#I wanna get blinded by that title sequence in my dark room
cas110520 · 7 months
We deserve a season 4 of Hannibal. We deserve to see them post-fall. We deserve to see them running around together avoiding Jack. We deserve to see them give each other a knowing look when someone is rude. We deserve to see them kill together. We deserve to see them cooking together in whatever kitchen in whatever house they find. We deserve to see Hannibal tenderly teach Will how to fancifully prepare a meal. We deserve to see slutty Will and sassy Hannibal. We deserve to see them give a maybe, maybe just a chaste subtle kiss on the cheeks. We deserve season 4. Pleassseeeee
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eldritchcuddles · 3 years
April Wordcount
It occurred to me that I can crosspost my wordcount tracking from dreamwidth so I remember to keep actually using this blog >_>
Total April wordcount: 12,294
- Naruto drabble Like This
IN PROGRESS [all titles are working titles unless noted otherwise, titles are typically the last thing I come up with]
- Dungeonstuck AU: 1871 words - KisaObi Hospital Romansu: NOT A DAMN THING TT_TT - Founders Era SI!OC crossover: 1743 words - Orochimaru spite timeline fix AU: 5165 words (yeah woo!) - Rabbit & Wolf: 1007 words
- Random fragments: 1949 words
Sneak peeks:
> Rabbit & Wolf <
“That’s not-” he began, stumbling over his words. “This is a really bad- I could kill you like this.”
“I know,” she snapped, glaring at the floor as she felt her blush creep up to her ears and down the back of her neck. “Believe me, I am aware that this is not the opening sequence for kinky funtimes. It’s an automatic response, shut up.”
He took a deep breath (scenting her! the primal part of her brain insisted, and she wasn’t even entirely certain it was wrong), loosened his grip, and rose to his feet, keeping his hand firm on her back until he was standing. The message was clear enough: stay down.
> Orochimaru Spite Fix-it <
“So, wanna get something to eat?” Yosegiri asked as they walked down the outer steps of Hokage Tower, arms crossed behind their head.
Tsuyoshi shrugged and signed, “Does it count as being rude eating in front of people if they’re covert operatives?”
Yosegiri snickered. “Nah, pretty sure that only counts if they show themselves, otherwise we’re supposed to pretend they’re not there.”
“Pretend who’s not there?” came a voice over Yosegiri’s shoulder.
“No one, dear,” they said to the mystery voice, not turning to look. “We’re supposed to pretend that no one is there unless they come out, even if they’re obviously not trying very hard to hide. It’s polite, or something.”
“Maa, we can’t have anyone being impolite, can we?” the voice responded, and the speaker pulled up to Yosegiri’s side wearing a porcelain dog mask and wearing the standard uniform of Konoha’s ANBU.
“Fuck, no,” Yosegiri agreed cheerfully. “That shit’s unconscionable in a guest.”
> Dungeonstuck AU <
“How did you do that?”
The blunt question would have startled Kei if she weren’t still numb past the point of startling at anything, she thought. It certainly came out of nowhere, a harsh voice in the dark from somewhere behind her. She canted her head vaguely over her shoulder. She was still blinded by the torchlight outside and unable to make out anything in the deep shadows in that corner, but from the positioning the speaker might have been the traitor Hatake, she thought. “Do what?” she asked, trying to get him to speak again. Information gathering, she laughed at herself. Almost like a shinobi.
“You unsealed the snake,” the voice in the dark said again. “You shouldn’t be able to mold chakra in here.”
Oh, professional curiosity. How like a Hatake, that even the rogue ones would be so focused, Kei mused as she moved her hand absently through the curls of the seals she had placed to counteract the ones keeping her new serpentine friend comatose. She could feel the intensity of the Hatake’s stare on her gesture, and she let a touch of power bleed out of the stale air to limn her fingers, tracing them in the air to make a small, hovering light.
That got more eyes on her and she almost extinguished the light in revulsion, but the stares weren’t on her, just her light, or darting around the room in reflexive calculation. Her skin stopped crawling, and she lifted herself in her cross-legged posture and turned enough to face the Hatake a little more directly. “Good thing I’m not molding chakra then, huh?”
“Mahou,” he concluded, and she nodded. “And nothing worth suppressing to prevent your escape, since they haven’t bothered.”
Kei stretched her lips in the shape of something that might have been a smile in another life and told him, “It’s like you know their security protocols from the inside, or something!” It was a petty jab. She wasn’t sorry.
> Founders Era <
"You told Uchiha Madara you were a miko? You?" Yosegiri asked, cackling, letting his eyes rove over Haruka but never making it higher than her collarbones.
She snorted and rolled her eyes. "I was dressed as a miko at the time and was healing his brother, it was a reasonable conclusion to draw at first impression. And if Uchiha Madara was standing over you radiating murder then you'd tell him you were a fucking bodhisattva if you thought it would keep him from ventilating your ribcage, so don't even start with me."
Naturally, both the man himself, his brother, and their Senju counterparts chose that moment to settle at the temporary teahouse table next to them, taking tea in full view where everyone could see them continuing to not fight to the death after a long day of construction and meetings and who knew what else.
Haruka did not blush- there was no way they hadn't heard her, her voice carried at the best of times and the teahouse wasn't that loud- but after a moment she did chance a glance their way. Her eyes locked with Senju Tobirama's, expressionless save for a glint that she was positive was amusement, and both Uchiha brothers glanced her way at the same moment. Keeping her sigh strictly internal, Haruka tendered both a polite nod that Izuna at least returned with a grin and Madara answered with a faint nod and fractional shift in his expression- oh, he was being dignified today- and she called that good enough.
Of course that was when Senju Hashirama spoke up. "Madara, did you really think she was a miko? I seem to recall the cover being less successful when it was my brother in the outfit." **
Haruka choked.
** yes, this is a hat tip to @asukaskerian‘s blood rare and sweet as cherry wine, which is hot as fuck and an all around blast to read. My fic is not set in that storyverse, but as a Noodle Incident “that one time Tobirama dressed up as a miko and got spotted” was too good to pass up.
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