#I understand being tired and I understand being frustrated but what is being defeatist 24/7 going to do?
igneous-croc · 11 months
Man if I ever become the sort of person that goes "nothing in life is worth it, it won't get better, etc etc" bro just slap me upside the head and drag me outside to look at the sunrise and give me a glass of orange juice, I can't stand it
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petri808 · 3 years
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Bakudeku vampire-esque fic. Canon divergent. Lots of angst, will have smut with biting kink, and a happy ending 😌
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24
The blonde sat up in bed reaching out and screaming for Midoriya. But the moment his mind snapped back to reality his arm dropped along with his head; it was the same damn nightmare that’s plagued him since the incident. His body was covered in a sheen of sweat and his heart raced. Fucking nightmare or memory. What sucked is even he wasn’t certain which one it was. Bakugou ran his fingers though his damp hair and groaned. It couldn’t keep going like this, not night after night for a month enduring this struggle with no one to talk to about it. He couldn’t take being here at UA while his friend was out there missing, and only the authorities searched for him. Those inept, useless… Who else knew Midoriya better than himself?! Frankly, a part of him wanted to find the nerd and if he was alive beat his ass to a pulp for making them worry. “Deku is alive…” Bakugou breathed out a reminder. He knew deep down in his soul that his oldest friend was alive somewhere and they just needed to bring him back home.
“Fuck this!” He threw his blanket off and stormed out of the room, heading towards Aizawa’s office. With or without permission, no one was gonna stop him!
“Just let him go,” Aizawa placed a hand on All Might’s shoulder as they watched Bakugou blast away into the sky. If the symbol of peace looked tired before, now he looked simply broken. First his rising successor disappeared and now Bakugou wanted to leave too. For a good reason sure, but he was still worried. Those kids were like his sons and no father would want to see their children end up like this. Aizawa understood this all too well, for despite rarely showing it, his students were like his kids too.
All Might hung his head, “I know…. He wants to find his friend. But it’s been a month with no real sign of Midoriya. And after what happened— I can still sense him, but it’s faint and the connection is strange. What if something’s gone wrong…”
“Don’t you think it. Young Midoriya is tough, I’m sure there is a valid reason for his disappearance. Just be happy the Principal is being understanding and will allow them to graduate when they return.”
“The final semester of their high school career and this had to happen.” All Might squeezed his fists tighter. “I should have killed AFO when I had the chance.”
“Have faith in Bakugou, Toshinori….” ‘I can’t believe I’m saying this,’ Aizawa sighed in his head. “We can trust in him.”
All Might placed a hand over the one Aizawa had on his shoulder, giving it a pat, “I do.” But it wasn’t about trust that had him glum. It was guilt. He knew that despite their rivalry, there was a bond between those boys, and one he did his best to foster over the years. So, if there was anyone that he felt could find Midoriya, it was Bakugou. No, what he hated in himself was the fact they were in this position because he hadn’t been strong enough.
But Aizawa was right. No one blamed him and it wouldn’t help anyone for him to be self-defeatist. He was still a symbol of peace, and more than ever the public, nay the students needed his light. All Might exhaled, he couldn’t thank his old friend enough for helping to convince the principal in letting Bakugou leave on this mission of sorts, even as finals were looming. Hadn’t these kids proved their worth enough to earn their degree? They already had their licenses and they were pivotal in stopping the worst villain in quirk history. All Might stood up, “we should gather the other kids and inform them…”
The room was as silent as a grave after Aizawa and All Might finished informing the rest of Class 1-A of what was going on. It wasn’t very surprising. These kids were close, rather like a small family unit than just friends who have been through so many ups and downs in the last three years it was hard not to be devoted to one another. It had taken a lot of coping for them just to get through Midoriya’s disappearance, and yet here they sat stoic at being told another was leaving. Almost like they saw it coming. And frankly as All Might looked around to all their faces, that was exactly what he read. The girls, tears welling up in their eyes, flushed faces on the verge of letting go. The guys, fists clenched, and jaws locked. Even he could feel the moisture ready to cloud his vision. He missed his defacto son, but these kids… were sad, angry, hurt and needed their support, but they were trying so hard to stay strong.
What do you say in times like this?
“I’m sure…” Aizawa finally spoke up to address the pain, “that some if not all of you would love to rush out there to search for Midoriya. Please remember that the authorities are doing their best to locate him, and your classmate Bakugou has volunteered to assist with the principal’s permission. If there is anything you may cling to in this time, is faith in your friend to find Midoriya.”
More silence ensued, blanketing the room with a new wave of energy. A few gave into silent sobs, while others hung their heads in thought. It was a heavy fog of pressure, like what one may sense before a thunderstorm because it was true that most of them knew it was coming. For the past month, Bakugou paced like a tiger in a cage. The man couldn’t focus on studies and would rip into anyone that even dared to breathe Midoriya’s name in his presence. Something had to give. But they were also frustrated by all the uncertainty. Yes, they were just students, but this was their friends, and they were tired of being treated like children.
Kirishima slammed his fist onto the table. The sudden and loud sound echoing in the still room, causing a few to jump. “I know Bakugou will find him! But at least tell us what the hell happened back there! Why won’t anyone tell us…” his voice petered out as angry tears gathered along the corners of hardening skin threatening to explode. He was angry at Bakugou for not saying a word to him before leaving and frustrated that his friend wouldn’t tell him what he’d seen. None of them had witnessed those final moments, except the hothead. But he was just as frustrated with the adults over the secrecy.
Aizawa sighed and crossed his arms. “We really do not know Kirishima. By the time I arrived All for One was dead on the ground and Bakugou was barely conscious next to him mumbling Midoriya’s name. He remembered them fighting All for One, but once he was knocked unconscious, doesn’t know what happened until we found him. He thinks he remembers seeing a flash of light hit Midoriya at the same time All for One received the final blow, but we do not know what that could be.”
“Right now, I’m sure both of them would want you to let the authorities deal with this and focus on finishing the school year,” All Might chimed in, hoping to redirect their thoughts. “As difficult as it may be, to quit now when you are almost finished would be a shame, and a stain on what they also worked so hard to achieve.”
There were a few minutes of silence as the students pondered their teachers’ words.
“So, do it for them?” Todoroki finally broke the silence and questioned the teachers.
All Might mustered a half smile, “you could say that.”
Iida stood up. “Yes! We will graduate as heroes for them!”
“Let’s make them proud!” Added in Kaminari. He turned to a sulking Kirishima and slapped him on the back. “Dude, Bakugou would kill us if we don’t pass, so let’s not let that happen.”
The young man sighed, but his friend was right. “He so would.”
“That’s the spirit!” All Might pumped his fist in the air with pride at their positive turn around. The rest of the students now join in, standing or stating their intentions to not let the boys down.
“Now that, that’s all settled, let finish today’s lesson.” Groans ricochet around the room at Aizawa killing the mood again. “Yeah, yeah, just get your textbooks out…”
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