#I was already ready to throws hands with Donovan and by god am I prepared to throw hands with melinda
capisback · 2 years
Read chapter 66. The urge to adopt Damian grows ever stronger......
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weasleywinchester · 4 years
Unexpected Meetings and Risks Taken
Chapter 1 The Meeting at Baker Street
Chapter 2 The First Case
Chapter 3 His Name is Greg *swoon*
Series Summary:
Jamie Luna is an American in London. She’s managed to get herself stuck within Mycroft’s web and is sent to watch Sherlock’s every move. What She’s not prepared for is the love and friendships of a life time.
Chapter Summary:
Jamie Luna has just had to most romantic date that even had a little sizzle... and now she gets to go to work. Sherlock said to be a 221B asap, he’s on a case and needs someone else’s presence besides John. But how long before Jamie gets to see Greg again? It may be just around the corner...
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Couches are not as comfortable as one expects. Well, Sherlock’s couch isn’t anyways. I roll onto my side, watching Sherlock pace back and forth across the flat, talking about his latest case. He seems to be having a mental breakdown. 
“He’s not.” John states from his chair as he skims today’s (well, yesterday’s) newspaper. I stare at him, hoping to burn a hole in the side of his head.
“What do you mean he’s not? Of course he is! LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE JOHN!” Sherlock shouts. John glares up at Sherlock and tries so damn hard not to roll his eyes. 
“I was talking to Jamie. About you. That you’re not having a mental breakdown. ” John cracks the newspaper and continues reading. 
“Why do I need to be here Sherlock? John says you’re fine. I think you’re raving mad because it’s THREE IN THE FUCKING MORNING!” I yell as I throw the blanket over my face. 
“You didn’t seem to mind being awake when you floated in here earlier” I poke my head out to see Sherlock cocking his eyebrow at me. I roll my eyes over to John, who has both his brows raised in questioning. 
“You came in with your makeup done to perfection, that’s not out of the ordinary but it was a little more heavy than normal. You have on a tight, short leather skirt suggesting you want male attention especially since you thought to forgo any tights. Your red- um no- orange top suggests a somewhat professional gathering, perhaps old colleagues, but the buttons could be undone further if you happened across someone that met your checklist. Your lips are stained dark pink suggesting that you had lipstick on but didn’t bother to reapply or, more likely, someone else removed it for you.” Sherlock spins on his heel to stare down at me on the couch.
“It’s called a lipstain Sherlock, it’s meant to fade over the course of the night.” I drag the blanket back over my head. Sherlock frowns and turns to John who shrugs his shoulders.
“Have you told Mycroft I’m mad?”
“I’ve told him that your brain is reeling on a case, but the only drugs you’ve taken are three nicotine patches.”
“Two” John corrects.
“Three. He put one on his other arm when you were making tea.” I mumble through the blanket. 
“Well, be thankful he hasn’t gotten a hold of any weapons yet.” 
I poke my head out and open my mouth to respond but I would rather not press for details, my job was to report on Sherlock’s current well being, not to unravel his past. Sherlock continues his pacing and problem solving and I must have nodded off at some point because John is gently shaking my shoulder.
“Jamie, Sherlock is out for a walk. Said he’d be back later.” John whispers. I crack my eyes open, glaring at John for not waking me when Sherlock left. 
“Here’s a strong tea, extra sugar; now hurry home and do what you need to do before he calls. Don’t you grumble at me missy! Off you go, hurry before he has a break though in this case.” John peels me off the couch and practically pushes me out onto the landing. 
I steadily make my way back to my own flat, walking instead of taking a cab. It’s about midday, the sun is out but it brings no warmth. I quickly undress as I walk into the flat and jump right into the shower. I try to recall the details of the current case as I scrub my body clean but I can’t remember anything after the exhaustion set in last night. Before that… I can still feel his hands on my body. The way his mouth moved against mine, how he smelled musky but not too strong, how I wanted him to explore every bit of my body... OH MY GOD! Did he call? I didn’t even check my phone when I left baker street! I rush out of the shower quickly throwing my hair in a towel and running to my phone. Of course it’s fucking dead! I jam the charger in and finish drying my body as I mentally beg my phone to resurrect faster. The logo flashes on the screen and then my phone buzzes three times. 
Messages from last night:
Mycroft: Good. Make sure he stays that way. Don’t let him out of your sight. 
Sherlock: Went out. - SH
Messages from this morning:
John: Sherlock’s back. Laying on the couch, hasn’t said anything in 20 minutes. Be ready to meet us somewhere soon :)
I sigh as I crash onto my bed. Nothing from Greg! I guess he does work for Scotland Yard so I can cut him a little slack. Maybe he wasn’t interested. I push the thought out of my head and get ready. The cute little coat I wore out last night was not cutting it earlier; so I grabbed my oversize tartan wool coat out of the closet. I think I’ll take my time doing my makeup today, never know who you’ll bump into when you’re running after Sherlock; or working for Mycroft for that matter.  I just finish filling in my eyebrows when my phone lets out a few dings.
SH: This address. Hurry - SH
JW: This address. See you there!
(?): Hi Jamie, had an amazing time last night. Maybe we could do dinner tonight? - Greg
HA! He texted! I happy dance and nearly trip over my two feet when another ding sounds.
Greg: New case just came up. Rain check for breakfast tomorrow?
Awww man. I have to wait until tomorrow??? That’s just not fair! I reply as I make my way out the door:
To Greg: I had an amazing time too <3 Sounds perfect! Let me know where :D
To John: See you there! Maybe I’ll get to cross the tape this time!
To Sherlock: Hurrying!
I quickly shoot Mycroft a message with the address of the crime scene and reread Greg’s message so I can over analyze it (as one does). I look at mine again as well. Oh… no… I put a heart?? Will he think that’s weird? We kinda  went on one date… and I’m sending hearts. I gotta remember hearts, the cry laugh emoji and the phrase “lol” do not need to be in every message! 
I arrive rather quickly at the crime scene, they’re just now taping off the area, although it is much later in the evening than I expected. I take my post at the edge of the tape near an ambulance that has pulled up. It’s the perfect spot to hear their conversations as well as anything coming through their radios. I give Donovan a little wave, but she purses her lips together and goes back to talking to one of the officers. I make small conversation with some of the medical workers, very friendly people. 
After about 20 minutes I can hear Sherlock yelling throughout the apartment building. I blink and see a black blur come flying out the door and into a cab. I walk towards it but it’s already pulling away, leaving me standing in the middle of the road. He left? He left! What the fuck am I supposed to say to-
“Left us here, did he?” John says behind me. I turn to him and shake my head.
“How do we follow him John?
“We don’t for now. He’ll be back at the flat in no time.” John gives my shoulder a squeeze. 
“Jamie? Jamie Luna?” Someone behind us shouts. John and I both turn and my jaw hits the pavement. It’s Greg! We meet him at the edge of the tape, he lifts it for John and I to cross under.
“Jamie, Detective Inspector Greg Lestrade. Although I assume you already know that.” John says, the Cheshire grin on his face growing wider by the second. “Greg, Jamie Luna.”
“Yes, we’ve met. Good to see you Detective Inspector.” I can’t help but smile like an idiot. The title suits him, as does the suite...
“We have indeed. Where’s Sherlock gone?” Greg asks, his question directed at John but his eyes never leaving me.
“Off to think we presume.”
“We?” He glances between John and I.
“Remember when I said I was basically a nanny?” Greg’s mouth falls open astonished. “Ya I get to follow Sherlock everyday, text his big brother where he is and get paid loads of money.” I squish my lips together and brace myself, not sure if Greg will think I’m crazy or not.
“Bloody brilliant! Didn’t think anyone could one over Mycroft.” The three of us share a laugh, the silence no longer awkward. 
“Well I best be off, have a date in a little bit. Greg, mind walking Jamie home? Her flat isn't too far.” John says, his voice a normal tone but his eyes are full of mischief. I give him a little glare before turning to Greg.
“It’s alright if you can’t, you’re obviously working.” I point my words at John.
“Of course I’ll take you home, just give me a few minutes to wrap up here.” He gives me a lopsided grin. I shake my head in agreement because I do not trust any words that will tumble out of my mouth. He shakes John’s hand goodbye and goes back to talk with Donovan.
“Do you actually have a date this bloody early?” I glare at John.
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“I might.” He grins at me, gives a slight bow and catches the next taxi.
I waited around for half an hour; but since Greg let me into the taped off area I decided to poke my nose around. I saw the paramedics take a body out of the building, but it was in a bag so I couldn’t see anything. I got to talking with the CSI photographer and a few other detectives about possible events leading to this accident. 
“Ready Ms. Luna?” Greg whispers into my ear as he puts his hand lightly on the small of my back. I nod and quickly tell the people I was talking to goodbye. “I hope you don’t mind if I just drive you?” 
“Oh how horrible! You’re going to make me sit for the short car journey instead of making me walk all over London like my boss?” I laugh. He flashes a brilliant smile and I have to remember not to melt into a puddle. We chat about the case, well about Sherlock’s deductions. He may sound raving mad but Greg tells me he’s more brilliant than half of Scotland Yard. He pulls the car up to the curb, both of us sitting in silence for a few moments.
“Would you like to come in for dinner?” I squeak. I glance at him, his mouth is slightly ajar. Moving too fast? Assuming too much… No. He drove me home of his own free will, and he keeps smiling at me like that... it can’t just be in my head right? “There’s a homemade deep dish pizza calling our names...” I sing-song. 
“Pizza with a beautiful woman? How could I say no?” He reaches over to push my hair off my shoulders, his thumb light grazing my neck.
“Well, ok then” I breathe out. He gives me a little smile, his thumb moving back and forth along the side of my neck. Wait… he said yes! I jump out of the car and race to my door. I quickly unlock it and begin picking up the clothes I peeled off earlier and throw them into the dryer. I race back to the front door and try to conceal the fact that the tiny sprint I just did has left me short of breath. 
“Well this is posh...” Greg mentions as he looks around. I haven’t been living in my flat very long so a lot still needs to be decorated. 
“Yes, Mycroft said it would be better if I was in the general vicinity of Sherlock. He also assured me that if I moved to 221B I would most likely never get a good night's sleep.” Greg chuckles at that, I imagine working with Sherlock as much as he does gives the same effect. I quickly heat up the pizza and set the table. Last night I made a mental note on what beer Greg was drinking but the food delivery was set for tomorrow. 
“I don’t have any beer, but will wine do?” I shout from the kitchen, trying my hardest to reach the darn wine glasses. I feel his hand rest on my hip, his body lightly pressing against my back.
“Yes love.” He answers right next to my ear as he stretches to grab the two glasses. He sets them on the counter in front of me. His arm snakes around my waist and he nuzzles his nose into my hair.
“Miss me Detective Inspector?” My voice comes out more even than I though possible.
He hums in agreement, brushing my hair off my shoulder and laying a gentle kiss on the base of my neck. I take a deep breath and twirl around so now our noses gently brush each other. He presses his lips gently to mine, my heart threatening to leap out of my chest.
“That would be the pizza” I mumble against his lips, my eyes still closed. 
“Guess we will have to finish this later.” he gives me a quick peck and grabs the pizza out of the microwave. 
We settle at the table, and raise our glasses.
“To unexpected meetings.” I say, tilting my glass towards Greg.
“And risks taken” he adds as we clink glasses..
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Martin GIF from @sannapersikka Hope you don’t mind! You have the perfect collection of Martin gifs
Pic from: https://pin.it/7hkAX6X
I HAVE A TAG LIST?!?! Here it be:
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