#I want Johnny so bad it’s not even meowing is barking
rustyscootersss · 3 months
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Johnnys story’s on Snapchat:
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Im slowly becoming a little obsessed with him….
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johnnycakesswitch · 2 months
Sodapop headcannons?
I mean how much time do you have?
- Sodapop CANNOT say tongue twisters. Like it’s ridiculous how bad he is at them.
- Obviously we all know Soda hates wearing shoes, and because he never wears shoes his feet are like…super durable. He can step on rocks and shit without any pain at all
- Sodapops puppy eyes almost rival Johnnys when he needs to use them. Not a single person can say no, even Dally has fallen victim (only once though, and he hates himself for it)
- F.R.E.C.K.L.E.S.
- meows back at cats and barks back at dogs
- can hold his breath under water for an impressive amount of time (also likes to do the thing where he floats in the water like a dead body)
and now some angst because it’s not outsiders hcs without it right?
- genuinely has the lowest self esteem out of everyone in the gang. Incredibly insecure.
- some of this (a lot) being due to Sandy not treating him well and constantly putting him down. (Everybody hates her so bad)
- any time his brothers fight after the whole church incident he’s almost immediately in tears out of fear it might all happen again
- doesn’t get jumped often but when he is he’s more likely to get a blade pulled on him to “mess up his pretty face”
- when he gets nervous, scared or upset in basically any way he shakes. Bad. Like he can’t even hold things sometimes
The angsty ones tho,,, I honestly didn’t think about how anxious it must make Soda whenever Pony and Darry fight post canon. He’s like terrified that something terrible will happen again and if he ever told them that they would both feel awful about letting their arguments get bad again. I feel like it would actually push them to be better tho because they never ever would intentionally hurt Soda. And NO omg not the jumping hc, that’s so heartbreaking no one should ever pull a blade on Soda 😔 I love all of these so much thank you for them
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snappedsky · 3 years
Fanatics 81.6
Round Two: New players join.
*Links to previous and next chapters in reblog*
Reawakening Part 6
           “You’re all alone.”            Squee sits doubled over on the couch, his forehead pressed into his knees and his arms wrapped around his head. He digs his fingers into his scalp as tears quietly drip down his cheeks.
           “You have nobody left,” Squishy Pete says, his unnaturally wide smile somehow even wider. “Why keep fighting? See, if you join us, you’ll never feel lonely. You’ll never have to worry about anything. You could do whatever you want. Even kill. And you’ll never die. Why keep fighting?”
           Nugget meows, catching Squee’s attention. He turns his head as the cat nudges him and he lowers his arms.
           “Vengeance,” he says.
           “What?” Pete questions.
           “Vengeance,” Squee says again, standing up and glaring down at the stress toy. “If all my friends are gone, like you say, then it’s because of you. And that’s even more reason to keep fighting. For revenge.”
           He draws his knife and Pete’s smile wavers.  
           “Uh b-but you can’t possibly fight us forever,” he points out.
           “Then I’ll die fighting,” Squee growls, pointing his blade at the toy. “All so you can lose.”            Pete stammers fearfully as Squee starts to swing, but gets interrupted by a sudden voice.
           “That’s my boy.”
           The kitchen closet suddenly blows open and random objects clatter onto the floor. Squee watches, bewildered, as something climbs out of the pile.
           “I can’t believe they just shoved me into the closet,” it grumbles.
           Squee’s knife slips from his hand as his eyes well up with fresh tears, but this time not from sadness.
           “Sh…Shmee…?” he croaks.
           The teddy bear looks at him, smiling warmly. “Hello, Squee.”    
           “You’re back,” he breathes.
           “You’re back!?” Pete squeals fearfully.
           Shmee’s smile drops into a furious glare as he faces the squishy toy. “That’s right, you rodent.”
           “B-but it’s not possible!”
           Shmee hobbles across the floor and hops up onto the coffee table. His body is in worse shape than ever before, water-stained and his seams coming apart. But he still looks intimidating as he towers over Squishy Pete.
           “You have some nerve, encroaching on my territory like this,” he snarls, “talking like you own the place. You need to learn some respect.”    
           “You…you don’t scare me!” Pete barks, “I have the power of the Nightmare on my side. I don’t sense the Daydream backing you! You’re all alone!”
           “I don’t need those bureaucrats,” Shmee growls as a shadow starts to grow around him. “I never have.”
           The teddy bear goes lifeless as a light brown aura rises out of it. It towers over Pete, grinning with a mouthful of fangs and narrowed white eyes. Pete can barely squeak in fear as Shmee picks him up with his large claw. He opens his mouth and bites down on the stress toy’s neck, ripping off its head. Shadowy black tendrils spill from the body and Shmee sucks it all up like spaghetti. When there’s nothing left, he drops the lifeless toy onto the floor.        
           “Wow,” Squee croaks. Shmee looks at him and grins brightly. Squee cracks a smile back.
           The moment is ruined as the front door slams open and Zim, Dib, Gaz, Tak, and Pepito burst in. They stop when they see Squee on the couch and the shadowy Shmee hovering over him.
           “It’s the nightmare!” Dib exclaims.
           “Relax,” Shmee scolds, “it’s just me.”
           “Shmee?” Pepito questions, “wow, so that’s your real form.”
           “What are you guys doing here?” Squee asks as he stands up.
           “We’re here to help,” Zim states.
           “Help?” he questions and glares at Pepito accusingly. “You told them?”
           “I had to,” Pepito insists, “Squee, you don’t have to handle this alone.”            “I don’t want you guys getting involved,” Squee argues, “it’s too dangerous.”
           “Squee,” Zim says sternly, “remember when Pepito’s dad attacked the city to try and get him to be the Antichrist? We all helped fight him off. And we helped Gaz when she was being harassed by that weird gamer cult. And you all helped me when I left for Irk. And we help Dib with all of his new, weekly obsessions.”
           “Hey,” Dib snaps.
           “The point being, we’re a team,” Zim states, “we help each other, no matter the danger.”
           Squee stares at him, speechless as his eyes well up.
           “They’re right, Squee,” Shmee says, “you’ve never been alone and you don’t have to face this like you are.”
           “Right,” he croaks, wipes his eyes, and smiles. “Thanks, guys.”
           The others smile back and they all squeeze together into a big, group hug.
           “So,” Squee says as they split up. “What now?”      
           “Uh, well, Johnny’s fighting that Zoli girl,” Dib says.
           “What?” he exclaims, “we gotta help him!”
           “Agreed,” Shmee nods, “but I can’t travel around in my true form and this old body of mine isn’t stable anymore.”            Squee turns to him. “So…what are you saying?”            He smiles. “I’m gonna need you to make me a new body.”            Squee blinks with surprise. “Uh…well, I haven’t written in a while…but I guess that’s a good place to start.”
           “Hang on,” Shmee says, “there’s someone else you need to help to. But uh you might wanna put on some gloves first.”            He quickly explains the situation and Squee gasps. After putting on a pair of gloves, he goes into Johnny’s room, where an old rabbit corpse is still nailed to the wall. He carefully takes it down, the remains threatening to turn to dust in his hands, and carries it back to the living room.
           “What the hell is that?” Gaz gags.
           “Nailbunny,” Squee replies as he rests the body on the coffee table. Then he sits on the couch and grabs a notebook and his favourite fountain pen.
           “Alright. Let’s see if I can still do this.”
           Meanwhile, the fight between Johnny and Zoli is still in full swing. He charges her, swinging his knives. Nightmare tendrils spread from her back to try and block the attack, but he cuts through them with ease. Before he can reach her though, she leaps back.
           “Why you running?” he snarls. Zoli can only growl in response.
           Johnny gets ready to charge again but stops when four figures suddenly drop down next to Zoli. Jimmy, Krik, Dillon, and Edgar stand next to her, staring at Johnny with surprise and horror.
           “About time,” Zoli snaps, “wait. Where’s Tess?”
           The zombies are too petrified by Johnny’s glare to answer.
           “Hey!” she barks.
           “Whu-huh-what?” Jimmy stammers as they look at her.
           “Where’s Tess?”
           “Oh, she uh she betrayed us,” he replies plainly, still somewhat distracted by Johnny’s eyes.
           “Dammit,” Zoli spits, “I knew it was a bad idea to bring her back. Whatever, we’ll deal with her later. Right now, we have to destroy him.” She glares at Johnny. “Don’t hold back. Show no mercy.”
           “Uh, r-right,” Jimmy grunts and the Nightmare tendrils burst from all five of them. Johnny snarls and grips his knives. But before anyone can move, four more figures drop from the rooftops, this time next to Johnny.
           The Night Terrors stand next to him, glaring at Zoli and her zombies.
           “Hey, Nny,” Eff says, “you look…different.”
           “So do you,” Johnny replies, examining their nightmarish changes.
           “You didn’t defeat them?” Zoli barks at the zombies, gesturing to the Night Terrors.
           “W-we tried,” Jimmy whimpers, “but-but they…they’re stronger than we thought.”
           “Unbelievable,” she growls and looks up as Tess slips off Reverend Meat’s back to sit on the ground. “And you! You will be punished for this betrayal.”
           Tess gulps and trembles.  
           “Leave her out of this, Zoli,” Reverend Meat snaps, “this is between us now.”
           “Fine,” Zoli snarls, “we’ll destroy you all at once then.”
           “Alright, now this is a party,” D-boy grins.
           “Just stay out of my way,” Johnny grunts.
           “That should be our line,” Sickness retorts.
           The Nightmare appendages lunge from Zoli and her zombies. Johnny and the Night Terrors charge them head-on. The mass of fangs and tentacles cut and slash them, but together, the five of them tear through.
           The Night Terrors clash against the zombies. Reverend Meat shatters Jimmy’s torso; Sickness slices Edgar in half; the Doughboys rip off Krik and Dillon’s heads. And through the shower of severing limbs, Johnny swings at Zoli.
           She draws a pair of machetes from her coat and barely manages to block his knives. The blades clang against each other and they both swing again.
           They swing and swing and swing and cut into each other, slicing their faces, arms, and chests. Johnny’s blood mixes with Zoli’s as they splatter the road.
           Suddenly, Johnny throws down his blades and catches Zoli’s arms. She’s briefly caught by surprise before he smashes his head into hers. He lets go of her arms as she flies back and skids down the road.
           “M-m’lady,” Jimmy croaks as his body regenerates before Reverend Meat crushes it again.            
           Zoli lies on the ground, coughing up blood. Johnny stands over her, panting as blood drips from his various injuries.
           “This ends now,” he growls.
           Zoli flinches back as he steps forward, then scowls.
          “No!” she shrieks. A humungous mass of tendrils burst from her chest and crash into Johnny. The same thing happens with the zombies, knocking back the Night Terrors. They all roll down the road and look up in shock as the appendages mold together, forming a giant cloud of writhing fangs and tendrils that looms over them, nearly blocking out the sun.
           The appendages strike and Johnny and the Night Terrors brace themselves.
           But nothing happens.
           They look up to see a person standing in front of them. They’re holding their hand forward, emitting a light blue force field from their hand. The Nightmare smashes against it but the shield doesn’t give.
           “Who the-?” Eff questions.
           A second person drops down next to the first. The force field is lowered and the Nightmare is absorbed into their mouth, like they’re sucking up spaghetti. After a couple seconds, the entire mass is gone, leaving Zoli and the zombies lying on the ground, and the person sighs with content.
           “Wh-what?” Zoli gasps, out of breath.
           “Who are you?” Johnny asks.
           The two people turn towards him and his eyes widen with surprise. They don’t look familiar, really, but they have a very familiar feeling.
           They’re both tall, slender men. One of them has short, brown hair. He’s wearing simple brown pants and a matching t-shirt with a brown trench coat. There’s a long scar cutting diagonally down the middle of his face and he has a single bucktooth.
           The other one has short, blue hair. He’s wearing blue jeans with a white shirt that has a cartoon nail in the middle. Both of his eyes have matching scars in the shape of ‘X’s and he has two buckteeth, like a rabbit.
           Johnny stares at the blue haired man, too stunned to say anything. The man smiles at him but before he can say anything, Zoli shouts angrily.
           “You!” she snaps as she stands up. “Who are you?”            The brunette clears his throat. “I’m surprised you don’t know me. Although, I guess we never were officially introduced.”
           He nods at the blue haired man. “After you.”
           He bows his head with respect. “I am Nailbunny. I block out evil.”
           “And I am Shmee,” the other smirks, “I absorb evil.”
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