#I thought I was watching drakor
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jade-lop · 18 days ago
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itsaboutover · 1 year ago
Not the Media. It's just Me
I loves write. Journal, diary, a story, short story etc. I loves it since sooo young. Back then, i even woke up in the middle night just to write. like literally write on the book till my finger hurt. I was so diligent and i really enjoyed the moment although it meant that i didn't have proper time to slept but i loveeeee. Then, when i already got a job, i bought a laptop thought that my hobby did better, i can wrote better without hurt my finger again, but that never happened. Because, the reality is i always make an excuse to procrastinate. Busy watched drakor, an anime or even gaming. I didn't write again. Everytime i open laptop hope my write will find the end, but it always ended up i did nothing useless. And it's been almost 10 years and there is no one of my story that have an ending. I always edited it, deleted and edited just focused on the paragraf, just one sentence never moving forward.
I miss the younger version of me who so exited in writing anything. Just write. Never think anything else, also i can edited after finished it. i should.
so yeah, of course it's not about the media. should with the proper tools, i should be better.
i imagining, what if a writer being writers block like me? but i think its me who procrastinate and being lazy. not just writer block.
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mnovenia · 1 year ago
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Day 6 & 7 in Korea - 1 & 2 Aug 2023
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Day 6 in Korea - 1 Aug 2023 (It's a brand new month)
Woke up trying to forget what happened last night, Bella just said kopark mabok banget ya, and i was like whatever, let's not talk about it. Idk this part of culture the drinking part, if it's acceptable even in church's perspective.
WRC begin that day, we're heading to Dr Robbin's near church to eat with our Bali Camp leader. I dragged all my suitcases along, and ate the best pumpkin soup ever. Kwonsanim treated us, gave me precious alba mask and said: you're always seem so positive, cheerful, sincere, and bright. Even we didnt manage to talk a lot during the camp, but I can tell your character :""") aduh mo nangis gak sih, inget Marsh the glory belongs to God alone, not a single thing is from your effort OK! be humble. Then Bu anita who's thoughtful brought a very delish cake from Paris Baguette as it's Kwonsanim's birthday. She shared about her kids who's grown up and why i still havent married lol. They planned to drive me to airbnb, so nice of them but i said im ok w taxi because I believe they all have other schedule. Bella was also having another meeting, i was wishing she'd join me as i nervous but nevermind, she called a taxi, i spoke to the gisanim who's kind. I politely said i didn't plan to go to gonghaeng, but pls just follow the address. He said: of course i knew you're a foreigner etc and spoke kindly to me, drove me to the closest part of my air bnb and gave me a bit of discount to. Hehe thank you God i survived again in this country with your guidance. I managed to open the room well, with fancy door, smelly old dark building just like in the drama and it's actually in the area of Lotte where i went with Bella droven by taekyun oppa last year. So I settled down, bought water etc to 711, but twas the hottest day ever 34 derajat till i was so exhausted. I bought water, coffee, snacks, refill my t card and the ahjumma was so nice, saw me with pity and treated me nicely. Praise God, everywhere I go, God brought light at the back of my head kynya, that people can only see the good in me and trying to be kind :'') that's when I realize geu bitchero that I have to share to the world.
Then I rested for a bit, was so tempted to not going WRC because it's only for a while and I had to take bus for the 1st time n a bit afraid. Anyhow, in the heat I managed to go, found Yewon church, stopped at KBS, Ibu Anita already messaged me, I know I was late going n trying to figure out the bus etc, Bella was worried too n asked me to take taxi instead but nope.
I arrived and listened to Luvim: Love. Idk why I felt a bit emotional, a bit lonely and loveless when I live alone. Everybody (my bali camp team too busy with their lives and can't always entertain me, etc). Maybe that how God wants to teach me ya, it's lovely to be surrounded by family and friends. However, if i think about it know, i shouldn't bersungut2 and just keep going cheerfully, enjoy a bit of loneliness and having own time. I didn't know that even in a week God can changed the whole situation and gave me the best memory in Korea, nomu sarang sereopta :)
It was a nice time with kwonsanim, Jihoon, ci Yenni, Salomo, etc. It was an opening ceremony so we watched online and sing together. I sat at the 3rd culture group. Afterwards around 9 everybody is leaving, so is ci Yenny etc, but I decided to have fun uhuhhuyy..
I went to Ehwa Hospital where Hospital Playlist scenes was taken. It felt like a dream come true HAHAHA, naik haji drakor mania. Twas such a nice memory, I took videos on my own, walking around even though it's dark etc. I wish next time I can come back with someone I like that can know about hospital and can show me around ;) Amen..
Then I headed home cheerfully, so freely like nothing is chasing me. I jumped to the bus and i saw kim seok jin's face (sticker) next to where I sat. hehe.. I make a video about a day in my life, then I went to pyenajeom GS near air BnB. I saw ik jun face everywhere, at mask brand, fried chicken brand (I sent to Jentya), I bought doosirak, kobuk chips, drinks, kimbap, honey butter chips OMO so good. If i weren't in IF program I'd ate rightaway. That's all, I managed to spend 1 night in my air b&b, so quiet and nice and adjusted well. Thank you so much Lord for protection and everything.
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nnkhld · 5 years ago
Ceritanya Review: I'll be Right There
(opini. durasi baca: 15 menit. spoiler alert!)
Ini boong judulnya, karena post ini tercipta cuma karena ingin sambat habis baca sebuah buku, tapi karena butuh buku lain untuk pembanding dan rasanya nggak adil aja kalo cuma disandingkan, jadilah I’ll be Right There - Kyung Sook Shin di-review ceritanya.
Jadi, beberapa waktu lalu baca novel yg.. bikin ku menghela napas habis baca tiap 1-2 halaman, nutup bukunya trus feeling like I don't wanna open that book anymore. Buku ini salah satu karangan seorang penulis yg beberapa tahun belakangan cukup populer namanya fiersa besari. Sebut saja ini buku X nggak nyebut judul tapi ngasih nama penulisnya hhh. Nulis ini aku jadi inget reaksiku pertama kali dikasih buku ini, 
me: berasa muda deh dikasih buku ini
that friend: lah situ dah nggak muda?
me: bukannya biasanya yg baca buku ini anak baru kuliahan yg msh unyu2
Iya aku anaknya judgemental. Aku sendiri mbayangin orang yang ngasih kalo mbaca buku X ini juga nggak cocok, haqqul yakin dia ngasih tapi nggak mbaca dulu. Habis beberapa halaman yang melelahkan itu, aku bertanya-tanya apa ketidakcocokanku ini cuma karena aku judgemental, berpikiran sempit, suka ngenyek genre romance, dan terutama karena nggak muda lagi? 
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Nggak ding, aku nggak setua itu. Tapi di halaman ke-sekian, tiba-tiba mendapat pencerahan. Sambat ini mungkin nggak berhubungan dengan usia, bahkan genre sekalipun. Maybe this uncomfortable feeling comes from something more spesific. At a particular page, aku nutup buku habis baca satu kalimat. Trus mikir, trus aku buka lagi, then i got the a-ha! moment. Aku nggak cocok sama how the author writes description.
Imho, poin penting dalam buku fiksi itu deskripsi. Pembaca fiksi tu harus translate cerita dalam dimensi tulisan ke sebuah gambaran di ruang pikirannya masing-masing. Buatku, penulis fiksi tu harus bisa ber-deskripsi dgn meyakinkan tanpa membosankan. 
Ada manfaatnya juga sih gegara angot-angotan baca buku X ini, aku jadi semangat nyelesein buku nonfiksi yang dah pending 1 tahun hoho. Tapi habis si buku nonfiksi abis, aku pengen baca fiksi lagi, jadilah aku mbuka buku hasil BBW.
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Nggak sengaja liat ini di BBW, trus ku taruh lagi karena sebelum ke BBW aku niat nggak akan beli fiksi, tapi yaaa apa mau dikata, this book was too tempting, ambil lagi trus bawa ke kasir. Sebenernya si tante Kyung Sook Shin ini lebih terkenal sama buku sebelumnya, judulnya “Please Look After Mom” yang recommended banget buat yang suka drama keluarga/tragedi.
Judul:  어디선가 나를 찾는 전화벨이 울리고 (english: I’ll Be Right There) Penulis: Kyung Sook Shin Penerjemah: Sora Kim-Russell ISBN:  9781590516737 Tahun: 2010
Ini genrenya apa ya? Kalo kata goodreads sih Historical Fiction. Kalo dah pernah baca Laut Bercerita-Leila S. Chudori, ini mirip settingnya. Di tahun 80-an mahasiswa Korea Selatan turun ke jalan menentang rezim militer yang berkuasa. Kalo pernah nonton drakor Reply 1988, peristiwa ini juga diambil buat latar ceritanya, ada akun tumblr bagus yang review drakor ini, sila baca di sini.
Bedanya dari novelnya tante Leila, kalo Laut dan tokoh-tokoh di bukunya itu emang aktivis, kalo tokoh di bukunya tante Sook Shin mereka orang-orang yang seakan terperangkap di masa itu. Kalaupun ikut turun ke jalan, mereka nggak bisa dengan pasti mengatakan motivasinya apa. Maybe the solidarity of demonstrators filled the hole in their hearts, mereka sendiri lagi berjuang menghadapi personal problem, dan itu yang jadi daya tariknya.
Nah sebelum lebih jauh ke novelnya tante Sook Shin, mari kembali sambat.
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Aku inget aku pernah nulis gitu di post Bacaan 2018, tentang bukunya Ayu Utami yang Saman. Emang pada dasarnya dari dulu seleraku berkutat sama bagaimana penulis berdeskripsi berarti. Waktu baca buku X itu, tepat di kalimat yang bikin aku menyadari ini, dia nulis kalimat dengan struktur S-P-O untuk mendeskripsikan karakternya. Deskripsi karakter tokoh itu penting, tapi aku memasalahkan caranya, buatku ada banyak cara untuk explore karakter, nggak sekedar penulis bilang (contoh) “Ani rajin menabung.”. 
Deskripsi pake sekedar kalimat S-P-O gitu emang singkat padat jelas, nggak ngganggu plot dan dragging cerita ke mana-mana, tapi buatku itu mbosenin. Tricky emang, kalo bikin deskripsi panjang trus ceritanya jadi mbleber ke mana-mana. Tapi buatku lebih menarik kalo gini,
“Upah Ani hari ini dibaginya menjadi beberapa tumpukan di meja. Satu tumpukan ditaruhnya di bawah kasur, satu tumpukan dimasukkannya ke kaleng roti penuh receh, tumpukan lainnya ia masukkan ke kantong tas untuk ongkos esok pergi. Disisakannya satu tumpukan di meja, lima ribu rupiah besarnya, yang akan ia belikan semangkuk bubur kacang kalau perutnya berbunyi lewat pukul enam. Jika ia sanggup menahan lapar, akan dimasukkan juga tumpukan terakhir itu ke kaleng roti.”.
Trus habis baca satu paragraf itu aku sendiri yang menyimpulkan, bahwa “Ani rajin menabung.”
Ribet betul, yang gampang aja ada tapi nggak suka.
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Coba ya bandingin sama Kyung Sook Shin mendeskripsikan tokohnya masih merasa kehilangan habis ibunya meninggal, she didn’t write, “I’m still grieving” atau “I can’t move on”, instead she wrote,
“There was no medicine for me to pick up on Wednesdays, yet every Wednesday morning I could be found sitting in the waiting room of that hospital. It was my Wednesday routine. I no longer had a number to wait for, but each time the pager dinged, I looked up and watched the display change. After a while, I would tell myself it was time to get to class, and I would leave the waiting room.” (hlm. 19)
Emang kepanjangan dan rasanya nggak efektif, tapi the positive side is paragraf itu bisa di-incorporate buat jalan cerita. Kaya Ayu Utami di Saman, dialognya jadi punya lebih dari 1 fungsi. Kaya penggaris 30 cm gitu, bisa buat nggaris bisa buat nggaruk punggung haha.
Aku bilang sambat ini bukan masalah genre, karena ku juga inget penulis populer lain, sebut saja namanya Tere Liye. Aku belum pernah baca semua judul bukunya sih, tapi kalo ada yang tanya rekomendasi bukunya, malah aku suka ngasi yang judulnya “Kau, Aku, dan Sepucuk Angpau Merah” yang mana adalah romance. Mungkin aku terkesan sama karakter-karakternya sih, jadi cara menulisnya kurang aku inget. 
Meanwhile, aku sangat terganggu sama cara berdeskripsinya di serial “Negeri Para Bedebah” sama serial “Pergi”, yang banyak scene action nya. Itu bukan deskripsi karakter tokoh bahkan, tapi mbacanya jadi kaya liat film action yang koreografi berantemnya nggak pas. Cringy. Tapi over all dengan beberapa judul lainnya yang pernah kubaca, ide ceritanya Tere Liye emang menarik dan konsisten ada nilai humanity-nya.
Ngomong nilai humanity, jadi inget sama bagian dari bukunya tante Sook Shin. I love how she captures the complexity of the situation that time, apalagi karena berpusat pada tokoh anak-anak muda bimbang. Sehabis pembubaran paksa massa oleh aparat, dua tokoh utama mlipir ke sebuah toko taneman yang digambarkan jualannya dah pada layu. Well.. siapa juga yang butuh bebungaan di saat jalan penuh keributan dan takut keluar rumah. Di situ wanita tua pemilik tokonya tetiba bilang,
“When you get home, transfer the plant to another container and water it. I’m sorry we couldn’t leave you a world where no one has to riot... I’m so sorry.”  “This is going to sound as ridiculous as telling you that a cat hatched an egg... You kids may be in the right, but if you keep this up, the rest of us will have to protest as well. We’ll have to protest all the protesting.” (hlm. 96)
So many POVs cramped in a book hoho. Sukak.
Yang mana juga mengingatkanku sama penulis populer lain yang kalo berdeskripsi sungguh bertele-tele dan tidak efektif, karakternya bejibun pula, tapi sangat amat menyenangkan hati, Andrea Hirata namanya. 
Dia banyak make majas metafora (iya bener bukan? cmiiw ya) dibandingin sama taneman-taneman misalnya di “Laskar Pelangi”, dan satu aja bisa panjang banget karena detil. But somehow, itu jadi semacam ciri khas, banyak tokoh dengan karakter distinctive (saking detilnya deskripsi) berkelindan jadi cerita yang unik. Nggak heran sih di buku terakhir “Orang-Orang Biasa” banyak yang kecewa, kesannya buru-buru banget bukunya, karena nggak detil. 
Ekspektasiku nggak nyampek, bang andrea.
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Dah segitu. Panjang kan sambatnya. Mari mengulas bukunya tante Sook Shin soalnya kasian.
Buat orang-orang yang pengen plot cerita yang dinamis, mungkin nggak akan suka sama buku ini. Buku ini diceritakan dari sudut pandang orang pertama yang hmm.. pemikir (?) I don’t know the exact word to describe Jung Yoon’s character, pokoknya isi kepalanya kira-kira gini, 
“What are you doing with your life? When I was twenty, each time I asked myself that, I left the university and walked for hours around the city, eyes streaming from the sting of tear gas in the air. Has nothing changed since then? Even now, whenever I picture his eyes, I have to get out of my house and walk-I pick any road and follow it to the end. Neither society nor I have changed for the better; we have only become more imperfect in different ways.” (hlm. 7)
“Viewing the world from a different angle made it all look strange and dynamic, as if seeing it for the first time-the sycamore and ginkgo trees planted along the road, the small, shy-looking flowerbeds, the hand-painted theater billboards. From the overpass, and especially through the thick tangle of power lines, the sky looked vast and endless.” (hlm. 43)
She is a person who can dive really deep in her own thought, gitu.
Karena ku dah baca “Please Look After Mom”, ku nggak mengharapkan cerita bahagia yang berbunga-bunga. Ini ada romance-nya, but it’s kinda dark. Tentu tidak happy ending, it’s kinda hanging sad ending. Dah ketebak dari awal sih, dari chapter prolog aja pembaca dah dikasih tau kondisinya si tokoh gimana. Alurnya mundur, jadi di prolog itu itu waktu sekarang, sekitar 2000-an. Ceritanya dimulai waktu Jung Yoon dapet kabar tentang orang di masa lalunya, trus dia jadi kelingan sing mbiyen-mbiyen.
Latar waktunya ini menarik, walaupun unsur penting dalam cerita, tante Sook Shin nggak pernah menunjuk tanggal atau tahun spesifik, cuma sekitaran. Kaya di prolog, pembaca nebak itu sekitar tahun 2000-an, karena Jun Yoong menyebutkan peristiwa 911 dan terbakarnya Sungnyemun Gate. Peristiwa demo mahasiswa Korea Selatan di tahun 80-an juga nggak menyebut momen tertentu. Beda sama tante Leila yang bahkan secara samar menyebutkan tokoh-tokoh yang ada dalam dunia nyata di tahun 90-an.
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ini foto Chun Doo Hwan, presiden Korea Selatan (1980-88) yang didemo pada waktu itu (sumber). If you’re interested tentang siapa Chun Doo Hwan, bisa baca biografi singkatnya di sini, atau kalo pengen tau sejarah singkat Korea Selatan bisa baca di sini.
Tante Sook Shin kayanya nggak pengen lansung nunjukin situasi chaos, dia kaya ambil cerita dari orang yang terkena dampak tidak langsung dari situasi negara saat itu.
Tokoh utama kedua, lakik, namanya Myungsuh, pembaca dikasih tau hubungannya dengan tokoh utama Jung Yoon sejak awal. Uniknya, Myungsuh di dalem buku ini ada dalam bentuk catetan jurnal hariannya. Jadi di akhir tiap chapter yang diambil dari susut pandang Jung Yoon, ada tambahan sub-bab yang ditandai dengan gambar tangan megang pena lagi nulis, itu ceritanya tulisan tangan Myungsuh di jurnalnya.
Myungsuh sama kaya Jung Yoon, anak daerah pinggiran yang baru tau situasi chaos sejak kuliah di kota, tapi Myungsuh memahami lebih awal dengan cara yang lebih tragis. Dia punya sahabat masa kecil, namanya Miru, Myungsuh ikut pindah ke kota tinggal sama Miru dan kakaknya. Pacar kakak Miru, seorang aktivis dan demonstran, hilang, dan setelah desperate nyari nggak ketemu-temu, kakak Miru bunuh diri as a protest. Dia menjatuhkan diri dari gedung tinggi sambil membakar diri di hadapan demonstran. Then Myungsuh wrote, 
“After her sister died, Miru took up the search for her sister’s boyfriend, and I joined her. That was how I found out that there were so many people who had gone missing. Some of the disappeared were later found dead in crashed cars, or with the skull cracked open from accidental falls, or with their stomachs swollen with water in reservoirs they had no business being.” (hlm. 197)
Bukan cuma Miru dan kakaknya, yang berperan jadi tokoh pembantu dengan latar cerita dan karakter yang unik,  
Ada Dahn, sahabat masa kecil Jung Yoon, yang pada akhirnya meninggal saat wajib militer tanpa investigasi yang nggenah, kemungkinan bunuh diri tapi dilaporkan akibat human error. Ada Profesor Yoon, dosen Myungsuh dan Jung Yoon, yang nyentrik karena punya rak yang semua bukunya ditata punggung bukunya menghadap ke dalem untuk mengenang para penulis yang mati sebelum usia 33 tahun, tapi juga bijak tanpa banyak omong. Sepupu dan ayah Jung Yoon yang nggak bisa ngerti jalan pikiran Jung Yoon tapi tetep berusaha diam-diam. Beberapa teman kuliah mereka yang jadi geng suka jalan bareng keliling kota sambil belajar sejarah tiap tempat. 
Semua orang yang ada di circle mereka diceritakan dari pengalaman Jung Yoon dan Myungsuh berinteraksi sama mereka. 
Aku dah mbayangin banyak yang mati di cerita ini, dan emang bukan itu yang tante Sook Shin taruh sebagai plot twist. Bukan tentang siapa yang akan mati, tapi gimana Jung Yoon dan Myungsuh tau mereka mati jadi pembaca pun tau mereka mati. So intriguing,
Jung Yoon dan pembaca nggak pernah tau kakaknya Miru dah mati lama, bahkan setelah Jung Yoon temenan lama sama Miru dan Myungsuh. She always under impression kalo kakaknya Miru masih nyari pacarnya yang hilang.
Trus, waktu Dahn mati, kita cuma bisa baca kalo tetiba Jung Yoon pengen bales surat Dahn. Pembaca tau pas Myungsuh nulis di catetan jurnalnya, berbulan-bulan setelah kematian Dahn. Ternyata waktu itu Jung Yoon saking grieving-nya bahkan pikirannya dah lupa kalo Dahn dah mati, her mind was already in dangerous denial state dan Myungsuh nggak menyadari itu. Shocking.
“The four of us laughing gaily and eating every last bite. As much as I enjoyed spending time alone with Miru, it was better when Yoon joined us, and better still when Dahn was around. Had things been to perfect, and we had to suffer for it?” (hlm. 245) 
Belum lagi, waktu Miru mati. Waaaaah.. sangat twisty. Jung Yoon, setelah berbulan-bulan desperate karena lost contact, akhirnya tau Miru meninggal kelaparan karena menderita anorexia sendirian di rumah almarhum neneknya di desa, dari ibunya Miru. Paling mencabik-cabik hati, Jung Yoon meluk ibunya Miru, terus beliau balik nepuk punggungnya, bilang, 
“Thank you for not asking why I left her there.” (hlm 280)
I cried my eyes out T_T not ready for these kinds of detailed sentiments.
Ah, then I may not recommend this book for you if you have some kind of mental breakdown triggered by stories like these. Nanti move on nya lama, tapi kalo pengen enjoy your suffering ya silakan. 
This book kinda reminds me to “The Catcher in The Rye” karena aura gloomy-nya. Juga mengingatkanku sama nonton drama korea “Mr. Sunshine”, karena dari premisnya aja dah ketebak bakalan pada mati, dan mungkin malah aku marah kalo cerita-cerita ini happy ending, tapi pas bagian sedihnya tetep nggak kontrol nangisnya karena cara berceritanya ngena banget. Mungkin dari cerita-cerita fiksi gini lah, yang bikin audiens jadi sangat terpikat sama Korsel hhh.
That’s all. Ini dah panjang banget sambat dan pura-pura reviewnya. Buku ini ada versi bahasa Indonesianya setelah aku cek di goodreads, tapi belum pernah liat karena mungkin dah lawas. Dulu pun aku dapet buku “Please Look After Mom” di obralan gitu soalnya.
Happy satnight.
140919 17:00
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mutiarrra · 4 years ago
Good stuffs on Netflix
Continuing my first post about Netflix’s series recommendation here, I want to post again some good stuffs on Netflix that might save you. Of course this is subjective and purely based on my taste. I’m not gonna give rating because they are above 4 for me.
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(credit to Netflix)
This series is just amazing. It’s something that I’ve never seen in Korean drama. The plot is about good high school student who has dark sidejob outside school. After his job got exposed by one of his friend, their adventure begins. I love the lead characters to the point I don’t know whether it’s okay to root for them. Almost zero romantic scene for those two and it leaves me bitter until now. Looking forward for the season 2! (if perhaps, any)
Its Okay to Not Be Okay
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(credit to https://www.minews.id/gaya-hidup/sinopsis-its-okay-to-not-be-okay-drakor-kim-soo-hyun-seo-ye-ji-wajib-ditonton)
First thing first, whoever came up with Kim Soohyun & Seo Yeji’s pairing deserves pay raise. They have good chemistry and they even look alike. Talking about plot, it was a healing process for the characters with every chapter named after fairy tale as the lead was potrayed as fairy tale’s writer. For some people, the first two episodes might be a little weird but after the story grow it’s heartwarming and fun. Another good point is Seo Yeji’s dress throughout the drama. They are fabulous!
The Queen’s Gambit
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(credit to Netflix)
Honestly I never thought chess was this serious and complicated. Turns out the strategies also have names. The series is interesting to watch as I learn chess is more than just hobby. The lead character is a chess prodigy, making her name big in the world full of men.
Start Up
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(credit to https://www.cnnindonesia.com/hiburan/20201204194449-220-578222/mengulik-5-fakta-dalam-kisah-drama-start-up)
This is a very popular drama that makes netizen divided into 2 teams, rooting for the male lead or second lead. For me, instead of the love affair between the leads, what’s interesting is because we can see the behind the scene of the start up company. The struggle, the passion, and the casualness.
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(credit to https://www.hellokpop.com/kdrama/k-drama-premiere-voice-3/)
The series is already on its third season. The first two seasons are available on Netflix but the third season isn’t. You may watch in different platforms. The story revolves around a Korean police unit called Golden Time (similar to 911). They recieve emergency calls and guide the caller to their safety. Almost every episodes has different cases but some of them are related to one big case with a mastermind killer behind it. The female police officer has special hearing ability that is a big help for the team.
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(credit to Netflix)
A legend. Just like Kuroko’s Basketball, Haikyuu is a sport-themed anime but about volleyball. It is about high school team and their journey to become the champion in Japan. Although it’s not as exaggerating as Kuroko’s Basketball in the term of ridiculous skill, they are still anime thus you’ll expect slow-mo. It’s light and fun, and you feel like you’re grow with them. 
Sweet Home
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(credit to Netflix)
Based on webtoon adaption, Sweet Home is a thriller and sci-fi series. The main lead moved to apartement where it was supposed to be a sweet home but turns into shit home. The residents are trapped in the apartement when a “pandemic” occurs, the disease starts turning human into some kind of monster. Maybe similar to Alive, the Korean movie but I think Sweet Home is more entertaining.
Alice in Borderland
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(credit to https://financerewind.com/entertainment/live-action-alice-in-borderland-series-english-subtitled-trailer-has-been-revealed/)
Similar to Sweet Home, Alice in Borderland is also about surviving. They are forced to participate in games in order to survive. Each games are in different difficulties based on the cards they play (spades, hearts, clubs, and diamonds). If they can finish the game they will get a card as a visa to live. If your visa expired or you failed to finish the game, you’re killed. Survival themed show is always interesting for me, and Alice in Borderland with Japan culture in the background is refreshing.
Hot Stove League
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(credit to https://www.kpopmap.com/appealing-to-the-general-audience-hot-stove-league/)
What a superb drama! This is a feel good drama that makes you can’t stop watching it and makes you part of them. The plot is about baseball team in Korea who ranked last in the league. They hire new manager who is famous for his record of bringing every team he manages to win but disband after it. This is my first time watching drama about sport aside from anime. As expected, it’s veeeery good. I like how the new manager is unlikeable and not friendly but very good doing at his job. We can see how the baseball team transforming slowly to become top-tier at their league. One of the best drama I’ve seen so far.
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fanfic-inator795 · 7 years ago
Zboneak Oneshot: Second Dates, Second Chances
Plot: They’re certainly on better terms than before... So it’s worth a shot, right? 
((Heyyyy, haven’t written one of these in a while! But I’ve had this idea sitting around for a bit, and I’m in a sort of WoY mood after watching the rerun marathon so, here’s just a little something! ^v^ 
Also, quick note: This could be taken as a semi-sequel to another oneshot, ‘Better’, though you don’t need to read that in order to get this one. All you need to know is that both fics take place after ‘The End of the Galaxy’, Hater’s trying to be a good guy, and he now knows that Syl used to be a thief/bounty hunter. Alright, enjoy!))
It was sort of hard to believe that not only did Hater stop minding whenever they ran into their galaxy’s infamous wandering duo, but he was actually looking forward to their next visit. It was almost as hard to believe as the fact that he ended up becoming the Galaxy’s hero and savior rather than its dictator. Life was weird in that sense... Weird but, not necessarily bad.
Still, some things never changed.
“Heya Hatey! How ya doin’, buddy?!” Wander asked as he gave a nearly bone-crushing hug, “Last I heard you guys were goin’ east! I’m sure you’re makin’ all kinds of new friends and fans, aren’t ya? Ooooh you’ve got tell me all about it!”
“Well I would if you let me get a word in edge-wise!” Hater retorted, rolling his eyes. Still, he didn’t try to throw the nomad off him, or even threaten to zap him. That was certainly progress, both Wander and Sylvia thought, even if there were still plenty of grumbles and yelling from the skeletal lord.
“Oh, of course! Where are my manners?” Quickly, Wander let go and sat down cross-legged, like a child waiting to hear to hear a story. “Alright Hater, the floor is yours, buddy! So tell me all about what you guys have been up to!”
“Fine, fine,” Hater sighed, sitting down as well while Sylvia and Peepers took their respective places next to them, “Just don’t interrupt me every five seconds, got it?!” Wander nodded, and mimed zipping his lips shut.
It actually wasn’t that bad of a conversation. After Hater recounted all of their recent successes - from assisting some of their already owned planets with rebuilding efforts to boost morale, to signing treaties with new planets to induct them into the Hater Empire (which, after Hater’s win against Dominator, most planets were more than happy to sign).
Once he was finished, it was once again Wander’s turn, and he eagerly talked about each and every one of his and Sylvia’s adventures since the last time all four of them ran into each other. From wandering around new planets, to babysitting Drakor and Demurra’s kids, to one of their biggest discoveries ever!
“Wait so, you two just found an old pirate ship floating in the middle of nowhere?” Peepers asked, “And no one was on it?”
“Nope!” Wander answered simply, “Not a soul. Completely abandoned. Though, it must’ve been abandoned pretty recently, since it was still in good shape. It just needed a bit of a spit shine and some love, is all.”
“But isn’t that still weird?” Hater questioned, furrowing his boney brow, “Just finding a ship in the middle of nowhere with no one on it, but it’s not, like, totally destroyed or anything?”
Sylvia shrugged. “Hey, you know what they say, don’t look a gift hufflerumples in the trunks. And trust us, we went above and beyond to make sure no one was missing it.” She gave her best friend a side glance, but Wander just smiled. “But, no one claimed it, so it’s ours now. It’ll be a sort of nice change from orbubbles, at least.”
Hater nodded. “I gues... But I bet my ship could still be yours in a race. And probably has cooler stuff too!”
“I dunno about the last point but, I’m pretty sure ours could outrun your bonehead ship if it had to,” Sylvia smirked, “Heck, I can outrun it, or do you need me to remind you of all the times I did outrun it?”
“Oh shut up,” Hater scowled. But Sylvia just chuckled, still smiling. And, despite himself, Hater smiled just a little as well (though he made sure to hide it). 
But, as pleasant and not filled with threats and laser and/or lightning blasts as their visit was, it did eventually have to end. Peepers explained that he had some extra paperwork to go through regarding their newest planet, and Wander added that he promised a few of the Watchdogs that he’d visit with them for a bit too (much to the commander’s annoyance). 
And so, there were only two left.
“...So, I guess things have been going pretty smoothly for you, huh?” Sylvia said after a moment, scooting over and closing the distance between the two of them.
“Yep,” Hater nodded, “I haven’t accidentally destroyed or offended anyone at least so, that’s something.” He had also gotten better at staying focused, keeping end goals in mind instead of simply doing what he felt was right in the moment. Though, there were still moments when he’d get distracted or frustrated, or even lose his temper and start throwing out insults. But he didn’t share that part. 
There really wasn’t a point in it, after all. Just like Wander always seemed to, he was sure Sylvia already knew these things even if he didn’t tell her. She knew what it was like to try being a good guy after years of being bad...
Sylvia gave him a softer smile, using her tail to pat him on the back. “I’m glad things are working out a little better for you now... After all the work that you’ve put into it, you deserve a little return.”
Hater’s own smile grew as he glanced away, giving a small chuckle. “Heh, yeah. I, I guess so...”
A comfortable silence fell between the two. There was a cool breeze, and the sun was starting to set. It was a familiar sight... Though, as he sat there and thought, Hater could remember a time when they were together where the moon was over the horizon instead of a sun. They were together, they had been close, there had been a ki-
Quickly, Hater forced himself as deep into his hood as he could, hoping that the bright green blush on his face would go away soon.
“...Hey, Hater?” he heard Sylvia say.
Taking a deep breath, Hater turned back to her. “Y-Yeah?”
“A week or so ago, Wander and I found this flyer advertising a sort of celebration party that’s happening soon for the whole ‘our galaxy hasn’t been permanently destroyed’ thing. It’s going to be near the center of the Galaxy, and it looks like it’ll be pretty fun. Food, rides, music. And, I know you still aren’t really a people person but, you wanna come with us?”
“R-Really?” Hater asked, his eyes widening. Was he blushing again? He didn’t know. “Uh, yeah! Yeah, sure! I mean, I wouldn’t mind going. Doesn’t seem like it’ll be too annoying at least so, yeah, I’ll go.”
“Great,” Sylvia nodded, her smile growing a bit. If this were a year or so ago, Wander would’ve been doing the inviting in the hopes to get Hater to loosen up and have some fun, and maybe even make a new friend in return. But of course, Hater would have most likely completely rejected the offer, or come to the party just to take it over, or something petty like that.
But no. Hater was no longer an enemy, the idea of him coming to a happy-go-lucky party no longer seemed like the worst idea ever to him, and Sylvia... Well, there were certainly worst people she could be inviting. “Heh... Glad to hear it, Bonehead.”
“Er, y-yeah...” Hater swallowed. She was smiling at him. She liked him... Rather, she liked him now. They understood each other, they were close. Really close... Close enough to... to... 
He closed his eyes. He only had to move forward just a little before he felt his lips touch hers. And as soon as they connected, time froze.
...And then he felt a fist collide with his jaw, sending him backwards.
“WHAT THE FLARP ARE YOU DOING?!” Sylvia shouted.
Hater blinked, to stunned to even think about his now-sore face. “I-I-!”
“What is wrong with you?!” the Zbornak continued, now on her feet, “You don’t just kiss someone like that! All we were doing was talking! You don’t- We’re not even-! Ugh!” Still furious, she began to stomp away. “Guess I should’ve expected something like this,” she mumbled. 
“W-Wait!” Hater shouted, trying to stand up, “Wait, no-!”
“Hmph!” Sylvia didn’t even bother to turn around. Even if he was a ‘hero’ now, deep down he was still the same old Lord Ha-
...She froze.
“I’m sorry!” Hater repeated, clenching his fists, “I, I know I shouldn’t have just kissed you like that but, but you were smiling at me! You were smiling and you like me and we were close and I was thinking about our last date-!”
“That wasn’t a real date,” Sylvia mumbled, still not looking at him, “I was ‘Linguini Von Breadstick’ then, remember?”
“...R-Right. Right.” He felt his horns fold down in disappointment, but he ignored them for now. “And, and even if it had been real, it was still wrong for me to just kiss you like that when I know you don’t-” He could feel himself blush again, “d-don’t like-me like-me like that. So... Yeah. I’m sorry.”
Sylvia didn’t say anything, and neither did Hater, figuring that he’d said enough. So he waited, and waited. But the silence kept going... His horns even lower now, he started to walk away-
“Do you like me?”
“Huh?!” Hater looked up. Sylvia had turned around, but she had a neutral face. (Better than glaring at him, at least.)
“I just want to know... Do you like me? Or, like-me like-me, I guess?”
“I...” The skeletal lord looked away again, giving a small sigh. “I dunno... I guess I just... just really want to like-like somebody,” he admitted, “I don’t know who, I just know that I want... that. But... But I know that I do like you. You’re, you know, smart. When it comes to all this going from bad to good stuff... And you’re tough and, and pretty cool and... and sort of pretty.” It was sort of hard to tell since she hardly wore dresses or jewelry (or any clothes, for that matter).
But when she smiled, or when she stood triumphantly after winning a fight, or had her mane in the wind... he could definitely see a bit of beauty there.
“...But?” Sylvia questioned, raising an eyebrow.
“But, I... I guess I’m still figuring things out. But I do like you! And I hope you still like me... Cause, I may want to find someone to like-like but...” He gave a sort of shy smile, “I guess having friends aren’t too bad either.”
“...” Sylvia sighed, a ghost of a smile on her face. She walked over to him, and gave him a hard punch in the shoulder, making him yelp. “That was still a stupid and gross thing for you to do.”
“Yeah I know,” Hater nodded, rubbing his shoulder, “And I’m sor-”
“I know. And, I forgive you,” Sylvia told him, finally letting her smile show, “Just, be sure to ask people before you kiss them. That or maybe start slow just to see if they’re on the same mindset as you. Take their hand or wrap an arm around them or something, and if they squeeze back or move closer, you know they don’t mind the idea. If they pull away, then you know they just want to be friends.”
“Wait, that’s a thing?” Hater asked, a bit surprised. That certainly how things were done in the ron-coms (that he definitely didn’t watch, shut up). 
“Yep,” Sylvia nodded, “And it’s a good thing to always keep in mind. Even people who may like-you like-you still have boundaries and their own limits and pacing.”
“Right, right... Thanks.”
“No problem, bonehead. And by the way... thanks for apologizing.” There really was no doubt about it now... He was getting better, and he had sure as flarp come a long way from being her pushy, rude and oblivious ‘date’ on La’Mouria. 
Sylvia then looked to the Skullship, giving a small hum. “I guess we should get back there. Make sure Wander isn’t annoying your little eyesore too much. Besides, I should tell him the good news.”
“Wait, you mean i’m still- er, y-yeah. Yeah, let’s head back.”
So, that’s what they did. Walking side by side, their pace slow. And as they traveled, Hater started to bite his lip slightly, his hand flexing a bit as a certain question weighed on his mind. In the end, his curiosity won out. “Hey, Sylvia?”
“...Yeah?” she asked, glancing over at him, her feet stopping.
“Would you... C-Could we hold hands? Just, I-I just sorta want to see what it feels like,” Hater tried to explain, unable to look her in the eyes, And, and people who only like each other can still hold hands, right? That’s not weird! But, but if you don’t want to, that’s fine! I just-“
His words died in his throat as soon as he felt her hand grab his, their fingers intertwining. Surprisingly, her three fingers still found a way to fit within his five. Even though his glove, he could feel the small callouses on her palms from years of fighting and dealing with rocks and dirt. But her hand was still sort of soft. Warm, secure... nice. 
Hater looked back at her, barely acknowledging his blushing now. But Sylvia just gave him a small smile before gently pulling him forward. Hater smiled back, and the two continued to the ship. And despite everything that had just happened, there was only one thing on the skeletal overlord’s mind:
He would definitely have to ask her to hold hands with him again.
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bluepaperkites · 6 years ago
The Thoughts on K-Drama Being Too Addictive
To talk about Korean Drama, is something I can go on and on. I mean, watching k-drama was my thing, and it will always be.
I started watching serial Asia when I was only 5, I guess. Ibu sangat suka nonton serial Asia, her favorite was Yoko I think. Kalo aku nggak salah ingat, serial ini bercerita tentang seorang murid yang jatuh cinta kepada gurunya. Yoko was the teacher. Aku lupa nama muridnya, intinya dia belajar silat dan berguru kepada Yoko. based on my vivid memories, Yoko kemudian sakit parah, I can’t recall sakit apa, tapi muridnya ini selalu dampingin Yoko.
Setelah serial Yoko, aku ingat ibu juga sering nonton Putri Huan Zhu, dan beberapa serial Taiwanese lainnya. Sunguh aku sudah lupa judulnya. As time goes by, serial korea mulai masuk Indonesia. Dimulai dari Endless Love, Winter Sonata, Stairway to Heaven. Ini dia yang jadi most favorite k-dramanya Ibu. Ngga pernah ketinggalan. Padahal itu k-drama yang sungguh nyesek, karena tokoh utamanya, bernama Han Jung Suh, ini diperlakukan semena-mena oleh ibu dan saudara tirinya, ditinggal sekolah ke luar negeri oleh teman masa kecilnya, terus waktu akhirnya mau ketemu teman masa kecilnya, dia tertabrak dianggap mati oleh Ibu dan saudara tirinya, padahal dia masih hidup dan hilang ingatan. Tokoh utama laki-laki, bernama Cha Song Joo, yang adalah teman kecil Jung Suh, sangat sedih mendengar kabar tersebut.
Tetapi Ibu tiri Jung Suh melakukan segala cara untuk memanipulasi Song Joo, dan membuat Song Joo bertunangan dengan anaknya, Yu Ri. Well, Song Joo somehow bisa bertemu dengan Jung Suh, tetapi karena Jung Suh hilang ingatan, dia ngga bisa ingat siapa Song Joo. Akhirnya Song Joo selalu gangguin Jung Suh, sampai akhirnya Jung Suh bisa ingat siapa dirinya. Tapi, not long after that, Jung Suh mulai mengalami penurunan kondisi tubuh, efek dari previous accident yang dialaminya. Pandangan mata mulai turun, yang berakibat pada kebutaan, apalagi ya, aku lupa. Yang aku ingat, dia mudah pingsan, suka lemes, pucet. Dan, drama ini berakhir tragis, Jung Suh meninggal, di pelukan Song Joo. Hmmm, jadi pengen nonton lagi kan. ehehehe.
Berkebalikan dari stairway to heaven yang tiap episode nya menguras air mata, Full House selalu membuat penontonnya tertawa terbahak-bahak. Full house menceritakan tentang Han Ji-Eun yang terpaksa harus menikah kontrak dengan Lee Yong-Jae. Han Ji-Eun adalah seorang penulis yang tidak terkenal dan Yong-Jae adalah artis terkenal. Yong-Jae mempekerjakan Ji-Eun sebagai pengurus rumah tangga, karena Ji-Eun harus membayar hutang kepada Yong-Jae. Pertengkaran selalu terjadi antara Yong-Jae dan Ji-Eun selalu terjadi, tetapi as time goes by, cinta mulai tumbuh di antara keduanya. Tetapi perjalanan cinta mereka tidak serta-merta berjalan dengan mulus, karena Yong-Jae telah mencintai sahabatnya, Kang Hye-Won, semenjak dia kecil. Tapi jangan khawatir, drama ini diakhiri dengan ending yang bahagia. Hehe.
Sebenernya banyak banget k-drama yang aku tonton, tapi like I said earlier, aku ngga akan berhenti kalo disuruh ngomongin drama. Karena sampai sekarang pun masih nonton k-drama meskipun intensitasnya sangat berkurang. Udah jarang ngebut selesaiin drakor hanya dalam satu hari. Dulu, waktu jaman kuliah, I could do that. hahaha. Karena emang drakor selalu bikin penasaran. You don’t feel like you wanna stop once you watch the first episode, apalagi kalo dramanya udah selesai tayang.
Lalu kenapa kita ngga pengen berhenti?
Pertama, penasaran itu tadi. Episode biasanya selalu diakhiri dengan adegan yang conflict intensifies, atau sebuah fakta baru, yang mau ngga mau penonton akan dibikin penasaran, ya kan?
Kedua, aktor dan aktris ganteng dan cantik. Haha. Mau dibilang ngga gitu ngaruh, tapi sebenernya faktor ini juga menyebabkan kita mau nonton faktor. Karena kita manusia akan selalu sesuatu yang indah-indah, including mbak-mbak dan mas-mas korea. Uuum, anggap aja penampilan fisik aktor dan aktris adalah nilai plus dari drakor tersebut.
Ketiga, penokohan dan setting cerita selalu menarik. Ada drakor yang tokohnya adalah seorang designer yang bekerja di perusahaan fashion, jaksa, dokter, tentara, detektif, baker, reporter, komikus, macem-macemlah. Moreover, penulis cerita seperti selalu melakukan penelitian terlebih dahulu sebelum mereka bikin drama mereka. Terlihat dari seberapa mendalam mereka menceritakan tentang dunia in which the characters are in. Dan ini merupakan satu hal yang I think, belum bisa kita temui di serial Indonesia. I mean, most Indonesian serial hanya menceritakan hal-hal superficial kehidupan sehari-hari, pertengakaran keluarga, julid, fitnah, I have no idea what else. Pardon me for that. Eheheh.
Keempat, penulis selalu bisa memainkan emosi penonton. Kalo dramanya sedih-sedih, penonton pasti akan ikutan sedih. Kalo misal lagi konyol banget, penonton pasti ikutan ketawa. Ngga jarang penonton juga akan ikutan benci sama antagonis. That’s just how powerful k-drama is.
Kelima, no matter seberapa berat tema yang diambil di k-drama, akan selalu ada bumbu-bumbu percintaan. Hal ini membuat kita para penonton, mau ngga mau ikutan terbawa arus percintaan ini, apalagi buat kita yang masih jomblo, ehehe. Suka gemes sama tokoh yang jatuh cinta, karena biasanya so sweet gitu.
Nah, based on my previous study, those 5 things adalah hal-hal yang membuat kita lebih mudah untuk engage dengan cerita yang ditampilkan. Hal ini kemudian membuat penonton mengalami transportation, yaitu suatu kondisi ketika penonton telah merasuk ke dalam cerita dan mengabaikan lingkungan sekitar. Pada kondisi ini, penonton akan merasa terhubung dengan tokoh dalam cerita, dan mulai merasakan kebahagiaan, cinta, kesedihan, ataupun penderitaan yang dialami oleh tokoh. Perasaan keterhubungan inilah, yang akhirnya membuat penonton merasa ketagihan dan penasaran dengan kelanjutan dari k-drama yang mereka tonton. Jadi, I think, it is normal to be addicted to k-drama. Hal yang menurut saya merupakan the most humane thing, cause in it, you can be so emotional. And bonus, it is also a perfect escape from such exhausting daily routine.
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blogsuryaningsih · 7 years ago
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#saveme #seoyeji #woodohwan #oktaecyeon SAVE ME , I thought I would see ghosts or a lot of criminal cases after watching this drama, ternyata tidak seperti dugaan 😅😅 Yupp! Covernya cukup menipu. Aku berpikir drama ini akan berkisah seorang gadis yang minta diselamatkan dari pembunuh berantai atau arwah yang gentayangan meminta bantuan untuk dibebaskan atau apalah apalah 😂😂 Dan dugaan sedikit meleset! Drama ini memang benar bercerita seorang gadis yg meminta untuk diselamatkan. Tapi bukan dari pembunuh berantai melainkan dari psikopat agamis yang membawa ajaran sesat. Bahkan nyaris satu desa menjadi gila karena agama tersebut. Hidup sang gadis terbilang menyedihkan. Keluarganya di tipu dan terpaksa tinggal di rumah kecil ala kadarnya. Ayahnya bangkrut dan bekerja sebagai petani. Pindahan dari kota besar tidak selamanya bernasib baik ketika berada di lingkungan baru terlebih di sebuah desa kecil. Kakak lelakinya menjadi korban pembulian sebelum masuk sekolah. Dia bahkan melihat kakaknya bunuh diri di atas sekolah setelah dipermalukan teman sekolahnya.Hanya satu pria yang perduli padanya ketika semua orang berpaling dan tidak ingin terlibat. Bahkan pria itu sampai masuk penjara demi menyelamatkan sang gadis. Drama ini bukan cerita romantis atau kisah cinta. Cukup disayangkan mengingat pertemuan sang pria dan gadis tersebut terbilang berkesan. Mungkin sutradara drama tersebut jenuh dan mulai bosan dengan kisah cinta 😂😂😂 Untuk keseluruhan cerita tidak terlalu buruk. Dari poin 1 sampai 10. 6 angka terbaik untuk drama ini. Yang paling berkesan adalah pertemuan sang gadis dan sang pria tersebut. Meski hanya berdurasi tidak sampai lima menit, tapi paling di tunggu. Dan sang pria ketahuan banget dia menyukai gadis tersebut 😂 Sayangnya bukan drama kisah cinta 😭😭😭 #dramakorea #koreandrama #drakor
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butterflylearnstofly-blog · 8 years ago
Thoughts on EXO Next Door 5/2/2017
Hai. Kembali lagi bersama saya, Shabrina HS yang sangat gyeopta (#halah #benergaksiguenulisnya wkwkwk). So, langsung aja kali ya? Despite tugas yang menumpuk dan despite waktu senggang yang sedikit, gara-gara pertanyaan formalitas iseng gue ke pia ("pi, drakor yang seru apaan? Yang enggak romance. Kayak Dr. Frost gitu.") yang dijawab serius ("Lu nonton the K2 aja itu filmnya Yoona. Eh. Jangan deh. Lu nonton missing 9 aja, itu Chanyeol yang main."), gua jadi akhirnya nonton drama korea. Dan beneran nih, dalam sisi ini gue gabisa disebut fans, karena drakor yang pernah gue tonton (dengan serius--atau setidaknya seinget gue) cuman tiga; Dr. Frost, Missing 9 sama EXO Next Door. Yap, dan despite review gue tentang Apa Pun Selain Hujan yang ga kelar-kelar, kali ini gue mau nulis review yang keren ala-ala readers dari goodreads supaya kece. Bu Nanda should be proud wkwk. Tapi gue gabakal sekeren itu si. Males formal-formal, ok. Gara-gara si Park Chanyeol main Missing 9 (dan gue--sebagai orang yang bukan fans kpop--dengan objektif mengakui bahwa dia cukup cute di drama itu), gue jadi penasaran sama EXO, mengingat bahwa temen-temen gue pada demen boyband itu. Eh, tapi kalo lo EXO-L jangan kesenengan baca ini. Gue masih normal kok, belom terjangkiti virus kpop. Kalo iya, kayaknya gue lebih ke Sehun atau Kai daripada Chanyeol. #sorrynotsorry To the point yak? Nah, EXO next door. Gue kira ini variety show gitu kayak EXO Showtime ternyata drama toh. Cukup pendek lagi, episode terpanjang cuman 20 menit kurang dikit. Tapi ya kata gue emang enggak perlu panjang-panjang sih, apalagi kalo cuman buat sarana promosi sebuah aplikasi chatting yang sekarang sering dipake anak muda. Apa ya? Gue bosen sih. Dari awal nonton dah tau kalo si Moon Ga Young yang jadi Ji Yeon Hee bakal berakhir sama Chanyeol. Gue perjelas ya, ceritanya typical cliché fanfiction banget. Kalo lo demennya yang kayak gue, Dr. Frost atau Missing 9 atau Innocent Defendant (which i dont watch but nvm), kata gue lo gabakal cocok sama exo next door. (Yaiyalah gue peleh kan demennya nonton genre begituan kenapa mendadak nonton exo next door coba) Dramatis-dramatisnya ya mungkin bagus buat kalian yang demen romance, tapi buat gue yang geli, ahahaha no thanks. Setiap orang kan beda-beda seleranya. Character developmentnya boljug sih, lumayan lah. Dan humornya ... buat yang receh kayak gue, ni film bakal bikin lo ngakak wkwkwkwk. Selain buat promosi, gue gangerti kenapa drama ini dibuat. Karena ya fansnya EXO jelas gabakal fokus nonton ginian karena idola mereka, apalagi D.O sama Chanyeol yang berebutan Yeonhee dan Kai yang ngomporin. Kalo buat drama biasa, ceritanya gue kasih rating 1.7/5 yak. Gue kasian wkwkwk. Karena gue enggak suka genre ini, jadi mungkin favorit gue ya (di dramanya) Sehun. Karena dia temenan sama Gwangsu dan itu bikin ngakak abis. Mereka juga sekedar pelengkap cerita dan enggak terlalu terlibat drama, seakan fungsi mereka cuman buat menghidupkan humor di drama itu. Boleh dah boleh wkwkwk. Itu aja kali yak? Mau nulis lagi yang detail tapi ngantuk menghadang. Kebanyakan nonton sih gue. Udah ya. Bhay. ~ Bina.
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