#I want Morty to be the Helen of the Multiverse
I really truly want Prime to be Just Some Guy and all this to be a terrible case of miscommunication/wrong place wrong time because I simply want Morty to have two Grandpas. Dragging out those parallels etc etc but I want him to be Space Grandpa, if you will.
I want him to have Grumpy Domestic Grandpa Rick who is in love with him but won’t admit it because he’s emotionally constipated after decades-long repression and trauma but who would do anything, anything for him at the drop of a hat in the most roundabout, passive-aggressive way that Morty sees right through.
I want him to have Fun Space Grandpa Prime who loves Morty in his own abstractly detached way and drops by once in a while just to wreck havoc, laugh at Rick’s face, and override all of his decisions (a la Rickbot’s light saber) because they’re ‘boring shit decisions’ and anyway this would make the kid’s day. like a dad who only comes home to diminish mom’s parenting style by letting her be the strict to his laidback.
I want Prime to look at those two, immediately read them right and think Rick is being silly, before straight up smooching Morty and laughing his way out of there as he dances out of Rick’s gun range.
It doesn’t mean anything to either Prime or Morty except a token of affection but it sure will get Rick’s head out of his ass one way or another.
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