other event actually
That means today we lost O!Ciel, Mey-Rin, Harcourt, and Grell. ffs, I hope Ran-Mao kills all of you
Night 2
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I’ve missed you, rare pair simulator
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The “unknown sponsor” was Undertaker and the “fresh food” was O!Ciel
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Confirmed: Lau doesn’t get high off his own supply
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Once again a ceasefire between the strong hungry boys is formed
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Girl, you don’t have to do that
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“Did you kill Ciel?” Sebastian asks
“No that was William,” Othello says
Sebastian punches a tree so hard that it combusts. “God damn. Fuck” Sebastian says
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Wolfram just realized I put him in the Hunger Games simulator
Other events:
Phipps thinks about “Are you winning son”
Undertaker gazes at space
Ronald becomes Lost Ronald
Soma passes out
Bard gets some water
Day 3
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Damn Agni who haven’t you flirted with
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Finny sees that Bard has water and thinks Bard cooked it himself, so he wants no part of that (might be burnt)
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What did he even have that was worth stealing? A fish?
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Well I can tell you who isn’t creating that smoke: Lau
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“What’s worse than two young masters? No young masters. Now get over here and make a contract”
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Everything about this sentence is a fever dream
Other events:
Undertaker decides he wants a slingy shot too
Edward chases Dad I mean Phipps
Othello gets some ouchies from picking berries
Night 3
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When your young master dies, you just get an infection apparently
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damn Finny’s playing hardball
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I don’t think anything bad has actually happened to Bard yet. It’s just been a grand frolic the whole time
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I barely remember reading the first Hunger Games but Ran-Mao’s the Foxface of this journey: she deserves to win and I just know she’ll die in the stupidest way possible
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Sebastian’s like a cat that can’t reach the bird it wants to attack, so it attacks the nearest other thing instead. Poor Dad
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Two white-haired anime boys and a not-white-haired anime boy talk about who will die tomorrow. Anime doesn’t exist yet so the white-haired anime boys don’t know their hair color automatically spells their doom
Other events:
Edward starts a fire, which means he’s capable of smoking opium
Ronald gets some medical supplies
Othello gets a hatchet
R!Ciel thinks about winning
Lau gets an entire explosive, but he won’t be able to light it, so no it’s no big deal
Day 4
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In Soviet Hunger Games, white-haired anime boy kills you
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But why murder someone when you could just mess with them
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Other events:
Grey scares Bard
Finny goes hunting
Night 4
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Have you four even killed anyone yet
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The list of “people who didn’t start the manor fire and also don’t smoke opium” now consists of Lau and R!Ciel
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The mood is too light now. Someone needs to die and it better not be Ran-Mao
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At last, Father Phipps has chosen his son for this round
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Agni gushes about all the hot guys he’s simultaneously in love with, giving Ran-Mao a clearer idea of who’s still alive
Day 5
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Girl, it’s about time, go claim some trophies
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Finny’s easily got the longest kill streak and it’s a little unnerving
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Father Phipps finds a new secret fishing hole
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Othello doesn’t
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Lau continues to put in all the efforts of a kindergarten bully
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Oh no. He’s a yandere
Other events:
Sebastian fucks around and explores the arena
Bard fucks around and hunts for tributes
Undertaker fucks around and sleeps
R!Ciel fucks around and picks flowers
Night 5
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I’ve never met anyone who ships Sebastian/Undertaker but I know you’re out there
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Okay, maybe these four are even less likely to team up than Phipps, Ronald, Undertaker, and Lau
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Edward sees I’m making jokes about people who build fires and stays hidden
Day 6
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Canonically, that is the only way R!Ciel would win a fight, so
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I probably could have predicted this
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I hope these are the faces they made when it happened
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The “unknown sponsor” is R!Ciel and the “fresh food” is an ear that fell off his own head
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I’m not sure if I should be concerned or unsurprised that Bard’s Hunger Games life is more chill than his canon life
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the “unknown sponsor” was the fish and the “clean water” was “fish water”
Other events:
Ran-Mao gets her third weapon that she doesn’t want to use, which is a hatchet
Finny finds a river
Agni practices archery again, but he doesn’t kill anyone because he wants this to go on forever
Night 6
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Ran-Mao I beg you please. Release us from this purgatory of mediocrity
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And suddenly we’re back to canon Bard
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I guess not everything can be canon
Other events:
Both Agni and Phipps pass out from exhaustion. It’s 2:50 a.m. so I should really be taking a page from their book, but unfortunately everyone refuses to die
The Feast
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Finny has been a stone cold killer this entire match, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that the girl I wanted to win would get eliminated by him, but it still hurts ✌️😔
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If you cheat on Othello, he will overpower you, killing you
Everyone else decided not to go to the Feast. Honestly, I don’t remember what the Feast is, but everyone who did go either murdered someone or got murdered, so I guess that was probably a good call
Day 7
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I’ve had enough of this dude
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Jesus Finny I can’t wait to see how many kills you got, I feel like you and Agni were the only two who took anyone down
Bard, Undertaker, Sebastian, and Phipps all hunt for other tributes but they’re useless and don’t kill anyone
Arena Event: Volcano Eruption
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In one fell swoop, we lose Sebastian, Undertaker, R!Ciel, and Finny, jeez. But... that means it comes down to.............
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FATHER PHIPPS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Wow... Unlike his manga counterpart, this boy coasted the whole time and won... He basically went on vacation and he actually won... But then again, it’s Hunger Games Simulator and nothing is sacred
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Well I hope you learned a valuable lesson today. I hope you did at some point before you read my post, because you sure as hell learned nothing from this. Thank you for wasting precious minutes of your life with me 😏
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vecnawrites · 3 years
Playing Hard To Get
Everyone knew that Jaune Arc pined for Weiss Schnee. But what few knew was that Weiss Schnee pined for Jaune Arc just as much. The reason they weren't together? Weiss had gotten bad romantic advice. Hopefully, this wouldn't work against her...
The last of my Patreon Rewards for August! And Safe For Work, to boot!
Weiss walked down Beacon’s hallways with a confident smile on her beautiful face. Her snow white hair was perfectly shampooed and conditioned, her tiara was in its proper place, and she had just the slightest bit of make up on her face to accentuate her best traits, making her eyes and lips stand out, accentuated her cheekbones, and all that.
Why all the primping? Well, Weiss was a woman on a mission. She knew, well, more like everyone knew, that one Jaune Arc was smitten with her, completely and utterly. But what no one actually realized was that she was smitten with him as well.
Why hadn’t she agreed to his many requests for a date, then? Well, the answer was surprisingly simple. She wanted to see that he would fight for her. She had read in a myriad of articles and books based around romance that it was very good to play ‘hard to get’, as it would show if the boy in question was truly serious about dating her. If he continued to try for her, he was worth keeping around, worth dating in the long run.
Jaune hadn’t stopped, he had always tried to convince her to go out with him, but he was pleasant about it, always accepting her answer of ‘no’ with grace, backing away only to try again about a week or so later. And he never asked her to do something boring. It was always something that she loved (she loved comedy movies! After all, there was little joy growing up in the Schnee household), or had never done before but actually wanted to try (she had never been allowed near any sort of arcade or even gaming before as a child, being expected to be the perfect heiress at all times)! He even knew her favorite flowers and how she liked her coffee!
She knew that now was the time to strike, as the Beacon Dance was coming up during the next week. Now, she knew that most girls considered Jaune a dork (and they weren’t wrong, he was a wonderful dork), but that left him open for her to snag as a date for it!
She already knew that it would be perfect~ Jaune was always the perfect gentleman, even when it was against someone that was being rude to him-that brute of an oaf Cardin and her own teammate Yang were two examples.
Reaching the Library, Weiss walked in confidently, seeing the head of blonde hair that she knew by heart over at one of the tables, scribbling away at a notebook before him, glancing at one of the books on top of the table.
Walking up, she gently coughed to catch his attention, and when she saw him look up and focus on her, she gathered herself and spoke. “Well, Arc,” oh, how she loathed to call him by his last name, she would be sure to call him by his proper name after this, “I know that the Dance is coming up, and since I know you don’t have a date, I’m willing to go with y-” she blinked, stopping as Jaune closed his book, looking up at her with that sheepish, slightly awkward grim that she adored, but for some reason, this one filled her with dread.
“Actually, I do have a date to the dance, Weiss!” he said, his face happy and voice calm, but both made her freeze as though she had just heard some of the most dark, foul, and violent vitriol to ever grace her ears.
“R-Really?” she hated how weak her voice sounded, how faint it was, the sinking feeling only growing as Jaune gathered up his finished work and stood, nodding to her with a smile. “Yeah, she even asked me, rather than the other way around with me asking her, so it was a nice surprise! I’m sorry, but I can’t stay and talk; I have a team training session with Pyrrha, Nora, and Ren! I’ll talk to you later?”
Weiss found herself nodding weakly, wondering where things had gone so wrong as the boy she wanted left the library. She had no doubt that he was just too polite to say ‘no’ to the girl in question… so she would have to find said girl and… convince… her that it was in her best interest for something to ‘come up’ the night of the dance and allow her to go with her Dork Knight.
Weuss was going to have to give up, as much as she despised the very thought. All of her investigations had come up with nothing. She knew that it wasn’t Pyrrha: her largest rival for Jaune’s affections wouldn’t have been quiet about going to the dance with him. She’d have been singing about it from the rooftops.
Her own partner was also out as well; after all, Ruby was not only the only one of her team to know about how she truly felt about Jaune, she also only saw Jaune as her ‘goofy bestie’. Which wasn’t bad at all in her case. It meant she had someone to talk to about her feelings.
But that still left many candidates: the chocolate skinned, green haired girl named Emerald Sustrai eyed him in interest several times, as did the beret wearing Ciel Soliel from Atlas, and even the beanie wearing sniper from BRNZ, May Zedong had been eyeing him enough to make her feel uneasy. A scowl formed on her face at the thought of one of those… those hussies taking her man!
...but, she hadn’t figured out who it was, and tomorrow was the dance. She hadn’t bothered to see if anyone else would go with her, not when the only person she wanted to go with wasn’t available. She wasn’t even sure she wanted to attend anymore. She wouldn’t enjoy it.
She sighed, shaking her head as she saw the person of her desires walking towards her, that sweet smile on his face. She swallowed, but forced a smile to her face. It wasn’t like a lady to be sour at someone else’s happiness… even if it hurt.
“Hey, Weiss, how are you doing?” he asked, making her smile become more genuine, even if still being sad.
“Hello, Jaune… how are you doing?” she saw him frown, and panicked a bit, she didn’t want him to know that she was feeling sad! She watched as he bit down on his lower lip a bit, looking at her with his deep blue eyes.
“I’m doing okay. Prepared for the dance tomorrow, how about you?” she felt the sting again at the knowledge that he would be going with someone else, someone that wasn’t her. Horrifyingly, she felt tears building in the corners of her eyes, and quickly focused her gaze down towards the floor so he wouldn’t see them.
“O-Oh, that’s nice…” damn her for sounding so weak! “I...I really hope you enjoy your date with w-whoever it is…” she sniffed, feeling the tears beginning to make their way down her cheeks-
Weiss froze, two single tears dropping from her face to fall on the floor as her eyes widened, hearing those two, powerful words. She looked up, seeing him looking at her with a sad, but warm smile on his face as he reached out and gently wiped her cheeks clean.
“It’s you, Weiss… you asked me in the library, remember?” Weiss’s mind flashed back to that day last week, and their conversation, specifically, her saying that since he didn’t have a date, she would-a small gasp left her lips, and more tears built up and flowed down her cheeks, but these were ones of happiness.
He hugged her gently, and she sank into his hold happily, inhaling his scent, crying steadily now. “Let’s have a lot of fun, just the two of us, okay?” she croaked out, feeling Jaune nod against her head. “I’ve thought a lot about this all, so I hope you can keep up with me.” another gently nod and a hand cupping her cheek as she hiccuped, carefully wiping her tears away.
Weiss couldn’t wait for the Dance now. She was just thankful she had gotten her dress ready when it was first announced!
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nanamisflowerfield · 4 years
Hi! Could you please do some Kuroshitsuji headcanons for Undertaker, Grell, and Ceil, with a s/o who had recently got the hanahaki disease(if you don't know what hanahaki is it's just a disease from one sided love that can make you cough up flowers. It can only be cured by having the other love you back, or surgery)?
Hey! Of course! I love the hanahaki disease AU so much! Always wanted to write it but never have... So thanks for the request! I will try to do it well! (´。• ω •。`) I didn’t know if you wanted to have it fluffy or angsty so I made it angsty... (>﹏<)
Many fans argued about Grell/Grelle’s pronounce and I’ve read many different things too, which is why I will use they/them for Grell. Sorry, if some people won’t be happy about it! (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
I will also edit it later to put pics in there. Didn’t find any good ones I might want to use, so sorry if they don’t have any yet! (〃>_<;〃)
Warning: Angsty! (no happy ends)
Hanahaki Disease AU
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⚰️ “Oh my, how interesting!” Said the whitehaired man, as he glanced into the trash can. How it seemed his dear friend had a little secret!
⚰️ In there he found several flowers strained in the purest bloody red he could ever find, but some one tried to hide it from him, how it seemed.
⚰️ Now his fun had begun.
⚰️ “(Y/N).” You heard him voice call you, when you helped him out in his funeral parlor. Glancing back at the giggling mess, you called a friend and behind his back a crush, he threw something at your direction. Thanks to your fast reflexes you caught it items he just threw a second ago to you.
⚰️ It looked very similar to a bloody flower you tried to hide…
⚰️ “Looks like someone has the hanahaki disease!” He chuckled and wiggled with his eyebrows. “Sooo, who is it?” But the old Grim Reaper never got an answer, because you run out as fast as possible.
⚰️ Of course the old man would laugh at it! It wasn’t funny. It wasn’t great. You were in pain for so many weeks. Months! You were coughing and coughing, sometimes even choking on these damn flowers, hoping that your love for this maniac will soon disappear, but it never did. You wished it so much, but how did idiot made you fall for him even more?!
⚰️ No matter how often you tried to hide yourself from this man, he found you, asking you why your disease still didn’t disappear, asking you who you loved, asking you why your beloved didn’t love you back! Why for goodness sake did he had to be so charming and annoying at the very same time!?
⚰️ “Leave me alone!” You yelled at him, as more flowers came out of your mouth, trying to choke you.
⚰️ “You know… If you really hate this flowers so much, why don’t you just-?“ - “No.” You interrupted him.
⚰️ Surgery? No thank you. You were to scared to never fall for somebody ever again. Losing the funny memories of him…? This great and warm feeling you had, whenever you thought of your dearest Undertaker?
⚰️ Everybody said that love is great. It makes you happy, but it also has one price. Pain. Yes, that is truly a feeling that you know too well. You felt it every day, not because of the long-haired man, not, because of your disease.
⚰️ You knew that Undertaker loved his “guests” and the dead more than anybody else. There was nothing that he loved more and that is why, you were so sure, that he would never love you back. Undertaker wasn’t somebody who would easily love another living person. He was different and he only wanted to have strange and funny things in his life, which is why you always thought of yourself as not worthy for him.
⚰️ But some weeks later, you sat there under the table, staring at the blood strained flower in your hand, when you heard a knock on your door. “(Y/N)!” You heard a giggling voice. Undertaker.
⚰️ Will you let him in? Will you tell him what you choose? To take the surgery? Risk so many things or just keep on going…?
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👠 Every time you heard a specific person screaming “Sebastiaaaaaan!~ ❤️”, you just rolled with your eyes. But how comes, that your heart was yearning for that one person so much, that didn’t love you back.
👠 Grell had only they eyes on Sebastian and it made you jealous and angry. Couldn’t the redhead love you too? But of course not. You will probably never be as great as the black-haired demon.
👠 One day, you woke up, after realizing that you had strong feelings for the crazy Grim Reaper, you rushed to the bathroom, feeling something in your throat, but no matter how much you coughed, it didn’t come out until your eyes started to tear up. Was it… blood? Why did you taste blood? What was going out? When you coughed harder and harder, it finally came out of your throat. Flower petals and blood. Shocked, you stared at it. No… Why…? Why did that happen?!
👠 You knew from day one that you’ve got that horrible disease, because of Grell. No, he wouldn’t want to hurt you, for you two are good friends, but the long-haired Grim Reaper did not love you back. That is why you coughed flowers up, felt this pain, had to clean your clothes from your blood. It was because of your hurtful one-sided love!
👠 “He looked so wonderful; don’t you agree?! ❤️ Just so perfect and so-… Mh? (Y/N)? Are you alright? Why are you coughing so much? Do you want me to get you something to drink?” You shook your head.
👠 Nothing could help you with your problem, except if one of two things happen to you. Either Grell loves you back or… a surgery. You were sure, that the one you loved from the bottom of your heart, would never love you back but a surgery? Was it really necessary? If you will choose this, you will never love Grell ever again. Some people even told you, that they lost their memories of their beloved ones and some others of the ability to ever love again.
👠 Day after day passed and here you stood. In front of your trash can, looking at the flowers you used to love before you’ve got your disease. They were so beautiful, but they were strained with your red blood. It smelled horrible and looked disgusting in there. You never wanted to see it ever again.
👠 Grell’s eyes widen when he walked into your room, to ask you for your opinion on their new outfit, but when the redhead couldn’t find you, he noticed the smell of blood. Slowly, they walked to your trash can to see the flowers and immediately knew what sign it was. He knew of this disease. Why was somebody so horrible and didn’t loved you back? Afterall you were Grell’s best friend! The Grim Reaper knew you better than anybody else! But he never realized that you have fallen for somebody!
👠 Quickly they followed a loud noise, Grell heard nearby and saw you lying on the ground.
👠 You looked so sleepy on the ground. So tired. In your weak hands you held three bloody flowers, while the other was in front of your mouth, keeping it shut.
👠 “Hey, (Y/N)! Come on! Wake up! Tell me, what should I do?” Grell panicked.
👠 Now you had to choose… Will you have that surgery or will you live until the day the flowers close your throat and let you sleep there where the Grim Reaper never wanted to see you in for, they will never reciprocate your feelings
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♕ “Should we continue, or do you prefer something else, (Y/N)?” Asked the one and only head of the Phantomhive house. “What are you thinking about? You are distracted. Our entire chess game.” – “Mh? Nothing.” You lied and Ciel knew it.
♕ So what exactly was going on in the head of yours? Some might think important business thoughts and some others mayhap that you were thinking about the usual things people in your age thought about. But the truth was… Nothing.
♕ The only thing you did on your chair was actually to not start coughing.
♕ The reason? Ciel. You fell for him. Hard. Which was not a good idea, because you knew him. You knew every secret of him. He not only told you about it, because you were a dear friend of his and he trusted you, but also because he saw you as a sibling.
♕ It hurt you, but this wasn’t the only pain you felt for the couple of weeks, no. It was the pain in your body.
♕ Everyday and every night you coughed up big flowers and flower petals, only because your feeling weren’t reciprocate.
♕ A few friends even told you, that it could be possible for him to fall for you, but you never believed them. Sure, he didn’t love his fiancée like you loved him, but he only had his eyes on one thing. His goal. The one and only reason for him to summon a demon and make a pact with it! Revenge.
♕ Even thought you never liked the idea, you supported him, thanks to your strong feelings. This very warm feeling you held for him, which guided you towards him.
♕ It made you sick.
♕ So sick, that you started coughing again and rushing out of the room, while Ciel called after you and run a few steps after you until he glanced down to see a small bloody flower petal. Was it always there…?
♕ But Ciel was smart. Very smart, which is why he figured out why you have run away.
♕ He knew of your love for him and tried to reject you gently, which made your disease worse than it already was.
♕ It started with you coughing them to you nearly choking on them, desperate to breath, always grasping on something while the most beautifulest flowers left your body. Petal after petal.
♕ Ciel even suggested to help you find a doctor, but you declined it. It was your problem and you were old enough to make your own decisions! You wanted to choose it on your own if you wanted to have this surgery or… well… Sleep forever…
♕ But the day has come, where you stood in front of Ciel and told him your decision and hopefully he will support you like in all those years he stood by your side…
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snivellusslunchbox · 3 years
Sebastian with a cat loving s/o:
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Requested by: @glitterytidalwavedragon
A/N - Thank you for the request!! Sorry it took so long, I redid my blog and was busy with school. Hope you enjoy! These didn’t come out how I wanted, but it was hard to put my idea into words. I hope they still are good! Requests are open!
Warnings: First post, not read over, probably cringy.
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-First off, when he found out that you loved cats just as much as him? Oh boy, he fell hard. Like really hard. 
-Attractive, smart, strong, likes cats, could you get any better?
-He would definitely show you the cats he has hidden in his room, but you would have to promise not to tell Ciel.
One day you both were walking back to the manor after running a few errands and you saw a stray cat. The cat was orange and white with big green eyes. You both froze in place, him wanting to approach the cat while you just wanted to mess with him. 
So you slowly approached the kitty and you bent down to gently pet it’s head, the cat immediately leaning into your touch with a content purr. Sebastian smiled softly, not seeing what you were up to yet, but the sight of you and a cat happy together.. two of his favorite things at once?
He followed after you, bending down a bit as he reached down to pet the cat with you, to his surprise, the cat quickly jumped back and started hissing. 
You giggled, this all being part of your plan, his wide eyed surprised reaction making this all the more fun for you. “I don’t think he likes you.” You teased. 
-He pouted lightly and shook his head. “Nonsense. He was likely just taken by surprise.” 
You nodded and a mischievous smile covered your face. “Well then why is he hissing at you? I think I’m his favorite~!” 
He ignored you, instead reaching out to pet the cat again, only to be met with the same reaction. He stood up with a huff. “Let’s go, y/n.”  
-And ever since then, it became a competition. 
-It’s not that cats truly hated him, it was only a matter of who got to the cats first. 
-Time and time again, you continued getting the kitties to love you before he could, he was more jealous of you than he’d like to admit. 
-That was, until he saw it from another angle... were the cats taking away your attention?
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rainiswriting · 3 years
Black Butler where o!ciel is the only one getting kidnapped because Rachel, Vincent, and r!ciel was out
My idea is that r!ciel wants to suprised o!ciel with toys so he beg his dad to take him to the toy store, Rachel follow along to pick up Angelina since she just got out of the hospital after her accident/miscarriage but then they come home to a blazing fire and all of them are devastated.
A month later o!ciel come back with Sebastian despite being happy the family mourns over o!ciel who now just emotionless.
I wanna write a scene where the whole month the family stays with o!ciel even Vincent ignore all his guard dog duty for him playing and taking him on a trip to London, buy alot more toys and new clothes, but sadly none of them even gain a twitch of smile from o!ciel except a "thank you, father" and it hurts Vincent so much. Rachel can't help to cry every night and r!ciel feels like a failure (I have alot of ideas and alot of them is just overprotective family)
Heres some of my ideas for this au:
On the twins 13th birthday they ride horses with Elizabeth and aunt Francis but because o!ciel never ride a horse before (even after he came home) r!ciel make this their bonding moment and teaches o!ciel to ride it only for o!ciel almost falling (and got caught by Sebastian) that he stopped and let o!ciel ride with him, when the bear attacks it appears behind o!ciel rather than Elizabeth and r!ciel tackled him down.
(Campania arc) o!ciel knows what undertaker is doing and decided to snoop around but got caught by Elizabeth and r!ciel (and he's mad) but before they could go up the boat the zombies (?) Woke up and attack them, when they reach the lifeboat o!ciel sneak away with Sebastian to stop undertaker and the two of them got found floating on a raft (he got an earful by his family even Edward, lizzy, and aunt Francis for a very long time)
(Book of murder arc) Vincent hold a party to captured Woodley but he didn't expect his youngest son Butler to get murdered (for the first time in three years his youngest son finally shows emotions and he hate how this is his first emotions)
Finny, meyrin, and bard is still here but I decided to put doll and joker as their servants too because rather than in the original where ciel kills everyone in that arc except snake Vincent is more level headed and take them in (including snake too I guess) (the other circus members still got killed but doll and joker mourns and accept it because they were the one planning to kill)
Drabble time (circus arc when the mansion got attacked but the target is Vincent family and Elizabeth who was staying over) (also a bit of character study? Vincent is a family guy at day and the queen watchdog/the underworld leader some kind?)
"Baron Kelvin.. You disgusts me enough as it is, first for kidnapping and basically enslaving kids and you just confessed your perverted obsession with MY kids" Tanaka besides him have a calmer expression than his master but his eyes says otherwise
"After everything the young master went through...sir Baron Kelvin you deserve to die" he hiss, he will never forgive himself for the failure he did three years ago. Not only did he failed to keep the manor save he failed protecting his master beloved son he could never redeem himself no matter what his master said
"Yes! Oh please earl phantomhive! Kill me! Kill me the way your son kill all those people in the cult! Kill me--"
"PLEASE!! HES OUR FATHER HE'S MY FATHER PLEASE DONT KILL HIM!!" Vincent almost forget about the ever loyal joker who is crawling pathetically on the ground "i-if you kill him we just gonna take something precious from you too!"his face twist to a smirk a painful smirk at that
"Are you..talking about my family?" Vincent glare cut through joker cooky smirk and Vincent sharp eyes can see him shrunk back a bit he let out a bit of satisfying chuckle in his head
"Well that would be impossible then" Vincent without hesitation took out his gun and shot Kelvin through his head instantly shutting him up "he was being so annoying" he sight
"Are you hearing yourself boy?" Tanaka chuckle and Vincent let out an amused smirk
He'll never let his family got under attack not anymore
"This is the servants of phantomhive, after what happened three years ago" Vincent kneel to joker heigh, joker feel like a bug that's about to get squish
"I would never let anything happened to my family again"
That painful month of self regret and self loathing, Vincent should be thankful to god astre is still alive (despite being broken) and he would never let anything happened to astre or anyone of his family ever again
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Fun-Sized S/O
Request: Can I ask for hc’s for sebastian from black butler with a really tiny s/o (around ciels height) but she is allready a adult? Would love some cute headcanons for him if you have time..
Title: Fun-Sized S/O
Genre: fluff, slightly romantic
Pairing: Sebastian Michaelis x Fem!Reader 
Notes: When I saw this, I gushed! This sounds so cute and I think it’ll be so much fun to write. That, and this just gave me a new rush of happiness that I really needed right now, so thank you for that! 
That said, I hope you enjoy it! I refrained from specifying the age, but I tried to make it very obvious with some comedy inclusion. I may have strayed a little, though, so I apologize. 
Below the cut! 
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let’s cover one thing first: he finds you absolutely adorable.
despite being the same height as ciel, as well as maintaining a job in a similar area (you both worked under the queen), he couldn’t see you as anything other than a chihuahua walking around in a world full of english mastiffs
though, he was well aware that you were very much capable of taking care of yourself. 
you work under the queen for a reason, after all.
which is also how you two met. 
at first, he saw you as someone that would be filling in for someone else, possibly even taking up a role that had been presented to you by one of your parents or other family members.
but that was not the case.
your business was booming, and this is when he found out that not only were you of legal age, but very crafty as well.
(he liked to think that you preferred to feint any kind of awareness and have a vast amount of knowledge in all areas to be able to hold a candle to anyone that would try to manipulate, but that was only a theory of his.)
as much as it annoyed him from time to time, he and sebastian could tell that you would be a powerful asset, not only to them, but to the queen.
from that point forward, whenever you two would meet (which was, again, fairly often - the queen!), you two would be able to have almost the exact same thought process. 
it was very evident that you knew your way around, and he admired that. 
but there was also a side to you which he knew how to pick out.
taunt your height, get kicked. 
treat you as an armrest, get kicked. 
make sly comments about how you can’t reach something, get kicked. 
or, at least, try to get kicked. 
(yeah, your height was still an issue on that end.)
otherwise, you started to get used to this. 
on days when ciel wanted to be nice and you were free of any work for a time, you two would meet at the phantomhive manor.
whether you were reading next to each other or discussing past events that either one of you asked, something would happen. 
and it would more often be bardroy, mey-rin, or finny. 
and here is where you and him used your height to your advantage.
from time to time, you’d help out the staff. 
ciel had consistently told you that you are a guest and that you don’t have to help those “bumbling idiots”.
you didn’t listen, though.
this is where your height would be either a blessing or a curse.
if the issue had happened in a lower area, you would be quick on the uptake despite the amount of times that someone had tried to stop you.
glass broken? you’d be 100% willing to help and make sure that mey-rin didn’t injure herself while trying to pick it up. 
and yes, this typically went over fairly quietly, though sebastian would never hesitate to throw something out there to annoy you.
“miss l/n, it seems as if your height may come in handy. do be careful when picking that up, thought, dear - don’t want you to get crushed, darling.”
“oh, please, sebastian darling - you may not realize or not care to realize this, but i can and will bite your ankles.”
“love, is that really necessary, though?”
“if you keep attempting to taunt me, then yes, it will be made top priority.”
(banter like this was highly encouraged by ciel, though he would never admit this).
on the other hand, though, if the incident had occurred at a taller height?
yeah, you would have to deal with short comments from him while you do things at your level. 
“darling, may i ask how the weather down there is?”
“oh hush, you obnoxiously tall demon.”
“oh dear, you are just extremely short.”
“don’t forget that i could, quite easily, sneak away from you right here and now and leave you lonely for the remainder of the day.”
(you both knew that wouldn’t happen, though - you would miss him too much, and he’d know where you went almost immediately.)
so, those were fun times. 
otherwise, when given the chance to, you two would try to create things together. 
rose bouquets, sweets, sometimes even a new prototype for whatever purpose. 
times like this are when the jokes would either be completely quieted or completely active.
sometimes, he’d purposely put an item that you could reach easily on a normal day about three shelves higher. 
it was, of course, all a ploy to get you to ask for his help with an attempted nonchalant expression, though you were extremely flustered.
other times, he’d let you rest upon his shoulders if you were too tired to try and jump to reach something - these moments also left you flustered, but you didn’t mind. 
there was even the rare occasion that, when you two would sit near each other and read (or do whatever you desired), he would allow you to lay beside him.
he noticed how your short frame fit perfectly in comparison to his taller one, and he’d silently gush at the image. 
(fun fact: one time, when you had tried to reach a book you had left behind when leaving the room, he had helped you out in the most cliche way possible - he stood behind you and grabbed the book for you, his hand resting on your shoulder. it was an adorable image to the both of you.)
he found these moments to be the most important between you two, the teasing romantic ones were always the ones that got him to become just as flustered as you are. 
and, though kisses didn’t happen very often, they were very much sweet and slightly comedic.
since the height difference was so obvious, things went one of two ways: either one of you would adjust your height to reach the other, or you would find a way to even it out and make it romantic. 
if it were to go along a more humorous route, the common things were either he would lean down, or you would jump up.
considering both of you were fairly serious, these moments were highly treasured. 
sometimes, he would watch you pout and fight back the urge to laugh at the image.
these times, though, he’d fall victim to the cute and childish expression that rested upon your face, and he’d lean down just the slightest.
he’d gaze at you lovingly, and it wasn’t until you would turn to look at him that he’d say something. 
“you are quite adorable, lady y/n.”
cue your blush, cue his smirking visage. 
“may i kiss you, my dear?”
small silence...
“...yes, you may.”
he laughs at your attempt to fight back the rush of blood to your face as he decides to tease you.
he stopped leaning down and watched as you puffed your cheeks and sighed.
“aren’t you going to kiss me, mr. michaelis?”
“hmm...maybe i might. it would be very much appreciated if you could, possibly, meet me halfway, though, darling.”
cue another huff. 
you tried to jump up at him, but you were still unable to reach his height. he met you halfway.
the other times, though - those were when things got really romantic. 
these were the moments when you two would get a break from a growing crowd of people at a formal event. 
these were the moments when you two would be resting in the garden under the moonlight, surrounded by flourishing roses and carnations. 
these were the moments when you two would be sitting next to each other on a bench, around even height as your skirt had lifted you just the slightest. 
these were the moments where things would remain quiet yet loving, and though there was still a height difference, things were on much more level ground.
kisses in this moment were also very sweet. 
neither one of you had to do much to meet the other. 
afterwards, the rest of the night is spent in the midst of the festivities. 
so, as a whole? 
short jokes, tall jokes, and a surprisingly wholesome relationship for a demon as renowned in the realm as him.
(he may also have taken a slight liking to your soul, but he was very loyal in return to ciel - cuz souls are tasty, yUM-)
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chibimyumi · 4 years
🍵Japanese Reactions☕ Kuromyu 2021
Dear everyone, I received overwhelmingly many questions about Japanese audience reactions, so here you go!
For this post I logged out from Twitter to avoid any bias because of my own user algorithm, and just simply searched the term “kuromyu” (生執事) , and selected “latest tweets”. As you can see, all posts have the word 生執事 in bold, meaning that was my search term.  There are a LOT of reactions, I can’t possibly discuss them all. What I did was just search at any random point of time, and take every other comment. I censored the usernames of the commenter to protect some (ceremonial) level of privacy.
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I watched the Kuromyu costume rehearsal and cried, this is not it,,I think it might be better to go to Osaka [performance] without expecting too much I shouldn’t expect the Kuromyu of until last time
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Honestly no matter how often I watch [the musical] this time’s Kuromyu is fantastic... as someone who knows the energy of the original comics, I really enjoyed it...
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In Kuromyu Violet and Chesslock were the real thing
Like Violet’s way of walking being so slothful it was like the real thing, and the rapping of Chesslock in the cricket scene was cool
The reception of this time’s Kuromyu is entirely polarised, and indeed [this production] has a very different taste than the ones until now so I also understand the people who criticise it, but I think that’s fine.
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Click “keep reading” for (a LOT) more reactions. Don’t lie to yourself and not click it, I know you all want the tea. Here’s the tea (ÒvÓ)ノ☕
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There’s so much thought going on now I have seen the PV of Kuromyu. Eh? Because he [probably Konishi (Ciel)] has roots in Tennis [Probably prince of Tennis] once he holds the cricket it just looks like he’s swinging a tennis racket.
Bocchan is just too big, I’m not sure about that.
I only watched until half way ー
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Calling it the Prince of Cricket is too befitting😂 Such singing and dancing, the youthfulness is exploding. They sure have stamina. #Kuromyu
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Ah ーSomehow a lot of memories just popped up tears really are welling up... even though my deep-seated grudge has now passed, my obsession for Kuromyu surfaced, and it felt like it got beaten to a pulp by its big brother...
My heart is recovering through the Kuromyu DVD but the big brother is still the big brother... sob...sob (the dirty wailing of an otaku)
TLN: Big brother here means something’s superiour or better.
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It became this production that made me think: Never mind the actors but is it the problem of the makers? Erm. I think it’s a waste. Is it because it’s the footage of the first day performance?
I don’t have the feeling that it’s not that, but that it somehow became cheaper? Is a really strong thought I got from this performance. With this line-up [of cast/staff] it should have been able to create the high quality of Kuromyu, but the impression is that it was a mess.
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I finished watching kuromyu. Erm... somehow... it was a theatre production that strongly reminded me of the first Lycoris (the cheapness of the set), felt like they tried to create the feeling of🎾but failed, and tried to do something trendy (🎤) but then the production lost the sense of unity.
Well Mr. Tate’s [Tateishi] Sebas was good, and Undertaker’s acting was good (make up...)
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I’ve watched the stream of Kuromyu countless times and gotten used to the songs, and even though I miss the old Kuromyu, maybe it’s not so bad that somebody who can’t let go is rewatching something countless times. If next time they will do the Cult Arc or the Witch Arc I’d be pursuing it. Honestly I want them to stage Lycoris again ←
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Kuromyu was this place where I got stimulated by Yuta’s TOHO quality, Ms. AKANE [Madam Red] and Ms. Son [Akisono, Frances]’s Takarazuka quality. The synergy of everything, the original manga’s story, actors, music, directing all were so perfectly done in the past three productions they sure have become a tremendous bar. Once again Yuta, thank you for playing Sebas for us for three times 🥺✨
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Kuromyu really was too fun, I’m in trouble
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Honestly ------------- Kuromyu was so fun !!!!!!!!! Yasue-kun, you also go watch soon!! Ah, you going tomorrow???
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It might be quite unsatisfying for people who only watch Kuromyus that are like Imperial Theatre grand musicals, but I think it’s good that it’s a bit like the Kuromyus of the beginning of before when they adapted the manga arcs
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I watched Kuromyu and had fun 😊
I cried, I laughed, it was amazing anyway!
It was the first time watching a musical for me but I think I’ve been sucked into it...
Shall I buy the DVD, I’m indecisive 🌀🤔💭
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Now I’ve seen the PV of Kuromyu I don’t think it’s worth going at all... Even in the PV the vibe of 2.5D was ridiculously strong...
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My friend went to watch Kuromyu and gave me the review: “I’ve seen all sorts of 2.5, why did they do this for Black Butler. It’s trivial.�� I’ve only seen the PV so I won’t say anything, and I really get what I’m refraining from saying. But Mr. Kuma once tweeted the descriptions of Black Butler, I guess it’s fine that the Boarding School Arc feels like this 🤔
Click here for the translation of this tweet. The description of the Weston Arc is as such:
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(To the people who will be going to see it I’m sorry)
They did say that the staff along [with the cast] would entirely be renewed, but I feel like they’re actively trying to shake off the fans of Kuromyu until now   I’m a bit sad but I guess I won’t be watching [Kuromyus] anymore... I feel like      But I am buying the stream    I’ll think about it after I’ve bought it...
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Anyway about Kuromyu, my mom said she wanted to watch it too so I watched it again with her yesterday, and she sure had a lot to say 😶 My father pulled this weird face of “what is this even” and I had to see him off halfway 😑 I thought about buying the stream of the final performance, but I guess I don’t need a second viewing. I don’t feel like watching the archive either. I really liked the Kuromyu of until now, my shock is too big.
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At the beginning [of the musical] we looked back on Lycoris, Circus and Luxury Liner... kinda like some sort of recap, but I thought “huh?”... now I just want to watch that. I used to like Kuromyu, I really have trouble accepting it this time it’s painful.
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But honestly when talking about Kuromyu it’s the Sebas with the superb voice who sung about the dynamic with the little lord full of emotion and built the world view, and for better or for worse the world view of Kuroshitsuji is maintained through Sebaciel, the songs, the directing of Sebaciel, but what happened there. Whether you should watch it or not. The past 3 productions were masterpieces、、、
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But Sebas is not Mr. Furukawa, Ciel is not Reo-kun and even Mr. Izumi’s [role] of Undertaker was unfortunately changed, this is the new Kuromyu huh...
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I watched the stream of the first performance.
I liked the songs so I checked, and I knew it.
This time has a lot of laughing factors, and I thought it was good it had a fresh cast.
I didn’t expect the cricket scene to be taken that far. I thought it was Tenimyu.
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Kuromyu, this time be it the story, script, directing or casting, I thought: “it’s more enjoyable to take up this [musical] while temporarily erasing the memories of until now ~🎶”, and I watched the theatre piece without looking back to the past productions, and that was the right decision   To the people who came to love Kuromyu of until now, it’s safer to watch it while temporarily erasing the memories.
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Did Kuromyu turn into Tenimyu half way?! I thought,
and the Elite Musical → 2.5D Musical transformation I also felt
Konishibocchan being cutesy was cute, and the P4′s desperate faces resonated all went by in a flash
Above was the report from the theatre ☺️
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I went to Kuromyu
I went into it knowing it’d surely be something different from the past productions so it indeed turned out to be so
There were parts that made me go “erm the script....” and also this part that made me go “was it really necessary to make Undertaker descend into that dream in Act 1 just because you wanted to give him stage time??”
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I went into 2 shocks gradually
Sebas doesn’t sing He only sings properly at the very beginning of the beginning Even though he’s Sebas There’s no ending solo Even though he’s Sebas
You’re the ♪ah~a~a~ number-one main character though!! That’s why this one!!! Is the N・E・W production--!!!!
I am in shock
I   A M  I  N   S  H  O  C  K  ANGER!!!
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I watched the Kuromyu stream!
It was TOTALLY 2.5D~❕❕😁It was also a school setting and the Tenimyu vibes were strong (laughs)
It’s a bit of a shame that Ciel isn’t played by a child actor anymore, but because he has more stage time than Sebas has this time I caccept it.
Sebas and Ciel’s visuals are also good ~ ☺️ 
It’d be even cooler if they increased the fight scenes with Sebas though.
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@ivvy_toshiki [Tateishi Toshiki (Sebastian)’s Twitter account]
Thanks for the hard work in the performance.
Today I saw the “first viewing of Kuromyu” of my dreams 🥀😆 Regardless of what I could say Sebastian’s beauty is from beginning to end spellbinding ☺️  My eyes were very happy. moreover, the songs and the killing were also AMAZING 😍 my eyes were nailed to Sebastian. I want to watch it again 💕☺️  I wish that the performances will go without a hitch until the final performance ❕
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I was so happy to see the recap of the past productions
I really liked the Circus Arc (original comics), and even though it was comedy it really dived into the darkness! That was the story I also didn’t expect to see the Luxury Liner Arc So Undertaker, for real... for
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Up to the last time there weren’t that many songs in total, but there were songs like I shall become your pawn and sword and the contract that made me go BATHUMP--- I have to rewatch this number!!! It’s a shame that this time there were no songs like that.
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Calling it the Prince of Cricket is too accurate 😂 They sang and danced so much, the youthfulness was bouncing off it. What stamina they have. #Kuromyu
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What’s different from the last time is the strong 2.5D vibe...... Until now the ages [of the characters] were fairly faithful [to canon] and in a good way there was no 2.5D-ness and I could just enjoy it as a proper theatre piece This time both the casting including the music had a strong 2.5D vibe for better or for worse #Kuromyu
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Very personally! Matsushita’s Sebas was “heavy as the evil of evil and beautiful”, and Furukawa’s Sebas was  “evil, strong and unapproachable and beautiful and gorgeous”, and Tateishi’s was “light hearted and beautiful and a florid kind of evil”!! (My vocabulary is failing me) All Sebastians have a different aura about them it’s fantastic!!! #Kuromyu
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The new Sebas is good
It’s this arc so that it’d get a chit-chat idol? vibe was within the expectation The cricket of the second half had a bad vibe and I was sick of it It might have been different had I watched it live I don’t like the Boarding School and Green Witch arc that much to begin with I am looking forward to the appearance of the real Ciel That's it for now
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I don’t know why I’m mentally dead but it must be that, I watched the Kuromyu stream and I am thoroughly dead, mentally dead, but as I managed to say this I’ve reached a level that I recovered a bit??? I am too tired but I don’t feel like sleeping, but if I doze a bit then I realise my fatigue and feel like sleeping unnecessarily
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This time’s kuromyu... erm I guess I’ll quit 🤔
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I’ll be rant-puking for a bit
I’ve seen a lot of Tenimyu and A-stage [Mankai A3] but it’s not like I wanted to see that in Kuromyu... What I wanted to see was Kuromyu...
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I watched the video of the Kuromyu PV? but it’s impossible. Watching the PV [I thought] children should be played by children... and as I watched their interaction it’s not the character building I had in mind... and there’s no wound on the vice principal’s forehead. I planned to watch the stream of the final performance, but I’m hesitant about spending more money to watch that... If I can’t accept Ciel and Sebastian I can’t watch this, that’s just me...
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Now I’ve read the reviews of Kuromyu all are saying it went back to 2.5D, and I think that it’s not worth going after all. It’s probably because the Kuromyus until now far surpassed the quality of 2.5D... I guess it’s fine if one were to go for the cast, but I really loved the Kuromyu of until now.
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animebaby00 · 4 years
Tea and Cookies (Ciel Phantomhive x Female! Reader) - One-shot
Summary: Y/N, the newest maid at the Phantomhive manor, adds a little something extra to Ciel's afternoon tea to hopefully brighten his mood.
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Stoic. Firm. Serious.
That's how the young master was portrayed to almost everyone. 
Punctual. Proper. Dedicated to his work. A human being with a perfect attitude that never faltered for anything.
But Y/N, she's noticed things that others haven't.
She had seen the small, underlying blush on his cheeks when embarrassed or flustered. 
She noticed his determination to please those around him. 
She's come across times where the tiniest of smiles had laced his lips.
And quite honestly, those were her favorite times because of how rare they were.
The young master was nowhere near the average 14 year old. 
Even as she bustled around the kitchen, she still found it strange to address him as such. After all, she was almost a whole year younger than him.
Just barely a teenager and working as a maid in the famous Phantomhive Manor. Even younger at the age of 12 when she had first started.
The word 'maid' had a repulsive sound to the average, noble lady. But Y/N was thankful to be given the position after the horrible state she had been in when she arrived. 
A lowly orphan clad in a torn, mud covered dress covered in soot and ash. An injured leg from running through the forest to escape the thieves that had stolen from the orphanage she had called her home. The crude individuals had set the building ablaze and she watched what few friends she had choke and suffocate in the dark, thick smoke.
On the Queen's Guard Dog's doorstep with red, watering eyes, matted hair, and a weak, trembling form.
An absolute mess.
But despite it all…. the young master took her in.
With a Butler clad in black by his side. 
The whole thing sounded frightening, and she had nightmares for months. But soon, comfort in knowing she was protected and had a place to call home again was a reason to stand strong and move on. 
She was welcomed with open arms and proved to be one of most level headed people in the manner, talented in many fields she didn't know herself capable. 
On top of every schedule the young master had, a worthy opponent in chess, decent in the kitchen, a fast learner in archery, and unbeknownst to her, the person Ciel preferred most to bring him his afternoon tea. 
And currently, that was what she was doing now.
Her steps were quiet as she made her way to her young master's office, cart in tow decorated with delicate silver utensils and expensive China. 
At last, she reached the door to the young master's study. She lay a fist against the door and knocked, and a muffled "Come in." could be heard shortly after.
She opened the door just enough to fit the cart through and closed it behind her once in the room, being mindful to not disturb the busy male as he talked business with his Butler. 
"I will send these out immediately, My Lord." Sebastian stated, tapping a stack of documents against a desk in order to even the top edges of them, " Don't forget you have your meeting with Mr. Thompson at 3. I will fetch for you when the time comes." 
"Very well," Ciel said lowly, folding his hands together, "You are dismissed." 
Sebastian bowed both towards Ciel and then to you. You curtsied in reply, keeping your head low out of pure respect, only raising it once Sebastian had finally left the room. 
"The other 3 could learn a few things from you." 
His voice rang in your ears. Smooth, mature, and slightly cold, causing shivers to run down your spine.
You turned around to see Ciel looking at you, lips turned into a rare half smile while his single blue iris stared back at you. The other covered by a silk black patch.
You took a step forward, pushing the cart that was in front of you as you began to prepare a cup of tea for your master.
"Do you mean Baldroy, Mey-rin, and Finnian, sir ?"
Ciel nodded, "Yes. I've been very tempted to insist you teach them manners and respect. Bard can't go one day without blowing up the kitchen even if all he's doing is boiling water, Finnian speaks out even when conversation is being held, and Mey-rin can't curtsy property or push that cart without tripping over her own two feet." 
You did your best to stifle a small laugh, "Yes, I'm aware of their shenanigans. But at least they get the job done. Especially with Sebastian constantly nagging at them."
Ciel hummed, "I suppose you're right. But they are still fools."
You chuckled, picking up the now filled cup of tea along with the saucer.
"It's Earl grey today, young master. Shipped here yesterday." 
"Hm…" he took the cup from you, his fingers lightly brushing yours. You could feel your cheeks heat up slightly, but tried to keep yourself calm, as any such behavior was highly improper.
But you were unaware of the blush that had dusted his cheeks as well. 
Even with such a slight touch, your skin had felt so soft. 
Being so close to him, he could smell your sweet scent. Vanilla, maybe mixed with hazelnut. It was divine and-
No. Stop. 
Such thoughts were entirely crude. He mustn't think like that. 
"Uhm...my lord?"
He blinked. And it was then that he realized he had been staring. Bloody-
"Are you alright ?"
His eye widened, "Oh ! Yes, m-my apologies. Just...lost in thought I suppose. I have quite a...uhm busy schedule today. Let's just say I'm not looking forward to it."
"Oh, I see." You looked behind you at the tea cart, specifically at the extra tray you had purposely brought in, covered by a silver lid.
You had made them just to be nice, not sure if he would even like them. But now, perhaps they could serve as a token to brighten his day a bit.
Another thing you knew was how much he hated meetings of business no matter how important they were. 
You turned to face him again.
"S-sir...i-if I may ?"
"Yes ?"
" I...well, it's not much but," you retreated back to the cart and picked up the sterling silver tray and set it on his desk, "Perhaps these will help." You hooked your fingers under the handle and lifted it.
Ciel's mouth dropped open slightly in shock. 
Simply displayed before him, was an assortment of cookies. 
They were pretty basic looking, but they smelled absolutely heavenly of chocolate, peanut butter, toasted sugar, and cinnamon. It clouded his senses, delectable, and so very sweet. 
He could've sworn ( though he would never admit it ) that his mouth was watering. 
You giggled at his expression, grabbing a tiny pair of serving tongs and put one of each cookie on a plate you had grabbed. Four sounded like a lot, but you had made them smaller on purpose, finding it easier to enjoy them when they took about one or two bites to consume. 
"I know Sebastian doesn't exactly like you eating sweets this early in the afternoon, but I think today can be an exception. " 
Ciel was dumbfounded, almost missing your previous statement. 
It was obvious, but he had to confirm.
"You...made these ?"
You nodded, "Yes. I did. Fresh out the oven this morning." 
"That's... highly impressive."
"Is it ?"
Ciel picked up one of the cookies. It felt warm against the skin on his fingertips."Well I know you had chores this morning, and you also helped with breakfast. So I suppose I'm just confused on how you found the time."
"I have my methods," you stated simply. 
Ciel smirked, his face imprinted with slight amusement as he brought one of the cookies closer to his lips, mouth opening slightly as he bit it in half. 
And immediately after, total bliss blossomed over his taste buds. It was soft, warm, with a slight bitterness so as to not make the dessert too sweet. He would have to guess it to be raw cacao powder or dark chocolate, but nonetheless. 
It was delicious. 
You watched him with a hopeful expression, watching his mouth move with every chew. 
Your heart was beating in your chest, and for the first time in a long time, you found that you couldn't read his expression which scared you quite a bit. 
Yet you were able to muster up enough courage to ask him the simple question that was burning on your tongue.
"W-what do you think m-my lord ?"
You knew you looked a fool. Standing there with fidgeting hands and sweaty palms.
But the cool, crisp, clean voice that you had come to adore cleared that nervousness away
"They're like nothing I've really ever tasted before in a sweet."
Your eyes widened, heat rushing to your face.
That made you perk up in both happiness and worry. but it seemed Ciel caught on to the flusteredness you felt taking over your nerves. 
He rose his hands up quickly, "W-which isn't a bad thing I assure you! Don't worry, please." He leaned forward, folding his hands across his desk, "They're actually quite good. I...like them very much."
The blush on your face deepened, "O-oh ! That's v-very good to hear. I'm happy you like them...m-my lord."
Ciel tilted his head,Actually....I was going to ask you, if perhaps you could -"
All potential awkwardness and discussion  was forgotten ad, both you and Ciel's heads darted to the doorway.
Ciel stood up from his seat, rushing over to your side, "What the bloody hell was-"
"Y/N !!!!!" 
You could hear frantic footsteps clack from down the hall. The door to Ciel's office was flung open and you immediately recoiled and Ciel clicked his teeth once you both caught sight of Mey-Rin standing there, out of breath, covered head to toe in soot and ash. 
You were about to ask what was wrong, but Ciel beat you to it.
"Mey-rin what is the meaning of this ?!'
"M-my apologies young master !" She squeaked, "Bard...he ehmmmm...oh he blew up the kitchen again yes he did ! A-and I was fetching Y/N for her assistance…"
Ciel sighed, rubbing his temple, "She'll be there in a few minutes. Go and get a head start without her. Now."
Mey-rin bowed clumsily, her glasses nearly falling off her face, "Y-yes young master."
And then she was gone, but not before you could hear her trip and fall from down the hall with a loud yelp. 
Ciel turned to face you, "Told you they were fools."
You sweatdropped, "W-well it was good for the time it lasted. Bard hasn't blown up the kitchen in...I believe...3 days ?"
Ciel gave out a deeper sigh, finding his way back to his desk as you collected and put away the items on the tea cart. 
"I suppose I should get going," you said, wheeling the cart closer to Ciel's desk, "I'll leave this here for you in case you want more tea or sweets." You turned your gaze fully onto him, " Now, what were you trying to tell me before ?"
Ciel's dark blue iris widened, "Oh ! Yes, uhm, simply just...I was going to say that if you're okay with it, I w-would like you to bring me my tea more often. I enjoy your company very much...it's nice to not have some lunatic driving me crazy or having Sebastian constantly nagging at me. I suppose it's just a relief to be around someone...normal."
You blinked, shocked over Ciel's statements due to several things. 
He stuttered quite a bit, something he hardly ever does. And he also didn't come off demanding with it at all. He was actually considering your wants and that made your heart flutter with warmth. 
How could you say no ?
"I-I'd be happy to serve you, sir. It would be my pleasure." Your curtsied then turned around, keeping your head his way so he could see the smile on your face, "Sorry, but please excuse me. I've been given news I'm needed in the kitchen."
At this, Ciel's widened eyes softened as he watched you leave, but just as you were about to…
"Oh, and Y/N ?"
"Yes, my lord ?"
He gave you a knowing look, "When we're alone, please, call me Ciel."
You weren't fazed or shocked by his request, you thought it rude to be, so you merely waved and abided by your master's wishes.
"If that is what you wish...Ciel." 
And you left, leaving Ciel alone to finish his tea and the special little treat you made just for him.
After all, what's a good cup of tea without a little something extra to go with it especially if it can brighten someone's day ?
Which is something you definitely achieved.
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