#I want someone to smooch 😔🥺
l0nesome-dreams · 3 months
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@ankossss got me thinking about soft clones, so I drew my boy. Since I don’t have anyone to smooch on the nose I’ll just draw myself doing such (I sound fucking pathetic geez 😂). Uhhh anyways cute lil doodle ft me and Voorpret *twiddles thumbs awkwardly* yeah.
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cherryxsapphic · 13 days
Mother Gooseberry babying/coddling y/n headcanons! Pretty please 🥺 I want to feel tiny
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Absolutely!! Love bug ♡
to be honest with you, I've been really obsessed with outlast trials lately and has been playing non stop recently, because I wanna get to the second catalog!!
Warnings: blood, gore, injury, basic outlast stuff
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→ you were certainly new to the trials pretty much stepping on every trap you could possibly find. Even though you didn't do it on purpose. It's just every time you would run from an enemy a trap would somehow be in front of you and you know what happens next. and also you got bullied a lot by the enemies, especially the giants and Coyle and also Franco. (broskis in his widowmaker era hitting me from across the map😔)
→ but anyways, when it came to Mother gooseberey, she was such a breath of fresh air. There was something about her that generally comforted you, as sick and twisted as that may be considering that she chases you around with a drill that is her father and has a real yapping problem and probably should be locked up for life if he wasn't actually dead rip. (We love him tho) but his daughter adores you and has pretty much made it in her brain that you're her baby, and that when she catches you you won't be able to escape from her grip!!
→ ok, and once she has you, you are literally spoiled with affection, it's everything from smooches, her literally carrying you, which is insane, considering she has only one free hand/arm, Her other arm is amputated and has the drill obviously. So, like, imagine, she's holding you with one arm, ok? both of your hands around her neck and you're just curled up in her side, and she just casually carrying you like its nothing.
→ so basically any affection that you could possibly think of she gives it to you, unless she's not capable of it of course. But she tries and also she has a tendency of hugging you so hard that you have to tell her that you need to breathe but ya know you'll be fine.
→ also, another scenario I'd like to imagine is, ok, imagine you're on that fancy bed that we all first see when we do the tutorial, for the very first part of the game. The exact same fancy bed that we have to hide under because of the psychosis dude. Ok, so Mother Gooseberry is laying down you're on top of her, your face is in her neck or in her shoulder/chest. Her hand on your back, and you're just essentially laying on top of her on your stomach, and you're just curled up, and she's rubbing your back and let me tell you, you had the best sleep you ever had since you made it to this facility.
→ also another thing I'd like to mention she is very over protective and possessive of you obviously your her baby, her little Angel that could do no wrong essentially. if you get injured somehow like really bad, bleeding, gash, basically the most horrendous thing that you could possibly think of or whether someone mess with you or you got hurt while just exploring the orphans/mansion (because who wouldn't) Phyllis thy Futterman will be drilling a bitch and who knows you might be able to watch her put a cute new face on one of her dolls/latest victims 🥰 (if your into that ofc)
→ and if your injured, she would gently bandage you up and if you ask nicely, she might even kiss it better. Also another thing, even Dr. Futterman went off the chain, even though he's been in bag jail alot for insulting you. Phyllis says he cares deep down, but whether that's true we'll never know.
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Hi!! so if you made it this far, thank you!! I know I pretty much Yapped the whole entire time but I hope y'all enjoyed it!!
And also whoever requested this, I hope you like it and that it's up to your standards. ♡
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willowser · 10 months
willow i am wondering and pondering on your thoughts on bakugou saying i love you🤔 I’m not sure if you’ve written anything on it (i would read it immediately fyi so do tell). i think i hc my bkg similarly to yours especially your younger bkg even though it’s so sad and tragic to think of him during his late teens-early 20s :( do you envision him ever being in love at that time also?? i doubt 22 year old bkg could pull himself together 🥺😔 but he’s been through a lot so loving someone is last on his mind but i like to think that at maybe 24-27 he’d be soooo okay with saying i love you first🥺 like you said he’s such a random romantic he barely even registers that he is🥺😭 sorry for rambling will kissing and smooching u first!!
oh man, early 20s bakugou 🥺 my poor sweet 🥺 tbh i really don't see him being in love at that time 🥺 i think even if he found you at that period in his life and you were everything he could ever dream of—i really think he just doesn't have the emotional capacity to touch that with a ten foot pole like. he can't give the time or the vulnerability or the sensibility. i think bakugou finding love for the first time is a real discovery process for him, and i think early 20s bakugou is so incredibly and whole-heartedly devoted to heroism, like there's just no room for anything else. maybe—maybe, maybe, maybe—he would try it out for a hot second, and it wouldn't go the way it should and he knows it and at that point he would just call it quits to be safe.
i think by the time he hits around 25 though he's on the up and up !! a little more familiar with navigating everything that's happened to him, able to become more aware of his feelings and the things he wants and what he's able to give to those things. i think this is the point in his life when he really shows his feelings through his actions 😌 like he's really going all out to show you how he feels, because i think he still might feel a little awkward voicing those things—unless it's in those random moments where he's not thinking about it too hard LOL
when i picture him saying it for the first time, i imagine you're in bed together, cooling off, catching your breath. you roll over to rest your head on his arm, even though he's sweating LOL, and he turns his head enough to press his mouth to your hair, even though you're sweaty LOL, and he just kind of quietly mumbles it after a long moment.
just a very simple and quiet i love you 🥺 doesn't want to make a big deal out of it 🥺 but when you say it back, he's trying very hard not to smile aifnruajaka he's so cute i'm biting him
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coeluvr · 9 months
Hello dearest!
I don't usually write messages because I have weird, shy internet anxiety, but I wanted to make an exception because compliments always motivate me to keep writing and I need u to keep writing so I can finally h*ld Vincent's h*nd!!! 😔😭🤡
This is one of the few IFs where I actually want to romance all ROs!!! Usually, I have a few I really want to romance and the rest I slog through cause completionist tendencies. But you've done a wonderful job of not only making the characters feel very alive and dynamic but also making them all appealing and attractive.
I usually always want to romance the hater because pettiness fuels me but also love angst with a kill them with kindness mc (I WILL H*LD VINCENTS H*ND OR DIE FIGHTING GOD). So, confirmed Vincent-mancer. His art? HIS EYES. HIS LIPS. PRETTY PRIVELEGE IS REAL AND ALL CRIMES ARE EXCUSED (also I really tried going into it being like he's not sad!!! But, as someone who's been in that place, while not an actual war, he definitely comes across as sad in the sense of a weariness at life and that he's struggling to fit back into his skin as pre-trauma Vincent. Artist did a 10/10 job with all the art because THEY'RE SO BEAUTIFUL I CREYYYY)
But the chokehold Hunter has on me? They were gonna be first because their personality is appealing to me both fictional and irl but omg everything I read I HAVE TO HAVE MORE. Like it's moved beyond I'd definitely vibe with this character and look forward to their route to i WANT TO SMOOCH THEIR PRETTY FACE OFF. So now confirmed Hunter-mancer (I actually died on the tattoo snippet on patreon is it a good or bad day to be bi?)
Helios kind of types I'm more of a 50/50 with, but obviously gotta do it for the juicy drama. But all stuff with him has just been so ??!!!???😳😳🫠 like he just leaves me more intrigued. Confirmed Helios-mancer. (The amount of times I'm gonna replay his route to try different things is actually gonna be crazy)
Soarine hot women nuff said. But also just ???!!!?!? I can't even form words. I'm so excited for more scenes with her. Confirmed Soarine-mancer. (Ma'am pls step on me respectfully and not so respectfully)
Fadiya as the official best friend (Hunter you're a bestie too but I feel bad like I'm making u choose between me and Helios :((( ) is usually one I'd keep strictly platonic. I love platonic routes as much as romance and nothing grabs me more than having a best friend character in IFs. BUT SHES SO ADORABLE. I WANNA SMOOSH HER CHEEKS. Also I feel her cause I'm that oblivious too 😭😭😭 I always appreciate ifs having the shy and bold type flirting but I need an oblivious idiot one because I'd be accidentally flirting with her like I do with all my friends without realizing I'm in love with her (and then be unable to speak to her once I realize because flirting? With people that aren't just platonic friends??? That I have feelings for????? Sounds fake). I gotta write the fanfic now (and perhaps share with u once I get over my shyness)
I really am looking forward to the next chapter! I'm so glad I subscribed on patreon too :))) keep up the good work (it also motivates me to cure my depression and post my stuff too)
This is so sweet, anon 🥺 Thank you for sending me this message!!
I'm so glad all of the ROs are appealing to you! I love them all so much they're all beautiful and have so much to their stories. 🥰
Vincent's pretty privilege is insane lmao so many people folded when they saw him 😭 I guess Vincent's inner sadness seeped through because he's really okay #trust but then I probably have a wildly different definition of okay haha very low standards of living over here. He was also never trauma free lol my man just going through it. 🤭
I understand your love for Hunter!! They are just very... very. The tattoo part is one of my favs too they're so smooth with it like okay you're popular with everyone we get it 🙄 *cries to sleep*
Helios is super interesting to me because of the way he handles things and his mindset like I need to study him under a microscope. His route will definitely fulfill all your desires for drama! 🥳
Soarine hot woman. Real. She can ruin my life any day.
Fadiya is perfection and a gift from the gods because she's just so 🥹🥹 I love her to bits and she's going to be so fun to write.
Thank you for your kind words! I love these kind of messages so you're right hehe. Definitely gave me a boost! 💗
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benjaminthewolf · 9 months
Hello and Happy Holidays! 🎁🎄✨
How are you doing, dear friend? 🙂❓
I hope that you’re enjoying the holiday season. 🥰
I noticed that BF and Pico have 3 stories (2 of Pico’s involved same size noms) and decided to give Girlfriend a second chance at being in the limelight. 🤔💭
(She needs more love in the Monday Night Munchin’ stories. Especially, during Christmas [or any winter holiday]. 🥺)
The holiday plot goes like this:
This winter, the Dearest Family are having a Christmas party at their mansion and everybody is here having a good time! The activities of the Dearest Family Holiday Party include baking gingerbread treats, making hot chocolate, singalongs, dancing, White Elephant, and outdoor games like ice skating, making snow sculptures, and snowball fights. 
Girlfriend is having a ball with her friends at her parents’ Christmas party, enjoying the festivities with a smile on her face. Everything in her holiday checklist is complete, except for one. 
A loving kiss under the mistletoe. 
When she asked her father about a certain someone missing at the party, his answer is that “If Girlfriend talking about her boyfriend, then he’s NOT on the list”, much to GF’s annoyance. Disappointed, she grabs a cup of hot chocolate (with marshmallows) & a Christmas cookie and goes to her bedroom to eat.
Meanwhile, Boyfriend is sneaking in the Dearest mansion to enjoy his Christmas with Girlfriend. So, with the help of his girlfriend’s spell book (Yeah, GF’s spell book returns in this story), he used the invisibility spell to keep a low profile from Daddy Dearest. When he arrives at Girlfriend’s room, the invisibility spell wears off and Boyfriend notices that she is eating her Christmas cookie with hot cocoa.
When GF’s eyes finally meet Boyfriend’s, she is overjoyed to see him again. He showed up at her bedroom, not just to give the book to Girlfriend, but to celebrate Christmas by giving her a gift she’s been craving: A warm holiday kiss.
The moment that BF brings out the mistletoe, GF is over the moon. Using what she learned from her spell book, GF shrinks BF with a magical snap of her fingers. Next, she holds the mistletoe with her left hand and brings Boyfriend to her face. With the mistletoe above them, it’s time to give each other the best kiss of the holiday season.
Little did Boyfriend know that his seasonal smooch from Girlfriend is going to be so much warmer than he thought…
(Yes, the characters will be wearing the holiday outfits from Week 5. ❄️🎄✅)
I hope that this Christmas fable will make it up to you after the disturbing request of last month. 😄🎁
If you’re tired or busy with something else, I understand and it’s ok if you want to put it on the back burner until Christmas break. 😇🎄🎁 I didn’t want you to be miserable during the holiday season after the conundrum of that dreadful Halloween request. 😔
Planning to start work on this request today. Yes, I know, that's a little late, but time isn't something we have an infinite amount of.
That may mean this Christmas story comes a little past the date, but I'll try to get it done as fast as I can.
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fatuismooches · 2 years
I almost screamed in my hospital room when i checked my notifs on my phone after i woke up omg-
Smooches, you don't understand how happy i'am after seeing u back 😭🙏💞 i thought something happened to you 😭 its been so long.. I've been refreshing ur acc each time i want re-read some of ur works, hoping to see that u are still active and upload something.. I really miss ur ramblings and writings 😔
as always, another masterpiece has been created.. gosh ur Dottore Childhood Crush made my heart shudder. Especially when Dotty (not so) confessing his feelings towards reader, i literally can't stop smiling (i'm going to eat him bcs he is such a tsundere-). I miss ur writings so much, its so beautifully written 😭🛐💞 definitely became one of my favorite alongside ur Capitano Childhood Crush fic!
Anyways, how are u doing? I really hope that u are doing well 🙏🙏
DWUIBWDU IM SORRY FOR MAKING YOU WORRY 🥝 ANON😭😭❤️ Don't worry I'm fine lovely, and thank you for re-reading my works. 🥰🙏 It actually makes me so happy that my stuff is worth re-reading that much- And I promise to post my ramblings- I've accumulated a lot while i was away😭
I'm so happy at all this positive response from my dottore childhood crush fic 🥺 !! And to think it's all the way up in your favorites?!! I'm so happy💗💗💗 And yea, I think Dottore is not very good with affectionate words, it comes as a struggle for him, not just because he doesn't know what to say but it's a bit of a blow to his ego, to think he's saying such nauseating sickly and syrupy sweet things- But he's still very good with words so he has no problem putting someone in their place if he has to. I think of him as more of an action sort of guy too!
As for me, I've been doing good! Same grind as always of course but I'm excited to indulge in more brainrot with you and everyone of course 🛐💞I'm real happy to see you in my inbox! I hope things get better for you 🥝 anon, ily.
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borathae · 1 year
Sibiii the new chapter is so heartbreaking 🥺🥺
First of all Jimin is such a sweetheart 🥺 I wanna smooch him so bad 😔
Namjoon is a freak and OC should gave him more pain then she already did after all the mental and physical pain he gave her
And Tae, poor Tae 🥺😫 I understand both Tae and OC, Tae feel hurt in this moment and when you're passing a moment like that it can be normal to say something you might regret but here I felt he said that because he love her so much and care a lot and he's doing everything in his power to help her. OC too, when the time will be right they have to confront eachother even because they went through a lot during the story but her too love Tae so much and I'm super convinced about that, like I'm super convinced that if Tae was on Yoongi place she would have done the same, and that means even for Kook, Jimin, Hoseok, Jin and Emma. She's working her ass off to find a cure and a solution for it .
But our queen don't have to let herself go, when Tae found her dying I was so heartbroken 😔
Kookie is a sweetheart too because he didn't give up on Yoongi and he'll never do, I really hope Meredith can help them 🥺
First of all Jimin is such a sweetheart 🥺 I wanna smooch him so bad 😔
same same same same 🥺🥺 he came so far istfg I love this lil dude so much 🥺😔
I understand both Tae and OC, Tae feel hurt in this moment and when you're passing a moment like that it can be normal to say something you might regret but here I felt he said that because he love her so much and care a lot and he's doing everything in his power to help her.
NO BUT SAME istfg the situation was so fucking messy and I'm so sad for both of them :( someone on AO3 said that "i dont think tae is mad at mc for falling in love w yoongi, i think he’s just mad that she’s neglecting herself because she loves him so much!!" and I just gotta quote it here because this is exactly what Tae is feeling rn and what makes him so frustrated. It's because she is breaking herself and forgetting her own needs and Tae feels helpless in trying to be there for her and in his own moment of frustration he said things he clearly didn't mean :( gosh these two just need to hug it out and talk :(
OC too, when the time will be right they have to confront eachother even because they went through a lot during the story but her too love Tae so much and I'm super convinced about that, like I'm super convinced that if Tae was on Yoongi place she would have done the same, and that means even for Kook, Jimin, Hoseok, Jin and Emma. She's working her ass off to find a cure and a solution for it .
OF COURSE SHE WOULD FIGHT FOR HIM!! HOLY MOLY SHE WOULD FIGHT FOR ALL OF THEM EQUALLY!! Like this isn't just a "only Yoongi" thing, this is a "I gotta make sure my family is whole again" thing. You can clearly see that she wants to reunite her family again by that part of the story: "How could they celebrate when your family wasn’t whole? How could they laugh and sing and dance when Yoongi wasn’t with you? When he was still sick? Their good mood felt like offensive mockery to you." LIKE MY QUEEN JUST WANTS THE FAMILY TO BE WHOLE AGAIN 😭😭
Also okay this is such a rant now, but I wanna say this because it's so fandnfan istfg I love talking about characters fkadkf
I do believe that if someone else was in the coma and Yoongi was alright, the situation would be different in the sense that she wouldn't go as mad as she is right now. And the reason for that is because Yoongi would be there to guide and help her. He is the only person in their family who truly knows magic and who can teach magic and who knows spells/potions etc. Right now, she is all alone and she feels like she is "the only person who can teach herself magic" because nobody else knows enough about it to be of actual help. Of course Tae helps her translate stuff and rest assured that he tells her EVERYTHING he knows about magic and that he tries to be as of much help as possible, but he sadly was never a warlock and doesn't have on-hand-experience :( so she feels as lost as she does right now because she doesn't really have a "true teacher". AND I ALSO THINK THAT THE SITUATION WOULDN'T HAVE LASTED AS LONG BECAUSE YOONGI WOULD HAVE KNOWN WHAT TO DO 😭😭 PLEASE SOMEONE REUNITE THIS FAMILY BEFORE I BREAK 😭😭
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nkogneatho · 3 years
🎉 NEW GAME: Introduce your mutuals to everyone and what do you think of them? 🎉
Okay let's do this. (I'm sorry and tell me if I forgot you. I get lost in the mentions and tags)
@venussins - this is Loni. She is that one amazing friend who is the sweetest but also very kinky. I love her.
@hisvillainess - Ryuuu. She is Sukuna's Defence Lawyer in case you didn't know. I hope she wpuld notice me but all her attention is on worm-kun aka her husband😔 i love you baby.
@laudthingcat - Winter is very supportive and mature. She is always there for you in your worst and we love her.
@licantropa - Nymph is the hottest mom on block. Very dominating and nice. Praise kink go brrr.
@tteokdoroki - Aali is an angel and she is very cute and supportive.
@httptamaki - Snow is a hardworker. I don't say this often but I look upto her and I respect the work she puts into anything.
@nozomiasl - Maï is mine and Suna's. She is amazing.
@nanaminswaifu - Monica is an angel on earth. She is amazing and she deserves so much more. Very talented, supportive and caring.
@katsukisbimbo - MY TUMBLR TWIN. I love mae. I was so scared to talk to her first but now? I WOULD DIE FOR HER.
@jthebeauty - THIS IS JEN, MA FEMME. Very talented and very lovely. You'll fall in love right when she speaks.
@sauza - Another angel that this world doesn't deserve. Sauza is super talented, and hardworking. They are a very good writer, a very supportive friend. They are caring and I love how nice they are towards everyone.
@rayhaitani - THIS IS RAY, MY LITTTLE SPOON. I kick the wall everyday because I can't smooch them and show them how much they mean to me.
@chronic-claire-universe - Claire-a-bear. She is my baby. I love when she calls me mama. Another talented person here😚🤍
@katsukisdynamite - The moment I interacted with her, I knew she was a Bakugou fucker. I love Dyna. She vibes with me😚
@katsukichu - KASURI IS MY TEDDY BEAR🥺 It's a shame that the world only has one kasuri, coz she is amazing. She lights up ny world.
@thesimphouse - Saraaaa. The friend who always hypes me up and who I am the comfortable spilling tea with.
@sunascumdoll - Bamboo. She my boo. I want to show her how much I appreciate getting to know her and being her mutuals. Any suggestions fellas? Cause this pretty person deserves all the happiness and love.
@half-baked-biscuit - Well, who doesn't love biscuit? We all do, baby. Let me tell you, her works have so many pure emotions that you can feel it. Love her.
@getoswhore - Asiaaaaah. This js the continent I live on so I love my continent. Bdbdjs okay that was lame, but I love how asiah will always hype you up and encourage you.
@fuwushiguro - Luxe is also one of the person I look up to. I admire her work and it inspires me. She my anus🥺
@izanaphoric - DION ES MI ZORRA Y MI ESPOSA. I cheated on her but she still loves me. We don't find more people like her in this generation so she's a keeper 👀🤍
@cyancherub - Cass is someone who is very talented and I nearly piss my pants trying to interact with her. Not gonna lie, sometimes, it's like "Notice me, senpai." Jokes aside, 🙇🏻‍♀️ Bowing down to the queen.
@stariwrites - Stari is a sweetheart. I want to steal her from Aki. She is talented and amazing.
@hanmasin - Nire is a Kisaki fucker y'all. RED FLAG. RUN RUN RUN. Okay but she is amazing. I'd kiss her but I don't want to kiss kisaki indirectly.
@kyoutxni - I bully this fella right here. Leo is a kinky lil whore hiding in a harmless sweet lil person's body.
@ravenina14 - Vey interactive and a lovely person🥺🤍
@kentosovertime - Naoya fucker. But I love her. Mommy asf. I'm also scared of her sometimes 😬😵
@earlesskitten - IS THE BAE I LOVE. Taiji will always praise you for the goods. 🥺🤍
@erenscockslut - Pala has some wierd obsession with blocking me and then unblocking. But hey! Who cares? I still have her😚😌
@sugarbooger513 - It's in the name folks. She ma sugar boo. Okay but on a serious note, Ash is talented, supportive, caring, AND AMAZING.
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lovebykai · 3 years
Bnha for that fandom ask?
Send me a fandom!
1. The first character I first fell in love with: 
Uh, I actually fell in love with Aizawa and Shigaraki at the exact same time so.
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: 
Dabi 🥰
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t: 
Izuku 🙄
4. The character I love that everyone else hates: 
Uhm. Everybody dislikes someone on this show so... Overhaul?
5. The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
Todoroki 🥺
6. The character I would totally smooch: 
Denki 😘
7. The character I’d want to be like: 
Nemuri 😳
8. The character I’d slap: 
Bakugou 🤭
9. A pairing that I love:
Bakugou x Ochako 😏
10. A pairing that I despise: 
Izuku x Toga 😔
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borathae · 3 years
Part two of my bark
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Us rn:
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"You. You have everything You to offer. It's all I need. You."
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But I find it too all to relatable to Jungkook. Been there. Said things. Got a best frnd for life. It's so hard to convince people who think they have nothing valuable to offer as compared to us when all we want is you, my precious. Every and any relationship is a give & take, some inclined to materialistic things and others to emotions.
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We were business. I know saying that must've HURT her like labour. She's been reminding herself every fucking time she blurred or crossed those lines to get it together.
I don't want y'all to be one dimensional and think of how Jungkook's the only one hurting as bad. No, you're wrong.
Yes, she hurted him. Yes, he cried. Yes, we all blamed for doing that to him. But do we know the guilt on top of the heart break she's facing? The feeling of not being enough for someone who's just as into you as you are? And confessing it and masking every emotion to with hold her decision?
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This reminds me so much of her, Sibi. I wish she was here. I was there. With her. Stop her from putting that mask on until she suffocated and decided to give up. I wish she opened up like this and told me how much she hurted when it was at peak. If only I ever heard her silent cries I would've had my best friend by my side.
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Sis, it's okay, take your shot💜
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The first read was all about me and Jungkook in our crying train of emotions but now did I get to experience ___. Omg she's been through a lot, isn't she?😭😭😭😭
The way she only wanted him to wait irrespective of everything that's been on her and his mind, the way she accepted it through pain, the way she gave in although not completely, the way she's rather reminding herself not him that she does have a chance out of this, the way she laughs, chokes and agrees, everything HAS ME FUCKED.😭
I'm so excited FOR THE DATE SJSJSJS also low-key terrified but who cares until the date is on right? Hahaha I'm anxious though, please don't
Also whenever she says 'fuck bunny' my mind flashes this:
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I'm done lmao.
Thank you for the SIBI-LEVEL chapter.
Had me 😀😆😶😳🤫😧😮😯😲🤯😩😫🤤🥴😵🥵🤑🤠😈😭😭😭😭😭😭
Not you coming at me with my greatest weakness aka screenshotting your fave parts and showing them to me 😔🥺😭💜 lisTEN I WILL SMOOCH YOU ON YOUR LIPS 💕
Yes, she hurted him. Yes, he cried. Yes, we all blamed for doing that to him. But do we know the guilt on top of the heart break she's facing? The feeling of not being enough for someone who's just as into you as you are? And confessing it and masking every emotion to with hold her decision?
Catch me crying in the club with a second glass of alcohol free mimosa in my hands 💔 I love it so much that you can understand her so well :( seriously it means so much to me. Like Lucky really doesn't want to hurt Kook but she is just so scared to admit to herself that she is ready to love again and I just want to fucking sOB
Also lmaooao the last meme senT me because honestly? Same bestie HAHAHHAHA 🤧😂😂
Thank you for barking at me, seriously I love you so much and I also feel so honoured that you shared something so personal with me. Truly it will stay safe with me 💜💜
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borathae · 3 years
The threesomes are FANTASTIC! In fact two of them are on my top 3 favorite snippets so far. If they aren't someone's cup of tea then they literally don't have to read them. 🙄 But as an author do whatever you want!
Honestly anonie I wanna consensually smooch your face 🥺 thank you so, so much! Seriously, like I hate asking for sweet words JSJSJS, but today I really needed to hear them. So thank you and I love you lots 🥺😔💜
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borathae · 3 years
Uhm hi so I started rereading The Cocktail Trilogy and I just gotta...so here are my song recs for Tequila Sunrise - Chapter 1, hope this isn't weird bc it's been quite a while & you're writing new stuff now, hope you missed me a little thehe
🖤 Cowboy in LA - LANY
First of all I love this song so much. It's kind of the other way around in your story. Whereas the singer feels so out of place in LA bc it's a big and fast town & hes a small town boy, Jungkook looks kinda out of place in ocs town bc he just gives off such a different & almost too cool vibe for such a small town.
"Yeah, all the other boys in town all look and talk the same. But I got a different kind of heart, I'm a cowboy, a cowboy in L.A."
Also this gives me very much oc energy:
"And you get up every day, and you work hard for your pay, happy in a pair of jeans."
🖤 Style - Taylor Swift
Honestly this is the perfect song for this chapter in my humble opinion. I can literally picture jungkook walking into the diner, this song playing and oc being 'oh him, yeah he's kinda different'. There are just always those people that have a special vibe about them and you can't even pinpoint what exactly it is, just like James Dean in his time.
"You got that James Dean daydream look in your eye."
"You got that long hair, slicked back, white T-shirt and I got that good girl faith and a tight little skirt." (You know tight little skirt because uniform 😉)
🖤 Meet Me At Our Spot - The Anxiety, Willow, Tyler Cole
Oc & Kook definitely caught a vibe (Yoongs & Jimin as well). Also I think the name of the song is very fitting since it has become routine for the 3 to eat at the diner, and the food dedinitely isn't the main reason for that anymore. You can't fool me boys, I know what you're doing.
"Caught a vibe. Baby, are you coming for the ride? I just wanna look into your eyes. I just wanna stay for the night, night, night. When we take a drive, maybe we can hit the 405, hypnotized by the lights. Man, this must be the life."
Also the "man this must be the life" part fits in my opinion bc it kinda feels like the 3 dudes are the most exiting thing that happened to this small town in like a hot second.
🖤 Pancakes For Dinner - Lizzy McAlpine
Ok this might be a little too emotional since oc & jk just met but I think it still describes their last encounter & the part where oc thinks she might never see jk ever again. And then again I'm like maybe it's not too emotional, it might not be that serious but sometimes you're at the airport and you see someone attractive and you're out there wondering for the whole flight what might have happened if you talked to them and you're picturing a whole different life lol
"Don't wanna be forward, don't wanna cross a line. [...] Don't wanna say too much, intrude on your space but [...] I think that I should probably tell you this in case there is an accident and I never see you again."
And in the moment where oc thinks she'll never see jk again she lowkey wishes jk could have heared her & jimins convos in the back so that he would have said something instead.
"And I wish that you could hear me when I talk to myself."
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Lany - Cowboy in LA
THIS FITS SO WELL LISTEN!! YOU READ MY MIND :(( I listened to so much Lany during my writing process for Tequila Sunrise and now you're recommending one of their songs :( I'm gonna sob :( this has such amazing Tequila Sunrise vibes please omfg now I'm gonna sob again :( it was because of me starting Tequila Sunrise I truly became Jungkook biased and now look at me 😔
Taylor Swift - Style
This part: And I should just tell you to leave 'cause I know exactly where it leads, but I wtch us go 'round and 'round each time
If this doesn't scream OC not wanting to give in cause he's just a guest and will leave eventually omgmgm
Meet Me At Our Spot - The Anxiety, Willow, Tyler Cole
Also the "man this must be the life" part fits in my opinion bc it kinda feels like the 3 dudes are the most exiting thing that happened to this small town in like a hot second. omgmgmg this is most definitely true ommg, I can tell you that everybody in this town is very intrigued by those three newcomers omfmg. also just them talking about driving around I mean?? biker!kook??
Lizzy McAlpine - Pancakes for Dinner
I love her so much :( her songs always make me feel how I imagine falling in love safely feels like. I never experienced it, but that's how I imagine it. Also weirdly enough, I connect this song with the relationship between Taehyung and the OC in Sanguis Alpha. Like that part where they watch the stars in his library? yeah, that song played when I wrote the scene :(
I'm so happy that you are back song anonie hehe I really missed you 😔🥺💜
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