#I tried SO HARD to take good picture but unfortunately the paper was pretty warped bahahahahahaha
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1930s AU continued💓💓

#I tried SO HARD to take good picture but unfortunately the paper was pretty warped bahahahahahaha#hopefully you like it anyways🥰 in person I love it#but I separated the two pictures here bc together…the top is so saturated that Eloise looked washed out in comparison even though she ISNT😤#I love doing these little paintings so much😇😇😇#this was in honor of el festival aéreo in my city yesterday#like 4 hour long free plane show on the beach#I always love the old airplanes like this one#but the euro fighter is 😳 I’m obsessed with it !!!!#it breaks the sound barrier so maybe I am more deaf today than I was yesterday#but it’s soooooooooooo cool to see the pilot is just zooming around over the beach like 30 min making us all go deaf bc it’s SO LOUD#on Friday we also happened to see them practicing and he was right above us I’ve never had a plane so close to me before ever#tbh after thinfs like this I understand why hayao Miyazaki is also obsessed with flying#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy fanart#hphl#hogwarts legacy oc#hogwarts legacy mc#eloise babbit#sebastian sallow#sebastian sallow x mc#oh also added the zoomed in so you can ACTUALLY SEE HER😤
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Whumptober Day 4!
Prompt: Human Shield
Slight Kepcobi, 1953 Words, Gun Violence, Feelings
Read on AO3
Daniel sprinted down the hallway, his shoes hitting the linoleum with harsh slaps as sirens blared on around him. Dust particles choked the air and invaded his lungs even as he tried to cover his nose with his shirt. His calves burned, the lactic acid buildup slowing his pace and disrupting his usually-trained movements. He came upon a branch in the hallway, planting his foot down and turning to fire a single shot at an oncoming security officer. The vibration of the recoil barely even registered in his mind, and he kept running. There was no time, no time.
It was easy enough to say that their mission had gone a bit awry.
It was one that had come from the very top, from Marcus Cutter himself, sitting in his gleaming leather chair in his immaculately-polished office. Goddard Futuristics' deal with Panacea Incorporated had gone a bit sour, and some information Goddard had previously lent to them was now being held with the intention of being used for blackmail. Needless to say, this couldn't continue. So SI-5 ended up somewhere in Siberia, freezing their asses off to recover some hard drives while feeling free to "inflict as much horrible, apocalyptic damage as you please," in Mr. Cutter's words. Really, the mission had been pretty run-of-the-mill by SI-5 standards, and it probably would have gone fine, had Kepler not been acting strange for the entire week preceding.
The change was so prevalent, at least to Daniel, that he could've marked on a calendar the exact day it happened, though he couldn't tell what in the world might have happened that day. It was a Tuesday. Kepler had walked into the SI-5's large office-slash-lab with a visible tension in his shoulders. The Major, a strictly diligent man, filed away a few papers and then left for the day. At three in the afternoon. Throughout the rest of the week, he was near-silent, only speaking to Jacobi and Maxwell for mission plans and matters of business. His usual flawless image developed a few chinks in its armor: a bit of stubble on his always clean-shaven face, lint on his jacket, his shirt coming untucked in a few places. On a normal person, these changes would've been negligible, but Warren Kepler was far from a normal person.
The most Daniel had heard him talk over the entire course of those seven days was on the day of the Hermes launch. The station had already gone up months ago, but the crew was being launched in a separate transport, Officer Klein among them. Daniel stood out on the asphalt next to Kepler, the Florida humidity soaking his shirt through and the heat waves coming off of the tarmac warping the air into dizzying ripples. Cutter had walked by them at some point, clapping Kepler on the shoulder with a curt, “Major,” and then walking off to attend to his business.
”Mr. Jacobi, If this launch is successful, things are going to be changing around here, big picture things. I need to know something.” Daniel swallowed thickly.
”Would you give up everything for the success of Goddard Futuristics?” A weak laugh found its way up from somewhere in the back of Daniel’s throat.
”I mean, I’ve already given most everything I’ve got, right?”
”And one more thing,” Kepler said. ”Would you give up everything for me?” Daniel’s digital watch beeped as it hit noon, and the transport lifted off with the fire of the sun, sending a heat wave shooting past them as the giant hunk of metal hurled itself out of the atmosphere.
The wind of the blast blew past them, sweeping back the few strands of Kepler’s dark hair that had fallen out of place. Daniel could see the hot, red light of the rockets reflected in his eyes as he kept his gaze glued to the transport shuttle.
He didn’t answer, letting the roar of the rockets fill the space between them. Kepler hadn’t spoken directly to him since.
That brought them to the day of the mission. Feeling the cold deep in their bone marrow, the three of them drove out into the woods, shutting off their car and packing bags of equipment and explosives. The plan was for Daniel to head into their base of operation first and set up a small series of explosions to cause a distraction so that the other two could get inside amongst the chaos, retrieve any and all Goddard property, and retreat before Daniel’s final explosion brought the place down. Alana was supposed to monitor their security and keep in touch with him to make sure he could get in with enough time to do what he needed to do, but Panacea’s increase in armed guards since their break with Goddard meant that Daniel had significantly less time than he expected. And, okay, he might have been a bit thrown off by Kepler’s recent disposition, but that still doesn’t change the fact that it’s a bit hard to set up such delicate systems while being shot at.
All three of them made it inside, but one of the larger explosions had gone off long before it was supposed to, leaving Maxwell cornered by collapsing rubble and Jacobi doing his best to walk off the head trauma he suffered. Kepler’s voice came over the comms as Jacob ran through the halls, trying to orient himself.
”Maxwell, are you going to be able to retrieve the hard drives in the west wing?”
”Nope,” she replied through heaving breaths. “But if it makes you feel any better, neither will Panacea. These things just got absolutely crushed, thanks to he-who-shall-remain-nameless. My number one priority right now is going to be digging myself out, or else the two of you are going to be making your way home on your own.”
”Can you make it out before that last blast comes?” From over the comms came a sound like boulders tumbling down a mountain, before two sharp gunshots.
”Yeah, I think I’ll make it.
”Good. Jacobi, you alive?”
”Alive is a bit too generous of a word for it,” Jacobi said, wheezing. “But yeah, I’m still kicking.”
”I need you on the east end now. Take as many of the drives as you can, put holes in the rest.”
”Roger.” Jacobi turned down a few more halls before ducking into a large server room that had been completely abandoned. With the dust finally settling, the place was eerily quiet, and it put Daniel on edge. He double and then triple-checked that the hall was clear before finally turning around to root through cabinets and drawers. He found what he was looking for without much trouble, really these people should have hidden their blackmail material better, when the sharp click of a gun cocking made him freeze.
”Drop your gun,” a man’s voice said from behind him. Daniel might be a screw-up sometimes, but he wasn’t an idiot. The gun clattered to the floor. “Good,” the man said. “Put your hand up and turn around. Slowly.”
The man was only a few inches taller than him, but he was built like a truck. He had thick stubble along his square jaw, and his greying hair was coated with dust and plaster. When he smirked at Jacobi, it revealed a line of yellow, rotting teeth.
”Goddard intelligence, I presume?” He said in his thick Russian accent.
”Yep, nailed it in one. You people make a habit of making powerful enemies around here?”
”Not typically. Enemies do not usually survive for this long.”
”I suppose I could say the same.” Jacobi would’ve liked to say that time seemed to slow down in the following few seconds, but if anything, it seemed to speed up. Over the man’s shoulder, he saw the most miniscule flash of Kepler’s dark jacket, and before he even knew what was going on, the Russian had an arm around Jacobi’s neck and was swinging him around, placing him between himself and the door.
Kepler fired, and Jacobi felt a blooming pain erupt in his left shoulder. The man’s forearm crushed his windpipe and he dug the barrel of his pistol into Jacobi’s temple.
”I see you weren’t alone,” the man said. At the sight of them, Kepler’s fingers twitched around his gun, but he knew that if the man’s reflexes were good enough to bodily haul Jacobi’s entire person around at the smallest hint of a threat, there would be no way Jacobi could survive the split-second it would take a bullet to make its way across the room.
”It seems we’ve found ourselves in a standoff of sorts,” Kepler drawled, hsi eyes not leaving Jacobi’s own.
”That does seem to be the case.” Kepler was looking at him in that way that said I’m not going to bail you out this time. If Jacobi wanted to get out of there before the place blew, he would have to think of something himself. He watched Kepler for any hint of how he was supposed to get out of this, and for the smallest fraction of a second, he saw his eyes dart down to Jaocbi’s hip before jumping back up to look at the man behind him.
”I feel I should let you know something friend,” Kepler said. “This place is set to blow in about, oh, three minutes?” What was Kepler thinking? Did he really think Jacobi could- “What that means is that if any of us want to make it out of here in one piece, we’re going to have to compromise.” This dude had the reflexes of a cheetah. Even if Jacobi could get his hunting knife out without him noticing, how was he supposed to- “So here’s what I propose- you drop that gun right there, we’ll hand over any and all property we have acquired during our stay.” Jacobi had to do it, though, there was no other way. “And then the three of us can hightail it out of here before we get crushed under three-floors’ worth of rubble.”
The man laughed slowly. “Unfortunately, I do not think that will be possible, friend. If this building is going down, the three of us are going down with it. That is- unless you would like to leave the two of us here and save yourself.” Jacobi’s hand grazed against cool metal.
”As enticing of an option as that is, Mr. Jacobi is a rather skilled operative and it would be a shame to have to lose him to one of his own explosions, not to mention terribly ironic, so I’m afraid we won’t be able to take you up on that offer. Jacobi?”
And in the blink of an eye, the man was bringing his gun hand down to grip at the serrated hunting knife Jacobi had just buried in his side. Jacobi ducked down, out of his grip, and Kepler finished the man off with a single shot to the head. With no time to lose, Jacobi retrieved his gun and hard drives, and the two of them were racing out of the building, making it out just moments before they heard the building’s supports coming down.
Kepler never did apologise for shooting him, but Jacobi couldn’t remember a single time he had ever heard Kepler apologise, that just wasn’t something he did. Instead, the Major sat across from him in their hotel room, their knees knocking as Kepler’s steady hands removed the bullet from his shoulder and stitched up the wound. And on the plane back to Canaveral, as Jacobi drifted off in that place between sleep and awake, he could almost feel the way those strong, deft fingers carded softly through his hair.
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KnB Stage Play 3: IGNITE-ZONE (Fan Report)
I attended the evening show on April 7th held at Sunshine Theatre Hall, Ikebukuro (Tokyo). Personal & official stage pictures and my report under the cut! And yes, that is my personalised KagaKuro Itabag!


I applied for the pre-sale lottery a few months back and scored a seat on Row 12 at the theatre. The hall itself is pretty small and cosy (about 850-ish seats in total) so I had a very good and close view of the cast on the stage!

At the lobby, we had the usual ticket checks and up ahead was a present box table for fans to leave letters and gifts to the cast.
I am a fan of Ono Kensho so I did write a fan letter to him! This is my 2nd letter to him since I have attended two of his live appearances - MBS Anime Fes 2017 and of course this stage play. He visited Singapore a few years back, so I decided to use one of my several Singapore postcards to write him an encouraging message! #singaporerepresent .
On the right was a pretty long queue for merch and the DVD/Blu-Ray preorders booth. I bought a t-shirt for myself since that is usually the only merch I buy at live shows/events!

Onwards into the hall and taking my seat, we can immediately see an outdoor basketball court setting with fences and four 3-metre high warped walls at all four corners of the stage.
Alas no rotating stage floor this time, but I promise you this set is probably one of the nicest sets out of the 3 stage plays!
The back half of the stage also has a slight incline to create the illusion of height. There are white lines running from the floor (basketball court markings), streaking across the warped walls and curving up towards the ceiling. And yes, they light up to create the effect of the ZONE!

(You can see all the white stripes lighting up and flashing around in red as Kagami entered the ZONE. It’s super cool!The same lights flash around as Kagami executed his Meteor Jam shot too!)
The cast was perfect and everybody really did their best to deliver their character roles in this super strenuous 2-hour play. I swear they have perfected the squat and have thighs & calves of steel from all that semi-squat poses they have to do!
In the first two plays, we had the stage-hands/back-up cast in those tacky black raincoats. In the 3rd play, these backup cast (called Igniters) were dressed in black pants and a black hoodie. I guess they have to be in athletic wear because they help the main cast with their stunts (lifting Kagami and Murasakibara, as well as using their bodies as launch-pad for Kuroko to jump off from).
I want to do a special shout-out to Riko (Asami Tano)! She has the BEST facial expression during the dance number, and she was super energetic! She really really shined on stage!
Other special mentions go to the three main boys - Ono Kensho (Kuroko), Asato Yuya (Kagami), Onuma Shouta (Aomine), they really breathed life into their characters.
If you watch each actor close enough, you can see the boys doing something special before every match.
Ono Kensho - He likes to wipe the palm of his hands on the soles of both shoes (i guess to wipe off any sweat from the ground), before a match.
Asato Yuya - He taps the front of his shoes (the toes) with two fingers to ready his feet (or maybe to check his shoelaces).
Kawai Ryunosuke (Kiyoshi) - He likes to hit the sides of his thighs with his fists to relief his thigh muscles before each match.
I am not sure if these are their personal stage rituals or something the real character does in the anime/manga, but it was pretty cool to notice!
I won’t be going through the play scene by scene because I honestly cannot remember every single thing. Midori has written a very detailed review so you can check hers out. But I will pick out my favourite scenes from the entire play!
And yes, we had Tsuchida (Kajimoto Daiki) warn us not to throw the ball back on stage, a staff or himself will come and get it. This announcement did come pretty late because Himuro’s ball rebounded against the curved ceiling structures and flew towards the left of the audience before the warning. Thankfully no one was hurt!
The play opens with a KagaKuro scene where Kuroko (Ono Kensho) asks about Kagami’s (Asato Yuya) ring necklace, and Kiyoshi Teppei (Kawai Ryunosuke) interrupts the two lovers boys’ alone time. The three of them decided to play street basketball together.
Himuro enters the scene as the trio made their way to the ‘basketball court’, which then led to Kagami and Himuro’s beautiful English-only exchange!!!! Saito Hidenori (Himuro’s actor) pronunciation was super spot on! Asato/Kagami, you did your best too! Still a lovely treat to hear them speak English!
Himuro: Yo, Taiga.
Kagami: Tatsuya! It’s been a while...
Himuro: Why the poker face? Aren’t you glad to see me?
And of course Kiyoshi Teppei (Kawai Ryunosuke) interrupts their tense exchange, which led to this hilarious moment in that scene:
Kiyoshi: Er...Hello, my name is Kiyoshi Teppei. Nice to meet you. Kiyoshi means Iron..er..flat. Teppei means err, good!
Himuro: 日本語でいいよ。(You can use Japanese.)
Kagami then explained how he met Himuro in America and how they were like brothers. We also had Murasakibara enter the stage from the audience seats and eating a bag of chips (Ayukawa Taiyo really had actual chips that he was eating on stage!! And he is suuuuuuper tall gosh).
Kuroko and Murasakibara had a tense exchange, with Kuroko smacking off Murasakibara’s hand each time the giant tried to grab his head.
Kiyoshi went up to reintroduce himself to Murasakibara but the tall giant could not remember him.
Himuro then demonstrates his Mirage shot with Murasakibara (omiously) looking forward to seeing them at the Winter Cup as they left.
The whole cast (save for Akashi because he is too cool to dance) danced to The Other Self by Granrodeo. Each school ( Seirin High, Touou Gakuen, Shuutoku High, Yosen High) had a few minutes of team dance in the song.
As the song enters the last chorus, the entire cast came back on stage to finish the dance.
Unfortunately, during my evening show, the huge cloth banner with the play title/logo did not fall properly, one end was still caught in the ceiling. It was left hanging there awkwardly for a few seconds before they blackout the stage, and the Igniters came rushing over, jumping and yanking the banner off from the ceiling.
The audience was super gracious and applauded really loudly to give the cast huge encouragement for the early mishap. I am a dancer and regularly perform on stage multiple times a year, and I know small things like these can really affect the cast. I was super touched that the audience was understanding and super encouraging with their loud applause.
Ahhh, the infamous onsen scene. IT WAS HILARIOUS!
So while the Igniters were jumping to tear the stuck banner off from the ceiling, the Seirin boys shuffled onto the stage and jokingly rambled...
“Ahhh, our bad (悪いな)! Got stuck, hahaha, our bad”
... with only the blue cloth (onsen water) covering their lower half towards the middle of the stage. But the audience was understanding and applauded, and laughed even harder at their entrance and ad-libbed lines.
The scene began with them relaxing in the water ( we could hear the girls laughing and splashing water from a distance), and suddenly Kuroko pops up from under the cloth, all woozy from the heat. The senpais then told Kagami to take him out from the water to rest outside. And Kagami and Kuroko dived underwater (lmao) to exit the scene.
Izuki Shun (Matsui Yuuho) did a super lame pun which made everyone giggle in the audience.
Izuki: Ofuro, all for you.
There was one point in this scene where some boys purposely dropped the cloth which made the audience laugh so hard (we could see them wearing towels around their waist, don’t worry)
Hyuuga: OI! Misdirection up here, not down there!
Then the Touou rival team suddenly popped up like daisies from beneath the water (making the bath really crowded but super funny because everyone is all naked). And Sakurai pulled out the official match sheet from beneath the water. Seirin team was like wtf magic paper while Hyuuga teasingly reached over to touch the magic paper which did not disintegrate under the water (LMAO).
Everyone then ‘rolled’ their way inside, omg this is so hard to describe but you know how you roll a burrito? The boys rolled themselves inwards so all of them can peer at the match assignments. IT WAS SUPER FUNNY.
The onsen scene ends with us seeing Kagami slinging Kuroko over his shoulders, and helping him onto a bench to get a sports drink for his bae. Aomine then enters the scene, offering a Pocari Sweat to him. This scene is exactly like the anime/manga!
Kuroko goes off to meet Akashi and the GoM outside the stadium, and we had 5 banners fall from the ceiling with Midorima holding a pair of scissors, Kise holding his mobile phone, Aomine with his sneer and Murasakibara with a bar of chocolate. Of course the 4 GoM started arguing through voice-over playback and the middle banner suddenly lit up with Akashi’s silhouette.
Akashi: Sorry to keep you waiting.
And the banner dramatically falls to show Akashi standing behind it.
Kuroko and Akashi had some words of exchange, and of course, Kagami had to come barging in to rescue Kuroko.
Akashi borrowed Midorima’s lucky scissors to attack Kagami, and poor baby fell to the ground in shock. Akashi then started dramatically snipping his hair which was super cool but pretty scary to watch (he had an evil/maniac air to the way he delivered his lines and cut his hair).
It was a really good scene, pretty artistically done too!
O.M.G What a match! It was exhilarating to watch! SO much energy and sprinting around! It was really well choreographed!
Aomine & Kagami went into the ZONE and the white lines running through the floor to the warped walls and ceilings lit up in red and blue flowing lights! It was so beautiful to watch!
Of course, Touou lost the match and Aomine disappeared to sulk by himself while Momoi ran off to find him. We had the Touou captain Imayoshi (Hayashi Akihiro) make an encouraging speech to his team while many girls in the audience started sobbing.
The scene with Momoi and Aomine was pretty sad too because Aomine was really depressed after losing the match.

I really love this scene of Aomine’s happier days in Teikou, when he genuinely still loved basketball. He (Onuma Shouta) was smiling so much!
Momoi said there is a ghost playing in the gym and this innocent baby went to check it out, not minding a match with the unseen entity.
Of course, when he opened the sliding doors to the gym, it was pitch black and there was no one there. The stage lighting effects was super good for this scene! OnoK/Kuroko then entered the stage and stood close behind Aomine, greeting him. Aomine freaked out and started praying on the ground. It was super cute!
Kuroko then demonstrated his shooting skills (because Aomine didn’t believe he was on the team) - missing entirely (the Igniter purposely shifted the hoop/board so the ball misses)
But when it came to Aomine’s turn, Onuma really missed the hoop and everyone started laughing so hard.
Kuroko: Aomine-kun is really good. Audience: *laughs harder* Aomine: *tries not to break character but he did and was biting back his laughter so hard*
We then had had the scene shift to Aomine and Kuroko being all happy practising basketball together until one day Kuroko confided that he wanted to quit and Aomine talked him out of it with some jokes:
Aomine: There is nothing bad about basketball....and (about) myself too.
The GoM and Akashi finally met Kuroko, saying that Kuroko is an interesting character to watch out for.
FAN-SERVICE TIME!! I read on Twitter that other people experienced different versions of the intermission ad-lib, but I am so glad mine is the best!!
Kagami: I want a break.
Kuroko: ...120minutes! *runs and falls flat on his face, continues lying on the ground^
Kagami: 20 minutes! *runs over and smacks Kuroko’s ass^ Oi, get up!
(Both runs off)
So Midorima and Takao cross-dressed at Midorin and Takako joshikoseis lmao (High School girls). OMG IT WAS SO FUNNY I CANNOT!!!! The spoke in falsetto voices, which was super funny! AND THEY WERE BEAUTIFUL OKAY!!!
Midorin: Himuro-san? I am a big fan, can we take a picture together>
Himuro: Sure.
Midorin: Taka-chan~ Hurry~
Takako: Mi-chan, wait! (all 3 pose for photos together LMAO)

The sound effect that plays each time they hold up their ring necklaces was super cool. A lot of Kagami x Himuro angst and pining in this play, but it was beautifully executed each time!
Kagami did give his ring necklace and told Kuroko to throw it away, but Kuroko kept it and returned it to him at the end of the match! It was beautiful to watch!

Again, another super intense match! I am so glad the boys managed to catch some rest during the 20-minute intermission because the 2nd match was the toughest (choreographically-speaking) with all the stunts. It was so intense that Izuki (Matsui Yuuho)’s shoe flew off his foot when the team surrounded Murasakibara to mark him. Poor boy had to run and grab his shoe, put it on and deliver his lines immediately without skipping a beat.
There were tons of jumps, sprinting up the warped walls, dashing from stage left to right! The boys were really sweating hard by then (ooo sparkly skin). This match was also emotionally hard with many intense scenes and all the actors delivered it very well.
Kiyoshi and Murasakibara’s scene was very true to the manga/anime. Murasakibara did hold Kiyoshi up by one hand, and it was heartbreaking to watch! Kudos to both actors!
A couple of girls also started sobbing at Teppei’s speech - when he had to sit out of the game after injuring himself.
When Murasakibara entered the zone, he had purple lights swirling around him and the Igniters did a breakdance around him to create this swirling energy effect, it was really cool!
Asato/Kagami and Ayukawa/ Murasakibara were lifted by the Igniters to make it look like they have jumped really high in the air! The effect looked really good, and it made Murasakibara’s jumps and landing look even more monstrous!
OnoK/Kuroko also debuted his Misdirection Overflow with the help of the ZONE lights! But poor Kensho had to keep sprinting from stage left to right with the blue lights trailing after him to show his ‘powers’. I think he did it a couple of times, and each time I was praying he doesn’t trip and fall with that inhumanly-fast sprinting.
Murasakibara’s crying scene (with the towel over his head) was also really sad and many people in the audience cried. I was close enough to the stage to really see the actor crying! It was heartbreaking to watch!
This match was more intense than the Touou match in my opinion, and I found myself holding my breath in anticipation! It was so GOOD!
At the end of the play, the cast did the same opening dance but this time with Akashi finally joining in to dance!
During curtain call, the cast took their bows to Ono Kensho’s song ‘My Story’, and all of us in the audience clapped along to the beat!
Ono Kensho then made a speech on behalf of the cast/crew, thanking us for attending the play. He also apologised to the side of the audience where the ball was sent flying.
He told us that while the cast will do their best in the matches on the stage, he was glad that the audience did their best defence from the seats too (LOL).
So during their final bow, I decided to wave wildly at Ono Kensho (while everyone else was clapping to the beat of the song). He spotted my waving and actually locked eyes with me and nodded his head in acknowledgement with a smile, as he moved off the stage with the cast. OMG! I was fangirling so hard!!!
All in all, I have to say that the play really improved this year as compared to the previous two plays!
The choreography, stunts, costumes...everything was so beautiful! I really applaud the director for pushing the actors really hard in the 3rd play. It was like seeing the characters come to life on stage!
All the boys worked really hard during rehearsals and I read that they do have (very) minor accidents on stage on Twitter in every show.
If you do not know, the supporting cast and the crew in 2.5D stages DO NOT GET PAID during rehearsals.In fact, the entire cast and crew earn their income from ticket and DVD/Blu-Ray sales.
If you want to support them, please please PLEASE buy a copy of the DVD/Blu-Ray. Please stop pirating online. The boys really worked their butts off and they go home almost fainting from exhaustion at the end of each performance day. Asato mentioned he was so tired he fell asleep immediately when he got home.
I believe you can also watch the live-streams and/or download the play through DMM. They should be releasing information on the Grand Finale live-viewing soon! There are tons of ways to support the industry and the boys, so there is no excuse to pirate.
I will be watching their last third show in May again to support my boys since I will be in Tokyo that weekend.
I can’t wait to get my hands on the DVD as well. It will be released on September 26th.
Thanks for reading all the way to the end, I am happy to take any questions!
Official pictures courtesy of Stage Natalie and Smart Boys
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