#I want deku to have his own room but how funny would it be if him and katsuki have to share
habken · 8 days
I can't imagine how funny it would be for class 1A to find out about Izuku and Katsuki being bothers
Katsuki:"Stop touching me"
Izuku:"I'm not touching you"
They fight in the middle of class and then end up needing to be separated. They are placed on opposite sides of the classroom.
Katsuki:"I hope you break your arms, dumb ass bitch. How the hell don't you know how not to use your quirk?"
Extra: "Yeah, you kinda suck at using-"
Katsuki: Want to fucking die?
Imagine he fight they had after he hero licenses exam. And the conversation to follow
good good shit the rest of the class is like"wow these guys Hate each other" and then at some mundane time after deku v kacchan 37 or something it gets revealed just extremely casually and they all lose their minds
I also like to think that not even aizawa is fully aware until home visits and almost passes out seeing all five of the bakudoriyas piled onto a single couch
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For my own entertainment I wish the weird man to weird man mental communication in bnha was unhelpful, to the point it showed both Tomura and Deku the most useless but funny (maybe even the small and horrifying) memories they own.
I want to know the silly things. How lame Tomura was at first when he started playing video games. How many times Deku fell on his ass when he was training to control OFA. Want them to realize that they had the same favorite show when they were little kids. I want them to be the loser nerds they both are, for their feelings of inadequacy to mix 'til they can see their reflection in each other.
Mind sharing the big events is cool and all, but it's the little things that made them so similar, at least similar enough to understand where their paths changed along the way.
Deku gets glimpses of Tomura's teenage years and realizes he never ever talked to other people his age except from texting in videogame chats. You could say that Dabi and Toga were his first "friends" in around 15 years... Meanwhile, Tomura gets glimpses of how many times Deku was told to kill himself over the years 'cause he didn't have a quirk, how many times he went home rejected, forgotten, humiliated.
Kid Deku and teen Tomura watching the same All Might video in different pcs in different rooms and sitting on different chairs. Wondering why he was not enough to be saved / wondering when would it be his turn to save people and make them smile. Deku and Tomura walking the streets alone, one of them looking at the wonders of the world in the sky while the other keeps his eyes on the ground to mitigate the hatred of the world flowing in his veins. Deku and Tomura eating alone, researching alone, breaking down on a corner where no one can see it, because there's no one to listen to their burdens and no one to understand their hurt and no one who would see past the superficial, no one who would look at them and say "hey, this kid can do whatever he want to do in life, he was made for greatness!"
Kid Tomura playing with Nomus to not play alone. Kid Deku memorizing random facts in the hope to impress his peers, but they never talk to him. The last time Tomura was hugged at 5 years old. Deku in his almost-vigilante era, cold, lonely and tired of carrying the weight of the world in his shoulders at 17 years old. All the injuries Tomura got used to because he couldn't care less about the pain at that point in time. All the times Deku almost lost an arm trying to prove he belonged at UA with all the other future heroes. The anxiety of sitting in the backyard through the rain, watching how your family is dry and safe inside the house, not you; you have no place among them. The anxiety of a bedroom that no other kid visits, a collection of All Might toys to no one to play with, no one to share your joy or sadness, no one who cares 'bout you besides your mom.
I want them to share the little things, stupid and funny and joyful, depressing and heartbreaking. I want them to share all the moments no one else knows about— to peek behind the curtains that mark them as heroes and villains, but also behind the person they project to their friends and all the people on their side. Like I said before, I know that the big moments are important. It's just that for me, the details make it so much meaningful...
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lance-space-mommy · 3 days
Thirst Traps
Mina was devilishly tapping her fingers together as she stared at Midoriya. “Sorry, but you lost the bet.”
“I didn’t even agree to the bet,” argued Midoriya nervously, not recalling Mina even stating it was a bet.
“Nonsense,” hushed Mina, rising from where she was sitting to grab her phone that was currently charging.
Midoriya groaned from where he was sitting. The sound caught the attention of Uraraka who was returning to the common room from filling up her water bottle. “Deku? What’s wrong?”
Midoriya looked up at Uraraka in despair. “It’s Mina.”
“What is she up to this time,” remarked Uraraka with an amused grin.
“She’s forcing me to do something because I lost a bet I never agreed to,” explained Midoriya weakly, sinking into the couch in despair. When it came to Mina, nothing could be done once she had an idea.
Uraraka nodded, sitting down next to Midoriya. “I’m sure it won’t be that bad. Besides, it’s not like she can force you to do anything outside the dorms.”
Relaxing a bit at the reminder it was storming outside, Midoriya took a sip out of his water bottle. “You’re right. It can’t be that bad right? She’ll probably force me to play a little prank on someone or something.”
“Probably, either that or she’ll make you do her homework,” laughed Uraraka, recalling how Mina once tried getting Momo to do her work but was forced to have a tutoring session instead.
Mina rushed back in with her phone and a bright smile. “I want you to recreate this!”
Midoriya raised a brow, letting Mina squish onto the couch with him and Uraraka. Mina had a video pulled up and it was some guy standing in heavy rain strutting, doing air splits, and backflips over music.
Uraraka couldn’t hold back her laugh. Mina immediately proved the both of them wrong when they assumed the dare would be her usual silly antics.
“I can’t do that! I’m going to fall! Besides, if anyone sees me out there-!” argued Midoriya in a panic, trying to do whatever it took to get out of this.
Mina shook her head and pressed a finger against Midoriya’s lips to silence him. “Nope. Look, I’ll be nice, and I won’t force you to wear the big fluffy coat and ripped jeans.”
Midoriya sighed in defeat, not seeing much harm in the dare when no lightning was outside. The only risk was him getting sick and he decided to set down some conditions of his own.
“Have a towel and warm tea prepared for me. If I end up getting sick you owe me katsudon until I’m recovered,” ordered Midoriya, willing to do the dare, but wanting to have some say in what happened.
Mina extended her deal with a wide smile. “Deal! Uraraka, would you be an angel and grab that stuff? I’m going to go out to record this!”
Midoriya wilted, forgetting that Mina loved having everything on her phone. He couldn’t blame her though, some of these simple funny moments were nice to look back on when things got rough. Uraraka smirked and threw herself up. “Fine, but I’m going to need that video for myself.”
Kirishima was curious about what was going on and approached Uraraka. “Hey, where are Mina and Midoriya heading off to?”
Uraraka crossed her arms with a grin. “Mina is forcing Midoriya to recreate some video out in the storm.”
“No way! I gotta see this!” laughed Kirishima, immediately pulling out his phone and texting one of his multiple group chats. He sent the quick message “Come down to the common room immediately, it's important,” to Kaminari, Sero, Bakugo, and Jiro.
Kaminari and Sero came down along with Sato, Ojiro, and Tokoyami. Jiro came down with Momo and Hagakure, and Bakugo came down alone. It seemed that Bakugo thought it was something serious because he practically exploded when he saw the rest of the class wasn’t there.
“What the hell Shitty Hair?” shouted Bakugo, immediately sending off some small explosions.
“Woah man, calm down! Everyone, follow me to the window!” instructed Kirishima, not trying to set Bakugo off even more.
It only took seconds for the group to understand why Kirishima told them to come down urgently. Mina and Midoriya were standing in the open field as rain was crashing down. Mina had her phone held up while Midoriya was doing mind-boggling flips toward her.
While Midoriya could do a perfect split, he had trained kicking enough that he could fake it. If he did an air split fast enough, no one would be able to tell his left leg didn’t perfectly come up all the way. When Midoriya reached Mina he managed to land his last flip without falling and went straight into a backflip.
Once Midoriya stuck the landing of his back flip he took in a quick breath, jumped into the air and shot his legs out, faking the split like a pro.
Mina collapsed to the ground, cackling. Midoriya crossed his arms and looked up at the sky that was dark and pouring down rain. Midoriya then looked down at Mina, said something, and suddenly Mina was sprinting back toward the dorm building.
Uraraka was already standing by the door with towels and warm tea waiting for them in the kitchen. Mina launched herself inside, the rain covering her face and mixing with her tears. “My phone!”
“Yeah, that’s my bad,” chuckled Midoriya, knowing that they had to retake the dance at least ten times before he got it right.
Walking further into the dorm, planning on going to the kitchen, the two froze when they saw the large group standing near the windows. Only the group was staring at them in disbelief and glee.
Midoriya bolted off before anyone could even ask him where he learned how to do any of that. Mina on the other hand didn’t stick around because she had to make sure her phone was okay. She couldn’t lose the video after just getting it!
Midoriya was fresh out of the shower when he texted Uraraka that he was sorry for not sticking around for the tea she made him. It seemed that Uraraka didn’t mind too much, even going as far as to say she’d reheat it and send someone up to deliver it to him.
Feeling bad and not wanting her to go out of her way to do something she didn’t have to, Midoriya frantically typed it wasn’t necessary and it was no big deal. A knock interrupted Midoriya’s guilt as he stared at the typing bubble from Uraraka. Rising from where he was sitting, Midoriya approached his door and pulled it open.
Bakugo stood in the doorway with a wide smirk. “So Izuku. Care to explain?”
Midoriya yelped, backing into his room. “Kacchan! What are you doing here?”
“Pink Cheeks. Now, tell me why you were out there performing like a goddamn acrobat,” demanded Bakugo, inviting himself in with two cups of tea.
“It’s really not as interesting as you may think. Mina told me I lost a bet and she dared me to recreate a video,” elaborate Midoriya swiftly, not wanting to beat around the bush when it came to Bakugo.
“Go figure. Why do you always manage to get wrapped up in her dumb schemes,” grumbled Bakugo, crashing onto Midoriya's bed.
Midoriya smiled a bit, looking at his desk where Bakugo managed to put down the tea without him noticing. “If I knew how, I wouldn't have been out there.”
Bakugo scoffed, staring at Midoriya where he was standing. “Where the hell did you learn how to do a split?”
“I can’t really do a split, but after using my legs so much I guess I got more flexible,” assumed Midoriya. He didn’t know how he managed to get so limber. He did his usual stretches to avoid injuries but didn’t go out of his way to work on flexibility.
“It sure as hell looked like a split to me,” argued Bakugo. It didn’t take a genius to see a true split.
Midoriya smiled, sitting next to Bakugo on the bed. “When the rain clears up we can head to the gym and see for sure.”
“Alright, just don’t cry when you find out I’m right,” professed Bakugo confidently, making a home on Midoriya’s bed.
“You’re an idiot,” laughed Midoriya, finally lying down next to Bakugo.
“Shut up!”
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kittycatxoxo1 · 1 month
TW: Depression, Suicide!
AU where Endeavor hired a nanny for Shoto after Rai gets into the psych ward, since he's got hero work and he wants to keep Shoto isolated from his siblings a nanny sounds like the right choice for him.
(Nanny can be male or female)
Shoto is wary of the new person but warms up after awhile, the nanny doesn't really go along with Endeavor's plans for things like sneaking Shoto some candy, sneaking Shoto out to play with other kits at the park, the nanny does realize that Natsuo harbors some resentment towards Shoto and Fyumi would definitely tell Endeavor that the nanny let them see Shoto so the nanny keeps him away from.
As Shoto grows up he notices that his nanny isn't as outgoing as they used to be, he tries to be funny for them to make them smile and it works for awhile, after some time even Endeavor starts noticing the nanny's odd behavior.
When Shoto is about 13 he finds his nanny hanging by a noose in the closet of their room, there is a note that talks about their declining mental health and if Shoto is the one to find the note that it isn't his fault and that they loved him like their own.
When Shoto is at UA his reason to be a hero is different, he asks Aizawa if they should learn the warning signs of suicide and how they should act in that situation, Aizawa is glad someone is thinking about helping people with depression but it also makes him worried on why this 15 year old is asking all those questions.
Shoto would also make his hero name a reference to his nanny and makes it known that he wants to be a therapist hero like HoundDog.
Since Shoto isn't the best at interacting with others I feel like he would try to diagnose people he's fighting lol maybe like while he's fighting he's asking them questions and going "It sounds like you have a case of PTSD if you want i can give you the information for a good therapist :)"
Maybe after the nanny's death it wakes Endeavor up about how he's treating his kids earlier and maybe after the nanny's death he starts seeing the same behavior in Shoto and it scares him.
Maybe he sees Deku showing some signs of depression and it worries him so much he starts following him around and checking on him randomly.
After some time Natsuo and Shoto get closer because of their interests in the medical field.
Shoto and Fyumi get closer also by their interests in knitting (the nanny taught Shoto)
With the whole dabi thing I can't think of a why this would change anything but maybe he sees Shoto casually trying to diagnose a random villain and he finds it funny.
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theloveinc · 2 years
Nah here’s a little bit of shit that would happen in the short king bakugou house
Bakugou would be in the middle of a little meeting with a few other hero’s discussing the villain take down that just happened a few days ago and he keeps hearing his cell phone go off. He would ignore it and just put it on silent but it keeps lighting up and before he knows it his office phone is ringing. It has to be important if it’s wENT OFF 10 TIMES IN THE SPAN OF 5 minutes. When he looks down it’s his only boy callin his phone.
“What do you want son I’m in the middle of a meeting”
“Aye pops, ma and you got some good ass toliet paper in y’all’s bathroom-“
“- what did I tell you about saying ass, your ma gonna get mine and your ass if she catches-“
He would go silent for a second and then his face would do that ugly ahh scrunched up face parents do when they are getting on to you in public.
“If you don’t get your ugly ass out of my damn bathroom, now I done told you to stop going in there when I’m not home-“
“This shit nice tho fr pa, real comfortable and elegant. Ma did good decorating in here. Aye you think mama still got that good smelling shit she got you for Christmas- that perfume shit. We runnin a bit on the low side on the air freshener”
Then two would literally be arguing and deku and todoroki is just staring at him like what is going on.
Or stuff like bakugou in his at home office signing some papers and his son comes in with his phone on his forehead with the flash recording him and asking him dumb questions and bakugou has the “😒😔” expression like- “what the hell you want, son. I’m clearly busy”
“Damn pop you be smellin like you haven’t bathed why your ass smellin like that?? Ma gonna send you through a car wash if she smells you like that”
“You would know cause you use the same shit I do, brat. Always going through my shit- you act like you don’t got your own bathroom! Your own room!”
“I like your shit pops- you be getting all them women with that shit fr fr”
Y’all’s son and bakugou are like father like son fr fr cause they don’t know personal space. He will always be all up on bakugou 24/7 and your son takes after his mamas height so he’s taller and a bit heavier than bakugou. He’s always telling him to get his fatass off of him. They literally can be on the couch and next thing you know his son is leaning on him or bothering him in some type of way and bakugou just acts like everything’s fine.
He won’t ever do it to his mama tho, he knows she doesn’t play. None of the kids do it hell bakugou don’t do it. Surprisingly I see their mama being the strict one and bakugou kind of being the fun dad who is always throwing them around and talking so “MEAN” to them. Bakugou is always warning them he gonna tell their mama if they don’t leave him alone. If bakugou ever gets onto them they will immediately go back to their mama which makes you laugh but make bakugou SO FRUSTRATED LIKE DAMN WAS IT THAT SERIOUS??
Y’all’s house is so fucking big cause y’all have so many kids. Even if some of y’all’s kids go off to college they will always soME HOW be in the house eating out of y’all’s fridge. Bakugou will purposely make a bunch of food even if most of them move out cause he knows them little bastards come into the house when him and his wife are gone and just steal a bunch of food and will EVEN SHOW IT AND BRAG ON THE RING DOOR BELLS OR THE CAMERAS IN THE HOUSE. the will get real close up to the camera and brag about how much shit they stole or that they gonna need some more of SOMETHINT cause they took it all or they will do a little dance HELL EVEN FART OR BURP IN THE CAMERA CAUSE THEY FIND JT SO FUNNY AND YOU JUST GLARE AT BAKUFOJ LIKE WHERE DID THESE KIDS GET THIS FROM
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(missing paragraph of me screaming)
Like son not just calling but FaceTiming him to SHOW him posing in your bathroom. Taking a tour of everything and using your hand soap on camera to make bakugo even angrier JRHSIDJKDBFKD. Propping the camera up to dance and shit and bakugo is incapable of hanging up😭😭😭 and having to hide his razors so his son doesn’t start breaking them when he doesn’t even need them. 
and bakugo not realizing his son and him are so alike🥺🥺😢😢 little old men together struggling to change the TV channel or something, sitting buttcheek to buttcheek together all confused w the exact same expression on and needing to call one of the girls to help them figure it out. They fight so much but deep down they’re really so similar and they’re touchy YESSS. Together and with you. get mad about the same things, like when a hero messes up on TV or the store is out of their fave brand of rice dhfjaskdjf🥺
AND I LOVE STRICT MOM AND FUN DAD BAKUGO… like he tries so hard to keep things in order but he’s so bad at it bc he doesn’t feel like his own mom. he just can’t. Mitsuki is so glad ur around to keep her grandkids in check but ajfhskjdj it fits so perfectly to think about him being the lazy dad with all your kids surrounding him watching tv and eating your special mom snacks cuz he’s already mean to villains all day.
(He’s like: “everyone gets one handful. One.” And then the whole bag is gone CLOWNNNNN) rjjfkfk and him being nervous when they snitch on him even tho WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO LIKE ???. Like you said, you’re just laughing and bakugo is honestly surprised like. You’re not gonna bust his butt for getting snappy? NO
(tho seriously king, why are u letting ur own children turn u into a child???) 
ARGHSGSHEHIDGEJEBR THO everything here took me out AND I just wanna eat this. I’m sorry my thoughts are so incoherent but this literally deserved it’s own post FR LIKE IM JUST SO GIGGLY OVER THIS this household is such a PARTY LOL but it seems so nice, too. Probably even end up with 2-3 kids you didn’t actually birth too. Kids friends in rough circumstances or something and bakugo hardly even notices. Just yells at them to clean the spilt soda (he’s long since given up on trying to stop them from drinking) in the fridge too $5$2@4$&3&4)28475&: I LOVED THIS THANK YOU ANONNNNNNN❤️🧡🧡🧡❤️❤️❤️💚💚💚💚
(Also how much money are we putting on one of your kids flashing their bare butt to the camera? Seems like a bakugo activity to me LMAOOO and you know he’s constantly checking the tape too🥺😩😩)
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eunchancorner · 2 years
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....when was that...again...? He'll save us...we need to..call him...maybe one of our phones...survived...
Yayy less laggy)
I don't think our phones survived... at least, I know mine didn't... iPhones don't survive falls.
122 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
Heya! I have a request for you, a kiribakudeku fic with like hide and seek/anticipation for a prompt (lee!deku or kiri if you can). Your fics are so cute!
Thanks for the request! I’m glad you like my fics! Also, lee!Deku or Kiri? Why not both! ALSO also, for a little context, Bakugou stole some beer from Aizawa one night, got drunk and bought a maid dress online, and since then it’s been sitting unused under his bed, even though he kinda wants to see how his boyfriends would look in a maid dress.
Ler Bakugou, Lee Kirishima and Izuku
Warning: this is bakugou. Take a guess.
Word count: 1316
Shit shit shit
Oh god oh god oh god
Kirishima and Izuku were hiding in the latter’s closet, both having their own silent panics. They had decided to pull a prank that they thought would be funny on their blonde boyfriend, Bakugou, swapping the salt with the sugar when Bakugou went to make breakfast, a classic.
And they had forgotten that Bakugou doesn’t like anyone messing with his food.
So they had to spend the better part of 20 minutes running and hiding from the angry blonde, which is how they found themselves in their position.
Truthfully, they knew Bakugou would never actually hurt them. Well, not severely. Anymore.
It was the fear of the unknown that had them so scared as they heard Bakugou stomping into the greenette’s room, the two in the closet now holding their breath.
“I know you idiots are in here…” he growled out. “Come out!”
Izuku had to bite back a gasp as Bakugou got dangerously close to the hiding spot, warranting a hand over his mouth from Kiri. The greenette pressed closer to the redhead as he heard a hand land on his closet door knob… and then he was gone. No noise, no shadow, not even the sound of his breathing.
Izuku looked up at Kiri with a questioning gaze, who stood and peeked out, turning back and nodding to the standing One-For-All user, before slowly exiting, followed by Deku.
Thinking Bakugou would have left the room after only a minute of searching was probably their second mistake.
The blonde (who had been hiding under Izuku’s bed) leapt out and pinned them both under his weight, moving to pin one of each of their legs beneath him. Both boys were still catching their breath from the initial mini heart attack their blonde boyfriend had given them, before looking up at him.
“Uh, g-good job, Kacchan..” Izuku praised shakily.
“Heh, y-yeah, y-you caught us… m-maybe let us go now…?” Kirishima tried.
Bakugou pretended to consider it for a moment, before smirking and leaning over his opposite-haired boyfriends.
“Better idea. How about I give you two a proper punishment for fucking with my food?” he growled, the smirk never leaving his face, even growing wider as Izuku stammered out, “P-p-punishment?!”
“You didn’t think I was just going to scare you and let you go, did you, Deku? Oh no, you two are going to fucking pay… but you’re lucky you’re my boyfriends, otherwise I would have already beat your asses into the ground. Instead…” he placed one hand on each tummy, “I have a much better way of punishing you two.”
Both Kirishima and Izuku felt small, wobbly smiles form on their faces, Izuku’s admittedly much more suppressed.
“W-wait, B-Bakubabe, w-we can talk about this, r-right?” Kiri pleaded, earning only a shake of the head from Bakugou.
“M-m-maybe I could c-clean your r-room for a week?” Izu tried. Another head shake. “I-in a m-maid dress…?” he tried, embarrassing himself at the thought.
That had Bakugou thinking for a moment, but he just smirked again at the pair, flexing his fingers slightly and earning a yelp from the two. “I might make you do that anyway, nerd~”
Oh god what did I get myself into?
He flexed his fingers again, twice, earning a barely kept back giggle from Izu and a “Nohoho-” from Kirishima.
“Look at you two. Can’t even stop smiling, and I haven’t even started yet. Hm… but where should I start? I could spider allll over your sides, maybe check to make sure you two didn’t lose a rib or two… Maybe, I could start at the hips, I know you’d just love that, Deku.. or maybe, these poor, bouncy bellies need some love?”
See the full post
124 notes - Posted March 21, 2022
Heya twin! I have finally made it home and is ready for the next episode/but of BotL! (Well, it could be considered a new episode, since we sorta concluded the Saving TomLee Arc, but if Tumblr ate my post, let's just say that I left the episode on a cliffhanger hehehe)
Don't worry, Tumblr was nice enough not to eat your post. I'm ready whenever you and Tomlee are)
128 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
(Let's get this party started!)
I walk into the main area, looking visibly upset and not saying a word as I storm to my office and slam the door behind me
*I flinched hearing the door slam, glancing up from my video and looking towards the office door, silently debating whether or not I should help, or if she'd be annoyed*
128 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The Octopus and The Monkey
Guess what, I’m bored! So let’s write a fic!! This one is based off of the Shoji x Ojiro rp me and my friend are doing on discord, and I think that this would be a cute scenario! (This is also maybe sorta slightly based off of this fanart by @ticklishfanart​)
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Ler Shoji, Lee Ojiro
Warning: Lol nuffin. Unless you hate this ship with a burning passion, if so, why are you still reading? Go do a star war.
Word count: 868
“Hey, Shoji?” Ojiro looked up at the many-armed student, his head laying in Shoji’s lap as they relaxed on the couch in the common room.
“Yeah, monkey?” he asked, smirking a little under the mask, knowing how well that nickname got to him.
“I- You lil- I- R-right… How are you so tall?” he finally stuttered out. Ojiro honestly found his boyfriend a little unsettling in the sense that he was taller than most of the teachers.
“I’m not sure. It’s as much of a mystery as how soft your tail is,” he remarked, looking over at a Denki happily playing with Ojiro’s tail fluff on the floor. Shoji loved how they felt like fathers to a sweet little kid when they were with him. 
Ojiro shrugged, gently pulling his tail away, laughing a little when Kaminari looked disappointed and muttering out a little “Aww, poor guy..” before giving him access to the fluff again, smiling at him when his expression quickly went to surprised and then to happy as he began to play with the fluff again.
“Dohon’t tease the poor guy,” Shoji chuckled quietly, looking back at his boyfriend, who was still watching the electric blonde.
“He’s fine. As long as he gets it back, I don’t think his boyfriends will come after me,” Ojiro noted, looking back up at his own boyfriend.
Shoji rolled his eyes and put a hand on Ojiro’s belly, gently tapping his fingers and accidentally making his boyfriend squirm under the touch.
“Sh-Shoji, quit that!” the tailed teen stuttered out, smiling at the ticklish touches.
“Quit what?” he asked, genuinely a little confused.
“The t-tapping, ihit tickles!”
“Wait, it does?” Shoji asked, his amusement plain in his voice. “So not just your tail is ticklish, then?” “Ohof course not!” he said, still squirming.
“Hmm, I wonder, where else are you ticklish?” he mused, grabbing Ojiro’s wrists in one hand and pulling him upright in his lap.
“Uh, Sh-Shoji, are you d-doing what I think you’re d-doing?” Ojiro asked, a nervous smile coming to his face.
“I don’t know, what do you think I’m doing?” he asked, pulling Oijrio’s shirt up just enough to expose his belly, another hand becoming a mouth with that grin that he knew Ojiro found hilarious for some reason.
Sure enough, said tail boi looked away from the hand with a giddy smile, suppressing bubbly laughter. Denki noticed their behavior from the floor and let Ojiro’s tail go, smiling when he saw him struggling to keep it from wagging.
Ojiro jolted as he felt Shoji pulling his tail up and holding it near the base, two more hands positioned near his armpits and the mouthed hand near his belly.
“Any last words?” Shoji asked playfully, and Ojiro knew he was doomed.
“Take care of Kaminari for me,” he answered, the anticipating smile on his face growing wider.
“You got it,” he said, before he started tickling him, digging his fingers into his armpits and tail, the mouthed hand blowing raspberries on his belly, pulling squeals and loud laughter from the tailed hero-in-training.
“SH-SHOJIHIHIHIHIHI! NAHAHAHA STAHAHAHA!” he protested, the part of his tail that wasn’t being held wagging violently. Denki silently thanked himself for letting go when he did, knowing that he would have probably gotten hit in the face if he didn’t.
“You’re so ticklish, look at you!” Shoji smiled behind the mask, relishing the adorable (and loud) sounds his boyfriend was making.
Ojiro kicked and squirmed, Kaminari having to dodge the flying legs as he watched a hysterical Ojiro losing his mind as his boyfriend dug into his two worst spots and raspberried the third, his nerves alight with the ticklish shocks, making his entire body feel ticklish.
“PLEHEHEHEHEASE! NAHAHAHA IHIHAHAHA! IHIT TIHIHIHIHIHICKLES!!!” Ojiro nearly screeched, pulling at his trapped hands.
See the full post
244 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
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girrsah · 2 years
I’ve been playing with outlining a rehabilitation fic for the LoV and it starts with Shigaraki being rendered quirkless and is taken in by All Might for his parole but like...when I do these things I start writing chunks of story that’s in the middle because that’s where the ideas come from.
Anyway here’s a chunk of a story I’d like to eventually get to writing:
“That must be Izuku’s friends,” Inko frowned as the oven went off and she looked at Shigaraki with that soft, motherly gaze of hers. “Could you answer the door and let them in? Izuku is still out with Toshinori…”
Shigaraki wrinkled his nose, not quite liking the whole first name basis thing Inko had with All Might. He blew his party blower in response, pushing himself up from his chair at the table as Inko smiled at him and he lumbered out of the kitchen, shoving the party favor in his pocket before readjusting the stupid elastic string of his coned party hat so it wasn’t cutting into his jaw so much. 
Just in case Deku and All Might were here and not the other twerps, he peeked through the peephole before yanking the door open to greet the cluster of teenagers. 
He recognized them all, of course. He’d known these kids since their first encounter at his USJ attack. His information was likely outdated, but he recognized each teenager from the profile he’d studied and memorized before the attack.
Todoroki Shouto: The son of the last former number one and (hilariously) youngest brother of Dabi. He was clearly threatening his older brother’s height now and Shigaraki was sure his Quirk control was much better since he started to create a balance between his usage instead of favoring his ice Quirk. His blank stare was so like Dabi’s that it was kind of funny how no one realized their relationship sooner.
Iida Tenya: Rich kid from a Hero legacy family. Engines in his legs and pretty damn fast despite not being aerodynamically built. If Shigaraki remembered correctly, he was bold enough to try and kill Stain on his own the night of the Hero Killer’s capture and wouldn’t that have made for an interesting headline?
Uraraka Ochako: She was a cute girl - Shigaraki could understand Toga’s appeal towards her. She seemed the type that would get a couple of letters from admirers every year. She’d probably be a popular hero from being so cute alone. But he was also very aware of how ruthless she was if he recalled her Sports Festival fight against Bakugou correctly.
Asui Tsuyu: Ah yes, he remembered her. He remembered those big wide eyes staring at him, frozen in fear as his hand drew closer and closer to her face. She was smart, a tactician from what he understood from his research, and gifted with a pretty interesting Quirk. He was right to have wanted to kill her that first time they crossed paths, she would have been a threat.
Still if Inko saw her staring at him in horror, he might get that disappointed look he hated.
“He’s not here yet.” Shigaraki told them, ignoring all of their stares that ranged from surprised to horrified. “Come in.” He stepped aside for them to do so, but they all hesitated leaving him to feel awkward.
He could just leave them out there to wait but Inko asked him to let them in. Trying to feign nonchalance, he pulled out the party favor and put it to his mouth as though it were a cigarette, “Well?” He asked before blowing on the toy.
Brave Uraraka swallowed, stepped in and toed off her shoes before stepping fully into the apartment. Todoroki was quick to follow behind, acting much more relaxed than anyone else in the room as he carefully set his shoes out of the way and then looked at Shigaraki.
“Can I have one of those?” He asked.
Shigaraki wanted to say no. Out of principle.
“They’re in the kitchen.” He replied. 
Todoroki nodded and helped himself to the kitchen, his polite ‘Hello, Mrs. Midoriya.’ putting a crack in the tension as Inko happily greeted him back. Iida was now taking his own shoes off but Asui continued to stare at him, transfixed and wholly terrified.
He sighed, getting very bored of this. “I’m Quirkless,” He told her, though he was certain that she already knew that. “Get in here unless you’d rather spoil the surprise by standing in the hallway?”
Uraraka shot him a chastising look (Bold) and instead held her hand out for Asui, “C’mon Tsu, he’s harmless.”
If Inko weren’t in the other room, he’d assure the teenagers that he was not harmless. 
Asui pried off her shoes and practically lept to Uraraka’s side, still watching Shigaraki warily as Iida took the gift bags they’d been holding to deliver them to the kitchen - seemingly content to just...ignore Shigaraki’s existence altogether.
“Are you really Quirkless now?” Asui was brave enough to ask.
The gall of these children.
Shigaraki held his bare hand up, both girls flinching reflexively and then slapped it against the wall. While it would have been funny if the building started to collapse then and there, the Quirk that had inhabited his body suddenly remanifesting, nothing happened except a growing thick silence.
“I have to kill the old fashioned way now,” He replied nonchalantly.
Uraraka gave him a scrutinizing look with a judgemental little ‘hmmm’ and Asui’s expression became more thoughtful than frightened (How irritating.). Before anyone could act, however, Inko breezed through the living room to scoop both girls into a big hug and offer them their own party hats and party blowers.
“It’s so nice to see you two again,” She told them. “Izuku is going to be so happy about this surprise party!”
Shigaraki figured the twerp would probably cry out of appreciation for his friends. Again.
“Is Bakugou not joining us?” Todoroki asked, having followed Inko out like the little duckling that he was.
“He’s helping Toshinori distract Izuku,” Inko informed and Todoroki gave a little hum of understanding.
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iwaizumisbabe · 2 years
WILL YOU LOVE ME?; bakudeku pt. 3
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SATURDAY; 08/19/2034
I woke up rested. Confused, I looked around and then remembered why I had not slept in my own room and bed.
I blushed. Gently I turned to Kacchan and stroked his hair. Although they looked so spiky and funny, they felt incredibly soft.
I always wanted to do that, wow....
Carefully, so as not to wake Kacchan, I reached for my phone and checked my messages:
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I looked at Kacchan and thought about whether I should really do it, but then I decided to do it. When would I get another chance like this in my life?
I leaned over to him and pressed a kiss on his cheek. Immediately, I blushed. For whatever reason...
Carefully I got out of bed and covered Kacchan again. I took my cell phone in my hand and slipped out. Afterwards, I quietly pulled the door closed behind me, hoping that it wouldn't wake him up. As quietly as I had closed the door, I quickly ran to my room to shower and change clothes. Completely forgotten was Kacchan's wish that I should stay...
After 12 minutes I finished and ran down the stairs to the common room and the kitchen. I didn't want to keep the others waiting any longer.
When I got downstairs, I saw the two of them sitting at the table, Tenya was missing.
"Hey Shōto! Hello, Ochako! I'm sorry you two had to wait so long. I really wanted to take a shower though," I saw what the two had. Shōto was eating cold soba, as usual, and Ochako was eating a fruit salad. Across from them was a bowl of katsudon, probably from yesterday, but warmed up.
"For me?", I pointed at myself and then at the food.
"Of course, except for you, and Bakugō, no one eats this stuff. And him only if the food is seasoned to be inedible," Shōto smiled cheekily. He only did that when it was just the two of us. Otherwise he played the aloof one, but among us he was calm and made a few silly jokes here and there.
After we all finished eating, with small talk, it wasn't quiet, Ochako slapped her hands together joyfully, "So, Deku. Where have you been tonight?" she wiggled her eyebrows conspiratorially. All I got from Shōto was an interested sideways glance.
"I slept at someone else's place.... Even though you won't believe it; it was in, um.... Kacchan's room," I fumbled, but then said it anyway.
They'd find out anyway, but honestly, I don't want to hide it at all....
Ochako's eyes got even bigger than they already were, Shōto just sat down and looked at me with a look I didn't even want to interpret.
"WHAT?!" came out of Ochako's mouth and I made myself very small. Please don't...
"Wait, you have to explain everything in detail. How did it come to this and why? We're both...," Ochako looked at Shōto, who nodded, "...happy for you, of course, very much so. But I mean, it's Bakugō. Are we talking about the same guy?", I sat up straight again and started explaining.
"Well, after you guys left yesterday, Kacchan helped me. So he palpated my head and then brought me a cold pack from his room. Then we talked and I leaned on him and he gave me a hug. But all of a sudden he jumped up and stomped out. Then I heard someone punching the wall again and since Kacchan was helping me, I wanted to help him too. So I went over and apparently he also hit his head against the wall, he had a laceration and was holding his head. So I got him a glass of water, luckily I always have headache pills with me. From the bathroom I took the disinfection bottle and the cotton stuff that we all have in the bathroom and gave him the tablet and disinfected the wound. I got the pills from Recovery-Girl and she said that they work super fast. And all of a sudden he said that everything was spinning and he was dizzy. Of course I panicked. Tomorrow I would be dead for sure, but Kacchan just said I should stay with him tonight and take care of him. I refused, of course...", Shōto interrupted me.
"Why of course? We all know how long you've been dreaming of sleeping and cuddling with boom boom boy...", Ochako punched him on the arm and looked at him with a warning look.
"What?! He gets to and I don't?!", she just shook her head, "Let him finish!", lightly raising her voice.
I nodded my thanks to her and continued, "Shōto, he was on drugs. The next day he wouldn't be a bit like he was the night before. He would yell at me and throw me out. I didn't want to get hurt again. Not after yesterday..."
"So why did you stay anyway?" she smiled at me cautiously, trying to get me to keep talking. I shrugged my shoulders.
"I don't know. I guess I just didn't want to pass up the opportunity. It's never going to happen again, you know? It's probably a good thing I left so early, too. Probably won't remember yesterday. And it's better that way... I think?", I knew somewhere inside me that it was better, but I didn't want to. I wanted to go to sleep like this every night. Talk to him; about everything and nothing. Fooling around and everything else.
"Well, in any case, it doesn't matter anyway. He probably can't remember it anyway."
"Aren't you going to tell him at all? Or at least bring it up to him?", Shoto looked at me in surprise, but I just shook my head.
"No, what good would that do? He would either deny it and yell at me or deny it and hate me even more. It would only have negative consequences for me, so why should I?", sadly I ate my favorite food; I couldn't enjoy it.
All of a sudden, someone was heard pushing a chair backwards and standing up. I looked up and watched Shōto walking towards me.
He pulled me off the chair into a hug and whispered, "You know I don't like Bakugō very much, but he seemed to have put in a lot of effort yesterday, don't you think? Even before you gave him drugs," I hugged him back.
"I don't know...", Shoto detached himself from me a bit and looked at me the same way he did yesterday.
"Don't make yourself feel bad, Izuku. He likes you-you like him; what's the problem?", I didn't answer and Shōto pulled me back to him.
Just as I was about to detach, I heard an explosion behind me and prayed that it wasn't Kacchan, because just at that moment I remembered that I had promised him to stay, instead he caught me like that again with Shōto, but by then I heard his loud and aggressive voice: "...
I woke up and after a few minutes remembered last night. A small smile crept onto my lips and I turned to pull Deku towards me. But when I reached in his direction, the side of the bed was empty.
Confused, I opened my eyes and found no Deku. His shoes were gone, too. Only the tablet blister and the disinfectant bottle referred to his stay yesterday. Annoyed, I exhaled, dropped back and put my arm over my eyes.
Can't that filthy Deku just-
Even if it was just in my head, I stopped myself.
I can't think like that. And especially not say it.
I had come to the conclusion that my aggressive behavior was just stupid, especially towards Deku. By doing so, I was shutting him out rather than letting him get to me.
I got up and put on sweatpants, a tight shirt, and also my slippers. I grabbed my cell phone and went to brush my teeth.
I did go back to my room to put on a sweater. After that, I trotted downstairs to make myself something to eat.
I'm in the mood for spicy ramen, I thought to myself, remembering that I still had two of those ready-made ramen bags.
Downstairs, I turned into the living area with kitchen. The image that presented itself made something inside me contract.
I stood there and observed the scene. The Walmart Zuko had Deku in his arms, pushed him away a bit, looked him in the eye while saying something to him, then pulled him close again.
Instead of staying in bed with me, he'd rather be here, with that bastard. We're not together - or anything, but still...
I would never admit it, but it hurt me. And this sadness turned into anger. I became indescribably angry and fired one of my explosions somewhere. At that moment, I didn't care if I hit Deku or not.
I also started to get loud: "Oh, so that's how it is. Great, thanks. Fuck you, honestly. Fuck all of you. I really expected more from you, Midoriya. I hate you, I hate all of you!", after those words I turned around and just ran out with quick steps. Luckily there was no one else around, what would Eijiro think of me now?
That was definitely not manly. It upset me so much, I managed to ask him, for something reasonably intimate.
He did stay, but then preferred to go to him. Am I such a bad person? Maybe I should throw myself off the roof and hope I'll be reborn; only in nicer.... Why does he like him more than me? What's so great about this candy cane? Why is there always someone better than me?
It hurt my pride, but more importantly; it hurt me. He's making fun of me again, looking down on me from above. I'm sure he's laughing at me now, how stupid I am, that I really believed him. I'm so stupid. And I called him Midoriya...
I shouldn't let him trample on my feelings; it would be very unmanly to let him treat me like that.
I wanted to run after him, but Shōto held me back, "Let him; he'll come back for sure, but now he needs time to cool down."
I nodded and suddenly remembered my promise from yesterday, "It's my own fault..."
"What do you mean, Izuku?" Ochako approached us from behind and stretched me a little, yet I answered her
"I promised him I'd stay yesterday, but then just left this morning because I forgot. He, unlike me, managed to approach me and ask and I fuck up and then he sees, again, this ambiguous scene between me and Shōto..."
"That wasn't my intention, Midoriya...", surprised, I looked up.
"I know, I didn't mean to blame you either. I'm sorry if it sounded that way."
"Talk to him when he gets back. I'm sure he'll be calm again and everything will be fine," she smiled and continued eating. Shōto nodded that off and continued to eat as well...
I had calmed down and walked around the city for another two hours, of course I had pulled the hood of my hoodie over my head. Fortunately, I still had a mask in the front pocket of my sweater, which I also put on. I don't want to be recognized now at any cost.
Since I hadn't eaten breakfast yet, I got a bento box with egg, stood in a quiet place and ate it. I had calmed down and decided to go back. A little humbled, I walked back. I don't want everyone looking at me and questioning me.
↳ time skip 𖦹
"Kacchan, you're back again. Where have you been? Are you alright?", Deku ran towards me, but I stretched out my arm so he wouldn't come near me.
"Leave me alone and go away, Izuku," came muffled through my mask.
"Go the fuck away, are you fucking deaf?!", I yelled and ran upstairs to let the door slam into the lock in my room.
A few hours later, there was a knock on my door and the person who knocked just walked in without waiting for my answer; it was Kirishima. He was the only one besides Deku who was allowed to do that.
"I knew something was wrong. But, that it had been this, I would never have guessed..."
"Do you have a problem with that?" with a slightly angry undertone, I sounded very confident, but was honestly afraid that he would push me away. Kirishima was the only one I could really stand here.
"What, no, man! It's very manly that you're finally owning up to it. Do you want to tell what happened...?", surprised, I looked at him; okay, actually I didn't expect anything else from Kirishima.
Then I started to tell, "Well..."
A few minutes passed.
"...and now I have no idea what to do..."
"I'd say talk to him, but you don't seem to want to do that at all.... Don't you think Izuku just forgot about it? You said yourself that he was worried when you came back," he tried to encourage me.
"That's Deku, I don't think that means anything..."
"Stop downplaying everything. But okay, it's your decision.", smiling he got up and was leaving.
"Thanks, i guess..."
"You're always welcome, Bakubro," and with that he left.
→ PART 4
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@ 2022 | @iwaizumisbabe
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basicmyherowhore · 2 years
Do you think you could do a yandere pro hero deku with a shy s/o. They've always been super timid but when ever he get in a close vicinity of them, their face goes beet red. I just imagine deku sees his s/o and is like:
Deku: "Hey y/n!" *Kisses their cheek*
Y/n: *stares at him like he hung the moon and stars while face is as red as a tomato*... *Passes out*
If you don't get to this idea that's okay but I just thought It was a funny idea as a easily flustered person
Stop, I think this is so cute! I feel like it would work both ways in a sense? Like Deku was probably like this in the beginning of their relationship, but once he noticed how much more timid they are than him, he takes advantage of it, happy to finally be the one who isn’t flustered 24/7. (I kinda just turned this into a drabble, I hope that’s okay! I’m gonna keep this gender neutral since you didn’t specify. This is not so Yandere, but it’s there if you squint) Thanks for the ask!!!
You’ve been working at Pro Hero Deku’s agency for only a few months now. You still can’t believe that you got the job as the hero’s personal assistant, but your life hasn’t been the same since you did. You watched Deku rise to the top of the charts over the course of his career. It didn’t take him long, maybe two years at best. You could only watch from afar in awe as he ascended to the number 1 hero spot.
You’d always found the man extremely handsome, and the sight of his smile after a battle never failed to get your heart racing. Your friends would tease you about your crush on Deku, often buying you his merch as gag gifts. Little did they know that you kept each thing they ever bought, the start of a shrine forming in the corner of your room. You’d never admit it though, that would be far too embarrassing.
Never in a million years did you think that you’d wind up working for the hero, but it seems fate has an interesting way of making things happen. At first you thought it was all a weird joke from the universe, why would a Pro Hero like Deku be taking applications for an assistant, specifically from quirkless people? To this day you still don’t know what made you apply. But you’re so thankful you did…
You’re sat at your desk, working on some paper work when you hear a knock at your door. You glance up only to meet eyes with familiar green ones. Your body tenses as Deku approaches with a smile. You can already feel your body’s temperature beginning to rise.
“Morning, Y/N!” He greets you cheerfully, taking a seat on the corner of your desk. His large frame taking up the majority of the space. “You’re looking especially good this morning, did you do something different with your hair?”
You can only stare wordlessly as his muscled arm reaches towards you, calloused fingers gentles touching a piece of your hair. Your heart is practically leaping in your chest as his hand trails down from the crown of your head towards your cheek. He pinches the skin there lightly, chuckling as your face darkens with a blush.
“Too cute.” He smiles at you with unnoticed adoration in his eyes.
“Deku-San, please.” You whimper, lightly pushing his hand away from your warm face.
“Please what, Y/N?” Deku taunts you, smirking as he uses both hands to pinch at your cheeks. “You have to use your words to get what you want.”
“P-please-“ You struggle to get the words out, too embarrassed to get your mouth to work. You push yourself, forcing the words out much louder than you meant to. “Please stop teasing me!”
Deku freezes, looking down at you from his spot on your desk. He retracts his hands and places them at his sides. For a moment his face is blank and you fear that you’ve angered him. You turn your face downwards, too afraid to continue looking into his eyes.
A warm hand lightly touched your face, tilting it upwards. You jump back in surprise when you see the proximity of Deku’s face, not expecting it to be so close to your own.
“Good job, Y/N!” His signature smile replaces the previous blank expression. “I’m proud of you for standing up for yourself.” You feel like you’re going to die when he nuzzles his cheek against your own. You feel frazzled when his eyes meet your own again, staring into your being. “What a good little assistant I have.”
When you feel the soft skin of his lips press against your face, it’s feels like your soul leaves your body entirely. Your face feels like it’s a thousand degrees and you can’t even explain why your nose is starting to bleed. Deku watches in shock as your body slumps forward in your chair, you would’ve been hitting your desk if he wasn’t there to grab hold of you.
“Y/N?” He calls your name with concern, looking at your dilated half closed eyes and dazed expression. When he sees your eyes lazily focus on him, he knows that you’re okay. He caresses your cheeks with his thumbs lovingly. “Awe, I must have over done it this time. Sorry I can’t help myself. You’re just too cute when you’re a mess over me.”
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softer-ua · 2 years
Imagine if Izuku didn’t really like Katsudon, he was just trying to drop a subtle hint to Kacchan
Who absolutely did not get it but did start making it more regularly so that he could give Deku the “left overs”, Katsuki doesn’t actually eat any of it half the time
Izuku does enjoy Kacchan’s Katsudon but it’s still not his favorite food, but now he thinks that it must be Kacchans favorite. Which makes total sense for someone with an ego that big, how could Izuku be so blind!
So Izuku learns his mom’s recipe for it and invites Kacchan over for dinner as a thank you for all the Katsudon and shares his own version with him
After learning that it’s Dekus moms recipe Katsuki figures Deku probably like that version better and starts making it more like that, but actually both of them preferred Katsukis spicier version
They spend like a year eating way more Katsudon that any sane person would, and certainly way more than either wants
It all comes to a head when Izukus mom surprises him with a visit, just coming to drop something off while passing through, and it happens to be during one of his and Kacchans Katsudon dinners
“Katsuki how did you get him to eat Katsudon, he’d hardly touch it if I made it for him” 🙄😒
Katsuki is in complete shock and Izuku wants the floor to swallow him.
After Inko leaves Katsuki demands an explanation, thinking Dekus just been fucken with him this whole as a joke.
As embarrassing as it is Izuku of course would rather spill literally any secret than let Kacchan’s feelings be hurt, so he prepares to meet the reaper.
Either cause Kacchan actually kills him or just breaks his heart badly enough it stops beating on its own accord.
With eyes firmly glued to the floor Izuku finishes his frantically rushed half mumbled confession and dejectedly drops back into his dining room chair
Deku looks up just in time to see Kacchan start laughing so hard he’s doubled over with tears in his eyes
Izuku feels tears in his own eyes, but not because he thinks it’s funny.
He’s just pretty that this is the beginning of the worst rejection of his whole life. Even worse than the first time he met All Might and was left him alone on a high rise roof.
Whoever said that the worst someone could do was say no was a damn liar, they could skipping saying no and laugh themselves into a stupor
It’s not until Kacchan abruptly stops laughing and his blurry face looks at him panicked that Izuku realizes he’s started crying for real.
He’s never been truly hurt by Kacchan’s teasing before let alone cried about it, but this is different. This isn’t childish bullying or a rivals competitive jabs, this isn’t even a simple rejection.
This is the is the person he’s the closest to in the entire world being so repulsed by his crush that he’s having a hysterical laughing fit over it.
As the reality of it all settles in Deku can’t help but let out a sob as he tries to dry his face with his sleeve
“Hey wait no, damn it, Deku, you idiot, fucken shit, Izuku!”
Izuku starts crying harder at Kacchan’s shouting
Next thing he knows there’s a sudden weight in his lap and his hairs being roughly grabbed pulling his head back so he’s looking up at Kacchan
Kacchan who’s sitting in his lap, looking both angelic and terrifying. Kitchen light creating a halo effect behind him and cast his scowling face in shadow
The surprise effectively shutting him up. Leaving Izuku looking up at Kacchan gaping like a fish in between stuttered hiccups. They sit there staring at each other long enough for Izuku to feel his neck cricking
“Do I have your attention now?”
Izuku tries to nod but the grip Kacchan has on him doesn’t allow for much movement, lucky Kacchan gets the message anyway
“I wasn’t laughing at you, and I’m definitely not repulsed by your crush, I only made that shit because I thought you liked it and I like you” Katsuki says with a smirk
Izuku think he might pass out for the emotional whiplash he’s receiving.
He can’t quite believe Kacchan’s sitting in his lap let alone returning his feelings, heartbreak and embarrassment quickly forgotten and replaced by wonder and delight
Katsuki finally decides to take some pity on the nerds poor neck and releases the tight grip he’s maintained on the soft green curls
Katsuki takes a moment just enjoying watching Dekus dumb splotchy cry baby face finish morphing into an ever dumber face of shocked awe
He lowers his hand onto the stiff neck muscles, ever so slightly warming up his hand and rubbing gentle circles with his thumb, Deku immediately relaxes into the touch but continues just staring up at Katsuki like he’s done something amazing
Like he hadn’t just accidentally hurt him for the millionth time, as if they both hadn’t been insecure and stupid that they rather risk raising their cholesterol by living off fried pork instead of just talking to each other
Uncertainty coiled in Katsukis guts as his eyes tracked Dekus tongue nervously wetting his plush lips, the only thing he wanted more than to lean down and kiss him was to not hurt each other and he wasn’t sure they could do that
Their lives had been filled with miscommunications and impulsive choices
Shit he was sitting in the nerds lap desperate to devour him, not even five minutes after accidentally making him cry, not even 10 minutes since he’d found out that 1 impulsive interview answer had them spending almost a year misunderstanding each other over pork
But as he felt Deku settle his stupidly big hands on his hips and a determined clarity entered dazzling green eyes, Katsuk felt his nerves settle and his certainty too.
Sure they weren’t perfect, but Deku had cut down on his reckless impulsivity in battle, and Katsuki had curved some of his impulsiveness off the battlefield.
Both having grown more willing and more importantly capable of leaning on the other, trusting them, and trying to communicate.
When Deku finally spoke it was everything Katsuki needed to hear
“We need to have a long talk, no more secrets, no more misunderstandings. But first I’m going to kiss you”
It was Katsukis turn to be barely able to nod
Next thing he knew the grip on his hips was more firm, Deku somehow pulling him even closer, and his fingers were tangled back in green curls
Their kiss was like everything else about them, lips slotted together in a messy perfectly coordinated dance that stole their breath away.
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tteokdoroki · 3 years
waves that hurt | k.bakugou + i.midoriya.
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♡ pairing: katsuki bakugou x gn!reader x izuku midoriya.
♡ word count: 3.04K
♡ rating: everyone.
♡ genre: pro hero!au, hurt, angst and comfort.
♡ summary: dark days mean dark waves that crash across your mind, intrusive and mean the waves pull you under— but they are the helping hands that pull you up and let you breathe.
♡ warning(s): please read ! heavy tw for depression, intrusive thoughts and self depreciation, self doubt and low self-worth. this fic is written mostly from personal experiences and may not be accurate to how everyone feels! mentions of therapy.
♡ author’s note(s):  this is my contribution to @doinmybesthere​ ‘s mental health awareness collab, this is kinda personal to me and something i experienced recently!! i hope it can provide some comfort to anyone out there, please don’t forget to check out everyone else’s works and i hope you’re all safe ‘n well <3
♡ masterlist | requests | kofi
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“kacchan, it’s much worse this time, i really think you should come home early tonight.”
deku whispers into the phone, his marred hands rub slow and soothing circles into your back from over the duvet— you can feel his warmth, light and airy through it but he feels and sounds much further away. a million miles across a dark ocean that trickles through your thoughts, intrusive and mean, keeping you under and away from clear air.
you wouldn’t want to pull him into this, bother him with the way you drown in dark thoughts— so you pull away from your boyfriend and tuck yourself away into the sheets.
izuku doesn’t retract his hand even as you pull away, listening to katsuki grunt orders down the phone— make sure yn’s eaten, make sure yn’s had water. basic things you should be able to do on your own but can’t, paralysed by the anxiety and depression that clamps down on you like a vice and refuses to let you up so you can just breathe. you want to breathe and not feel like the world is crashing down on you, to have a second to yourself where everything seems like it’s okay.
brushing fingers over the nape of your neck, toying with the coils of your baby hairs, your boyfriend speaks, only gently. “baby,” says quietly, his weight causing the bed to dip. “katsuki will be home soon, do you want to come with me to let him in?” you shrug, a sick feeling twisting in your gut. you see the black tendrils and waves in the back of your mind, bringing forth a new batch of ugly words that force you down. are you really that much of a burden these days that katsuki has to call it quits on work for you? “how are you feeling?”
you don’t know, you don’t know how to tell him that every thought you have hurts and there’s a pain in your chest with every breath you take. “i don’t know, it’s just...bad izu…” you want to explain how you feel deep inside, but the words are trapped like balls of tar in your throat— fear that if you say something he’ll walk away.
“you don’t have to say anything, don’t force yourself to…” he speaks with a soft voice, cotton to your ears in an attempt to soothe you. you can just about feel the clean air flowing through your lungs at the sound— it tells you he loves you, no matter what and you almost believe it before sinking back under. “let’s get you some water okay? wouldn’t want kacchan scolding us would we?”
the joke hangs in the murky and heavy air for a few seconds before you muster a small smile— your green haired boyfriend lets out a tiny sigh of relief and pressed a kiss into your hairline, the affection simmers under your skin and briefly brings light to your dark mind as izuku starts leading you to the kitchen.
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you’re curled up in izuku’s lap when the front door pops open with a click— signifying your other boyfriend had arrived home. you flinch, hiding yourself in the blankets keeping you warm and locking away the dark thoughts from the eyes of your lovers.
part of you hated them seeing you this way, that’s why you forced yourself to keep everything away from them— but they knew, they always did and always came to your rescue. you didn’t want them to feel like they had to look after you when the days were bad and draining and your mind took hold of everything that you felt. you didn’t need the weight of your own problems on the shoulders of two pro heroes who had enough to deal with.
in the end, you would destroy them like you did with yourself.
you can hear katsuki shedding his gear by the door, feeling his intense and heated presence flood the room and barely penetrate the barrier you created for yourself even while you lay in izuku’s arms. for as long as you’d known the two— even from back in your U.A days, bakugou had hated self-pity, of course in recent years he’d cooled down a little and spoke less on the actions of others but even still, you weren’t sure if you could handle him looking down on you for looking down on yourself and for feeling this way.
the blanket is suddenly lifted from your head, momentarily blinding you with the overwhelming light that is your boyfriend, katsuki bakugou. a twinkle of concern lines his ruby eyes and you can see traces of his charcoal eyeliner that he usually smudges underneath his mask— he’s so beautiful but you’re afraid of the twitches of worry, afraid that he’s mad at you for being the way you are.
“hey honey,” bakugou hums, crouching to your level to cup your cheeks, stress bleeding from his body when you nuzzle into him.
izuku gives you a squeeze, an encouraging one and you nod. “hi,” is all you can muster, afraid of blurting the intrusive words that crackle across your brain.
katsuki sits back on his haunches, looking between you and his boyfriend before he attempts to kick off his shoes. the room is full of a thick, ugly quietness that you know you’re responsible for— they don’t have to say anything, you know that it’s you. because when you’re like this it’s hard for bakugou and midoriya to talk, afraid that they’ll say something to set you off and you afraid that they’ll leave if they knew how you really felt. how trapped and alone you felt inside, how the twisted darkness added tones to your vibes and dragged you down with every step that you took.
they don’t need to say it because it flows from your body like a rushing river and drowns them, fills their lungs and it’s your fault for infecting them with your own bitter taste of life.
“have you eaten?” the blonde of the two boys asks, looking you dead in the eye. you want to answer, but again the viscous back from earlier starts to flood through your body. you try to take care of yourself of these days where you feel it the hardest, but it’s difficult to move and to breathe— and the drive to complete even the simplest of tasks is barely ever there.
you move to speak, caught up in the thick smog of your own brain when izuku gives your body a squeeze and shakes his head, the forest of his hair brushing against your cheek. “you’ve had water, right?” izuku has no problem answering for you. “but nothing to eat,” he whispers, keeping his voice low as if to hide his worry from you— it’s light in his tone but tremors throughout the number one’s body. you feel sick for making him feel that way.
katsuki’s gaze shifts back from his boyfriend to you, his expression unreadable because he knows how you get if they worry too much about you. you’re thankful, partly for that at least, his blank face prevents your mind from reading too deep into things and blaming yourself for things out of your own control.
“‘m makin’ your favourite for dinner. you’ll eat it, no questions asked.” the explosive pro hero states firmly, rising from his place crouched down by your side, obviously not before thumbing over your cheeks to wipe away evidence of your dried tears. “gonna run you a bath too, damn nerd better get you upstairs and ready by the time it’s done.” deku’s chest rumbles with a light hearted chuckle beneath you, lifting the heavy weight of the air within the room— bakugou had always loved brashly, with a fiery intensity that hardly left room for the answer ‘no’, and while izuku was more tame, they balanced one another out in a way that felt more like a warm hug than a battle. they grounded you, in the best of ways.
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true to his disgruntled words, your blonde headed boyfriend runs you a hot bath. you don’t miss the addition of lavender oil to the perfectly warm water, the baking soda which you’re sure he only knew to add because his mother had said it would remove the demon spawn toxins in his body. izuku is the one to help you strip, holds your hands as you kick off gross comfort clothes and folds them away, after pressing kisses to your groggy face and chin.
it’s almost funny to see the two biggest and beefiest pro heroes sit on your bathroom floor crossed legged and beside the tub— both of them taking up the majority of the room. you know for a fact that no one would believe the sight unless they saw it, but they’re there. both of them, izuku midoriya and bakugou katsuki are with you encompassed in the silence while you wash away the ugly words that plague your mind and fill the pores of your skin.
they’re still there.
even as sweet lavender water moves in soft waves over your bare body, while black ink moves in the same way across your brain— tattooing self-depreciating thoughts into every inch. you’re not worth their time, they say, you’re wasting it. because how could their precious time be put to good use if you’re taking it up, they could be saving people but instead your boyfriends are here, drowning in your own darkness.
they’re still fucking here.
when they could be out there saving the people who needed it, who were suffering out there in the world outside of your home.
and the suds against your body, the warm water sloshing over your thighs isn’t enough to get rid of the burning sensation of vile phrases printing themselves against your body and clouding every thought that you think. toxic, mean and nasty things you can’t scrub away— none of it is enough to make you feel like you deserve bakugou tenderly lathering you up with the rose scented soap his mother had sent you for christmas or the sips of cool water midoriya brings to your lips in order to prevent you from overheating in the steam of the bathroom.
deku catches the painful twist in your face, pausing his movements to study you. “whaddya need?” you need it to stop, to find something to replace the pain and doubts that fill you.
“water, hotter,” you croak quietly, tears building up in the base of your throat as katsuki catches on and flicks the tap for a stream of hot water to fill the tub. “please,”
they tell you to let them know when to stop if the heat gets too much, but the scalding water burns away any reminders of the self loathing you feel across every inch of your mind, your body and your soul. it stings at the darkness in a way that’s painfully soothing and maybe if you sink under— it could stop hurting completely. if you could slide deeper into the water, would the waves of darkness not crash so hard?
and then the damn breaks, like a tsunami the guilt and anguish you feel crashes over your body and takes control, leaving you fighting for oxygen in the form of your happiness.
everything that you’d been holding back flows freely in salty tears from tired eyes, scorching a path down the apples of your cheeks and mingling with the contents of the tub below. your boys, they don’t notice at first, how you cry and curl in on yourself until you think the world won’t notice you anymore but then just as they always do, they’re pulling you into their warmth and bubble of light— freeing you from black intrusive tendrils even if it means they have to crawl into the tub and wade their through the ocean you’ve made to set yourselves apart.
“don’t—!” you heave with an uneven voice, signs of you falling apart evident in every way. bakugou and deku pull away from you slowly, with dripping shirts and worry written across freckled faces and red eyes. they’re scared for you, hate seeing you force your feelings down and away from them. “please don’t touch me—you’ll—“
the water in the bathtub sloshes from where you retract from their touch, backing yourself up against the wall and away from your boys. “we’ll what?” izuku presses but only gently, keeping you afloat, stopping you from sinking and bakugou stays put in his place, letting the latter talk you down.
you shake your head, trying to think of the right words but it’s hard to, with the crashing waves heavy against your ears. how do you tell your lovers that everything hurts, to think and to feel, to live day by day. you don’t want to bother them with and an extra stress to their busy lives. but you can’t keep it in any longer, bursting at the seams. “you’ll drown. i-if i touch you, i’ll pull you under, you’ll drown with me and you won’t be able to breathe and all those horrible things that i think about will burn in your lungs until you give up fighting like me,” your tears and hiccups interrupt your words, but they listen. bakugou and deku, they listen and they stay.
“because if you do, then all that i feel will be a burden to you— i’ll break in ways that can’t be fixed and you’ll be forced to pick up the pieces and i’ll just be a burden,” you continue, not even pausing to take a breath while you continue to cry. “if you stay to pick up the pieces, you’ll be taken away from people who need you, who are worth saving, and can be helped and—“
you can’t recount how many nights, similar to this in which you wondered why and how two pro heroes could want and love you, why they dealt with your down days that sometimes outnumbered the ups— even if they’d shown you how much they cared, you couldn’t help but feel guilty as if your sadness took up their time to save someone else.
“you can be helped, yn. you don’t have to go what you’re going through alone, you’re worth the time and the effort of helping, no one deserves to suffer,” the green haired of your two boyfriends cuts through the tail ends of your words, still keeping distance until he knows it’s safe to touch you again. there is no look of condescending pity on his face, no sign to show you’ve pulled him into the dark of your mind. it’s just izuku, trying to help you pull through.
you look to katsuki hesitantly, he hasn’t said a word. “but i don’t want to be seen as...as weak, or to worry you because i can’t get out of my own head—“
“y’not fuckin’ weak, we’d never think that of you. we see you try to hide your pain, pretend things don’t get to you when they do. but fuckin’ handlin’ things on ya own can make y’stronger than any two heroes combined,” a look of anger flashes across his features, finer with age and tired with work. but bakugou isn’t angry with you, but with himself for leading you to believe that you were an extra weight on his shoulders. both of their shoulders. “yer not gonna get rid of us or scare us away, we love ya, we’re here for ya ‘n if it’s help that you need or think yer not worthy of, we’ll find some. it’s okay t’ask for help.”
maybe it’s hearing it from someone else, that your pain and your depression is valid, that you’re not an extra weight on the people you love that allows you to come up from a tar-like ocean for fresh air in your lungs, for the waves to calm and the storm raging in your mind to soothe. maybe it’s the two of your boyfriends being there for you despite the fear that you’d scare them away with not being okay that washes away some of the awful things you think.
you know that their support won’t make things go away over night, that it will take time for you to heal but for now you can keep your head above the water just long enough to breathe.
“can i touch you now? is it okay?” deku asks, feeling less distant from you than at the start of the day, but as your body shakes with the last of your tears all you manage is a nod before the number one hero is pulling you into his chest from the tub and the number two is wrapping a towel and his arms around you.
you sit sandwiched between the two, they keep you at the surface— holding you tight while you let out what you’ve been holding back. “we can get some help if y’want it, the doctors...therapy might be nerve wrackin’...scary even, but it can help and we’ll be there every single step of the fuckin’ way,” katsuki reasures you with pets to your head, rocking you back and forth on your bathroom floor, steam clinging to the air that you can finally breathe.
izuku nods along in agreement, pressing kisses to your wet hairline. “we’ll be here. you won’t be alone.”
the murkiness of the water in your mind starts to clear, but only just— their warmth starts to push through the clouds like sunshine brushing against your skin. a light to the dark that's plagued your every waking moment, the waves no longer crash and destroy but instead lap comfortingly at your painful thoughts and tame them just enough for you to have a moment of clarity.
you don’t have to be alone or millions of miles away, you deserve the hands of your loved ones that offer you help instead of pushing them away. the process of healing and things like therapy or meds will be hard sometimes, but katsuki and izuku will be here by your side, to help you manage days where darkness rolls in waves that hurt and help you breathe once again.
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Friends with Benefits Deku who Ends Up Catching Feelings
Here is Bakugo Part One: 
Here is Deku Part Two:
Midoriya and you were good friends. He was a sweet boy, who took a genuine interest in you as a person and not just for your quirk. There were lots of people in the past who had tried to get close to you just because of the sexual side effects. Midoriya really liked you though.
The two of you could often be found walking to class together or chattering about something you saw online. There wasn’t a doubt in your mind that this was a friendship that was going to last a long time.
When your heats/ruts kept getting more intense, there’s no one else you think to turn to but him
“What?! I-umm…I-isn’t there something else you can do to take care of this? I mean- I don’t want to be offensive or anything, but am I really the best person to go to for something so…for something so intimate?”
Midoriya is a bundle of nerves. His whole face is flush, from the tip of his nose to his ears. You can even see his freckles start to blur as they melt into the redness.
You try to explain to him just how important this is. That this kind of pain doesn’t ever truly go away. Not on its own at least. It’s hard to explain…He has a hard time looking at you while you struggle to explain. But eventually, his head lifts and is eyes meet yours.
There’s a kiss. And then another one. And a few more. Midor-Izuku, just asks that the two of you take some time to get the details of things figured out. He wants to really understand the ins and outs of your quirk before going forward. That you can agree to. So the two of you take some time to sit and talk about just what exactly happens during your heat/rut.
Izuku hangs on to every word. He writes down notes in his journal, asks questions when he’s confused, or makes a comment here and there. It’s nice to know he takes this seriously.
“So, if I’m understanding correctly, we won’t be mates even if we have sex because you have to be the one to initiate that bonding. It’s fascinating that even though we’re similar, we can still be so different”
It’s so easy when your next heat/rut comes. Izuku may be nervous, with shaking hands and a wavering in his voice, but he’s clearly been studying the notes he took. Because with the way his hands run across your body and the way his lips press against yours, asking so softly if what he’s doing is ok, makes it seem like the two of you have done this a thousand times over.
“I-is it alright…if I do this? Does it help ease the pain?” “I know, I know darling, it’s alright. I’m here now.”
And honestly, it’s easy when your heat/rut is over. The two of you agreed that this is just like any other hero work. He’s simply helping you out. So when you’re satisfied and you’ve made sure to return the favor, he slips out of your room and back to his. It’s almost like it never happened. You both go back to sharing notes after class and staying up with the rest of your friends to watch movies or recover after training.
It’s so obvious Izuku becomes attached at some point though. He’s always cared about you, in a friend way, but this is different. Izuku is practically at your beck and call, it’s almost pathetic.
Not that you think he’s pathetic, it’s just…it’s funny to watch him try to always be your work partner, or offer to carry your school bag when you -and everyone- know you’re capable, or when he goes out of his way sit just a bit closer on the common room couch so your knees touch, but never the rest of you [because that would be too obvious]. He’s a total lovesick puppy.
The next time you’re together, after everything’s said and done, you push him to stay a bit longer. You’re blunt about what you’ve been seeing. How he clearly harbors some sort of feelings beyond just mutual enjoyment. It’s starting to get embarrassing-how he acts like it doesn’t exist.
Izuku looks up at you, same blush on his cheeks as always but the look in his eyes tells you he’s not going to back down easily. To be honest, the stuttering in his voice kills any dominating force it might have had, but it doesn’t change the determination radiating from him.
He likes you. He likes you a lot. He liked you before you started having sex, but it felt too awkward to say anything. Not when you were so clearly hurting.
“What sort of hero-what sort of friend would I be if I let my feelings get in the way. I…I just wanted you to be okay. It didn’t matter to me what I had to do”
This isn’t how this was suppose to go though. Not with him, not ever. Izuku was your friend and sure you had nasty heat/rut sex and sure it was great and yes he was someone who you could trust your life with but it didn’t mean anything. It didn’t mean anything to do this and still hold on to Izuku during the day like you were still No 1 Best Friends …right?
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zukump3 · 3 years
ignoring them for 24 hours ✧ hc
you ignore your boys for 24 hours. or, at least, you try to.
genre: fluff
requested: yes! i added todoroki just cause
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as perceptive as he is
izuku probably notices immediately how you’re avoiding him
you two wake up at similar times because you go to sleep at similar times, but this time you woke up before him
he gave you a sweet “good morning” and kissed your cheek, but you only smiled and went to the bathroom
he thought that was strange. you usually say good morning back
but then again, it was such a small thing that he didn’t really overreact over it
however, when you left his dorm without saying goodbye or anything like that he got a little worried
once classes were beginning, he went to your dorm to pick you up and walk you to class like usual but
you were already gone.
“what the...” he would murmur to himself, frowning now
what was up with you? were you ignoring him or something?
what even annoyed him further was that you spent the whole day with fucking bakusquad!
bakugo didn’t seem to like it of course, but kirishima and the others accepted your company like it was nothing
he tried to sit next to you at lunch but once bakugo noticed his presence, he immediately yelled at the green haired boy to “fucking beat it!”
“but i-“
the fact that you didn’t even come to his defense kind of hurt him
he didn’t even eat at lunch
he was so bummed out that he just poked at his food with a frown on his face
of course you noticed this. you had been watching him all day and it broke your heart to see your baby like this omg ㅠㅠ
you couldn’t do it anymore. you got up and sat next to him at lunch and you swear he shined brighter than the sun when he saw you
“y/n! i-you-“
“i was trying to praaank you,” you pouted. “but you looked so upset after what that bomb bitch said-i couldn’t do it anymore.”
his pout matched yours.
“don’t do that again... i was seriously worried!”
he makes you stay by him for the rest of the day 😭
ignoring him for 24 hours challenge: failed.
y/n only lasted 5-6 hours.
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todoroki literally doesn’t notice at all
he doesn’t talk much, and seeing that you don’t talk to him much in the morning doesn’t really bother him
he just assumed you were tired and didn’t really care
you two usually got coffee together in the morning but as he went to the common room to wait for you, he was a bit peeved that you didn’t show up
he just assumed you fell asleep or something, or maybe you weren’t in the mood
not gonna lie, he was already missing your presence but he wouldn’t push you to interact with him if you weren’t in the mood
when he goes to class though, he sees you laughing and smiling with the rest of dekusquad
having a good time, apparently
he sits with you guys and listens, and his brows furrowed when he heard you say
“i wish i would’ve gotten coffee this morning. really wanted some mocha.”
did you forget that you two got coffee literally every morning?
okay, whatever. something was definitely wrong with you but he wouldn’t push.
you two also sit together during lunch but you sat between tsu and izuku instead
he’s like
what. the fuck.
he stares at you for the entirety of lunch time 😭
he doesn’t even mean to, he’s just so confused?
like why are you ignoring him? you guys didn’t fight or anything last night so ?? why??
the day continues like that
whenever he comes around you leave, whenever he talks you look away from him
he’s a mixture of irritated and annoyed
irritated bc he doesn’t know why you’re acting this way, and annoyed because he wants to fucking talk to you
you’re one of the only people in this class he talks to on a daily basis and you’re pushing him away??
he only says something when it’s kind of late and everyone is tucked away in their dorms
he has a key to your dorm room don’t ask why so he goes ahead and enters
you’re on your bed, giggling about how well the prank is going to mina when you hear the doorknob jiggle and your boyfriend enter the room
“we need to talk, y/n.”
you make a face. “actually, i-“
the sternness in his voice makes you look up at him, kinda scared at just how serious he looks
“you’ve been ignoring me all day. why? did i do something?”
“if i did, please tell me. communication is important in every relationship and our relationship is very special. if you do not talk to me, i have no way of knowing what i did to hurt you and-“
“shoto! oh my god, it was just a prank!” you tell him quickly, standing up and holding out your arms.
he lowkey makes a 🤨 face.
“a prank...?”
“yeah. ignore your boyfriend for 24 hours prank,” you sigh. “i was so close.”
he sighs with you, walking over to hug you tightly, which feels so good after today.
“it’s a very stupid prank.”
you giggle against his chest.
“yeah. very stupid.”
ignoring him for 24 hours challenge: failed.
y/n only lasted 18 hours.
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another one that notices immediately
you went the extra mile as to leave his dorm way earlier than he wakes up, which-
how tf did you do that
he automatically doesn’t fucking like that.
“y/n?!” he’ll yell out into his bathroom and grumble when you aren’t in there, or anywhere else in his room
he doesn’t even see you until class starts, sitting and laughing with fucking dekusquad
not only that, with midoriya
“hey dumbass, why’d you leave my dorm so early today?!” he asks you, and your eyes don’t even meet his.
you just continue scribbling at your desk.
his eyes turn white.
“i’m talking to you!”
“bakugo, please go have a seat. you’re being incredibly too loud.” aizawa would tell him, slipping his face out of his yellow sleeping bag.
he looks at his teacher, then at you, then back at his teacher before cursing and marching to his desk
probably always glancing at you through the day
the fact that you’re smiling and laughing with fucking deku
that just makes his mood even worse
you’re supposed to be smiling and laughing with him, not that crybaby
obviously his friends notice how mad he is
“dude, why so pent up?” kirishima would ask him and bakugo would literally snark
the red head smirks. “oooh—its y/n isn’t it.”
bakugo pauses.
“how the fuck did you know-“
“you know she’s pranking you, right?” kirishima would laugh at the look of anger that crosses bakugo’s face.
you’re ignoring him for a... a...
he’s livid.
during training he will not hesitate to march up to you
“you think it’s funny to ignore your boyfriend for a stupid prank, huh?! you think that’s so funny don’t you?!”
“bakugo, i-“
“SILENCEEEE!” he’ll literally roar at you and blast you like 10 feet away 😭
cue him being your partner and beating you up for practice
ignoring him for 24 hours challenge: failed.
y/n only lasted 5 hours.
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kirishima understands the concept of “personal space”
he knows that sometimes, you don’t wanna be bothered
and sometimes, he doesn’t wanna be bothered
but sometimes he doesn’t care about that concept.
he will poke and pester at you if you do this challenge.
if you wake up and don’t say anything to him, he’ll yank you down to the bed and whine at you until you manage to squirm out of his arms and go to your own dorm room
he’ll stand right next to you during breakfast
and i mean he will always be standing next to you.
no matter how many times you move around the tables, he’ll somehow end up next to you
like ?? does he have super speed or something 😭
he will not tolerate you ignoring him
like not at all
during class if he cracks a few jokes and you don’t respond to them he’ll probably fake cry
“y/n, you’re making me feel very unmanly right now!”
you swear you didn’t know it would be this hard
he probably notices it’s a prank though when he’s walking next to you in the halls and you’re not even speaking to him, just staring forward
“ahh... you’re trying to play a little joke on me or something? well, we’ll see how long you keep that up!”
retorts to making you jealous the entire day.
hangs out with literally every girl, even the fucking invisible bitch
you can’t take it anymore when it nears 6pm and he asks uraraka to come back to his dorm and watch movies with him
being the amazing girlfriend you are, you get up, land in his lap, and cuddle up to him tightly
he grins at you, preppering you with kisses
“told you you wouldn’t last, y/n.”
ignoring your boyfriend for 24 hours challenge: failed.
y/n only lasted 11 hours.
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shans-writings · 2 years
"Let's be pathetic together" and any (or all) of the LOV!
Let's be pathetic together
Have you ever thought about what would come after the ending of the war?
The answer is: the newest, improved flu.
“I want to smash my head against the wall.”
Dabi is sitting in the far corner of the room, naked from the waist up, eyes closed and head tilted up as if he was staring at the ceiling.
“Great plan, no head no pain,” Tomura hears Toga giggling to Spinner's comment, “except we need our heads to be alive.”
More than a few pair of eyes turned to him at that, staring at Tomura laying on his side, rolled in blankets so he can't possibly move. Or in this case, feel the cold air of the room that Dabi has failed to warm, since he can't use his quirk at all. And even if he could, Spinner thinks, he would be too occupied sneezing and setting things on fire.
“I can't live without a head either,” a chorus of dissapointed owws has him rolling his eyes with more annoyance than disbelief, “and I've been told this is a common sickness nowadays. Deku mentioned it'll be gone in a week. It is harder for us due our lack of vaccines. That's it.”
Another chorus of murmurs comes, followed by a collective, loud grumbling when they all try to change their positions and remember to how everything, everything aches.
“I can't stand a week of this,” Toga has her legs up the wall, baggy pajamas pants pooling in a funny way down her knees, “I'm gonna die. My fangs are gonna fall down and I'm gonna become toothless and ugly. Ochako-chan will never love me back.”
“The last part you got it right,” Tomura is about to correct Dabi when he sees a shoe taking off.
Needless to say, it lands well between Dabi's eyes, with Toga triumphantly turning the other way to make herself a smaller target as Dabi returns the flying shoe, which smashes against the wall.
“Kids,” Kurogiri starts. The tone doesn't help at all and Tomura watches with wonder as the shoe slides down the wall and falls on Spinner. “Don't.”
Well, who says one can't have fun in prison?
The room was equipped for them five months ago, when they got officially allowed to wear more comfortable clothes, along with having more normal furniture. Now there are beds and a shared bathroom, there are rugs lining down on the floor, pillows and board games, a tiny TV with some videogames. It was a really big reward for their good behavior, bought and brought by the UA kids and All Might himself.
The first time they went into that prison, they did it separated, staying that way for some long years. Their quirks were totally restricted and they didn't know anything at all about the others. In isolation, they crawled their own ways back.
Only a psychiatrist was allowed at first, one that would work with them until it was okayed and cleared that they were mentally stable enough. Tomura had laughed, wondering what standards they were using.
“Yours,” his laugh had died in front of the soft smile of his psychiatrist, “society is redeeming itself in this room too, Tomura.”
Curious thing was, they did care about him. About them. After some months, he started receiving visits from Deku, asking how was he feeling, how were they treating him, what did he need, how could he help. He only retorted his first attempts with silence or bitter comments, but at some point the isolation became— too much. He started to feel raw under the scrutiny of the psychiatrist and he thought that if society was in fact trying to make things better this time, even if the damage couldn't be undone or reversed, Tomura wondered if maybe they could stop hurting so much in the future. They were seeing them, weren't them? Seeing them as they were, seeing the pain and the sorrow, and they were trying to make something out of it instead of answering with only violence.
They —the League— started cooperating. It helped that no one wanted a suicidal Dabi or that Tomura really wanted his sanity back. All of them wanted to be out, to get back their independence. They wanted Toga to taste a life worth living, a world where Spinner was not constantly feeling like an outsider. They wanted to see Compress walk again, to sit down and drink with Kurogiri.
The words slide off Tomura's tongue before he can help it.
“Let's be pathetic together.”
He sees them react, slowly. He thinks about how much they had to endure in order to win back the right to be together in that room. He glances at the spots where Twice and Magne should be, looks at the door for a second wondering about Giran and Mustard, Machia and the rest.
“When we get out,” Tomura continues, sure that they will see the light of the sun again.
Dabi huffs, nonchalant.
After a bit, Spinner laughs. Lightly.
“I thought that was what we were doing all along.”
There's a quietness in the room, young and fresh, a blossoming of some sort. And then someone sneezes.
“What about being pathetic now? ” Dabi cries a little, rubbing his eyes and making a face at his next sneeze. “I might be dying.”
“I don't want a corpe in our room.”
Toga twistes her nose, but she gets closer to Tomura, fumbling with the blankets until they are sharing.
“Tomura-kun, you stole the best spot of the room!”
To his horror, Toga's words are enough for the rest to start making their way to him. Spinner is visibly shuddering, so he is willing to host him if only for that. However, it is Dabi's smirk that worries him. His gonna kick his guts if he tries as much as to leave them to suffer without blankets.
“Stay back,” Tomura's order echoes with little force. He can't speak correctly with his stuffed nose and the hotness of his saliva filling his mouth.
“Boss, c'mon. Don't be greedy now. You look so comfy, ain't it right to share?”
Spinner is barely climbing up the bed when Toga screeches, gluing to Tomura's side. There's a freezing breeze coming from the spot Spinner opened on their cover of blankets. Tomura grits his teeth and his eyes turn dark. He moved just fine during the war, even with a ruined body. Somehow, this sickness is worst than any of that. Or he's getting weak. Whatever it is, he can't afford to move. He's too tired and it aches.
There's a little battle for the blankets, one he is trapped inside. They kick and move and arrange their limbs, Kurogiri teleporting the rest of the blankets on the room to them. At last, they are a giant monster of multiple heads with a soft body of fabric, dangerously balanced over one bed.
“Don't m—”
Before he can finish his sentence, they hear a terrible squeak. And then the fucking bed, with all of them feeling already miserable over it, falls to the ground in a tiny earthquake and rises a chorus of swears and complains, full of I'll kill you all and Please do and This is your fault.
And then Toga starts giggling and a bubble of laughter builds in Tomura's own throat. They all laugh and cough when it hurts them and arrange themselves once more, legs over legs and heads on stomachs or arms, lying down together.
“At least now we have a bed capable of breaking.”
Tomura thinks with affection that they are, indeed, pathetic.
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kumzume · 3 years
glam ft. todoroki shotō [smhub]
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wc. 2.8k :3
warnings. ownership, soft-ish!dom reader, edging, v v lowkey pet play (u call him bunny lol), quiet whiny shoto, begging, miss k*nk (?), slight humiliation k*nk, crying, um
shoto todoroki was so pretty.
it wasn’t like he wasn’t aware — he’d heard the whispers amongst the girls back at U.A. about how attractive he was. that didn’t keep him from believing those words, his insecurities gripping him so tightly that he was unable to even imagine that anyone found him remotely appealing.
that is, until he met you.
when you first transferred into 3-A, the class was thrown into an uproar. you were beautiful, kind, and funny with a powerful quirk to boot! and yet, you never believed that you were better than anyone else, always treating every single person with respect — even bakugou (shoto couldn’t even pretend to understand how you did it but still, the behavior was so undeniably you).
it was all of your remarkable traits that ended up being shoto’s downfall. he believed you were way out of his league — you deserved someone emotionally available and sweet, things that todoroki felt, no knew, he was not. besides, with every single guy in the nearest vicinity falling for you, he knew he didn’t even have a chance.
so, shoto resigned himself to observe you from afar, watching your interactions with his closest friends and classmates, wishing that he could make you smile as wide as kirishima and deku or laugh as hard as sero and denki.
he knew he didn’t measure up and while he tried to make himself okay with that, he felt jealousy bubbling up beneath his skin when he observed shinsou helping you with your homework or bakugou training with you after school.
of course, he realized he didn’t belong to you or you to him and he had no real reason to be envious of whoever you chose to spend your time with but that didn’t stop him from fucking his hand late at night at the thought of you hovering over him, pressing soft kisses to his mangled scar and calling him beautiful.
shoto came embarrassingly quick with that fantasy, the shame and disappointment overwhelming him to the point where he’d purposefully ignored you for days after.
he could tell you were hurt by his behavior — he wasn’t entirely oblivious — but he knew it was for the best. you deserved so much more than him.
the both of you graduated and moved on to your respective agencies, shoto swiftly making his way up to the number 2 spot while you sat comfortably at number 17. neither of you saw each other very often but when you did, conversation was stilted and a bit awkward due to the intense attraction and inability to act on it on shoto’s part.
shoto was willing to go the rest of his life like this; seeing you briefly in passing, stumbling through a discussion with much difficulty, and then returning to his penthouse to hump his pillow and cry out your name.
it was a pretty good system for the most part. shoto had no worries about ever having to face his feelings for you and was content to live out his days suppressing his inner turmoil just for you.
unfortunately, the universe hates him.
at least that’s what he told himself as he stood in the center of a boardroom next to you, clad in your hero outfits and listening to instructions on an upcoming mission that required you and shoto to work together. alone. for days at a time.
what the fuck.
to be honest, shoto completely tuned out the minute he heard “one bedroom,” his mind racing with all the horribly tempting ways his fantasies could play out.
by the time the meeting was over, he was hard in his pants and entirely distracted as you attempted to make friendly small talk about your mission. shoto sort of felt like he should apologize for being an absolute brick wall, giving you curt one word answers until you decided to leave him alone.
he felt bad but what else could he do when you stood there, wearing your obscene hero costume that revealed way too much of your skin?
well, shoto was being a little dramatic but that’s how he felt! your suit was a play on the playboy bunny costume but instead of being black leather (he thinks he would actually die if you wore leather in front of him), it was a white, lightweight fabric that helped with your quirk.
it was entirely too sexy and reminded him a little too much of one of his secret kinks that he was determined to never let see the light of day.
it was going to be ok! he reasoned. all he had to do was do his job, ignore you like he’s done for the past 3 years and everything would be just fine — right?
wrong. so fucking wrong.
the mission had gone well on all accounts. you both had kicked ass, much to your enjoyment, and were able to go back home a day early!
you were so excited to finally be back in your own bed and away from the weird tension that being around todoroki brought. it wasn’t that you didn’t like him — in fact it was quite the opposite.
you found shoto alluring and gorgeous, his awkward yet endearing mannerisms drawing you further into the mystery that was shoto todoroki. regrettably, it didn’t seem like the man in question was on the same page.
every time you tried to speak with him, he would either stutter and blush or refuse to look you in the eye and give you one-word answers. it was actually ridiculously cute but he would always disappear the first chance he got.
it hurt but you weren’t one to push boundaries where you weren’t wanted.
that’s why that night, instead of going back up to the room to watch tv (uncomfortably, might i add) and knocking yourself out, you decided to go down to the bar and celebrate a job well done.
one of the perks of being a relatively unknown hero was that you could enjoy a night in public without anyone approaching you, a luxury you knew not many top 20 heroes could afford.
with that thought — and the memory of the stifling hotel room awaiting you upstairs — in mind, you made your way to the sparsely populated bar, sitting down and immediately requesting a drink (bourbon, on the rocks).
you scanned the area, counting the number of exits and patrons before your eyes landed on the handsome bartender down at the other end of the counter.
with curly brown hair, bright green eyes and a smile that could kill, there was no way you could lie to yourself and say he was unattractive. even as your mind briefly entertained the notion of taking the brunette out into the alley and fucking him within an inch of his life, your heart just wasn’t in it.
your mind just couldn’t stop drifting to the tall, dual-haired, oh so pretty, man who was (inadvertently) waiting for you upstairs. of course, you weren’t even his to wait for but you didn’t know how to keep from imagining that he was.
a deep sigh escaped your parted lips before you downed the rest of your drink, wincing at the burn it left as it went down your throat. it was getting late and you weren’t planning on spending your night alone with the janitor.
you sent the cute bartender a soft smile while pressing a crisp $20 to the counter. he sent you his own grin back as his eyes trailed down your body clad in your tight hero suit, licking his plump lips in arousal.
you were flattered, truly, but you were a little occupied with getting back to your room, changing into some comfortable pajamas and conking the fuck out.
the trip back up to your room was long and arduous to your sore body, the elevators being out of commission leaving you to take the stairs.
by the time you were at your door, you were so worn out that you were ready to collapse but before you could manage placing your key against the lock, something caught your ear.
“p-please miss,” a breathy moan of your name followed by a wet slapping noise rang out through the door. “i’ll be your perfect bunny, just let m-me cum, please-!!”
holy fuck.
shoto todoroki, the man you’d been crushing on since your years at UA was now touching himself to the thought of you doing god know what to him and he was calling you miss?
you felt heat flood your core, your knees buckling under the heavy weight of your lust. now braced against the door, you leaned your ear against the wood, determined to hear exactly what was getting him off.
more wet noises permeated through the walls — did he just spit in his palm??? — before a long whine left his pretty pink lips.
“m-miss, i belong to you, y-you own me,” he gasped, the creaking of the bed just barely audible beneath his wavering voice.
by now, you knew you’d soaked through the crotch of your hero costume, your clit throbbing painfully beneath the fabric of your panties. you also knew you should turn around, head back to the bar and order another drink, leaving shoto to finish himself off but you couldn’t.
your feet were implanted in place, ear glued against the door as you listened to your partner masturbate to the thought of you owning him.
quietly, you lifted the hand gripping your key to the door, allowing the touchpad to register before slowly pushing the door open.
the sight that greeted you was otherworldly.
the blinds were parted allowing a dreamy haze of moonlight to envelop the room, casting the pale man before you in a somehow whimsical light.
he was stripped down to nothing, lying on his back with a hand wrapped around his gorgeous, swollen cock, furiously stroking himself to completion.
the plump lips that you had spent so much time admiring were parted, allowing whines and whimpers to leave them sporadically as his lithe hips bucked up into his hand.
shoto’s eyes were clenched shut so he was unable to see your dumbfounded, painfully aroused face as you crept into the room, leaning against the wall with your hand pressed to your mouth.
it wasn’t as though you’d never seen a man naked before — you’d had your fair share of men naked in your bed begging for you — but this was something else.
this was shoto — somehow more intimidating than anyone else you’d ever brought to bed and yet you’ve never wanted anyone more.
which is why you were almost surprised at yourself when you opened your mouth and whispered, “stop.”
immediately, shoto’s eyes shot open, wide with fear and apprehension as he lied there frozen, his hand still wrapped tightly around his girth.
the both of you stood there staring at one another, neither of you able to move. you let yourself have this moment to look at him, your eyes tracking all over his muscular form before landing on his length, not missing how it twitched under your gaze.
“i-“ shoto started but he was quickly interrupted by your own voice. “s’this what you do when i’m gone? touch yourself to the thought of me? you’re so dirty bunny.”
it was impossible to hide the low groan that echoed out in the hotel room, shoto’s cheeks burning red in humiliation. a grin crept across your face as you made your way towards him, giggling to yourself at the way he moved up and away from you on the bed.
“now you’re trying to hide, bunny? you weren’t hiding when you were moaning out my name.” your hand slid up his thigh until it was resting on his sharp hipbone, an abrupt gasp leaving his chest.
your hand continued its trajectory, fingers trailing across his tummy before coming to wrap around the base of his cock.
“o-oh fuck, miss—“ a thick drop of precum leaked from his slit and onto your awaiting hand as a low moan departed from the dual-haired boy.
one of his hands shot out to hold yours, drawing your attention to his heterochromatic gaze. shoto’s eyes held so much emotion, small tears already littering his lashline while the moonlight illuminated his crimson scar. he was ethereal.
“pretty,” you hummed, giving him a gentle smile while your hand squeezed his in reassurance. you’d had enough experience to know that that kind of comment was guaranteed to get some kind of vulnerability but what you were not expecting was the expletive shoto muttered before leaning forward to press his lips to yours.
immediately, he was over-enthusiastic, his lips and teeth clashing with yours messily, almost painfully, before you took control of the kiss, slowing shoto down before slipping your tongue inside his mouth.
his quiet groan vibrated into the kiss as you deliberately laid him down, resting his back against the pillows. from there, you had more access to his body, your lips trailing down to his neck while your hand took its place back on his length, lazily pumping him up and down.
“m-miss!” shoto choked, his eyes widening yet again, holding you with his stare. you chose not to respond, instead stroking him quicker while pressing kisses to his shoulder.
“miss,” he tried again, this time more deliberately. “p-please tell me i’m yours...”
with him asking so sweetly, a few tears leaking from his gorgeous eyes at the overwhelming moment, how were you supposed to deny him?
“of course bunny,” you purred, leaning down to peck his nose, sending shivers through his body. “you are mine.”
shoto’s reaction was instantaneous. his eyes rolled back in his head and his mouth dropped open as he felt his pleasure begin to crest, determined to push him over the edge.
you, of course, noticed his body’s response and quickly pulled your hand off of him, painfully ripping his orgasm from his grasp. a disappointed whimper resonated throughout the room as shoto’s eyes found yours, staring at you with such betrayal that you almost found it funny.
“c’mon bunny,” you moved until you were kneeling between his legs, your hands leaving featherlight touches to his inner thighs. “you can hold out for me, right?”
shoto nodded before he could stop himself, desperate for anything you would give him.
besides, it couldn’t be that hard to hold off, right?
wrong. so very wrong.
it had only been 30 minutes but it felt like 2 hours since you started playing with him and keeping him from coming.
shoto was covered in a thin sheen of sweat, both hands tangled in his bi-colored locks, eyes squeezed shut with tear tracks now drying on his cheeks and his cock standing fully at attention.
it was purple, throbbing, and covered in precum as you licked a stripe up the side making shoto sob in pleasure.
he had never been harder in his life and he was certain that he would just die if you didn’t let him cum soon.
“p-please, please, miss, please, let me cum,” he babbled, shaking his head mindlessly while bucking his hips up into the warm heat of your mouth.
you chose to ignore his pleas while you moved your mouth over his tip, sucking hard while your hand pumped what wasn’t in your mouth.
“a-ah-!!” shoto shrieked, his back bowing off the bed, his orgasm coming on so hard and so fast that he felt like he was going to explode. “c-can’t hold back m-miss, i can’t, i can’t!”
your hand continued to pick up speed before you pulled your mouth off of him, toying with his tip while leaning up to breathe into his ear.
“cum for me bunny. you’re mine.”
with a cry of your name, shoto came, thick spurts of cum covering his abs, chest and thighs as his body convulsed under the weight of his bliss.
it was the most all encompassing orgasm he’d ever had and you, his former classmate, current partner, and future lover, was beside him through it all, helping him ride it out.
in the back of his mind, shoto knew he should be at least a little worried about how your relationship was going to change after all of this but he couldn’t bring himself to care. you were here and now, bringing him the most pleasure he’d ever undergone with nothing but kind words and a smile, filling his touchstarved heart with heat and, dare he say it, love.
shoto may not have been the funniest or the most open but you chose him, even if it was just for the night. and now that he unlocked how much he loved you, nothing else mattered — just you and him.
as he collapsed back into the sheets, his head just barely registering the cool rag wiping him down, he took pride in how he finally admitted it to himself; shoto loved you and he would be damned if he let anyone else take him away from you.
now, all he had to do was tell you but that was a conversation for another day.
taglist. if your name is in bold, i cannot tag you!!
@anikazoldeck • @hakunamatatayqueen • @alilsumnsumn • @sukunaslefttesticle • @hawksyoongi • @rivviespens • @kenmas-nintendoswitch • @myumyutie • @unicorngluttony • @bloomyagi • @shantellmcintosh • @queenhxla • @yeyehdom • @persies-main • @yikes-buddy • @nnmesis • @thehandsresisthim • @hinatabokeboke • @joongsite • @amazinghefi • @sarcasticambiguity • @mr-bombastic • @i-am-literally-deranged • @ch0pi • @aonjuh • @www-bubblefish • @meliorist-midoriya • @maizurie • @idkdude776 • @midarislonglostlefteye • @queerloser17 • @franklyrobin • @ravioliplease • @ashsera • @chirumi • @yamashiro888 • @xxjosiexx • @krstnn • @bbsista • @seij6hs • @franklyrobin • @chirumi • @melodysakura
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eunchancorner · 2 years
Heya! I have a request for you, a kiribakudeku fic with like hide and seek/anticipation for a prompt (lee!deku or kiri if you can). Your fics are so cute!
Thanks for the request! I’m glad you like my fics! Also, lee!Deku or Kiri? Why not both! ALSO also, for a little context, Bakugou stole some beer from Aizawa one night, got drunk and bought a maid dress online, and since then it’s been sitting unused under his bed, even though he kinda wants to see how his boyfriends would look in a maid dress.
Ler Bakugou, Lee Kirishima and Izuku
Warning: this is bakugou. Take a guess.
Word count: 1316
Shit shit shit
Oh god oh god oh god
Kirishima and Izuku were hiding in the latter’s closet, both having their own silent panics. They had decided to pull a prank that they thought would be funny on their blonde boyfriend, Bakugou, swapping the salt with the sugar when Bakugou went to make breakfast, a classic.
And they had forgotten that Bakugou doesn’t like anyone messing with his food.
So they had to spend the better part of 20 minutes running and hiding from the angry blonde, which is how they found themselves in their position.
Truthfully, they knew Bakugou would never actually hurt them. Well, not severely. Anymore.
It was the fear of the unknown that had them so scared as they heard Bakugou stomping into the greenette’s room, the two in the closet now holding their breath.
“I know you idiots are in here…” he growled out. “Come out!”
Izuku had to bite back a gasp as Bakugou got dangerously close to the hiding spot, warranting a hand over his mouth from Kiri. The greenette pressed closer to the redhead as he heard a hand land on his closet door knob… and then he was gone. No noise, no shadow, not even the sound of his breathing.
Izuku looked up at Kiri with a questioning gaze, who stood and peeked out, turning back and nodding to the standing One-For-All user, before slowly exiting, followed by Deku.
Thinking Bakugou would have left the room after only a minute of searching was probably their second mistake.
The blonde (who had been hiding under Izuku’s bed) leapt out and pinned them both under his weight, moving to pin one of each of their legs beneath him. Both boys were still catching their breath from the initial mini heart attack their blonde boyfriend had given them, before looking up at him.
“Uh, g-good job, Kacchan..” Izuku praised shakily.
“Heh, y-yeah, y-you caught us… m-maybe let us go now…?” Kirishima tried.
Bakugou pretended to consider it for a moment, before smirking and leaning over his opposite-haired boyfriends.
“Better idea. How about I give you two a proper punishment for fucking with my food?” he growled, the smirk never leaving his face, even growing wider as Izuku stammered out, “P-p-punishment?!”
“You didn’t think I was just going to scare you and let you go, did you, Deku? Oh no, you two are going to fucking pay… but you’re lucky you’re my boyfriends, otherwise I would have already beat your asses into the ground. Instead…” he placed one hand on each tummy, “I have a much better way of punishing you two.”
Both Kirishima and Izuku felt small, wobbly smiles form on their faces, Izuku’s admittedly much more suppressed.
“W-wait, B-Bakubabe, w-we can talk about this, r-right?” Kiri pleaded, earning only a shake of the head from Bakugou.
“M-m-maybe I could c-clean your r-room for a week?” Izu tried. Another head shake. “I-in a m-maid dress…?” he tried, embarrassing himself at the thought.
That had Bakugou thinking for a moment, but he just smirked again at the pair, flexing his fingers slightly and earning a yelp from the two. “I might make you do that anyway, nerd~”
Oh god what did I get myself into?
He flexed his fingers again, twice, earning a barely kept back giggle from Izu and a “Nohoho-” from Kirishima.
“Look at you two. Can’t even stop smiling, and I haven’t even started yet. Hm… but where should I start? I could spider allll over your sides, maybe check to make sure you two didn’t lose a rib or two… Maybe, I could start at the hips, I know you’d just love that, Deku.. or maybe, these poor, bouncy bellies need some love?”
The teasing had both Kiri and Deku as red as the former’s hair, both were struggling to suppress anticipating giggles, and both were sure Bakugou was pure evil.
“Juhust do it alreadyyyy!” Kiri whined, causing Bakugou’s smirk to only widen.
“Someone’s eager to get the shit tickled out of them… but that’s fine. I am too,” that was all he said before attacking, one hand a vibrating claw directly over Kiri’s navel, the other drilling into Deku’s hips.
Both boyfriends screamed in laughter, their own worst spots being attacked by the blonde, who resisted the urge to cover his ears at the loud sounds below him.
“Goddammit, you two! You’re worse than Present Mic!” he tried to sound mad, but he was honestly amused he’d gotten to them both so easily. “You’d better hope Aizawa doesn’t think I’m murdering your asses.”
Said two were trying to escape in their own ways; Izuku was curling in on himself, kicking and stamping his free leg, while Kirishima was pushing and smacking Bakugou’s hand, trying, fruitlessly, to push him away from his belly. Both were nearly screaming with how loud they were laughing, both couldn’t even think straight from how much it tickled, and, after a few more minutes, both were given a moment of relief as Bakugou retracted his hands, placing them on his own legs.
Both panted, giggling, going limp beneath the blonde. Kirishima dared to point up at him and giggle out, “Youhuhu… youhu suhuhuck…”
“Oh? Maybe another minute will change your mind?~” Bakugou held up his clawed hand teasingly over Kiri’s belly.
Kiri’s eyes widened and he turned to bury his face in the carpet below him, letting out higher giggles… but no sounds of protest.
“Huh. Figures. How about you, Deku? Up for another round of this?” he asked, raising his other hand in a claw. Izuku covered his blushing face with his arms, nodding ever so slightly.
“Of course you nerds are…” he muttered fondly at the two, his hands finding a place on one side of each. His fingers just barely tapped, already earning nervous giggles from both.
“Wow, you both must be very ticklish. I’m not even tickling you yet, and you’re already giggling like a couple of little kids. I bet you really want me to tickle you…” he pointed out, earning a small embarrassed squeal from Izuku and a deeper blush from Kirishima.
“Of course you do. Don’t worry, you two can have exactly what you want…” he said, before digging into their sides, earning a small shriek from both boys.
It went on like this for a while. Bakugou would stop for a minute or so after every spot to give the two a breather, and he’d tease them at the next spot before tickling them. He wanted to get the most out of their stupidly cute blushing faces, until, finally, their laughter went silent and he stopped for real, laying between them on the carpet and pulling them close.
He smiled softly at them as they both snuggled up to him, Izuku letting out a little yawn.
“Tired, Deku?” he stated the obvious, the greenette nodding a little.
“Same here… but that was fun,” Kirishima said, “even the ‘revenge’ part.”
“I guessed that. And, Deku,” the greenette looked up at him, “I expect you to be in my room tomorrow in that maid dress.”
Izuku blushed just as red as earlier and buried his face in Bakugou’s neck, earning a chuckle from the blonde.
“I’m kidding, nerd… we’ll save that for something else~” he heard a squeak as All Might’s successor tried to hide deeper in his boyfriend’s neck.
“Stop teasing the poor guy, he’s had enough,” Kiri said, before letting out a yawn of his own. “Let’s take a nap…”
Bakugou rolled his eyes and stood up, lifting up Deku bridal style as Kiri stood on his own. They went over to Midoriya's bed and laid down, the redhead and greenette falling asleep almost immediately. Bakugou just snuggled up between them, slowly letting himself drift off with them.
And, yes, they made sure to get him back for the extra tickles when they all woke up.
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