#I try waiting until the weekend for tablet time but it usually goes south and I just end up gaming instead ;_;
xdreamer45x · 2 years
Note to self to start drawing daily, even if it’s just a few small doodles
I just picked up a pencil after 5 months of not drawing a single thing, and the regression is REAL ;_; It’s like I have to teach myself how to draw again, my wrist was shaky and things I used to slap down no problem took a few attempts D: Definitely need to get myself back into shape, cuz struggling to do something I love is scary ó.ò
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exosmutfactory · 5 years
Six Phases 001
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Who knew it nearly took 6 months to win your heart, and 6 phases for Baekhyun to lose his mind.
A/N:  Here’s part 1!  I do warn you it’s 5.8k+ long (baekhyun’s fault as always) 👉🏼👈🏼 hope you like it, let me know in my ask box if you want 🌹 Enjoy ♡ ♡
[ contains: romance, fluff, angst & smut (later on) ]
Part 1 ✓ | Part 2 | Part 3 P(1) | P(2) | Part 4 P(1) P(2) |  Part 5 P(1) P(2) | Part 6
•⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •
Track 03
Being the new girl on campus is never easy, nor the one in town. And because of a certain situation that occurred a month before high school graduation, the summer following it was spent getting over the traumatizing affair… And the following 9 months.
Don’t worry, the lesson from it all has been learned well.
“Damn this place is huge.” I squint, shielding my eyes from the sun with my hand. For the weather to be a mere 78 degrees it sure doesn’t keep the bright star from bearing down on me. Spotting a building that has “Dormitory” written clearly on the side I push my glasses farther up my nose and pull my suitcase along.
Receiving the directions and details to my room goes smoothly, but just as I’m turning to the elevators I slam into someone else.
“Fu–” I sigh, rubbing the tip of my nose as I step back. “Sorry,” I mumble already feeling the embarrassment on my cheeks as I lift my head only to be met by a broad chest.
Lifting my chin farther I’m met with friendly, sparkly brown eyes and a dashing smile. “It’s alright.”
I blink, nodding silently as my heart skips a beat. Curly brown hair; puppy eyes; thin yet pouty lips. I shift my eyes away before I get even more caught up in his smile, or worse, checking him out.
“Do you need any help?” His voice rings again. A melodic sound I’m quickly finding myself liking more and more.
Meeting his eyes again his gaze sweeps over the suitcase in my hand along with the full backpack on my back before completing the eye contact. I try not to blush farther, “No, I’m alright.”
He nods, shoving his hands in the pockets of his ripped jeans. “Don’t freak out if the elevator stops working.” He calls as I pass by him. “If it stops moving wait a few seconds before pressing the floor you want again.”
Looking back his way I forget our height difference until all I see is his white t-shirt and long neck. I nod once attempting to send him a small smile that he quickly returns. “Thanks.”
He smiles even more, waving a little as I step through the dreaded metal doors and tap Floor 3 with my knuckles.
His friendly gestures stay on my mind until I trip over nothing trying to step out onto my floor. Making a noise in embarrassment I check to make sure no one else saw before taking out the directions to my room. 304
Carefully discovering the left side of the hall has all the even room numbers I slowly made my way down. The desired dorm is 3 doors away from the staircase. Reading back over the paper my roommate’s name is Jenny.
Gathering myself I give a little mental pep talk, knocking politely on the door as the sound of laughter reaches my ears.
“Oh, hold on.” Comes muffled through the door. The next second a click is heard before vibrant blue hair and light blue eyes peek out. “Hello, how may I help you?”
“Um..” Blinking at the welcoming smile on her face I quietly hold up my paper in fear of squeaking in reply.
Her eyes drift over the document. “Oh!” She smiles even more, opening the door fully. “Come in! I didn’t expect you to get here so soon.” She continues sheepishly as I step over the threshold, taking in the state of the room. One side is obviously occupied; clothes spewed all over the bed.
“It’s okay.” I softly reply slowly shrugging off my backpack. “So!” She begins as I set it on the floor. “I’m Jenny as you already know.“ She jokes. "What’s your name? Where are you from?”
Looking her way she’s perched on her bed, eyes focused completely towards me. I shift my eyes away after a few moments, quietly mumbling my name.
“Riley?" She tilts her head, smiling again as I nod. "Your name is pretty.”
“Thank you." Fishing through my pocket I pull out my phone, taking if off airplane-mode.
"I haven’t seen you around before, are you a freshman?”
“Yes." Briefly checking my notifications and sending an ‘I made it’ to mom I put my phone back. "I’m nearly 19 but I took a gap year so.." I peek at her, "Here I am.”
She nods, looking intrigued as I start unpacking my suitcase. “Did you live close by or from out of state?”
I smirk, carefully tucking my folded clothes into the empty dresser. “I’m from a boring town down south.”
“Ah," She blinks, "Well that’s cool! I hope you like it here." Her face turns serious. "We just met but if anyone gives you problems, you let me know, okay?”
Taking in her expression I nod.
Another smile spreads on Jenny’s face. “Now show me your timetable.”
The first-week breezes by relatively fast, assignment after assignment of due dates coming from left and right. Luckily I was smart enough to research every possible way to study over my year out of school. Traveling to new countries and places during a gap year? Haha yeah. Not me.
“So Riley,” I’m greeted with the second I walk into my dorm room. I carefully set down my stack of textbooks and tablet on the desk before turning to Jenny with a quirked brow.
“I know you just got here,” She begins, perched on the edge of her bed. “But there’s a party this weekend–”
“You mean tomorrow?” I blink as it is quite literally the late afternoon of Friday.
Jenny smiles sheepishly, “Do you want to go?” Seeing the look on my face she adds, “I swear I’ll stay with you the whole night.”
Yeah, where have I heard that before. “I’ll think about it,” Checking the time I look back at her. “I’m going out and will stop for food on the way back. Want anything?”
Her eyes light up at the mention of food, nodding and excitedly telling me what she would like.
As I exit the small safe space once again my lips quirk into a smirk. Time to go shopping.
A little more than 24 hours later I find myself trying to relax in the passenger’s seat of Jenny’s small convertible; nervously fiddling with the thin straps of my dress.
“I’m surprised you agreed honestly,” She starts eyes focused entirely on the road. “And that dress.” Her eyes flicker over at me, “Forest green and backless? Damn you’re brave. And gorgeous.”
Thankfully the early night is just dark enough to hide my burning cheeks, “Thank you.”
She smiles knowingly, steering the wheel with both hands. “Lucky me I have to keep boys off you all night.”
I laugh heartily at that catching the teasing smile on her face. “I don’t know about all that.” I joke watching as the street lights flow by, “I’m pretty good at holding my own.”
“Brave, gorgeous and independent.” She pulls the car to a stop looking over at me. “Oh honey, they are going to drool over you.”
Giggling as she looks in the rearview mirror, I take a look around at the giant house up ahead. Cars lined along the street as dozens of party-goers head towards the booming bass of music.
“Riley, does my eyeshadow look okay?”
Turning back to her I take in the perfect spread and shiny golden glitter over her eyes; nodding, “Damn near perfect.”
She smiles, “Now you’re speaking my language.” With a sigh she turns fully to me, smoothing the front of her black A-line dress. “Ready?”
Nodding we both step out the car feeling the late summer night breeze rolling in. Closing the door I follow after Jenny as he heads up the hill, our respective heels clicking loudly against the concrete.
“I swear I’m filled with regret every time I face this sidewalk.” She pants sending me into another fit of laughter. “Oh shut it Miss 3 Inches, You’re one to laugh!”
I shrug smiling so much it nearly hurts, “Your silver stilettos make your legs look great, Jen.”
“Oh, now you’re just trying to butter me up.” She rolls her eyes until they widen; suddenly she stops making me freeze mid-step to not bump into her. “Hey Riley, look.” Whispering she discreetly points somewhere farther ahead.
Being as inconspicuous as possible I crane my neck while pretending to shake out my skater skirt, eyeing the group moving towards the house.
“Those guys.” She continues, “Are bad news. Make sure you stay away from them, okay?”
Just as she finishes her sentence I spot a head of silver hair, the shine of it catching in the dim glow of a streetlight. My heart quickens in unease as I nod in front of her concerned eyes. “Okay.”
Like always a smile finds its way to her face, “Good.” Grabbing my hand she starts walking again, “Let’s go have fun!”
I chuckle following her lead. The house is a lovely mansion with clean-cut hedges and a stone walkway leading up to the white, front double doors. Held open as people stream in past two men seemingly standing guard. One noticeably shorter than the other with a close-cut haircut and big eyes. The taller sporting a burgundy suit with no shirt underneath; a teasing smirk that I can guess is usually placed on his pouty lips.
“On door duty again, huh?” Jenny teases. “How much are they paying you this time Kyungsoo.”
“Not nearly enough.” The shorter replies. His lips are nicely shaped, I bet..
“Daydreaming about Soo’s heart-shaped lips, eh?”
I flinch back from the taller, tensing at the feeling of his breath fanning over my ear.
“No need to glare at me Dollface.” He chuckles holding his hands up in surrender. “Who’s the cutie, Jenny?”
“No one you need to know.” She mutters pushing me protectively behind her away from his hungry gaze.
“Well then.” He mumbles not even surprised, gesturing to the open doors. “Guess I’ll have to find out on my own–” He flinches back as Kyungsoo lifts a fist in his direction.
“Please excuse him.” He sighs. “Come on in.”
Jenny’s smile is bright as he reaches in for a hug, “Thank you Soo~” Looking back at me she grabs my wrist and pulls me ahead, shooting one last glare at the tall man as she urges me to walk inside first.
Stepping carefully into the house I make quick work of analyzing my surroundings. Makeshift dance floor to the left; expensive in-home-bar to the right. Grand stairs leading up to the second floor right ahead and surely plenty of bathrooms scattered around the whole place.
“So, what do you wanna do first?” I jump at Jenny’s voice in my ear, blinking back at her as she smiles innocently. My eyes drift to the dancefloor and she immediately shakes her head, “Here. You’ll want a drink or two before you start mingling with those idiots.” She sends me a pointed look. “Trust me.”
Before I even nod in agreement she is leading the way to the bar, keeping a reassuring grip on my wrist as we bump into careless strangers standing in the middle of the room. “Minseok!”
A handsome man with black hair and cat-like eyes looks up from shining a glass behind the bar, a friendly smile forming on his lips. “Jenny, what can I get you and your friend?” His eyes peek curiously at me.
Realizing I’m hiding behind Jenny like a little lost cub I step closer to the bar, feeling her eyes on me. “Do you perhaps have Gin?” He nods. “Brandy? Vodka?” Nodding once again, I rest my chin on my palm, quirking my lips into a half-smirk. “Dr Pepper?”
He returns the expression. “Maybe.”
“Hmm.” Grinning I finally settle on, “Vodka and Dr Pepper…Mostly the pepper, please.”
His laugh can’t be heard well over the booming music but I can tell he means well by the understanding look in his eyes. “Coming right up, Beautiful.”
Flushing I discreetly fan my cheeks with my hand, looking away as Jenny tells him her order as well. Instantly I feel a pair of eyes on me. Leaning my elbows back on the bar I lazily sweep my gaze across the room.
There. Just at the edge of the dancefloor. Adoring an all-black outfit consisting of a silk shirt, waist-length silver button jacket, and tight-fitting leather pants. Leather two-inch heeled boots and partially slicked-back silver hair completing the look. With a start in my chest, I realize it’s the same guy I bumped into at the beginning of the week. His once-friendly gaze and welcoming smile traded in for a piercing, hungry stare. The longer I continue the eye contact the hotter it gets in the room.
“Here you go.” Minseok’s voice brings me back to the present. The heated spell put over me by the handsome stranger broken as I turn to my full glass seated on the bar. Taking a tentative sip of the concoction I licked my lips, smiling at the flavor.
“How is it?” He asks. Jenny even turns to see my reaction.
“Perfect.” I nearly purr, throwing it back to chug the rest.
“Whoa!” Jenny exclaims, her beer held carefully in hand as I licked my lips again. “Damn girl, if I didn’t know any better I’d be envious.”
“I’m a lightweight,” I mumble, kindly asking Minseok for another.
“I can tell.”
Sending a weak glare her way she just shrugs in return, smiling unapologetically.
That same feeling of a stare never quite goes away as I take time to savor my next drink.
“So, you like your drinks heavily diluted, huh?” Jenny inquires.
“I don’t like the burn…” I start wrinkling my nose, “It’s starting to set in.”
She giggles at my misery. “What a baby you are.”
Nodding in agreement I down the rest of the tasty drink neatly placing the glass back on the bar. “Thank you, Minseok.”
He nods smiling as he picks it up, “Have fun on the floor.” He quirks a brow, “Be careful.”
Smiling politely I glance at Jenny before twirling around, making my way to the crowd of grinding bodies. Not surprisingly there is a clear empty space right in the middle of the floor.
Being extra I sway my hips as I walk to the dead center already feeling a handful of eyes on me. Ignoring them I let the beat of a familiar song take me over.
“I don’t hate it. You tell me. I’m nervous.”
Slowly body rolling sensually from side to side to the time of the song I walk forward with one foot in front of the other, praising myself for deciding to let my hair down in loose beach waves for the evening. Once the bass kicks in I speed up the tempo, running a hand through my hair and down my body with a smile on my face.
“She’s so selfish, but I like it.”
Letting the song take complete control, I let loose. Dancing my best as my skirt swishes around; spinning on my heels as the alcoholic buzz finally makes me feel warm all over. Or maybe it’s the curious heads turning. Surprisingly no one dares to approach. Their dance partners near slapping them every time they slow down to look my way.
Shrugging inwardly I twirl around as if no one else is in the room, busting out my favorite dance moves and teases memorized from countless youtube videos and dancer dvds.
Just as the second chorus hits a pair of hands land on my hips. Smirking I keep my back to them enjoying the feel of smooth silky material on my bare skin as they move closer.
“Betcha. We were destiny. I’m gonna getcha.”
Reaching my arm up to wrap around the back of their neck I can’t help giggling at the feel of their grip tightening on my hips; digging my fingers into their soft strands. Feeling their lips brush against my neck I decided that it’s time to turn around, my eyes widening at the familiar pair of brown eyes and smirking lips.
Backing away as the music slows down I take a good look at him, his outfit looking even more stunning up close. We circle around each other like predator and prey, not daring to take that first step closer to the other. Not quite ready to go in for the kill.
He licks his lips as his eyeliner eyes meet mine again, showing off his own moves as the beat kicks back in. I stand there awestruck at the art of broad shoulders and thick thighs moving about before starting back up on my own groove; him being quick enough to compliment my movements.
We draw in closer and closer to each other until the chorus hits again. I dance around him as he watches with an amused smirk, my cheeks flushing as I notice his hard stare set on me.
“You’re gonna be mine, I. Oh baby in time, I.”
“Betcha. It’s something certain ma girl I meet ya.”
As the last of the song plays he pulls me in, holding my hand up and gripping my waist with the other before whispering the final words in my ear, “You’re gonna be mine.”
Looking into his warm brown eyes I glance down at the mole above his pretty lips, licking my own subconsciously before I can stop it. His own orbs shoot down to capture the action, slowly leaning in until the rambunctious noise of drunk people cheering breaks the atmosphere.
Snapping out of my daze I step out of his arms, blinking at him in shock from a safe distance as he keeps his eyes on me a frown beginning to form on his lips.
Gulping with a headache coming on I spin around to a mad looking Jenny. “J-Jen–”
She shakes her head, grabbing my wrist, “Come on. Let’s get out of here.” She throws a glare over my shoulder, quickly making way back out of the crowd of grinding bodies.
I can’t help shooting one last look back myself as a familiar Grande song plays, not missing the daring smirk and challenging quirk of brow on his handsome face.
“Jenny.” I begin as she practically drags me back to the bar. “Jenny, who is he?”
She wordlessly points at a barstool and I take a seat, accepting the water bottle she hands me.
She sighs running a hand through her short, faded blue hair. “He is Byun Baekhyun.” Sending me a pointed look she continues with distaste clear in her voice. “The notorious playboy on campus.”
Remembering the feel of his hands on my hips and lips on my neck I blush in realization; turning near scarlet as Jenny crosses her arms with a knowing look on her face. “Oh.”
She sighs as my eyes flicker to a brunet man coming up behind her. “Yeah, so drink a bit of that and we’ll head on out–” Gasping a look of pure shock and a flash of fear crosses her face as he wraps his arms around her. She turns around on the spot, “J-Jongdae?”
The man with light-brown hair grins lazily, “Hey babe.”
Judging by his sluggish movements and her stiff expression he is shit-faced drunk and she knows it. Sighing once again she pats his chest, glancing over at me. “Let me help you get to your room, Dae.” Barely responding he lets her drape his arm over her shoulder, her tiny form managing to stand them both up.
I stand up to assist but she just shook her head, sending me one last apologetic look before slowly walking him in the direction of the stairs.
Minseok even shoots me a sympathetic look as I notice a man approaching out of the corner of my eye. Sipping steadily I ignore him as he leans across the counter most likely ordering a drink. My eyes seem to naturally drift over to where I last saw the infamous Byun Baekhyun. A twinge of disappointment pricking my chest when I see no silver hair insight.
“Hey,” A voice whispering in my ear has me jumping back, looking at the stranger with furrowed brows. It’s the same guy I saw walking up earlier.
“You come here often?” He continues his eyes lazily gazing over my form. If it wasn’t for his obviously reeking breath just from his unstable stance alone everyone in the room can see he’s drunk.
Feeling like I’ve had enough social interaction for the night—which I have—I turn back to my water, nearly downing the rest of the bottle. A hard nudge to my ribs has me wincing full-on glaring at the obnoxious person. “Want me to get you a drink?” He tries a smirk growing on his face as he stares at mine.
“No.” I pointedly say through gritted teeth; crushing the empty water bottle in my hand.
He chuckles at the sight brushing badly dyed blonde hair out of his eyes. “Oh well, your loss cutie.”
Leaning over to share farewells with Minseok I slowly relax my grip on the squeezed plastic, swiftly walking away from the bar. Realizing yet again that Jenny is busy and my ride I sigh venturing farther into the house. “The bathrooms have to be somewhere,” I mumble listening close to every door before daring to touch the knob. No matter how loud the music is out front people really don’t know how to tone it down on the pornographic noises. I lean away from the last door on the main left hallway with a deep sigh and heavy bladder.
Noticing a shorter darker hallway adjoined to it I peek my head around the corner. No noise seems to come from this part of the house. I have the sudden urge to bring out my phone as a guide until I remember how easy it’ll be to drop it in my state. With a shake of my head, I carefully listen through the first door; deeming it safe and opening to a nicely decorated bathroom.
Before I get the chance to enter I’m roughly yanked back and spun around, finding myself pressed up to the wall by that fucking douchebag from earlier.
“Gotcha.” He chuckles breath even more disgusting than last time.
“I don’t know what the fuck you think you’re doing,” My brows raise more with my voice. “But if you don’t back the fuck up we’re going to have a prob-”
He slaps a hand over my mouth, my eye twitching at the feel of sweat and god knows what else contaminating my skin. “The only problem,” He begins scarily calm, the humor fading from his face as he tightens his grip. “Is your fucking mouth.”
My eyes widened in disbelief before narrowing, using all my strength to push him off. Unfortunately, the man seems to be made of steel rather than muscle as he doesn’t move an inch beside the bruising grip on my wrist. I flinch pressing my back as close to the wall as possible as he leans in with a cruel chuckle shaking his head. Sighing at the turn of events I put on a fearful look hiding the hate in my eyes as he looks into mine, sickly satisfied.
“Now this,” He drags a hand down my waist, grossly chapped lips growing closer to mine, “Is more like it-”
Before I can stomp with all my might on his foot, he’s falling over with a yelp. Another figure just behind him with a textbook in his hands. “What have I fucking told you about showing your face around here, Lee?” His voice is calm with a cutting edge underneath.
I stay pressed to the wall slowly inching away as he goes to stand over the whimpering man on the floor. “What about not bringing your sick fucking ass around did you not understand?” He kicks him hard in the ribs, “Drinking my alcohol and harassing my guests.”
“I-I’m sorry. I’m sorry-”
“Hey you.” The mystery man calls out. Noting that we are the only ones in the hall, I freeze.
He takes a peek over at me before crouching in front of the pathetically crying man, although come to think of it if someone slammed my head with a book I’d be sobbing too. “I’ll deal with you later.” He moves to slowly stand, and with a new sense of adrenaline; I bolt. Barely making it around the corner when a pair of arms wrap around me.
“Hey.” He mumbles picking me up with strength as I thrash in his arms. “Relax, I’m not going to hurt you.” He sighs, squeezing his unfairly strong arms around me. I growl in frustration, cursing the male population as I lay limp, staring up at the ceiling in a daze as he carries me to who knows where. Closing my eyes in a stressed manner I tense at the feeling of climbing upstairs.
“Relax.” He says again, kicking a door open and setting me down on a bed like a child. When he moves away I quickly sit up prepared to jump back onto my feet even as the room starts to spin. He’s already closing the door; locking it before turning back to me with his arms crossed over his chest. “You’re staying here.”
“Excuse me.” I aim to snap only for it to come out as a pathetic wavering reply. He uncrosses his arms as I take a closer look at him; my brain taking a second to register the silver hair on his head. It’s in a fluffy more boyish state over his forehead than it was earlier out on the floor. Byun Baekhyun. He takes a step closer and I back away on instinct, heart nearly racing out my chest as he stands before me.
He crouches down to my level, cupping my face in his large hand. For some reason, I don’t flinch back at the warm contact; lost in his eyes that turn concerned as he brushes his thumb over my cheek. “You’re crying.” He mumbles a frown on his face.
I am? I blink a few times, reaching up to wipe the blur from my eyes but freezing again as he does it for me; gently brushing my tears aside.
“Jenny is going to kill me.” He sighs hand dropping as he stands back up to his full height. Taking him in once again, I notice the absence of his waist jacket; it is draped over the back of a desk chair in the corner of the room.
“Alright, lay back.” He says running a hand through his hair.
My heart drops below my feet as my face burns scarlet. “W-What?”
“I’m tucking you in.” His brows raise meaningfully as he reaches down for my boots; carefully unbuckling and zipping with nimble fingers.
Suddenly hit with all the events of the evening all at once, from the drinking to dancing to panic to this, with tear-filled eyes I blurt out an “I-I need to go…bathroom.”
He looks up at me midway through pulling off the first boot. “Let’s get these off first, okay?”
All I can do is nod as he keeps his eyes on me, gently rubbing my ankle. After my shoes are off he picks me up again even though my legs are perfectly fine just to set me down in front of his personal bathroom two feet away from the bed.
Taking a few minutes to use the bathroom and get myself together, I clumsily walk back out into the room. This time he guides me back to bed with a hand resting respectfully on my waist. Everything after that is a blur. Only a sense of comfort and the smell of vanilla before my head hits the pillow.
  Even the slightest headache after a night of partying puts me in an unpleasant mood for the rest of the day. I can already feel one coming on as I nuzzle deeper into my pillow, surprisingly soft as a baby’s blanket with a hint of vanilla-
Opening my eyes they nearly pop out at the unfamiliar surroundings and even more so at the large t-shirt covering my chest. I sit up in a rush and pull at the loose white material feeling a little silly at the thought that I have seen this same shirt once before. Looking back at the pillow it is indeed covered with a blue baby’s blanket; the material fluffy and warm to the touch. I flush at the obvious hint of wetness on it. First I sleep in another person’s bed and then I drool!?
Can the ground just open up and swallow me whole.
Burying my face in my hands I sigh deeply, working my nerve before leaping out of the unfairly comfortable bed. Mansion. I conclude taking note of the grand windows and elegant doors. Peeking out of the bedroom I tug down on the bottom of my shirt. The material nearly brushing the back of my knees bringing me comfort as I make my way down the hall; holding the wall with my hand on my forehead as I search for the stairs. Luckily they’re not hard to find.
Moving down each step as slow and quiet as possible, my sock-clad feet silently glide across the wooden ground floor.
“You get lucky last night, Byun?” A barely familiar voice teases. I look towards an open area recognizing it as the side I didn’t venture through last night.
My eyes widen in realization; all of last night’s events flooding my mind. Oh god. I run quietly to lean my back against the wall behind the bar.
“Yes,” Baekhyun replies after a short pause, “But not…quite in the way you’d expect.”
“What does that even mean?” The other voices my thoughts, the twinkle of silverware sliding across a glass plate filling the silence.
“It’s not polite to eavesdrop, is it?”
Flinching away from the unfamiliar deep voice I look up at a tall man with big eyes and oddly adorable ears to match. Though the serious expression on his face is not one to mess with. Filled with a sense of guilt and dread I nervously lick my lips,“I-”
“Do you not know the rules?” He squints looking me over scrutinizingly with a condescending hum. “You must be new, so I’ll tell you this.”
Already guessing where this is going as the situation at hand continues to dawn on me, I blink back at him with a blank face.
“You are supposed to leave the house as soon as you are finished or to be gone the next day.” His eyes run over me in disapproval. “Not in Baekhyun’s clothes intruding on breakfast. However..” He licks his lips a smirk forming. “You’re pretty cute.”
I lean back as he crowds my space, bracing his hand on the wall next to my head. “How ‘bout this…” He whispers into my ear. “Wait up in my room and we can forget this ever happened.” He pulls back to smirk down at me, “You don’t want to lose Baekhyun’s favor, do you-”
“Park Chanyeol!”
The loud clang of metal against something solid echoes in the air, ‘Chanyeol’ groaning loudly as he steps to the side. “Baek what the fuck.” He hisses clutching the back of his head.
A body steps in between us; familiar broad shoulders decked in a leather jacket with a cap on their head. “Stay away from her.” Baekhyun mutters a frying pan in his hands.
“What do you mean you didn’t get laid, Baekhy-" A familiar brunet freezes soon after rounding the corner, eyeing all of us warily. "Do I even want to know?
Baekhyun clenches his jaw. "This,” He gestures to me, “Is Jenny’s friend.”
Both men drop their jaws at the same time. “Oh fuck.”
20 minutes later I’m back in my dress seated between a timid Jongdae and tense Baekhyun at a glass dining table.
“So… Riley was it?” Chanyeol clears his throat awkwardly.
“Yeah.” I can’t help wincing at the atmosphere. The combination of his fearful tone, Jongdae’s curious stare, and Baekhyun’s arms crossed over his chest adding onto my anxiety.
The giant turns around, walking by a watchful Baekhyun to slide the scrambled eggs onto my plate. “I’m sorry about earlier.” He mumbles rubbing the back of his neck, “Is there any way I can make it up to you?”
I quickly shake my head feeling 3 sets of eyes on me. “No no, no need, it’s all good.” Cracking a small smile I focus on his chest only concealed by a tacky baby pink apron. The sight making me chuckle internally. “And thank you for the eggs.”
He shakes his head fluffy blonde locks bouncing at the action, “No problem.” With an equally small smile, he walks off with the pan in the direction of what I presume is the kitchen.
“So…” Jongdae breaks the silence, a mug of coffee between his palms. “How did you and Baekhyun meet?”
That stare I’m growing way too familiar with falls on me again as I pick at my food. “Well,” Subconsciously looking around I spot an unopened Dr. Pepper bottle across the table. Before I think too much on it, I reach over to grab it; stretching farther when it barely grazes my fingertips.
A slender hand grabs it easily, placing it in front of me as my heart picks up. Barely sparing Baekhyun a glance, I open the bottle and take a swig with slightly flushed cheeks. “We met on the floor last night-”
“Really?” Jongdae blinks a bit of disbelief in his voice. “Huh. Usually the bi-” He takes a peek behind me and stops with a cough, bring his mug to his lips. “Women Baekhyun meets end up in his bed by the end of the night." 
Lifting a brow I ignore the obviously glaring man behind me. "I’m not one of those women.”
Jongdae throws his head back in laughter, coffee forgotten as his rambunctious noise fills the air. “Right.” He chuckles. “That’s what they all say till they’re shoving his cock in their mouth.”
Overcome with rage and embarrassment, I throw my napkin onto my cold eggs standing up so fast my chair screeches in protest.
Baekhyun gets up as well as I pointedly march out into the front of the house.
“Riley… Riley!”
I yank my wrist from his hold breathing deeply as he grabs it again, pulling me to face him. “What.”
He looks me over, messy silver hair flopped onto his forehead as I wonder what state my own is in. “I’m sorry, Jongdae is just-”
“Is he right?” I cut him off staring him down even as I have to keep my head tilted up. “Is he right to assume those things about me? About you?”
All Baekhyun has to offer is an unreadable stare. I pull away from his hold and walk back out the double doors I regret ever entering in the first place.
•⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •
Part 1 ✓ | Part 2 | Part 3 P(1) | P(2) | Part 4 P(1) P(2) | Part 5 P(1) P(2) | Part 6
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