#I think it single-handedly brought my buddy thunderstruck brainrot back
does-doodles · 2 years
I've had a few Buddy Thunderstruck dreams over the years and recently I had one that really touched me, so I felt compelled to make a short list of the dreams I've had for fun as a Buddy Thunderstruck dream journal.
The first one I had is from a few years ago. I remember seeing Darnell and Buddy talking in some dark alleyway next to a very large log that I think was supposed to be a pub. I really wanted to walk over to them and say hello, but I was way too nervous, so instead, I ended up just slowly scooting over to them. When I got halfway, it seemed they were finished with their conversation, so Darnell began to walk away in my direction, which freaked me out, so I became completely still, not knowing what to do, but then, when he got closer to me, he suddenly hugged me!! I swear, it was one of the most comforting hugs I've ever felt. I was so surprised from it, as I wasn't expecting that at all, so I couldn't hug him back before he started walking away again sniff sniff.🤧 Still one of my most memorable dream moments to this day. 
The second one I can't remember the details as well anymore but basically; Buddy wakes up to find 6 sleeping baby ferrets next to him and Darnell that looked a lot like a mix between the two of them. A very confusing situation obviously, but incredible adorable. I don't remember much else happening, except me just losing my mind over how cute the baby ferrets were. I'll make another post about this as I have made designs for those 6 kids.
Number three! In this dream I was soooo sure a second season came out!😭 Like, Netflix even had a new season with new episodes! And I could see the thumbnails, titels and distributions of the episodes I WAS SO EXCITEEED- and then I woke up.😞
The fourth dream was about me just trying to find a nicely animated video of Buddy Thunderstruck I WAS SO SURE EXISTED but turns out I actually just made it up.😭💔 
Fifth dream had a Buddy Thunderstruck movie playing in theaters! But I didn't go see it because it was action themed with really crummy humor and everyone was super muscular??
Now for number six, the dream that made me want to make this list! Obviously this one is my most recent dream, and it's another Buddy Thunderstruck movie dream! This time though it wasn't some silly movie parody. The story took place a few years later. Buddy and Darnell have unfortunately drifted apart and now lived different lives, but by the end of the movie they will be reunited again! Buddy was still a truck racer, but clearly not as charismatic and energetic as he used to be. He seemed to be a lot more depressed and mellow, and would wear a lot of brown clothes and turtlenecks?? While Darnell would sing and play guitar in a local pub every week. I couldn't see much about how he was doing as the movie was playing more from Buddy's perspective, and when I finally got to the part that starts talking about him, I got distracted and woke up.😭 The one part about Darnell that I was able to get to is when Buddy finally got the courage to go see his performance at that local pub. It's a really sweet and touching moment as the scene shows that Darnell got over his stage fright and Buddy got to see his old best friend again after so long. I legit started crying a little at this moment. And I knew I was gonna be a sobbing mess if I continued on so I paused the movie and decided to continue when I get to my dream house as then I would have the privacy to cry my eyes out lmao, but I kept getting stalled and distracted by new dream quests and storylines and I ended up waking up from my alarm before I could get back to the movieeee.😭💔😭💔😭💔
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