#I think I'm def gonna stick with converse today for any fit
no-one-hears-me · 1 year
not sure if I should wear shorts and a sweatshirt or jeans and a shirt today 🤔
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inkofamethyst · 7 months
March 5, 2024
This was the week I entered the Slog, officially, I think. I'm tired, science is against me, I have so much due, I don't want to do any of it. And the longer I procrastinate, the later I stay up, the more miserable I am in the morning. Repeat ad infinitum or whatever.
I think I might go through The Crane Wives’ discography again when I learn bass lol (I promise I’m going to let this mini-fixation fade eventually (for now), it’s just that I’m antsy).  There’s a range of simple to intermediate bass lines that I can appreciate by ear even now.  From what I can hear, I think Upstate might use an upright bass to fit with their more acoustic sound (not that I’d be against playing grooving along, it’s just that it wouldn’t sound quite the same). (I'm gonna stay strong lol; it is literally not even possible with the current budget to push up the timeline.)
Also sticking to a four-year cycle may not actually be feasible because that'd put my next instrument at the end of my sixth year which is when I'm meant to graduate... An optimal time for a gifted new instrument, yes. Not optimal for learning one especially if I'm moving after graduation. Maybe I'll go three years before the next instead of four? Or dedicate more time to just improving on the ones I already know (/taking lessons)? Even still, I have no idea what I'd go for next, anyway. Sense would indicate a brass instrument, but ughhh I'm just so not a brass girl. Maybe bari or euph? but certainly not trumpet or tuba and lord knows I haven't the temperament to learn the french horn. If I was going for a one-woman band situation, drums would make sense, but I don't think I have a drummer's.. dexterity (also all my life I've been told to not touch percussion so I think I'm gonna keep it that way).
Anyway I'm going to have to figure out if/when I can bring my other instruments up here. Def after I move out of this apartment.
Finally finished Kim Possible, excellent show, 10/10, no notes. Watched Batman: Mask of the Phantasm because I wanted a bit more time to veg out today, and it was in the style of s1/2 btam which was a fun throwback (esp with the music style). Also finished The Fifth Wave trilogy. The subsequent books weren't as good as the first, pacing-wise, I don't think, but the ending was appropriate and the character arcs were circular which I love. Cassie started out as my fav but I adore Ben's arc. Marika's and Evan's were not as compelling for me what whatevs.
God I really don't want to do my hw. Time to pack my lunch then, ig.
Today I'm thankful for occasional conversations with the second-year in my lab. What a lovely person to talk to and share ideas with.
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