#I think demo and his mum have this odd relationship
quotidianish · 2 years
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I love extrapolating ideas about the merc’s parents based off of what little is mentioned of them (me w/ heavy’s dad lol). Don’t let your boy drink, even though he’s already 13 (big boy number).
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atlafan · 4 years
Office Neighbors - Part Eleven
a/n: another part where a lot happens, I think you all will be happy the little surprise at the end, enjoy! (reblogs and feedback are super helpful!) not proofread, sorry!
warnings: slight angst?, fluff, and smut
words: 13.8K
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Another school year down, you couldn’t believe it. Two entire years done, and only more until it’s your turn to walk across the stage. Now that it was getting nicer out, your new favorite to work was the back deck, especially when Harry would come out and bring you a glass of wine. It wasn’t lost on you how much he doted on you. If you got cold, he was right there with a blanket and your fuzzy socks, if you were hungry he was right there with a snack. There was plenty you did for him, or that you did equally, like laundry and cooking and cleaning, but it was hard not to notice the way her almost…babies you.
Now, most of the time, men were the ones that liked to be babied in relationships, and that’s not to say that Harry doesn’t. He loves when he gets to lay his head on your chest and you play with his hair, or when you scrub his head in the shower, or the mornings you get up before him and lay his clothes out for him. You both took care of each other in different ways, which was nice, but he was used to taking care of someone in a parental way.
Harry was extremely different at work, though. He didn’t want to give students or colleagues a reason to tease either of you, so despite his clingy nature, he wouldn’t be too kissy or huggy with you. He was thankful that the school year was over so he could love on you all he wanted.
He had his own work as well, he had his latest manuscript. He would try to work when you were working, but sometimes he got writer’s block, or inspiration would hit at an odd hour. You loved watching him work, and if it was the middle of the night with him working away, you’d crawl into his lap and tell him it was time for bed. To which he happily listened.
It was weird being home while Andy was still in school, but it left you with plenty of time to plan his party. This year his party would be at your house since it was at Paige’s last year. You wanted to make sure there were tons of yard games for all the kids to play, and also things for the adults to do. You and Andy started crafting a playlist together that Harry was not allowed to help with because “no one my age wants to listen to Fleetwood, get over it!” was an argument you were sick of listening to, plus it was nice to have something to do together.
“Okay, we’ve got horseshoes, badminton, water balloons, and corn-hole, that should plenty of things for people to do back here.” You say as you look around the yard. Andy and Harry were just getting the badminton net into place.
“We also have a volleyball in case they wanna play that instead.” Harry says. “And we’ve got all the snacks in the world to keep everyone happy until I get to grilling.”
“So is this less of a family party?” You ask him.
“Little bit, I mean, Lydia, Allie and Ned will be here, but that’s it for Paige’s side. There’s more friends coming this year, that’s for sure.”
“I’m getting the Bluetooth going so there’s music when people start to show up.” Andy says. “I’m really excited, Caroline’s sisters are coming, and they’re really nice.”
“Is her oldest still coming to the university in the fall?” You ask.
“Yup.” He smiles.
Andy and Caroline had remained…close oddly enough. Brandon was still with Molly, and Andy couldn’t quite figure out why. Although, it was giving him more time to sort out all of his feelings. He really didn’t want to be in a relationship just yet. He just wanted to have fun with his friends.  
“I hope they’re not bored here.” Harry runs a hand through his hair.
“The corn-hole should keep them occupied, babe, don’t worry.”
“What are their names again?” Harry asks.
“Emma is the oldest, then Sophie and Charlotte.”
“Right, the twins.”
“I’m gonna go put the sign on the door to let people know they can just come to the back.” You say.
“I’ll tie the balloons to the mailbox!” Andy says and Harry sighs as he watches him go inside.
“What’s wrong?” You ask Harry as you walk up the stairs to the deck.
“Nothing…he’s just…twelve.” He pouts at you and you pout back.
“Please don’t cry.”
“I’m not.” He huffs. “He’s getting too old, I’m over this whole growing up thing.”
“But look at what a nice young man he’s growing into!” You put your hand on his shoulder. “Try to celebrate instead of dwell.”
“What are we, at a funeral?” He smirks.
You roll your eyes at him and go inside. The house was spick and span, thank god. This summer you’d be tackling renovating the kitchen since Andy would be at Paige’s. You were excited to do this with Harry. The new cabinets and granite were all ordered. You both just needed to do all the demo yourselves and then the contractors could come to do the rest.
“Mum and Noah are here!” Andy yells from outside, and you and Harry go out front to greet them.
“I…I promised myself I wouldn’t cry, but look at you, you’re twelve!” Paige blubbers and throws her arms around Andy.
“Mum, please.” He groans as he hugs her back.
“None of your friends are here yet, I get to do this now.” She kisses his cheek and lets him go. “Gram will be here soon with your aunt and uncle.”
“Happy birthday, Andy!” Rachel says brightly as she hops out of the car, giving him a hug.
All it took was for Paige and Harry to make eye contact and they both burst into tears. They side hug each other as they both look at Andy.
“He’s so grown up, and I swear he’s getting taller by the minute.” She says.
“It’s not fair, he was a baby just yesterday.”
“You two need to get a grip.” Andy says.
“Yeah.” Rachel agrees. “I’m getting second-hand embarrassment.”
The two giggle and start walking around back. You and Noah stand there awkwardly as Paige and Harry let each other go.
“Right, well, we, uh, brought some extra snacks, and all the gifts are in the trunk.” Noah says.
“I can help bring all that in.” You say. “What do you all typically do for Rachel’s birthdays?” You ask him as you lead him inside.
“Well, we usually go to Florida to visit with her grandparents. She loves it. Sort of a daddy-daughter thing.”
“Oh, that’s so nice!”
“Yeah, her birthday’s in October, so the weather is usually perfect.”
Friends and other family members start to show up. Andy was such a social butterfly. You could really tell that he was popular amongst his friend group. He was making everyone laugh. All of the yard games were a big hit, and Caroline’s older sisters even seemed to be having a good time. You were up on the deck sipping a drink when Harry came up from behind you to hug you.
“Having a good time, darling?” He says to you.
“Yes, thank you.” You chuckle. “Are you?”
“Mhm, I’m really glad the weather stayed so nice, I was nervous it would rain.” He kisses your cheek. “I’m gonna get the grill fired up.”
“Alright, do you want some help?”
“Maybe if you could just help me organize the food out here on the table? We could set it up buffet style.”
“On it.” You head inside as Harry turns the grill on.
Harry was feeling a lot of things today, his son was officially a preteen, and all sorts of things could start changing for him this summer. He could start to see pimples, or his voice may start getting lower, or pretty much anything else. Then there was you. Harry usually had to recruit another parent to help him with his parties for Andy, but he didn’t have to do that this time because he had you. You were on top of everything, and he was grateful. He was also just proud to show you off to so many people. For years everyone saw him as this single dad, but now they got to see him in a fully functioning relationship with a wonderful person.
“Okay, here’s all the burgers and dogs.”
“Y/N!” You whip your head and see your parents, Phil, and Julian.
“Oh good!” You say and head down the stairs of the deck to go greet them. “Did you get stuck in traffic?” You ask as you hug your family.
“Just a tad.” Phil says. “There was an accident on the other side, and you know how people love to rubber-neck.”
“Well, you’re here now, that’s all that matters. Feel free to go inside and freshen up, Harry’s just getting the grill started, but there are other snacks, and there’s drinks in the coolers.”
As you were talking Noah and Paige were playing a game of corn-hole with Ned and Allie.
“Oh, who’s that?” Noah points over to you.
“That must be her parents and brother, and his partner. How nice for them all to come!”
“Just don’t pounce on them Paige.” Allie tells her.
“What are you talking about? I’ll be friendly…”
“I’m not saying you won’t, just let her bring them over to introduce you, don’t go over to them first.”
You lead your family inside, after they all say hello to Harry. You wanted to give them a tour of the place you now called home. You explain your plans for the kitchen, and they all nod along.
“It’s a lovely home, honey.” Your mom says. “Very spacious, plenty of room to grow.”
“Yeah! The basement couch has a pull out in case we need to turn the guest room into a nursery at some point, and the loft could easily be converted into a bedroom too.”
“Slow down there, you just moved in.” You dad chuckles.
“I’m just saying, we’ve thought ahead.”
You lead everyone back outside, and down the stairs. Andy notices your family and smiles, he had no idea they were coming. He runs over to you.
“Andy, look who’s here.” You say to him.
“Hi!” He gives everyone a hug. “Thanks for coming to my party.”
“We wouldn’t miss it!” Your mom says. “You’re twelve today?”
“Yeah.” He smiles. “Would you like to meet my friends?”
“Sure.” Phil says.
Andy waves over Brandon and Caroline, and they both come jogging over.
“You guys, these are Y/N’s parents, um…”
“Rebecca and Richard.” Your dad says with a smile.
“Right, and this is her big brother Phil and his Julian.”
Phil and Julian smile at each other and say hello.
“These are my two best friends, Brandon and Caroline.”
Brandon felt bile in the back of his throat. Since when did Andy consider Caroline to be his other best friend?
“Hey, Andy, your friend Tyler…” Rachel had come over but she trails off.
“Rachel, these are my parents and my brothers.” You tell her.
“Hello!” She smiles brightly. “I’m Andy’s step-sister.”
“Well aren’t you just a precious little thing!” Your mom says.
“You’re Jewish like me, right?”
“Why yes we are.” Your dad says.
“When we went on our ski trip together, Y/N sat with me and helped with my alefbet.”
“She was pretty good at reading from the Torah as a kid.” Phil says. “I wasn’t so lucky.”
“You just never studied.” You tease him.
“Not all of us can be book worms, Y/N.” He sighs.
“My mum’s over there…” Andy points. “Do you all want to meet her?”
“That would be great.” Your dad says. You look back at Harry who was talking with Mr. Stewart as he grilled, and then you look over towards Paige.
“Yeah, let’s have everyone meet.” You say and lead them over. “Paige? I hate to interrupt the game…”
“Not at all!” She says with a smile. “Hello.” She says towards your family.
“These are my parents, Rebecca and Richard, my brother Phil, and his partner Julian.”
“It’s so nice to meet you all, I’m Andy’s mother, this is my fiancé, Noah, and my sister Allie and her husband Ned.”
Everyone shakes hands. The kids had run off to go play, so it was just the adults right now.
“We absolutely adore Andy.” Your mom tells Paige. “He’s a sweet boy.”
“Oh, thank you.” She smiles. “He raved about those paints you got him, he uses them all the time.” Out of the corner of her eye, Paige spots Lydia and waves her over. “This is my mother, Lydia. Mum, these are Y/N’s parents, and brothers.”
“Nice to meet all of you.” She smiles to the best of her ability and shakes their hands.
“Well, I need to go see what else Harry needs help with, so I’ll leave you grown-ups to chat.”
“We’ll help too.” Phil says. “I am a chef after all.” He tugs Julian along, full well knowing how nasty Lydia can be from what you’ve told them. Your parents could easily handle it. “She looks too nice to be a bitch.” Phil smirks.
“Trust me, she has her moments, although, she doesn’t make many comments too me anymore.” You smirk back.
All of the kids enjoy the freshly grilled food that they were ravenous for. After lunch was the balloon toss. Harry pairs up with Andy, just like last year, and you decide to participate with Phil.
“I swear, if you whip this thing at me…” He says as you’re still relatively close.
“Don’t be such a baby. It’s a trust exercise if anything.”
“Mhm, exactly.”
“I prank you with one whoopee cushion and-“
“You did that in front of my prom date!”
“Well, good thing you’re gay or else I’d be more concerned that I embarrassed you in front of her.”
Phil bursts out laughing as you continue to toss the balloon. He ends up dropping it at one point, which disqualifies you. Caroline and Rachel are out next, and then Tyler and Alexis. Brandon has paired up with his dad, and it was down to the four of them again. Mr. Stewart drops the balloon at the last second, which causes for Andy and Harry to be champs once again.
Once everyone settles a bit, it’s time for cake and gifts. Andy’s friends got him some good gift certificates and other little things.
“A new skateboard!” Andy beams. “Thanks, Noah.”
“You’re welcome, buddy.” Noah smiles proudly. Things were going really well recently between him and Andy. “That’s from my parents, they send their love.” Andy nods at him.  
Next up you had passed him the gift your family brought him. You had no idea what it could be.
“Holy shhhh-cow.” Andy corrects himself as he tears the wrapping paper open. “A home pottery kit?!”
“Y/N mentioned to us how much you enjoy the clay in your art classes, and we found this for kids.” Your mom explains. “Do you like it?”
“I love it! Thank you so much.”
Lydia had gotten him some new ski equipment which he was grateful for. You give your family a thumbs up. The last gift was one from you, Harry, Paige, and Noah as it cost a pretty penny. It was just in an envelope. He opens it carefully, and his eyes widen, nearly welling up with tears.
“No way.” He looks at the four of you.
“What is it, Andy?” Brandon asks.
“Three tickets to the Ariana Grande concert and…a pass for a meet and greet.”
“Whoa!” Caroline exclaims. “That’s incredible!”
Andy stands up and gives everyone a hug, thanking you all profusely.
“Think this’ll hold you over until you get a phone next year?” Paige asks him.
He knew the three tickets implied that he could bring a friend with him, and the obvious choice was Caroline. Brandon didn’t mind Ari, but it was something that Andy and Caroline really bonded over. He could talk to her about it later.
The party was a huge success, and Andy was feeling super happy. It was nice for him to see so many people interacting.
“Well, we better get going since it’s getting late.” Paige says to him, giving him a big hug and kiss. “I’m so glad you had a good birthday, baby.”
“Me too, thanks again for everything, Mum.”
He says goodbye to Noah, Rachel, Allie, Ned, and Lydia as well. Then he takes his time saying goodbye to your family. Needless to say he was pooped by the time everyone left.
“When can I use the pottery kit?” He asks Harry as he cleans some things in the kitchen.
“I can set it up in the garage one of these weekends and you can go to town.”
“Alright!” Andy exclaims. “I’m gonna go to bed early I think, I’m tired, but thanks for everything today.”
“You’re welcome, but don’t just thank me.” He nods towards you and Andy gives you a hug.
“Thanks, Y/N.”
“You’re welcome, sweetheart.”
He lets you go and heads to his room. Once his door is closed Harry yanks you towards him and you giggle.
“Laugh all you want, but I’m going to ravage you tonight.”
“Mhm.” He ghosts his lips along your jawline before kissing on your neck, sucking a little making you moan softly. “You were incredible today. Well, you’re incredible every day, but…everything just meant a lot to me.”
“I really feel like we’re a family, you know? I love it so much, more than I ever thought I would.”
Harry kisses you, a little more passionately than you were expecting, but it was still nice.
“Go on into the bedroom, I’ll be in after I finish with the dishes.”
“Nonsense, I can help.”
“Don’t be silly, I’ve got it.”
“Harry, I can help with the dishes.”
“I know you can, and you usually do, but you don’t have to worry about it right now. I want you to go in and wait for me.”
“Okay…” You turn away and stop short to look back at him. “I think I’m gonna run a bath…long day outside.”
“Put in that lavender bath bomb for me, would you?”
You smile and nod and head into your room’s en suite. Tonight was going to be a good night.
Harry slips into the tub, and you sit in front of him. He had checked on Andy before coming in, and the poor kid had all but passed out in his bed. You rest your head on Harry’s shoulder as you both relax.
“This was an excellent idea.” He sighs. “Feel like we don’t take advantage of the tub enough.”
“We don’t usually have time.”
“Well, with school over we will, especially during the day with Andy at school.”
“I’m gonna miss him when we send him off to Paige’s…”
“It’s a month away, babe. Plus, we’ll still see him plenty.”
“I know…”
“You’ll come camping again, yeah? He and Brandon are really looking forward to the annual trip.”
“Oh, definitely! And this time when we wake up all snuggled up it won’t be weird.”
“Can’t believe that was almost a year ago.” He kisses your temple. “Now we’re living together, it’s wild.”
“I’m really glad the school doesn’t care about colleagues dating, or we’d be in a real pickle.”
“Oh, I would have just secretly dated you.”
“Oh, really?” You turn slightly to look at him.
“Yeah, you’re talking to an unapologetic romantic here, a secret romance would be, like, right up my alley.”
“You’re an idiot.” You giggle and kiss his cheek. “Can you believe I only have one more year of doctoral work to do and then I’m done? I can’t wait for my work to be published.”
“I was thinking…the journal that publishes my works is always looking for younger people in the field, if you ever wanted to chat with them.”
“No, that’s your thing, babe, but thank you. Lisa has a few names of some people for me anyways.” You take his hand and kiss his soapy knuckles. “But, I will need your help soon. I need to start working on my defense presentation.”
“Who’s on your committee?”
“Lisa, Sandra, Dan and Alice from English, Patricia from Psychology, and Greg from Philosophy.”
“Good group.”
“Thanks, I thought it was pretty decent. And then obviously whoever else wants to come can. I just want the presentation to feel fun and eye-opening. You’re so good at captivating your audience, I wanna work on that.”
“You know I have horrible stage fright?”
“No way.”
“Way! I get all these nerves right before I need to give a lecture like that, but I accept the fear and use it to help me give a good performance.”
“Do you ever get nervous before teaching a class?”
“I’m always nervous on the first day, but once we get rolling and I can gauge how the kids will be I’m usually fine.”
“Same for me.”
“Well, I’m more than happy to help you, baby, you know that.”
“Thank you.”
His arms were wrapped around you stomach gently. One of his hands starts to drift lower, and between your legs, causing your breath to hitch.
“Alright?” He says into your ear.
“Mhm.” You say as you part your legs a little for him. His other hand come up to grope one of your breasts.
His fingers rub circles into your clit before slipping into your center. You groan and buck your hips forward by accident. His other hand comes up to your mouth.
“Gotta be quiet, baby.” He coos as his fingers pump in and out of you. You nod against him and removes his hand. “That’s my good girl.”
“Harry.” You whine softly. “Wanna ride you.”
“Okay.” You move to turn around but he stops you. “Should be able to just slip it in like this, yeah?”
“Let’s give it a try.”
You lift yourself up enough for him to line himself up with you and you sink down on him. He thrusts up into you and you gasp. He brings his fingers to your mouth for you to suck on and you reach back to do the same thing for him as you continue to fuck each other. His other hand stays rubbing your clit, and you feel yourself getting closer and closer. You start squeezing around him, tighter and tighter. You moan out around his fingers once you’ve gotten your release. Harry as to quickly lift you off him to come on your back.
“Jesus, shit.” He pants. “That was a close one.” He kisses your shoulder before pressing his forehead against it. He reaches for a washcloth to dip into the water to clean your back up. You hum your response as your eyes flutter closed.
“M’sleepy now.”
“Me too, love, come on.”
He helps you stand up and you both towel off and get ready for bed. Harry gives you kisses and smooches before you turn over so he can spoon you.
“Love you so much.” He sighs as his arm wraps around you.
“I love you too.” You adjust against him and sigh as well.
“Straight A’s again!” Andy says as he slaps his report card down on the table when he gets home from his last day of school. “Also not to brag, but Caroline and I won the three-legged race during field day, so I think ice cream is in order.”
“You didn’t partner up with Brandon?” Harry asks.
“Caroline got to me first.” Andy shrugs. “Please, Dad, can we get ice cream?
“Yeah, please, Dad.” You pout with Andy, and Harry sighs with a chuckle.
“Alright, we can get ice cream after dinner tonight.”
Y/N and Andy high five to celebrate.
“Andy, things are okay with you and Brandon, right?” Harry asks him.
“Yeah, they’re fine.”
“Did he ever, um, try to teach you anything again?” You ask, carefully.
“No.” Andy shakes his head. “We never really talked about it. He’s excited for the camping trip though.”
“Well, that’s good.” Harry says. “It’ll be a nice couple of days.”
After dinner you all go downtown to get ice cream at the local shop, and sit outside to enjoy your treats. You smirk to yourself as Andy bites into your sundae.
“You know, I’m pretty sure I joined you for this last year, but I recall you not being able to get topping because you texted me with your dad’s phone.”
“Oh, yeah!” Andy chuckles. “That was pretty good.”
“You’re a little too sly for your own good.” Harry says. “I could have gotten her to come with us on my own.”
“Yeah, but you were taking too long. Sometimes you have to take some initiative, Dad.” Andy smirks as Harry rolls his eyes.
“Eat your ice cream.”
You laugh at that, and gives Harry’s hand a squeeze.
“Either way it was nice to be included. Do you have big summer plans with Mum, Andy?”
“Yes and no. I mean, her wedding is next month, so that’ll take up some time, and then Rachel and I will come stay with you when they’re on their honeymoon. But I think in between all that Noah’s got some boat trips planned. I like fishing with him.”
“That’s right…they’ll be with us for my birthday…” You look at Harry. “I don’t know what my family has planned…”
“I was hoping to take everyone up to the cabin that week so it still felt like a little vacation.”
“Oh, that would be fun!”
“Your family could come up if they wanted.”
“I don’t wanna create more work.”
“You wouldn’t be, I think it would be fun.”
“Yeah! We can go on the jet skis.”
“You mean you can go on the jet skis. I’ll watch from the shore.” You laugh.
“It’s actually pretty fun.” Harry grins.
“I’ll take your word for it.”
Brandon slept over the night before the camping trip so you all could leave bright and early. Harry was taking you up a different 4,000 footer. You must have asked him a dozen times if there would be a bathroom there, and every time Harry said yes, so you believed him.
The boys were really excited. You could hear them up late talking about the view they’d have since Andy had hiked it before. Brandon seemed thrilled to be having some one on one time with Andy. As you started up the trail, you could tell they were having a good time by the sounds of their laughter.
“Doing alright so far?” Harry asks you. “Other than the couple of small hikes we went on last month, this is, like, your first big one of the season.”
“Oh, sure, I’m fine. I’ll probably be sore tomorrow. I’m just happy to be outside, you know?”
“Definitely. I hate seeing you all cooped up.”
“Can’t help it.”
“I like seeing you do your work out on the deck.”
“I love having an outdoor space to do it in, you have no idea.”
It was a very long hike, full of breaks, and look out points. You all weren’t in a rush, which always made things more fun. Once you’re at the summit you all drop your gear with relief. Tons of pictures are taken, and then you head off to find the bathroom while the boys set up the tents. It felt like an anniversary in a way. This when you sort of realized you might like Harry as more than a friend. You’ll never forget waking up with him like you did.
“You guys are speedy.” You say after coming back.
“I’d say we’re professionals at this point.” Andy says and it makes you laugh.
As the sun starts to set, you all get cozy around the fire. Harry had made a nice dinner, and now you were enjoying some s’mores. The boys say goodnight first, and then you and Harry clean up before heading into your own tent.
“Look at us, sleeping in a double wide sleeping bag.” You giggle as you cozy up to him.
“Should have just done this last year too. I think that really would have put out there how I was feeling.” He chuckles and kisses your hairline.
“At least it won’t be awkward when you wake up spooning me.”
“I never thought it was awkward.” He strokes your cheek with his thumb. “Especially not with how you looked up at me.”
“I wanted you to kiss me that morning.”
“I did too.” He pecks your lips.
“I love kissing you.”
“Love kissing you too, baby.”
While you and Harry were whispering sweet nothings to each other, Andy and Brandon were have their own conversation in their tent.
“So, your mom’s wedding is next month, are you excited?” Brandon asks Andy as they get settled into their sleeping bags.
“Yeah, I get to walk her down the aisle, so that’ll be cool.”
“Is your dad going?”
“Officially, yeah.” Andy sighs. “I think Y/N told him it would be good to go for the whole thing, and he agreed. Although, I think he said he plans on sitting all the way in the back.” Andy laughs. “I know it’s gotta be awkward for him.” Andy rolls over onto his side to look at Brandon easier, and Brandon does the same. “When do you, um, go to camp?”
“Last week of July through the first week of August…well, that’s when I usually go, I don’t know if I wanna go this year. I have another week to decide.”
“Why don’t you wanna go?”
“Because of Molly.” Brandon groans. “We broke up again.”
“You did?!”
“Like…two days ago…”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I figured I’d tell you this weekend, it’s not a big deal, but I don’t really feel like dealing with her for two weeks. I’m keep my fingers crossed that we won’t have the same schedule next year.”
“So, you don’t think you’re immediately going to get back together with her when school starts?” Andy laughs.
“Nope.” Brandon smiles. “I’m over her.”
“Cool…” Andy blushes. “Well, if you don’t end up going to camp, um, my mum said I could invite a few friends to her wedding.”
“Oh, yeah?” Brandon raises an eyebrow at him. “Who else are you going to invite?”
“Probably Caroline and Tyler.”
“Andy…if you still like her so much, why did you break up?”
“I like being friends with her, I don’t know. I don’t think I was ready for all that…dating someone…maybe when I’m older.”
“There were a few rumors going around that you liked someone more than her.” Andy’s eyes widen at Brandon. “Is that true?”
“Yeah.” Andy swallows. “Yeah, there’s someone I like more than her, but I’m still not really ready to date so I’ve been keeping it to myself.”
“Who, um, who is it?”
“I can’t tell you.”
“Why?” Brandon frowns. “You’re my best friend, Andy…I’d tell you if I liked someone.”
“Would you?” Andy sits up and looks the other way. Brandon sits up as well.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?”
“Can I ask you something first?”
“If…if Tyler had been nervous about kissing Alexis…would you have offered to show him how like you did with me?”
Brandon’s face flushes. He was thankful that it was dark in the tent.
“Well, he’s not even with her, so it doesn’t matter does it?”
“Yes it does. Would you have done that with anyone?”
“Why not?”
“Because you’re my best friend.” Brandon takes a deep breath. “You have been for as long as I can remember, Andy. I mean…the day you told me that you weren’t going back to your mom’s for the school year was, like, more exciting than any present I’ve ever gotten. Getting to start middle school with you was like a dream come true. Ty’s great and all, but he’s not my best friend.”
“So…that’s all it was then? Because I’m your best friend and you just wanted to help?”
Andy nods and lays back down. Brandon does the same. They both lay on their backs.
“You’re gonna tell me who else you like, are you?”
“No.” Andy looks at Brandon slightly. “Not yet anyways.”
“If I don’t go to camp I’ll come to the wedding.” He looks at Andy. “Just don’t dance with Caroline the entire time.” He smirks.
“I won’t.”
Andy rolls over to his other side, facing away from Brandon. He blinks a couple of tears away. How could he tell Brandon he liked him when Brandon was telling him he was just a friend? He didn’t want to do anything to ruin their friendship. He also knew he just wasn’t ready for kissing or things like that, so he wasn’t going to say anything until he knew he was really ready.
The next morning you wake up in Harry’s arms, like always, and give his cheek a kiss before sitting up to stretch.
“Sleep alright, baby?” He yawns.
“Mhm, did you?”
“Yup.” He smiles and you smile back at him. This weekend felt like an anniversary to him too. Your actual one was coming up soon.
You both get up and use the bathroom, and see that the boys are already up and ready to go. They seemed to be tired.
“You both sleep alright?” You ask as you start your journey back down the mountain.
“Mhm.” Brandon yawns. “Just tired, it’s early.”
“I’m so glad school’s over so we can just sleep in.” Andy says.
“I know the feeling.” You say. “Although, your dad makes it impossible sometimes.”
“Well excuse me for trying to stick to a routine.” Harry scoffs. “I do my best to stay quiet.”
“Mm, sure, Jan.” You say and it makes him laugh.
“Is that something Auntie Janette would say?” Andy asks.
“No, it’s from The Brady Bunch.” Harry says. “You know that old show, we’ve watched it a couple of times. Jan can’t stand her older sister Marsha, and Marsha always catches Jan in a lie. It’s pretty funny.”
“It’s, like, a catchphrase, right, Mr. Styles?” Brandon asks.
It’s a smooth trek down the mountain. You all take your time just as you did going up, and eventually you get back to the car. Harry drops Brandon off at his house, and Andy walks him up to his door.
“Well, thanks for another great trip.” Brandon say.
“Sure, I’m glad you came.”
“When do you go to your mom’s?”
“In a few days…”
“Okay, maybe we can hang out before you go?”
“Definitely.” The boys hug and then Brandon goes inside. Andy sighs heavily when he gets in the car. You and Harry look at each other before he drives off towards the house.
“Andy, when you come back later this summer the kitchen’s gonna have an all new look, are you excited?” You say, trying to break the tension.
“Yeah! You better send me pictures along the way.”
“We will.” Harry says. “We’ll need your expert input I’m sure.”
Doing demo in the kitchen was a liberating experience. Knocking out the old cabinets with Harry was more fun than you thought it would be. Then again, how could it not be a good time watch him use a sledgehammer?
“I say we’ve earned ourselves a couple of drinks.” He says as he gets a couple of beers out of the fridge. “I know beer’s not your favorite, but-“
“It’s fine.” You take it. “Let’s go sit outside, it’s all dusty in here.”
He agrees, and you both head out to the deck.
“I’m glad we rented that dumpster, clean up shouldn’t be too difficult.” Harry says as he cracks his beer open. “Especially with how much we already did.”
“I know! We got so much done today. I can’t wait to see what the new stain on the floor will look like.”
“I was talking to the floor guy about that, he said since he’s refinishing it as well we won’t be able to walk on it properly for a few days. I was thinking we could go up to the cabin while it’s getting done. We both can still work without a ton of fumes.”
“Good idea. I certainly wouldn’t mind the view of the lake for a few days.”
“Cabinets should be installed by the wedding.” He says as he takes a sip.
“You’re sure you’re okay to go? I don’t want to force you…”
“No, I know I need to be there. I wanna see Andy walk her down the aisle and all that. Besides, my suit is gorgeous, I can’t let it go to waste.” He scoffs and it makes you laugh.
“Just making sure.” You reach for his hand and give it a squeeze. “Ugh, I need a long, hot shower. I feel gross.”
“Same here. Feel like sharing?”
“No, I’m on my period.” You pout. “Just need a little alone time.”
“Fine.” He sighs. “Go do your thing.”
“Thanks, babe.” You get up and kiss the top of his head before going inside.
Harry knew you were going to take a shower by yourself, but he wanted to play it cool. He had ordered pizza and made sure to get your favorite wine, but had to hide it from you. He cleans himself off quickly in the other bathroom, and gets everything set up outside. He lights a few candles. Satisfied with his work, he waits for you.
“I’m all done, thanks for…” You walk outside in an oversized shirt and pajama pants. “What is all this?”
“Our anniversary dinner.” He smiles and wraps his arms around you. “It was a year ago today that you came here with this exact meal and we kissed for the for the first time.”
“Oh my goodness, Harry.” You kiss him and wrap your arms around his neck. “This is so sweet, I…I thought we were celebrating in a couple of days though, I-“
“That’s what I told you so I could surprise you. Normally I’d cook, but the kitchen isn’t functioning at the moment.”
“I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
You both kiss again, and you decide to sit on his lap as you ate and drank. You just really wanted to be as close as possible right now. He didn’t mind one bit, he liked when you’d cling to him a little more.
“The candles were a nice touch, very romantic, Har.” You sit back against his chest and he wraps his arms around your stomach.
“I’m glad you like it.”
“I love it! I’m not super into overdone surprises, so this is literally perfect.”
“You really do like keeping things simple, huh?”
“Mhm, I mean, the gesture is always appreciated, I just don’t like people making such a big fuss over me, you know?” Harry hums his response and moves some of your hair so he can kiss on the back of your neck.
“But you’re worth making a fuss over.” He mumbles as his lips move up your neck. “How heavy is your flow, baby?”
“Should be minimal since I just showered.” You bite your bottom lip. “Do you really feel like it?”
“Yeah, we can just put a towel down like we’ve done before.”
“Okay.” You smile as he nibbles on your earlobe.
“Yeah.” You giggle and get off him. You bring the pizza and leftover wine inside before going into the bedroom.
Harry puts a couple of towels down while you go into the bathroom. You come out and quickly walk over to the bed to lay down. Harry rolls a condom on, and puts some extra lube on it so he doesn’t hurt you.
“All set?” He says to you as he knees onto the bed.
“Mhm.” You smile.
His lips slot over yours and his hands knead your breasts. He pushes inside you and you gasp into his mouth.
“Lube was a little cold.” You giggle.
“Sorry, baby, is it better now?” He asks as he rocks in and out of you.
He squishes his nose to yours, and you wrap your legs around his waist. He comes closer so you’re chest to chest. You lick into his mouth and he groans against you. You feel tears start to form in your eyes and you start laughing.
“You haven’t even come yet, why are you crying?” He laughs as he uses his thumbs to wipe the small droplets away.
“I’m just really happy we’re together.”
“Me too, darling.” He kisses your forehead.
“I’m also hormonal.”
“Mhm, sure, blame it on that if you want.” He smirks and continues thrusting in and out of you.
“Fuck, that feels good.” Your nails rake down his back and he groans into your ear. Your nails dig into his ass as he fucks you harder. “Just like that, Harry, don’t stop.” You moan.
He bites down on your neck, and you whimper. It always felt so fucking good when he would do that, and with you not having to work and Andy being at Paige’s, Harry was free to litter you with marks. Well, within reason. He’d save the really nasty bruises for your inner thighs.
You cry out as you come undone, and Harry fills up the condom not too long after. You both get cleaned up and you grab the bottle of wine as you get settled for a movie in bed. You each take turns swigging from it. You were sitting in front of Harry, all cozy.
“I’ll need to work on my paper tomorrow.” You tell him. “Taking a couple of days off for demo was good to clear my head, but I need to get back at it.”
“That’s fine, I have some work I need to do for my manuscript. Are you planning to go to the CMT conference again this summer?”
“Can’t.” You take another swig from the bottle and look up at him. “It’s in California this year, and it’s right before the fall semester.”
“So…that’s time I would need to prep for my classes. I’d be gone for about a week with the traveling.”
“Do you want to go?”
“Well…yeah, there’s going to be some really good speakers this year.”
“Then you should go.” He smiles. “I’d go too, but I need to be around for Andy once August hits.”
“You’d really be okay with me being gone an entire week across the country?”
“Baby, no one loves a lecture more than you, I don’t want you to not go because of me.” He kisses your hairline.
“I’d literally be getting back the day of our first faculty meeting. I looked into it already. I’d have to go from the airport to the school.”
“You’re always hours early for the faculty meeting…”
“Yeah, because I like getting my office in order.” You scoff. “Is there a reason you want me to go?”
“No.” He shrugs. “I just think it’s rare when we don’t have to cancel class to go to a conference, and the school will pay for you to go.”
“Yeah, you can apply for a scholarship, I can show you. Then it would just be the air fare which isn’t that expensive out there this time of year.”
“I suppose that’s true…if I can get the school to pay for it then I’ll definitely go.”
“Good.” He smiles.
A few days away at the cabin were just what the doctor ordered. It felt weird not having Andy around, but you honestly weren’t upset at having a break from parenting. You texted with him here and there, just to check in and let him know you were thinking of him, as did Harry. You really cherished the time you and Harry could just be you and Harry. He got you to go on a jet ski with him, and even though you screamed the entire time, it was still fun. It was the perfect getaway home, and when you got back to your actual home your new kitchen floors looked stunning. The cabinet people came in a couple of days later, and you made sure to send Andy all of the pictures. July was flying by.
“Okay, so, for your birthday, we’ll go to the cabin and bring the kids, and your parents and brothers will meet us up there for a couple of nights as well?” Harry says as he looks over his planner.
“Yes.” You chuckle.
“You just look so serious. I feel like I’m having an appointment with you at your office.” You clear your throat. “You wanted to see me, Dr. Styles.” You pout at him and he swallows hard.
“That’s not funny.” He puts his pen down and takes his glasses off to look at you. “I could get in a big heap of trouble if a student came onto me like that.”
“Did it ever used to work on you when you were younger?”
“No.” He scoffs. “Although the girls, and some boys, would try, I have to give them credit. I’d get offers from them to babysit Andy just because they wanted to know how I lived and all that. It was more difficult when I was closer in age, now I don’t even give it a second glance. They know not to flirt with me anyways because my girlfriend would probably step in and pummel ‘em.” He grins at you.
“Got that right.” You smirk. “Although, you’re the jealous one, not me.”
“I would strangle any kid at that school if I saw them trying to make a move on you, no doubt about that.” You burst out laughing and put your hand over his to give it a squeeze.
“Okay, okay…are you ready for tomorrow?”
“Am I ready to see my son all dressed up? Yes. I hope he’s been behaving at the rehearsal dinner.” Harry looks at his watch. “Should be over soon.” He chews on his inner cheek. “Y/N…someday…when we, you know, get married…” A smile grows on your face. “I don’t think I’d want to invite them.”
“Wow, really? I’m…shocked…”
“At a petty level, I truthfully just don’t think she deserves to see me so happy, and I feel like she’s rubbing how happy she is in my face. She’s always been like, just, painfully oblivious.” He rests his chin on her palm. “I know it would hurt her, but I wouldn’t want her there.”
“Okay.” You get up and sit in his lap.
“Yeah, I don’t need your ex at our wedding.” You laugh. “Maybe it’s different for her since she’s the one that called it quits. I know you’re over her, but I can understand how all this might still hurt.”
“It brings up a lot of things, yeah.” He looks up at you and smiles. “But I’m really happy with how everything worked out. I’m happy I’m with you.” He gives your shoulder a squeeze. “You-you’ve become like a second mum to Andy and…I feel like for so long I was just living my life on auto, just doing the same thing every day, but now…I have more of a purpose again.”
“Harry.” You coo and stroke his cheek. “You’ve changed my life for the better too.”
You were able to get your hair in a cute low bun, with some curls left out. You bought a light blue semi-formal dress to wear to pair with Harry’s suit. He was just getting his contacts in as you were slipping on your heels.
“Be honest, how do I look?” He says to you.
“Like I don’t wanna let you leave this house.” You bite your bottom lip.
“Excellent, just what I was going for.” He rubs his hands up and down your arms. “You look stunning, baby.”
“Thank you.”
“Ready to go meet her entire family and Noah’s?”
“Is everyone really going to fit in her backyard?”
“The ceremony is in the back yard, the reception is in a tent on the beach.”
“Nothing but the best for her.” Harry rolls his eyes. “Got the gift?”
“In the car already.”
Harry nods and you both head out.
Andy looked handsome. His hair was perfect, and he essentially never looked more like his father. It was the tan he had from being out so much. He wouldn’t be able to see his friends before the ceremony since he needed to stay in close proximity with Paige. They were able to take all of the bridal party photos beforehand. Same with the groom’s party.
There were a ton of chairs set up, and people were finding their seats. You and Harry sit in the last row of seats on the bride’s side. He puts a pair of sunglasses on. The last thing he wanted to do was be recognized and exchange pleasantries with Paige’s extended family.
“I have some tissue in my purse if you need some.” You say to him. “I don’t know about you, but I always cry at weddings.”
“So do I, thanks.” He holds his hand out for the tissues and you give him a couple. He puts his arm around you and kisses your temple.
“Think there will be an open bar?”
“Oh, for sure.” He scoffs. “We’ll be drinking well tonight.”
“Hi, Mr. Styles.” Brandon and Tyler come up to you and Harry. “Can we sit with you? We don’t really know anyone else.”
“Sure!” Harry says.
“Yeah, plenty of room.” You say. “Where’s Caroline?”
“Why should I know?” Brandon says as he sits down next to you.
“Because you’re all friends, duh.” You say to him.
“She’s in the bathroom.” Tyler says. “She’ll be here in a second.”
Caroline eventually joins everyone, but she’s a little fidgety.
“What took you so long?” Brandon asks her.
“There was, um, a line.” She says.
More and more take their seats, and music starts up. Everyone looks forward as Rachel walks up with Noah and the rest of the groomsmen. She looked lovely. Noah gives her a hug and kiss before she gets in line with the rest of the party. A couple of Paige’s younger cousins act as the flower girls. Allie and Ned walk Lydia down the aisle, and then come the bridesmaids. Harry knew them all well. Friends from college, and friends from work. Some of their eyes widen when they notice Harry, but they keep walking. Everyone stands up when Paige’s bridal music starts. You get your phone ready to snap a few shots of Andy.
“Oh my god, look at him.” Harry whispers proudly. He lifts his sunglasses to see him better. Andy waves to his father.
Paige and Harry briefly make eye contact. They nod at each other as Andy continues to walk her down the aisle.
“He’s a spitting image.” You whisper to Harry, and he smiles at you.
The ceremony is quick, there’s some Hebrew from a rabbi, and Noah steps on the glass. Everyone’s told where to go for cocktail hour, and they start making their way.
“Dad!” Andy shouts to get his attention. “Mum wants a family picture.”
“Yeah, like, with all of us, come on.” He tugs on Harry’s jacket sleeve, and Harry looks back at you panicked. You follow them to the spot where the photos are being taken.
“Hey you two!” Paige beams. “Of course your suit is amazing, shouldn’t have doubted it for a second.” She says to Harry. “And you look lovely, Y/N.”
“Um, thank you. Congratulations.” You say to her.
“Thank you.” She giggles. “I’m a missus!  Can’t believe it. Anyways, I thought it would be nice if we took a blended family photo.” Harry just nods and follows her. “Okay, so I was thinking I could stand in the middle, Rachel on one side, and Andy on the other, like, in front, and then Noah on one side and you on the other, and Y/N next to you.”
“Wait, you want me in the photo?” You ask.
“Of course! You’re family now, have been for a while.”
Harry snakes his arm around your waist and pulls you close to him, and uses his other hand to put on Andy’s shoulder. They take a few photos like that as everyone else stands to the side watching.
“Okay, well, we’re going to the cocktail hour, thanks for including us in your very special day.” Harry says with just an ounce of sarcasm and an ironic grin, and tugs you along.
“Alright, I can see what you mean now, painfully oblivious.”
“Jesus, thank you! Was that awkward or was that awkward?”
“Nope, very awkward. Come on, let’s go drink.”
The tent on the beach was exquisite. There was an open bar, a DJ, and waiters walking around with appetizers. You and harry go right up to the bar for cocktails before finding what table you’ve been put at.
“Harry!” A woman squeals and lunges onto him, making him almost spill his drink. “God, it’s been years!”
“Sarah!” Harry hugs her back. “I know, how are you?”
“I’m doing well.” She steps back from him. “You haven’t aged a day.”
“My hair would beg to differ.” He runs a hand through it.
“Oh, please, you look distinguished.” She smiles and looks at you. “And who’s this?”
“Oh! Sorry, um, Sarah this is my girlfriend, Y/N. Y/N, Sarah and I went to uni together with Paige.”
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you.” You shake her hand.  
“Same to you. My hubby, Joe, is just getting us some drinks. Seems like we’ve been put at the same table. I wonder if we all were.”
“All?” Harry asks.
“Sure! Jane and her wife are her, and so is Greg, he came stag…” She leans into Harry. “Divorced recently.” She whispers. “Oh! And Lauren’s here too. Basically the reject list for the wedding party.” She laughs.
Harry didn’t think Paige was still this close with all of their old college buddies. It would be like a mini-reunion, and he wasn’t sure how he felt about it. He almost wished he was put at the kids table with Andy and his friends.
“I’m shocked to see you here, I mean I’m happy to see you and all, but-“
“Well, as you saw, our son walked her down the aisle and she really didn’t want me to miss it, so here I am.”
Slowly everyone else makes their way over to the table. Harry introduces you to everyone. The last one to make their way is Lauren.
“Harry Styles.” She smiles and he turns to look at her.
“Hey.” He smiles back and hugs her. “Um, this is my girlfriend, Y/N.” He hooks his arm around your waist and pulls you close to his side as you shake your hand.
“You’re a very lucky woman, Y/N. Harry’s the best.” She says.
“Yeah, he is.” You say.
You all take your seats as the wedding party makes their way into the tent. Harry keeps his hand on your thigh the entire time. Harry could see on Paige’s face that she was desperately trying to keep it together. She missed her father. Everyone stands up and crowds around the dancefloor as Noah takes Rachel’s hand for a father-daughter dance.
“She is too cute.” You say to Harry.
“I know it, absolutely precious.” He agrees and takes a sip of his drink.
Next up is a mother-son dance for Andy and Paige. You watch as the smile grows on Harry’s face. He was proud of Andy for being such a good sport, and he could see that Andy was having fun. You take your phone out to take a video of the dance so Andy could see it later. Noah has a dance with his mother, and then Paige has a dance with Lydia.
“I’m shocked.” Harry says to you. “Lydia’s so traditional.”
“I’m glad to see her doing something nice for Paige.”
Once all of that is out of the way, everyone takes their seats again for the first course. Just a Caesar salad and some bread. You listen as Harry and his friends reminisce. You wonder, briefly, what his deal with Lauren is. She seemed to be the most sentimental. She was sitting next to you and you could feel her eyes burning into you.
“So, how long have you and Harry been together for?” She asks you.
“A year.” You smile. “But we were friends a year prior to us getting together.”
“Oh, do you work with him at the university?”
“Yes, we met because I ended up being his office neighbor. I guess that’s why we became such good friends too.”
“You know what solidified us being friends?” He leans over you, joining the conversation. “That first game night you came to. We were playing charades remember?”
“How could I forget?” You smile and kiss his cheek. He goes back to the other conversation he was having with his friend Greg. “How did you and Harry meet?” You ask Lauren.
“At a party.” She shrugs. “I was a year ahead of him, same with Paige. I think Greggy brought him out, they were roommates their sophomore year. He fit right in with our group. He immediately had a crush on Paige, everyone could see it.” She laughs and your mouth forms into a straight line. “Don’t worry, all of that was a long time ago.”
“Yeah.” You finish your drink and tap Harry’s shoulder. “I’m going to get another one.”
“Do you want me to get it?”
“No, I need to stretch my legs.” You stand up and walk towards the bar. Harry looks at Lauren.
“What?” She asks him.
“Did you say something to her?”
“About what?” He gives her an obvious look. “No, why would I mention that?”
“Because you’re you.” He smirks.
“All I said was that it was obvious that you had a crush on Paige from the first time Greg brought you out, nothing about you and I.”
“Maybe don’t mention how much I used to like my ex?”
“She asked me how you and I met, it was just part of the story. Lighten up, H.”
“Here, I got you another one too.” You say as you sit back down.
“Thanks, babe.”
The main course is served, and toasts start being made. Allie gives a small toast, but tears up. Noah’s best man lightens the mood with some funny jokes. Andy and Rachel even give a toast, a poem they worked on together. Harry had to dab his eyes with your tissues to wipe a few tears away.
“I’m just so proud of him. He looks so grown up.” He pouts at you.
“I know.” You smile. “It’s okay.”
Noah and Paige thank everyone for coming, and then most people make their way to the dancefloor. Andy comes racing overo to your table and throws his arms around Harry.
“How was it?” He asks.
“You did amazing, buddy.”
“Y/N, will you come dance?”
“Sure, let me just kick these heels off.” You giggle and get up. Andy takes your hand and leads you to the dancefloor.
Harry watches as you twirl Andy around and just be silly with him. It warmed his heart.
“I’m gonna go join them.” He takes his suit jacket off. “Hope you all will dance too.”
“Need about three more drinks.” Sarah says. “But feel free to warm it up for us out there.”
Harry laughs and heads over to you. His dance moves make Andy laugh hysterically. The wedding photographer comes over and takes a picture of the three of you. After a few songs, Andy says he’s gonna go dance with his friends, and enjoy some cake.
“Are you having a good time?” Harry asks as you both make your way to the bar again.
“Mhm, are you?”
“It’s not too bad. I’m really glad you’re here.” He gives your hand a squeeze. “This’ll probably be my last one, I don’t wanna get so fucked up that I can’t drive us home.”
“I can cool it if you wanna keep drinking.”
“No, it’s okay. I also don’t want Andy seeing me sloshed, you know?”
“Oh, true. Let’s nurse these ones then, yeah?”
“Harry!” Paige comes over to you both. “Would you come take another picture with all our college friends?”
“Um, sure.” Harry hands you his drink and you follow to where the photo is being taken. He stands as far away from Paige as he can, and flashes that toothy smile of his.
“Not that I don’t love Noah, but seeing Harry tonight…makes me sad that Paige couldn’t work it out with him.” You overhear a woman say to another. You try not to make it obvious that you’re listening.
“I know! How could you not make it work with a man like that? Must be his personality, good dick can only make you happy for so long.”
Your mouth falls open in shock. You turn to the women and grimace. Before you have a chance to say anything Harry’s coming back over to you, snatching his drink and tugging you back to the dancefloor. You shake what you heard from your head as you look at him. Harry had a wonderful personality, and if those bitched were too dumb to see that, then fuck them. It was fun to dance with Harry like this, just goofy and without a care.
Andy was having a good time dancing as a group with his friends. A slow song comes on to give everyone a break from the fast paced music. He looks over and sees you and Harry coming together for a dance and he smiles.
“Now this is my favorite kind of dancing.” Harry says into your ear.
“Really? So when we went to that club up north and I backed my thang up against you...?” You raise an eyebrow at him.
“Okay, this is my second favorite kind of dancing.” You both giggle. “That was a great night, I have to say.”
“Mhm.” You smile and kiss him quickly before resting your head on his shoulder as he leads you.
“Andy, wanna dance?” Caroline asks him shyly.
“Yeah.” He smiles and puts his hands on her waist.
“You look really handsome.”
“Thanks.” He blushes. “I like your dress. You know you always look pretty.”
She smiles at him.
“I’m glad we’re still good friends.” She says as they sway back and forth.
“Me too.”
“During the next slow song you should ask Brandon to dance.”
“It’s like you’re always saying, rip the band aid.” She grins at him.
“Caroline, I…”
“Look, I’m not trying to assume anything, but if I had to guess who it was you liked I’d say it’s him, and I think he likes you too, but you both are just being stupid by not going for it.”
“You really think he likes me back?” It was the first time he had admitted his feels to a friend.
“I think so, I think he’s just nervous.” She shrugs.
“This whole thing has been really confusing. You were the first girl I ever really liked, and I like him too, so…”
“My oldest sister deals with the same thing.”
“She does?!”
“Yeah! She came out to us earlier this year, she said she’s bi.”
“And your parents were cool with it?”
“Sure, they were just happy she felt comfortable enough to say how she was feeling.”
“See? It’s way more common than you think.” The song ends and they let go of each other. “And, just for the record, you were the first boy I ever really liked too, and I’m happy I get to say Andy Styles was my first boyfriend.” She kisses his cheek and he smiles. “I have to use the ladies room, I’ll be back.”
“What was that about?” Brandon asks Andy as he and Tyler step closer.
“Nothing.” He shrugs.
“Are you back together?”
“No, she just kissed my cheek, uh, thanking me for the dance. It’s no big deal, B.”
Brandon nods and they all start dancing again. You and Harry sit for a bit to rest your feet, and to munch on some bread. You notice that Lauren and Greg have been pretty chatty.
“Think anything’s going to happen between those two?” You nod over to them.
“Wouldn’t put it past her.” Harry scoffs. “I bet she was hoping I wouldn’t be here with someone.” Alright, so he was a little drunk, and that statement just slipped.
“Why’s that?”
“Hm? Oh, I don’t know.” He shakes his head and you narrow your eyes at him. “What?”
“Harry if you used to hook up with her you can just say so, it was, like, fifteen years ago…”
“You make me sound so old.” He pouts. “Alright, yeah, we used to hook up, but it wasn’t serious, and we kept it quiet, not wanting to disrupt our circle of friends. She’s just one of those people that you think is really sweet and wholesome, and then she’s not. I didn’t like it.” He stands back up and puts his hand out to you. “Come on, let’s go dance some more.”
“Okay.” You take his hand and go back out to the dancefloor. Another slow starts and you happily wrap your arms around Harry’s neck. “I take back what I said earlier, this really is the best kind of dancing.”
He smiles at you and then leans in for a kiss. Your lips press together and then you both sigh as you dance. Andy takes a deep breath and goes over to Brandon who was sitting down, drinking some water. Tyler and Caroline had been picked up to go home already. Brandon’s parents wouldn’t be there to pick him up until a little later.
“Hey.” Andy says to him.
“Hey, my parents are on their way.”
“Oh…so you don’t wanna dance?” He rubs the back of his neck.
“To this song?” Brandon stands up and puts his hands in his pockets. “A little slow, don’t you think?”
“I’m okay with the tempo.”
“There’s a lot of people around…”
“We could go outside, I’m gonna walk you out anyways.”
Andy and Brandon go outside the tent. There were a few people out there having smoke breaks and just a breather from dancing. They go to the side where things are a little more secluded.
“How…how should we do this?” Andy asks.
“We could just hug and sway back and forth.”
“Yeah, that makes sense.” The boys hug and start swaying back and forth. Andy’s heart was racing like never before. “I’m really glad you didn’t go to camp this summer.” Andy says and they stop to look at each other.
“You are?”
“Yeah.” He smiles at his friend.
Brandon daintily cups one of Andy’s cheeks, and Andy closes his eyes. Just as Brandon leans in his phone goes off. He sighs and presses his forehead to Andy’s for a moment before getting his phone out of his pocket and letting Andy go.
“Hello?” He says obviously annoyed. “Yeah, I’m ready, are you here? Okay…I’m down at the tent, I’ll wait outside for you.” He hangs up. “My dad’s, uh, gonna come get me out here, so…”
“Right.” Andy nods. “How long do you think he’ll be?”
“He said five minutes.”
“Alright, well, I’ll wait out here with you.”
“Thanks.” The boys walk close to the entrance of the tent to wait for Brandon’s dad.
“Were you going to kiss me?”
“Yeah, I was.” Andy’s face flushes as he looks at his friend. “Got sort of interrupted.” He runs a hand through his hair. “Maybe another time, though?”
Andy smiles at him and nods yes. Mr. Stewart comes to the tent and the boys say goodbye. Andy goes back inside and heads to the dancefloor with you and Harry.
“There you are!” You exclaim. “They’re gonna do the cha cha slide.”
“Great!” The song starts and Harry watches a ton of you follow along with the steps of the song. “Come on, Dad!”
“Fine!” Harry jumps in and follows along as well.
It ended up being a great night despite some of the awkwardness. You get your shoes on, but they sting. You contemplate just walking out barefoot, but you could easily step on broken glass outside, so you decide against it.
“All set?” Harry says to you. “Just confirmed with Paige. The kids will get dropped off in a couple of days, and then we’re headed to the cabin.”
“Perfect. It’s gonna be a great week away.”
You both say goodnight to Andy, who was about ready to pass out from all the dancing he did. Him and Rachel head up to the house.
“So, how were things with Brandon?” She asks him.
“Good…we danced together outside the tent.”
“Oh, how was that?!” She squeals.
“Shh, do you want the neighbors to hear? It was fine.” He smiles. “Just fine.”
Harry gets the two of you home, and you give him a devious grin as you get inside. He raises his eyebrows at you as if to ask if you’re not too tired, but you wink and start walking towards the bedroom.
“Feeling a little frisky, eh?” He asks as he takes his suit jacket off.
“Mhm, you looked so sexy tonight, and watching you dance really did it for me.”
“Oh, yeah?” He pulls you close to him.
You press your lips to his, and swipe your tongue along his bottom lip. He opens up for you and your tongue molds to his. He reaches behind you to unzip your dress, and it falls to the floor, pooling at your feet. Your hands work to unbutton his dress-shirt, and you push it off his shoulders. Next you get his pants undone and he leads you over to the bed. He shimmies out of his trousers and gets on the bed with you. You get between his legs and tug his boxers down. You kiss his tip and he hisses from the sensation. You lick up and down his shaft before wrapping your lips around him. You bob up and down slowly and look up at him.
“That’s so good, baby.” You raise your eyebrows at him while your tongue runs over his slit. “You’re a good girl, Y/N.”
Your eyes flutter closed, and you continue to suck on him how he likes, drool dripping down your chin. You don’t suck on him for too much longer since you want him to fuck you. You crawl up his body and grind your covered center over him. He unhooks your bra and kisses on your chest. He rolls ones of your nipples between his teeth and your head falls back.
“I need to get these off.” You grunt and get your panties off. You grab his length and line it up with yourself. “Okay?”
“Yeah, I’ll just pull out.”
You nod and sink down him. Your mouth falls open as he stretches every inch of you. You grip his shoulders and move yourself up and down.
“You got this wet just from sucking on me?” He grunts as he grips your hips to help move you back and forth.
“Can’t help it when I’m doing that and you call me a good girl, Harry.” You peck his lips. “It’s so hot.” You move to suck on his neck, and he presses you as close to him as possible.
You move in sync with each other, and you grind against him in the perfect way. You start breathing heavier as you feel yourself getting closer. You breathlessly tell him to keep going. You tighten around him as you come undone around his hard dick.
“Shit, fuck, Y/N!”
He had to toss you off of him so he wouldn’t come inside you, leaving quite the mess on his lower stomach and thighs.
“Sorry, are you alright?”
“Yeah.” You giggle and prop yourself up on your elbows. “Are you? Normally you can hold it a little longer.”
“Not when you tighten up like that, Jesus…” He sighs and looks down at himself.
“I’ll go get a rag.” You get off the bed and go into the bathroom to grab a washcloth and run it under some warm water.
You come back and clean him up. He smiles up at you and you lean down to kiss him.
“We need to be more careful.” He says as you get into bed with him. “Just suck it up and use the condom, you know?”
“I know.” You sigh. “It just feels so good.” You pout at him.
“I know, darling, but you said you didn’t want to get pregnant until you have your doctorate. I’d feel terrible if it happened, and you got really stressed out…”
“Harry, if it happens it happens. It would be stressful, but plenty of women do it all the time. Now’s not the most ideal time, but I can’t tell you how excited I get when I think of carrying your baby sometimes.” You bite your bottom lip as you look at him.
“Don’t even fucking tempt me, Y/N, you know I’d put one in you now if you really wanted it.”
“I know, I’m sorry.” You kiss him quickly before turning over. “Soon, I promise.”
A week with Andy and Rachel at the cabin was interesting to say the least. Watching their dynamic was fascinating. They really did act like brother and sister. They’d bicker one minute and be laughing the next. He showed her how to use the jet skis, and they built sand castles together. Your family came up, and it made it ten times more fun for your birthday. Your parents even stay in to watch the kids so you, Harry, Phil, and Julian can all go out to a bar to celebrate. You couldn’t believe you were already twenty-eight. It was hard to feel old, though, when you could still have such a great time dancing and drinking. The day of your actual birthday you all enjoy some cake, and a few gifts.
Andy was back home with you and Harry now that it was just about the middle of August. It was nice having him home, it was too quiet without him, even if you did enjoy the alone time with Harry. Andy loved all of the changes that were made to the house. He had kept what happened with Brandon, or what almost happened with Brandon, to himself. He just wanted to keep that moment for himself. The Ariana Grande concert wouldn’t be until November, but Andy was already talking to you about outfit choices for the meet and greet.
“I just got back, and you’re leaving for a week?” Andy asks you at dinner when you tell him about your trip to California.
“Yeah, I have a conference to go to, I’ll be back before you know it.” You smile. “You’re gonna have some nice quality time with Dad.”
“Yeah, we’re gonna have a lot of fun.”
“Mhm, I can’t wait to go back to school shopping with you and Mum.” Andy rolls his eyes.
“That’s a day that should be way more fun that it is, and we’re not doing that until after Y/N gets back. We’ll have another pot painting day.” Harry takes a bite of his dinner. “I was thinking we could go to the pottery paint place, though. Have a little father-son date.”
“Ew, don’t call it a date, Dad.”
You burst out laughing. You’d miss your boys over the next week.
“Dad, can we do the pottery thing another time, Brandon invited me to go to the skate park tomorrow.” Andy says to Harry the night before they’re supposed to go to the pottery place.
“Oh, well, you can go skateboarding with him any time, can’t you? Or even afterwards?”
“Why can’t we just go paint another day?”
“I was sort of looking forward to spending the time with you.” Harry frowns. “We haven’t done much just the two of us in a while.”
“That’s because you spend all your free time with Y/N.” Andy smirks and sits down on the couch with Harry.
“Not true, we do stuff as the three of us. I feel like you like spending time with her more than me.”
“That’s not true! I guess I can go skateboarding with B another day.”
“I don’t wanna go tomorrow if it’s gonna be a force for you.”
“It won’t be. It’ll be fun.” He looks at Harry. “She’s only been gone two days, you know?”
“I’m aware.”
“So, she’ll be back in another three. It’ll go by quick.”
“I just feel bad that she has to go right from the airport to our faculty meeting.” He sighs. “But I suppose it’s all going to work out perfectly.”
“Yeah, she’s gonna be really surprised.”
Spending a week in California was amazing. You felt like your old independent self. It was nice to explore in the evenings, and you got a lot out of the sessions you attended. You had a ton of new ideas for your classes and for your paper. You spoke to Harry when you could. The three hour time difference was much more manageable than the six hour one like when he was in London.
You were happy with the tan you managed to get out there, and did your best to sleep on the plane home so you weren’t totally exhausted. You take the bus back to town, and load your things up in your car and drive over to the university. You managed to freshen up at the airport, and you texted Harry updates so he knew when to expect you. What you refrained from telling him was that you were going to stop by your office quickly just to open it up and let it get some fresh air from the window. You also needed to grab your spare laptop charger.
There was something you liked about the quiet before the semester started. It was like the calm before an incredible storm. You were feeling extremely prepared for this semester. It would be your third year teaching at the university, and you were feeling really good about it. You key into your office and set something down.
“Well, if it isn’t my not so new neighbor.”
“Jesus!” You nearly jump out of your shoes. Even though you knew Harry’s voice well, he still found ways to scare the shit out of you. You sigh and turn around. “And to think I was…excited…to…see…you…” Your eyes widen when you see him down on one knee with a small velvet box in one hand, and a shit eating grin on his face. “How…how did you know I’d come here first?” Your eyes start to water.
“Because I know you very well, come here.” You step towards him and take his free hand in yours. You were shaking. “Are you gonna be okay?” You nod your head yes. “Good, because we don’t have a ton of time before our meeting.” You chuckle slightly at that. “Still excited to see me?”
“Yes.” You whisper.
“Do you know what’s in this little box?”
“I have an idea.”
“I truthfully never thought I’d be buying another one of these for someone. I…I didn’t think I deserved to have someone love me the way that you do, but I know now that I do. Sometimes I’d wonder why things didn’t work out the way I thought were supposed to, but I realized that everything I went through was just part of my journey to you, Y/N.” You cough out a nervous giggle as you had tears running down your cheeks. “I was trying to think of the perfect moment or place for this, and nothing felt better than the place we first met and became friends. Plus, I knew you’d nearly shit yourself.” He smirks and you shake your head. “So, with all that being said, and may I remind you I don’t care about how long we’re engaged for because I know your doctorate comes first…will you marry me?” He opens the small box and you gasp at the ring. It was stunning, beyond stunning.
“Yes, oh my god, yes!” Your hand was shaking terribly, but he manages to slip the ring on.
He stands up and swings you around in his arms. He slots his mouth over yours, and you almost forget where you are until you hear a bottle pop.
“Woo! Congratulations!” Janette says with a freshly opened bottle of champagne. Lisa, Mateo, Lucas, Andre, and Sandra all come out as well. “You should have seen your face, Y/N.” She chuckles.
“You guys!” You laugh and go to hug your colleagues. “You all knew?”
“All Harry said was that we should wait upstairs and to bring champagne, we just assumed.” Lisa says as she holds out some cups for Janette to pour the champagne in.
“Where’s Andy?” You ask him as you take a sip.
“At Brandon’s.”
“Did he know?”
“What are you, new? Who do you think helped me design the ring?” He smirks and nudge his shoulder. “We’ll celebrate with him tonight when we get back from dinner, there’s an ice cream cake in the freezer just waiting to be eaten.”
You all chat about the excitement before you need to actually go through the things you needed to in your faculty meeting. It was hard to concentrate, though. You wanted to call your parents, your brother, your friends; everyone! Not to mention the ring itself was distracting. You weren’t expecting something quite so…large. Then again, Harry was the gaudy ring type, so it shouldn’t be that surprising that he went all out.
“You two should go home to be with Andy to celebrate.” Lisa says. “We can all go down to the pub another time.”
“No, it’s alright, he’ll probably be annoyed if we pick him up too early from his friend’s.” Harry says.
“I actually wouldn’t mind going home...had a six hour flight earlier, you know?”
“Shit, you’re right. No one minds waiting a few days?”
“Not at all.” Janette says. “Let’s just all meet up Friday, it’ll be more fun.”
You drive separately back to the house, and Harry helps you get your things inside. You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him. You suck on his bottom lip and he moans into you.
“This is why you wanted to come back, huh?” He smirks.
“You’re not the only one that’s good at being sneaky.”
You couldn’t feel luckier than you do now, to be engaged to the absolute love of your life.  
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