#I thought it would be interesting and funny if Tyelpe was the one who looked like some dark lord descending upon an angel
unicornslayerofd000m · 2 months
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Decided to do Silvergiftingweek for fun! @silvergiftingweek Day 1: Beginnings
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So I was looking at a post by @aragornsrockcollection about Melian being the Maia of love. And I agree with this entirely. And then I had the idea of what if the elves in Middle Earth had an equivalent of Valentine’s Day. So yeah that’s what this is gonna be.
‘Good morning Elrond,’ Gil Galad stated cheerfully, having grown somewhat used to Elrond’s habit of just turning up at his shoulder out of thin air while he was walking. ‘You have a meeting with the ambassador from the Fallas in twenty minutes. Here’s your opinions on trade relations,’ Elrond said handing him a file in lieu of a greeting. Gil Galad flicked through the file. He let out a sigh of relief at the thoroughness of the opinions that gave him enough idea of what was going on in this situation that he’d be able to wing it if he had to. ‘What would I do without you? Which reminds me’ he said grinning widely and pulling flowers out of his pocket, ‘Happy Melian Day beautiful!’ Elrond quirked an eyebrow at the held out flowers. He did not look particularly impressed. ‘Very original your majesty. You really think you’re the first person to come up with that?’ With that Elrond swung open his office door. Inside the desk was overflowing with flowers, love poetry and boxes of sweets. Elrond looked at him deadpan with hand on his hip. Gil Galad tried to suppress laughter. Elrond seemed to have anticipated a bit of this from the extra vases available in his room but clearly not the level in which it had occurred. ‘It stopped being funny the tenth time! Which, by the way, was over a century ago! And why do people think it’s romantic to compare someone to their great great grandmother! It’s just weird, I mean, I bet Tyelpe never gets compared to Finwe by people who are trying to court him!’ Elrond finally finished his rant. Privately Gil Galad thought Elrond may be overestimating how many people were simply joking about Melian. He thought it best to keep this to himself though. ‘They have healing properties so I’m told,’ Gil Galad tried appealing to the one thing that was always guaranteed to capture his herald’s interest. True to form Elrond looked at the more closely before chuckling under his breath ‘Well whoever told you that was having a bit of fun with you I imagine,’ though Elrond’s lips quirked into a gentle smile while accepting them. ‘I do appreciate the thought though,’ and Elrond was definitely teasing him now his deep blue eyes shining with mischief.
He strode over to his desk and removed some roses from their vase to arrange the wildflowers in there carefully. Gil Galad moved towards him plucking one out to place it behind Elrond’s ear in his silky black braid that held a his hair back from one side of his face. Elrond looked at him like he looked at a chess board, unsure as to the possible angles. Gil Galad headed to the door calling back over his shoulder ‘See you at the staff meeting, Tinuviel!’ Elrond rolled his eyes ‘You are on thin ice your majesty!’ The effect was somewhat hindered by the hand that was touching the flower while he smiled to himself. ‘Try chocolates next time!’
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