#I think I've had that book for like 3 years and never even cracked it open...
afniel · 5 months
Going into The Fight (trying to sleep without jumpscaring myself awake over nothing (in which 'nothing' is spiders, hornets, or most recently a creepy closet door that opens, I guess? that's what got me last night. twice)) wish me luck
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fanficsformyfaves · 1 year
Shaggy Rogers x Daphne Blake's Sister!Reader
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WARNING: Nothing but Fluff <3, Mutual Pining, Reader is a Black Belt in Karate
PREFACE: When the gang first split up, of course Shaggy was devasted, but he was more upset that he would never get to see Reader again. That was until they all reunite in the airport for a mystery they were invited to solve two years later
A/N: Flashbacks in Italics!
There aren't any stories about my husband and I am deeply appalled!
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"Come on, Scoob. Like, we're gonna be late for the flight", I say,
Packing up our Scooby snacks for the trip, while he dealt with our clothes.
"Oooh, Rooby Snacks"
He says, trynna grab a piece, to which I bat his hand away.
"These are for the trip, man!", I scold,
As he huffed, zipping up our bags. We hail a cab, toss our luggage in the trunk and hop in.
It's been a while since we had a totally rad mystery to solve. Like, as terrifying as those creeps were, I miss getting to work on cracking the case...and getting to hang with (Y/N).
She was like, the most perfect girl in the world. Like, imagine all the best things in one person. Even all the hotdogs, sundae ice creams and rollercoasters couldn't come close to how beautiful she was. She never failed to make my heart do summersaults inside my chest.
But I never had the guts to tell her that. I mean, she was super cute and I was the goofball of Mystery Inc.
So, I knew I had no chance.
"Raggy!", Scoob snaps me out of my thoughts,
Nudging me with his elbow and letting me know that we made it to the airport. While grabbing our bags, I look over at the large tree by the entrance and my heart drops like a sack of potatoes.
There she was in all her glory. With her pretty hair and eyes that shined like gumdrops. She was just as pretty as I remembered. I could already feel the goofy grin settling on my face.
"Want anything from the gift shop, while I'm in there?", Daphne questioned,
"I'm good- oh! Maybe food from the McDonald's next door?", I request,
Looking up from the book I bought prior to getting here. I watch as my sister gives me an unimpressed look, placing a hand on her hip.
"What? I missed breakfast!", I retort at her reaction,
"And who's fault is that?"
"Um, yours? If you hadn't hogged the bathroom all morning to do your hair, I would've had enough time to make some food"
"Well, excuse me for caring about my appearance. You think all this takes five minutes?", she says,
Gesturing to herself. Once she realized there was no getting through to me, she accepts defeat by sighing to herself and rolling her eyes.
"Fine, but just this once. That stuff will kill you"
"Not fast enough, apparently", I answer,
Getting back to my reading. She shakes her head, before walking off.
"Be back soon, ciao"
"Ciao", I replied,
Without averting my gaze from the pages.
As I was waited for her to get back, I decided to grab the water bottle I had in my backpack. Just then, my journal falls out from one of the compartments
Jeez, it must've been a while since I've cleaned this out.
I flip through the pages and come across one that was covered in hearts with arrows shot through them. The letters (Your First Initial) and S added together on the insides.
I've always had a thing for Shaggy. He was always such a sweetheart. I remembered how he would always give me the cherries off his sundaes, regardless of how much he wanted them.
"Shaggy, you don't have to keep giving me the cherries, if you want them", I say,
"Like, I know you want them, so...let me be a gentleman", he says,
Picking one off the vanilla ice cream and handing it over to me. For the first time ever, I decided to rid myself of the familiar shyness I was always plagued with and take it from him with my teeth, causing a bright red hue to brush against his cheeks.
"Like, wow", he giggled shyly.
Not to mention, how incredibly cute he was. I couldn't help but sigh at the memories of those pretty blue eyes staring back at me.
I knew I should've said something before we all split up, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it and besides, he probably didn't feel the same way.
As I was strolling down memory lane, I feel a hand on my shoulder.
"HiYAH!", I yell,
Hitting whoever it was in the shin, before pinning them to the tree by their throats. Once I realized who it was, I gasp.
"Like, wow", he grinned,
I couldn't help but feel a weird sense of Deja Vu when he said that.
"Shaggy! I am sorry!", I apologize,
Pulling away and fixing his shirt.
"Just as strong as I remember", he says,
Rocking back and forth on his heels, with the same old laugh I remember falling for. I chuckled and bent down to pick up my stuff.
"Oh, let me help you with that", he says,
Getting down and accidentally butting me in the head with his, causing us both to fall backwards, exclaiming in pain.
"Owie!", he whines,
Grabbing his forehead, as I laugh doing the same.
"Good to see you again, Shagster", I say,
"(Y/N)", I hear a familiar sound coming from behind me,
I turn around and see the best boy in the world.
"Scooby!", I yelp in excitement,
As he ran over, barking and greeted me with a lick to the face.
"Hiya, boy!", I scratch at the back of his head,
Whilst his tail wagged and foot tapped softly on the grass.
"Like, he really missed you!", Shaggy says,
Making me turn to face him.
"We both did", he admitted shyly,
My heart skipping a beat listening to his words.
"I missed you too, you screwball", I kid,
Getting back on my feet and finally embracing him. At first I felt his body stiffen against my touch, but he eventually melted into me and his arms go around the small of my waist.
We pull away and our lips were merely inches apart. It felt like time stopped and everything else disappeared around us. In that moment, we were the only people to exist.
"Shaggy?", I whisper,
Feeling the magnetic current pulling me closer towards him. Just as we were about to close the space between us, we were interrupted.
"Oh my god", Daphne says,
Carrying my food in her hands, watching us leap out off each other's arms.
"Shaggy?", she calls out,
"Oh, like, Hi, Daph!", he says,
"What are you doing here?", she chuckles,
Walking closer towards us and handing my the paper bag and drinks.
"Well, Scoob and I got this super creepy invitation to solve a mystery on-."
"Spooky Island", they both say in unison,
"Like, how groovy, man!"
My head snaps in his direction.
"Wait, you got invited too?", I ask,
"Well, yeah! Didn't you hear about the all-you-can-eat buffet they're hosting?", he questions,
Making me laugh to myself. Of course, he would go for the food.
"Well, let's hope we're the only ones who got the invite", Daphne says,
Walking into the airport. We take a moment to look back at each other, before shrugging and picking up my belongings. We trail behind her and made our way through the bustling crowd. I take a bite of my burger, before looking over and finding Shaggy ogling at it.
"Hm?", I hum,
Offering him a bite.
"Oh no, I couldn't possibly-"
"The plane won't be serving food till three", I interrupt,
"Who am I to deny such a gracious offer?", he jokes,
Making me chuckle to myself.
"Wanna go halfsies?", he asks,
"Sure", I agreed,
Watching him split the burger in half and handing me the bigger piece.
"Thank you", I say,
Continuing to enjoy my share, along with the fries I was already sharing with Scoob. I throw a fry in the air and laugh as the pooch jumps up to catch it.
While walking, Scooby grabs the dufflebag Shaggy was holding and made his way to the bathroom.
"Where's he going?", washing down the last bite down with my drink,
"Oh, you'll see", he replies,
It takes us a while, but we finally get to the check-in, where Daphne proceeded to argue with the man behind the desk.
"What do you mean I can't have seven carry-on bags?! That is so economy!", she complains,
"Yeesh", Shaggy muttered to me,
"Oh, that's just her makeup. You should see the suitcases full of costume changes and hair products", I say,
Making the tall geek laugh at my joke. I look around and my eyes fall on two very familiar faces.
"Daph?", Fred called out,
Catching my sister's attention.
"Crap", Velma muttered to herself,
"Oh, no. I'm not talking to you guys", she snapped,
Pretending to zip her lips shut and throwing away the key, but alas, she could not control her anger.
"What the heck are you doing here?", she questioned,
Watching the pair make their way over to us. That's when Fred eventually notices me and Shaggy.
"Oh, hey, you two", he greets,
We couldn't do anything but wave awkwardly.
"Isn't it obvious? We all received the same letter from one Emile Mondevarious...the reclusive owner of Spooky Island", Velma explained,
"It's not fair! I was gonna solve the mystery all by myself for the first time ever", Daphne argued,
As Fred scoffed. Oh no.
"How are you gonna save yourself when you get caught?", he poked fun at Daphne's past of always being the damsel in distress,
"I'm a black belt now. I've transformed my body into a dangerous weapon", she answered,
As him and Velma laughed at her response.
"It's true!"
"Far out! I guess we're, like, all going to Spooky Island, man!"
Daphne rolls her eyes and returns her attention to the check-in employee.
"Hey, where's Scooby?", she asks Shaggy,
Just then, the Great Dane, or should I say, Great Dame, emerges from the crowd. All dressed up in an long-sleeved dress, cheetah print reading glasses and a straw hat.
"Hello, sorry", he says,
Navigating his was through the fellow airport patrons.
"They don't allow big dogs on the plane", Shaggy explained nonchalantly,
As I let out a shocked laugh.
"You've got to be kidding", Velma protested the ridiculous disguise,
"No one is stupid enough to believe that", she added,
"Who's the ugly old broad?", Fred asks,
Leaning over to Shaggy. Velma shakes her head at Fred's naiveness and folds her arms over her chest.
"Say hello to Grandma", Shaggy announced,
"Attention. Flight 3774 to Spooky Island is now boarding", the announcer alerts through the telecom,
Everyone, besides Shaggy and I, groan before heading towards our terminal.
"Shall we?", I move over and gesture for her to step in front of me,
"My my my, what a gentleman. Just like I remember", she smiles,
Walking ahead.
"Nailed it", I sing to Scoob,
Before following behind her. We arrive inside the plane and take our seats. A moment passes and Scoob nudges me, before holding up the neck pillow we brought.
I quickly picked up what he was putting down.
"Say, (Y/N)", I call out,
She turns back to me.
"Could I interest you in some in-flight comfort?", I ask,
Offering it to her. She grins to herself, before taking it.
"Why, thank you, Shagwell", she says,
Putting it on. I turn to Scoob and he raises his eyebrows at me.
"Butt out, Scoob", I scold in a whisper,
Before looking back at her. I swear heaven was missing an angel. Like, how could someone be this perfect? I could feel the blood rush up to my cheeks every time she spoke. It always felt like that one time with the cherries. Oh, man, did it make my heart go all squirrely.
I was never man enough to tell her how I really felt back then, but those two years without her was pure torture, man. It made me realize that I couldn't put myself through that again.
So, I take a deep breath and finally plucked the courage up the guts to come clean.
"If we ever make it out of this, you know, with our head still attached to our necks"
Making her laugh. Gosh, were her little giggles music to my ears. Focus, Shaggy, Focus! I shake myself out of my distracting thoughts.
"Would you maybe wanna...I don't know...like...go out with me?", I ask,
Cringing in anticipation for the let-down of a lifetime.
Was I hallucinating? There was no way on God's green earth was the man I'd been crushing on for literal years now actually reciprocating how I felt.
I pinch at my arm and hiss at the pain that brought me to the realization this wasn't just a scenario I dreamt up.
"Like, what was that?", he yelped concernedly,
"Uh, nothing, it's just...", my sentence trails off into an awkward silence,
"I would love to!"
"Really?", his eyes widen,
"Really?", Scooby repeats,
"Really! I mean, I don't know if you've ever noticed, Shaggy, but, I've always liked you", I admit,
"...Get outta here, like, me too!", he responds,
"Wait, what?! Why didn't you say anything?!", I questioned,
"Well, I mean...look at you", he blushes,
Making the heat rush to me cheeks too, as I pout in awe.
"You're so pretty and smart and nice...and you share your food with me! I mean, that takes a whole lotta moxie!", he explained,
Gosh, was he freaking adorable.
"That totally puts you out of my league!"
"Oh, Shaggy", I sigh,
Taking his scruffy face in my hands.
"You're the best guy I know", I reassure,
"Which is why I'm gonna do what I should've done a long time ago", I say,
Closing the gap that wedge us apart for years by pressing my lips against his.
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unluckilyimnot · 1 month
wait ok what if there was one with “I’m still into you”, blue lock but the reader liked the guy when they used to go to school together and late they run into each other when they’re older and reconnect? Like he’s not a famous soccer/football player? Idk if that’s hard or confusing. For characters maybe at least rin and isagi?
15 “i’m still into you” with rin, isagi
m.list | rules | from this
note: hii thank you sm <3 it was just fine don’t worry, I hope you liked it ! Please be sure to mention the characters you want, it’s not like what I usually do
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At first, you thought your eyes were playing a trick on you when you saw his tall and lean figure waiting when you entered your favorite coffee shop. Rin wasn't supposed to be in town anymore, he left after high school to study abroad and yet everything in the posture reminded you of him.
You couldn't help but tap the man's shoulder, it was just disturbing to see someone looking like him, in your two favorite coffee shops after all those years. So you weren't exactly surprised to catch his teal eyes at first looking down on you, instead a huge smile lit up your face.
“Rin, you're back in town !” your voice was loud since you couldn't contain your enthusiasm. “You should've texted me !”
“I didn't know how…” He confessed, now looking away with a small blush on his cheeks. Old habits die hard so maybe he secretly hoped to see you there again one day.
His name was called for him to get his very needed coffee and before he left your side, you told him to wait for you. You wanted to stay inside but since he took his to take out, you'll do the same. You were dying to know how it was, his study abroad.
It was still a bit cold for April but since it was to catch up with him, it suddenly seemed alright. He was still kinda reserved, even more after all those years, but you were happy to see that it didn't change your friendship – or him.
You used to have a huge crush on him back in high school, but never mentioned it to him. He wasn't the type to bother with friends so being around him was enough. University has been hard for both of you it seems, but you never really moved on from him sadly.
You felt kinda nostalgic at the feeling. You've never counted how many times you two meet up for a coffee then walk around the streets like this. You used to cherish this moment with him a lot so it felt weird to be back to it, almost five years later.
“It's good to go back to some olds habits, no ?” You suddenly asked, trying to fill the silence. “I used to think of those times together as dates, you know.” You joked but deep down knew it was true. It made you crack a resigned smile.
“Even after all those years, I think I'm still into you,” you mumble since he didn't answer anything. You thought it was stupid not that you've said it – he just got back, it was certainly too much for him.
And there was a heavy silence again. Neither of you looked at each other, well at least you didn't ; missing the way his eyes widened at your words.
“I've missed you, back there,” he confessed, stopping in his tracks but you couldn’t believe he just said that. It felt unreal and it was like a cat got your tongue for a second ; you had no idea how to answer.
“Can I take a sip ?” he asked, tilting his head at your coffee after making his way to your side. You just nodded, tossing it to him and waiting for his reaction. Without any surprises, it was too sweet for him but his disgusted face made you laugh.
Maybe you didn’t answer it after all. Maybe it was just a way to tell you that he used to like you as well, and that with time, you two might get even closer than before.
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Isagi never expected to see you there but it seemed like neither did you. He almost didn’t recognize you, your hair was way longer and now you’ve got glasses – but that wasn’t so surprising since he hasn’t seen you since high school. It looks like both of you had the same address when it comes to choosing where to buy your new books. It was funny running into you here, he doesn’t remember you as a big fan of literature yet you now got one of his favorite books in hand.
“It’s been a while ! Are you free for, I don’t know, a drink ? A coffee ? You know, to catch up…” he hesitated a little, maybe you didn’t even want to talk with him but now we're kinda forced to. Yet a big smile appeared on your face as you nodded and Isagi suddenly remembered why he was obsessed with you during your last year.
He never really was popular, even if he was in the football team, yet you were always down to do projects with him, always saying that you two work well together. That’s probably where his crush started, and because you had the most beautiful smile he ever saw.
“You’re a teacher ?! No way !” He almost yelled while sitting at the front of a café, with a hot chocolate despite the hot weather of september. You giggled at his reaction.
“Yes, I’m teaching English, that’s why I’m reading this.” You showed him the book again and he nodded happily, ready to add something before you speak. “I remember it being one of your favorite books so I thought it was good to use it in class. I’ll use it for the next semester.” you explained and if you looked up a second earlier, you would’ve caught the blush on his cheeks.
“I never thought you’ll remember that…” he answered shyly, scratching his cheek and he thought to himself that it was bad.
His heart was racing in his ribcage even if it’s been years. He couldn’t tell if it was his old feelings coming back like a racing car or if he just found you pretty, and that fate was on his side to let him run into you again.
“What are you talking about ! I loved listening to you back in the day, it fed my fantasies ; my friends were tired of hearing about you,” you said it to sound like a joke, but to him it was shocking news.
You used to like him back ? He looked at you with shocked eyes, a million things going on in his little brain it made you worried. As you asked if he was ok, you seemed scared you'd said too much but instead he composed himself quickly, looking away from you.
“Sorry Isagi, it's just weird said like that,” it was your turn to act all awkward, you never expected him to react like this. You assumed he would laugh, to be honest.
“No I– it's weird too, but I think I'm still into you” He said with a blush but his eyes were looking at you with a confidence you rarely saw in him. “So maybe we can start again…?”
Let's be honest, he looked way too cute to say no.
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kaledya · 4 months
Hi !
And I wonder how I will handle Constantine and Addolorata too. I have an idea of course, I already have the name of the ship (I had fun to make up ship names) and I think RoyalSnare or SlowBurn (it was a coincidence!)
The thing is Lolicia's character development need to be widely open like a cracked egg for their relationship to start for real. I think... I THINK their relationship will be a based on a FromSoftware 3 phases boss 🤣
Also, you will not believe it but I have something for Serenity too, because you said she is scared of the sea and the dark and its kinda Lolicia things and I wanted to help her deal with her phobias ? And it would be an interesting short healing trauma/cute/deep relationship but it is very difference from a full romance with Constantine.
And Constantine deep friendship with Serenity could be healing to her fear of abandonment or being alone. Because even if she loves her dad, she would take time to open her heart again because she is afraid to lose Alastor abruptly again (logically)
I don't know, what do you think ? It could be interesting to work with. I'm sorry I like complexity to things ahah.
I'm glad you like Sherlock and Irene too ! And you are very true about you said of their relationship and what Irene character represent. In serie/media/books.
I love it when she is about to die and then she heard the phone moan notification and look at the side. And then she saw Sherlock like "Girl, I'm saving you". So brave. Mycroft really said "she's dead forget it" and Sherlock took immediately a plane ticket to save her.
I like her in the movies too. I mean he let her do things he never will with others but I'm not even sure he realised it. Mycroft did realised that Irene has a full diamond room in Sherlock mind palace ahah
Glad you like that meme script ! Don't ask me if you could draw it, I will say "yes. Obviously. Whenever you want." I'm not a neutral person to ask 🌸
And I love the words Constantine said at the end. I can see it in my mind. "You look *very* confortable" Lolicia : "I already enjoy your attention to details, your highness" (Little laugh)
The storyboards you make are my base line to keep focus on the plot so thanks to YOU ! Really. It give an atmosphere, an idea, you know ? A smell about how the chapter must look like. And then I just go on a ride ahah
Congratulations for the 200 hours ! I don't play myself but I've consume enough playtroughs, videos, concept reading that its like i did it.
And IM DEAD. That gif is a gift. Its perfect and accurate. Never seen a hamster looking that much of Astarion. *save it in my gallery*
Oh yes ! Harleep the Incubus. I don't know what Gale said but the armor is surely bondage-like related. I mean Harleep is here to feed Raphael's simps so good for the armor (and them) !
Also, thank you to always complimenting my writing and take the time the give comments everytime, it make me very happy ! *take back my hamster-Astarion* 🌸
Chaggie is adorable ! I'm glad you like it 🌸 i think their duet song later will be great !
Lolicia and Alastor duet was a work but I'm so happy with it! I'm very happy you like too !
Don't worry for Lolicia it will come, I will feed you ! And yes her human appearance, I will draw it soon, I was searching 1939 fashion because that is the year she died.
And I'm not forgetting a drawing of Constantine !
Yes the conversation one the phone, I laugh. " - I'm the princess... Silence.   - What ? (Internally screaming)"
OH. I'm. so. glad. you liked the cameo of Constantine. I was all over the place while writing it. At one point I was just like... "I need the best of the best" *take the concept art of Elden Ring and other Dark Souls and Bloodborne* "perfect." Ahah 🌸
And I made him blow his workshop because you said somewhere he did blow his workshop multiple times! But I suppose he can pull it back together with sorcery too !
Thanks to have made him ! *let my hamster go. Take my glasses.* Let's get back to writing ! 🌸🌸🌸🌸
I can't wait to see it already and ROYAL SNARE AND SLOWBURN ARE GREAT SHIP NAMES!
I'm so glad to hear this and the three phase boss fight??? God, this is going to be a great read.Although three-stage boss battles are always a long and tiring road, the feeling of satisfaction when you defeat the boss is excellent!
And this looks like a great idea! Serenity is afraid of that feeling of unknown, helplessness and darkness in the sea. Lolicia is seriously a character who can help her get through this It would be very interesting to see the interaction of the two.I think they will have a nice dynamic!
And yes, Serenity never wanted to talk about what she went through after he died.Alastor doesn't know much about her and their lives were different.Serenity's experiences here are a bit similar to Constantine's, so a friendship would normally develop between the two. After all, they are both rare people who can understand each other. I think the plan you came up with is really creative! But it can be difficult to write all of that so don't work yourself too hard❤️
Yes, it was very nice that Sherlock didn't care about Mycroft and said, Nope, such a person is rare, I'm going to save her. (He fights alone, sword to sword, with a few soldiers.)
And definitely in the movies, Irene actually had a special room for herself in Sherlock's mind palace.
And lmao seriously, it's fun to write interactions like this between characters.And I have already made a sketch of that scene and I plan to finish it as soon as possible.Drawing Lolicia is always a pleasure😌
And thank you, but I don't think I've done too much. You're seriously writing amazing . I think you're very creative writer and a great planner! 🛐
I definitely recommend playing it yourself if you have the opportunity.Seriously great RPG For example, I was a bard character and I beat almost every boss in ACT2 by talking.(It was so much fun being a sweet-talking snake)
And certainly Harlepp was probably like a gift for those who loved Raphael.
And I don't remember Gale's dialogue exactly, but I'll try to find it on the internet and put it here;
And I'm so glad you like the meme, it's one of my favorite memes too!
And always, it's really great to read the fanfic you write.I'm honored that a talented writer like you writes fanfic with this AU.And I really love your writing, you are so creative.And you are EXTREMELY FAST, you update almost every day! But please take care to rest You started in a very short time and you have already written almost 50k I seriously refresh ao3 several times a day to see if there are any updates! Seriously, thank you for blessing me with your fanfic and its characters. I wish I could attract more people! I have exams soon, but when they are over, I will draw and publish the scenes in the fanfic and I hope more people will come and read your fanfic!You seriously deserve attention!
And seriously, Lolica and Alastor's duet was a masterpiece, how could I not like it!
I'll wait for good meal chef (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)
And lolicia's human form is truly amazing ı Love the outfit and color palette I also think the bunny hair ties are so cute!
And your drawings were really great! 10/10🤌
And you really did wonders! Seriously, your concept choice was very clever.And yes, Constantine often blew up his workshop while experimenting. But what's the point of broken things when you have a repair spell! And a few shield spells of course!In the end, everything is worth it for victory
I wish you good writing in advance!
First of all, I read all the chapters you wrote. And they were AMAZING! Thank you for blessing my eyes! 🛐
It was nice to read where the people in the hotel were preparing for the show.The parts where Charlie convinced the team were great!
And seriously, you would make a great songwriter. I wish there were people who decided to bring your songs to life!
First of all, I want to talk about the narrator.HE'S AWESOME. I loved his design, his personality, his dialoges, all of them! I seriously think he is a very creative character! Draw him at the first opportunity
Also, it's really cool that the weapon he uses is inspired by the Turks! I think you made a very creative choice I LOVE IT.
Now let's get to the songs.Husk and Angel's duet was simply amazing! I loved the dialogues, the descriptions of the characters were very nice and it was a really cute and well thought out scene, in one word, it was wonderful!
Seriously, it was great to read the song and witness the thoughts of the characters.
Apart from that, I also loved the conversations of Lolicia and Al backstage!It's a really cute detail that Vittori and Alastor's shadow are constantly having little cat and dog fights with each other.
And Alastor and Charlie's duet.It was seriously perfect The characters finish each other's words, literally fight with words, and on the other hand, Charlie does not fall under Alastor and shows herself with determination, and finally makes Alastor say what she wants.
It was perfect!The movements of the characters while singing the dialogues were described really well.And I was seriously smiling while reading it, it was a truly magnificent scene.I would even pay money to see this scene in animated form!
And seriously the way you describe the scene is Alastor's movements On the other hand, it was great how the scene changed color as Charlie stepped forward.At the end, when Charlie makes Alastor say that he trusts her.Alastor's reaction was also very nice!
And in the final part, it was great to see Charlie stretching her chest and talking to the crowd, and Precious supporting him as a friend!You are truly an amazing writer!
I seriously want to draw this scene so much rn (l hate that damn exams)
Niffty and Al on's duet was really cute too The song was written really well.And it was so nice to have our little gremlin taking the spotlight!
Finally, SERENITY CAMEO I SERIOUSLY DON'T KNOW HOW YOU PRESENT A CHARACTER THAT WELL! Seriously, the scene came to life in front of me. You described it perfectly. It's so beautiful when Serenity appears with Olcayto and then takes her coat and leaves.And I love the way you described her appearance.And it was perfect that you refer to her with the lolicia saying "may luck be with you"!
Meanwhile, Lucia is also an overlord . Will they go to overlord meeting in the later part of the series?
In short, I seriously think you are a great writer, I am blessed every time I read your work and I am so excited about how the story will progress!❤️❤️❤️
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cyberdragoninfinity · 4 months
Hello! I hope you have a great day, and that I'm not bothering you! But, I was wondering, How would Lyman Banner fit into the college AU? And In general, What do you think of him?
Aw, thanks!!! I hope you have a good day too :^) It's never a bother to chatter about my many AUs, hehehehe
Professor Banner is a bit of a weird case in College AU (i guess to be fair he's a weird case in canon too lol); he WAS Jaden's academic advisor for his freshman and sophomore year, and they had a sort of odd friendship; Jaden even got to catsit Pharaoh a couple times (based off my true life experience of my old roommate who once dogsat our art history professor's shelties.) But then like midway into Jaden's junior year Banner fucking DIED unexpectedly, and now the effects of his presence still linger around Jaden like a ghost. Her and ended up leaving Jay a bunch of academic books on alchemy and art that are still sitting somewhere in his bedroom (Yubel likes thumbing through them.) He also got the cat :) (Though Jaden's been a bit dodgy about whether or not he was Ieft Pharaoh in some sort of will along with the books, of if he just stole Pharaoh so he wouldn't get surrendered to the pound. Either way!)
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Lyman Banner is like.... for me he's one of those yugioh characters that for whatever reason doesn't quite scratch my brain the way most others do, but I DO think he's got some fun stuff going on with him. Amnael is cool, I like his design elements more in that state, and in general Banner's just such an Absolute Fucking Bonkers Character i have to respect it. Like you get hit the Yugioh Homunculus lore and then you just keep getting kicked in the head with more insane details about him. He talks like a catboy. He really straight up died and his cat ate his ghost and now he haunts a teenager and that's just part of Jaden's life now I guess??!??!?! I wish he didnt Sound Like That in the dub. "Lyman" is one of the most yugioh dub name choices of all time. He needs to lose his teaching license real real bad.
I've never actually drawn him before! So this was a nice chance to take a crack at him since now I'm thinkin about him :^) He has what I like to call "Dartz bangs" which is one of my favorite ygo character design traits, so that's a treat to draw <3
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The Last Will and Testament of Lex Luthor, Part 3
It's been about a year since Lex Luthor was last seen. Clark has almost forgotten that Lex was even a thing. Sure, every once and a while, he'd think about Luthor, and maybe he'd even check and see if he's been spotted anywhere if he felt like it. But, at this point, he had just begun to feel nothing in regards to Lex. Not love, not hate, just a neutral feeling.
That is until a Lex-Bot tackled him and kamikazed him while he was flying.
He called Batman and the Atom over and they got to the wreckage as soon as they could. All that they could recover was a hard drive. They found it due to nanites, courtesy of Ray Palmer. It had essentially shot itself out of the Lex-Bot and into the nearest trash can. The nanites helped to find it.
After buying a random laptop because nobody wanted to put the Lex Luthor hard drive into theirs (and having an awkward conversation paying for a laptop completely in cash while in costume at a random Best Buy), they finally put the flash drive in to see what was on it. The only thing on it was coordinates. Coordinates placed a mile under Smallville, Kansas.
Clark immediately booked it out of the Best Buy and flew as fast as he could to the location. All that was running through Clark's mind was what Lex could possibly be doing in Smallville of all places. How does he even know that's significant to him? He began to run through every horrible thing Lex could be doing to his parents. He got faster. He began to think about the horrible things that could be happening to Lois because Lex would leak his secret identity. He got even faster. Clark's anxiety began to rapidly build up. He's never been more nervous in his life. He got to the coordinates and saw a big box made of lead about 300 feet down. Clark figured that Lex made that to make sure that Clark knew he was the one that made it. Clark began to spin down, creating a tunnel. He didn't have time to be subtle about this. Besides, nobody was around for about 20 miles. Which in country terms meant he had at least 20 minutes before somebody drove by on their way to somewhere else. He heated up his eyes in case he needed to go in guns blazing. Once he found lead, he tore it in two and landed right in front of Lex. His eyes glowing red and his game face on. He then calmed down upon seeing him. Seemingly dropping all potential for a fight. Lex looked over at Clark. He wasn't sitting in a desk with his parents in test tubes of Joker toxin. He wasn't in a power suit with a Kryptonite spear in hand, ready to throw down. Lex Luthor was on a hospital bed. An IV was inserted into his arm. Beside his bed was a table with a lead box. There was a monitor projecting his heartrate. Clark used his X-Ray vision to see what was going on with Lex.
Lex had heart cancer, and he was going to die. Soon. Very soon.
Lex coughed,
"You know, the coordinates I gave you would've put you right at the door. You could've simply waltzed right on in here, have Mercy walk you in, have some pretzels," Lex began to cough even more violently, "but instead you choose to punch a hole in this $7,000,000 facility."
Clark looked over at Lex and had nothing but sympathy in his eyes,
"Lex, I'm sorry."
Lex shrugged,
"Eh, figures. I put something in my hometown, you take it as an invitation to be as subtle as a cinder brick since there's no infrastructure around. It teaches me a lesson in the dangers of nostalgia."
Lex signals to the chair beside of him.
"Sit. Alien. I've got some things to tell you before I die."
"You're not going to die, Lex."
"Yes. I am. And there's no way in hell you're saving me."
"...what did you want to tell me?"
Lex's eyes began to fill with hatred and disdain.
Clark's look of sympathy turned into confusion,
Lex grabbed the tiny lead box on the table beside him and opened it up. As soon as Clark saw the tiniest green shine emanate from the crack of the box Lex barely began to open, he sped over to him to force the box closed. He used his heat vision to seal it shut. Lex rolled his eyes at Clark.
"Relax, Superman, there isn't any Kryptonite in there. Mercy took it away from me months ago. I just wanted to give you a little scare, you looked too comfortable," Lex noticed that Clark began to look around the lead-made building to see if he could maybe spot any Kryptonite, "I know you're trying to spot any Kryptonite. In hindsight, that scare wasn't worth it. To make sure I have your undivided attention, the only pieces of Kryptonite are in the rail gun in Mercy's arm. I really was expecting you to take the door."
Lex continued with his diatribe.
"I win, Superman. I've managed to concoct a plan to get someone you'll never beat." Lex began to violently cough, "Do you know who it is?"
Clark already knew.
Lex continued after finishing his coughing fit,
"Death. You can never beat death. Admittedly, the premise of the idea was an accident. You see, Kryptonite can obviously affect Kryptonians. However, it can also affect humans as well. Especially humans arrogant enough to keep a piece in the breast pocket of their suits for 15 years. At first I thought I'd give you cancer, too. Hijack somebody's rocket ship doing research on the sun and force you to intervene and fly extremely close to the sun, thus causing your cells to become so supercharged they start slowly killing you. But, lucky for you, I found that to be too petty. But then I realized something, I can prove I'm better than you by doing something you could never do."
Clark looked at Lex in utter terror,
"Lex, what have you done?"
"Simple, Superman. I saved the world better than you ever could. I cured cancer."
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ridiculoser06 · 1 year
Can’t see the stars ~ Good Omens★
I got a comment on Ao3 and I’ve been crying about it for like 3 hours now. (I don’t get compliments very often.)
Aziraphale lay looking up at God's magnificent galaxy. All those pretty lights made just for those little humans.
"Aren't they just wonderful? All those planets, and yet here we are. Our Earth.” Aziraphale said, sighing, stunned by the world's beauty "And to think that we helped build some of this. It’s mesmerising, we are such an integral part of this world Crowley. It really makes you thankful for creation- doesn't it?"
Crowley lay by Aziraphale, looking up and seeing nothing, tears began to form in his eyes.
"You made that one." Aziraphale glanced at Crowley and saw tears running down her cheeks. "... I remember... it was beautiful wasnt it?"Aziraphale nodded slowly, agreeing but confused.
"Is something the matter?" Aziraphale turned their head to Crowley "All that above us- and you're-"
"I can't see the stars." Crowley hissed angrily, he put his arm over his eyes "I built- some of all that. I built a lot of that!" He gestured upwards, but looked to Aziraphale "And- They- God took away my- they won’t even-" he choked on his words, he rubbed tears out of his eyes "won't even let me see them." He said, deeply pained.
"You... can't see them at all?"
"I don't have very good eyesight." Crowley hissed, still angry but not specifically at Aziraphale. "I don't see much. And the stars are one thing I can't see! I can't fucking see them because they're too far away and they're too small!!! I never understood why I was tasked with building all those breath-taking star systems only for them to be a fucking speck in their night sky!” Crowley scoffed.
“You try and question it- you ask a simple question of Why?” Crowley laughed “you’re tossed thousands of feet out the sky into a pool of boiling sulphur. Absolutely pointless. Stupid universe.”
"I'm so sorry, Crowley." The way Aziraphale said Crowley's name sent goosebumps up the demons arms, it was melodic and soft- a certain sincerity that Crowley had never found in anyone else in the entire universe.
Crowley sighed, sending a shiver up his spine "I shouldn't get so annoyed. It's not like it'll do anything" he began to calm.
"I could describe them to you!" Aziraphale said, excitedly he took out a book from his satchel.
"Why do you have that?" Crowley couldn't help but crack a smile.
"I've been studying astronomy. You like the stars- so I thought I'd read up." Aziraphale said, opening the book at the index.
"Well.. what would you like to-"
Crowley budged closer to Aziraphale "the one you helped me with."
Aziraphale flicked through pages "There it is. Alpha Centauri... 4.367 light years away the star-"
Aziraphale read to Crowley and Crowley gladly listened, trying his best to remember his stars.
"One day... we should go off together. You and me Angel. Up there- into the stars." Crowley was looking up. "The humans don't know what they're missing."
Aziraphale rested his head on Crowley's shoulder.
"That sounds amazing." Aziraphale smiled, a shiver creeped up his spine. Aziraphale wasn’t actually listening to everything after Angel. Angel. Of course, that was what he was, he’d been called an Angel before- he was an Angel. But the way Crowley said it, the slight flick of the tongue when he spoke, the devilish smile- it made Aziraphale weak. If his mind wasn’t so sober he may’ve confessed his undying love in that very moment- if he wasn’t the being he was he would’ve asked Crowley to marry him.
”Angel is a human term of endearment." He thought to himself, “I wonder if Crowley knows that… if I tell him- will he never call me Angel again… perhaps I’ll let him figure that out himself.”
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thecozykirin · 7 months
Day 7 Rumor / Discovery
( Had this really cute idea in my brain and I didn't want to go to sleep and lose it by the morning and it is the 24th where I am so it counts! Had so much fun doing the writer challenge, all of your compliments mean a lot to me and my husband and we're so happy you enjoy the stories of our characters <3 )
It was one of those days for U-Jinn. Some days were better than others, time had dulled his daughter's absence to a faint ache in his chest but it never truly got better, and like a chronic condition, it would flare to a sharp pang under the right circumstances. For as virtuous and honorable as the monks of the White Tiger Temple liked to claim themselves to be, gossip was poisonous nectar that tempted even the most stalwart of tongues, despite the words of warning of engaging in such activities that rolled off them later to the cubs. Rules for thee and not for me, U-Jinn supposed. He could hear them from where he worked, muttering to each other and shooting an occasional glance his way. "Has he really been here all night?" "Yes, he still doesn't like to go home." "Poor dear, I couldn't even imagine..." "It's been eight years since she's been gone, he can't hold on forever." "You're telling me they never found her, no trace?" "None, but I heard she left on an errand." "Do you think any of the outsiders had something to do with it? They've brought shifty types to our shores before." "Maybe, but /I/ heard that she was hiding something. Yoo-Mi said she was ill quite often and would often excuse herself...then, a week before she left she said she saw her go to the medic." "Oh, dear, you don't think...?" "Well, I don't know who could have done it. She kept to herself often." "Maybe a boy from the village?" "Mayb---" Slam. U-Jinn had unceremoniously slammed the crate of returned books and scrolls that still needed to be sorted upon his workspace, causing both of the Pandarens' heads to jerk up abruptly, ears swiveling. "So sorry." U-Jinn stared, his voice blank and eyes hard. With a nervous smile, the two exchanged an anxious look before bowing their heads and quickly hurrying out, leaving U-Jinn alone to stew in his thoughts. Inhaling sharply through his teeth, the old bear bit back the unkind words on his mind's tongue, pressing his own hard against the back of his fangs as he began to sort through the books and scrolls. Fist of the First Dawn: Rise of the Pandaren Revolution. He marked it down as returned and moved on to the next title. Encyclopedia of Pandaren Herbs U-Jinn's brow lofted, quite a read....next. The Moon Rabbit
U-Jinn paused, breath catching in his throat as his eyes beheld the faded gold lettering of the title. The title itself wasn't strange, had this been a public library. This book was a popular fable for cubs, and it was always a particular favorite of..... His heart leapt in his chest. There had been few articles missing from her room aside from a few clothes. The cover was a navy blue, darker splotches of stains and wear and tear dotting the surface around the indented silver filled figure of a rabbit gazing up at Azeroth's little moon. By the Celestials -- Sucking in a sharp breath, U-Jinn quickly blinked as he collected the book within his paws, undoing a cord of weathered leather that had been wrapped tautly around it to keep it shut. Upon cracking it open, the scent of old parchment filled his nostrils, and a small pile of thin and folded parchment laid inside. With shaking paws, he picked up the first piece of parchment that lay on top, the cleanest and potentially newest looking one...and he opened it. Dear, Baba. It took a lot of convincing, but I've finally managed to convince Yasashi to allow me to send you this. I hope you do not think ill of him for preventing me from doing so earlier, but he wanted to ensure we were secure and safe. In the end, I can tell he is still weary about me doing this, but he knows that my sudden absence in your life has haunted me since and I'm sorry, the last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt you. Above all though, I want you to know that I'm alive and am doing fine, the rest of the letters are ones I have written periodically throughout the last eight years, and I hope they're enough to fill you in on what has been going on thus far. Oh! As of yesterday, you've a second granddaughter. She was born 10 pounds, her name is Suzu, below I have secured a drawing of her. I attached an earlier one of your first granddaughter in one of the oldest letters but I'm afraid it is not as good as this one, but practice makes perfect, yes? I hope one day you will be able to meet them, I know you'd love them a lot. Always in your heart, Soo-ha
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pens-swords-stuff · 2 years
Tag Game: This or That Writer's Edition
Dusting off a very old tag game that has been in my drafts for like 3 years now! At this point I don't remember who tagged me, but to whoever it was, thank you all the same!
*note to whoever wants to play: you don't have to write explanations if you don't want to. I just like to do it because I am incapable of being concise and just leaving things be.
1. historical or futuristic
A few years ago, I stumbled upon and discovered my love for historical fiction — historical romance, specifically — and I have been absolutely obsessed with it since.
On the other hand, I'm not a fan of futuristic settings and I've never had much interest in it. It's just not a genre that I'm personally into.
2. the opening or closing chapter
There's something poetic about endings. In my opinion, I think that they're the most meaningful, symbolic and important chapter in the book because it's often where you really get the true meaning and message of the story.
3. light+fluffy or dark+gritty
Mm, I'm personally not a fan of this particular choice because I'm not particularly into either option. I don't believe that something dark has to be gritty, or that gritty has to be dark, and I also think that realism is often conflated with being "gritty and dark" when that is not always the case. (And of course, I see a lot of people look down upon stories that aren't "gritty dark realism" and that is a pet peeve that I have). I also don't have much patience for things that are light and fluffy because I find them to be a bit over the top and too much for the most part.
If I had to choose it would be dark and gritty, but I prefer a happy medium and a balance.
4. animal companion or found family
I love found family and the complicated relationships that form between people who are brought together by circumstance. I have also never had a pet, so while I can appreciate animal companions, I can't really relate to it.
5. horror or romance
If it doesn't have romance, I'm not that interested in it. I absolutely adore romance, and nearly everything that I do will include it. (I guess Project Vestige is an exception though, I recently considered axing the romance subplot).
I'm too much of a baby for horror, anywho.
6. hard or soft magic system
Rather than lay out the lore or have a solid system, I'm more interested in magic that can't be explained and will always remain somewhat of a mystery. We don't know where it comes from, or why, and that mystery, wonder, intrigue and open-endedness is what I like in my magic systems.
7. standalone or series
I have always adored series growing up, and waiting for the next book. I think my greatest writing ambition is to write a long series because it was what I grew up reading.
I have recently also been falling in love with a standalone story though! I think I'd love to write a series of standalone stories someday, even if it sounds like an oxymoron.
8. one project at a time or always juggling 2+
I don't come up with story ideas, they just descend upon me from the heavens at random times. The longer I take a break from writing, the more they begin bombarding me because my creativity just begins to overflow. Recently, I've been more intentional about exploring all of those different ideas and writing at least a little bit down so I don't lose them. Which naturally, results in many many projects that I may or may not get to someday.
It's a blessing to have so many ideas and stories, I think!
9. one award winner or one bestseller
I don't think my writing is the kind to win awards, and that's okay. It'd be cool, but I would love it if my stories become famous bestsellers someday because that means that they've reached a lot of people.
10. fantasy or sci-fi
Full disclosure, not a huge fan of either. Fantasy is a bit overwhelming for me, though I love the idea of it and would someday love to make a proper crack at it if I have something worth working with. Sci-fi is just something I'm not interested in at all.
11. character or setting description
I'm very much a character-driven writer! Characters are the most important think in my writing. And descriptions has always been one of my weaknesses.
12. first or final draft
boy, I'd love to finish a first draft someday,,,
13. love triangle in everything or no romantic arcs
I love romance, and if something has romance in it my interest will increase a tenfold!! I also like love triangles, whether it be the basic, canned version that people like to hate on, or the ones that become realized into polyamory. I love platonic relationships too, but there's room for both in my world.
14. constant sandstorm or rainstorm
The sandstorm in Breath of the Wild scared the crap out of me and I couldn't get out of it for like a solid 10 minutes so I'm gunna go with a rainstorm for this one. I love rain.
Tagging: @magic-is-something-we-create @writingforfunsies @void-botanist @scorpiolight-madd @thatgayacademic @summer1977 @calicojackofficial @axl-ul @gilgameshians @wordsforarmor @that-gay-jedi @toribookworm22 @serotoninshift @ashen-crest @abalonetea @write-on-world @faithfire @mockingbirdshymn @ryns-ramblings @bardicbeetle @writtenwolves @writingpotato07
If you see this and want to do it too, please do! Feel free to say that I tagged you, I’d love to see.
If you want to be tagged by me for tag games, click here!
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lord-jen-grey · 1 year
What factors inspired you to write like this ? PS: I love your work !! x
Thank you so much! It's very kind of you to say. I didn't study to be a writer in school, so my path in this direction was a bit circuitous.
A number of factors inspired me (and continue to inspire me). In regards to the Outlander stories I've written, the source material (books and show) were extremely inspirational, and I wanted to spend more time in that world with the characters I fell in love with. No other book or show comes close for me.
Another inspiration comes from my previous fandom. There is a crack ship on General Hospital (yes, I was raised a soap girl) that never played out on screen, but there are 3 writers who wrote for that ship (Lolexis) who were absolutely brilliant. EllenSmithee, Lionel, and Lsquared. Ellen knocked my socks off the first time I read her work, and I have never recovered. I reread her story (30 days) at least once a year. It has the best character development (and SEX) of anything I have ever read...ever! My writing can't live up to hers, and I don't even try, but I've learned so much from her about things like how to use sex as more than sex (it's plot too!), how to sit with an intense emotion in a scene, and the basics of nicely flowing sentence/paragraph structures (I'm constantly learning more about this). From Lionel, I learned how to lean into certain tropes, how to use plot to drive the story forward, and the beauty of simplicity.
Other inspirations come from media I consume. Listening to the likes of Pixar storytellers and Phoebe Waller Bridge discuss how they craft a story have had HUGE impacts on me. Without them, Journey would never have turned into what it is now. Another author, She-who-must-not-be-named, taught me how to unfold a mystery. And then there is Diana. She employs storytelling strategies that are utterly brilliant, and they've strongly influenced the way I write.
For years, I've studied philosophy and various other academic fields related to human behavior, and ventured into deep, emotional places with a variety of people. It's had a massive influence on how I craft a character and their journey.
More recently, I've been working with a professional editor who has helped me identify and clean up some of my bad habits, and she has helped with shining a light on missed emotional beats and plot holes. She's incredible. My beta, Lis, has done this for me a millions times over as well.
The biggest influence on my writing has been to just write. I've written more than 2 millions words in the last 6-7 years, and I experimented with perspectives, tropes, character development strategies, outlines, etc. Rereading my own work helps me recognize areas for growth and already established strengths.
Feedback from readers has been invaluable and a HUGE motivator.
I hope this answers your question. Sorry it took so long. I wanted to ensure I took the time to think it through and give a decent response.
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mundoscorner · 6 months
talking at night Claire Daverly
I love to read book reviews so why not give it a stab. 
There were moments this book was nearly perfect and there were moments it felt like every other book I had read. And there was comfort in that — knowing exactly how the story would end but still wanting to know how it gets there. 
I thought while reading this book, I sort of wish I was the type of person to annotate books. And not in the facetious, highlight anything Connell Waldron says, but in the reading a line so many times it’s almost memorized and I wish I could hold onto that way.
“You don’t live your life the way you should. You never speak out, to anyone, least of all your mother, who frankly could do with being put straight. You don’t sing, anymore. You deny yourself everything.”
I guess, there is something to be said that I wanted to review this book. It even made me re-download tumblr so that I'd have a platform larger than my journal. Put my thoughts into paper and let the record reflect that I read it and I enjoyed it and make my piece known. And shouldn't all "good" books do that? make you have thoughts so strong you need to share them with a friend or two? 
At times, the book touched me very deeply. And sadly. I don’t know if it was emotionally poignant, or just a carefully-selected string of words strung together very nicely. I think sometimes authors get a line in their head, and they almost construct moments and scenes or even full characters around that one memorable, quotable sentence.
The main character and her mother have a very real relationship, more real than any other in the book, despite the book being a romance. There’s a part where after years of resentment and resignedness and words left unsaid, Rosie (in her thirties) finally gets a dig in at her mother. I found myself cheering for the daughter, goading her on, begging her to finally say something, anything to her mom, to let her know how she failed her, left her alone despite being always there. And one voice crack later, and a “why are you doing this Rosie, I wasn’t that terrible of a mom” later, I found myself sick with sadness for the mother, who’s whole life changed because she was a mother, and who probably did really try her best despite it all. And Rosie backs off, just as I did, just as I so often do. And so, for obvious reasons, I felt that interaction deep in my bones. I also felt a sick sort of vindication that yes — this sphere of emotions I feel for my mom is not insular to me, that the complicated relationship between mother and daughter is not a tired, exhaustive trope but one that still brings me comfort and a sense of being seen and heard. An echo of my own withholdings and voice catchings and frustrations towards the most intimate relationship any of us will ever have.
I suppose I've read this a few weeks ago now, and I'm still thinking of it with a certain sense of fondness. It was, at any rate, a nice break from the world of faeries and Emily Henry wannabees.
Rating: 3/5
Claire and Anna if you've read this all - ILY.
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sunoooism · 2 years
📜ADMIT IT!— six.
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❝just out here living vicariously through my novel!❞
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I rushed this a bit sorry 💀💀, this update was delayed bcs I've been really busy with school and stuff. hopefully I'll be back to updating once or twice a week now!!
Day 2 of Yokohama
your second day in Yokohama was spent relaxing in the hotel, watching whatever shitty film or TV show was available. the best thing you could find at the moment was 'Kubo and the Two Strings' which you remembered Kuina recommending to you years ago. she kept pestering you about it until you got fed up and lied about watching it, saying 'oh, yeah! I loved it!' if there was any time to actually watch it, it would be now you supposed.
as Chishiya showered and carried on with his night routine you were sprawled out across your bed in an oversized sleep shirt and shorts you borrowed stole from Ann. the movie had been good so far but it made you wonder why all children in kids films always have such sad backstories.
by the time Shuntaro had emerged from the bathroom you had fallen asleep atop his pillow that you had also borrowed stolen. usually this would irritate the life out of him even if it was Kuina, but staring down at you and the little bit of drool smeared across your lip, he couldn't really find it in himself to be annoyed with you.
Day 3 of Yokohama
Chishiya had suggested a walk through the streets of Yokohama, and since you couldn't think of anything else to do instead you agreed. unfortunately you ended up on a busy pavement with people bumping into you two left and right. and even more unfortunate for you there were countless couples everywhere you looked. this left you only slightly upset and dejected by your love life, or more specially the lack-thereof.
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Day 4 of Yokohama
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Day 5 of Yokohama
your day was spent with another outing into town accompanied by Chishiya, and along the way desperate texts to your multiple friends asking for advice on what to do about your Chishiya Shuntaro issue.
you had just finished harassing Kyuma for advice when the man on your right pulled you into a movie theater. apparently his favourite film was playing. who knew he was into thrillers?
well to be completely honest you didn't know if it was a thriller, as cliché as it sounds you were too busy admiring Chishiya to pay attention and or care. to say you thought of him as ugly would be a lie, and while you had never thought too hard on the subject you were now questioning whether or not he had always been this enticing.
you had no doubt he knew you were staring, if he didn't you would be astonished to no end, but what confused you was the fact that he wasn't calling you out for it. usually if something like this happened he would mercilessly taunt and tease whoever he caught. but he seemed to be content, pleased, even with this outcome. you could see the small smirk itching to pass over his features.
your big question was, why?
Day 6 of Yokohama
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day six in the city was spent exploring small, aesthetically pleasing shops. so far you had gotten a couple books, a new sage green scarf and snacks for you and Chishiya to share while you were out.
your final destination was Yokohama park. you had once told your friend group you adored a view of flowers and trees to pass the day. that was years ago though, apparently Chishiya had remembered. so you both sat on a wall watching people pass by and cracking jokes, by your opinions it might have been the best day there.
Last day of Yokohama
although Chishiya had been strangely tolerable this past week, in no way were you complaining. but you knew he would probably revert back to normal when you were around your other friends again and for some reason that didn't bother you. you had gotten used to his snarky remarks after a while and it felt strange now that he was softer.
for your last day in Yokohama you had agreed to go to a restaurant for dinner, it wasn't too fancy but at the same time wasn't completely horrible either. It had good reviews so you both thought, why not right?
you were both sat in a booth tucked in at the very back of the room. the tables surrounding you mainly consisted of young couples having a romantic night out, a lady squealed as her partner brought out a bouquet and leapt up to smother him in affection. was the world just out to make fun of your non existent love life this week?
"I've enjoyed our time together, Y/n. I hope we can plan things like this more often, it's quieter without Arisu complaining all the time" his statement caught you off guard, and with your new found feelings for the man it made your stomach flutter a bit at the thought of spending more time with him. "I liked this week too. thank you for sacrificing your back account to make me happy this week, I really appreciate it.
next time it's my turn"
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She was the eighty-seventh Nona of her House; she was the first Harrowhark.
Namedrop!! This gives me a small, tenuous hope, that Harrow might actually survive this book. I'm not hoping too much. But a little.
None of this had been kept from her. It had been explained to Harrow, year after year, right from the time she knew both when to speak and when to not. This skill came early to Ninth House infants.
I'm going to beat Harrow's parents with a stick for putting her through that. How fucking dare they.
Then everything changed, abruptly, forever. Harrowhark fell in love.
...oh, no, of course, not Gideon. The girl in the tomb, of course, of course.
None of this would have broken Harrow’s spirit except that the mouth alone was perfectly imperfect: a little crooked, with a divot in the lower lip as though someone had softly pressed a dent into the bow with the tip of their finger. Harrow, who had been born for the sole privilege of worshipping this corpse, loved it wildly from sight.
Much like love in the living. Perfection does not hold attention well; it is the little imperfections which capture the heart.
How very Harrow, to fall in love with a dead girl.
She prayed often. Her brain took refuge in rituals. Sometimes she fasted, or ate the same thing for every meal, arranged in a specific pattern on her plate, consumed in the same order, for months on end.
Autistic Harrow. Perhaps schizophrenic. Probably both.
The only viable source of healthy XY had been located in her House’s cavalier primary, a boy seventeen years her elder.
So Ortus was only seventeen years older than Harrow. I have my theories as to why he was spared when all the kids were killed - it may have been as boring as "well, the House needed a boy to keep alive any chance of ever repopulating". Though, it was never meant to be:
Thankfully, their marriage would have mingled the Drearburh cavalier and scion lines beyond any hope of repair: Ortus Nigenad was an only child. Harrowhark had her parents quash the idea so enthusiastically that she cracked her father’s molar. The only virgin who could possibly be more relieved was Ortus himself.
No one at the Ninth likes sex very much, it seems, (aside from Gideon and her filthy magazines).
and with incontrovertible suggestions that Harrowhark really ought to marry this son of the Second, or this daughter of the Fifth-
Oh interesting! There seems to be some Gender Stuff going on here. (Eyes the necromancer-cavalier gender essay which I've been sent and have bookmarked for later reading) Unless it's not about reproduction in this case, but being gay is perfectly normal? Probably being trans is perfectly normal also? We just don't know.
Harrow seems to be under the impression that Ortus remained her Cavalier until the very end, until -
There had been another girl who grew up alongside Harrow—but she had died before Harrow was born.
Yeah, there's definitely something fucky and weird going on with Harrow's memories. Unless all of Gideon the Ninth was fake, a dream - this isn't that type of story, though, I don't think.
Didn't Harrow say, right at the beginning, almost pityingly;
"Oh Griddle, I don't even remember about you half the time."
Didn't she say that? What if it wasn't just scorn; what if it wasn't just said to hurt and dismiss Gideon; what if it was actually true?
Damn, Harrow might be even more messed up than I thought.
I love her and want to protect her forever.
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chayscribbles · 1 year
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chayscribbles’ monthly writing update ☆ march 2023
words written: 13 235
projects worked on: technically i only wrote for Andromeda Rogue but i did rotate my other side wips rather violently in my head. like this is not a gentle rotisserie chicken rotating, this is a full-on centrifuge machine
proudest accomplishment: this is the month i've written the most all year ????? also i reached over 50K on AR draft 2!!!
books read: Hell Bent by Leigh Bardugo; Artificial Condition (Murderbot Diaries #2) by Martha Wells; and i've also just started A Rival Most Vial by writeblr's very own @ashen-crest!
at what degree of sparse activity do i have to concede defeat call it a hiatus. i'm doing fine, i've just been really busy with work and haven't had time to devote to writeblr that much 😔
remember when i said i was gonna intro my Third, Secret WIP this month? yeah, that didn't happen. i'm trying to crack down on AR bc i have this goal of finishing this draft by my birthday in mid-May (although i don't think that's gonna happen at this rate...) so i don't think i'll be talking too much about my other wips here until then. but i'm definitely still playing with them every once in a while lol
uhh not much else to say as far as general writing comments go. have some reading comments: Hell Bent was good but felt a bit messier than the first book imo, 4 stars. Artificial condition absolutely fucked, 5 stars. and i'm not very far in A Rival Most Vial but i love love love it so far.
more specific wip-related comments + featured excerpt below.
so yes this draft is coming along nicely.
right now i'm in the weird bit between the drama of the midpoint and the drama of the climax where things sort of slow down a bit... i'm trying to figure out if i need to add stuff to keep it from dragging but i'm stumped as to what.
i can't tell at what point i need to fix things now or leave things for Future Me. like i can't avoid my problems forever lmao i do have to become Future Me at some point...
there's also a few bits where i don't know if it's actually bad and needs to be fixed or if i'm just overthinking things lol. i've already bothered my rubber duckie (you know who you are <3) too many times for things that i thought were problems that in the end only needed the simplest of solutions... so maybe i need to just leave it be and see what my beta readers think?
speaking of betas... i'm a little *insert gif of me vibrating at the speed of sound* at the thought of people actually Reading My Writing... it feels like that might be happening soon... but i'm probably getting a bit ahead of myself 😅
i can never remember what i've posted for AR yet and what i haven't but i did change this scene a bit from the first draft. so without further ado, have some Azami being badass and standing up to a space pirate who had kidnapped her. warnings for weapons i guess, lmk if there's anything else i should warn for
With a smirk, Song let go of Azami’s wrist, and that was there he made the grave mistake of turning his back to her.
Petra caught Azami’s eyes flick down to his belt a split second before she pounced. Hands still tied, she gripped the handle of his plasma wand, yanked it out of its holster, and jabbed it at the back of Song’s head.
“Answer the question, asshole!” she shrieked.
Song stopped walking, but didn’t flinch. His smirk merely widened as he slowly turned around to face her. “Do you even know how to use that, sweetheart?”
Azami pointed the wand between his legs and squeezed a button. A flash of light filled the room as a blue laser shot out of the rusty handle. It flew just shy of Song’s crotch, singeing the fabric of his pants, before hitting the floor with a loud crack and a flurry of sparks. Petra yelped and jumped back. Song sucked in a sharp breath, finally dropping his cool demeanour.
“That was a warning. I’ll blast your balls clean off next time,” Azami promised, aiming the wand a bit higher.
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general taglist:
@nicola-writes @dgwriteblr @the-orangeauthor @retrogayyde @quilloftheclouds @ashen-crest @writeblrfantasy @celestepenss @stardustspiral @pepperdee @extra-magichours @avi-why @lefttigerobservation @chazzawrites @bardolatrycore @innocentlymacabre
andromeda rogue taglist:
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Round one of the Bastard Man (affectionate) championshionships is complete!
Let's take a moment to appreciate everyone who got knocked out in round one, and everything I like about them.
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Mammon (Obey Me)
Mammon the love of my life Mammon. </3 Yes he's a demon, yes he's the avatar of greed, yes he's "the scummy brother", but with a heart of gold, deep down inside. Very deep down. Plus he's funny and secretly sensitive and he likes to cuddle. <3 I'm honestly shocked he got knocked out in round one, I always thought he was quite a tumblr darling.
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Hercule Flambeau (Father Brown)
Everyone loves a gentleman thief, don't they? Especially one with a homoerotic relationship with his narrative foil? A master of disguise? A secret sadboy with a tragic backstory? A man who broke out of prison? World's sluttiest absent father? When will your man ever.
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Inspector Mallory (Father Brown)
I LOVE HIM SO MUCH YOU HAVE NO IDEA. He's such a funny character. Little angry northern bastard man. He's awful, and should be easy to hate, but he just suffers so often and suffers so beautifully, you can't help but root for him to win, just once. And he loves his kids! A short king and a DILF.
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James E. Negatus (Yonderland)
Listen. Listen. I could never love anyone like I love Negatus. He occupies a special and unique part of my heart just for him. He's babygirl. He's daddy. He's cringefail. He's badass. He's gender. He's really really kinky. I cannot understate this, this is the fetish fuel show and it's like 70% his fault. He's on a mission to kill the hero but he's also sort of in love with her. I'm never not going to go feral for that. He has a tragic backstory and a softness for small children and small animals. He's canonically committed multiple warcrimes, several murders, and also demon-genocide. He's done nothing wrong ever in his life <3
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Louis Fairhead (Casualty)
My sweet prince when will he return from war? It's been so long since the show ever even so much as acknowledged him. He wasn't even at his own father's wedding to a woman Louis was practically part-raised by. I think he's fallen into a crack in space and time. Anyway I love Louis. I don't even think he's a bad guy. He's had the most traumatic life imaginable. His mother died in a car accident while he was in the car. He got kidnapped once. One time he nearly got blown up. This was all before he was ten. Then as a teenager he became a drug addict. And as a young adult he had a heroin overdose. I think he's within his rights to be an angry and emotionally distant man. I would defend him to the death. I just want him to be safe and happy and healthy. Feel like pure shit just want him back.
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Aristide Valentin (the Father Brown books)
First of all Aristide Valentin did nothing wrong so jot that down. YES he committed murder. But he murdered a Catholic pro-guillotine billionaire so it barely counts. He also stole human remains but this is tumblr, we're used to that. He's a skilled swordsman with a vast sword collection which is just the sexiest thing imaginable. YES he's rude to everyone but you don't UNDERSTAND, he's a genius surrounded by idiots, he gets frustrated. Also he's Parisian, they're just like that I think, he can't help it. Honestly his only real crime is smoking while on the underground platform at Liverpool Street station. That's unforgivable.
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Barclay Beg-Chetwynde (BBC Ghosts)
Honestly one of the funniest characters in the show, I don't even care. Every episode he's in is a delight. Every single line delivery is so deliciously bastardly. And he makes a brilliant foil to my two favourite characters, Julian and Alison. He's great.
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B.Z. (Santa Claus The Movie)
I love this movie. I love this movie a lot. I've watched it at least twice a year every year since I was a toddler. Often more. I could quote the whole film by heart. And my guy B.Z. is by far the most quotable character. Highlight of the whole film. Every single line of his lives rent free in my head. He has beef with Santa Claus for literally no good reason. He chained up a child for even less good reason. He invented Christmas 2. He exited the movie by eating too many magic flying lollypops and floating away into the stratosphere. Utterly unhinged from first scene to last. Literally no-one could ever compare.
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Kerr Avon (Blakes 7)
Ah, Avon. I was obsessed with him as an edgy teen. I think in many ways he is the edgy teen appeal character of his genre. He's like the Shadow the Hedgehog of dystopian sci-fi. I mean this as a sincere complement. And he's once again by far the most quotable character in the show. I feel like that's a very important factor for a good bastard man. Quotability.
I won't say I could fix him, because I don't think anyone could. But I wish someone could.
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Cat (Red Dwarf)
My sweet underappreciated boy. In many shows he would be the beloved bastard man. It's not his fault he shares a show with Arnold Rimmer, and you simply can't outdo the do-er.
But everything he does, he does it in ~ style ~
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Randal Graves (Clerks)
This character means such a lot to me. He's the worst, of course. He sucks. You wouldn't want to know someone like that in real life. But that's part of what's so tragic about him. He's already resigned himself to the fact he's an unlikeable asshole loser, and has long since given up even trying to make new friends, and now he's a deeply lonely weirdo trapped in a toxic co-dependant relationship with the only real friend he has, who he's simultaneously obsessed with and sort of in love with (no homo) (maybe homo) and would die for, but also treats terribly. He's just such a sad odd man. I think about him often.
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Ray Carling (Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes)
Ray my best friend Ray. Yes okay so he's wildly homophobic and misogynistic, but like. Underneath that he's a very sweet and compassionate man, I promise. He's just trapped under the crushing weight of insecurity and self-loathing and societal expectations of masculinity. His backstory is heartbreaking. Absolutely devastating. I won't go into details because spoilers but Jesus Christ. He's the world's number one most single man, being the only one left not paired up out of the seven main characters across both shows, which hardly seems fair. He deserves a nice love interest I think. Give him a nice girlfriend, or lean into the "Ray is suffering from internalised homophobia" implications that Ashes to Ashes leant into occasionally and give him a nice boyfriend if you want, I don't care which, just give him someone.
Mentally I am holding his hand and buying him a pint right now.
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Julian Cantley (literally one single episode of Heartbeat)
Choo choo, all aboard the brainrot express. Get in loser we're forming deep emotional attachments to characters with like 20 minutes total screentime. Anyway I'm obsessed with him right now. It's disrupting my drive to create content for characters with actual fanbases because I just keep thinking about Brooding Spy Man Whomst Only I Care About instead. He's just so quiet and angry and brooding. I have so many headcanons for him. I've even headcanoned what his entire flat back in London looks like. Send help.
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Ryan Reeves (The Dumping Ground)
Ah he's just a baby. Just a little guy. Who could stay mad at him. Yes the way he'd learn his lesson only to go back to being evil again 2 episodes later got frustrating, but like. He loves his sister and he rescued Harry and Finn. He's not all bad. Apart from when he's being a teenage supervillain lurking in the shadows for no reason. But it's all because he's SAD, you don't UNDERSTAND,
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Michael Doyle (Grange Hill)
Look. He stopped being racist after he turned like 13, okay? He just became a petty criminal and politically corrupt instead. And his dad sucks, his dad says worse stuff than Mickey ever did, he was clearly just parroting his dad when he was wee. And there's something so sad and lonely about him. The way he always tries to join in with the group only get pushed out because everyone finds him unbelievably awful. The way he so wants to be Alan's friend. The way he only has the two friends he's got because he pays them to be his friend. Poor little guy. I have to believe he got it together eventually. I have to believe him and Justin were pals by the time they went to sixth form together. I have to.
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Ralph Passmore (Tucker's Luck)
It's Mr Passmore! He means such a lot to me. I'm so happy they started portraying him sympathetically in series 2 because honestly? His rage is so justified. He's unemployed and he's already been cast aside as unemployable. His family have already given him up as a lost cause. His only friend and ally in his family is his younger sister, who ends up leaving home to get away from how verbally abusive their parents are. He drinks to cope and joins a gang for the companionship. He finally gets a job after years of unemployment but finds out it's exploiting vulnerable fellow working class people in his community so he angrily and aggressively quits, after befriending and supporting an old lady. What a king.
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amyrafiercebladeartz · 6 months
3 5 7 and 8 for the httyd ask game 👀
3: Did you play School of Dragon? If so, what dragon(s) did you have?
Sadly, I did not get to play SoD. I wanted to but every time I tried making an account, I could never load the game. Probably a mixture of bad internet connection and a PoS mobile device, but still.
5: What type of dragon do you think best matches your personality?
Terrible Terror or Night Terror, maybe a Smothering Smokebreath. I'm a goblin menace that will snatch food and trinkets but if you feed me and treat me nice I'll curl up beside you and purr. I've also a tendency to get a little more than confused and I will naturally find myself in trouble with the bigger ones around me.
I also work best with a pack of my own kind >:]
8: Who are your favourite characters? Why?
Viggo Grimborn is top httyd favorite. He's savvy, malicious, and charming to the point where I want to simultaneously give him all of my possessions and devotion and punch him repeatedly in the face.
Second favorite, Snotlout, actually. He's got self esteem issues and the man can sew. He's a dumbass but his heart's usually in the right place. He also wrote a book, sang songs to a baby Deathsong, and has a crack sense of humor, even if it's not fitting for the moment. He also has a very poor relationship with his father (myself to my mother) that, if taken in a serious direction instead of the lighthearted one in the shows, would've been a serious issue psa about mental issues and the problems of a bad parent.
Third, Tuffnut. He's just goober and I live for that.
7: Do you have any OCs? If so, talk about their appearance, backstories, and personalities.
You made a serious mistake. I have quite a few OCs for HTTYD alone.
First and Foremost, I'll introduce my namesake, Amyra Fierceblade.
Amyra Fierceblade has been my httyd sona for a long time, my second oldest httyd oc in fact. She and Shadowstrike (who I'll talk about in a minute) were my first two httyd ocs. She is 6'1" (myself standing at a lofty 5'3") and has dark raven hair with deep green eyes. She's snarky, quick witted and rather obsessive with anyone she considers her friend... in a not so good way. She has always had connections with Viggo Grimborn (ofc, my favorite character), and in fact was written as a (very poorly thought out) chief daughter who had a mutual crush on Viggo. Over time, I changed her and her story around so that she went from concerned housewife to rebellious heir and eventually I settled on making her an orphan rascal who stays in the woods, her relation with Viggo going from wife to close friend. They met as teens, Amyra a year older than Viggo, when she threw Ryker into a snowbank because she didn't like his attitude. There's a lot more to this that I'm writing out in my Fanfic Lifeline, but for now I'll just go into further detail lol. Over time Viggo and her grew close, close enough that Viggo ran away to try living in the woods with her, though that didn't last long as Amyra got yoinked by a Razorwhip. She survived, but lived for many years away from most other people, only interacting with them as a sort of "highway" bandit. She does have a dragon, a Deadly Nadder named Shadowstrike, who saved her life from the razorwhip and stayed with her since.
Amyra is ab 37 years old during the events of RttE.
Amyra started as a kind of self insert, though she's changed a lot and now she's just a fun character with a lot of bad traits. Such as possessiveness. In a bad way. That might get explained later though, far far far in LifeLine.
Shadowstrike is a Deadly Nadder and my first httyd OC. She is black and red, a few scars on her but not many. Originally, she could talk, but I've kinda devolved that to be more annoying parroting than conversationalist. She likes hair, dragon root arrows, and stealing various objects from anyone and anything. The softer or the shinier, the better.
Kindorobo is a Speed Stinger oc of mine, orange and green with black stripes. I don't have much about him but he likes to terrorize a local village for gold trinkets and stuff, adorning himself with them. He's a weird fella lol.
Arcane is a Titanwing Bewilderbeast oc, black with red and orange markings. He's chill for the most part, and really doesn't mind other Bewilderbeasts in his presence as long as they don't harass him or his group of dragons. However if he is harassed and there's no stopping this dragon, he will kick some ass. He's had no human encounters so far, since he lives further north than the archipelago, almost to the arctic circle.
Dead Chance is a Light Fury Deathsong hybrid that absolutely hates anything and will kill on sight. There's a lot more to it than just murder happy, she actually has a lot of anxiety and paranoia and found the best way of keeping herself "safe" (it's really not-) is by attacking first, asking questions never. I also wanna work on her a bit but I don't really get the time to.
Clairvoyance is another Bewilderbeast OC, she's much smaller though and has a human companion. She's actually been with several human ocs but I finally decided to add her with Lyra, who I'll talk ab in a minute. Clair doesn't quite have the alpha ability, though she is protective of her human and the night terrors (I'll explain in a minute) she lives with.
Lyra is a teen kid who got adopted by a flock of Night Terrors when she was about five. She also found and helped take care of Clairvoyance. I do not have much more information than that, sadly, but maybe I'll fix that.
Biter is a White Night Terror that's missing a hind leg and is also partially blind. He was mistreated by Dragon Hunters and so he a horrible attitude to anything around him. In a couple of my post-rtte Viggo AUs, he's a companion animal of sorts, sticking with Viggo after he saved him. Of course, that doesn't save Viggo from getting bit by him, hence the name.
Truth is a White (and I say white instead of albino because he's not albino but he is white colored) Night Fury with black markings that stays to himself for the most part. He's also anxious, and tends to flee rather than face conflict. I also need to work on him as well-
Marcus Seinneadair is a prince from a smaller kingdom, mostly agricultural in trade. He's the middle child of three, his father being a decent ruler in most aspects. He's got blue eyes, dark brown hair and he also wears a couple earrings in his left ear. He likes to help people, often going out of his way to help the villages after storms and such, finding survivors, repairing houses and ships and more. He isn't really interested in being an heir to a throne so much as he wants to bring a betterness to the world around him. He also has a severe crush on Viggo Grimborn, who is actually a close friend of his and ally to his father's kingdom. Marcus is also one of the few people that Viggo will let his guard down around. He's also the only Christian oc I have or ever will have and I can tell you that he's (THANKFULLY) not oppressive about it. He learned of the religion from a trader and decided that it wasn't actually that bad of an idea, promoting kindness and treating others with how he'd want to be treated. He isn't sure about the whole "do good and you'll go to heaven!" idea, but he doesn't mind doing good for others just because. There's SOOO much more to this guy but yeah, that's some of it.
Mikael is an OC who I don't like. He's a dragon hunter, but not affiliated with the Grimborns or the Northern Alliance. He has an unrequited crush on Marcus (turned bitter after he rejected him) and spends most his time pouting while hunting. I don't have much more for him.
Alsor, Whose Grim Wrath was Born by Flames is the very very very very distant ancestor of the Grimborns, and also the first human to start the Dragon Hunters. He was given the title by his fighting skills against the dragons (explained in a hot minute below).
And finally, a couple of ocs that I like throwing into the HTTYD world but are perfectly capable of being in their own story. These guys do have magic (lore related, would LOVE to explain) and there are mentions of injuries for Phantom's part.
Teeth Whom Gnash Sharply Upon Her Foes, or Gnash, is a Windripper oc of mine, and the first one. Windrippers are my fanspecies of dragon, which I'd GLADLY go into detail (I have a whole Google document including everything from society and religion[orginal!] to dragon growth and such on-). Gnash is a medium to dark grey dragon with a slightly off-white mane, golden horns and dark green eyes. She is stoic but kind, a warrior of honor. She prefers to be logical, though she is very capable of brute strength if she decides. She was Phantom's partner and her general against fighting humans, that is, until Gnash realised the reason for the fighting was wrong and unethical, and wanted to try to stop it (That is a whole ass explanation). She eventually helped the people fighting Phantom to entrap her, keeping her and the world safe from her actions. Gnash mourns her partner, but she does not want to free a conqueror.
And Finally.
Phantom of the Moonlit Mists, or Phantom, is another WindRipper, with dark, semi transparent scales, green horns and claws, and multicolored eyes (Pink and blue irises, black scleras and white pupils). She is cunning and quick witted, in tune with both her emotions and her logic. She hatched prematurely after her egg was damaged by a human trying to kill her and her siblings, born with a permanent jaw deformation/scarring. She was raised alone by her mother, before being sent with others in her Hive (a pack of WindRippers is called a Hive). She was small, and had a temper to rival a Changewing, which lead to her getting in a lot of fights with other members, except for one. A young Gnash, who was her first and only friend. After several years, Phantom was exiled from her Hive, and eventually she was chased down off a cliff, left to die from her injuries. She was saved by a deity the Windrippers have, the All-Mother respectively, and given the ability to create and weave threads (their form of magic). Phantom and Gnash met up again, and talked about the experience. Eventually, Phantom returned to her old Hive and defeated the previous Queen, taking her place. She still had a fierce grudge against humanity, enough to where she decided to wage an all out war on them for many years, until she was lured into a trap and imprisoned in a statue by Alsor(up above) and Gnash until she can either be redeemed for her actions, or until the blood of the last descendant of Alsor's line is spilled on the stone of her prison itself.
And yes, Phantom has a serious grudge on the Grimborns, to the point where, if she was freed, she would be sadistic towards Viggo in any and all ways possible.
Phantom also has a voice claim! That being GLaDOS, especially from Portal 2 lines (not PotatOS, but just the regular)
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