#I think he has a habit of walking on tiptoe like a wolf sneaking around because he has paws
cat-brrr · 1 year
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Silly walk:P
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marauder--harder · 6 years
Sneak Peek: Power Play (Part 12 of The Torturous Year)
Okay guys so I know it has been a while since I posted any of TTY and I’m sorry for that. I kind of went into a pretty short lived hiatus while I have been focusing on me and my schoolwork. I felt like my blog was becoming a hub of my own negative energy and that was never the purpose of having it. Thus, I decided that hopefully a small break in activity would allow me to refresh and change my habit of bitching and whining on here. In that meantime I still have been working diligently on both TTY and my portrait of young Remus Lupin. While I didn’t get it to what I personally think he looks like, it is still definitely an adaptation of him in some sort of way. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this sneak peek of the next chapter. It is practically done, I just want to be able to transition smoothly and start the next one a bit before I post.
“You’re being cruel, Moony,” you whined.
“And you are being a baby.”
Huffing indignantly, you squared your shoulders. “I am not!”
With a fond smile, Remus turned and looked down at you. “You are; now go shower so we can head down for supper.”
You pouted for a moment or two before slowly smiling, sliding your hand down to wrap itself around his wrist. “If I don’t let go, you can’t go take a shower.”
“If you don’t let go, we’ll be showering together,” Remus quipped in return.
For a few moments neither of you said anything, just staring at one another. Shockingly, your eyes scanned Remus’ body up and down appreciatively and grinned wider. Remus’ brows rose in slight astonishment as he noticed the way you stared at him. The sight made his whole body heat and flush; the wolf inside of him urging him to throw you over his shoulder and take you upstairs.
“Somehow, Moony,” you drawled, stepping a bit closer to him before continuing. “You make that seem rather appealing.”
Remus gulped harshly, noticing the way you had practically pushed yourself flush against him. “Is that so?”
“Yes, it is,” you mumbled, standing on your tiptoes to brush your lips against his before pulling away slowly. “But alas, it means we would miss dinner. Which means that I will never know what it is you are keeping from me. Unless…”
With a grin, Remus rolled his eyes, understanding why you had suddenly become so flirtatious. “Alas, indeed, Y/N.”
Your shoulders sagged and Remus heard you sigh heavily while you distanced yourself further, dropping his wrist from your grasp. “Fine, I suppose. I will leave you to shower then… alone.”
“Thank you, darling,” he chuckled.
Both of you turned, walking towards your appropriate staircases. “But Moony?” you waited until Remus stopped and turned his head towards you. “Do think of me though, during your shower. I may even be thinking of you.”
Remus watched as you winked, scoffing with a fond smile at your obvious teasing. “You’re insufferable, Y/N.”
“Now we’re even, then. See you at dinner!” you laughed and hurried up the steps to take a shower that was colder than you would have liked to admit.
Torturer: 0
Tortured: 1
I keep saying a few more chapters till the end but I am like 90% positive that there are only two more until the series is finished. Most of you had mentioned that you didn’t really want to see TTY 2.0 on ao3 or ffn.net, which is fine, so I am probably going to add another scene to the story before it concludes. Maybe, I don’t know for sure. 
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