#I took creative liberties for Lee's middle name
thestarstoasun · 6 months
Side Character Interactions / Behind The Scenes of Camp Half-Blood
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• Will is friends/acquaintances with pretty much the entirety of camp, but is closest to Cecil and Lou Ellen. The next in the circle is Clarisse, Castor (before the BotL), and Mark (the son of Ares).
• The Hermes Cabin is the place to go for year-rounders to get "out-of-camp" items. (Fidget spinners, mortal toys, etc)
• There is a "secret" betting pool that the Aphrodite cabin has going on when campers and their mutual crushes will get together. (Percabeth (canonically), etc)
• Clarisse helped train Will in using a dagger before the Battle of Manhatten at his request due to him not feeling like he was as good with a bow + being a combat medic.
Connor to Will before he is claimed: Don't worry, we will teach you all you need to know about being a Hermes kid
Lee, walking up behind them from a long infirmary shift: Absolutely not. Will, how about you come with me and we can get some hot chocolate?
Clarisse: That has got to be the dumbest thing I've heard all day!
Silena: Clarisse, please calm down...it's only breakfast, there's still plenty of time.
Mitchell: What the Hades is going on in here?
Cecil and Travis attempting to do basic make up for Connor (and failing): ...
Cecil: Surprise!
Connor: Gods, I should've asked someone else for help
Michael: You look like shit
Lee: I'm running on 3 cups of black coffee and spite.
Chiron: I'm glad at least your cabin doesn't cause many problems.
Beckendorf: Uh..yeah..about that. It may or may not have caught fire earlier, but it's alright because we put it out.
Chiron: How did you manage that?
Beckendorf: We got the Hermes kids to help, so we still have half of a cabin at least
I can definitely make another part of this if anyone wants, feel free to ask and request ships (I make no guarantees.) I did hint at like 2 of them in this though! If you have any duos/ideas feel free to also send them my way as well, I love seeing them and I want to be on Tumblr more anyways. Have a nice day, y'all!
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