#I want 29171719382891i2o2 more of this
cumbercookiebatchs · 3 years
He's going through the fourteenth birthday message, when the bedroom door opens.
"I thought you were still asleep."
Enjolras balances the tray of food with one hand, and closes the door with the other. He's still wearing pyjama pants and Grantaire's shirt, he's beautiful.
"You did that yourself?" Grantaire asks, as he gives the tray a look, there's pancakes, coffee, toast, a little cupcake with a candle and a single flower in a little vase.
He tries his best to avoid laughing; Enjolras looks very offended.
"Yes," he says, annoyed, but bites his lip "the cupcake is store bought, I didn't want to risk it."
Grantaire gets serious now. "My love, come one, it was one time!"
"But it still happened! Do you have any idea of how embarassing that was? " Enjolras puts the tray on the bedside table, and mimics to talk into his hand as if it were a phone.
"Yes, oh I'm sorry I won't be able to get to the meeting...well, my husband is in the hospital right now because of food poisoning. The reason?  I tried to make him some fucking cupcakes!"
Enjolras has this pout on his face, and Grantaire's first urge is to kiss it away. "Come here" he says, and wraps his arms around Enjolras as soon as he's in his lap.
A sweet, nice silence floods the room for a few minutes. Grantaire drinks his coffee while Enjolras traces circles in Grantaire's chest. Mornings like this make Grantaire wonder what kind of good he did to deserve this.
"Happy birthday, old man" Enjolras says once he's sure Grantaire is done with the coffee.  Grantaire can feel Enjolras smile, even if his husband is hiding his face on Grantaire's chest.
"Old man? I'm only three years older than you!" Grantaire answers, smiling as a few stray blond hairs tickle his nose.
"Exactly," Enjolras says, matter of factly, looking into his eyes. " When you're 70 and need a cane to help you get to places, I'll be 67 and full of life."
"Seems like it" Grantaire smirks, and kisses Enjolras, two, three, four times times, and things started to get heated.
But just Grantaire starts leaving a trail of kisses down his husband neck, the door knob turns slightly but goes back into place.
"It was about time. Ow, Grantaire stop it! " Enjolras laughs, and Grantaire pulls back with a smile from the bruise he was sucking on Enjolras neck.
Enjolras climbs down his husband lap, making his way to the bedroom door, and as soon as he opens it, their daughter rushes to the bed and hugs Grantaire.
But she's also very soon distracted by the food on the tray.
"Hey! What do we say to Daddy?" Enjolras asks Marianne just before she takes a bite of the pancackes.
"Happy birthday Daddy!" She threw her arms around Grantaire's neck once again. "Can I eat pancakes now?"
"Of course you can." Grantaire took the plate and cut the pancake in small pieces for Marianne to eat. "Oh, and what's this?" Grantaire asks her.
"That's a drawing of you!"
"No talking with your mouth full, Marianne." Enjolras says, sitting on the bed next to his daughter and husband.
"It does looks like me! We both are very handsome, right Angel?" Grantaire says wiggling his eyebrows. Enjolras rolls his eyes and Marianne laughs.
"Funny Daddy!"
They finish breakfast in bed, Marianne ocasionally sharing her pancakes with Grantaire, and being nice enough to let him blow out the candle in his cupcake.
"Wait!" She screams. "How old are you turning, Daddy?"
Enjolras laughs loudly, and teases. "Oh, Daddy is really old."
"How old?"
"How old do you think I am, Sweetheart?"
"Um, twenty? That's very old."
Enjolras almost chokes on his water.
"Come here, kiddo, let me tell you a secret." Grantaire says.
"Oh my God, you're very old!" Marianne exclaims again and Enjolras stomach already hurts from laughing so hard.
Grantaire nods at his amazed daughter. "Yes, I am very old."
Enjolras wipes a few tears from his eyes and adresses Grantaire. "Happy birthday."
They kiss, for as long as their five-year-old allows them. "Daddy! Papa! That's gross!"
Grantaire's phone rings with a new notification, and two pairs of blue eyes look at him, not entirely wishing for the moment to be over.
Grantaire puts the phone back.
There's many phone calls and messages he's yet to answer, his friends will probably show up with a cake and gifts and wine in the afternoon, and his sisters would most likely send him a plane ticket so he can spend the weekend with them back in Italy. But Grantaire leaves the phone, and for the next hour or so, he goes back to his blue-eyed duo.
Grantaire blows raspberries into Marianne's belly, and together they tickle Enjolras. They all laugh, and Grantaire hugs his husband and daughter tightly, it feels like he's holding the world in his arms.
I'll consider this a birthday present for me, and i might be a little teary at the moment.
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