#I thirst for more HideKane smut to be honest
myndless88 · 5 years
Blood, Sweat, and (no) Tears
I keep slacking on this drawing challenge to myself.  _(:3」∠)_  Anyway, this one is for #hidekanesmutweek2018 Day 4 - BDSM / Choking / Tentacles.  I decided to combine two out of the three: choking and tentacles.  This is my first NSFW-ish piece, and I'm not sure if it'll show up at all in the search.  But I wanted to post it anyway, so it's going under the cut to spare innocent eyes.  You have been warned.  d(・∀・○)
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© myndless88 2019
Please DO NOT edit, reupload, or repost anywhere without my consent.  I’d really appreciate it.
As you can see, one of Kaneki's kagune appendages (his "tentacle") is wrapped (gently, if you will) around Hide's neck for that choking feeling.  To be honest, I usually prefer top!Hide and bottom!Kaneki, but I don't mind them switching, and I'm sure many of you all prefer KaneHide to HideKane.  I might actually draw another version where it's HideKane though.   By the way, I wonder if there will be a HideKane Week or HideKane Smut Week this year...?    
I actually started and finished this in one day.  It took about thirteen hours, but I think I could've shaved off two or three if I didn't have to stop to make food.  I'm so slow at drawing.  Anyway this one was done a little differently.  I used thicker, sketchy lines and actually learned how to use reference pictures to pull colors to use.  Though Kaneki does look quite pale... 
This is actually my third version for this prompt, and I was able to complete this one with the help of listening to yet another BTS song!  Y'all shou'd totally check them out.  The song is called 'Blood Sweat and Tears', and if you read the lyrics it kind of fits.  Hence the blood splatters and smear on Hide's lip as well as the sweat.  No tears though. 
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