#I wanna make a paper plate lion with construction paper
marlow-holly · 2 years
Who want to listen to Cavetown with the windows open on a cold rainy day while we do arts and crafts in the act of parallel play
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lovemeleo · 4 years
Valentine’s Day with kids
It’s literally 38 minutes until the end of Valentine’s Day but I finally finished! Y’all know I had to get some Coops with Asher for Valentine’s day! This was so fun to write, so I hope you all enjoy! Coops and the SW world belongs to forever fantastic @lumosinlove but Asher Pascal is my OC!
Here is the rest of the Asher Pascal series if you haven’t read any of those yet!
cw: mentions of food
There was a big difference between Valentine’s day with and without a child. Today was the day Sirius and Remus were finding that out. They had two Valentine days together prior to this one but now they had Asher as well.
A few of their teammates had even offered to watch Asher for them so they could go out for dinner, but they turned them all down. There was all the time in the world to go for dinner dates or to the movies or whatever else they would have planned. They decided with this being Asher’s first Valentine’s day, they would celebrate with him. 
The night before, they had gone to the grocery store and purchased tons of Valentine’s day things, decorations for the house, tons of construction paper to make valentines. After Asher had gone to sleep, they hung pink and red streamers and hearts all over the kitchen, throughout the hall. Sirius and Remus fell into bed around 11pm, too tired to even pull the blankets over themselves.
Around 7 the next morning, they began to hear movement from the baby monitor. Sirius let out a groan, pressing his face into the pillows, “The mini monster is moving.” He mumbled, his voice muffled.
“Maybe if we stay quiet, he’ll go back to sleep. And we can sleep a bit longer.” Remus murmured from where he was cuddled into Sirius’s side.
Just as they started dozing off, a tiny voice started calling to them through the monitor, “Dad! Daddy! Hello! It’s me, Asher!” Remus couldn’t help but laugh, as he pressed his face into Sirius’s shoulder.
Grumbling softly, Sirius began sitting up, “It appears we’re being summoned.” He said as he sat up. Before he could get out of bed, Sirius was pulled back down for a kiss, both of them smiling into it.
“Happy Valentine’s day, baby.” Remus murmured against his lips. 
Sirius hummed happily as he pulled away, “Happy Valentine’s day, mon loup. I-”
“Hello?!” A tapping sound followed the insistent voice, cutting Sirius off as they both glanced over at the monitor. Sirius shook his head with a laugh, tugging on a pair of sweats before heading down the hall to Asher’s room.
The child in question was standing in his crib in his footie pajamas, staring at the door impatiently, “Daddy, I called you.”
Shaking his head fondly, Sirius lifted Asher out of the crib and rested him on his hip, “Terribly sorry, mon petit.” He said as they began to make their way down the hall. Asher’s eyes widened as he looked at all the decorations.
“The house is so pretty.” The little boy murmured, eyes on the sparkly hearts that covered the walls.
Remus met up with them in the kitchen, smiling as he saw Asher’s wide eyes, “Ready for pancakes?” He asked as he started getting the ingredients out. Sirius rested Asher on the counter in between them as he wiggled happily.
“Looove pancakes! Can we make them pretty too?” He asked, looking up at Remus. As if he could ever say no to that face. 
Pulling out the food coloring, Remus set them next to the big mixing bowl, “Of course, we’ve got a couple different colors.” 
“Red, please!” Asher said with a happy grin. They had started teaching Asher colors recently. To absolutely no one’s surprise, his favorite color? Gryffindor red. Though he still struggled to say Gryffindor. 
Remus added the red into pancake batter before he began mixing it together. Leaning over the bowl carefully, Asher watched as the red swirled into the batter, “Perfect.” He whispered quietly.
“What color is it now, Ash?” Sirius asked, keeping his hands on either side of Asher to make sure he didn’t fall off the counter.
Asher’s eyebrows furrowed as he kicked his feet, bouncing them off the counter, “Umm.. Pink?” He said, glancing up at Remus.
Nodding, Remus smiled big, “Great job, Ash!” He said, holding up his hand for a high five. Wiggling happily in his spot, Asher reached up and high fived Remus. 
As Remus began to put the pancakes on the griddle, Sirius moved Asher to his highchair, “So after pancakes, we get to start making our valentines. Who’re you gonna make them for?” He asked as he got him buckled in.
Asher hummed softly as he thought, “It’s a long list, daddy. I need lots of paper.” He insisted.
Chuckling softly, Sirius started setting the table, “We’ve got tons of paper, don’t worry, bub.” Remus started setting out pancakes on their plates. He had managed to make them into the shape of hearts.
“Turning into a chef now, Loops?” Sirius said with a smile as he watched Remus make a smiley face on their pancakes with whipped cream and syrup on the top..
Asher gasped as they were put on his plate, “Daddy! They look so yummy!!” He said happily, grabbing his fork as he began to eat. They were trying to be better about letting him eat by himself, even if that meant a long bath afterwards. He was getting better though. They mostly just needed a washcloth nowadays instead of the whole bath.
The pile of pancakes was quickly demolished between the three of them, Sirius loading the dishwasher as Remus took Asher to wash up. Between the syrup and the whipped cream, the aftermath was a bit of a mess.
After the bath, he took Asher into his room, setting him on the floor as he started going through the closet, “Alright, Ash. What do we wanna wear today?”
Remus let out a sigh, glancing back at him, “Helpful, very helpful. Which red? You wanna do the red leggings?”
Asher nodded quickly, getting up to pull them out of the drawer, “With my Gryff sweater, pleeease!” He insisted, quickly tugging the leggings on. The Gryff sweater was his favorite, it was a gift from the team and had his name on the back. As soon as Remus handed it to him, Asher was tugging it over his head, messy curls popping out of the top.
When they got back downstairs, Sirius had cleaned up the kitchen and gotten their own little valentine workshop set up in the living room. On top of the tons of construction paper, they had purchased glitter, new markers, glue and valentine’s themed stickers.
Remus set Asher down so he could run over to the table, and he quickly got his first piece of paper setup.
“Who’s that one for, Asher?” Remus asked as he sat across from him.
Asher looked up from the paper that was already covered in glitter, “It’s for my Le!” He said happily. He made a giant heart on the front, covering it with glue and then glitter. As soon as he was done, Sirius wrote Leo’s name on the bottom before setting it aside to dry.
This process was continued, and before they knew it, their living room was just covered in valentines. Asher insisted on making one for every single player on the team, as well as any of their family members he had met. It looked like a glitter bomb had exploded in their living room.
“We’re going to be covered in glitter for months.” Sirius muttered, glitter falling as he shook out his hair. 
Remus nodded as he picked it off his skin, watching as Asher finished up his last couple valentines, “Yeah. It’s going to be literally everywhere. We’re gonna deliver these in the locker room and then it’s going to be on the jerseys and the helmets.” He said with a chuckle.
Smirking, Sirius rested his head on Remus’s shoulder, “And they thought our team couldn’t get more gay. Wait until they see us coming onto the ice, covered in glitter.” 
They both started giggling, leaning into each other when Asher walked over, holding a piece of paper carefully.
“What you got there, mon chou?” Sirius asked with a smile, sitting up to pull Asher on his lap.
Asher looked up nervously, “This is yours.” He said, holding it out.
Both of their faces softened as Remus took it carefully, looking at the picture. He had drawn three stick people, holding hands in a big heart. It had glitter all around it and smiley faces. 
“That’s you with the short hair then Daddy, that’s you with long hair. And I’m in the middle. And we’re in a heart because I love you.” Asher said softly, fiddling with the bottom of his sweater.
Sirius sniffled softly, “Mon petit amour.. It’s perfect. We love you too.” 
“Yes, So much,” Remus whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. “We’re going to have to get a frame for this. It’s a masterpiece.”
Asher smiled proudly, nuzzling in between them. 
Valentine’s Day with a kid was very different from Valentine’s day without one, but they wouldn’t have it any other way.
And neither would the entirety of the Lions who of course were covered in glitter for months, but still kept their valentines hung up in their locker room stalls.
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