#I want to be a boy but I like being a girl but I don’t like being a woman but I don’t want to be a man
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yieldtotemptation · 20 hours ago
EASY ft. Yunjin
yunjin x male reader smut
6k words
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“Oh, you’re an idiot,” Yunjin decides, stealing yet another one of your fries. “My best friend is an idiot.”
You pull the bowl out of her reach, feeling the need to defend yourself, “You're really calling me an idiot because—”
“Because you have the completely insane opinion that jerking yourself off is better than getting a blowjob. What is wrong with you?”
“They’re overrated! Number of times I’ve cum from a blowjob—zero. Number of times I’ve cum from my own hand—probably thousands!”
“Okay, first—gross, and second—you’re not just an idiot. You are a sad, sad man.”
“I’m just being honest!”                      
Yunjin reaches over, snatches yet another fry. Waves it in front of your face, judging you, before reaching some kind of consensus in her unreasonably pretty head. “You only think that because you've never had a good one.”
“I've had plenty.”
Yunjin's eyes narrow. She crunches.
You swallow hard.
“But you've never had one from me.”
Look, you’re pretty sure Yunjin’s full of shit. You’ve known her forever, you’re well versed in her bullshitting ways—she’s got a penchant for stretching out the truth until it’s as elastic as the underwear strap that she just loves to leave sticking out of her jeans.
So, yeah. The girl likes to exaggerate. It’s kind of her job anyway. Make things seem bigger, more dramatic than they really are. Sell the idea of heaven in a three-minute pop song. Sweet lies from lips painted to perfection.
Plump, glossy, pillowy-soft lips that you’ve seen pout and purse and get trapped between her teeth or swiped over by her tongue and—
You get the picture.
“Seriously, the bathroom?” You’re asking, and honestly, you’re trying to give her an out. Waiting for her to take it back, reveal that this is all just an extremely unfunny prank, designed to needle you, make you blush and maybe get a good story to embarrass you in front of her friends with. How she left the silly, naïve hometown boy with his pants around his ankles and his dick in his hand.
Any time now, she’ll point and laugh and make you feel like even more of a fucking idiot when she says, ‘I can’t believe your dumb ass actually followed me in here expecting a blowjob,’ and that’ll be the end of it.
Really. Any time now.
And yet.
Silence as she closes the door behind her, which you feel the need to break with, “Come on, Yunjin, you don’t have to prove anything—"
Yunjin cuts you off—“Oh, but I want to.”
She spins on her heels to face you. Presses her back flush against the door. She turns the lock.
Something in the room shifts. 
Her posture, maybe, or more specifically something in her legs. The way she’s angled herself so that your eyes are drawn to their long creamy expanse, up to the tightness of her thighs, and the way they frame the juncture in between.
Or it’s in the drop of one single shoulder; her half-zipped hoodie sliding down to reveal a sliver of smooth neck, the falling strap of her tank-top, the gentle swell of her chest.
Or maybe it’s just the tilt of her head, her lips all pouty and perfect, and oh, now she’s unzipping the jacket further down and she’s watching you find out in real time that she’s left her midriff bare and uncovered and holy shit her abs are ridiculous and your brain is blue-screening—
This isn’t the Yunjin you know.
The friend, the confidant, the embarrassingly loud chatterbox who raids your fridge and roasts your clothes and has a running commentary on every single woman that enters and very quickly leaves your orbit.
Each ticking second, each subtle movement, she’s starting to look less and less like the girl from your childhood and more and more like the idol that everyone else seems desperate to worship.
She takes a step forward.
Your mouth feels paper-dry.
You lie, “Can’t say you’re off to a great start, then.”
Yunjin raises a perfect brow, and yeah, she doesn’t buy that shit for a second. “What, were you expecting somewhere with a little more ambiance?”
“Well, you’re setting yourself up for failure here,” you retort, some defence mechanism causing you to try to keep things casual, bring it back to more familiar, banter-heavy waters. “Toilets aren’t really a turn-on for me.” 
“Didn’t take you for a romantic,” she teases, but something about her tone—light, playful, less biting than usual, sends you in a tailspin. Your mind grinds to a halt when you realise why. She’s not simply teasing. She’s flirting. And she’s taking another step.
“What can I say, I’m a love before lust kind of guy.”
Yunjin just laughs, something foreign and a little bit wicked. Forces a chill down your spine that you can’t quite explain. She makes those final steps, closing the distance, backing you up against the row of sinks, and—fuck.
She stops right in front of you. Your heart races. You think she can hear it thump.
“Am I making you nervous?” She asks, and it’s all kinds of fucked because now you’re seeing the details; the flecks of honey-brown escaping the coloured contacts that make her eyes pop, the curls at the end of her lashes, reaching out to touch the fluorescent lights overhead. “The thought of my pretty lips wrapped around you putting you on edge?”
And you really thought you knew her mouth; but now she’s jutting out her bottom lip, and it’s fuller than you remembered. As dangerously red as her hair, and Jesus Christ you catch the tremble in them when her eyes flicker down for just a brief instant—right before they return to yours.
She grins.
You aim for unaffected. You miss the mark by a wide margin. "Just don’t want to disappoint you. Putting all this effort in only to be proven wrong by me. Again.”
Yunjin gives you a pitying sigh in response, the sound all honey and smoke, and she makes you flinch when she barely has to move a muscle to place a single finger on your sternum.
She draws a lazy circle on your chest. You hate that you shiver.
“Something tells me that won't be the case,” she’s saying, whisper-quiet now. The circle she’s drawing gets wider, turns into a spiral, and now she’s massaging into your chest, a hand over your heart, and her fingers are getting higher until they’re up to your shoulder, and she’s leaning in so her breath is hot on your neck, and—“It’s going to be filthy. Sloppy. A fucking mess. You’ll never be the same. I’m going to bring you to your knees.”
“I thought the whole idea of this was for you to be kneeling in front of me,” you manage, by some miracle, to keep your voice steady. “Seems like you’re getting ahead of yourself here.”
“All in due time,” she answers, getting her body closer, and you can feel your worser impulses start to involuntarily close the gap between your waists. “I’m not like those other girls. I’m not going to just jump right on your cock and bounce up and down for two minutes. I think you’ve earned yourself a little torture.”
“Then you’re wasting your time.”
“We’ll see about that,” she chides, and her other hand starts to skate down your chest, lower and lower until it stops just short of your pants. Her thumb digs into your waistband. Tugs. Does nothing else.
And maybe there's something there. The denial. The torture. The helplessness. Coming from someone who's always been a little bossy, who you've always let get her way because, hell, she's Yunjin, and she always promised that in the end she'd make it so nice for you.
You’re not sure if you want to find out.
“Don’t be afraid,” she giggles, breaking you out of whatever spell has kept you frozen in place this entire time. “Go ahead, you can touch me too, if you want.”
But it's just as you reach out for her that you’re caught.
Yunjin traps one of your wrists in her grasp, causing you to freeze up all over again. Brings your hand to her mouth. Let’s her eyes flit once—to your face—and again—to your thumb.
She sucks.
Slow, deep, her tongue swirling around the digit as it disappears past her lips and into the warmth of her mouth. Vibrates a ridiculously filthy moan into your knuckle, convincing you for a second that your thumb must be delicious, must be something really fucking sweet for her to be slurping on it like this.
She pulls away, just enough to let the sticky wetness left behind glisten in the light.
Her lips bless the pad. “You’re picturing it, aren’t you?”
And then the next finger; and yeah, you’re transfixed—fascination, horror, painful straining as she does the same dance with your forefinger. Deep, deeper than the thumb could reach, until your nail is scraping at the back of her throat and—
It pops out of her mouth as quick as it entered, and you feel it in your core—the sudden absence. “You’re thinking about it—thinking I might be right. Realising that if I can do this to your fingers—”
You can’t bring yourself to argue. Can’t even bring yourself to speak. You’re too busy watching her mouth, too busy watching your middle finger go all the way in, push down into her throat and holy fuck, she doesn’t even gag.
“It’d feel so much better than anything you ever had. Ever even imagined,” she says, and she’s kissing up and down your finger, staining it fire-engine red. “See, the problem wasn’t that you don’t like blowjobs. It’s that you never once gotten one from a mouth this eager for you.”
And finally, when her teeth graze the tip of your ring finger, and you’re expecting the warmth of her lips once more, she stops.
Grinds her hip into you, forcing you to stab into her abs, and it’s unavoidable now—the pressure of your cock, ready to tear itself out of your jeans and just feel her. Her touch. Her cunt. Her mouth.
She feels it too. Arches her eyebrow—‘I told you so’ on her lips prepped and ready.
You wait under the heat of her gaze, trying not to look because you really don't want to give her the satisfaction. But fuck it’s hard. Each breath feeling like it’s being siphoned out of you, replaced with the scent of her—sweet, suffocating. Intoxicating.
But your eyes turn traitor. And it’s a mistake.
Yunjin squeezes your wrist, steals your attention. Takes your ring and pinkie fingers into her mouth. Pushes them past her lips at the same goddamn time.
Your mind goes completely, utterly blank.
She sucks on them hard, drawing them deep past her lips, devouring them, like they’re the last two drops of water in the desert and she’s just been dying of thirst. Holds your eyes hostage, needing an audience to watch as she makes a show of it; moaning around them, tongue rolling over and around your digits and you’re receiving the message loud and clear—‘You have no idea what you’re in for.’
You feel your knees start to give out.
Your fingers are soaked with her saliva, and the sounds she’s making—deep, throaty, fucking obscene—your body’s being hijacked, all your blood redirected to one painfully obvious place.
It occurs to you that you should just give up now. Tell her she’s proven her point. Your heart’s racing, your chest is tightening, your breath is coming in ragged, desperate bursts. Just tell her you believe her and jump straight to the part where she does her victory dance on top of your cock
If only.
Yunjin sets your fingers free with a smack of her lips, but the heat of her mouth still clings to your skin, lingering with the wetness of her tongue, the promise of something so much better. She kisses a trail around your palm, over the back of your hand, around your wrist.
And then she’s on her toes, and she’s leaning her body into you, using your shoulder for support. Marking your neck, nose nuzzling against the stubble, and you can’t help but wrap your arms around her waist. Pull her closer, give her tongue access to your jaw, your cheek, anywhere she wants.
Her teeth line the bottom of your ear, and she sucks gently at your earlobe, and you swear to fucking God it makes your balls tingle.
She bites. “By the end of this, you’re going to be begging.”
Gets closer still, nestles herself into your embrace, presses her tits against your chest. It's divine, the feeling of her against you, in your arms. So right. A body so tight; slender and grace and so happy to have your arms wrapped around her, so delighted that you've discovered the perfect home for your fingers, because she would absolutely hate to have them anywhere else. On anyone else.
"You won't be able to resist me," she tells you, her breath hot on your skin, making it rise up in goosebumps. And you just nod along, because what could be better than the way she's touching you, the heat she's offering, the things you can already picture her lips doing?
And that’s when she lays it on you—her true endgame in all of this teasing:
“You’re going to want it so badly, you’re going to call me Mommy.”
You nearly push her right off you.
Yunjin just stares straight at you. Dead serious. Heat, intent, fucking determination set upon her awfully pretty features.
“I’m older than you, you know.” You try to laugh it off, but it comes out strained when Yunjin presses herself into you again, and her tongue starts to trace the shell of your ear, and her hand starts to work at your zipper. Touching you like it’s the most natural thing in the world. Like she’s done it so many times before. Like she’s going to do it so many times again.
“It’s a state of mind, baby,” and she smirks, and there’s a challenge in there. Two doors—try to prove her wrong and walk away, keep your dignity intact. Or just let go, get rid of your pride and fall into a pair of the most tempting, talented, sinful lips that have ever graced your skin.
You don't even get a second to decide.
Her hand’s already at your throat, pulling you close. You let her. Make it easy. Taste the sweetness of her breath, getting a split second to crave her tongue before finally meeting it. Her mouth crashes into yours, and you’re gone.
You kiss her back, breathe her in. Welcome her tongue past your teeth, let it stroke yours, dance in a way that’s far too right for a first time, and it's crazy how she just fits.
She feels, smells, tastes like everything good.
You settle into the reality that this might be the last—only—chance you get.
Face it, you’ve always known who she is—undeniable, goddamn gorgeous, sexy, hot, plain and simple. But this? This is different. You’ve watched it. Yunjin on stage, wearing next to nothing, hips rolling in sync with a thrumming bass, eyes fucking the hell out of the cameras. And you’ve fantasised about it. But it's always felt so fucking far-fetched. She's always felt so impossibly out of reach.
Intangible, since the day she debuted. Ascended to some place that you could never join.
But now.
She’s come back down, just for this. Just to reclaim something that's always been hers.
She moans something nice into your mouth when she feels you pushing back against her. Her hand finally dips beneath your waistband. Finds you eager. Desperate.
But then she pulls away.
Eyes widen, fucking laughs.
“Oh, you’re such an asshole.”
You blink. “What?”
She reaches back, hands careful. Like she’s defusing a bomb. Her fingers peel down the zipper of your pants, and then yank down the stretched-out cotton of your briefs, and you’re set free.
Hard. Aching. Throbbing.
“Asshole,” she repeats.
You don’t even know what the fuck.
“Christ, it suddenly makes sense,” she says to herself, but doesn’t bother elaborating. No, instead, she just reaches back down, wraps her fingers around you and gives you a little squeeze. Tests the water. Feels the way your cock jumps under her touch.
Your knuckles turn white against the sink behind you, and Yunjin smiles again when she realises you’re going to let her do whatever she wants.
And so her hand starts moving. Slowly. Gently.
She kisses you again, for just a moment, and then lower, and lower. Stroking you as she maps her way down your body with her lips. Feather-light against your skin, touch hot on your cock, dragging it out, building the anticipation.
Stopping when she’s on her knees. Breathing on your cock.
You hiss in a breath.
Yunjin lets go. Takes off her jacket. Tightens her ponytail. Blinks up at you. And fuck. Her chin tipped just so. Her cheeks flushed. Her eyes alone making you strain.
Her lips part, and you find yourself nodding before she even says a single word.
“I’m going to take care of you now,” she whispers into your skin, kissing into your thigh. It’s warm, soft, wet. Excruciating. She’s so close to where you need her mouth to be, but so fucking far.
Her fingers trace patterns up and down your shaft, dancing over your cock. Not touching, never. Just teasing. Torment that has you squirming, and she’s basking in it, tracking every twitch, loving every desperate gasp.
“You’re mine,” Yunjin mutters, as her mouth travels up your thigh, and your muscles start to shake. You could just grab her, it’d be so easy. Just take her by the hair, force her to give you want you want. But something stops you. Afraid of breaking this moment. Anticipating what’s to come. 
Your oxygen's running low, barely breathing, can’t stop yourself from panting when her teeth scrape along your hipbone, and your cock jumps in response, nearly slapping her right in the face.
But fuck, Yunjin’s a sadist. She kisses around your waist, her tongue darting out to taste your skin, exhaling hot and steamy air against your balls. You're dripping, beading at the tip, and it’s all so, so obvious.
The wait is agony. Pure agony.
Yunjin gives you a small mercy. Her hand wraps around you again, and for an instant you’re terrified that the touch alone would be the end of it.
But thankfully, you outlast. Yunjin strokes you lightly, her grip firm but gentle. Loving. Wresting control over you, your cock. So fucking hard already, you’re surprised you haven’t torn the sink off the wall yet.
And then, oh fuck, she’s kissing closer. Your abs, your belly button. Lower, lower, breath hot on your cock, closer, closer, please.
You can’t take it anymore. You need her. You need this.
“Yunjin,” and any other time you would hate yourself for how embarrassingly needy it comes out.
“Admit you were wrong,” Yunjin says, and you’re ready to scream it, tell her you’ve never been more wrong about anything in your entire life. Anything to feel her lips. “Admit that there’s no way your hand could ever be better than this.”
“Yes,” you grit out, and it’s a fucking miracle you can form words at all. “You were right. I was wrong.”
She’s baring teeth now, and her lips are ghosting over your cock head and you just need her.
“Say it.”
“I can't—”
“Do it.”
And then—
Her mouth is on you.
Wet, hot, heaven. Taking you in slow, eyes paying attention to your every flinch, the agonising twists across your face. Trained on all your strained reactions. Savouring it. Reading you like a book—every page turned with a flick of her tongue, every paragraph devoured with a swirl of her cheeks.
Slow, so slow. Deliberate. Perfect suction. Just enough to make your toes curl, to have your hips buck in her mouth. Convincing you that everything before, everything you ever had, whatever you believed was a blowjob—was all a fucking lie.
No one ever felt like this.
Your fingers release the sink, find their natural place in her hair, threading through the red, letting it knot around your digits. And there's the urge again. Tug, pull, make her go faster, make her understand that she’s already won so you might as well fuck without abandon, but you don’t dare. You don’t want to ruin this. Not when she seems so satisfied.
Cheeks hollowing out with every suck, smiling around your cock, basking in some kind of pleasure you can’t even comprehend—because she’s the one doing the giving here.
And then when she sinks, finally pushes your cock to the back of her throat and further down. Presses her nose to your waist and holds you there. Stealing your breath, the air from your lungs, forcing a deep, guttural ‘Fuck’ from your gut.
You reach your conclusion. Her lips are made for this. Made to fit around your cock perfectly, to slide up and down with the fucking unapologetically sloppy noises that make the room spin. That it’s only her throat that can take you deeper than you ever thought possible, that can constrict and tighten around you so nice. That no other mouth could be this warm, hot, welcoming, fucking right.
She pulls back. A long, long draw that leaves a fucking mess. Globs of spit, drool, pre-cum hanging off your cock, from her lips.
“This poor, poor cock,” she sighs, like it’s such a great tragedy. “Never had anyone treat it right. Like the treasure it is.”
She shows you what she means, demonstrates how to properly worship your cock. Lips brushing along your shaft, pecking gentle kisses along your length, tongue snaking out to lick off her own spit.
Her hand slides under your balls, cupping them, balancing them in her palm. Holding them in place when she points your cock up so she can duck underneath. Nuzzle her nose into your waist, lap her tongue at your base, get her lips right where you’re most sensitive.
Pleasing you like she’s always wanted to. Making you believe that maybe she has. Maybe this is something she’s been thinking about all this time; every time she’s seen you, seen the way you looked at her, heard you tell stories of the other women that only ever disappointed you with their mouths.
Not knowing that she was the one that could make you fucking levitate this entire time.
“This was always going to happen,” Yunjin says. Starting to stroke you again, her grip a little tighter this time, a little more possessive. Looking up at you through her lashes, red lipstick smudged off the corner of her mouth. “One way or another, I was always going to have this.”
And her tongue is everywhere. Laving around the base of your cock, making you feel it all the way to your toes. Not done with the teasing, the unbearably slow burn that’s going to drive you insane.
Her mouth opens wide. She takes one of your balls into her mouth. Surrounds it in soft, wet heat. Sucking—not hard, not yet, just enough. Enough to make you bite down and grind your teeth. Squeeze your eyes shut—not that it even helps. You can feel her tongue rolling around, coating your balls in a warm stickiness. Soothing. Torturous. So fucking good.
She lets out a soft hum, and the vibration nearly sends you over the edge.
Yunjin lets go with a pop, and you swear you can hear your soul sigh in relief and despair. “God, this cock,” she murmurs, “Wish you had told me, shown it to me sooner.”
The way she says it—like you could even fathom what you’ve been missing out on. Years of this? Years of her mouth on you? Years of her making you feel like the only thing that matters in this fucking world is impaling your cock into the most insanely hot and wet and tight hole you’ve ever felt?
The look on Yunjin’s face answers every single question for you.
Yes. Yes to all of it.
“Could have been doing this every fucking day,” she muses, and you let out some choked gasp, and her lips are kissing into your slit again. Then her tongue, then lower, and she’s taking you deep. So deep you’re pretty sure you can feel her fucking heartbeat through her throat.
She holds you there. One, two, three. Letting her tongue drool down your shaft, letting it drip over your balls and splash down between her knees.
Pulls back, lets go, catches her breath.
Spits on your cock.
“Imagine,” she speaks, even though her mouth is a fucking disaster, lips swollen, just a glossy smudge of red. “Just waking up to me sucking this, getting it all nice and hard and throbbing.”
It’s not difficult at all to see it. You can feel it. Tongue flattening against the underside of your cock, the swallow as she’s taking you in, the cheeks fixing around the edges with each bob. Just so fucking messy. Soaking your cock, letting these garbled, choked, slick, filthy noises echo off the bathroom walls.
“This would ruin me, you know that don’t you? Ruin my cunt,” she tells you. “Ruin Mommy’s tight little cunt so fucking nicely.”
“Fuck you, Yunjin,” is the best you can muster, which is impressive considering your brain cells are dying off one by one from the lack of oxygen.
“Yeah, I’m sure you’d love that.”
“Of course I would,” you admit, and then continue admitting, “I’ve always fucking wanted to.”
“I know,” Yunjin admits back, and that sets her off. Her mouth goes to work again, your cock disappearing into her, her hand getting just that little bit faster, and fuck, fuck, fuck, she’s got it all wrong.
She’s the one that’s going to ruin you. Going to make you forget every other orgasm you ever had.
There'll be no room for anything in your head but just thoughts of fucking her. Raw, rough; again and again until she's completely filled up with you and even then.
“Been dreaming of it,” you groan out, as Yunjin’s pace builds, and there’s the beginning of tears lining her eyes, and she’s gagging more often than not, and it compels you to keep telling her, “Been dreaming of your tight fucking body. What I’d do to get my hands on that slutty little waist. Just dig in my fingers and pound into that cunt. God I know it would feel so good.”
Deeper and deeper, until she doesn’t even need to use her hands anymore. Just to steady your legs, to keep you still while she fucks your cock with her throat.
And it’s these images you’re drawing up in her mind. How you’d pay her back, how you’d make her scream, how’d you do the same to her and more. Wreck her with your cock until she never seeks another again. Make sure that her lips, her cunt, her body belong to only you. That’s what’s driving her now, making her eyes water, making her cheeks go red and her throat bulge.
That’s what has her hand snaking down between her thighs, forcing open the button of her shorts, stretching the waistband of her panties to their limits. Just so she can touch herself. To feed into the heat building in her cunt and the wetness leaking down her legs.
You can feel her, mouth tightening around you as she teases herself. Feel the accidental swipe of her teeth when it gets too much. She’s rubbing her clit in circles, matching the tempo of her bobbing head.
Fuck, the sight alone.
Hand disappearing into her shorts, getting down and into herself, and she’s so fucking pretty, even when her face is scrunched up in the worst of pleasures, even when she’s choking on your cock.
And you think there’s laughter around the gags, or at least a smile against your skin when you throb, jerk, fuck her mouth. She’s enjoying this. The power, the pleasure she can wrench from you. You’re getting off, sure, but it’s all for her. All to prove her point.
And she’s fucking winning.
“Tell me,” she gurgles when she’s at your head, mouth bubbling at the corners with a cocktail mix of her sloppiness and your arousal. “Tell me how good it feels.”
“Shit, Yunjin, it feels—”
“Actually, fuck that, tell me it’s better,” Yunjin decides, and she seems so fucking pleased with herself that you want to hate her. But it’s so hard to deny those big fucking eyes that anchor you to the ground, those ridiculously plump lips that suck any argument right out of your throat. “Better than your hand. Better than any other mouth. Tell me it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to your cock. Be a good boy and tell me I’m better.”
You groan, or whimper, or cry, or make some noise that makes Yunjin just so fucking ecstatic, makes her swoon and nearly come apart on her own fingers. “So much fucking better, Yunjin. Jesus, your lips. Perfect for this. Perfect, cock-sucking lips. Hot mouth. Your fucking throat taking me so nice.”
“Use it,” Yunjin opens her mouth, stretches her lips as far as they'll go, showing you, sticking out her tongue and giving you an insight into your own end. “Use it like the toy it’s always been for you. Fuck it, fuck me. Use my lips, my mouth, my throat. Make me choke until you think I can't take it and then give me even more.”
“You’re fucking insane.”
“And you’re about to make a mess.”
Yeah, you’re properly doomed.
God it’s so fucking cruel. How Yunjin doubles down, mouth swallowing you whole. So fast and deep that you don’t understand how you’re still on your feet. Just watching her throat pulse, convulse, her eyes bulge when you rut inside her and she just won’t stop.
“You’re so fucking good, Yunjin, so good, you’re a—fuck—you’re a—” Only one word comes straight to mind, "Cumslut."
Yunjin preens. Looks up, lashes fluttering. Sounding so girly that it makes everything seem even more debauched and depraved. “Aren’t I? Aren’t I so good for you?”
You grunt out, “You already fucking know.”
Yunjin’s hand returns to the fold, jerking your cock into her lips, because your own personal catastrophe’s on the horizon. It’s coiling in your balls, tightening up, a spring ready to snap.
And, oh, how Yunjin would love to be the one that snaps it.
“You’re not going to be able to go back. Never. No one else will be able to take this big fucking cock like this. No one can be as much of a cumslut for you.”
You’re fucking falling apart. Yunjin’s mouth is a vice. Hot, heavenly, sloppy vice that’s squeezing the last drops of sanity from your brain. She just keeps fucking doing it—taking you so deep until your cock’s lost down her throat, over and over again. And it’s building and getting closer and closer to disaster and every nerve ending in your body is just begging for release.
“Give in,” she slurs around your girth, barely coherent, mouth full of you. Pumping your cock faster, until it’s throbbing and aching so desperately and angrily, and her words are sounding nicer and nicer with every passing beat. “Give up. Give me that cum. All of it. ��Cum for me. Make Mommy happy. Give me what I want. Give me what I need. Give me—”
“Shut the fuck up and take it—”
“Be a good boy and beg—”
“Fuck you—”
You’re straining, for the first time lifting your hips off the sink and falling into her. Hands holding onto her head—and now her hair is just a handlebar, and you're riding her mouth for dear life, fucking into it like she doesn't have a choice. Using her, making her take you, over and over, again and again, and she’s just so happy to keep fingering herself into oblivion while you lose all tempo and pace and forcefully, clumsily wreck her throat.
Until you’re just seeing red.
Red of her hair, her lips. Red smudged up and down your cock and against your waist and all over your fucking fingers.
And then—
“Fuck you—Mommy!”
You can see it in her eyes.
You can feel it in every nerve ending.
You can taste it in the air.
It’s harsh, mean, rough. Pounding into her mouth, stretching her throat, until her nails are digging into your thighs and you’re shaking, twitching, fucking—
You empty yourself into her. Yunjin doesn’t flinch. She takes it. Every pulse of your orgasm, every drop of your cum. Swallows it down with a greedy gulp, again and again, until she can’t swallow anymore.
It gushes out of her mouth.
A thick rope that she can’t quite keep up with that paints those gorgeous fucking lips. Her cheeks and chin. Drips down to her neck. So fucking beautiful. Covered with your cum all over her face, and now down to her shoulder, her collarbone, and oh you’ve ruined her entire slutty outfit.
“God, fuck, Yunjin—”
And she’s dropping her pussy down onto her fingers, panting around your cock, around mouthfuls of your cum. Working her clit in quick, sharp movements until it’s just your hand tangled in her hair that’s keeping her upright.
This fucking image of her.
Mouth full of you, swallowing, choking, gagging. So fucking obscene you can’t look away. Eyes rolled back into her skull, cheeks are flaming, and she’s so shiny and wet and glazed over, and just a complete fucking mess for you.
You can’t imagine anything better.
It leaves you reeling. Standing there with your cock still out. Shaking from aftershocks that you’re not sure will ever end. Trying to catch your breath, chest heaving, eyes blurring back into clarity while you watch Yunjin return to life.
“Good boy,” she breathes, but it’s hardly smug. It’s just pure victory.
She opens her mouth. Smiles so wide. Shows you her prize. Shows you the mess she’s made, shows you everything. Moans at the taste of it, as she absorbs your flavour into her tongue. Completely dazed, mouth fucked to hell, and just strung-out and drunk on your cum. She finds the energy to swipe her tongue around her teeth, cleaning the best she can. She barely makes a dent.
And you’re still hard. Still fucking throbbing.
Her eyes never leave yours. She wants you to see.
She grins, and you're already expecting it, the victory speech. Something no doubt flirty and teasing and completely fucking filthy that will make you want to throw her over the sink and punish her tight, drenched cunt until she's the one begging and calling you Daddy.
Only, that all gets tossed out when you hear someone banging on the bathroom door.
“Everything okay in there?”
The sudden intrusion brings everything back into focus, seizes you back into a reality outside of Yunjin's cum-stained lips.
You clear your throat.
“I’m sorry, it’s my,” and you look down and Yunjin’s beaming up at you. Looking so perfect, kneeling on the cold tiles. Streaks of your cum hanging off her chin. She blows you a kiss. “My girlfriend. Just needed some immediate attention.”
And Yunjin decides to up the ante, leaning back into you. Snaking her arms around your thigh. Kissing into where you’re still so ridiculously sensitive. And then licking and sucking and—
It takes an impossible amount of effort to not scream at the top of your lungs. “We’ll be out soon, just need a couple—”
Yunjin shakes her head. Shows you both hands. Flashes all fingers.
Shakes her head once more. Flashes again.
Yunjin nods.
“Twenty minutes.”
There’s a pause on the other side of the door, and you realise that this is all fucking out of control and completely unbelievable.
But still.
Yunjin’s tongue is setting you on fire, and God she’s kissing up higher, rising to her feet and she's covering every inch of your skin that she has yet to leave her mark.
You whisper-shout at her, “They’re going to break this door down.”
Yunjin laughs, and there’s no way whoever is outside the bathroom doesn’t hear it.
She removes her ruined top. Lets her bra fall to the ground. Steps out of her drenched panties. She looks like perfection.
“That’s fine,” she says, and she’s taking a hold of you, kissing you, and you can taste yourself on her lips and fuck, she’s winning again—“But you’re going to break me first.”
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rosegolden13 · 3 days ago
Hardware store owner!John Price drabble <3
He’s on his smoke break in his office in the back, window open to let in the cool evening breeze and let out the stink of cigar. Store’s been slow today, but that’s no surprise for a random weekday.
Gaz and Soap are messing around out front, their voices carrying into his office from the cracked open door. No doubt they’re playing their makeshift version of floor hockey with a roll of duct tape as a puck and the yard sticks as sticks. Normally, he’d tell them off, but with no customers in, he let them have their fun. It would be closing time soon anyways.
The mechanical ring signalling the arrival of a customer is familiar enough that he tunes it out entirely. It isn’t until that sweet chirping filters through his door that he finds the need to immediately tap out his barely finished cigar, despite the fact that both Gaz and Soap are free to help you. Those muppets don’t know about the leaky sink you’ve been struggling with or the marigolds you’re desperate to help bloom. He needs to be there. It’s only reasonable.
His pace quickens a bit when he hears how your voice seems to be laced with anxiety, words spilling into one another. By the time he gets to the front, Soap has got his palms up, clearly trying to placate you like you’re a spooked horse. 
“Poison?! I-I don’t want to kill them!” You’re wringing your hands, stress palpable, as your bracelets clash against one another on your wrist. And this is what he’s been waiting for since you last came in, another chance to help his favorite girl.
Gaz is moving towards you as if to reach out a hand to place on your arm, but before he can, John’s heavy hand is on your shoulder, standing just behind you. “I’ve got this one, boys. Start cleaning up for me, will ya?”
Gaz and Soap exchange knowing smirks as they head off with a simple “sure thing, cap’n” and a “you got it, Price”. You’re looking up at him and he has to fight back the rush of pride that flows through him when he catches the relief in your expression. 
His thumb absently runs over the fabric of your flowy pink top, feeling your warmth through the thin fabric. “What’s the problem, doll? Never seen ya worked up like this.”
“John, oh, thank God. There’s mice in my attic- a whole family of them. I really wouldn’t mind, but there’s droppings everywhere. Animal control told me to call the exterminator. But I couldn’t live with myself if I had to- They’re only looking for a warm place to stay!” The words are a rush from your glossed lips, his hand rubbing over your shoulder the whole time and then squeezing gently once you’re done. 
God, you’re adorable. This passionate over the lives of a few woodland critters. He’s never flinched at bloodshed, but he’s not one for needless killing either, especially of anything as small and helpless as some mice.
His smile is patient as he looks down at you. “No exterminator necessary. I’ll handle ‘em for ya, lovie. Got a few humane traps I can set up for ya, free of charge. Wouldn’t want ya to get your finger trapped in ‘em.”
Your trust in him is all the payment he needs. Oh, and that sweet smile you give him as you babble happily about how he always knows just what to do. 
He follows you back to your place in his pick-up truck.
As you lead him inside, murmuring sheepishly about how it’s a bit of a mess inside, he’s focusing on how your smaller form squeezes in next to his in the tiny entryway, how you put your keys away with a gentle metal clatter, the movements unconscious because you’ve no doubt done them day after day. The intimacy of being in your space gets to his head, filling his mind with thoughts of placing his keys over yours on the little hook. 
You’re leading him upstairs to the attic soon enough. While he busies himself with setting up the traps, you sweep up mouse droppings. Settling into the work, a comfortable silence lingers over you both. John’s taking note of the christmas decorations, old books, and various bins you have stored up here, making a mental reminder to offer to come over if you ever need help getting the boxes down from here. He wouldn’t want you tripping down that rickety ladder leading up here. 
He’s setting down one of the last traps, placing it by a crack between the wall and floor that he wants to offer to fill for you, when you shriek, the sound loud enough to cover up the scurrying claws of the mouse that had just ran right by your sneakers. In an instant, your hands are digging into his hairy arm, clinging to him. 
It takes him a moment, looking between your hands and then your scared expression, before he’s springing into action. “Shh, darl’. It was jus’ a mouse. Can’t hurt ya. I won’t let it.”
He lets you hug his arm, using his free hand to gently rub your other shoulder. There’s a slight heat in his cheeks that he hasn’t felt since he was a teen, that small thrill of being alone in the dark, tucked close to another warm body. One touch from a pretty little thing and the seasoned captain is falling apart.
The moment is broken when you pull away with a sheepish smile. You’re apologizing again and again for getting spooked like that but John’s just watching you with a smile, sneaking glimpses at the crescent shaped divots your manicure left in his arm. He doesn’t want them to fade, mind wandering to how you could tear up his back with those claws.
Once the job is done, you say goodnight to him at the door, the yellow porch light casting a halo over his hair. He promises to come back once any of the traps are filled to bring the mice to a field so they don’t end up back in your attic again. 
And, no, doll, you don’t need to repay him but, how could he ever say no to a homecooked meal sometime?
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hearts4mica · 2 days ago
I’m the perfect pretty girl.
Platonic! & Yandere! Batfam x Popular! Reader
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“Oh wow!”
“My name is [name] Wayne and not to be arrogant or anything but i’m the perfect example of a ‘perfect pretty girl’. And im not trying to be a jerk. Im just stating a fact!”
And you were not lying. Being the middle child of the family, the first born daughter of Bruce Wayne of course you were gonna be beautiful.
You were walking in the streets when a random dude appeared infront of you.
“Hey wanna go out sometime?” He said excitedly you had never seen him in your entire life.
Now if you were a normal pretty girl you would have said something like. “How about you go to a pig farm and kiss one of them?”
But of course you wouldn’t say that after all you were a role model. Gotham’s Princess. That’s what the media called you.
Instead you just said: “Oh im sorry i have to study for a test tomorrow!” He quickly apologised, wished you luck on your test and left quickly.
So not only i’m beautiful on the outside, i’m also beautiful on the inside!
That’s how you deal with boys!
At important events you always had to be there your fans would go crazy with speculations of why you weren’t there!
“Maybe she’s sick?!”
“Maybe she escaped the country with a random guy she just met-!” “No! She would never do that!”
“Maybe she died!” “Shut up!”
You had to make a video of the reason you didn’t go. Since that day Bruce didn’t allow you to not go to important events anymore!
It was another day after school and you wanted to walk home to appreaciate beautiful Gotham’s view! Not really- you just wanted to stay away from your brothers for a while.
With them being superheroes and you being the most known teen in the whole country! Of course you had stalkers!
And well that walk home definitely did not go well. Some guys tried kidnapping you! Thankfully Nightwing was there to save the day! What a nice hero.
And upon hearing that Bruce decided you were not allowed to go anywhere alone!
So unfair but well you could not say anything against it.
Now even in school you had to eat with Tim or Damian! That’s so embarrassing! Infront of your fans!
Tim was grabbing his books on his locker waiting for the bell to ring to start going to his next class until his friend appeared out of nowhere.
“Hey Timdudebestfriendever! How about you the introduce me to your gorgeous sister? Think about it we could be brother’s in law!”
“Ew no, you with my sister? Never happening.” Tim slammed his locker shut and left. That idiot with his sister? No! He doesn’t deserve you!
You don’t even need a relationship! You’re too you g for that! (You’re older than him).
Damian loves painting you on his art. It’s his favorite hobby. Spending time with his sister!
Just the two of you without a care in the world!
It’s just perfect.You’re just perfect
At this point he could just open a museum where he could display only his art about you and it would definitely be profitable. Maybe even your fans from everywhere would send their art to the museum.
Obviously Damian wouldn’t display it since it doesn’t capture your beauty the way his art does.
Bruce never really liked galas. Well that was until his baby daughter went with him.
He really loved all his children he loved bonding with them. And galas was the perfect way to bond with you!
Usually none of the Wayne kids wanted to go to the Galas. Well you also didn’t want to attend but it’s okay since you’re perfect you can’t make your fans sad!
Dick liked doing anything you wanted to do
Oh you wanted to go to your favourites artists concert? He already bought them! And the meet and greet after the concert!
You wanted to go the next day to the other part of the world just to go shopping? He was already a step ahead and bought the whole plane for just you and him!
Jason liked spending time with you in silence
You were enjoying a sunny day at Gotham’s park trying to relax but the people just wouldn’t leave you alone!
“Hey gorgeous me and you would make great music together” he smelled like he was a corpse in decomposition.
‘You know what would make great music with you? Deodorant. Do you know it helps you smell better you disgusting pig!’ That’s what you would have said but you were perfect in everyone’s eyes. “Oh sorry! Im not allowed to date anyone!” That was the perfect answer.
Jason sat beside you on the bench and just silently glared at the guy so he quickly left. Still there were lots of people staring at you two.
You just sat down quietly without a care in the world.
Thank you for reading!
Likes, comments and reblogs are welcomed!
My masterlist if you wanna check it out
Requests are open!
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muwapsturniolo · 3 days ago
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I was all over her ⋆.˚ M. Sturniolo
"N-no...No girls or guys...I don't uhh - girls don't really look at me."
⟢No smut, loner!Matt, tiny bit of asshole!Matt as well as angst. Deep convos and vaping, that’s it me thinks
@adornedwithlight for divider!
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Pursuit of Happiness
That was the song currently blasting throughout the house of a random person Matt didn’t know.
He had been dragged here by his brother Chris, the younger boy claiming that a girl he was talking to asked him to come and bring people. Matt didn’t know why Chris brought him out of all people—he wasn’t the party type, nor was he a good wingman.
He tried to enjoy the party, he really did, but this wasn’t his style.
The loud music, bodies bumping into each other like sardines in a can, the excessive drinking—he preferred more chill, laid-back settings.
Hence, why he escaped to the bathroom filled with balloons and laid in the tub.
It was a weird hiding spot, but it brought him comfort. Chris didn’t even notice he had disappeared. No one did. He liked to think it was his own superpower.
He let out a deep sigh as he closed his eyes, humming along with Cudi as the balloons lay on top of him like a blanket.
Suddenly, the music got louder for a split second, the door opening and closing as a voice was heard.
“Pee, I have to pee so bad. No more drinks for me, unless it’s an Angry Orchard. I fucking love app—it’s occupied.”
The girl nearly jumped out of her skin, wincing softly as her side hit the corner of the counter.
The two stared at each other, one with wide eyes and the other in annoyance.
“Can you get out?” Matt asked right away. He didn’t mean to be harsh, but he wanted to be alone and not with some random girl.
“Bro, I really have to pee. I damn near made a puddle on the couch. I promise I’ll be quick!” For extra flair and a way to convince him, she clenched her legs together and did the ‘pee dance.’
“Is she being serious?” Matt thought to himself. He let out a huff of frustration and lazily motioned toward the toilet, looking back down at his lap covered in balloons to give her some privacy.
After a few seconds, he noticed the silence in the small space. He side-eyed her and saw her sitting on the porcelain throne with a sheepish look.
“Are you going to pee or…?”
“Sorry... I’m pee shy.”
He groaned loudly and ran his hands down his face in frustration. “Just close the curtain! It’ll help me pretend you aren’t here!”
The boy in the tub yanked the curtain with force, the sound of tinkling immediately being heard. He tried to ignore the sound, thinking about everything else besides this moment.
As he got lost in his head, he missed the sound of toilet paper, the flushing, and the washing of hands.
She went to leave the bathroom, her hand just a centimeter away from the knob, when suddenly, she thought about something.
Matt’s eyes flashed open when the curtain was yanked back, the girl standing tall over him.
“Do you have a vape?”
He sighed as he reached into his pocket for the small device, handing it to her and mumbling to himself. He could have told her no and to get out, but he figured letting a stranger hit his vape for a few seconds wouldn't cause any harm.
Except it wasn't just a few seconds.
The girl smiled and settled down on the floor next to him, hitting the fruity-flavored air and blowing it out.
They sat in silence for a few minutes before she finally spoke, “What are you doing in here away?”
She handed him back the vape, watching as he took his own hit before exhaling.
“Don’t like parties…”
“So why are you here then? And what’s your name?”
For some odd reason, Matt couldn’t answer her question or at least the first half of it. He decided to avoid it altogether, deflecting by asking her the same question.
“What’s your name?”
She smiled at him, her body leaning more against the tub.
He raised a brow at the name. He could tell it wasn’t her real name, but in an odd way, it fit her perfectly.
“So, are you going to tell me your name now? Or am I going to have to play hangman to figure it out?” He found himself chuckling softly at her question, the idea of teasing her and having her guess being too good to pass up.
“I’m just going to call you Blue.”
His brows furrowed at the name. Why would she call him that?
She shrugged as she plucked the vape from his hands once again. “Yup, Blue. Blue eyes, you’ve got a blue balloon on your lap... plus you give off blue vibes.”
He wasn’t sure what she meant by ‘blue vibes,’ but he took it as a compliment. He takes the time to examine her, processing her choice of clothing and how she looks.
She had on an oversized sweater that was a bit random, between the blue skulls with eyes and the two bands 'Nirvana' and 'Smashing Pumpkins' on it, he didn't know if he liked it or hated it. She paired the oversized sweater with a pair of ripped fishnets and a pair of beaten-up platform Converse on her feet.
Her hair was slicked up into two balls of curls, a few stray pieces hanging down and framing her face.
She didn't look like all the girls attending the party. He didn't mean it in a degrading way, he meant that she was different - in a good way.
"So why don't you like parties?" She asks the question once again, hoping to get a different answer. He already stated he doesn't like parties, and she understood that, but she wanted to know the reason.
Matt shrugs, leaning his back against the wall and propping his legs up in the tub. "Don't know really... I think I like parties but not ones like this. It's too packed, too loud and hot. The music is ok, but I don't even know whose house or party this is."
He turns and looks at her with a questioning brow, hoping she will elaborate. "Bonnie, it's her birthday party. I know her, but not that well. Honestly, she's kind of a bitch, but she's friends with my best friend, so I got dragged along. Not complaining though, Bonnie has some good alcohol and-"
Matt watches her as she rambles. He usually hated when people talked too much for no reason, especially when he didn't want to talk. But for some reason, he found her rambles enjoyable. Maybe it was because she was odd herself, maybe it was because she acknowledged his existence and actually sat to talk to him.
"My brother, Chris, dragged me here because he likes some girl and she invited him. He didn't want to come alone, so I was dragged out of bed, and now here I am."
"Who's the girl?"
Matt shrugs and runs a hand through his hair, adjusting his body so he is actually facing the girl on the other side of the tub. "I don't know. if I'm being honest, I really don't care. Chris finds a new girl what seems like every other day, I'm done trying to keep up."
The girl known as Trouble hums in acknowledgment, resting her arms on the rim of the porcelain tub.
"Well, what about you?"
"Well, what about me?"
"Any girl in your life? Maybe guys? I'm not one to judge."
Matt could feel his face getting warm, his eyes darting down at the balloon-filled tub. "N-no...No girls or guys...I don't uhh - girls don't really look at me."
"What do you mean?"
He shrugs awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck before resting his head on the edge of the tub, the girl following suit. "I don't know...I think I'm invisible to most people, like they see me, but they don't see me, you know? usually, I enjoy that, not being seen and being able to be alone and with myself, but sometimes it's a curse. You get lonely, but you get used to it... Then when they do see me, it's like I don't match the version of me in their head, I somehow fuck up, so once again, m'left alone."
Silence settles over them for a moment, Matt realizing he rambled and expressed too much, it wasn't something he was used to doing.
" I see you...."
Her soft words cause Matt to turn and look at her, his expression one of nirvana.
Truth be told, these two strangers didn't know each other, they just met and yet, a mutual understanding is had, a connection is being formed - a deep connection.
It seems like time grows slower, the world moving in slow motion as their faces inch closer. The muffled music and voices from the outside created an odd sense of tranquility in the dimly lit bathroom.
There was no urgency in the moment, the two strangers that seemed to be growing closer at an accelerated pace, teetering on the edge as their lips ghosted each other, their breath fanning over the other's face.
Just before their lips could meet, the bathroom door swung open, a guy standing at the entrance. He misses the way trouble and blue jerk away from each other, their eyes wide and hearts beating wildly.
"There you are! I've been looking for you forever. Party is almost over, let's go."
Matt watches with longing as the girl stands up, giving him one last glance as she leaves with the other boy.
After a few seconds, he stands up quietly, the balloons in the tub flying up and spilling over. He moves towards the sink, gripping the counter as he stares at the reflection in the mirror.
He couldn't help but feel a dull ache in his chest, the loneliness settling in once more.
Who was that stranger that came to get her? Was that her boyfriend? If so, why did they almost kiss if she was taken?
Why doesn't he feel bad about the potential kiss?
He sighs and rubs over his face.
They didn't makeout, yet he was all over her.
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cinnamorollcrybaby · 2 days ago
begging on my knees, ripping my skin off for shiu kong ANYTHING <3 ily cinna LMAOO
Bullet for my Assassin
Tags: Shiu x fem!Reader, Toji x fem!Reader, mfm, why choose, kidnapping, murder, dead dove, dark romance plot, you're being used for ransom, Toji and Shiu are morally black in this one.
Synopsis: Your dad is a wealthy CEO of Japan, but he hates you because you were born a girl instead of a boy. Toji and Shiu kidnap you and hold you ransom for money. Things ensue???
An: Hiiiii nepo baby, i know you said shiu kong anything. I hope you don’t mind Toji making an appearance. Also, HAPPY (so very late; i'm so sorry.) BIRTHDAY!!! Look, i gotta be honest. I ran out of inspiration for this fic, so I'm posting it, hoping it will revitalize some of that inspiration for a part two. That being said, let me know if I should make a part two.
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Being the daughter of one of the wealthiest men in Japan was actually a death sentence. Since you didn’t have a dick between your legs, you’re obviously less than in the world of business.
Your dad pressured your mom into giving him children to inherit the company, but he didn’t want children. He wanted men to inherit the company. You were just a lowly girl!! How were you supposed to manage a company? Girls clearly didn’t know anything about finance or business. (can you smell my sarcasm)
Ruthless and cold, your father never showed you nor your mother an ounce of love. In fact, he had tried multiple avenues to try and prove that you weren’t his kid. Unfortunately for both of you, you share 23 of your dad’s chromosomes.
His anger was growing worse towards you as you got older and developed your own personality. Everything you did was wrong in his eyes. Even though the company was specifically suppose to go to his kid, your father had been toying with the idea of selling out just so you couldn’t ruin what he had built.
Not that you cared, you thought about how if you were the CEO, you’d burn the company to the ground just to spite his wishes. You’d love to see him turn over in his grave as he watched his baby burn because of his daughter.
You basically lived alone. Your mother had passed a couple of years ago due to strange circumstances, and your father never bothered to come home. There would be no point to socializing with the likes of you.
Your mother’s early death rocked you to your core. For your entire childhood, she was weary and exhausted. Your father directed his anger on her, and she couldn’t help but subconsciously put the blame on you. If only you were a boy.
She did a good job of not showing her true thoughts. She wasn’t a doting or nurturing, but she was there for you. She never raised a hand to you, never raised her voice with you, never called you mean names. That was all you could ask for whenever your dad was so vile towards you. While she wasn’t close with you, she was still your mom, and she was the closest thing to parental guidance that you had. Her death was the beginning of your lonely existence.
The mansion was like a prison for you. Since your dad was so prominent in social media, you had an image to uphold, and he didn’t want you ruining that image. So, he didn’t even give you the chance to interact with anyone outside of the house. The only way for you to escape his claws was to either get married or die, and getting married was impossible when you weren’t allowed to interact with anyone on the outside.
You preferred being alone. The empty quiet feelings was better than the anxiety you got when your father was home. He’d always start yelling at the waitstaff about something so minuscule. He harbored so much anger that the house practically turned sour when he came home.
What was the saying? If you grow up with an angry man in your house, there will always be an angry man in your house. The thought of marrying someone like your dad made you want to gouge your eyes out with a butter knife. Being alone was the best option.
Besides, the waitstaff was nice. They cared for you… albeit from a distance, but they cared. It was known that you received the worst of your father’s anger, so they empathized with you.
The house was particularly quiet late one evening. It wasn’t the normal quiet that gave you a sense of peace. It was eerily quiet, giving you a sense of dread. The sounds of hushed talking and dishes clattering was the usual background noise in the house from the waitstaff, but there was nothing right now… as if it truly was just you in the house.
The alarms would’ve went off if someone entered. Not to mention there’s security posted around the perimeter… unless your father was the reason that it was so quiet… Surely, it was just him. Maybe he sent the waitstaff home for the day?
You carefully slipped out of bed, pulling a robe on over your silk pajamas. Being a CEO’s daughter wasn’t all bad. You received luxury items in exchange for feeling void of any real human connection and your dad’s hatred!
Briefly taking a moment to wonder if you were being one of those dumb characters from a scary movie, you quickly pushed those thoughts out of your head. Your life was more of a tragedy than a horror movie.
Slowly stepping out of your room, the click of your door latching filled the space, and you held your breath for just a moment. Nothing.
You soundlessly walked down the hall. Since you were on the second floor, there was a landing where you could look over the rails to see the bottom floor.
Nothing. No- is that a foot? Is someone lying on the ground. You leaned farther over the wooden railing to see. You were surely mistaken, right? Who was lying on the floor?
The feeling of a hand pressing down on the back of your head. Fingers entangled with your hair as the unknown man gripped you from behind. His other hand was steady on your hip. You were being dangled over the side of the railing by a stranger.
Immediately, you started to thrash against his hold, panicking as you did so. “Let me go!” You shouted, kicking your feet out from behind you to try to get away from him.
Turning your head as much as his hand would allow, you only caught the glimpse of a scar on the man’s lip. He shot you a grin before pushing your body closer to the edge, almost making you topple right over the railing.
“Yeah, princess? Want me to let you go?” His voice was husky, teasing almost. It had a raspy edge to it that sent shivers up your spine as you were now trying to push back against him to get away from the edge.
Your eyes were looking at the drop, wondering if it was better to just fall than to face whatever this man was going to do you. Somethings were worse than death…
You switched tactics, pulling away from him instead of trying to get away from the rail. You were going to topple right over it. A growl of frustration left his lips as he easily yanked you away from the railing. Your body collided with his brick wall of a warm chest.
Taking a chance to look up at him, you immediately regretted it. The perpetrator had black hair that came over his forehead and pretty green eyes that you could get lost in. His lips seemed to permanently house a cocky smirk, and fuck, he was built.
“You must have a death wish, brat.” He scowled at you as if he wasn’t the one who dangled you so close to the edge.
Not bothering to answer his taunts, you quickly started to fight against him, beating against his chest with your hands, trying to wriggle from his grasp. He was massive. You were sure that none of your blows were doing anything to him.
Without any difficulty, the hulk-sized man slung you over his shoulder, securing an arm around your frame. He didn’t even flinch or bat an eye each time you hit him. Your fists did little to his toned back.
Not able to fight your way out, you use your next best defense tool: your voice. “Let me go!” You shrieked as loud as possible. “Let me go! Somebody help!” Tears coated your eyes, and your voice went hoarse from yelling.
“Let me goo~ Somebody help mee~” The man mocked you in an obscene high-pitched tone with a laugh. He had done his homework. Even if you screamed, no one would be coming to save you right now.
Every staff member in the house was deceased, and thank god your dear old dad is so paranoid that he put his mansion in the literal middle of nowhere. There were no neighbors that’d hear you either.
You were completely and utterly alone with the man who was kidnapping you. A deep sense of dread and hopelessness filled your stomach, and you continued to cry — weakly begging for anyone to help you.
The man toned you out rather easily as he carried you down the massive flight of stairs. He used his free hand to flip open a burner phone, and he dialed a number before talking.
“The security system is still down?” His gruff, no-nonsense voice returned to him as if he wasn’t just making fun of you moments prior.
Even though you knew it was likely one of his associates on the phone, you screamed for help. Hot tears coated your cheeks as your voice strained.
A firm smack to your ass jolted you, and your voice caught in your throat. Did your kidnapper really just spank you for misbehaving?
“The girl isn’t hurt. She’s just being dramatic. I’m heading to the pickup spot.” He didn’t let the person on the other side answer before he clopped the flip phone shut, effectively ending the call.
“Gonna get me in trouble acting like that, girl.” The man tsked his tongue, and he continued to effortlessly carry you around to the back entrance of the house.
You finally caught a glimpse of your poor staff members. Your heart lurched in your chest. They had families and lives. Now, they were dead on your floor because of this man.
The man didn’t say another word as you cried. He kept his one arm firmly wrapped around you as he so casually carried you out of the house. The security system and the guards had already been dealt with.
Soon, you unceremoniously shoved into the back of a black tinted car. You struggled as much as you could, kicking and scratching. You even tried to bite the man as he tied your arms behind your back.
“Keep fighting. I’ll hogtie and gag your ass.” He threatened lowly, becoming sick of this game with you. He never quite understood why people fought so hard against him when he clearly held the upper hand. It was useless.
Letting out a small sob, you laid against the backseat of the car. The leather interior felt cold and ruthless as your tears fell from your eyes.
“Come on, Toji. We don’t have all day.” The driver reprimanded as if the man was simply buckling in a toddler and not kidnapping a grown woman.
You flinched from the sound of the driver’s voice. You had been so focused on fighting against the Toji guy that you didn’t even realize there was another man idly sitting in the front seat, puffing on a cigar.
Toji tied your ankles together, but he didn’t hogtie you thankfully. Without saying another word, he slammed the door shut before getting into the passenger side seat.
You felt your heart drop as the car started to move. You had an inkling… you’d never see that mansion again. You just knew it. Even though you hated the very frame that house sat on, you longed for the empty feeling of sitting inside. You’d take the void of living in a loveless home over being taken by two men.
Your stomach churned, and suddenly, you felt ill as you faced the grave circumstances. Bile raised in your throat, and your hands struggled against the ropes that Toji had bound you with. Panic set in. You were going to choke on your vomit while you laid face down in it.
“There she goes.” Toji muttered, tone laced with annoyance before he reached back and pulled your arm so your mouth was hanging over the back seat. You threw up safely into the floor.
“I just got this car detailed.” The driver groaned as he took another puff from his cigar.
“It happens every time without fail. Ya should start puttin’ puppy pads back there or something.” Toji responded as his arm was still reached back, bracing your body.
“Yeah, because that’s not suspicious at all.” The driver responded with a sarcastic tone. It was clear that this wasn’t their first encounter with kidnapping someone. You didn’t even want to think about the implications of that.
Your adrenaline was dropping off, and while you knew you should try and stay awake — try to map out the turns the car made, you were exhausted after emptying your stomach contents into the floor.
Your head rested against the cool leather seats, and a moment later, you were out.
“It’s like fuckin’ clockwork.” Toji commented as he saw you dozing off in the backseat.
“Let me hogtie you and throw you into the back of a car, and we’ll see if you don’t throw up and pass out.” The driver grinned over at him.
“Kinky.” Was all the man responded with.
*** *** ***
The next time you awoke you were bound to a chair in a surprisingly well-lit room. It appeared to be a bedroom. Judging by the overly bland decor, you assumed this was an Airbnb or a hotel. There was no way they could’ve hauled your sleeping body into a hotel without being noticed, so it was definitely an Airbnb. Taking in your surroundings, you flinched as you finally caught a glimpse of the two men standing in your peripheral. They were silently watching you.
“So nice of you to join us, sleeping beauty.” Toji mocked with an easy grin, the scar on his lip flexing upwards. If he wasn’t your kidnapper, you would’ve classified him to be rather handsome in a very rugged sense. He just looked like the type of man who could get the job done.
“I thought we accidentally killed ya.” The driver who was now not driving remarked.
You had to be smarter with your words this time. There was no point in begging to be set free. They had already taken you to god knows where, killed your entire staff, and bound you to a chair. There was no going back for them.
“My dad has money. That’s what you’re after, right?” You bargained, taking a stab in the dark. This didn’t feel like human trafficking. This felt like a hostage, ransom situation. Little did they know, your dad probably wasn’t going to pay a single penny to get you back.
“Clever girl.” The driver grinned. He was also another handsome man with chestnut brown hair and a mustache. He seemed much more calmer than Toji, and he had a capable energy to him. You could tell that he was definitely the ringleader. Toji was simply the muscle behind the operation.
The driver took three slow, calculated steps towards you. He was still out of reach as he crouched down to be at your level. His eyes were dark brown as he carefully exam you.
“If you’re good, I’ll explain how this is gonna work.” The man said lowly. His voice was deeper than Toji’s but not as gravely or hardened. He had a voice fit for radio.
You slowly nodded, tears already sliding down your cheeks out of sheer fear.
“Good girl. Keep that same energy for the camera.” The man purred before you directed your attention to Toji. He was setting up a tripod with a nice Canon camera set up on it. He flicked the lights off, but it wouldn’t be too dark for anyone to see.
Your body started to react before you could even fully process what was going on. You rocked back and forth in your chair while crying, trying to fight against the restraints. Toji clicked the record button, and he pulled two black balaclavas out of his pocket. Throwing one at the other man and slipping one on for himself. Their identities besides their eyes were completely concealed.
The nameless man tied a piece of cloth that worked as a gag around your mouth, and you sobbed harder. This could go so many ways, and you didn’t want to consider all the possibilities. Your mind thinking up the most depraved acts.
Then, the nameless man held a voice distorter up to his mouth, like the ones that were used in horror films. Toji suddenly grabbed your hair tightly with his oversized fist, and he made you look directly into the camera.
The nameless man started the video off by addressing your dad by his full name. “We have your daughter.” He plainly stated, going silent so one of your muffled sobs could clearly he heard.
He went on a spill about the ransom and how it was going to work. They were demanding 10 million dollars to be paid in a week. It had to be paid in person by your dad, or they would mail him your body parts.
You choked out sobs and tried to scream. You were going to die. There was no way you were going to make it out of this situation alive.
Toji’s thumb ever so gently caressed the back of your head. He was still holding your hair tightly, making you look directly into the camera, but he was subtly rubbing small circled into your scalp as if he was trying to subtly soothe you.
Whatever his intent was, it wasn’t working. You strained against the rope and the gag. You cried and tried to beg your way out of this. Finally, the nameless man showed the camera a timer. It was set for 168 hours, and it was steadily dwindling down.
Then, he stopped the recording ominously. “Can’t believe we got that on the first try.” He muttered with a laugh before pulling off his balaclava. He then flicked back on the lights.
You looked at both of the men in a confused manner. They were both so calm and casual after recording a literal ransom video. It was eerie. You hated this feeling of distrust and uneasiness that settled into the pit of your stomach.
Toji ripped off his balaclava, and he promptly untied the gag before picking up the camera off the tripod and walking away.
“Alright doll, you did so good.” The nameless man praised as he crouched back down to be at your level. “I guess that means I gotta tell you how things are gonna work now, huh?”
A sheepish nod later, and he continues, "I'm Shiu, and you already know the other old fucker's name is Toji." He starts, gesturing to Toji who was lazily typing away at a computer with a death glare.
"We're not gonna hurt ya until you give us a reason to. You just gotta be good for us and do as we say, and this will be a breeze." Shiu's tone was steady and lighthearted as if he was talking about the itinerary to a vacation and not your kidnapping.
Tears clouded your vision. Your captors seemed to have thought of all the details but one. Your father couldn't give less of a fuck about you, and he likely wasn't going to pay a dime for your safe return.
"And when my dad doesn't pay you two, then what? You two kill me and mail my body off so you can move onto the next mogul's daughter?" You asked -- tone full of resentment.
"We're not amateurs, darlin'." Shiu grins at you, boldly using his thumb to wipe away a few stray tears from your cheeks. You're still bound, so you're at his whim right now. "Toji's workin' on releasing that video publicly. How could the wealthiest CEO of Japan get away with not paying to have his daughter back safely?"
You pursed your lips together, trying to think rationally. None of this felt real. Your heart stuttered in your chest. Would your dad pay to get you back if he risked ruining his reputation?
If he ruined his reputation, companies would pull their stocks and tank his company. It would be hard for him to form partnerships because other companies wouldn’t want to be associated with him. His perfectly curated baby would come crashing down.
He would have to pay to get you back.
Noticing the gears turning in your head, Shiu patted your hair gently with his oversized palm. “We also got a few other tricks up our sleeve. We didn’t do this on a spur of the moment decision, darling.”
They weren’t two petty criminals looking to make it big. These two men were the real deal. They had the knowledge and precision that it took to commit serious crimes. This probably wasn’t even their first ransom situation.
“Glad to know you plotted my kidnapping perfectly.” You muttered in a self-deprecating tone.
Shiu gave another chuckle as his hand stayed on your head. His touch was warm and unwavering. It had been years since someone showed you affection so casually.
“I’d say you’re in good hands, but…” He grinned at you, ruffling your hair before removing his hand. “You’re in capable hands.” He said before he slowly walked around behind you. “Be honest, darling. If I untie you, are you going to try to run?”
Your eyes lingered on the door of the Airbnb. Would you even make it far if you did run? Would it be worth being tied down for even longer? Your eyes wandered to Toji, who was sat strategically near the door. His gaze was still on the laptop, but you could tell that he could easily catch you if given the chance.
Shiu laughed as he could see the inner turmoil on your face. You really wore your emotions on your sleeve, not hiding that you were weighing the option of running. “You wanna see what’ll happen? Try it, princess.” He dared as his fingers worked to loosen the knots around your hands.
Your body was achy from the precarious position of being tied to the chair. You instinctively stretched, feeling your stiff muscles protest.
You looked back up at Shiu, registering that he was offering you to run. “Go ahead. Go.” He said as he nodded towards the door.
“If you make me run, I’m taking it out on your ass.” Toji grumbled from his position near the door. His green eyes were now glaring at you.
Against your better judgement, you ran. You had to run, even if it was clearly a setup. If you didn't try to get away, then someone would say that you wanted this to happen. You wanted to be kidnapped from your prison.
You barely made it to the door and swung it open before two strong arms wrapped around your midsection, hauling you up as if you weighed nothing.
"Fucking brat." Toji's voice rumbled in your ear as he lifted your body up, pressing your backside against his chest as he kicked the door shut.
Shiu chuckled as he made sure to lock it back. He really just enticed you to run to piss Toji off. He had to keep things interesting after all.
A grunt passed your lips as you were unceremoniously slung onto the plush bed in the room. You tried to kick and fight your way out of Toji's hold, but his hands expertly held you down and forced your arms above your head. You squeezed your eyes shut.
Here it comes... the part where you wish they would've just killed you...
The sound of metal jingling caught your attention, and you hesitantly opened your eyes to see Toji handcuffing you down to the headboard.
As soon as one of your wrists were cuffed and bound, Toji got up off of you. "Until you can learn how to behave and not be stupid." He muttered as he turned his back to you and went back to sit down.
Well, that wasn't what you were expecting.
"Technically-" You spoke up, looking between Toji and Shiu as they watched you with amused eyes. "I was behaving since he told me to run." You pointed out, nodding your head towards Shiu.
"And I told you what would happen if you did run. You're lucky I haven't bent you over my knee yet." Toji countered, crossing his arms over his chest with a lopsided grin.
"I haven't decided if I'm going to do it or not, but your smart mouth is pushing me, brat."
You swallow thickly, realizing what you were truly dealing with here. Your eyes leave Toji's figure, and you look up towards the handcuff chaining you to the bed.
You were kidnapped from one prison and brought to another, and yet, a strange voice in the back of your head is telling you that your kidnappers have better intentions with you than your own dad.
"Don't listen to him," Shiu's low voice rumbled, breaking your line of thought. "He's all bark and rarely any bite,"
"He killed all of my staff members," you retort, staring at Shiu with furrowed eyebrows. How could he act like Toji was anything less than a killing machine?
"Touch��," was all Shiu responded with as he looked over at you with a relaxed grin.
Toji was back to lounging as he tilted his head back. His adams apple bobbing as he closed his eyes. He wasn't really going to sleep next to the door, was he?
Shiu had walked off out of sight, and you could hear him responding to a phone call.
Moving around on the bed, you figured you may as well get comfortable while you're trapped.
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venuslarkspur · 2 days ago
Okay y’all are right I’ve prolonged this series too long <3 (so here you go 💚)
Link to Part 1 - Robin Vs Wonder Girl
Teen Trinity Meet Up
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Pairing: Damian Wayne x Wonder Girl!Reader (romantic), Jon Kent x Wonder Girl!Reader (platonic or romantic, but was written to be romantic)
Summary: After you finally return home after a long 3 year stay in the island of Themyscira, where you trained with the Amazons, you leave behind an old friend and once reunited are invited to join a new Superhero team consisting of You, Him and someone else, very much love triangle but not really.
Warning: Teenage flirting idk, Mild Misandry from the amazons.
The fog was thick today, it made you miss Themyscira. It’s taking some getting used too, especially seeing boys again, you never told any of the Amazons about Damian. It was a bad idea, you could barely contain yourself being around him. You had a childish crush on him, but it’s been 3 years now and you hadn’t ended on the best note. But you were 13 then and couldn’t understand your feelings properly, your last meeting ended with you screaming at Damian to stop toying with your feelings; you thought you had something, turns out he was just like the mean boys at school.
Looking back you had overreacted, like seriously overreacted. You felt awkward seeing him again, but it was thanks to the Amazons you had this crush educated out of you; you even met some cute girls back on Themyscira, they were a bit older than you, you could tell since you were the only kid there but that didn’t stop you. What actually stopped you was the fact they weren’t Damian. The last thing you needed was a distraction, you were the future Wonder Woman god damn it!
But anyway enough bitching for today, you were ready to meet your new teammates today; sort of, you already met Damian of course. But you haven’t had the pleasure of meeting Jon yet, you heard some mixed things from Damian a few years back; but that was it. You were curious to say the least.
You were now planted on one of the rooftops of Gotham, my god, you hated it here. It was awful, the air pollution, the smell, even the people. It wasn’t your go to place that’s for sure. You winced slightly at the bruises from the yesterday’s sparring session with Damian, turns out he had approved too. You dropped him on his ass eventually of course; but he still had some moves you weren’t expecting.
“Don’t jump off.” You heard a voice from behind and a swoosh of a cape, it was Damian. He’s so much chilled than before, what changed? Honestly you expected him to be taller, yeah you had some crazy Amazon genes but he was originally taller. You didn’t mind though, just wasn’t expecting it. You played with your tiara slightly and turned your head to face him, still sitting on the ledge. “Would you come after me?” You asked, tucking your hair behind your ear slightly. He grinned in amusement and sat down next to you. “You can fly now, remember? But yeah of course I would.” He said whilst pulling his gloves up. “Jon?” You asked. “He’ll be here soon.” And with that you directed your attention downwards.
Eventually he spoke again but let out a chuckle before speaking, “It’s funny, Themyscira has made you grow quite beautiful.” He said directing his attention towards you, your heart fluttered, you were finally getting the treatment you wanted. Just took 3 years to get there, it wasn’t as fulfilling as you thought though. Maybe it was because you had slowly fallen out of love with him, you couldn’t tell. But it didn’t make this any less sweet. And you had the urge to flirt back, if you could call it that. “What about you? You’re not looking so bad yourself.” You declared, with your tongue dragged across your front teeth. He looked away with a smirk, this made you question a LOT.
Jon had arrived slightly later, as the three of you looked out from the rooftop, the tension from your previous conversation still held true. Jon frantically kept looking in between you two, feeling like he’d interrupted something…
Damian stayed nonchalant, you tried to desperately look the other way, praying, hoping Jon wouldn’t notice your blushing face. but Jon was dumbfounded. Had this meet up he arranged turned into him third wheeling you two? Gosh..
“So I spoke to my father.” Damian spoke up first, his stoic voice remained at its average pitch. You and Jon both peered your heads to look at him, your eyes wide. “He’s going to look into finding us a headquarters.” He smiled and you and Jon exchanged smiles whilst you muttered words of excitement. Finally having something to take your mind off Damian.
Before long, Damian had left you both together. You were getting ready to leave before something Jon said shocked you, “Are you and Damian a thing now or..” He said and smiled awkwardly; rubbing the back of his head. Your face turned out swiftly and you begun waving your arms in embarrassment
“No it’s nothing like that!” You blushed, and you both turned your gaze to nothing in particular, but just away from each other. Why is he asking that? Gosh did you two really look like that?! Will Jon gossip?! You haven’t exactly known him for long..
“Sorry I shouldn’t have assumed things..” He lets out a sigh, he made his way to edge of the rooftop, the faint stars in the sky made this all surreal. “I best be off.” He trailed, ready to fly off. But you had other plans. “Jon!” You exhaled, moving closer, almost running. He turned around and let out a “Hm? What’s wrong?” He asked, and you smiled at him. “It was just nice seeing you..” you muttered and he waved at you before turning again. “You too.” A blush on his face barely evident, at least not to you. And with a loud “whoosh!” He too was gone. But a question stayed on your mind..why did he care whether or not you were dating Damian?
Taglist: @waterwyne @girlmachia @spacegirlfromearth @riaaavm
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rikosseen · 2 days ago
Lookism men reacting to their kids being disrespectful to you
Anon req | some kids call you mama (Goo and Jake) |ft. Gun, Goo, Jake, Samuel, Eli
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Gun Park
It’s not that he never wanted kids— but rather he didn’t know how to deal with them or guide them as a father.
Watching his son shout a fuck you at you— well. He really feels like he failed as a parent. Perhaps, if Jonggun had used other methods to teach the kid— perhaps if he’d been more present, this wouldn’t have happened.
You stay silent and sit down, not bothering to deal with your son; feeling too overwhelmed and fearful you’ll snap or say something you’ll later regret. Gun silently picks up the child, walks into a room, and gently closes the door. He places the kid down until the tantrum ceases, and calls out to him when he’s calmed. His Son glares and spits at his father. To which Gun narrows his eyes. A stare down ensues before the grown man lectures the child on language, and respectful behaviour; ensuring the concept and importance of family is engraved in the kid’s head.
“Is that understood?”
A nod.
“If you’re going to be non verbal now, I’m going to take it that you didn’t listen to a word I said.”
“Yes sir,” is muttered guiltily.
“Go apologise to your mother and help us out for dinner.”
The little boy walks out, Jonggun following suit— and he hesitantly stands in front of you. A sorry is muttered, and the boy’s father gives a curt nod of approval upon seeing you hug your child.
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Goo Kim
“Just say sorry,” the blonde hisses.
“I don’t need to!” a little girl snaps back. “Why’re you on mama’s side anyway?!”
“Cupcake…” Goo begins, bending down to level himself with his daughter. “I’m always on your side. But there are times where as a parent, I have to be like this. Don’t you think Mama’s hurt with what you said?”
The little girl scoffs and whips her head around. “
“Well, if mama could have JUST listened to me,” she says exasperated.
Goo sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.
“If daddy got angry at you for no reason, and started shouting some really mean things, wouldn’t you be upset?” he tries again.
The girl stays silent, but then quickly rolls her eyes with an, “Of course, duh.”
“Exactly. That’s how Ma’s feeling right now,” Goo picks up his daughter and carries her in his arms.
With a pout, she stays silent and furrows her eyebrows.
“I’ll be there when you apologise so it’s easier, ok?”
“No! I don’t wanna!” she screeches.
Where’d she get this attitude from? Goo scowls.
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Jake Kim
“What’s up with you?” Jake gives his kid a poke.
The boy grumbles and picks at his food, ignoring your presence completely as you wash the dishes silently.
“What was that?” Jake whispers.
“I said something to Mama without meaning to.”
“Oh yeah?”
The kid nods slowly, but surely.
“Are you sorry?”
He nods again.
“Then why don’t you go ahead and say so?” Jake nudges the boy.
“I don’t—“ he hesitates.
“Come on,” the father stands up and takes his son’s hand, walking to you. “I’ll help.”
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Samuel Seo
Thick air coats the house as Samuel enters through the door with a stern expression. Feet quickly scamper behind the kitchen counter in an attempt to hide from impending wrath. You walk out of your room calmly, phone in hand and take off Samuel’s coat.
“Where are they?” he frowns, looking around.
You tilt your head to where the twins are hiding and cross your arms.
“It’s not too late to own up,” you call out to the kids.
“Suit yourselves,” you shrug, heading to the fridge to drink some juice.
Nervous muttering can be heard, but it’s quickly shut up when Samuel’s voice raises.
“My office. Now.”
At this, your husband grunts and throws the twins over his shoulders.
“We’re sorry!” is screamed simultaneously, while you turn your head to ignore what’s happening.
“This is called consequences to your actions,” you singsong.
More screams and cries are heard.
What should we eat for dinner? you think.
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Eli Jang
After a small outburst from Yenna, you can do nothing but give a tight lipped smile. Eli begins to stammer, and quickly runs up to his daughter in an attempt to reprimand her somehow.
“I’m so sorry— I don’t know what’s gotten into her. She’s not usually like this”
Yenna tries to wriggle out of her dad’s grip and cries.
“I know, Eli. It’s okay,” you back up a bit, observing your sleeves awkwardly.
“I swear, she absolutely adores you. And, and—“
“Eli,” you try again, this time looking at him. “It’s just kids being kids, don’t worry. Leave her alone right now. We can talk to her about her behaviour when she’s calmed.”
Reluctantly, he lets go of his daughter— who runs up to her room in a fit of sobs.
Warren and Sally walk in and give you two questioning looks.
“Is everything okay?”
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81pastrys · 3 days ago
Driving lessons?
Summary— When Carlos Sainz III is old enough for his road license, who’s better than his formula one driver of a father to teach him how to drive?
Warnings— none
A/N— Carlo is his nickname, Viviana makes a small appearance along with Lando.
Translations— ‘Mi hija’ : daughter ‘Mi hijo’ : son ‘si, mi Amor’ : yes, my love
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Carlos had feared this day for around 17 years. When his son would ultimately need to get a real drivers license and not one for a junior formula. He was acting fine, until his wife forced him to dish lessons to his son. Almost spitting image of his father. “Papa, I don’t want to crash your car!” His son argued.
“Carlo, you’ll be fine.” Carlos said calm, despite the anxiety levels rising in his body. “It’s only my Bentley mi hijo, and I’ll be riding with you.” He added. As if she knew there was something to tease her brother about, Viviana entered the room.
“Scared of driving?” She laughed. Carlos gave her a look. “What? He drives a formula 2 car, how hard can it really be?” She defended herself against her father’s look.
“I’d like to see you try.” Carlo said. The teenagers go back and forth a minute before Carlos interjects. “Papa, it’s different!”
“I know, so then let’s go.” Carlos encouraged. The boy rolled his eyes and followed his dad out the front door. “Mi hija, don’t forget your chores. Mama will be home from work soon.” The 15 year old rolled her eyes but went on to do her chores as asked.
Carlos, being as rich as he is, pulled into the reserved karting track for his son to practice driving. They swapped seats and Carlos felt his hands get clammy at the thought. His little boy all grown up and about to drive his luxury car around a karting track.
“First, I want you to adjust everything.” He sighed. “The seat, mirrors, anything.” His son did just that. Moving the seat to accommodate his tall figure and mirrors to see everything necessary. “Okay, to shift gears, press the break firmly.”
“How different is this from my racing car?” His son asked. The nerves slamming his emotions completely now. The thought was one thing, but he’s actually sitting in a driver seat.
“Not too different, you just don’t feel the constant air or adrenaline rush.” Carlos explained. The car hummed quietly as they talk about the differences more.
“Okay, press the break and shift?” Carlo confirmed. He got a nod from his father and did so, shifting into drive. “Do I change the gears?” He asked, foot still on the break.
“Not today mi hijo, that’s for another day.” Carlos chuckled. The car started rolling forward slowly. Carlo hit the gas lightly and felt the speed pick up. He stayed at a comfortable 30kph. “See it isn’t hard, just need practice.” Carlos reassured.
They drive the track until sunset when Carlos deemed it too dark. Carlos drove them home for dinner. A familiar car in the parking garage. “Wait why is Lando here?” Carlo asked.
“He is?” Carlos asked before seeing the McLaren. “Ahh Vivi probably called him for something.” Sure enough Lando got a call from the girl about being scared for her brother. Lando was always welcome, hence why he stayed for dinner.
“How was it?” He questioned. He knew Carlos had been shitting his pants over this moment for years. He asked the question casually, although Carlos saw the mischief in his friend’s eyes.
“It was so cool.” Carlo said. Lando smiled along with Carlos. “It really isn’t that different to be honest.” He admitted.
“Clear track right Carlos?” His wife had a condescending tone. Carlos did inform her of their whereabouts and the plan he had. They stuck to the plan, knowing if they didn’t they were both getting scolded.
“Si, mi amor.” Carlos responded.
I felt it right for his son to be the third.
We don’t talk about how this was posted for 6 hours without me noticing the wrong suffix was used 🤫🤫
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oopsiedaisydeer · 3 days ago
ʟᴇᴛ ɪᴛ ʜᴀᴘᴘᴇɴ
…𝘨𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘣𝘰𝘺!𝘤𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘴 𝘥𝘢𝘪𝘴𝘺 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦
phone sex, angst, loneliness, mental health struggles, sub!chris?, longing, vulnerability, intimacy, anonymous relationship
word count - 1.9k
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The lecture hall hummed with the usual mid-morning buzz. She sat in her usual spot up the back, the dim lighting above her making the world feel like it was happening just a little too far out of reach. Her pen danced across the notebook as the professor spoke, but her thoughts kept wandering. She let her gaze wander too, getting distracted by a group a couple rows in front of her, talking amongst themselves, laughing. One guy in particular stood out, the messy brown hair, the posture and his laugh. It was almost familiar. The boy turned slightly, and she caught a glimpse of his face. Too many emotions hit her all at once as she recognised him.
Chris Sturniolo. 
She hadn’t expected to see him at university. He had only been a year ahead of her, part of a different crowd back in their small town. They weren’t exactly close back then, but she noticed him. Too much, probably. He was handsome, loved by all, a star athlete, and someone she had quietly admired from afar back. She remembered how often she would find herself stealing glances at him in the hallways, her heart fluttering whenever he passed by.
She almost told him once. That one moment, standing at the edge of the bleachers after the final game of his senior season, watching him laugh with his friends. She’d almost spoken up. Almost told him everything. How she felt. But then, she chickened out. The moment passed, and she convinced herself that it was better left unsaid.
And here he was, sitting just a few rows ahead in this university lecture hall, surrounded by friends, completely unaware of the secret she’d carried all those years. She couldn’t stop staring, even if she was doing everything she could to pretend she wasn’t.
She quickly looked down at her notebook, heart pounding in her chest. No way he remembers me, she thought. He probably doesn’t even know I exist.
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Later that night, Chris sat in his dimly lit dorm room.
The weight of the day had settled over him like a heavy fog. The typical distractions weren’t helping. Parties? He wasn’t interested. Chasing some girl? Didn’t feel right. He hadn’t felt truly good in a while, not with anything, with anyone. The last few months at university had been lonely, despite being surrounded by people.
He didn’t really know how to be close to anyone anymore, so overwhelmed by the difference between suburban and city life. He found himself longing for stuff but lacking the conviction to make it happen. There were nights where his own hands weren’t enough. Porn lost its appeal months ago.
That’s when he stumbled across it. A hotline. Anonymous, safe, and just what he needed. He wasn’t looking for a relationship or something serious. He just wanted to feel close to someone, even if only for a few minutes. To have a connection without having to expose himself in the ways he wasn’t ready to.
He hesitated, but figured he didn’t have much to lose. With a few quick taps, he dialed the number.
“Hello, this is Daisy,” came the soft voice on the other end, smooth and soothing. Something about it made his pulse pick up.
Chris hesitated for a moment before speaking. “Uh… I don’t really know what I’m doing. I just… needed someone to talk to.”
“That’s okay,” Daisy’s voice was calm, welcoming. “I’m here to listen. Whatever you need.”
Chris swallowed, the easy familiarity of her tone loosening something inside him. “I don’t know… I just feel so... empty, you know? Like there’s something missing.”
There was a brief silence. Chris wasn’t sure if she was just being polite or if she actually understood. But then her voice came back, gentle yet firm.
“Loneliness is tough to carry. But you don’t have to do it alone, not tonight.”
Chris exhaled sharply. She was saying exactly what he needed to hear, and the calm in her voice made him feel like he could let his guard down a little. He felt the weight of his words as they left his mouth.
“Yeah... I don’t know. I just feel like I can’t really... be with anyone. Like I can’t get close. But I need it. I need to feel something.”
“You deserve to feel close to someone. It’s okay to want that, baby.”
The words, followed by the pet name, hit him harder than he expected. Something inside him cracked open, and before he knew it, he was saying things he hadn’t intended. 
“I just... I want to feel like I’m... wanted. Like someone’s here with me. Not just... in the usual way, but like I’m actually... seen. You know?”
Her voice was soft but firm. It was like she could sense the vulnerability behind his words, even though they were both hidden behind the veil of anonymity. 
“I see you. And I can make you feel seen, if you’ll let me.”
Something about that promise stirred something deep inside Chris. It wasn’t just the loneliness anymore; it was the pull of wanting her, wanting to connect in a way that felt both comforting and thrilling at the same time. It stirred something deep in him, and before he knew it, his body was reacting, an instinctual response he couldn’t control.
“Please.” he found himself whining, a bulge already forming. 
“Are you hard, baby?” Daisy’s voice was quieter now, almost teasing.
Chris let out a strained breath. “Mhm.”
“Good.” She let the word hang there, a subtle promise in her voice. “I want you to trace your pretty cock with your fingers. Just the outline of it, on top of your boxers. Lightly, softly. Can you do that for me?”
“Yeah.” Chris murmured, following her instructions. His pulse quickened, and he hesitated for a moment before doing as she asked, the action feeling foreign yet somehow natural in the moment.
“Now, take it out.” Chris groans at Daisy’s words, the soft, teasing lilt to her voice. 
“Just like that,” Daisy’s voice continued, cool and soft. “Lightly, just enough to feel it. I want to hear from you.”
She noticed the way his breaths were picking up, and there was something different in her voice now. The usual professionalism slipped a little, the edge of something more... real, slipping through.
“Tell me what you want, baby,” she said, her words softer. “Say it. Let me take care of you.”
She tried to keep herself focused, tried to not to let the rush of unexpected arousal cloud her thoughts. This wasn’t supposed to happen. She wasn’t supposed to feel this, not for a stranger, not over the phone, and especially not when it was just another job.
She could hear Chris’s breaths, sharp and uneven. He was close, she could tell by the way his words faltered.
“Are you still with me, baby?” Daisy asked softly, the pet name slipping out almost automatically.
Chris’s voice crackled back. “Yeah… just... god, it feels so good.”
Her pulse quickened. It was supposed to be just a call, just a transaction. But his words, the way his voice wavered with need, felt different. Too real. She couldn’t deny the heat creeping up her neck as her mind raced. She had never let herself get this affected before. But there was something about him that stirred her. Something about the rawness in his voice made her wonder what it would be like to have this kind of closeness, not for money, not for a role.
“Good boy,” she whispered again. “Now, keep going. Touch yourself for me. Just like that. I want to hear from you. Let me know how it feels.”
Chris let out a ragged breath, the sound of him following her direction ringing in Daisy’s ears. She pressed her lips together, willing herself to stay professional, to keep the distance that was usually so easy for her when other lonely men called.
But tonight, tonight was different. Her chest tightened with the strange, unfamiliar emotion twisting in her stomach. Maybe it was her loneliness, maybe it was the isolation of the job, or maybe it was just him. His voice, so lost in his own desire, so vulnerable in ways he didn’t realise. 
She bit her lip, suppressing a sigh that threatened to slip out. This was supposed to be about the money.
She had to remind herself of that.
“Tell me what you want,” she said, her voice dipping into something more commanding. It was easier to stay detached when she was in control, when the power was hers. But her pulse raced against her will. “Say it. Let me hear what you need.”
Chris’s breath hitched. “I. God, I just want to feel you. I want to...”
His words trailed off into a groan, and Daisy's breath faltered. She pushed herself to maintain control, to keep the rhythm of the moment. Her fingers tightened around the phone, but she felt the heat in her own body building, her hand edging closer to where she felt the need the most. Unexpected, unwelcome, but undeniable.
Her pulse quickened, but she tried to keep it in check. “You’re close, aren’t you? Let go for me, baby. Let it happen. You’ve earned it, sweet boy.”
Chris let out a groan, his hand moving faster as she encouraged him. He was almost there, and in that moment, it felt like everything in the world was narrowing down to just this. Her voice, his need, the warmth of the call.
When he finally reached his release, it wasn’t just the physical relief. There was something else, something deeper that he didn’t know he was craving. He could hear her breath, soft and steady, as she guided him through it.
Chris’s response came in a guttural groan, and the sound of his release sent a jolt of heat through Daisy’s chest. She instructed him to slow down, to catch his breath, her own chest tightening as she focused on keeping everything in check. She reminded herself that this was just her job, just another call.
But, as she released a breath of her own, something stirred inside her that shouldn’t have. Something warm and soft. She quickly shut it down. She wasn’t supposed to want this. She wasn’t supposed to want him. She had been called by dozens of men, heard dozens of voices, and she’d never felt this way.
“Good boy,” she murmured, not even realizing how tender her voice had become. “You did so well.”
There was a quiet pause as Chris caught his breath on the other end of the line. He didn’t know that Daisy, in some strange way, felt just as affected as he did. 
“Thank you,” he whispered, not knowing if he was thanking her for the physical release or for something else. But Daisy didn’t reply right away. There was a brief silence on the other end of the line.
When she spoke again, her voice was back to its professional calm. “Of course, baby. Take care of yourself tonight.”
But as he hung up, a strange ache settled in her chest. The kind that hadn’t been there before. She couldn’t help it. Maybe it was his voice. Maybe it was the vulnerability he had let slip. Or maybe it was just her own insecurities creeping in. 
As their conversation ended, Chris felt lighter, more peaceful than he had in months. He drifted off to sleep thinking of her, Daisy, the girl that had made him feel so good.
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creds to rose @bernardsbendystraws for the dividers !!! <3
a/n: gahhhh i made this too long but whatever! hope u enjoy!
taglist: @applecidersturniolo @throatgoat4u @sturnslutz @desreads @courta13 @kier-with-a-k @bluestriips @sturns-mermaid @ishasturnz @sweetshuga @snoopychris comment to be added/removed from this au's taglist !!
till next time!
163 notes · View notes
jimxnslight · 2 days ago
The Odd One Out
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Summary: When BigHit faces financial struggles, the unthinkable happens: a girl is added to BTS. For the seven members, the change is unsettling, especially for Namjoon, who doubts her place among them. But for Y/N… it's a chance to finally be seen.
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Genre: idol au
Word Count: 3.7k
A/N: I randomly got the urge to write but wasn’t really feeling any of my wips at the moment, so tell me why I opened a new doc and then 3 hours later this appeared? Like damn, I’m not used to this kind of motivation lmao
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“This is a joke, right?”
A heavy silence followed Namjoon’s words, the band’s leader the only one with the guts to voice his mind. But really, someone had to point out how ridiculous the plan being proposed to them was. 
“Now I know it’s not very traditional-”
“It’s not breaking tradition that we’re concerned with,” he countered instantly, “it’s the fact that you’re proposing to bring a girl into the group.”
“I think we all just want to know where this is coming from,” Hoseok offered, inquisitive eyes traveling from Namjoon to their longtime friend and producer now sitting before them. 
Beomgyu sighed, taking in the small recording studio packed with the bright and young members of Bangtan. He had half a mind to call Sihyuk and give him hell for making him be the one to propose the solution they’d spent months coming up with. It was more than clear that the members weren’t on board with the plan, some outright rejecting it while others reluctant, which was a problem because only Beomgyu knew that they didn’t really have a choice in the matter. 
“Look,” Beomgyu raised his hands in surrender, not wanting this to fester into something dramatic, “I get it. The thought of someone being added into the group this late is a bit wild, especially that someone being a girl, but that’s exactly why we’re doing it.”
“So it’s a move for attention?” Yoongi commented, unimpressed. A single brow disappeared behind his light grey hair as he leaned back into the small sofa, arms crossing over his chest. Beomgyu could only purse his lips.
“The company’s been facing a lot of financial issues, especially ever since the girl group prior to your debut disbanded. They had hoped that perhaps your last album could have done well enough to keep us afloat until your popularity increases, but even I knew that was a long shot.”
“Then we’ll make a better album,” Namjoon said, determination making his voice firm, but Beomgyu shook his head.
“You guys don’t get it, do you?” 
The boys all gave Beomgyu a curious look, heads tilting and murmurs rippling amongst themselves. Beomgyu watched them all, feeling sympathy for the boys that deserved so much better.
“The Big Three companies have been buying up slots in awards shows and TV programs. They’ve been booking interviews everywhere - anywhere they can get their hands on. There are no places for us to market your group, nothing we can buy up because BigHit has no money. We’re lucky enough that the sales you guys make cover the production costs and some debts, which is way more than what we anticipated.”
He leaned forward in his chair, fidgeting with a stray pen, “you guys have made so many songs that should have been absolute hits, but they never did. Why? Because they can’t gain that kind of trajectory in a company so small. The only realistic thing to expect is to gradually gain popularity - but that takes time. Time we don’t have considering the fact that BigHit is sinking.”
The room was silent, everyone processing the weight of the situation. It made sense, as much as the boys hated to admit it, they were tired of putting all their blood, sweat, and tears into making their albums, only for them to gain minimal traction. They tended to put the blame on themselves most of the time, feeling as though they weren’t good enough, but Beomgyu knew the truth. Had they been in a bigger company, their songs would have been sellouts.  
“Come on, talk to me. You guys are my friends first, and I don’t want you to feel like we’re forcing a horrible decision on you,” Beomgyu begged, especially taking note of how quiet the younger members had been this entire time. 
He was relieved when Jimin sat forward on the couch, running a hand through his black hair slowly, “it’s just… this is weird. Not only for us, but what about the girl too? I can’t imagine she would feel comfortable being in a group with seven guys.”
“And doesn’t this decision seem a bit… permanent? Why not do something more temporary?” Yoongi piped in. 
Taehyung laughed, shaking his light brown hair, “what? Like dating rumours?”
Seokjin grimaced, as though the idea left a bad taste in his mouth. 
“Things like this tend to get a bigger reaction when the consequences are more permanent, or at least that’s what I was told,” Beomgyu offered. He was only a producer after all, most of the hard work had been done by the management. 
“And to answer Jimin’s question… well, the girl has already signed the contract, so she must be fine with it.”
That had all the boys’ heads snapping to Beomgyu.
“She’s already been picked out?” Jungkook asked, doe eyes wide in surprise. They widened even more when Beomgyu nodded, causing a frenzy amongst the boys. 
“You wanna meet her?” He asked with a relieved smile, glad to be out of the danger zone. 
Taehyung was the first to jump from his place on the couch, his leg accidentally bumping into Jungkook who had been sitting on the floor at his feet. He mumbled something in annoyance as his dark brown hair was pushed into his eyes.
“Okay, hold on.” Beomgyu’s words made the boys pause, “technically you’re not supposed to meet her until next week, but she told me she’ll be in the studio to record something for your next album today so I don’t think it’ll hurt to pay her a small visit.”
“You’ve met her already?” Hoseok asked, his tone slightly surprised. So much seemed to have changed in the span of 20 minutes. 
Beomgyu nodded, ushering everyone out of the recording studio to begin their journey to the one down the hall. Taehyung was right behind him, a boxy grin gracing his features. 
“So if you’ve met her, what’s she like?”
He seemed to have been the only one excited by the odd plan from the start, much less skeptical compared to his bandmates. But then again, Beomgyu wasn’t surprised. Taehyung seemed to have a natural liking for anything unusual. 
The other boys didn’t seem to share his enthusiasm, but he could see the hints of curiosity in their gazes. Even Namjoon trudged behind everyone reluctantly, though notably still skeptical of the plan. 
Once they had reached the door, Beomgyu knocked on it twice and then turned around to give them a look. 
“Regardless of your feelings towards this situation, let’s not try to overwhelm her, alright?” He said, his gaze then straying to Taehyung, “she’s a nice girl and she doesn’t deserve to be treated badly.”
Beomgyu didn’t actually believe any of the boys would be rude, he knew them better than that. He just hoped they also understood how nerve-wracking this would be for you, because he hadn’t lied, you really were a nice girl. 
The door behind him opened to reveal another producer.
“Alright then, let’s meet your new member.”
“God, you have no idea how much I’m enjoying this right now.”
Your head tilted in question at the comment, hands coming up to steady the headphones encasing your ears. This was probably your third hour in the recording booth, Hyowon seeming to want to make sure your voice didn’t work before he let you off.
“You enjoy getting rid of my voice?” You asked with an amused smile, the comment making him shake his head with a laugh.
“No, no, that’s not it, I swear. It’s just your vocals,” he explained, “I’m sure you already know we don’t get a lot of high notes around here - I mean don’t get me wrong, Jimin and Seokjin do an incredible job, but there’s nothing like a female high note.”
“I’m assuming you’re a fan of high notes?” You asked, almost bursting into laughter when he nodded instantly. 
“You should ask the guys, they’re sick of me telling them to sing one every two minutes- oh my god,” he exclaimed suddenly, a thought evidently coming to him, “please tell me you can do a whistle.”
You chuckled shyly, a bit embarrassed by your answer, “my vocal coach doesn’t want me to do it much until I get the proper technique down, but I’ve done it a few times.”
“Oh, Y/N. You’re gonna get so sick of me.”
You laughed, beginning to take a liking to Hyowon. It was nice to know there would be at least one person so easygoing and friendly in this company. It was going to make these next few months a lot easier if the other members decided they didn’t like you.
You knew technically it didn’t matter, but that thought had been playing around in your mind a lot lately. The entire situation was weird, even you had to admit, but the moment BigHit had given you a call and proposed the idea, you knew you’d have to be crazy to turn something like this down, especially considering how difficult it’s been trying to stay afloat as a solo artist from a small company.
Unlike what the company had in mind, however, you weren’t planning on staying in BTS forever. Your plan was to just join the group for about a year, ensure your name got out there while you and BTS grew in popularity, and then announce your disbandment from the group with a heartfelt goodbye. Rest assured if any of the guys weren’t a fan of your presence, they would only have to hold out for a few months.
Still, the people pleaser in you was hoping they didn’t hate you immediately. 
“Okay, I think that just about wraps up-”
A knock suddenly sounded from the recording studio’s door, causing the two of you to eye it curiously. 
“I thought there was still 20 minutes left until my fried chicken came, it must have come early…” Hyowon muttered, getting up from his seat to get to the door. 
You slid the headphones off your head with a relieved sigh, satisfied with the work you put in today, though your mind was already racing with ways to improve for next time. You let them whirl as you strolled out of the recording booth and gently placed the headphones back on the table. But when you turned around, you were surprised to find a number of other men in the room.
Not just any men too, but your soon-to-be bandmates. 
And all their eyes were trained on you, making your own widen. 
You’d technically seen them all in photos from the research you’d conducted after BigHit’s call, but those didn’t seem to do them justice at all. They didn’t capture the tender look in Yoongi’s eyes, or the pretty accents in Hoseok’s features. Jin, who you had already thought looked straight out of a k-drama, somehow looked even better in real life, while Namjoon’s aura seemed to exude the feel of a leader. Even though the rest were sort of hidden behind the older members, you could tell they were all attractive; it was so intimidating.
Before you could say anything - or sprint out the door like you really wanted to do right now - you caught sight of Beomgyu in the lineup of men, a friendly smile gracing his lips as he made his way to your side. 
“Hey guys,” he greeted, clapping Hyowon on the back before placing a more gentle hand on your shoulder. It was difficult to meet his eyes when your gaze kept flickering wearily to the boys surrounding you, “we thought it would be nice to drop by and see how the recording was going.”
Hyowon leaned a casual arm on Beomgyu’s shoulder, a testament to their evolved friendship over the years.
“It’s going very well,” he answered, excitement radiating off him in waves, “the high notes in your next album are going to be incredible.”
A series of groans rose from a few of the boys, only two of the seven harbouring amused smirks. It took a moment for you to place their names: Jin and Jimin, Bangtan’s main visual and lead vocalist. 
The latter accidently caught your gaze, black hair and sharp jawline giving him an almost charismatic intensity. But before you could quickly look away, his face broke into a warm smile, soothing a few of your nerves instantly. 
At least one of them didn’t seem to hate you. 
“Well, then…” Beomgyu began, catching everyone’s attention, “Hyowon and I have a couple things we need to work on, so… um, we’ll be right here if you need us?”
Hyowon snickered at the awkwardness before Beomgyu grabbed his shirt and dragged him to the computer across the room, which of course wasn’t that far with how small the studio was. You still missed the comfort of his hand on your shoulder, now feeling very alone while facing people that may potentially hate your existence. 
Still, you had to make at least some effort, right?
“Hi, I’m Y/N,” you offered, voice smaller than you meant for it to be. 
A series of greetings sounded from them, some softening at your tone, while others were unmoved. It was difficult to gauge their general feelings on your presence, which only seemed to make you more nervous. 
Taehyung broke off from the group to stand closer, a boxy smile aimed right at you. You tried not to, but even you couldn’t stop yourself from ogling his almost perfectly structured face and the tousled hair that fell so effortlessly across his forehead when he moved.
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/N,” he said, and you couldn’t help but smile shyly at his excitement. If you hadn’t been so timid, you might have noticed his lingering gaze on your features, “this is all so cool, isn’t it?”
You’d never really thought about it like that, your views on the situation being controlled entirely by your nerves up until now. But when he put it that way… you supposed he was right, it was kind of cool. 
“I guess so,” you admitted, slowly warming up to the idea. 
“I mean, seriously, this is so crazy!” He continued on, facing the other members,“it’s not everyday a group gets a new member three years in - and that too a girl! This is kinda uncharted territory, you know?”
“That’s what makes it a bit scary,” you admitted with a chuckle. You noticed Jimin’s eyes soften at your words and his lips part to say something, but before he could, Jungkook piped up from behind Seokjin’s broad shoulders.
“You wouldn’t happen to be Y/L/N Y/N, would you?” He asked, his tone almost as shy as yours. You honestly hadn’t even realised he was there, but now that you had, you took in his doe eyes and ruffled dark brown hair. He kept having to push the silky locks out of his eyes, a motion you found insanely distracting. 
You nodded mindlessly, distantly surprised that he knew your last name without offering it. 
“Oh. Cool,” he nodded. Then he noticed your questioning look and quickly rushed to explain, “I think I’ve, um, heard your name somewhere.”
Seokjin’s gaze narrowed as he looked back at the younger boy, “hey, wait. Isn’t that the artist Jungkook listens to like all the time-?”
“So what’s your position?” Jungkook interrupted quickly, a bright shade of pink engulfing the sides of his neck. 
You blinked at Jungkook’s sudden change of topic, though you didn’t miss the slight panic in his expression. A small smile tugged at the corners of your lips, slightly amused by his reaction. Seokjin’s comment had not gone unnoticed by you; the fact that Jungkook liked your music was a comforting thought. 
“Vocalist,” you replied, deciding not to tease him over it, which elicited a look of relief on Jungkook’s face, “though Hyowon has said I’ll be doing so much harmonisation work with Seokjin and Jimin that it might as well be my actual position.”
Seokjin chuckled quietly, his plump lips spreading into a charming smile, though his gaze didn’t meet yours. In fact, you started to notice that he was keeping his gaze strictly on the other members even as you spoke. 
“Good, it’ll finally get him off our backs,” Yoongi muttered, revealing a much more laid back personality instead of the cold persona he seemed to emit on camera, “I’m a rapper and that man still tries to get me to put in a couple high notes.”
Hyowon turned from the mixing desk to face the group with an evidently offended huff, reminding you of the producers’ presence. 
“You all complain now, but just wait until you hear the final product. You’ll be thanking me.”
“Sure,” Yoongi deadpanned, turning to you once again, “can you rap?”
You tilted your head in thought. 
“I think I can hold my own if I had to, though it’s not really my style.”
“That’s fine, you’re one of us vocalists,” Taehyung waved his hand around dramatically, throwing a possessive arm around your shoulder as he eyed Yoongi, “no one wants to be one of the rappers anyway.”
“Weren’t you just yesterday begging Namjoon to let you on Cypher?” Jimin raised a brow.
“Do you dance, Y/N?” Hoseok asked, interrupting the ridiculous conversation before it turned into a fight, though the way he leaned forward made it clear he was very interested in your answer. 
That question had you nervously rocking against your heels, a hesitant breath escaping your lips before you replied, “definitely not as good as you guys, but I’m ready to put in a ton of work to get better, I swear.”
Unlike the look of displeasure you expected, Hoseok nodded in your direction with a satisfied smile. It was a relief that he was willing to at least give you a chance before jumping to disdain. His gaze lingered as he scanned you from head to toe, assessing your potential with intensity.
“Hard work is a must,” Namjoon emphasised, the first time he’d spoken since walking into the room. Even though no one had been speaking, it felt as though a hush had washed over the group, a testament to the weight of his words as a leader. You’d been noticing Namjoon staring at you from the beginning, the look not exactly scorn, but not very inviting either. It made you squirm in your spot, doubt creeping into your thoughts, “being a soloist is pretty different from being in a group, which means you’ll have to put in a lot of hard work - it’s not going to be easy.”
You straightened, feeling as though you were being tested, “I understand completely. I know it won’t be easy, but I’m ready to put in the work. You don’t have to worry about me being a drain.”
Namjoon’s hard gaze flickered before he regarded you for a moment, no indication as to whether you had passed his mini “test” or not, “alright.”
A soft hand squeezed your shoulder gently, belonging to none other than Jimin. The proximity of his warm eyes made your face heat, something Jimin seemed to notice. His smile became teasing, “don’t say that, no one here thinks that you’re a drain. I think you’re going to do great. And if you have any questions don’t hesitate to-”
“I have a question actually,” Namjoon’s voice sounded once again, gaze still trained on you. You couldn’t help but feel a wave of tension run through you every time he spoke, “I’m curious to know why you agreed to this whole thing.”
You pursed your lips, not entirely sure how to reply. On one hand, you didn’t mind telling them about your plan, in fact, you bet they’d be relieved to hear it. But on the other hand, you were slightly afraid that they might think you were using them - which technically speaking you were, but also technically speaking they were using you too. It was an odd predicament.
“My solo career wasn’t doing as well as I had wished it would - plus, the excitement of something new mostly,” you offered. Only half the truth, but just enough to relieve you of your guilty conscience. 
“Well, the contract’s been signed and you’re here now, so you’re one of us,” Taehyung exclaimed, and you couldn’t help but be grateful for how welcoming he’d been since the start. Not that the others haven’t, Jimin’s presence had been like a warm blanket while Jungkook’s secret admiration had been an honour. And you completely understood everyone else’s hesitation, you’d be weirded out too if someone was randomly added to your group three years later. Still, the warm welcomes had made you insanely grateful. 
Taehyung steered you towards the door of the studio, “and what better way to celebrate than to eat some steaming barbeque and noodles.”
“Oh oka-” You barely had time to answer before you were being steered out the door by an enthusiastic Taehyung, the rest shrugging before following behind with casual chatter and mumbles. Soon the studio was empty, no one but Namjoon, Beomgyu, and Hyowon left. 
Namjoon stood with his hands crossed over his chest, gaze fixed on the door when he spoke.
“The contract’s already signed, huh?” he repeated, gaze shifting to the other two men in the room, “and what if we had said no?”
“Namjoon,” Beomgyu pleaded, his face falling, “please don’t make this harder than it has to be…”
Namjoon’s gaze softened, realising that he was directing his anger onto the wrong people, “sorry. I know this isn’t on you, man.”
“Come on, Joon,” Hyowon said, feeling bad for his friend, “she seems nice, and she’s got an incredible voice. You may not like the situation, but at least she’ll be a good addition to the group, no?”
Namjoon’s gaze strayed back to the open door, letting his thoughts whirl around in his head. He didn’t want to voice them out loud because, technically speaking, he didn’t really have any tangible evidence that went against what Hyowon was saying yet.
He uncrossed his arms with a sigh.  
“We’ll just have to wait and see.”
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blairxbear · 3 days ago
Boyfriend Headcanons - Tamaki Amajiki
What it's like dating Tamaki Amajiki
A/N: I will be doing these individual headcanons for each of our favourite MHA boys. Let me know if you guys have any specific requests or characters you want to see these boyfriend headcanons for!
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The Shy, Flustered, Deeply Devoted Boyfriend
Dating Tamaki Amajiki is like experiencing the purest, most genuine love imaginable. He may be incredibly shy and introverted, but when he loves, he loves deeply, fiercely, and without hesitation. His devotion to you is absolute, even if he’s too nervous to express it outright. He’s the type of boyfriend who won’t say “I love you” a million times a day, but he’ll show it in a thousand small ways that mean even more.
Tamaki isn’t the kind of guy who falls in love easily, but once he does? He’s all in, and there’s no turning back.
The Flustered, Soft, Hopelessly Shy Boyfriend
Tamaki is the KING of getting flustered. The moment you show him affection, his brain short-circuits.
Hold his hand? Bright red.
Kiss his cheek? Visibly shaking.
Call him handsome? Completely malfunctions.
“W-wait, you actually like me? Are you sure?” (Yes, Tamaki. You are literally the cutest thing ever.)
He struggles with eye contact at first, especially when you say something sweet to him. He’ll glance away, mumble a flustered “thank you,” and try his hardest not to pass out from how much he loves you.
If you initiate cuddles, his whole body tenses up at first—but then he absolutely melts into you.
His arms wrap around you tightly, his face buried in your shoulder, and he’s so warm, so gentle, and so content just holding you.
The Sweet, Devoted Boyfriend Who Worships You
Tamaki may not say much, but he adores you more than anything. If he had to choose between saving the world or making sure you’re okay?
He’s choosing you. Every time. Without hesitation.
You are his safe space. Around others, he’s reserved and anxious, but with you? He can finally relax, finally breathe.
He remembers every little detail about you.
You casually mention liking a specific snack? He buys it for you the next day.
You say you had a bad day once in passing? He surprises you with something comforting.
He doesn’t always say what he’s feeling, but his love is so obvious in the way he treats you.
He always makes sure you eat, you’re comfortable, you’re happy.
He offers you his scarf when it’s cold without you even asking.
He waits for you after class, after work, after anything—just to make sure you get home safe.
The Extremely Flustered but Affectionate Boyfriend
Tamaki is so touch-starved it’s actually heartbreaking. The first time you hug him, he freezes completely like he doesn’t know what to do.
Then he slowly—shyly, hesitantly—wraps his arms around you. And when you don’t pull away?
He melts. Completely, utterly melts.
He actually LOVES physical affection, he’s just shy about it.
Holding hands? He gets so nervous at first, but once he’s comfortable, he loves lacing his fingers with yours and squeezing gently.
Cuddling? He LOVES IT, even if it makes him flustered. He likes being the big spoon because holding you makes him feel safe too.
Kisses? He gets so nervous the first time, but when you kiss him, he forgets to breathe.
His face burns, his hands shake slightly, but when he kisses you back? It’s soft, hesitant, and filled with so much love.
The Protective, Ride-or-Die Boyfriend
Tamaki isn’t the aggressive type, but if anyone disrespects you? He will step in immediately.
His usual nervous demeanor vanishes, and his voice gets sharp and commanding.
“That’s enough. Leave them alone.” (His gaze is cold, unwavering, and scary enough to make anyone back off immediately.)
If you ever feel unsafe, he doesn’t even ask questions—he just pulls you behind him and makes sure you’re okay.
If you get hurt, even slightly, he panics.
“Are you okay? Does it hurt? W-we should go to Recovery Girl, just in case—”
You have a tiny scratch.
“That’s still an injury!” (Yes, he is overreacting, and yes, it’s adorable.)
The Secretly Romantic Boyfriend
Tamaki isn’t the flashy type, but when he does something romantic, it’s unbelievably sweet.
Loves giving you little surprises that are deeply personal.
He won’t just buy you flowers—he’ll find out what your favorite kind is and bring those.
He won’t just take you out for a date—he’ll remember something you mentioned WEEKS ago and plan a whole date around it.
Writes you little love notes but gets too embarrassed to hand them to you.
You find one hidden in your bag that just says:
“I… uh… I hope you’re having a good day. If you ever doubt how amazing you are, please remember that I think you’re the best person in the world.”
Would absolutely get flustered if you flirted with him, but if HE ever flirts first? GAME OVER.
He’ll say something sweet out of nowhere, and when you blush? He immediately loses his mind.
“D-did I say that out loud? Oh my god—” (Hides his face in his hands.)
The “I Miss You Even When You’re Right There” Boyfriend
Tamaki doesn’t like being away from you for too long.
If he hasn’t seen you all day, he gets quiet, fidgety, and a little sad.
When you finally show up, he relaxes instantly—his whole body language softens.
Hates leaving you after dates.
He’ll hesitate at the door, shifting on his feet, until you finally say, “Tamaki, do you want to stay a little longer?”
“…Yes.” (His voice is so soft, so full of longing.)
If you fall asleep on him, he does not move. At all.
He just sits there, holding you, staring at you with pure awe and disbelief.
The Absolute Best Things About Dating Tamaki Amajiki
He may be nervous and shy, but his love is deep, powerful, and unwavering.
He will never take you for granted. Every time he sees you, he falls in love all over again.
He is your safe place, just as you are his.
Loves you more than he even knows how to express—but in every little glance, every soft touch, and every shy, hesitant “I love you”…
It’s so, so obvious.
Final Thoughts
Dating Tamaki Amajiki is like being wrapped in the softest, most gentle kind of love. He may be shy, flustered, and nervous, but his love is deep, unwavering, and endlessly devoted.
He loves you with every quiet moment, every lingering touch, and every shy, whispered word. He may not be the loudest person in the room, but when it comes to you?
He loves you louder than anyone ever could.
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blackbat05 · 7 hours ago
Joaquin Torres x Reader
Plot: A little detour to the Children’s Hospital forms the start of a new relationship. (This takes place after Joaquin’s stint in the hospital)
Genre: Fluff, PG-13
A/N: Had serious brain rot trying to write? Loads of things happening at work and felt that I was just bed rotting whenever I came back home so very glad that I wrote this piece and try to do something creative. Hope you enjoy!
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“Thanks for letting me tag along.” Joaquin steps out of the car, helping Sam with the bags stowed in the trunk.
“The kids will be happy to see you,” Sam dismisses his thanks. “They always love new faces. Besides, you could use that fresh air after being stuck in the hospital for two weeks.”
Joaquin grimaces at the memory as the two men amble into the entrance of the children’s hospital.
A bespectacled woman with traces of white in her hair greets Sam warmly before leading them down the sanitized halls.
“The kids are just finishing their story-time with Y/N.” They reach an automated sliding door that opened with a slide of the woman’s keycard.
“Thanks Doreen. We’ll take it from here.” Sam picks up the large bag of board games and toys they had picked up earlier from the shop.
Joaquin follows and is instantly greeted by intricate murals painted on the bookshelves. Children books of every imaginable size and color were shelved neatly in their respective places. He can’t help but to marvel at the sheer number of books in this place.
“So, if you’re not careful and you leave the book right beside your bed…” A voice could be heard up ahead. Joaquin sees a female volunteer holding a red book in her hands, at the centre of attention. The children dressed in their gowns, listening with rapt attention.
“It might just wake up and… EAT YOU!” She opens and closes the book, mimicking a ravenous monster, eliciting laughter from the audience and appreciative smiles from parents and guardians alike. Joaquin finds himself smiling too.
“Maybe if I give it some fries, the book won’t eat me!” A little girl with pigtails pipes up.
Joaquin locks eyes with the woman. “Well, that is a food for thought - no pun intended!” She stands up, “I’m sorry to cut this short but I believe Mr Captain America and Mr Falcon themselves are here!”
This immediately gets the kids attention again and excited squeals could be heard all around. Sam, charming as ever, takes over effortlessly with tiny bodies surrounding the two men.
Lunch arrives and the crowd eventually thins out with a couple of stragglers taking photos with Sam and Joaquin. Joaquin gives a stuffed Falcon to a little boy who was adorable and affectionate, giving one last hug before saying goodbye.
“You made his day.” The same female volunteer approaches Joaquin with bottled water. “I’ve never seen Luis so happy before.”
“I didn’t do much. You’re the one doing all the work. Reading to them, showing them different worlds.” Joaquin downplays the praise.
“I take it that you’re a bookworm?”
“When I have time. Saving the world can get quite hectic.”
“Don’t I dare doubt it.”
Joaquin grins, courage growing a little bigger. “Y/N right? You work here? I didn’t see you when I was warded in the hospital.”
“I work at the Children’s library three stops from here.” You explain. “Doreen is a close friend and mentor of mine. I wanted to do something for these children so here I am.”
“Wow, that’s amazing.”
“Not as amazing as saving the world from another World War.”
Joaquin can’t help but to notice Sam over Y/N’s shoulder. Needless to say, he did not like the googly eyes that the Captain was teasing him with.
“Are you always here?”
“Every Friday, just before lunch.” She affirms, though curious at Joaquin’s question. His throat is suddenly dry as the Sahara Desert but he has to try. What’s the worse that could happen right?
“Cool. Uh… Are you free now? Do you want to grab-”
Before Joaquin could finish his sentence, Sam comes running over. Phone blinking in his hand. That could only mean…
“S.H.I.E.L.D wants a briefing in twenty. Hostage situation.” Sam mutters.
The world is fucking with him right now. It took Joaquin all his energy not to groan. Instead, he plasters what he believes to be an easy going “everything is ok” face.
“I’m free next week.” You finish off for him much to his surprise.
“Go save the world soldier.”
“Does this plane go any faster?”
“What’s got your pants in a twist?” Sam comes out from the cockpit. “It’s that girl isn’t it? The one at the Hospital! Miss Librarian!”
“Her name is Y/N.” Joaquin looked up to Sam but he was not in the mood for being teased.
“Ooooh someone’s in loveeeee!”
“You know, for someone who’s the face of our country, you’re obnoxiously childish.” Joaquin retorts.
“Don’t you know me by now?” Sam laughs. “Seriously though, you really like her huh?”
“Yeah… I know it’s weird but… the way she was with the kids?” Joaquin trails off, unsure of himself. “I just hope she’s still there. Though I can’t blame her if she isn’t. You know, the sacrifices of being a hero.”
Sam frowns at the familiar words he had said to Joaquin years earlier while the young soldier took over the role of the Falcon.
The Captain gets up from his seat and heads to the cockpit.
“Hey Carlos! I need you to speed this up a little, our man here has a date he can’t miss.”
“How do I look?” Joaquin steps out with a clean set of hoodie and jeans.
“Like you clean up well.” Sam affirms as the plane prepares for landing. “Go get her Falcon.”
Joaquin starts the bike that was prepared for him, speeding towards the hospital. He really hopes that she’s still there - though the hope is shrinking by the minute.
He seamlessly parks his bike, not wasting a second as he sprints inside, nearly running over a bemused Doreen.
“Woah there! Hold your horses cowboy, she’s in there.”
Joaquin breathes out a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”
Doreen gives a knowing smile as she bids Joaquin good bye, leaving him to enter the hospital reading room.
At the sight of her, his breath hitches and Joaquin feels rooted to the ground. He digs up every ounce of courage, heart thumping wildly against his chest.
She looks up from her book, eyes lit up at the sight of the solider. Joaquin could get used to this. “Hey solider.”
“I’m so sorry, we had to make a detour.”
“Duty calls, am I right?” She teases. “I got us some tacos. Figured you’ll be too tired to get to another place.”
“I could kiss you right now.” Joaquin blurts out. “Not that if you don’t want to- oh what am I saying!”
Y/N giggles at Joaquin’s goofy nature. “Let’s eat. The tacos are getting cold.”
Despite having tacos in a hospital, the two enjoyed each other’s company, engrossed in conversation.
“Thanks for the amazing company, Joaquin. Unfortunately, work beckons. I have to head back for closing.”
As the two pack in silence, Joaquin fights an internal battle in his head.
Just ask her already god damn it! You’re a superhero for goodness sake!
What if she thinks I’m weird?
Now or never Torres.
“Would you like to-”
“Wait sorry, you go.”
“No you!”
The two burst into laughter at the sheer ridiculousness of the situation.
“I really enjoyed today.” Joaquin says sincerely. “I know my schedule is really messed up and all, but if you’re free again, I know this really mean pizza place.”
“You had me at pizza.” Y/N doesn’t miss a beat. “You’re not too bad yourself.”
Joaquin does a mini dance in his head. “So that means it’s a date?”
Before Y/N could respond, a little voice pipes up from the entrance.
“Say yes Miss Y/N!”
Little Luis was peeing in along with Sam who had a shit eating grin on his face. Although Joaquin knew he was probably never going to hear the end of this, he didn’t care in this moment with the wonderful woman standing in front of him.
“Looks like you got yourself a little wingman, Torres!” Sam hoots.
“I love you Sam but we’re kind of having a moment here?”
“Oh right, sorry! Good luck Y/N! Come on Luis, let’s get our own Tacos.”
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daylighted · 20 hours ago
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤshield ! reader ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤpart two !!
summary memories are reawakened with the arrival of soldier boy into your life again, but his presence is not the only new thing slipping its way through the cracksㅤㅤㅤwarnings feminine rage, light discussions of trauma, violence against men HAHAHA, me trying to mimic butcher's accent ( embarrassing edition )ㅤㅤㅤword count 2.1k
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ㅤㅤㅤ"ARE YOU SERIOUSLY ANGRY WITH ME?" it was a ridiculous question to be asked, considering all that happened, but you'd let him talk. how deep of a hole could one man dig himself into?
you don’t dignify him with any answer. of course you were angry. it had been festering since you were created, switched between homes like a rejected foster child that no one really wanted, but got stuck with. it was bad enough knowing that the entirety of your long existence would be spent being a pest to the ones stuck with you; they did not need to find ways to torment you.
you shove the closet door open with your shoulder, having waited in the closet until soldier boy vanished. he didn’t deserve any of your attention, and didn’t deserve any indication that you knew him. that was another irritant to your fury.
“i told you to stay in your space.” it’s the only defense that the legend has, so he milks it, stresses the points of it as if that can deter your frustrations. “i told you that this is the risk i was keeping you from, dammit—”
the legend doesn’t have to get it, and so he never will. still, you can’t help but feel the need to try. “you knew it was a risk,” you say it slower, as if that will make it click in his rotten head, “and you did not tell me. you knew that soldier boy was alive, and could come back, and kept it.”
“look at how you’re reacting!” his hand shoots up toward you, hovering in the expansive closet’s entrance. “you decked him. you crushed his nutsack—”
“not. enough.”
“plenty enough, indy.” your name is always a weapon in men’s mouths. no one ever looked at you and thought you were something worth whispering or promising. you were a gun, your words the bullets, the safety always off. and nobody wanted a girl in a constant state of misfire. “i get what you’re going through, and what is going on inside of your head—”
“you do not.”
his lips thin in his frustration. “are you going to let me finish a single fuckin’ sentence today, indy, or are we going to argue around each other because you don’t listen?”
your jaw clenches tightly, teeth grinding together. “you do not get anything that is in my head. you are just an old man minus a leg.”
“you are old too,” he shoots back at you, wagging his finger in your face. you shove his hand away with a scoff. “just because little miss indestructible doesn’t physically age doesn’t mean she hasn’t been here as long as i have. so you should know better than to act like an insolent child.”
it’s so easy for a man to flip the script on you and blame you. you were not asked for permission before you were created. you were not ever treated kindly in the tests you endured after it. you were shaped and molded into something as strong as you’d been as a manmade shield, and then punished for what evolved from that.
“i would know better if i was not locked away.”
somehow, his thin lips press together tighter. you’ve got him. you always get him on that point, and still, the legend doesn’t ever listen to you. it was so useless to have a voice when it did nothing for you.
the bell to his door rings, and your head snaps in that direction. you can see the front door now, from where you stand — considering the fact you’d broken down the hinges to that side of the penthouse, and soldier boy had dismantled your door.
multiple shadows stand on the other side. you see their outlines, big and broad, through the glass walls surrounding the doorway. your eyes narrow. “soldier boy has brought guests.”
“i hardly doubt he will come back.” the legend steps around you, back into the living room, with a glance over his shoulder. “i’d highly suggest sitting this one out.”
“you cannot keep me away anymore today.” you stalk after him, following him again through the broken mess of doors scattered around his living space. “the door is ruined. you have to let me see.”
“i don't have to do a thing.”
he never listens to you. you’ve been stuck with him for forty years and he does not listen. he’s the cruelest sort of captor, controlling everything of your life down to the rooms you’re allowed to take up space in.
you shove past the legend, grabbing the doorknob before he can, tugging the locked, heavy door open with an agitated growl. “go away. you are not wanted here.”
the man in the center on the other side raises his eyebrows. “sassy lass, ain’t ya?” he has an accent, just like you, except his is much more pronounced and nothing like how yours sounds. “i didn’t know the legend kept around girls that can beat him in a tongue lashin’.”
sickening how every single man you’d had the displeasure of meeting assumed you were one of the legend’s playthings. this was the consequence of his containment. you faced the scrutiny of his choices.
you dash forward, grabbing the gun he had poorly concealed at his hip. you release the safety and step back before any of his crew can process the barrel of the pistol pressed against the center of his chest. “mind your mouth.”
his hands raise in mock surrender. “alright, love. i don’t think we should be playing with things we don’t know how to—”
you’d known how to shoot a gun since you learned how to grip. you cock a bullet into the chamber and point it backwards, pulling the trigger at the two feet distance between the legend’s cane and your own feet.
the tall, lankier man in the back of the group shudders out an, “oh my god.” the one next to their assumed leader grimaces at the ringing echo of the bullet. behind you, the legend is seething, hissed curses falling out of his spluttering mouth.
you press the warm barrel to the man’s chest again. “tell me i am too stupid to work a gun again.”
the corner of his mouth tilts higher. “my apologies, lass,” he says, raising his eyes from your face to behind you. “might i speak to the man of the hour?”
“he has nothing worthy to say,” you say, finally dropping the hand holding the gun to your side, “not unless you like idiocracy and long-winded tall tales.”
the man shrugs. "i'm afraid that's all this lot has got to offer, anyways, yeah?"
you don't give the gun back. you untuck your shirt from your pants and stuff it in the waistband, offering a smile to the group of men waiting outside. "i can tell," you hum, turning on your heel, walking back the way you came from.
the basketball game is still on, but it's wrapping up — as far as you can tell, anyways, through the giant black hole in the center of the screen. you weren't in any sort of mood to get in another argument about the channel after what you'd gone through, so you drop down onto the couch again with only a huff of protest.
expectedly, the men follow afterwards. expectedly, the legend is apologizing on your behalf to men that don't deserve it, using words you'd never use. she's really sorry. no you weren't. she's always been crueler than the other of vought's creations. the familiar sentence, still stings all the same.
"she's a supe, then?" the lanky one asks, like you aren't even there. he catches your eye when you turn to glare holes into his temple, and his face flushes a little. "you're a supe?"
your face twists up. "i hate soup."
"oh." he nods a couple of times, clearing his throat in the process. "well. that answers... nothing."
the irritable, disgusted scowl becomes one more laced with anger. "i am not one of the heroes." the legend's reaction is proof enough to an unanswered question you had. that, no, before soldier boy's departure, he did not inform the hero of who you really were, and he was dancing around it now. you'll spare him from the science lesson. "i was created in laboratory. by the vought man." he's never been doctor frederick vought to you, because he never acted as a doctor, only an enforcer. "a someone out of something."
the lankier of the men blinks his surprise, somehow not deterred even with the look you gave him before. "created how?"
no one has ever addressed you in these conversations. usually legend apologizes for you, and they talk about you like you don't exist, and you are expected to stand down even when the order is not enforced. a long silence passes before you speak, unwilling to answer if he was not genuinely asking. but his eyes don't stray from you, and so you nod slowly in acceptance.
"you know of soldier boy?" his name is poison in your mouth, the only thing that has ever hurt you. "the great american hero with a shield?" there is no point of you explaining the world's first hero to these people. they probably know more about him than you ever would. "i am the shield."
the original man, the one with a smirk permanently plastered across his face, turns to you, then, abandoning whatever plans he'd come with. "bullshit."
"you are bullshit." you don't need any of them to believe you. trying to convince others of what you knew to be true was pointless. you slump backwards against the couch again, your eyes zeroing in on the shattered television screen.
it's the lanky one that comes to sit next to you. the legend doesn't even sit as close to you as he does, and he'd lived with you for forty years. "vought does some crazy shit." his shoulders lift in a shrug, letting out a little hum. "doesn't seem so off base that they turn a shield into a girl."
"the shield is with him," you clarify, finding it hard to actually meet his eyes whenever he's watching you with more understanding than anyone had bothered to offer. he wears the same curiosity that you saw in soldier boy's, which simply wouldn't do. "it is just useless now."
"does he know?" the original man, his rugged voice giving way to its own sort of morbid curiosity. there are too many men around you, and not enough space for you to feel safe and secure.
you shake your head, shooting a pointed look at the legend, balking on the other side of the room. "he did not tell him."
"ben is not going to be doing anything with that shield to warrant knowing its truth—"
frustration pours out of every orifice of your body. "soldier boy is a ticking bomb." he has always been volatile. a man cannot change simply because the man was locked away for decades. from what you saw of him, there wasn't any ounce of growth from him at all.
"she's right." the man sitting beside you turns to look back at the legend, and for once, you feel seen. someone else sees the hypocrisy of the man you were stuck with and is not afraid to reflect it back at him. maybe the legend would listen this time, now that a man was telling all of his sins to the choir. "he's a ticking time bomb."
"don't start, hughie," the rugged brit says, his voice nothing more than a growl.
"no, she's right." he gives butcher a long, hard look before he shakes his head, glancing sidelong at legend. "you know what we're planning to do. you know that we're trying to use him for it. and you sent him into the world to die."
the confirmation makes your stomach feel leaden. you should not care at all about what that means. you shouldn't care that soldier boy could die. and you don't. it's just—
"and what do you want me to do about that now, huh?"
the room is quiet, the only sound being the distorted audio coming from the broken television. you know where this is going. you sense it in the way that the man that isn't hughie stares at you, piecing together everything that the options laid out for them offered.
hope was a bitter thing in your mouth. this could be your sole chance of freedom, finally getting to see a breath of the world you'd spent your entire life locked away from. it just came with the added downside of—
"hand over soldier boy's shield," the man finally says, his eyes never leaving yours, "promise with every inch of my wee heart we'll take good care of 'er."
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notes. indy beat up all men ever era !!! billy butcher EAT UR HEART OUT. just a heads up that this !reader has a structured timeline vs baby & lore not <3 u can still send asks abt her if u wanna but in my head this lil lady is all plotted for ... i dont wanna say it in case i abandon it midway ... so just know there's a proper number of parts oKAYYY thank u 4 reading love u bye
tags. @titsout4jackles @deansbeer @honeyryewhiskey @ultravi0lence14 @figthoughts @stereotypicalbarbie @whyyouegg @eepwtf @rositaslabyrinth @rubyvhs @jensenacklesballsack @abox-of-rocks @sunsbaby @bluemerakis @jollyhunter @misatxox @angelblqde @bombarda-babe @unfortunate-brat @funkycoloured @chevroletdean @chiierful @cowboysandcigarettes @voidsuites @bitchykittenconnoisseur @beausling @soldiersgirl @dulcescorderitas @hyacinnths @blushpinkdoll @mccartneyqp @svbnra @h8aaz @mahi-wayy
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cheynovak · 2 days ago
American Sin
Soldier boy x Angel aka Y/N Female supe
Summary: set somewhere in the 70s. Before gunpowder soldier boy had another sidekick who he couldn't get along with... until one horrible incident.
Warnings: 18+, MDNI, Almost rape, Name calling,SB being SB, talk of virginity, ...
English isn't my first language.
Please do not copy my work. Sharing/likes and comments are appreciated.
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**Chapter One: Hell’s Angel**
The club reeked of sweat, booze, and cheap cologne. Neon lights flickered, barely cutting through the haze of cigarette smoke curling toward the ceiling. The bass from the speakers thrummed in Soldier Boy’s chest, but he barely noticed. He was nursing a glass of bourbon, legs spread wide, one arm thrown over the back of the booth.
The bartender had sent some groupie over—a redhead with legs up to her neck and stars in her eyes. She giggled, twirling a strand of hair around her finger, but he wasn’t paying attention. He had bigger problems.
Like the girl sitting across from him.
Vought called her Hell's Angel, which was some real ironic shit, given that she walked in here with a damn rosary around her wrist.
Her outfit told a different story: a black leather mini-skirt, ripped fishnets, a cropped tank with “God Is Dead” scribbled across it in red. She had the look—Vought had made sure of that—but everything else about her screamed not one of us.
But the world and Ben would soon start to call her, just Angel.
“You’re shitting me, right?” Soldier Boy’s voice was rough, slurred slightly from the whiskey. He gestured at her, as if the mere sight of her offended him. “This is what they sent me?”
She stiffened, crossing her arms over her chest. “I didn’t exactly ask for this gig either, sir.” Her voice was clear, cutting through the noise around them. She had a little bite. He’d give her that.
“Then why the hell are you here?”
A muscle in her jaw twitched. “Money.”
Soldier Boy snorted. “Yeah? You don’t look like the type.”
She glared. “Not all of us get a fat check for pretending to be America’s hero.”
That made him laugh—loud and mean. “You got some balls, sweetheart.” He took another sip of his drink, then pointed at her. “Alright, Angel, what’s your deal? What do you do?”
Her hands clenched into fists on the table. “Electromagnetic manipulation.”
He raised an eyebrow. “English, sweetheart.”
She rolled her eyes. “I control electricity. Short-circuit things. Cause blackouts. That kind of stuff.”
Soldier Boy exhaled through his nose. “Great. So if I need a goddamn lightbulb changed, you’re my girl.”
The sarcasm didn’t seem to rattle her, which annoyed him even more. “You want a demonstration?” she asked, voice sugar-sweet.
Without waiting for permission, she flicked her wrist toward the neon sign above the bar. Sparks shot from the wiring, the glow flickering before the whole thing popped and died, plunging half the club into darkness.
Shouting. Chaos. The bartender swore. Someone tripped over a chair.
Soldier Boy just whistled low.
She smirked, satisfaction flickering in her eyes before she quickly wiped it away. “Can I go now?”
“Not so fast, sweetheart,” he said, leaning forward, his grin wolfish. “Vought wants us to be a team. That means we need to—what do they always say?—get along.”
Her lips pressed into a thin line. “I’m not here to be your friend.”
“Trust me, I’d rather chew glass.” He knocked back the rest of his drink, then slapped the glass down on the table. “But Vought’s footing the bill for your mom’s meds, right?”
She flinched—so quick he almost missed it.
“Yeah,” he said, dragging out the word. “I know why you’re here.” He leaned back, stretching his arms along the booth. “So I suggest you play nice, sweetheart. Wouldn’t want them cutting you off.”
The hatred in her eyes was delicious. Good. This was gonna be fun.
Vought Tower was nothing like she’d imagined. It wasn’t just a building—it was a goddamn kingdom. Floor-to-ceiling windows, gold-trimmed decor, and a constant swarm of assistants, PR reps, and corporate types pretending the world revolved around them.
Y/N had been here for months now, long enough to get used to the bullshit.
She had learned two things fast:
1. The public liked her, but they *loved* Soldier Boy and Crimson Countess more.
2. She didn’t give a shit.
Vought could dress her up however they wanted—make her wear leather, throw her into staged bar fights, and slap a rebellious nickname on her—but the public wasn’t stupid. They saw through it.
Her ex-boyfriend hadn’t helped.
One interview. One smug asshole telling the world she was a prude, that he hadn’t been “allowed to touch her,” that she was just some Catholic good girl pretending to be something she wasn’t.
That was all it took. The media went wild.
“Hell’s Angel? More like Heaven’s Nun.”
“America’s Sweetheart? Or America’s Ice Queen?”
It was all bullshit, but she ignored it. As long as Vought kept her mom’s medical bills covered, she didn’t care what people thought.
The Twins, though? They thought it was hilarious. That’s how she ended up outside Soldier Boy’s room.
"He needs you. Urgent.” That’s what the twins had told her, all wide-eyed and serious. And like an idiot, she believed them.
The second she pushed the door open, she knew she’d fucked up.
Soldier Boy was naked. Completely, unapologetically, stark-fucking-naked.
Not alone, either.
Three girls—two blondes and a brunette—were tangled in silk sheets, their bare limbs draped over him like he was some goddamn king. The room smelled like liquor, smoke, and sex.
Soldier Boy barely even looked surprised.
She? She stood there frozen, mortified, her brain short-circuiting worse than the neon sign she’d fried back at the club.
One of the blondes giggled. “Well, well. Looks like someone got lost.”
Soldier Boy just smirked. That smug, lazy smirk that made her want to slap him. “Ah sweetheart, I'll be right with you, I'll finish Cathy..."
"Kate." One of them corrected him.
"Kate," He started over "I'll finish her and your next."
Her stomach twisted. Her face burned. She wanted to disappear. To run, to burn her eyes as he did what he said and just... get along with it.
The girls giggled and moaned.
Her jaw clenched. She straightened, forced her expression blank, and leveled him with a cold stare. “Vought says you’re supposed to be a role model. Guess that’s a joke too.”
Then she turned on her heel and walked out. The laughter rang in her ears long after she shut the door behind her.
Inside the room, the girls were still talking, their voices muffled but clear enough.
"I read she’s a virgin," one of them giggled. "Guess she couldn’t handle you, huh?"
Another one chimed in, fake sympathy dripping from her voice. "Yeah, Soldier Boy, better stay with us. You need a real woman."
More laughter. More of that smug, taunting amusement, like she was some naive little girl who didn’t belong here.
She clenched her fists and walked on.
The smell of coffee and fried bacon filled the kitchen as Y/N sat at the counter, idly stirring her cereal. She wasn’t really hungry, but she had an early morning photoshoot, and skipping meals would just give Vought’s PR team another excuse to ride her ass.
She was halfway through a spoonful when he walked in. Y/N tried to focus on her breakfast, but her brain had other ideas.
Fresh out of bed, looking like he didn’t give a single shit about anything.
His robe was wide open, showing off that broad, muscled chest, and the only thing he had on was a pair of low-slung training pants. The man didn’t believe in modesty. Never had. He strolled through the kitchen like this all the time, half-dressed, yawning, scratching his chest, stretching his arms over his head—like he knew people were looking.
Ben was right there, standing across from her, half-dressed like he always was.
Robe hanging open, coffee cup in hand, his chest on full display. And lower—her gaze betrayed her, flickering down to where his sweatpants hung dangerously low on his hips.
And. Well.
Jesus Christ.
Was every man blessed like that?
She had no frame of reference, no real experience outside of a few PG-13 make-out sessions, but something told her that what she was seeing was... above average.
Way above.
Memories of that night flashed in her head—walking into his room, seeing him in full glory, tangled up with those three girls. The sounds. The way he barely even looked surprised, just amused by her reaction.
She swallowed hard.
Heat crept up her neck, and she forced herself to look away, staring down into her cereal like it held the secrets of the universe.
But it was too late.
She could feel his smirk before she even looked up.
“Something on your mind, Angel?” Ben’s voice was slow, thick with amusement.
Her stomach dropped.
Slowly, she lifted her eyes, only to find him watching her with that cocky expression—like he’d caught her red-handed and was enjoying every second of it.
“Not at all,” she said quickly, too quickly.
His smirk widened. “Huh. Could’ve sworn you were staring.” He took a casual sip of his coffee, gaze never leaving hers. “Lotta thoughts running through that pretty little head of yours?”
She gritted her teeth. “You’re disgusting.”
He chuckled. “Disgusting?” He gestured at himself lazily. “Sweetheart, I saw you looking. I get it. You got questions.”
Y/N’s face burned." I don’t have questions.”
“Sure,” he said, unconvinced. Then, just to be a bastard, he adjusted the himself in his sweatpants.
Her eyes betrayed her again.
His laughter was damn near sinful. “You’re adorable.”
She shot up from her seat, gripping the edge of the counter like it was the only thing keeping her from electrocuting his ass right there. “I was not looking,” she snapped, voice high with mortification.
Ben leaned in, voice dropping to a mock whisper. “Angel, if you’re curious, all you gotta do is ask.”
Her hands sparked.
He grinned. “Careful. Wouldn’t wanna short-circuit the place just ‘cause you got flustered.”
He grabbed a mug, pouring himself another coffee like he didn’t have a care in the world and sat next to her. “Big morning, Angel?”
That damn nickname. He only ever used it when he was feeling extra annoying.
She didn’t look up. “Photoshoot.”
He snorted. “Lemme guess—more fake ‘bad girl’ bullshit?” He leaned against the counter, taking a slow sip. “Think they’ll finally give you a miniskirt that doesn’t make you look like a Catholic schoolgirl trying too hard?”
She gritted her teeth, forcing herself to stay calm. Ignore him. Don’t take the bait.
But he wasn’t done.
He smirked over the rim of his cup. “Or maybe they’ll just put you in a nun outfit. Wouldn’t want America’s Virgin to give anyone the wrong idea.”
Her grip on the spoon tightened.
He loved this. Ever since her ex went running to the press, Ben had made it his personal mission to tease her about it every chance he got. And in private? He was worse.
"Twenty-one and still pure as snow," he drawled, shaking his head. "Jesus, sweetheart. What are you waiting for, marriage?"
She knew he was trying to get a rise out of her. She wasn’t going to give him one.
Calmly, she took another bite of cereal, chewing slowly before answering. “What I do or don’t do isn’t your business, Ben.”
He chuckled. “Oh, sweetheart—everything in this place is my business.”
Her eyes flicked up to him for just a second—just a second—and he caught her.
That cocky smirk spread wider.
He saw the way her gaze had drifted, how she’d let it skim over his chest, down to his abs, before snapping back up.
Ben leaned in, setting his coffee down on the counter beside her. Close enough that she could smell the faint traces of whiskey still lingering on his breath from last night.
“Careful, Angel,” he murmured, voice thick with amusement. “Look too long, and people might start thinking you’re curious.”
Her face burned.
She inhaled sharply, grabbed her plate, and stormed out of the kitchen without another word.
Ben’s laughter followed her down the hall.
She hated him.
She hated him so damn much.
The studio lights blazed hot overhead as Y/N shifted in her pose, adjusting to the photographer’s demands.
It was supposed to be a simple shoot. Just another set of promotional images—leather, fishnets, smoky eyeliner, the whole rebel girl act Vought was still trying to push.
But from the moment she walked in, something felt off.
The photographer, some industry creep named Mitch, had barely looked her in the eye when they introduced him. Instead, his gaze dragged over her body, assessing her like she was just another prop.
“Alright, sweetheart,” Mitch called, circling her like a vulture. “Let’s see some attitude. Hands on your hips, chin up—yeah, that’s it.”
She adjusted.
He frowned.
“Nah, nah, let me—”
Before she could react, his hands were on her.
Instead of just directing her, he physically grabbed her waist, twisting her slightly. “Need you to angle this way.”
Y/N stiffened. She didn’t like being touched. Not like this. Not by him. She stepped away subtly. “You can just tell me what you need.”
Mitch ignored her.
The shoot continued, and every few shots, he found another excuse to touch her. Adjusting her stance, tilting her chin, running his hands over her arms under the guise of “fixing” her pose.
Each time, Y/N moved away. Each time, he did it again. Trying to get her into very intimate poses and stands.
Something in her gut twisted.
Then, when she tried to step back again, his grip tightened She froze.
The overhead lights flickered.
Mitch smiled like nothing was wrong. “Relax, sweetheart. You’re too stiff. Here let me help you relax..."
Her breathing picked up. “I said—”
Before she could finish, he shoved her back—into the wall.
The impact knocked the breath from her lungs. Panic slammed into her, sharp and blinding. His hands roamed lower.
He yanked at the fishnets Vought made her wear, his fingers tearing through the fabric.
“No,” she choked out, begging. “Please—”
His grip was firm. He wasn’t letting go. Terror locked up her limbs.
Then, all at once— The entire studio exploded in light.
The bulbs burst in a violent flash. Sparks rained down from the ceiling. The room hummed with electricity, static crackling in the air like a coming storm.
Mitch yelped, stumbling back. That was all she needed.
She ran.
Ben was still at the kitchen table, halfway through his coffee, when the lights flickered. At first, he thought it was just her.
Angel had been moody as shit that morning—not that he minded, it was fun to mess with her—and when she got worked up, electronics tended to act up. But this?
This was different.
The entire building pulsed like a power surge was about to take out the grid. The bulbs in the ceiling buzzed, flickering erratically. For a second, he thought they might explode.
Then, just as quickly as it started, it was over.
Ben raised an eyebrow but didn’t think too much of it. Not until a blur of black and leather came tearing past the kitchen.
She was running, eyes wild, breath ragged, shoulders shaking.
The coffee mug hit the table with a sharp *clink* as Ben stood. He barely had time to process it before instinct kicked in—follow her.
She was halfway down the hall when he caught up, grabbing her arm. “Whoa, whoa—”
The second he touched her, she lashed out. She fought.
Not the usual way—no smartass comments, no playful shoves. She fought like she was fighting for her life.
Ben had seen her in combat, had watched her take down men twice her size without hesitation. But this? This was different.
She was panicked. Wild. Desperate to get away.
“Hey! Angel!" he barked, gripping her tighter. She kept struggling, arms flailing, her hands sparking dangerously.
Ben sighed, then hauled her over his shoulder like a damn sack of potatoes. She kicked. She screamed. She damn near electrocuted him.
He didn’t let go.
Back in the kitchen, he set her down on the counter, hands firm on her waist to keep her still. “Alright, enough, ” he snapped. “What the hell happened?”
She wouldn’t look at him. Her breathing was too fast.Her hands were shaking so badly she had to clutch the counter. She looked like she was on the verge of collapsing. Her face and eyes puff from crying hysterical.
And then—he saw it.
The ripped fishnets. The fabric, torn at the thigh. The bruises already forming on her legs.
Ben went still. Something inside him turned cold.
His jaw clenched. “Who?”
Y/N swallowed hard, still refusing to meet his eyes.
His grip tightened. “Who did this to you?"
Jensen: @jackles010378 @libby99hb @winchesterwild78 @suckitands33 @mostlymarvelgirl @deans-baby-momma @ancles @tulipsvanilla @thesilmarillionblog @jays-bonnie-on-the-side @kr804573 @kamisobsessed @hobby27 @globetrotter28 @kindollss @muhahaha303 @shadysoulangel @lyarr24 @spxideyver @impala67rollingthroughtown @panickedbitch @deansimpalababy @livya99 @yvonneeeee @ladykitana90 @stoneyggirl2 @imsiriuslyreal @panickedbitch @roseblue373 @n-o-p-e-never @ariasong11 @lmpala1967 @sherlockstrangewolf @spnaquakindgdom @writtenbyhollywood @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @healojane @star-yawnznn
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gensideas · 2 days ago
jealous jealous, girl.
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summary; y/n is jealous of rafe’s girl friend.
content * advisory; none. just rafe being a tease.
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It started off with Rafe's girl-friend wanting to come over everyday after golf practice. It’s not that you were mad about. it was the fact she knew how you felt when she asked questions liked that. it always made you feel uneasy.
then, she would ask to come over for dinner, and rafe the guy he is, he would say yes. You thought the way you felt was stupid. maybe you were just over-reacting, right?
it was one of those nights yet again. the one where rafe’s “friend” would ask to come over for the millionth time in 4 days. you were getting sick of it.
“rafe, this is the millionth time she’s come over. does she have too, again?” you asked, not looking away from your phone. “Look doll, it’s the last time I swear. I don't know why she keeps asking.” Rafe responded, standing behind you. “you said that last time, and she came the next day. can she just not come today?” you sighed, turning around. Rafe walked behind you, “baby, please. i pink swear this time. it’s the last time she’ll come over.”
you hummed, going upstairs to your shared bedroom.
you’d had enough and didn’t wanna hear him beg and keep a promise he couldn’t every time.
Rafe was in the kitchen cleaning when he heard a knock at the door. He rushed to open, greeting his friend. “Ruby, hey.” he moved to the side, letting her in. “hey rafey.” she walked into the kitchen/living room. “Wow, it's gorgeous here. Did you paint the walls?” ruby asked, sitting at the kitchen table. rafe sat down, “uh yeah, y/n painted it.” —“oh, it’s…nice.”
“sooo, how’s your day been?” ruby asked, taking a bite from her sandwich. “uh, it’s been alright. mostly been out with y/n running errands.” Rafe smiled, eating some alfredo. — ruby sighed, “oh, well um, that’s very nice.”
“yeah, best part of my day really.” Rafe replied, looking up at ruby. “uh rafe, i was thinking..im going to watch this movie on saturday. it’s called heart eyes or something. i was wondering if you wanted to go? — you know, just you and me?” ruby spoke, her cheeks flushed.
Rafe knew you wouldn’t like the idea of him being with another girl ALONE. let alone, you guys have plans that day. —
“uh, I can't. I have plans with y/n that I can't cancel." Rafe replied, standing up to get a drink. “oh uh, doing what exactly?” ruby asked, curious about what HER boy best friend had planned. “me and y/n are planning our vacation for the summer. we’re planning our wedding.” Rafe responded, pointing a glass of whiskey.
Ruby had enough. she was tired of seeing her friend with another girl. even if it’s not her, she wanted him all to herself. “seriously rafe? marriage?! i’ve been in love with you since forever and you choose that-“ ruby was cut off. “that what? because if you say another word, i don’t wanna hear it. if you have a problem, you can leave." Rafe turned around to look at ruby. Ruby just grabs her things and walks out. Rafe sighs, happy that she was finally gone.
as you were reading, you heard a knock on the bedroom door. “y/n, doll?” rafe called from the other side. “what is it, rafe?” you asked, walking towards the door. you opened it to be met with a relieved rafe. “she isn’t coming over anymore.” rafe responded, walking into the bedroom to sit on the bed. “and why is that?” you asked, surprised. “she fucking admitted her feelings towards me after i told her we were leaving for vacation.” rafe exclaimed, laying back into the bed.
you felt angry. not with him, well maybe a little but, mainly with ruby. she KNEW you guys were engaged, and still admitted her feelings in the midst of their lunch. “she did what..?” you sighed, clenching your fist. “she admitted her feelings..” rafe sighed. “oh i’m so gonna kill her. why would she do that.” — “i may or may not have told her we were planning our wedding.” — “you did what?!” you sternly spoke, eyes darting at rafe. “im sorry! i didn’t know she was going to admit her feelings.” rafe frowned, sitting back up.
“i swear to god. she’s sooooo gonna get it. she’s dead.” you responded, walking into the shared bathroom. rafe followed behind, “what’s got you so upset?” — “she not only one, admitted her feelings. but she knows!” you replied, trying to take a deep breath. rafe looks at you for a second before inching closer to your lips. “what are yo-“ — rafe kissed you, placing his hands on your waist.
“what was that for?” you chuckled, looking up at him. “so i could shut you up for a second.” he smirked, looking down at you.
“well, ruby is a great “friend” ain’t she?” you sarcastically asked, looking away.
“what? you jealous? hm.”
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e-dubbc11 · 2 days ago
Such a Flirt
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x F! Hunter Reader; supporting character Sam Winchester
Warnings: SMUT! (18+ please or I’m telling on you) fingering, oral, p in v protected sex (be safe out there everyone), couple of swear words, love confessions
Word Count: 3.3K-ish
Summary: Dean and Sam ask for your help getting information from a bartender at a local bar. You’re a smooth talker and can get info from anyone but Dean hates having to watch you flirt with handsome men.
A/N: Fair warning, there’s only a little plot with this one. I really just wanted to get to the smexy time. I had the strongest urge to write some smut for this smexy son of a bitch, I don’t know why but I’m just very much in love with all things Jensen Ackles right now(I’ve watched Tracker, My Bloody Valentine, and started watching season 3 of the Boys again plus random episodes of Supernatural) I can’t wait to meet him in October! I hope you like this one!
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
“Dude, why are you grinding your teeth like that?” Asked Sam.
Dean’s eyes were fixated on you as you flirted with the bartender. You were trying to see if he knew anything about a man who was in the bar a couple of days ago.
Later, the man couldn’t explain why he had beaten his girlfriend to death after being seen in the bar with a beautiful woman who was definitely NOT his girlfriend.
“Does she have to flirt so hard with that guy?!” Growled Dean. “He’s not even that good looking!”
Dean angrily took a sip of his beer and continued to watch you like a hawk.
Sam rolled his eyes, pressed his lips together in a straight line and tried to continue talking about the case with Dean but he was more interested in what you were saying to the bartender.
“She’s trying to get information for us, Dean. Relax.” Said Sam.
The boys didn’t always need a third “FBI agent.” Sometimes they just needed help getting information from the opposite sex. Men were a lot freer with their words with you rather than the “feds.”
You mostly hunted on your own but they would call you from time to time when they needed your…”wits,” so to speak. Plus, you liked to watch Dean struggle with his feelings for you and you very much liked him back but it was fun to make him jealous.
Before leaving the bunker, you had asked, “What kinda bar is it?”
“What do you mean what kind? It’s a bar, y/n.” Answered Dean.
“Ok, I realize that, Dean but is it a biker bar, a country western bar, one that doesn’t have a theme? I need to know what kinda clothes to bring. I threw a whole bunch in my car, I’ll bring the one outfit I need, and pick up the rest back here before I head home.” You replied.
Sam was already on his laptop doing research so he did a quick search and found the bar’s website online.
“Looks like it’s quite the nice place, y/n. Reviews say it’s an after work hot spot for bankers, real estate brokers, professionals, etc.” Said Sam.
You replied, “Soooooo a little swanky, but don’t dress like a high end call girl, got it. You guys will fit in perfectly wearing your FED suits.”
You decided to go for the “classy attorney” look but without a blazer. A Kelly green fitted silk blouse, black wide-leg pants that had black studs on the seam, and black ankle boots. Your perfectly chosen outfit, paired with a black structured tote bag seemed like impeccable choices.
Eat your heart out, Dean Winchester.
While they were out eating lunch, you did your hair and makeup. You didn’t do this super girly stuff very often but you liked…feeling pretty. The times that the boys needed you to turn on the charm and bat your long lashes to get information, were really fun for you.
Drawing on your black winged eyeliner after having a little too much coffee proved to be difficult sometimes but you were a professional and could probably do it with your eyes closed if you needed to.
A medium tone matte eyeshadow and a bold lip completed the look while a strobe light like highlighter emphasized the high points of your face.
Satisfied with your look, you watched a little tv before changing clothes. They would be back soon to pick you up for drinks after they talked to the local cops.
While in the bathroom, you heard the door open and Dean called out to you.
“Y/n?! You better be ready; we gotta go!” Said Dean.
You emerged from the bathroom fully dressed with the exception of your shoes.
“Ok, ok keep your shirt on, Winchester. I just need my boots.” You replied.
After slipping into your boots, you picked up your bag and finally had a chance to look up. For once, Dean’s brow wasn’t furrowed and you could see his hypnotizing green eyes much better which caught you off guard.
“What is it? Do I have something on my pants?” You said, gazing down at your pants then turning in a circle with your head over your shoulder, trying to look at your own ass.
Dean was speechless and couldn’t get any words out so Sam answered as he tossed a burger at you, “Nope, all good. Let’s go. You can eat in the car.”
They walked up ahead as you locked the door behind you.
“Dude, what is wrong with you? You were staring at her.” Said Sam.
Dean replied, “She looks too good, Sam.”
“Can you wrestle with your feelings for her another time? She’s supposed to look nice.” Sam said.
Nervously, Dean whispered, “Well she’s distracting! And I don’t have THOSE kinds of feelings for her.”
“Whatever you say, dude.” Replied Sam with raised eyebrows.
You covered your mouth so they wouldn’t see you crack a smile.
While riding in the car, you leaned forward so the boys could hear you better. Making sure he could feel your breath on his ear, you said, “You two can go in first, have a seat, and I’ll make my way in after a few minutes. You can keep an eye on me as I walk up to the bar.”
A sly smirk stretched across your lips as you slinked back into your seat and looked at Dean in the rearview mirror, trying his hardest NOT to appear flustered but failing miserably.
You could have made it easy and told Dean how you felt about him but he deserved to be on the receiving end of the teasing. Women made it easy for him, just falling at his feet which meant he had his pick and he hated every time you teased him.
And now, drinking at the corner of the bar, you could feel him burning a hole in your head with his angry stare. It appeared that Dean couldn’t take just sitting there anymore. Sam tried to grab hold of his jacket but he missed and Dean started to walk over to the bar when the bartender walked away to wait on someone else.
“I’m getting some good stuff, Dean. Get outta here!” You whisper yelled at him without looking and without drawing attention to yourself.
He nonchalantly whisper yelled back at you, “You’re being a little TOO friendly with him, don’t ya think?”
“I’m perfectly capable of weaseling information out of a dumb bartender. Now get outta here before I kick your ass all over this bar!” You growled.
“Need something, friend?” The bartender asked Dean.
A tad flustered, Dean replied with a narrowed expression, “Two more beers, buddy. Thanks.”
You got what you needed from the bartender and after another hour or so, you paid for your drinks and left. Dean and Sam followed you out a handful of minutes later.
“Can we get pizza?” You asked.
Dean was always in a better mood if he was fed properly so as a peace offering, you bought pizza on the way back to the motel. And of course, Dean picked up more beer.
Settling in with your dinner, you told them everything Jeremy, the bartender, told you about what he witnessed.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, I didn’t know the two of you were on a first name basis.” Said Dean.
You rolled your eyes.
“Will you let me finish, please!?” You asked.
“Dean…let her finish. Come on.” Said Sam.
Dean continued to pace back and forth while you talked.
“…So the woman that he left with, Jeremy had never seen before. And this guy hung on her every word, gazed at her like she hung the moon, she said all the right things. Almost like he was legit under a spell or something.” You finished.
Sam had his laptop open. His fingers swiftly typed words into the search engine and he then flipped the screen around to show you and Dean what he found.
“I think we might be dealing with another siren.” Said Sam, confidently. “Two other women were murdered by husbands or boyfriends after encounters with beautiful women at that bar. Sirens need love and they compel people to kill to show devotion to them.” He turned to Dean. “Remember that one we dealt with before? The time where we were trying to kill each other?”
Dean nodded. “Yeah, I remember. I try not to though.”
Preoccupied with Dean’s eyes, they had darkened a little to match better with the green shirt you had on, you covered your infatuation by pushing the chair across from you out from under the table.
“Take a load off, tiger. You’re makin’ me nervous with all this pacin’ around you’re doin’.” You said in between bites of pizza.
The Winchester brothers were your second family and you knew them well, especially Dean so you knew when something was really bothering him. And right now, something was definitely bothering him.
Sam’s face was buried in his laptop, it was quiet in the room except for the sounds of fingers moving across a keyboard, and the tension in the room was so thick, you could cut it with a knife. Something about you being there was keeping Dean on edge so you finally decided to break the silence.
“Dean? Come on. What is it? You’re being extra grouchy right now, so grouchy that pizza couldn’t fix it. Ever since I walked outta the bathroom earlier, you’ve been short with me.” You said, calmly.
He pressed the palm of his hand to his forehead and traced the outside of his lips with his thumb and forefinger before narrowing his eyes at you.
You knew that look. The look of an extremely handsome literal green-eyed monster glaring at you from across the table. Dean was close to blowing a gasket.
He pointed at you and in his low gravelly voice said, “I don’t like it when you flirt with other men. There! I said it, ok!? You happy!?”
In one fluid motion, Sam closed his laptop, grabbed the keys to the car and said, “I’m gonna go talk to the cops again. Lemme know when you two work THIS out.”
You started to say, “O-ok, well just be—“
“Yep, I’ll be careful. I know what to look for. I’ll see ya guys later.” Said Sam.
The door closed behind him, the Impala roared to life, and Sam drove off, leaving you and Dean alone in the motel room.
“Well that was weird. Anyway…Dean, I’m just doing what you guys asked me to do! You needed me to get information, so I turned on my charm and I got what we needed just like any other time you’ve needed me for something like this!” You said with a raised voice.
Dean stood up from the table and loosened his tie a little. Unbuttoning the top button on his dress shirt, he didn’t take his gaze away from you.
“You don’t have to be THAT good, ya know! They eat it up every single time! Lemme ask you this…did that Jeremy guy ask for your number?”
Seeing Dean this upset made you think that he didn’t just have a little crush on you.
Feeling a little warm, you unbuttoned a couple of buttons on your blouse and stood up also. You were reluctant to answer him but finally said softly, “Yes, he did.”
“HA! I fuckin’ knew it! They always do and did you give it to him?” Asked Dean.
You started to answer before he interrupted you, “Dean…”
“Did you!?” He asked again.
Not wanting to confess your feelings first, you tried to stall.
“No, I didn’t!” You shouted.
The table was in between the two of you. Both of you were breathing heavily, your jawlines tight with anger and frustration, and the sound of your heart beating inside your chest was deafening.
“Oh yeah?! And why should I believe you, y/n?!” Dean growled.
“I’ve never given any of them my number, Dean! Not a single one!” You bellowed.
His expression softened as he asked, “Well…why not?”
After a long day, you couldn’t help but collapse onto the bed. You allowed your legs to give out and sat down on the edge of the mattress before answering him.
“Why do you think, ya big dumb animal?! Because the only guy's number I want in my phone is yours, Dean! And Sam’s but for different reasons. You know what I’m trying to say, stop looking at me like that.” You said, nervously.
He walked around the table, gazed down at you with his beautiful green eyes, they were the color of fresh blades of grass, and leaned over to inch his face closer to yours. The sprinkling of freckles across his nose was so youthful and adorable. You swallowed hard as you felt his breath against your eyelashes.
“And why do you think I get the way that I do when I see you flirt with other guys? You know why, don’t you sweetheart.” He said, melodiously.
Dean’s lips were ghosting over yours. You were silently begging him to just kiss you and kiss you hard. All the tension that had been building over the years was coming to a head right now. His tie dangled down from around his neck, you were dying to just pull him on top of you and find out what he tastes like…all of him.
“Because you want me as much as I want you?” You replied, gently touching his tie.
Still holding his tie, you inched yourself up toward the headboard. Dean followed your lead as you removed his tie and began to unbutton his dress shirt.
“I want you more.” He purred into your ear before his perfect lips crashed onto yours.
Dean covered your mouth with his own, devouring you with every kiss he placed on your lips, neck and jaw. You won the fight to be on top, although you were sure he let you win, and you continued to unbutton his shirt while he grasped clumsily at the buttons on yours.
They were small so he was having a hard time with them until you stepped in.
“I’ll do them, baby.” You whispered as he haphazardly tossed his clothes to the side.
You stood up and let your pants fall to your ankles while you finished unbuttoning your silk shirt. His desire for you was very apparent by the large tent in his boxers that you felt against your core as soon as you straddled him. The bottom of the shirt brushed against his thighs and goosebumps peppered across his skin.
You decided to let him finish undressing you.
Dean’s hands gently pushed your shirt off of your shoulders and all that was left was the black lace bra that was barely containing your breasts that he could not wait to get you out of. The man was a pro at unhooking your bra with one hand. If you didn’t want him so badly, you would have stopped to give him shit for it.
He lightly nipped the skin down the side of your neck, making you gasp when he got to the spot where your neck meets your shoulder. You felt like you could have come just by him biting down on that sweet spot. The growing ache between your thighs was torture and you desperately wanted him to touch you.
Like he read your mind, his strong hands migrated from your breasts down to your waist. Reaching in between your thighs, Dean teased your entrance with one finger, then slid another inside with ease.
“You’re soaked, sweetheart.” He whispered as a strangled moan escaped your lips.
To suffocate your screams, you bit down on your lower lip as he continued to move his talented fingers, hooking them in just the right spot to make you see stars, and drew circles on your clit to really tease you.
“Dean!” You pleaded, just before you hit your peak and tightly clenched around his fingers.
“You can be loud, baby. These kinds of places are used to noises like that, if ya know what I mean.” He said with a wink and a smirk.
You smiled back, pressed your lips to his, and lightly bit down on his bottom lip before starting to pepper kisses down his chest.
After pulling down his boxers, you took him into your mouth. A deep guttural moan and words of praise fled from Dean’s lips when your tongue circled the underside. That made him draw in a sharp breath as his fingers tangled in your hair.
“Fuck, that feels good, sweetheart.” He hissed and mumbled something else incoherently.
Crawling up his body, he slipped on a condom and then as you straddled him, you replied, “My mouth isn’t just for flirting, Dean.”
He slid into you with ease, burying himself to the hilt, causing you both to gasp before he cut your moan short with a hard kiss. You circled your hips slowly, allowing him to go deeper inside you, and it sent sharp tingles down your spine.
You pulled him in close as your walls began to tighten around him, clinging to him like your life depended on it with your climax starting to build.
Dean’s body was a warm cradle for yours as his fast abrupt strokes were about to send you over the edge and fast. But he loved to look at you so he pulled away slightly and watched your pleasure surge through you.
As you were riding out one orgasm, Dean managed to pull another one from you as you loudly called out his name like no one else was around which made him feral.
His movements became faster, more brutal, pulling out of you just so he could slam into you again and again as his body went rigid underneath you. Crushing your waist, his arms were wrapped around you so tightly that all of the air escaped your lungs.
His release came hard and fast, followed by a strangled moan while your bodies trembled from overstimulation. Dean’s eyes were wide and unfocused as he tried to catch his breath while you leaned in for a gentle kiss and let your fingers glide through his soft brown hair.
Collapsing on top of him, you smiled against his chest as his fingers tickled the outside of your arm and the only thing you could hear was Dean’s heart beating rapidly against your ear.
Trying to get your breathing under control, you covered yourself with the sheet and finally managed to ask, “So…does this mean you don’t want me to flirt for information anymore?”
Dean kissed the top of your head and replied, “As long as you come home with me, I’ll allow it.”
“ALLOW IT?! You’re not the boss of me, Winchester.” You said, sarcastically.
He licked his lips as you looked up at him through your long dark lashes.
In barely more than a whisper, he said, “Well what if I told you you’re really pretty and that I might be…in love with you?”
“Awww…you’re really pretty too!” You said, jokingly.
Dean rolled his eyes, “Alright, I’m tryin’ to—“
Wrapped up in the sheet, you sat upright, cupped his cheeks and pressed your lips to his, your tongue slipped into his mouth to tangle with his as a low growl escaped his lips.
“I might be in love with you too.” You whispered against his mouth.
Chasing each other’s smiles, he continued to kiss you until you heard a key in the door. Sam walked in, took one look at the two of you and without missing a beat said, “Oh good, you two worked it out. So I was thinking, I might know who—“
He stopped, looked at the two of you and shouted, “Guys…that’s MY bed!!”
You and Dean started to laugh.
Tag List: @munsonownsmyass @gijos @stoneyggirl2 @vaguekayla
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