#I want Miyano to graduate already so he can start going to the same college as Sasaki
grubus · 15 days
nothing makes me blush the way Sasaki to Miyano makes me blush
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sherryaptx4869 · 5 years
Put a Ring on It
A gift for @jackel-gull happy holidays! 😊
Prompt: Coffee shop AU
(Also on ao3)
“Excuse me Ma’am, a muffin from that handsome gentleman over there,” the female staff interrupted Shiho as she is very busy typing at her laptop.
She looked over to the direction the staff is pointing to. She is in a rush because her laboratory report is due in just a few minutes. She needs to proofread everything before passing her output to her very strict professor, thus every minute counts. She’s a bit irritated that her momentum is ruined by the ‘gentleman’ the staff is pertaining to.
When she turned to look, the man waved at her. She merely nodded and proceeded to hunch over her laptop. She likes to do her academic papers at Poirot Café because 1) she gets the space she needs, 2) they really have delicious bread and pastries plus their drinks are top-tier, 3) they also have strong wifi connection. 4) It’s also a ten-minute walk from the university she is attending. Very convenient.
Five minutes before the deadline, she breathed a sigh of relief when she hit the send button with her report as an attachment to an email she sent to her professor. She massaged her temples and briefly closed her eyes keeping the impending headache at bay. She only has fifteen minutes before her next class starts. She allowed herself to relax for a bit when she sensed another presence at the table she is currently occupying.
She smelled him before she saw him. She smelled a faint, subtle smell that is not overpowering. Her trained observation skills as a scientist approves of his choice of perfume.
She opened her eyes, removed her earphones and eyed him. Up close, the guy looked just about her age- probably in his 4th year of college too. She noticed his lean body, and his calves are well-defined. She noticed a tan line in his arm when he waved earlier. He’s probably into sports.
She raised her eyebrow and regarded the stranger.
“Hi, I’m Kudo Shinichi and you are?” he said, flashing her a smile as he held out his hand for a handshake.
“And I was just leaving,” she said as she gathered her laptop, her papers and her books, stacked them all in her backpack and leaving not even sparing a backward glance.
“Wow, that girl is something.” Heiji teased Shinichi for the nth time.
“I wish I was there to see it when your ego was deflated and brought you back to earth,” Heiji continued. “I mean man, she rejected Kudo Shinichi, the great detective of the East!” Heiji is now clutching his stomach from laughing too hard, tears at the corner of his eyes.
Shinichi glared at him but that did not stop Heiji from laughing.
“Should I wait for you to finish laughing or are we doing detective work on her?” he asked Heiji.
“Huh, what work?” That caught Heiji’s attention.
“Returning this to its rightful owner,” Shinichi said as he fished a card from his pocket.
So Miyano Shiho is the name of the beautiful, auburn-haired woman.
In her rush to gather her things earlier, Shiho did not notice her library card slipped and fell to the floor of the café. Now, she stood at the heavenly doors of the library but not quite entering because her library card is missing. She meant to return the books and browse for other titles. Without her card, she couldn’t really enter, but what’s more important is that she can’t loan out books.
Her phone buzzed in her pocket. Upon checking, she saw she got an email from an unlisted account.
“Hello Miyano-san, I got your email address from the library card you dropped at Poirot Café earlier today. If you want, I can go to your university and return it there. – Kudo Shinichi, Detective of the East”, she noticed he’s studying at another top university in Japan from his email address. So he is the famous detective of the east.
“If it’s not too much to ask, I can meet you back at Poirot Café in thirty minutes. I just need to finish some stuff here and I’ll go over there,” she replied.
“Okay, I’ll see you then,” is his instant reply.
Shiho debated on meeting the stranger. Even if he is Kudo Shinchi, strangers are not to be trusted. And he’s definitely a stranger.
Dang it, her loaned books would have to be returned three days from now and if she doesn’t return them on time, she will accumulate penalties for her overdue books. She won’t be able to borrow more books on top of that.
She really has to meet with the stranger if she wanted her library card back. It will take a week for the library to process lost ID cards. And she needed hers asap.
She made up her mind, she’s meeting him and get it over with.
It’s 6:30pm. Upon her entrance at the Poirot Café for the second time that day, she immediately looked around and searched for some dark brown-haired guy. There were a few college students openly ogling the very handsome barista, Amuro-san. She spotted Shinichi at the back of the café. She approached him.
“Kudo-kun,” she tentatively called out to get his attention.
“Oh hi, Miyano-san.” He said as he got up to his feet and pulled the chair for her to sit.
“Thank you.”, she said.
“About earlier, I’m sorry if I came on as an arrogant guy. I was just being friendly with people who have the same interests as I do.” he offered an explanation.
She gave her a questioning look.
“Well, I saw you carrying Arthur Conan Doyle’s book and I got a bit excited to see a fellow Sherlockian fan,” he continued.
“I see. I was in a hurry myself earlier and I just don’t like dealing with strangers especially when I’m in a hurry. I didn’t want to be late for class,” she said without more ado.
“I also enjoy reading mystery novels, it’s just that I need my library card to borrow books from the lib.” She offered.
He handed her lib card and as his fingers skimmed over her hands, she felt a zap from the point of contact. Apparently, he felt it too.
To ease the sudden awkwardness of the situation, he said “Why don’t we start over? I’m Kudo Shinichi”
“I’m Miyano Shiho,” she said and shook hands with him.
“Shiho,” he repeated testing the roll of her name on his tongue.
The sparks from their hands touching is undeniably there. They quickly let go of each other’s hands and pretended to go over the menu. Shiho felt the blood rushing to her cheeks and she felt warm. Shinichi on the other hand felt his face flush. This beautiful woman elicited such a boyish response from him is something he could not rationalize.
They found out more about each other as the night deepens. From the café, they went to take a walk at the park. When it is apparent that they need to get some rest, Kudo offered to walk her home in her dorm.
The night has a certain chill to it, “It’s really nice talking to you Kudo-kun”, Shiho said as she’s getting ready to enter the building.
“We should do this again sometime, if it’s not too much to ask, Shiho” Shinichi replied.
“It’s too much given my schedule, but I’d like that,” Shiho said. She smiled before darting inside.
As Shinichi walked back to his own dorm, he mused over the evening. He got a big smile on his face even when Heiji kept one pestering him to share what happened with Shiho.
They fell in the same routine, meeting at the café, going on a trip together and having conversations about deep things, shallow things, whatever comes their way. They went out for a year. By then, Shiho graduated and is already working as a university researcher and Shinichi is on his first year of taking criminal law while still extending assistance to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.
On Christmas day, they are at their favourite café where they first encountered each other.
“Do you remember the first time you rejected me here?” Shinichi asked Shiho.
“I may have remembered a little bit of that,” Shiho smirked.
“Heiji kept on rubbing it in my face how pitiful I looked back then,” Shinichi relayed.
“You need that to keep you grounded before your inflated ego take you away,” Shiho said before drinking her coffee.
“Heiji said that too. You’re in cahoots with that guy?” Shinichi pouted.
Shiho merely laughed. Her laugh is music to his ears. Not to be cliché but it just is. He never thought that this wonderful woman is willing to spend time with him. He hoped she still feels the same way for the rest of their lives.
Before his thoughts strayed any further, he gave her his Christmas present and planted a kiss on her mouth. It’s a bath bomb designed for aromatherapy. Her job at the research laboratory seemed to take a toll on her lately, she also catches colds easily.
Back at her apartment, she decided to use the bath bomb Shinichi gave her. She took a book by Agatha Christie to read while she soaked in the tub with the bath bomb still fizzing. She is basking at the sweet, floral scent from the lavender essential oil when her curiosity is piqued by a floating material. There were no fun additives for aesthetics such as glitter and flower petals in Shinichi’s present so why is there a floating thing at the tub? She grabbed the thing and a smile made its way on her face. Hmmn, she might play a little prank on Kudo-kun tomorrow when they see each other.
The following day when they met each other to eat lunch at the Kudo residence,
“How was your sleep?” Shinichi inquired when they were settled on his car on the way to the Kudo mansion.
“It’s good. Thanks for the special oils in the bath bomb, they really cleared my thoughts.” She purposefully avoided mentioning the ring embedded in the bath bomb.
“Did you find anything to your liking?” Shinichi pressed on.
‘He’s not his usual blunt, confident self,’ Shiho noted. ‘He’s skirting around the ring topic.’
“Well, I liked the lavender scent. I’d like to try the one with eucalyptus too, it clears the sinus,” she still did not give the answer he clearly wanted to hear.
He merely nodded. After that, he stopped speaking. Shiho made it look like she busied herself on her phone.
He’s clearly upset that Shiho did not find his surprise. It’s written all over his face, from his grip to the steering wheel.
They stopped by at a flower shop to buy flowers for Yukiko, Shinichi’s mom. While they are waiting for the store clerk to wrap the flowers,
“Shin, your phone pinged several times already,” Shiho informed Shinichi.
He checked and is a bit taken aback when his notification box is about to explode from congratulatory messages and best wishes. He clicked to see that Shiho tagged him in a post. His jaw nearly touched the floor when he turned to look at a smirking Shiho who put up her ten fingers on the air flexing his claim on her.
In her post where Shinichi is tagged, she uploaded a picture of her left hand wearing the exquisite ring with the caption, “Does this ring make me look engaged?”
Shinichi captured her in an embrace and kissed her hand.
“Yes, you look engaged and you look amazing with the ring too, future Mrs. Kudo” he whispered in her ear before fully capturing her lips with a kiss that is the promise of a lifetime together.
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