#I thought I had found one schizophrenic character but no they were a mutant or something and had supernatural powers
cerise-on-top · 2 months
I am so sick and tired of there being no representation for people like me, so I decided that from here on out, no matter how unrealistic it may be, Ghost is schizophrenic, he's just really good at hiding it from the people who don't need to know.
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fearisthegoal · 4 years
heyo spike again w my new kid crane! if you want to hang out with a creepy incel lmk. my full app is under the cut!! 
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full name: Jonathan Crane
face claim: Bill Skarsgard
age: 33
gender & preferred pronouns: cismale, he/him
occupation: Associate Director of Research, Star City Asylum
aliases (if any): Scarecrow
affiliations (if any): n/a
1. Is your character human, mutant, metahuman, alien, inhuman, or other? If other, please elaborate: Human
2. What are your characters powers/special abilities, if any?: n/a
3. Please provide three headcanons for your character:
Crane loves a good fruity drink. It’s kind of funny, seeing such a stoic, serious man sitting at a bar with a sugary drink, complete with the umbrella, but it’s a regular sight. He actually has quite the sweet tooth, and he’s constantly eating some kind of candy or chocolate.
He has tried and failed many times to move up in his career, but no one wants to push him past a certain point. He spent years as a therapist at Arkham, but everyone saw right through him and knew that he was just a creepy fucking dude. They gave him glowing references to Star City Asylum just to get him out of there.
(mental illness tw) The only person in the world Crane ever cared about was his mother. She was also severely schizophrenic and was often extremely paranoid during his childhood, leading to both his obsession with fear and his desire to understand the human mind.
4. List four personality traits (two positive and two negative) and explain how they influence your character.
Crane’s considerable intelligence not only makes him good at his job at the asylum, but also his shenanigans as his alter ego.
While Crane is certainly off putting, to say the least, he has never gotten overwhelmed or panicked, even when people got too close to figuring our the truth about his experiments. It’s a trait that has gotten him out of tons of trouble.
As soon as someone gets on Crane’s bad side, that’s it for them. He’s the type to hold grudges for however long it takes to get revenge.
The dude is just straight up evil like he just really wants to see the world tear itself apart because of his fear toxin.
5. Provide three potential plots you’d like to explore. The admins will do our best to accommodate your plot ideas, but we can’t guarantee all requests.
I want to see Crane both as his alter ego and as his secret identity. It would be super interesting if characters in game became his patients, giving him time to mess around with their minds and even lead to some plots with their characters maybe acting unusual or having some repercussions from Crane messing with them.
While Crane is keeping his villain stuff on the down low right now, it’d be super fun for him to start making connections with some of the other villains in town. Maybe he can even offer his services anonymously if he wanted to stay behind the curtain a little longer, which would let me keep up the duality of his identity as well.  
If y’all ever are looking for a villain for a small scale event, I’d love to offer up Crane! It’d be super fun to do something with him on a larger scope in the future.
character bio.
(tw mental illness, murder)
Seven years ago, a newly graduated Doctor of Psychiatry had just started his first clinical rotation at Arkham Asylum. At the time, he was still taking care of his mother, living in his childhood home in Gotham City. He quickly grew bored of this life, going from the monotony of treating patients at work to having to care for his mother at home.
This was when he started his experiments in earnest. When he was in school, they had just been abstract thoughts in the little journal he carried with him, but now he had the opportunity to conduct his research with real test subjects. Besides, no one cared about these forgotten inmates of Arkham.
People started to catch onto his strange behavior, however, leaving him stuck in the same clinical position he found excruciatingly boring doing the same thing over and over. The higher-ups at Arkham, however, didn’t see any harm in just leaving him where they could keep an eye on him.
Then his mother died. It was ruled a suicide, but no one was ever sure.
Unwilling to take the heat should anything happen, the director at Arkham grew desperate for a way to get him out of there, finally writing a near perfect reference for Crane to join the Star City Asylum a few months ago.
Crane was more than happy for the change of scenery. People in Star City were already afraid—Crane could practically hear the hum of potential victims in the air. This city was going to be good for him.
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