#I was literally flower girl for my auntie but I don’t remember it at all
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I love that they still pay Sophie though even when she literally becomes the kids auntie. I know in big families someone's always around to watch somebody's kid but labor is labor, childcare is HARD, and just because you're family doesn't mean you don't deserve to be compensated! She's also just... objectively the best at it in the family I mean she has a degree.
im also still not over "my Soph", do the other kids start doing it too? Does Neddy reject sharing or does he not care? Does Sophie love reminding Neddy for the rest of his life how preciously possessive he was as a baby?
I don’t think it’d even be a question for Kate and Anthony. Before she married Ben that was her career. She’s got a degree. They’re damn lucky to have her slowly introducing the alphabet into Neddy’s routine alongside them and helping him do sensory play!
Neddy does love calling people his. Like all big siblings it takes him a second to adjust to the idea that he needs to share his things and his people with Miles when he comes along but he’s also pretty used to sharing with Greggy and Hy at that point. Greggy and Hy go out with him and his Daddy sometimes because Poppy Edmund’s not here anymore but they have an Anthony as well. With regards to HIS Soph, Benedict did not think his biggest problem would be Neddy. He expected it to be Anthony, bodily shielding Ben from Sophie so he didn’t make it awkward meaning Anthony would possibly have to find a new Nanny. But no. It’s Neddy. For the first time Benedict appreciates how similar Neddy is to Anthony when Neddy looks unimpressed at the flowers he’s picked out for Sophie.
“They’re not very big.”
Ben rolled his eyes, “These are like the biggest in this shop, Mate.”
“My Daddy gets bigger ones for Amma all the time. He says she deserves them because she’s pretty and she loves us.”
Ben sighed, “Well your Daddy’s obviously richer than uncle Benny.”
“You’re not being a good boy for my Soph. She might not want to be your friend anymore.”
Benedict sighed, dropping the bouquet back into the water and picking up a bigger one, “Happy, Neddy?”
“Happy!” He grinned, “Can I get Choccy milk?”
“Bloody Charlatan.” Ben muttered under his breath. “Obviously, mate. When have I ever been able to say no to you?”
Sophie obviously loves all of her nieces and Nephews but she has a real soft spot for Neddy, she can’t deny that. He was her first sweet little boy. And he still is, even at sixteen when she’s chaperoning a dance with Kate and he’s clearly flirting with a gaggle of girls in the corner.
“Remember when he was a tiny baby? And used to call me his Soph.” Sophie sighed to Kate who let out a sad noise of her own.
“He was my sweet little angel. Now he’s so much like Anthony.”
“Stop pretending that’s a bad thing.” Sophie chuckled.
“I’m not! I’m just saying: Anthony was a charmer and I should have known his son would be a menace!”
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Taking Chances Ch. 18: Girl’s Night (Heroes/Villains)
Teleporting back into her room in Gotham, Marinette flops onto her bed. Passing Kaalki sugar cubes and Tikki a cookie, she suppresses the urge to scream into her pillow. She was sick and tired of Hawkmoth. Sick and tired of being the one who has to fix everything. She just wanted one week with no Hawkmoth, no akuma attacks. But no. Of course not. Of course he just had to send out a stupid akuma every single day. Because why not. How’re people supposed to know he’s still being the main villain of Paris if he takes a freaking day off? Once she finds out who he is, she’s going to punch him in his stupid face. A knock on her door pulls her from her plotting ways to get back at Hawkmoth.
“Come in.” She sighs, sitting up and forcing a tired smile on her face.
“Marinette, your father wanted-” Selina starts, pausing as she looks her over. “Come on kitten, we’re having a girls day.” She says. Marinette raises an eyebrow. Sure she’d met Selina before, but they hadn’t really hung out yet.
“What?” She asks.
“You look exhausted and angry, sweetheart. Spending too much time with these boys isn’t going to help. So you’re gonna grab anything you need for an overnight trip and we’re going to go watch movies and eat junk food til we’re sick.” Selina instructs. Marinette grins, jumping up and shoving stuff into her backpack. She puts Kaalki’s glasses into her purse and lets her and Tikki fly in before she turns to Selina.
“Ready!” She says, practically bouncing up and down in excitement. It’d been ages since she’d had a girls day with anyone. She was so ready to just take a break and be silly.
“Well come on then. Harley and Ivy are going to adore you.” Selina says, slinging her arm around Marinette’s shoulders. Somehow, they manage to not see anyone on the way to Selina’s car. Which is weird, but it is a weekday so everyone probably had something to do besides sit around the manor. Pulling away from the manor, Selina flips on the radio, the new Jagged Stone song blasting full volume.
“Nice taste in music.” Marinette says with a wide grin. Selina smirks.
“I have to like the man at least a little, his designer is one of my kids after all.” She says. Marinette smiles, a warm feeling flooding through her. Selina didn’t have to accept her with open arms, she didn’t have to treat her like she was her own daughter. But she did, and Marinette was so thankful for that. Thankful that even so far away from her Maman, she still had a Mom there for her. The two nod along to the music, scream singing the chorus together as the car pulls to a stop in front of an apartment building. Marinette glances at the building, suddenly nervous. Would Harley and Ivy like her? Or would they just tolerate her for Selina.
“Don’t make yourself nervous, sweetheart. Harley and Ivy are two of the sweetest people I know. They’re gonna love you.” Selina says reassuringly, reaching over and squeezing Marinette’s shoulder. Marinette lets out a breath before nodding.
“Okay, let’s go.” She says, grabbing her bag and jumping out of the car. She follows closely behind Selina, not wanting to give anyone the chance to get between them. You could never be too careful in Gotham. They walk into the building and go straight into the elevator, Selina pushing the button and leaning up against the wall while they wait. Marinette bounces on the balls of her feet, excitement and nerves bundling together. The second the elevator stops, Marinette’s out, following Selina down the hall. She pulls out a key, winking at Marinette before turning and unlocking the door.
“Honey, I’m home!” She calls, and Marinette’s jaw drops. The apartment was quite literally covered in plants and vines. They were beautiful. She grins as one of the vines near her leans towards her, a small flower blooming at the end of it.
“And who did you bring with you?” A tall woman with red hair asks, walking into the room. The designer inside of Marinette instantly has a million questions about the woman’s outfit. It seemed to be made entirely of plants, but she could also tell that they were still alive. She had no idea how the woman had managed that, but she guessed that it was something that couldn’t be replicated for someone else.
“I’m Marinette. Nice to meet you!” She says with a wide smile. The woman, who Marinette assumes is Ivy, grins back.
“Nice to meet you, Flower. I see you’ve already made a friend.” She says, gesturing to the vine which was now wrapped around Marinette’s wrist. Marinette giggles.
“Well, I was hoping they liked me and that’s what this was. I have a garden back in Paris, and I’d hate to find out plants actually hate me.” She says. Ivy shakes her head.
“No worries there. They adore you, it’s a little odd if I’m honest.” Ivy says, dodging Selina who tries to flick her.
“Did I hear Selina?” Another voice asks, a short blonde woman walking into the room. Her hair was short and choppy, the small pigtails at the top of her head dyed pink. Marinette grinned at the woman’s outfit- a Gotham Amusement Pier t-shirt, Batman pajama pants, and hot pink fuzzy socks. She wondered if her dad knows that Harley Quinn has Batman pj pants….probably not.
“Yes, with a guest.” Selina says, plopping onto the couch and gesturing over to Marinette, who was still standing by her new vine friend.
“Hi! I’m Marinette, it’s nice to meet you.” She says, smiling and waving with her free hand. Ivy whispers something and the vine squeezes a bit before letting go, letting her move away from the door.
“Well aren’t ya just the cutest!” Harley squeals, running forward and giving her a big hug. “Didjya finally join your boytoy’s adopting habits?” Harley adds, still clutching onto Marinette. Selina snorts.
“No, he beat me to her. But she’s definitely mine, too.” She says, making Marinette’s face turn red. Harley coos at her, ruffling her hair before stepping back.
“So what brings ya here? Get annoyed with Bats already?” Harley asks. Marinette blinks in shock. Harley knows? She thinks about it for a minute, and realizes it just makes sense. They’d been fighting long enough and then he started his relationship with Selina, who was one of Harley’s best friends. It just made sense that Harley (who was extremely smart) would put two and two together.
“No, just thought that Mari could use a girl’s day. She’s been stuck with just the boys for over a week.” Selina explains. Harley gasps.
“The horror!” She says, making Marinette giggle. “Come on pumpkin, I’ve got the comfiest jammies ever. Oooo, and we can paint our nails! Ivy, find the movies, Selina, you’re on snacks. This is gonna be so much fun!” Harley orders, grabbing Marinette’s hand and tugging her along to one of the bedrooms, Selina’s laugh echoing throughout the apartment.
“I did bring pjs, ma’am.” Marinette says, once Harley stops tugging her and starts searching through a drawer.
“Bet that can’t be comfier than the ones I’ve got for ya! And call me Harley kiddo, or Auntie Harley if ya wanna.” She says, looking up from the drawer to smile widely. She looks back and cheers in victory, pulling out a pair of bright red pajama pants. Marinette snorts when she notices the logo all over the pants.
“Really?” She asks, giggling. Harley smirks.
“We’ll have to take a picture of us and send it to your old man. Really get ‘im riled up.” She says. Marinette nods excitedly, taking the Robin pants from Harley. This was gonna be awesome.
Bruce sighs, looking at the news report from Paris from earlier. The damned butterflies were hard to track. He was used to figuring out problems quickly, and this one was taking too long for comfort. It wouldn’t bother him as much if it was anywhere else, but it was directly impacting his daughter. She was being hurt daily, and she’d even died and now she was plagued with nightmares. All because of a man with some magic jewelry. God, he hated magic. A knock on the study door stirs him from his thoughts.
“Come in.” He says.
“Hey B, have you seen Mari? I was gonna ask her if she wanted to go get ice cream with me and Little D.” Dick asks, leaning against the door frame, Damian standing next to him with his arms crossed.
“Not since breakfast. There was another akuma attack earlier, but it wasn’t a bad one. She wasn’t injured.” He says, remembering the completely strange battle from earlier. It was some man with pigeons, and apparently this was the 34th time the man had been akumatized over pigeons.
“Did you not check her room after the battle?” Damian asks, eyebrow quirked. Bruce sighs.
“It was the pigeon one again. I assumed that she’d want to take a nap, if anything. She still hasn’t been sleeping well. Tim said she’s awake every morning when he comes up for coffee, whether it’s three or five, she’s up.” Bruce explains, frowning at the thought of his youngest daughter’s sleep habits. He certainly didn’t need another sleep deprived coffee addict like Tim. It wasn’t healthy.
“Well I already checked her room. She wasn’t there.” Dick says, and Bruce frowns, pulling out his phone to send a text to Tim and call Jason. One of them had to have seen her. She never left the house without telling one of the family, unless it was for a battle.
“What.” Jason says gruffly, Bruce is just grateful he answered. Up until a couple of months ago, Jason would have rather thrown his phone in the river than answer one of Bruce’s calls.
“Have you seen Marinette?” He asks, getting straight to the point.
“No? Why? What’s wrong?” Jason asks, and Bruce hears shuffling as Jason rushes around wherever it is he is.
“Nothing. I’ll call you back.” He says, hanging up. He glances down at his texts and notices Tim hasn’t seen her either. He frowns, but doesn’t panic yet. Pulling out his computer, he pulls up the tracker that was on each of his children’s phones. He scans the map, frowning when he sees that her phone is still in the manor. In her room. He stands and swiftly moves past his sons to get to his daughter’s room. He knocks, waiting for an answer. None.
“Marinette?” He calls, knocking again. “I’m opening the door.” He warns, pushing it open. He frowns at the empty room, nothing appearing out of place.
“Do you think she had to pop back to Paris for something?” Dick asks, coming up behind him. Bruce shakes his head.
“No, she would have told us. Suit up, she has to be somewhere in-” He stops as his phone chimes. He looks at it and feels all of the tension leave his shoulders.
Took our youngest daughter for a girl’s day, back tomorrow XO. Of course Selina had her.
“She’s with the Sirens. She’ll be back tomorrow.” Bruce says, suppressing a smile at the annoyed look on his youngest’s face. She was safe, and that’s what matters. Even if he was certain he’d have to listen to Damian complain for the entirety of patrol.
“Make all the boy moose go WAAAAAAAAA!” Harley says with the movie, laughing loudly. Marinette chuckles, passing Tikki a cookie in her purse before sticking another spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.
“I still like the first one more.” Selina says, taking a sip of her wine. Harley sticks her tongue out at her before turning her attention back to the movie.
“Do you think Mia is secretly a superhero?” Marinette asks, frowning in thought.
“What on earth are you talking about?” Ivy asks, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Even Harley pauses the movie to turn and stare at her.
“Stan Lee.” Marinette says with a shrug.
“Is that s’posed to mean something to me, kid? Cause I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about.” Harley says, obviously confused. Marinette huffs.
“Stan Lee makes a cameo in this movie. And Stan Lee is the creator of Marvel, right? He’s made a cameo in like, every single Marvel movie. So is Mia secretly a superhero? Is that why he’s in the movie?” Marinette rambles, almost flinging ice cream at Selina as she gestures crazily.
“Sweetie, how much sleep have you had in the past three days?” Selina asks after a few moments of silence.
“Not important. Is Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi, Princess of Genovia, also a superhero? Does she secretly work for SHIELD? Or is she more like Iron Man, like a freelance superhero? Was she a hero in San Francisco too? Or did she take over a hero's mantle when she moved to Genovia? Cause she was really clumsy in the first movie and also super awkward, but now she’s less clumsy and she seems to be more put together, but are heroes really put together? I don’t think so. I think sometimes heroes pretend that they’re put together to make everyone else feel better when in all reality they’re seconds away from a breakdown themselves. Is Stan Lee coming to recruit her for SHIELD? Is that why he’s in Genovia? Does SHIELD have any jurisdiction there? Is there a Genovian branch of SHIELD?” Marinette rambles, suddenly stuck on the topic. Seriously, why is Stan Lee in Princess Diaries 2 if Mia isn’t a hero? Why would he-
“Kitten, take a breath.” Selina says, her hands on Marinette’s shoulders helping her to ground herself. Marinette takes in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. She blinks a few times, instantly feeling bad.
“I’m so sorry.” She says, frowning.
“What for?” Harley asks, looking confused.
“For ruining girl’s night.” She says quietly. Selina pulls her into a tight hug and Marinette sinks into it.
“Sweetheart, you didn’t ruin anything. I don’t know everything that’s going on. But what I do know, is that you rambling out a conspiracy theory about the movie we’re watching is not ruining girl’s night. Trust me. One time, we invited your brother Dick, and he ate all of the cookies by himself.” Selina says, Marinette snorts. Of course he did. “Now that’s a way to ruin girl’s night.” She adds, squeezing her once more before leaning back.
“Let's watch something that we can just get lost in and not have to think at all.” Ivy suggests, looking through the stack of dvd’s. Marinette glances over, eyes instantly catching one of her favorite movies.
“Legally Blonde?” She suggests, Harley squeals.
“That’s it, you’re officially ours. Brucie can fight me.” She says, putting in the dvd. Marinette laughs, laying her head on Selina’s shoulder, grabbing a handful of popcorn. She could get used to nights like these.
Next Chapter
Bonus chapter: Harley Vs Bruce
Drawing of Harley and Mari’s pajamas
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Inukag AU
There was a genuine smile on Kagome’s face as she sat on her bed quietly while her family and friends did what they could to try and jog her memory. It was about 3 months since the accident and today the bed was littered with photo albums, old letters, newspapers from her college days that Sango had saved, or her mother pulled from her old bedroom, really anything they could think of to provide visuals. She didn’t want them to feel bad for her predicament, so thought it best to go along with it. They probably knew— she didn’t recognize any of it but bless them for playing along as she nodded or chuckled at appropriate times or patiently waited as she stared at certain items longer than she should have. Because Kagome really wanted to remember.
But in reality, all the words and images were viewed through a strangers lens. Yes, she recognized certain people, but not everyone or the situation in the photos. For Kagome, her last recollections end shortly after graduating college. She knew Sango since they’d been friends, but barely remembered Miroku. To her Miroku was still the boyfriend of less than a year, not a husband and certainly not a father to the couples 1 year old twin girls. Sango was her best friend, so to not remember the wedding or the birth of the twins who based on the photos were precious to her... hurt. There she was in those pictures holding one newborn in each arm, beaming at becoming an aunty, and no recollection of it.
“Tomorrow is the weekend, so we can video chat with Sota,” Mrs. Higurashi reminded her daughter. “I’ve been keeping him updated by text.”
“Where is he again?” Kagome asked.
“In Hawaii, at the University of Hilo.”
“Oh... right,” Kagome chuckled. “I forgot.”
“That’s okay, dear. Sota is in his senior year now and will be coming home in December after graduation.”
“I hope I’m well enough to fly there for the graduation.”
“I think you will be,” her mother smiled softly. “There’s always hope.”
Yeah... hope. It was the only thing keeping Kagome from breaking down. Each night as she drifted to sleep, she’d remind herself of the temporary nature of her condition. Truth or not, it was worth clinging to. Earlier her mother told her of how she’d flown to Hawaii to help Sota settle into his dorm. As the big sister, she was so proud of him, but again Kagome had no recollection of this event and only Hawaiian vacation pictures to prove its truth. Still, she was happy that her brother had grown up so much. The sense of pride she must have felt at the time was renewed in the new knowledge.
She didn’t remember a lot, but there were moments that brought tears to her eyes for more than one reason. Take the other day when Sango and Miroku brought the twins for a visit. The children remembered their Aunty Kagome and quickly reached out with their small hands to her. It brought out tears from the happy emotions such adorable faces could provoke in anyone, yet also tears of frustration for not knowing them at all. Clearly, they loved her, and she wanted to love them too. Bless them, showing concern for her tears, reaching out to Kagome’s face as if to soothe the adult. So, realizing her effect, she quickly smiled and told them she was just happy to see them.
“It’s still a little weird,” Kagome confided to Sango one day, “because my only memory of Miroku is of an annoying guy following you around while still checking out other girls.”
Sango laughed, “he still an annoying guy at times, but it’s true, he has settled down since those days.”
“What was it that finally changed your mind about Miroku?”
“Oh, um actually we’d had a fight... a really big fight over his behavior and I put my foot down. It was me or them because I wasn’t gonna put up with it anymore. I guess the proverbial slap to his face woke him up.”
Kagome chuckled. “It does appear to have worked. But it was obvious how much he loved you despite the stupid things he did.”
Sango nodded. “True. If I didn’t think so too, I would have just walked away and not looked back. Sometimes guys literally need a harsh wake up a call to realize what they’re about to lose.”
That made Kagome think about the supposed fight with Inuyasha on the night of her accident, because it resembled the predicament Sango went through. She frowned. “Why are guys like that?”
Sango shrugged. “If we ever found an answer to that question, we’d be rich.”
Kagome snorted a laugh. “Agreed. We could make money writing self-help books.”
The girls shared a laugh before moving on to other subjects, but as the day grew late, Kagome suddenly sank down on the bed. There was a question she’d been wanting to ask, and though Inuyasha would be the better one to ask, he was still a strangers in her eyes. At least with Sango, she knew she could trust her friend to tell her the truth.
“Before you go, Sango, I have something to ask about.”
“Sure, what is it?”
“Could you tell me how I met Inuyasha? Tell me what you know about our relationship?”
Sango’s eyebrows raised in surprise. “Hasn’t Inu told you anything?”
Kagome looked down. “He has told me things, but I— I still don’t know if I should trust him. I mean... I know my mom loves him and that tells me a lot, but it doesn’t change the fact he’s just a stranger at this point for me— it’s,” she shrugged, “awkward.”
“Oh... Guess I never thought of it that way.” Sango reached out and took her Kagome’s hand. “I’d be happy to answer your questions. It’s okay that it’s awkward, that’s understandable so don’t push yourself to accept things just to accept them, but even I would agree with your mom, he’s probably told you the truth.”
“You think so?”
Sango squeezed her friends hand and chuckled. “Yeah. I didn’t like him at first, but the guy really grew on me. Try it, test me,” she coaxed Kagome. “Ask me about something he told you and let’s see if my answers are the same.”
Kagome smiled and sat back for a moment in thought. “What’s something questionable...” she tapped her chin. “The first date he took me on was to a ramen restaurant. Which is not very romantic if you’re trying to woo someone. So, it sounds true and preposterous at the same time. He said he was so nervous that he accidentally spilled a drink on me. I wondered if he told me that just to be funny and endearing, but it never actually happened.”
“Oh,” Sango burst out laughing, “it definitely did happen! You’d told him to pick somewhere he loved to go and Inu’s favorite meal is ramen, so that’s what he picked. And the drink. It was a pink cocktail that stained your dress. You were so annoyed!” She giggled again. “But it was obvious how nervous he was, and I remember how you told me it was cute to see him get all flustered.”
“Oh, wow,” Kagome laughed too. “I guess I have to believe it now. Tell me more.”
“Hmm,” Sango pondered. “He was so nervous to even ask you out, Miroku had to ask you for him.”
“What?!” Kagome gasped and snorted a laugh. “And I’d still said yes?!”
“Yeah, because by then you liked him too. It took... if I remember correctly a year of interactions just for him to gain that much courage.” At that point Sango’s voice quieted. “I don’t know if he’s told you this part yet but, Inu was a broken person when you’d first met.”
“No, he hasn’t.” Kagome leaned forward with interest. “What do you mean?”
“At the time he’d already been broken up with Kikyo for 4 or 5 years I think, but he hadn’t fully moved on yet. I can’t say he still loved her. I think it was more just loneliness. His mother died when he was young as well. So, I think the combination of losing the two most important women in his life left him depressed.”
“I knew him as Miroku’s brooding coworker, how my husband tolerated that I have no idea, but they were close friends. When we’d introduced you to him, things slowly began to change. You almost made it a mission to help him get out of it.” Sango chuckled lightly. “You know how you are, always trying to help people. At first, Inu resisted, but you didn’t let up and slowly but surely broke through his defenses. He became a puppy dog around you, totally head over heels in love.” She smiled. “It was fun and so cute for us to watch it all happen.”
“I wish I remembered any of this,” Kagome sighed.
“You will. You’ve never been a quitter, so I truly believe you will get your memory back.”
“Thanks, Sango. All of your guys help really means a lot to me.”
Sango reached out and hugged her friend. “I know you’d do the same for me.” She sat back in her chair. “It’s tough now, and I know you described Inuyasha as a stranger, but treat it as if you’re dating a new guy with all those heart racing, excitements that come with it. I see how you look at him.” She teased. “You must at least thinks he’s cute?”
Kagomes cheeks flushed pink. “Is it that obvious?”
“Oh, yeah,” Sango giggled and squeezed her friends hand. “If all you do is focus on this situation, you won’t start to live again. They’re releasing you to go home in a couple weeks, so have a little fun with him. Create some new memories.”
“Maybe you’re right... maybe I will try to think about it that way.” Kagome tips her head slightly. “It is kinda fun to feel those giddy girly emotions when I see him.”
Speaking of. The girls hear a knock at the door and turn to see Inuyasha walking in with a bouquet of flowers and a bag of take-out food. “Hey gorgeous and Sango.”
It set off another rush of heat to Kagome’s face. “Hi,” she squeaked out.
“I’ll leave you two alone,” Sango stood up with a wink. “See you tomorrow.” She hugged her best friend and left the room.
Inuyasha took the seat beside Kagome and handed her the flowers. “How are you feeling today?”
“Mmm, it was good chatting with Sango.” She held the flowers up to her nose to smell them while keeping her eyes on him. “Thank you for the flowers, they’re beautiful.”
“Beautiful women deserve beautiful flowers,” he smiled back and held up a bag. “Hope you’re hungry. I brought dinner since hospital food must be getting boring by now.”
“Aww, that’s thoughtful of you, cause yes,” Kagome sighed, “it is.”
Inuyasha chuckled, then pulled out the containers of food. He handed Kagome a plate. “It’s salmon nitsuke.”
“Oh, yes!” Kagome almost moaned in delight as she opened the container and surveyed the food. “And it smells so delicious!” But before Inuyasha opened his container. “Wait! Let me guess what you got.”
“Okay?” Inuyasha chuckled.
Inuyasha’s eyes widened. “How?!”
Kagome giggled. “Sango told me it was your favorite.”
To her guessing was funny, but she didn’t expect the pained expression that instantly fell over Inuyasha’s face. It didn’t take her long to realize. “Oh my, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to make you think I got my memory back!”
“I-It’s okay, really,” he tried to reassure her. Yes, it hurt, but, “it’s nice to see you smiling and happy.”
“Are you sure? I’m really sorry, I wasn’t thinking.”
“Kagome, it’s really okay.” He smiled with eyes clouded over. “You’ve been... stand-offish till now, so it makes me feel a lot better that you’re comfortable enough to joke with me again.”
“Yeah... about that... I’ve been talking with Sango and she’s been encouraging me to give you a chance. I do want... to take her advice, but...” her voice softened, “could I be honest with you?”
“Of course.”
“For me, this is all like meeting a new guy and, you know, the whole crush, dating steps, and such whereas for you, it’s different and must be frustrating.”
“If I’m being honest, yeah,” Inuyasha scratched his head, “it is, but I don’t know, also a bit exciting too, like a challenge, but a fun one if that makes any sense. I get to date you all over again— I-I mean if you’ll let me.”
“They’re releasing me soon, so I think...” Kagome’s cheeks flushed. “I’d love to go out on a date with you Inuyasha.”
“Whoo Hoo!” He pumped his fists in the air. “I feel like a teenager again,” Inuyasha laughed.
At that, Kagome giggled, her mood significantly lightened, and a weight lifted. It was the first step towards a sense of normalcy. Forget the fact she couldn’t remember a chunk of her past and live in the now where a handsome hanyo sat waiting.
#inukag#inuyasha#inukag au#Kagome higurashi#inuyasha x kagome#angst with fluff and happy ending#inukag fan fic#inukag fan fiction
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I wish so bad that I could turn back the hands of time and do it all over again with Armani..I feel so much clarity, happiness, potential, relief, etc idk whatever anything positive and great, with her. I wish I could hold her closer everyday. I wish I could wake up to her again everyday. I wish I could just smell her hair, her skin, hold her hands, massage her body, just stare at her. I remember when she’d get out the shower I use to lotion her up like my lil baby🥺😊 I miss out weekly routines and watching shows together. I miss those mornings and nights in the Stu just up talking and smoking. Having random photo shoots. Inspiring each other. Man we use to go every where in CoMo and just be in nature like all day lmao. All we ever needed was blunt and each other<3 Our Love is EPIC. I had my first place with her. I remember when she moved in with me she hung up all her art cuz my walls was bare lmfao I remember she drew us in stipple on the floor in my room. I still have it I believe and she literally did it off just looking at a pic of us. So talented! And I felt her Love for me, for us. Like her love drew that pic. So young and pure and sweet. I remember when we first got Louis! Our baby boy😭 so many great times and such Dee love…undying love…our is so undeniable..like mannnn. I want sososososo bad to go the first last straw when I fucked up with her and be a better man. No bullshit, if I really really go back in time, it’s only 3 moments in our life I’d choose from..the first one would be in high school when we got married on FB and I’d make her my lady from then ACTUALLY fym..to think we really been married in our hearts for a very long time…..the second moment would be when I decided to leave CoMo, I would stay with her there and/or made sure she left with me no matter what. I won’t leave my baby again ever….the third moment would be when we broke up outside my auntie’s house. Honestly she was already made up in the mind but I wouldn’t have pissed her off like I did that night. I would have just stopped pissing her off and got a fucking job and been a Man about everything.
Other girls literally don’t mean shit to me like fr. I be saying all kinds of shit to ppl and it do not be from my heart fr. Like I don’t not care to hurt Mfs nshit fasho that’s bogus but I don’t mean it. I only mean anything to Armani. And I’ve felt like that fr for damn near a decade. She’s really royalty to me. A rare metal or sumn. I will protect her and be there for her with my life forever and ever. She is my shining star. Her Dad giving her the name Starmani is so fucking perfect! Cuz that’s literally what she is, a STAR. she is the brightest star. Nbs the Sun ain’t got shit on Armani. I just want my baby back in my arms. I want my baby to look forward to me again. I’m so sorry to God i hurt..I everyday that i did. She really has a heart of gold and deserves nothing but positivity and love and gratitude and is so graceful she deserves more and more grace. The utmost enlightenment. I hope the universe grants her every she desires all the time. Her wants and needs are my goals or checklist (including my own of course duh). Like my life’s to do list is as follows:
1) make money with computers/internet
2) take care of my plants
3) Make Armani infinitely happy
She’s my favorite flower too! I gotta water her!!! And I enjoy doing it and when I have it feels so good and right. This is all over the place lol love my Mahni Jane☺️😍 my Starmani!🤩 when look at her, think about her, anything of her, I hear, see, and feel her magic glow-that perfect aura of hers. She’s much much much more than just golden! She is her own color, her own sound. She is that beauty in the universe. That unexplainable thing that’s just so great. That electric spark in life. I can’t explain it but I can, she is Love!
Everything is always right with her. I really feel it’s a piece of me missing when we not together, on the same page, etc etc.. and maybe that’s unhealthy…or maybe it’s literally healthy af!😆. Like I be so high off the thought of this lady that I can’t contain it. Real life mesmerized. I LOVE ADMIRE ADORE HER SO MUCH, and have never stopped since the first time I ever felt it💯 but I HATE that I allowed so much of life to get in between us☹️ I kind of gave her the short end of that stick too(And been gettin my karma fasho) but nonetheless I’ve really learned my lesson and I won’t ever take her for granted again..she’s really my very bestfriend and partner for life…I got her back for eternity actually....not sure we gonna try this romance thing again…I really did a number on her…but I would love to try again and this time ima love her right. She won’t have to second guess me again cuz I won’t ever second guess her again.. she’s a saint. She only deserves the very best and purest most honest Love 5L. And that’s all I got for her for eternity. Ion wanna just be her partner in crime, I wanna be her partner in time. We’re not each other’s first love but she is my first true love..I can’t live without..she is the Love of my life..and I want this to be the love of OUR lives❤️🔥Shiiiit really rn I just wanna get some money with her and build on that. Ain’t nothing like getting money and getting the love too…things are VERY weary now but as long as she’s around and I really work to being the Man she knows I can be and show up for her… they’ll get better. I already eat and think healthy and she just took me to another level in the matter of like 30mins one night. Like wtf kind of magic this mf made of g😭 She’s really my North Star, I know where home is. 💫

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Who Said Love Was Easy? (1/12)

There are many different kinds of people who come and go from your life. Some will stay constant and sturdy like a river, growing alongside you, others will come like a whirlwind who wreaks havoc and leaves just as quickly, then there is everything in between. In this twisted maze of connections, that is where our story begins. A steadfast boy, a girl with a past, a little bit of alcohol, mistakes, and some love. Where can you go wrong with that?
angsty fluff
w.c: 1.6k
I didn’t think I would see him, here of all places, but at the same time somehow it seemed appropriate. We did meet for the first time when he was drunk confessing his problems to me after all. Who knew he would start working at one of my favorite pubs? Taking my usual seat by the window in the corner, he came by and took my order. Of course because he was drunk when we met he doesn’t seem to recall our encounter at all. “Jeongin” the name tag says… After receiving my order I took my time enjoying my food and subconsciously my eyes followed him around all night. The first thing I noticed was his line of sight. Whenever he had a spare moment to breathe, his eyes scanned the room for a specific person. Watching them interact though made things very clear. Definitely knew each other before working here and he likes her. I think he started to notice my gaze at some point because he would occasionally throw a confused glance at me which turned irritated as time went on. It wasn’t until it got slow and there were only a few people besides me in the pub before he got frustrated and confronted me as he brought my bill.
“What are you?”
“Someone who has feelings for you?”
I innocently cock my head to the side, leaning forward and resting my chin on my hand as I smiled up at him. I saw annoyance flash across his eyes before it was replaced with the polite customer service shine again.
“I'm sorry but-”
“You have feelings for her?” I point to the girl manning the cash register before continuing, “I know. If you're someone like me, you can easily tell.”
“Someone like you?”
“How would you say it? Someone who is in love with love? How long have you liked her anyways?”
“I don't think that’s appropri-”
“It's just a question.”
“... Four years,” he mumbled out as he cast a nervous glance at the girl.
“Ah, I see…”
“Yeah so you should just give-”
“Wait,” I hold up my hand to stop him. “Don’t misunderstand. That doesn't change my feelings for you. That’s not how it works.”
“Feelings? We've only just met.”
“We've met before though, don't you remember?”
I gave him a cheshire-like grin as his face turned into one of questioning before he shook his head to focus on what he was originally doing, rejecting me.
“Well regardless I'll still like her so you're wasting your efforts.”
“With the few facts about me you’ve just learned, do you really think I would like someone who is only capable of shallow feelings? Don't worry, I know fully well what I'm getting myself into. It was nice chatting with you, I have a feeling we’ll be seeing a lot of each other from now on.”
With my bill paid I walked off, knowing I left the boy baffled. As I made my exit, his voice carried over the sound of the few patrons in the pub and a pleased smile crept to my face.
“Who was that?”
“That’s y/n, she’s a regular. She’s sometimes hard to deal with cause of her straightforwardness, you’ll get used to it,” Jaehyung, the owner, laughed.
I didn’t go to the pub any more than I usually did but true to my word I saw Jeongin every time I was there. Nothing underhanded, apparently fate just decided to align our paths for the time being. I’ve also had the chance to meet and talk to Gahyeon, much to the dismay of Jeongin whose careful gaze eyed me every time I spoke to her. Because of this, every time I try to talk to him, he’s apprehensive as if I would extort money from him or something with this information. He has yet to figure out our first meeting too. I know it's a ridiculous notion to expect him to remember a drunk night, but he wasn’t even trying and I couldn’t say it didn’t hurt a little. Especially because he hasn’t left my mind from that night on. My monologue was cut short by Jaehyung’s voice calling out to me.
“How’s my favorite neighbor?”
“I’m your only neighbor Mr. apartment-at-the-end-of-the-hall.”
“As prickly as always I see. How have you been?”
“The same as I was two days ago when you last asked,” I roll my eyes.
“I know you secretly love me bugging you. You’d probably forget how to speak if I didn’t.”
“Whatever,” I roll my eyes, “how’s business been?”
“Pretty good lately, we’re getting a lot of regulars now because they love the newbies. Like look at that smile, refreshing and endearing.”
With that our eyes both glanced over to the table Jeongin was serving and it was like literal flowers were blooming over there. It can’t be denied he had that youthful charm to him but I couldn’t fully appreciate his ambiance when there were girls so obviously flirting.
“If you aren’t careful he might take your self-proclaimed spot as the face of the pub because his looks definitely top yours, especially since he’s fresh and young,” I teased to divert my attention from the scene ahead.
“Okay you brat I get it, you want the old man to leave you alone. You don’t have to attack me to tell me,” he whined.
“I’m only stating the facts, don't be a baby.”
We both laughed and continued to chat more but from the corner of my eye I caught a different watchful gaze. As my eyes fluttered in that direction for a moment, Gahyeon had dropped her gaze frantically. In the next beat my eyes darted to Jeongin, finding him in an instant since I looked for his figure so often, and of course his gaze was on her. Looking back at Jaehyung as he was still rambling and this whole entanglement was going straight over his head but then again he was always a dense one when it came to things like this. Well isn’t this quite the predicament?
Since I stayed later than usual today Jaehyung told me to wait for him so we could go home together, something about it not being safe. I can literally take a taxi but I’m not one to argue with him, I always lose somehow. I went to help with the dishes while everyone was cleaning the rest of the pub and some time in the middle, Jeongin came in.
“When will you stop this?”
“What? Being a regular? Hate to break it to you but I was a regular before you worked here so I technically have seniority,” I stated lightly.
My eyes darted to the side to examine his face as my hands moved on muscle memory. He seems to fidget at my response, casting a nervous glance back to the front of the shop. Ah… and here I thought I was getting under his skin and finally had a fraction of his mind for myself.
“I make you uncomfortable don’t I? Not because I like you but because I know, and I’ve been friendly with Gahyeon right?”
If his eyes widening as big as saucers was any indication, I hit the nail on the head. I felt my pettiness come up and I couldn’t help but scare him a little so that maybe I could occupy his mind just a bit.
“Instead of worrying about what I might say, worry about what I know. You were quite talkative on the night we first met… but I won’t say anything to her. I’m not one to meddle just because I like the person.”
“Ah… uhm, well-”
“You aren’t the confrontational type are you? Cat got your tongue already?” I laugh.
“Well how am I supposed to respond when you already know?” He mumbled.
“My bad, sorry. Gotta go.”
I smirked at his flustered exit, his reactions are so cute. I was half way through drying the dishes when Jaehyung caught me, forcing me to sit on the counter in his line of sight as he finished the rest since I’m “not on his payroll.” Of course, like a magnet, Gahyeon appeared and used chatting with me as an excuse to watch Jaehyung. She has it just as bad as Jeongin does for her except this is new to her… either that or she just doesn’t know subtlety.
“Oh so how do you guys know each other? You seem close," Gahyeon asked.
“We’ve been neighbors for three years, he’s the nosy aunty I never asked for. Right Jaehyung-oppa?”
“Hey, I’m no aunty, there’s only a five year age gap.”
“You are when you nag me about eating and my social life all the time.”
He scoffs at my snarky comment and I roll my eyes with a smirk. Focusing back on Gahyeon, her smile seemed to be pulled a bit tighter than before. Obviously this interaction only seemed to fuel her suspicions in addition to it not answering her underlying question of our relationship so she tried again.
“You must be a regular because of him then,” she laughs just as Jeongin comes up behind her.
“Of course. It has my two favorite things, good food and my favorite person.”
My eyes connected with Jeongin’s as the reply fell from my lips, my mixed message registering in Gahyeon’s mind. On the other hand Jaehyung gasped.
“I’m your favorite person?!”
“Who said it was you?” I tested.
“I- If not me, it better be Jimin cause Chan and Younghyun are off limits!”
“Who knows, why does it have to be Jimin-noona?”
My eyes drag back to Jeongin again and the corner of my lip quirks up just a smidge more as I catch him rolling his eyes at me.
#stray kids#stray kids imagines#stray kids au#skz#skz imagines#skz aus#yang jeongin#jeongin imagines#jeongin au#server jeongin x regular y/n#my writing#wslwe?
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Our story | LSM
Part 1

This is our story. From the day we met till the day we part. Black on white, our most precious moments, never leaving us. I love your forever.

Genre: fluff, tiny angst
Warnings: 1 swear word oops
Word count: 1644
Pairing: idol!Lee Seokmin x fashion student reader
Note: Yayy this is the first introduction part where you get to know reader a bit better. Let me know other ideas of plots I’m always open and happy to listen :))) enjoy!
Our story masterlist | MASTERLIST

You let out a happy sigh as you sucked in a deep breath of fresh air. The sun was slowly warming up your hair and generally speaking, today was a great day. It was the beginning of spring and you could already see little flowers growing in every corner or see colourful butterflies fluttering around you.
You loved it. So much.
Spring had always been your favorite season. It was never too cold nor too hot.
With a few last steps around a corner, you finally reached your destination. You opened the glass door on which a tiny bell was attached to signify new customers. The smell of fresh baked cookies filled the lovely spring air and immediately let you sight contently once again. You really already loved today.
From behind the counter, your coworker Chohee looked up with a smile and greeted you joyfully like she did every other day you two happened to have the same shift.
It wasn’t too long that you’ve worked in this adorable café to earn some money for university, which was draining literally every cent you earn. It was exhausting at times but you always remembered yourself to stay relaxed and composed. It was for a good reason after all.
You started studying fashion design at university about 2 and a half years ago and what could you say. It was absolutely tiring and weary but you still loved designing all these different clothing pieces with every single inch of your heart.
Your free time was nearly non existent with your job and all the assignments and due dates you constantly had to work and have an eye on. There were days you forgot eating or drinking while overworking yourself immensely, which ended with you waking up in a hospital bed. It wasn’t one of your proudest moments but at least the dress you were working on turned out amazing.
“Today is amazing, isn’t it? I bet there will be a lot of customers today.” Chohee chirped excitedly, looking out the window. You hummed in agreement, having mixed feelings with that new realization.
“I feel surprisingly good today. Even though I stayed up till 3 am. It’s all thanks to your smile unnie.” You gave her a teasing nudge while tying the yellow apron with the sun logo of the café in the middle around your torso.
The girl giggled and gave you a nudge back. “Hey don’t play with my heart that early. I have a date with Sungho later, I still need it.” She grinned at you with that dreamy look of hers.
You shook your head laughing. With that you started preparing everything else for the day to make your shift smoother.
“By the way, how is your mom doing? Do you want to pack some cookies for her again?” Chohee asked you after the first customers of the day ordered.
You nodded with a smile in her direction. “She’s fine. Still working as hard as ever. That was my plan actually. I’m going to go see her later anyways to help her with some grocery shopping.” Helping your mom was never a big deal for you, even if she wanted to do it by herself most of the times. But with working as a house aunty for an idol group of 13 members, it was often hard for her to do the grocery shopping all by herself. Especially when it was time for a bigger shopping trip.
You had told her many times before that she didn’t have to worry about earning money but she kept insisting to support your payments for university. You were always so grateful for her so you were glad to help her out now and then, despite your stressful life at the moment. You loved her for supporting you so much.
“That’s so good to hear. I hope she enjoys our new cookies. I added a special ingredient today, do you know what?” Your nose scrunched up, thinking hard about her special something. “I don’t know... cinnamon?” You took a wild guess.
“It’s loveee...” she giggled and you immediately rolled your eyes with a small smile, which was hard to hide. “Damn you really are in love.” You chuckled patting her shoulder. She let out a long sigh. “Oh yes baby I am.”
When it finally was the end of your shift for today, you quickly changed the apron against your baby blue jacket and headed out without forgetting to say good bye to your friend and wishing her fun on her date.
As you were on your way down the road to your car, you noticed your phone vibrating in your bag. A quick glance told you it was your mom.
You accepted the call with a smile and greeted her cheerfully. “Hi mom, I just finished working. Are you going to the store now?”
You heard her sighting heavily. “Y/n honey no I am actually at the hospital. The doctor said I broke my foot.”
“What? How? Oh god are you okay?” You stopped walking, staring at the ground with a frown. There were the typical peeping noices as we all know them in the background.
“Don’t worry about me, it was just a dumb accident. I slipped on the stairs and fell on my foot. But Y/n I was hoping to reach you. Can you do me a favour?”
You hummed, listening intently. “Sure mom. Are you sure you are alright? Should I pick you up from the hospital?” You would lie if you said you weren’t worried about your mother. It wasn’t common for her to have such accidents or generally needing to go to a doctor.
“No need for that, sweetie. I’m gonna call myself a taxi. But you see, I was heading over to the boys dorms to cook something for them since they must be hungry after their schedule. But I fell on the way there. Could you go over and make something quick for them? I really don’t want to loose my job because of that.” Your heart fell a bit. Cooking for bunch of grown up men with celebrity status? This was definitely not something that stood on your bucked list.
“Mooom... I would love to help you but-“ she quickly stopped you from talking.
“They aren’t even home by this hour. And I’ve told them already a lot about you. So no need to be embarrassed. And you know they are all very friendly. And you could just do something simple like jajangmyeon. They love it. I think they already have all the ingredients at their house.”
Your eyes moved around while thinking. If they weren’t even home yet, this wouldn’t be too bad, would it? And jajangmyeon was really simple and quick. There wasn’t really a way out at this point. You still wanted to help your mom.
“Alright... but if they come too early and see me, I’m out. Mom you know I can’t handle such situations well, unlike you.” You heard a laugh at the other side.
“Thank you Y/n. You won’t have to do it again, I’m going to work tomorrow. And you can do it. You’re such a pretty girl, who wouldn’t love you?”
You groaned with a chuckle. “Oh god mom stop I’m just cooking for them once. I’m heading to the apartment now then.” She laughed and agreed before saying goodbye.
This was really not how you were imagining this day would go but here you were, heading towards an idol groups apartment totally unprepared.
When you arrived, you made sure to ring the bell beforehand to make sure you weren’t intruding anyone’s privacy if someone just happened to be home. Lucky for you, nobody seemed to be home.
With a nervous feeling in the pit of your stomache, you quickly tapped in the password, your mom told you before and entered the flat without much noice. You stood there for a solid minute, listening to any possible sounds before gently chirping a ‘hello?’ into the empty room. No answer. Perfect.
You quickly took off your jacket and shoes as well as bag. With small cautious steps, you made your way to the kitchen. You helped your mom carrying groceries up to the kitchen a few times already so you were quite familiar with the location of said room. Still it felt quite awkward going around someone’s personal space without anyone present and especially without invitation. You know it wasn’t exactly intruding but it still felt like it.
As you started preparing the dish with chopping some vegetables, you remembered the few times you’ve met one of the members. It was brief but still, you remembered it til today. You believe his name was Seungkwan. You talked a bit and he sang your aunty his infamous ‘WiFi song’. It was the first time hearing an idol sing live in some sort of way so it was hard to forget how clean his voice was. And he was nice.
You started softly humming said song, grabbing another potato and began peeling it. It was all fine and good until you heard the quiet squeak of a door. You immediately stopped humming and stared down the hallway towards where the sound came from. Your heart started racing unintentionally and your brain switched to panic mode.
Please just be the wind or something, please don’t be a person, please.
And you knew you were fucked, when you heard someone walking. You quickly looked around panicked, thinking about hiding or running away. Or should you just jump out of the window? Would you get in trouble? God, you definitely would.
But before you could actually jump out of the window, you were met with a sleepy looking and not to mention insanely attractive man. Your heart definitely wouldn’t slow down with this view for sure.
Oh man, how did you even end up in this position?

#kpop#kpop imagines#seventeen#svt#imagines#kpop fanfiction#kpop imagine#seventeen imagines#dk#dokyeom#lee seokmin imagines#lee seokmin fluff#lee seokmin#lee seokmin imagine#lee dokyeom#svt dk#dk fluff#dk imagine#dk imagines#dokyeom imagines#dokyeom imagine#dokyeom fluff#dokyeom angst#seventeen fanfiction#seventeen fluff#lee seokmin x reader#dk x reader#dk fanfic#seventeen dokyeom#dokyeom fanfiction
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always you | wen junhui
ミ★ synopsis: there’s one rule when it comes to friends with benefits, don’t catch feelings. however, you and your best friend jun were never that good at listening, now were you?
ミ★ genre: light angst, some humor, some fluff
ミ★ warnings: none!
ミ★ word count: 1,829
ミ★ pairings: jun x female reader
ミ★ notes: hi guys! i wasn’t planning on adding any angst but it somehow... ended up happening... so I... am so sorry....
You and Jun knew that the concept of “friends with benefits” was horrible. You both had a consensus that it never works, and someone always ends up developing feelings through it. However, even after all those times you both clowned the act, you still ended up in each other’s arms. Which is currently right now.
You’re laying in Jun’s bed, his arms wrapped around your bare torso as he sleeps. This is the nth time you and Jun have had sex in a span of two months. You don’t know how this began, well you do but that doesn’t matter. One second you’re both making fun of how they all say “no feelings allowed,” the next second Jun is kissing down your body and you can’t help but want more.
Jun and you have been best friends for as long as you could remember. Your moms have been best friends since they were kids, and as soon as your mom was pregnant with you, his mom was ecstatic about her son on the way having a friend the same age. When they found out that you were gonna be a girl, it slowly went from having our kids be bffies, to having our kids marry each other when they’re old enough.
As you and Jun grew up, you always got disgusted at the idea of marrying each other. Jun using the excuse of you having cooties from the tender age of 5, all the way until he was 16. While you, you said he was a burnt piece of broccoli.
“Y/n, honey, doesn’t junnie look handsome? He even got your favorite flower for your corsage!” Your mom exclaims, making Jun smile widely at her as she gives him a kiss on the cheek. He’s wearing an emerald green dress shirt with tight fitting black slacks. He has a black tie with small polka dots on it, and in his hand is the clear container that’s holding your corsage.
Jun gives you a wink and you fake gag into your hand immediately, making him roll his eyes and your mom hit your shoulder with a giggle. “I suppose… he looks decent…” You mutter, giving him a shit-eating grin and he glares at you.
“Alright, alright you two. Just go and get your corsage from him, then pin the boutonniere on him for me please. You know that auntie will want a good photo of you guys.” Your mom tells you both, making sure to mention Jun’s mom. You walk up to Jun as he takes out the corsage from the container, it’s a white daisy with a few gems surrounding it. You glance up at him through your falsies and you notice that he’s looking at everything but you.
“You know that you have to put the corsage on my wrist, right?”
“YoU KnOW thAt YoU hAVe TO pUt ThE coRsAGe oN MY wRIsT, rIgHT?”
“Motherfucker did you just mock me?” You ask him and he finally looks into your eyes, and you take notice of the blush on his cheeks, but your attention soon goes elsewhere once you notice the challenge in his eye.
“Why yes I did, you cooties having woman.” He answers, putting the corsage on your wrist, to which you both pause your mini feud to smile at the camera.
“What are you, nine? We’re sixteen Junnie please.” You tell him, making sure to prick his chest with the boutonniere and he flinches a bit. You both turn once again to smile at the camera.
“You guys argue like a married couple. It was cute at first, but after having to deal with it for the past three years…” Your mom mentions, causing you and Jun turn away from each other to make vomit noises. She rolls her eyes at the both of you.
“Me? Married to the CEO of cooties? Hell no auntie!” Jun exclaims and you raise your hand up to slap him, making him flinch away from you.
“Oh yeah? At least I’m not a burnt piece of BROCCOLI!” You shout and he gapes at you.
“What did you just call me?” Jun asks, taking a few steps forward until there’s only a couple inches between you both.
“You heard me. Burnt piece of broccoli havin-”
“Okay thanks for the pictures! Have fun! Be home by 11!” Your mom says, shoving you both out the door to avoid a brawl breaking out in her doorway.
Someway, somehow, you and Jun moved past that stage of being fake disgusted with each other and ended up becoming friends with benefits. The one thing you both made fun of the most, especially after all those nights of staying up reading Wattpad stories about the friends with benefits concept and laughing. Now you are both, indeed, booboo the fool.
The first morning after it happened, you guys telepathically agreed to act like it quite literally did not happen. However, that was hard. Considering the fact that Jun seemingly started checking you out more often than not, and him noticing your lingering touches, it ended up happening again. The second time it happened, you both talked it out.
The one and only rule you both agreed on was: “Don’t catch feelings, and don’t let this ruin our friendship.”
As you lay here, feeling Jun’s soft breaths on the back of your neck as he sleeps, you know you’ve broken the rule. You know that it’s been broken for awhile, and you don’t want to tell him. You can’t tell him.
However, what you don’t know is that Jun also broke the one and only rule you both have set. It was broken from the moment you both created that rule, considering the fact that he’s been in love with you since you guys were eighteen. He knew it when you both danced together under the stars at your annual “camping in the backyard” summer activity. He knew it when you’d stand up slightly on your tiptoes to squish his face whenever he made a sarcastic comment. He knew it when he would turn to you and see the whole galaxy in your eyes. He knew it from the moment he first leaned in to kiss you on the drunken night, and when he saw you against the white sheets. He’s known, but he doesn’t have any plans on telling you.
In the process of denying your feelings for Jun, you met someone from your lecture. He’s nice enough, and he’s rather attractive, but your heart is in the wrong place. Deep down you know it, but you being dumb, you ignore it.
As Jun gets up to go to the restroom during your move night, you check your phone. You notice that the guy from lecture texted you a few minutes ago asking if you wanted to go and grab some dinner. “Oh shit.” You mutter, thinking about what to say. “Should I go?” You whisper to yourself.
“Go where?” Jun asks as he sits back down beside you on the couch, and you quickly turn off your phone, somehow afraid to get caught. This makes you almost slap yourself in the face, because why should you be afraid?
We’re not dating anyways.
“Oh, this guy from my class asked me to go get dinner.” You say as nonchalantly as possible, and you feel Jun tense up beside you.
Because what the fuck, no.
“O-oh.” Jun says quietly, and he internally curses himself because that’s not at all what he wanted to say. You somehow feel disappointed by his lack of response, causing you to also internally curse yourself because you should be happy about it. Him not caring is a step closer to you getting over him, you think to yourself.
“I think I’ll go and get dinner with him. The movie is over anyways.” You say quickly, getting up off the couch and walking over to the dinner table to grab your bag.
“R-really? You don’t wanna make pizza with me?” Jun asks, standing up and following you, trying desperately to make you stay without making it obvious that he doesn’t want you to go. You let out a forced giggle, shaking your head no softly.
“We can do that next time Junnie, I’ll text you later?” You say and Jun bites his lip. You cock your head to the side as he reaches out and grasps your wrist softly.
“I don’t want you to go y/n.” Jun murmurs, causing your heart to beat hard against your chest. He looks into your eyes and you feel your knees weaken, along with your resolve. “Why?” You ask quietly.
“I..” You look at him expectantly.
“I broke the rules..” He whispers and you feel your heart drop into your ass.
“You.. you what?”
“Y/n, I don’t want you to see anyone else. I don’t want you to go out and eat with any other guy. I don’t want you to date anyone else,” Jun feels his heartbeat in his ears as he takes a deep breath to prepare himself for what he’s about to say next.
“Y/n, I love you. I’ve been in love with you since we were eighteen. When we first started this and had that agreement, I broke the rule from the start.” He whispers and you stare at him, gaping.
Because holy shit it’s not one sided.
You feel tears flood your eyes and Jun’s eyes widen at the sight of a teardrop fall. You look down, covering your face with your hair as Jun starts asking what’s wrong and why you’re crying. You take a step forward, wrapping your arms around his torso. Jun freezes, before melting and holding you in his arms, rubbing your back the way he knows you like it.
“I broke the rules too, I love you Junnie. I love you so much.” You say, and Jun pulls back so he can get a good look at your face. Your eyes are puffy, and your nose is a bit stuffy, but he knows he’ll never forget this sight.
“You do?” He asks and you nod your head, letting out a smile once he smiles widely at you.
“Perfect.” He whispers before grasping your face with both hands, leaning in to finally kiss you. It’s nothing new, this whole kissing thing, but it’s different this time around. You both know it, and you both can feel it. You start to smile, causing him to smile and teeth to clash together, so he pulls back. You smile widely at him and he giggles at you.
“Just to clarify though,” Jun says, regaining his composure. You raise an eyebrow and he gives you that teasing grin you love so much, “this means you’re not gonna go meet that guy for dinner… right?” You burst out laughing and Jun chuckles too.
“Yes Jun, that’s exactly what that means.”
#wen junhui x reader#junhui x reader#jun x reader#seventeen#seventeen scenarios#seventeen fluff#seventeen angst#junhui#wen junhui#jun oneshot#junhui oneshot#jun au#jun angst#junhui angst#junhui fluff#seventeen crack#junhui au#wen junhui scenarios#moon junhui#moon junhui x reader#moon junhui scenarios
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𝐎𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚 2/5
*gif not mine*
CHARACTERS: Crown Prince!Todoroki x Midoriya!Reader, Prince!Bakugo x Midoriya!Reader, (slight) Crown Prince!Todoroki x Regina!Yaoyorozu
GENRE: little angst, lotsa fluff, and maybe a lil make out shesh later ;)
A/N: I decided to shift the point of view to the 3rd person, just so there’s a better grasp of the emotions felt by the characters.
“What do you mean by that?” the prince asked with a confused gaze, which the girl responded with a quiet “You’re not usually like this towards me, your highness.” have I really been that spiteful towards her all this time? The crown prince thought. The girl panicked as she thought she had offended the future emperor. “I didn’t mean to offend you, your highness. Please excuse me.” Frozen, he stood. Still bewildered my the fact that the other regina was feeling uneasy around him. He watched her leave the room, possibly heading to her own chambers. He sat on the king sized bed, with a disappointed look painted on his face.
The head maid, Alice, caught a glimpse of the young woman leaving the room and followed her to her chambers. “I think I offended him, Alice.” the head maid went to her side and comforted her “I’m sure you didn’t, m’lady. May I ask what you had told the young master?” The young Midoriya had tears flowing from her eyes endlessly. She could not fathom the pain growing in her chest which was spreading to her head. “M’lady, please calm down-” before the head maid could say comforting words to the regina, a knock startled them both. “y/n, please open the door.” panicked and bloodshot eyes stared at the old maid, silently asking her to make the crown prince leave. “Your highness, m’lady doesn’t mean any harm, but she is asking you to leave for she is not in the right condition to see you right now. She hopes for you to have a good rest, your highness. Please excuse me.”
Both prince Todoroki and lady Midoriya had trouble sleeping that night.
When the sun came up, she woke up to the sight of roses and lilies surrounding her. From what I remember, these are common apology flowers. What did that porcupine do again? What she didn’t know was, while she was asleep, the prince had asked one of his servants to buy the flowers surrounding her room. It was not from the blonde prince from the neighboring country. She had only realized that after seeing the ever so familiar wax stamp on one of the envelopes placed on the largest bouquet, she was unsure of what to do. She wanted to open it, but was too anxious to even find out what was written on the letter written by the crown prince himself. But, alas, she opened it despite her mind telling her not to. After all, curiosity killed the cat.
Dear, lady Y/n Midoriya
I’m writing this to you to excuse my unruly behavior from last night. I crossed the line. Both for you and my fiancé, I would like to ask you to leave the palace as soon as you can. Please stay at the other palace if you want, just stay away from here. Thank you very much.
-Prince Todoroki
The young Midoriya stared at the paper before her and immediately called for Alice. It was time to go back home, and ask for her father to take her back.
“I take that the prince is currently training in the field?” she asked Alice, who responded with a nod. It was obvious that she was sad to see the lady she had grown to be loyal to going away for a long time. “Don’t be sad, Alice! I’ll be back soon. Though I doubt I’ll be staying here for a long time.” The last sentence was left unheard my the older woman in front of her. “Please send my regards to the other girls and congratulate the Crown prince and Lady Momo for me. Thank you for all your hard work, Alice. I’ll be taking my leave now.” The head maid bowed and raised a handkerchief to her eyes to wipe the tears that had unknowingly escaped. The emotional farewell was cut short by a strong wind, the two closed their eyes to avoid getting anything into their eyes.
Opening her eyes, they were greeted by a loud voice, a familiar spiky hair, and a red dragon, Kirishima, to be exact. “Katsuki, what the hell! I told you not to use Kiri when coming here!” She approached the red dragon and proceeded to pet its snout while scolding the blond prince. “Mother found out that you were going to ask uncle to take you back home so she asked me to come pick you up.” she found it suspicious that her aunt had already known what she was planning when it was only planned only hours ago. “Did you ask Denki to plant something in my room last time you visited? I only planned to leave this morning, how can auntie possibly know that I was trying to leave?” The explosive blond could only look away while mumbling something under his breath. A hearty chuckle erupted from the girl’s chest, and said “It’s fine. If anything, I’m thankful that you did. You know auntie is the only mother I’ve ever had.”
“But seriously, stop using Kiri for quick transportation. You literally have one of those floating carriages.” the man rolled his eyes before hoisting her up by the waist to get her up on the dragon. Before flying away, Bakugo looked at the old woman and told her, “Tell icyhot that I’m stealing her away and he can never get her back. She doesn’t deserve to get treated that way.” y/n looked at him as if he were her knight in shining armor. Until, “Only I can treat her like shit.” His smug expression was immediately wiped off as he felt a fist hit his chin. “OW THAT HURT SHITTY WOMAN.” She rolled her eyes at the angry blond “Let’s go, Kiri!” As they flew away, she waved to Alice before disappearing into the clouds.
From the field, the prince saw a glimpse of the red dragon and the flowing lavender dress. As soon as he noticed who owned the dragon and who owned the dress, he ran into the palace in full speed. Asking all the maids he came across about y/n’s whereabouts, to which they all answered with, “Didn’t you ask her to leave, your highness?” upon hearing the same continuous answer, he rushed to the lady’s chamber.
As he entered, he was greeted by Alice looking down at the letter he wrote. Alice looked at the prince with anger evident in her eyes, but still remained respectful. “Alice, where is she?” I don’t remember asking her to leave, he thought. “perhaps reading the letter will refresh your memories, your highness.” She handed the letter to the confused man and thought, I never would’ve thought the young master could say such harsh things.
“Alice, ask someone to trace the origin of this letter. I don’t recall writing anything in this letter. I clearly remember inviting her for tea and offering her a better room.” The prince said with a dark look embedded on his usually emotionless face.
Alice took notice of that and immediately went to ask a servant to do so. “Prince Bakugo took her to their palace, your highness. But prince Bakugo told me to tell you that ‘ I’m stealing her away and he can never get her back. She doesn’t deserve to get treated that way. ‘, those were his exact words, your highness.” his expression darkened, and he stepped out of the room. “Grab the griffin, I’m heading to the dragon country.”

TAGLIST: @starsandkeysruler
#bnha todoroki#bnha#bnha au#bnha bakugo#bnha x reader#todoroki x reader#bakugo x reader#bakugo angst#todoroki angst#todoroki fluff#bakugo fluff#boku no hero academia#my hero academia#mha#Midoriya!Reader
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“Don’t Speak Their Names” - Shrimpshipping fic Chapter 34
This chapter can be found here on AO3.
Chapter 34 - The Queen’s Wings
~27 October 2007, early afternoon~
“Aww, you look cuuuuute!” Téa looked at the wedding outfit she, Serenity, and Mai worked hard to make for Weevil. The bug duelist’s colour scheme matched that of Metamorphosed Insect Queen - a royal blue tuxedo, the red tie and white frilled shirt from his Duelist Kingdom days, and an elegant veil resembling the Queen’s wings and crown. “I just wish I could be the maid of honour so I could hold this veil while you walk down the aisle. Mai, you’re so lucky.”
“For what it’s worth, you can be the maid of honour at my wedding,” Mai spoke while she inspected the veil and Serenity put the finishing touches on Weevil’s hair. “I want my veil to look just as amazing as my Harpie Lady’s wings. I just have to wait for that slowpoke Joey to propose already.”
“Yeowch! I’m sorry you’ve had to wait for my blockhead of a brother. ...There.” Serenity put a butterfly pin on the right side of Weevil’s hair. “You’re ready. Should we go, then?”
Weevil got into the front seat of the limo Mai drove while Camellia, Serenity, Téa, Ptera, Tricera, and the other bridesmaids got in the back seats.
But before Mai drove off, Weevil asked, “Hey, where’s Amber?”
“Daddy!” Amber nearly tripped while running to the limo, scattering a few of the flowers she carried in her basket.
“Whoa there, little lady!” Téa caught Amber before she could fall and picked up the flowers she dropped.
“Thank you, Auntie Téa!” Amber hugged Téa’s neck as she brought her in the limo that finally took off. Amber turned to Espa’s 16-month-old daughter, Artemis, and offered her a yellow rose. “Hey, Arte, you want this?”
“Flower! So pretty!” Arte grabbed the stem of the flower with her tiny toddler fingers.
“Aww…” Weevil smiled as he spoke to his daughter. “I picked the perfect flower girl.”
“And your stepcousin Mokuba picked the perfect flowers,” Camellia remarked. “And the perfect limo. And just about everything else.”
“Actually, Spinos picked the flowers. He paid for a good deal of the wedding too, you know.”
“Did he?” Ptera smiled at the thought of her former lover. “That was thoughtful of him.”
“Psst.” Espa leaned slightly forward to awaken Weevil from an apparent nap. “Weevil, we’re here.”
“Hmm… Wha-” Weevil saw everyone else already exiting the limo and making way for the extravagant displays by the famous Domino City T.V. “Thanks for reminding me! I’m glad you decided to ride with us instead of with Rex. Even though you’re a groomsman.”
“I couldn’t help it.” Espa carried Arte out of the limo and, once he met with his brothers, he handed her to the next oldest one. Mako soon joined them with Caesar, their son. “This cutie patootie wanted to ride with her best friend.”
“You’re such an airhead sometimes, Daddy!” Amber giggled as she walked down the aisle while throwing flowers.
“None of that smart mouth, young lady!” Weevil chided while he proceeded down the aisle, with Camellia by his side and Mai holding his veil.
“Hehehe… She’s just like you when you were that age.” Camellia chuckled. “I remember it like it was yesterday.”
“You’re literally walking me down the aisle.” Weevil squinted; he could barely see the wedding awning, with lush greenery. “Do you really think this is the best time to reminisce about how I was a troublemaking toddler?”
“Yes, it is.” Camellia cried a little. “I lost eleven years with you… I’m so proud of how far you’ve come since then, my son.”
At the sound of Duke playing the church organs, the ceremony began in earnest, drawing attention from passers-by.
“Hmm?” One of Weevil’s opponents from Duelist Kingdom took notice of the bug duelist. “Oooh, it’s that nasty Weevil Underwood. And he’s… getting married?”
“We might as well stick around to see the unlucky schmuck whom he’s marrying,” replied the kid whom Weevil tricked in Battle City.
“Mother, I can’t do this! I’ve rehearsed my vows, like, a thousand times and yet I think I’ve forgotten most of them already!” Weevil’s heart raced faster as he could now see his husband-to-be. Rex wore a tuxedo resembling Black Tyranno, and his chestnut locks were tied back with a dinosaur claw hair clip.
“Relax, sweetie,” Camellia reassured as she stepped back, now that her son had reached the T.V. “Remember, you’re the smartest guy in all of Domino City.”
Weevil stammered as he held Rex’s hands, with Mokuba about to start officiating the wedding. “Y-Yo, dude.”
“Pfft…” As best man, Joey stood behind Rex. “‘Smartest guy in all of Domino City,’ huh?”
“Shut up, Joey!” As if Weevil felt nervous enough, Joey’s teasing didn’t make it any better. “Or I just might sneak a caterpillar in your shirt when you get married!”
“Hey.” Rex squeezed Weevil’s hands tighter. “You know how Joey is. Just ignore him.”
“Dear friends, family, and citizens of Domino City,” Mokuba began the ceremony, which by this point had drawn a large crowd. The close friends and family of Rex and Weevil took their seats. The sun looked upon them from directly above, the sunlight glistening off of the awning’s flowers and the variety of insects crawling throughout it. “We are gathered here today to witness the union of Rex Leonidas Raptor and Weevil Henry Underwood in marriage. We welcome and thank each and every one of you for being a part of this wonderful occasion. As with their careers as duelists, their journey as a married couple will test and bring out the best in them. And just like their latest careers as duelists, they will face trials and tribulations, but always come out strong in the end. You are all gathered here because you have helped these two young men and have a bond with them, one way or another. As for me, I couldn’t be more proud that my cousin, Rex, has chosen me to officiate his wedding. The grooms have each prepared vows that they will recite now.”
“M-My turn!” Weevil piped up, much to the surprise of all. “I don’t need to rehearse to let all of Domino City know just how much I love you. I don’t need to rehearse to remember how united we are in our desire for revenge against several duelists. Particularly Yugi, Atem, and ESPECIALLY Joey.”
“ESPECIALLY me, huh?” Joey couldn’t help but laugh again.
“Spoken like a true duelist,” Yugi spoke to his former other self.
“You said it, partner,” replied Atem.
“Aw, heck, Rex. I’ve prepared a handwritten speech for my salutatorian address. But on this day, I want to speak from the heart. Even now, I am still in awe that a ‘dung beetle’ like me is worthy of your love. While everyone in this city hated me, you were the only one to show me love all those years ago. Even after I went mad and tried to kill you, you still loved me. I am so grateful that we have found each other, and I vow to love you forever.”
“See? What did I tell you?” Camellia winked.
“I bet I can outdo that. ” Rex smirked.
“Go ahead and try, dino brain.”
“Gladly, bug boy.” Rex took a deep breath before beginning his vows. “I am thankful for all the blessings we have, not the least of which is our adorable daughter Ambrosia. If not for Mai and her expertise, we wouldn’t have such a bundle of joy.”
“Aww, you’re too kind, Rex.” Mai sat next to Amber and Téa.
“Yet I haven’t always been kind; I’ll be the first to admit that I’m still as arrogant as they come. But several people have made me appreciate friendship more - not the least of whom is you, Weeves. You were my first friend, and I couldn’t be happier that we made that same dumb mistake of showing up to regionals prelims a day early.” This tale elicited several giggles from the crowd’s members, even from those who were not explicitly invited. “I had no idea that from there, I would quickly fall in love with that rich boy I met, and that he would be the man I swear my eternal love to on this day. Waiting those three years to confess my love was so worth it.”
“Hehe…” Weevil laughed in his signature way. “I think I win.”
“Yeah, right.”
“Even at the altar, you guys are still rivals. Let’s just say you both win.” Mokuba chuckled. “Now, will the ring bearer present the rings?”
“I think you’ll like who I chose for the ring bearer,” spoke Rex.
Between the husbands-to-be and in front of Mokuba stood a tan-skinned boy with spiky brown hair, red-violet eyes, and traditional ancient Egyptian garb. He can’t be older than two, Weevil reckoned. It can’t be… It’s Heka!
“As we begin the declaration of intent, I would like for each groom to place a ring on his partner’s finger. Rex Leonidas Raptor, do you take Weevil Henry Underwood as your lawfully-wedded husband? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and not so good times, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto him for as long as you both shall live?”
“I do.” Rex took the new ring - a rose-gold one with a thin sapphire band in the middle - and put it on Weevil’s left ring finger.
“And do you, Weevil Henry Underwood, take Rex Leonidas Raptor to be your lawfully-wedded husband? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and not so good times, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto him for as long as you both shall live?”
“I do.” The wedding ring Weevil gave Rex was similar to his engagement ring, but had two thin bands of dinosaur bone inlay.
The dinosaur duelist wore this new ring on his left ring finger, complementing the one he wore on his right ring finger. “You spend too much money on jewelry, bug boy.”
“If there are any objections to this union, speak now or forever hold your piece.”
“Who would object to these two cutie pies?” Joey noted.
“Even if I did, I wouldn’t do anything about it,” mumbled the kid who got his Dark Ruler Ha Des stolen all those years ago.
“Then by the power vested in me - Mokuba Kaiba, president and CEO of Kaiba Corporation - I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the husband.”
“There’s that pretty face.” Rex lifted Weevil’s veil from his face.
“Come here, you Jurassic jerk!” Weevil seized Rex by the waist, tiptoeing slightly to kiss his new husband.
“I now present to you, Domino City, Mr. and Mr. Rex and Weevil Raptor!”
“So, the runner-up and champion of regionals got hitched, and with each other, no less,” Rex’s opponent at regional semifinals mused while Duke played “Sexyback” on the organ. “Who’d have thunk it?”
“I gotta admit that I kind of started shipping them after Raptor’s regional loss,” spoke the Battle City kid.
“ Which Raptor are you talking about, me or him?” Weevil overheard the boys.
“Um…” The boys were at a loss for words.
“Anyway…” Weevil held up his bouquet, full of peonies and red roses. “I’m wondering who will get lucky today.”
“Me, that’s who.” Mai brushed her hair back. “Then you’ll have to propose to me, Joey.”
“Nah, I’ll get it!” Téa declared as the bouquet flew in the air.
“Ladies, ladies…” Duke stepped forward. “You’re all wrong. I’ll-”
“Actually, you’re the wrong one, Duke.” Mako showed everyone the bouquet he just caught. “Looks like I’ll be getting married soon.”
“Aww…” Duke smiled. “Congrats, dude.”
“And I know just who it is I want to spend the rest of my life with.” Mako looked to Rex and Weevil, as if asking for permission, and the newlywed couple consented.
“M-Mako?” Espa’s eyes widened when Mako knelt in front of him, revealing a ring with a giant blue diamond encircled by several small green ones. “Oh… my gosh…”
“That is, if this cute psychic will say yes to my proposal.”
“Yes! Of course I do, Mako!” Espa continued to cry as his new fiancé put the ring on his finger.
“Yay!” Caesar hugged his mother’s legs. “I love you, Papa!”
“You… You guys…” Espa hugged Mako and their children.
“There’s still a lot of party left, you two.” Rex had to wipe his own tears of joy. “You’re all invited to the reception at the Grand Domino City Hotel. Naturally, there will be lots of dueling rooms there, and suites for the bridesmaids, groomsmen, and our families. So you know what that means.”
“It means I’ll squish the new Mr. Raptor?” Joey challenged.
“No, it means I’ll squish you. ” Weevil cracked his knuckles.
“I thought I was the one you were after?”
“Yes, you too, Atem. See you there.” And with that, Rex and Weevil got in the back seat of the wedding motorcade.
“Ah, there’s the happy couple,” spoke the driver as he started the ignition. “Ready?”
“Yes!” Both young men exclaimed at once.
“Wait…” Weevil squinted to get a better look at the driver. “Bakura?”
“My friends call me Ryou, but whatever floats your boat.”
The bandit king wasn’t kidding when he said he’d attend! Weevil thought, and the trio arrived at the hotel to find that the partying had already begun. But...
Rex noticed the pensive look in his husband’s face, even while they walked to the dining room, to which Tricera and Ptera hauled the wedding cake they made. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” Weevil shook off whatever confusing thoughts he was having, and instead diverted his attention to lighthearted conversations with people he once called enemies. After lunch, he took the cake cutting knife from Tricera and grabbed Rex’s hands. “Give me a hand, will ya? And don’t you dare make a ‘short-handed’ joke about my prosthetic arm.”
“You’ve already taken mine, pinworm!” Rex had a small bite of the cake before offering some to Kaiba and Atem, whom he barely even noticed. “Here you go.”
“Don’t mind if I do.” Atem offered Heka some cake before eating it himself.
“Um… I’m good for now,” Kaiba insisted as he rubbed his belly. “I haven’t felt hungry all day, but I’m sure I will later.”
“Hopefully there will be a later.” Rex watched Amber, Arte, and Heka chase each other in the dining hall. Atem tried to prevent Heka from using his newfound magic on anyone. Mako and Espa weren’t as successful at containing their own children; Arte could already bend spoons with her mind, and Caesar could be seen swimming butterfly in the nearby gym pool.
“Ugh.” Espa whined. Caesar beat a high schooler in a short race, baring purple shark fangs in victory. “I knew I shouldn’t have let you talk me into a water birth, Mako. Both of our kids have shown their shapeshifter abilities already.”
“Caesar looks so much like my dad…” Mako beamed while he watched his son. “I’ll be darned if he grows up to be a better swimmer and fisherman than me.”
It took the intervention of all of Espa’s brothers to get the prodigious twins to stop. “I’ll give you one thing, our kids are already proving to be smarter than I was at that age.”
“Psst, hun.” Weevil whispered to Rex while Kaiba was distracted playing with Heka.
“What?” Rex spoke with a mouthful of cake.
“Why are Kaiba and Atem here at 22 years old, when just a couple of years ago, they were here at 37 years old? Do they even remember who we are?”
“Is that what you were confused about this afternoon? Please.” Rex took his and Weevil’s dishes to the dishwasher. “Haven’t I told you it’s better to not think so much?”
“You’re right.” Holding Rex by the hand, Weevil approached Kaiba and Atem. “Dueling speaks louder than words.”
“Kaiba?” Rex looked past his Ultimate Conductor Tyranno and at his cousin. It was Kaiba’s turn, and Rex and Weevil were clearly winning the tag duel. “You don’t look so good. If you had told me, I-”
“How dare you underestimate Seto Kaiba? I reveal my trap Raigeki Break to destroy your Ultimate Conductor Tyranno!”
“Naw, that trap won’t be doing nothing. Not if my Jurassic Heart can help it. ...Anything else?”
“I… end my turn…” Kaiba clearly wanted to leave, but had too much pride to simply throw the match. “By the way, it’s ‘won’t be doing anything. ’ Learn proper grammar, rabbit stew.”
“Then I’ll end it quickly,” Weevil proclaimed. “I activate my Armored Bee’s special ability to cut your Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon’s attack points in half, then I’ll go in for the kill with my Battlewasp - Halberd the Charge!”
“So you’ve finally gotten your revenge on me, Weevil.” Atem clapped after he and Kaiba had lost. “Well done. What did you think of them- Huh? Kaiba, where are you going?”
Kaiba said nothing as he ran for the nearest loo. Right as he did, Joey walked up to Weevil, clearly wanting a duel from him. “Say, what happened to rich boy?”
Before Atem could follow after the Egyptian queen, Rex offered, “I’ll go check on him for you, Atem. You can cheer on your buddy Joey. He’ll need it.”
“Oh, I don’t think I will.” Joey climbed onto one of the dueling platforms. “But I would certainly love for Atem to see me squash this mosquito personally.”
“Bring it on!” were Weevil’s last words that Rex heard before making way for the loo Kaiba entered.
“Hey, Kaiba?” It didn’t take Rex long to find Kaiba and the loo he very loudly threw up into. “I was going to ask if you’re okay, but you’re clearly not.”
“Thanks, Captain Obvious.” With nothing left to throw up, Kaiba sat on the loo and pouted. “Anything else?”
Rex fished around in his pants pockets. “I was going to save this for myself, but I think you need it more.”
“What’s this?” Kaiba looked at the small box with the KaibaCorp logo Rex gave him; it had two pregnancy tests in it. “So KaibaCorp makes these now? And how bold of you to assume that just because I’m sick, that it means I’m pregnant. And you just so happened to be carrying these around? I don’t know whether I should laugh or cry.”
“Just take them, man. Please.”
“Hmph.” Kaiba slammed the stall door shut. “Fine. But just so you know, this is a waste of time, because I know I’m not pregnant.” About three minutes later, Kaiba opened the stall without looking up at Rex.
“So? How’d it go?” Rex asked. Kaiba only showed him the pregnancy tests in response; they both showed the word “pregnant” next to the number 16. “Well, well, well. I suppose some congratulations are in order.”
“...I guess I better go tell a few certain individuals the good news, huh?” Kaiba let Rex help him walk a short distance before he could walk on his own. “And Rex?”
Kaiba wrapped an arm around his cousin. “Thank you. You’re probably the only one other than Mokuba, the pharaoh, and Heka that I can tolerate.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” Rex gave Kaiba a few noogies before parting ways with him. “If you see my husband, tell him he can find me in our hotel suite.”
“Phew…” Weevil hardly broke a sweat winning two duels in a row. But now he wanted nothing more than to take a break from the festivities before dinner, and made way for the hotel suite he rented with Rex.
Weevil didn’t even have to get his card key before his husband opened the door and, still dressed in his wedding garb, spoke in a sultry voice, “Hey, baby. That was quite a long duel.”
“I wish you could have seen me turn that Joey into bug juice.” Weevil took off his veil and gently put it in the closet before wrapping his arms around Rex. “Amber is in the care of your father right now, so we have all the time to ourselves.” Weevil’s spider “ears” appeared. “And you know damn well what I want you to do to me.”
“Which is precisely why I did… this. ” Rex invited Weevil to come deeper inside the room to see the elaborate honeymoon setup. The first things Weevil noticed were the rose-scented candles planted throughout the room. Red roses floated in the sweet-smelling whirlpool bathtub. The towels next to it were folded in the shape of butterflies and dinosaurs, and had more roses around them. The bed had a spider silk canopy and a comforter with kissing swans on it. “Well, I can’t do art for shit, so the hotel maids folded the towels. But everything else was made by yours truly.”
“So you grew the flowers, too?”
“Aww, come on, bug breath. You know what I mean.”
“You hopeless romantic.” Weevil pinched Rex’s cheek before kissing it. “I could have done better.”
“Please, Weeves…” Rex undid Weevil’s bowtie. “Just this once, can we put aside the competition?”
“That’s rich, coming from you. ” Weevil removed Rex’s hair clip, running his fingers through the chestnut and lavender hair. “By the way, I’m kidding. You did great.”
“Aww, I’m glad!” Rex playfully kissed his husband’s cheeks, but when they got to the bed, his tone turned serious. He hummed into Weevil’s now-bare neckline, “Just so you know, I’m going to make love to you until all our friends downstairs complain about the noise we’re making.”
“Then… Hah…” Weevil completely half-shifted when Rex stripped him of all his clothes. “Then do it…. Or else I will take over.”
“If you rather would be the one on top, then you’re more than welcome to stop me from adoring you.”
In response, Weevil eagerly tore off Rex’s tuxedo and shirt, while being mindful not to damage the expensive clothes. As soon as he did, Rex half-shifted as well. “Don’t you dare stop, Rex…” Weevil pulled Rex so close to him that their nipples rubbed together. The friction of Rex’s nipples and sweaty, warm body alone nearly brought Weevil to a full erection. “Don’t you dare stop.”
“Fuuuuuck…” While leaving hickies all over Weevil’s neck, Rex continued the nipple rubbing. He still occasionally breastfed Amber, so his nipples were especially sensitive. “I’m sorry, Weeves, but this… This just feels too damned good.”
“It does for me too, hun,” Weevil spoke between very deep kisses, getting a good taste of the takoyaki Rex ate a few hours prior. He snuck a hand down, feeling around for Rex’s cock before actually taking a hold of it and pumping it with his own. “And I hope this does also.”
“But you know…” Rex barely arose enough to be able to reach for a bottle of lube on the nightstand. “ This will make it even better. It’s a special lube that will arouse us more and make our orgasms more intense.”
“Oh, yeah?” Weevil let Rex spread the lube over his nipples and cock.
“Well, what do you think?” Rex smirked as he continued to pump his and Weevil’s cocks together.
It didn’t take long for Weevil to feel the intensifying effects of the lube. “Oh… yes…”
“It’ll feel even better inside here. ” Rex’s fingers trailed from Weevil’s cock to his opening, which he massaged until Weevil shrieked loudly. “Looks like I’ve found your sweet spot, Weeves.”
“So fucking do something about it!” Weevil could hardly take this pent-up energy anymore.
“What did you think I was going to do?” Rex gave his husband’s ass a good slap before he mounted him. To his astonishment, Weevil grabbed Rex’s cock, guiding it into his opening while he took hold of his shoulders. “Ha- ha! You’re… really that hungry for me, aren’t you?”
“And… it’s not just the lube, either.” Weevil pulled Rex close enough, until Rex could feel his heartbeat running wild. “I… really do want to consummate this marriage.”
“So… do I...” Rex could hardly speak in between breaths as he pulled out, only to slam in again - and again, many times. Already, he knew that both he and his husband were about to come, but loved this sensation too much to let it end so soon. He held the base of Weevil’s cock firmly, caressing the head with his thumb. “So do I, Weeves…”
“L-Let go…” Weevil squeaked out after ten minutes of various sexual positions.
“What was that?” Rex hummed into Weevil’s ear.
“Goddammit, Rex, let me come already!”
Rex said not another word as the second he let go of Weevil’s cock, the both of them came long and hard, while Weevil held one of Rex’s hands to his pounding heart. “Can… Can you tell that I… hah… loved this?”
Rex let their orgasms ride out to completion before he pulled out, holding Weevil’s left hand to his heart, just like he did all those years ago. “Can you tell I loved it too?”
“Damn right I can…” Weevil pulled the comforter over him and curled into Rex, taking in his husband’s natural scent. “I wish I didn’t have biological needs to attend to. I just want to stay here all day, cuddling in bed with the man I just married.”
“For what it’s worth, Mom said she’d have dinner ready for us all in a few hours. And I made sure to specify to everyone that they don’t have to wear formal wear.” Rex looked Weevil in the eyes while stroking his mint green hair and planted a kiss on his forehead. “There will be so many more years of this, so don’t worry your pretty head about it.”
And so began the rest of Rex and Weevil Raptor’s married life together, naturally filled with takoyaki, bee larvae, and a hell of a lot of dueling.
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Summary: Ashton Irwin thought he had everything he needed in life in the form of his daughter. Funny the difference a choice can make.
A/N: Be sure to catch up on the first two chapters!
Content: Nothing too crazy/out of the norm. Some cute as fuck dad!Ash. Also guest appearance by Luke and Mike!
Word Count: 4.5K
And away, and away we go!
Chapter 3
My alarm went off shrilly at 7 am. I fumbled to shut off the incessant beeping as I opened my eyes. I yawned and stretched out my arms. It was then I became apparent of Nic asleep in my bed. I smiled at the memory of the night we had shared. Her giggles echoed in my mind as I recalled her slipping into one of my shirts and beckoning me to bed with her finger. I recalled the many kisses I stole as we hid under the covers. I remembered how she felt, sleeping beside me as if she had done it her whole life. I reached over and kissed her, “Nic, wake up.” I kissed a path from her shoulder, up her neck, and to her lips. “Wake up, wake up, wake up,” I murmured between kisses.
“Mmm,” she moaned, “Shh, Ash, I’m sleeping,” she smiled at me, opening her eyes a little.
“It’s seven… I gotta get up.”
“Lauren is gonna be here any second with Cass so I can get her ready for daycare,” I told her, rolling out of bed.
She reached over and pulled me down, before climbing on top of me and kissing my face repeatedly. “Just. Five. More. Minutes. Please?” she asked me between kisses.
I wrapped my arms around her and sat up with her in my lap. “If they even give me five minutes,” I told her.
“Guess we better get as much time as we can,” she grinned, sexily.
I rolled her over, pinning her between me and the bed. “God, you’re sexy,” I growled. I kissed her fiercely before pulling back and straining my ear. “Shh,” I whispered, pressing a finger to my lips, rolling off of Nic. “Do you hear that?” I asked, still whispering as I heard the front door creak open and Cassidy’s footsteps pitter-patter across the apartment. “Incoming,” I warned, seconds before Cassidy came crashing into my bed.
“Daddy!” she shrieked like she did every morning.
I threw the covers over my head and shouted playfully, “No! Not the Cass Monster! Aaaahhh!” Then I threw the covers off me and enveloped Cassidy in them who erupted in a series of giggles. I pulled her into my lap and uncovered her head. “Were you good for Auntie Lauren?” I asked.
Cassidy nodded, her dirty blonde curls bouncing. Then, “Daddy, did you have a sleepover?”
“I did. Her name is Nic. Do you want to say hi?”
Another nod, then, “Hi, Nic!”
“Hi, Cassidy,” Nic smiled sweetly.
“She’s pretty, Daddy,” Cassidy told me.
I laughed, “Yes, very pretty. Alright, you ready for breakfast?”
“Alright, go say goodbye to Auntie Lauren, and I’ll meet you in the kitchen.”
She skipped out of the room. Lauren poked her head in, “Hey, As- shit, I didn’t know you had company. I could’ve taken Cass.”
“It’s fine, Lauren,” I said getting out of bed. “This is Nic. Nic, that’s my sister, Lauren. The little one was Cass.”
“Hi,” Nic said, getting up herself.
Lauren nodded a hello, then, “I’m gonna say bye to Cass,” before excusing herself.
“Sorry,” I said to Nic, pulling a shirt over my head.
“It’s fine, Ash,” she said, kissing me. “I should probably go get ready for work. I’ll see you later?”
I nodded, “I’ll be home at about 5 if you wanted to join us for dinner. I’m not much of a cook though, so fair warning.”
She smiled. “I can be over at like 5:30?”
“That works,” I smiled back. I watched as she disappeared, waiting to hear her leave, before I went to the kitchen. I went about my morning routine feeling better than I had in a long while. For the first time in a long while, I had something to look forward to; someone to come home to that didn’t need bedtime stories and monster-checking.
“You seem perkier than usual,” Mike, the captain, noted as I came in whistling.
“Just in a good mood,” I said, clocking in for the day.
“So, who’s the girl?” Luke, my partner, asked.
“Who said there was a girl?”
“Because, I’ve never seen you look this happy. I’ve also never seen you with a girl. So, it’s gotta be a girl, right? Oh, tell me it’s a girl!”
“It’s a girl,” I laughed.
“Ha!” Luke cheered. “Mikey-boy, that’s twenty big ones! Pay up! Way to go, Irwin!”
“Why does he owe you twenty b- Wait, did you 2 seriously have a bet that I was gay?! I literally have a kid.” Any other day, I might have been offended, but I was cruising on the highest of highs.
“Hey,” Luke defended. “I knew you weren’t gay. Just a busy little worker bee, huh, Ashy?” he teased.
“You know what? I ain’t even mad. Cuz I woke up next to the hottest girl. Life doesn’t get better than that.”
“Ash,” Mike said, turning serious for a minute. “Marry this girl.”
“I barely know the girl, Mikey,” I laughed nervously.
“I know. But marry her. Any girl that’s got you feeling this good is a keeper. I’m telling ya.”
“I still think I’ll give it a minute before I start getting down on a knee,” I joked, quickly burying the memory of the last time I’d been down on one knee. Taylor had no right to my mind today. Today, my mind was all on Nic.
I walked through the door of my apartment, feeling both more exhausted than I’d ever felt and also still better than my old best days. I quickly tried to clean up the apartment a bit while Cassidy played. I had just sat down on the couch when Nic knocked on my door. “Hey, c’mon in,” I greeted, kissing her cheek.
“Hey, how was work?” she asked, making herself comfortable on my couch.
“Good,” I said, sitting down next to her. “How was your day?”
“Long,” she sighed, leaning into me. “Glad to be done.”
“Me too,” I smiled at her. “Are you hungry?”
“I am!” Cassidy piped up, causing both Nic and me to laugh.
Nic stayed after dinner, throwing herself into a wild activity Cassidy dreamed up, the two chatting away until I told Cassidy it was time for her bath. I had Cassidy pick up her toys while I ran her bath. “You can stay if you want, but if you have stuff you gotta do, that’s…”
Nic half-smiled. “I should probably get going. But, I’ll see you…?”
“You can come by tomorrow again if you like. But, I gotta warn you, this is pretty much it,” I told her motioning around at everything. “This is my life.”
“I like your life, Ash,” she said, smiling softly. “I’ll see you and Cass tomorrow.” She kissed me before letting herself out.
“I like her, Daddy,” Cassidy said.
“I like her, too,” I said, picking her up.
I got Cassidy ready for bed and went to bed myself with Nic’s memory burned in my mind. I told myself that I really liked Nic and that I’d be smarter this time around; that I would savour every moment I held her in my arms, or got to kiss her lips. I tried to push the nagging thoughts that this could only end 1 of 2 ways, and that 1 of those ways could very well destroy me.
For the next few weeks, Nic slowly made her way into mine and Cassidy's lives. Every night the 3 of us sat around my kitchen table eating and laughing. Some nights she stayed helped me put Cassidy to bed, then spent the night tangled up in the sheets with me. Other nights she excused herself early so I could have 1-on-1 time with Cassidy. Nic and I took things slow, not wanting to rush anything in our relationship with each other. But, when the 1-month mark came and went- which was when every other girl had left- and Nic stayed, I started to rethink the seriousness of our relationship. I decided it was time to take Nic out on a real date so we could discuss what we both wanted out of this relationship, or if we even wanted one.
I talked over the details with Lauren, who eagerly agreed to pick Cassidy up from daycare and watch her overnight for me. So after work on Friday, instead of rushing to pick up Cassidy from daycare, I called Nic.
“Hey, Ash,” she answered after the first ring. “I just got home. I’ll be over in a few?”
“Uh, I was actually wondering if you wanted to go out? Like on a real date?”
“Real date, huh?”
“Yeah. Getting dressed up, I bring you flowers, we go eat a fancy dinner, the whole thing.”
She giggled and I pictured her cheeks flushing red. “Okay, that sounds like fun.”
“Cool. I’ll pick you up at 7?”
“I’ll see you at 7. Ash?”
“I just wanna do something nice for a change,” I told her. In truth, I felt good about my relationship with Nic. She didn’t get annoyed with staying in every night or having Cassidy ruin the chance to sleep in on the weekends. In fact, she adored Cassidy, and Cassidy adored her right back. There was also no denying the way she made me feel, or the fact that we were both clearly attracted to each other. And after the past few weeks of her either being in my arms or on my mind, it was probably time to figure out what we were to each other, even if I didn’t like the answer.
I went out to get my truck washed and pick up some flowers before I came home and showered. I went through my closet, pulling jackets and work clothes aside to find my dress shirts and slacks. I laid the clothes on my bed, ready to get changed, but I ran a hand under my chin first. I ran to the bathroom and looked at my face in the mirror. I tilted my head at different angles, trying to decide if I needed to clean up my beard or not. I decided against it, preferring not to risk shaving it all off if I screwed up. I changed and took a good long look in the mirror. Without meaning to, my mind drifted to the last time I had gotten this dressed up- the way my heart pounded in my chest and the weight of that little box in my pocket. I quickly shook away the thought. That wasn’t the last time I got dressed up, I told myself. Yeah, but it was the last time it mattered. “This isn’t like that, though,” I spoke aloud to no one. Isn’t it, though? My mind answered back. “I don’t have time for this,” I said angrily. “Nic isn’t Taylor. And more than that, I don't want Taylor. I want Nic.” Hey, these are your thoughts, Ash.
I shook my head again. “Nic,” I repeated, smiling at the sound of her name. “I want Nic.” With a last look in the mirror, I headed for the door, grabbing the flowers on my way out. I made my way across the hall and knocked on her door. One of her roommates opened the door. “Hey, is Nic ready?”
“Oh, hey, Ash. C’mon in. Nic’s just finishing up.”
I took a seat on their couch, “So, how’s everything going?” I asked, trying to make conversation.
“We’re good, Ash. You and Nic seem to be getting serious.”
“I hope so. I really like her.”
“She really likes you, too.”
“Kayla!” Nic scolded, coming into the room. Her dress accentuated every bit of curve she had.
“Wow… you look… wow…” I said, getting up off the couch. “Uh, these are for you.” I gave her the small bouquet of flowers.
She took the flowers and breathed them in. “Thank you,” she said. Then she disappeared down the hall to put them away. “Ready?” she asked when she came back into the living room.
“Let’s go,” I said, taking her hand. “You look really amazing, by the way,” I told her again as we walked down to my truck.
“Thanks. You clean up good yourself.”
“I try.” I held the door for the truck open for her and watched as she slid in.
“You washed your truck, too?” she asked when I climbed in the driver's seat.
“Yeah, it was time.” I pulled out of the parking structure and onto the road.
“Really? When’s the last time you washed your truck?”
“Uh… a while.”
She raised her eyebrows.
I shrugged and half-smiled. “The rain does a good enough job.”
“So you went through the trouble of washing it for me?”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
“I meant no such thing. There’s something flattering about a boy putting in a little effort to impress the girl.”
“And are you impressed?”
“Time will tell.”
I clutched at my chest jokingly. “Ouch…”
She laughed, “Well, the night’s just beginning.”
“Oh, you’ll be impressed,” I told her, pulling into the parking lot of the restaurant. I wrapped my arm around her as we walked into the restaurant. “2 for Irwin,” I told the hostess, trying to ignore the look she gave us.
“Right this way,” she said, leading us to a table. “Your waiter will be here shortly.”
I ran a hand through my hair as I became aware of everyone’s eyes on us. “I know I’m with the prettiest girl, but damn I’d wish they’d stop staring,” I whispered to her as I rolled up the sleeves of my shirt, exposing my arms and tattoos.
“They’re staring at you, Ash. At least the girls are anyway,” she told me.
I shook my head, “Bullshit. I’m a nobody.” I flicked through the menu, busying myself with trying to find something to eat.
“A good looking nobody,” she laughed, setting her own menu aside. “I feel like I’ve said this before, but your tattoos are really cool.”
“Thanks?” I felt my face flush red in embarrassment.
“Are you one of those guys who is just completely oblivious to how good looking they are? It’s both charming and infuriating.”
I shrugged. “That’s a loaded question. If I say yes, then I’m a conceited jackass who only cares about looks. If I say no, I’m a moron. I mean, I see myself all the time so I look like I always have to me. Whether or not that’s attractive to other people or not is up to them.”
“Well, for the record, you are ridiculously attractive. And until now, I’ve been too distracted by that attractiveness to notice much besides just how attractive you are. The tattoos certainly aren’t helping making you any less attractive either. If anything it adds. Are you ready to order?” she finally asked, trying to change the topic. “Or should I keep overusing the word ‘attractive’?”
I laughed and we quickly flagged down the waiter to order. “Well, thanks,” I told her, “But, I still think everybody is looking at you. And why wouldn’t they? You’re beautiful.”
She blushed. “So, the tattoos? Can I see?” she asked, reaching out and gently touching my right forearm.
“Yeah.” I undid my shirt, sliding it off, grateful I had thought to throw a black tank top on underneath so I wasn’t completely shirtless in public.
“These are so cool,” she breathed, her fingers running all over my inked skin.
“I thought so.”
“Did they hurt?”
I nodded as I slipped back into my dress shirt. “But it was more annoying than painful.”
“What caused you to get them?”
“Just little reminders, I guess.”
“Reminders of what?”
“To be the best person I can be both for myself and for Cass. I’m the only parent she has, so I have to do twice as much work as any other parent to make sure she’s not missing out on not having a mom.”
“You have a very interesting story,” she told me.
“I don’t think so.”
“Well, I do. You have a clear attachment to your family, which I find to be endearing. And you don’t let your past damage you. You let it guide you into being a better person.”
“It sounds so much cooler when you say it. Damn, that looks good,” I said as the waiter brought out our food and we started eating. “So, anything interesting I should know about you? Since how you know all about me?”
“I don’t know all about you,” she retorted. “But, fine. Tell me what you want to know.”
“Tell me about Atlanta.”
She shrugged. “It was typical. Um, I’m the middle child. I have an older brother and a younger sister. We’re all close. Parents are still married.”
“What were you like in high school? What made you the woman sitting across from me?”
She laughed. “Again, very typical. Also very cliche. I was head cheerleader, so naturally I dated the quarterback. We were Prom king and queen.”
I laughed, “Damn, I thought I was a cliche in high school. Tell me about Mr. Quarterback boyfriend. How’d you go from him to bar creeps to me?”
“Mr. Quarterback’s name was Charlie. He was a sweetheart, but his views were a little too old-school for me, even though I consider myself to be somewhat of a traditionalist.”
“How so?”
“He didn't want me to go to college. He wanted me to become a housewife and mom. Which, I’m not opposed to necessarily. I just wanted something that was my own, too. So I told him he could either accept that I wanted a future myself outside of the home or I’d find someone who did. So, he tried to accept it. And when I told him I wanted to come here to pursue a master’s and see more of the world, he told me he couldn’t accept it anymore. So, we broke up. And I moved here and promised myself I wouldn’t shy away from putting myself back out there. The creeps were just an unfortunate side effect.”
“Wow. And Charlie was your first?”
She nodded, “But, I don’t have any regrets. And I’m not bitter about it. Like I said, the boy was a sweetheart. We just weren’t destined for forever.”
“That’s a very mature outlook,” I commented.
“I try,” she smiled. “So what about you? What were you like before moving here?”
“I was the captain of my high school’s baseball team. Starting dating the pretty girl senior year that I’d had a crush on since I was five. We weren’t Prom king and queen like you and Charlie. We were Homecoming king and queen, though, so it’s basically the same thing. We stayed together while I put myself through the police academy and she went to college. I wasn’t afraid of her wanting a career, just as long as she wanted me too. Then she got pregnant.”
“And what happened to her? To Cassidy's mom?”
“I don’t really want to talk about it,” I told her, running a hand through my hair. “Um, I actually wanted to talk about us.”
“Yeah… Uh, you’ve been over a lot and Cassidy really likes you. And I do too. So I’m hoping that we can, uh… be something more serious than whatever it is we’ve been doing.”
“I thought you didn’t want serious?”
“No, I said I probably wasn’t the guy to get serious with.”
“And now you are?”
“Well, yeah.”
She sighed, “Ash…”
I felt my throat close up. “It’s fine… you don’t… we don’t… it’s fine,” I choked out. I tried to tell myself that I didn’t care; that her apparent rejection didn’t hurt. After all, it’s not like we we’re serious.
“It’s not that, Ash. It’s the fact that you think so little of yourself. Ash, I don’t care that you’re a dad. Okay? I care that you’re a good person with a good heart. That’s the Ash I like. That’s the Ash I want to be with.”
I leaned back, confused. “Um… Can we start over?”
She let out a small laugh, “Sure.”
“Hey, Nic. We’ve been spending a lot of time together. You seem to understand better than other girls I’ve been with how important my daughter is to me, and you aren’t threatened by that. I really appreciate that, and so does Cass. As a result, I feel that I’m in a position to take our relationship more seriously.” I tried to pick my words carefully, but I wanted to laugh at how absolutely ridiculous I sounded.
She nodded, biting her lip to hold back a laugh, “Okay. And what do you mean by taking us more seriously?”
“Mainly mutual exclusiveness. I don’t want to date anyone else, and I don’t want you to date anyone else.”
“I thought we were already at that point, though.”
“Were we? I mean, I haven’t been seeing anyone.”
“Neither have I.”
“Oh, well, good. I’d like for us to keep doing that.”
“Me, too,” she smiled.
I cleared my throat, “Sorry… It's been awhile since I asked a girl to be my girlfriend.”
“Oh, is that what you were asking?” Her eyes danced mischievously.
“Well… that’s what I meant by the ‘mutual exclusiveness’ bit…”
“I’m teasing, Ash. I’d like to be your girlfriend very much.” Her face blushed and she looked down.
I felt my mouth split into a cheesy grin. “I’d like that too,” I told her, reaching out for her hand. “Now, serious question: what are your expectations of me being your boyfriend?”
She lifted her head and looked at me. “Wow… um…” she paused to think about it. “Okay. Loyalty and honesty. I don’t do cheaters and I don’t do liars.”
I nodded, “Understandable. Although, can we agree that there are some things worth lying about? Like surprises? I like surprising my girlfriend and they tend to require a few white lies.”
“Oh, well yeah. I meant like big stuff lying.”
I nodded again. “Fair enough, I won’t cheat and I won’t lie about it if I’m ever dumb enough to.”
She laughed, “Good. Oh, respect is huge. Respect for my boundaries, privacy, and my independence.”
“What do you mean by independence? Like not feeling threatened by you wanting a career for yourself? Or not feeling threatened when you want to go out with your friends without me?”
“Both. Jealousy in general bothers me. It kinda goes back to the loyalty and honesty bit. Like yeah, I want you to be loyal and honest, so I’m also going to be loyal and honest in return. So respect that I’m not going to jeopardize that trust. And being threatened of a girl having a career in this day and age is just stupid.”
“Makes sense. Anything else?”
She thought for a minute. “No. Everything else more or less falls into those 3 categories.”
“Consideration isn’t a factor for you?” I asked, giving her a suggestion. “Of feelings, likes, dislikes, the sort?”
She pursed her lips together in thought. “Yeah… I would think it falls under respect, or maybe loyalty, though. But yeah, I like a guy who’s considerate.”
“Okay. I can do that.”
“Yeah. Although, I have a… savior complex is what you called it? Well, I call it a protective side that might sometimes interfere with your independence. I don’t do it on purpose and I definitely don’t do it because I think you’re not capable of handling your own shit. It’s just one of those things that kinda just happens and I’m not aware of it until after the fact. But by all means, call me out on it.”
She laughed, “Ah, yes. Your savior complex. It’s irritating, but I also find it rather charming.”
I laughed with her, “Yeah. Like I said, I don’t do it on purpose. You can blame my dad for it if you want. He’s the one I get it from.”
She smiled, “Anything I should know about your expectations?”
“The same things. Have trust and faith in me that I’m not stupid enough to do something to purposefully jeopardize what we have. And if you ever do have concerns about us or me, then come to me rather than trash talk me to your friends or disrespect my privacy by playing private investigator. I don’t play mind games and I don’t want a girlfriend who thinks it’s okay to play mind games with me. That part also applies to passive aggressive behavior. Like if you don’t like that I leave the toilet seat up, just tell me rather than get all pissy. Shit like that. Like we’re both adults, so we don’t need to do childish shit. Also, I have a daughter who is my entire world. While I’m more than willing to open myself up and let you part of that world, Cassidy will always come first and I need you to both understand and accept that.”
“Can do. I don’t expect to date a man who acts like a boy, so you can expect me to not act like a child myself. Anything else?”
I thought about it, and then took a deep breath, deciding to let her be aware of my deepest fear. “If you ever do have concerns about our relationship and they’re concerns that you can’t move past- like break up worthy stuff- please, please tell me right away. Don’t blindside me or lead me on. Ripping off the band-aid will make losing you a little more bearable. It’s hard explaining to Cass why ‘Daddy’s friend’ doesn’t come over anymore.”
Her eyes went a little wide and she leaned back. “Whoa… Okay… I can promise that I’ll come to you with our problems. But, I can’t promise that I’ll automatically throw in the towel if I ever have doubts. I’d want to try to work through those doubts first. But I can promise that I’ll make you aware of them.”
I nodded. “Yeah, that was heavy, I know. And thank you. I know it’s not an easy thing to ask someone, much less agree to it.”
“Ash, nothing you’ve asked is unreasonable. You have a daughter to think about and you guys are a package deal. We’ve both come from relationships that left a few scars. This relationship is new and scary. But, as long as we do things we’ve agreed on, I don’t see us having any problems.”
“No? You don’t want to run after that lovely confession of me being scared as hell that you’ll leave?” I half-teased.
“Hey, you have just as much chance of breaking up with me as I do with you,” she clarified.
I shook my head, laughing, “Like I’d ever break up with a girl like you.”
She laughed with me, “I could say the same thing. Anything last demands, boyfriend?”
“Uh… yeah, just one more. Would you mind coming with Cass and me to my parents on Sunday? It’s uh… kind of my birthday...”
She grinned, “I’d love too.”
I couldn’t hold back anymore and I reached across the table, pulling her face towards mine. I kissed her hard and she kissed back with just as much fierceness, our relationship sealing itself on our lips.
Tag List (I’m waiting...)
@goeatsomelife @flameraine @cashtonasff5sos @here-for-the-uproars @cxddlyash @1-irwin-94 @baldcalum @sparkling-chaos @tea4sykes @youngblood199456 @5-seconds-of-obsession
#choices#chapter 3#ashton irwin#ashton irwin fic#dad!ash#cop!ash#nashton#curious about taylor? guess you'll have to stick around for chapter 4#ooo galcal that was cold#cant reveal all my secrets just yet#happy reading lovelies!#galcal irwin
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Omg Mal’s fic said that Zoe hadn’t had a make over so that means she probably hasn’t had one since JinAe. You two seem to be tag teaming the Jinae stories so can you write Jeaha giving morgan a make over?
Sure thing anon! Sorry this took me a while I’ve been kind of busy ^^; Just remember Morgan is @zenoobsessed ‘s ok everyone! This takes place a month after the one shot she did where Morgan cursed Jae-ha
How did she get talked into this? Morgan groaned as she was sitting in the chair, little Ryokuryuu Lina sitting in her lap making sure she couldn’t teleport away. It was just one slip up…. One little mention that she hadn’t had a makeover since Jin-ae and…
“Oh come on Morgan dear, you’ll look stunning when I’m done.” The former Ryokuryuu, Jae-ha hummed as he placed his comb in his teeth to hold together while brushing his fingers through the mage’s rat’s nest of hair. It was worse than Yona’s who often grumbled about unruly hair but Jae-ha insisted on wanting to this, after all he was utterly grateful this woman had saved his life a month ago by cursing him. In fact he had found out a lot about Morgan in that time, thanks to Zeno and Morgan’s own slip ups.
“So tell me more about this beautiful past life of mine.” Jae-ha hummed, taking the comb out of his mouth and working on her hair. “You said I was the queen and your adoptive daughter but what else? Zeno mentioned the first Ryokuryuu was my brother.”
“You were a mess.” Morgan chuckled, playing with Lina’s pigtails. “Always getting into trouble. And swung your axe around at anyone that ticked you off, took three grown men to hold you down since you’d get kidnapped every other week and most times by the time we went to rescue you, you already broke out and beat your kidnappers head’s in.”
Lina giggled. “Daddy sounds like he was silly as a girl!”
“You once walked in on an important meeting Hiryuu had with the nobles, sat on his lap and gave him a hickey right there.” Morgan snickered. “I thought Abi was going to have a heart attack.”
Jae-ha started laughing at that one. “Oh my, I so could see myself doing that to Yona dear. And I guess I couldn’t be a damsel in distress.”
“You got a little carried away and nicked me once with it, you wouldn’t stop apologizing over it.” Morgan shrugged, unconsciously rubbing at her shoulder.
Jae-ha frowned for a moment. “Oh I’m sorry dear, I’m sure I didn’t mean-“ he was cut off as Morgan placed a finger over his lips.
“I literally had a lifetime of you apologizing so don’t start.” She rolled her eyes.
The former Green Dragon smirked. “Mmmm I must have been cute apologizing for it.”
That made Morgan laugh. “You were adorable. Hiryuu couldn’t ever stay mad or frustrated at you.”
“The little miss still can’t get mad at her husband for long, even when he does stupid things.” Zeno said in passing, coming into the room of the inn they were staying in. “But then Hiryuu didn’t even get mad that time the queen and Shu-ten broke his crown.”
“Wait what?” Jae-ha snorted. “You gotta tell me this Zeno!”
Morgan groaned. “You stole all of Shu-ten’s beer and he decided to use the crown like a flipping frisbee throwing it at you.”
Lina giggled. “Uncle Zeno said before Ryokuryuu loooove to drink a lot!”
“Wasn’t my fault he didn’t hide it well.” Morgan shrugged. “But he totally thought I helped you find it with magic when really anyone could have found that easily it was a bad hiding spot.”
“Well he should have hidden it from his lovely sister better.” Jae-ha hummed, then stopped brushing at Morgan’s hair for a moment to think about what he just said when he saw the look on Zeno’s face. “Please don’t tell me I said that to him.”
The Ouryuu nodded. “You did and Shu-ten tried to hit you as you ran off with Lady Zoe.”
Morgan smiled at the memory. “Hm, he was always leaving someone on the roof of the castle. He had such a bad attitude.”
“Zeno seems to recall you two didn’t help.” Zeno replied rather deadpan.
“Jin-ae only got worse because he kept calling Hiryuu a dumbass and she didn’t like that.” Morgan shrugged.
“Well of course I wouldn't just stand by with a brother calling my lovely husband an idiot.” Jae-ha chuckled. “I imagine he only got away with that being a dragon and the queen's brother?”
Morgan nodded. “Hiryuu was pretty easygoing anyway. Forgave people easily and understood they made mistakes. About that time was when a lot of unrest and distrust for mages started surfacing. He really drew people to him and having a mage like me in his court and serving beside him, well. That eased tensions a little…. Until I answered that damn letter…” she looked down, suddenly going silent.
“Auntie….?” Lina looked up at her worried, the little girl had gotten so attached to the mage since she saved Jae-ha so Lina had come to start calling her auntie lately.
Jae-ha twisted his mouth, Morgan didn’t like to talk much about her darker parts of her past and he didn’t press… After all he was similar in that sense so the group didn’t press her or ask too many questions how or why she lost her core when they met, just that Yona insisted they help her find it especially after Morgan saved Jae-ha’s life. That’s why they were traveling to Awa to take a ship out to Morgan’s home country in hopes of finding said orb. He did know from Zeno there was a mage war after Hiryuu’s time and that Morgan could have been part of that, but the Yellow Dragon didn’t know all the details. “Well that’s all in the past, all we can do is move forward yes?” he hummed, still combing through her hair. “Now stay still as I make my finishing touches please.”
Morgan sighed, clutching Lina a bit tight now as she did stay still and stopped fidgeting as he continued to work on her. Jae-ha hummed a tune as he finished her hair, putting a clip in to hold it in place and stepping back to admire his handiwork. “I didn’t stay stiff as a board dear, really you didn’t have to take it to heart.” He chuckled. “All done, you can let Lina go now.”
Morgan just gave him a weak smile. “Just playing.” She released the little Ryokuryuu, petting her on the head. “So how do I look? Ridiculous right?”
Jae-ha snorted. “Whatever makes you say that?”
“Because as Jin-ae that’s exactly what you’d do, luckily you don’t have access to poofy dresses or else I’d be poured into one.” Morgan rolled her eyes.
“You could teach me how to get one here with magic.” Jae-ha hummed, his mischievous grin showing.
“Nope, I am so saving that lesson until I have to show you.” Morgan snickered, getting up onto her feet. “Because otherwise who knows what you’ll teleport to your side.”
“Oh? Maybe I’ll just tickle your mark until you scream.” Jae-ha grinned, brushing her hair to the side and focusing his hand right on that curse mark of hers, concentrating a tickle spell there that made her yelp, teleporting behind Lina and holding onto the little Ryokuryuu.
“Lina protect me from your daddy!” Morgan whined, still giggling from the tickle spell. She shook her head, laughing also at the fact Jae-ha used that old threat that Jin-ae used constantly when she wanted something or was trying to make Morgan sleep.
Lina giggled as she was held by the mage. “I’ll protect you auntie! I’m a dragon warrior after all!”
Jae-ha laughed. “Oohhh really? Look treasure! Grandma Yoon has rice balls!” he pointed off in a random direction.
“Oh? Zeno’s hungry!” Zeno looked up immediately.
“Silly daddy I won’t fall for that!” Lina stuck her tongue out at him.
Morgan’s stomach though growled reminding her she was reminded she hadn’t eaten in several days. “Maybe we should go check anyway huh Lina? We can go together.”
Yona right then had come running up. “Are you guys done? Lunch is ready!”
“Ooohhh just in time my darling.” Jae-ha hummed, picking up his wife and twirling around with her before laying a kiss on her lips. He had gotten twice as affectionate with Yona if that was even possible after getting new life in him. Thanking everyday for more time with his family since Morgan came into their lives. “Mmm maybe I should give you a makeover next as we plan the next baby…” he hummed as he put her down, rubbing her stomach that only had a small bump as of now.
“Later.” Yona bopped his nose before pulling away to come over to Morgan. “Sorry if he got carried away.”
“It’s ok, no worse than how he was as Jin-ae.” Morgan chuckled.
“Mommy I found this pretty flower out here in the woods earlier!” Lina cheered, holding up a snapdragon flower and smiled wide. “Auntie said this flower you used to call daddy back when you were Hiryuu!”
“Oh? Yona giggled. “That looks like a dragon flower, isn’t it?”
“Antirrhinum.” Morgan answered with a nod. “Lord Hiryuu had a thing with giving people nicknames after flowers. Mine was Amaryllis.”
“Such a beautiful nickname, you should use it sometime, princess of my heart.” Jae-ha purred into Yona’s ear from behind, sending a shudder through her body as she blushed.
“My memories are jumbled enough as it is.” Morgan made a face. “God you two are so like Jin and Hiryuu it’s scary, I mean it makes sense but seriously.”
“Well then maybe I should start calling you mom then!” Jae-ha purred, offering a hand to Morgan as they were heading back to their campfire. “Since you did adopt me in that past life you said.”
Morgan snorted. “You only called me mother whenever you wanted something or when you were in trouble.”
“More reason to make up for it!” Jae-ha hummed. “Besides I welcome it, never got the chance to call anyone that before.”
That made Morgan wilt, she had some idea about Jae-ha’s past but hearing about it made her heart ache. “… If you want to, just don’t be surprised if I start calling you Jin-ae then, sexy trouble.”
Jae-ha winked at her. “I more than welcome it, maybe we can get into some trouble together~”
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I Hate You, I Love You, Chapter 58
Chapter Summary - After returning from their walk, Danielle and Tom end up minding his niece for a while and after that, they go to have dinner again in Diana's, where it is revealed that due to the summer, Tom has not spoken to his father since then, something Danielle thinks to rectify.
Previous Chapter
Rating - Mature (some chapters contain smut)
Triggers - references to Tom Hiddleston’s work with the #MeToo Movement. That chapter will be tagged accordingly.
authors Note - I have been working on this for the last 3 years, it is currently 180+ chapters long. This will be updated daily, so long as I can get time to do so, obviously
tags: @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog @jessibelle-nerdy-mum @nonsensicalobsessions @damalseer @hiddlesbitch1 @winterisakiller @fairlightswiftly @salempoe @lys-syl @youcantcatchafallingstar
If you wish to be tagged, please let me know.
After the walk in the woods, and a small towel dry for Mac, Danielle and Tom contemplated sitting down for a quiet read, but their idea was quickly shattered when Sarah arrived with her daughter. “Half an hour, I beg you.” she pleaded. Tom looked at his sister in concern. “My head is spinning, I have literally watched four movies in a row, I need half an hour.”
“Give us one and a half, she’ll be fed and all.” Danielle smiled. Sarah did not even bother asking if she was sure, she turned and fled. “I guess that answers what our afternoon includes.” She commented to Tom.
“Prepares us for the weekend we have you I suppose.” Tom grinned at his niece. “Have you had lunch?”
“Well then, how about some of Ellie’s homemade soup and brown bread?” Tom ushered her into the kitchen. Danielle smiled as she walked in after them, Tom getting some of the soup Danielle had made them after their walk and the bread she had baked before getting injured on Christmas Eve. Tom saw her looking at him. “What?”
“Nothing,” She smiled. “Just nice seeing you make yourself at home here.”
“Well, just remember to do the same in London.”
“I might just.” She winked, going over to the kettle to make herself some tea. “Do you want one?”
“Please.” Tom was about to put his arms around her when she moved slightly to avoid it and indicated to the six-year-old who was currently eating at the table. “Sorry.”
“Have to remember to behave in front of children.” She chastised. “So, what movie will we watch when you are finished your lunch?” She asked said child as she placed a glass of apple juice next to her.
“The film or the cartoon one?” Danielle offered.
“There’s a film of it now?” Tom asked.
“Yeah, Kenneth Branagh is the director, it’s brilliant, so colourful,” Danielle informed him.
“Ken loves using colour.” Tom nodded. “Sounds good.”
When Sarah returned almost two hours later, she was shocked to see Tom and Danielle playing hide and seek with her daughter. “You two are worse than her.” She chuckled to her brother.
Tom came over to her and put his arm around her, “Feel better?”
“Too much wine yesterday, tired and over my fill of movies, thank you both so much.”
“We are happy to have her.”
“She loves you both, she has not stopped going on about wanting you to marry Elle.”
“I know, I was informed yesterday on our walk that she is to be the flower girl, no arguments.”
“No pressure.” Sarah laughed.
“No, none. So what time is dinner?”
Sarah groaned. “No one is in the mood for turkey, not even mum.”
“I know, the idea of it is not too appealing.” Tom agreed. “Though…” He walked out to the end of the stairs. “Truce,” he shouted up. A moment later, two smiling faces poked around the top of the stairs at him. “Why is your hair tossed?” He asked almost worriedly.
“Shh,” Danielle put her hand over the girl’s mouth for a moment. “We can’t let him know where I hid you.” She giggled. “What do you want? Surrender?”
“Not a chance.”
“Then why call us?” She asked.
“You cooked a lasagne on Christmas Eve, right?”
“I did.”
“Is there enough for everyone?”
Danielle took a moment to think. “There are fourteen portions, so I think it’s safe to say yes.”
“Why did you cook that much food?” Tom frowned.
“It’s easier to cook a lot and freeze, so I did.” Danielle shrugged.
“Can we use it for dinner, no one is really in the mood for Turkey?”
“Actually, that sounds really good.” Danielle came down the stairs, Tom’s niece in tow, she turned to look at her. “What do you think?”
“I want Garlic bread with it.”
Tom grinned, “That sounds like a great idea. But I am not sure there is any.”
“I have store-bought in the freezer too.” Danielle smiled.
“I love you.” Tom declared.
“You two are nauseating.” Sarah laughed.
“All men declare their undying love to the one that feeds them, why do you think they all love their mammies!” Danielle laughed, going to the kitchen to get the food. “How are you now?” She asked as she opened the freezer.
“Better, thank you, I had a cup of tea and a power nap. I think everyone was a little drained.”
“Well, you know where I am.” Danielle offered.
“Aunty Ellie?” Danielle turned around. “Why do you say mammy and not mummy or mommy?”
“Because I come from Ireland, and in Ireland, we say mammy.”
“Uncle Jack is from Ireland too and he doesn’t sound anything like you.”
“Uncle Jack comes from up at the tippy top of Ireland, so his accent is different, like your granddad comes from Scotland, so he has a different accent to your nan.”She explained.
“Okay.” With her curiosity sated, she walked off again.
“You didn’t correct her.” Sarah grinned.
“When she called you ‘Aunty Ellie’ you never corrected her.”
“I didn’t even notice.” Danielle shrugged.
“Well, it suits you.” Sarah grinned. Danielle stared at her worriedly. “What do you need me to bring over?” Rolling her eyes, Danielle pointed to the food they would need.
“Okay, that was more delicious than I thought.” Jack conceded as he finished another portion of lasagne. “How are you not the size of a house?”
“Self-control.” Danielle laughed. “How are you not sick?” Jack shrugged.
“And it was not beef?” Jakov looked at the food in front of him.
Danielle shook her head. “Lamb, less chewy.”
“That is actually delicious,” Sarah declared. “I am stealing some.”
“Or I could just give you some.” Danielle laughed.
“That too,” Sarah conceded.
Diana smiled as she looked around the table, “Are any of you going to see your father soon?”
“Jack and I are going after New Years, on our way back from Jack’s parents,” Emma stated.
“We went a couple weeks ago, I will see when I can get up again,” Sarah informed her.
Everyone turned to Tom. “I...I haven’t spoken to him in a while…” There were a few moments of silence.
“Since the summer?” Danielle ventured, seeing no one else was going to ask, though everyone seemed to be thinking it. Tom nodded. “Have you spoken since?” He shook his head. “Well, do something about it.”
“You get off your ass and you go to Scotland, obviously.”
“Will give you a clip across the ear and then you apologise for embarrassing yourself, your family, your forefathers, your descendants, your pets, neighbours and even your preschool teacher and you get on with life.” Tom gave her a disbelieving look while the others laughed.
“What wiring is wrong in your head to say you say the stuff you do?” Jack shook his head.
“You’re just jealous you are a boring Tyrone shite that only wishes he was as brutally honest as me.” she retorted.
“Language.” Diana admonished.
“He started it.”
“You are the biggest child to ever exist, are you sure you don’t have any siblings?” Emma laughed.
“Nope just learnt all this from your crazy butts.” Danielle looked to Diana, who nodded her approval of Danielle toning down her language. “Why don’t we see if he is free over New Years, I know you wanted to go to see a few of your friends, but I think it would mean more to him if you made the effort to go up and show him you are not as mental as everyone thinks you are.” Tom gave her an unsure look, which Danielle chose to ignore.
“Can I just absorb some of your ability to just say what I am thinking?” Emma asked.
“I can be honest or I can not hurt your feelings, not both, most of the time.” She grinned. “So, get off your ass and ring him.”
Danielle shook her head, “Emma, give me your phone,” Emma gave it to her and Danielle typed in the code and the screen unlocked. “Dad or James?”
“Got it.”
“Elle,” Tom warned.
Danielle ignored him and continued. “Got you,” She pressed the dial button and put the phone to her ear. When a Scottish accent answered she smiled. “Hello, Dr Hiddleston, this is Danielle, I was a bridesmaid at Emma’s wedding.”
“I recall, what can I do for you?”
“I am ringing because Tom is under the impression you are not willing to speak to him, I wish to know if this is true or is he just being dramatic?”
“Is that little tart gone?”
“You mean the American singer?”
“That one.”
“Is he there?”
“Right next to me, Dr Hiddleston.”
“Put him on, and for Christ’s sake girl, I told you enough times that day, it is James.”
“Sure thing Dr Hiddleston. I hope you had a lovely Christmas, take care and here is your idiot son.” She held the phone out to Tom, who was glaring at her.
Anxiously, Tom took the phone and rose to his feet. “Hello, dad.” He walked from the room talking.
“There, done.”
“Carpe Diam?” Diana smiled.
“More like ‘Carpe Scrotum’.” Danielle laughed as she took a drink of her water to the sounds of laughter around her.
“Thank you, I think.” Danielle turned to see Tom behind her.
Danielle faced him properly. “For the record, I would never have forced you to talk to your dad if you didn’t look like it was the one thing you wanted more than anything else in the world, that would not have been fair.” She stated. “I completely understand if you are annoyed with me and want to stay over here tonight. I just don’t want to see you not talk to your dad about something that is over, he is not exactly young. My dad always said to me, that no matter how bad we argue, never leave it longer than a day to say sorry, time doesn’t wait for you to.”
Tom looked at her for a moment. “I was pissed off you did it, but I am glad you did. We spoke for a few minutes, he just didn’t want me ruining everything I have worked so hard for. He mentioned you too.”
“Well, I was the one that called him.”
“He asked why I couldn’t ever see you as a suitable woman, you are, and I quote ‘copped on, intelligent and well able to give me a clip cross the ear’ he impersonated his father’s Scottish accent as he did so.”
“He forgot funny, charismatic and generally awesome,” Danielle laughed. “What did you say to that?”
“I told him I did, and that I convinced you to come to London to me for a few months.”
“Well, there’s his idea that I am copped on and intelligent gone out the window.” She stated solemnly before giggling.
Tom pulled her to him and kissed her as he chuckled too. “He said about fucking time, and that should I find my way to Scotland anytime soon, I am to bring you.”
“Woohoo, very nice. Got both parents on side, I am rocking at this girlfriend thing.” She smiled.
“I think you may have it down indeed Ms Hughes.” He agreed. “By the way,” She looked up at him. “He said to stop calling him Dr Hiddleston.”
“I can’t, it annoys him too much.”
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Fic: Sign of the Times
Relationship: Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanoff
His job is simple - return the stones and try not to mess up. Then come back to the present, live his life with his best friends. But he knew. He knew he can’t come back. Not if she’s not with him. But if what if they can start all over again? -- Just stop your crying Have the time of your life Breaking through the atmosphere And things are pretty good from here Remember everything will be alright We can meet again somewhere Somewhere far away from here
Also on AO3!
She isn’t coming back.
Steve still has trouble wrapping this idea around his head. She was just gone for a minute and she promised to see him after that, but she never did.
At that moment, Steve knew. This fight is all or nothing, whatever it takes. The anger and pure sadness are fighting for dominance, but both are crushing his heart. The devastation of Natasha’s loss was something he was never prepared for; something he never thought he would experience again. He remembered this feeling, pain so raw that he thought his heart was going to burst. The only time he felt this way was seeing Bucky fall from that train and waking up in the 21st century, taking in the fact that his old life was gone. And it really was.
That was, until Natasha came. She came into his life with her sarcasm and wit and humor, and the fact that she can totally beat Steve in combat. Her fearless and selfless nature that mirrors Steve’s; making her his true partner. But now she’s also gone.
Anger overtook sadness then. He wants to crush Thanos. He wants him to pay for Nat’s death. But most importantly, he wants them to win. For her. So her life being gone wouldn’t be in vain.
If Steve was being honest, he thought he was done for. With his shield breaking and Thanos and his army gaining advantage, he didn’t think they’d stand a chance. But alas, they had to try - he had to try. That’s what Nat would’ve done - fight til the end.
Everyone came back and they had done it - they won. But god, at what cost?
Clint insisted that Natasha’s funeral will be held in his farm; it’s only fitting, he said. He hasn’t been the same since Vormir: sure, he’s happy that his family is back, but it’s not complete. And it’s because of him. Steve understands his pain, him being in the same shoes with Bucky all those years ago.
“You loved her,” were the words Clint whispered to him during Nat’s funeral. Since her body wasn’t physically there, they made sure that their memory of hers is. The kids drew pictures of their Auntie Nat and Clint and Steve printed out pictures of them with her. It’s a mini-shrine dedicated to her, overflowing with flowers and pictures of her smile. The kids said a few words to her, and so did Clint. Steve couldn’t bring himself to say anything so he just stayed standing, quietly weeping to himself.
When Clint came back from Vormir alone, there was no time to mourn. They were ambushed and they had a job to do. He didn’t forget her - he never will, nor can he even if he wanted to - but he had something in front of him. Now, everything is final. She really isn't coming back. And Steve is not ready for that.
His job is simple - return the stones and try not to mess up. Then come back to the present, live his life with his best friends.
But he knew. He knew he can’t come back. Not if she’s not with him.
Thankfully, Bucky and Sam understood, just like he knew they would. They understood what Natasha meant to him, and as much as he loved them and vice versa, he just couldn’t see living his life without her.
“Hm, maybe you can save me from Hydra,” Bucky suggested. It was the night before Steve travels to put the stones back; their last night with him. “Then we’ll still be together.”
Sam sighed, not really wanting to think about the whole time travel fiasco. “Yeah sure, then when you’re a literal old man when you come back, just give me the shield. We’ll be the newer, cooler duo,” he joked, pointing between him and Bucky.
Steve let out a smile. He’s going to miss them.
Steve travelled to 2012 to return the stones and that was when he saw her again, and he felt his breath get caught in his throat. Her bright red hair, her gleaming green eyes. He itched to run to her, to tell them that they’ve won, despite knowing full well she won’t know what he was talking about and just get even more in trouble.
No, but he has a plan.
And he had to make it work.
After dutifully returning the stones from that year, Steve snuck into the tower, making sure that 2012-Steve wasn’t there. He waited on his floor, making himself comfortable in the couch. He looked around and smiled; there were so many good memories in this tower, and felt a pang of pain in his chest knowing that a certain redhead was the reason behind that.
He composed himself together, running his plan in his mind over and over, and convincing himself that it’ll work.
Almost two hours later, the elevator opened and 2012-Steve walked out of it, alone, just as Steve has expected.
“Hey man,” Steve called out, shield in hand, in case that he won’t be treated nicely.
And sure enough, a shield was thrown at him.
“What the hell!” other-Steve shouted out, still in his uniform and looking both parts exhausted and angry and confused, catching his shield back with a frown.
“Listen, I can explain.” Steve said, dropping his shield in front of him and raising his hands up - an indication that he’s harmless. “I’m you. But from 2023.”
2012-Steve had the audacity to roll his eyes. Steve had to stop himself from doing the same. “I don’t know what kind of prank Tony-” he started, but was cut off when Steve started talking.
“My, well, our mother’s name is Sarah Rogers. Back before the serum, you wore newspaper in your shoes and Bucky never let you live it down. He promised to take you the the “future” and took you to Stark’s expo. Do you want me to continue?” he rattled off. These are what he guesses are facts that Steve and only Steve would know, in hopes that he’ll get his past self’s trust.
2012-Steve was staring at him intently, brows still furrowed in confusion, but he too, lowered his shield. He didn’t let go of it, but it’s less… threatening. “Why are you telling me these things?”
“To prove to you that I’m you. But from the future.”
“What do you need from me? Why are you here? How is this even possible?” past-Steve asked in rapid succession, but it looks like he’s finally starting to believe what he’s seeing.
“It’s actually a very long story. Care to sit with me to talk about it?” Steve asked, gesturing to the couch. 2012-Steve nodded and sat across from him, still looking very confused, but he can tell that there’s still fascination and curiosity in his eyes.
Steve launched into the story of basically, everything from that year on. He talked about Thanos, the Time Heist, and Pym Particles, and what his mission was. He’d get a few questions here and there from the other but mostly just little details or clarification. The longest part was about Bucky and everything involving him, but they eventually got over it.
When he finished, 2012-Steve sat back, stared straight ahead in silence, before standing up and getting a bottle of vodka. present-Steve smiled, knowing who got him to start drinking that, knowing full well it won’t affect him.
“So what do you really want then?” 2012-Steve asked, after a couple moments of them passing the bottle between each other and drinking.
“Well, as you know, I could’ve just gone back there like, a couple of days ago. My mission was over,” Steve started to explain, fiddling with his hands. “But I can’t. I can’t go back, not after…” he took a deep breath. “Not after Natasha not making it back.”
2012-Steve raised an eyebrow. Oh. “Were you two…?” he trailed off, knowing that Steve understands the question. Steve nodded and put his hands over his face.
“We were together,” he whispered, gulping as he can feel tears threatening to fall. “I just… she was my everything, you know? I didn’t think I can love like that again, after Peggy, but,” Steve shook his head and smiled bitterly. “I did. I don’t think I loved anyone as much as I love Natasha.”
Steve looked at his past-self. “I know exactly what you’re feeling. It’s almost the same - after waking up from the ice, I don’t see what my purpose here is when everything and everyone I knew was gone. That’s the life that will welcome me if I were to come back to the future. A life without Natasha. I mean, there’s Bucky and Sam, but…”
“It’s just not the same.” 2012-Steve finished for him.
They sat in silence for a while, watching the city getting darker and darker, but also brighter.
“So what do you want me to do?” 2012-Steve asked.
“Go back in time, around the time of the plane crash, so you can live the life you wanted. With Peggy and the Commandos. Maybe even rescue Bucky,” Steve answered.
“While you live your life here in my place, and get to live the life you want with Natasha. And hopefully prevent the whole Thanos thing from happening. From this timeline, at least. Did I guess correctly?” there was a gentle smile in his face - this is such a Steve thing to think of, no matter which timeline he’s from.
Steve chuckled and nodded. “Now, I know it has some concerning things. Like if you were to go back, there will be a Steve in that year that is under the ice. Maybe just… leave him? But I only ask you to explain everything to Peggy and hopefully she’s understand.”
2012-Steve thought about it for a moment before nodding. “You’re insane, but okay, I’ll take it. I just have to ask - why me? Why choose 2012 you?”
“Because I know you. Still fresh from the ice and most of your memories are still from the time before. The 1940s were a mere 6 months ago instead of 70 years. And the girl I love is here.” Steve shrugged. “It just… seemed like it made sense.”
2012-Steve pondered it over. “Yeah… I mean, of course right now, I do like Natasha, but not in that way yet. But,” he sighed, “Peggy… I miss her so much. Wait, didn’t you mention that from your timeline, she got married and had kids with Daniel? What happens if I go back to 1945?”
Steve actually asked Bruce about that, so he was ready. “Nothing. That still happens but in a different timeline. Like I told you, time travel doesn’t exactly create a domino effect.”
Later that night, they set their plan in motion. Steve taught past-Steve what was going to happen. “Remember, get Bucky, okay? You have to rescue him,” Steve reminded him. 2012-Steve nodded and gave him a thumbs up.
In a matter of seconds, he’s gone.
And Steve’s back in 2012. Permanently.
He lied down on the couch and let out a deep sigh. He felt so exhausted, it’s as if everything came crashing down on him all at once.
“Sir, Agent Romanoff is on her way up,” Jarvis alerted him after half an hour of him taking a nap. This made Steve jolt up - it’s been a while since he heard that voice and he smiled to himself.
Steve blinked, standing up to pick up his shield from the ground, placing it in a corner just as Natasha was entering. For a moment, he didn’t know how to react.
“Hey sold- oh!” her greeting was lost in a gasp of surprise as Steve enveloped her in his arms and hugged her tightly. She frowned in confusion but also put her arms around him. She tends to humor the guy.
“Nat, I just… missed you, is all,” he said after letting her go.
“We were just together, like” she checked her watch, “five hours ago,” she glanced up at him, eyebrow raised.
Steve felt his face redden. “Oh, I mean, l - I, just forget about it,” he said sheepishly, averting his eyes away from her.
Natasha laughed - Steve’s favorite sound - and playfully punched his shoulder. “I’m just messin with ya, Cap. I could use a hung here and there sometimes,” she added with a wink. “Now let’s go, the team’s waiting upstairs! You’re the one who wanted to watch Mulan tonight!”
“Of course, Mulan, my favorite movie.” Steve said as they were waiting for the elevator.
Natasha looked up at him in surprise. “I thought we’re watching it tonight because you’ve never watched it before?” she asked, studying his face. Steve gulped and almost told a lie when she spoke again. “Don’t tell me you watched it by yourself!”
Steve shook his head. “No, I just… saw some memes on the Internet comparing you to Mulan. So I guess it would become my favorite movie soon.”
Natasha smiled at that, both of them entering the elevator. “You’re such a sap,” she looked down and tucked her hair behind her ear. When she looked up at him, a smirk was on her lips. “And I’m glad I’m finally getting through you! Look at you, looking up memes! I’m so proud.” she put a hand on her chest to emphasize on this.
Steve tucked his hands in his pockets and bumped his shoulder with her. He loves how comfortable they already are. Well, that’s the thing with them. They’ve always been this way, even in his 2012. After the Battle of New York and they hung out as a team, it’s always been easy for them to just be around each other. It’s mainly the reason why Fury put them together - they just clicked.
When the elevator stopped at the penthouse, Steve put his arm over Natasha’s shoulder casually as they walked to the living room, and he could’ve sworn she leaned into him even just a little bit.
“What, the old man needed some assistance on his way here?” Tony quipped from the couch, where he was already munching on popcorn from a bowl.
Steve took a deep breath and looked around. It’s just the six of them in the floor - like how it’s always been before.
Thor is probably here for a couple of days, which is what he usually did back then. Clint is already halfway to falling asleep, and Bruce is calmly sitting down while drinking tea. Natasha lead them to the couch where she sat next to Clint, and lying his legs over his lap. Clint barely glanced at her before shifting so she could be more comfortable.
Steve sat on the empty spot next to her, and as much as he wanted her to get curled up on his lap like how they usually end up, that didn’t start happening until 2014. This Natasha has no reason to be that close to him, nor does he with her.
But he’ll wait. Going back in time is like restarting a game you’ve already beaten before, but Steve loved the journey as much as he did the destination. He’ll do it right, like he did before. He had Natasha back - Tony, too - and for now, he couldn’t really ask for more.
Notes: Thanks for reading!
title is a Harry Styles song, although I didn't know it was his bc I've always only just listened to LANY's version lol
this idea came to me after not accepting Steve's ending. steve in 2023 has no reason to go back to peggy like that. then i was like "hmmm... maybe *not* 2023 steve, then"
hence, this fic was born. please let me know what you guys think of it!! this was really cloudy in my mind and i debated a couple times whether or not to actually go through with it. i'd love to hear some input!
#romanogers#post-endgame#fix-it fic#sort of#alternate ending#avengers#endgame#stevenat#stevetasha#capwidow#fanfic#marvel fanfic#mcu#marvel#the avengers#avengers endgame#ae#captasha#sign of the times#harry styles#LANY#angst#fic#angst with a happy ending#writing#fanfiction
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Ch. 10 Home
Ch. 9
After the death of his father, Azriel is forced to go back to the one place he swore he’d never return to. But he finds himself quite literally face to face with his past, one that he had not let himself think of since he’d left.
I imagined that this was the first time in my entire life that I was happy to see that stupid ‘Welcome to Illyria’ sign. The snow was melting, leaving the ground a muddy mess. But the sun was going down and Elain would be getting off work any minute now. My job had interrupted our holiday, and Rhys apologized profusely. I had only been gone for a few days but it felt like I’d gone years without her.
I had to admit, talking to her on the phone all night made me feel like a fucking teenager again. Getting pictures from her at all hours of the day was nice. Except for when I was in the middle of a meeting and she decided that it was a good time to model her new pajamas. Which were nothing more than scraps of satin and lace that covered nothing. I took many cold showers while I was away.
I parked the SUV beside her Oldsmobile and stepped out into the cold air. I grabbed my bag and after making sure she’d locked her car (which she had), I made my way upstairs.
Elain was setting food on the table when I opened the front door.
“You’re home,” she said and I closed the door, just in time to lift her up and spin her around when she ran to me. I let out a sigh of relief and just held her against me, realizing that I actually did feel like I was home.
“I missed you,” I said, setting my bag down. She giggled, tugging on my jacket for me to lean down and kiss her.
“I missed you, too. Now go wash up. I made your favorite.”
‘Your favorite’ was an understatement. It was like Christmas dinner all over again, except it was only the two of us.
“I know our Christmas ended while you were gone but… I wanted to finish it together.”
I already had food in my mouth so all I could do was nod.
“So when you’re done, we have a busy night.”
I raised a brow and she turned pink.
“That’s later,” she said. “I have a few things I want to do first.”
“Where are we going?” I asked, noticing that she was driving towards the more secluded part of Illyria.
“You’ll see.”
“There’s nothing out this way.”
“That you know of.”
Her smirk made me laugh. So I kept quiet, looking out the window although it was too dark to see much. But I recognized the neighborhood… I’d walked through it just weeks ago. I looked over at Elain who was humming to herself, as if she were oblivious to where we were.
When Elain drove off the road and onto dirt, she laughed at the expression on my face.
“I know where I’m going.”
“Are you sure?”
“Have a little faith in me.”
Elain parked the car and got out, waiting for me to join her. We held hands as she guided me through the dark. There were some lights from the neighboring houses, but they were too far to do much.
“A lot of things changed while you were gone,” she said. “But I think you’ll be happy.”
I wasn’t sure how to tell her that my father’s house was going to be coming up but then… it never did. There was nothing there save the trees that I remembered climbing as a kid.
“Wait here,” she said, letting me go to hurry on ahead. I shoved my hands in my pockets and tried to see what she was doing. She let out a little yelp which nearly gave me a heart attack but soon enough, the trees around me were illuminated with little white lights. I looked around until I saw Elain by what had been the garden. All that was left was the rocks that would surround the now dead flowers and the old wooden swing my stepmother had always hated but was not allowed to get rid of.
“Elain… What-” I didn’t really know what to say. She came to take my hand and bring me to sit with her on the swing. The last time I’d sat here, my mother had been there with me. I hadn’t even gone to live with Rhys yet.
“Lucien told me he was getting rid of everything… But your mom loved this here. So I asked him to make sure no one touched it.”
“You want to keep my mother’s garden?”
“Won’t that get in the way of Lucien’s plans to build something here?”
She shook her head.
“He’s building something very special… And this garden, I’m going to take care of it. And show others how to do the same. Mothers with children who need somewhere safe to live.”
I looked out at the now barren expanse of land. It was large enough for many houses to be built on it with room to spare. To think that this place I’d considered hell would some day be someone’s safe haven…
“I don’t think there is a better end for this place.”
“Not an end. A new beginning.”
-The Following Winter-
Rhys stood beside me, making sure his midnight blue wrap was secure.
“Azariah is going to wake up if you keep doing that,” I whispered. My brother glared at me which only made me chuckle. Rhys kept an arm beneath his son despite the wrap, using his other hand to shove me. A flash of the camera and we both found Emerie standing with a grin on her face. Great.
Music began to play, taking the attention off Rhys and I as Cassian and Nesta walked into the chapel. Then came Amren and Varian, Mor and Andromache. They were dressed in various shades of blue, their thick shawls courtesy of Viviane. Kallias had given us the tailored long coats we’d wear outside. Even Azariah had his own little version of the groomsmen’s outfit, just like Leyla, Lucien and Vassa’s daughter wore a dress similar to the bridesmaids. When her parents walked by, she began to cry and Lucien took her from Helion’s arms and carried her along with him.
“Shh,” Lucien said softly. “Auntie Ellie is coming now… Look, beti, there she is…”
My heart was in my throat. I watched as Feyre walked Elain down the aisle. Feyre in tears, and Elain… Rhys placed a hand on my shoulder. She was smiling beneath the veil, holding the bouquet of blue and white flowers she’d made herself. I had to remember to breathe. The dress was exactly as Elain had always wanted; vintage lace, long sleeves and a tulle skirt- I remembered that, and I smiled. How many times had she described her dream wedding to me, explaining the fabrics and flowers, even the way she wanted the weather to be like. And how many times had I saw myself in that dream, waiting for her at the altar?
I was crying by the time Feyre brought Elain to me, lifting the veil away from her face. Feyre put our hands together before going to stand with her sister and the others.
“God, you look beautiful,” I whispered.
Elain giggled. “Stop. You’re going to make me cry. Again.”
Everyone was seated and the priest began the ceremony. It was more for my parents, for tradition. A prayer was said, and then it was time for our vows. Elain breathed in and let it out slowly, giving me a big smile.
“I love you,” she whispered, wiping her tears with the back of her hand before taking my hands in hers. She brushed her thumbs over my scars, looking up at me. “I don’t think it’s a big secret to anyone that I’ve dreamed of this moment since I was in high school… writing your name with mine on my binder.”
Everyone laughed.
“But even before I fell so hopelessly in love with you, Az, every good thing life had to offer- I found it with you. My sisters and I found our family when we met you and your brothers. Your parents. I knew what it was to feel safe, to feel like I mattered.
“One day, the mistakes I’ve made won’t sting so much… But if we’re being honest, I would do it all again if it meant that I would find you after all that time. If it meant that I was going to be the lucky girl who gets to call you hers. I love you, Azriel.”
I was kissing her before I knew what I was doing. I could hear everyone laughing. But god, I didn’t care. I kissed her once more for good measure, eyeing the priest with the barest amount of shame I could muster. Elain blushed, and I took her hands in mine and cleared my throat. She had told me constantly the last few months that I wasn’t obligated to speak in front of everyone, that we could have done regular vows and get it over with. But… I owed it to her, to myself.
“El dia en que te conoci,” I said, not meaning to switch languages on her but I was so fucking nervous I couldn’t help it. “I was so confused as to why someone so… bright, so perfect, was doing talking to me. There was no pity in your eyes, no disgust. I was waiting for it, but it never came.
“You have always been my best friend, El. I spent all of my life hiding, pushing away everyone that I love. But when I’m with you, I don’t want to hide. I don’t have to. Eres el amor de mi vida, eres mi paz y mi luz. A veces pienso que esto es nada mas que un sueño pero es mi realidad. Te amo, con todo mi corazon, todo mi ser-”
The chapel was full of laughter as it was Elain who kissed me then, surprising me, even.
“You can’t do that to me,” she said, flustered. “Christ, Az.”
She cleared her throat, smoothing my jacket and apologized to the priest who already looked ready for the day to be over. With stupid grins on their faces, my parents presented us with el lazo; As padrinos, Feyre and Rhys were meant to do it, but we had all talked it over- giving my parents this moment meant everything. Elain and I participated in La Santa Cena, my mother came and gave us her blessing.
When we were pronounced marido y mujer, everyone started to cheer. Elain and I smiled at one another- this was real. We were married.
“Now, you may kiss the bride,” the priest said. We laughed, Elain letting go of my hands to take me by the lapels of my jacket, getting on her tiptoes to kiss me. I smiled, bringing my arms around her.
“I love you so much,” I said, tears still falling from my eyes.
She kissed me again. “I love you, too.”
-Two Summers Later-
Illyria in the summer was, simply put, hell. But we were only here for a few days while Elain settled business matters with the diner. The AC in the SUV was a godsend, especially considering how much ice cream I had in the passenger seat. I parked in my usual spot behind the diner, still not used to not seeing her Oldsmobile there. But considering things, her decision to sell it was smart. Her SUV was still something of a sight, Rhys and I both were considering trading ours to get that one.
I grabbed the bags and stepped out into the sweltering heat. I went through the diner, waving hello at Briar and Nuala. Cerridwen was there, mopping the floor by the back door. She simply waved and I apologized as I walked by and headed upstairs.
“I’m back!” I said as I put the tubs of ice cream in the freezer. I could hear the shower going, but Elain didn’t say anything. With a shrug, I went in search of Elain’s favorite bowl and spoon. The sprinkles and chocolate sauce that turned into a shell.
“Do you want cherries?” I asked but still nothing.
I walked to the bathroom door and knocked.
“El, are you alright?”
“Yeah,” she said but sounded far from alright. I tried the door and found it unlocked.
“I’m coming in,” I said and when she didn’t reply, I walked in.
When I pulled the curtain back, Elain was standing with her hands on the wall, head down. Her back to the water.
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
The bathroom floor was wet, too, but she’d tossed her clothes on it.
“Don’t get mad,” she said. I sighed.
“You went to work, didn’t you?”
“I was bored!”
She looked at me and then cursed.
“You’re supposed to be on bedrest, El.”
“Yeah, well. I wanted cake and then someone ordered the-”
She winced and stopped talking.
“Come on, I’ll set you up in bed.”
She shook her head.
“We have to go.”
“I kind of got carried away serving lunch and well… my water broke.”
There really wasn’t much left in life that scared me. But this… this definitely scared me. I stared at her and Elain had the nerve to laugh.
“Nuala helped me up here,” she said. “Cerridwen… helped clean up.”
I stepped back and looked down at the floor and then back at her. And then I ran. Out of the room, franticly looking for her bag. My bag. But they were at the house. In Velaris. Because she wasn’t supposed to be due for another two weeks and that was where her doctor was. In Velaris. Not here.
I was going through the drawers when Elain stepped out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel.
“Just get my blue dress. The one you got me when we went to see your mom,” she said and went to sit on the bed. “My sandals are in the closet.”
“Elain… This isn’t… What do we do?”
“I called Feyre. She’s at the house getting our stuff. Doctor knows, Lucien called Madja.”
“Madja?” I knew she worked at the birth center here; it was where Vassa delivered Leyla. But it didn’t do anything to ease my worry. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be.
I brought her the dress and her body lotion. I massaged it into her skin while she talked. This was so ass backwards, I was supposed to be the one calming her down and-
“It’s fine, Az. Madja said by the time I get there, I’ll have a room.”
“How can it be fine?”
“Oh! Get my bikini top. The pretty pink one. I want to wear that in the pool.”
“They have a pool?”
She giggled before wincing again.
“It’s going to be fine,” she said again. “Help me get dressed.”
I brushed back Elain’s hair, tying it up the way she’d asked. She’d gone through two huge cups of ice and was waiting for her third before she went walking around the birth ward. Madja was still busy filling the pool.
“I should’ve stood in bed,” Elain said with a little whimper. I sighed.
“Your water would’ve just broken in bed,” I said. “She’s ready today.”
Elain made a whiney sound.
“Why do you have to be right?”
I laughed, kissing her forehead.
“Let’s go walk. Unless you’d rather dance.”
“I want this to be over.”
I helped her to her feet and took her hand.
“A walk it is,” I said.
When we made it back to the room after walking the entire ward, Rhys and Feyre were there. Elain started crying the moment she saw her sister.
“Come on,” Feyre said softly, guiding Elain to the bed while Rhys dragged me out of the room.
“Cassian is with Nesta at the store. What does Elain want for the baby? There’s no way you guys are going to want to drive to Velaris from here.”
I cursed. The nursery was completely ready for her at the house. But the apartment? We’d done nothing but baby proof the electrical outlets. There were some clothes and boxes of diapers and wipes, but that was it.
“Bassinet,” Rhys said to Cassian on the phone. “They have car seats in their cars… I found a wrap in the diaper bag… We forgot her nursing pillow, grab one of those. And get Az some ibuprofen.”
Once he got off the phone with Cassian, Rhys hugged me tight, reassuring me that everything would be alright.
Our father was outside with Azariah when we went back to the room.
“Madja is checking her now,” he said. He kissed Azariah. “Te vienen a quitarte la falda.”
“Don’t say that,” Rhys snapped.
“Falda, papa, falda,” Azariah repeated and Rhys sighed.
Madja opened the door.
“Seven,” she said as we walked in.
Elain was leaning over one of the counters, Feyre massaging her back. She’d put on little black swim shorts and had taken the socks off. Feyre came over to me and kissed my cheek and went to go feed Azariah.
“Hey,” I said softly. I put my hands on her shoulders.
“I never got to eat my ice cream,” she said. I laughed.
“When she gets here, you can have all the ice cream you want.”
“Almost,” I said, kissing her shoulder and began to massage her back. “You think you want to go in the pool?”
Elain nodded.
Once I was in my swimming trunks, I helped Elain into the pool. The water was warm and her sigh of relief was the first in hours. She sat against me, her back to my chest. Feyre had taken up photography ever since Azariah was born; when she wasn’t painting, she was taking pictures. Or as she was right now, taking video. Elain flipped her sister off but then laughed, even as a contraction hit.
Elain leaned over the pool edge to kiss Leyla and Azariah goodbye when Lucien’s parents came to pick them up. Once the baby was born and we were settled in, Rhys and Feyre would go stay with them. My parents were going to the apartment with Nesta and Cassian to help set things up. But I knew they’d all be here in the morning.
When her contractions started coming in more frequently, Madja asked if Elain wanted everyone out. She didn’t care. She told Feyre and Nesta what to get from the bag, where to put it. She sent Cassian and my dad to go get her Chinese food.
“By the time you get back,” she struggled to say. “She’ll be here.”
After some time, Elain squeezed on my hand and cursed so colorfully, even Feyre was surprised. But then, she let go of my hands.
“I can feel her,” she said and before I knew it, I saw blood in the water. Time seemed to stop as Elain pulled our daughter out of the water and placed her against her chest. She was weeping, her body trembling.
“She’s here,” she cried, turning enough so I could see her. Rhys hadn’t been exaggerating when he said he fell in love the second he saw Azariah. This was… I didn’t have words for this.
“You did it,” I managed to say, wrapping my arms around them both. “She’s here…”
While Madja took her weight and length and cleaned her up, Elain’s sisters and I got her into bed. Cleaned her up and got her comfortable. I helped her into her blue robe, thin enough to be comfortable in the summer, but enough for her to keep covered.
“Pretty thing,” Madja said as she approached me. “It’s time for you to meet your father.”
I knew I’d been afraid earlier but this… this was beyond anything I’d ever felt. Madja placed the baby in my arms, making sure I had her correctly before going to check on Elain. The baby was awake, and I smiled. She looked so pissed off to be here. Her hair was raven black, she had grey eyes and when I went to touch her face… I almost recoiled when I saw my scarred hand… But the baby didn’t make a sound. She just stared at me.
“Hello, Nephelle,” I said softly and I gently caressed her cheek. I kissed her forehead. This had to be what heaven smelled like. Rhys came over to have a look, and for once, he didn’t tease me for crying.
“She’s beautiful,” Rhys whispered.
Cassian and our father arrived with Elain’s food just as I’d handed Nephelle over to Feyre. While everyone doted on the baby, I went to sit beside Elain. We managed to eat half our plate before Feyre walked towards us.
“I think someone is getting hungry.”
Nesta brought the nursing pillow over and Feyre showed Elain how to comfortably nurse the baby. It took a few tries, but Elain and Nephelle managed it.
“You’re perfect,” I said, making Elain blush. She leaned into me when I touched her face. I kissed her, and then I kissed the top of the baby’s head.
“Doesn’t she smell so good?” Elain asked.
“Too good,” I said with a laugh.
Once she was done, she handed her to me to burp her. My mother came to put the mano de azabache on the baby, giving her a quick blessing.
“She’s falling asleep,” Elain said with a laugh.
I held her against my chest, leaning back slightly on the back. I could stay like this forever. Elain curled up beside me, falling asleep within seconds. After Feyre took pictures, everyone started to head out. Madja dimmed down the lights, and then introduced me to the nurse who would be coming around during the rest of the night.
And then, it was just me, my wife and our daughter. That I could even say that brought tears to my eyes. I held them just a little closer to me and said silent thanks to whoever, whatever was out there that this was real. This was my life.
I closed the trunk to the SUV and walked back into the diner. Elain was putting Nephelle into the carseat when I went back upstairs. All that was left was the diaper bag.
“I gave Nuala the key just in case. Cas will probably stay here whenever he’s in town but…” Elain waved her hands. “Let’s get out of here.”
“Is that everything?” I asked as I grabbed the bag and the carseat. Nephelle was already asleep.
“Yeah… I think so.”
I made to walk but stopped.
“What’s wrong?”
Elain shook her head. I set the bag and car seat down and went over to her. There were tears in her eyes.
“It’s not forever,” I said.
“I know,” she said. “But… I’ve never been gone so long.”
“The diner will be fine.”
“I know.”
“And your sisters will be closer. My parents will probably try to move in.”
She laughed.
“And our bed is so big, Nephelle can just sleep with us.”
“Thank god,” she said. She hated putting her in the bassinet. I had to convince her to sleep when the baby slept.
“And when she’s a little bigger, we’ll come stay here. I’ll stay home and you can go back to running the diner to your heart’s content.”
Elain laughed and wrapped her arms around me.
“Fine… Let’s go. But I want to grab some food first.”
“Of course.”
I waited for her to get the lunch Nuala had packed us before we went to the car. Elain sat in the back with Nephelle. We stopped at Lucien’s to say goodbye and they sent us off with food and clothes for the baby. And then we were really leaving, driving through town. People waved at us as I drove by and when I saw the town sign, I stopped the car.
“What’s wrong?” Elain asked. I shook my head. I didn’t know.
This godforsaken town, I had hated it my entire life and yet… My daughter, the only person I loved more than my wife, was born here. Just like my mother had. My brothers. My parents. This is where I met Elain and where I married her.
“It’s not forever,” Elain said and I could hear the smile in her voice.
“I know, it’s just…”
Elain unbuckled her seat belt and leaned over, pressing a kiss on my cheek.
“When Nephelle is bigger, we’ll get pretty flowers and take her to visit your mom. We’ll show her all the places that we love.” She kissed me. “Now you get to show us what it’s like to call Velaris home.”
“Home is wherever I’m with you.”
“Even Illyria?” she asked.
I kissed her.
“Especially Illyria.”
beti- hindi for daughter
El dia en que te conoci - the day that I met you
Eres el amor de mi vida, eres mi paz y mi luz. - You’re the love of my life, you’re my peace and my light.
A veces pienso que esto es nada mas que un sueño pero es mi realidad - Sometimes I think this is just a dream but it’s my reality.
Te amo, con todo mi corazon, todo mi ser - I love you, with all my heart, with all my soul
el lazo- it’s like a huge rosary put on like a “lasso” around the couple during the wedding ceremony.
padrinos- the “patrons” of the wedding aka maid of honor and best man kind of thing.
La Santa Cena- the holy supper/the last supper where you do the whole wine and bread thing to rep jesus body.
marido y mujer- man and wife
Te vienen a quitarte la falda - they’re coming to take your lap. it’s a saying that means a new baby is coming to take your place lol like there’s nothing quite like planting the seeds of jealousy young lmao its always said in a teasing manner but I know some uncles and aunts who’ve said it completely maliciously
mano de azabache - gold bracelet with a black hand charm to protect our babies from the evil eye
Well! That’s that on this fic. I am so sorry it took so long to finish. But I hope I made it worth it. I loved writing this so much. My birthing experience sucked, so this is close to what I wanted before things went to hell in the hospital. My family was all up in the room it was wild but i’m glad for it. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my hallmark/Spanish novela ass elriel fic. lol
@maastrash @dreamerforever-5 @fireheart-of-your-dreams
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! you know what i'm here forrrrrr
Who was the one to propose:
Tariq. Duh. It sort of just…happens. For Ryan, anyways. For months, Tariq secretly stressed over how to do it. Part of him - the over the top person that he is, wanted an ‘all eyes on us’ kind of proposal. ‘Cause that’s what Ryan deserved. But the more he thought about it. The more he knew Ryan and what she’d want. He decided that a more lowkey proposal was the best way to go. So he did. He’d slipped the ring on her finger after she’d crashed hard from a double shift. The question in bold sharpie writing on one of her old bright pink note cards tapped on the bathroom mirror for her to see when she shuffled in. And the living room littered with her favorite flowers trailing from the bedroom, the table set with her now cold favorite meal and him chilling on the couch as if he hadn’t been waiting for hours for her to wake up.
Who stressed more over wedding planning:
Both. It’s the cultural clash that Tariq expected would happen after proposing to a good old, Southern Christian black girl. From the food to the music. To who’ll preside over their ceremony. “Should we just have a justice of the peace? I mean, it will be a interfaith marriage.” Tariq sighs and pulls Ryan into a silent hug. He is two seconds away from grabbing his fiancee and heading to the courthouse to marry her. Right the fuck now. Some of his uncles are asking if she’ll convert. Or if he will. His aunties are talking kids. And all Tariq wants - besides marrying the woman in his arms - is to take her somewhere quiet with nice ass weather so he can see her in as less clothing as possible. No wonder a few of his cousins laughed when they found out his fiancee was Christian. In the end, they work it out ‘cause failure was not a fucking option. But damn, if he isn’t looking forward to their honeymoon.
Who decorated the house:
It’s a weird mixture of both of their tastes. The integration of Ryan’s favorite colors with his (green and gold) is an interesting sight for Tariq. An argument - or several - originated from him learning not to use decorative pillows for anything other than aesthetics. “Pillows are used for sleeping, Nae.” “Not those, Tariq! You’ve smushed them. Do you know how much those cost?” And it’s not like Tariq didn’t know. He just assumed that as a grown man, he could sleep on any pillows in his house. …Apparently not all of them. “I’ll cash app you the money. Just.. damn.”
Who is more organized:
Ryan. Hands down. Not that Tariq isn’t organized. But Ryan likes things in their place. All the time. He knew that going into this. Them finally living together. And he thought that knew. Or that, at the very least, she’d tried to warn him. But…he’s… learning to keep his shoes are out of the way so she doesn’t trip in the dark of night as she trudges to bed exhausted. Or remember to put up reminders when he’s used the last of something. It’s not perfect but Tariq is learning.
Who initiates bedroom fun:
Tariq. But in his defense, have you seen his wife? He continues to give praise to Allah on that alone. Especially considering how they met. He’s been threatened with a ‘no-touching’ rule that has to go into effect when Ryan has important things to do. Like major reports to complete and things like that. But so far, Ryan hasn’t used it yet. She will though. One day. Until then, Tariq is more than willing to keep her distracted.
Who suggested kids first:
Verbally, between the two of them, it’s Ryan. Tariq shouldn’t find the anxious look she gives him, or the wringing of her hands and thinning of her lips, to be cute. But he does. His Ammi has been asking for a grandchild since a week after they returned from their honeymoon. Which, trust him. Tariq was trying. The idea of a unique, smaller version of them out and causing havoc in the world was something that Tariq couldn’t shake. “I’ve been waiting on you, Doc.” He laughs ‘cause it’s the truth. “Fuck yeah. Let’s do this.”
Who’s more dominant:
Tariq. It’s not because he’s a man. But that Ryan has this unspoken thing about telling him what she wants aloud. He figured that out as he got to know Ryan. Not that she doesn’t have her moments. It’s weird but Tariq likes it. Which, dealing with him, appears to come easier and more regularly than before they met. Ryan’s not entirely demure - see how they met. It just has to coaxed out of her. Which is something Tariq doesn’t mind. At all.
Who’s the cuddler:
Tariq. He’s a tactile communicator. He talks with his hands. He works with them. Like most people, he uses them often. But it’s just something about Ryan that makes him gravitate towards her. Like a ship steering towards a lighthouse near the coast. His hands have to touch some part of her. Most of the time. So cuddles are natural. He likes the feel of her near his side. Or front. And on his emotionally draining days, his back. Her fingers combing through his short hair as he listens to the beat of her heart.
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity:
Cuddling aside? Ryan may or may not have gotten Tariq hooked on some trash tv show. One that, save to say, he does not watch without her. “Alright, alright. Explain this to me again?” They sat on the couch, Ryan curled against his side, as a earlier season of a Bravo reality tv show classic starts up. “Okay. So that’s Nene. She doesn’t like Kandi this season. That’s Kandi. Oh. And she’s not cool with Kim again - Nene, I mean - but they’ll probably make up in a few episodes. And then there’s Sheree…” Tariq will damned if he’s clowned for even knowing this. Let alone watching it.
Who kills the spiders:
Tariq is the go-to killer of all things creepy crawly. There’s this one instance of Ryan being unpleasantly surprised by a spider crawling along the shower wall. While she was in there. Ass naked. “Why’d you leave the window open, Ryan?” Tariq asked, in between chuckles. His sides hurting from laughing so hard. He’d thought a burglar was in there with her, from the scream he’d heard. “I got it. I got it. It’s dead now. Don’t worry.” Tariq almost slipped and fell from the water splatter on the floor left behind when Ryan hauled ass out of the shower to get to safety. “No, we’re not moving! You should’ve turned on the damn fan.”
Who falls asleep first:
They take turns. Mostly due to their erratic schedules. A first year doctor and a late-night hip hop radio personality? Of course sleep is the last thing on their minds.
Who is louder?
Sexually? Ryan. Non-sexually? It depends. When it comes to the World Cup. Or football - see soccer - in general, Tariq is an obnoxiously loud fan. Anything that lets him proudly wear Pakistan’s colors is a guarantee for him “show out” as Ryan would say. On the flip side, she’s the same way about things she enjoys. So it depends on the season for both. Tariq is definitely louder when it comes to shit talking. He keeps trying to give Ryan pointers but “Who’s gonna stitch you up if I’m shit talking with you?”
Who is more experimental?
Both. Tariq isn’t afraid of try new things. But depending on the subject, Ryan can be more hesitant. “What do you mean, out here? Tariq. Have you lost your mind?” “Noori. It’s our honeymoon.” My light. It’s one of Tariq’s new nickname for Ryan. He’s been using it since they’ve got engaged. It’s becoming a favorite of his. “You’re telling me that you don’t wanna feel me under the stars? C’mon, nobody’s here.” They discover that mirrors are a great compromise.
Do they fuck or make love?
Both. For someone who doesn’t drink, alcohol definitely plays a part in this. Tariq can tell the night he’ll have, depending on the number of drinks Ryan has. Nowhere is she like Amy from Brooklyn Nine Nine. But he’s learned the higher the number of drinks, the more likely fucking will happen over making love. Drinks aside - emotions are the other factor. If they’re in a stalemate as both of them can, and will be, stubborn as hell - Tariq knows that the first few rounds of makeup sex can hardly be called that. Maybe a few things end up getting damaged or even broken. But in the end, his marriage is in tact. Which is all that matters.
Who is more likely to be caught masturbating?
Tariq has. Not that he planned on it. But, in his defense, it’d been a minute and he missed his wife. Obviously. Ryan was at work. Or well, he thought. The shower - yes the same one that Ryan had the classic run in with the spider - was supposed to be a safe place. But sleepy doctors do not like walking into their marital home hearing moans greeting them in the night. Especially from their husband. Without her. “So you gonna stand there or…?” Tariq shot Ryan a challenging eyebrow, stepping back in open invitation for her to join. So it was all good.
Who comes first?
Ryan. It wasn’t for lack of not trying. It’s just that… well, she married a man that makes sure that she comes before him. Literally. Not that she’s complaining.
Who is better at oral and who prefers it?
For a good, old born and raised in the church Southern Christian, Ryan is excellent at oral. Which was a top-notch surprise for Tariq when he finally learned this fact. However, Tariq certainly prefers to give as good as he gets. He has this smug quirk that he does in the days following. Tariq struts around their place shirtless afterwards, proudly displaying his supposed battle scars from his efforts. Despite saying otherwise, he knows Ryan loves it.
Who usually initiates things?
For the most part - Tariq. Ryan initiates calling Tariq out on his shit. Or when she needs her stubborn husband to gain an objective perspective. A busted lip and bruised knuckles on her husband is not what she expects to see when paged down to the ER from her rotation in the lab. “You can’t just fight everybody that says stupid shit.” “What?!” “You can’t. What if something happens to you? What am I supposed to do then? I didn’t marry you to become a fucking widow, Tariq.” With a heavy sigh and an apology on his bloody mouth, Tariq agrees to pick his battles next time.
Who is more sensitive?
Ryan. Hands down. She has the emotional sensitivity on lock. Physically - “Stop that shit.” Tariq jerked, his body moving from Ryan’s reach instinctively. “Are you…” “Nah, what’re you doing? Get your hands-” The noise that left Tariq neared a pterodactyl screech. “You’re ticklish!” “No the fuck I’m not.” “Stop moving. Let me see.” She could barely get the words out, laughing around them. “Ryan get your fucking hands away from me.” “Oh my god, Mr. Big and Bad, is ticklish. I got your ass now.” “Ryan!”
Who has the most patience?
Both. In different ways. Tariq directs people to the near-saint like patience he says he used while “waiting on my wife to stop being another man’s fiancee.” To which, his voice may sound annoyed but the confident smirk Tariq wears while uttering it says something else. As a doctor, Ryan has patience in spades. It’s something that Tariq jokes about - still he likes that about her. She’s the calm to his ongoing storm.
#char: tariq hassan#neicyrps#i took this meme literally in some areas lol but whatever you got them feels#rp shit: answered memes#rp things
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there’s a song in my heart, i feel like i belong
the colors are golden and bright again.
[ mm post-endgame. spoilers for both. ]
“Feet in the car,” Steve chastises as they pull into the clearing that serves as Tony Stark’s driveway. “Set a good example.”
“For who, Tony or Morgan?”
Steve contemplates this before deciding on “Both.”
Leila smirks as she pulls her legs back into the car, settling on the seat. Dangling them out the open window from the knee down was nice while it lasted. The air is clearer up here, the sunshine is the lazy, catnap kind of warm. The compound is relatively remote, but with all the construction going on, it’s hard to remember that.
Steve kills the engine and she opens the door. Tony comes out of the house, holding Morgan, who takes one look at Leila and demands to be set down. Tony obliges and his daughter runs over to her.
Leila crouches down for a hug.
“Auntie Leila! Did you bring Leo with you?”
Leila smiles, pressing a kiss against Morgan’s head. “Hi, baby,” she says quietly before letting her go. “No, kid, Leo’s still at home. I’ll try to bring him next time, okay?”
Morgan sighs dramatically and says “Okay,” like she’s magnanimously extending her forgiveness. Leila bites back a smile as she hugs Steve’s leg before walking over to her father.
“I’m her favorite,” Leila says quietly, and Steve rolls his eyes, biting back a smile of his own.
Leila doesn’t have nor want nor even understand kids--maybe because she never really had the chance to be one herself--but Morgan is different. She knew she’d loved Tony’s kid no matter what, but she didn’t anticipate liking her so much. The truth is that Leila’s goddaughter has her wrapped around her little finger, and Leila would be surprised if Morgan didn’t know it.
Tony picks up his daughter as he arrives near the truck. “Cap,” he greets, with that cavalier warmth of his. He turns to Leila. “Mrs. Cap.”
Leila smile a little, pressing her thumb to the back of her wedding back covertly. Sometimes she can’t believe it’s real.
“What’s the occasion?”
“We had some questions about compound security,” Leila says.
“Not to call your bluff, but e-mail still exists.”
“That’s what Nat said,” Steve said.
“We also have the flower girl pictures Pepper asked for,” Leila adds.
“Again, e-mail.”
“I mean, we can leave,” Steve says pointedly, with no real malice in it.
“Didn’t say that. You’re welcome to stay, if you admit you wanted to see us.”
“I wanted to see her.” Leila looks at Morgan, who giggles. She looks back at Tony. “You’re just okay.”
Tony smiles and sets Morgan down. “Morgan, go tell Mom to set two more plates for lunch, okay?”
Morgan nods, as if she’s just been given the mission of the lifetime, and takes off.
“I always wonder where she got the dramatics,” Leila says.
“She must take after Pepper,” Tony deadpans, and looks at Steve, who is currently rummaging through the glove compartment. “Whatcha looking for?”
Steve emerges holding a book and a flash drive. “These are the pictures,” he says, handing over the latter, “and this is for Morgan, courtesy of Leila.”
“The Blue Fairy Book,” Tony reads. “This’ll come in handy when it’s Pepper’s turn at storytime. Obviously I don’t need it.”
“Because your stories are better than several centuries worth of mythology.”
“Exactly. Glad we’re on the same page. Lunch?”
Leila rolls her eyes but follows Tony inside. Steve takes her hand, lacing his fingers through hers, and squeezes it. She squeezes back.
“You okay?” he asks softly.
She’s been having these moments lately, these random bouts of crying. The first time in happened, Steve was distraught--he’s good at staying calm in a crisis, but Leila can tell when there’s panic brewing under the surface--because she could barely get the words out to explain that she was crying because she was happy. Because she never thought she’d be this happy.
Between Steve, and Tony, and Morgan, and the fact that she’s finally figured out what she wants to do with her life (teaching was never something she considered, but she’s mostly going to be teaching gifteds how to punch things, so it works), and the fact that she’s hit what has to be rock bottom, with literally half the universe disappearing, and she helped get them back anyway--there’s really nowhere to go but up--
“Yeah,” she says, smiling. “I’m okay.”
#my writing#mine#pixie special#endgame spoilers#v: mm#this is extremely indulgent and completely unedited but it makes me happy so i don't care
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