#I think he had keith pegged as a rival probably because he was the one who made it seem like all this stuff was effortless
discordiansamba · 10 months
I do think Lance was once a big fish in a small pond. I think he was the kid from a small town who got the best scores on the simulator when the Garrison came to recruit him. I think he did probably kind of let it get to his head- maybe because he felt like he didn't really have a special talent before, and now he had something that made him stand out. That he was the best pilot in his town!
And then he actually joined the Garrison, and he realized he'd been in a tiny pond all along.
I think here's where he made a mistake- he'd gunned himself up so much on having 'natural talent', that when he was tossed into the larger pond and realized it was full of even bigger fish than him, he still tried to float by on his talent. I think he practiced! But I also think he only did the bare minimum and was like 'yep! that's good enough!'. I don't think he ever likely fully realized that all of the other bigger fish who he thought were so good due to natural talent practiced at least ten times more than he did.
Lance was a cargo pilot at first. We know this. He only got accepted into the fighter pilot program when Keith washed out- which implies that he was probably the best cargo pilot candidate. The top of the list... and then he was the bottom of the list of the fighter pilot class. I think he probably floundered at the more rigorous training the fighter pilots received, but still tried to stick to his 'good enough' training regime.
He had potential- he just wasn't doing anything with it. He was doing what was 'good enough'. It wasn't his fault everyone else had so much more natural talent than he did. He didn't spend enough time in the simulator to see just how much more time everyone else in his class logged.
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh S4 Ep1 Part 1: Yugi Ditches Algebra, Cards Become Real
Ah, a new season a new day. It’s Season 4. And we’re going to start of with:
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A deep sea sub. Sure, why not?
So Yugi’s unofficial other grandpa, Arthur Hawkins, AKA one of the member’s of this show’s only really happening OTP has decided to kinda ditch his Granddaughter Rebecca and go to the bottom of the ocean. Don’t blame him. Down here is where, I guess, he will come across this very Grecian looking structure.
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Like Yugioh nonchalantly passes a lot of bad history at me but like...he’s in the Atlantic Ocean and there’s Grecian style stuff everywhere?
Why? I mean at least he’s not in the Pacific but like...Yugioh. Anyways, we’re not in Greece but the show had very little time to invent a brand new ancient architecture style although I would be super down for that.
But like...here’s the thing about columns--you can go really deep into column lore and people are really freakin picky about columns and what they mean, and this could have been a low key hilarious place to make an entirely new column order just for Yugioh. They could’ve done it and they decided not to. It’s OK, I’ll save it for the Marik’s Boat Time spinoff they’ll never ever make.
But I just want to bring up just real super fast that Noah and Gozaburo must’ve known about this place for years right? Like they super lived underwater and had robots poised to attack mankind stationed all over the sea floor so...we can pretty much guarantee they already knew about this place?
Just gonna bring up what a shame it is Noah freakin died.
Also want to bring up what a shame it was that Arthur didn’t show up at the beginning of S3 and be like “hey Yugi, I was just in the neighborhood, noticed you got picked up by an undersea gang, what’s up?”
(read more under the cut)
Anyway, there he is, our 70 yo adventurer, who has more energy than I have at under half his age. Arthur Hawkins needs to take it down a few pegs.
Or is it Hawkings?
Anyways, I gave Hawkins this tweed colored font that I just realized is nearly the same as Joey’s so it’ll change if he ever comes back.
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Thanks for that prologue, Yugioh. Anyway, apparently no one on this side of Japan freakin cares, because despite finding what looks exactly like Godzilla’s lair on the bottom of the sea, we’re gonna instead fixate on Rex and Weevil.
Y’all I was going to make a joke about “why does this show fixate so much on Rex and Weevil at the beginning of so many arcs?” when I remembered that Bakura basically murdered all the other mean mini bosses from S1 except for Bandit Keith, who probably got deported by now.
I had to think long and hard just now about whether or not I’ve used that joke before because it is S4 and y’all I just don’t even remember.
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(I have a very long story about Warby Parker that I just deleted fyi)
Rex is a Christmas plaid now because there are too many characters in this show.
Now that Rex and Weevil have been reunited, which is surprising because I just assumed these two have been Bert and Ernie-ing it up in some condo in the NYC, They say:
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I almost forgot about the secret side-plot of Yugioh, that everyone is a cheese monger and very open about it.
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So anyway, they’re off to have a very simple storyline of “I will try and Challenge Yugi Muto for God Cards” which...good luck with that, it only took 2 seasons for Yugi to finally accept his challenge from Seto Kaiba. Have fun following around Yugi Muto for 2 seasons.
When there’s a...really bizarre twist that happens. Just a very weird turn of events. Like recall that it’s the middle of the day, and the sun is shining, and there’s people and cars everywhere, and it’s a good neighborhood, and then, like playing Pokemon in tall grass, this guy just appears in front of them.
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And guys, I’m from the Bay Area and I have slipped and fallen right on top of my phone on Fillmore which was DEVASTATING so like...their unstoppable speed walk down this 12 degree slope is...
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I think they wanted to run into them, I really think they did. I think people in this town are so desperate for any excuse to fall into a horrifying disaster that they are just magnetically attracted to anyone wearing an oversized blanket.
Also this guy’s look is...kind of forgettable. It’s somehow weird and also forgettable at the same time. Hit that sweet spot for me. I don’t even remember this guy’s name, it was so forgettable. I’ll look it up later. Maybe bro will do it. I dunno. He wears a Monocle so like...that’s all I can say about this guy.
OK so I just checked in with Bro and then Bro made a weird rant about this guy being called Gurimo and how bro had some strong opinions about Season 4. Then Bro said a statement that really stuck with me, although I only remember part of the statement which was: “...this guy can just go get more monocles from Forever 21 and Hot Topic...” which made me very quickly realize my adult brother has never entered either a Forever 21 or a Hot Topic if he thinks a cultist in a monocle would purchase monocles from there.
I learned a lot and now you have to know this too.
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And in case you’re wondering “did Rex and Weevil deserve this?” No. He just immediately decided to steal their soul on the sidewalk in front of Women’s Foot Locker from what I assume is just down the street from Yugi Muto’s house/game shop.
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(how did this storyboarder nail the 3/4 degree angle on Weevil here? Do you know how hard that is to do with not just glasses but weird ass chunky glasses?)
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Ah, a duel disk that can stab yourself in the stomach with two very poorly laid out barbs.
Very nice rival to Kaiba’s duel disk that will behead you if you don’t fling your arm out just right.
So like...did he steal a duel disk from Kaiba and then mod it? Is that what they did? The whole point of duel disks is that you’re linked up to the Dueling Facebook or whatever...so did this Cultist buy a normal duel disk from Toy’s R Us and then say “ahahah I’m going to do so much card crime!” and then start modding it with help of a cosplay forum? Like what’s the story here of how this guy spent all of last year (and definitely all of last season) modding this duel disk over a computer desk, some metallic acrylic paint, and a sauntering iron, feverishly asking his forum if anyone can 3d print some sick ass runes for his soul-sucking duel disk?
And then I guess this guy dueled both Rex and Weevil at the same time? Like this was all off screen...but why didn’t Rex and Weevil just leave? Just don’t pull out your duel disk and you’re probably good?
Just so many ways to have avoided losing your soul in the first ten minutes of Yugioh.
Anyway, on the other side of town, Tea is worrying about Yugi which is basically her normal.
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Joey and Tristan decided to meet up with her, not because she was clearly in distress, but because Yugi isn’t around, and why worry about Tea when instead your friend Yugi is probably going to destroy the world the moment you turn around (and he did. Yugi absolutely effed everything up the very moment these three took their eyes off of him)
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And what was weird is that it took Yugi until, I dunno...several streets over to kind of come out of the ether and be like “heeey Pharaoh...um...what’s up?” Like it took him this long to say something. Probably so that by the time they would have walked back to school math would have been over.
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So...did Yugi just not notice at first? Like it’s sort of amazing what these two don’t know what the other one is up to. Including this situation that little Yugi absolutely should have picked up on.
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As it turns out, the cards are speaking very audibly to Pharaoh. This should have been somewhat of a...youknow...red flag...since Yugi can’t hear them but Pharaoh can. But, Yugi’s like “well...we’re so used to everyone just giving us the answer and that being the right call, I guess this must also be the right call.”
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And...although he had quite the head start, These three are more than willing to drop the hell out of class and rack up those absences. I’m gonna assume they had to make up another wild excuse about Tea’s cat to that one teacher to get out of school just like last time, but they did all that offscreen.
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And then Tea just kind of snapped, and she did so with a smile the entire time.
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Her wording was somewhat different, but she did basically say something along the lines of “if you don’t remember me telling you this a million times, you are an idiot” and Pharaoh didn’t have an answer and so it was like he said without saying anything “yes, I am.”
Which he will further prove like five minutes from now.
Like Y’all, bless his cursed perfect ass, but Pharaoh is the biggest idiot in this show. Sometimes he’s brilliant, but if he’s ever left to his own devices, just the biggest idiot. He got duped by some guy pretending to throw his voice so that his cards looked like they were talking to him. Pharaoh thought cards can talk.
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And so that’s how Pharaoh freakin caused the Apocalypse. The first of many.
He did so just so very easily.
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His cards started wigging out, the tablet started icing over--it was like “hey remember what took 2 seasons to build up to? Well screw it.”
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Also this happened, apropos of absolutely nothing.
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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand cards are real.
I mean they’ve been real for a few seasons but now the cards are officially real and they’re not cute like Pokemon. They’re all really gross and roided out and they probably have a funky smell. All of them.
I knew we’d get here eventually I just didn’t know it would be SO fast.
When no one was paying absolutely any attention--when my entire focus was inside of this museum, that was when cards became real.
...time to shove em into little balls I guess. Anyways, that’s it for this update because this episode was a lot of stuff so I’m gonna split it so y’all have it easier and so I have it easier too.
And if you just got there this is S4, if you want to start reading these from S1, here’s a link to the collection in chrono order, it’s basically like reading a Victor Hugo length of book except its just me ranting about WTF is going on in OG Yugioh for 100+ episodes, knock yourself out.
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The New Romantics
This is going to have some sort of plot, but for now, yeah. Klance smut, as promised, more to come. Laughing at the discourse over which should top but no worries I got this. Also, click the OP if the read more link doesn’t show. 
It was normal to be cranky after an especially exhausting battle. It was normal to want to be alone. But Lance was one of the few among them whose spirits remained up and playful, a comforting routine after the adrenaline and sorrows of a battle, no matter how often the others swore to dislike it. Though this time, Lance didn’t say anything as they got back to the castle. After their latest battle to keep the planet Veyrataz out of Galran hands, he simply went to his room and shut himself in.
“Is he okay?” Pidge asked.
“Probably tired from the fight,” Shiro said. “It was exhausting. For all of us.”
“Well, I’m starving,” Hunk said. “So you’ll know where to find me.”
Allura looked at them, the beauty in her face that was there when they first found her weathered down by battles and near-death experiences. She had tired lines along her chocolate skin and her shoulders slumped whenever she wasn’t in battle or in front of other races. “We should all rest. We don’t know what tomorrow will bring. Good work, Paladins. You’ve come a long way.” She gave them a hard, look, her eyes bright with tired pride, a thin smile on her lips. She left and Shiro turned to Keith.
“She’s right. We need to rest.” Keith nodded, not really answering. “I’m serious, Keith. Don’t go tire yourself out. If we fight again tomorrow, you need to be at your best.”
“Alright, alright,” he mumbled. “Goodnight.” Shiro kept his eyes on him until he left. Keith obeyed, despite every bone in his body telling him to go and train, to go and fight until he was swifter, stronger, better.
Instead, he went into his room and forced himself to sleep.
The next morning, with the others at breakfast, he realized something was wrong. It was Lance. He wasn’t yapping like he normally did. He wasn’t joking, talking through space goo, filling the time with constant chattering. He was just sitting there, stuffing his face angrily, his hand fisted on the table like he was aggravated.
Keith glanced at Shiro who was sharing a concerned look with Allura. Coran and Hunk spoke, but not enough to fill the void of Lance’s voice.
Later, as they were training, Lance was sloppy and kept getting knocked down, even by Pidge who was half his height.
“Lance, what is your deal?” Keith snapped when he watched him go down again.
“Stay out of it,” he bit back. Keith blinked in surprise, the scowled and walked over to him. “Get away from me.”
“You focus!”
“I am!” Keith shouted. “Look, if you don’t focus, we can’t form Voltron. And if we can’t form Voltron, we can’t fight. Which means we’re dead. I’m not dying because you can’t keep your head clear enough to take this seriously.”
“Don’t you go blaming me,” he snapped. “Everyone knows your impulsive temper is what screws us up most when we fight.” Keith shoved him back and Lance lunged forward to push him back. Keith easily sidestepped him. “You wanna go, Mullet Head?” he hissed.
“Bring it on, Sharpshooter,” he snarled, taking a combat stance, ignoring Pidge and Hunk’s groans of exasperation and Shiro telling them to cool it. Lance surged forward, and though Keith could easily evade him, he was dying to get a hold of him, to pin him down until he tapped out, his stupid ego deflated and his lesson learned.
They rolled on the floor, struggling, ignoring Shiro’s barking commands that they get up and calm down. Keith grunted and panted as he struggled to use Lance’s weight and height against him. Lane cursed and shoved him away, scrambling to get away.
“What, done already? You didn’t even land a hit,” Keith taunted.
“Shut up,” he growled, pulling his legs up, breathing heavily. “I don’t have to play your stupid games, Mullet.”
“You’re the one that started it!” Lance ran his hands through his hair and scowled, but he didn’t move. He looked flushed and Keith wasn’t sure what to do now that he hadn’t even talked back.
“Let’s go ahead and end for today,” Shiro said, noticing Lance’s submission to silence. Keith started to leave with the others, but Shiro’s metal arm stopped him. “Not you. You and Lance need to fix whatever this is because with both of you against each other we really won’t ever be able to form Voltron.”
“What this is my fault?” Keith asked incredulously.
Shiro frowned and looked at Lance. “No. But we’re a team. We’ve only got each other out here, and we can’t be going at each other’s necks like this. So figure something out.” He pointed to Lance and walked away, leaving them alone in the training room.
Keith crossed his arms and shut his eyes in frustration. He wanted to just walk away. But he didn’t want to disappoint Shiro. Instead, he turned and started for Lance.
A few steps forward, Lance jutted an arm out, fixing him with an icy blue gaze. “You stay right there. Ten feet away.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.”
“I’m serious.” Keith rolled his eyes and stared at him from across the mat. “What? You want to say we’re gonna be best friends now? For the sake of the team?”
“Why would I ever do that to myself?” he snarled. “Jesus, Lance. You’re obnoxious, you don’t take anything serious, and quite frankly, you’re so annoying, that even if you hadn’t pegged me for a rival the second we even spoke, I’m sure I still wouldn’t like you.” Lance was staring at him with a furrow in his eyebrows, chest heaving. His lips were parted and his gaze shifted, as though Keith’s words had actually hurt them. And maybe they had. It was never good to be told you were annoying. Despite Keith’s frustration, he couldn’t help but feel guilt at his own words as he looked at Lance’s expression. He sighed and took a step closer, stopping when Lance locked him in place with an icy look. “I’m sorry, I didn’t… mean all that. Look, I know I have a temper. I know I don’t understand your sense of humor. I know I’m hard to work with. I don’t particularly like social interaction, sue me!” He took another step forward and when Lance didn’t protest, he took a few more, cutting the space between them in half. “But we are teammates. For better or for worse. We fight together. I protect you, you protect me, that’s how it works. You blather off at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, I roll my eyes at your stupid jokes. We fight it out in training and come together when we have to defend the universe.”
“What’s that supposed to make us?”
“I don’t know. Frenemies?” Keith shrugged.
“Frenemies,” he repeated. Keith shrugged. “Friend and enemy. How do I know when you’re which?” He shrugged again.
Lance scoffed, and Keith scooted closer, making him curl into himself more. “Right now, I’m your friend.” He sat and crossed his arms over his knees. “What’s been bugging you?” Lance cast him a sideways glance. “You haven’t just been snippy with me. You’ve been like that with everyone. Quieter and isolated. It’s weird.” Lance looked away, burying his face in his hands. “Come on I’m trying here, what’s going on?”
He took a breath and looked at Keith. “How do I know you won’t laugh at me when you go back to being my enemy?”
“I have morals,” Keith retorted indignantly. “I won’t. Just let me be a friend right now.”
Lance bit his lip, his chest heaving a little more heavily. “Keith. I’m a teenage boy. In space. With only two Altean aliens, three guys, and a girl prodigy. I haven’t been around a girl my age in so long.”
Keith furrowed his eyebrows, looking at Lance, looking at the wall as if it may have an answer, then back at Lance. “Oh… kay?” he said uncertainly. “So… you miss people?”
“No. I mean, yeah, but that’s not what I mean. I….” He turned red, his eyes fluttering closed and he inched away from Keith. “I’ll rephrase: I’m a hormonal teenage boy with the same six people around me that are off limits.”
Lance was looking at him with pained blue eyes, begging him to understand. With the way he was breathing, pressing himself closer to the wall, his hands fumbling over his face like he was trying to cool down, and the way he’d practically breathed out the last half of his sentence, it began to click. “O-Oh,” he said, realization dawning over him. “You’re… frustrated… in… y’know. That way.”
Lance flopped onto the ground, and growled in frustration. “Yes! And it’s driving me nuts! I mean I’ve even started to look at Hunk and Shiro and even you in that way. Fighting and training together doesn’t help with all the heavy breathing and sweaty bodies pressed together, and oh my God,” he panted. He shook his head. “I’m scared to get too close to anyone. I feel like I’ll do something stupid just because my hormones are making me skittish, reckless, and stupid.”
“Looking at us in what way?” Lance scowled at him from under his arm before hiding himself again. “What? I don’t get it dude, help me out.”
“Like… attracted to you guys. I’m just so desperate at this point it’s pathetic.”
“So… you’re into guys now?”
Lance sat up, resting on his elbows. “I flirt with aliens, you really think gender matters to me out here? Yes, attracted, okay? Don’t let it go to your mullet head.” He flopped back down and Keith snickered. “Oh, what like you never checked Shiro’s abs out? Or Hunk’s bicep when he’s lifting stuff? Or me?”
“No, actually,” Keith answered honestly, keeping his voice leveled so Lance wouldn’t think he was laughing. “I never really thought about it, I guess. But I see what you mean. It is lonely up here. Do you not… you know.” He gestured with his hand. “Do it for yourself?”
“Of course, I have. But it’s not good enough anymore. And it’s not… I don’t know. I stop before I want to, like an automatic reaction. I can’t keep going, if that makes sense?” Keith shrugged not entirely sure. “I’m actually going to give you credit for how you’re handling this, Mullet.”
“I’m a good friend when I have to be,” he said. “I mean… I wish I had a solution for you, but I really don’t.”
“Just… just keep your distance, okay?” he asked. “The last thing I need is to be all hot and bothered over you.”
“I guess it does explain your lack of focus,” Keith said. “Wait so… you’re telling me you’re into me now? Physically at least?” Lance glared at him, letting out a long breath through his nose. “What! I’m intrigued.”
“I might strangle you.” Keith smirked and raised an inquisitive eyebrow. Lance huffed and shrugged. “Yeah, okay? You’re pretty hot despite that horrible haircut. Congratulations.”
Keith allowed himself a smug smile before shrugging and getting up “Alright, come on. Let’s show everyone we’ve made up.”
“I think I’m just going to go take a shower, actually. I need to cool down.” Keith nodded, biting back a teasing retort, and left the training room. He found everyone in their own stations; Hunk in the kitchen, experimenting with space goo brownies; Pidge with the tech, still looking for clues on her family; Allura and Coran in some private office, dealing with galactical problems; and Shiro in his room, probably trying to catch up on rest.
He sat in down in the meeting room and laid back, trying to keep his mind occupied. After talking to Lance, he began wondering. He’d been so focused on solely training, on wondering about his genetics, on being better for the Voltron team, that he hadn’t paid much attention to hormones.
He mulled over what Lance had said. About Hunk. About Shiro. Heck, even Allura was enticing in her regal way. Coran was more of a grandpa and Pidge of course was like a sister, so they were safe from his curious mind. But he could see how Lance could get all flustered by the thoughts. Keith couldn’t say he hadn’t craved some sort of contact, since long before he was flung into space.
He'd grown up with Shiro as his older brother, his mentor. So Keith couldn’t say he could see himself going to him for any kind of sexual relief, but he had to admit Lance had a point when it came to Shiro’s abs. Keith mused over Hunk and could sort of see what Lance liked. They guy had muscles, but was such a soft giant in Keith’s eyes, that he sort of saw Hunk as more of a cuddle buddy type of person than someone he could imagine being in bed with. Besides, he didn’t know Hunk all that well, so maybe that was a factor.
His mind moved on to Lance. And he had to admit, when he first saw Lance that first day of classes, he had thought he was attractive. Bright blue eyes and dark, caramel skin with a cocky smirk to match? Of course, Keith had been intrigued. But then Lance opened his big mouth and he’d gone from a solid eight to a three. Of course… now, after all the training, Lance had beefed up a bit. He had muscles and his hair had grown out of that awful buzzcut he originally had. Lance had gone from an eight to a three, back up to a nine (because Keith couldn’t overlook the bad flirting and cheesy one liners so that still docked him). And if it was just to get some hormones to calm down, Keith had to admit he wouldn’t mind experimenting with Lance a bit.
In fact, he mused over that concept a bit. He’d heard Lance’s grunts and panting breaths before…. If he thought hard enough he could imagine them in a different context. It made Keith’s skin warm and he bit his lip as he thought of his expression earlier, a little less frustrated and a little more pleasured.
The idea was becoming more and more enticing as he thought of it.
Suddenly the intercom came on making Allura’s voice echo throughout the castle. “Paladins, meeting in the dining room quickly.” Keith groaned and stood, shuffling to the dining room where the others started to come in after. Lance came in last, looking just agitated as before and seeing him after imagining him made Keith a little nervous. Then Lance caught Keith’s eyes only to look away quickly, staying furthest away from the others.
Allura smiled at them and clasped her hands together. “Great news, Paladins! We’ve been invited to a feast on Veyrataz in our honor after our last battle! We’re getting a night off.” She pushed her hair out of her face and seemed to relax. “Our hosts have offered us a grand party and I simply couldn’t say no. So get your gear on and get ready for a rewarding banquet!”
“Sweet! A break from the space goop,” Hunk said. Pidge high-fived him and they left to get their suits on. Lance took a deep breath, muttering under his breath before leaving, casting one more look at Keith as he did.
The banquet really was grand. There were a variety of wonderful smelling foods along the tables, and several aliens dancing. They were a slender species with two set of arms and tentacles for legs. Still, they had an angular grace to them as they danced and laughed, thanking the Paladins by inviting them to join in.
Somewhere among cheers and laughter, Keith noticed Lance slinking toward Allura. He followed with his eyes and watched as Lance mumbled something with his head ducked down before leaving the festivities.
Keith walked over to Allura and asked, “Where’s Lance? One of the alien girls is looking for him; I know he’d be excited for that.”
She frowned and shook her head. “He said he wasn’t feeling well. He preferred to go back to the Castle and rest.”
Keith nodded and bit his lip. “Do you think he should be alone?”
Allura furrowed her eyebrows and looked away. “Honestly Keith, I’m not sure. He’s been so strange lately it worries me.”
“I can go check on him, if you want? Keep an eye on him.”
She raised an eyebrow and smiled. “Looks like Shiro forcing you two to talk things out really helped. If you don’t mind missing the party, be my guest. Make sure he’s okay.”
Keith nodded and slipped out of the castle.
He returned to the Castleship and got out of his gear before going to find Lance. One he was in comfortable clothes, he found Lance tossing and turning on the couch, his hands pressed against his face in agitation. “Tell me you’re not doing what I think you’re doing,” Keith joked.
Lance sat up and scowled. He was wearing a muscle shirt and shorts, just about as naked as he could before completely stripping down. “I’m not,” he grumbled. “Like I said, that’s not satisfying anymore. What are you doing here?”
“I noticed you bolt, so I wanted to be sure you were okay.” Lance snorted. Keith sat beside him, and Lance tensed. “I was thinking about what you said. I think it makes sense. Don’t feel bad about it.” Lance raised an eyebrow. “I’m serious. I never really paid attention, because I’ve been focused on training and whatnot. But yeah. It’s lonely out here. I don’t blame you for wanting to be close to someone. Actually, I thought about it, you know what it’d be like with Shiro or Hunk or you and-”
“Stop talking,” he breathed, his voice tight. “Please.”
“What’d I say?” he asked in shock.
Lance was rigid, his breaths heavy. “It’s… what it sounds like you’re saying. It’s making me nervous.”
“But I didn’t… Lance, are you okay?” He put a hand on his shoulder and Lance jumped slightly. “Lance?”
“Don’t move,” he whispered. “Don’t move if you don’t want me to do something stupid.”
Keith’s eyebrows went up and he froze. He gulped and suddenly felt nervous himself.
Lance was breathing heavily, eyes shut and lips parted, occasionally taken between his teeth in a way that made Keith want to try it too. He gulped and wondered what Lance would say about Keith earlier thoughts.
Keith slid his hand to Lance’s neck making him let out a shaking sigh. “You’re warm,” he whispered. Lance gulped, seemingly debating between scooting closer to Keith or pulling away. So Keith scooted closer, his own breaths uncertain. “I think I thought of a way I could help,” he whispered softly.
“What are you- what are you saying?” Lance choked out. His head tilted slightly, urging Keith’s palm to rest on his cheek.
“Well, I’ve never… you know, done anything. But… who knows how long we’ll be up here.” He shrugged, running his thumb over Lance’s cheekbone.
“You’ve never done anything? At all?”
Keith rolled his eyes and pulled away. “Well, it’s not like people are jumping to go out with me, Lance. Even before we were launched out here in Blue.”
Lance shifted forward and bit his lip. “Well, they’re not jumping for me either,” he murmured. “I mean, all the alien girls I’ve flirted with, and how many have I ever brought back? How many have I ever gone to stay with?” Keith knew the answer was none. As much as Lance flirted and played coy, he was just as celibate as him. “Do you even like guys?” he whispered.
Keith shrugged and looked at him. “I never really considered it until you mentioned it. And… like I said, I thought about what it would be like with the other guys and you.”
“And?” Lance asked in a voice that wasn’t even loud enough to be a whisper. But that didn’t matter because he was so close.
With a shrug, Keith said, “I think I preferred you over them. I kind of… want to know what it’s like too, and… I guess if it helps you calm down, there’s no harm done?”
“We do this, there’s no going back, Keith. No normality. No usual bantering. We won’t be the same.” Keith licked his lips and nodded. “What… wait. What’s this going to mean with us? What, we start dating because we’re both just too lonely and hormonal?”
Keith grimaced, pulling away again and shook his head. “No. No, we’re not…. I don’t want to date you, Lance. We fight too much, that wouldn’t be good. And it’s like you said- a physical attraction, that’s it. It’s just… two teenaged guys exploring their sexualities…. And if we ever get back to Earth, then we can pretend nothing happened.” Lance looked at him dubiously. “Frenemies with benefits?”
Lance smiled at that. “Frenemies with benefits,” he mused. “Has a nice ring.” Keith raised an eyebrow and smirked. “Okay,” he whispered. “Um. You do know most friends with benefits deals end up with someone feeling something for the other and a lot of feelings getting hurt?”
“What, you think you’ll fall in love with me or something?” Lance grimaced, and Keith smirked. “It won’t happen. We’re not compatible like that. We’re not friends; we’re frenemies.”
Lance nodded and took a breath. “Good point. Okay.” He shifted and reached out to push a strand of hair away from Keith’s face. Keith raised an eyebrow. “I just… I haven’t… been kissed in a long time, so….” Keith nodded felt himself tense up as Lance’s hands cupped his face. “This won’t be weird, right?”
“Only if we make it weird,” Keith grumbled.
Lance nodded and leaned in close enough so Keith could feel shuddering, warm breaths against his mouth. “So… just….” Keith wasn’t sure what he was going to say. He just knew that they were leaning into each other and suddenly they were kissing.
It was strange, having someone’s lips on his.
And yet, the thought went away when he heard the throaty moan that hummed against between their lips. Keith pulled back slightly, his lips brushing Lance’s. “This is weird, right?” Lance asked. Keith gulped and chuckled nervously. “Maybe… we just need to get used to kissing right now?”
Keith nodded and cleared his throat. “Okay. So. Uh. I mean… is there something specific you like?”
“Neck kisses,” he replied almost instantly. Keith raised his eyebrows. “Ah, I mean… okay, um…. This is gonna sound cheesy, but… I kind of really like hearing someone moan. Like, knowing I’m making them feel good. That’s a general thing.”
“Figures,” Keith mumbled. Before Lance could ask what he meant, he leaned in again, pressing his lips against Lance’s. He shifted, throwing one leg over Lance, keeping his new Cuban sex toy firmly between his thighs. Lance’s hands rested against his hips, his long, thin fingers settled firmly, splayed across his back. He felt the slight pressure of his fingers as Lance pulled him closer as he leaned back to lay on the couch, bringing Keith onto him.
“You can open your mouth a little more, weirdo,” Lance mumbled. Keith blushed and bit him slightly as retribution. “Kinky,” Lance chuckled. Keith pulled himself up, hovering over him with a frustrated huff. “Can I ask you something? Am I your first kiss?”
“No,” he answered. “My first kiss was at the Garrison during Byron Kelley’s dorm party. I got drunk and made out with Alicia Roux. Then… a different party, I made out with her brother…s.” Lance’s eyebrows shot up and he started laughing, much to Keith’s annoyance.
“Then why are you so bad at it right now?” he asked between laughter. “Ah, no offense.” Keith felt his cheeks heat up and he pushed away, ready to get off of Lance. “No, no, no, come back!” he insisted, pulling Keith back with surprising strength. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for that to sound mean.”
Keith rolled his eyes and clenched his jaw. “I was drunk at those parties. They were senior officers and I was a private cadet.” Lance’s smile faded. “I mean, they were just like… a couple years older. I was sixteen, so…. Besides, now I’m kissing you. I was ready to kick your ass earlier, and now we’re… making out. I’m a little hesitant.”
“Oh so you’re holding back?” Lance asked with a chuckle. Keith narrowed his eyes, but his annoyance turned into surprise as Lance leaned up and took his lip between his teeth. “Show me what you got, Kogane. No holding back.” And then Lance was crashing their lips together again, with no reserve, no hesitance.
A warm tongue prodded his lip and Keith gasped softly, parting his lips. He sucked against Lance’s bottom lip and shifted to intertwine their legs. He pushed his tongue into Lance’s mouth, earning a groan from him. Lance’s hands started roaming his back, and Keith didn’t pay them much mind until they were palming at his ass.
The feeling made him gasp against Lance’s lips, suddenly hungry for more. He pulled back and kissed the corner of Lance’s lips, along the jawbone up to the curve of his jaw to suck on his earlobe- which made Lance let out a particularly loud gasp- and slowly down the side of his neck. Soft kisses, with enough tongue to taste him without leaving any trails, enough sucking to tease him without marking.
“You’re good at that,” Lance breathed through a nervous chuckle. He moaned softly and Keith lifted himself up over him. Lance reached up and ran his thumb over Keith’s bottom lip. Without saying anything, he pulled Keith by the neck until they were kissing again, their lips slowly getting accustomed to the other’s. Lance’s fingers threaded through Keith’s hair tugging, and Keith half moaned, half groaned into Lance’s mouth. His mouth fell open and Lance took his chance to bite Keith’s lower lip and suck until it was swollen.
He licked it apologetically and smiled before pulling Keith into a proper kiss again, never losing his grip on his hair.
Keith’s hips grinded down and Lance bucked his up, whimpering between them. The size of the bulge Keith felt against his own made him nervous in the most exotically enticing way.
Suddenly, they heard distant laughter and footsteps. They sat up, eyes wide, and wiped their red lips, flattened their tousled hair, scrambling to sit on opposite sides of the couch before Pidge walked in, talking animatedly to Allura.
“Oh hey, they haven’t killed each other yet,” she said. “That’s a win.”
“Funny,” Lance mumbled.
“Haven’t you heard? We’re friends now,” Keith said flatly. “What happened to the party?”
“Pidge insisted on making sure you weren’t tormenting each other further. And I thought I might take back some bandages. Hunk decided to play with one of our hosts and it didn’t go well. He’s fine though,” Allura said. “Ready, Pidge?”
“Yep,” Pidge answered, pushing her glasses up. “Don’t kill each other, guys. Think of your lions.” They rolled their eyes at her and the two girls left, their steps receding until it was silent again.
Within seconds, Lance was pushing against Keith, lips finding his, until they were back to their original rhythm. “Rooms- better- private-let’s?” Lance breathed through kisses.
“Uh-huh,” Keith nodded, standing, pulling Lance along, never breaking their kiss. He hated that he was a full head taller, but Lance made up for it by pulling Keith up so his legs wrapped around his torso.
“You’re light,” he noted.
“Shush,” Keith said, digging his fingers into Lance’s shoulders, kissing him harder, supporting himself with arms and legs to push his groin against Lance.
Lance bit his lip, his eyes dilating, looking at Keith hungrily as they staggered to the room closest to them- Keith’s. The door hummed open and shut as they stumbled in, bumping against the wall. Lance’s lips were at his neck and Keith was feeling things he never had before.
The swirl of his tongue, the graze of his teeth, it made it hard for Keith to breathe. There was a warmth building in his stomach, an ache rushing to his groin, heat spreading through every nerve, alight to every touch Lance placed on him. The feeling of Lance’s mouth sucking against his neck made his knees weak, and he couldn’t bother to be embarrassed by the heavy breaths and moans he let out, feeling like butterfly wings against Lance’s ear.
“Keith?” he breathed, pulling back slightly. Keith fought the urge to pull him back to finish what he’d been doing and instead scrunched his eyebrows in question. “I know we said we wouldn’t do it all tonight but… God, can we do something? I’m dying over here.”
Keith gulped and tried to catch his breath, flicking his hair out of his face. “What… do you want to do?” he asked. “I guess… hand jobs don’t seem too bad?” He could feel his cheeks turning bright red at his own words. He prayed Lance would be too overwhelmed to care for eloquence.
Lance shook his head. “Hand jobs don’t cut it for me anymore, remember?”
“Your own hand,” Keith reminded. “Someone else’s could be different.” Lance shrugged not seeming entirely convinced. “Well…. The next step up is… a… blowjob.”
Something in Lance’s face melted. It was a subtle change, and yet it overcame his features, his eyes soft yet hungry, his breaths ragged and needy. “I don’t want you to do anything you’re not comfortable with. We just started this.”
“I said I’d help. I’d do it some time, right?” Keith took a shaking breath and unhooked his legs from around Lance’s waist. He gently pushed him back, eyes locked on each other, indigo blue into sky blue. “Tell me if something I do doesn’t feel right, okay?” Lance nodded mutely.
Hesitantly, Keith pressed his lips against Lance’s, trailing his way over to the hollow of his throat, hoping that his tongue made Lance feel as good as Keith did a few moments ago. Keith slid his hands under the hem of the muscle shirt, his fingers ghosting over Lance’s warm olive skin. As he kissed and bit onto Lance’s neck, he slid his shaky hands down to the waistline of Lance’s shorts. Dipping his fingers beneath one by one, he slowly drew them down, allowing himself to slowly drop onto his knees, peppering Lance with kissed the entire way.
A small whimper echoed around the room as the shorts pooled at Lance’s feet and Keith looked up at Lance from under long, curved, full eyelashes, his sore, red lips parted and looking ever so plump. And those eyes. Those violet blue eyes that looked up at him so sweetly, so uncertainly, and so determined. Lance was aching.
Keith put a hand against the bulge in Lance’s briefs, rubbing, figuring he should just do what he would’ve liked to have done to himself. Do the things that would feel good if they were done to him.
He continued to palm Lance through the cloth, and leaned forward to press kisses against his thigh, which was scorching hot from all the need that had accumulated. He bit gently and Lance’s knees buckled. It was funny to think that Keith was having this effect on Lance.
Keith ran his hands up Lance’s legs and looked up at him. “Sit on the bed. You’ll end up falling if you stay standing.” Hastily, Lance shuffled to the bed and plopped down. Keith smiled and leaned over him, kissing him gently before returning to his knees, slipping his fingers beneath the briefs to tug them away.
He bit his lip as Lance’s bulge was freed and tried to hide the gulp. He wasn’t sure he could do this. He didn’t feel much seeing it. There was no need for it, no attraction to it, no… no nothing. It was just a body part Keith knew because he had his own. Granted, Lance’s was hard at the moment, veins bulging, and visibly thicker than Keith’s. And that just made him more nervous.
“You don’t have to,” Lance said softly. “Neither of us has… done this sort of stuff, much less with another guy. It’s okay.”
He leaned forward as if to pull his shorts back up, but Keith reached out and pinned his hands down by the wrist aggressively. “Shut up,” he growled. “I want to. I just need a moment,” Lance was about to protest again, so Keith grabbed ahold of his stupid fucking penis, turning the words into a desperate mewl.
His blue eyes rolled into the back of his head as Keith moved his hand up and down, his lips parted forming an “Oh,” sound mixed among quick, short yelps. The reaction was more than Keith had expected to receive especially after the awkwardness of their first kiss. Keith gulped one more time before leaning forward and kissing the slit lightly, rewarded with a whimper. Lance was so warm. Pulsing in his hand.
Keith ran his tongue from the base to the tip experimentally, before opening his mouth wide enough to take him in. He circled his lips, careful not to let his teeth brush against Lance. He bobbed his head forward and back rhythmically, hearing erratic breaths above him.
The heavy weight in his mouth was hot and a strange mix of soft and hard. The taste salty, musty but not necessarily bad….
“Oh f-fuck,” Lance breathed. “Look at me, Keith. Please look at me.” Keith complied, looking up at him with a serene look as he pulled back completely, letting only his tongue flick against the slit. Lance looked absolutely broken. His face contorted. His eyebrows were furrowed, his eyes went from screwing shut to looking desperately at Keith, his breaths quick and shallow as his teeth dug into his lip to keep from crying out. There was a vein bulging at his neck from the effort it took him to stay quiet.
Keith began to take him in again, slowly, hoping to take all if not most of Lance into his mouth. But as he moved, Lance’s hips bucked, resulting in a gag reflex that stung Keith’s eyes. He placed his hands on Lance’s hips and shoved him firmly down against the mattress.
“No you don’t,” he growled, glaring up at Lance. “If I’m down here, I’m handling the pace. I’m in charge right now, Sharpshooter.” Lance gulped and whimpered. “You buck your hips again, I stop. And I don’t think you want me to leave you like this.” Lance shook his head, his face contorted in pain. “That’s a good boy,” he whispered, lowering his lips to press against Lance’s erection. He slid his mouth down agonizingly slow, careful to not trigger his gag reflex.
Lance was dying to buck his hips. To grab a fistful of Keith’s hair and push his hips up against his mouth until Lance couldn’t do anything but come undone.
What Keith couldn’t fit into his mouth, he grabbed with his hand and pumped. Lance wasn’t bothering with staying quiet. It was like he couldn’t. His gasps and moans, and unfinished pleas for more, faster bouncing around the room, music to Keith’s ears. Keith pulled back again with a slick pop, a trail of saliva and pre-come connecting his lips to Lance’s throbbing cock.
Lance’s hands were in fists, curled around he covers, his upper arms shaking. “Keith, please faster. I can’t- I can’t.” He threw his head back as Keith took him in again and let out a strangled cry. Keith finally saw the appeal of being down there, on his knees, pleasing someone else.
Making them fall apart at your hands was like having immeasurable power. It made him wanted and important. It made him eager to make Lance squirm and scream. He knew that even if Lance bucked, he wouldn’t stop. Not when he was unravelling like this. Not when Keith was the one making him beg and gasp for breath. He was drunk on the power he had over Lance at that moment, and he wanted to revel in it, smug because he had Lance obeying his command without a single rebuttal.
He sucked in his cheeks and Lance let out a long, shaking whine. Keith had gotten used to the warm saltiness in his mouth, so he wasn’t so hesitant to suck and swirl his tongue, experimenting freely to find new ways to make Lance plead. Lance seemed to be digging himself into the covers, being so careful not to buck into Keith’s mouth. He was being so good, and Keith wanted to reward him for it.
He sucked and moved a little faster, licking up the length before encasing him again, faster, and faster until Lance was filling the room with desperate sounds, doing everything he could not to move. Keith could feel the tip at the back of his throat, and he fought off a gag, turning it into a moan. He dug his fingers into Lance’s thighs, making him cry out again.
Lance’s hand burrowed into Keith’s hair, tugging the roots harshly, desperately without pulling him away, and the feeling made Keith moan again.
“Keith- oh God- get off, I’m gonna-  Ah, fuck.” Lance pulled Keith away by his hair and bucked his hips into the air, moaning loudly as he reached his climax, the warm, white slickness coating Keith’s chin and his shirt. “Shit. Sorry,” he breathed, still shaking as he fell back against the bed. “Oh fuck,” he cried, breathing harshly.
While he wasn’t looking, Keith darted his tongue out to taste the come on his chin, surprised when it wasn’t a horrible taste. He looked at shirt and grimaced at the stains, but he didn’t say anything until Lance pulled himself up on shaking arms.
“You were… amazing at that.”
Keith hummed. “I think you were just that frustrated.”
Lance shook his head and pulled his shorts up before pulling Keith onto him. “I’m serious.” He pressed a kiss to the hollow of Keith’s throat and used his thumb to wipe away the rest of the mess. “Sorry.” Keith shrugged. Slowly, hesitantly, Lance pulled him closer by his chin. “Can I?” Keith nodded, and Lance kissed him. His tongue darted forward and Keith melted into him, reveling in the feeling of being wanted. “Mm, tastes interesting.” Keith grimaced and apologized, but Lance laughed. “After what you did to me, you really shouldn’t be apologizing.” He took Keith’s bottom lip between his teeth and looked at him with soft blue eyes.
Without another word, he turned Keith, pulling him between his legs into a sitting position. He kissed his neck and bit down as Keith squirmed and covered his mouth to silence his breaths. Lance dipped his hands into his jeans and Keith gasped. “What are you doing?”
“Returning the favor. You’ve never had a hand job have you?” Keith shook his head, relaxing into the feeling of Lance’s long, slender fingers palming him. “I’ve got it,” he smiled. He bit down on his earlobe and Keith yelped softly, pressing his back into Lance’s chest. His hands came to wrap behind Lance’s neck, fingers digging into his skin as Lance shimmied Keith’s pants off. He lowered his boxers and Keith heard Lance’s shaking breath at his ear as saw Keith’s upright erection inches away from his hand.
“I should make you beg for it like you did to me,” Lance murmured, making Keith bite his lip. “But you’re lucky I’m a nice guy.” He wrapped his hand around Keith, pumping slowly. Keith squirmed and moaned, a soft husky sound as he pressed closer against Lance. He tilted his head, looking up at him, his open mouth leaving warm breaths against Lance’s face. He pushed his hand into his hair, fingers raking down his neck, grasping for leverage. “Tell me what you want,” Lance growled into his ear.
“Faster,” he breathed. Lance nodded and complied, rewarded with the gasping moans that vibrated in Keith’s throat. His fingers dug into Lance’s skin, and Lance dipped down to bite on his neck, sucking the skin as he moved his hand a little faster and ran his thumb over the tip. Keith yelped and chuckled nervously. “Again.”
Lance bit down against whatever parts of Keith’s skin he could, sometimes leaving bruise-like marks against his pale skin, sometimes just the imprint of his teeth. But Keith wasn’t complaining, and Lance loved the way Keith molded to him, breathing quickly and holding onto him like his life depending on it.
“Don’t stop. Don’t-don’t stop,” he commanded. Lance’s arm was starting to burn with the speed. But with Keith coming undone, he couldn’t stop. He didn’t want to. He ignored the burn in his muscle as he tightened his grip a little without hurting him and pumped faster, bit harder, pulled him closer. “Oh, o-oh, fuck yes,” he panted, arching his back. Lance had a clear view of his face and the bright, rosy blush that had dusted his cheeks, the way his violet eyes screwed shut, the perfect O shape of his mouth. “Lance- I’m-I’m, oh.”
Warmth spread into Lance’s hand as Keith shivered, relaxing into him again, catching his breath. He turned his head away like he was embarrassed to look at Lance. Lance placed his clean hand into his hair and scratched gently. He brought the hand coated in Keith’s release and marveled at the substance on his hand. Slowly, he put it to his lips and hummed. It was almost sweet. But still rather salty.
“We really won’t be able to go back to normal,” Keith murmured, still not looking at him.
Lance stop running his hands through his hair. “Do you regret it?”
Keith took a breath and rolled his head to look at Lance. “No.”
“Cool. Me neither.” He pressed his lips against Keith’s temple softly. “We can stop if you ever get uncomfortable. If either of us do.” Keith nodded and settled against him as Lance helped him pull his boxers and pants back on.
“Should we set boundaries or rules or something?” Keith questioned. “I mean, is this supposed to stay a secret? Are there things we really shouldn’t do or say? And is this a nightly thing or? What are we doing, Lance?”
“I…. I don’t know. It’s clear we don’t like each other that way. We’re just physically into each other. It’s the with benefits part, right?” Keith shrugged and nodded. “So… I guess we’ll figure out what we’re doing and how often as we go. And I mean, it’s not a huge deal. If someone finds out, oh well. Though I guess it’d be kind of hot to hide it.” Keith scoffed and hit Lance’s forehead. “Okay, okay. How about… we have to get to our own rooms after we’re done just to kind of keep the distance. Keep suspicion away. Can’t allude to this when we’re with everyone else. And no teasing outside of the room.” Keith nodded. “Should we have a special knock?”
“Special knock? What are we a treehouse club?” Keith scoffed, shifting away to face him. Lance rolled his eyes and shook his head, taking Keith’s hand and interlocking their fingers. “What about this?” he questioned softly, gesturing to their hands. “Isn’t that stuff couples do? Cuddling and hand-holding and all those other little things?”
“Um. Yeah. It’s just… I guess it’s a way to know we’re not just using each other as meat sticks. If you don’t want to, we can make that a rule too.” He shrugged. In response Keith simply held onto Lance’s hand a little harder. “Cool,” he whispered. “I should get back to my room before the others come back.” Keith nodded and shifted away as Lance stood. He leaned back over, smiling at Keith with that stupid smug look on his face. “Does this mean you think I’m hot too?”
“Lance, I swear to-”
Without warning, Lance reached down and pulled him by his chin into a kiss. Then he pulled back, leaving Keith breathless and dizzy. “See you tomorrow, Mullet,” he murmured. He pecked his lips one more time and left. Keith ran a hand through his hair and changed his clothes before getting into bed and reliving the memories of the new sensations he’d felt with Lance that night.
Click for part 2
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auburnfamilynews · 5 years
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John David Mercer-USA TODAY Sports
Turns out beating your rival in one of the best games of the year is a good way to impress recruits. Weird right?
After going a month without a chance to host any of their top targets, the month of November has been a godsend for the Tigers’ recruiting efforts. But no weekend quite has the star studded list as the Iron Bowl. It’s even better when all that talent gets to see the Tigers bring home the win. There was an impressive list of visitors on campus this past weekend who got a chance to experience the awesomeness that is a rocking Jordan-Hare Stadium.
Big Friday Night Boom
Before diving into the response to Auburn’s epic Iron Bowl victory, I think it’s important to talk about what happened the day prior. In case you missed it, 4* DE Zykeivous Walker told reporters Friday afternoon he planned on announcing his commitment that evening. Hours later, he announced his pledge to the Auburn Tigers.
— Zykeivous Walker (@Zykeivous10) November 30, 2019
This was an absolutely monster win on the trail for this coaching staff. Make no mistake, this is a kid Georgia not only wanted but expected to be in their 2020 class. Auburn though always felt like it had a shot. Like previous recruitments of Marlon Davidson and Big Kat Bryant, Walker just had the feel of an Auburn man. He clicked with the staff pretty much immediately but the big move came following his official visit last month. Walker is expected to not only sign later in a few weeks but will be an early enrollee as well. Don’t be surprised if Walker is making plays for this Auburn defense immediately next season.
Recapping Official Visits
This past weekend was obviously a big weekend for recruiting and the Tigers welcomed four official visitors to campus. Here’s a quick rundown on who made it and where things stand in their recruitments:
4* DT Omari Thomas - Auburn’s recruitment of Thomas started slow as the Tigers liked him at offensive tackle but he sees himself as a defensive lineman. However, now that Auburn is willing to take the top 100 player on the defensive side of the ball they have become a factor. This was Thomas’s first time seeing a game live in Jordan-Hare and from all accounts came away very impressed. He’s expected to announce his commitment next Monday, December 9th. The home state Vols are thought to be the current leader in the clubhouse but we have seen already that Rodney Garner can make a move in a hurry if he wants a guy. Definitely an announcement to keep an eye on next week.
4* DB Eric Reed - Reed’s commitment to Ole Miss had been on shaky ground ever since Auburn and Georgia dished out offers earlier this fall. With Matt Luke’s surprise firing, Reed announced this week he was no longer committed to the Rebels.
Thankyou❤️ pic.twitter.com/B4LoJ2HyAR
— Eric Reed Jr (@EricReedJr3) December 2, 2019
This is now an Auburn vs Georgia battle with the Dawgs possibly holding the edge. Auburn wants at least one more defensive back and would take Reed in a heartbeat if he wanted on board. Reed reportedly enjoyed his visit to the Plains but will be in Athens this weekend. We will see what unfolds over these next couple of weeks.
4* DT Josaih Hayes - Another former Ole Miss commit, Hayes has only recently popped up as a top target for the Tigers. Like pretty much everyone in attendance, Hayes came away very impressed with the atmosphere in Jordan-Hare Stadium per AuburnUndercover’s Keith Niebuhr. Did Auburn do enough to steal the Mississippi native away? That remains to be seen but a decision is expected in December so we won’t have to wait long to find out. The Tigers all of a sudden have just a few spots left on the defensive line so Auburn can afford to get picky late.
CB Emmanuel Appiah - Still unranked, Appiah has had one of the more interesting recruitments. His offer list currently consists of Auburn, Rutgers and Tennessee. He’s put up video game numbers this fall for his JUCO team and the coaching staff is reportedly very high on the Ghana native. But will he have a spot come early signing day? It’s really hard to tell because there could be a major move at that position very soon...
Loved my time this past weekend at Auburn! Amazing atmosphere and experience! Thank you for having me! WAR EAGLE @MarcusWoodsonAU @coachcrimedawg pic.twitter.com/0pdMmRR63s
— Emmanuel Appiah (@Apemmanuel) December 3, 2019
Boom Coming Soon?
There was a pretty big late addition to Auburn’s visitor list this past Saturday. The nation’s #6 overall JUCO prospect 4* DB Brian George traveled north to the Plains to witness Auburn’s epic Iron Bowl victory. From the sound of things, the visit went as well as anyone at Auburn could have hoped.
That was probably the most lit game I ever been
— BrianGeorge (@briangeorge1100) December 1, 2019
George told reporters after the game he had made his mind up on his recruitment. He’s expected back for an official visit this weekend. It would not at all surprise me if George’s name is added to Auburn’s 2020 commit list this time next week. This has been a recruitment with a lot of twists and turns so things could always change at any moment but as of right now Auburn appears to once again be in the driver’s seat for one of the best JUCO prospects in the country.
Elite 2021 Talent On Campus
There were plenty of important 2020 prospects on campus this past weekend but where Auburn will likely really see the effects of Saturday’s game is in next year’s class. One game obviously doesn’t change recruitments but it can definitely have an affect. Look no further than Owen Pappoe who said that it was seeing Auburn take down Alabama and Georgia in person that made him really decide to consider the Tigers.
Auburn’s 2021 list was as loaded as it gets including five 5* recruits. Here’s a quick look at those recruits a long with two other names to watch in the coming weeks.
5* OT Tommy Brockermeyer - Ranked the nation’s #3 overall player in the 2021 class, Brockermeyer got a chance to see Auburn in action Saturday afternoon along with his brother 4* C James Brockermeyer. Both appeared to be impressed. He’s long been pegged a Texas lock due to his family ties but Alabama, Auburn, Clemson, Georgia and LSU are all real threats in this race. I fully expect to see him and his brother back on the Plains in the coming months.
Had an unbelievable time this weekend at Auburn. Definitely game of the year. Can’t wait to come back again! #WarEagle @AuburnA1 @AuburnFootball @CoachJBGrimes pic.twitter.com/Nad6qads5A
— Tommy Brockermeyer (@TBrockermeyer) December 1, 2019
5* S James Williams - I am not sure there is a more clear future NFL 1st round draft pick in the 2021 class than Williams. A 6’5” 218 lb safety, Williams is a freaky athlete you just don’t find very often. Auburn, like everyone else in the country, is working hard to snag the elite defensive back and they have a legit chance at getting it done. Williams has been to Auburn a number of times and was back for the Iron Bowl Saturday. There is a feeling that early this might be an Auburn-Georgia battle but I think Clemson is one to keep an eye on as well.
5* OT Amarius Mims - It’s early and things could obviously change but this feels like a longshot for the Tigers. After all, he told AuburnSports.com he was actually cheering for Alabama Saturday evening... With that said, Mims is an elite prospect at a major position of need so Auburn is going to give it their best shot. Right now UGA is considered the clear favorite but we will see if Auburn can change things with Mims. Landing someone else on this list in a few weeks would do a lot of good in that regard....
5* DE Dylan Brooks - Follow the visits is a common refrain in the recruiting world. Applied to Brooks, the state’s #1 player in the 2021 class, it points to Auburn being in a VERY good position for the Roanoke, AL native. Brooks, by my count at least, made it to every single home game this fall on the Plains including some clunkers like Kent State. He’s obviously going to get a ton of pressure from every program especially the Tide but as of right now, you really have to like where Auburn sits for the elite pass rusher. Auburn landed 5* DT Lee Hunter yesterday. Pairing Hunter with Brooks would be a monster haul for Rodney Garner.
5* CB Ga’Quincy McKinstry - Nicknamed Kool-Aid, McKinstry is one of the more unique prospects in next year’s class. Not only does Gus Malzahn want the talented Pinson Valley standout but Bruce Pearl does too. He holds offers from both coaches and has been given the assurance he would be allowed to play both for the Tigers. I fully expect other programs to follow suit as McKinstry seems excited about the idea. This race is likely to go the distance and it’s going to be a battle between Auburn, Alabama and Clemson. Right now the Tigers sit in a good spot but this one is far from over and given Auburn’s history (or really the lack thereof) in signing 5* DBs, I would approach this recruitment with cautious optimism.
4* OT Micah Morris - Morris has been known in the recruiting world since he was a freshman in high school. The 6’4” 316 lb lineman could play anywhere on the line at the next level but I would think Auburn wants him at offensive tackle if possible. It’s rare that he and Mims aren’t on a visit together so landing his pledge would be a major boon in Auburn’s efforts to get involved with Mims. Morris is expected to make his commitment later this month. It’s an Auburn-Georgia battle with the Dawgs having long thought to be the team to beat. This is a very important recruitment in the 2021 cycle and one Auburn desperately needs to win as they look boost their OL recruiting efforts.
3* OT Caleb Johnson - Auburn was the first Power 5 school to offer Johnson. He’s since blown up sporting offers from the likes of Arkansas, Florida State, Louisville and others. It’s early so don’t let the lower rating full you, Auburn likes Johnson and would love to get him on board soon if possible. 247 national recruiting expert Steve Wiltfong Crystal Ball’d (aka predicted) Johnson to Auburn following the Iron Bowl. Will be interesting to see if a decision comes soon or not for the 6’7” 295 lb offensive tackle out of Ocala, FL
Three New Offers
At this point in the recruiting cycle, any offers Auburn doles out deserve scrutiny. With early signing day just a few weeks away and very few spots left in this class, any offers sent out now either mean Auburn is concerned about filling a current spot, expecting some attrition or stumbled onto a player that put together a big time senior campaign (think DJ Williams). So far this week, Auburn has put out three new offers of note.
The first one was probably the biggest surprise. Monday afternoon, Tennessee commit 4* ATH Jimmy Calloway announced on Twitter he had been offered by the Tigers.
Blessed to receive a offer from Auburn university @MarcusWoodsonAU pic.twitter.com/O8D2Hpurvu
— jimmy calloway (@Jimmycalloway1) December 2, 2019
At first, I thought this offer was related to Auburn’s effort to land another defensive back. But later, Calloway told AuburnUndercover’s Keith Niebuhr that the Tigers actually want him on offense, possibly at wide receiver. So does this mean Auburn could be losing a WR commit? Maybe... Ze’Vian Capers was giving North Carolina a hard look just a month ago but it looks like Auburn might have firmed up his commitment. Elijah Cannion is a name that hasn’t shown up a ton on Auburn’s visitor lists this fall while appearing in Gainesville a couple of times as well.
Or it could just mean they really like Calloway and are looking to add more weapons to the offense. His recruitment is expected to last until February so there is still time for things to get sorted out. He plays quarterback for his high school team so there’s maybe a chance he gets a look there as well. Either way, definitely a recruitment to watch over these final months.
The second came not long after Calloway’s announcement. Auburn might not be done landing JUCO offensive tackles.
I’m blessed and honored to receive another D1 offer from Auburn Football pic.twitter.com/xGtECOp0yl
— Jeremy Flax 6️⃣6️⃣ (@BiggFlax) December 2, 2019
3* OT Jeremy Flax just recently bumped Auburn commit Kilian Zierer from the top JUCO OT spot after a big year for Independence C.C. Auburn obviously already holds commitments from six offensive line prospects including three JUCOs so why in the world would they push after another?
Well, there’s also a very good chance we see some attrition amongst this current crop of offensive line commits. 4* OT Javion Cohen is very seriously flirting with Alabama and plans to take an official visit there this weekend. There are grade concerns with 3* OT Jonathan Buskey who no longer is expected to graduate in December and enroll in the spring. My guess is this offer is a move more directed at the latter development. Auburn will have to get him on campus soon if they want to make a move as he’s expected to make his decision later this month.
Finally, Auburn put out another JUCO offer but this time on the defensive side of the ball.
Blessed to receive an offer from Auburn Unversity @_CoachMartin_ @IndyFBHC @CoachDonerson @coachg76 @Coach_BSaunders @AuburnFootball pic.twitter.com/lbVIIHky2o
— DRE BUTLER (@DreButler23) December 3, 2019
Deandre Butler plays at the same JUCO as Flax so the Tigers apparently liked what they saw in Independence, KS. Ranked the #5 JUCO prospect in the country, Butler has an impressive list of offers but Auburn’s stands out. Butler told AuburnUndercover’s Keith Niebuhr he plans to take an official visit to the Plains this weekend. It’s been expected for much of this cycle that Auburn would take a JUCO prospect on the defensive line for some immediate depth next season. Interestingly Butler has three years of eligibility left so that likely makes him an even more attractive option in Auburn’s eyes.
War Eagle!
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2019/12/4/20991211/auburn-football-recruiting-iron-bowl-buzz-omari-thomas-eric-reed-brian-george
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iris-writes-things · 7 years
A Day At The Races Chapter 2: Greased Lightning
Read on AO3, FF.net or under the cut, or read the illustrated version on my Patreon!
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This fan fiction contains internalized racism, internalized homophobia and heavily prejudiced characters. If you are sensitive to any of the above, proceed with caution or not at all.
The year is 1952. Keith had been picked on ever since the war began, street races became his outlet. Pidge and Hunk gladly help him win from his bully and rival Jimmy Parker.
Chapter 2 of 6 Completed 911 words Romance/historical
“You know, I think it’s almost kind of sad we have to get rid of Frankie. Come to think of it, we’ve spent our best times as friends with him! Can’t we just keep him, please?” Hunk pleaded.
“Hunk, for the last time, I won’t have any space left in dad’s barn to keep him when Red’s finished.” Keith groaned as he rolled the wheels away from the beat up car that was currently being taken apart, staring hopefully at the half-finished car in the corner of the workshop. “Besides, I’m pretty sure he would have torn in two if I rounded another corner with him.”
“That’s because you drive like a maniac!”
“Trust me, big guy, there’s method to the madness.”
“Ah?” A third voice interjected. “Who is Frankie?” Lance had been living with the Holts for three months now, renting the room that belonged to Katie’s older brother while he was away for college. He had traveled the states for months, taking various odd jobs before he started living with the family. However, he liked it here so much and adjusted so well that he settled down with relative ease, working at the garage for his rent and at the diner to support his family back in Cuba. Samuel, Katie’s father, had already submitted the paperwork to apply for Lance’s green card. The two of them had briefly toyed with the idea of enrolling him into the local high school, but upon realizing everyone his age would be graduating soon, they changed their minds, allowing Lance to focus fully on working, making friends, and fitting in.
“Oh, hey Lance! Frankie would be the car.” Hunk said, proudly patting the roof, which drew a metallic groan from the structure that startled the man. “Okay, maybe we were right to take him apart…”
“You named your car... after Frankie Valli?” Lance asked, looking at Keith questioningly.
Keith chuckled. “It only screeches like him when I hit the brakes. But no, Katie named him after Frankenstein’s monster. She and Hunk put it together from six different cars. Pretty impressive if you ask me, but if anyone could do it, these geniuses could.”
“Why not fix it?” Lance asked again. A valid point, actually.
“Because we’re spending more and more money on fixing it. It’s a matter of time until we spend more money on fixing Frank than Keith actually earns in his races, so we need to build something more durable.” Katie said as she walked out of her father’s small office and used her pencil to point at numbers on a spreadsheet. “It’s just not worth pumping money into it anymore. We’ll probably still use bits and pieces for Red’s engine, though.”
Lance turned to Keith at a speed that could have given the boy a whiplash. “You race?!” He shouted as he grabbed the front of Keith’s jacket, looking at him with stars in his eyes. “Can I see? Please?”
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea. You don’t have your green card yet, and these races are illegal. It’s probably best if you’re not seen anywhere near them.” Keith tried to reason with him, but he couldn’t bring himself to give Lance a hard ‘no’.
To be completely honest, the pout and the doe eyes gracing the face of the boy in the blue overalls only seemed to make it more difficult to give him one. Eventually, Keith cracked. “Okay, fine. Next week, Saturday night. We start near the bank on Montgomery Avenue at midnight.”
“Yes!” Lance shouted, throwing his hands in the air. “I will be there!” he told Keith excitedly before Katie directed him to the car he was supposed to be working on.
“He’s a good kid.” Hunk commented with a fond smile on his face. “Fast learner, hard worker, very excitable.”
Keith nodded in agreement. “I like him.”
Saturday morning, 02:00 AM. Time for the final testing round. The last two weeks had been agonizing; the three of them put every waking hour not spent at school into tirelessly building and testing the car Keith would use to make history by knocking Jimmy Parker down a peg.
He impatiently waited as Hunk unloaded the small, scarlet car from the trailer and onto the street that would, unbeknownst to the authorities, host the race tonight.
Despite his initial reluctance about the Fiat 500, he had seen what she was capable of on the test runs on the Holt garage’s parking lot. She packed a punch under the hood. If his opponents tonight would underestimate her as much as he had when Katie had first told him of her plan, he would easily win.
The competition would be crazy tonight. He had heard rumors about professionals competing, coming all the way from California and Nevada to assert their superiority over ‘every tractor racing hick in this town’. But none of that would matter when he and Red leave them in their dust as soon as the starting signal sounds.
Keith got into Red once Hunk finished putting her into place. Twenty-two hours to go, and Keith was already buzzing with adrenaline. He put the key into the ignition and the engine roared to life, shifted into third gear, pulled his foot off the clutch and simultaneously stomped the gas pedal into the floor.
Keith smirked as everything in the world but him, Red and the road faded away. Nothing else mattered.
‘Let’s make this kitty purr.’
Author's note: Please, never EVER start your car from third gear. I know I wrote Keith doing it and I know it's technically possible, but as someone who was in the car when a friend of mine did this, it is not a pleasant experience. Keith is an idiot. Don't try this at home.
Edit note for chapter 1: I switched Keith's mother's hometown from Seoul to Pyongyang, this will be significant later on. 
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