#I was looking up junk car towing places fr
blackbrrytea · 1 month
Teehee found out the stupid hard way that changing the oil on your car ^^ is important actually!!! Wow
Who could’ve guessed
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xottzot · 7 years
2017-11(NOV)-27th---Monday--a repeat of the criminal abos AGAIN.
2017-11(NOV)-27th---Monday--a repeat of the criminal abos AGAIN.
The title above says it all.
Not that long ago a big truck came several times with all manner of goods and unlodaded and gave it to the main abo criminal household. THAT is documented in my blog. As is who the company was. They even had a young guy going aorund from the truck delivering unsolicited junk mail advertisimg into peoples leterboxes adverting their company and services. I documemted all that in my blog.
And in this blog I also have told of the criminal aboriginals comlpetely filling their street verge with a HUGE mass of household goods of ALL kinds. They did it LAST year and I think the YEAR BEFORE as well.
A mass of stuff that took 3 BIG council rubbish trucks to haul it away in the Swan Shire of Western Australia council yearly verge household rubbish collection.
Well now, NOT ONLY is teh main abo criminal household ONCE AGAIN ammasssing a HUGE pile of rubbish and junk on their street verge, so is the abo hosehold directly across the road from them. The two criminal households are absolutely twinned and are as one, they have been FOR EVER. Even when Fatguts was running his drug dealing empire business from there (and who knows if he still is, or his subordinate criminal abo's have taken the reigns of the criminal empire), bu the two households CONSTANTLY, DAILY, NIGHTLY interact with each other ALL THE TIME.
BOTH abo houses are amasing a mass of household goods onto their street verge. The main criminal abo household has a pile so large that it's equivalent in height to over halfway the height of a lightpole and it's spreading out across the entire front verge of that place....and STILL GROWING IN MASS.
If YOU think this is unlawful, then you are not worong, but the criminal aboriginals follow NO LAWS AND RULES WHATSOEVER.
Do NOT forget that MOSt if not ALL of this material being thrown out as garbage onto the street verge is NEW material that was trucked-in by a household goods rental company. As yourself how can this go on (YEARLY). Ask yourself why THEY can do it without any consequence and have no fear doing it whatsoever.
And then ask yourself when non-aborigials, non-criminals, will be penalised and accused of doing it and be fined, andor jailed? to try to cover the criminal aboriginals actions from the public ever knowing about it all.
And before you even think about that....bear the following in mind....the HUGE masses of material out on that street verge and the other one which is also growing, THAT WILL NOT STAY THAT WAY before the council rubbish trucks come in a week or two time bexcause roaming bands of people will come along and pick over the piles of rubbish and take what they want. And so the 'evidence' vanishes. The piles diminish a little in size (only a little), and all of it is thrown about on the streets.
Don't forget that the metarial was HIRED, not bought, and it is relatively new, only a few months old. Things like fridges, freezers, washing machines, lounge sofas, endless plastic ride-on kids toys (that the abo's ride ON the roads in trafic with), prams, cabinets, bookshelves, and the list go's on and on. A huge lot of that will VANISH by passing people scavenging it all up, driving around in cars and towing trailers to load it up into and taking it away. - THE EVIDENCE WILL VANISH.
It's so large that the abos start smashing it up to make room for more. And still they keep dragging out more from inside the abo houses.
And STILL the huge load of household stuff rises up and up and gets bigger and bigger......
Already even before 8am, the abo toddlers in diapers were all about and roaming about on the streets.
Some were taken away across the roads to around the Koongamia school oval area by adult abo's, and they had a hard time controlling the criminals-in-training-in-diapers.
But they soon returned and once again roaming all about, and going on the roads.
The aborigials seem NEVER EVER to want to 'just' use theor backyards and be confined to there. Instead they treat their (unfenced) front yards and street verges and unfenced playgrounds depsite the traffic. THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR YEARS AND YEARS.....
On Sunday, it was hot and so from one abo criminal household (which as a low brick fence small enough to step over) they hauled across a plastic inflatable toddlers water pool, and they filled it with water and had the toddlers 'playing' on the concrete driveway in it. The place has NO FENCE AT ALL. And the pool was set up within a car-lengths distance of the road with traffic on it. And of course they were all about during the day. Sometimes only other abo small kid were tasked to 'keep an eye on' the roaming toddlers in diapers who can toddle and run about and who do that straight onto the road at any time which is only seconds away from the sliding glass front door of that abo criminal household that once was ruled by Fatguts the abo drug dealer, and may still be under his control.
Also on Sunday.......ANOTHER lot of abo's, walked along from other abo households in Koongamia and were heading towards going into the criminal pedestrian walkway into Bellevue. They looked NOT to be as feral and as criminal as the ones in Kalara Way street are, and they wore better clothing and footwear, not all-black clothing andor ersatz aboriginal 'heritage' crap clothing. -- It was an young boy, with 3-4 young girls, with one of them a toddler he struggled to hold and carry. They all moved closely together as one single group, not arguing, not screaming or yelling. One girl carried a netting bag holding two plastic balls (basketball sized). - They paused, looked at the abo criminals in the Kalara Way street then continued on into and through the criminal pedestrian walkway into Bellevue.
You see, there ARE degrees of the aboriginals about this hellhole. There does seem to be some (or at least a minor very few) that are normal and not outright criminals who prey upon anyone and anything such as they Kalara Way ones actively live.
But the Bellevue area they were going into ALSO has criminal aboriginal places, BAD ONES, and that area also has non-abo CRIMINAL PLACES.
I, and others, have long since tried to establish normality or reason with to try to understand ANYTHING about this entire hellhole area. I'm in good company. The West Australian Police can't explain or understand or do anything. And the feckless, numerous, nameless, anonymous departmentals, the slaves of abo's who run about like servants, observing but never doing anything, they probably have at least SOME information but of course do not publicly share any of it, just as the West Australian Police don't.
The observational servants obviously DO see a shitload of the utter shit that goes on about the abo criminal households and steeets. I see them driving about. They no longer seem to walk about, and in any case it's bloody HOT. Their 'work conditions rules' have probably been union-wrangled to keep them from having to step out of their air-conditioned cars. Or it's a condition of their employment a small company has demanded. Perhaps an aboriginal company who imagines that aboriginals and workers tending to them cannot exist in Australia without huge air-conditioning conditions lest they suffer or die or die-out or lose their MANY tribal aboriginality heritages which they have had for tens of thousands of air-contioning years in their trademarked history.
Today on Monday, early in the morning, just after the abo toddelrs-in-diapers were unleashed out of Fatguts house sliding glass front door to go roaming all about, a large 'people bus' vehicle pulled up there, somewhat 'scattering' the diaper toddlers directly in front of it on the driveway, but they barely moved away and instead were milling about there like blowflies. The rear of the vehicle stuck out onto the road because of all that. The toddlrs milled about the thing. Unfortunately none ended up under the wheels of the vehicle.
A solitary male? youth got into the vehicle (ersatz, literally door-to-door high school bus?), and he got into the front passenger seat, and it reversed out and drove away. The toddlers stil milled about, were squawking, and were joined briefly by an unrestrained black dog or two before the unleashed dogs were called back inside the household.
An adult abo man came out and 'took charge' of a toddler and also went looking for the others that had walked away to the busy Clayton Street just at the end of the Kalara Way street. This is how the utterly feral shits get run over but nobody gets blamed for it other than innocent drivers. And the adult abos don't care. They just spawn even more like rats.
The disbaled abo adult man who wobbles walkig about, he came out of the abo criminal household and literally began shooing with his hands the abo toddlers who once again had come out and were about to roam onto the road surfaces. But the diapar toddlers soon again were all about and roaming freely about.
Later in the morning, a young abo woman (or kid) was seen attending and clumped with the feral abo diaper-toddlers in the empty Koongamia School carpark next to the oval, one in a pram, and two others barely controlled by her. She crossed the Clayton Street road with them but stopped ON Kalara Way street (in the intersection with Clayton Street), and LOUDLY yelled out over and over again until a woman from the Fatguts place came out and met her ON THE ROAD in the intersection with Clayton Street. Then they filed into the Fatguts abo criminal household by walking off the road and into there.
The YELLING.......by criminal abo adults is VERY LOUD. -- The YELLING, THE OUTRIGHT SCREAMING......by the crimnals toddlers in diapers.......all THAT goes on ALL THE TIME and was once again this morning.
The criminals toddlers ALWAYS SCREAM. It's how they are taught to act by the criminal abo's who 'take care of them'. And they SCREAM at ANYTHING, and NOTHING. They SCREAM to each other. and the SCREAMING goes on and on until they get hit and then the SCREAMING becomes extremely loud CRYING AND BAWLING AND SCREAMING. -- This is just one aspect of how the abo crimnals toddlers are 'brought up' and become criminals. It's carried into them being criminal youths, and into being criminal adults. And all along the way they try to spawn even more criminals. -- With any luck, they're killed by involvements with Police or through criminal misadventures such as car crashes, and a lot worse. Even internecine abo conflicts.
Amongst the 'people mover' van this morning was a 'token' young female abo girl from the main criminal abo household where she 'lives'. She had a backpack on and wore school clothing and looked to be going to the Koongamia School literally just across Clayton Street from where these criminal abo's 'live'. -- Where the token boy abo school kid is unknown this morning.
She went to walk away after the van left, and the feral toddlers in diapers began following her. She LOUDLY yelled (just short of screaming) at them to get away from her. She would take a few steps, they would follow, she would turn around and LOUDLY YELL again and again, and again they would follow. - Treated worse than dogs, trained worse than dogs, by any and all fellow abos' of the criminal households but always claimed as their property that they can do anything with. If anyone or any department tries to get involved, the criminals decry and cry out that they are only following their sacred 'traditonal heritage' (ie. even with wacking the toddlers with broom handles) so fuck off!
It was after this had been going on (but NOT immediately) that the adult make came out of Fatguts place and walked to Clayton Street and began hauling the utterly feral abo toddlers-in-diapers back into Fatguts abo criminal household.
All this is considered a 'calm' 'normal' day! - Fuck off.
Anywhere else it would not be considered 'calm'. - But NOBODY takes any control of the criminal abo's actions & behaviours & criminality, especially themselves doing it all.
After 9am, an abo woman (affiliated with the others but seems to at least appear not so criminal and feral), she walked out of Bellevue through the criminals pedestrian walkway, and was going to the Koongamia shops. She had a female toddler with her.
The toddler, just like the criminals toddlers, was freely roaming about. The woman became sick of dealing with the toddler who was LOULDY beginning to yell and carry on, and so she scooped up the toddler in her arms and carried it where it began to LOUDLY object and yell.
ALL THE ABOS ARE LIKE THIS. THIS WOMAN JUST HAPPENS TO SEEM TO BE SLIGHLY MORE 'CIVIL' THAN THE CRIMINAL ONES OF KALARA WAY street. But they all associate with other to various degrees. They wander abut and visit each others houses and live in each others houses.
Many of the abos' that HAD been 'living' at the main criminal abo household of Kalara Way have long since moved into living at Fatguts brick abo criminal household. They are THERE but NO PLACE is permanent for them at all. - This is one aspect that is deliberate and serves another purpose, that of making certain that Police or authorities never being able to pin down where any of them live if they are trying apprehend them for anything.-- THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR YEARS AND YEARS.....
They went to the Koongamia shops. A short time later, they returned, and once AGAIN there was LOUD yelling.........the toddler had walked deeply into in innocent neighbours unfenced front yard and so the adult abo woman also went in and grabbed the toddler and bodily hauled it out by the hand.
They began walking towards the criminals pedestrian walkway opening, and a feral cat was following them by jumpimg over fences and into and across residents yards. Feral cats that do not 'live' anywhere but go around stealing food and shitting and pissing where they like. Carrying & spreading disease & forever hunting and killing birds, native Australian birds and animals, endangered animals....whatever they don't kill, the abos kill.
As I've said........it's just a 'calm day' in the hellhole area.
Tomorrow is Swan Shire Council rubbish bin emptying day. And the abo toddlers-in-diapers will of course be out and roaming about as the truck moves about on the roads....the SAME roads the abo toddlers roam around on, and the same roads the other abos walk on, and the same roads the abo kids who never go to any school roam all about on.....
We all can only hope that one day there is a fatality. And in any case there's innumerous feral replacements to take their place.
NEWS:----- Camouflaged police with assault weapons to patrol NT streets at night to reduce youth crime
(I wish they woudl patrol HERE.)
NEWS:----- Doctors, lawyers join call to raise age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 14
(You know get it made law quickly they want.....so ones like that recent one in Western Ausralia late last year MURDERING a man with a knife can just go off free and be housed (free of rent) in a local neighborhood to frolic in the streets and never got to school and just be even more criminal and live his life as traditional and criminal as he wants.....because it's traditional........)
(As if there's not ENOUGH of them RIGHT NOW infesting and multiplying in all previously innocent neighborhoods......preying upon innocents who foolishly obey the law and expect everything to be okay for themselves doing so.)
I love you dear Fliss and want to be with you. - Poor Sam & poor Max have once again been crying in their sleep for you. And Max AGAIN got vicious today and AGAIN tried to attack me for no reason. - I love you dear Fliss and so very much want to be with you.
P.S. to Cath in Queensland, Australia, if you ever read this blog, you have NO IDEA AT ALL of this hellhole. Absolutely NO IDEA and no inkling, and no capacity to imagine at all any of it even in the slightest other to treat it all as 'fiction' so you can manipulate it in your mind to your liking. - Please, this is NOT mocking you, or demeaning you, or insulting you, it's simply stating fact. - Take care dear Cath. Try to not ever let your beloved children fall prey to the abo criminals such as the ones about this hellhole.
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