#I used to eat them with milkshakes a lot too and that protein drink genuinely tastes like a milkshake I’m so happy
bixy · 7 months
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trying to curb my hot cheeto addiction
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sillypiratelife · 8 months
Modern au silly little Zoro headcanons based on stuff I see normally in Latam:
He's the one friend that falls asleep as soon as the car starts moving and awakes on his own when they are near their destination, like it's magic or something.
Hates protein bars and protein milkshakes because a lot of them are sweet tasting.
Genuinely the one that hangs on the sides of the open bus door and rides there when the bus is busting with people. Never falls.
Overly respects the sacred ritual of drinking a couple of beers before and a lot of beers after the regular softball/baseball game with the pals.
He actually has a favorite liquor store. They send him new stuff to taste all the time and it is on the house.
The bank would call him saying that someone is trying to retire money from his account not knowing that it's literally him trying to pay.
Big Bro of the whole neighborhood, whenever he comes around he gets dragged into five different houses to chat and eat and he ends up having to join a basketball/baseball game before he's allowed to leave.
Probably the type who doesn't care about football ⚽ that much, so the "alpha dudes" look at him with suspicion.
Oblivious to how dangerous certain areas are because he's the Danger in the streets, which means it's useless to ask him to suggest a place to eat (he'd eat literally anywhere lol).
That one asshole friend that is not bothered by the mosquitoes. Theory says that it's the not showering that aids him.
Carries three freaking pocket knives with him at all times, instead of his swords.
He doesn't wear jewelry except for his three earrings. He has gotten in a lot of fights with people trying to steal them from him (yes it's real gold, it makes him look like a criminal).
Instead of a bandana, he wears a baseball cap backwards. If he rights it, it's game over for the person he's about to completely destroy.
The metro workers already know him and would help him get into the actual station he needs to go to. It's safer for him underground than when he's on his own in the city streets.
Actually a great dancer, he's just too busy drinking at the party and he is not particularly interested in finding a dancing partner. He learned to dance as extra training for his arms legs coordination and found out that he was a natural because he has good ears.
Gets money from helping people move out. He's the one who the elderly people of the neighborhood call when they need extra help with anything, also the one the kids wait for every summer because they want to play with him. A man of the people.
He's lonelier when he's traveling around for his tournaments/competitions. The straw hats always make a point to at least send one of them with Zoro if not all of them can go.
Before the straw hats, Zoro barely used his phone. After the straw hats, he had to put it in mute because they won't shut up. He loves them a universe for that, not that he'd say it.
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pacifymebby · 2 years
do you have any advice for dealing with an eating disorder when you live alone? when i lived with family i couldn't get away with not eating at least one proper meal a day. now i live on my own i find it hard to hold myself accountable sometimes and struggle to find the motivation to eat properly. sorry if this is triggering in any way, ignore this if it's too much 💌
I think from my experience the best thing to do is to not hold yourself to too high a standard. Do what you can.
My absolute best bit of advice is to use protein shakes. Something like huel or proteinworks.
Now I don't mean live off them or have them every day, but what I do is keep a packet of the meal replacement powder in my cupboard at all times because it's a lowcal shake that actually is as nutritious as eating a meal. When I relapse I fall back on these things and they help me through the lowest stage.
In terms of when ur not fully in a relapse and just generally struggling this is what I do:
🐻 Have lots of little snack food in. If you've gotta graze throughout the day rather than set big meals then bestie u graze. I keep things like flapjacks, pitta bread/houmous, biscuits, cereal, banana, nectarines, nuts, baby bells, yoghurt just in my house so I can eat them when I'm hungry bc so often ill be hungry but panicky about eating a meal, or too depressed to cook a meal so I just have stuff like that.
🌾 When you feel good bulk cook pasta/curry/soup whatever to fridge and freeze so that if you have a depression phase you don't have to cook you just have to reheat or defrost. I do this a lot because I have long lasting depressions.
🐻 Talk to someone when you're struggling!!! If you have someone to talk to that you trust you can tell them you're having a bit of a rough time, you don't have to go into detail but I often find that eds are very shame/isolating kinda things and that you get trapped in a cycle of shame and disappointment /fear and then when you "confess" to struggling (I say that bc for me it litterally feels like I'm confessing to a crime) suddenly the cycle is broken and everything else gets a little easier.
🌾 Find things to do whilst you're eating that positive reinforce mealtime. I watch shows I like or phone B whilst I'm eating my tea and it means I'm not stressing about the meal when I'm eating. I stay on the phone or occupied until the full feeling goes away too.
🐻 Just be gentle with yourself, eat what you can when you can, you don't have to have a set routine where you eat three meals a day, j very rarely eat three planned meals a day. Like today for example I didn't eat breakfast because I had work and was late, but when I got to work I had coffee and a flapjack, and then later I had little snacks throughout the day (like some baby bells a cereal bar and whatever) then when I got home I phoned my dad and was cooking pasta whilst on the phone and I had that. I'll probs snack before bed tonight because I'm not really in a bad patch atm.
🌾 HYDRATION IS KEY and I don't mean drink lots of water, I mean indulge in juice, smoothies, hot chocolate, tea, milkshakes whatever. I genuinely drink so many milky drinks in a day and when I'm relapsed these are probs life savers. I always have a hot milky drink at bed time and I always start my day with a milk heavy coffee. You feel warm and generally good. Also shit like caprisuns because they make you feel smol haha
🐻 Try not to view living on your own as something which makes everything harder, try and view it as a freedom to heal and be yourself in your own space. You haven't got anyone judging you, you haven't got other people's standards to live up to. You can eat at whatever time you like, you can make choices about meals. So much of an Ed is about control and actually living alone gives you freedom and control to make your own choices. I've found that living alone this last year has helped me a lot in this sense, I may suffer relapses and I may really struggle but I have independence to take the situation into my own hands and look after myself the way I know I need to be looked after.
🌾 For real just look yourself in the mirror every day and be like nah I'm okay, I'm fine, I do not need to change. I'm gonna have a good day and be happy.
🐻 Also I find we relapse often when our lives are emptier, it's something to fall back on and fill ourselves up with (ironically) so find things you enjoy and spend your time doing that stuff, contact your friends and try to see them more, try and build a life for yourself beyond your ED and that will help. It's similar to grief like, it doesn't go away but over time you give it less and less space in your life and you build new bits of life which take up your time and space and you just heal naturally. It takes effort but I do think this is a big step.
I don't mean massive hobbies either, my things are literally just swimming and writing/reading. Maybe taking myself for a walk, going to the pub with my pals. That's literally it. But it's enough combined with work and having to run my house that I feel like I have a fuller life and I rely less and less on my ED as a crutch.
I hope this helps lovely.
Also if you don't have anyone to talk to when you're struggling, I'll be your person, you can message me whenever x
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ethereal-galaxies · 3 years
"Thanks. I try but sometimes I worry I'm not raising them right. I guess that's just a natural fear but..." He paused and smiled. "I really appreciate the offer, Jakurai-san. If I need to, I'll take you up on that." He began eating with the other and started just having a light conversation. This reminded him so much of the era of The Dirty Dawg. They'd all been so close. But things out of their control happened. Unexplainable things. If only they could go back to the way things were... But that was utterly impossible.
Ramuda had ordered some fluffy pancakes topped with whipped cream, chocolate chips, and a single cherry as well as a sweet strawberry milkshake, also topped with a cherry and whipped cream. After everything that had happened and his borderline personality disorder episode, he just felt a little drained. His extreme mood fluxes were absolutely exhausting. He could be perfectly fine one moment and then sad or angry the next. His emotions were an unpredictable storm.
And he supposed, so too was his ability to connect to others. It was very hard for him to form a true connection and bond with anyone that he didn't force or act on. Dice and Gentaro were the only ones he'd ever really allowed close to his heart. And that bond was one he never wanted severed. He would do all he could to protect this bond they shared.
When Jyuto spoke to him and roused him from his thoughts, he glanced up. Oh. He'd barely eaten. Um. Whoops. He'd just zoned out while staring at his plate and pushing around the cherry. "Oh! Ahahaha! Training with Samasama's been great! I missed singing with him! And Dice, don't worry! You're doing really great, too~! Our styles are different, but we work really well together! We'll get it together for the finals!" he said, his cheery personality and demeanor back in full swing.
He finally started eating and it was delicious! Wait. He grabbed the syrup after eating the cherry and completely soaked and saturated the fluffy pancakes in a lake of syrup. After that, he giggled and took a bite, making a happy noise as he did so. It tasted so good! So sweet, too! He drank some of the shake and... woah. Tasty! He started humming a little as he ate, kicking his feet out from the booth repeatedly to stim. He never could sit still. Something always had to be moving.
Rio had ordered a hearty meal that consisted of a lot of protein, and he had finished about as quickly as Dice. He listened to the conversation, not adding much. There was no need to and Rio was generally a quiet person anyway. He didn't speak unless it seemed to be needed. It seemed Ramuda ate rather slowly. He hadn't expected that with such a sweet dish. But, to each his own.
Jyuto nodded. “Listen, about earlier... I hope you won’t take it to heart.”
The officer set his drink down and leaned on the table. “You have my resources if you need them, Amemura... I trust you will give me any information I need in return, won’t you?”
Dice choked on his drink. He set it down coughing as he looked at Jyuto. He didn’t like the way Jyuto said that; the almost condescending, threatening tone lacing his words the officer spoke with a gentle expression. With Rio there too, he didn’t say anything more. 
Jyuto tapped the table now. “Not that I want to kill the mood of breakfast, but Gentaro’s message indicated more than doing this for you or Dice. He mentioned a brother. Did either of you know about that?”
Dice shook his head. “He never mentioned it to us... I don’t know how helping Otome will help his brother though... unless they’re threatening him too somehow...”
“The problem is I looked up Gentaro Yumeno’s name to find this brother, contacted Shibuya records, even in cities outside of Shibuya. He’s practically a ghost. He has no record, no school history, nothing,” Jyuto’s prior arrogant speech now seemed more genuine as he let out a frustrated breath. “There’s so many pieces here I must know in order to get to the bottom of this. I can’t help him unless I know more.”
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