#I wanna see how the rest of their time at univeil goes!
Hi, it's fun to read your passionate recaps of your Jack Jeanne playthrough of Suzu's route. I can't wait to read more when you're finally get to the other guys (and some other supporting characters' stories along the way). It's so nice to see more JJ fans on here (or anywhere really). This game deserves more hype. Do you follow a walkthrough or playing it blind? I want to give a "soft" recommend of Suzu -> Sou -> Mitsuki -> Fumi -> Kai -> Neji -> Kisa even if you're doing it blind. After having played all routes, that is the best built up IMO. And FYI, if you want to get more official merchs, there are also an OST and a vinyl set. Anyway, thanks for the nice recaps and can't wait for the other routes. 😊 Have a nice day or night wherever you are.
Awww, Anon!!!! Thank you so much for the sweet words! I’m glad there are people who liked my rambles! And yeah, so far in terms of official merch I bought the vocal collection, the shuffle album, the art book, and two light novels. It was pricey but I wanted to support the game! I considered getting the official ost as well but I figured I’ve already pushed my bank account far enough with just this much 😂
I’m using a walkthrough, but it doesn’t give details so I’m never spoiled for the story (heck there are certain choices where the context was different than what I expected when I saw it in the walkthrough). I think the route order you recommended is that same order the guide I’m using suggests so that’s the order I’ll play it in! Like I said before I’m focusing on Radiant Tale now (well actually first that suzukisa fic and THEN Radiant Tale). I wanna get my man Vilio but his route is locked until the end so I’m focusing on that before I continue Jack Jeanne. I probably won’t go as crazy with posts as I did with Suzu’s route, more likely I’ll post general end of route thoughts or if something happens that I HAVE to talk about right away I’ll post it then.
But Jack Jeanne was sooooooo good!!!! It deserves way more hype and I hope more people enjoy it! Also I may only have played the one route so far but I would love to see a sequel someday!!!! If not that, a fan disk maybe?
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kenkamishiro · 4 years
Jack Jeanne Playthrough Part 3 (April 5)
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1 month later. April 5th in the VN. Kisa is at Univeil and excited she passed the entrance exam. She runs into her childhood friend Yonaga who's also been accepted. He's shocked that Kisa is attending too, but before she can explain Suzu joins them, introduces one each other.
Quartz's theme is "transparency" where many inexperienced performers who haven't specialized yet tend to go.
Onyx = Jacks whose forte is in dance.
Rhodonite = Jeannes who specialize in song.
Amber is where talented and unique students gather.
Suzu theorizes Kisa would be in Rhodonite because of her appearance, himself in Onyx because his physical abilities make him more suitable for dancing than singing or acting. Yonaga would like to be in Quartz.
Yonaga: Quartz...would be nice.
Suzu: I get what you mean!
Yonaga: Huh?
Suzu: Tbh I enrolled in Univeil cause I really admire Tachibana Tsuki, the legendary Jackace of Quartz!
Kisa: ...!
Suzu: That's why I wanna be in the same class as Tachibana Tsuki...come to think of it, your last names are the same.
Kisa: (If people find out I'm related to Tsuki-nii, it might make it even easier for them to discover my identity...! But it might be better than lying poorly...)
Kisa: It's true. It's the same (nonchalantly)
Yonaga: ......
Suzu: Maybe you guys are distant relatives!
Kisa: *nervous laughter*
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Yonaga cuts in and says they should go check which class they're in. Kisa thanks Yonaga for the save. Their year is the 78th class of Univeil. All 3 are in Quartz.
Kisa gets called to the headmaster's office.
Chuuza congratulates her and informs her about her admission. The only ones who know that Kisa is a girl is him, Quartz's homeroom teacher Enishi Rokurou, and now Yonaga, Kisa's childhood friend. Chuuza is surprised that someone who knew about Kisa enrolled in the school.
But if anyone else finds out that she's a girl, expulsion. But since a lot of students are feminine, she won't have to go out of her way to act and dress like a boy. He reminds her to build trust with the rest of the students, and aim to become a lead and aim for the top.
Kisa arrives to Quartz's homeroom late.
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??: Yes, yes, come right in.
Kisa: (The teacher...? But he's in a student uniform.)
??: You were called in quite loudly during the school announcements. Did you run into any issues on the first day? Theft, robbery, manslaughter, extortion, coercion, or a bank robbery, perhaps...?
(Please watch the clip of this scene. Can you tell he and Furuta share the same VA? 😄)
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Fumi: No one like that would be in our school, Kuro.
??: But wouldn't be great to have such a plucky 1st year around, Fuumin! All the world's a stage!
Fumi: And, if the cops came?
??: I concede! Law is what keeps society together.
Kai: ...you two are bothering the 1st years.
Kisa finds a seat by Suzu and Yonaga.
Neji Kokuto (3rd year, 76th class of Univeil) welcomes the 1st year students to Univeil and Quartz. Class leader-slash-scriptwriter-slash-director-slash...all kinds of other things! He provides an info-dump about Univeil for us.
5 performances in total: Rookie, Summer, Fall, Winter, and Univeil Exhibitions. The Rookie Exhibition is where the 1st years take the lead roles, which is going to be held May 30th. Today is April 5th, so less than 2 months remain. Most viewers will watch over them warmly,  but others will be more strict, like journal reporters, critics and avid Univeil fans. Neji will write a script to allow even novices like them to shine on stage. Casting will be announced mid-April. Upper years are also participating and support the 1st years.
Neji: If you have any questions, all you need is to ask. I'm sure all our seniors here will be more than happy to help you.
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??: What, no way.
Neji: With some exceptions of course! Mwahaha. Mikki's a 2nd year now, you can be a little nice to your juniors, hm?
??: ...
Kisa notes he looks cute like a doll. Shirota Mitsuki, noted for his singing. He catches Kisa staring at him, and she apologizes.
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Neji asks if anyone has any questions. You're given 3 options: 1) How casting is determined, 2) Type of training to be done, 3) No questions.
Casting is based on Neji's subjective judgment. Everything from how they're doing in lessons, campus life, the way they walk, talk, physique, voice, facial expressions. Essentially based on his intuition, which he uses to find gemstones in the rough.
Training I'll explain later, there's gameplay related to it.
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Neji finishes his spiel and passes it on to Quartz's homeroom teacher, Enishi. Pretty low energy. Lessons start tomorrow. Class is dismissed.
Suzu meets Kisa outside the Quartz dorms and asks if she's ready to introduce herself to the other students. He notes it's hard to find people since Univeil is so large. They chat for a bit, Suzu asks Kisa to call him by his first name, so Suzu-kun it is.
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Inside Yonaga's dorm. He's finished unpacking, though he's still yet to put away his books (on theatre). He asks how Kisa got into Univeil, and she explains what happened. Yonaga says he'll help Kisa to make sure she stays at Univeil. He's glad that Kisa is here with him.
Yonaga: Kisa-chan, about Tsuki-kun...
Kisa: I can't get in touch with Tsuki-nii, but I'm sure he's doing fine wherever he is. 
Yonaga: I see. Yeah, I'm sure he is.
(Isn't that sketchy? Maybe he turned into that weasel with the moon on its belly lol)
Kisa begins her search for the Quartz students. At the Univeil courtyard, Kisa hears Mitsuki singing.
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"Within this chest of mine I dance, the rhythm of possibilities"
Kisa: (I'd heard he was lauded for his singing, but he really has a beautiful voice...the lyrics paint the scene in my head.)
Mitsuki: ...could you not stare at me like that? It's uncomfortable.
Kisa: Oh, I'm sorry!
Mitsuki: Oh, you again. The 1st year who came in late.
Kisa: Yes. My name is Tachibana Kisa. It's a pleasure to meet you.
Mitsuki: Huh...you've got a face like a girl.
Kisa: Eh? Y-yes, I suppose so.
Mitsuki: A high-pitch voice. A delicate figure. And a Jeanne at that. At least be aware of your own features.
Kisa: I-I'm sorry.
He sighs and introduces himself. 2nd year, 77th class of Univeil. A Jeanne and a tresor (songstress/diva) of Quartz. VA is Kajiwara Gakuto (Asta). Kisa compliments him on his singing.
Mitsuki: So you were eavesdropping.
Kisa: I-I'm sorry.
Mitsuki: Well, not like I care either way. Later.
Kisa: He left...I guess he doesn't really like interacting with people. But his voice really was beautiful.
(If I had to describe Mitsuki's tone, it would be similar to Kenma, but a bit more antisocial lol)
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Kisa finds Kai in the forest, seemingly concentrating on something. She decides to come back later, but Kai notices her.
Kai: ...? Quartz's 1st year?
Kisa: Yes! I'm Tachibana Kisa.
Kai: I see, you're...
Kisa: Yes!
(awkward silence between the two)
Kai: Mutsumi Kai, 76th class of Univeil. I'm a 3rd year.
Kisa: So I should call you Mutsumi-senpai!
Kai: Kai is fine. You can call me that around other people too.
Kisa: But...
Kai: ...
Kisa: ...(agrees)
Kai: ...
Kisa: T-then, I'll call you Kai-san!
Kai: Okay.
Kisa notes Kai is the Jackace of Quartz. And since Tsuki was also the Jackace, that means he must be talented too.
Kai: I'm a vessel meant to garnish the Aljeanne. Nothing more, nothing less.
Kisa is confused by his statement. Convo ends.
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Kisa runs into Neji next in the hallways. He enters a room then promptly comes back out.
Neji: Welcome!
Kisa: Ah!
Neji: What're you doing in a place like this?
Kisa: I'm going around introducing myself to everyone in Quartz.
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Neji invites her into his workroom where he writes his scripts and plans his staging. But he also performs on stage, any male or female role, from a shining prince/princess to old grannies/gramps.
He's currently working on the script for Quartz, but he won't reveal it just yet. Kisa asks if the other class leaders write the scripts like he does, but Neji is a special case, who screenwrites, directs and performs.
Neji: Once you get carried away, you can't see what's going on around you. What we do has no end to it. Acting, dancing, singing, they're fields that you can pursue for a lifetime. You could reach the stars, or merely end up as a master of none. No matter how much time,  it will never be enough. It's a terrifying world out there. That's why it's so engrossing. The stage is a colossal device. The Jacks and Jeannes make up the gears, and I am the craftsman who pieces them together. Let's create a fantastic stage together, Tachibana-kun!
Neji must continue writing, and wishes Kisa the best for the Rookie Exhibition. (Neji definitely talks the most out of the main cast lol. And fast too, talks a mile a minute and tone varies hugely)
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Kisa finds Fumi standing languidly in the middle of the dance room, taking deep breaths before beginning to dance. A Japanese-style dance where his movements are gentle, beautiful and brilliant. He comments on Kisa staring intently at him, just like during the entrance exam.
Kisa is surprised that Fumi remembered, despite the number of applicants.
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Fumi: I remember you and the red-haired guy well cause you two danced so terribly.
Kisa: Oh...
Fumi: I'm just kidding. Though the red-haired guy really did suck.
Kisa introduces herself, and Fumi pauses at hearing the name Tachibana. 3rd year Takashina Sarafumi, 76th class of Univeil, but he prefers being called Fumi, no senpai honorific attached. Kisa ends up calling him Fumi-san.
Fumi: Let's have fun, Kisa. (leaves)
Kisa: It's overwhelming seeing him up close. So that's the power of an Aljeanne.
Kisa goes to her room excited for her new life at Univeil and retires for the night for her 1st day of classes tomorrow.
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