#I wanna heeeear!
omni-scient-pan-da · 1 year
Me: *talking with Murphy amongst a group of people about being gay*
Murphy: Men!
The group: *cheering* Men!!
Friend 1: And women!! God I love women!!
The group: Women!!
Me: And nonbinary people, god I love non-binary people
The group: Enbies!!
Murphy: *doing a suspicious little finger wag at me* I have theories about you
Me: That I'm gay?
Murphy: *just continues to wave his finger at me and give me a look*
Me: *laughs* What?
Murphy: *shoos Friend 1 off to the rest of the group*
Friend 1: No, I wanna heeeear
Murphy: *refuses to say anything until he can catch me alone, running up behind me and low-key kinda jumping up to my shoulder to cup his hand around my ear and loudly whisper* May?
Murphy: *at normal volume* That's my theory
Me: *laughs* Yeah--
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irlwakko · 6 years
Alters: Ain’t nothin’ but a heartache
Alters: Ain’t nothin’ but a miiiistake
Mike: Now number fiiiive!
Mike: WOO!
Alters: I waaaant it thaaaaaat way
Mike: God, chills. Literal chills.
Zoey: It was number five. Number five pushed Cam into the volcano.
Mike: OH, yeah, I forgot about that...
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tinymute · 7 years
Does somebody wanna plot? I can heeeear you existing over there.
Like this post. 
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bolandoando · 4 years
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Chapter 1 - Yell It Out yet Keep It In [5d: Mei 1]
I went into the kitchen, thinking about getting something to temporarily top off my power supply, Mei was already there it seems, trying to figure out how the microwave worked.
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“Come on! Why doesn’t this stupid thing have a sensor?!”
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“I believe you’re meant to pull on the handle of the door.”
Without a word, Mei gives the handle a tug and the door pops open easily.
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“..I already knew that. Just so you know.”
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“Oh, alright then.”
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“So, did you come to see me? I know it must be a lot to have a celebrity in your midst, but please, don’t give me that much attention!”
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“Well, actually I was–”
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“Buuut if you really must give me the attention, who am I to stop you? Go on, tell me how great I am!”
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“Um...okay then..?”
I didn’t really get it, but I give Mei whatever compliments she wanted to hear. I still enjoyed the time I spent with her!
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“Nothing better than being told how great I look...”
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“Glad to help!” I wasn’t aware you needed to say it 27 times, but now I knew for next time!
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“Tell me how much you love my videos how! I wanna heeeear it!”
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“Oh, um...I’ve never seen your videos. So I don’t know what they’re like.”
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“Ugh, what a mood killer...”
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“I’m sorry, but I didn’t want to lie.”
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“Still can’t believe you’ve ever seen a vlog before. They’re still all the rage! Super good with the algorithm!”
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“Algorithm..? What kind?”
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“Uh, the kind YouTube uses to push videos, idiot! Gotta set the scales and stuff!”
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“Wait, so you abuse the algorithm? isn’t that wrong..?”
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“Don’t be silly, everyone does it! It’s how you play the fame game. And I’m number one.”
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“But I don’t see how that makes it better...”
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“Aaaaanyway, gonna make my food now!” Mei throws a frozen dinner into the microwave and...seems to struggle to turn it on.
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“Do you need any–”
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“No, go away!”
Deciding not to make her any angrier, I do as she asked and leave. I didn’t need to recharge that badly anyway.
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bizzlestix · 7 years
The Adventure in space.
Agent Juicy Potato, known as Mo by those who don't know any better, saw a delightful advertisement for a Mood Ring and a complimentary examination to determine what kind of vampire she was. Mo was not, in fact, a vampire, but that didn't stop her from draining blood from people's necks when appropriate. This day she left her position at the bar of her speakeasy, and set off to find something worth finding, and this sign was not it, nor would it lead to it. Mo walked in a direction and it was westerly. She was attacked by a gang of Shady Characters. Fortunately, Mo had found a large cookie in her bag of Small Cookies Magic earlier that day, and they were easily dispatched. One of the shady characters croaked out a message. He said "The secret lies with the Magnanimous Monkey Man." Mo didn't have heard of such an entity, but since not paying attention to cryptic messages in Capisce Town can get you killed, she remembered it.
Mo came across a Forest Marton. His name was Mr. Divine Hare, and he worked in an office above Mo's speakeasy. "Cha," he expoused gleefully. "How delightful to see you today." Mo brusquely gruffed at him. "Mmwww," said Divine Hare. "I was just in the neighborhood, and I thought I would give you some kind of gizmo..." Mo wondered why he would do that exactly, but did not complain because gizmos are spiffy. "Oh, did you run into anybody on your way here?" Divine Hare questioned. Mo said that she did, actually, and recited the message that the one Shady Character gave her as it died. "Ohhh, well that sounds ominous. You should find the Magnanimous Monkey Man and confront him."
Mo decided she didn't want to. Instead, she went to the store to get her favourite brand of cookies. There she met the Magnanimous Monkey Man, henceforth to be referred to as the M^3. Mo didn't want to talk to him, but he said "I've got a seeecret! You wanna heeeear it?!" "Not especially," said Mo. Then she picked up a grenade that had just dropped at her feet sans pin, and threw into the next aisle. "Good riddance to bad rubbish," she noted. Then she left without paying, because this was Capisce Town and that was how they rolled.
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