#I tried my best on the Jappanese
flashingbands · 21 days
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I'm almost late but take some Kunikida doodles as a late birthday celebration!!!!!!
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domoluvu · 5 years
A snippet I'm planning to include in one of my fics later down the road.
"I met Tommy at a party, he was pretty cool and tall. We talked and then we went out." It was fine, a nice believable story but then she had to tell the truth.
"Don't believe him, he met his ex, who was extremely hot btw, at a fast food joint. They were arguing over an order that Tommy, the cashier, messed up. Tommy said this is why he hated straight guys, but Javen here said, 'Wrong asshole, I like guys too.' yada yada, Tommy said prove it, and next thing I knew they were making out on the counter. That was the start of his longest relationship ever. No matter where he went, they stayed in touch."
God, I hope she dies right now; or better yet me. Why did we think that talking about my ex to Alex was a good idea? They're gonna find it ridiculous and avoid me even more!
"So if it was so great, why did you break up?"
"Because as his best-"
"Self appointed,"
"best friend, I kept tabs on Tommy. Let's just say he was...it was best they parted ways."
"Meaning, he was a two-timing manipulative asshole that thought it was okay to play with me. So I kicked his ass and-" my self-appointed best friend had to force to calm down before I went into a rant again. Alex remained calm as they always did, just taking in the information. If they weren't an assassin, I want to at least not look pathetic should we ever go out.
Alex took a sip from their cup before speaking, "You know an assassin has a difficult life, we can't afford to make mistakes with who we choose as partners. When we do choose, we stay loyal."
I nodded at their words, not thinking much of other then it must have been hard to date in their family. They moved towards me to replenish their cup whist saying, "Should the spouse ever cheat, we ensure that their partner and then them are punished. Ridding the evidence of all traces that can be found."
Oh. Oh! They're actually considering...well our lives will never have a dull moment. Considering the past few fights we've had, it would be best for neither of us to cheat. Nevermind that they may kill me, the fact that they're thinking of me as a partner is to honest thrilling.
I have a story on Wattpad called, The Sadistic Secret Identity. It's a mouthful but when I have more time this will be included after I tweak it a bit. Summary of it is mc, Javen, is a foster kid after his sister died and parents in jail. He has air powers. Controls it and manipulate it inside people's bodies as well as becoming air. He is bisexual. He tries to be a hero due to his dead sister's request. Alex, other mc, is an assassin sent with their family to complete some nearby jobs until the big job is ready. Alex is a racial mix and genderfluid (please tell me if I messed anything up so I can fix it), half-jappanese and half-italian. They are the middle child. Chole, rich girl who is unpleasant on the surface, has powers that gains info through fluids. She is not a happy girl and her father uses her powers for his own gain. She's after Javen, because she thinks he can set her free; and because she can sense they are similar. Hates Alex due to Javen showing interest in them, but knows that they don't want want Javen.
Oh yeah warning not for kids, due to language, mentions of sexual activity (just talk about it no actual things), and trigger warnings. Have them posted depending on the chapter. There's good moments, but some dark parts too. You've been warned.
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