#I think it deserves to go int hose tags as well bc WOW this was a tedward spoketh moment huh!!!
dandelionpath · 5 years
Hey, Comet! Is there such a thing as seeing fake signs and signals? Or can certain things not be messed with because the universe is more powerful than that? Honestly, what does the universe tolerate people doing? I'm in a philosophical mode today lol
ANON I AM SO HERE FOR THIS!!! THOSE ARE SOME LARGE QUESTIONS!! I LOVE this kind of discussion honestly!!!
OKAY SO. “is there such a thing as seeing fake signs and signals?” YES. ABSOLUTELY YES. more clearly, though, there is such thing as seeing things and MISTAKING them for signs and signals. sometimes things are just mundane, and we mistake them for a sign, especially if we’re really desperate for a sign. HOWEVER. there’s an idea that I've been playing around with lately, and that is that there may not really ever be such thing as coincidences and that everything happens for a reason. but even within that track of thought... there can still be mistaken signs. I think there’s also something to be said for entities that want to fuck with you either for their own amusement or for more malicious and nefarious purposes: an entity can definitely mess with you and give you “signs” that you interpret as from a deity or whoever, when it’s actually just an entity leading you astray. YOU HAVE TO BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL WITH SIGNS!!! I uh... controversial here, but I actually don’t rely on signs very much on my practice. I used to always want signs, but tbh? If i’m getting what I need out of my practice with what i’m doing, and i’m practicing good discernment in my encounters and path, then signs aren’t really needed. signs are mostly for getting your attention or “proving” someone/something’s existence. but signs can be faked, just like anything else!
“Or can certain things not be messed with because the universe is more powerful than that?” I think that while the Universe is very powerful, it ultimately does not toy around with us very often. I think that the Universe is this overarching energy and force, something that is a blanket of sorts over everything and anything. But within that, there are the deities we work with. and underneath the deities, there are the other entities. the Universe is BIG, some might even say INFINITE. and while we are all offspring of and part of the Universe, we are miniscule next to it. we are not forgotten, but we also are not very important to it overall. we don’t have a lot of sway over the grand scheme of things, and we are like little ants, just busy going about our business.SO WHAT I AM TRYING TO GET AT IS THIS: the Universe is powerful, yes, but ultimately it doesn’t particularly care enough about us to get involved. deities can send us signs, but it’s probably extremely rare (if it ever does happen) for the Universe itself to send us signs. the universe does its thing and if it works out then great, but if something gets a little bit scrambled along the way, then that’s just kind of... how it goes,,,,, hmmmm. I haven’t really thought tooooo much about this sort of thing, because I haven’t worked with this sort of thing much yet! But I’m definitely going to be doing some thinking and experimenting now!!also: the universe probably doesn’t care enough about you specifically to be like “hey this entity is fucking with you and those are fake signs so beware”. it’s up to us to practice and use discernment to keep ourselves safe! don’t rely on outside sources, especially if they are incorporeal!! 
“Honestly, what does the universe tolerate people doing?“ GOOD QUESTION. I think that the Universe respects that we all have our own agendas and while there might be some sort of “grand plan” (ineffable hehe), we still have free will and do our own thing. which COULD potentially fuck with the Universe, but also...hmm. here, i’ll hand out a bad metaphor to try and explain this. Let’s say the Universe is the Sun, and us humans are ants. That’s not even the scale we’re working on, the Universe is MUCH bigger than that, I’d imagine, but for the sake of clarity, we’re just gonna work with this. so the Sun has its agenda: keep burning, keep twirling around space, keep doing its thing as it’s supposed to, etc. and the ants have their agenda: keep working for the queen ant, keep getting food, make sure their race doesn’t die out, etc. if the ants do something that doesn’t really line up with what ants are supposed to do, like lets say a few ants decide to go bonkers and kill off a bunch of other ants, that’s not going to affect the sun very much. BUT. if the sun decides to go bonkers and fucks right off to who knows where, abandoning earth, then the ants are gonna be screwed!thats kind of how it feels with universe vs humans! so the universe tolerates people doing their thing, and it actually super doesnt care very much bc we can’t really affect it. but if the universe ever decided to fuck with us, then yeah we’d be screwed!!!
I HOPE THIS ANSWERS SOME STUFF, ANON, AND REMEMBER THAT THIS IS JUST MY OPINION AND MY THOUGHTS AND MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE!!! if u have more questions, feel free to raid my inbox, I LOVE discussing stuff like this!! also helping ppl and answering questions!!!
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